milubing | 30 November, 2009 00:37

So you enjoyed..
Nic's HIGHness?
WeiQi's groovy beatbox?
Sam's uncontrollable red ears?
We've got the letters and little gifts.. Thank you for making our day!(More)
What You pay for is what you get
milubing | 26 November, 2009 02:46

Thank you all for the lovely car and concern.. we really appreciate the heartfelt thoughts of all...

Hope the super glue lasts (hahaha)
At last.. done.. this
is what you get from Sim Lim for cheap cheap repair
. 200 bucks for the Apple's 858? Dream on manz.. if you're Thinking about quality.

BUT!!! can use can already.. no complains.. this white lil pony has served us 2 entire years.. So put a lil heart into it.. DIY...
Super glue and all the entire frame... quite a joke but yes :)
The band has survived this major ordeal for now.. adapter giving up.. screen breaking.. 2 yrs of hardcore usage for a laptop is a long time!! Guess they're omens that change is a necessity.. but it'll be another story
for another time. 3 cheers to Apple!
The final cut.....

milubing | 25 November, 2009 00:38

Good bye my dear friend of 2 years... You've served us well.
No burial though.. and no "CPR" coz no $$$
Woo Hoo~
milubing | 23 November, 2009 22:40

WOW. The MLB POWER 之旅 vols. 3 is so nicely done! Thank you to Yuan Ping and the team, and all who played a part in it. The short notes, pictures, letters, all are wonderful memories we'll always look back to.. POWER LA!
For those who don't know what we're refering to, its a booklet made by some MLBians. We'll show it to you sometime in future..
Looking forward to meet all of you NEW and OLD friends on Sunday?!
Heeren.. nice air-conditioning.. minimal sweat :)
milubing | 21 November, 2009 21:44


Honesty Don't know what the toot we were singing on stage as HMV's location is indeed a cylinder.. sound bounces up and down through the "column" above us... on stage was kinda a mess in terms of audibility.. (nature of types of locations)
Your smiles made it all fun :)
Apologies for not jumping as the stage was very small this time around.. ain't wanna fall over.. Walk 2 steps.. at the edge liaoz.. haha..
Thanks to those who came.. next time dare to clap hor! No need pai seh de!.. Thank you for supporting us all this while and the years to come!
Recent update from Long Wang.. They requested us to get all the MV rough cuts down from Youtube and facebook.. it was accidentally leaked out by mistake.. thankies thankies!
Developer's Diary #1 + Press Con Grp photo :D
milubing | 19 November, 2009 22:00

As mentioned in the interviews, this time round, our songs all follow a central theme, which is food. But food is used as an analogy, because: it ties in so tightly with us Singaporeans, it helps describe different flavours of music, it helps describe a setting or mood, it is something that everyone understands because everybody has to eat, it reflects on the relationship between the people sharing the meal together ETC.
In our opinion, it was the strongest theme amongst the many themes we had, so we came out with many stories, and then we decided to write songs as a medium to tell these stories.
So food was the theme that led to many issues and scenarios (literal food was not the subject, we were not talking about particular dishes) and hence the birth of the songs.
Next, we were asked to help to think of more album concepts, and at first I came up with an ice-cream cum lacoste pastel colours concept, but after reviewing the compos we made, I felt that MLB's 3rd album consists of more emotional songs than fast, energetic ones. So the ice-cream concept was withdrawn (keep for next time hehe) and a new idea was being formulated. Later on, we got introduced to Xiao Ye lao shi(a respected player in the industry who wrote the lyrics for 冷晚餐 as well as the MV director for 吃下宇宙, super multi-talented man), and after reading his lyrics, I was inspired and it led on to a whole new concept = The Big Banquet/Feast.
What is 'The Big Banquet'? Basically, the album represented a banquet of songs, of different variety of tastes, carefully prepared by the chefs and waiters of an imaginary mansion of music, and the 3 hosts, invited everyone to come taste and feast on the (initially) 10 course meal. Thus the theme of food or a banquet was brought to life. Meanwhile, there was a decision made by the production team, that the look of MLB should go up another level, and we should be more matured than our 2nd album. At this point of time, this is how we looked :)
*Forgot to mention that this picture is when we were testing our fitting, thus the mugshot pose, in fact nic was the only one not wearing his shoes, only socks, that's why i removed the lower part. It is not from an official shoot, but just for archiving, considered as behind the scene.*

*this picture on the other hand, was from an article in the newpaper, taken during our initial 吃下宇宙 MV shoot*

Coming back to the album, I had a goal in mind, which was that this time round, I wanted the album to be 'INTERACTIVE' whereby people would really hold the album in their palms and flip it open and close, fold it around.. basically look at it like it were a beautiful crafted origami rather than your usual traditional album. So I came out with the following idea:

What does this mean? oh yes, it means so much... the above will be explained in Developer's Diary #2... coming soon :D
P.S. thanks for coming down! there were more of u.. it's ok, we'll take family photo again some time soon! :D btw, credits go to Qian Hui.. haha i used her photos.. :p

milubing | 18 November, 2009 02:52
Hey peeps, thanks for coming today, and for waiting so long... really appreciate it! :D
Now a little bo liao photo collection from behind the scene...
Here we go!

Gena make up..

Gena slapped..

Sam loves eggs!

Tat's all folks..

Now a little bo liao photo collection from behind the scene...
Here we go!

Gena make up..

Gena slapped..

Sam loves eggs!

Tat's all folks..

iweekly [Issue 629]
milubing | 16 November, 2009 21:36
Announcements... IC change
milubing | 15 November, 2009 00:55

Our dear ICs, Yuan Ping, Biru and Mei Kian have been helping all of us here, both MLB and MLBians for such a long time le.. and as we all grow up together, we have certain responsibilities we have to uphold and new challenges to face. Thus, Mei Kian and Biru have informed me that they will be stepping down from their post, to concentrate on their work and studies, at the same time allowing others to have the chance to take up the role of helping MLB and guiding the MLB family.
It has been our pleasure to have ICs like the 3 of them, and I thank all MLBians on their behalf who have helped them and cooperated with them. They have been really helpful, from helping to organize events(family reunions etc) to tee-shirt collection coordination etc. So pls applaud them!
So right now, we have Yuan Ping left to hold the fort(jiayo gal!), and thus we are looking for 1 or 2 more helpers to come abroad, to be a big sister or big brother to the rest, and to help MLB with the upcoming events and activities. If you're interested to take up this role, pls write in to with a short paragraph on why you wanna take up the role and how you are suitable for the post. The band will forward the emails to an in-charge who will then revert back to us with the details and the announcement will be made here on the blog.

p.s. don forget to vote!
milubing | 13 November, 2009 23:43
milubing | 11 November, 2009 18:39
MLB is truly thankful for the comments and feedback from all you people. Good and bad, we'll take them and continue to strive for improvement. Enjoy the music!

Helloo to all!! Got your babies? Hehe..
Updates.. We will be in a press conference at the above timing and location. It's a semi closed door event and those that come won't be able to stand right in front of us like the norm, as reporters will be taking those seats and areas (but Jasmin says you can always be on the above levels or somewhere near!!) Wow.. loop holes aye..
Do drop by if you guys wanna hear us talk about the album and stuffs.. (Not playing music this time round but soon!)

Helloo to all!! Got your babies? Hehe..
Updates.. We will be in a press conference at the above timing and location. It's a semi closed door event and those that come won't be able to stand right in front of us like the norm, as reporters will be taking those seats and areas (but Jasmin says you can always be on the above levels or somewhere near!!) Wow.. loop holes aye..
Do drop by if you guys wanna hear us talk about the album and stuffs.. (Not playing music this time round but soon!)
milubing | 10 November, 2009 12:57
Happening Night, Happening People
milubing | 07 November, 2009 03:51

Hi Mlbians and everyone else. Long good day we just had..
Its our 3rd time at the show. Each year was different, feelings were different, people were different. Something was the same, your support. We may be a small group, but the cheers could be heard. Some might have not been heard, but felt in our hearts.. Thank you!
Tonight had many quality performances, 3 of us enjoyed them though we were nervous for our own. We made it through, hope you all liked it. More to come!
For now, lets look forward to a meal on Monday!

Thanks to all mlbians who came down, here's some photos to reward u peeps!
p.s.thanks for all the cards(pekchoo), sweet top ups(yujing), and biscuits(liwhey)!

Take photo together!

933 DJs! and our artiste management! us doing an interview!

Oh no, everyone zao so fast! but wait..
Guess who? Haha..

What a waste, didn't get to take photos with the fellow musicians and artistes... but hey, last year got wat hee cheat a bit.. We're thankful for ashin's encouragement.. gotta respect them, sorta like our senior, they have been playing together for 10 years le! woo hoo..

tat's all folks... *faints*

The Long winded me will try to keep this short. gotta wake up in 4 hrs to go down Echo for workie.. zzzz..
Oh my.. the other performers were.... STUNNING!!!
What a Long Day.. Long Long Day... After Much Preparation.. worries.. excitement and alas relief.. this long day is over.. Thank All who came down.. we know the tix aren't cheap.. we appreciate you guys coming down to sing for us, sing with us. Those that couldn't make it.. it's really ok!! We'll see each other soon!! And to those that came.. but didnt get in (you know who you are).. wah.. still waited till the end.. touching la :)
The cards.. (Got 2 today.. one is personal.. another with a long list of "credit mention" haha.. pegg.. your term keke.. came with a LURVELY bday PIX JIGSAW) _ Thank You. It always make our day reading stuff and "seeing" the heart behind the small gifts.
The Home Made Lurvely BROWNIE!! Yay!
The Top UP for my jar with a Pack of SMILEY FACE LABELLED SWEETIES?!!!!!
Oh my.. You guys are really pampering us. Do us or at least ME a favour... Pamper yourselves more :)
Lastly, Hope you guys enjoyed the show, enjoyed what we brought onto the stage, kinda jumped my head off.. seemed like a crazy hyper active i**** but well... couldn't help sharing the "highness" with all that came down to see us HIGH. Must share share ma keke..
Hope the band didn't let anyone down today.. and will bring all good music so0n :)
Monday is nearing!
Oh my.. couldn't help being honest and pouring my heart out in a NOY-SO-LONG essay i wanted to keep short.
Nities guys... dead beat liaoz..
933 FM playing 吃下宇宙!!!
milubing | 05 November, 2009 00:10
933fm here!
Thanks to whoever uploaded it, u kind soul ;)
曲: 迷路兵 詞:馬智勇
不用開口 默契天生就有 最貼心的朋友
沒有虛構 一切我們左右 為理想而出走
未來是堅持的理由 管明天什麽氣候
一樣大步的走 我們會不朽
把夢放左手 右手抓緊愛和自由
把夢放左手 有不快樂就大聲吼
什麼胃口 想要吃下宇宙 為年輕而戰鬥
撬動地球 就用我們雙手 一切都會擁有
未來在多遠的港口 世界等我們環遊
信念像是海鷗 陪我們遠走
把夢放左手 右手抓緊愛和自由
把夢放左手 有不快樂就大聲吼
把夢放左手 右手抓緊愛和自由
把夢放左手 有不快樂就大聲吼
用我聲音震撼整個星球 不成功不放手
: Hey MLBians, I know that our zhu da,吃下宇宙 has been playing on 933FM, and hope u peeps like it. Thanks to those who came down, but once again, I'd like to say that we're super grateful for coming down, and that effort itself is enough, so don need to buy us stuff(although i must thank qian hui and yu jing for the gifts). Having MLBians behind us all the way is more than enough and is all we ever need ;) So pls don spend $ on us, u all students leh, some more buy SHA tix! Thanks so much k? love u all... super sweet family... and understanding when we told u guys bout the photo taking thing, we really appreciate it! btw i know some of ya wanna learn the song, and want to see the lyrics. I not sure if we're allowed to post the lyrics here, so I will ask the production team first b4 posting, but pls trust me, that I'm working on it. Right after this post I'm gonna email them le ;) Take care!!!
Firstly... Time is the most precious gift anyone can offer.. priceless
Thank you to those who came down just to see us for that few minutes.. To those who stayed by the radio to catch us on air..
No gift can ever replace time, coz time can never be bought..
To SoFui, Ellen, Syl, Qian Hui and YuJing (not in order of importance but reception of the gifts of recent)... Thank you so much.. Everything is kept at heart.. I even kept all the cards since SB days.. always cherished (though i will eat the lovely chocs and sweets keke)..
Don't buy us stuff... money is hard to come by.. save for rainy days. And we definitely know how hard it is to be tight on budget and all, coz we have gone through that.. and once in a while are going through that phase..
the continuos support for us - its far more than enough..
We appreciate lots.. but dont spend much k k? :) We know you guys care. That's sufficient for us.
Apologies I've been MIA from the blogs and all.. been busy in the studios doing the production stuff.. today just checked the final product (audio) for any errors before coming for the 933 thang.
All is good :) I think it's gonna be a blast.. hoping to bring about a change in the Mando music scene.. a new sound.. OUR MLB sound. Cheerios!
The lyrics.. gotta await approval.. Then all Friday can shout your lungs out!
Wa so happening.. KO when i got home last night, think i slept pretty well, maybe cos of the sweet birthday song english and mandarin version from 6 shy girls. Thank you thank you, i'm gonna repeat again that ni3 men2 po4 fei4 le4. A new bicycle T, lovely cards, some sweets and chocolates to eat and share with Nic. And Syl, Its a very interesting 23 items. =)
930am now, i'm going for a short morning run at MacRitchie(i have to, see the belly?) before i starting working on ma stuff and prepare tomorrow's performance. Have a great day! 能吃就吃!(More)
Thanks to whoever uploaded it, u kind soul ;)
曲: 迷路兵 詞:馬智勇
不用開口 默契天生就有 最貼心的朋友
沒有虛構 一切我們左右 為理想而出走
未來是堅持的理由 管明天什麽氣候
一樣大步的走 我們會不朽
把夢放左手 右手抓緊愛和自由
把夢放左手 有不快樂就大聲吼
什麼胃口 想要吃下宇宙 為年輕而戰鬥
撬動地球 就用我們雙手 一切都會擁有
未來在多遠的港口 世界等我們環遊
信念像是海鷗 陪我們遠走
把夢放左手 右手抓緊愛和自由
把夢放左手 有不快樂就大聲吼
把夢放左手 右手抓緊愛和自由
把夢放左手 有不快樂就大聲吼
用我聲音震撼整個星球 不成功不放手

Firstly... Time is the most precious gift anyone can offer.. priceless
Thank you to those who came down just to see us for that few minutes.. To those who stayed by the radio to catch us on air..
No gift can ever replace time, coz time can never be bought..
To SoFui, Ellen, Syl, Qian Hui and YuJing (not in order of importance but reception of the gifts of recent)... Thank you so much.. Everything is kept at heart.. I even kept all the cards since SB days.. always cherished (though i will eat the lovely chocs and sweets keke)..
Don't buy us stuff... money is hard to come by.. save for rainy days. And we definitely know how hard it is to be tight on budget and all, coz we have gone through that.. and once in a while are going through that phase..
the continuos support for us - its far more than enough..
We appreciate lots.. but dont spend much k k? :) We know you guys care. That's sufficient for us.
Apologies I've been MIA from the blogs and all.. been busy in the studios doing the production stuff.. today just checked the final product (audio) for any errors before coming for the 933 thang.
All is good :) I think it's gonna be a blast.. hoping to bring about a change in the Mando music scene.. a new sound.. OUR MLB sound. Cheerios!
The lyrics.. gotta await approval.. Then all Friday can shout your lungs out!

Wa so happening.. KO when i got home last night, think i slept pretty well, maybe cos of the sweet birthday song english and mandarin version from 6 shy girls. Thank you thank you, i'm gonna repeat again that ni3 men2 po4 fei4 le4. A new bicycle T, lovely cards, some sweets and chocolates to eat and share with Nic. And Syl, Its a very interesting 23 items. =)
930am now, i'm going for a short morning run at MacRitchie(i have to, see the belly?) before i starting working on ma stuff and prepare tomorrow's performance. Have a great day! 能吃就吃!(More)
OUR NEW ALBUM SONG playing on 933!!
milubing | 03 November, 2009 11:49

HEY IT"S GONNA PLAY AROUND NOON TODAY ON 933FM!! we just found out so quickly post here..
Arghhhhh.... hope u get to hear it!
We're at the end of production le! Now it's delivery time!!!
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