Since there is a poll... here are my feeling and thought on the songs. It purely my thoughts, so don't get offended if you disagree with me.
I only started to listen to the disk today, but had listen to it like 10 times, cos long distance to work and flo.
Start with the packaging first. Not many ppl like paper packaging, but its kind of environment friendly package, use lesser plastic, so I'm ok with it. Anyway, I will put away the whole CD and package after I ripped the music out. As for the pictures... think many ppl said that in the previous post, so no comment here.
I like the 文案. After you read it, you can actually picture some stories in your mind while listening to the songs. Thumb up for the writer!
Now come to the music.. the first round of listening, I like the beginning of 饮食男女, the lyric is good. Now I took the lyric book out and saw that the lyricist is 小寒.. no wonder. The one really stand out is 玩味. Its not the typical MLB music, but I like it!! Its very catchy and make you feel like clapping and sway with it. And most important of all, can hear Weiqi's solo in it, clearer and better in this song!!! Since I'm at this... I think Weiqi's solo in 吃下宇宙 can be better. The key seem a bit too low for him in this song, maybe can try half or a key higher. It might bring out the voice clearer and louder. And talking about clearness... I'm not sure if it is the nature of Nic's voice.. for some songs like 变妆Cafe, 厌食症 and 终有一天, for some words, without the lyrics book, I can't figure out the words. For Sam's voice, it still clear and young... made me wondering if it will change 10 yrs later. Haha. Oh, I love the slow ballet of 吃下宇宙, 品尝. Its what I always like, simple instrumental. And is this the first time Weiqi does beatbox in album?? Well, very clear in 品尝, beatbox. But the ending ah... if I did not read the earlier msg, I will think there is something wrong with my player. ha.
Overall verdict... listen to it a few more rounds, it worth to be 慢慢品尝.
bought milo baby already but havent "eat it"...keep in "warmer" first as i was busy with some other stuff...
but opened the "dish" already...was disappointed with the album packaging too...but u guys are looking great each day =)...
but looking at the comments, looks like i can enjoy great music in this milo set meal =D...looking forward...will listen to it when i'm free (my mp3 cable spoil liao =(...)
=) its just like a dish that looked nothing much but you need to give it a chance to shine by eating it...then u know that dish is so juicy and got great taste...
omg i'm hungry~ as in, really hungry~
nitey everybody =D
Victoria | 13 September, 2021 06:39
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I vote for 吃下宇宙, 飲食男女 & 玩味! :)
Cold weather to sleep. Sleep well and remember to cover blanket woh. Good night. :D