Think you guyz remember these 3 comments below...from the post
"迷路兵 : We are ready to run the next lap!!"
The numbers on the right...beside the cross (delete button)... is the IP address of the person who tagged..itz the same.. for tis num in the 3 pics...
hence can be concluded that itz the same person (durgh!)..therfore SPAM
Realli had to spend time scrolling down 360+ comments just to do print screen and crop it out...haiz...but last the truth is out...
Please...we just want peace..please? dun spam k k?...smilez..we bands are frens beneath the face of the let us all be frenly...frenly competition's the way to go!
click on image to enlarge..then can c clearer...the IP address..
the pics are just below tis sentence...CLICK 2 CM BELOW >> HERE

PEACE...TO ALL!! and gd luck to all the other 4 bands
this week! Let's all give our best show!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (213)
(More)To Wei tis underlined statement below b4 scrolling down!
You better practice hard ya? ur piano works (plus bass) gonna be a killer tis week!! You better hor! haha..Sam's in pian..mental practice!
Oh ya oh ya..erhem!!
well..this revival song..i gotta "shout softly"...and sing soft yet "loudly"..well... itz realli a great challenge for mi..coz the song is tough...will just try my best...will be practicing my head off so as not to let you guyz down! Aiyo..if onli got the cash to but a headset practice myself at hme..haha..MADNESS...then wad i use the headset for after tis com (mi goin army 8 sept) JOKES!! Maybe this week i cut my movements abit la...if not like QF 10..move till mad like punk rocker..haha..then in the end run pitch a lil here and there so unstable..aiyoz..well...we (especially i) enjoyed ourselves! yay!!
this week's song is FREAKIN' tough...hard to catch the essense..hear the song ya if u guyz realli interested to know wad 迷路兵 is up against!!
But no fret! we're gonna bring u guyz an attitude filled 王八蛋!!
To practice...then slp...
PS : read all the comments to reply...countless! you guyz encourage us...showed us care n concern..itz realli an thanks is still a must...must nvr take for granted!! For the ppl who said our music and performances inspired you and touch your guyz have touched ours just by tagging to tell us...smilez..bout the tix ting..a lil too late! my sis oredi helped settled! u leave ur contacts? if she can dig out i ask her drop u guyz a call...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (400)
(More)We will be there with the other revival bands. There will be an interview; QnA... and a photo taking session. Really hope to see u ppl there!!! Once again, take care MLB family n goodnite!
P.S. all events that MLB is officially involved in will be posted in this blog so always check back here if u hear of events that we might be attending or holding. :)
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment 0
(More)Sam managed to book out this eve yay! The poor boy onli had 4 hrs of slp! Aiyo!..after a good practice and a great meal though tired...

Sam' went hme...left 2 of us to overnite..coz he didn't bring his contact lens stuff and glasses! ArgGhH!! Then cab up and down kinda bo hua so he went hme...gonna meet up in the mornz wake us up to practice again...flagging for a cab for Sam seemed mission impossible!!

well..didn't plan an overnite tonite actualli but we reali had to work on stuff...isn't tight enuf just yet for the rough challenge this Sunday..well we promised we squeezed every lil sec we have to work out something gd...we're just doing the best we can not to let you all down! After a good bath here...we're gonna practice b4 we slp to sort out some loose ends b4 we brief Sam bout it in the mornz...very tight timing...coz the nxt day Sam can book out is onli Saturday after he book in tml late morn..BUT on this day...we got the meet the public session!! oh no how...trying to squeeze out a lil more time...itz kinda wrong timing for us to be out tis wk coz we got no time to practice..cum we got an NS man!! Thank God Wei Qi ORD oredi if not reali die..haha...we'll deal with the lil time in our hands and cum up with something drenched in m|lo delivered 迷路兵 style! Yeah! Not gonna give up just yet!! Kinda rushing...typing while WQ is in the shower..then my turn to take one while he does the photos..hehe..not much la..but we'll upload more soon! promise!! Hope we can catch the last bus...coz pockets got hole le...every time cab cab cab...EFX peddle plus guit too freakin' heavy n bulky...OOoOooo...he's out from the showers..gtg!!
Oh ya...the comments and all we promise to read tml okies? Noe that they're filled with encouragement and care...thank you all in advance!...time's tight! tot just drop a quickie post to liven up the blog abit...
Sleep tight...sleep well...we gonna give you all we got...all we squeezed out..our-brain juice...think itz brown..(milo)...haha..wth..keke..side tracked...going nuts with this tight timing!!
drinking iced milo while typing this...*winkz*
milo peng....power la!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (492)
(More)B3 迷路兵 will be presenting....
王八蛋 by David Tao
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
(More)supporting us,
be it in the form of SMS or any other expression of love. 2ndly, "sorry" becos we didn't get in, thus making u disappointed. I'm disappointed too, can't deny it. However, the 3 of us have already moved on and are working hard at brewing our next hot cup of delicious song for the whole MLB family to enjoy.
p.s. Picture inside...
We may be worned out physically, and our schedules have changed drastically now that we do not have a 1 week break but rather more filming for the revival show and pract to be done... but our spirits are high and we are gearing up to the challenge. Our music is the representation of our 100%, yesterday, today, and the days to come. Our only wish is that u enjoy our music no matter what the outcome may be. Take care ppl, see u @ the revival round and may the best band move on to the semi-finals.

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (2170)
(More)Just got home from Mediacorp. Had a long day out with the milo fellows, making preparations, rehearsing, a little filming and other stuff.
I wanna say thank u for all the encouragement from all our friends and supporters, even from those we don't know personally. Greatly encouraged by the the faith u all have in MLB. Whether we make it thru this week or not, we're really glad to have come thus far. Seriously, what matters most to the 3 of us is the friendship, support from one another and the fun we have together. So, we just hope that everyone will enjoy our performance!
Alright, i'm going back to camp.
SMILE people =>
Goodnite ~
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (109)
(More)This morn after we woke up at our stay over location (jamming area)...we managed to cum up with the raw skeleton of our revival song (just in case la...then if nvr kana can use further up oso..smilez)...jam a lil b4 heading down for Mediacorp for the result...well tml's the Band Guidance session..realli got no time to practice properly..Sam's gotta book in camp tml out on Saturday..itz crazy...oh manz...but we will put every second squeezed out of our time n schedule into the the preparation for revival! If we do end hor...CHOI!!!...we dun wan to!!! We dun wana let u guyz that voted and supported us down...not here...not now...but then...itz a mad fight tis revival i must say! But watever it is...we'll just hope that you will and had enjoyed our performances..which is coming from the every bit of sweat & sleepless nitez that we put in to produce m|lo flavoured music every week...and from the depths of our hearts...we appreciate all the lil tots and actions u guyz did for found frenz and supporters...for all the words (online & via letters)...signing on sch bags...the photos...
Haha..Wei Qi told me something nite whe he woke up to go to the loo...i was slp tokin' "this song can anot huh?"...wuahahaa!!! omg..watever la..side tracked!
ppl...dun be sad! were aren't sad! Affected sure will..but we built up the fighting spirit last nite! We said no matter wad happens...when we or lata...we will do our best put up a good show each round!!...a show worth the tremendous efforts accumulated (so mani ppl out there supporting)!!...
When we did get out tonite...we were actualli oredi looking forward to the revival...didn't waste time lementing over wad had happened and can't be fact..that very moment the drive for this coming performance had oredi set in...we are "ON"!!
Our sound was orite today...but was the performance gd enuf? Did it depict the effort we put in?...was it enuf effort put in?...At least...after hearing the sound sound today..i dun regret putting the permanent water embosed design done by Wei Qi on my guit...turned out to be a gd memory!! YET!!! we'll crack our brains for more ideas! Squeeze ourselves dry of creativity!! Come up with more new stuff!! (tats if we get tru la..which is hard...but nothing is impossible ya!!) We gonna giv our best! Not much time to slp tonite..but nvm! Tml nite can afford gd slp le!
And hey.. we would realli like to thank the ppl behind the scenes...arranging and all the stuff going on down-stage...all the support n care given...all the hugs...the tears shed...
please dun shed tears...seeing ppl in tears...realli makes us feel...bad & guilty...pls look forward with us? To the next performance? be it last or not...give ur best cheers while we give all our greatest efforts of squeezing brain-juices served with m|lo-music to you? We are pressing on! Hang in there with us! We are hanging on though hands bruised! We are ready to run the next lap though legs tired!!! GO GO GO!! well....
May the m|lo be with you...
Lotsa smiles...always..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (656)
(More)the scores didn't get us down...the sound did.
mantou told mi the sound on the rough tv mix was not gd...i'm so afraid to hear tml's telecast..hope that they'll edit stuff to make it work out fine for national tv...please? hopes are realli pinned on the post production crew...
Not gonna blog much tonite...we gonna have a stay over to realli reflect..n think bout stuff...n maybe cum up with a song just in case we kana revival..not tat we wanna be pessimistic bout it...but itz a hard fact that anything can n will happen...all are hme oredi to take a bath...pack up stuff...then meet up enjoy each other's company plus work out some music...
We realli hope we didn't dissappoint you all with our scores...sorry if it did...sorry it didn't turn out good enuf...pls believe was our heart's effort...for all the ppl supporting us...we gonna work hard non-stop...
For the sake of our musical-frenship and YOU...
Thnaks for all the makans...drinks...and support given...all DEEPLY appreciated...
Why did it turn out like tat...emotional turbulance...
This time we're B4...
That's about it...gonna take a shower now..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (452)

p.s. thanks so much for making this cute MLB pic! I'm not quite sure who did this, but Nic jus sent it to me.. so i'm uploading it here. It's really cool! THANKS!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (369)
(More)We don't wanna be in REVIVAL!!!
Anywayz...we got a great and long day ahead!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (307)
(More)A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (109)
(More)Tag in tis format
1) Kind of choc you like (bitter, sweet wine...chose 1 fav type onli!)
2) Fav brand
3) Why you like this choc you chosen
4) Times a week eaten & quantity
Just for fun!! Then we choc lovers can see if our favourite types are well liked...or is our taste unique.
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (351)
(More)this time rd kinda kan chiong...mani yrs hearing and humming this wk's song...and now i realised that i gotta change the beat of the syllabuses (change the singing) to suit the syncopations of the "new" feel of the song...lyk learning a old-new song lyk tat...anywayz...noting much to fret...just practice ba...sweating like hell now after self practice and if i'm rite wei qi should be practicing alone at hme too..haha....Sam's in camp...but bet he's using chopsticks now n doing mental practice ba..keke...dun laugh! mental practice works too!!!
tml's gonna be another day spent for the superband promos...i believe the promos side has put in mani mani efforts to try hype up the competition as itz heading towards the finals....we complain this tat etc etc...but deep down inside...we bands are all gratful to them!!
This round kinda stressful i wish i could sing without playing the guit..haha...can concentrate on my vocals then! Aiyoz...itz not reali easy to move...sing...and play at the same time! At least to mi la...not that pro manz..haha....David Tao i wish i could be like u too!!...control headset mic like a God! Strength control freakin' Zhai!
Nic's Personal Challenge :
To be able to use the headset mic well. (Vocal Strength control..Scream softly? challenging!)
To be able to play and move and sing at the same time.
Above 2 add up....
One Heck of a challenge!!
Duno wad i'm writing...these tots just flew past my mind as i'm typing...well...haha!! get ready for tml ba! the bands come!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (119)
(More)wonder wat we do in the holding rooms?

This pic's jus for fun!

I'm sorry, this time round we didn't take much pics..will try to take more nxt time :(
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (436)
(More)This week hope the song Shiok...
You Shiok...
We Shiok...
Tv Audience Shiok...
They Shiok they vote...
You Shiok you vote....
We get tru then we all Shiok....
Everybody Shiok Shiok!!!
Shiok ar!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (606)
(More)Thanks so much for seeing us tru again guyz...the votes and heart was pounding so hard...haha...
I agree that the performance was bad...realli apologise tat you guyz had to bear with it...seeing the milubing that you support milu...hmm....
BUT this time we have a compass in our hand...just hope it doesn't screw up!!...& WE DON'T INTEND IT TO!!!
full steam!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (408)
(More)thanks for all the comments and encouragement...thanks for cheering us on! gd nite guyz!! hope tv mix cums out well tml...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (203)
(More)(click to enlarge)

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (47)
(More)till tml..
gd nite ppl..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (120)
(More)B6 迷路兵
原唱者: 梁咏琪
We'll give our very best...let the votes do the rest...haha...
Won't let you guyz down!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (355)
(More)Prepare a self-addressed envelope(with stamp!), stating the date of recording that you wish to attend and mail it to:
MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte Ltd
Caldecott Broadcast Centre
Andrew Road S(299939)
Attention - Producer-in-charge,
Channel U SuperBand
So it's an envelope inside another envelope. Sounds weird but...heh... Hope u guys n gals get the tix u want! Cheers!
Giving out tix : There were cases nic's sis had extra tixs and gave them to some fans who contacted her the end...called last min and said that they couldn't go and the tix was wasted...sorry this sounds kinds harsh was quite a dissappointment...just hope that when we do have extra tix and give them out this won't happen again k?...yep!! coz tix are precious...if onli superband were held the padang...then ALL CAN GO!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
Rmbr to check out this thread till I announce here that i've uploaded all k?
No more updates. :)
Here's a pic that shows one of MLB's member's nitemare! Guess who? :(

On the 10th of June, Sat, MLB attended a dear friend's wedding. Jillian n Bambang, CONGRATULATIONS to u 2!!!

OK! here we go again. Let's see.. we were on our way to sentosa in this big bus...

when we reached the place we did our...(juzB on stage)

then we ate

n ate

n ate

(btw, this is J4, a new band that crashed the competition recently. I heard that they're good..heh heh...)
The backstage area was interesting. there were signs on the walls indicating where each band shld sit @

even signs which said that u cld only use a seat if u qualified

We were nvr bored cos we watched magic shows (performed by Marc)

, notice how he lifts Sam with jus one arm! Wow!
We also spotted Tank's fans like these 2 boys who were lucky winners of the "limited edition glowing Tank album" .

Here's a special photo for all of u... behold, milubing's secret weapon X!

Here are 2 pics from QF8, at the holding room with J3 n Brods with their Harleys..

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (195)
(More)thanks for all the votes that got us tru guyz...itz realli scary...but just let fate and SG decide..we 3 can't do much about anything else except bring you the best music we can...thank you to all that voted..supported..commented...
and believed...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (404)
(More)Will really miss u guys, afwan, hamza, riq, fiz, zaly N syah... will never forget the times we sat together singing our lungs out. Glad we had supper together tonight. take care n see u REAL soon.
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
(More)We try selling ideas and creativity incoporated into music..but iz it the right way to go?..Many a times we have been critisized that we pull off gimmicks to get the scores we today's post shall be a platform for all of ya to totally raise your views and thoughts!! (as long the comments aren't hitting on sensitive stuff ya)... Coz we would like to know what you guyz think of the above question (the heading of this post)...from the feedbacks we hope to be able to analyze what the general public thinks of the music and ideas we bring forth and your likings plus preferences...we may not be able to satisfy all...but we want to improve the right we're checking our bearings now..
Examples to make things clearer and commenting easy :
Ratios - (Musical : conceptual)
Example of a song purely musical -
Ni Kuai Le Shuo Yi Wo Kuai Le
Example of a song purely conceptual -
Ai De Chu Ti Yan
Example of a song mish-meshed with music and a concept (50/50) -
Bu Xiang Zhang Da
Example of a song more musical then conceptual (70/30) -
Guo Huo
Feel free to shoot! BUT no sensitive stuff okies?...
As for today's recording...we did quite well! Judges were quite happy with the unexpected arrangement...Just gotta wait for tml's results..fingers crossed as usual..up to S'pore to decide oredi..we did our best...brought forth a new tien mi mi..haha...what kinda tien mi mi?...*mouth shutz* dun wanna lose the element of hope u guyz will enjoy tml's show more without knowing!! Must catch kzz???
Sleep de tien mi mi...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (546)
Acoustics very bad...the environment was very..em..duno how to say haha..alot of delays and reverb la..bad sound bad bad!
Sam heard ONLY the REFLECTED sound of my guit from the ceiling as he was all the way behind.
This sound is half a second tighness wasn't there as the intro was the guitar..he couldnt hear me at all..we salvaged it when we moved slightly into the song. We pulled it off in the end i think..haha...played by feel..
Mic and guit experienced problems...connection was a lil bad..haiz..btw itz not pattern the "sorry ah" part..haha...i was reali darn paiseh lor when the guit had no sound till i "tap tap" my effects box!
3 small guyz on a BIG square was kinda weird but ok i guess..affected the visuals abit i tink..haha
Song choice...we thought of doing Guo Huo..had more power and impact...but we discussed and felt ni kuai le suited the occassion and we would make ppl a lil happier with that it is u mood thingy? coz yesterday wasn't a showcase we were intending but we were hoping that we could help bring the party mood up..*sobz*...
sorry to those who felt the performance wasn't gd enuf for...but we do better nxt time k?..anyway ALL of us rocked Sentosa! The CSS n SS were great!! darn cute la..haha..*applause*...ALL of us managed to get ppl shouting and jumping (overall) yay!! at least could see you guyz who went had some fun men kuai le shuo yi wo men kuai le! We sure had fun! without the stress of the scores ya! haha..
Photos will be updated asap...sorry bout tat..getting was a super busy and tiring day with our practice and the wedding dinner thing...i sure hope comments need not be deleted..or moderated...noe wad i mean ba..want keep this an active, lively, and fun place to blog! gonna catch slp...tml guyz...
We bands are all frenz...there's no reason why fans shouldn't be too..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (132)
(More)critisms against us we will accept...but we realli do hope there wun be vulgarites or personal attacks against fans etc etc..anyway..and all MLB..please BLESS the other bands on their blogs!! send them ur well wishes!! dun critisize! help us all give u guyz a great show!!
deleted the "bad" comments ya..continue blogging guyz...smilez..enjoy...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
(More)just got home from makan...
Tml then update blog hor?...
Paiseh paiseh..
till thenz...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (479)
(More)Duno wads wrong...
Ni Kuai Le keep repeating in my head...
Keep waking up...
Should say almost aslp then BOOM...awake again..
Now I've gotta go for practice b4 the real thing...
Why the sleepless nite must happen this nite...
I'm so dead i can sense it...
I'm so dead..
Whatever manz...RoCk oNz!!!!!!! Gona rock the beach!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (396)
Audition 1...(not the above pic la..haha..)
It was the day we were officially branded as MLB. I remember giving our own intro unlike now being us intro by the hosts..haha...that morn we came earli for a long john breakfast at cineleisure...main aim joining as Wei Qi told mi..."to pull you back...coz it seemed the only reason for us to make music like we did and spend time together before you left church".
We played our stuff...Yi Shen Zui Ai De Ren..comments seemed quite ok...and we got tru...heng ar..
We played another bassless song for Audition 2..Ben Xiao Hai...the arrangement we did was more fun loving compared to the proir...for this song we sure had lotsa fun!! well comments seemed quite gd except that we had to cover bass lines as we were lacking a basist..IF we got tru..had to wait 1 mth for the results this time..haiz..was so sianz..
1 mth flew past...
Results show at PS was a killer..our num was mani a times it came out 131X!!! We were i tink the last few bands (13th or 14th) that got the time our 1311 was called...i was leaning backwards head hung behind the plastic chair not wanting to face reality...Wei Qi was like head buried...on his knee caps... "dun play with our feelings lar..i dun wanna hear tis le...let us go..dun disturb us" kinda thing..oh ya..back to the pt..when we were called...mi n Wei Qi were with self-blocked ears..haha..dun wan hear....Sam was the one that said "oi..go go..we got in!!" then we "woke up" n proceded to the stage..i thought we didnt stand a chance at all!! So many great bands and they chose 3 inexperienced young guyz!! that was the moment man!!..A KILLER..we went to a briefing after that at parkmall etc etc bla bla bla yeda yeda yeda...
next stop..Big Jam...Ben Xiao Hai...improved version (base lines added)
To be honest to all...Big Jam then felt like the biggest thing that ever happened to us...Sam was like going "Oi..Suntec leh! How mani ppl get to perform there..." I was like going "Never get tru oso shiok oredi la!" Wei Qi would smile so ever happily and say "ya!! ya!! ya!!!" haha...To say..When we were up that stage..i wasn't at all nervous as mani would...WEIRD...maybe i should rephrase that a lil...i was too happy..indulged in the moment...too over joyed to feel that big part of mi that was nervous..felt so freaking excited!! that nite i saw Wei Qi moved like he never did before in his 21 yrs...he normally dun move too much..but he sort of jumped and lifted his hands off the keyboard at the end of the song!!...he was really so happy...all three of us sure were...smilez..for the midst of the song i shouted n screamed some "sounds" that weren't rehersed...and came out well..haha..we were just so filled with "the moment"...we never thought we would come this far...
Now that we're here...looking back i would smile....coz itz not the destination we all looked at...the prize...the name superband....itz the journey...that we enjoyed every lil step of the way...i dun deny that after each passing rd we set new targets for ourselves...of how far we must try to reach...but we wun regret..not a lil..and wun be bitter if we dun ge tru another rd..coz the thing is that we gained so much..the experience..tru it which our frenship blossomed....itz how we overcomed obstacles of being a 3 man bassless band without us sharing a common musical an ever evolving versatile MLB making diff kinds of music...itz about how 3 frenz walked a journey hand in hand...a journey that started over ten yrs ago...and climbing the first mountain that comes along the way now...this great competition..
At Audition 1..we walked with our family behind's this big MLB family behind us and itz so BIG!! We feel so appreciated that you ppl do believe in us..please continue to do so...we've yet to show u all that we've got!!
Thank you...everyone...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (436)
This time, we're B3...
1900-112-3003 SMS B3 到 71199 甜蜜蜜 邓丽君
...oldies nite. :) exciting ya! but i dun think we're dressing cheena...not sure yet. One thing's for sure we're gonna pump in our energy agian!!! to bring u the best we can give!
p.s. we've been told to inform everyone about the problem of vandalism in mediacorp, so pls take note! we've also been told not to crowd around the reception area but rather at the taxi stand area. yup, let's all cooperate with the management to aid the flow of human traffic. Thanks everyone!!!

Glad to make new friends every week!!! See ya! :)
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (381)
(More)These 3 just in(7/6/06)!

Btw, i've displayed them in thumbnail form, so click on the pics to see the enlarged version k? :)

I'll upload the photos asap in future... :p take care!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (85)