
迷路兵(nic) : Looking back...
milubing | 08 June, 2006 01:57

Audition 1...(not the above pic la..haha..)

It was the day we were officially branded as MLB. I remember giving our own intro unlike now being us intro by the hosts..haha...that morn we came earli for a long john breakfast at cineleisure...main aim joining as Wei Qi told mi..."to pull you back...coz it seemed the only reason for us to make music like we did and spend time together before you left church".

We played our stuff...Yi Shen Zui Ai De Ren..comments seemed quite ok...and we got tru...heng ar..

We played another bassless song for Audition 2..Ben Xiao Hai...the arrangement we did was more fun loving compared to the proir...for this song we sure had lotsa fun!! well comments seemed quite gd except that we had to cover bass lines as we were lacking a basist..IF we got tru..had to wait 1 mth for the results this time..haiz..was so sianz..

1 mth flew past...

Results show at PS was a killer..our num was 1311...so mani a times it came out 131X!!! We were i tink the last few bands (13th or 14th) that got tru..by the time our 1311 was called...i was leaning backwards head hung behind the plastic chair not wanting to face reality...Wei Qi was like head buried...on his knee caps... "dun play with our feelings lar..i dun wanna hear tis le...let us go..dun disturb us" kinda thing..oh ya..back to the pt..when we were called...mi n Wei Qi were with self-blocked ears..haha..dun wan hear....Sam was the one that said "oi..go go..we got in!!" then we "woke up" n proceded to the stage..i thought we didnt stand a chance at all!! So many great bands and they chose 3 inexperienced young guyz!! that was the moment man!!..A KILLER..we went to a briefing after that at parkmall etc etc bla bla bla yeda yeda yeda...

next stop..Big Jam...Ben Xiao Hai...improved version (base lines added)

To be honest to all...Big Jam then felt like the biggest thing that ever happened to us...Sam was like going "Oi..Suntec leh! How mani ppl get to perform there..." I was like going "Never get tru oso shiok oredi la!" Wei Qi would smile so ever happily and say "ya!! ya!! ya!!!" haha...To say..When we were up that stage..i wasn't at all nervous as mani would...WEIRD...maybe i should rephrase that a lil...i was too happy..indulged in the moment...too over joyed to feel that big part of mi that was nervous..felt so freaking excited!! that nite i saw Wei Qi moved like he never did before in his 21 yrs...he normally dun move too much..but he sort of jumped and lifted his hands off the keyboard at the end of the song!!...he was really so happy...all three of us sure were...smilez..for mi..in the midst of the song i shouted n screamed some "sounds" that weren't rehersed...and came out well..haha..we were just so filled with "the moment"...we never thought we would come this far...

Now that we're here...looking back i would smile....coz itz not the destination we all looked at...the prize...the name superband....itz the journey...that we enjoyed every lil step of the way...i dun deny that after each passing rd we set new targets for ourselves...of how far we must try to reach...but we wun regret..not a lil..and wun be bitter if we dun ge tru another rd..coz the thing is that we gained so much..the experience..tru it which our frenship blossomed....itz how we overcomed obstacles of being a 3 man bassless band without us sharing a common musical background...to an ever evolving versatile MLB making diff kinds of music...itz about how 3 frenz walked a journey hand in hand...a journey that started over ten yrs ago...and climbing the first mountain that comes along the way now...this great competition..


At Audition 1..we walked with our family behind us...now..there's this big MLB family behind us and itz so BIG!! We feel so appreciated that you ppl do believe in us..please continue to do so...we've yet to show u all that we've got!!

Thank you...everyone...

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (436)



Blogger MLB | 28 November, 2006 13:29


Hahahaha~! What do you mean by Weiqi "normally dun move too much"?? LOL

Anyways, you guys 真的迷死人~ You guys can do it..

Yuu | 08/06/2006, 02:06

haha [Reply]

when he plays he dun normally moves too much..concentration is his forte..haha

nic | 08/06/2006, 02:08


u guys are sooo cute ~~~
i am certainly glad to have been given the chance to see you guys perform ~~~~

i truly enjoy all ur performances...

keep up the fantastic work this sun orhz ~~~~ ^ ^

dorothy ~ | 08/06/2006, 02:09

MLB [Reply]

u guys are great!
i really love ur version of 身邊. it really touched my heart during the recording. =D

ahgirl | 08/06/2006, 02:16


Ohhhh~ Ok ok lol.. Ask Weiqi to put more of his lame 'Picture & Answer' entries..! Hilarious stuff..

And you three are seriously talented! I didn't realise till recently =X

ROCK Sentosa ok?? Going for you guys v(^~^)

Yuu | 08/06/2006, 02:17


nic, your entry is like.. so touching
like.. recalling the 3 buddies' journey.
hopes this journey continues the way it is. hahaha.

i love weiqi's forte. hahaha!

17. | 08/06/2006, 02:25


tis entry is so gandong.. =)
a nice flashback entry..

i stil rmb u guys were one of the
grp tat lefted a big impression during tat top 18 results..
cos of the intro of how MLB came abt.. =P

and ever since the "pattern" term came abt..
u guys never fail to let pple
enjoy ur performance.. =)

one after one QF..
seriously i really always enjoys ur perf.

continue to jiayou =)

boo. | 08/06/2006, 02:39


i think tt ur entries are all v real and really show how u feel..
v gan dong after reading them..
no wonder u guys de blog becoming the most popular le..
keep it up~

yingjie | 08/06/2006, 02:58

Looking Back & Forth [Reply]

i rmb gg 2 the youth park to watch MLB perform. exciting shit i tell you. the few of us girls looked like weird freaks standing on the ledges. we were like squakign pigeons cuz just a few of us were screaming for u. thank god we're kinda shameless.

next up big jam i thot this was it and that was it. get it? as in that's that. you guys were good. like WOW good. who'd guess you guys would go this far with the slacker berms!!

quarter final after quarter final, i realise that korkor and weiqi and sam are like DIAMONDS. omg the music industry thanks gems like you guys that make these kinda reality tv shows worth watching.

i love my mlb

Mi Lu Mei | 08/06/2006, 05:02

The Forth Part [Reply]

i had the look back part, but not the forward. can you believe that you guys would be popular with the name Mi Lu Bing. like HELLO, who gets popular with the name of a beverage??

ok so perhaps an album. Mi Lu Bing, The Drink For You? Your Energy Source? Get Lost With Us? now we see that supporters are actually a good source of ideas for captions aye~

rite rite, the forth thing is that YOU GUYS GOT CLOSER *sobs* how sweet. no as in seriously. bands break up after fame. you guys are like getting closer after fame.

are you?

oh wells, i sure hope so. cuz a conducive environment creates more "patterns" man. if there was ever a day you guys fall out, you really need to stop and think about the big family supporting you guys ok. we'd be SO HEART BROKE. like wth lor RAH

so don't

i think late nights makes the Lee's more emo


Mi Lu Mei | 08/06/2006, 05:08


It's really nice seeing you guys grow and going to your performance which the first time was at suntec of the "one hit wonder" . It had been months and we are really enjoying outselves as friends/fans of mi lu bing. knew a lot of people thru supporting you guys. Thanks for bringing all of us together. Rock On Mi Lu Bing!

viNcEable | 08/06/2006, 05:14


this entry is really touching u noe? can see that u guys are growing slowly from unknown ppl to wat everyone know as MLB! wow! great! muz continue to bring us music ok? let the music bring more ppl into the family! u guys rox! i muz say MLB family rox too! yeah!

na | 08/06/2006, 09:57


i read all and it's so touching both nic and milu mei with their long entries.

yes, i can't deny that with MLB i've made a lot of nice and caring friends. because of MLB, i managed to catch up with my so-long-never-meet primary school friend, you should know who you are.

therefore, i really appreciate what MLB have done and it's really nice to see the improvement everyweek without fill and the high score coming up everytime. you guys make me think that MLB worths what i've done. it's all worth it.

so here's a big thank you to the MLB family, THANK YOU! *smile*

valerie* | 08/06/2006, 10:35

Beware MLB Family [Reply]

MLB votes aren't high enough to a 'guarantee sure in' for the next 4 rounds (2 QF and 2 SM). It is NOT high according to reliable sources.

So we all must buck up and do something....

MLB, please do your best at Sentosa because it will NOT be just a concert. It is one with one of the largest gathering of fans (and many aren't yours). If you are able to convert them, you will earn a ticket to the Grand Final.

Yes, you must impress this bunch of peoiple at sentosa with your song:

Band Song Original singer
SOUL 编号89757 林俊杰
Mantou 直觉 Soler
迷路兵 你快乐所以我快乐 王菲
J3 The Mummy JJ
Juz-B Cowboy Energy
使诺鼻 放手 Energy
Lucify 一起走吧 Energy Ft. 罗志祥
BRODS One Night in Beijing 信乐团

Concerned | 08/06/2006, 10:59


simply just rawk on mans.

lelia | 08/06/2006, 11:33

*sob* [Reply]

nic.yr entry is soo touchin *sob*...continue 2 jiayou okie?

weilin >.< | 08/06/2006, 11:38

No Choice [Reply]

Since it is a votes thing - really nuthing anyone can do.

We can just vote

Actually, winning or not is not that important lah - winning means nuthing also. Look at all the winners....who remembers then for more than 2 months

Think most important just enjoy lor. Live is so short. Nuthing is worth getting sad or dissappointed over.

Just do your best!
The rest is GOD"s will.

Just Vote lor | 08/06/2006, 11:49

Jia You [Reply]

Hi MLB, Jia You.. Everyday u bring us new thing. Very interesting.. All the best

cooler0821 | 08/06/2006, 11:59

Who is the realiable sources [Reply]

Hi Concerned,

Who the realiable sources?
Curious wor

Curious | 08/06/2006, 12:26


oh man.

so gan dong! almost wanted to cry while reading le.. haha. yupp. i hope i was one of them enjoying the process. it's really very heart-warming de.. all the rehearsing and stuff, kinda forge that bond of frenship.. i experienced it b4. it'r really a wonder!

oops. i crapped too much. haha. MLB, continue to rawk on!! =))

SyL | 08/06/2006, 12:31



actually, i'm also quite concerned abt this matter... i think MLB's still in an 'unstable' zone. =x
we really need lotsa votes every week to put them thru the competition. honestly, i think at most, they would get until top 4 or 5 onli.. which. i really hate to imagine it.. pls dun let it happen! =(

vote vote vote everyone!!

SyL | 08/06/2006, 12:41


just don't lose yourselves through all these fame and glory.

all the way ((:

einna | 08/06/2006, 12:48

The Votes [Reply]

yup i believe you're rite

i had a really bad omen before that day's results show

and i thot it'd come true

thankfully i'm not that much of a psychic


this coming round

many of MLB's supprters are going to malaysia

me inclusive

so guys

we really need your help to vote like crazy

maybe invite all ur friends to ur house to watch channel u together

den just urge them all to vote for MLB ok!!

would really appreciate it

cause i think MLB shun lose this opportunity to make good music for us

just due to the number of vote and all

Mi Lu Mei | 08/06/2006, 12:59

Hee.. [Reply]

Hey, MLB,
u made your shifu cried after seeing your tribute to him in your previous blog. that poor man stood for 5 hrs at suntec, waited so long before your turn to perform; proudly shove his fist in the air declaring: I'm so proud of them! after u all got in. Then giving that big wide smile. oh, he'll never forget to ask ppl around him to vote for u all too. Very supportive..

Nic, it's GOD-send to have good brothers that really care for you. Not all have that chance.

Hey, MLB's family, their shifu is a great chef and musician. 7 Jln Mas Puteh off Westcoast Road - his work place. is it called Tong Sui Cafe? shld be..Support! :P *Girls, pls don't go there to curry favour from shifu to be MLB's GF. ha..

Re**ang - I know u always look at their blog. This time I'm not so smelly right?

Oyster | 08/06/2006, 13:07

To Re**ang [Reply]

oh ya re**ang, i think the Rocobarocco jeans' perfume works. ha..smell nicer now. From what I said, don't u think so? :P y don't u post some of ur photos up too maybe u will get more s*** au*** after you and u get to choose who have the highest C**. ha.

Oyster | 08/06/2006, 13:16

True la..... [Reply]

Actually, if 9999 of us (altogether) cast 9999 votes for milubing and 1 particular person cast 10,000 votes for one particular group, who is the REAL WINNER? Very obvious ba?

Anyway, for me, the real winner is not the one that clinches the superband title, but rather, the group that can survive long in the music industry. And I believe Milubing is one of them. Milubing is capable of making music that suits the different age groups while some other ALSO outstanding groups are only capable of making music that is more suitable for certain age group. If you remember in one issue of I-weekly, they describe Milubing as 大小通杀. And also, usually the outstanding ones are not the ultimate winner mahz. I would just hope that one day, Milubing will do Singapore proud by having a very sucessful music career NOT ONLY in Singapore, but in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia as well (stress le ba? haha). As for the voting part...not to worry, we would also try our best.

You know, as I was working on the competition that I took part in my school now, life can get very sressful and irritating. Frankly speaking, I was thinking of giving up too. However, whenever I think of how Milubing fought the war so hard for us, I keep telling myself 'I must have the determination just like milubing'. It was milubing's determination that motivates me to move on. Thank you friends. Let's work hard together ba! =)

quizzy_me | 08/06/2006, 13:30




weiqi de eyes so beautiful lehh..


wei qi jia you okays?!

anw.. the city beat rite, they interview MLB lerh marhh??

ii wann see weiqi!

YunYean | 08/06/2006, 14:08


oops. sorry..is ON THE BEAT. not city beat. pai seh pai seh..

can tell me if they've already interviewed milubing?



YunYean | 08/06/2006, 14:11

nice post [Reply]

haha...nice post !..haha..

xiao-taz | 08/06/2006, 14:12

to YunYean [Reply]

eh.. think already interviewed liao. haha. together with jing bao yue tuan..

SyL | 08/06/2006, 14:35

Y going malaysia [Reply]

How come MLB fans going Malaysia?

Curious | 08/06/2006, 14:37


SIAN..so fast interview lerhs..

haiish..ii miss the episode.=(



YunYean | 08/06/2006, 14:43

Call wherever u are. [Reply]

MLB's fans are going to malaysia. I think is due to a Church camp. Those who go to the Church camp, pls pray extra hard and buy prepaid card. Or auto roaming or pay-as-u roam. Teach u ah, it's +651900112xxxx or prepaid cannot be used. ar. one sms cost 60cents only, one call only like few cents per min. anyway, pay-as-u roam is a Free registration thing. Singtel & starhub also hav. just need to activate it only. M1 not sure. ha.enthu pls!

Hee.... | 08/06/2006, 14:59


keep up the good work........

j | 08/06/2006, 15:02

MLB are Christians? [Reply]

kekeke which church ah?

Guess they must be the Church band. No wonder so young so talented!

Now i know why their music is kind of matured....especially when they still so young

Most guys at their age is "yoyoyoyoyo" wan

Thank goodness....the "yoyoyoyo" gives me headahce! ( i am in my 30s)

No yoyoyoyoyo | 08/06/2006, 15:03


er. may i noe who is their shifu? as in, teach them singing one? or wad?

dots | 08/06/2006, 15:18

To YunYean: [Reply]

You can try downloading that episode of 'On the beat' on MobTv. Even if you miss any episodes of Superband, it can be downloaded there too. But I think you need to subscribe to that first leh.

Actually, I do hope that one day I get to see Milubing rocking at the National Stadium/Padang at National Day. You know, every year, one local singer will be appointed to sing the theme song for national day and perform on 9 Aug at National Stadium mahz. Only the highly reputable local singer gets the chance to perform at National Stadium during national day. I hope to see Milubing performing to the whole Singapore, including to the ministers and our dear Mr and Mrs President on National Day. Even Ah-Do and Huang Yi Da hasn't got the chance to perform at national day yet. I hope Milubing can!

quizzy_me | 08/06/2006, 15:38

?? [Reply]

hey...wad song will milupeng be singing on fri at sentosa??

tell me in eng pls...cant see chinese wrds...thx all!

yushab | 08/06/2006, 16:02

omg [Reply]

omg...den if many of MLB's supporters are going m'sia... that means they wont vote???
votes are very important...

ming | 08/06/2006, 16:04

Yes! [Reply]

Yup..church banders. Cool kids with gifts from GOD. :D

Oh.. | 08/06/2006, 16:23

Shifu? [Reply]

look at their album to see their shifu.

Oh... | 08/06/2006, 16:24


it's fate that bring you guys together! (:

myuk | 08/06/2006, 16:37




yays. can see CUTIE PIE lerhh

gawd.im going gaga over weiqi!~!!

hope to get your autograph !


cant wait to go to sentosa lerhh


YunYean | 08/06/2006, 17:09


wa this blog is the most popular blog!! :D ^^

xy | 08/06/2006, 17:18


heyheys. e journal is damnn cOoL rite??? XD weiqi dun move much? haha.ha.

jia you for oldies. =)

zhEn | 08/06/2006, 17:34


*i mean JOURNEY. haha.

zhEn | 08/06/2006, 17:34


yes valerie*.. its great being able to meet up with u again after not seeing u for an eternity since we primary school..and i gotta thank MLB and this superband thingy for letting us meet up again and even share the same interests like MLB..cheers!... anyways... see ya on the next recording..if possible =)

to MLB.. thanks a lot for bringing so much joy to everyone.. you guys rock!!..cheers to MLB!!! good luck for your next performance..do it well and earn the marks u deserve.. gd luck!

jingyi | 08/06/2006, 18:15

MLB - Tell us about Friday's performance [Reply]

Guys - remember to tell us about Friday's performance cos not everyone can be there and not telecast on tv rite?

Give us some pictures ok.

So suay, i nvr get to see you guys in Mediacorp (i working there sometimes)

always see those that i dun care for though! Walking here and there in sunglasses....waste time

Hello Fatty | 08/06/2006, 18:34

Bad Omen [Reply]

With MLB fans leaving for Malaysia next Monday for church camp, chances of MLB getting through sinks to the bottom.

Their votes are already not that high (even with judges going all crazy to help them with high scores).

Danger. Danger. Beware.

Convert all at Sentosa tomorrow night. get as many new fans as possible. Get Junyang, Kelly and TANK fans over tp your side.

MLB - chances depleting soon...

the Concerned | 08/06/2006, 18:35


dun say that lah.. lol.. i noe ur concerned.. but the tone of ur comment sounds so...........omen-ish.. lol.

jingyi | 08/06/2006, 18:42

Stop Talking about votes [Reply]

Hi Concerned,

MLB fans not only those ple in church camp....!

lite that long time out liao lor!
Stop scaring them.

If ple like their music, they will vote for them. "converting" fans is not a long term solution and won't get them anywhere. Winning is not for the sake of winning.

Please don't use words like "bad omen" - you are giving the boys unnessary stress.

Thank you.

Hello Fatty | 08/06/2006, 18:43

Hi Concern [Reply]

Mind your words.

you for nothing give MLB stress.

Take it easy man.

I mean i know your intension is good but you must know how to express them in a constructive way


Tired | 08/06/2006, 18:46


to jingyi,

okaye i can only say that the Chans have all the nice people in it

the love for MLB is never gonna stop

valerie* | 08/06/2006, 18:58


i'm not from church but i like mlb too okay!
my mom also likes mlb
lol..even my maid say they good okay! =)
mlb jiayou!!!!

weiqi(not the mlb one) | 08/06/2006, 19:50

touching entry. [Reply]

aiyo. i just came to read the blog cos i was bored.
then i saw this entry.
omg so touching.
sam and weiqi how come never make music with me???
never mind, i got mi lu mei, mi lu jies and mi lu saos to make music with.
i'm glad you guys have come so far.
and very proud too.
from being retarded with you guys to seeing you stand there, being applauded by hundreds in the studio and thousands in front of their television sets.
Very very well done.

mi lu masak. | 08/06/2006, 20:05



really cant wait to go to sentosa lerhh..

so i keep coming this blog to look at weiqi de pic


first time so obsessed with someone!


Yunyean | 08/06/2006, 20:17


been 'stalkin' at mlb blog for some time liao.. haha..but always shy to leave a comment lah... told myself i'm too old liao to go crazy for bands and such... but then one can't be too old for any good music eh..
was quite touched by this entry, can feel the sincerity and the strong friendship u guys had... :)

hmm.. during the big jam, yah.. a lot of power power bands ard, but dunno why, mlb caught my attention. yah, your 'one-hit-wonder', your veri first 'pattern' attracts me....
was glad that u made it to the top 14 then, at least gave me a reason to watch the programme...

frankly speaking, was pretty worried the first 2Q, coz u look a bit 'blur' and 'lost'... but my 'yan guang' not bad one lah i know... haha.. u guys manage to improve by heaps and bounds..... the 'lost soldiers' finally not 'lost' liao, had found their path... and now already becoming one of the power power bands liao :D

just wondering if u guys do write your own songs? coz hopefully there will be a chance we'll get to hear your own works!!

In life, there r countless of tests and such, the results doesn't really matters. Most of the time, is the journey that counts. Juz like when u wants to reach the top of the mountain, remember to enjoy the scenery and such on your way, and not just focusing on getting to the top... enjoy the process, sometimes the prizes doesn't necessarily lies at the peak or finishing line...

simian | 08/06/2006, 20:32


to yunyean..lolx.. relax lar.. haha... ur not the only one obsessed with someone from MLB... chill... u'll get to see him..

jingyi | 08/06/2006, 20:32

Scarry...scarry night ahead.... [Reply]

Ohhhh....I can see it in the crystal ball again...

The pain in their facial expressions, the tears in their eyes, the agony of not being able to carry on.....such scenes flash pass my eyes...MLB.....your days are numbered...

Fans are not strong in votes....

You ONLY have Friday's night at Sentosa to change the fate...

Don't let destiny control you....

Ooouch...it hurts to see you guys i so much pains...

The Concerned | 08/06/2006, 22:02


super touching....
gonna hear your 你快乐所以我快乐 again tml.

yea..we believe in mi lu bing.

clarissa | 08/06/2006, 22:02


yeh milubing rocks :D

xy | 08/06/2006, 22:21


hey nic. ur entry is like so touching la. u guys are really great k! i believe u guys can make it to top3 de :D :D jiayou kays. seeya tomo at siloso, gees. wo hui zhi chi ni men de. no matter what, just try ur very best kays? don disappoint all ur fans. gees,they really love you guys loads :D :D

=)) | 08/06/2006, 22:41

[= [Reply]

wow..saw you guys topped the most viewed blog,so i came to take a look too!!
hahas..this week the main singer has a really great voice lehs!Should ask him sing more..hahas..u guys are really talented.Hope to see u all in finals wif soul,snoopy or lucify(=

CWen[Soul,Lucify,Snoopy fan] | 08/06/2006, 22:56




still got 18hrs more!!


you smile very nice lehh..when you came to the stage that time, you smiled!! SO DAMN CUTE LEH WEIQI!!


Yunyean | 08/06/2006, 23:11

nice entry [Reply]

i reli tink this is a veri nice entry n i tink u all hav gone tru a lot n u came here. we oso wont wan to c u disappear from tv n wan to c mlb continue to perform n show ur creativity n continue to show us wat u hav not shown us. i will alws support u n i reli hope u will get into the next rd, continue to support u all!!! I LUVBS MI LU BING!! MI LU BING ROCKS MAN!!

JIE YIN | 08/06/2006, 23:29


heys nic~!~i really love ur voice damn much lars!!! XD
even my dad says so too keke ^_^
anws jiayou for ur nxt rd ok? wich is e tianmimi ur going to sing 1 rite xD
wunder how ur going to make it ROCK de LOLS
surely has lotsa PATTERNS again 1 lars lols...
wheee!!! really looking forward to your performance on every monday lars! GAMBATTE YEAH? x))

someone | 08/06/2006, 23:49



lida~!~ | 08/06/2006, 23:55

oOoo... [Reply]

erm...haha...soo mani nice stuff to read aft just a day! ya..i got a feeling our votes low oso..but i mean we wun reali ask ppl to vote more..coz each has their own financial situation..hmm..if u guyz can..will sure appreciate it so much! that we got another chance to stand up on this once in a lifetime stage!..in the end itz just how much ppl of sg like u guyz want us to be up there...we're here just to do our best..bring our best to u..not let our supporters down..n look back without regrets...take care guyz..dun burn holes in ur pockets!!

everything said n done is realli appreciated..

thanks again..


nic | 09/06/2006, 00:20


Wow.. Really after 1 day soooo many comments .. see until i @_@ AGAIN ~

Anyway .. ya the post was really touching ~


>> MLB JIA YOU ! !
** SmiLeZ ~ ~ =)))

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 00:32

... [Reply]

*hiding one corner*

(whispers) thanks everyone for the... positive response... :) will bring u ppl our best performance at the beach later... gd nite..

weiqi | 09/06/2006, 00:40


lols...oh yeah..tt monday nite i was really gan jiong over e results...
stio left ur grp,summerbreeze and lucify...phew~luckily ur went in to e nxt rd..haix...really din expect tt ur wil get into danger zone de =(
anws we ppl wil vote more for ur de!
worry not...i tink ur can make it to top 5 =)

someone | 09/06/2006, 00:44

LoL ~ [Reply]

HAHA .. weiqi .. y must hide in 1 corner & whispers ??

& YA .. GOOD LUCK & JIA YOU for the beach concert "later" ~
So sad that I CANT GO Lah!! **sobs

P.S: my spirit will be there la k to support u guyz .. **SmiLeZ ~ ~ =)))

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 00:50


hahas cos he SHY mahs kekez >

someone | 09/06/2006, 00:59


I still wanna see MLB again and again...! =DDD So everyone vote!

And I hope there won't be much assumption of MLB fans being their own church members...cos I have many friends who are non-Christians but still love their music! Music does not see religion... heehee!!

MLB made it through pure talent and genuine support from the MLB family....

Lost soldiers unite! (eh quite a good album name ah)

mi lu ni | 09/06/2006, 01:00


I still tot he is b'cos scared that some gals out there will be too excited & crazy over his reply ~

>> Weiqi Relax k ~ =)))

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 01:01


oops sorry i dunno watcha happened to my msg?!
okok anws just wanna retype it here... =X
'' hahas cos he SHY mahs kekez >

someone | 09/06/2006, 01:02


Ya i did saw it ah .. above ~
HAHA !! So dun worry ~ =)))

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 01:05


OMG~~~watcha hapen agn?!sorry ahs..anws jk de XD ... hmm btw ur enjoy yourselves wor(:

someone | 09/06/2006, 01:05



qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 01:14


lols...nvm hahas...

someone | 09/06/2006, 01:19


HAHA .. pai seh ~

>> Continue Support MLB Yah !!

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 01:20


lols...aww i'm so MALU x(

someone | 09/06/2006, 01:22


Y say urself MALU ??

HAHa ... Yeah ~ =)))

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 01:24

church [Reply]

haha..our stereotype "church" n u expect thousands...our church is super small...ard 100-200 ppl onli..n not all will vote...well...haven been there for sum time..but ya..now clear off the misunderstandings that we get tru via church votes..haha...but they did help alot!! practices held there...every vote counts too!! can't ask for more from wad they are doing to support us coz even using their premises we save quite a bit from the jamming oredi leh!!

tml's comin!!! yeah! rockin sentosa!!!

nic | 09/06/2006, 01:24


im typing this while making a banner for MLB....

anyways, im a new fan of MLB.. i've never watched Superband before, and the first episode i watched was this week's episode. Immediately after watching, i fell in love with MLB! like omg...hahahahas... i really like love the song you guys sang. it totally ROCKS!

im sure you guys can guo guan zhan jiang... first superband ever! =)

have to jiayou for tomorrows performance yeah! we'll all be there to cheer for you guys...

its like sorta touching reading those stuff nic posted. as said, like ROJAK, from different backgrounds, but when put together, create a unique sensation. one and only, the unique MILOPENG.

May God bless you. and continue to JIAYOU!



meikian | 09/06/2006, 01:24

HEYS! =) [Reply]

yoo all singg and perform till so nyce! LURBB MILUBING. hahas. gg sentosa rytes.. JIAYOU WORRS! MILUBING RAWKS FERR LYFE! =D

An0nYm0uS`. | 09/06/2006, 01:27



so late still online? haha sleep earlier ok? mus have jing shen for tomorrow's performance.


meikian | 09/06/2006, 01:28


hahas yeah lors..nic,jiayou k!!!the same goes to weiqi and sam! ;)

someone | 09/06/2006, 01:33


Wow.. Nic .. slp early k ~

GOOD LUCK & JIA YOU For the concert tmr ~ =)))

qIaNhUi | 09/06/2006, 01:35

hmmm... [Reply]

Even though MLB don't have a base, things still work out well.. i tink so.. they're great!!! i love their music!!! they rockz!!!

move on | 09/06/2006, 03:38

go,go,go...! [Reply]

Hope that they can break the record again!!! i can't wait for tml's performance!!! nic, have ur medications k? rest well.. smilez..

MLB family | 09/06/2006, 03:42

You are good [Reply]

Hi to Milobin,

I like the way that you all play the music but now that i know that you are all christian and with this contest that GOD pull Nic back, Think this is the greatest prize that you all got. As I am a lost christian too that i think now i am. Its not really easy to go back to GOD if there is no fellow christian pulling you back.. Cont to walk in the light of GOD. Hope that can hear you play songs that glorify GOD if possible think that will be great...

>>>> | 09/06/2006, 03:50

don't worry.. [Reply]

i think MLB will go far.. definitely!!! i'll support you!!! they need more votes for this coming performance... so must vote more! they can't be out!!!

jo² | 09/06/2006, 03:51

moral support + thoughts [Reply]

i noe u guys rawks! (MiLoRocKs!) i haven't been so addicted to a band.. (u guys are the 1st) +im impressed dat u guys can perform so well without bass and as a three-man band.. i dunno whether i lyk u guys, but i sure do love ur music! im pretty sure u guys will get to make an album of ur own at the end of this competition.. (so remember to sell it at a lower price!) =p and i could infer dat u guys have very supportive fans, everytime i get a recording of ur songs,it'd be filled with the cheers frm ur fans.. lastly, to vic,sam and mudd, pls continue to bring us good music (but try not to fall ill in the process) ^^ MiLoRocK all the way m/

~xiao hei~ | 09/06/2006, 04:09

To: Mi Lu Mei... [Reply]

i rmb gg 2 the youth park to watch MLB perform. exciting shit i tell you. the few of us girls looked like weird freaks standing on the ledges. we were like squakign pigeons cuz just a few of us were screaming for u. thank god we're kinda shameless.


LOLZ!!! ur words made me recalled abt tat day.. hahaz!!! we're like so afraid of doing tat in the first place.. but after all we still did it! looking back is like... so funny...

incidents i which you're involved too...

Still remembered yesterday... regarding the mrt i took... the first time, i almost forgot to alight... secondly, after we met up, we took the wrong train... *so blur*

and today, i almost got lost.. surrounded by hdb flats...

perhaps tat's why i'm part of this family... meant to be... 迷路!!!

frenz | 09/06/2006, 04:14


gosh. fan base expending. heh. rock on. See you guys later. Gonna sleep now.

viNcEable | 09/06/2006, 05:06

If only [Reply]

If onli i could see this blog moments b4 the performance...then i sure b awake..haha...so mani nice nice things to read n soo encouraging to us! when sam books out n reads all this he'll sure b so touched! okies...times to go for practice...rock onz guyz!

nic | 09/06/2006, 07:44


juz remember our words in ur heart nic...u will be ok! dun worry abt today...juz enjoy...it's a party!

na | 09/06/2006, 10:07

*vision blur* [Reply]

Yup, its such a touching entry. For me its especially the 1st paragraph. Its so nice of Weiqi to think of getting Nic back thru music. And amazingly it has brought u guys so far. Really hope u guys not being over stress. But enjoying every tiny bit of it! Have fun!

SIC | 09/06/2006, 11:56


nic,rock on yeah!i'm sure e 3 of u are enjoying yourselves thoroughly... btw nic..u btr have an early slp tonite yep...aww..u must be damn tired rite =(
pls take gd care of urself wors =)

someone | 09/06/2006, 14:12

touched... [Reply]

I'm really touched by what nic wrote in this post...seems like the journey that you 3 guys have made during this entire competition was not exactly a smooth-sailing one..

But i'm sure your perserverence will pay off..God bless the 3 of you, and may your music continue to move people and bring them together..

cheeks | 09/06/2006, 14:42


oh ya...btw ur will be singing ni kuai le suo yi wo kuai le at sentosa ahs? woah~!~ nwadays i'm seriously addicted to ur version haha...tt tym ur sang it at e competition rite den it's lyk nic ur damn HIGH lors and ur voice sounded veh gd LOL
so i hope ur will cont to do ur best..haha

someone | 09/06/2006, 14:57


To cheeks:
eh yeap lors their journey was definitely a tough one >

someone | 09/06/2006, 14:59

forum? [Reply]

btw...just wanna ask u ppl,does mlb have a forum?

someone | 09/06/2006, 15:17

to someone [Reply]

u may want to check out their yahoo grp...they will leave msg there too thou not as often as here...photos available too..


na | 09/06/2006, 16:55


oh i've alr joined in le...thx anws

someone | 09/06/2006, 19:27


oops..i mean joined it =P

someone | 09/06/2006, 19:28

LALAS~ [Reply]



Lakakakkaka | 13/06/2006, 16:27

` [Reply]

How Old Is Sam Huh?

` | 13/06/2006, 16:29


sam is 19 bah...

someone | 13/06/2006, 19:04


sam 19
weiqi and nic 21
youngest in superband...

Ling | 14/06/2006, 01:31

Good Luck... [Reply]

Mi Lu Bing...u guys have done a great job...and now finally u guys in the final liao...all the best to u all on SATURADY...i will support u all de and vote for u all...

Candy | 31/07/2006, 15:23