This new post in case some of you missed the last one.
Though this seems really last minute, we'll do our best the moment on stage.

See ya soon!

For now since its a public holiday tomorrow, i'm giving myself a break. Going to JB for a walk later!! See ya there!

UPDATES!!! THIS SAT, 1NOV, Around 7pm@VIVO CITY, roadshow by HOTA. MLB performing!!! Mlb not going for tv anniversary le, this just in too.

(THANKS MAN!) Eason: http://www.xin.sg/article.php?article=24983&st=dtl

Xiaohan and Jasmin! 2 VIP to credit for 'san jiao xing'.. we owe em big time... :p
more to come! (behind the scenes..mayday..etc...)

Here's a pic of our rig tmr... hmmm. familiar?? see ya all later.. sigh..tmr u'll see a zombie keyboardist...
Thanks to all who came down today, made us feel bad.. but realli appreciated.. but yet time is better spent on studying! aiyo.. all the time u guys spent on us makes us feel heavy.. then my dad was picking me up and i had to leave.. haiyo.. felt bad bad bad.. hanks for the letters.. and drinks... but hope u guys enjoyed the interview (if you were listening).. and thanks again.. and many apologies that there were no ways to entertain u guys.. eg singing at the qian chang hui's.. haiz.. u all must take care.. do well in life.. studies.. social lives etc.. milubing just an example of how 3 ordinary guys are willing to remain ordinary yet living up to their aspirations and dreams... be ordinary.. yet extraordinary in your own ways.. u can de!! many smiles... signing off.
GO to www.razor.tv
or if u miss the timing, go to the section 'video on demand' to watch. [we received this information only today during lunch break, thus the sudden announcement]
2) Not forgetting tonight's interview @ 933, 9-9.90pm, I won't be there due to night class(ends at 2230) but my 2 bros will be on air, so try to catch em ya? ;)
3) Also, check out http://ourvoicebox.sg/posts/mlb_autograph_session for ourvoicebox's coverage of the recent autograph session :)
Hi all, here's an update on some of the up and coming events...
4) This Sat, SHA, tix we tried to get for mlbians, but failed to due to nature of tix($, pls understand ya?). The show will be aired on TV though so dun worry ya? To those who are going, congrats! :D
- the NYJC talk was cancelled due to one of the speakers for the event not being available
- not attending the event on the 24th OCT
- This sat, SHA event! Details - http://www.singaporehitawards.sg/

Here's one of the location we filmed at yesterday. Monkeys as guest stars..
It was a hot day! But fortunately it didn't rain till evening.
We will be featured in a segment on the Dec 16 episode if there isn't any changes.
Thank you to the production team and crew!
Have a nice day people!(More)
Take a deep breath.. Thank you.. For all the birthday wishes, and your presence yesterday. Even those who couldn't make it, thank you also, we'll see ya another time. Another deep breath..
Yesterday's sound may not have been the best it could, but we really enjoyed performing. =) I've learn that it isn't easy, especially for bands to have a perfect sound. Not an excuse, but we'll always do our best on stage and hope for the best.
Have a good weekend. As for me, i want a slow one..
Cute right! By syl =)
I've finished reading all the letters! Some super lame contents, funny lor! =) I learnt that some of you.. Specially took off from work to come yesterday. Couldn't make it initially but managed to come in the end. Had assignments to finish but still came. Gotta study for O levels but took precious time out. Very steady. We know you care, please please also take good care of yourself ya?!
-Off to dinner!

are u ready for tmr?? or rather later...


check this blog out
It's actually my cousin's blog.. yeah.. local game designer! u might have played some of his games before!
If his games have brought some 'joy' to ur life, pls help by voting his straw hat samurai game on goldenjoystick.com
The instructions are on his blog...thanks for sharing the love to this local talent heh heh... let's hope he helps us with a MLB flash game ya? holiday project heh heh.. any ideas for this flash game? tell us wat kind of game would u mlbians want, and we might just do a flash game and link it here on our blog! :D
Any ideas? concepts? just shout out!! :D
Even after a new entry has been blogged, do come back to this post to put in your comments regarding a MLB game... thanks!

As i opened up the gifts, i see the effort and thoughtfulness in them. You actuallly get us stuff that are really useful for us. Thank you. And i am truly encouraged by the cards and letters i've received. No worries, i've moved on. I'm not the best person i can be now (in all aspects), i will learn along the way.
XIAO HAN: http://blog.omy.sg/xiaohan/2008/10/11/%E4%BD%A0%E5%80%91%E4%BB%A5%E7%82%BA110%E5%BE%88%E5%A4%A7%E5%95%8A%EF%BC%9F/

- Lianhe Zaobao
- Lianhe Wanbao
- My Paper
- Straits Times
- The New Paper
- Friday Weekly
and we tried to find out the publish date but were not given the details in the end. As for the upcoming events, here's a run-down of wat's written on our schedules:
11 - Autograph session @ Bishan J8, 3pm where is this exactly?
17 - Autograph session @ Bukit Panjang Plaza, 7pm where is this exactly?
19 - Iweekly event TBC
22 - NYJC talk (sorry for mistake)
25 - Hit Awards (yesh we should be going :D )
Nov kinda far away, so i'll post next time. jus a little update, we'll be appearing on one of the episodes of 都是大发现 k? will update u all when we get the further details, but i think we're filming that episode this month end :D
Also, later on, we will be interviewed by (TBC all)
- Xin.SG
- Omy.SG
- i-weekly
- Seventeen
Take care peeps..
p.s. I've taken out the comments for this post cos i'd like the prev post on legos to be the active one.. really cool concept there..i'm building my weird lego piece now,mmm,it looks like half a student and half a keyboardist.. SEEYA THIS SAT!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!(More)
Green, pink and white - The Stuff.
Grey- The "grey" Analogy.
Rules are man-made, man-said, man-implemented.
Why abide to them?
(implemented by external authorities, man or nature. Gravity says "Lego blocks will fall by my law of gravity!")
(implemented by ourselves "It looks ugly/it is not; i stole a block from my friend to build this, am I $%^&*?")
-A sense of living life by a value system
(Paradigms built like Lego blocks continueously since young "Aha! New block! Aha! New colourful blocks i found! Aha! Let me stack them this way.. nice! No... ugly!.. This way sure fall.. no it won't it will stand! I made the right choice!)
-Implanted habits that have become fixed mindsets
(Lego blocks must be stacked upwards not dioganally or sideways "Up and up! Taller it grows! Sideways? Nah.. Other directions not nice.. upwards make it tall!! hmm... Tried something weird like this back then anyways.. it fell.. try odd directions and structure again?.. sure fall, don't take risk.. Don't waste time.. build it upwards.. sure stand.")
My rule - "The Exception Rule"
(I'm making my Lego building go up and up and up and up, it can only go up. It looks generic, like any other Lego buildings people built around me. Yet I want it different. Can it be? OK!! An exception I will make! I want it built downwards, sideways or sprial while going up at the same time! Anyway it can be rebuilt if i made mistakes! Slowly take this piece out.. dismantle my building a bit, tough... may fail.. but it be worth it yes? If I persist all the way? yea.. But I'ld be mocked at, people will say I'm different, they'll avoid me, say it's ugly though I'ld think it's an artwork I believe in and love.. Or it may turn really out ugly.. redoing's a chore.. hmm...)
Every rule can be overuled and an exception can be made if thought through carefully, NOT breaking personal belief systems and principles (which in them ironically partly consist of other/another set of rules).
Risks and prices to pay of being different are high. The Lego building may collapse while removing that small block which many years of hardwork put in gone down with the Laws of Gravity. People may jeer thinking it's ugly. You may have the most beautiful and unique Lego building in your eyes. Or the direct opposite, you may experience total failure.
Start questioning yourselves.
What do you want.
Rules are man-made. Make your own exception rule today. Be Yourself and express.
:) Broke the colour code rule of this blog.. yes ah ... love it. Shall continue with a post regarding the topic "why we chose rules" after ya guys digest, burn, stir in water and drink this. yea...
hao lian not hao lian.
i try keep it simple. simple words.. but pls do my post a favour.. deep thoughts.
wun speak up for myself or him. or anyone else.
who is to judge the definition of proud? To one it might be confidence. To another may be high pride that it seems hao lian.
its all up to perception..
sometimes u aint feel too good.. u wanna keep quiet. ppl say u dao.
sometimes u feel hao lian ppl say u dao. which is equals to hao lian.
so who are we to judge? are u the person?
we can just say the person seems like that. but we never know.
but u are ur own judge for ur own point of view. i wun say anything to sway anyone's mindset to say any one of us 3 is humble or dao or whatever u think we are.
actions speak for themselves.. at times when there aint no actions.. there are reasons. or are there?
in life.. we can only judge ourselves. we must not let others' expectations be upon us. we must never try to be who we are not.
Let me be me. i am who i am. let conscience and the heart guide the way.
be brave to accept who we ourselves are and change who we have become.
For a better tml. for a better "ME".
: )
guys.. life is short.. live to the fullest without regrets of changes that shouldnt be or actions that shouldnt been taken.
lotsa love..
Firstly, when we reached mediacorp, as u all know, we were in Jasmin's car. We had to go straight to work(setting up equipment and do make up, hair and get dressed) because we were going to kai chang(open the show). I suggested to the guys that we go to the radio gate after our make up and hair was done but by the time we were done and we wanted to come out, we were informed that the audience were already moving in and were at the car park...so we figured that u guys would already be in the studio.
Later @ night, i guess u all saw that 'gan chiong' face of mine, cos i had to make sure the keyboard could be heard(there was an issue with the keyboard, thank God it worked eventually) so i was shouting to the sound men to let me know if they were receiving a signal(such an issue is really due to an event such as SB, because there are so many bands, and u have to move the equipment band after band chop chop, fyi our segment, cheng shu, only had a 2 min interval!!!)... and then sway sway, nic couldn't hear the timing from sam, and thus both were playing on a different beat, thus i HAD to stop the song and restart. so i had a double heart attack...
thankfully, both nic and sam reacted really calmly to the situation.(i'm glad that i haven't got a complaint sms from production team for this hiccup..glad that they understand)
Then we had that horrible interview whereby i couldn't hear what Zhen Rong was asking(but after watching the replay,i found out that the question was directed to sam not me) and i had to answer out of the blues when @ backstage our manager already briefed us that i would not speak tonight and that there are 2 mics, so 1 for nic, 1 for sam... damn it, caught off guard. I didn't even know the question in the 1st place... so paiseh...
Then, we packed all our stuff and got up the van. Nic took another person's car cos it was on the way to boonlay more shun lu. Now as the van approached the radio gate, I asked the in-charge(to the in-charge: pls don get offended by this post, i have nothing against your decision, just that i feel very sad and have to write out how i'm feeling and i owe the mlbians an explanation at least, no offence to u ya?) that we alight for a while to talk to u guys(in fact i already told the driver to stop for a while) but orders from above and beside were to proceed on. I was very upset..saddened by this move, because usually i will make sure that we get down, but this time i was on my own so i got overwritten. Regarding this issue, it's kinda sensitive, cos there's no right/wrong, there are a lot of reasons for/against coming out of the van to meet all of u. I understand and respect this fact, but my view has always been the same, don't want to view you all as fans, but the whole bunch as a big warm family (I love how we try our best to give each other the mutual respect to create a kong jian for closer communication). Still, i gotta say sorry, that despite all the effort and time u mlbians put in today, we didn't get to just chat. That's why i had a YU GAN, and i asked the guys to gather near the moshpit, if u all rmbr, wanted u all to get some photos at least in case of any unfortunate incident..like tonight... :(
p.s. to those who were shouting our names and if we didn't look at u it's not cos we dao k? :p It's cos time was tight and we had to tweak our settings because they were always screwed up due to plugging in and out of wires..
thank you all, for making the effort to come down,to prepare those shiny boards(so niceee!!!), to learn the songs and sing along, to wait outside the radiogate not knowing what time we'll come and whether we'll be able to chat for a while. Rest assured that I'll always, as least, ask that the bus stops. but if it doesn't then i'll have to go through this sad thing again.. :(
Gotta face the world tomorrow again as i transform back to my other role of a student. Hope u all understand..i really wish that i didn't need to dampen spirits here..no such intention. Just sharing how i feel with my extended family. Take care peeps. Goodnite to all of you.
thanks for reminding me LK, when i say family, i'm refering to ALL mlbians, whether present or not tonite (becos tics are hard to get and schedules are never easy to match). see u all on saturday ba..
[fyi...]Also there was another hiccup...in fact 2 more... when we were unloading the equipment after we left MDC, we couldn't find our mixer! so we rushed back to MDC and xing kui TVT's B4 door was still unlocked and the box was sitting in the corner where we left it :(
Also, one of our colleagues was holding on to a mesh cap but when we were leaving she passed it to me and i was like,"eh? mickey mouse cap? that's not mine leh.." jialat... but after thinking for a while, i figured it must have been diya's! not mine! she made a little mistake la.. so gao xiao, and called diya up to double confirm..diya sounded happy on the phone.
Thank you all for your participation in our small contest. An email has been sent out to all winners. Congratulations! Please follow the instructions in the email and get back to us ASAP, to make our job easier. Thank you!
1) What is MLB's audition number for Superband?
Ans: 1311
[refer back to past blog entries]
2) What is the title of the song that Nic participated in talent quest with?
Ans: One Day
[surprisingly, everyone got this correct. hmm...]
3) When did Sam ORD from National Service?
Ans: 16th Dec 2006
4) What school is Weiqi in in NTU and what is his major?
Ans: School of Art, Design and Media ; Digital Animation
[the answer stated is the official answer as stated on the NTU website, but we were lenient to give 1/2 mark to incomplete answers (meaning, answered only the sch or the major), and answers are accepted as long as you mention Animation.]
5) What is the release date of MLB's first album?
Ans: 9th July 2007
6) List 2 singers that MLB has covered songs of.
Ans: eg. Jay Chou, SHE, Snow Patrol, Faye Wong etc....
[any two singers of songs MLB has covered during SB or after SB is considered correct. we got quite a number of answers stating guang liang, but we did not accept it as an answer as 身边 during SB was sang by 无印良品, and 勇气 during the finals was originally by Fish Leong.]
7) At what age did weiqi start to learn the piano?
Ans: 3
8) What is Sam's favourite electronic game?
Ans: Brick game
[answer as from a certain interview during the first album promo period. we had interesting answers like electric guitar and Wii... though we don't exactly know if they are sam's other favourites. what say you, sam?]
9) When did Nic enlist for National Service?
Ans: 11th Jan 2007
10) What is the name of MLB's second album?
Ans: Triangle 三角行
[thankfully nobody got this wrong]
We hope everyone gets to know more about the MLB boys through this contest! Thanks for the participation, and we hope to be back with more fun stuff in the future.
Once again, Congratulations to all winners, we'll see you guys at the Finals on Sunday! For those who did not manage to get the tickets, you can still stay tuned to Channel U on Sunday night from 7.30pm onwards to catch the live broadcast of Superband'08 Grand Finals. Cheers!
p.s.: for those who did not receive an email from us, you're placed on the waiting list. we'll inform you asap if anyone backs out.
