
crazy nights....
milubing | 25 October, 2008 03:59

weiqi: super sleepy... but gotta do my werk.. here's what i really hate to see when i'm working at such hours...

Here's a pic of our rig tmr... hmmm. familiar?? see ya all later.. sigh..tmr u'll see a zombie keyboardist...


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 04:42

Poor thing. I hate it too. Then what u going to do? Reformat computer? Poor weiqi. U doing ur homework? Go rest and do ur work on sat night or sunday. Really hope u can sleep early if u can. =)

Nice pose of nic. What is he drinking? coffee or tea? Lol. I like his slippers. Look nice. Lol. =D

Adidas shoes! Haha. Weiqi do sleep soon! See u guys on tv this sunday.

Jia you! Rest well n take good care. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 04:47

blue screen = nightmare. do system restore? hee.

cya when i cya again...all the best for the performance at SHA08 later. sry I couldn't support. must work. when's the next time I can see ya all again sia? hahahaha.

just had some yomeitsu (or whatever spelling it is) and I'm knocking out soon. later working at 2pm. siao one cos everyone's coming to the cinema "partying" for High School Musical 3. so while you all get crazy in indoor stadium, I prolly will be crazy in the cinema...haha...well lets all have fun in our work ba =).

milubing jia you! weiqi dun stay up too late too yo. tc~


Blogger binz | 25 October, 2008 07:28

alamak blue screen.. scariest thing on earth to see unless everything got backup.. or else can happy cryin liao.. hope your comp just scaring you nothing happens hur.. oh that red thingy looks hmmm complicated.. what is it supposed to mean? complexity?

JIAYOU GUYS you all can do it(: good luck! i will be highing at the radio.. hopefully this yr got broadcast since last yr got.. and most impt dun so qiao i walk away that time perform finish.. haha..


Blogger Pek Choo | 25 October, 2008 09:31

Aiyo~ Wq Poor thing... blue screen shown with so many words, too scary!!

Jiayo Guys(x100)!!! You guys can do it!

All the best for tonight performance =)

See you guys tonight!!

Take Care =)


Blogger ellekay :] | 25 October, 2008 10:24

then what time did you go to bed last night?
or did you even not sleep at all?

jiayou weiqi!

hope that there will be little or even no hiccups during tonight's performance.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 10:30


All the best for tonight's performance..

加油 !


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 10:59

Rest well. Hope you did get some sleep. :O...

MLB jiayou for tonight!!!
jiayou jiayou jiayou~


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 11:44

Jia you for later performance!!!

Let me guess the guy in the pic is ???
Nic Kor


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 11:50

poor thing lah.
got save your stuff not?!

jia you for the performance later! yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 12:05

Although I cant make it :(
WEIQI! Dont fall asleep on stage! Haha~ Zombie keyboardist! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 13:35

HUs tt guy drinking? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 14:00

WEIQI, Nv Sleep Again Eh.?!? Zombie Keyboardist... HaHax!

Wow That Pic Of NIC, Look Very Muscular Lek =P

JIAYO Guyz For SHA Later, CYA!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 14:01



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 14:51

take care of your health!
don't fall sick ya!

nic and sam take care too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 17:12

Those who going to watch SHA later enjoy urself!

MLB jia you for SHA later and enjoy it! U guys take care woh! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 20:46

MLB song on yes 933 now. Listen to yes 933 now! Nice song lah. =)


Blogger binz | 25 October, 2008 21:06

yep nice one just now(: but sadly the start the music louder than singing voice! cannot really hear clearly..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 21:53

Hey, takecare of yourselve! Remember take some breaks when you are tired :D


Blogger Rah | 26 October, 2008 00:21

hey weiqi..
take care of urself huh..=)
rest well kaes..^^

all right..
i myself also nt feeling good also ( in terms of physically and mentally) sigh=(

all right. take care guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 01:35

Weeee guess what? Just now when Eason was being interviewed by the media at SHA, he said that he admire MLB alot and he thinks good of them! =D so happy for them~


Blogger Jean | 26 October, 2008 01:44

today performances at SHA is so great!=DD enjoyed it!keep it up and jiayou!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 01:45

Wow thanks shuang ying! Cool. Haha. U n ur friend was at there too? So happy for mlb!

MLB JIA YOU! Rest early guys. Take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 01:45

Yox...jux cum back from SHA...

It was Nice Nice Nice..Yi chi Ban ah !..

MLB sang 3 songs..the first song is Tanya song and 2nd song i forget le..3rd song is cheng shu..but today sam got sing !! 2 guys playing the guitar and weiqi playing the keyboard..no drums today wohz..

This yr get the most awards is Yang zhong wei and Eason !!

Then weijian get 2 awards. nice nice !! warner/play singers jia you !!

But this yr most of them is from HIM ..

Support Local Music..:-)

Hope MLB will get award for next yr Hits award :)

Nite everyone !!


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 01:46

*nods* *nods*

the performance just now was really great.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 02:06

Thanks jer for telling. Yup got heard sam sang but hoh weiqi i didn't listen it.

Lin you jia get the most awards too right?

Congrats to all who get the awards.

Hope next year mlb will get awards for SHA!


Good night. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 02:14

Update for those who didn't go/listen to SHA..

songs done today, unplugged.
-Zhi Fei Ji by Sandy Lam
-Wu Di Dong by Tanya Chua
-Cheng Shu by MiLuBing

here's a photo to share..


sorry about the blurness and unclear-ness, can't help it since i was sitting pretty far away and that's like a photo of the screen.

u guys can look forward to the tv telecast though..


Blogger Strat | 26 October, 2008 02:14

Hi, wei qi got beatbox not ?? Cause I think I did heard something !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 02:17

Ha Ha..

Lin You jia also get the most awards and also keep coming up to help SHE get awards lo...

Weiqi background got sing..cuz i saw him open his mouth to sing :X..but he look tired :(..Weiqi ..take care of urself...sleep early lar....ur hair like messy today ah !!

Hope MLB next yr will get Best local singer and Best group awards ..JIA YOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 02:48

Thanks ShuanYing and Jer for the info given.

It is not easy to recv comment o being recognise from the big stars, MLB keep it up with your good work!

Thanks MK for the pic. sure ready for tonight tv broadcast!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 03:08

thanks to all who came just now(tix not easy to get)...did u see? i was pointing to u all at the end of the song...cos the arrangements and practices were for mlbians... hope the acoustic songs will give u sweet dreams. guess wat, i got lotsa photos!!!(THANKS TO VERON!) only problem is i mite not upload them any time soon... too busy with work :( take care all... nitez


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 03:15

eh, which side did you point to? u sure u point to the correct ppl? hahas. scarlie not mlbians. =X

and well, u finally beatboxed again~~ (= i wan more of it next time k??

take care la. zombie weiqi. rest well, and we will be waiting patiently for the pics (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 03:21

hahahaha pegg is like at my house now. she keep disturbing me!! dun listen to her man. lol.

e performance was cool.. but sitting damn far cannot see ya guys properly thou, haha. tanya's songs rockk! =DD

pegg say the tics buy one, not get one hor.. LOL.

look forward to ur photos thn.. sleep earlier lahh you! like so zombie-fied already hahaha.

and here's to NICODEMUSLEE.
eh boy, wake up leh.. stop living in ur own world lah. hahahaha. today's SUNDAY! it's 26TH OCT!! remember the 'SECRET' i told you today hor.. dun tell other people ahhs =PPP and NOVEMBER IS NOT OVER YET!! lol =D

pegg says thanks for remembering the photo (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 03:23

lol. Ya loh maybe u point to wrong ppl leh. Haha. Thanks mlb for the unplugged song. Who is veron? mlbian or? Dun worry abt it u busy with ur work. I am sure u will upload it when u are free.

Rest well! Take good care! Good night! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 03:25

weiqi. i knw u wun listen to wad mk say right? hahas.

i nv disturb her, we disturbing each other cux she disturbed me first.. and ya.. (=

thanks again ya?? was really touched la. OMG~~ it was sweet of you. (=

WEIQI!! mus remember what i tell you today ah.. very important one.. hahahaha...

dun listen to pegg HAHAHA.

andd NIC, DON'T FORGET ME HOR! hahaha. =PP


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 07:30

yes weiqi, i saw you pointing!
but you pointed to peg, mk, pinky, shihui, kangqi that side lah!

you still have a group on the left you know.... .....

but then,
its okay.
wherever your finger is pointing to,
we got it.

thanks again!
rest well!


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 07:46

oh yes,
and i wanna comment on last night's 成熟.

it definitely sounded different.
maybe cos this time round its being delivered via 'another kind of guitars'.
and its really really nice!

it seems like 成熟 also has 温柔的一面...

good job, good job!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 08:07

eh got point to us ah...? oh no, so paiseh.. we didn't see leh.. i think too far cannot see.. haiis. oops.. so sorry weiqi! :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 08:12

oops. sorry weiqi. din see the pointing, but i thot i saw u am-chio when nic's singing cheng shu. or did you? scarlie i see wrongly cuz we were pretty far from the stage. sorry! :(


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 08:30


he did!
the view from here was kind of clear.


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 08:31

and i meant the pointing.
not the am-chio.


Blogger binz | 26 October, 2008 09:36

yday's performance already up for download! so fast(: thanks xiu jie jie~ the he yin was lovely man..


Blogger Jenies | 30 October, 2008 22:42

sharks! if that happens to my comp its like OMG!