
sorry :(
milubing | 06 October, 2008 02:34

Hi mlbians.. i just reached home about half an hour ago, took a bath and now i'm at the computer. There's a lot i'd like to say regarding today's event. I want to give u my perspective of the day, from my eyes.

Firstly, when we reached mediacorp, as u all know, we were in Jasmin's car. We had to go straight to work(setting up equipment and do make up, hair and get dressed) because we were going to kai chang(open the show). I suggested to the guys that we go to the radio gate after our make up and hair was done but by the time we were done and we wanted to come out, we were informed that the audience were already moving in and were at the car park...so we figured that u guys would already be in the studio.
Later @ night, i guess u all saw that 'gan chiong' face of mine, cos i had to make sure the keyboard could be heard(there was an issue with the keyboard, thank God it worked eventually) so i was shouting to the sound men to let me know if they were receiving a signal(such an issue is really due to an event such as SB, because there are so many bands, and u have to move the equipment band after band chop chop, fyi our segment, cheng shu, only had a 2 min interval!!!)... and then sway sway, nic couldn't hear the timing from sam, and thus both were playing on a different beat, thus i HAD to stop the song and restart. so i had a double heart attack...
thankfully, both nic and sam reacted really calmly to the situation.(i'm glad that i haven't got a complaint sms from production team for this hiccup..glad that they understand)
Then we had that horrible interview whereby i couldn't hear what Zhen Rong was asking(but after watching the replay,i found out that the question was directed to sam not me) and i had to answer out of the blues when @ backstage our manager already briefed us that i would not speak tonight and that there are 2 mics, so 1 for nic, 1 for sam... damn it, caught off guard. I didn't even know the question in the 1st place... so paiseh...
Then, we packed all our stuff and got up the van. Nic took another person's car cos it was on the way to boonlay more shun lu. Now as the van approached the radio gate, I asked the in-charge(to the in-charge: pls don get offended by this post, i have nothing against your decision, just that i feel very sad and have to write out how i'm feeling and i owe the mlbians an explanation at least, no offence to u ya?) that we alight for a while to talk to u guys(in fact i already told the driver to stop for a while) but orders from above and beside were to proceed on. I was very upset..saddened by this move, because usually i will make sure that we get down, but this time i was on my own so i got overwritten. Regarding this issue, it's kinda sensitive, cos there's no right/wrong, there are a lot of reasons for/against coming out of the van to meet all of u. I understand and respect this fact, but my view has always been the same, don't want to view you all as fans, but the whole bunch as a big warm family (I love how we try our best to give each other the mutual respect to create a kong jian for closer communication). Still, i gotta say sorry, that despite all the effort and time u mlbians put in today, we didn't get to just chat. That's why i had a YU GAN, and i asked the guys to gather near the moshpit, if u all rmbr, wanted u all to get some photos at least in case of any unfortunate incident..like tonight... :(
p.s. to those who were shouting our names and if we didn't look at u it's not cos we dao k? :p It's cos time was tight and we had to tweak our settings because they were always screwed up due to plugging in and out of wires..

thank you all, for making the effort to come down,to prepare those shiny boards(so niceee!!!), to learn the songs and sing along, to wait outside the radiogate not knowing what time we'll come and whether we'll be able to chat for a while. Rest assured that I'll always, as least, ask that the bus stops. but if it doesn't then i'll have to go through this sad thing again.. :(

Gotta face the world tomorrow again as i transform back to my other role of a student. Hope u all understand..i really wish that i didn't need to dampen spirits here..no such intention. Just sharing how i feel with my extended family. Take care peeps. Goodnite to all of you.

thanks for reminding me LK, when i say family, i'm refering to ALL mlbians, whether present or not tonite (becos tics are hard to get and schedules are never easy to match). see u all on saturday ba..
[fyi...]Also there was another hiccup...in fact 2 more... when we were unloading the equipment after we left MDC, we couldn't find our mixer! so we rushed back to MDC and xing kui TVT's B4 door was still unlocked and the box was sitting in the corner where we left it :(
Also, one of our colleagues was holding on to a mesh cap but when we were leaving she passed it to me and i was like,"eh? mickey mouse cap? that's not mine leh.." jialat... but after thinking for a while, i figured it must have been diya's! not mine! she made a little mistake la.. so gao xiao, and called diya up to double confirm..diya sounded happy on the phone.


Post a Comment ::

Blogger ellekay :] | 06 October, 2008 03:21


that was quite an 'adventure'. i wouldnt have expected all these to happen when i watched the show at home. everything looked... almost perfect for you guys...

although i wasnt there to witness all these, i can still feel the disappointment in the fans(your family). but i bet they understand as much as you wish them too. so no worries weiqi! smile~ :]

and regarding zhenrong's question... yah, it was kind of obvious that you didnt catch his questions. but uhm, it would definitely be difficult for one to react that fast when a mic appeared infront of you so suddenly. i bet if i were you, my reaction would be damn big. like "URGGGH. WHAT!?" and stare at zhenrong with big big eyes. haha. so... in fact, you reacted calmly already. its not your fault anyway. since the manager already said that you wouldnt be speaking tonight.[but why ar?! i seriously think you should speak more in this kind of events... sigh.]

anyway, you have done your best already. maybe its just that you dont have much luck today. ITS OKAY! i blame my luck all the time whenever i gets pissed. HAHA. andand, you really tried to compensate for everything right? thats mroe than enough for all mlbians to understand your situation and forgive you already!

also also, if you really treat them as one big warm family, dont feel sorry anymore! ;]

okay, so nownow, ITS OVER ALREADY! ITS OVER ALREADY! dont get upset anymore. you had a hard time already, rest well and dont worry anymore!

smile, smile, smile......

and ahem, you do treat those who werent there as a family too right? *ahem* *ahem* haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 03:30

performance was great today!
one word, enjoyed! xD

no worries.
there'll always be a next time. (:
dun need sorry luh.
u take care ar.
rest well and jiayou for sch!!!
smile la. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 07:02

hey, u sound so affected by that incident.. wasnt there to wait for ya guys after the show cuz i was waiting for someone else.. but it's okay, really. we understand. it's not the first time based on past experience, and it's definitely not to ur control about whether u guys get to stop n talk to us anot.. [unless u're the one driving la...] so.. dont think so much about it, no problem with us alright? we're alr contended seeing ya guys on stage, getting to talk to ya guys privately is perhaps jus a bonus..(:

couldnt hear the interview properly from right infront either.. that's the bad point about moshpit.. so actually i didnt know what u guys were talking about on stage too.

saw ur super gan chiong face when u guys started and there were some problems.. such problems hard to avoid.. esp for bands ba.. but ya guys definitely did ur best, that's smth we all know..

been long since i tagged.. but it's great hearing u guys perform again.. and definitely the other bands, & guest bands @ the show. great night of music..

dont feel so emo ya? smile.. (: & dont be so bothered by all the issues from the night.. it's supposed to be a happy night~ && being a student's what evryone goes thru, so jiayou!~

cheerios.... ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 08:12


thanks for telling us all these. bet you felt better after writing it out. (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 08:22

Weiqi, don't get too affected by the series of incidents happened. Well, things sometimes do happen the way you wouldn't want it to. I was there last nite and it was a great performance for the 2 songs afterall. Continue to Jia You!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 08:30

Thanks for the long post!!!!!
I know how u guys feel....anyway,
take care of yourself!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 08:40

weiqi, it's okay la! (: no worries~ able to see you guys perform on stage was great enough already!! don't get too upset over the matter :D we understand!
there's still plenty of chances next time.. take care of yourself, sleep more!! LOLL
& jia you for school!! smile kay?
:D :D :D :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 10:29

hahaha hello weiqi! I think, no worries de la. haha. same lines, we ming bai your ku zhong~ haha

anyway my mother was telling me about the interview (she can take off to watch i cannot =( !) - you guys mentioned, last time the ti ti ti ti ti ti got color de, now dun have le. my first reaction is, so cute la~~ haha!

hmmmmph confirm can't see ya guys on Saturday too le. me working night shift. See ya guys on the 17th ba. I DIE-DIE MUST TAKE OFF AH~~~ haha!

and i saw some info somewhere that you guys might be performing at...as in, that might fill the blank for 4th nov TBC or 9th nov TBC ba...BUT THERE WASN'T ANY DETAILS LEH (so i guess i also won't reveal much first...guess thats why its TBC?)hope it won't be cancelled luh. 4th nov is on a Tuesday that i'm usually free. 9th nov is on sunday, shouldn't be a problem taking off...*hope for the best*...ok i'm just talking to myself....

weiqi jia you!! nic and sam also jia you!!
take care lo =D


Blogger binz | 06 October, 2008 10:34

yea alot of hiccups happened yday. down there in the studio watching, my heart was like any moment can stop. down there jin zhang like siao. but yea we know you guys have ur ku zhong and stuffs like you cannot make the final say and everything. so dun feel too bad over it ok. we all understand(: jiayous ok weiqi!! students bu rong yi dang, students cum yi ren even more bu rong yi dang!


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 06 October, 2008 10:45

alright ba, some interruption to...lighten the spirits a bit? haha.
i think i heard something over the radio, i hope i didn't hear wrongly, but i think i heard it. correct me if i'm wrong ok? but the webby confirm le! haha. cos yes933 announced the list of artistes attending SHA2008 le, and milubing WILL BE attending!

details: http://www.singaporehitawards.sg/


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 10:55

yeah...i'm the one who shout loud loud...hehe..=X

last nite was the 1st time i saw u guyz LIVE..haha..
feeling damn good...

x worries..
u guyz reali rox...

MLB jia you..


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 06 October, 2008 11:29

sry for the 2nd interuption. this wk's I-weekly got mlb's interview too =D


Blogger Strat | 06 October, 2008 12:19

Haha... Nvm one lah ... Althought we stand there can't really hear the songs and all ... But still enjoyable ... Haha... Jia yo ...

Givon ask u to take care... She is having exams now and will be attending the 11th oct event which is after her exams ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 12:22

sorry, it's not interview. it's mlb album review. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 12:31

aiyo, weiqi arh. we dun mind de la. it's been such a while le, do u tink we're really tt petty?? hees =P but thanks for everything ya? and well, im at the airport now reading this entry. hahas. okay, im super random. hahas =X

busy busy you, jiayou lo~ (=

and ytd's performance was really great ya? but it's still a pity tt u guys din perform the superband song. it wld be nice to see nic performing that. hees =P [nic, dun kill me. i knw u dun wish to perform tt song. haha]

and yes, sam! we saw ur braces last night. =)

xin ku ni men le. jiayou~ we'll see ya during the autograph sessions~

and let's rmb to cast our votes for this wk. (= let's make cheng shu hit the top 10.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 13:01

hi weiqi,

no worry abt d little hiccups... we had a great time last nite & ur performance was great!

yeah, i oso heard tat mlb will b attending d SHA.


Blogger Sam Wong | 06 October, 2008 13:11

Halo. As i read through what was written here, a lot of stuff going through my mind. Not going into details.. It was a long day, a long week. Last night's show is over, and we truly thank you everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 13:17

it's okay one..
dont u rmb who we are?
the understanding mlbians!
haha! =x
eh.. yah.
seriously, we really understand the situations so u dun have to worry at all. dun be sad lah k?
able to see u guys perform again is already wad we yearn for.
and the hiccups.. usually, ppl will tend to forget abt these once the music starts.. so no worries ya? =)
and jia you for sch!!
i noe it's a boring mondayyy.. but wad can we do? haha!

and sam! the way u show ur braces to us is really very funny can! LOL

and nic!
hmm.. think this had been said a lot of times but still, i have to say this: your eyes are reallllyyy very mi ren! =D

JIA YOU for this coming sattttt!! =D=D=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 13:21

I understand how u guys feel. Dun worry. Anyway is over already.

Hello sam. U are welcome. =)

Yesterday mlb performance was great. Jia you!

Take good care. =)


Blogger ellekay :] | 06 October, 2008 13:38

we thank you guys too!



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 14:15

mlbians are like family members.. been with u all for a long long time.. think they understand MLB's unforseen situations..think this kind of situation is not de 1st time, but is gd to explain.. weiji hope u feel better now.. mlbians are forgiving n undertanding lots.. cheers!

happy Monday all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 14:32

hey weiqi, dun worry abt not being able to stop n chat w us..we understand u all hv ur difficulties n things are not always in ur control..it's reali ok, we dun mind, n i tink i speak for all..dun be too affected ya? n u dun hv to be sorry la, we are all v contented to watch u all perform on stage (so near somemore), plus those pics at e moshpit, happy alr! :)

n dun worry abt e hiccups, performance was great..so heartwarming to hear so many ppl singing tog.. :)

ok it's mon again..back to those proj.. :( u jiayou n take care k..nic n sam too..cya guys on sat! :D


Blogger Pek Choo | 06 October, 2008 14:46

Hi Weiqi,

不用擔心~ 我們了解.

Ysd performance was GREAT!!!

We were HIGH & Enjoyed!!!

Take Care & Rest Well cos throughout lot's of upcoming events.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 15:52

no worries about the hiccups .. we understand your difficulties =)

take care guys !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:07

Although there were hiccups yesterday,at least you all made the mlbians feel so HIGH. :D

Seriously,if you didnt say out all these matters,I will not be aware.

你真的很有心 处处都在为mlbians 着想

Looking forward to seeing you guys this sat.Happy schooling.HAHAs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:15

Hey everyone, no worries, I'm ok le, i wrote it out here already rite? so i'm feeling better.. thank u all for writing such encouraging and sincere, unambiguous words... btw, i wrote this post even though i knew that u guys are not petty and that u understand. It's on my own accord, as a explanation that I feel I owe u guys on my side. Take care.. going back to school now...(jus woke @ 3.45pm jialat..)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:28

haha! weiqi!
hope u had some good rest! take care! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:40

oh,jia you lol
Seriously,u guys didnt owe us anything...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:44

I just want to comment one thing.Sam looks very 'Hao Lian' ytd.
Sorry ppl That was just my comment to sam. Hope he will Change. k?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:44

hi nic, saw u wink yr eyes, wow it was sexy.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:46

sam is actually a v humble person, he doesn't smile much nowadays, maybe cos he 's feeling shy with his braces..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 16:50

Haha. Lol. Hope u had good rest just now. Jia you! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 17:13

Is his action makes me think that he's Hao Lian. Yup. From last time till now he has change alot. ya.. his is gd looking.. i admit. but now he acting very differently from the last time.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 17:29

Well i dun think sam is 'hao lian'. Ya i agree with also a fan. He just seldom smile much nowadays cos he is shy with his braces. Haha. But yesterday i saw sam smile and i saw his braces. Hehe. He look nice with his braces.

I also saw nic wink his eyes. sexy man. Haha. =)


Blogger Jean | 06 October, 2008 17:38

haolian??..how come i don sense it..i think sam still the same as before ah..

anyway ytd performances was great to mi..was watching it at home..if u din mention it in the blog..i din know tat there was something with it..anyway u guys are great..continue to jiayou..see ya guys at auto session!=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 17:41

Hmmya, after these incidents, yall get to learn something new. It just depends on how u look at it. Jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 17:47

Hey you guys did great last night, especially for the 2nd song. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 17:58

I don't think sam is 'hao lian'.
He still the same as before.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 18:10



迷路兵 华纳音乐私人有限公司

Milubing, u one of e nominee?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 18:36

i dun think sam has change to a different person tt we all know.. =) he still a very nice n humble person tt i knw also..=) so..i still believe in sam for always being so humble and nice (;

and weiqi! dun worry. mistake bounds to happen in this kinda shows.. dun worry.. though i kinda knw tt sth happen during the song..:X it ok de. everyone do make mistakes and learn from it right..(: i sure nxt time u guys will be doing so much better yea! but nevertheless the performances u guys perform was SUPER great n HIGH. :X especially the opening. damn shoick lei.. :P

weiqi. we understand k..=)) cheer up cheer up.. :D nt blaming u guys for anything ! hohoho..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 18:47

sam must had unknowingly being misunderstood by his fan..
but then dear fan, if u still care for him, then must point out to him in what way he is seen as 'hao lian'?..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 19:42

ayio,sam nt hao lian la
he is the sam that i know as before.
but please smile dun be afraid of the braces.
Sam,U look like someone that i knoe in Hk.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 21:24

now i knoe y some of them say sam hao lian....is because he didnt smile much plus braces on makes him very uncomfortable ma.then he look abit cool.then pple mistaken he is hao lian lol

BTW,I dun knoe wat on earth i'm speaking...i'm full of crap...sorrie



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 22:16

哥们儿 [Brothers :)] 坐下来,好好的讨论,研究。
你们已经很不简单了,要自己创作,要自弹自唱。希望你们都能够和和气气, 和气才能生财嘛:>。


Blogger -WHEY` | 06 October, 2008 22:40

thou' there were some "errors" ytd, we all still enjoyed very much~ anyway, its over and there's always room for improvement.. moreover nothing is perfect? heh :)

&& just a comment.. i don't think sam is haolian :) as we know mlb or rather sam for a so so so long time, he had never been haolian before.. totally agree with jane.. he's shy so smile widely cos of his braces which we all understand :D mlb guys are very humble :) (we all know it!)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 23:32

hi Milubing jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 00:06

U are welcome. As i said u seldom smile much nowadays cos u are shy with ur braces. Hehe. =)

Jia you & take good care. =)


Blogger Sam Wong | 07 October, 2008 00:07

Thank you gals for speaking up for me. I believe there'll be changes in our thinking and behaviour as time passes, its part of growing up. Its the same for me. And its true that i don't really smile. I acknowledge what this supporter said about me, and it doesn't feel good to hear that. However, everyone has different opinions.. Goodnight ppl.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 00:15

Sorry MLB, I was not there yesterday night. But, I am supporting you guys at home.

Though I am not there, but I am very sure that MLBians were understand the problems you guys are facing. We, MLBians will definitely not blame or angry with such a thing. As I mentinoed at the previous post, MLB had put up a great show, I also feeling high watching from tv. Great Job...

Just my own opinion, Sam is not a "hao-lian" artiste at all. Infact, he is very friendly & to be frank he always respect me as an uncle lor. I remember at times, he would told those teenage girls to give me a chance to take photo with him 1st. And I still remember, he greeted me Happy Birthday from a distance away with a handshake nearly a year ago, when they were performing at Suntec.
So, I can be very sure 100% sure that Sam is not "hao-lian" at all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 00:36

i believe sam 就是 sam :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 00:42

The performance last night was great!

Just that I was caught in surprised when I saw MLB on the stage instead of Beyond. In my heart was "OMG! how cld the boys get the equipmt ready within the 1mins+ commercial break!?!?!" "Alamak! how come no host does some speechs first?!?"
Then next minute was filled with puzzles "i tot i wld b hearing the opening of 泪, just the same as the CD?" "oh no! equipment gotta faulty???"

Luckily, all went smoothly with the funniest interviews. eg Nic: those colours light bulbs "twink-twink"

See u all on this SAT's event.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 00:45

hahaha...because true friend cares, they will tell you your mistake. Ourselves being a true friend as well, won't feel good listening to the honest feedbacks BUT, will still acknowledge and won't blame him/her at all ba. hee.

haha got misunderstanding, talk things out better...

well lets be the best that we can be ba, also not losing ourselves at the same time...

don't know what i'm talking sia. so sian.

milubing jia you!! but take care ok? hehe


Blogger -WHEY` | 07 October, 2008 00:49

yup, agree with sam, everyone does have their own opinions, if someone else thinks the other way, let them be! cos we know he's not like that! just be yourself! :)

oh, and talking about the performance ytd.. when nic winked at the camera i wonder how many girls nearly fainted! haha.. 迷死人!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 01:13

Assistance needed:

I need to know how to get rid of the staplers on the group pic in the lyrics booklet?

Pls email me at jenny_6768@yahoo.com.sg if u know the method. Hopefully I cld get the pic out b4 this Sat's event...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 01:13

Assistance needed:

I need to know how to get rid of the staplers on the group pic in the lyrics booklet?

Pls email me at jenny_6768@yahoo.com.sg if u know the method. Hopefully I cld get the pic out b4 this Sat's event...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 01:16

oops! got dbl click... sorry.

missing this "Thank you in advance to whoever shares the solution."


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 01:29

hey sam! dun be too affected by those comments k..ppl can tink wad they like, cos they are not u! just cont to be urself..ignore e negative vibes! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 01:35

Ppl hav eyes..they can see.. they hav ears..they can hear.. let them decide for themselves if sam is hao lian or not, dun say that u think he is hao lian..or that u 'know' that he is humble jus bcos he rmbred ur bday.All this is based on the little that u know bout him.If u r a close friend of his,like dasmond,then u hav a right to comment.otherwise,if u say he is hao lian,and if he really is,then he will be careful from now on and try to hide his hao lianess,which only makes him an uglier person.so pls,give him his space to be who he is,and keep it to yourself.If he is really not hao lian,his 2 brods will speak up for him eventually.peace.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 02:08

sam.. dun be affected k by those comment. like u say different ppl have different opinions. but for me.. u had always been the great and kind and humble and caring de sam..(:

just be urself all right sam! like i say .. i believe in you! (:



Blogger binz | 07 October, 2008 02:35

hmmm yep different ppl see things differently. diverse opinions are inevitable and they do help us improve at times. so yar we pick up points that we feel will help us, if they don't, we'll just continue with what we believe in and live with it(: sam, u have us supporting you out there!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 02:38

changes cant be avoided.. everyone changes over time. all three boys have changed, so have us supporters. whether good or bad, it's up to the individual to judge. what will life be if everything stays stagnant and there're no changes?

i think it's plainly unfair to judge a person by just one event, especially not knowing him or her well. nobody owes anybody else any explanation for acting the way they are..

enough said, shouldn't we put this down and move on? there's so much more to life we can take note of, rather than putting so much focus on something that isn't so important? let's all forget about this incident and move on..

everyone will change, it's more important that we change and become a better man.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 02:58

Good night & Sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.

Today will be my last day of work at my company.
Hopefully, I can find a new job before I leave for Taiwan from 16th to 24th Oct. 2008 for my Buddhist Studies. Jia-you...


Blogger BIRU K. | 07 October, 2008 03:50

peace evryone!
love is the word!
mlbians is always there for mlb!
yeah??!! (:
i miss milubing!!!
sam!!! weiqi!!! nic!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:11

Hi All,
''Hao Lian''??
What happened to people respecting each other and accepting other peoples beliefs? i wish people would just think twice before they make that nasty comment about someone.
I just want people to understand what judging does and that you shouldn't judge people you don't know. I have opinions. You have opinions. But you can't really have an opinion on something or someone if you don't even know them.
Personally, I think it people love to judge (to some extent) mainly because a lot of things are expressed on our exterior. Take for example, people with self-confidence exude that image by taking care in what they look like (ie grooming,looking). Other things though, like someone saying "Oh, that girl is ugly" is just wrong, and is probably just said by a mean-spirited or jealous person.
it is usually a person's own fault. First impressions are very powerful things, and it is hard to break them..
So keep your comment to yourself if you do have it. =]
Once again saying Sam is not Hao Lian. Sam Don't take it to heart. Anyway God Still Love you! GBU.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:38


yea the performance that nite sounded a bit off.. just a bit..

but still love the new single.

and at least u bother to explain to everyone else with regards to that nite..

not a huge fan of MLB, but i do like ur music.

will be getting the new album soon(shld be later on during the evening or smth)..

All the best yoh~


Blogger Vianne | 07 October, 2008 15:16

i was at home watching SB2, didnt noe so many things happened..dun worry weiqi, the performance was still great!!

anyway, sam is not hao lian.. from wat i noe..and sam,dun be affected by the comment!!u live fer urself not fer others..jiayo sam, dun be sad..kays ? smilezz :DDD

sam jiayo!! milubing jiayo!!