
Big Yellow Ribbons Please
milubing | 19 September, 2008 03:59

for voting instructions pls check out the blog for mlbians by the mlbians: http://www.lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/

: Sorry, chup here a bit due to some updates on the events coming up...hope u all can make it ;)

Promo 'QianChangHui' :
Oct 11,12
Oct 17
Venue & time not confirmed

Gigs and misc:
Oct 1 Hari Raya Puasa TBC 1800-2300 SP @ Fort Canning
Oct 22 新动网.com - sharing session at NYJC on building confidence to take the 1st leap to make the 1st move to get to know new friends. (I won't be around due to school, Nic not confirmed due to camp)
Nov 4 TBC
Nov 9 TBC
Nov 23 TBC



A leopard could never change its spots they say. But we were all born equal.. of the same specie...

well all of us have spots. Some of us which spots got dirtied along the way.

Thank you to those who came.. who found out about the event.. didnt blog about it as i felt those who already know me aint need to hear my song.. my msg... my cry for the society to see that these dirtied spots... my dirtied spots... could be cleaned - have been cleaned.

I know you lovelies have already accepted who i am.. which is the result of who i was... companied by the journey of the young man i already am and going to become.


Thank you all for giving me a second chance.. a chance not to change.. but to show my change.

Tie your big yellow ribbons ppl...

open your eyes to see good within all man...

not fearing the consequences of their failure but giving them strength to prevent and overcome the failures to come.

It's not how many of these ex cons (including myself) we forgive.

But how many we've condemned and help them back into the darkness they wrongly chose and confided in.

Hear my cry...

Their cry...

To be free...



Lotsa love... with tears...



Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 06:52

it's more of a point of view thing than a should-or-not thing to show acceptance, i think.

it aint easy to really share your story out there, cuz not everyone will understand. to face the truth, there'll still be people out there who look at you with different views. but i'll say, your story was more than inspirational, it shows people how no different you are from everyone else, if not for a small mistake made.

'who exactly is good enough?' like what you said then. there's probably no answer to that. it's not the past that matters, but the future, when you change and become a better man.

but we're proud of you, definitely. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 08:03

frankly speaking, i almost cried on that day. the story shared, the songs performed, and the response given, made me felt there is still warm in this world.

continue to be who you are, cux we love the way you are. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 08:58

jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 09:13

nic, jia you! :D
you have us behind you, just be you :D and rest more! take care ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 09:27

lots of love, for you. (:
take careee emo guy.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 09:44

dun dwell on; move on..ya :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 09:59

(: jiayou ! 我们会永远支持你。


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 10:49

Heyy nic...be proud of who u are everybody had their past neither good or bad ... Bt at least u have learnt frm ur mistakes and turn over a new leaf so dun be sad bcos of ur past ... Jiayos ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 11:20

Jia you! We will support u. Yah everybody had their past. All of us will learnt from mistakes. Cheer up. Just be who u are. we love u. =)

Take care & rest well.


Blogger Jean | 19 September, 2008 11:42

u will always have our support!=D..take care and stay happy~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 11:51

aiyo NIC dont emo dont emo!

smile okay! (:

yay album soon soon. milo power is once again unleashing :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 12:11

Jia You ~ Nic! The most important thing is who you are NOW! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 13:14

hi,just sharing a beautiful story, read somewhere..

The Debt

A tired Mum was still bzy in the kitchen, when Little Ah Beng came up to her one evening, handed her a piece paper, which he had been writing. She dried her hands, looked at the paper, it read..

For cutting the grass: $5.00
For cleaning up my room this wk: $2
For going to the store for u: $1
For baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $4
For taking out the garbage: $1
For getting a good report card: $5
For cleaning up and raking the yard: $5.00

Total owed: $23.00

Well, his mother looked at him standing, memories flashing thru her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on & this is what she wrote:

"For the 9 mths I carried u while u were growing inside me: No Charge

For all the nights that I've sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge

For all the trying times n all the tears that you've caused thru the years: No Charge

For all the nights that were filled with dread n for the worries I knew were ahead: No Charge

For the toys, food, clothes n even wiping yr nose: No Charge

Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge "

When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes n he looked straight at his mother and said, "Mom, I sure do love you." And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN FULL"

Jiayou! every1


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 14:15

looking forward to MLB 2nd album ^^
whoooooooaaaaa it is coming soon =)
love MLB's style~~~!!!
talent guys! JIAYOUUU!!!!!!!


Blogger Rah | 19 September, 2008 17:10

it okay! we still love u for who u are isn't it :) we still support u for who u are isn't it right :)

from the start i already accept the nic lee for who you are.. humans are nt perfect in this world. who doesn't have past? i also have my own past.. but we all change for the better isn't it right.. :D u had set a great example to all.. -hugs-

i am so proud of u nic! :) really! even ppl told me hw 'bad' u were. but i wun care.. and hw much they 'dislike' you i also dun care. cause to me u are great ! u are a great guy with having a great voice.. :P waha!

jiayou nic! dun emo already lar..hahaha! stay happy and stay the way u r now k.. just be yourself. believe in urself.. :D hohoho. and i always believe in you! =] i be here. and everyone also will be there for you! i am sure of it! lalaa..

:)) take care ! give u a big -hug- k..LOL :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 22:24

YES, Proud Of YOU...!

:) NIC


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 00:34

off t lalaland. (:
goodnights & sweet dreams, everybody!



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 01:24

Wow, why suddenly this place becomes so EMO?
And what someone who cares shared that very meaningful article. I personally believe that All Moms in the world were behave likeswise. It was so touchings, I dun dare to read it again.

Pls 4get the past, and look forward to your future. You have many love ones in your family & MLB family supporting and loving you.


Blogger -WHEY` | 20 September, 2008 02:46


but i feel that everyone should be given a second chance..

&& 最重要的是有改过自新。。that should be more important!




Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 08:29

hi nic,
long time x c me here le..hehe..

although i seldom cm here le..
but i still keep myself up-to-date
abt MLB's news de..k???

jz wanna tell u tat has been listened to MLB's new song...


dis song x bad..
but den i jz wonder the quality of dis song..
i mean the recording of dis song...
seems like there's much encho especially the chorus part leh...

u guyz keep rockz..

jia you..

wish MLB de 2nd album all sold out and even x enough stock..wuahaha...

=) kit


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 10:42

last few days stayed in camp.. miss out alot..
thanks penquin for upload the 933 interview.
mlb as usual so cute and chong qing still like to distrub ya..

nic, look forward..trust on you.. jia you !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 10:50

hi Uncle Phil,

Tks! yes, is a v touching article. Mothers Love are the Greatest. When you are sad or troubled, look for yr mums for warm & comfort. Their love is eternal.

Nic - Everyone has a shadow, no one is perfect. Look ahead.



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 14:40

When I first started in the prison ministry, I was only 15. I'm ain't an ex-con but I was dangling around such a society when I was much younger, and managed to be rescued out at early stage. I really thank GOD for that rescue, if not, I cannot imagine what a person I am now.

What prevented my eyes from glancing away from them are their beautiful testimonies. I see them climb up, I see them fall, they climb up again.

Many people were disappointed in them, because they put expectations on them. After seeing the vicious cycle repeating over the years, the volunteers denounce them. Maybe most of them feel that the ex-cons' ability to stand up, glorifies their participation in helping them to stand up.

But no, it doesn't work this way. The true acceptance is loving them whether they stand up or not. If they stand, you share their joy, if they fall, you help them up.

In fact, this vicious cycle can be broken. We can break the belief of them not able to change. It will be more important to witness their changes than to condemn them.

Many times, human fail to see the backstory before passing judgements. Esp Singaporeans have become self-centred. Their fav quotes: I don't care. It's not my problem. All I know they create a prob. They are not contributing to the economy.. etc.. why should I care?

Thus many forgot that in the 1960s and 80s, the situation in Singapore isn't a stable environment for Singaporeans. Secret societies are thriving, parents work for meagre pay, children went astray. They attempted drugs and cannot kick the habits, they went in and out of prisons until now.
Even in the stable society as now, there are children whose parents are hardworking high-flyers, neglecting their children, causing them to seek attention outside.

To summarise: there's always a backstory to someone's fall. They don't fall like that on a one fine day.

When I was 11, I befriended a ex-con, there were many external pressures that forces our friendship to cease. But we held on to the bonding, I knew that I could not conform to the social standard. And I never regretted struggling to maintain. Now, I have witnessed my friend from being a single, till he married, and his wife bore him a second child. It may take 10 years to witness such a beautiful cycle, but it's all worth it. My friend has become part of my family, his son - my god-son. :)

Even as a someone who doesn't commit crime, needs acceptance. How about people who have, and had been condemned by the social standards, the malice of human nature?

Haha.. well, when people asked what kind of man is my cup of tea. I would always reply: the first and most important criteria he has to have: is his background must be an ex-con.

hahaha.. I'm not an extremist. but you'll be surprised that they are talented people. I believe also due to being so talented, in their boredom, noone restraining them, or too restrained, and the artistry in their frame of mind they commit all sorts of crime to attain higher level of pleasure to satisfy them. I've seen artist, singers, craftsman, cooks, and all sorts of intellectual streaming out from the prisons.

In fact, we should give ourselves a second chance to learn to accept, and to be gracious in life. :)

Their crimes have been paid in prisons already, out of that place, they are declared free.

Nic, there is always a way to live beyond the social standards. Don't worry your heart over this matter. Just soar the way you would, lose your way in your music realm, lose conscious of the world, and present them your masterpiece. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 15:45

Dun really know the nic now, never knew the nic before but what I know of the nic now is only thru his music. I can hear his passion for it n so far it is enough for me. If only things are as simple. Hard to change societal views, but it just takes one person to make a difference. U hv done it and so hv many others before & after u. U only need to prove yourself to people who matter to u. Nobody is a saint, it’s up to each person to see spots where they want. Sometimes u can live w a person and never see the spots that others see in dat person. Maybe cos of love, cos of forbearance, maybe a big heart or jus maybe its final realization & acceptance dat the now is more impt than the before. It’s a learning curve for everyone n your blog reminds us dat giving others, including ourselves, a 2nd chance is impt. if we cant get past the hurdle ourselves, there is no way to move on.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 15:52

alamak WQ, i m being emo here den u chup. oct bz month liao...n to ans ure qn, yes i took a big tumble. nearly tumbled off my chair last nite on the balcony s well :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 16:43

weiqi !! thanks for the updates !! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 18:41

oct17?? cool. it's the you knw who's bdae.
alright, im being lame here. anyway. thanks for the updates~
we'll see ya guys then.
meanwhile, take care..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 18:45

just realised tt 17th is on a friday wors.
hmmm, hopefully the time wld be ard evening time ba. otherwise, dun tink the working adults and students studying can make it.
shall see how it goes when the time is confirmed ba. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 19:26

Thanks anonymous for saying then i noe is the someone's birthday. Haha. Opps. Paiseh.

The events is a good birthday present for those whose birthday fall on oct & nov. Haha.

Anonymous if u dun mind please type ur name then send comment then we will noe who are u. Thanks. =)

Nic cheer up soon. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 19:44

cheer up soon boy! u're doing great & moving on gd. keep it up & everything will be fine soon w/o u realising it. smile & don't emo anymore man. all of us are proud of u for sure.. right guys? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 20:59

Finally Exam over, time to relax~

You guys JIAYOU X100~!!!

Hope to cya guys soon =)

Looking for upcoming gigs~


Blogger Jean | 20 September, 2008 21:21

whoohoo..event on someone's birthday?hahas=DD..so looking forward to it!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 21:32

WOW! october is going t be filled with events. (: (: (: yay.

haven't been back to school for some time already. can take the chance to go back & visit. whee.


Blogger binz | 20 September, 2008 21:34

whooo thats sooo many events!! yay(: oh yea cool date for the 3rd qian chang hui~ but yea friday is a problem hur... jux hope it will be a evening thing? yea(: thanks weiqi for the updates! woah students at nyjc shuang dao hur invite u all go talk. why my sch dun have. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 21:41

we love u for who u are. . and surely MLBians are proud of YOU!! cont to work hard in life.. MLBians will always support you..and of of cos sam and weiqi!so so looking forward to u guys 2nd album! its not easy to produce another album after the first one so MLBians will sure support all the way~ you guys hard wok will PAY off! =)

love MLB always!



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 21:44

Wah so many events.
Shiiiiiiit =\
All event dates are like few days before my o lvls.
dont think i can make it for the autograph session.


-bang wall and dies-


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 22:10

thanks weiqi for the updates!
october so many events!
same as last yr!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 23:19

OH NO...
Why all the dates for Promo "Qian Chang Hui" I cannot make it?
11th & 12th Oct I might be going to KL to celebrate my special day (already arranged with my brother last month) and 17th Oct, I am in Taiwan for my Buddhist Studies. Even the 22nd Oct event also cannot make it (haven't return from Taiwan) Haiz... so unlucky this year, still remembered last year MLB performed on my special day.
No Moods liao! :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 00:33

OMG..Event on the 23rd Nov?
The day before is my bday!
Although it is still TBC.Hehe.
And aiyoh,why event on 1st Oct..
Can't make it. :(
Although TBC too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 01:04

Thankz WEIQI For The Updates!
So Is The 'Qian Chang Hui' Days Already Cfm-ed ? ? ?

* wOo hOo gonna start be busy busy in oct & nov lo ~

JIAYO Guyz !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 01:13

how you find the thunder? ;) and thanks for the updates weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 01:42

thanks weiqi for updating. BUT GRRR, the days fall on wednesdays, fridays, saturdays and sunday which I WILL BE WORKING~~~~ hahahaha.

the gig at Fort Canning I sure can't go liao, cos my manager just asked me if i can work whole day on hari raya puasa. maybe the qian chang hui i'll at least make it for 1 of the sessions. hopefully the timing falls on evening then i can request to work morning le then rush down? i see how again lo.

And to nic, jia you ok, we love you =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 02:33

Tks for the updates, WeiQi. Oct01 wont be going, coz kiddos hving exams. But is confirmed for the autograph sessions.

Take good care ya, Boyz! (oops! shd be all MEN le..)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 02:42

hey there mlbians..dun worry, we understand that some of u might have work/school (and exams!) during our promos.. as long as u appreciate our music, we're more than happy to produce even more for this family! so dun worry,support from the heart can be felt beyond presence! take care mlbians!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 21 September, 2008 03:00

Yes, Support Support!

U Guyz Take Care Too, JIAYO!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 03:02

Jenny is funny. Haha. Yup we will appreciate mlb music cos mlb is power lah... I find that mlb same like derrick leh cos mlb & derrick like to 搞神秘... Haha. Take good care. Jia you! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 11:08

Oct...looks like i won't be able to make it to any of the autograph sessions :(...

But will definitely support from my heart....can you feel it?? :p Cannot feel it now nvm, you'll sure feel it during the autograph sessions :)

Jia You!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 12:49

Hoho. mlb chen shu playing now at yes 933. happy & high lah. haha. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 12:49

woooh...nan de i can stay at home to listen to long hu bang. but i going out jalan jalan soon before starting work at 5pm. heh.

wooh so today's long hu bang's FRESH got intro milubing's chen shu; so guys, WE CAN START VOTING NOWWWWWW!!!

details will be posted in lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com ....basically i'll just copy-paste from the one i typed last time can ba? hahahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 12:55

oh and weiqi, even if I can't be physically there, my heart and soul will be there~~~ muahahahahahaha!!

ok not funny -_-....


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 13:00

eehhhhhh 1 last question before i logged off; new baby got name le ma?? hehehehe

bye! take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 13:38

Quizzy new album got name liao. Haha. If i am not wrong is called shan jiao xing. Haha.

MLB 加油! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 15:36

To MLB Publicity Blog,

If not wrong, I don't think there is anymore calling votes le. Only left with coupon votings & SMS votings. Please confirm, ok?

Yah Weiqi, even if we cannot be there physically. We will still support MLB by buying the original album. They are all MLB's Heart, Sweat & maybe Blood (cos Nic got injured rite) to produce very great music for all music lovers and not only MLBians. Yeah... MLB Power-Lah


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 17:44

san jiao xing is one of the songs title tt xiao han composed for the guys, i tink.


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 21 September, 2008 18:03

deleted the previous info.
got this from yes933 website.

1) You can vote for "cheng shu" by sending 1x coupon and 1x SMSing per song.

2) Don't indicate in the coupon the phone number you use to vote using sms.

3) Cannot use same hand writing to cast vote by coupons even if they are of different names.

4) It's actually restricted to one person one song one vote but the sms part we might be able to cheat a little though...

Yeah, so the voting methods are as follows...

Voting options...
1) Coupons can be found on the 'radio section' of I-weekly. Cut out the coupon, fill in the song title "成熟" and the artiste's name "迷路兵", and then fill in your particulars then mailed it to

Yes933 《醉心龙虎榜》负责人收
Farrer Road PO Box 933
Singapore 912899

2) Key in POTP933[space]成熟(song title can be keyed in using hanyu pinyin or chinese) then send to 72346. Each sms costs 30 cents.

if we don't have enough coupons, we can always sms.

just another additional piece of news, the coupons sent will contribute 70% and sms will contribute 30% to the final results.

votings will end on every thurs.
which means, if you wish for the song to appear on the chart this coming sunday, you have to make sure you cast ur votes before thurs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 20:47

Win Superband grand final tickets and Mayday autographed premium


Superband Grand Final is on 5 Oct, Sunday 7.30pm Live.

Guest performing artistes:

Mayday 五月天
Mi Lu Bing 迷路兵
Qinobe 使诺鼻
Li Zhong Sen 李宗盛

1. Winners will be notified via email on 29 Sept.
2.Winners are to collect prize at Caldecott Broadcast Centre’s reception on 3 Oct before 6pm.
3.Premiums accompanying the prizes will be at Channel U’s discretion. No exchange is allowed.
4.Prizes uncollected will be forfeited.
6. There will be no repeat winners.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 21:06

Ah Nic..so long nvr come here..aiya..others I don't knw lah! but we hor nvr condem anyone..let alone U..long long ago we log, stocks and barrels - all accepted abt U. U hor 'emo', don't cry K..we wipe Ur tears w Yellow Ribbons..wrapped it around U like bandage so tat no one can hurt U lor! Appealing to us here hor..we think ar 'no need' bcos we sure hold posters, banners, blow peepee to support.. Most important wan..public! U take gd care yrself..we say harlo to yr bros too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 21:22

Walau! We love "Prison & its key'..so well said lah!. Ppl see surface, condemn and suspect. They don't knw WHY it happens bcos hor, no one in their family kena. We grow up oradi n we learn, we see n we open our mata..fall down..stand up lah!..no one pick meh?..sure got gd heart ppl pick de. Volunteers denounced bcos they volunteered don knw for wat..glorified bcos u bcome good? Yellow ribbon bros shld stand up themselves. Show by action not by mouth de.

How come we long no come here n now talk so much? ha.a.,a.a Ah Nic, no ned to hide ur story - better hang in public! Some hor will go dig n say u hide. Aft all we hear it mani times liao! Bye bye hor..we sure go peep u n bros..support u frm afar!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 22:22

nic, take a lesson from the past, treasure the present (cos it's a present ma, lame ya) and look forward to the future (cos the unknown is alwz exciting, at least to me la) ;) cheerio!

looks lyk a very exciting oct/nov mth for mlb and mlbians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 00:02

it takes more than just courage to go on stage and share with everyone what you've been through.
what you said was more than just inspiring, for you're a living example of a second chance. put e past behind you n embrace the future w an open heart. we're proud of you and will be behind you always. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 00:04

2 more days! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 00:48

Remember in the Bible where there is this special person who stood out from the crowd. He doesn't conform to the society he was in. He was a humble person even though he held a high position in the congregation. He boldly seek the truth, regardless of many condemnations of the truth.

This special person who shines among all is named: Nicodemus.



Blogger qIaNhUi | 22 September, 2008 00:51

JIAYO Guyz !!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 00:52

last wk's interview was super funny! esp chongqing! was laughing like mad when listening to e interview..hahaha! thankyou to those who posted links to e vids, articles, interview etc..totally cracked me up when i had to stay up late to finish sch work.. :D

looks like a v eventful oct n nov..looking forward! :)

thanks quizzy n pegg for posting up e info for longhubang voting..pls send in your coupons/sms by thu(25/9), 12pm(try to send your coupons by tue so tt they will reach 933 by thu)..i suppose prepaid cards are not eligible for sms voting ya? oh n thanks uncle phil for pting out tt e hotline is no longer available..i tried calling jus now n e no is no longer in use..those w/o coupons can let me noe, i'll try to pass u some..jus a note, dun waste money buying envelopes, we hv lots of free postcards! use e money to buy stamps more practical! ok i'll jus copy-paste e chinese version from yes933 if anyone's interested..
投选票格刊登在《i周刊》。听众也可SMS [POTP933 + 单曲名称(简体汉字或汉语拼音)] 到72346。每则简讯收费3角钱。

off to cut coupons now..i hv a yr's supply of mag to cut.. -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 01:26

yayaya...I ALSO GOT LOTS OF FREE POSTCARDS! i think use 1 yr also cannot finish ba? hahahaha.

thanks uncle phil and pegg for pointing out the mistake...hehe
pardon me as I didn't listen to long hu bang for ages liao...

milubing jia you...

take care lo =D


Blogger -WHEY` | 22 September, 2008 02:56

counting down 2 more days :D so looking forward to all the good music xD



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 10:18

2 more days


Blogger Pek Choo | 22 September, 2008 11:31

2 more days, we can get to hear all the good music from you guys =)


Looking forward for upcoming gigs during OCT & NOV events....


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 12:45

time really flies.
in just a blink, it's TWO MORE DAYS t the release of the milos' second album. (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 14:01

Duckling,quizzy_me,Uncle Phil, and all others who might not be able to come, will miss u guys at the qian chang hui but it's cool, there'll always be other events ya? ;)

quizzy_me, the new album is called triangle.. san jiao xing,but the xing is 'walking' de 'xing'

saying 'Hi!' back to the Panthers haha..
today's the 22..hmm..the 24th is coming.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 14:22

Haha. Ya i agree with u there will be lots of chances de. San jiao xing is coming out on 24th... Hoho. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 15:15

hahaha. yes yes weiqi. will have chance de! haha anyway I think I will try to make it for at least 1 ba. guess after the venue and time is announce then I'll arrange with my manager my work schedule again. seriously he will understand de~~ but then I won't be too persistent also la, as in if he really not enough people (cos that period is hari raya season and my malay friends may not be able to work) then bo pian lo, I have to give the events a miss liao.

thanks weiqi (and not forgetting jane) for answering my question wor. san jiao xing sounds cool...triangle...think can guess what the story is about liao...hehehe we shall see =D

and why am I able to type so much leh? cos apparently I'm not listening in class. bo pian, so sian~~~

weiqi in class also? jia you hor. haha. and thanks for making noise at publicity blog hor =D
nic jia you too!! we love you!!
hello sam!!! u r being missed =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 15:34

oh forget to say, album launching on 24th right? 25th is berries' birthday leh. hahahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 17:38

三角行? :D



Blogger binz | 22 September, 2008 17:56

yay yay yay countdown 2 more days! seriously carn wait.. it has been sooooooo long~~ and whee qian chang hui soon! i hope it's not west side =X hope it's central or even better still east! oh and 三角行 is cool. seems to have many layers of meaning..

rarr i hate exams. bad day for me today :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 18:50

San Jiao Xing! 2 More Days! :)

JIAYO Guyz !!!


Blogger Rah | 22 September, 2008 19:16

YAY.. :))
i am so so so excited.. 2 more days.. i even told my friend i gg to chiong to nearest cd shop to buy on the 24th.. and all of them just laugh..BLEH ! :X tt hw excitied i am la. HAHA :P

can't believe it coming so so soon..LOL ! :P jiayou guys! love the album title .. heh heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 19:37

Wow~ The album name called Triangle...

Well 2 more days to get to see it.

Take Care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 20:12

AhHaHax Sooo Excited...! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 22:05

cool name! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 23:15

Thanks for your understandings, but seriously I really dun want to miss it lor! I will miss you guys too. Maybe & hopefully I will try to make some arrangement, but cannot promise as of now.
Wondering can get the SB GF tixs not?
Btw, does you know what time the album will be released on 24th Sep? Think the 1st album released quite late, if I am not wrong?
Oh I have send out my long hu bang voting coupon today. Shall SMS to vote later.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 23:32

Hmm i think 2nd album will be out at 12 or 1pm ba. Haha. This is just wat i think only. Haha. Hope san yue can get in to top 4. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 00:01

woo, so many up-coming events!

thks for updating us weiqi!

counting dwn... 2 days...


Blogger Rah | 23 September, 2008 00:19

for the album.. depends on which music cd company u gg to buy from.. from wad i heard. cd rama will always be the last that will deliever their cd too.. and the 1st place to send will be HMV >.<" tt wad i heard from my friend..so hmm..=X nt very sure issit true a not..lolx !

anyway sanyue did get into finales yea.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 00:28

borrow me 5 minutes of your life for a good laugh....or to catch a breather =)...


Monday's gone. 1 day down, 4 more days to weekend. 1 day down, 1 more day to the birth of new baby.
have a nice Tuesday =)!
Milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 04:13

reading some comments i laugh..haha.. jokes.. then some damn sad like the who-who cant come all qian chang hui.. then long comments about ex-cons.. touched my heart.

PPl cant make u stay down though they may put u on the ground. Persistence. belief. Knowing u are able to get up.. what the mind conceive u can achieve (dun tell me flying la..realistic pls pls haha)..

thank you all for being here for us..

we dun earn much..

all the money and efforts u all have put in onli goes into fufilling our passion.

and we're greatful for that. very. :)

given a chance to live on the edge... we'll walk the edge.. onto higher ground. (catch us if we fall) thanks ar..haha



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 04:18

Haha. Great that the comments touched ur heart. U are welcome. Hehe. Great to noe that u are happy and no more sad already.

Just be urself. Jia you & take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 04:21

hahas. glad to see you tag, nic.
jiayou~ (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 04:57

My quote for till the end of this year
- Let me Be Me.

I'm always sad. It makes me human. Loneliness makes one feel real. Give you space to think.

i'm always happy, ironically above the darkness.




Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 05:05

Jia you ba. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 08:42



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 08:50

nic ah nic, of course we will be FIGHTING to catch u guys if u all were to fall. and admist of enjoying the can-i-say-benefits for feeling sad, don't let it control your mind ok?

I totally agree that persistence and belief is really essential. But support from love ones matters too! haha.

This seemed out of point but I still can share la hor? haha Like recently, my ex-classmate just lost someone she love...lost not in the sense of die of course...then she was still struggling, couldn't eat; but then she's picking herself up after all our encouragements...and she's determined not to let it affect her school work...

Loneliness make you think; but don't end up hu si luan xiang...

ok lo, time to study hard. come back later =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 08:52

Just BE..

:) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 09:29

quote from nicodemus lee: 'I'm always sad. It makes me human. Loneliness makes one feel real. Give you space to think.

i'm always happy, ironically above the darkness.'




Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 10:29

lonely but not alone

:) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 10:43

loney but no alone

3 pairs of invisible hands behind u

3-1...oops! i mean 2


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 12:24

1 more day to MLB new album relase
all the best,yah....

Keep going !



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 12:46

okie lah...
many hands...
cham..all hands on nic...cheeky cheeky...
nic better run...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 13:39

Yay onli one more day to go!
Haha i translated the song name as triangle to my fren too, den realised the xing is a diff one. so i am not wrong la, mus go tell me fren my chinese is still good de. MLB go, go go!
Yo nic is such a poet...
"i'm always happy, ironically above the darkness."
good one, i mus master this :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 15:03

nic ah,
of course we'd be there t catch you all IF (that's a big if) you all fall. but although we'd do our best t catch you all, don't flatten us okay. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 15:34

Yah another 1 more day to mlb 2nd album. Haha. San jiao xing... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 15:42

use a bed lor...
the BOING BOING BOING kinda bed...
easy easy~~~
somemore sure can withstand the trios de weight de...



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 16:04


yeah! 三角行 is out tml!
if 三角行.. represents the boys,
and we mlbians are the supporters..
we're the tripod stand! =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 19:19

hoho .. 24th coming~

haha .. syl, u gao xiao sia .. tripod stand .. lol ..


Blogger Rah | 23 September, 2008 22:12

hohoho. :)
nic ar.. we just speaking out from our hearts lor.. and u stay happy always kaes lala..

okay i just too high for nw cause tmr is coming very soon LOL :X too excitied u see..=X


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 22:36

Looking forward to the new album.
Already informed my cousin about it.She is happy you guys are releasing a new album!


Blogger -WHEY` | 23 September, 2008 22:38

hmm.. 三角行吧。。。?

meaningful name if you think it in dept..



成熟 is gonna be played on 933 soon xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 22:44

早安晨之美 by 卢广仲 on yes 933. If i am not wrong chen shu is playing soon on yes 933. Hehe.

卢广仲 quite cute. haha. Just that i felt he look abit strange. Opps.

2moro is the day! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 23:03

Weiqi from MiLu Bing: We are not as naïve as before *Exclusive!


The SuperBand Season 1 champ will release their sophomore album Triangle tomorrow. We speak to band leader Chan Weiqi and learn that the three young men have lost their innocence in the two years since the last album.

From left: Sam Wong, Nic Lee and Chan Weiqi
1 / 1
Sept 23, 2008

Kwok Kar Peng

Chan Weiqi may claim that MiLu Bing aren’t as naïve and have realized that reality is harsh but talking to him over the phone, he still sounds every bit like the bashful and happy boy-next-door that we met and interviewed over the years since the start of SuperBand Season 1 till the release of their self-titled debut album two years ago.

He said, “In the past, we were super positive all the way and would enter into anything head on no matter what. We were naïve and regarded everything as perfect but we became disappointed because we realized that a lot of things are painful. Now, we are like a whole new person because we acknowledge that there are setbacks and failures along the way, and we have to pick ourselves up.

“Music production is never smooth sailing; there will always be hiccups and different expectations from people. It’s hard for me to explain and I can’t really go too much into details… I don’t want to offend anybody. What I can say is, we are the first band for Warner Music Singapore and MediaCorp, so we are very different from solo singers. We write our own music and our compositions are like our children, so like parents, we become protective and don’t like other people to ‘anyhow’ style our ‘children’ when we are in the music studio. So both sides – the band and the music company, are always learning how to work with each other. The process is not easy; it takes a lot of communication and understanding.”

Luckily for the boys, their music company gave them a lot of liberty for Triangle, leaving the song selection and music arrangement to them. When they passed their own seven compositions to the company, all of them were accepted for the album and the company even chose three of them to plug as hits.

Because of the earlier-mentioned ‘hiccups’, the release of their album has been pushed back three months. It’s nobody’s fault, Weiqi explained, just unavoidable hurdles.

The changes in them – like realizing they can’t coop themselves up doing music but have to ‘come out’ and do some TV programmes - and their growing up is reflected in the song Cheng Shou (Mature), the lyrics of which was written by a friend Butter, whom they met during SuperBand. Butter, formerly from the band Amber, is now in San Yue which will compete in the SuperBand Grand Final next Sunday.

Accomplished local songwriter Xiaohan also penned three songs for MiLu Bing, one of which is San Jiao Xing; though sharing the same title as the album, Weiqi is quick to add that the meaning for the former is different from the latter.

The album title San Jiao Xing, like the triangle, means the three of them are the most stable when they are together, but Xiaohan’s usage of the phrase is different.

“I sense that she’s trying to warn us; the lyrics are quite ambiguous and open to different interpretations; it’s like a love triangle, but we are not gay! I won’t say anymore here, you have to go listen to the lyrics and understand it yourself,” Weiqi insisted despite much badgering from me.

The three young men became recluses for half a year to prepare for the album and turned down other projects. For a university boy (in Nanyang Technological University’s School of Arts, Design and Media, specializing in animation) who’s not taking allowances from his parents anymore, the delay of the album meant that Weiqi didn’t have any income for a period of time. Still, he brushed it aside nonchalantly. Equally helpless is he in his relationship with his girlfriend of five years.

“If you are the girlfriend of any of us in MiLu Bing, it may not be a good thing ‘coz your boyfriend may be almost non-existent! Sometimes we would be so busy that it’s not fair to the girl but it can’t be helped; I’m either in school or jamming. My girlfriend complains a bit but I don’t think it’s her fault; she’s right to complain but she hasn’t raised the topic of a break-up yet,” he laughed guiltily.

One thing that rubs Weiqi the wrong way is how some people think they are rolling in wads of money after winning the competition and releasing their album. He stressed, “We are not rich; it’s very difficult being a local artiste especially when what we earn has to be split into three portions. Winning SuperBand opens up a lot of opportunities but it limits our social circle which includes of only our family, girlfriend and the other jokers in the band!”

The three ‘jokers’, if you don’t already know, is made up of musician Sam Wong, 22; student Chan Weiqi, 23; and NS guy Nic Lee, 24. They will release their second album Triangle on Sept 24, 2008, and will plug three songs from the album Cheng Shou, Shi Jie Ma Fan Jie Guo Yi Xia and Breathe, the only English song in the album.

They are also the special guest for SuperBand Grand Final on Sunday Oct 5, 2008 and will perform songs from their new album.

Triangle - Track Listing

1. Cheng Shou 成熟
Lyricist: Butter
Music Composer: MiLu Bing

2. Shi Jie Ma Fan Jie Guo Yi Xia 世界麻烦借过一下
Lyricist: Xiao Han
Music Composer: MiLu Bing

3. Hei 黑
Lyricist: Butter
Music Composer: MiLu Bing

4. San Jiao Xing 三角行
Lyricist: Xiao Han
Music Composer: MiLu Bing

5. She Bu De 舍不得 (From the drama The Golden Path)
Lyricist: Zhang Lesheng
Composer: Zhang Jialiang

6. Han 汗
Lyricist: Xiao Han
Music Composer: MiLu Bing

7. Lu 路 (From the drama The Golden Path)
Lyricist: Zhang Lesheng
Composer: Zhang Jialiang

8. Wu Xing De Chi Pang 无形的翅膀
Lyricist: Dasmond Koh
Music Composer: Samuel Wong

9. Breathe
Lyricist: Nic Lee
Music Composer: Nic Lee

9 and not 10 songs?

Anyway, all the best MLB!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 23:15

Hoho. Thanks for sharing. eh dun have dvd huh? Haiz. I thought got dvd for 2nd album. yeah lu inside new album. Hehe. Was wondering 2nd album got gai ban?

Thanks butter for helping. MLB jia you!


Blogger -WHEY` | 23 September, 2008 23:19

guess there will be gai ban too ba? but that will be after some time? hmmm.. heh xD


Blogger Rah | 23 September, 2008 23:24

the article really impress me.. =X

was shock to see dasmond koh name inside. hahahaa ! but tt make me even more excitied to hear the song tt he written for u guys.hohoho (:

and really.. i am proud of u guys! tt all i can say..^.^ really happy for u all la. heh heh! :))


Blogger -WHEY` | 23 September, 2008 23:33

i went into the website of the article.. i guess the picture features the album image ba?? and the album looks totally cool la!!

nic looks cheery.. HA! i wonder if i can get the album by noon time!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 23:35

mr chan. nobody will say tt "havent raise a break-up yet" de lo -.-ll you really very dots la.

anyway, after reading this article, somehow i felt you guys really cheng shou le. (=

jiayou ba~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 23:36

haha.. Nic,

it's true that mealancholy is the best friend of artistry. Cause always, I seek mealancholy as an escape, as a fantasy, as inspirations to form my art. Sometimes I asked why a cheerful person as I am, with everything else in the world is such a melancholy soul.

Until my friend pointed out one day, because it's Arts. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 23:37

thanks jane for telling me the link hor.

anyway relac la, first version haven't even release yet, jiu think of gai ban liao. normally must wait for 1 or 2 months for gai ban ba? hahahaha.

weeee looking at the song titles, all looked so interesting. I can't wait to smell the album tomorrow! hahahahahaha.

milubing jia you!!

anyway I watched The Days le hor. The last lines...OMG...
"kor, I want to go home. I promise I will be good." then it was repeated and repeated again...awwww so heart-wrenching
The helplessness of seeing your love one being locked up yet you can't do anything to save them...I think I understand the director's pain at that time liao...

so lesson of the day: your so-call brothers may forsake you, but your family will always be here for you. so nic, WE WILL ALWAYS BE HERE JIA YOU-ING FOR YOU DE! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:00

you guys are welcomed :)


SuperBand ambassador MayDay, Hong Kong super band Beyond (Paul Wong Koon Chung and Yip Sai Wing), acclaimed Taiwanese musician Jonathan Li Zong Sheng and Season 1’s MiLu Bing, Lucify, Qinobe and BRODS will be the special guests.

According to the writer for the show, Beyond’s appearance at the Grand Final is of special mention as the Cantonese band has never been on local TV because of the ban on dialectal songs on free-to-air telly, so this will be a rare treat for fans to catch them belt out their Mandarin hit songs. Season 1’s champ MiLu Bing will also perform songs from their second album for the first time.

Want to get tickets to the Grand Final?



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:03

MLB jiayou!!!
believe the new album is awesome ^^
all da best!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:04

Thanks for sharing again. Hehe. I thought got soul form superband season 1. Anyway never mind. Hehe. Yah we will always be there for milubing. Hehe. =)

Ps: Milubing power lah. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:10

hmmm.. dun tink the mento thingy can get tics to GF cux the date wasnt mentioned inside.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:18

Yup maybe loh. Haha. I was thinking of going down to vivo de 7-11 there to buy mentos and get a pair of tickets. Haha. Hope there is still another method to get the ticket to grand final.

I still think superband season 1 better. but superband season 2 oso not bad.



Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 September, 2008 00:23

Enjoyed Reading That Looong News Article ...
WEIQI Eh, Funny Lek Tt Short Paragraph Of Urs... =_____=

Anyway, Once Opened The Link, Saw That Photo...
Really WOW-ed! 真的真的很帥喔 ~!
Is That The Album Cover Pic.???
Nvm, TML Shall See Le!

& The Song Titles Are Interesting Too... Found That Many Songs' Title Of MLB Like To Be Single Word De Hor? Last Time - 淚, Den 路, Now 黑 & 汗 ... HaHax LoLx =P

* Cant Wait To Grab The Album TML Le!



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:46

Yeah, in anotther few hours time we are able to carry MLB's 2nd baby home. I only can carry babies home after I knocked off from work today. Cheers...
MLB Power-Lah...
Wow, if that pic gonna be the pic for album cover, then it looks cute lor. Bcos MLB's logo is so small and out of the triangle. Hehe...


Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 September, 2008 00:50

That Pic Is Really NICE :)


Blogger pegg | 24 September, 2008 01:10

when we breathe, there seems to be a 无形的翅膀 guiding us through this 漆, 所流过的水与再多的舍不得, 成熟三角行就要誕生了. 请世界麻烦借过一下,让大家见识见识我们的音乐.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 01:13

Pegg a nice 1 man. Haha. Thanks. Yah the pic is nice,cute & cool. Haha. This pic become my com de desktop liao. Hoho. Nice lah. MLB sleep early woh! =D


Blogger binz | 24 September, 2008 01:14

yay it's coming it's coming! in few more hours. i carn wait for my tmr's exam paper to end. then can immdiately fly to the nearest cd store frm my sch which is like reachable in 10mins~ wheee(: hopefully the album will reach by the time i go. sometimes the delay of the albums reaching certain cd stores just breaks the mood. haha.

anw reading that article was such a joy~ it was like so long(: weiqi is as funny as before. and i USED to really think that artise earn alot. but definitely not after following up on mlb~ jiayou guys! hope ur great music can bring in great income for more investment and can spend to make urself happy(: oh and i didn't know dasmond writes song! i was like stunned when i saw the track 8 the lyricist. yay 1 word i have in mind: anticipation!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 01:25

Wow, seem likes all MLBians having very high spirit lor!
It has been a very long times that ppl are tagging at this hours. Hehe...
Hi Pegg, you really good leh, can make used of all the song titles to write out your feeling. Perhaps, you may pen a song for MLB's 3rd baby. Think it will be great to see MLBians involving in MLBians album. Haha...


Blogger binz | 24 September, 2008 01:33

haha uncle phil also high liao. mlb's album become mlbian's album. man i can hear the chant in me when i read the 我要三角行,我要三角行……


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 01:34

Haha. Uncle phil is funny de loh. I first time see so many comments at here woh! 131 comments. Haha thats alot. Then 2moro those who buy 三角行 and send comment at here will be more comments loh. Hmm another 5 n half hours to 三角行 ba. =)


Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 September, 2008 01:42

HaHax Every1 Getting Sooo High Toking Abt The Album...

Ya 'Later', All Over SG - Will See Many MLBians Chiong-ing To Music Stores To Grab The Album!

Weeeeee! =D


Blogger binz | 24 September, 2008 02:06

yea chiong ahh for album! anw a suggestion for all: copy a few cd stores the phone number down that u think u will go buy the album from. then can call them up to ask if the album arrive alrdy. if haven come then can call other stores to check first. if come alrdy can tell them to reserve for u first then fly down(: can prevent wasted trip~ yea nitey to all! yay 三角行!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 02:37

ya hor tomorrow i working in the evening. luckily sembawang music centre is below eng wah sun plaza only so during my free time at work i can act act go food court but then i can shun bian go say hello to new baby. or go CD rama also muahahaha.

milubing jia you =D


Blogger -WHEY` | 24 September, 2008 02:53

haha.. everyone is getting excited and impatient already! haha! yeah, including me xD



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