
sam : "Sunset Pic"
milubing | 12 August, 2008 15:02

I took this picture at Lower Pierce..

I've been around here, just didn't move my fingers to type. Haha.

But today, i wanna share good music with all of you.


WOW!! Hear that?


Post a Comment ::

Blogger binz | 12 August, 2008 16:37

whoo sam finally chong chu jiang hu liao.. nice scenery.. calm and sunset view must be beautiful.. and omg that harmonica performance. the reactions i had were like stunned, amazed and envious. i takes omg kind of effort to play that song at that speed and with such great toungue-ing.. great music(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 17:04

heh heh ..
nice sunset there
wahh, come here peek peek nv say hi

e harmonica performance was great !!
i rmb my senior played tt song on e trumpet b4, & i said he's crazy ..
but tis guy is more crazy lur !! kudos to him


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 17:35

HELLO, SAM! couldnt open the page so I cant share any comments with you. anyway, you take care! I will see you soon! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 20:16

Yahoo Sam wong come back already. Hehe. Nice sunset. Hehe. Thanks for the photo. Hey SAM u MIA for so long is it want 2 make us miss u?? Haha.

I will listen to this music later. Thanks. Jia you. Cya soon. =)


Blogger Jean | 12 August, 2008 20:35

helloo sam~!..
nice picture and the music is so cool~!...nice man..thanks for sharing!=D..anyway take care..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 20:46

Yoz Ah Sam
How are you recently?
Have u receve the postcard tt uncle benny pass to u guys....
Hope u will like it !


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 20:57

I cant see the music. But when i saved n i played the music only played for 44s only then finished liao. Something wrong with it or only i cant see the music??


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 21:09

hen xiang ni leh!
haha! nice pic there. i tot it was some other country at first glance.
ehs. i cant open that video too. =(
try again next time.
anyway. MLB! jia you jia you jia you!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 22:14

I loved it lo! The second song was familar- its called sonatina or something haha

Anyway, the horse racing really requires strong mouth power oooo!!!

Hmm nice hearing frm u sam, jia you and most imptly take care! =D



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 22:20

hey sam! glad to c ur pic again!

will go listen/ watch d link later...

me long time no watch d sheng siong show liao... still hv nt huh?

anyway, hope u r getting on well. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 22:22

Heya! Sam.

Listen x 3 & still loves it!

Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 22:31

Hey capri if i am not wrong sheng siong show will be coming bk in nov. Hehe. Remember to watch it. I am sure sam will be the judge again. Wahaha. I guess sam busy with money not enough 2 or he want to make us miss him. Hehe. MLB jia you! Take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 23:37

hello sam! u finally appeared! :) wa ur picture v artistic lei..haha..e harmonica performance was fantastic la..tt guy super zai! super duper cool sia.. :)

btw ppl, please send your request for the yellow ribbon concert tickets by tml(thursday), 11pm ok? i want to submit the request tml to play safe..thanks! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 23:44

Hey yp. I just now already send my request for the yellow ribbon concert tickets. Thanks. So the ticket is free?? Hehe.

Hope that day before/after the concert can see mlb. Hehe. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 01:13

all i can say!

the way he play the harmonica..=) all i can say is NICE ! love it! hahas.. and wah.. harmonica is truely a very beautiful instrument.. :D heh heh.. envy my friend who is learning this instrument at her sch nw..hahas! :D

haha! thanks sam for always sharing us with nice video ^^ i truely enjoy this video with wonderful music ! <3 brighten up my day yeah! :D

sam ! takecare! =)
lot of misses ! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 07:53


have bn missing frm here. tied down with family n work. din hv time to watch SB2 faithfully but once a while. they r good but none 'holds' me like MLB.

my quote for myself here - Not Seen, Not Heard, No Trace..but Silent Presence. The support continue..

Greetings to all friends here who still remember me!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 09:30

Thks Jane! Will take note of tat!

Welcome back TTWW... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 10:38

SAM! Finally U Appeared!

Been around here, just didn't move ur fingers to type.?!? - *How Could U* LoLx!

How's The Album-Making Le???
Looking Forward To It Worz...



Blogger Angel at heart....シンシア | 13 August, 2008 15:52

Oh hi SAM,
So great to hear tat u r back?MLB muz jia you,k?You guys are always the BEST!!!!!!!!Take Care!


Blogger Angel at heart....シンシア | 13 August, 2008 15:52

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 18:27

TTWW ayi
welcome back!i'm in hk now
how are you ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 20:34

the deadline for sending in your request for yellow ribbon concert tickets is tml, thursday, 11pm. sorry ppl i messed up e dates. >.<

jane, yes e tics are free. n it's free seating. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 20:44

Sam finally you're back =)
hahax~ I also can't go in to the website so I can't give you comments about it.

Take Care & Jiayou!!

See you guys soon....


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 20:59

ok. thanks yp. Hehe. I also cant listen to the song that sam share with us. I save the song again n listen but now more worst only 10s only. Haha. I will try again later. I am sure the music is nice! MLB - 3 of u got friendster?Take care & jia you woh! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 22:33


finally back in action yea?
nice photo you have there :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 00:04

Yeah thanks for ur reply to my mail there. Haha. Thanks that u noted my request. Hehe. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 00:33

Not only that you are back, you even bought along nice pice & great music video. Thanks for sharing, please bear in mind that you are missed especially MIA for too long. Haha...

Glad to see you here again. Of course we know that you are still a strong supporter for MLB.
Wish everythings are going your fine way. So, are you back in Singapore now?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 01:05

Hi YuanPing,

okay to bring my small boy along? If yes, may I request for 3 tix?

Here is my email : jenny_6768@yahoo.com.sg ,or, you may find me in MLB friendster also. The frame is a dress-up carebear.

May I know how you all meet up usually?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 16:26

okay, i saw that video already..
awesome man! the man can play the tune like so easily? he muz have practised it for a real hard time!
but i see that he is enjoying wad he do.. so.. worth it ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 21:19

SAMUEL WONG!!!!!! :) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 21:19

SAMUEL WONG!!!!!! :) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2008 00:15

U r back! beautiful sunset. unfortunately cant hear the music, mus go n find s/o to troubleshoot liao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2008 11:33

waves-----happy weekend everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2008 12:14

i hv not been to lower pierce for a long time, beautiful pic.

Sunset - is a beautiful creation of Nature
Looking at it bring brings joy and peace.
It reminds people that the Earth's toiling ended
Time to rest our tired mind and body.
Time to dream our dreams.
Happy weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2008 14:35

Happy weekend to everyone. Enjoy. Hehe. I going to 12 lotus event at amk hub. Jia you & take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2008 22:30

Hello everybody,
I just came back from Batam for a weekend break.
Wow, didn't know that Batam also have such a big disco & ktv. And it is just in the hotel that I stayed (Pacific Palace Hotel). The disco & ktv total have 3 stories, beside the main building of the hotel, and they are opened till 6am.
This is a 4* hotel, it is a shape of a cruise with 8 stories. The hotel hasn't officially open, it is just a soft launch (promotion price of a superior room for RP299,000.00 ~ approx. S$62). The hotel is so class that you need your room card to operates the lift, and the lift are just like those in shopping complex where you can see thru the glass for the main lobby.
I strongly recommend anyone who wanna go Batam to try out this hotel yourself.
Sorry, I am not advertising for this hotel. Just share my experience with you guys & gals. Please do not mistaken/mis-interpret me.

Ya, why this place is so cold again? Why are you guys & gals.
Tml is another new start of a week, good luck to everyone. Have a great week ahead. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2008 23:38

haha ya lor..
this blog is rather quiet these days..
maybe when the boys are back in action again, it will regain it's activeness? hah!

the weekends are gone!
tml's mon! haiz. mon blues..
nites ppl! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2008 01:47

welcome home, phil.

is it becoz of exam period?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2008 12:02

No la, I'm here. Just that I'm got no energy and mood to click the post a comment button.

Now still a bit no mood la...but still, hello sam and everyone =). Thank you sam for that lovely picture. Don't you agree that, a picture of the sea would be nice as well? haha. seriously it got a therapeutic effect on me, especially during this period of "low tide" in me. But sunset is great too la. haha. sunset = end of the day = end of the problems...wooh if problems can end so easily like sunset...haiz...

that music I will listen again another day...thank you for sharing hor =)...

Milubing and MLBians jia you!
I hope I can jia you too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2008 18:46

i'm here to make some (unnecessary) noise! :D
looking forward to seeing MLB jamming on stage again.
woots. (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2008 18:46

i'm here to make some (unnecessary) noise! :D
looking forward to seeing MLB jamming on stage again.
woots. (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 11:11

Hey quizzy, cheer up! Whatever's bothering ya, eat it up! U're steady de. =)

Its a pity that some of you can't watch the video, and i'm sorry i can't help. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 11:17

hey SAM! Let me guess, you just wake up, having a cuppa and surfing the net. :D

Long time no see!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 12:44

I agree with syl. When the boys are back in action again it will regain it's activeness. Haha.

Hello sam welcome back. I guess u going to eat lunch soon. Wahahaha. It is ok that u can't help with it. I will try to save the file again n see how. Anyway thanks again. Dun MIA again. We all miss u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 12:44

I agree with syl. When the boys are back in action again it will regain it's activeness. Haha.

Hello sam welcome back. I guess u going to eat lunch soon. Wahahaha. It is ok that u can't help with it. I will try to save the file again n see how. Anyway thanks again. Dun MIA again. We all miss u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 12:44

I agree with syl. When the boys are back in action again it will regain it's activeness. Haha.

Hello sam welcome back. I guess u going to eat lunch soon. Wahahaha. It is ok that u can't help with it. I will try to save the file again n see how. Anyway thanks again. Dun MIA again. We all miss u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 14:37

*wave* to SAM (: hahha.. finally u tag.. :X

quizzy! jiayou wor! dun let the negative stuff make u down! stay strong yea! :DD things will goes fine for u~ =)

getting so quiet n more quiet here.. shall make *NOISE* here.. BOOM! =X

takecareall! :D


Blogger Strat | 19 August, 2008 23:10

Milubing jia you !!! Smile... Hehe...


Blogger Strat | 19 August, 2008 23:10

This comment has been removed by the author.