
goodbye dear friends...
milubing | 31 May, 2008 23:28

will be leaving the country tmr for church camp.. but i'll b back on the 6th of June...
Regarding what time nic's show is going to start..well..i'm not too sure what time.if some how i managed to find out b4 i leave then i'll post. I actually called nic up but he's on the way to rehearsal..so couldn't really talk..rushing.
Since Quizzy_me was asking regarding the keyboard research, here's one of the keyboards(CME VX7) i was considering...

But now i've given up on this one and moving on to another cos i read the forums and it seems like if u update the firmware(version) it solves some bugs but creates more! and i can't rely on a 'beta' type of keyboard that has to be updated with XP!no mac no vista! wow.. scary ya? so in our business, reliability is the key cos we're playing on stage and if half way the keyboard turns into a brick.. yikes..but this new company CME, is moving in the right direction..but it just hasn't reached it's goal of producing a world class pro keyboard. It has motorised faders,internal audio interface,a hell load of knobs pads wheels ribbon,U-ctrl technology, can be expanded into a synth! and more.. of course the hot red will definitely rock the stage.. but not anytime soon.. i'll defintely check it out again in the near future. but for now.. i'm aiming for another keyboard..just hope the good ppl at CME will continue to work hard.
It's times like this that i think of my yamaha MO8..and know that it's really reliable workmanship..but yamaha has got to be careful. There are many new competitors..so it's good for the consumer(me!).
btw if ur thinking, why new keyboard? dun u already have that coffin? haha..well, i'm looking for a midi controller keyboard instead - a sort of shell controller that doesn't have any sounds inside. it needs to be connected to another device (eg. laptop) to 'speak'. and it's time i try out half keys heh heh..

sayonara then... take care mlbians..

Post a Comment ::

Blogger Strat | 01 June, 2008 00:21

wow... Haha... Have a happy camp week ba ... Keyboard sounded so chim too .... But ... the red one is cool .... Haha... Enjoy urself ... And relax as much as possible ya !!!


Blogger Strat | 01 June, 2008 00:22

Btw, if someone wants to learn keyboard ... Wat type of keyboard should a begainner buy ???


Blogger qIaNhUi | 01 June, 2008 00:24

Take Care While U Go For Ur Church Camp Worz... Going With SAM Also Issit.?

Byeee ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 00:42

bugs? see lah.. that's the problem with technology manns. and yes.. thats like.. no vista? that's real bad considering now everything goes by vista already.. aint sure about mac but shd be impt since ya guys using it for ur music ya..

well.. more choices isnt it? but better do more research and check out more before you really make ur decision, lest regretting it in e future.

talk too much already, ha. have a great time at camp! we'll be there to support nic tomorrow.. dont worry, we'll take care of him while you're away. (: cyahh guys soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 01:07

enjoy ur church camp!
keyboards sounds complicating though.
take careeee! [:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 01:08

just decided to give this blog a visit before i shut down the com &poof! i saw this entry! (:

take care yah WEIQI, hope you enjoy.

SAM &NIC, take care of yourselves too!

cant wait to see MLB's 2nd baby in july. woo! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 01:26

take care weiqi..
have fun and enjoy urself during the church camp. i sure u will learn a lot from there ya! :))

wah. nvr expect keyboard also sound so chim.hmm.LOL! =X

have fun once again! farewell.=P cya back on 6th june.^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 01:33

hmm, aint sure if i intepreted what you said correctly.. jus wondering.. if it has to be connected to another device before it can play, gonna be quite mafan isnt it? so you wont be able to play if your other device dies on u or smth? hmms.

know nuts about such thinggs.. interested though.. haha. :P

takecare at camp!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 02:05

gosh ..
it sounded so chimilogy =X

anyway, enjoy ur church camp !!
take care too !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 02:23

thanks for explaining the keyboard thingy, but it sounded too chim for ppl likes me who know nothing much about music. hehe...
hope you enjoy your church camp, and be it a best times for you to relac. btw, is sam leaving with you?
ya, not to worry too much about nic performing & representing MLB alone this evening. We will be there to give him our fullest support. :)

if you know what time you will be on stage this evening, pls let us know. Thanks.

if you are going to the church camp with weiqi, hope you will enjoy & find times to relac too.

anyway, all three of you must jia-you & have great times regardless of where you are, ok? also to fellow mlbians, cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 02:37

hahahaha. thanks weiqi for sharing~
all i understand is - the one that u were considering earlier - if the 'beta' type has to be updated with XP, can i say its super outdated liao? haha.

haha then your criteria for world class pro keyboard, that one i dun understand le hoho.

and friends, if you managed to find out what time nic will be appearing, sms me ok? Cos i won't be logging here tomorrow haha. thanks~

so tomorrow i'll make my way down after work lo. hehe. cya tomorrow, nic and mlbians~ and to weiqi and sam, have fun there? hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 02:59

Enjoy ur church camp! Sam going with u? Hee. Keyboards sound chim to me too.

If someone want to learn drum/guitar which is more easy to learn?

Have fun. Mlb jia you & take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 04:49

its time to zzzzz, good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. See Nic & MLBians this evening.
weiqi & Sam, take care & jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 10:48

Enjoy your Church camp den =)
Sam going with you isit??

Hv fun, Take Care =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 11:09

byebye to weiqi!
take care and have fun! =)
take this chance to relax ya.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 11:24

weiqi and sam,

gd bye..
take care and have fun.
enjoy your camp !

see nic lata..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 12:04

Bon Voyage, WeiQi! have fun during ur trip! Take care!!!

Sam will be away for vacations too rite?! Bon Voyage to you too! Have fun and take care!!!

as for Nic, did ur eyes getting betta?! Take care alrite?! cya later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 15:28

*wave* enjoy ure camp!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 16:33

hey men...

i know i'm ultra lag here cos i missed the charity show last sun..
watched the reply today and yes! i didnt missed the milos part.

wei qi.. u shld SING more in future le la...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 21:10

i must say.. that was a pleasant surprise tt nic brought for us.. (=

it's nice to see nic being a rocker and he really rocked the stage just now with the other performers from amber, man tou and jing bao yue tuan. *smiles* even though the vocals part were pretty covered up by the music. but nic definitely rocks man~~

nic, i guess your eye infection has healed? cux you aint wearing specs today.. or rather, dun tell me you went for the lasik surgery arh?? =X hees.. or perhaps you're just wearing CLs ba.. take care bro~ you look real tired..

shall cya guys the next time when we meet ba.. hahas =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 23:38

Weiqi - Have a safe trip!Have fun,alright!

Sam - I assumed you are leaving too..Have fun also!And a safe trip.

Nic - Sorry I couldn't come down to the event today.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 23:40


WOW... Really Soooooo COOL ~!
Made The Atmosphere There So High...

*Ur Eyes Recovering Liaoz.???

Take Care Yea~
S m i L e z . . .

* & Really Thankz Lotsss For The ..... U Noe La ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 23:44

haha...i'm darn lei...tomorrow work morning too...lol...
today i scolded by customer "stupid" wor! hahahahaha -_-!! that was so upsetting but well, ok de la~~

ah nic saves the day too~~
that was a pleasant surprise as mentioned by pegg...hehe...I'm so glad I managed to go...
and we were discussing - nan de nic don't have to do sound check today...*hello hello up the volume*
go go nic! u rock!!

wooh it was and eye-opening experience watching some of the new superbands performing, though I THINK i can agar the outcome ba? haha don't know leh~~

take care lo milubing and MLBians~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 23:46

oh ya, i wanna say a big thank u too! cos like what i said, ah nic saves the day =)! hehehe~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2008 23:47

*today i got scolded by customer "stupid"


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 00:10

Wow, the performance by Nic & the gang was really a surprise to all of us. Nic, although you are skinny but you are muscular de lor.
Ya, agreed with pegg that Nic rocked the whole stage. Luckily, I never miss this show.
Wondering any MLBian has recorded? Can share with the rest who have missed a great performance.

I love that performance very much, for once you are completely doing a solo without guitar. Hope to see more in future! Your stage show-man-ship has improve tremandously. Well done, continue to Jia-you...
Btw, seem likes you also sweat lesser as compare to last times.

Believe your eyes are getting better, I saw it after you pointed to me. Take care & have more rest. :)
Oh, how was your posting out? Why is there a sudden change? You only left about another 6~7mths before you ORD rite? Anyway, All the BEST to you regardless where you goes to. Cheers...

weiqi & Sam,
You should be very proud of you brother, he has put up a very great show. And we have never failed to be there supporting him.
Alright, have fun at your church camp. Hope to see MLB in full force on stage again soon. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 00:15

You forgot what I have told you just now?
Stop thinking whatever that have past, you cannot bring it back to ammend it. Life still got to move on, as you also know that: there are always up & down in life. Better have an early rest since you are working morning shift tml. Jia-you... ok? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 00:17

Did you see the new board I made for you today? It was a last minute work, I did it till nearly 3am last night. But, I am proud to hold the board high up during the show. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 00:31

Yeah nic rock the stage just now. Cool. Haha. Look like ur eyes recover already cos u never wear sunglasses liao. Hehe. What song u all sang just now? Half eng n half chinese. Lol.

All of u take care. =)



Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 June, 2008 00:34

I Really LOVeee The Performance Juz Now ~!
NIC - Sooo PROUD Of U La...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 00:45

haha...understooded uncle phil...hehe...ty~~ haha!
no worries la, i was just whining hehe...ok forget about it haha...

nitey lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 01:02

i still didnt get to say hi to u up til now! Zzzz. jiayou for work! dont give up due to those unreasonable patrons okay. we, cinema crew, dont deserve these shits (most of the time). oh well, just smile and wave, it'll make them more irritated. HEHE. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 01:44

good night to MLB & MLBians.
Have a great week ahead. :)


Blogger Hey (don't bring me down) | 02 June, 2008 04:10

Have fun but dun forget to take care of your health :) Lol Sam you're still young, why call yourself Uncle? Oh! Can't wait for Nic's show Haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 04:52

thanks for the boards :)

yes i saw them.. thank you guys for comin down n auctioning the stuf..

today that one to me is stress relieve la..shout till shiok onli..

superband 1 is not dead yet * hehe..

miss the 2 fellas la..

hope ya guys enjoyed the show though.. live music still rocks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 05:38

anyone got the vid pls do post up.. will be darn grateful.. :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 07:28

nic ur performance i was really stun on the spot..LOL ! was quite a suprising performance to me.. seeing u perform like tt for the first time..=X

i had the video.. still processing in process.-_- so had to wait for a while. got le i will give u the link here ya! haa..=D

well done nic! (: perform well ya! kekeke ! and yes do gain more weight soon all right -_-"

take care nic! :D


Blogger binz | 02 June, 2008 07:36

whoo take care weiqi and sam on ur trip out! 6 days of relaxation seem so heavenly(:

and yes weiqi must must must do alot of research before you buy a new keyboard. forums are very impt! i regretted so much buying my hp after reading reviews and articles cuz they din reflect much of the bad points. only read the forums after i bought the hp and it started to cock up like less than a week i bought it. and i think the kind of keyboard that needs to connect to another device to speak will allow better sound projection hur instead of using mic to receive sound from the keyboard~ then we can hear ur keyboard even clearer and louder next time(:

haiya wasted that i was stucked at home, supposedly to study for mye then wasn't able to go down to support.. unfortunately i wasn't disciplined enough to study, argh wasted my time and wasted not watchin the performance..

oh and to nic, in case you didn't realise, you can put ur name at the choose an identity>Name/URL there then dun have to put under anonymous. jux a suggestion though(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 09:32

got the vid with me.. but still in my camera. rushing to go for my common test now, will try and see if i can upload later.

cheerios (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 10:45

nic has the power of making people's day. (:
guess you slept very early again. haha.
take care eh! *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 12:04

nic nic nic!!
pls rest well. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 14:19

nic, saw yr pic at Dasmond's blog..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 15:23

Nic, i also saw ur pics at dasmond's blog. Haha. U look great but u look tired. Please rest well & take care. Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 16:02

hmm mk's busy studying so i'm tagging on her behalf..

nic, here's the link to ytd's vid,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxhcdlTsXqo :) mk says sorry abt e shakiness but hope it's alright.. :)

and mk says... sam ahhs, you drew a drumstick on the shirt they auctioned off ytd hor? kena suan leh ur drumstick..got people say like cotton stick... haha.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 16:20

http://youtube.com/watch?v=U4yZuJvCfls ( credits to my friend)

(: another link for ya mr nic! =)
takecare and rest well yo! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 21:46

nic !! gd job for ytd's performance .. ^_^ u really rox e whole stage lor ..
haas .. e auctioning thingy .. in e end we oso din get it la .. no money sia .. =(
anyway, thx & take care !! rest well !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 21:49

nic !! gd job for ytd's performance .. ^_^ u really rox e whole stage lor ..
haas .. e auctioning thingy .. in e end we oso din get it la .. no money sia .. =(
anyway, thx & take care !! rest well !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 22:12

Shan Mei, do you know u post 2times =)
Anyway ysd performance was great by NIC =)

We were so happy to see you....



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 22:18

agree with ah shan...if only i brought more money out...aiya...

haha of course enjoyed the show ah. cos ah nic saves the day! hehe.

and miko, thanks =). hehe didn't see u yesterday??

argh another damn depressing day...finally tomorrow can rest le...lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 22:35

NIC ...



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 22:40

pekchoo xiao jie,
i know la .. coz juz now there's some prob with blogger ma, then i tot my 1st post din get posted ..

i thk most of us din bring alot of money lor .. lata we got e gift le but no money to pay then xiao si ren lo .. haha =X

rest well ppl !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 23:16

Videos I Took ~

Rehearsal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCNrDQcFI0o ...

Actual Performance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCSk6B1_Wc8 ...

*Enjoy The Superb ROCK Performance ~!


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 23:25

Yeah yesterday nic really rock the stage. Hee. Thanks qianhui & mk for the video. Sure will enjoy it very much. Hope the rest will enjoy it too (esp nic) Haha.

Miss mlb. Hope 2 see u all real soon. All of u jia you. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2008 02:10

ah shan,
if only we can ask the people there if can accept ATM hor =X? haha paiseh lor, fancy requesting for ATM machine for auctioning. haha!

wooh thanks for uploading the videos ah, I uploaded in publicity blog le. Nic might just want to log in to http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com and u can just view from there le hehe.

nitey yo people~~
and ya, I miss sam "di di" and weiqi too la~~ haha.
haven't meet for 2 months le wor...
take care yo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2008 02:13

oh ya, was that song originally from Leon Lai? Cos u guys de rendition hor, exactly not like Leon Lai le lor...ok I don't know what I"m talking about. COOL jiu dui le!! haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2008 18:00

wooh so quiet here. haha i slept for 12 hours today wor. is shiok de lor. haha this two days no need work. but tomorrow back to school for FYP (Final Year Project) again...

joke of the day:
" Man shoots self while showing how to handle a gun

Mon Jun 2, 3:28 PM ET

ALEXANDRIA, La. - An Alexandria man was recovering after accidentally shooting himself while showing his girlfriend how to handle a pistol on Saturday in the parking lot of a fast-food restaurant.

Police said the 21-year-old man told investigators he forgot he had just reloaded the gun, and squeezed the trigger while putting the gun into the driver's door panel. The bullet went through his inner left thigh.

Police said the man repeatedly told investigators he was ex-military and knows how to handle a gun, and was very embarrassed by the incident."

source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080602/ap_on_fe_st/odd_accidental_shooting;_ylt=Ak5_jkQWViN2K57MIQcJPSmek3QF


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2008 22:50

HAHAHA...! Thankz For Sharing The News, Quizzy ... =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 00:58

Attached link is about the U channel fun party on last Sunday.



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 05:08

nic here..
die la.. not enough slp.. recording guits all night..camp all day...

but! holding on.. thanks for the links :) more for a keep sake n momento (the vids)

cant wait for the launch of the album.. making music, making statements.. i would say it be something darn diff..

duno when's the next time gonna perform again..

to reply an earlier tag.. its not imy showmanship improve la.. its becoz no guit... genre of music as a catalyst.. then my alter ego can come out *winkz*

slp well.. hope everyone's doing fine.. hope your troubles today wil become yesterday's history..



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 09:19

haha, no guitar then alter ego can come out? so that super rocker part of you has been hidden in there for a longlong time huh, :p seriously haven't seen you perform like that before during the milos' gig. or maybe your alter ego was let out because they weren't around? heh.

whoa, tagging at 508am? sure not enough sleep de ah. must take care wors. cannot fall sick or collapse (choy!) yeah. or can try t sleep in between breaks when you have nothing t do. :x whoops.



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 09:57

rest well nic!

hi quizzy_me, juz to let u know tat i've sent some pics to lostsoldier@gmail... if din rec'v, let me know wer shld i send to.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 10:23

hihi nic!
haha hope our troubles today will become yesterday's history and tomorrow's lesson ba? hahaha.

can't wait for the launch of the album too...hehe

looking forward to ya guys next performance!! but I seriously don't know if I will be free to go support liao. After school reopen (next next week), my life will be occupied with studies and work again hahaha. can only "squeezed" milubing in between le ba. lololol.

well do drink lot lot water wor. we tend to get more temperanmental when we are lacking of sleep. I wonder if this applies to nic too? hahaha. take care wor~~

hahaha capri jie~~ I'll go check again when I'm free. hehe. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 18:00

The latest i weekly page 97 got milubing n the rest of them is abt big idea event. Do buy the latest i weekly n check it out. Hee. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 18:38

hey,Nic Kor...
haha hope our troubles today will become yesterday's history?? hahaha.Sleep more okay....later i dun wan to see a panada wearing spects singing on stage lol..haha
sorrie being lame !!!!u muz take care lol....

Take care of yourself!

Lorita is totally in love with ???? already....AHHHHHHHHHH


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 19:58

nic !
have a early rest and early sleep k..lol. the time u always tag is already early in the morning le.. o.o

haha..same goes to u all right. hope ur troubles will become a history overnight..~! :P just had a great rest jiu hao ba...

yups. dunno when can i see u guys perform again..=) but i really looking forward to the launch of album.. woot! :):):)

takecare nic! :D
dun sleep so late le ar.. o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 20:53

NIC Eh... Aiyo Plsz Had Enough Rest La...

I'm Very Looking Forward To The Launch Of The Album Too!

*Any More Gigs In JUNE Anot.?!? =S


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 22:11

hahaha. alright capri jie, i saw i saw. I download it again when I'm free ok?? hehe thanks and paiseh yo.

aha qianhui asked this cos her birthday coming mahz. 14th june. let me shun bian mention - min and pinky birthday on same day yo. hoho. this are the few june babies i know off at the moment la. hehe.

=D ahhh I just had good dose of music from JS's album just now wor. I believe they are one of those that stay true to their music too ba. hehehe. Why do I say that leh? Cos it touches my heart ba.

Which brings me to this point - dudes, hope you guys will always stay true to your milo music. Cos that is how it touches our hearts, and I believe and hope the brand new milo music will touch our heart too. jia you lo~

argh FYP and work tomorrow. jia you to me too! hehehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 22:13

*on same day = 12th june. hehe


Blogger qIaNhUi | 04 June, 2008 22:18

Alamark, U Eh ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2008 23:50

quizzy, really?!
all 12th june babies?
yay, we rock. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2008 00:08

no no. u and yuan ping on 12th. qian hui 14th. hahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2008 08:45

nic, rest well...

you make me wanna fall in love.... *winkz*


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2008 11:35

ooh, i see.
nevermind june babies then. haha.
anyway you have any part time job lobangs? :x


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2008 12:26

haa sry ah min, i dun have wor hahaha.

ok i uploaded pics taken last sunday provided by capri jie in publicity blog le. hee thanks yo.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 00:16

nic o, u r really a rocker. now we've seen wat u can do even w/o ure guit. haha, do i sound like paula abdul? :p watch too much AI liao...tsk tsk. Rock on for the next album, superband!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 00:54

nic, rocker aye! :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 10:18

hi happy day all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 10:50

haha min, u looking for a job arh?

oh, the boys are back today eh? heh. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 11:16

Welcome back to Uncle Sam & Ah qi!!!!
Enjoy ur church camp !!!
Going to Uncle Benny ltr with syl & Min....

Got something for u guys!!!!Most prob uncle benny will pass to you guys lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 11:18

Jia you !!! u can do it!!!
dun stress urself esp. ur FYP.
if u stress urself u can do it...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 11:31

quizzy, then it's okay. thanks anyway. (:
syl, yes! got lobang for me? haha.
see you (& lorita) laters! :D

:) :) :) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 19:21

hey peeps.. i'm back.. btw i went alone la.. i just watched nic's perf online hahaha.. alter ego ya? heh heh.. glad he held the fort! ;) will come tag again..un pack my stuff first..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 19:49

welcome back.. *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 20:53

Welcome Back Weiqi~

I thought Sam went with you =)

Heex~ Anyway Take Care ya...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 21:10

Ohhh, Tot SAM Went Together With U Lek ...
HaHax, Once Back, Faster Cum Online Here Tag & Go Watch NIC's Performance Le Eh ... STEADY Siax ~

Anyway, U Guyz Take Care!
Hope To Cya Guyz SOON ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 21:39


welcome back weiqi! haha. :P
oooo u went alone? hmm..
anyway hope u had fun during ur trip ya! keke !

happy to see u back le! woohoo..=))


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 21:49

hope you finish unpacking liao haha. had fun?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2008 22:01


Bands, nick some advice from Nic from MiLuBing!

And guess who made an appearance at the Channel U ALWAYS FUN Party held at IMM Garden Plaza last Sunday? It’s Nic of MiLuBing!

As the guitarist of SuperBand 1’s champion band, Nic offered some advice for the current contestants of SuperBand 2.

“I think that most importantly, you have to enjoy yourself. Friendship is very important,” said Nic. “Put in your utmost effort and don’t give up. Don’t get threatened by other bands. They might be better than you, but they may not necessarily get into the next round. We (MiLuBing) were not as good as some of the other bands.”

Being a vocalist himself, Nic also has some tips for fellow vocalists! He advised them to be sure of their voices and take more herbal tea.

“Sometimes during the song, you can’t hear yourself and you will start screaming instead,” he explained. “But you have to be sure of your voice. It’s not your fault, it’s the environment. Just sing like you normally sing, don’t push it all out.”

His last words? “Don’t try to be something you’re not. Be something you really are on stage. Express yourself and enjoy yourself thoroughly,” said Nic.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 00:11

Welcome back. I thought sam went with u? Weiqi nic peform great right? Haha. He ROCK the stage on tat day at imm. Hee. Hope u enjoy it.

Where is SAM? Haha. It quite long that sam havent blog or tag. Nvm. I noe that he will tag or blog when he is free. Hee. Can understand that u all are busy with 2nd album & other stuff. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 00:50

Hey hey guys, long time no see... can't remember when the last time i see weiqi, beatbox champ? Have to give the performance of last 2 weeks a miss due to exam. And now its finally over, and I can relax a bit now, before school starts again in 3 weeks.

My partime camera woman did take some vids of the performance for me... and they can be nominated for the best sound effect and best picture. I'm going to name it the Blair Witch Project III. hmm... maybe becauseI didn't pay her, thats y.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 01:38

ooohh. looks like someone got sabo-ed by dasmond... :PPP


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 01:40

Yeah i want to let someone noe abt it soon when i saw him. But look like anonymous said it first. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 01:51


poor sam kana saboe.. 0.0
but sam u still forever so blur ar..hahaha ! :X

*LAUGHS* nvm.. saboe but ur reaction very cute lor :P

heh heh ! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 01:56

Hi weiqi,
Welcome back. So, have you enjoyed yourself at the camp? Have you find times to relac?
Didn't know that Sam never go with you (as most of us thought), so where did Sam goes to?
Hope to see you 2 bros on stage again soon! MLB Jia-you... :)

Wow, you got your personal partime camera lady taking photos & vid for you huh? Why? She never captured at the right spots izzit? Haha...
Ya lor, you never pay her then she got no money to eat, so how to hold the camera for so long? And you expecting good results? Hehe...
Must be damn shiok right now, since your exams over & having holidays now. Times for relaxation.

Thanks for sharing that link, there are total 4 pics of Nic.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 02:17

weiqi, welcome back oh! :D

it's the weekends again.
hopefully everybody would have a great weekend ba. (:

& for now, it's time for lalaland.
goodnights lo. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 09:51

Sam, MIA again =) If nt he's busy with stuffs bah~

Weiqi, Welcome back! Hoped you have enjoyed you church camp?


Hoped to See 3 Milos soon...

I'm going overseas again soon... hahax!

Take Care guys & MLBians



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 10:53

hi happy weekend ppl, waiting for 2nd album.Cheers!