
Oh no... we've been abducted...
milubing | 06 May, 2008 05:02

by aliens perhaps?

na...i know it seems like we all 3 MIA like xiao rite? well it's jus that we're been having super intensive recording.. u guys n gals wan a super duper nice album rite? ya.. that's why we mia lor.. forgive ya.. we wanna give our very very very bestest best for all mlbians.. so sweat and blood must drop...

anyways, here's some dates to look out for:

24th May - iweekly concert(full band appearance with performane..pending whether to give small preview of new album songs too!!!but asking for permission)
1st June - chnl U concert (pending if nic going alone or with Sam)

also wanted to let u know bout the i weekly mother's day thingy but i think some of u super fast ya? haha.. u all pro la..
pls take care peeps... see u all very soon..

p.s. can u feel 'it'? 'it' is coming...


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 05:13



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 05:20

btw, congrats to Miko for making it into ADM haha... welcome to hell leh.. heh..kiddin, shldn't scare u. now u can see the super un-glam weiqi...who looks super tired and like a zombie in school haha..i heard last time from one of the mlbians that her cousin ever since studying in adm, developed a not so nice impression of me cos i look lok kok in school HAHAHAHA... bo bian la, so busy in school, no time to go style hair, dress super posh and walk with style.. hahaha...just rush rush rush.. ;) ya, and no time to cut hair.. i jus cut my hair this week after a whole 3 months!!! ok..i shld really go slp.. nitey


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 07:59

whoo~~ morning weiqi!! lol..is that mlbian kc...? then her cousin is my sister.... lol.. > . <
i think i might be able to make it for the iweekly event!! hahah so nan2 de2.. its start of june hols! wahaha~
heh lessons gonna start in... a few min..gtg! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 08:24

The 3 milo boys are back in action! Yeah! :D

Really looking forward to the 2nd album. Hope it has more of mlb's own compo :)

But then again, remember to rest too, ya? Don't overwork yourselves. I don't wanna to see a lok kok AhQi+AhBoy+AhNic. HAHAHA! :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 09:50

Hello =)
Finally 3 Milos are back in action.

Yea~ Looking forward to the 2nd album~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Take Care & Rest Well



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 10:40

haha in lab now...

any idea what time will the concert be held? I'm praying that its at night so I can request to work in the morning lor haha. well that one really no guarantees le. But regardless of whether I can or cannot go, still wanna say jia you to you trios alright? hehe.

yes I'm feeling it too. time to get "busy" soon haha!

take care yo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 11:01

ok now a bit free...haha the i-weekly hor, its not we fast la. just that for me i normally buy after school de ah haha. i think pegg buy in the morning de haha.

must shed sweat and blood but not tears...ok thats random....xin ku you guys le wor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 11:10

Hello. Yeah we want a super nice album. Haha.

Finally the 3 milos are back in action. Looking forward to 2nd album.

MLB jia you & take care. See u all on 24th may. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 11:17

wow, concerts!



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 11:59

whoopie! finally u posted. hehe, sweat enough, we dunnid the blood. i cant feel it coming yet, i can only feel my X-files movie looming :p
Q_me!! u made me read chinese in italics.....ahhhhh! i tot i was going blind or getting long sighted. after squinting for a long long time, den i realised u tagged again in non-italics! but still, thankie for sharing the article la :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 13:07

hey that's damn early lah dear mrchan. alright.. we'll look forward to things..

meanwhile.. takecare loadds and jiayou! we'll see ya guys soon... (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 13:08

btw, u finally had a haircut! your hair looked super 'q moh' and long the last time i saw you. :P

have fun doing music and jamming (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 13:11

hahahahaha! mrchan! ur title super funny..reminds me of 'oh no wo men mi lu le!' lols!

yay events! got sth to look forward to in may! :D if not i tink i will jus turn into a potato couch man..haha..

n er mrchan, ur dressing in sch hai hao la..not tt lok kok..at least not so when i last saw u in sch.. :p

ok, u 3 jiayou k! still mus take gd care of urselves even when u are super duper busy! n slp early! 5plus in e morning is so unearthly.. :x take care! jiayou jiayou jiayou! :D

ps: hmm wads e 'it'? i blur liao la..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 14:32


finally,u have blog...i'm seriously looking forward for the event on 24 may finally i can see you...Wow,u juz cut ur hair after a whole 3 months!!!ur hair muz be super untidy....luckily u have cut ur hair...

I juz brought the i-weekly magzine
one page is about mother's day thingy rite??I was laughing while cing little sam's pic....i laugh because of his spects...
Uncle Sam,dun be angry lol...u sill look the same..from little sam to uncle sam...oppps :P no offerne

I'm Lorita here....i charge name coz i'm addicted to pokka lemon tea


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 15:13



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 15:27

yo weiqi!
haha.. it's ok to MIA for some good reasons ya.. no worries.. work hard..

hopefully am able to make it for the events.. school's getting a real chore this year.. so.. jiayou everybody!

jiayou milos!
hope to see ya all perform again real soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 15:36

yay.. =)

finally u guys are back after MIA so long..LOL .. will be looking forward to the events u guys are having heex. ;))

haa~ u guys take care yeah!
-hugs- :)



Blogger Vianne | 06 May, 2008 16:23

jia you mlb!u guys rox 4eva!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 18:03

hmmmm.. weiqi, any idea wad time will the gig on 24may be?? hahas.. cux i might not be able to make it AGAIN~ argh.. have got afternoon clinic at clementi.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 18:44

chan weiqi !! u slp so 'early' hur ..
it's ok to mia for e sake of ur 2nd 'baby' la .. we understand .. jiayou ba !!
cya guys real soon !! ;P


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 19:23

Really great to hear frm ya soon! Thought what happened to yall- got abducted? LOL, yea...

It's nice to hear that ya'll be coming to 'life' really soon haha..

Continue to rock on! on good music n compositions! - and of cos studies and whatever ya'll are doing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 19:59

u're back.

so the 3 of u are working hard for the album.
JIAYOU alright?
heh heh.
can't wait for the album to be out! xD

finally, events again!
really looking forward to all the things!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 20:52

hey peeps..no worries, will pass the jiayos to the other 2... sam is here with me.. nic go show tonite..tmr nic will be back :)
regarding the gigs, i'll post any updates i get ya? :D
See ya all...n take care! gonna order my dinner now..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 21:09

hello there weiqi and sam!
have a nice dinner! (:
i'm going to have mine too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 21:10

haha! bu ke qi mm jie!!

hello weiqi!! sam is with u? HELLO SAM *wave violently*!!
haha enjoy ya dinner oh weiqi!! take care too!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 21:14

Hello weiqi & sam. Have a nice dinner! Drink more water n rest well. Jia you n take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 21:26

two milos together..
enjoy the dinner! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 22:48


jiayou jiayou jiayou...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 May, 2008 23:01

Wow, finally there is a new post with great news. Thanks weiqi.
So, you guys are having super intensive recording, preparing for your 2nd baby (our love ones).
Of course we will forgive you 3 bros, infact we should thanks you guys for giving us another great album. I have confident with MLB with the very very very bestest best, that MLB have given for all MLBians. Sweat is ok & healthy, but please do not drop any blood.
Finally, we have chance to see MLB in full force on 24th May. Hope we are lucky enough to witness a small preview of new ablum songs. But don't feel bad or sad if permission is not granted. We will understand your restriction.
Oops, 1st June event maybe only got Nic representing if Sam also cannot make it? But not to worry, MLBians will be there with Nic.

Oh YES.......... We can feel 'it', its coming & approaching very soon.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MLB. 辛苦你们了。Please remember to have enough rest & All the BEST to the 3 of you. We love MLB, Jia-you. MLB POWER-LAH...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 01:11

MLB's second baby will be born soon, hurray! there is excitement in the air.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 01:51

haha..ate dinner alone la, cos sam at b4 he came :) Now he left le, got to get some rest. i'll be working till tmr, then sam will continue in the afternoon, nic will join in the evening, and i'll be back after dinner.. thanks for all the encouragement peeps.. we'll do our very best! see ya all very soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 02:07

jiayou guys! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 02:07

Haha. U very early hoh? I thought u ate dinner with him together. Sam & u at outside until midnight? Yeah mlb album coming out soon. Jia you! see you all very soon! Take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 02:08

Weiqi....thanks for the update for the guys...
I'm working now


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 02:09



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 02:09

so you guys are in the studio or what? hmm. hectic schedule, i suppose? since you guys rushing for june release ya... whatever it is, will be worth it when you guys and all of us see the product.

all the best guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 03:41

*nods* hectic... yeah.. hectic.. or i wldn't still be awake at this hour.. sigh.. but for a good cause... :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 03:48

ayio....i'm feeling sleepy
i'm working midnite shift now.
very quite..no guest to check-in or check-out.i will tag again tis afternoon ma.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 06:52

Take Good Care Guys...

YEAH - YES I Can Feel 'IT' Coming Liaoz ... HAHAHA~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 08:01

hard work will be paid off though it quite hectic for u guys nw (: 3 of u de efforts and hard work will definetly be appreciated n paid off..jiayou jiayou ~~ =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 09:38

anticipating! :D
the upcoming events, and the album.



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 13:18

oh? means you all take turns to record de ma? haha. jia you!!

whoa...hectic ah...take care yo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 13:23

Take good care. Sweat can liao dun need blood. haha. 辛苦你们了.

Remember 2 have enough rest & all the best to the 3 of u. Take care. MLB power lah. Hug. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 15:17

A chance to be a Superstar Blogger -

30/04/08 - Press Holdings Ltd (SPH), launched the first bilingual blog award in Singapore, aptly named the Singapore Blog Awards.

A total of 7 categories in the inaugural Singapore Blog Awards –
To further spice things up, there will be 2 additional CELEBRITY BLOG AWARDS –
Best Local Celebrity Blog & Best Overseas Celebrity Blog – to honour well-written blogs maintained by known figures.
There will be no prizes for these two categories and the winners will be determined entirely by public voting.


To NOMINATE yr fav blogger or Celebrity Blog -


closing date 1/6/08


Blogger Strat | 07 May, 2008 16:32

Wow... MiLuBing Jia you !!! Hope to hear nice songs asap !!! Haha...


Blogger -WHEY` | 07 May, 2008 20:55


have been 'gone' for some time.. BUSY! :P whoa! seems like the 2nd album is coming! :D *EXCITED!*

hope everyone's having a great day! :D

*SMILES* :):)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 21:10

hey guys, i saw d i-wkly pic too!

sam & wq.. both of u look like ur mama huh... nic look more like papa...

btw, wat time is d concert on 24th? no need tkts to watch rt?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 01:37

Dear fellow MLBians,
Please vote for MLB in the Best Local Celebrity Blog as mentioned by Lavender, if you think MLB's blog is well written. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 01:47

weiqi, u have been abducted by aliens? kkk x-file the movie is coming ... but i want to believe is that it's more like u guys are abducted by music lor ... mia

super duper nice album will be great but dun tire youselfs or worry too much about the sound or arrangement or anything like that ... hope to hear mlb unique band sound ... take care guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 05:18

nitey peeps! take care and jiayo to u too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 08:20



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 10:55

morning quizzy! haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 11:30

Hello Folks, good morning WeiQi, wave to Nic and Sam. I saw you guys on "I", looks cute. Cannot see Nic clearly bcos he kissed his mum.

To all those who have Mum, treasure your legacy. To those who are Mum, Happy Mother's Day. To those without Mum - remember the greatest of your Mum and the happy time with her.

All the best...Oh! one more thing, my friend's daughter got into Superband 2. So happy for her. Need to cheer for her lor!



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 11:43

morning weiqi! -_-!!! hahahaha...



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 11:45

you are early lor! did you sleep last night?? hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 11:51

Good morning weiqi. Haha. Weiqi & sam look like their mama. haha. As for nic i cant see him clearly cos he kissed his mama. Haha.

Happy mother day to all! Take care. Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 13:22

wooh happened to chance upon this article in yahoo. SLEEP!

[" Too much, too little sleep tied to ill health in CDC study

By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer Wed May 7, 6:03 PM ET

ATLANTA - People who sleep fewer than six hours a night — or more than nine — are more likely to be obese, according to a new government study that is one of the largest to show a link between irregular sleep and big bellies.

The study also linked light sleepers to higher smoking rates, less physical activity and more alcohol use.

The research adds weight to a stream of studies that have found obesity and other health problems in those who don't get proper shuteye, said Dr. Ron Kramer, a Colorado physician and a spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

"The data is all coming together that short sleepers and long sleepers don't do so well," Kramer said.

The study released Wednesday is based on door-to-door surveys of 87,000 U.S. adults from 2004 through 2006 conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Such surveys can't prove cause-effect relationships, so — for example — it's not clear if smoking causes sleeplessness or if sleeplessness prompts smoking, said Charlotte Schoenborn, the study's lead author.

It also did not account for the influence of other factors, such as depression, which can contribute to heavy eating, smoking, sleeplessness and other problems.

Smoking was highest for people who got under six hours of sleep, with 31 percent saying they were current smokers. Those who got nine or more hours also were big puffers, with 26 percent smoking.

The overall U.S. smoking rate is about 21 percent. For those in the study who sleep seven to eight hours, the rate was lower, at 18 percent.

Results were similar, though a bit less dramatic, for obesity: About 33 percent of those who slept less than six hours were obese, and 26 percent for those who got nine or more. Normal sleepers were the thinnest group, with obesity at 22 percent.

For alcohol use, those who slept the least were the biggest drinkers. However, alcohol use for those who slept seven to eight hours and those who slept nine hours or more was similar.

In another measure, nearly half of those who slept nine hours or more each night were physically inactive in their leisure time, which was worse even than the lightest sleepers and the proper sleepers. Many of those who sleep nine hours or more may have serious health problems that make exercise difficult.

Many elderly people are in the group who get the least sleep, which would help explain why physical activity rates are low. Those skimpy sleepers who are younger may still feel too tired to exercise, experts said.

Stress or psychological problems may explain what's going on with some of the lighter sleepers, experts said.

Other studies have found inadequate sleep is tied to appetite-influencing hormone imbalances and a higher incidence of diabetes and high blood pressure, noted James Gangwisch, a respected Columbia University sleep researcher.

"We're getting to the point that they may start recommending getting enough sleep as a standard approach to weight loss and the prevention of obesity," said Gangwisch, who was not involved in the study.]

source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080507/ap_on_he_me/sleep_obesity;_ylt=AkTSm12SUVkD4uTaM_0rKCfVJRIF


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 13:31

for the S'pore blog awards hor, there is an icon at this page - http://sgblogawards.omy.sg/pages/downloadicon.html
for you to link to that page de lor. I suggest xiu jiejie placing the link in this blog, so everyone who come will know of that page and go vote for Milubing's blog?? haha am i confusing you? haha i feel so dead lor. thanks anyway


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 18:48

haas ..
weiqi, u "nitey" at 0518, "morning" at 1055 .. 你到底是有没有睡的 ??
anyway, take care yea ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 20:15

weiqi,u sleep for a little hours
u enough ma....
today is my off day.then tmr back to midnite shift

u muz take care lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 20:42

ya loh agree with peishan. Yesterday u said nite at 0518 and morning at 1055 comment. U got sleep de mah? Pls try 2 sleep early if u can.

I just nominate Best Local Celebrity Blog/最佳本地名人部落格 for mlb. Pls nominate for mlb too. Thanks. =)

Mlb jia you & take care. =)


Blogger Jx | 08 May, 2008 23:41

it had been long since we last spoke. Jia you and all e best for e up coming album =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2008 00:32

have a good rest ba!!

jia you!!


sleeping so little? I can understand the zombie feeling one might have to experience the next day. but, if its the things you love doing, you will enjoy torturing yourself ba? Otherwise, all the facilitator/lecturer has to do is to open his/her mouth and you will struggling between lala land or classroom. When that happen, I will just keep gulping my plain water or run to the toilet and peeeee....

argh don't know leh, Milubing and mlbians must jia you and take care hor.

I study for a while more jiu go sleep le. tomorrow as usual, school le then work until midnight. nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2008 13:12

whoa new album soon =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2008 22:09

jiayou! MLB mke yr efforts shine.


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