
post become short, but links instead *winkz*
milubing | 17 April, 2008 18:32


some nice read ups. if ya can spare the time :)



this below is a MUST check out... got free trials... and i've yet to see if it works.. tell me if it does. :)

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 19:18

Hello MLB. For a long time never get to be the first one to post. TTWW here, MIA due to heavy workloads and travelling - like ppl say ' take plane like take bus '. Good to know all is well here.

Hello Nic..long time no see you too. Hope all is well with you. Wave to Sam and WeiQi. I will try to read all your 'links' here.

Have a good evening.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 19:55

whoa nic, seems like you've been online quite often recently yeah. & your bedtime appears to be getting 'earlier' too. haha. but the way you surf around the web for articles regarding music, spending long hours reading & really going into hands-on; your passion is really respectable. (:

jiayou in bringing more good milo music! but please, take care too. smiles.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 19:57

hello nic!

today off ar ?

the articles you post recently too chim for me..read until i blur blur..nvm lah..i slowly read thru..hahas :)

hello tatouwawa ah yi,
how r u ? back in town le ar ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 20:22

Hey Nic,posting again?Hehe..
Take care of yourself okay..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 20:55

WOOH? thanks for sharing, I'll see if I can read it during my free time at work tomorrow...or later if possible...haha!

meanwhile, jia you!! take care yo~

P.S.: I supposed you are less busy in camp now? hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 20:59

Nic, today off huh? U very early tagged hoh? Haha. If u want to tag pls tag early. If u are not free then tag when u are free. Dun worry.

I agree with what ik have said, the articles u post recently is too chim for me too. Will slowly digest bit by bit. Good that u spend some time on music. Nic jia you & take care. ^_^

Sam so u still want to teach music as a job? I am sure many mlbians will sign up. Haha. Jia you & take care. :)

Weiqi jia you and take care. :D


Blogger Strat | 17 April, 2008 21:19

Thanks for sharing ... Will read up when I'm free later too ... Jia yo ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 21:48

thanks for sharing =)
I'll read when I'm having free time too..
Take Care & Jiayo!!

you're losting in action again...
Hoped you're doing fine =)
Take care & Jiayo too!!!

How are you??
Jiayo for your exam!!

Miss 3 Milos =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 23:50

Looks Like U're Quite Free To Cum Online Recently...
Yea Will Read Up Those When Free...

Hope To Cya Guyz Soon ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:18


the term "free" is suggestive...but "busy" is a fact. i'm busy yet free..make time to becum free la..

knowledge is boundless.. application is at times hard..the third link must go! its some website which plays music to help u memorize or concentrate things like that..got free demos :)

all this "earli" slping hrs has been going on since ns.. bo pian..no time make time..so norm mon fri 4-5hrs slp..sat sun recharge..coz cant all put to sunday digest and practice.. must daily.. rest can put aside pay off slp debt all in one shot (not advisable though)

u guys rest earli!

whenever see anything which i think interesting or apllication to general daily life i'll be sharing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:20

one last thing..its not cum online for fun..dun even on my msn *winkz*

do research n study..


and hope to improve in my areas of interests..

knowledge online is boundless..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:28

nic, are you doing a thesis? haha...
I dun feel guilty for holding a normal job, but feel guilty for not holding an abnormal job.


Blogger Strat | 18 April, 2008 00:36

Steady... Jia you ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:38

knowledge online is boundless but not all are reliable la. haha! books are more reliable =X.

haha busy yet free means...aiya I'm confused liao. all i know is you are managing your time well =X. haha.

thanks for sharing yo~ u jia you too!
take care~


Blogger Strat | 18 April, 2008 00:39

Can I ask a question ?? Is the third web help to memorise music or anything >> Got webside tat helps to memorises chords not ???


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:46

Nic xin ku ni le. I will go to the link that u shared with us de. Dun worry.

Ok. Try to sleep early ba. Thanks for sharing with us. Jia you, jia you, jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:07

regarding the memorising of chord...just type "chords" in google sure can find de *winkz*

but theres no shortcut to memorising for sure..

i searched a lil for ya..

if using a mac this might help..


this might help to understand too


this might in the end be what you are looking for



hope i helped


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:08

yes i agree..online not all reliable...

gotta filter man..look for one info.. go few webbies double confirm! dun blindly wor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:16


thanks for sharing with us with so much ispiring stuff. haha.. :))

do take care a lot(:
will read through and check out all the links again tt u share.. :P

cheers~ :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:19

HAHAHAHA. I am the lazy one, in class see "ehh this information seemed ok" jiu use liao. pui pui pui, cannot be lazy liao. hehe.



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:21

but in school all facilitators will say "BOOKS ARE MORE RELIABLE"...-_-!!! HAHA


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:25

agree! books are the most reliable! but vids best la..keke

gonna slp soon le..eyes becoming 2 slits.. tml still got camp..haha



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:28

the last tag is by ah nic too? haha. oh yes I should sleep soon le. tomorrow still got school, after that working until 12.30am. your eyes becoming two slits? my pimples becoming dominant le. alamak~ haha

jia you jia you!! nitey, take care~


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:29

I guess this anonymous tagged shld be nic ba. Haha. Thanks for the link. Yeah old nic is back. Lol.

I will still say the same words. Take care, rest well & jia you. I miss MLB. Hope to see MLB soon. Night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 01:31

oh forget to say, there isn't VIDEOS for us to do research la (science leh~). the best is animation only...hoho!

though i believe books are most reliable, it is also inconvenient one. Why? Cos books doesn't have google or yahoo to help us search =X.

-_- ok not funny...=X


Blogger BIRU K. | 18 April, 2008 08:14

i miss you
in fact i miss alot of peeps
all mlbians
even my RIs
been rather busy now
hectic schedule

i miss you!!!!!
take care milos
mia le
bye guysss


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 April, 2008 01:42

nic! i m still at muse only! ah.....dun drive me crazy. crazy enough at work loh, cant catch up w u. no choice, i will go slowly at my snail's pace. only sample starlight so far, heard it but didnt know it's by muse. kept being drawn by the tribal drumbeat, den the keyboards, den the vocals. guit did not leave a deep impression. try to sample other songs. heard the links here a bit cheem, hmm....will still go read de.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 April, 2008 03:53

read the 2nd article and at the end my rexn is a big HUH? :p too cheem for me liao. the 1st article, hey v relevant 4 u guys. if i hv the talent for music, i will go ahead n stay n make my mark in music in whichever way i can find. so u guys mus strive hard in ure art! for me, re-discovering music makes me a happier person so i'll stick w it as my lil pastime.