
Nic,Sam & WQ
milubing | 10 March, 2008 00:12

Sat VT shoot for SB2


so i guess everyone saw the VT le ya? fyi it's a playground @ AMK..near a macs.
Now an update on the guys...

Dear Sam's back..but with no photos..sigh..but b4 u complain, it's cos the camera was lost in the ocean..dropped it there and tried finding till tank no air..so bo bian.. btw not his camera ya, his friend's camera.
I'll let him update the rest himself,though he did mention that he likes diving! but unfortunately, he has been getting dizzy spells..even until today..which is abnormal, so he saw a doctor le.. hope he gets better.. :( His hair getting longer ya? but nice la.. just a random thing i rmbered.. he once tried to style my hair for me(cos he is very good at styling his hair) but he gave up haha..said that my curls were too stubborn! haha.. now u know why i always wear my mesh cap ya? :P and if u didn't know..sam's braces are **** in colour!!! haha.. go guess..

Dear Nic's excited with his new toy... went to somerset to buy it with him that day.. macbook! 2.4ghz, upgraded to 4 gig ram! no choice, had to part with the $$$ for the sake of BETTER music! Nic's got the heart la..investments u gotta make for the band if u believe it's worth it. Now he doesn't regret taking my advice to buy the mac heh heh.. told him that the OS is great.. poor me, have to use PC, cos mac is unorthodox for animators..though some still use mac..slowly ba, soon mac will take over, even bill gates is retiring(he should after releasing vista though..:p) Mr nic hor..tsk tsk, a bit crazy la, he bought those fancy stickers for protecting the mac, and literally covered every surface, bought the rubber keyboard protector,and a psychedelic blue acrylic hard case... mad man on shopping therapy? but well, he doesn't really shop la. so let him happy for once ya?

WeiQi leh..hasn't seen the sun in how many days? if u look at the pic carefully, and compare to older pics..i have changed..without using SKII, i managed to get a lighter skin tone..sigh..for girls good la, for guys..xian. I rather have my NDU tan!!! miss being fit..and my studies..is KILLING me.. :( Submissions are around the corner, so no choice, gotta gear up..this might be my last post until end of april :( but i'll still try to tag and answer any questions tat i can help with. just a little inside info, once again i'll be working on the album cover, hope i can get the design approved!! :p Take care people!!!

p.s. dance workz gig = dragonfly gig

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:24

paiseh, gotta post half way first..no time to finish posting properly..will complete it in a while with updates on sam's diving trip :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:27

the three of you look really great!!!

keep making great music!

love u guys always =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:31

wa!!!!!!! it's been how long since we last seen e 3 of u tog?? haha..looking gd thr.. :) gonna look out for e vt den.. :) take care u guys! :)

n hor mr chan, dun need to paiseh one la..u busy den go finish up ur stuff 1st ba..we can wait de..hehe.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:40

Wow, suddenly got a new post with a very nice pic of MLB.
Thanks to weiqi for taking your times to post it.
Oops, you gonna update Sam's diving trip as well! Where is Sam? Don't tell me, his PC is down again.
So, will the VT be shown on tv? Got to look out for it then.
Btw, how was the jamming just now? Thanks for the hard work for making great music for all of us. MLB Power-Lah... Jia-you...


Blogger qIaNhUi | 10 March, 2008 00:44

WOW New Entry...!

NICE PIC! But Y NIC Frowning Like That... LoLx!
Must Learn Frm WEIQI - SmiLez ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:48

wahh.. shuai.. hahas.. where was it taken at?

eh looks like smiley boy going for a new angle recently? like to act cool already, haha... wq, u should act cool too mah.. then will blend in. haha..

whoa this year's sb got this whole glitz and glamour with mayday endorsing.. and ashin's talking about bringing the contestants backstage for their concert to experience what its like. looks like as the seasons progress there're more and more 'lobangs'... but well.. so far what i've seen, the second seasons arent better than the first. so.. sb.. we'll see. :P

mrSAMwong's MIA again? alrights.. will wait for ya update.. :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:50

thanks for the short update lo weiqi!

eh? nic's hair.. different hor?

are the shirts u all wearing chuan tong hao one? urs blue, nic's white, sam's blue + white. combi lei...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:53

-_- didn't realized weiqi blogged oh (cos RSS feed never "detect")...haha...thanks qh for informing...

thanks weiqi for the update! haha never mind la, you slow slow update...

SB2 ah...hmm....=X


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 00:57

So long never see mlb together take pics. Will vt shown on the tv?

3 of u still look shuai,cute and cool. Nic shld smile. haha.

Weiai it is ok. U can busy with ur stuff first. We can wait. Dun worry.

Where is sam? His computer down again? Then i think he better get a new com more better. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 01:01

opps. Sorry. I type wrong. Shld be weiqi


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 01:07

I found one thing in common, all 3 guys were wearing v-neck tee. All look great with the v-neeck tees.
Think its a little different in Nic's look, becos he never wear glasses. hehehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 01:12

Nic seems to have grown fitter?? hees =P i guess Nic must be uncomfortable with the contact lenses on ba.. acty hors, nic.. you knw wad's your base curve for your eyes not? i still feel tt you might be suitable for wearing lehs.. hahas =X

thanks for the update, weiqi. (: take care lo..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 01:33

Weiqi u busy with ur stuff first then when u are free already then update. Take ur time.

Sorry. I not feeling well. I go sleep first. Just having panadol just now. Nite.

Jia you and take care. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 02:15

eh, nice pig there! :DD
wa, been a long time since we saw u guys!
sam's became darker?
nic became fitter?
as for weiqi, hmm.
i cant spot any diff in the pic. =x

anyway, take care eh! ((:
jiayou in whatever you're doing!
rmb bring ur umbrellas when u're out.
it's been raining nowadays.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 02:17

should be *nice pic there*
not nice pig. =.="
wad am i typing.
maybe i'm falling asleep.
good night! ((:


Blogger binz | 10 March, 2008 08:53

eh nice pic(: dunno why lookin at the pic, jux got the feeling that sam pose until very gangkor.. nic and weiqi is gettin fitter hor and erm sam getting thinner and more tan.. i still prefer nic with his specs somehow~ maybe cuz nic got very small eyes then dun wear specs abit weird?

anw weiqi take ur time to update bah, no hurries(: haiyo sam bully weiqi to update his diving trip hur.. lolx jux jokin~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 09:05

eh btw, did nic just wake up or is the sun too bright? look very seh lor his face. haha...

so... did ya guys have fun at th shoot? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 10:56

Hey MLB, I saw the SB II adverts on magazines and was wondering how come not MLB.

Ah NIC, you really look good. The fair fair NIC now is replaced by a tan tan NIC without glasses - SHUAI! By looking at your picture, I can 'FEEL' the army training.

Hi to WeiQi and Sam.

Recently I was playing the SB tape again and look back at the time when I followed SB and started to pick the group worthy of my support. Wait up every week to midnight just to catch the results, laugh when you guys won and cried when you are out. Went into MLB's Blog and laugh at all the funny postings. Some 'dirty' people throwing shits at other competitors because they supported another group - intense!

The final was the best - looked at you guys with all the 'pretty' clothes, the music and the arrangement. I kaisu and keep calling the voting telephone and started once it opened - keep calling until my fingers 'cho jing'. The joy when you guys won. Sigh.... GLORIOUS VICTORY! After that what is there for me to look forward to...????

I believe ROME is not bulit in a day. I know you guys have a long long way to grow. How supportive is the music industry/ entertainment industry in Singapore? What is the future of you guys? Is this the 'rice bowl' you wanted. What is your future? Entertainment industry is a very 'political' arena - you 3 looked like 'Guo Yang' to me. Wondering how WeiQi going to do 10,000 things together - school, music, pratices and other personal matters - family, friends. WeiQi, you must learn to be a magician!

Looking at sam, after army and gropping his way around. I read his posting some time ago and hope he found his 'path'.

As for NIC, I love the way you sing but worried how your voice can go on like that. I love the way you play the guitar. I read your past history and think that you are very brave to own up. A situation you think maybe bad but turned out to be good. It became an enouragement to lots of young people that they can stand up and stand tall....

After watching so many competitions, I was wondering where are all the winners? Where is Kelly? Where is JunYang? Where are the Campus superstars? Singapore is a place that paper qualifications are important. Some made it to TV - half red bu hei! Some faded into background like Sly.

Sorry this morning a bit nostalgic. Looks like there are no outstanding music people, singers in South East Asia anymore. Hongkong industry - all that can sing - die ones die liao, disbanded one disbanded liao, old ones old liao? Taiwan-Jay Chow, David Taso, WangLiHung, maybe Xiao Zhu- female singers are craps! China - still trying to accept the way they sing and the lyrics? Japan - those can sing are old liao - new ones cannot understand their music. Singapore only got LinJunJie - others are craps!- so dun throw a fuss if I have offended your 'ow xiang' - this is my personal opinion and not represent anyone on MLB's Blog. What I am saying - the music industry needs a revolution! If Singapore music industry really wants to identified young people, then must support and groom them. Must find ways to promote them, expose them - widen the market. Talking about market - probably you are 'red' only if you make money for the music company.Music people got talent - not RED nor heard off...so how they identify good musicians? There are those around really good but not take part in competitions, where are they?

MLB JIAYOU... JIAYOU..JIAYOU! I look forward to one day when I am old - you all become the name in every household and your music playing everywhere.会有那么一天ma?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 12:30

Wow new entry tag... And new pics updated :)

Smile more often...

Take Care


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 12:38

sam, u look as though u wanna fight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 12:57

nice pic there !!
weiqi, u go do ur stuff 1st ba .. it's alrite de ^_^
sam, ur pose abit funny sia .. keke .. like wanna fight like tt, e cameraman de zui ni ar =X juz kidding ..
nic, seldom c u taking pic without specs .. shuai wor ..
take care guys !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 13:26

glad to c new updates!

wq, wait 4 ur continuation post when u r done wif ur stuff. no hurry...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 14:00

u three look good. Sam look tanned and he look like he want to have a fight. haha. What did camera men do to u? Joking.

Nic look more fit and look quite strange without spect. Haha. Maybe i never see him without spect ba.

Weiqi i like ur smile. haha. so nice.

3 of u got hei yuan xuan. Rest more while 3 of u can.

U busy with ur stuff first when u free then u update abt sam diving ba.

Jia you,rest more and take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 15:19

wooh since some of you mentioned le then i realized - yes sam look as though he wanna fight! haha! maybe if sam smile A LITTLE bit more jiu ok le =X. haha.

ya hor! then Nic's trademark smile wasn't seen here too...or got smile a tiny weeny bit is it? look more like sian sian de smile ba?

Weiqi de still alright! haha...

alamak how come i ended up "yan jiu-ing" who smile more or less ah...haha...

ok changed topic! Sam's hair grew longer le =X.

take care!


Blogger Hey (don't bring me down) | 10 March, 2008 23:19

Haha! Nic change hairstlye! Cute~ V looking forward 2 MLB new album! Sam dye black hair hehe can't see weiqi's hair. MLB u're my No.1 superband well hope to see your acting in dramas ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 23:37

oh everybody here, i was knocking on d previous blog..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2008 00:39

Hey! Nice picccccccccccc!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2008 00:40



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2008 01:48

hohoho, take care and jia you lo!! hehe smilez~~~


Blogger Strat | 11 March, 2008 03:07

Wow... Cool pic ya .... Haha... Jia you !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2008 10:37

prefer nic with specs, unique!
Weiqi, let him know..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2008 14:47

nic sweat alot, with specs is v inconvenience for him, slippery specs may make him lost concentration.. contact lens still best for him..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 00:03

Thanks WQ for squeezing out time to post the pic. V cute pic! all 3 milos diff expression. eh... army boy's hair looks so diff now fr wn i saw him. went for haircut in b/w?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 01:06

thanks weiqi for the update ... finish your work 1st den update, no hurry and no need to feel apologetic lah ...

hm, al 3 got different pose ya ... weiqi looked the most relaxed ... you look good when you smile v naturally ... ah sam's pose a bit 'uptight' like was not ready yet ... smiley nic now look cool ya ... but nic, do you know you look super good in specs? ;)

hope you al had fun doing the shoot for SB! look fwd to it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 08:55



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 16:20

Hi Hi!

Good afternoon MLB - wonder whether anyone of you are peeping here. Taking a breather and leave a link here for fun. You all must check this out - it is amazing!

< http://www.youmaker.com/video/sv?id=62f43fbc7f3c4c1c88d22b60a1df2282001&f=fs>

Have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 17:27

hey hey,
are you guys attending S-Pop music gala on the 23rd?

do let us know soon so that we can get tics if necessary. thanks! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 17:32

sam looks so cuteeeee...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 21:38


didn't "report" here yesterday...paiseh oh, too busy le. haha!

I saw the trailer that Milubing has shoot for Superband season 2 at Channel U just now leh! But then was busy so didn't pay attention. I only remembered the trios were doing merry-go-around (is that the name?) ba? haha...

weather's cold, everyone take care!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 23:01

yes yes! i saw e vt too! having fun hor u guys..haha.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 02:32


Weiqi, don't mind I used that picture as the new dp in our publicity blog hor? hehe..if you mind we change back =X...haha thanks in advance!

take care lo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 03:02

Haha. Quizzy nice dp pics in the publicity blog.

Hope he dun mind. Nice pics. :D

Weiqi, u dun mind i use that pics at my dp pics? Haha.

U are so busy with ur stuff ,But remember when u are free pls take some rest. Jia you. Take good care. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 11:53

hehe... i saw the trailer too! hahah i was so amused! u guys look damn cute. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 13:49

hey hey .. i saw e trailer ytd too !!
was cutting my nails & suddenly heard a familiar voice .. haas
u guys seem like u r having lots of fun filming tt trailer ..
take care !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 14:05

got the clip recorded from my pc. i caught them on pc-tv at 10.40am, 11.05am, 11.50am etc... lots of times... If not, its on the video web. will upload a better one if i catch them on tv (but no guarantee cos no time 4tv at home)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 14:12

tks xiu, haha! trailer reminds me of childhood fun time


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 16:48

sehh, looks like dont have to wait for your answers already. must have had fun! can gong qi si yong abit, have fun while doing work huh. haha. reminds me of my childhood too, been so long since i actually went to a playground.

nic looks different from usual.. [actually i think your hair and clothes combined make you look super retro? haha] and the way you speak seems different too, not so angmoh pai already.

anyway this reminds me of the monkey bar shot you guys took long long time ago when sb just ended.

年轻就是年轻,can do all sorts of things like that. 趁还年轻时,do more of such things, 不要浪费青春! =P

thanks xiu for the video!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 18:00

thx xiu !! for the uploading of the video ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 19:29

Thanks xiu for uploading the video. The trailer reminds me of my childhood time. Haha.

Mlb really enjoy it. Haha. Yup. Work hard,study hard and play hard.

I agree what sam have said. MLB jia you!


Blogger binz | 13 March, 2008 20:56

haiyo how come i haven caught the vt on tv yet? but nvm thanks to xiu for uploading(: eh yar the 3 of them seems to enjoy the shooting ah.. can have fun being kids playin at playground.. but seems like they very scared fall off when shootin the turning turning part.. got that weird expression on their faces~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 22:22

thx for the video =DDDDDD

MLB roxxx jiayou~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 22:26

oh ho ho, vid out oredi. go watch it later. hope to catch it on tv soon! ah sam, saw in papers tdy dat dere r monkeys in tpy playgrd!!i was like o_o were u the one who sneak dem to tpy fr peirce reservior? :p tpy got forested area meh? where did the monkeys come fr?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 22:32

hey u guys are from a church right? is it the one near aljunide mrt de?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 23:20

haa haa kinda get wat binz trying to say abt the turning part. the vid kinda blur, cant see ure shuai shuai faces. i shall wait by the telly. my fav rides in playgrd is the swing & the slide. that turntable thingy is v fun too but not commonly fd in most playgrds. the best part is need someone to do all the work to spin u round & round. how sadistic can i get? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 01:29

hey, so heartwarming to see fans speaking up for MLB at the community.mediacorp.com.sg keep it up! unity is strength!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 04:07

haha thanks xiu jiejie for uploading...but i'll check it out another time...or see if i heng heng catch on TV again...hehe!

reminds us of childhood times? i think i get the meaning le. just like playing music together as a band (or to be exact, as a bunch of good buddies) - jiu shi must have fun...cos during childhood, everything is so simple and innocent...same as playing music...right?? hehe...

*cough cough*

weather's cold, take care oh! Milubing and MLBians jia you!!

I think our holidays left 3 more weeks only? haiz...for the Primary, seconday and JC friends will be 3 more days le ah? aiyaiyai...have fun lo!!

mm jie is sadistic indeed =X...haha!

*cough cough*


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 09:48

how ar u guys???
i'm recently busy with some stuff...
didnt go to this blog so often....

U again...missing in action
how ar u recently???
hope to hear from u soon


Blogger binz | 14 March, 2008 11:20

ahha mm get wad i mean hur.. super funny lor that expression on them.. eh if anyone wanna play those super hiong turn turn turn kind of thingy go try tampines mall the top level playground.. they got 1 super machanesim that you won't stop turning unless someone help to stop u by force.. can play till become siao diao~ ahah

ahh quizzy 3 weeks holiday whr got only? my pathetic 3 days~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 11:55

I know this is MLB's blog but I believe something like this will go a long long way.

************ *************

Here is something for you to PONDER…..have a wonderful weekend !

We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I hope to make it better. I'd really like for them to know about second-hand clothes and handmade toys and leftover food. I really would.

I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated. I hope you learn to make your own bed; wash your own plate and throw your own rubbish. And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car, you earn and buy it yourself.

It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and old dog put to sleep.

I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in.

I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother/sister. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he/she wants to crawl under the blanket with you because he/she's scared, I hope you let them.

When you want to see a movie and your little brother/sister wants to tag along, I hope you'll let them.

I hope you have to walk to school with your friends and that you live in a Country where you can do it safely.

On rainy days when you are driven to school, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you somewhere so you won't be seen driven by someone as uncool as your Mom.

If you want something, I hope your Mon/ Dad teaches you how to own one instead of buying one for you.
I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books.

When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head.

I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a boy/girl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn how chilli pady tastes like.

May you skin your knee running around recklessly, burn your hand on a stove and stick your tongue on a piece of dry ice.

I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it.. And if a friend offers you drugs, I hope you realize he is not your friend.

I sure hope you make time to visit your Grandma/Grandpa and go footballing with your Uncle. Find time to call up your Aunt even though your girlfriend/ boyfriend is more important.

May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy at the birth of a new born.

I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a stone through your neighbor's window and that she hugs and kisses you when you give her a plaster mold of your hand.

These things I wish for you - tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life.

Written with Love, Sealed with a kiss. I'm here for you. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

We secure our friends, not by accepting favors, but by doing them..

By the ‘Paul Harvey’ of Singapore


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 13:26

hi ppl,

agreed, ppl who had experienced the ugly side of life will truly appreciate the gd/happy side..

those who had so far only experienced the sweetness of life n being surrounded by relatives, family members will nvr truly know what is bitterness or sadness or losing love ones...


mke time not only for friends but yr parents, siblings, uncles/aunties as well...before is time to say farewell!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 14:26

hahaha ya lor...thats what 先苦后甜 comes about ba? hehe. means must think thrice (or more) before we wanna hiam over something le wor..hehe...thanks for sharing!!

ah binz, jia you ba ;D! haha.

ting shuo today no rain lo? weee~~~~~

Milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 15:20

Haha. I agree with what nic and weiqi say. Work hard,play hard. 要玩就玩的tong 快. Want to play must play with no regret. Lol.

Finally today no raining. MLB jia you. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 15:43

oh ya hor, happy white valentines day? alamak...haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 17:44

ooh thx xiu for uploading e trailer!

but i just saw it again! hehe.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 22:36

heya .. superband website oso have e trailer wor ..
it's tis website http://superband.mediacorptv.sg/
under e heading video, juz click on 'SuperBand Milubing Recruitment'


Blogger Unknown | 14 March, 2008 22:59

Oh Gosh! so long since ii last post a comment here. anw, hope all of ya here are doing well, the trios as well. ^_^

very nice trailer! ii love the making and concept. the background music is nice too! so kiddy-alike just like the trios. =p shall we have a jamming session at the playground too?! heez.

take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 23:39

hehe. finally caught the trailer clearly on Channel 8 le. i get the super hiong turn turn turn thing le. It appeared to me that, the trios are holding on to the camera then turn turn turn? haha! i may be wrong~


Blogger -WHEY` | 14 March, 2008 23:47


havent got the chance to see the trailer yet! hope to see it soon!! :D

how's all doing?? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 00:45

Wow, from the superband website, Ah Shin from Mayday mentioned that they will try to arrange the superband contestants to their concert at the backstage. Hopefully, they will arrange 1st season Superband Champion MiLuBing to jam with them on stage. That will be Power-Lah...

Sam still MIA?

Its weekend again, lets relac & enjoy ourselves. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 01:29

Something for every1

Without humor, life sux.
Without love, life is hopeless.
Without courage, life is hard.
Without friends like you, life is impossible


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 07:56

I was missing the net for like two weeks and this blog got updated!

Anyways,thanks for the picture Weiqi!I just watched the trailer yesterday night.You guys are looking great and love the trailer!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 11:17

uncle phil
ah sam still MIA la


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 14:41

Haha... nice pic.(and trailer)
Nic, Sam, Weiqi
加油 in everything y'all are doing!

..and this applies for all mlbians too!

=D byes~


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 15:45



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 16:57

wahaha today is a SUNny day le wor...hehe have a nice weekend!

yes today is not only Marssh's birthday but also Sheena's one oh...haha. wish them happy birthday ba...

haha u trios are funny de lor...for nic is he's USUALLY MIA from blog de la...but sam and weiqi is like take turn to MIA de lor? haha.

But whatever the case,

(scarlie one of them appeared after that =X)...

*cough cough* =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 19:40

just a note too..
for those who wishes to catch a clearer version (or perhaps the same quality) of MLB's trailer for Superband season 2, can visit here (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 20:48

Just saw the 2nd trailer by MLB for SB2.. how many VT did you do? So far 2... is there a 3rd one?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 21:08

i only saw 1 leh. the one at the playground de. the milos are like having fun on the merry-go-round? i saw WEIQI's happy face, NIC's nice smile, but SAM still refuses to reveal his braces infront of the camera. tsktsk.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 21:14

1st trailer @ playground; 2nd trailer - 3 sat down and talked...


Blogger Strat | 15 March, 2008 21:50

Happy birthday Marssh!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:01

Happy Bday Marssh! :)
Sorry for being away for quite some time. Just jammed today. Yup, the april gig is the dance work gig,same thing. To Miko, if u really wanna do animation, u might wanna consider a private school like '3dsense','eggstort',or 'protege' (i hope i spelt them correctly), instead of a UNI course..becos the hard fact of this industry is that they don't look @ ur results/GPA but your demoreel/portfolio. My course is like any other uni course, have to fulfil the general electives and prescribed electives, while private ANIMATION schools concentrate on creating a superb demo reel for the job instead of generalizing(u don need to take any bio/business/humanities/history module). The only difference is the paper,mine's a BFA, the F is for 'fine', thus it's plus points is the studio foundation works such as foundation drawing which the private schools might not build up from. Sorry if i typed a lot just regarding this matter, i just feel that you gotta do ur research carefully before choosing the path.if u got any other questions do ask and i'll try to reply asap. As for the s-pop gala..i doubt we'll be going. if we do i'll post here ya? and quizzy_me, pls go ahead and use the pic, though i think it's not a nice one,cos taken with my phone camera.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:04

btw,some updates, i've been super busy @ school, the exam & submission fever has ALREADY set in..will burn till end april.. :( every sem same thing ya? sobs.. you know the Jay Chou movie? ours is "zhuo bu wan de gong ke". sigh...but hey,GET ALIVE!gotta fight this battle!!! crazy but gotta. so plz forgive me for being inactive here... ok. time to update this blog... :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:15

Jay Chou got "zhuo bu wan de gong ke" meh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:18

I mean, Jay Chou got this movie meh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:25

got la..must use a (-_-!!!) way of looking at what i meant to get the msg..any takers? ok gotta zao...go study le.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:26

Oh, tell nic to claim his another toy in the coffee club paper bag. He'll find out soon...

Jay got that movie meh? @-@???


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:28

eh.. weiqi is trying to be lame la.. hahas..

jay chou's movie is "bu neng shuo de mi mi" (6 words) and weiqi's is "zuo bu wan de gong ke" (6 words too).. hahas..

thanks for the updates dude~ (:
yeahs, we all knw tt sam's fren's camera got lost in the sea.. hees.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:30

orh! I slow...but mi mi not equal to gong ke..kekeke


Blogger Strat | 15 March, 2008 23:30

Wei Qi,
Jia you ... U will get some sun after april ya ??? Jia you ... We will always be there to jia yoing u de !!!! Hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:31

hahas.. i tink tt's wad he meant ba.. but well, scarlie in future, all mlbians might really tink tt jay had a movie call zuo bu wan de gong ke.. hahas.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:34

good point. maybe can jio Mr J. to direct this movie "zhuo bu wan de gong ke". Muz start to recruit female lead role liao...



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2008 23:54

heya finally an update! :)

seeing ya guys doing those stuffs like so huai nian, make me wanna go playground too! haha..

yeah yeah.. if im not wrong, rongshao's cam ya? haha. he did mention on his blog that he lost his camera. ohh wells. guess there'll be more chances for sam to go diving again.. heard that rongshao's going for another trip in apr or smth. tell that sam to takecare ya? get well soon! [btw izit like that feeling of floating in water or smth? haha nvm -.-]

whoaas macbook!! i'll be getting one sooonnnn, i hope. :) just got my acer notebook ytd, not bad.. got this audio enhancement thingy that's like cool and th sound's pretty good. but im looking forward to about aug, and hopefully i can get my macbook then... hahaha... ask nic go gmask and deco it! im going to, i think. hahaha. aiya people jus treasure his new toy too much.. gotta protect it ya? heh... and he's really willing to invest in such things ya? nv thrifty when it comes to music. great for ya guys!

aiya, go suntanning some day ya.. when you're free.. go play sports or something, or go running! well no point being fit now anyway, haha. so wait until holidays and then you can go and get yourself fit and healthy. [healthy as in like, regular sleep, that kinda thing -.-]

and yeahh jiayou w th sch work and album design ya.. we'll look forward to it :)) all e best w things!

&& ni hai zhen de shi lame de lorr hor... =.=.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:00

wa mr chan, u are back..well, i suppose we can all guess who is sam's fren ya..haha..aiyo dizzy spells are horrible..SAM, take care n get well soon! hmm i tot i saw sam's braces in blue..ok nvm..haha..

ooh nic got a macbook! aiya we tend to take better care of e gadget when it's new ma..like i used to wipe e screen n keypad everyday when i jus got my lappie..now i only wipe it weekly, sometimes fortnightly lor.. -.- n mr chan ar, tsk tsk..u v bad lor, call ur bro mad man..haha..

well sch always become more hectic when e sem is ending ya..wad more w e irritating exams in abt a mth's time..rah~ -.- eh ur 'zhuo bu wan de gong ke' v lame lei..haha..anyway, jiayou k! :) u will get to c e sun after e papers..hehe..n oh, someone asked me to tell u to drink more milk.. :p take care ya! hope ur design for e album cover wil be approved..cos we tink it will.. :)

eh u nv shun bian say happy bday to sheena.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:00

hey.. make sense lor...
mi mi = bu neng shuo
gong ke = zuo bu wan


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:02

Happy birthday Sheena! been quite some time since i've seen ya. Hope ur doing fine.. maybe one day i'll see the 'MESS'gang in action again ya haha.. miss MK,how, got this possibility? :p k la i go do my werk le..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:03

Haha... U r funny lor ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:06


ok i come back again in a while...haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:08

Hey peeps,
some updates to th dragonfly gig...

as from th danceworks! 08 blog...

Grand Finals, Cat II and III
5 April (Sat)
2pm - 4pm
Dragonfly, St James Power Station
Guest Performances by:
Anugerah 2007 Champion ALIFF AZIZ and

take note cuz th time's different from th info provided previously.

not sure if its open to th public.. trying to find out some way of contacting th organiser or smth... ya guys do peep around th blog site and try to find out too..

cheerios :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:08

weiqi, go back and do ur work.. hahas..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:14

please lah hor, ur leng xiao hua.. bing mei you hen make sense ke yi mah... -.- u know lately weather very cold liao leh, dunid to make th weather colder k..

sehh still remember us ah? honoured ah.. haha. ehh sheena got appear hor.. is u nv appear nia what.. hahaha... well now MESS got 2 very eng ones, waiting for start of sch.. one already start sch, one working la.. so.. will we be fully back in action again? watch out and see lor.. haha.. but for now, yes.. majority of us back in action, i guess. try to look out for us soon, if possible :P

and hor.. u lidat ask my responsibility like very big hor? like sheng si cun wang all im responsible. -.-

ohh wells. you'll see! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:17

superlong day. anyway another vt uploaded. i need 2sleep. nitez


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:31

ok i'm back! hehe. thanks for updating despite your hectic schedule yor. jia you!!! hehe

Ah sam having dizzy spells? yeah hope he gets better. what did the doctor say? LOL! Yes we know what color is his bu neng show de mi mi le...haha!

curls are too stubborn - can rebond (I almost typed reborn) mahz?! haha!

Of course mahz, new toy must protect. speaking of which, =( the new lappy I bought in January now got scratches le =(...no money to buy protector le...wanna put mlb skin but look weird...MLB ON MY LAPTOP? a bit too over le...haha! but i might do it if i'm crazy...hehe...

Weiqi ah, most of us haven't seen the sun for days le mahz. cos it was raining for days, remember? haha...i didn't see any changes leh? if yes, should be more handsome lor?! haha. yes u go busy ba. we can just talk to ourselves here.
-_- I think we can expect ah sam to be un-MIA and active in blog again soon =X...hehe

And thanks for agreeing to let me use that pic on publicity blog ya? hehe ok la nice mahz. feedback i got is nice de lor...haha! if all say not nice then i change back la..haha! but if you think its not nice, next time take more pictures for us to choose can =X? haha!

and hope your design get approved by warner ya? hehe...alamak xin ku ni le la, now kena killed by studies le still have to work on album cover...*touched*...XIE XIE WEIQI!!!

hehe marssh MIA le - I sms her she never reply. So I thank u on her behalf ya? hopefully we can PULL her here to tag one day...hehe!

hehe thanks mk for informing...thanks xiu jiejie for uploading...haha!

Well weiqi u have fun doing work ya? dun tell me 1/2 hour later u will be here again saying the same thing "K LA GO DO MY WORK LE" =X. haha!

(Wow i really zhun hor?! i say scarlie one of them appeared he really appear liao =X)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 00:47

LOL weiqi u really funny!!must always jiayou!!!
white abit better what~dark dark looks like...? O_O hehe

good luck yea n take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 01:18

aIYA, found that I always miss the boys' tags these day. Guess I missed WQ today again...well... nevermind :)

giddy after diving?? Hmm... could it be the pressure that affecting his ears? My friend got that when she went diving training with me, under the 3m pool. So in the end i have to go diving myself. Haiz... but have to be careful, it is consider as a dangerous sport. Have to declare that if you going to take up any insurance plan.

Hey, thought photo taking during diving is not recommended for first time divers? And btw, camera equipments for diving not cheap hor... where he lost it huh? I go find, heh heh.

2.7Ghz to 4Ghz....it really cost a bomb. But frankly speaking, Mac really much better than normal PC in media and graphic. I want an Mac too!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 01:26

Thankz For Ur Loooooooooong Updates Of U Guyz ~

ALL 3 Of Ya JIAYO k...
JIAYO In The Album Cover Design Too! =D

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 01:41

eh, so cold here.
later the blog got frozen.
plus the weather's been cold lately. =x

so where's the good diving spot ar? *curious*
get well soon! :DD
mus get sporty again hor. xP
i guess sam's braces is blue in colour?
heh heh.

deco then nice ma.
i saw the function before.
looks complicating to me. =x
nic mus be really happy aye? :DD
hope it'll help more in your music.
then we'll get to enjoy more good music! (:

eh, quite true.
weiqi bian bai liao. :x
u can go sentosa suntan ma.
i go there always ended up sunburn.
not tanned. =.="
bt tan too much oso nt gd for skin. xD
anyway, here's a big JIAYOU for you!
in ur studies and on designing the album!



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 01:45

oh ya, i only saw the "I have changed" but overlooked the "lighter skin tone"...hahaha!

no lor I hope to be tanner too leh...not the chao ta kind but a bit "black" la...xiao hong, black black (again not to the extent of "chao ta") more "sunshine" you know? haha. its a bonus if u have tanner skin plus golden or is it blond hair...lalalala~~~~ acting sexy leh!! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 01:54

wah.. weiqi.. although u've 'lak saek' already, still u're dark de lor... haa.. yes la! i miss the sun can... i was planning to go tanning all the time during my hols and it always rains on days when i'm available. stupid weather right? but hope u all never fall sick la. harsh weather. we very ke lian de...

sam, you take care ah.. use cold towel on ur ears. maybe will help ba.. =) JIAYOU!

jiayou lo everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 02:09

Thanks for ur long updates of u guys. I just came bk from st james just now.

Sam braces are blue in colour. Haha. Tell sam to take care and get well soon.

Rong shao lost his camera too. Ya rong shao also go diving. He going diving again.

u so bad say ur own brother crazy. Nic must protect his new toy de.

Jia you with ur sch work and album cover desgin. Thanks weiqi. 辛苦你了. Take care mlb.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 02:28

Thanks for the full updates. Hope you are doing fine with your school work & designing of MLB 2nd album's cover got approved by warner. Jia-you... You surely can make it.
Its ok if you are not here till April, come here when you are free.
Oh ya, I also remember Sam's braces was blue in colour. Unless he changes to another colour. Weiqi's clue was **** 4 letters, so Blue should be right. If not, maybe it could be: Pink or Grey (are there Grey braces in the market?) Haha...

Sorry for saying you are MIA, not knowing that you are having dizzy spell after your diving trip. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Rest more & take your medicines according to your doctor's advice. Jia-you... ok?

Must be very happy for buying a Mac, did you bought it at the IT show? Jia-you with whatever you are doing.

Wow, I prefer the 2nd trailer. I love the way, you 3 bros spoke. Very natural & cute lor (非常自然和可爱), but a little too short. Ya, wondering will there be a 3rd trailer?

Marssh & Sheena,
Happt Belated Birthday Wishes to Both of You.
Hope you gals have a Great Times on Your Special Day.

To MLB Family,
Happy & Beautiful Sunday to everyone here. Have fun & enjoy yourselves, especially with your love ones. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 02:57

Yup. True. U become not so dark liao. Haha. When u are free u can go play some sports or go running to make u look more dark.

Thanks xiu. Thanks mk for informing.



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 05:19

if i'm not wrong, people with fairer skins are more prone to skin diseases is it? haha!

wa biang, 4gig means nic's macbook de speed is like rocket liao lor? *flapping wings trying to fly*

oh yes marssh say thanks for wishing her...haha!



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 09:08

off cost got grey in market , but if u put grey is dont look like u hav any colour on .


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 11:47

ah sam
how ar u???
hope u can recover faster lol....
miss u lots ;]

and i will not forget Weiqi & Nic la
miss u guys too!!!!


Blogger binz | 16 March, 2008 11:59

whee updates(: woah suddenly pop up so many words on this page~ hmph i like always no yuan fen with updates.. when i got alot of time to refresh and check check, then no 收获,then so 巧 my mum yday kapok my comp to pia korean drama then poof so many updates.. dunno why things on earth always like that, when u wan something to come, it doesn't come, when u never expect it to come, it will definitely pop out suddenly~ ahh kinda too random..

haiyo sam getting dizzy spells? hope he recovers soon! maybe he stayed underwater for too long bah and plus bad bad weather recently hur.. take care!

woah nic 下重本 for the new toy hur.. he sure gonna protect the new toy like some priceless item, maybe get a 保险箱 to store it?

as for weiqi, maybe you wanna change hair shampoo if u got the time to try [lol though it seems like you dun have the time].. i used to have very stubborn curly hair also, but now they seem to have escaped! and maybe try to comb ur hair more? dunno if it works but that was wad i did.. oh and eh gettin fairer ah, try doin ur work in open areas more instead of doin them in air-con rooms? eh maybe can try moonlight tanning? ahha dunno if really works.. and yays workin on album cover liao, means album gonna be out really soon right!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 14:47

poor sam and poor weiqi. =/
sam has been getting dizzy spells after a diving trip, izzit becos of the sea pressure tt he still cant get used to it?! hmm, anyhow guess de. anw, hope sam gets betta yea?! rest well!

weiqi's alwaes get tensed up with deadlines and etc. hey dude, plan ur time nicely and finish up bahz, if really no time to spare, den dun tag le, we will still be around here. heez. and yesh, we will get excited if your album cover design get approved, so wish ya good luck! ^^ JIAYOU WEIQI!~

MESS really felt honored that Mr.Chan actually remember this group of ppl. heh. ii also hope that we will be back in action again. got this possibility laa, bt must see the others willing or not?! haha. alrite, MESS will cya around. =)

and nic, stay the way you are. take care! Smilez~


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 14:52

thought lorita was pulling my leg when she said weiqi wants to see MESS back in action...


havent visited MLB blog for days, weeks, or maybe even months...?

before Os results, i was busy working part time.
then now, school has started.
JC life's kind of hectic.
teachers are all warning us that JC life is short-lived,
and that we wont have time to play and stuffs.
cos next years august(or maybe around there) would be our Alevels...

oh wells.
its great to hear from you guys again!
take care people...

who knows,
i might need to scream my heads out one day for you guys once AGAIN to relax and get away from school work that is piling up...?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 15:35

quizzy, i rmb that ah marssh tag once during nic's birthday! haa~


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 15:46

-_- my givon, that is past tense le ah...haha!

all jia you lo!! take care!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 16:10

thx for e update !! ^_^

aiyo, sam had dizzy spell ar ??
isit bcoz of e diving ??
muz rest well yea !!

wahh !! 4ghz !! double of mine la !!
happy playing with ur "new toy" yea, nic .. haha =P

ehh .. ni mei jiang wo mei zu yi dao
weiqi, u really getting a bit fairer leh .. but still dark la ..
hmm, if i rmb correctly .. someone jokingly wish you bian bai yi dian during ur bday .. so zun sia .. better ask her to wish u bian hei yi tian instead ..
& jiayou in ur studies yea .. looking forward to ur design for e album ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 17:04

oh, the playgrd is @AMK, go on a treasurehunt for it when i hv one of those super wuliao days. woohoo, the one at tampines mall sounds super fun! thks binz for the tip. i'd better bring someone along w me, otherwise cant stop spinning!;)
aiyo...poor boy... n i tot he was bz luring the monkeys fr peirce reservior to tpy so he can see them everyday.
so nic bought a mac. was deciding whether to get a mac the other time but decided not to cos the IT idiot here scared later run into prob, no one to turn to for help den i'm a dead duck. decided on the safer choice and guess wat,now i am stuck w vista n it is really not user friendly,seems more complicated to use than the older version of windows :( hee, u really make him sound like a mad man on shopping therapy, no wonder he looks so gleeful dat day.
haha u realli look many shades lighter now. dun tell me u miss those days wn u were mistaken as a malay. well i can say it's fun to be mistaken as a malay cos i always got (note past tense cos i use SKII mah...no la not dat crazy abt fair skin... yet) that too, so had to pick up some malay to play my part well :P great to hear u r given the chance to give a personal touch to MLB's 2nd album cover. so wat msg will u be conveying w this album's cover design this time? give it ure best shot!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 17:17

Sam braces are pink in colour.i guess????


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 17:42

Haha. I also mistaken as a Malay ppl at outside too. They will talk to me in English. In the end they will ask are u a Malay ppl? I will say no and they will say i look like.

Last year during the event at tpy hdb hub, i saw mlb there singing. I thought weiqi is Malay ppl. Haha.

Hope u design on the album cover will be approved. Thanks weiqi. Thats mean new album is coming out soon. Jia you!

I miss MLB. Take care and rest well.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 18:05

Thanks for the updates!

A new event!Hopefully,it would be open to public so the MLBians can attend it.

Nic bought a Mac.That's cool!Must take good care of his new toy!Hehe.

Sam lost the camera..aiyoh.But never mind lor,next time can go again mah..

Weiqi is working on the album cover!Yay!I hope it would get approved,alright Weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 02:09

sam - wish u speedy recovery, must take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 03:12

Jialat.. tmr's hmwk,not done.. :p
Today i actually played basketball in the SUN!!!with mr Sam. Despite my hmwk, i had to go exercise a little or i'll become damn unfit so bo chup for an afternoon for the sake of health and fitness. Now gonna slp le, but first, THANK YOU miss XIU for helping as always..
Flora, Nic bought the mac during IT fair period so he got major discount ($199 for4gig upgrade).. spent less than 3K,and it was a good deal. *drumroll* *CRASH* Uncle phill & jane are right! it's blue colour! Binz ah, a load of advice ya?but i got my curls from my mum, and i'm actually ok with em la,was created this way so be myself as much as possible. In fact, i'm hoping to wear my cap for the 2nd album,cos more like me leh..and hope they allow me to heh heh..speaking of which, the album will only come out after june? july? not so early ba.. as always, this type of thing is TBC as u know..so best just know that it is coming but don't go and think ba. :p Thanks for the jiayos(Jane,Meiyi,Qianhui,xiaohong and the all) but i can't reveal the msg for the cover la mighty mouse..i don't think there's much of a msg though..still in planning stage.btw, Aizutto, Sam didn't lose the cam ya? his friend lost it himself.LK,gotta jiayo for 'A's,sometimes hang in there and look towards the bright future ahead :) As for MESS, i guess what i meant was that it'll be great if u 4 meet up once in a while to chill,best if during some gig,but more importantly to treasure your friendship :) it's a priceless thing. k ba, think i talk too much le..go slp le..tmr is a long day..super long day.. take care MLBIANS...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 03:48

Lucky i refresh this page and i saw ur comment. Wow. i thought u sleep already. Ai yoh. U shld finish doing ur homework first. Haha. Yup must exercise if not will become damn unfit.

Wow nic bought the mac during IT fair period and he got major discount and it is only $199 for 4gig upgrade. Is worth it .

Yeah. U told us to guess sam braces colour and it is 4 letter then i think is blue colour loh. haha.

Yup u wear cap for the 2nd album more like u. Haha. Hope they allow u to wear cap for the 2nd album. Ok then jia you working on the album cover.

Weiqi u are welcome. I thought sam lose his friend's camera. Hope sam recover soon.

The most important is to treasure friendship. yup u are right. It's a priceless thing. Best friend is difficult to find.

Miss MlB. Jia you and take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 03:50

hey, that's 'early'... beginning of a new week, should start refreshed tomorrow! sleep earlier yeah..

haha, bball's cool. i played bball too, but at th arcade that is -.- havent played outdoors since i was in secthree, i think. great ya took some time out to exercise and keep fit.. good to see th sun once in a while.. esp with th rainy weather nowadays..

ehh how much's th harddisk of th mac? less than 3k's like super great deal?! was looking at th flier for buying notebook fr e sch vendor.. macbook's like 2k to 4k++... cant remember th specifications thou.. think 2k's like 160gb hd and th others are like 250gb..

well anywayy. actually your hair does look okayy when u style it properly la... deepest impression i've got's like th music in the air one, was nice! maybe you try getting th stylist to really style up for ya.. cuz ur cap's really wayy too... you? haha be unique once in a while! :P

hey we do meet up, like once in a while.. it's been really really long since we last came out together, and not to even talk about gig.. but yeahh, we did meet up like some time ago for a movie and so on. well, guess everyone just being real busy with their own stuffs, hard to actually compare schedules and meet up.. i suppose its the same for ya guys too yeah? but whatevr it is, the friendship's still there, we still do keep in contact.. no worries yeah :) we'll try to appear soon, look out for us yeah? :D

seems like u can nv finish ur homework.. jiayou yeah? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 04:04

I played basketball too. I not good at it. but that was like 2 yrs ago ba. Weiqi u dun mind if i use that pics for my desktop background? Haha. I like this pics very much. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 10:15

Hi WQ...! Good to see that u are alright...! Jia you 2 u in ur hmwk ba... Must finished it all ar... Haha... So, how is the puppet now? The 3 of u must be very happy during the VT shot ba cause it's seems to me like u guys have not meet each other very long le... Haha... Jia you once again...! All the best!!! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 11:23

Last from MESS to post a tag. =.=
Proving how busy i am, JUST LIKE U weiqi. :) WORKING WORKING, poly enrollment blaablaa mad cow business...

But still thanks for the birthday message. *gandongz*
I came back u know. Don't believe ask Sam. I did go watch SS. Just no chance to see u only. Next event look out FER MIEE! >:D lol

Yaa like MK said we do watch movies and stuff. Hopefully got chance we meet up again at a gig to cheer for u guys~~

take care people... ALL THE WAY!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 13:26

yo weiqi, i cldnt help not grinning wn i read ur tag on the 3 of you ... so funny lah you ...

lucky it was not sam who lost the cam ... so pity no pics of sam's underworld venture le la ... was guessing if sam's braces were pink, den tot, nah, guys, mayb blue ya ... hope his dizzy spells are now gone?

wuh, nic got a mac ... cool ... the IT idiot in me says better stick to pc ya ... nic mus really luv his new toy to get the skin and protection keyboard etc ... am sure is a good investment cos it's recommended by weiqi mah ;)

weiqi, you got lighter skin tone ah, not that i can tell lah ... but fair skin aint too bad lah, even for a guy ... grt to hear that you get to do the album cover! hee, look fwd to what you have in store for us ya ... that said, chiong all the way for your school work but take care ya (and nic and sam too)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 14:47

So Sam didn't lose the camera..
I keep wondering how Sam is going to replace the camera but lucky,it wasn't him.

Today,saw the trailer again and my mom was beside me and she asked me,
"What are the boys doing playing around the playground like small kids?"LOL!My mom knows who is MLB by the way!

Sam's braces is blue..That's cool!
And you guys played basketball in the sun?But good lah,got a bit of exercise mah..

Oh yea,you should wear a cap!It would look so like you lah Weiqi.
Hope they would let you wear a cap!

Take care Nic,Sam and Weiqi!Miss you guys loads!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 18:50

arggh yuan lai weiqi was here last night...haha!

homework not done...zen me ban??? you still can :P somemore...li hai!! haha! "good" luck lo =X~~~ hehe I mean, JIA YOU!!!

less than 3K...-_- i can't even afford a 300 bucks de stuff...haha!
have fun lo nic~

June or July or never mind de~ haha just hope that the promos period will be longer...of cos not to the extent of lei si you trios la...haha!
well its not up to me to decide also, so shall just "hope" ba...hehe!

take care!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 20:00

and next time all of us will on the bluetooth on our phone! xD

jiayo alrite? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 23:55

Yes it’s important to relax even when you are darn busy...actually you can keep fit without compromising your schedule ah...like “ take the stairs instead of taking lift or escalator” ...or walk instead of taking bus or whatsoever? You see how ba. Jia you!!!
And for the cap or no cap part – as long as you are comfortable with it, who cares? Lol.

Yes it’s important to protect the “appearance” of the Macbook but must protect the “inside” too...

Tell sam to take care and I miss him...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 23:57

oh yes - it has been hard on you trios...press on!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 00:25

Yah, less than 3K for a mac is consider quite a good deal. Can't compare it to a normal laptop with its function. Agree that if you really looking for some IT stuffs, especially PC, printers or really expensive things, go IT fair but must have the patient and stamina to stay in there. I siamz the IT show for few times liao, because I will end up buying things which I really doesn't need. Like a Bluetooth USB for PC, the Nth MP3 I got or even an extra mouse. I never come back empty handed. :P Bad shopping habit.

You know what weiqi, actually you look handsome if you really style your hair. Maybe you can try using a hair dryer and style with gel. Practices make perfect. Sometime with a cap, we can't even see your face.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 01:32

Wow, playing basketball under the hot sun with Sam. So, I suppose that meant Sam already recover from his dizzy spell. Well, anyway I have said prayer for Sam to recover fast in my buddhism study class just now. Sam, jia-you... ok?

Weiqi, I also feel that it is better for you not to wear cap. I agree with flora that, most of the times your face will be covered by your cab. And I personally believe you look good with a well styled hair. No harm trying it, ok?
Oh, hope you can find enough times to complete all your homeworks & projects. Remember MLB spirit of "Never Say Die", just keep on trying. Yeah, you will surely make it.
Well, as for the 2nd album. We got no problem as to when it will be released, cos we know that good stuffs are always worth waiting. Meantimes, we can start to collect more LongHuBang voting coupons from i-weekly.
Lets' jia-you together... cheers.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 01:37

Mr WEIQI ...
Wow I Read Finish Ur WHOLE 'Joined Together' Paragraph ... Almost Becum 斗鸡眼 Siax... LoLx!

Anyway, Funny La U, Still *drumroll* To Announce SAM's Braces Colour... Mayb Not All Noe That It's Blue... But Some Of Us Already Saw His BLUE Braces Le... WaHaHax ~

Hmmmmmmm Album Out Only In June Or July Eh.?!? Ok NVM We'll Definitely Wait De! *值得的* =D

Lotssssss Of JIAYO To MLB!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 02:02

wa, weiqi.
i oso guess blue lei!
missed out mine ar. =x

so u've finally saw the SUN!
suppose it's a great feeling yea?
it's good to take a little break from sch work. :DD
so don't over-stress!
as for me, i haven't exercise since holidays started!
means it's been 5 months!
wonder how much weight i gained. =.=

continue to JIAYOU for 2nd album!
when june or jul comes, we'll all get busy again!
heh heh.
meanwhile TAKE CARE! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 02:20

super long day? will it "eat" into your sleeping hours? hope no! take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 11:57

nic! Your very beng-talking in the vt but so cute. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 12:45

thanks for the updates!!
homework still on the rush?
must jia you k!
and basketball is FUN!! haha~
glad that u still take out some time to relax. =)

sam arh, you okay already?
rest well ya? take care!! =D

and nic!
so happy with ur new mac ah? hahah~
take good care of it wor. =)

mlbians!! have a nice day~~ hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 13:31

haiz...today me on MC...*cough cough*

quite a few march birthday babies this month oh...today is angie jie birthday, then tomorrow is singyin's birthday...next one is yiwen's on the 27th...haha!
happy birthday angie jie!!

oh yes speaking of long hu bang coupons - go ahead and start collecting le ya? don't worry about the envelopes thingy cos I just stole a big stack of postcards from Seoul Garden again yesterday =X...our school would have somemore de haha...yeah so need de hua just let me know ba ;D. thanks!

Weiqi the Mr Busy - study hard, work hard but take care too ya?
Steady de sam - steady ya? haha =P
Nic the...*what nick should I give him =X* - have fun yo~!
MLBians - jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 13:56

Hello. If u all got buy the latest i weekly, u all will noe page 40 and 41 got milubing,shawn tok,daren,wei lian,kelly,ah do,game boys,梦飞船 n others.

Maybe u shld try to put some gel or wax to style ur hair. Haha. U can try.

Haha. MLB jia you. Take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 14:22

oh. i saw ah. just a pic only mahz. haha! not new de somemore. LOL!
thanks for telling anyway...

no doubt weiqi looked good with the hair styled and without a cap but no point if he don't feel himself ba? As in, "gorgeous" comes from within de right? after all, we love the guys for who they are right? haha no offence! cos you know, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder...did i phrase correctly? hehe...

BUT, whoever that take charge of your outfits or whatever, might want to make the best out of your cap wor...as in, make the cap part of FASHION~
ok I'm crapping =X...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 17:12

helloooooooo MRCHAN!! jiayou kayyyys :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 17:28

Jiayou lol....
me recently busy wif some stuff....

Syl,Min & Audrey
c u guys on Fri...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 22:00

uh huh, uh huh.
we did meet up.
no worries~!

jiayou! :]

i will work towards straight As for my Alevel!



Blogger -WHEY` | 18 March, 2008 23:39

haha.. weiqi, don't make it a habit to wear cap lah :P try other hair styles lor! :x

maybe hair straightening? heehee :x kidding!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 00:00

alamak mr chan...
like what ah shan mentioned, yes la.. i did wished that you 变白一点. and i really meant 一点 ma.. somemore. you become fairer is also by that LITTLE bit only.. can 摆脱 your 'mud' 形相了嘛.......

jiayou ah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 00:42

WQ, dehhhhhhhh! wrong answer. go think some more :p dun stress pls, got time then tink, no time forget it. and...apologies 4 wrong assumption. u take care and focus on ure hmwk! as u once said, quality > impt than quantity. hope this still holds true for ure lecturers ;) nite.


Blogger binz | 19 March, 2008 03:09

haha weiqi i didn't realise i typed so much advice till u mentioned. yup yup it's definitely more comfortable and happy to be yourself(: jux dun get too irritated with the curls when ur hair gets long and start to 翘 here and there.. haiyo still long wait to next album~ things come faster when u dun think abt it(: maybe get time to design more caps and show them to company so that they will allow u to have them for the new album? anw jiayous in ur studies and slp more! it feels damn horrible to go to lectures sleepy..


Blogger Strat | 19 March, 2008 04:27

Wei Qi,
No matter is with cap or wothout... Fairer skin tone or darker skin tone ... You are still you ar ... So ... Just present the most comfortable wei qi can le ... Rite ??? Haha... jia you in ur studies !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 12:24

hello peeps,
update regarding Danceworks'08 Finals event at Dragonfly on 5th Apr.

have received reply from th organisers, they said that it's a closed door event only open to invited guests and supporters of th competing groups, due to space constraints. therefore, we'll not be able to enter if we go down on that day.

however, we're still in process of enquiring if they're able to open up some spaces for supporters of MLB, currently waiting for reply. we'll keep you guys posted, so check back here regularly.

thanks pegg for emailing th organisers..



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 13:00

thanks meikian for informing and pegg for enequiring? hehe...
yeah MUST TRY to see if can help us bargain for spaces yo~! if possible we can go bargain together de hahaha! ma fan ni men le!!

have a nice day people!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 13:01

meikian & pegg,
Thanks for enquiring with the organiser. Hopefully they are able to let us in! Shall wait for the good news. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 13:51

halo sam, hope u r well by now...

weiqi, jia you! hope u dun get buried by ur hmwk. ;p

i oso like d SB ad... but usu i'll miss nic's part coz i'll do o/r things during commercial. so by d time i realised it's them, missed d begining. =p

anyway, thks to xiu, i can watch them here. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 15:00

Okayy..some updates regarding events..

other than th 5thApr dragonfly gig, there's another event coming up on th 31st Aug, Yes933 POTP Anniversary Celebration @ Bugis Junction, 5-7pm. Sam&Nic will be making an appearance, so do come down and show ur support :) [publicity and all should be out in radio these few days, but just letting ya guys know in adv :)]

and do look forward to th album, slated for release in mid-year. release date was delayed due to sch and stuffs, but should be released about june. && they're writing most of th songs in there.. so do look out for th album! :)

still awaiting reply regarding dragonfly gig, keep ya guys posted.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 15:08

Okay paiseh ah, typo! [what's wrong with me today -.-]

what i meant was, 31st MARCH. yupps. :P

here're the details listed out so you guys dont get confused ya.. ignore the one on top.

Yes933 POTP Anniversary Celebration
Date: 31st MARCH 08, MONDAY
Time: 5-7pm
Venue: Bugis Junction

sorry for th typo heh...

and they arent involved much with promo for SB2, cuz of NS and sch commitments, and concentrating on album :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 15:49

thanks for the updates of events!
31 march! that's coming SOON! =D=D


Blogger binz | 19 March, 2008 18:45

thanks meikian for the info(: i stunned for a moment when i first read 31st aug, i tht wah so efficient 5 months later de event now start promoting liao.. haha. mannn why is it on a mon at that time.. i 5.05 then end sch =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 19:34

aiyo, so paiseh about th typo. haha.. nv wake up properly then climb outta bed come online liao.. din even realise until someone told me. -.- tsk tsk.. blur..

anywayyy ya.. guess quite alot of people wont be able to to make it for th potp event due to work and sch? duno why it's on a monday thou, hope th info i got isnt wrong. do look out for more info on 933 these few days.. but well, think weiqi wont be there so they'll probably be just making an appearance.. [like maybe play hai dai like th last time -.-] yupps..

but i cant confirm fully about all these info ya.. so do look out for more information and all, and post here if ya guys got any other info.. thanks! :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 19:34

aiyo, so paiseh about th typo. haha.. nv wake up properly then climb outta bed come online liao.. din even realise until someone told me. -.- tsk tsk.. blur..

anywayyy ya.. guess quite alot of people wont be able to to make it for th potp event due to work and sch? duno why it's on a monday thou, hope th info i got isnt wrong. do look out for more info on 933 these few days.. but well, think weiqi wont be there so they'll probably be just making an appearance.. [like maybe play hai dai like th last time -.-] yupps..

but i cant confirm fully about all these info ya.. so do look out for more information and all, and post here if ya guys got any other info.. thanks! :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 16:38

hey guys i got a question. how do you choose your songs like for the audition? i and a couple of people who i havent played with before are intending to sign up for sb2 but we dont know what song to choose. thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 16:38

sam sure look cutee wth blue bracessss...his hair so long liao..so cuteee...