
Happy Valentine!
milubing | 14 February, 2008 15:05

I think today's not only for couples.. BUT,

Father + Son
Mother + Daughter
Grandmother + Grandson
Sister + Brother
Brother + Brother (sounds gay?)
Owner + Dog

All of the above involves LOVE. So, have a love-filled day with a big smile.


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Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 15:31


LOVE meaning I no need to say why I 'MIA'.... :)

LOVE meaning you know I always there.... :)

LOVE meaning no need to talk so much but occassionally can 'see' my voice..... :)

LOVE is all encompassing.....hee..e.e.e

I swear.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.

Walau - eat up my tag again.

From : One and Only TaTouWaWa


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 15:34

Happy Valentine to everyone :)

Enjoy yourself today!!

Take Care


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 15:54

Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!

Ya I agree what you say!

Just enjoy the day with anyone will do... hahahax~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:06


yups.. valentine is really meant for everyone around us ~ keke

anyway HAPPY VALENTINE DAY TO THE 3 OF U all and everyone..=)

had a great day ahead and enjoy urself ba..hohohoh..=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:09


brother to brother sound abit guy....Haha...no la..okay

C u Syliva later....


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:12

HAPPY VALENTINE TO everyone tt i know in this Blog....


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:30

Happy Valentine to you :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:41

may everybody enjoy a sweet day ahead. heh. much Loves for each & every one of you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:42

Happy valentine day to milubing and everyone.

I agree what u say. :)

From : jane


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:45

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:45

ARGH! didn't know ah sam blogged. haha.

well thats true la. but u left out sister and sister lor! haha. sister and sister also can!!! hehe!

take care!

anyway not only valentines day must be HAPPY mahz. everyday is happy day! right right right? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 16:54

yah...Sam u left out sister to sister la ;P haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 20:38

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!


Blogger -WHEY` | 14 February, 2008 21:35


happy valentine's day to all!

v'day is not just for couples.. but for you to show your love towards the people you cared! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 23:17

Ya, Luckily & finally have Sam sharing the same thoughts as me. This day is not only for couples, its a day to spend great times with all your Love Ones.
But, please lah! Brother + Brother loves not necessary be gay lor!
Happy Valentines' Day to MLB & MLBians.

I celebrated this day with my mom at home taking dinner & watching tv programmes (hehe... just likes any other days).


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 23:28



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 23:31

we all have the thinking that Valentines day is for couples, is it because of the chinese name - qing ren jie? YA!!! i think so wor. the chinese name should be more generalized too lor. how about "ai ai jie"? *lame* hahahahaha...

I "celebrated" this day with my research, which is a 95% not productive de. shucks. i must jia you le. U ALL JIA YOU TOO!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 23:34

yes yes .. agree with ah sam .. valentines day is a day tt u spend with ur love ones, not necessarily couples ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 00:40

but come to think of it, the priority person in Valentines day is still your other half (if you have) ba? duno leh. hahaha.

anyway, share with ya something again...

A Valentine's Wish

Today, millions of people around the world celebrate one of the most profound blessings that life has to offer - mutual love. And as you honour that love today, here are some things I wish all couples remember always?

"I love you" is easily spoken, but waking up an hour earlier to prepare breakfast for you is something else!

When you're in love, you never question the meaning of life.

The greatest gift is one's time.

If you truly love someone, you can never grow old.

Don't just focus on the action? try to understand the spirit behind the action.

To keep the loving cup full, give a sincere compliment each day.

When you're giving everything, you've got nothing to lose.

Though much ugliness, violence, darkness and hatred is possible in this world, someone is holding your hand.

Money can always be earned, but a beautiful moment, once past, will never return.

The most wonderful thing you can do with someone you love? is absolutely nothing!

The next time you're moved to anger, think about how you'd feel if this person were no longer in your life.

Don't save anything for a special day or occasion. If you have something good to do, say or give, do it now.

It's easy to love someone for his/her strengths, but it takes true courage to love someone for his/her weaknesses.

Each time you part, there's a possibility you might never see each other again, so part in love.

And finally, remember that despite not being linked by blood, you have found someone who will love, live, laugh, and cry with you... and that itself is a miraculous thing.

Source: 'Eugene Loh, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio'.


Blogger L_family1985 | 15 February, 2008 00:48

sam..u're rite..

for those who r stil single...
jz like me...wuahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 00:49

sam..u're rite..

for those who r stil single...
jz like me...wuahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 00:50

happy valentine anyway..haha..=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 01:03

haha.. from encarta right.. it says that Valentine's day is sending of romantic cards/ gifts to someone. especially anonymously. haa.. meaning cannot put ur name and blabla lor.. 'flowers from: anonymous' haha.. *ahem*

i think single ppl can celebrate with friends ba.. haa.. like me! got more things to chat about de lor.... hahaha..

thanks pekchoo for helping me tag.. =)


Blogger binz | 15 February, 2008 01:15

happy belated valentine's day to everyone(: YES YES YES valentine's day is not only to be celebrated by couples but by everyone(: it feels really great to read the little little notes by our friends(: i enjoyed mine pretty much this yr but unhappy abt myself being too lazy and not completing the notes i wanted to write =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 01:49

wahaha.. binz.. i know why u so happy.. hahaha..

heard that exams for polys and secondary schools coming oh. so all of you jiayou ah!

anyways.. i have valentine's gift! woo~
we have extra 2 pairs of tickets to ss show.. anyone wants it?

email to quizzy :firelight_17188@hotmail.com (first come first serve huh... haa.)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 06:59

STAY HAPPY Every1 ...

MLB - Miss Ya Guyz ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 10:14

Hi Sam...! Happy Valentine's day... I know I am a bit late but nvm, use this time to rest, k? Jia you...! I miss u guys too!!!

Qian Hui,
go see my blog... I got tag s0mething there le... Haha... Happy Valentine's day to you...! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 10:57

Cya tomorrow....
Take Care & Smile :)


Nice chatting with you just now:) hahax! you take care too.. I'll rest well & drink more water..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 16:40

hmm.. yuppies...
Happy belated Valentines Day to all! =D

... Although today is Total Defence Day too....=.=haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 16:45

ya! Happy Total Defence Day (-_- duh...)!!! haha...

Milubing jia you!!!


Blogger syl | 15 February, 2008 18:35

happie belated V-day to all!
hope all had enjoyed ytd, spending time with your loved ones. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 20:00

Hi Pek Choo...! Nice to know u too... Hope to know u m0re... Then we can bec0me best buddies... Haha... Am I too guo fen for others? Hope that they won mind too... -_-!!! Anyway, u should take off instead of working yah? Hope that resting will help u to recover sooner...! Will help u jia you to recovering...! =)

Hi Quizzy jie,
Long time never see u le...! I mean msn... Haha... U should know what I mean... actually I ask u 2 online because got s0mething to talk to you abt lah... Personal matters... But anyway, hope to hear from u soon and see u in msn soon..! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 20:06

hi ! Si Min


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 21:02

omg you MIA so long
do you know how much i missed you?
you have my hp no. dont you.
cant youuuu contact meeeee ):

TATOU WAWA AHYI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway. Happy belated valentines!
Sylvia misses uncle benny so much
So do i ;D

uh sam, did you play with those 'babies' during ur bath? wondered if you did receive them in the first place. haa.

woo. smile(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2008 23:14

Happy Total Defence(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 00:28

happy belated valentine's! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 00:31

happy total defence day..

is mr wong coming out tmr?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 00:45

didnt expect to see a valentine entry. thanks sam. (:

quizzy, i think i cant make it on 23rd also. ayes. what bad timing. got other things on. boo! thanks for the offer anyway. thanks thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 10:23

happy weekend all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 10:23

happy weekend all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 11:32

Happy Total Defence Day!!

Tks for for the Jiayou!! I really hoped I'm recovering with my illness.. hahax~


Blogger Hey (don't bring me down) | 16 February, 2008 15:56

hehe MLB u guys ROX!Love all of your songs U guys are friendly towards us, your fans! Great job hope u'll carry on ur good work and set an example for newbies U'RE FOREVER SG 1st BEST SUPERBAND!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 21:56

sam, I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience caused....I promised it won't happen again...pardon me for my bad handwriting too...and terok english too...cos never edit...alamak...sorry sorry...if dun understand then forget about it lor...=/ dui bu qi...

and like what i mention in the letter, please take enough rest whenever possible...but if you are tired of counting stars, jiu count the number of steps u need to finish walking the moon 1 round ba...=D!

jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 23:33

Wow, have a great time watching today's Sheng Siong Show Live at Mediacorp.
Believe Sam & the other 2 judges have a hard time giving scores, cos all the 4 groups were so good. And my choice for the 2 groups proceeding to the Final was same as the judges. Yeah...

Thanks for talking to me & also saying goodbye to me before you left. Fyi, you look Super Handsome & Coolz today. I like the red & black outfits you put on too. :)
Hope you have more rest, so that you can write more good music for us. We are eagerly waiting for MLB 2nd album. MLB Jia-you...

Quizzy & E-wen,
Thanks for giving ik & myself a chance to attend the show. I really appreciate, thanks once again. :)

Have a great weekend to MLB & All MLBians. All the Best to everyone in whatever you are doing. Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 00:11

uncle phil, bu ke qi! haha.

Oh my I was so "indulging myself" in Joi Chua's performance lor...so beautiful....


sam, u became another pandaeye le...rest more if u can. hope u won't have to "count stars" again later...
but if u have to, must look carefully oh, cos there will be a brightest "star", may that be your "shou hu xing" =)...

have a good rest! nic and weiqi jia you too! go go go!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 01:21

boy ah,
u looked tired today. get more rest k? takecare & jiayou :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 01:25

hello sam..
i think ur orange and black stripe shirt is nicer. haa.. (i love orange!) but that ang pow shirt is cool too! we know u like it.. u're so excited when u say how nice it is lurh... hahahaha.....
rest well lo.. new year over le can rest more! and hor. counting stars is no use de.. will get more awake.. we will think of many many many other ways for u de. haa.. jiayou!
and hor.. we can hear ur 'hey!'.. haa!

uncle phil,
hehheh.. 小事情... haa.. everyone go there 开心就好!!

uh oh... now we're all so looking forward and not look forward to next week le.... hahahaha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 01:34

Wow! A post filled with so much love. hmm...never tot of V-day as one b/w owner + dog. Maybe cos never loved a dog so much b4...haha
use your words, i wish everyone a LOVE-ly week ahead, esp MLB!!!
P.S. oooo....cute cupid cursor


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 02:41

i miss MLB!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 03:58


u know something? miko stumbled upon this forum - http://www.jbtalks.cc/thread-205723-1-1.html
(i think its based in Malaysia)
someone posted milubing's lei's MV there...wa biang, got 8 pages of praises lor. all say "very nice", "they support milubing" and stuff...

woohoo~~~~ milubing jia you!!!

thanks miko for sharing ah =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2008 14:55

oh forget to say...sam is very shuai yesterday....of cos not only yesterday la...yes u look great in that red and black outfit...although i personally prefer the white and is-it-pink outfit last week....but whatever the case, as long as u r comfortable with it, and u like it, who cares? LOL!

jia you lo! I miss weiqi and nic...but never mind la, u trios must take good care oh~


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 01:03

da jia zai na li??

never mind...

new week le...have fun!! persevere!!
Milubing power lah!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 01:26

Tongue Twister - try it - try fast fast..

Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 02:03

*tongue tied*

haha i think this one more chim
Mrs. Smith's Fish Sauce Shop.

got the S sound de more challenging...i can't do it...hahaha!

have a good rest ba! ah sam "counting stars" again ma? hmm...cannot say sweet dreams cos u dun take sweet stuff is it? Then what kind of dreams u want leh? hehe. DREAMS COME TRUE??!! steady ah!

Weiqi! tomorrow got school?! jia you!

nic, have fun dancing!

everyone take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 02:24

Sam u are so handsome,cute and cool.

Yup u look great in the red and black outfit. Haha. I like red.

Thanks for ur signature. I am glad that u still remember my name. Haha. Pls rest more,jia you and take care.

I miss weiqi and nic.


Blogger binz | 18 February, 2008 03:13

hey sam, look very shuai in the red and black outfit hur! anw u were so cute and funny when gonna drive back in, give that frantic look then say u very blur dunno wad to do.. ahha relax close the window then start driving lor~

ahh monday blues~ off to slp liao.. have a great day ahead everyone(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 10:19

hi all gd morning n gd dae!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 11:21

Yeah agree with the rest mlbians, Sam wore the red and black tee, damp shuai last Sat!! hahax~

Miss 3 Milos :)

Take Care & Jiayou!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 11:26

morning! =)
yeah! sam looked great on tv last sat!
haha, red plus black.. cool!
it's monday once again..
hmm. enjoy the new week ya? take care ppl!