
sam's Not at home
milubing | 07 January, 2008 15:28

Good afternoon.

Believe most of you know that my com is down again. I don't know why, but i'll get it alive again soon. At moment, i just gotta shi ying working without one. Well well.. 3 of us have been hanging out quite a bit in the past weeks. Like many of you, WeiQi is now back in school. Nic, still serving, i'm busy with my own stuff. Yea, we'll feel lei at times. Nevertheless, let us adopt a positive attitude towards everything, and JIA YOU!


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Blogger Strat | 07 January, 2008 15:49

Jia yo !!! haha... Ya... Positive!!! Haha all the way ya !!! haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 15:52

wahaha. lesson ended le so I came in check check then so qiao see sam blogged.

Alright then. HELLO SAM! haha. jia you in shi ying-ing without comp ba. very tong ku, but persevere! haha.

Yup u trios must jia you! haha. yeah, I shall TRY TO be positive...very difficult...but i try... ;D!

take care yor! missed u guys ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 16:30

take care guy.. (:
"interesting" post ya?? hahas =X
advertising for first album again~~
hopefully we can see advertisement for the 2nd album soon~ (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 16:36

haha! sam very funny la! sounded very wu nai (without comp~~~), yet still very positive? hehe.

anyway, e-wen now flying home, she asked sam to "take care of your eyes, and cya soon!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 17:04

yo yo samwong,
very clever ah you? do advertising for your songs. haha...

then we'll feel so sad when we see ya guys looking so lei... but sometimes you guys give us the yong qi to persevere on in work... we'll shi ying to not seeing ya guys so often now, esp when ya guys are so busy with work. but no worries, we'll listen to ur songs and get alive. although its like tian shi juan lian, the reason to wo wei shen me hai ai ni is your music... and because health is wealth, so its the bai wan bao in life... so... you guys gotta takecare ya? =))

whoa, that was hard. hahaa... =PP

well get your comp repaired soon thenns. we'll see u guys real soon i'm sure... cuz we're all human, we'll all feel lei.. but yeahh, jus stay happy and smile. things will be fine (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 17:38

Sam i miss u. Haha. Yup. We will feel so sad when we see you guys looking so tired. we will try not to see you guys so often now.

I listen 2 mlb song everyday until my bro say u everyday listen 2 mlb song not sian meh? I say the more i listen 2 their song the more i like it. hehe. Jia you!! Sam get ur computer repaired soon or buy a new computer.

Stay happy! I love mlb. Mlb power lah. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 17:42

Sam hope ur eyes are alright by now. I miss milubing! Love Mlb. Take care. Jia you! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 17:59

sam ! (:
tt the right way to look at things now yeah. guess as u say in ur entry. u guys do feel so 'lei' =) but i sure u guys will be able to do it in a way or another. as u say le. look at things in a postive way. yeah ! :))

jiayou ar. haha. =)
hope ur com will 'get alive' soon. hohoh. ^^ in a mean while take care yeah.. =))

keke..mlb jiayou ba..! :D


Blogger Unknown | 07 January, 2008 19:27

haha! cool post yea?! lolxx. trying to promote MLB's 主打 once again this year. wad a good strategy u made?! lolxx. awaiting for ur 2nd album!!! =D JIA YOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 19:47

Wah so li hai use the song names haha.... There's gonna be Fei Chang Superband 2008 this yr so you guys are gtting jnrs hoho!

Yeah, happy shi ying-ing life without com. It's agony bt you'll gt over it. =]

Lalala~ Live life well you three

[I sound like you guys nt living it well like that wahlau lah me...]

Edited: Be happy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 20:37

well well, 非常SuperBand 2008 is coming soon! starting from 16th June, every monday!

看什么: 第1届 《非常SuperBand》 打造出本地首支乐团兼新加坡金曲奖 "最佳新人奖" 的迷路兵. 新系列的 《非》 将分成乐团组与非乐团组, 这两个组别的冠军将在大决赛争夺 "SuperBand" 的称号.

well, was like "huh~" when ii saw this in i-weekly. hmmm, audition coming very soon bahz?! those who are interested, can start to work extra harder le. jia you!

didnt meant to promote this in our SuperBand's blog, bt well, 迷路兵 will be our SuperBand forever in our heart! =D

oso, we can catch the boys in this 2nd season's SuperBand, and tts what all of us want! haha! =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 20:48

Wah~ Sam you are back again... Short post and we are waiting for your 2nd album!! JIAYOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 21:36

huh? u mean we can catch milubing in 2nd season de superband? confirm ma? LOL!

Milubing and MLBians jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 21:40

ya, my eyes got stamp. the first sentence say clearly liao. but but but, still too early to confirm ba. hahahahaha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 22:09

=) did some research for sam...and anyone of u who may be interested to know...quite long, take your time to read alright?

"What Causes a Crash?

There are many reasons why a computer may freeze or completely crash. The most common reason is an overload in the memory. Computers have a set amount of memory to work with (this is their RAM, or "Random Access Memory"). If you attempt to do more with the computer than it's capable of handling at one time, it may "crash" in an attempt to save itself. Generally, the cause of this is generally that too many programs are running at once for the computer to handle. If you are not using a program, close it.

Conflicts between programs are other well-known reasons for crashes. Programs such as virus detectors are notorious for conflicting with other applications and utilities. If you notice that crashes are occurring while the same two programs are running, try to avoid running these two programs at the same time.

What Can I Do?

1. Take Notes
Your first step should be to pay attention to what was happening at the time of the freeze or crash. Try to isolate the program that may be causing problems (this can help prevent a further, more damaging, crash). Is there a history of problems with a particular program (or combination of programs) on your computer? Were too many programs running at once? Was it a particular task you were trying to do? See if you can form a hypothesis about the cause. By understanding what may have caused it this time, you can attempt to avoid future, similar occurrences.

2. Try to End the Program
Windows provides a "Task Manager" that lists all current programs in operation. In Windows 9x & ME, this menu is brought up by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time. In Windows 2000, after pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete, click the "Task List" button. In this menu, you can attempt to individually close programs that are causing problems. If programs are unresponsive, Windows will attempt to notify you of this in the Task Manager.

If you are able to effectively close the program causing problems, save your work in all other open programs, and reboot your computer. This will help to prevent further crashes, and give your system a clean slate to work from again.

3. Reboot
If you are not able to effectively close the program in question, you have several options. Please note that any changes in unsaved documents WILL be lost in a system reboot.

With the Task Manager open, try pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete once more. Windows will attempt to reboot itself.

If the Task Manager does not respond, you still have a few options. Check your computer's tower to see if there is a "Reset" button (it will be in the general area of the normal "Power" button, and should be slightly smaller than it). Press the "Reset" button, and your computer should reboot.
If you are unable to find the "Reset" button or do not have one, there is one final option to pursue. Find the "Power" button on your computer's tower. Press and hold this button. You will need to hold it for a few seconds (sometimes up to ten full seconds). At some point, your computer should shut down completely. If nothing happens, keep holding the button. Do not press and let go without giving the computer a fair chance to shut down.

What happens next?
After rebooting, Windows will most likely automatically start a program called "ScanDisk." This program will do a basic scan of your hard drive looking for any glaring errors that may have occurred during the reboot. Most of the time there will be nothing wrong, but it is a good idea to let the program run to its conclusion. Computers crash quite often, and you will generally have nothing to worry about.

You may also want to "defrag" your hard drive. By running "Disk Defragmenter" (Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Defragmenter), you can clean up the way in which Windows organizes files on your hard drive. As you use your computer, Windows stores files (and parts of files) in different locations (called "sectors") on the hard drive. Disk Defragmenter will attempt to move all related files to adjacent sectors, maximizing the efficiency of your hard drive space (which in turn allows your computer to access files faster). Note that defragging a drive can take a very long time. Try running it overnight.

Anything Else?
Crashes and freezes are inevitable. Be sure to back up your files, and save often. Put your floppy drive to use. Small documents (such as papers and images) are almost always the ones that are lost during a crash. Any computer is prone to a crash. It's best to be aware and prepared than to lose your data."

Source: http://getit.rutgers.edu/tutorials/freezes_crashes/media/crash.doc


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 22:12

erm, hope this works la. shall find out more when I free...hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 22:19

haha! meaning what? milubing will be split up to non-band? i dun kinda understand..

hahahaha..... i wana join SuperBand....!!!! haa..

rest well sam! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 22:26

no la, it mean in the second season, there would be "bands" and "non bands" category. Then the winners of the two catergories will be battling out for the "superband" champion. right?

sam, the above info I searched is for software problems only. Hardware problem de hua, must really let your brother check liao. jia you ah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2008 22:34

mr ah sam !!
u steady la .. use e 3 songs to blog .. 乘机打歌 hur .. haha .. jiayou yea !!

haha .. ewen so blur .. sha sha de .. keke .. ehh, u sure u wanna join ma ..


Blogger Jean | 07 January, 2008 22:45

wahhh...so cool lahs!a post filled with the names of mlb songs!=))...
jia you anyway!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 00:56

JIAYO ! ! !


Blogger binz | 08 January, 2008 01:02

wah sam's comp breakdown he still so positive.. if my comp ever dies on me i'll probably follow after the comp and breakdown too~ i can never shiying without a comp.. weiqi, sam and nic are back to your hectic shedule, hope u guys get sufficient rest and hang in there when u 3 are feeling lei(: JIAYOUS JIAYOUS JIAYOUS(:

to mlbians out there esp those studying and working, JIAYOUS too! im so not adapting to my new academic life~ i wan back the nov and dec holidays! ops~ =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 10:12

hahaha.. orh... i was abit blur.. then i keep thinking the whole time how mlb split to non-band. hahhaha.. get it get it.

sam.. can buy new com le la.. hahaha.. com die, u havent die.. haa.. so get a new life for it instead. haha..

ah shan.. why u always say me huh.. hahahaha.. duno lei.. haa! like that time u all wana join beatbox like that lor. hahaha..

feeling lei is will de la.. but when you achieve what you want, i think your sense of accomplishment will overpower the lei-ness le la.. haa.. so.. jiayou lo~! haa..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 11:43

ah wen,
i nv always say u la .. sometimes only la .. keke .. we where got wanna join bbox .. play play only ma .. but my 'bbox' v power rite ?? haha =P if u joining, u join with who ??

jiayou ppl !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 12:44

haha! i duno if ur 'bbox' is power, but we haven't challenge 'kbox' yet. hehe.

yes, everyone are lei...but we've each other's company (not physically though), so can we share the "lei-ness" together? haha.

Sam! nic! weiqi! we may not be physically there with u guys all the time, but...we are jia you-ing for u guys here! hehe!



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 12:44

haha cannot pian xin. ALL JIA YOU TOO =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:29

haha forget to share with ya, I think i see a little improvements in my grades le wor. Not too fantastically done though. just from "D's, E's, F's" to "C's and D's" only la. haha.

and remember I mentioned about our PP (professional profiling) right? 2000 words report plus that presentation on the 28th Nov. I passed that too! wee~~~ =X

okok. have a nice day Milubing and MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:31

muahahha sam,
nice job!
ur 造句 always full marks one issit? hehe!

k, hope ur com will get alive soon..
weiqi and nic, jia you in wadever you guys doing ya? all the best~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:32

ok, here's JIayo back to u all! :) Take care peeps... meeting my bros on fri and maybe sat too :p
p.s. yesterday was 1st day of 2nd sem year2, and guess wat, i found my class ya? haha..not lost. but that's cos i purposely went earlier by half an hour to find the venue... heh heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:38

kool ah qi! ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:42

hello weiqi!
yah, congrats for not being lost? lol..
yeah, happie jamming and happie schooling! =)
and rmb to get enough sleep k.. heh. take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:52

don worry syl, will try my best to get some rest in btwn ya? usually start of school i still can manage one la... :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:53

haha.. ok lor shan... hahaha...

quizzy.. ah shan dun dare to challenge.. cos right.. she wana 'run' on kbox.. haha.. :P

weiqi! haha.. we jia you together! haa.. ours is term2 only.. havent change class.. so ma fan right always change class? haha.. jiayou jiayou! good that you found your class lo.. ahha.. happy jamming this fri and sat lo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:57

hahaha, yah..
everytime starting of sch is feng ping lang jing..
then as time pass by, the load would get greater.. haha!
k lah, today weiqi no sch meh? or break time?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 13:58

hello weiqi!

u should feel glad that u r not in different classes everyday. I in this current class on monday Tuesday and Friday (4th floor). Wednesday and Thursday in 2 other classes (5th floor). So when I come back to this class on friday, I tend to forget which way to go, and forget should press 4th instead of 5th in lift =X. haha. but ya la, our school not as big as yours ba. hehe.

jia you to u too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 14:09

oh ya, since this is the new semester for u, will u be staying in hostel? haha if bu fang bian answer jiu nvm~


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 14:37

sam, winner liao lor..still can advertise songs here..haha..ya ya get ur comp fixed soon k..n cya guys soon..take care! :)

weiqi, er congrats for not getting lost in sch ar..haha..thr's always e online campus map ya..so dun need to go to sch so early.. :p (ok mayb not..cos adm's like a maze.. :x) jiayou for e new sem! :)

happy jamming guys! ^^

anyway, i'm home on e second day of sch cos..thr's no lecture today! haha..super shiok..go sch one day den rest one day..ok it's not even one day cos i went to sch ytd for 2hrs lecture w/o notes.. =.= ok everyone jiayou k! :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 15:09

Sam - I just rebooted my computer yesterday because it won't work with me!URGH!

Weiqi - You scared you'll get lost again right that's why you came early..LOL!But it is good to hear that you managed to find the venue lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 16:52

weiqi arh..
you arh.. hahas.. well, glad tt u din lost ur way?? hahas.. 2nd sem 2nd year liao wors, if still lost ur way de hua, wun it be very qi guai?? =X

anyway, hope everything's going well on your side and jiayou lo~~ (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 16:56

haha. before i go...

if weiqi say "don worry syl, will try my best to get some rest in btwn ya? usually start of school i still can manage one la... :p"...does that mean as time goes she (and of course all of us) can start to worry for u already??? hahahaha just kidding. jia you dude!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 17:01

typo. *does that mean as the days passes she (and us) can start to worry for u already? =X

bye bye


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 17:15

Hi weiqi,
haha... gd to hear tat u're fine... But do u mean tat u will get more and more stressful after sometime in sch ?? haha... Jiayo ... No matter wat U will do it de ... Haha...

Frm givon,
Hi weiqi... Jiayo and take care too !! And rmb not to get too stress up by your work !! :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 17:20

mr ah qi !!
ehh, u cheated .. u went earlier de .. keke =P .. kidding ..
but anw, glad tt u din lost ur way la, if not i can ask ntu to gif u e title of 'lost king' liao .. keke =X .. kidding ..
jiaoyou for e new sem yea .. get enuf rest, drink enuf water & dun b a zombie agn le .. haha .. =P

my 'bbox' of coz power de la .. dun believe u can ask ah wen .. keke

*ahem* toking bad abt mi hur .. >_< haha .. i scare lata i challenge le, then u all xia dao dun wanna challenge with mi ma .. i so power leh .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 17:42

ehh .. paiseh .. typo error .. is 'jiayou for e new sem yea' not 'jiaoyou for e new sem yea' haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 18:00

Weiqi congrats that u never get lost in sch. Haha. U purposely went to school by half an hour to find the venue.lol.

If u get lost ur way it will be very strange. cos it is ur 2nd sem 2nd year liao. Rest well and drink more enough water. Jia you! Mlb power lah. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 18:04

Mlb hope u guys like the monkey keychain and the green tea that i have gave u guys at ecp. Miss u guys. I love Mlb. Drink more water and rest well. Jia you in everything.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 18:26


hello weiqi..
glad tt u manage to find ur class in sch..=P anyway just continue to jiayou in ur studies ar. heard tt now nt much.. but later of the month work load will be much hor. from there u must continue to jiayou liao ar. keke..=))

^^ take care hor weiqi. hahas.. :)) as many had say..rest well..=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 19:15

so in short, if you didnt arrive half hour earlier, you'll still get lost and be late right? no diff lah -.- and you always tend to get lost on the first day of the year mah, sem should be ok hor... we'll see on the first day of year three... -.-

ok lah, suan you enough alrrs. ya ya make sure u can manage... if not later we'll see zombie-fied you again.



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 19:48

by the way. reminder for all who want to order the mlb tee to send in your orders by friday.

and as i said before, do remember to state the exact size- the girls or guys cutting and S/M/L. and also, will be good if you guys can leave us your hp no. for easier contact. thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 23:05

ha ha sam, that was a darn good one ;p

hope ur comp is fixed le ...

just wanna tell milubing that my friend said that lu4 and she3 bu4 de2 are nice!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 January, 2008 23:38

WEIQI, Congrats On Never Getting Lost Again On 1st Day Of Sch ...

HaHax Anyway, U In Sch 2nd Yr Liaoz Lek, Still Can Lost - Den Really Speechless Liaoz ... LoLx!

Continue To JIAYO ! ! !
Cya Guyz Soon ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 00:32

haha! ahqi.. u won me in replying the tag.. alamak.. if school's internet didnt lag then i wun lose by one min le! -.- jiayou in ur new sem.. i think the nexxt time u come here.. everyone trying to 'worry' for you le.. haha..

ah shan, i guang ming zhen da de say. haha.. you scared lose to me right.. alamak~~~

my family's starting to support mlb too. haa.. i was surprised when i hear my cousins and brother and my aunt singing 'lu' just now. wowwow~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 00:42

pi la !! keke =P .. more of u scared hao bu hao .. ehh, i v power de ok .. dun play play ar .. haha ..

my bro oso like 'lu' leh .. haha .. then my fren & her bro like 'lei' oso, aft watching e ntuc show .. keke


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 00:54

shan, u want challenge jiu challenge weiqi! or sam also can! wahaha

*whisper to weiqi and sam* shan hao lian only la~~~~ =X

shan, challenge kbox! want ma??? haha...

okok jokes aside. now raining le, all remember to put on blanket wor. Weiqi, u better go sleep now. Nic, have a good rest too. if sam comp still haven't get alive, chances are u may not see this so soon; but still, jia you!

okok cannot pian xin. ALL JIA YOU, HAVE A GOOD REST. CYA!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 01:05

ehh .. i nv hao lian la .. dun anyhow say .. haha .. huh ?? challenge weiqi & sam wat thing ?? dun wan la .. i sure lose them de .. haha .. (haven challenge, i ren su 1st =X)

ehh, u 2 bully mi sia .. i'll cry ar .. T_T


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 01:34

nope.. not staying in hall this sem..guess i've given up on halls..my school is the free hall..wanna stay jus bring your own bed..or use the chairs! :) not joking.. :p nitey..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 01:37

mr chan, so late still havent slp? tsk tsk..stay in sch can 培养感情 w ur sch rite..haha..go n slp soon k..nitey! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 01:39

u 3 JIAYOU yea? :DD
rmb to get enough rest as well.
heh heh.
take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 01:41

den u can go there camp for free. =x
gd nite! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 01:59

Weiqi! So late still havent sleep? U can go there camp for free. Lol. Go and sleep soon.

Remember 2 get enough rest. Drink enough water. Mlb jiayou! Waiting for 2nd album. Mlb power lah. I go to sleep liao. Nite! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 02:15

yeah, based on the past experiences you shared, we do believe you're not joking. i'm very free now, everyday slacking at home. if need help to choose and carry a nice bed to put in school can look for me :P then i guess your school must be quite luan if there're alot of people like you staying there. -.-

ohh wells. have an early night guys. takecare!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 08:34

wa biang eh, i go sleep le weiqi jiu tag. hahahaha.

quite true la, don't apply for halls, can save up quite a lot also...

wanna stay in school just bring own bed or use the chairs? -_-!!!
actually hor, quite fun too ba? heh heh.

ok la, wherever u are, please do time to sleep jiu dui liao, haha.

jia you!

shan, challenge the both of them bbox! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 08:35

*please do take time to sleep


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 10:18

weiqi.. haa.. i would suggest u come to RP.. cos right.. there's very nice and comfy sofas, mini sofas, beanbags everywhere for you to sit, lie, sleep. haha.. come here sleep got aircon also. no need suffer eheh.. haha..

YAY! nice one quizzy! haa.. poor ah shan..

shan.. u so power then challenge la! rarr.. we didnt bully lei.. haa.. showing powerness here. lalalalalalalalalalalala~ weekend approaching~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 10:21

Hi quizzy jie... So, u not free in the morning eh? Haha... Then ur nxt holidays will be when? Hmm, I'll try to pass u the letters by this week ba... But u must reply my msg wor if not bill high le... Haha... Take care orh...! Help me send my regards to them wor!!! Haha... Thanks ar... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 10:34

high five e-wen!

hello si min. actually, since u r already here (as in, MILUBING DE BLOG) le, u can just tell them here mahz, since they will be reading. if u tell me this in msn or sms then will be different story la.

and i dun reply u because just like u, i dun want my sms to explode too. please understand. ur bill high because u probably keep calling/smsing, not because ppl dun reply.


ok, back to work now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 13:11

Happy ONE YEAR OLD, milubingmlb.blogspot.com!

time flies, its been a year since we've shifted over from the superband server. if i didnt count wrongly, its been 90 posts since we've started using this blog :P

wells. gotta thank the superband organisers for setting up a blog in the first place, which was definitely a great idea, and then leading to this blog over here at blogger, great place for all of us to communicate and interact. and i believe most of us here do know each other through the blog, so the blog's actually a great invention. :P and of cuz, not to mention those precious and wonderful memories of 2007 preserved in this blog. ^^

alrights, enough crap. from my pov, a big thank you goes out to xiu for maintaining the blog, and to the three lost soldiers who've been updating us diligently about things thru the blog.

here's wishing this blog a happy one year old, may it continue to accompany this family throughout a colourful and fruitful journey of music, and fun. cheers! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 13:32

YA! I'M SLOW! HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY TO MILUBINGMLB.BLOGSPOT.COM! haha. thanks xiu jiejie for maintaining this place, for us to keep in touch with each other. Thanks milubing too...haha...for talking to us here as and when u r available...

jia you oh! there has been not much technical issues since we moved here right? haha. good good. HAPPY!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 14:20

mr ah qi !!
ehh, use chair abit hard leh .. bed de hua ?? v bulky leh .. haha .. ya la .. we know u not joking la .. so late still haven slp ar ..

haha .. dun wan la .. they 2 too power liao .. keke

cannot la .. they 2 more power than mi .. but, i more power than u .. whahaha =P
got lor, u 2 bully mi lor T_T


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 14:21

ehh .. forgot to say sth ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 14:31

Happie 1st Anniversary!!
thanks for providing such a nice envt here..
can noe more abt the boys and a communication centre for mlbians. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 16:17

wOo hOo ~ ~ ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 16:44

yea! =)

cheers! =)

a blog that is loved. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 17:21

Happy anniversary MLB blog.. credit should go to Xiu if i am correct.. for helping MLB to create n maintain this blog.. Tks Xiu.


Blogger binz | 09 January, 2008 20:24

wah weiqi nice one man.. sch as free hall.haiyo how can give up on tryin to get a room.. u will be using like soooo much time to travel frm home to sch and frm sch back home.. slp more while the beginning of sem is still not that busy yet!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THIS BLOG!! WHOOO~ yeaaa great thanks to xiu for maintaining this place and thanks to mlb for updating(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 20:42

shan, thought u claim yourself as very li hai? hehe.


Milubing and MLBians jia you.



Blogger binz | 09 January, 2008 21:01

wah quizzy very efficient hor so fast wish me liao..thankew! (: urs is coming up soon too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 21:41

ah sam, i read your post, thought for a long time, dunno wat to write. den suddenly tot of this, 送 u 7 words...小孩不笨,请保重! :p
haha i run 1st, b4 u aim a stone at my face.
run.......stop to say HI to WQ!....run....stop again.....
b4 i forget, someone asked me a qn just now, i've got an idea liao. since he will be camping in school often, my answer is... a tent or a sleeping bag! ;)
...ok better keep running b4 WQ throw stone at me too!....ta.....hope everyone have a nice day ahead, including me pls!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 21:47

sprint back....thanks xiu, without u it will not be possible to have a 1st blog anniversary here....this time, really ta....sprint back to my room (hee at least i get to do some virtual exercise here)


Blogger kai | 09 January, 2008 22:25

hi mlb, missed your performances v.m. but enjoyed it on youtube.just wanna feedback that Lei sounded very FIR. ganbattene!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 22:33

weiqi.. dou say le.. come RP la huh.. haa.. nor too far from NTU. haha..

ah shan, you pi la! who more power huh.. u havent challenge jiu wana runaway le. i'll STAND here and WAIT for you with quizzy ah!

quizzy, hi-5 you back! *piak!*

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to here.. and thanks xiu for everything.. and the 3 milos too. everybody take care and jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 22:56

but they 2 more li hai than mi ma .. i scared scared .. haha

ehh .. of coz i more power la .. dun 4get, im lao niang leh .. haha .. i where got run away .. u sha sha de ..
u 2 ar .. bully mi .. T_T i call zhong niang & xiao niang come ar .. haha


Blogger Unknown | 09 January, 2008 23:00

Happy One Year old to milubingmlb.blogspot.com!!! =D

this is a blog tt full of all kinds of emotion. whether its happy or sad moments, we shared among each other. when one is feeling down, there are lotsa encouragement can be found. =D

and also this is a blog tt its a must for me to visit EVERY SINGLE DAY! thx to the relevant ppl, US!!! haha! of cos, special thx to xiu, nic, sam and weiqi, cos they are the 灵魂人物! =D

take care all! jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:19

Happy 1st Anniversary! Thanks xiu for maintaining this blog and also to the three lost soldiers who have been updating when they are free. Jia you to mlb and mlbians. Nite. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:32

Can someone tell me when are we supposed to post the i zhou kan coupon?



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:33

happie advanced birthday to ya.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:34

happi anniversary bloggie! :)

lappie's down again..sigh..those who've got my no, text me if thr's anything urgent k..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:49

heh heh... actually the truth is that i've got a superb sleeping bag.. super comfy with motor air pump.. it also helped durin SB days when we stayed up late and over each others' place to come up with those crazy ideas and arrangements.. heh heh.. miss those days.. mmm..think i'm gonna make a new entry.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:52

good that u got a nice sleeping bag... then really can camp in sch ya.. my sleeping bag hasnt seen daylight since 4 years ago when i was in sec one. -.- maybe you should get ur bros to camp in school with you. haha. well.. maybe one of these days when ya guys are free, can relive those days, camp over at someone's house or jamming studio again. bet it'll be shiok.

alrights. wait for ur new post then...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 January, 2008 23:56

lappie down still here ah? my dumb keyboard jus now bang bang abit then now abit spoil liao -.- was gonna send u a video but i'm having a super hard time cutting it. next time bah...

if u mean the lhb coupons... still not sure yet cuz we dont have enough people filling up the coupons yet... and its hard to get up the charts if we dont have enough coupons. whats more no events lately, hard to gather everyone. so ya.. inform ya guys again.

but just checking. err. how many coupons do we have now?? [both filled and unfilled]


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 January, 2008 00:00

shuang la .. have super comfy slping bag .. with motor air pump summore .. haha .. eh, funny la u .. gg to make new entry still muz 通知 us de ar .. haha .. kk, awaiting for ur new entry .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 January, 2008 00:13

Weiqi, i want to sleep liao then u posted. u so shuang loh. have a super comfy sleeping bag and somemore with motor air pump. haha. U funny lah want to make a new entry also must tell us. Haha wait for ur new post first. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 January, 2008 00:14

weiqi~~ quick quick.. post a new entry~~ LOLS.. anw, dun slp too much in the hall ya?? ltr leng dao wors..

mk, i've only got 20 coupons unfilled including those few coupons tt's given to me on ss that day.. so yep.. super few la 0.0


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 January, 2008 00:14

eh? sleeping bag still got different classifications de meh? got air pump and no air pump? haha. weiqi, if u can, take a picture of ur superb sleeping bag hao ma? I wanna see how your "bed" look like =X. hahaha. if cannot never mind lo~~~=D
haha whatever it is, hope u won't be deprived of sleep again. this time no zombie la, we change topic. U wanna challenge "pandaeye"? to be another "pandaeye"??? =P

was about to go study then shan informed me u tagged. hahaha. thanks ah shan~~~~

mk, filled de coupons, still 42 for a week and i think 7 for another week. unfilled de, i got near 15 liao? haha.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BINZ!!! 10th jan lo~~~~ =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 January, 2008 00:15

eh. its me la. =X


Blogger Strat | 10 January, 2008 00:25

Thanks ya !!! Suan when I'm away to do my work ar !!!! One panda enough liao ... No need two ... Haha...