
hey hey hey!
milubing | 27 December, 2007 01:19


merry christmas to all! manage to whip off a few days leave to spend this thurs and fri plus 31st off camp! yay! not like others in my camp though..block leave till 14th Jan like that coz took many offs to do MLB shows and attend events throughout the year ya. But well! count my blessings! i'm happy this christmas...been a great year for us...these few days have been hectic though...but darn fufilling..been jammin almost everyday, only taking breaks once in a while max of 2 - 3 days due to either of our commitments to church or festivities (personal stuffs too)...we're workin' hard preparing for the next year's "you know what" thing ya. WE'rE HAPPY!..hope your christmases have been meaningful...filled with loved ones and friends... and lastly...thank ya ll for all the gifts plus the Folic Acid soluble vitamin B one too...haha..."sweat buster"...image of my past self...metalic novelties...clip on cardies...china-style-kung fu shaitz-amusing chops and cards...smiles...brightened my already bright christmas! boy..i'm getting blind yawl!

enjoy the rest of the festivities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love ya lotz yawl!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 02:12

Nic good that u are happy enjoying ur Christmas. please take a rest if u guys can. Yeah u guys are working hard and prepare for the next year album. haha. jia you! We are waiting for mlb new album. haha. Mlb power lah. I love mlb. Take care and jia you! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 02:12


wahaha so u can't have long long holiday but u r happy eh? haha. thats cool! glad u had fun. haha.

=/ looks like one must be busy to be happy eh? maybe that explains my low spirits just now... hehe never mind!

my christmas ah, hai hao la, just another normal day. haha.

well, jia you dude! HANG IN THERE! haha. it sound er xin for me to say this, but still, LOVE YA TOO! hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 02:22

and nic, FASTER GO TO SLEEP IF U HAVEN'T SLEEP. haha. nitey ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 02:29

Haha. My christmas hai hao. Just another normal day with christmas mood. lol. jia you! nite. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 04:32

hi, i wonder if you can help me. ive got a friend with a terminal disease, and all she wants is just for nic to sing her a song before she pass on. i know this is a rather difficult request, but i really do hope someone can help.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 04:53

helloooo nicodemuslee,
hmm. izit becos i just woke up and is still half asleep? after reading your post, half the time i duno what you're talking about. but nevermind. -.-

well, do make good use of your leave... make use of that time to spend time with your dear loved ones, and also for some well deserved rest. it's the end of the year! you should take some rest.

but hmm, good that its been fulfilling.. everything that's happened this year must hv been some of the best presents you could ever get. cuz that goes for me. ^^ and its great ya guys are happy, back on track! being happy is a good thing =))

anywayys. what's with the 'you know what'? hahaa... since 'we know it' already, then say la.. -.-
you enjoy too alright? spend your small break in a happy mood, stay happy. dont hv to envy others for their long break, be glad that you've got a break. it's God's blessings already lahh...

ermm ya we love ya guys loadds too okayy? =)) smilez... i hvnt heard/seen that from you for quite some time already! ^^

hvnt been a really meaningful christmas day for me cuz i actually spent the day sleeping at home. haha.. but did have fun over this joyous season, spent time with my close friends these few days. some rare gatherings i turned up for, had fun~ hope evryone had fun too!

it's kinda late, but merry christmas to ya too! & happy new year in adv =)) will pass ya guys ur stuffs when we see ya guys... ^^ andd have fun jamming!

sleep early ahh~ =)) & God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 09:33




Blogger Pek Choo | 27 December, 2007 10:33

Hello Nic, glad that you are really enjoying your Xmas.
Take good care of yourself!
Hopefully can see you guys soon..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 10:51

Nic, happy holdidays & MLB happy jumming.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 10:52

sori happy jamming


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 10:56

Its such a long time since you last posted. Am very glad & happy to know that you have an enjoyable Christmas spent with your love ones.
Of course we knew that you guys are working very hard for the "we know what". Thanks for putting in so much efforts in producing great music for all of us. I hope the 2 songs (Lu & She Bu De) from The Golden Path will be included in MLB 2nd album.
Please reward yourself some precious times for relac & resting (this goes to weiqi & Sam too).
MLB Jia-you, MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 11:07

haiyo, got to read ur post a couple of times before ii can adsorb what you are trying to say. =X
but, hey! love ya guys lots too!!!
*winkz* ^_^
Take care, dude! make full use of ur limited leaves yea?! heez. jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 11:16

glad that you're happy this christmas.
nic should always be smiling. :D
enjoy the days that you're on leave.
take care & hope to see you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 11:38

u finally appeared again (:
well, your post seems real high?? hees.. i mean u seems real high too.. =P

(: glad that you have the remaining days off this week..

take care while jamming ya?? *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 12:04

Really glad to know that you guys are happily preparing for "you know what". Really looking forward to it :)

BUT, please take time to rest and take good care of yourselves...do i sound like a broken record? :(

Nic, please keep smiling...smilez
Sam, please stay sporty...
WeiQi, please stay lame..oopz! I mean cool. hahaha...:p

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 13:24

wahaha, last night forget to say, I'm looking forward to "we know what" too (actually I can't confirm I've guessed correctly what nic is referring to but as long as it's from milubing, I'll love it!)

haha and I dun get "china-style-kung fu shaitz-amusing chops" too...haha but never mind la...hehe nic happy jiu hao.

take care yor~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 14:06

Hihi Nic kor... Long time never see u blog and so happy to see u blogging again... Lol... How are u? Please take lots and lots of rest yeah? Happy jamming and happy new year!!! Love MLB and MLB rocks!!! =)

Si Min. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 14:53

are you alright??!!
hahah! cos u sound sooooo HIGH!
but glad that u're happie lahh..
happie happie bom peepeep! o.0
kk.. enjoy and take care! =)


Blogger -WHEY` | 27 December, 2007 15:07


haha.. hope you can take some rest during this few days of your leave.. :D take care and have a great weekend ahead :D:D

**you guys are missed! :)**


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 15:45

WoW! Nic Kor tagged. Good to know you hv enjoyed Christmas.

Came to wave. Flying back to UK via HK so all MLBians take care.

Ly Ayi, thanks! Looks like I missed Sanyi. TTWW not around. Good to see Quizzy-me.

MLB, all the best for 2008.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 21:03

NIC!!Nice to see you updated!
And I am glad to see that you enjoy your Christmas..

Jiayou MLB and all the best for 2008!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 21:12

glad tt u still hv off days for urself..nvm whether ur leave is long or short, most impt thing is to make gd use of it to rest n spend time w ur family/frens. :) u sounded super happi! woot! :D jiayou n take care ya..we love u guys too! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 22:21

Nic! Good that u have off days for yourself. Please take a rest and make use of it to spend time with ur family and friends. Jia you in ur jamming and everything. I love u!! I love mlb! I miss mlb singing and perform. I hope there is more event coming up. Mlb power lah. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 23:11

yawl? new yawning style? lols. or is it some short of tt i dont know =x haha anw, have a good rest everyone! embrace 2008 with good health! speaking of which i hope to get well soon. horrible flu /:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 23:12

short form*


Blogger qIaNhUi | 28 December, 2007 00:49

HELLO NIC! *wavesss*

Glad U Hav A Great Christmas...
Enjoy The Coming Holidays Too ~
Take Good Care!
Cya Guyz Soon ~

LOVEsss ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2007 02:37

enjoyed ur chirstmas?

we're oso looking forward to nxt yr's "you know what" thing.

have more rest yea?
we love u guys too! =x


Blogger Rah | 28 December, 2007 04:08

yohooo to nic..=)))

glad tt u enjoy urself during this christmas festival..=P at least u gt ur day off to enjoy.. woot ! :))

really hope to see u guys soon on tv or etc..LOL ! well u knw de la..=)) anyway haha. nw all my friends are loving the 'lu' song u sang.. lol. still can ask me where to find the song for them..hahaha. anyway jiayou la hor ! in term of ur work and with sam and weiqi too..=)

take care yo..
actually planning to give u guys christmas gift.. still at my home rotting already..LOL ! hopefully gt a chance to pass it to u guys soon.. :)

have a great great day ahead ya ! 

and to sam and weiqi :u guys take care too ya.. loves~ 


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2007 09:45

Hi Quizzy jie... I have received ur sms... I wonder if u can come over to my house instead? Cause I can't go out at night de because my mum don't allowed... Hmm, I write letters to the 3 guys can? Or u help me pass to them 2moro if u are goiing for the Sheng Shiong Show? Ask Sam to help me write a birthday message too? LOl... Hahax.... I hope that u can consider abt this... Haiz... Anyway, MLBians, take lots of care!!! Happy New Year yah? =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2007 12:43

good to noe that u guys r njoying life n r HAPPY=)



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2007 19:19

Hihi... Nic kor, u will be receiving something from me a few more days, I think... I will be sending u guys some letters... Hope that u guys won't mind... Hmm, anyway, new yr is coming le... MLB, I hope that u guys can take some time to rest... And we will be waiting for ur next album...! Jia you orh!!! =)

SI min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2007 20:46

O_____________________O si min, I try to help.


wahaha. today first time go K-box (with my besties); of course got sing Milubing's lei and shi ying. shi ying still alright la. But lei, aiyo. at the chorus part, i sing until can die. haha. as in, not as easy as i thought la. haha.

3 more days to new year right? haha. may MLB and MLBians have a happy year ahead :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 02:19

Wooo, dropped in for a peek and guess wat...Nic blogged! HI-HO NIC! Great to see you here at last. If it's been a great year for you guys, it's been a great & fun year for me too, chasing you guys & of cos ure good music all over the island. MLB is my sunshine bois!!! Shine away! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 02:24

wooh, blog a little quiet today eh? never mind, i flood ba.

actually nothing much also la, just wanna tell our milos, "jia you! take care! stay happy! stay healthy! and we love you guys!"

those sick de, please get enough rest to recover. take care alright? hehe.

don't compromise your good health jiu dui le...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 03:35


what's her name? the least we could do as a band is dedicate an appropriate up coming gig to her...sad to hear..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 03:35


what's her name? the least we could do as a band is dedicate an appropriate up coming gig to her...sad to hear..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 04:08

nic, you're up late...

perhaps you could leave more details about this friend of yours, am sure the boys will do as much as they can. let us know if we could help too.

but just remember that there's always hope in life, nothing is impossible. just wanna say a big jiayou to your friend. ^^

aint in a good mood now, but all do stay happy... and believe in hope and miracles.. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 06:31

tink im up early?
nahs. i din slept at all.
but whatever it is..

just here to drop a few words..

"Believe in miracles because they do occur. Never ever give up hope. Cause once you do so, even if there's miracles, they wun help."

feel guilty...
but well, there doesnt seems to have anything that can erase the guilt from my heart now. perhaps it's too late for everything ba..

just feeling emo at the wrong time of the day..

well.. please do take good care of yourselves..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 13:46


hope "you know what" includes english songs compose by you..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 14:12


"Claiming Responsibility

How responsible are you for your life? How much power do you have over how you feel? Do you have the authority to respond successfully to what happens to you, even if it initially seems unfortunate?

How happy and successful we are depends pretty much on how empowered we feel we are to deal with life's twists and turns. Life, like the sea, is unpredictable, with its random tides and pernicious storms, but we don't necessarily have to bobble along helplessly. Whatever the direction of the tide, we can always choose to swim against it.

Claiming responsibility for our own lives is staking our ability to respond actively to the world, it's pledging our ability to do, to influence, to act, to change. It refuses to meekly bear or accept whatever is handed to us. When we don't accept responsibility for how we feel or what happens to us, we feel powerless and afraid. But when we claim that responsibility, we take that power to change our lives for the better.

For example, when you say "He made me upset", you're giving that power over your emotions to someone else. This is also known as blaming. When others perceive this kind of passive thinking in you, they very quickly learn to use that power to keep you under their foot. We often also resort to blaming because we feel helpless to change the situation and try to make ourselves feel better by attributing fault to someone or something else. When we shift the responsibility of how we feel to someone else, we're also trying to guilt that person into somehow compensating us for making us feel bad.

In any case, it's a dangerous power game that eventually isolates you from others and leaves you feeling powerless and empty.

Just think of all the times something made you upset and you thought "This is so annoying!" or "That is so frustrating!". Well, why are you choosing to feel annoyed and frustrated? Yes, choosing, because how we feel at any given moment is our own decision to feel that way. Nothing or no one can upset you if you yourself decide not to be upset.

See if you can catch yourself the next time you entertain a disempowering thought - like "She embarrassed me" or "He gets on my nerves!", "This is so infuriating!" or "That is so worrying!". Try asking yourself why you're allowing yourself to feel these negative and debilitating emotions. Take back control over your mind, over your mental state. Why are you allowing someone or something to make you upset? Train your mind to let it go."

Source: 'Eugene Loh, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio'


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 15:40

'faith is to believe in what you do not yet see, the reward for this is to see what you believe'

'joy is too exquisite to last, and yet more exquisite when past'

cheers all...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2007 20:58

yawl! nic darn high ya ... glad to know that your Christmas was bright and made brighter still ... I think 2007 has been a fantastic year for milubing ... thank you for a wonderful 2007 ... looking forward to 2008!! ... hm, what is next year’s “you know what” I wonder ... and what is that “china-style-kung fu shaitz-amusing chops”? ... so cryptic


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 01:31

thank you so much for the thought. her name is Janice-Mae. very very much appreciated.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 02:35

hi S., sori to hear of yr friends's illiness.. i can understand how anxious u & her family members must be.. cos i experienced twice b4.. don't give up hope.. let's all pray for a miracle..May God Bless her!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 02:53

OH YA! forget to remind you guys haha. remember to tune in to Yes933 long hu bang tomorrow or rather later, cos they will be announcing the results for the top 10 blah blah blah and top 5 groups! hehe, good luck to milubing eh? haha.

haha then i'm not sure whether on 1st jan they will be announcing the top 100 songs of 2007, i think sure have lei and shi ying somewhere ba. haha. do listen to that too (duno what time they start, anyone have any idea?)

haha okok....

now message for the guys...

Weiqi, hope u managed to get enough sleep during this 1 month school holiday? haha. i hate to say this but, =( school reopening in 8 days time, jia you yor~~~ haha. believe your school holiday must be fun ;D, minus the homework (if u have)? hehe.

nic, hope u will still feel rejuvenated (is that the right word?) after this short break... and will remain strong to face any challenges coming ahead =)... jia you jia you!

SAM! haha, thanks ;D! and well, i FORGET to tell u to jia you, take care TOO. haha. what else ah...eh...haha okok, i'll add on if i can think of more =X... hehe

2007 IS ENDING! haha. oh yes, thanks sofui jie for reminding ah, i should say this too - thanks milubing for adding colors to my a-bit-grey-grey 2007 too. may u guys have a colorful 2008 too. jia you!

haha and best wishes to MLBians too. especially those who are going back to school or work soon(?). jia you!

nitey lo =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 02:55

oh yes forget to say, jia you to S. and your friend! hope she get well soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 12:49

Oh, I just tune in yes933. Did I missed out anything?
Ya, all the Best to MLB for the 2007 Yes933 LHB results.
Another 2 more days (inclusive of today) shall be 2008 le. School re-opening for all students, continue to jia-you in your studies.
Wish every MLB Family member will have a Very Good 2008.
I shall be busy searching for a new job. Hopefully can find one soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 13:07

2007 10大最受欢迎团体
迷路兵 - no.5

Congrats for the good results over year 2007!
jiayou for 2008!!! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 13:09

2007 10大最受欢迎团体
迷路兵 - no.4

Congrats for the good results over year 2007!
jiayou for 2008!!! ^_^

*sorry! should be no.4 oOopz!! congrats anw! haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 13:28

Congrats to mlb for good result over yr 2007.

Yup jia you for 2008.

Mlb power lah. haha. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 14:35

Congratulations! MLB & Mlbians.. can pat pat ourselves.. well done ..3 cheers!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 14:39

we shall chiong for the "you know what" thing in 2008. haha!

guys, jiayou & take care!!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 20:07

haha. Was out with the gals the whole afternoon and we didn't listened to radio. Saw what shihui posted here while using GPRS just now. Thanks gal~~~

haha. congrats for the good results in Yes933 long hu bang! jia you guys!

and yes, we gonna work harder for "you know what" next year... we all jia you too ba ;D.

I think I will feel weird tomorrow lor. Cos it's like the start of a brand new week but also the last day of the year. Big irony. O_O! haha.

Milubing and MLBians must jia you and take care yor~~~~ =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 22:32

yup, there's a lot more to come in 2008..
u guys muz jia you k?
we're always here for mlb..
and thanks for everything in 2007! time flies ya?! haiz..


Blogger qing qing | 30 December, 2007 23:34

congrats MILUBING!!!!! :)

2007 is a good yr cos i went to quite alot of MLB events!! heh heh.. if not, 2007 is not a gd yr liao.. :)
i think in 2007, october is the best mth.. :P
almost every weekends hav MLB events.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 23:47

Congrats to MLB for getting such an excellent result in Yes933 Long Hu Bang for year 2007. Wow, No. 4 position in the Top Ten Groups. This is the 1st time, having Singapore's band/group on the Top Ten Annual Chart. Well Done, MLB and of course to all MLBians who have helped in the votings. Cheers...
I was Super Happy when heard DJ LiYi saying S'pore Band who released their 1st album this year also one of the Top Ten, immediately I knew IT MUST BE MLB.
2007 is indeed another great year for MLB, beside 2006 winning the Superband Champion. 2008 will definitely be a MUCH BETTER YEAR for MLB.
Thank-you Very Much to MLB, for providing us a year of great music with Live performances & on TV / radio.
MLB Jia-you..., we will always be with YOU. Yeah...

Well, time really flies! Tomorrow will be the LAST DAY of 2007. Everyone must jia-you for this very last day. I shall be working half day tomorrow, still do not know where to go for a countdown? Cos, I still got religious class tomorrow evening.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2007 23:53

hi S.,
if you dont mind, could you please contact me at milubing.fc@gmail.com? thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 03:18

31st dec liao - erm nic, do u mean today is the last day of your holiday? if yes, aww~~~~~~~ if only nic can rest longer....haha, never mind then, as long as u r happy =)...

Weiqi, I still remembered last month u r a zombie, mugging hard for ur exams? whatever the results may be, persevere alright? haha, jia you jia you!

ahaha, now i remember what i wanna tell sam liao. NI HAO MA =D?
although u looked well, must hear from u then zhun mahz! hahaha.

hope u trios did get enough sleep these few days...

just now very wu liao, so went to read some of the october and november (07) archives... first two words that came to my mind - so sweet~

jia you, take care, all shall end 2007 with a very nice fullstop ba (aiya, a dot only mahz. hahaha)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 03:29


congrats to mlb ar. for getting such wonderful results from 933 :D happy for u guys.. woot..

i sure 2008 will be a great year for u guys again.. woohoo..=))

really great to knw u guys.. :D blessing me lots of smiles this year.. :)

take care to all.. -hugs-


Blogger binz | 31 December, 2007 10:32

wheee congrats to mlb for being #4~

yess 2007 have been pretty cool and happy year for me.. many new experiences and made many new friends here! ((: 2008 is coming in a few hours time, so enjoy the remaining of 2007! everyone jiayous in whatever u are doin.. esp ppl who are restarting school mux jiayous, cuz i think many of our brains and hands should be rusty alrdy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 12:30

Hi, may I Wish in advance, MLB, Xiu, Mlbians & passerbys:-


** S. & her friend Janice-Mae & family -for de brand new year 2008,




Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 14:49



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 15:03

Heyyz all!

Just dropping by to wish everyone here a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Say goodbye to all the unhappiness and hatred(I hope none of you have=P I dun hv,ok HAHA) and start the new year peacefully.. haha

May MLB and all MLBians be happy always!

Let us Gambatte! Jiayou! in everything we do!

Cheers cheers cheers! =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 17:29

Congrats to MLB...

Happy New Year to MLB & MLBIANS!!

Stay Happy & Good Health!~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 22:53

jia you MLB in the approaching year.

may all the bad go while the good come.

take care, everyone. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 22:53

jia you MLB in the approaching year.

may all the bad go while the good come.

take care, everyone. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 00:00

Happy New Year!!!
May 2008 blessed with happiness, blissfulness, health, prosperity, and many more~
May 2008 surrounded with 迷路兵’s music all day long~

Sam, Nic & Weiqi,
all the best in 2008! jiayou and take great care!
we will be there for you guys alwaes, with lotsa screamings and cheerz~
just stay cool, stay funky on the stage, ROCK THE HOUSE mann~!!!

once again,
Happy 2008!!! =D *hugs*


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 00:00

Here's wishing all a Happy New Year 2008! Will like to wish all a happy new year, and all to be blessed with good health and love. may you have had a wonderful 2007 to past, and an even more wonderful 2008 to come.Leave behind all the unhappiness of the past, and embrace the brand new year with a joyful heart. May your wishes come true, and the stars bring you light to guide you through. Enjoy and all the best in this upcoming year! May God bless all of you, have a fruitful and amazing year ahead! Most importantly, stay happy and smile... =))

and stay real, stay true. and you'll be able to cope with every single thing that comes your way. jiayou!



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 00:01




Blogger Strat | 01 January, 2008 00:01

haha... Happy new yr !!! God bless !!! haha... New yr, New start !! Be happy !!! haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 00:41

HAPPY 2008 :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 00:59

happy new 2008!!!

congrats to MLB! and jiayou jiayou jia more you in 2008! jiayou!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 01:05

HAPPY 2008!!! :D
hope that everybody would be a smashing 2008. anticipate the year ahead. all the best to each and every one of you, especially nic sam & weiqi. (:

hope to see you guys rockin' the stage soon~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 01:23

last year this time, was still trying to flag down a cab after the vivo countdown ... this year same time, i had already reached home after watching the fireworks ... >.<

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stay healthy and be happy! New Year New Beginnings, so see you guys tmr ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 01:29


May 2008 be a fruitful, fun, rewarding, happy, healthy year for milubing and MLBians! hehehehhe.

meanwhile, remember to watch NTUC show at 8pm later at Channel 8 alright? But like what weiqi said "nothing's fixed, everything is volatile, nothing on this earth is permanent ya".

u know something? I so blur queen that i told pek choo its on 2nd jan when she already asking me is it tomorrow (means today) liao. PEK CHOO! SORRY ABOUT THAT =X!

Milubing jia you! WE LOVE YA!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 01:37

by the way,
remember to catch the new NTUC show at 8pm on ch8. they should be performing for the opening, so dont miss out!



Blogger binz | 01 January, 2008 02:04

WHEE HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 EVERYONE!! yays 2007 have been a great year and hope everyone here gonna have a great 2008 ahead(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 02:18

Wow at least one MLBian saw the fireworks! Let's have some fireworks here as well.
* .*. *. *.*
* . \ | /. *
Wish everyone here a new year full of new experiences & well-earned harvests !


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 05:55

Happy 2008 to MLB & Fellow MLBians. May 2008 be A MORE WONDERFUL, HAPPY, PEACEFUL & HEALTHIER YEAR for ALL OF US. Lets' Jia-you together in 2008 again.

Ya, time flies really super sonic fast. Last year were at Vivo City doing the countdown with MLB. This year intend to catch the fireworks at Marina but were blocked by the Policemen. Only can see partial & portion of the fireworks at a distance.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 11:32

Quizzy it's okie~Thanks for telling me when?

Happy New Year to everyone!
Have a wonderful day today!
Enjoy yourself!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 12:02

Hi! MLB/Mlbians "Wish u all, Happy, Fruitful & Prosperous 2008" Esp MLB , climb high high! stay united.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 12:28

Happy New Year to Mlb and Mlbians.

Have a nice day ! Enjoy yourself!

Hope 2008 with many Mlb events.

Hope everyone stay happy and good health.

Hope our wishes all come true. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 13:33


anyone heard the ding jian 100 (countdown of top 100 songs of 2007?) which is ongoing at Yes933 now? Cos when i woke up its already at number 69 liao. I heard "shi ying" was at number 67 wor. hahaha. then i suddenly so high. hehe. CONGRATS GUYS.
anyone heard "lei" already? hehe.

wahaha. thanks pek choo for your understanding....hehe :P

how did I spent my "countdown" last night ah? was "counting down" with pandaeye over msn. heh heh. and also discussing "business" with e-wen too. hehe.



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 14:04


*singing along*多少眼泪都无所谓我闭上眼睛不能入睡~~~~



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 16:11



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 19:54

hello ppl!

mlb will be performing for e opening of e ntuc live show..performing 2 songs..stay tune ya.. :)

happy new yr! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 20:16

mlb on tv again!! yeahs! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 20:56

=( didn't know got 2 songs....i off the TV after seeing them finish performing "lu"....cos not interested with the show mahz.....sad sad....
then pandaeye reminded me i quickly on TV again, but they finished singing lei liao....=((((
but still, thanks for informing anyway

anyway, xiu jiejie will be uploading right? thanks xiu jiejie....really appreciate....

sad liao la, i go emo. talk to ya later....


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 20:57

oh yes, i forget to say. very nice performance of "lu" just now...jia you guys....


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 21:05

Oh no..i miss 'lu'! on tv too late liao...

Check 'i' weekly, this show will repeat on thurs noon 12pm


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 21:27

haha.. i watched both! haha..
i on-ed the tv before it even started.. haha... but then got interrupted by my niece and nephew to play with them. rarr!

haha.. i think nic sounded abit 'bo lat' in 'lu' lei.. or is it i didnt hear properly? haha.. if it's not then.. nic must take care ah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 22:02

haiz, since ik said got repeat telecast, then i shan't emo anymore ba. or else will defeat the purpose of "HAPPY NEW YEAR" liao. thanks for checking anyway.

did i thank pinky for informing also? haha. THANK YOU!

e-wen, u pian xin! never ask SAM and weiqi to take care =X. hahahaha just kidding.

Milubing jia you


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 22:50

Wow, MLB 1st performance in 2008.
I love LU very much, 1st time heard the whole complete song. Then LEI was the same arrangement as ECP is it? From TV, it shows weiqi was singing but cannot really hear his voice.
Sounded like lots of MLBians were there supporting MLB. Wondering how you gals got your tixs?
Overall, the performance today was GREAT. But the game segments were indeed quite boring & lousy!
Hope to see MLB performs LIVE soon (before Beatbox GF)! MLB Jia-you... in whatever you guys are doing, that's goes for MLBians too.
Once again HAPPY NEW YEAR to MLB & MLBIans.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 23:25

helloooo guys.
arrangement for lu was superb... loved the part of sam's solo, pretty touching =)) nicee! and feels really good to hear lei played in that arrangement again. and of cuz feeling happy to hear ya guys perform again after almost a mth.

'holiday' ends today yeah? jiayou for your camp stuffs... and dancing~ hahaa jian chi dao di, less than a year to go! =D JIAYOU! and may this new year be a more peaceful one for you, more rest. yeahh yeahh wishes come true for youu tooo =)) smilez...

starting school soon! so.. gotta adjust back to those crazy deadlines and schedules again. but hmm... ya can do it! so yeah yeah... jiayouu... time will fly... you'll cope with it... and zhong qiu jie will come soon. hahahaha. ^^

heyy, make good use of that thing cuz i took a long time to come up with it! hahaa hope ya liked it though. jiayouu too, and takecare ya =))

happy new year guys~ you boys are POWER LA too =D may this brand new year be better than the last, and that wishes come true for ya guys too! jiayou andd takecare loadds! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2008 23:32

heyy guys~ thanks for bringing us the great performance just now ya? (:

i really love the song lu.. OMG~~ the drum part was shiok man~ and of cux sam's solo in that song is just so touching.. almost cried =X hees..

jiayou jiayou~~ hope u'll be able to get more rest this year.. ORD in another 10months?? hees.. =X very fast one ya?? *smiles*

hols ending soon wors.. jiayou~ and hope this academic year would be a smooth one for u.. take care too (:

i love your solo.. and just cant resist hearing u on ur drums.. take care... (: and may this year be a smooth one to u too (:

guys, happy new year.. *smiles* i simply love ur music (: continue to bring more good music to us ya?? cheers~~
take care..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 00:27

haha.. the 'lei' sounded abit different but alot nicer..

sam's solo part was very touching.. haa.. if not for today's show i think my dad will keep saying that 'lu' wasnt nice at all.. haha..

quizzy: alamak... cos right.. we just saw sam a few days back. plus.. he knows how to enjoy life.. haa.. sure know how to take care de la.. and weiqi looked so happy today. hahaha.. nic have to go army again. so.. ask him take care first lor... haha...

weiqi.. did u perm ur hair? hahaha.. or is it too long?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 00:49

eh no lor, cos weiqi's school starting next week mahz. sure very stress again lor, so he should "have" your "take care~" too leh. haha. and sam de...ok lor =X u win... hahahaha.

WEIQI! JIA YOU IN SCHOOL! MAY YOU have straight Ace! Okok, i know u stress liao. haha. JIA YOU! TAKE CARE!

SAM! e-wen so evil don't ask u to take care, i shall "do the honor"! TAKE CARE! have fun!

NIC! do remember to drink lots of water yor! yes, me too hope u will be able to get enough rest. but well, u stay happy and healthy ya? HAPPY NEW YEAR =D

can't smile now. mouth got ulcer. very pain.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 January, 2008 01:01


Anyway, Super Nice To Cya GUYZ Perform At The Show Juz Now ... But I Missed The Performance Of 'LU' ... SoBs ~

MLB Take Care Lotsss Worz ...
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 01:34

guys, thank u for e wonderful performance of lei n lu..love e music arrangement of lu.. :)

those who missed either lu/lei, xiu has uploaded on e powerlah videos..thx xiu! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 02:14

songs performed @ NTUC show-

Lu & Lei



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 02:38

haha. hear liao. thanks for uploading. hehe.

nitey lo~~~~ haiz....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 09:38

gd morning & happy new yr to all!

nice performance ytd nite... 1st time saw u guys perform lu...

wq, ur hair long long again... no time to cut?

hv a great day ahead...

a tiring day for me... (-_-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 09:45

Hihi... Good morning to MLB and MLBians... Si Min is here to tag again yah? Haha... Yesterday I miss the part which the sang "lu" but managed to watch some part of the "lei" lor... Lei was a different song le... Haha... Anyway, mind if some of u make friends with me? I'm feeling vry lonely here... Hope that u all can understand me... Thanks...! =)

Si MIn.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 12:08

Hello Milubing and MLBians.

jia you in whatever you do...

take care lots...

those school started today or tomorrow or yesterday de....jia you for this new academic year or semester...

don't look at me, reopening only on next monday for RP students....=X

O_O raining outside now ah...haha...

=O sam and weiqi seemed to MIA again from the blog le wor? haha never mind, work is more important. jia you! Nic too, have fun in camp...

have a nice day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 12:09

*school reopening


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 12:32

Nic i lost my handphone,
contact me ASAP.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 12:48

sorrie for being late, but.. HAPPIE 2oo8!!!
hope the new year will be filled with lotsa love and MLB! heh. =D

AHHHHHHHHHHH! i missed the show! was outside having dinner..
almost forgot abt the show also.. luckily asked quizzy jie abt it.. hee..

thanks meikian for uploading! cannot see, can hear also shuang. haha!
thanks ik for the repeat telecast info! die die also muz watch it man. lols.

and to all those at work, happie working! muz bring positive attitude to work ok? then the pay will rise bit by bit.. hahahs.

to all those schooling, happie studying! i noe study is very sian.. but it's for ya own good lah.. jia you ppl!

and to nic:
how are you dude?! hope u're doing fine k.. i noe NS+career very tiring.. muz jian chi k? mighty nic sure can do it one. JIA YOU! and stay charming, keep smiling~~ =D

and to sam:
haha. u're the best lah~ oopss. hahah. take care ok? are u busy composing? muz jia you! and rmb to eat healthy. stay cute! =)

and to weiqi:
mr chan! did u catch enough sleep? when is sch reopening ah? jia you k! if u dun have ling gan, come here find us.. we can give ya lots of them.. hahah! all the best for studies! stay happie! stay..lame? =x take care! =)

to conclude, everyone muz stay happie k! be positive and be happie so you would be healthy and wouldnt grow old so quickly. haha! wad am i toking man?! type until so high.. lols. take care peeps!! have a great day! woohooo~ =D=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 14:11

hiahiahia.. my school only starting next week. so jiayou those who start school today!

RARR! quizzy! i not evil la! LOOK!




Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 18:20

hey guys,
hope you guys didnt get too frozen inside the studio yesterday. was cold! :P hope you guys liked the calender! and no worries nic, didnt waste money on getting the tickets. :)

great performance there... jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 19:27

amazing performance yesterday evening! was surprised that you guys played "Lu" live! nice one indeed!
all acted emo bt it was pretty cool~
sam, nice solo presented! =)
weiqi, when is ur turn to solo huh?! we are waiting lehz! haha!
nic, u love to see ur fans to sing along with ya izzit?! cos u look HAPPY! "你们终于唱了啊?!" haha!
and oh! the same arrangement of "Lei" from ecp event. nice to hear them once again! pretty touching! =]

jiayou in this brand new year, peeps! take care!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 23:07

e-wen, ;D!

Milubing jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 23:19

How are all the MLBians students at school today? Especially those going to a new school. Hope everyone is fine & must 加油 ok?
Wish all working adults are doing fine in the new year too. I am pretty busy for today. hehehe...
MLB, you guys need to 加油 too. We have confident that your 2nd baby will be better. Really love the way you guys sang 路, LIVE at the NTUC show. For once we are able to hear the complete song. Please record it in your 2nd album. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 23:27

yo yo !! long time no c !! keke ..
ytd performance was great !! & weiqi ar, i thk ur hair like too long liao leh .. keke ..
MLB, jiayou & take care !!

i agree with u .. ah wen v evil .. keke =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2008 13:44

testing 1234