
sam - Water Boy
milubing | 22 December, 2007 12:01

Love this mug! Nice ah? With my picture on it, everyone will know its sam's. Haha =) Thank u QingQing, Quizzy, Shan, Marssh and YAMROLL! (gift from them) Anyway, i love to drink water. Plain, transparent, tastless water. I guess it's the healthiest. I'll use this mug to drink, alot, alot. Day and night, mid-night.. Please drink more water too!

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Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 12:43

i bet shan and qq will be super high once they see this entry.. hahas.. (:

take care sam..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 12:49

oh yeahs.. acty wanted to say that water can acty taste sweet too (:

hees.. and water is good for complexion.. hees.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 13:08



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 13:57

Good that u like the mug that they gave u. If they see this entry they will high n touched. Haha. Also 冬至快乐 to mlb and mlbians. 记得要一起吃汤圆. Yup drink more water is good for health. Mlb jia you in writing song and everything. Take care. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 13:58

haha! yea! 8 glasses of water per day. perhaps, you can drink more! bt not too much laa, later 水肿! oOopz~ =X

take care, dude! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 15:33

SAM!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! =X

okok shan't be er xin. Very surprised to see this entry while I was outside acessing the blog using GPRS. SOMEONE didn't "risk her life" for nothing liao haha. I explained before liao so shan't embarrassed her again =X. haha.

haha. glad u like the mug. yes do drink a lot of water but yesterday I read a report in the chinese newspaper - they say 1.5 to 2 litres is enough, 3 to 4 litres is too much liao? I think they say u will have a problem with ur bladder after that ba. Then I was like, OMG! haha cos that day when I was down with cough, I drank 4 litres la! haha.

but whatever the case, no worries ya? cos I well-known as "water bucket" in my family, cannot tahan without water. haha!

think have to change tai ci liao - ahem! haha u trios must jia you wor, if tired de hua, no need to wear the singlet to sell milopeng using the mug le - just sell plain water and we'll still support nonetheless =X. haha.

take care~ and thanks for contributing to the 700th entry in publicity blog =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 15:42

oh ya, if u want, u can add a few grains of salt in the plain water. Heard that it can stimulate ur is-it-taste buds-or-thirst-buds-or-duno-what then u will want to drink more water liao.

And u can add a slice of lemon in the plain water in the morning - they say its good for digestive system but I duno how true it is la, cos never try before. haha


Blogger qing qing | 22 December, 2007 16:01

muahahahahaha.. acty i oso very surprised when quizzy told mi.. keke..

quizzy, who's the SOMEONE? tsk! keke.. so blur ar tat person.. :P

peg, heh heh.. chao high n happy.. muahahaha..

SAM!!! glad u like the mug!!!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 16:34

SAM !!
whahaha .. glad tt u like e mug .. yar, drink more water yea .. ehh, but hor .. i thk we gave u tt mug v long ago liao leh .. haha ..

haha .. y u say mi & qing only ..

ya lor .. tt SOMEONE so blur sia .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 17:32

shan, cos peg noe u sure very ji dong de.. hahahaha.. :P
ya la, who's tat ah blur huh?! TSK!!
den somemore this mug it's we all first time share tog de u noe.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 17:47

:O? do u need me to spell everything out? haha.

this SOMEONE, almost "kiap" by the MRT door, while we were rushing to their auto session at J8 after getting the mug print. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 18:18

pls lor .. u r e one who is so ji dong can .. still say mi .. haha .. yup, tt's e 1st present tt we gave them tgt ^_^

haha .. tt SOMEONE xi sheng so big ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 18:33

just a simple comment:

don't let fame cloud your mind. changes are inevitable but you have the power to decide how you want to change


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 19:02

wow, nice mug {:
xmas is only 3 days from now :DDD
earlie merry xmas all! :D

when i see the snowflakes and the fat santa cursor in the blog, i feel so high! LOL

okay, 7pm liao. i go watch tv and eat dinner already! take careeee all .

watch sheng song later :D
its later rite? im not sure if the show is today ;blur;


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 21:19

*ignore shan and quizzy* :P

sam, rmb to wash the mug very very clean b4 using.. cos tat person dunno dipped the mug in wat solution.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 21:54

u damn gao xiao! sam used the mug liao, now den u remind him?! lolxx. =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 22:12

shihui!! laugh at mi.. keke.. i didnt noe he use the mug liao ma.. hahaha.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 22:52

ya loh qq u funny leh. he already use the mug liao. he use it for day, night and midnight. Now then u remind him oso no use. haha. look like he like this mug. i like it too. haha. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:02

heez.. i didnt noe ma.. cos i see the card still there.. den i tot sam havent use yet.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:14

qing qing u slow la....=P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:19

eh, how come all noe sam use the mug le, except mi.. =/


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:21

Haha..wow! The mug looks great! Credits to those who made it!(as in, forking out money; not forgetting the 'maker' as well..)=p
HA! Mid-night still drinking water..having insomnia eh?!Hope not ya!

Just wanna say it wasn't a 2 sec shot of sam in the sheng siong show at the starting.. there were some more other 2 secs orh! Haha..!

Yuppies! 3days more...
Take care everyone! *grins*


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:33

erm, actually qing qing brought up a good point that I didn't realize -
"I'll use this mug to drink, alot, alot. Day and night, mid-night.. "

"I'll" means "I will", means he WILL BE using lor, means haven't use ba? haha. if he used le, he will say "I USED/ALREADY USED this mug to drink, alot, alot. Day and night, mid-night.."

paiseh ah, now then realized. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:40

just for info, sam appeared more than 6secs today on sheng siong show.. hahas =X

3sec plus when dasmond was introducing sam as one of the judges and before that, the camera filmed sam alone for like abt 2-3secs.. hahas.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 23:43

yea! Haha! You really go and count orh!=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 00:15

quizzy.. keke.. ya, cos i saw tat phrase ma, tat's y i think sam havent use yet.. somemore the card still there.. heh heh.. :P

seems like all the jackets tat sam wears for the sheng siong show all also very nice lei..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 00:48

qq & quizzy,
I believe Sam has used the mug by now liao. As qq mentioned: this present was given to Sam quite some times ago, so this pic could be taken long ago too! Cos, Sam also ever posted a pic with many other presents previously.
You gals very funny lor, at first keep asking the 3 bois must use that mugs, then now Sam said he used but you gals like never believe?

Wow, tonight's result for the children singing contest was the same as my own judgement. I also feel that group 1 & 4 were the Best among the 4 groups.

Oh yes, ik & me went to get our tix for the BBox exchanged. But Whey's refund will have to wait abt 2 weeks for them to send me a cheque. We also never take their offer for upgrading our seats to the $68, cos the allocation of seats were not that ideal. Therefore we prefer to have our original seats which are now $38, again we have to wait 2 weeks for the cheque for the differences.

Did you see my tag at your previous post?

Wishing everyone in the MLB Family a super beautiful Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 00:58

uncle phil, oh ya hor.. scarlie is sam took the pic long ago de.. keke. yan zhi you li.. :)

YEAH!! i gg for the beatbox thing oso!!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 01:08

Have you buy your BBox tix?
If you wanna buy the $38 seat, then you may want to consider sitting with us. Our seats are C4 Row-1 No 13 & 14. There is a seat available at No 12, cos Whey cannot attend and already requested for a refund. If you want, please get it fast. Or else you may check with quizzy where they will be sitting, then you can try buying the same place. But their were the $68 seats.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 01:12

Just to check with you, previously if we sent out a tag and realised that we made mistake or decided not to post it later, we are able to delete it away, but how come we are no longer able to do that now?
Kindly advice, thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 01:15

haha uncle phil, actually both shan and qing qing won the tix from the lucky draw, so they will be bringing someoneNo.2 and someoneNo.duno-how-many along. haha.

thats true la, maybe Sam took the picture long ago. AIYA SAM, YOUR ENGLISH TOO GOOD LIAO (A1 huh?), make me and qing blur liao. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 01:41

hahas.. cux i knw qq and shan will be super high lo.. =X that's why i mentioned the both of u.. hees..

anw, uncle phil.
deleting tags is only feasible if you tag when you're logged into blogger..

if it's an anonymous icon beside your tag, then you wouldnt be able to delete away your tags.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 01:52

nice mug there.
heh heh.

yea, drink more water!
bt when i'm working, i always forgot to drink mine. >_<"
except for break time.
other than tt, busy!

guess u're all busy wif ur compositions uh?
加油,加油,加油! ((:
take care ar.
hope to c u guys again soon!
more music! xDD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 December, 2007 02:13

Hi pegg,
Thanks for your explanation, I understand liao.
Good Night & Sweet Dreams


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 12:20

pegg, ya la, tat ah shan, super high n ji dong when i told her.. haha.. :P

i bringing binz there for the beatbox.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 12:59

Quizzy, thanks for telling me that shan & qingqing won their tixs for the BBox GF.

shan & qq,
Congrats for winning the BBox GF tixs. Btw, have you gals got your tixs? Where will you gals be sitting?

Wow, next week will be the last week of 2007 for Yes933 Long Hu Bang. Lets hope that MLB will be on the Top 5 for Best Band/Group. Stay tune, for the result next Sunday. Cheers...


Blogger binz | 23 December, 2007 13:17

"i bringing binz there for the beatbox" haha qq you sound like my mum bringing me a little daughter somewhere.. lolx!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 13:23

uncle phil, heez.. thanks! :)
we havent collect our tix yet.. the collection time is from 3rd to 10th jan.. hmmm.. dunno where we sitting oso.. haha..

binz, hahaha.. i not ur mum la.. i jie jie bring u xiao mei mei go.. haha.. sounds so er man.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 13:36

jiejie bringing xiao meimei there? u better dun sell her away yor~ =X

haha no problem uncle phil...

ya lor next week will be the last week of the year le...hope will have good news from Long hu bang ba. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 13:49

quizzy, i wun sell binz away de.. heh heh.. i so good.. zhe me ke neng.. :P

wa, so fast next week will be the results of LHB liao ar..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 14:49

oh really? hope you're really good ba. haha

so fast next week is last week of the year le lor! haha! then January....heh heh :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 15:37

Ya, 2007 is coming to an end. But I am very sure that 2007 is a VERY GREAT YEAR for MLB. Wish 2008 will be a MUCH BETTER YEAR for MLB & MLBians.
Hopefully, for myself too. Cos 2007 is not a good year for me. Wish to get a new job in 2008! :)
So, all of us MUST Jia MORE You in 2008. Meantimes, lets complete 2007 with a VERY HAPPY ENDING. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 16:21

nice mug!
haha yah, that would be only-sam-can-use de mug.. lol.
sam! u've got nice and lovely fans! heh.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2007 02:06

Will mlb be performing in any countdown party? (:

I hope so.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2007 21:45

Sam I Love You and Merry Christmas!!!!!!