
milubing | 19 November, 2007 12:41

WeiQi’s working extremely hard on his school assignments. Jia You man!

Nic is serving our country, doing fine. Way to go!

I was absent from here for a whole week. Trying to fix my com which was giving me a headache! Yea I’m not good with this, fortunately I had the help of my brother. Back in action now, hope it’ll not die on me again.. Spacious, quiet and empty places like this one, my favourite. Had to pay a visit since I know it’s open. Classy decorations, cool air, smart and nice looking skylights, clean washrooms, can I stay at the airport?

Post a Comment ::

Blogger Jean | 19 November, 2007 12:48

yeah..visited t3 too..a very nice place!..and the toilet is damn nice!hahahs..take care!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 19 November, 2007 12:53

Wow, finally a new post from Sam.
Enjoying yourself at the Singapore Airport 3rd terminal. I have yet to visit it, will pay a visit soon.
Hope you have a great times and your com not giving you any problem again.
Yup, we knew that weiqi is working extremely hard for his exams & Nic is serving our country with pride.
Will the 3 of you continue to Jia-you in whatever you are doing & the same goes to all MLBians. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:05

[eh not bad leh 3rd person to post haha]

Yeah, I hope yr com stays fixed. And Mi Lu Bing stay happy, not matter what happens. =]

I feel like visiting T3 too... hmmm now holidays liao loads of time, loads of chance lah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:09


你终于出现了!still worrying n thinking how come nobody blogged for one week.. but the blog's been quiet this week too.. hmm..

hahaa, when did you go to t3!was there with peg yesterday and we were still wondering if you went for a holiday or smth, thats why u didnt blog. haha.. guess t3 must be not bad la, since t1 and t2 alr so class liao. =PP was at the airport but din go visit... probably go there this thurs or fri.. hahas.

stay at the airport ah... CAN! serious. haha. just bring a mat and a blanket with you, can stay at the gallery! super shiok one. hahaa.. if you're not afraid of being recognised.. can la, no problem =) just that sometimes if there're stars leaving singapore u hear alot of banging[on the glass] and running at the gallery lorr.. lols.

gladd u 3 all doing fine.. weiqi's freedom coming in 8 days! JIAYOU ah! =) hope nic's been hving a lil more rest lately, without gigs n events.. and sam, continue enjoying life hor.. hahaas. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:14

You're back~~ haha.

What happen to your comp?

T3 ah~ last wk T3 got give away free rice and beehoon for drivers lor. keke.

anyway, it looks nice ah~~haha

stay at airport? can ah~~we go camp there together hahaha

u have fun! Weiqi must jia you and nic take care too~~keke.

back to work!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:15

SAM HUI LAI LE..... i was still saying in my blog u might blog this tues or wed.. alamak. wrong prediction....

eh? T3's open already? you can stay in the airport if you want.. there's transit hotel.. hahaha... if ur com die on u again.. buy a new one! hahaha.. jiayou!!

shan, dun always say i siaosiao lei.. it's really funny ma no meh.. u is 猪脚 ba? hahahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:18

halo!! enjoying. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:24

really quite a long time din see u post~~~
whoaaa...stay in airport =_=
good also...lolz...can see sam easily ==lll
btw the place looks nice and really clean...
hope your com dun giv u trouble again~~

weiqi must jiayou!!!Aza Aza fighting~~~

Nic also!!!all stay happy!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 19 November, 2007 13:34

why is your com giving you problem? Thought you bought you laptop not long ago? If I never remember wronly!
Well, after seeing your pic taken at T3. I really feel likes going there to take a look. Btw, did you went for the visitors' tour round the T3? Or you just there to see see look look? Haha...

You must be very busy writing new songs for MLB 2nd album. We are waiting to hear more great music for the 3 of you. Jia-you...Jia-you... We are always giving our fullest support for MLB. Yeah...Cheers.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:35

sam !!
u r back ! haha .. aiyo, comp down ar .. hope it's alright now .. down agn, go buy new de la ..
i haven been to T3 yet .. really so nice ar ?? nice until u wanna stay there .. haha ..

haha .. if u dun admit u r siaosiao .. then u not in e grp liao wor .. haha .. understand wat im toking ma .. =P
eh !! wat 猪脚 !! is best actress can .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:35

sam !!
u r back ! haha .. aiyo, comp down ar .. hope it's alright now .. down agn, go buy new de la ..
i haven been to T3 yet .. really so nice ar ?? nice until u wanna stay there .. haha ..

haha .. if u dun admit u r siaosiao .. then u not in e grp liao wor .. haha .. understand wat im toking ma .. =P
eh !! wat 猪脚 !! is best actress can .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:36

I raining outside, having lunch too. T3, I'v not been, any yummy food u can recommend there..

Weiqi jiayou!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 19 November, 2007 13:36

*sorry, should be: Thought you bought your laptop not long ago? in my previous tag.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:38

I've got a question

How you took this picture eh? Somebody help you take or what?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 19 November, 2007 13:43

Hope you have taken your lunch by this hour!
I observed that recently all the posts by MLB were in the afternoon. I am so glad that they are posting at this kind of timings, not likes last times; where most of the posts were posted at around 2~3am.
Hopefully, the 3 milo bois are leading a more normal lifestyle (as in resting earlier in the night). Haha...
Take care & May God Bless You.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:50

wow sam! u damm fast sia... or ks? lol... shld hv taken more pics to show us mah...

i'm gg 4 a short trip at end of yr... if time permits, mayb will go there c c look look too... ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 13:58

eh sam.. T3 got.. so nice ma? it kinda look like the airport in Thailand though.. i've check that there's only transit hotel in T2 and 1, it's 'ha(something)'
i think u blog during ur lunch break de ba? hehe... since ur com is ok we're able to see u here more often le lo?

shan,yeayea..! understood! i'm siaosiao! haha.. 猪脚 la... dun anyhow.. i'm the main one.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 14:23

hi uncle phil! =)
have a great day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 15:39

wow. finally blogged le :D hahas. hmm, T3 seems to be a reali good place wor~ hahas. until u wanna stay ther as well =.= lols.
anyway, hope ur com dun die down again~! hahas. if not go buy new de xD lols. anyway, u take care :D
same goes to weiqi, nic & all MLBians, take care too :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 15:52

Stay there? Think you can... there are transit hotels. If not, can refer to the movie "The Terminal" by Tom Hanks for reference. oops.


Blogger givon | 19 November, 2007 18:25

wah SAM,
so u bike to t3 again?
the helmet..
i love the airport too!
whenever exams is round the corner.. i will study there.. cos it's quiet! and can see airplanes too!
no wonder u din update the blog..
thought u are busy with sporty-ing!
of course u can stay in the airport
but dun kena chase out by the security guards!
later they thought u are KONG BU FEN ZI!
and hey! u are wearing a cap!
at first i thought is weiqi..

Jiayou weiqi! Ur exams will be over soon! GOOD LUCK!

Jiayou to Nic too! Rest well (:

smilez ppl ((((((:


Blogger Jodie [: | 19 November, 2007 18:56

HAHA. You went T3 huhs?
I wanted to go too.
But my dad said dun want.
He says all terminals are same.
Nothing nice to look bout.
So end up didn't go. :(
Sad but hope to go soon bah :].
Yeah. Indeed a nice place.
I just love travelling.
LOLS. ((:
I find it fun!

No wonder i found it suspicious.
I was lyk why Sam nvr update blog.
LOLS. Not blaming you anyway :D.

LOLS. Time really flies.
It's gonna be Year 2008!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 19:12

Sam!You updated!
You went to T3?That's good..
It seems nice.I haven't been there yet.And your comp gives you problems?I hated when that happens.
My comp gives me lot of problems too!

I am glad that Nic and Weiqi is doing well.Jia you guys!And take care!

You too,Sam.Take care!


Blogger Pek Choo | 19 November, 2007 19:18

Yeah~ Finally Sam you tagged!!

Wow you ride your bike to T3..

Haha~!~ Hopefully you really enjoy

it man!

I never go T3 before yet, usually I go to T1 & T2...

Dec anyone going for holidays...

I'll be going for holidays on Mid of Dec...

Take Care guys!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 20:17

hey sam! do you remember?? *if u dont, must still say yes! =X* haha.
anyway thks for the picture that day! =)

JIAYOU!! update more often!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 20:24

WA BIANG EH~ pek choo just came back from holiday then now going away again ah??! good life sia~~ HAHA.

haiz~~ Changi Airport ah~~ ya I heard that it's a nice place for study too but my parents would say me siao for going there ALLLLLLLLL theeeeee waaaaaaaay from woodlands lor. haha.
but the few of us should consider going there to study together one day. BUT I think it will ended up in...I forget what to say, someone help me to complete the sentence thanks ;D~

And ya, thanks e-wen for informing, December's teenage got a short report on SHA2007. Nothing that we don't know but of course can see Milubing's picture =D...

*cough cough cough*


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 20:28

i help u complete ur sentence :D haahhas!
BUT i think it will ended up in...
the few of us playing or chatting bout the 3 milos :D wahahhas xD
ehs, this is wad i tink lahs if its mlbians going ther study >.<


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 19 November, 2007 21:55

Wow, the terminal sure looks spacious.. hehex.. XD Sure visit it if i had a chance.. But since is newly opened terminal sure not alot pple de.. haha.. All milubing and mlbians take cariies yeahs? Stay healthy!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 22:11

yoz guys....
recently busy wif my stuff....
wow,sam tagged...
anyway,thought of going to T3 last sat with my friend but i'm not free....so i will go next week ma......

Take care guys!!!!


Blogger qing qing | 19 November, 2007 22:18

haha.. sam funny la.. stay at the airport.. but airport really v clean.. think cleaner than my house.. =X
sam wear spec is it huh? or i c wrongly? i think it's my huan jue la..

GIVON, at first i oso tot it's weiqi.. heez.. like seldom c sam wear cap.. or nv c b4 huh.. dunno la.. :P

quizzy, keke.. i not gd at chanting de hor.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 22:42

wow! the blog suddenly Get Alive mann! lolxx.
from my first look, ii tot the guy in tt pic was weiqi, bt it's not! haha! sorry arh, sam! your dressing resemble ur bro mahz. haha! =p

alrite, its good to hear the 3 of you are doing great, phew~
Take care!!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 22:43

haha. had a typo error previously. i mean "do you remember ME*??" missed out the ME. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 22:59

haha .. finally u admit liao .. haha =P
eh! not 猪脚 can .. i best actress de ok .. dun siao siao .. haha .. if u r e main one, noone wanna watch liao la .. haha ..

yes, u r gd at chanting .. juz addmit it .. keke =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 23:12

yea... the blog has been ALIVE again!! so.. moral of the story.. u all got to blog more lurh!!

oh ya.. about the mag thing right.. actually.. there's no news about them.. just show what award they got and ofcos.. one HUGE photo enough to get you googoogagaing over it and a small one.. it's nice..

shan, wah! u purposely one huh!! then u also one le lor?? not no one will watch.. is everyone dying to watch! muahahaha....

qq... try using bino.. then u tell us again.. heehee....


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 23:30

aiyo .. u tot mlb so free like u ar .. ask them to blog more .. haha *to mlb, yaya .. blog more k* .. haha ..
i nv purposely la .. k lor, im oso one lor .. haha .. ya, everyone dying to watch .. dying to watch ur siao hua .. keke =P
eh, i scare qing use bino le still c wrongly leh .. keke


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 01:08

bino? anyway, e-wen and shan, may i know what's the color of your heart? HAHA. -_- fancy asking them to blog more....keke =P

qq chant for weiqi very scary de lor.

anyway, have a good rest ba, my friends...Milubing and MLBians jia you. nitey =D!

and ya, if the few of us were to go Changi Airport (T3?) study together, don't expect a productive study session le HAHAHA :P.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 01:41

didn't know tt T3 was already opened.
shall visit there someday!
heh heh.
from wad sam has said, it seems like a nice place. :DD
clean washrooms is gd!
i hate dirty washrooms.
would rather 忍 till i reach hm den use.
bt main purpose is to explore T3.
nt visit washrooms. >_<"

stay at airport?
maybe u can bring a tent go there camp.
experience hw it's like living in an airport.
provided the securitys won't throw u out. =x

hope ur com is better nw!
weiqi & nic, jiayou!
sam jiayou too in wadeva u're doing. (:
weather's been cold recently.
dun fall sick!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 09:59

morning ppl !!!

eh .. i nv c my heart b4 leh .. i dunno wat's my heart color .. haha ..
i joking only la .. mlb they all so bz, of coz cant blog more la .. i dun wan them to b so tired de lor .. not like tt yiwen .. haha =P
yup, agree tt qing chant for weiqi v scary .. haha =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 10:14

good morning ppl!

quizzy, T_T say me...... i mean often.. not everytime ma....... qq need binoculars i mean.. i agree qq chant for wq very scary. haa!

shan, wei... u got problem with me de hor? rarr! say me then u still put the ** haa.. eh.. what my siao hua.. i dont have siao hua..

oh man... i totally forgotten that i've got test today! hope it dun happen to anyone of you..

WQ's day to freedom's nearing!!!


Blogger binz | 20 November, 2007 10:15

ehhh sam finally blogged! aww i think computer screwing up is the worst thing that i wld want to see to happen.. i will go bongus if my comp screws up.. hope sam's comp is alright now and will continue to be alright(: anw i also thought the person in the pic was weiqi at first.. but thinking he carn possibly have the mood to go walk t3 now bah.. then on closer look then realised is ah sam.. eh why the chairs so funny ah.. 4 red 1 black? t3 seems nice.. i wanna go see soon~ keep wanna go see but haven found ppl who wanna go with me.. sam wants to stay in airport ah? i think got those hotels inside for transit right? go buy air tix then can 混 into the hotel.. haha

i strongly agree that if mlbians ever go to airport to study the efficiency rate will be uber low.. gonna have too much talking.. haha

quizzy_me: thanks for your suggestion to find dresses on blogs(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 10:25

*sipping hot milo that is a little bland now ^^*

morning milubing and MLBians!

shan...keke =P. e-wen, relax! haha. jia you ba, mine yesterday over le. But UT3 starting on 3 Dec. Siao!

I've still got my Professional Profiling (PP) presentation to rush lor. will be on 28 nov but I haven't touch on it. Wish me good luck ba. haha.

binz, no problem =D~

yeah, maybe can go T3 gai gai together one day ba. haha.

Milubing and MLBians jia you!

*AH CHOOOOooooo*


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 10:39

i got no prob wif u la .. teng ni hai lai bu ji lor .. haha .. u sure u haf no xiao hua ma? haha .. aiyo, u really blur sotong leh, got test today & u still forgot .. jia you yea !!

jia you on ur PP presentation yea .. & take care too


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 12:25

u're fast leh.
wanted to go there last sat de.. but was still struggling with mcq paper.. =/
thurs gonna be at changi to send my frens off to hk.. but not sure if i'll be going to T3.
but i'll definitely find one day to bring my little bro there! heh.
yupp. i love the clean and quiet envt there too.. juz feel so peaceful and secured there. hee.

and i'm done with the A's!! hurray! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 13:35

even qing qing and shihui thought is weiqi..
yes qing qing,
sam got wear cap de
that time the rehearsal of gai ban autograph session
and that day @ SHA 2007
i was sitting with a bunch of ppl frm malaysia
and they asked me
"ehh.. 那两个没带眼镜是兄弟?"
even ppl who dunno them thinks they are brothers!
and yeah
teenage got mlb
the picture
group photo
weiqi dont look good leh
just a comment
wanna see, GO BUY!

now a and o lvl over!
which means the blog is getting alive!



Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 November, 2007 14:45

Congrats to All MLBians who have just completed their A-lvl. Finally, its times to relac & enjoy your holidays liao.
Wondering there is any MLBian who will be getting his/her PSLE exams result on Thursday? If yes, All the Best to you.

Ya, with all exams already over except those in the university. This place should be more ALIVE! But then, seem likes many will be going overseas for holidays. So.....
All university students (weiqi to be included of course) please continue to Jia-You. Just a few more days to pia. All the Best too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 14:48

quizzy: wah.. ur UT3 so fast? i still got 2 more UT2 i think.. what's PP? take care..

shan, haa.. u sure u teng me ah? always suan me.. eh.. i think is bei ni jiang until abit gong... i havent been studying for the right test also.. duno what happen to my head... but thanks! u jiayou for ur exams too! i dont have siao hua lei.. lemme think then i tell u.. haa..

yeayea.. gong xi those who finish exams.. and haha.. ya.. wq do look funny cos of the eyes.. but nvm.. got one is nice and perfect de!

jiayou weiqi~!! and sam!! and nic!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 16:12

I was told by Marssh that NTU exams finished officially on 29 nov ba, though her's one will finish this Thursday. haha.

Yeah, gong xi those who finished exams. FREEDOM~~~~

But TP term test starting soon right? All the best to Shan, qing qing and whey who are from TP. MLBians from other polys, jia you too! keke.

yes e-wen, not easy being Science student eh. haha. U jia you and take care too~
whats PP? check RP website =P.

Weiqi ah, I realized when it comes to taking pictures, his eyes....-.-

haha =D

*cough cough*

Milubing and MLBians take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 16:55

of coz teng ni la .. e more i suan u means e more i teng ni ma .. haha =P aiyo, ni ben lai jiu gong gong de .. no my fault k .. kk, i'll jia you for my exams too ^_^ & u haf alot of xiao hua de lor .. dun geh geh .. haha =P

thx !! u jia you too !! yaya .. our term test coming soon .. 10 dec tt wk lor .. & i haf so many things on hand la .. final year project, assignments, quizzes .. aiyo .. dying soon liao .. haha =P

weiqi !! 7 more days to ur freedom !! jia you yea !!

sam & nic !! jia you too !! in wateva u r doing !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 20:52

shan de term test start on 10 dec? but my UT3 ends on 11 dec. LOL! but whatever the case, jia you ba ;).

Weiqi jia you! Nic and sam jia you too!

Aha! just remembered something. I mentioned before, I have a test the day after HD5-lift off on 14 oct right? Then i still remembered MM jie was still suaning me hahaha. Anyway, in the end I got a C for that paper but 2 E's, 1 F and another C for other papers. O_O!!!

haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 23:13

eheh !! ni yao qi si wo shi ma .. haha .. yaya, u jia you too yea !! since ur UT3 ends on 11 DEC !! haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2007 23:42

quizzy, wow.... luckily i fail science.. haa! but all the modules got nth to do with my course.. haa.. i saw it le.. but still dun understand.. haa.. jiayou on ur grades ba!!

shan, hahaha... ah shan and her logic of teng-ing a person.. later qq manslaughter me ah.... eh.. i'm not gong ah! we shall jiayou tgt.. haa.. eh.. what i alot of siao hua...... u are the siao hua... :P

oh yea~ it's wednesday soon~ lalalalalala.. think of saturday.. muahaha.. can relax ah......


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 00:54

haha .. yaya, my logic ..it makes sense rite .. haha =P eh, u make it sound as if qing v scary leh .. haha .. u r gong de lor .. & i where got siao hua, i v guai de lor.. haha .. =P yea yea, jia you tgt !!


Blogger -WHEY` | 21 November, 2007 01:18

wow.. finally see updates le (:

good to know that MLB is doing fine yea (:

& sam enjoying your time in the airport.. schooling = busy.. no time to go visit that place.. haha.. wait till hols then can go take a look already..

ah, gotta go off to study~ tata~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 02:21

* Miss Ya Guyz Lotsss ~


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 02:43

huh, wat is this i see. 1st time i visit for the week den someone say i suan her. got meh? i cant rem le :p looking at the circumstances, if i did, i suan u for your own good only. maybe cos i suan u, u did well for it so u must thank me leh. haha. i see the way u girls run after mlb, i can only shake my head ;)
if i mge to come in tmrw, share w u all the captions on the cd compilation as informed previously by the someone who say i suan her.
Good nite whoever's still alive at this time! :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 10:00

HAHA. I remember hearing something like, "huh? tomorrow UT and u still came?" haha =P. But of course la, thank you thank you mm jie =P.

Wooh~~ was way too tired last night so went to sleep at 11.30pm le. HAHA. now...hai hao la. keke.

morning milubing and MLBians =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 10:01

and shan and e-wen, thanks and jia you too =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 12:35

Yo yo.
Good afternoon.

My friend took this picture of me, he was out riding with me. Old friend, you don't know him. =)

Yes i definitely remember u HDBhub-girl, i think ya name sound nicer than this definitely.

Lunch time!


Blogger Strat | 21 November, 2007 12:50

Hi... haha... enjoying life now ?? tat's good ...haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 13:20

yo yo! good afternoon to sam too. haha.

oh i see~~ haha have fun riding ba~~

Lunch time yeah! I going to makan too. I actually brought bun to eat but nan de finish ppt so early so thought of eating something better. wish me good luck in not falling asleep in class later ba (cos too full mahz haha).

Enjoy lunching ba. assuming u've eaten when u read this, what did u eat? haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 13:24

happy lunching sam!


Blogger binz | 21 November, 2007 13:28

eh lunch time le? ahh i din realise.. hmm where's my lunch... im too lazy&busy to cook nor go out to get food.. happy makan-ing sam~ anw sam how come you will bring ur helmet around? i tht ppl usually hang them on the bike?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 13:50

Hey Sam,

Enjoy your lunch...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 14:38

ah sam !!
enjoy ur lunch yea .. though i thk u shld have finished ur lunch by now *looking at e time*



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 15:14

sam tagged.... think u always tag/blog before going lunch de ba? haa..

shan, hahaha... i'm not gong la! hahaha... cos u're my siao hua! muahahahahahaha.....

i shall pay attention le.. =) happy afternoon~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 17:05

SAM ah..
glad that you're having your lunch at the correct time of the day nowadays.. hahas.. =P
and hors, i still dun understand wad you were trying to say to us during Vivocity that event.. LOLS~~ *which is like so long ago le*

anyway, am glad that yoou're doing well now..

jiayou~~~ left few more days le.. and u'll be free~~~ hees.. jiayou lo~~ *grins*

try have more rest ya?? someone will heartache de.. hahas.. =P


Blogger Jodie [: | 21 November, 2007 19:15

LOLS. ((:


Just realise my whole tag is with CAPS.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2007 23:35

ah~~~tired le but don't know want to sleep ma...*weird question*


Heard that Jing Bao Yue Tuan's drummer Ray will be getting married soon le wor~~keke.

aha! about 29 minutes to SOMEONE'S birthday wor. The same "someone" as pegg mentioned in her tag. keke.

Milubing and MLBians must jia you and take care yor! keke. Nic, keep going! You can do it! Weiqi, nightmare will be over soon, hang in there~! Sam, have fun in whatever you are doing, but be careful on the roads! haha.

SOMEONE by the name of M~E~I~K~I~A~N~, wish u happy birthday first before I collapse to bed. Those on holiday, have fun! Those having exams/tests, jia you! Those slogging at work, jia you! As for me? ZZzzzz~~~

All take care =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 00:00

hmm i tot i tagged 2 days ago..or is it my huan jue..bleahz..anyway, sam, i tot it was weiqi in e pic too..until i saw e helmet..v slow i noe..hahaha..glad u are enjoying urself..t3 looks gd..nice n spacious..will go explore someday soon.. :)


may ur day be sweet n blissful.. :)
n we shall be nice to not give u donuts! :p


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 November, 2007 00:08

To Someone whose name is MeiKian,
Happy Birthday to U,
Happy Birthday to U,
Happy Birthday to MeiKian,
Happy Birthday to U.
Be it, you have a noisy party or just a quiet relaxation at home. Hope this Special Day of Yours, will brings you Happiness & Joy.
May God Bless You. :)


Blogger binz | 22 November, 2007 00:32

haha someone de identity officially declared liao..

16th yrs old liao! can watch NC16 movies le..长大了~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 01:31

q_me, now u jolt my memory. oh no, really sound like wat i wld say! cant believe u act rem wat i said. shld i be touched? ok i m good at suaning people. next time if u cant take it, just tell me b4hand, i try to be less acidic.
i v rude...never say hi to sam in his blog. HI SAM! why never look at camera? i tot u were WQ, pic so small, cant see properly. seems like ure memory oso v good. better dun offend u & q_me, later throw back wat i said at me, then i cham liao cos i always 祸从口出 . must think 2x b4 i shoot my mouth off. but then sometimes i just cant resist, like now.... so i m gonna shoot my 'mouth' off in my next tag. Dont shoot me hor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 01:36

WARNING- Some sort of SUAN ahead (esp to the person who wrote the captions), read at ure own peril.

Here are the captions for the 2 MLB songs in the CD Compilation:
适应 迷路兵

My tots when i read it:
laugh, den look ard to see if anyone staring at this cranko or not. (luckily no one ard) aiyo, i not 少女 how? den the song cant appeal to me la is it? hmm....no la, must be the song appeal to the 少女 in me!! -.-|||

泪 迷路兵

My tots when i read it:
Aiyo, write until so drama, so 严重meh, my hair all stand when i read this corny text intro. Song rocks but this intro abit tooooo emo le. aiya marketing mah, must always OVERsell rather than undersell.


Blogger Kandy Aki -Lin- | 22 November, 2007 02:59

hey! qiu lin here... yahh.. sorry for not attending e church~~ ^^ miSS Ya n tHEm ToO much!! i wILL bE goINg tO e CamP~~ brinGiNg soME frIEnds bA.. u ALl leh?? BUt scAre LAteR thEy sEe u aLl liKe mAd ...HAha~~ niTE NIte!! hoP in To mY bloG to GivE me Tag tAG eh?? ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 03:41

Happy Birthday Meikian :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 07:58



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 10:17

hahaha mm jie, it's ok de la~~ keke, no worries ya? =D!

Morning Milubing and MLBians~~ keke =D


Blogger Strat | 22 November, 2007 10:56

Happy Birthday to meikian ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 11:54

meikian's b'day?

happy birthday gal! hv a great day ahead...

it's lunch time soon... happy lunching all...

hmm... wat to eat??


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 12:45

hey hey... jus woke up.. hahaa spent the whole night watching tv =PP been peeping here but didnt/lazy to reply... so.. hahaas.

thankks people for ur bdae greetings~! =DD thanks quizzy, yp, uncle phil, binz, berries, pekchoo, pandaeye & capri... =DD [i double check liao, nv miss out hor?... =.=]

&& btw, how come suddenly my name become 'someone' siaas? hahaas... =PP


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 14:35

hi meikan, remember i met u once at the Motor Rally.. "Happy B/dae, May Success & Wisdom Be with U always!".


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 15:03

MEIKIAN!! happy bdae! =)
woo~ 16 liao.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 15:56

happy birthday !! ^_^

*ahem* wat im ur siao hua !! i thk is e other way round lor .. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 23:58

LOL. this is a unique name! cannot change. xD thank you for praising my name! haha! by the way you are very thin. DO EAT MORE!! xD

jiayou!! =)