
4de super 可愛い Ah boy...
milubing | 17 October, 2007 00:00


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Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:01

祝 SAM 21th 生日快乐

祝你快高長大,天天快樂,一切順利,沒煩惱 ^^



-HAPPY always




-HEHE ^^

-HIHI =p

im lame >.< ...hope SAM HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!~~ STAY YOUNGGG YEA!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:03



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:03

haha!!!vry funny!!! XD XD XD


Blogger aLwAys-a-pRomiSe=> kimX | 17 October, 2007 00:05

Sam.. Happy 21th birthday !!!!
hope that you will do well for everything especially for the singer career... and also get a car soon...
have a nice birthday celebration tml =)
ur smile is always the best !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:06

haha..so cute~ eh i posted at e previous post alr..anw,

happi bday sam!! =DD


Blogger Pek Choo | 17 October, 2007 00:08

Ah Sam~

Happy 21st Birthday!!

Stay Happy Always & Take Care..



Enjoy yourself!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:11


what else arh? =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:11


21st birthday means you can get all the freedom you want.. :D

stay young FOREVER! enjoy your special special day :D

best wishes and good luck! :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:12

alamak.. i tot i was the first at the ytd's post's comments... =)


Blogger Jean | 17 October, 2007 00:21

hEllo sam!
happy birthday..and today spop performance was great!mlb power lahs...anyway may all ur wishes and dreams come true!take care..=DD

*the person who u said hello on the phone ytd but din answer back de..cause was shock..pai say ah!=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:23

I posted on the previous post but never mind..
Happy Birthday Sam!


Blogger Pek Choo | 17 October, 2007 00:25


you have the tixs to go for the SPOP Concert..

what song they sing?


Blogger binz | 17 October, 2007 00:27

heya sam happy 21st birthday!
after living in childhood for 21years you are entering the adulthood~ so no more old boy liao~ stay healthy and happy lengzai!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:34

hahaha Don't forget today is our friend meiyi's birthday too. already wish her in her blog le hahaha.

Meiyi! shuan liao lor! hahaha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 00:44

haha..spop was boring(ok, mayb cos i was hungry so nth interests me)..e onli highlight for me was mlb's performance..luckily i managed to stay until they perform..hee..anw, they onli performed one song, 泪..n it was so high can..high until i forget i was hungry n i had gastric pain..power of mlb.. :) n as usual, sing along session.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 01:02

生日快乐!身体健康!天天开心!加油!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!(:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 October, 2007 01:42

Aiyoh, didn't know someone has start a new post, was still refreshing at the previous post.
Copied & paste here:

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Sam Wong,
Happy Birthday to You.

May Your Special Day, Brings You Happiness & All Wishes Come True.
Happy 21st Birthday, your key to adulthood & freedom.
Have a Wonderful 21st Birthday celebrations with all your love ones.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 October, 2007 01:50

Haha.... Sam from today onwards, you can no longer call yourself "old boy", will have to call yourself "young man" liao.
But I wish that you will look young & handsome forever.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 01:56

oh ya, xiu jiejie posted this right? hehe so nice~~

young man! Don't forget to log in to http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com , got something for you too. Not spectacular at all, but it's our greetings for you jiu dui le. Qing qing chose the animation de hahaha. HAPPY GROW OLDER DAY :p.

pinky pinky take care yor~~

nitey all =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:06

just reached home from spop.
extremely tired, but before i go off t lalaland..

stepping into adulthood already wors.
may you stay happy and healthy always.
enjoy this special day of yours.
sweet dreams. (:


Blogger Strat | 17 October, 2007 02:23

haha, jus back frm MDC...
Happy birthday, sam... hehe ... hope u had a happy day tml ...enjoy ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:25

reached home from s-pop, after seeing the 3 milos, hahas.

Happy Birthday Sam :D

& ya, secret we din say out wor. hahas.
& weiqi, take more rest if possible. ur look superrr tired type de. dun tired dao fall sick hor, hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:38

hi Sam ,



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:41

hope you'll like the present.
and the card too.. heh heh.. xD
anyway, SORRY lehs.. ):
hmm.. hope you'll have a great day~

weiqi, SLEEP more la~~ you blur until write wrong thing on the note. LOLS.. must sleep early!! (:

nic, also take care kays~ sleep well and have enough sleep. (:

very hungry and tired.. ):
off to sleep~~
3 milos, also sleep early!


Blogger Pek Choo | 17 October, 2007 02:41

rip berries,

wow you went for the Spop concert?

How was the concert? I want pics...haha~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:50


Ok.. Hahax i noe already wished u many times le... But Still Must Say Again Here La..

U Going for celebration with Weiqi or wat? LoLx!
Anyway, SAM & WEQI, u all really look tired juz nw... At least NIC still quite hyper on stage Hahax..
U Guyz Had Enough Rest & Take good good care k?


WEiQi : Did i somehow shocked u with my appearance ? HAHAx =X

NIC : Take Good Care & CYA!

Alright, Cya Guyz !!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:52

here's a birthday song for u.


hope u like the gifts and card yea?
&& it's really fragile!
hope the thing wont collapse by the time u reach hm.
thank you too! xDD
&& sry at the same time. ):
hav an enjoyable day ahead!
i gt to spend my bdae by studying later on. T-T
nxt day having 'O' lvl practical! =S

spop was fun and rather tiring.
esp the finale, veri high! x]
heh heh.
agreed tt meng fei chuan was power too!
was enjoying at the side singing and high-ing along.

almost 3am.
still gt sch tml.
better go off le.
good night! (:
&& rest well!

once again,

ZHU meiyi (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:54

oh yea.
thx quizzy for the birthday wishes! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 02:59


happy TWENTYFIRST birthday! =DDDDD

yeah yeah!~ got to jam on ur bdae huhs? guess it shd be alright for ya though? mus be enjoyable celebrating & jamming on ur special day. hehh...

hope the canto song jus now din sound stupid hahas... i felt so =.=... forget lyric sumore! hahas. and we din scare u okay! think u too tired tts why easily get scared. hahas... hope u still felt relaxed when u left? heh. and YES omg 梦飞船 was damn good man!! the songs totally rocked!~ =DD but okay la, the show was really kinda long n erm... a lil boring. heh heh... =P

anwwwws. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =) have a very blessed n wonderful birthday... =)

cyahhs on sat yeahx? smilez... jiayou for the whatevr stuff u gonna do tml... =)


and i'll jus shun bian leave some stuff for the other 2 also...

不认识我对不对?! then from today onwards dont talk to me okay! diaoos... u n nic like to 轮流 disiao... sometimes very 欠打 lor. hahas... hmm, so managed to get much homework done backstage? hahas. bet u did quite alot backstage huh? seemed like such a LONGGGG time there... felt boring infront, mus be kinda boring backstage too. hahas... anwwwws. hv more rest hor! =) u looked so dead tired la can! 4 1/2 hours.. u think enough ah! =.=.... takecare loadds... and cyahhs sat! oh and sorry ah, held u back for awhile jus now... ahhs, so sorry!~~


hey heyx. u looked tireddd. awws. guess u know la hor, jus now? hahas.. jus trying to help u leave n get home earlier... u REALLY need the rest! tian ah... tts like reaching home at 2 plus and waking up at 6plus again huh? keep saying tml got camp still dun wan faster board the car... hahas. ur ermm... i duno who? sorry to make him wait a lil while... n please jus go back n REST alrights!!! u really need it, damn can see from ur face larhs. almost 笑不出来 liao... takecare loadds... what i can do, i do liao, the rest is up to you ya? jiayouuu... cyahhs sat! =) smilez..
btww, u damn funny la haha! really too used to army life liao hor? stand also mus stand at attn one. HAHA. chao funny... i was laughing away in e studio. LOLS!~ like 3 of u there standing same pose one... =PPP

aiyo, almost gave up waiting for ya guys... yes NIC, i shd be off doing something more meaningful, fruitful and productive... but aiya...since there liao then there liao lor... still can do what... hahaha.. okayy, i'll study!! dont nag me le... hahas. =P

nites all, hv more rest bah da jia =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 03:06

btww, jus let me sidetrack a lil...

someone was saying smth about the performance items for sat in the prev post? hmm, according to the guys, they're practicing hard for tis sat... so we can look forward to it yeah? they're putting in alot of extra effort these few days for it... yupps.

and do attend the auto session if you're free, cuz it really will be the ONLY session for the gaiban yah? =)

paiseh ah sam... hahas.

some stuff jus felt very gao xiao today =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 03:28

takecare ya... smile yO =)


Blogger quack91 | 17 October, 2007 03:49

Hey Sam!! Happy birthday.. U're one year older alr.. My birthday was yesterday.. Haha.. Hope u'll remian happy and handsome always.. Jeep the milubing spirit going!! =)

Happy happy birthday SAM!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 05:56

Happy 21st Birthday!!
OH! you are the STAR todae!
ENJOY to the fullest mann!!! =D
take lotsa care!

*missed a chance to say "happy birthday" to u ytd, anw have fun! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 09:42


Today it's a special day for you!!

Here to wish you

Happy 21st Birthday again...

Stay Happy & Take Care

Best wishes to you..

Enjoy yourself today~

Remember to stay tune Yes 933FM in

the evening time...

sMiLe :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 09:53

happy birthday sam!

haha... d b'day song so cute... for d canto sam....


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 10:54

*ahem* *clear throat*

happy bday to u,
happy bday to u,
happy bday to ah sam~
happy bday to u !!!

may u be blessed with gd health and may all ur wishes come true !!

cheers! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:00


我accidentally bump into 张乐声的blog then 看到他在上个月写的一个entry. Don't know whether you guys saw it, but i'll just share with ya~

"Wednesday, September 12, 2007




这张专辑真的花了他们不少心血。其实音乐这条路是这样,大家都只看到表面的风光,背后的辛劳其实很难被大家所了解。一首歌,从词,曲,编曲,录音,和音到混音,还有期间的修修改改,不知道是大家所听到的这3分或4分钟final product的多少倍!

他们是幸运的,因为作品能够被摆上了CD shop! 所以我相信,他们也很珍惜这个机会,想给他家听他们最好的音乐。在日渐低迷的唱片市场,要出一张专辑比想象的要难很多。




Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:02

oh ya, 乐声的blog link - http://www.lesheng.blogspot.com/

but it's all in chinese la~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:06

in case some of ya don't know who is 张乐声, he is one of the Project Superstar 2 contestant. He wrote a few songs in Milubing's album. Shi ying's lyrics was edited by him if I'm not wrong, and bai wan bao too =)...can't remember the rest =)...

once again, wish Sam have a wonderful-est, best-est, happiest birthday! haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:16

Happy Birthday SAM....

Last year this time... the joy of shopping for presents..

This year this time...
- No more fantasy story of your Bdae
- No presents but ONE (hv to wait for my return... sound like Lord of the Ring... Not Return of the King... but return of BIGHEAD DOLLY)

Hello to all on the blog..
Hello to all the meimeis...tt I know
Hello to all old friends
Hi to new ones....

Jiayou to MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:42

祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝...生日快乐! =) 要天天开心哦~~

Lesheng also wrote the lyrics for So Sad.. and if you guys do watch channel 8 dramas, almost all of the songs in the dramas are written by him too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 13:29

Sam, happy 21st birthday! Got 21 candles to blow.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 13:47

Happy Birthday to you Sam!

It might be a little bit late but congratulations to you & Weiqi for getting the licenses!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 14:21

happy birthday SAM!! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 14:58

weiqi: "hey mlbians,really thankful for all who came to watch and had to go home so late!(cab midnite charge!)We were so encouraged by your cheers and u all really made us feel very 'on fire' while we were preparing to play 'lei'.It's amazing how our band and the mlb family work together,it's really a 2 way thing.In fact,we were doing an interviews backstage and during one of the interviews,i dunno how it linked to us talking bout our relationship with u all,and the geese of that segment was that we are family.Just really cool la.btw,to those @ the radio gate last nite: i was really in a daze,didn't.."


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 15:04

"...quite know wat was going on,cos i'm really lacking sleep since HD lift off,so i was just in a blur.I'd like to double confirm as to who bought me the cap,cos i roughly guess it's a trio,but i wanna be sure la :p"


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 15:05

weiqi: Take care peeps, I gotta go back to my work,got quiz tmr.. see ya on sat!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 15:10

hahas. u too tired le lahs. muz take more more rest whenever u can wor. hahas. & the cap is ... hmms, ownself guess who gave u de bahs? hahas.


Blogger Strat | 17 October, 2007 15:17

hi, Wei qi ...
haha... no la u not in a daze lah!! jus too tired ya !!! haha... jia you !!! for ur work ...


Blogger Strat | 17 October, 2007 15:20

he no need to guess lah ...cause I told him who give him de liao ... haha!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 15:35

lols. prob is ... he still not sure. hahas


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 16:07


rest well so can study yupp!

good luck for quiz :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 16:14

just wana ask if wiill they sign on the first edition album?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:11

hello sam!!:D
sorry this came late, cause i was at school, so yea(:
just want to say happy 21st birthday to our dearest sam! you are officially an adult now(:
but you must always stay cute k? mlbians love you forever!(((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:14

Hello Sam. Wish u a Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy it. Stay healthy, young,cute,smile and handsome forever. Haha. Hope u like the card that i gave to u & hp strap. Tk good care. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:29

Ok... this one is for Sam's birthday wishes but still must share ... spop (http://u.mediacorptv.com/story.aspx?Editorial_ID=645&SubCategoryID=20) - 1 pic of MLB


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:35




Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:39

Happy 21st Birthday ~ Sam!

Big hugs to Sam kor kor fm char char!

Btw, I saw the boys MV 'Lei' @ Kbox last nite! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:42

HELLO! first time tagging here. x)HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM! ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 17:48

Happy Birthday, Sam :D
tan.jo.bi o.me.de.to go.zai.mas
May all of your wishes come true!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 18:10

happy 21st b'thday sam !


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 18:19

Happy b /dae Sam N Weiqi/Nic u both take care too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 18:50

Here to wish Sam a very happy Birthday =))
may all ur wish come true
and have any enjoyable day
Smile aways =DD


Blogger marssh | 17 October, 2007 18:59

HAAPPI 21st!stay young bahz.....congrats on u getting ur car license...

enjoy ur day!=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 18:59

to the blessed one:
today's your big big day!
hope you'll stay happy and healthy always!
enjoy your great day!
you're always loved. =D

happie bdae to meiyi too! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:21

haha u all very gao xiao ytd lerhs... during the opening, all stand at attn one. LOL! next time show u the photo...
aiyo, i think ytd night i sit at radio gate n feed mosquito... went out at 10plus cuz the show kinda sian.. then sit at rg n continue to sian until 1plus =.=.... and ya, midnight charge, but heng nv exceed 20bucks. hahas...
but ya! we very high when u guys finally came out =) cuz whatever tt happened infront we werent paying attn, too hungry. so when u guys came out we give our all liao, then keep shouting lor. hahas.. but to the extend of 'on fire', lucky no fire alarm lor. =PP
heng u in a daze still can recognize me. =.=....

FAMILY mah. no problem. =DDD.

ok la, u go do ur hmwk... rest well!~

eh paiseh ah, i jus wake up leh. hahas... regarding the thing u ask me hor... now too late liaos, tml we call up n ask ya? i'll let ya know again =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:23



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:37

somemore to SPOP ytd...


The talented trio of SuperBand fame Mi Lu Bing, who wrote and composed their songs in their debut album, performed their hit number Lei to a high energy and enthusiastic crowd, bringing an element of rock to the concert.


some photos of the overall crowd, with MLB in the background.


SPOP Hurray!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:37

happy burfday SAM !!!!! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:38



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:39



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:40

SAM !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:45

happy birthday to SAM !!
may all your wishes come TRUEEEEE~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:49


all the best and enjoy this very special day! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 19:52

Happy 21st birthday Sam !
stay happy & healthy !!

God bless you !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 20:25

Happy Birthday Sam (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 20:41

happy 21st birthday!
hope u received ur "key"
understand what i meant bah
i hope so..
ytd damn tiring rite?
i got to apologise to you
during the rehearsal
i din know that u wave to me
i thought i saw u waving to the camera man or someone behind me
then i turn but nobody was behind!
sounds creepy
and when weiqi
the very lame weiqi saw me
he was kind of SHOCK
and he wave to me
then i saw u waving at the same direction
a bit blur hoh
cos wake up early for school
then chiong to mdc
i scared i was late
but ended up waiting for my aunt to give us the seats
weiqi was a bit shock cos he din know that i can see their rehearsal
kind of feeling a little happy and lucky
and i know that u expected me to be there cos i've told u the other time!
good memory eh u!
but i got to go home early bcos of curfew
i'm sorry that i din wait for u guys after the performance
but i waited for panda and berries sms
take care!

hey hey
err.. the cap ar.. is bought for u by someone in the trio that u mentioned.. the person who is tagging the blog at 20.40 pm.. guess bah.. and the other two help the person pass to u the cap.. GUESS! cos u are smart(:
ur "biao qing" very funny when u saw me in the rehearsal
u thought u see ghost ar..
someone wearing mlb tee appearing in your rehearsal
i am special la
and u looked tired
but hey! smartie ehh.. so far u can recognise me
my sis beside me was still saying
不可能跟你 wave la! how he know u?
i was still thinking.. ya hoh, should be waving to the camera man
but u kept pointing to me and telling nic and sam
then i realise that
sorry ar
a bit slow you mei you
hope u enjoyed the performance
with mlbians shouting like siao
to win jjfc..
their fans is SUPER LOUD
and we tried to win them
of cos la
its obvious..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 20:57

wawawa. givon wan to ''shi ai'' to weiqi ar? hahas xD no offence ehs.. hahas. lidat soo obvious who the person who give the cap liao mahs, hor?? hahas.


Blogger Jean | 17 October, 2007 21:09

Pekchoo :
yups..i got tics to spop concert..
anyway they sang lei..yups..=DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 October, 2007 21:09

Happy Birthday to you too. May your special day brings you Happiness & Joy. Wishing you a Better Year ahead.

Happy Belated Birthday to You. Hope you have a wonderful & enjoyable birthday yesterday. May All your Wishes Come True.

Hope to see you soon. Meantime, take care & enjoy yourself.

weiqi & Nic,
Please have plenty of rest whenever you can. Must take care of your health, don't make us worry for you, ok?

Hope you have a wonderful & enjoyable Birthday today. You too, have to get plenty of rest whenever you can.
Once again, Happy 21st Birthday to You. See you guys coming Saturday for the gai-ban autograph signing session. MLB Jia-You...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 21:37


happy 21st birthday sammmmmmmmmmmm !
hahas :D

gort on 93.3fm last night anot.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 21:38

wahahas. just now saw chnl8 advetising MLB's gaiban a/s on tv :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 October, 2007 21:58

Oh ya, I saw this ad. last night. So shock to see them playing 我为什么还爱你MV, and so many of MLBians appearing on TV. So paiseh...


Blogger © sHaN | 17 October, 2007 22:09



Welcome to adulthood~ A big day for ya! :) I just celebrated mine afew mths ago too! Hope you are enjoying your this special day of yours with your loved ones now~

May all your dreams come true and jiayou in everything you do~ GO GO JIAYOU! (esp in the music industry!)



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:19

"Hey Jane, i'm afraid i did not receive it,did u pass it to 1 of my bros? Givon...firstly thanks for the cap ya?really sweet of u.I didn't know it's u cos i was in a daze,in a rush,and i put all the other cards inside the plastic bag...so..that's why...actually,i dun mind if it was a plain cap,would have been more affordable(u gals are students!!) for u and i cld do a make over for it!haha!But thanks for the cap,really :) To everyone,regarding whether can bring the normal album for gaibanqianchanghui,i'll find out and update here... :)"


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:21



you must be outside busy celebrating your birthday right? haha.. hope you have a fun and enjoyable day! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:25

AH Sam....


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:43

hope Sam got heard my letter, hahas :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:47

thanks berries
for the dedication.......although i'm stress with my work but after hear mlb song GET ALIVE i'm already alive liao......

Hey,Sam....y u so shy to tok on air le...dun be shy la


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:51

Happy 21st Birthday to Sam =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 22:53

yupp happy birthday sam!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 October, 2007 23:05

Ya lor, should have let Mary call you. Then all mlbians will be able to hear your voice Live on air on your special day. Why are you so shy?
Anyway, you are blessed & showered with many great wishes. You are so......lucky, young man. haha...

Ya, thanks berries for the dedication. Did not hear the your name clearly. Was very happy receiving weiqi's reply at the publicity blog and hearing Get Alive at the same time. Coolz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:07

happy birthday to the "new adult on the blog" ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:10

uncle phil & lorita
hahas, yea :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:38

WQ! U got your car licence oredi, congrats!
xiu, haha good choice, this bd song u choose for ah boy! i like the rock version for nico.it sure sounds like something nico will play. can share or copyright?
Last but not least to our ah boy, A VERY HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!
Congrats to u as well for passing your driving test, a great prez from U to ureself!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:42

haha.. adult liao wor.. =) may all ur wisehes come true!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:48

SAM! before today ends, wanna wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY again :)

hope you enjoyed your big day!


and how come you're shy to be on radio?! should have! we all miss your voice :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:52

Ah Sam
*Happy 21st Birthday*
Stay happy :) & Best wishes and Enjoy yourself.. Take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:59

Happy Birthday Sam
*last greeting,before i go slp haha*


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 23:59

hello SAMWONG.

for the last time on this special day.... Happy 21st Birthday! congratulations on stepping into adulthood, kid no more! haha...

hope u guys had a good time jamming, practising and celebrating today...

continue smiling, stay happy! takecare loads ya? cyahhs sat!~ =)


Blogger Peiyi =) | 18 October, 2007 00:05

yoz!! hope you are reading this..

hey sam... forget me not.. aiyo... time files leh.. so fast one year le... but still miss the times duing superband yah... its like so fun.. hehe... by the way... wanna wish you a


hope this say gai ban auto session will be a success to mi lu bing peeps ba... jia you!!! ^^

sign off,


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 October, 2007 00:07

thanks syL and uncle phil for the bdae whishes. :DD

once again, HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TO SAM! (:
should hav enjoyed ur day ba? xDD
take care!


Blogger euniice =) | 18 October, 2007 01:11



Blogger qIaNhUi | 18 October, 2007 01:27

SAM , Had A GREAT Bday ?!?

CYA Guyz!
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger -WHEY` | 18 October, 2007 02:02


hope you've enjoyed your day! :)


Blogger qIaNhUi | 18 October, 2007 02:52

Good Luck For Ur Quiz =)

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger binz | 18 October, 2007 09:29

oh man i think i lag so much. i din noe this post have song~ haha usually dun on speakers..

haiyo why sam so shy to not go on air? haha on air nobody can see you, you also cannot see anybody. only can hear~


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 October, 2007 12:24

jiayou for ur quiz wor :D good luck good luck :D


Blogger Strat | 18 October, 2007 12:34

Wei Qi,
ya... must jia lots of you for ur quiz... as much as I wrote in the letter !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 October, 2007 13:06

peekaboo! Hope Sam had fun =D! da jia jia you!