
milubing | 22 September, 2007 14:38

I enjoy watching 'Animal Planet' and i like animals, cats included. They can be quite vain at times though. You think so?

Have a nice day! Meow..


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 14:46

hello SAM!

i like the second pic! very got feel leh. hahaha... so where did you see this cat huh? =P

i prefer dogs though. haha... used to be afraid of cats, then my mum wld always suan me by saying tt its a cat, not a tiger... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 14:52

btw, i think the cat got different feelings in all the 4 pics... haha =P

first pic like damn stone... 2nd pic looks cute, third looks fierce... forth looks sian...

maybe the cat was stoning when u saw it, so it allowed you to take a picture? and then somehow got irritated... but din manage to scare you so it got sian?

okay. ignore my crappish story. haha. =P

hmm, vain? guess so... isnt being vain the nature of most animals? haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:08


Aww. The cat looked so cute, got potential to be animal model. LOL. I love the fourth picture the best.

Once again, great pictures you've taken! *thumbs up*


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:20

omg =.=
i like animals,especially dogs...
their eyes so scary for me ~_~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:23

meow meow! just went jogging. now in woodlands library.

yoyoyo sam. nice pictures. thanks. actually I'm afraid of cats lor. There was once when i was about to go market, i saw a cat at our staircase. What did I do next? went back home again. haha. There's another incident where I was walking down the stairs (also at my block), all of a sudden there's a cat running upstairs hurriedly, making those shrieking noise ba. but me 吓到脚都软掉了.

anyway my area used to have a lot of stray cats de la. now hai hao.

anyway, I'll interpret the pictures in this way; perhaps the cat in first pic was still thinking his own stuff, without realizing old boy is here. in second pic, he could be thinking "who is that handsome man taking pictures of me?". At the 3rd pic, I think the cat is buay song liao. As for the 4th pic, maybe he was thinking "aiya, up to you la, I very sian now".

haha no offence arh. I also crapping. hehe =D.

Is that old boy's cat or stray cats you saw? haha.

I'll update the publicity blog only when I go home. Library's comp will take forever to load blogger. haha. ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:24

Super hot today!!!
juz back home,very very hot =.=
sick dy,so all of u,Sam,!!Weiqi,Nic,Mlbians must take care
DRINK WATER~~~~~~~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:50

oh mann. 7th! haha. MEOW.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:54

suddenly got lame things to say...
cat in 1st pic: 有人在看着我
cat in 2nd pic :没错,还偷拍我
cat in 3rd pic:喂,没礼貌,你没问过我就拍
cat in 4th pic:啊,原来是个lengzai拍,我这个pose够可怜惹人疼吧

zzzzzz.......nothing to do now >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 16:07

hello ppl, enjoy yrsef tonite.. MLB jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 16:28

I suddenly got ideas and want to do the captions as well!

1st: "Haiz, so sian. Wonder what should my plans be today?"

2nd: "EH? What's this?"

3rd: "I'm scaring you! I'm really scaring you now!"

4th: "Sian ah. Not scared at all."

LOL, it's crappy right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 16:45

Meow meow...Sam
glade u tag....i love to watch Animal Plant too & discovery Channel
I prefer dogs than cats....


Blogger Pek Choo | 22 September, 2007 16:49

meow.. you really like cats alot!
happy that you tag..
Enjoy yourself than..
Take care
cya guys tml night..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 17:45

I'm home. publicity blog updated. haha. MEEEEEEEEEEEOW~~

ya lor, super hot today. All must drink lots of water hor. hehe.

I like animals too arh. But I can only watch from far. Don't dare to go near it. Maybe dogs still ok. haha.

cya guys tml =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 17:47

WOW SAM! didn't know that you like cats!

i love cats too. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 18:36

wah, got trend in coming up w captions n stories? lols.

'weather very hot...turning into statue here liao...' *minding own business*

'who is tt guy huh? he taking photo of me...' *goes nearer to see who izit*

'eh take sumore i bite you hor...! i really will bite hor!' *attempts to... roar?*

'sian... this guy not scared one. =.='



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 19:17

love dogs more than cats. =]
the third pic is so scary!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 19:33

i like the two pic
the cutie cat look blur......haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 19:38

seems like sam also got his own way of intepreting the photos... judging from the way he named the photos. haha...

eh sam, share your story also leh. lols...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 20:01

the captions are cute!
i like the last pic...
the cat very lan san.. but very zi ran! hehe
think the cat relaxing somewhere at sam's block issit? haha.
yeah, i prefer dogs too. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 20:23

last pic is kute^^


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 September, 2007 20:50

Ohh gosh, Sam!
Anyway, u are a good fotographer indeed!
Hahas! (:

Quizzy_me jie[from previous tag]:
Okay. Will see to it soon. (:

Lorita jie [from previous tag]:

Anonoymous [from previous tag]:

Lorita and anonymous:
You two got watch Zhong Ji Yi Jia?

Shall stop here.
Have a nice week, MLBians and MLB.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 September, 2007 21:59

Haiz... have been missing for the past few days due to I am sick again. Till now still not recover yet! Whole body are very weak after taking medicines, no appetite to eat too! Wondering whether I am able to attend tml event, cos my mum also sick. Hopefully both of us are feeling better by tml! I really wanna go for the event.

Talking about cats; in fact I don't like cats at all. Remember I used to complain to my town council regardings my neighbour below me keeping about 6 cats at their kitchen which is near my room's windows. Imagine during the night, the cats are not meow...ing but likes wildwolf howl...ing or baby cry...ing the whole night until I cannot sleep well.
After complainting to the town council then I am told that HDB flat do not allow any tenant to keep cat (no even 1). So, please bear this in mind if you wanna keep cat!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 22:15

AH.. cats! i am not afraid of them! but i hate them.. but i love animals.. lol.. i keep bunnies and dogs.. i dun like cats cos they ate up my hamsters which i only got it for one day.. so evil! my hamster cage was on the table and i found it on the floor next morning and it seemed like it has been knocked off from the table.. and my maid said she saw a cat coming out of the room! *GRRRR*

uncle phil! get well soon! :) and hope you can go tml! :)

everyone take care~ its very humid now a days.. TAKE CARE! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 22:34

Zhong Ji Yi Jia...have le
i like Jiro in the drama
he look gd with spects
u watch 公主小妹????chun look so charming....I LOVE HIM MAN.....
opppppps,sorrie(i almost forget there is MLB blog)anyway,i also love mlb la.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 22:57

hellos all.
back frm amk hub today. quite fun ther? haas. im tired~

oh my! the cat is cuteeee~ i love cats too :D got 1 at folo me home juz now but stop at lift ther, hais ): if not can 'shou yang' the cat liao. hahas. & i lyk the 4th pic. superrr cuteee :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 23:18

post-prelim activity tday! :D
cycling at ecp. had a lot of fun cause i haven't been playing in the sun for a uber long time.
but there's always a price t pay. now i'm extremely burnt & my back is tanned in such a way that the shape of my tank top can be seen very obviously. uber funny & weird.
but it was lots of fun.
hope everyday had a great day too! heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 23:19

*hope everybody had a great day too! heh. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 23:40

Sam,cute cat!!Kinda reminds me of my old cats..I used to have three but we have to let them go..I cried because I loved them too much..

Anyways,I won't be able to make it to tmr's event ler..Because I down with sore throat..

Maybe I will see you guys at another event soon..

MLB,all the best tommorrow!!Rock the stage,okay!

Goodnights to MLB and MLBians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 23:50

aww ): drink more water & take lots of rest.

saw u today! budden dun tink say out here ba, hahas.


Blogger Strat | 22 September, 2007 23:58

me now no voice liao ... tml how ??? I maybe need to meet u there tml ... cause I need to settle something before AMK ting.... Tml will let u know ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 00:10

berries,Thank you..I will..

pandaeye,tmr no need to yell lor..haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 00:12

seems like many ppl down w illness... takecare!

jus now 'hand itchy' go rub eyes... now duno why both my eyes become swollen, can hardly open. look like alien =.= hope it 'xiao1 zhong3' by itself asap... if not tml cant go out alr =(

lesson learnt... dun rub ur eyes.. esp if u duno ur hands are clean. arghs~


Blogger Strat | 23 September, 2007 00:17

aizutto,even if I wanna yell also cannot liao... cause my troat is so bad till cannot even talk properly ... haiz... but had been drinking lots of water hoping tat tml will get better ...haha ...
BTW, tml need to wear white tee ma ???


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 00:21

yes, try to be in white/mlb tee for all open events.

=.= really finding it hard to see anything now~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 00:25

betta put some eye drops, it will get betta. if not, rinse ur eyes with clean water. btw, ii needa ask u sumthing, could u come online for one minute?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 00:32

thanks.. haha i trying to find out if its becos of the medicine i ate jus now... online alr~


Blogger Jean | 23 September, 2007 00:36

helllooo sam!
the cats picture tat u took are nice..but scared of cats since young!hahahs...
anyway saw u ouside raffles city tat day!u talking on the phone and mi and my friend walked pass u..hehex..did wave to you anyway=DDD..take care!:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 00:49

meEOw ... cats r cool ... dey hv attitude too! ... i once stayed wif a couple who kept 4 cats ... the grand dame refused to let me touch her ... hey, i was only being frenly ... gruff gruff ... the 2nd eldest will let mi cuddle her occasionally ... the 3rd, a black male is extremely playful ... had loads of fun entertaining him, like play 'soccer', 'fishing', etc ... sometimes he will ask for a tickle by lying on his back ... heard he was a 'runaway kid' at times but he is the friendliest!... the youngest is the cutest and rather shy ... was already gonna zzz wn my leg dangled off the bed and touched something! ... my god, wonder wat cld be under the bed?! ... i peeped n there she was, looking at me wif those innocent eyes ... ahaha, i dun dislike cats but i cant imagine cuddling them to sleep!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 23 September, 2007 00:57

Wow Meow Meow Photos~
The 3rd one look scary indeed...

Hahax... Anyway, Cya Guyz TML..!
Take Care ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 01:23

eEeww~ you like cat ah?!
i detest on it cos I had a bad experience with a cat during my childhood times! >.< My left face had a scratch from it.

Cat is vain?! eh. i dont think so. I feel that they have evil mindset. ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 01:37

all take care yor.

cya tml or rather later. I think I'll get ready to leave after listening to long hu bang. haha.

throat not feeling well just now. but after drinking water I feel better lo. now i need ma-sa-ji. bones are aching. hehe.

erm. i think the real scary ones is black cats. whenever I passed by black cats who is staring at me, my legs will go numb/weak. Think I really tio frightened ba.

Oh ya, sometimes at midnight, I can hear cats crying loudly too. aiyo. my heart goes out to them.

OH YAYA, I remembered another cat who seemed to be despo about finding himself/herself another owner de. his tail was darn short la. don't know is it natural or he got hurt...

so moral of the story - don't get a pet on impulse. right? hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 01:51

jus visited the clinic n got a jab... hopefully tml will be ok to go out~

pray for good weather tml~



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 02:00

aiyo.. so many ppl falling ill, or ill already and so many not feeling well.. take care all :)

off to study! :D see you all tmr! :D

nights nights *


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 10:02

har D: ok bahs.

:D welcome

hope ur eye is better (:

now pasir ris here seems to be raining lor D: hais. sian lahs. hate rainy days now~ hopefully amk ther not raining

all MLBians & MLB take care :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 10:57

hi berries
yah lor...raining so heavy at our place....

hope u ar feeling better now =)

good luck for todnite's performance


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 11:27

Me not sick but my com sick, authomatic shut down evertime after on a while and my msn totally down... think must re-format but must save every file first!

So today's event in-door or out-door?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 11:43

WAH..NICE MEOW MEOW...BT DE THIRD CAT LOOK FIERCE..HAHA..BTW MUS VISIT MY BLOG K..IT IS tansiyun.blogspot.com..kk..thanx ya..btw mus listen to 933 on ur birthdae &nic de..cos gt dedicate son for you guy..takekare ya


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 13:26

hmmm.. it seems so quiet today.. where did everyone go? AMK hub? haa..


Blogger PeiShan | 23 September, 2007 13:26

cute cats .. where did u took tt?
near ur house? my house here oso haf alots of cats lor .. there was once i saw a cat taking e lift by itself .. so cute lor ..

lol .. newspaper headlines .. so serious ma ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 13:52

hello mlbians, any news abt 'shi ying's' placing.. tks


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 13:52

YAY!!! :D
適應 is in 3rd placing.
continue t rise up the chart. heh.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 13:53

Yeah... Shi Ying is #3 in today Yes933 Long Hu Bang.
Thanks for all MLBians who have voted.
Let's vote harder and push Shi Ying to the TOP.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 13:53




Blogger PeiShan | 23 September, 2007 13:54

YEAH !!!!!
SHI YING NO 3 !!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 13:55

congrats MLB/mlbians for pushing 'shi ying' to #3..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 13:58


Just now cruz answered our queries (though he never mention who ask de) in the show le, did u hear it? He said if u vote for this particular song using sms le, don't vote using calling again. so ya, it's restricted to one person one song one vote de.

But I say we can cheat la. Don't fill in the number-you-use-for-sms voting- and-calling in the coupon lor. But remember, don't use the same number to vote via calling and smsing.


Blogger binz | 23 September, 2007 14:04

YAY 适应 on #3 (:
it will be 适应 on #1 next week ya?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 14:15

Ya, in order to push Shi Ying to the TOP, we must really votes Super hard. Cos there are a few songs coming up very strongly (namely: 缺氧 by 杨丞琳, 必杀技 by 罗志祥, 特务J by 蔡依林 & 你是我心内的一首歌 by 王力宏 & SELENA), and all these songs are from big names artistes.
Fellow MLBians, lets stay UNITED and show our MLB POWER. Yes, we can MAKE 适应 to the TOP of the CHART. MLB Family, Jia-You...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 14:35

yoyo. shiying is THIRD! YAY first MLBsong on TOP3. that shows we've improved. btw the zhiyong said each person can only vote via one method for one song each week. (if im not wrong?) jiayou guys!(&girls) in voting. think syL will help to pass my coupons to the comm? thanks oh. cos i cant turn up for the gig today. sorry!


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 September, 2007 14:39

AHAHAHAHS! I only ramdomnly asked siah. Hahas. Yeap. Watched Gong Zhu Xiao Mei liaoz. But i am plannin to watch finish Zhong Ji Yi Jia then continue to watch Gong Zhu Xiao Mei. HAHAS! Yah. HE'S LOOKS AWESOME IN TAT SHOW! (:

Dun get us wrong. :(

But quite tough as u can see..

#3- SHI YING by Milubing
#2- XI JIE by JJ Lin
#1- NI SHI AI WO DE by A-mei

Hmms. But we must work hard. HAHAS!




Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 14:43

Lorita & Jodie ~ LOL, this is Mi Lu Bing's blog leh. We shouldn't be talking so much about FLH but i guess a little bit won't do harm. *wink*

Shi Ying is #3? Congratulations!

Mi Lu Bing, rock the stage tonight, yeah? Bring out all the noise! It's just too bad i won't make it there, but still, i know you guys will do awesome! Gambatte!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 14:43

Fyi, Shi Ying is 5th week on the chart and has accumulated 53pts as of today. Quite a Good result.
Thank-you very much to all MLBians & the public who have voted so hard for Shi Ying. Yeah... Hurray...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 14:47

Jodie, don't keep reminding urself u r stress.

yes miko, thats why i say we can cheat a little in the smsing and calling part. haha.

I'll get ready to leave home after installing programs in my house comp. IK, i teach u how to do system restore when both of us are online. that day my comp also will auto shutdown, then my bestie teach me how to do system restore then can le.

good bye for now =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 14:51

oh ya. thanks uncle. means milubing themselves accumulate a total of 94+53=147 points le.

think very soon we can start voting for Get Alive le? I mean, not now la. But very soon? hehe.

and ya, before i forget.

Today is the last day to vote for MLB for "Most Popular Newcomer"and "Most Popular Group" awards at Singapore Hits Awards 2007. We have until 2359 to do it. So hurry, cast your votes now! (Each IP only allows maximum of 5 votes)

Most Popular Newcomer - http://www.singaporehitawards.sg/Category7.asp

Most Popular Group - http://www.singaporehitawards.sg/Category8.asp

really bye bye lo~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 16:51

This cat is so cute, like the 4th pose followed by 1st pose. yes, cats are pretty vain. i like them cos they hv character, seems as if they heck care if anyone else likes them, they jus wanna do their own stuff. these days, while walking home fr the bus stop at nite, i will meet this pretty cool cat. greyish with uneven black stripes, much darker grey than the one pictured here. was surprised the 1st time i met it, i jus put out my hand and it came to me and allowed me to stroke it. it was so affectionate, later wn i stood up to continue walkin home, it act snuggled & wrapped itself ard my legs. i so wanted to bring it home. but though it didn't hv a collar, it didnt look like a stray as it was well groomed. nowadays when i walk home on dat route, i will keep a lookout for my cat buddy to join me on my walk home. makes my walk so much more enjoyable:) Haappy jamming later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 17:14

so cute i mean the cat taking a lift all by itself....

Congrates to MLB!!!!vote hard for SHI YING


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 18:20

Congrats MILUBING!!

continue to jiayou worz!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 18:43

Haiz... I am very Sad that I cannot attend today's event at AMK. Because I am sick for the past few days, my whole body are feeling very weak and mouth very bitter, although I am feeling much better now. The worst is: my mum is also sick and I cannot just leave her alone at home while I go and enjoy myself.
All MLBians at AMK Hub, do enjoy yourselves and if possible; hopefully someone is able to upload some video clips or pics after the show.

I hate cats, so I feel very irritating coming to this post seeing the 4 pics. Hopefully, a new post will be up soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 19:51

yaya sam...
i like cat vry much..
other animals oso la..
animals are so good..cz they all simple-minded..
x same vf human being...complicated...
hav a nice day...=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 20:21

do take care of urself too!
Send my regards to ur mom too


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 20:33

Hi Lorita,
Thank you very much for your concerns.
Why you never attend this evening event at AMK Hub?
Hope you are coping well in your job and getting along very well with your colleagues. Smilez alwayz. You too, must take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 21:37

back from amk hub. (:
performance today was great!
three high songs - 淚, So Sad & Get Alive.
MLB Power Lah!

uncle phil, hope both you & your mum recover soon. take care yah. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 21:39

hi ! Uncle Phil
u're welcome!I'm busy doing some stuff.....u also smile always lol

so sad didnt c MLB today


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 22:11

Hi min,
Thank you very much for your get well wishes to me n my mum. I really appreciate.
Wow, are you staying in AMK or nearby? You are back home so early?
So, you guys should be Super High at AMK Hub with MLB singing these 3 songs. Too bad I cannot be there with all MLBians, So Sad. Hopefully, will not miss next event!
Btw, did the host ask MLB any question?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 22:13

Latest on MLB activities :

5 Oct 10am, RP!!! Filming of Hey Georgeous!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 22:21

Hi Anonymous,
Hey Georgeous filming is not open to public rite? Anyway, its Friday morning; not suitable for students & working adults!
Wow, RP. Quizzy will laugh until teeth drop man! lol

Wondering, why there isn't any activity after the released of the Gai Ban?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 22:25

With the released of MLB's Gai Ban;
I want mini-concert, I want mini-showcase.
Already 2 weeks after the Gai Ban released, why still got no activity coming up?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 22:36

uncle phil,
you're welcome. (: i'm not staying very near t amk but there's direct bus so i'm home rather quickly. nearer to toa payoh.
yup, did enjoy w all the high songs being sang. don't be So Sad! hopefully there'l be more events coming up. but i guess the boys are busy w school, ns and exercising.
the host did ask MLB what they're busy currently and sam said that his secretly preparing for they 2nd album which they hope t release while nic and weiqi are in ns and studying. yupyup. :D


Blogger Strat | 23 September, 2007 22:46

hehe... I enjoyed today's event ... haha but a bit sad la ... don talk bout sad things le ... today is quite high ... I lost voice today but don know why when talk to them my voice is back ... haha ... I was so high tat I had a race with givon and berries ... I am leading at first but in the end I loss ...haha ... ok la ... feeling much better after tat ran ... I really enjoy my day ... haha... don know wat I am writing ... have u all been enjoying urself today ??


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 September, 2007 22:49

thanks for the update.
so, we could be expecting MLB's 2nd album perhaps early 2008? haha...

To be frank, I feel very uncomfortable not going there to show my support. But I really got no choice, I just cannot leave my mum alone at home, especially when she is sick.
I am very glad that so many mlbians sent their get well wishes to both my mum & myself. THANK-YOU VERY MUCH.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 22:49


WEE~~~yeah just now we were screaming until so loud~~ that Daniel Ong say us siao. haha.

I'm supposed to be home earlier le, but my dad and i went to fetch my mum from work first lor. haha.

huh? huh? huh? mlb coming to RP for Hey Gorgeous? WEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~ 10am, our morning break. I can go see hahaha. Cos our morning break is 9.30am to 10.30am mahz hahaha. I don't care if I'll be occupied with too much work. I WANT TO GO~~~

haha thanks annonymous =D.

I think from what i heard from one of the girls, what she checked out with the guys is there isn't any plans YET for promo for gai ban.

I really coughing coughing now...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 22:51

oh ya, uncle take care yor. pandaeye, if you're talking abut THAT incident, it's not your fault la. haha. But sorry arh, I can't stop laughing when i thought of that.


Blogger Strat | 23 September, 2007 22:56

THAT ?? OH... I know ... Bang Bang incident ??? haha !!! Am I tat funny ??? I am not talking bout tat la !!! Haha ...n ThAT is a veri dumb dumb incident la ... I will always remember tat as BANG BANG incident de ... But I think I am rude... felt sorry after tat ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 22:57

wahh.. quizzy sure happy lorh! lols... they seem to be very you yuan w rp? haha...

jus reached home~ tired ah... all the super high songs today! jump and scream until xu tuo alr~ =.=

eh go see the booklet hor... haha. and the tag ah, nv engrave then simple and nice wad. lols... =P hope you like the booklet ya... n thanks for the photo jus now! =DDDDD and thou got no time to sleep, still got to take out some time n have some rest la... hope u be abit more relaxed soon, after thurs? jiayou ah, u can do it! jus hang in there... and btw, keep the choc hor... dun eat n fall sick again! keep it first bah...takecare ah~~~

heyo, hope u liked the card from me ah~ hahas. duno when then can pass ya ur present... hope it be soon ya? and ya, im much better alr... thou eyes still feeling a lil bit swollen... bleahx. thanks for the concern anws! =D u takecare too ya? =)

so... did you fall out of the car when u opened the door? haha. break record ah~ one car can squeeze so many ppl. mus hv been pekcek for you hor? hahas. anywayyys. gd tt u're okay alr... take great care too ya? =)

'my toes are laughing...' =.=....


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:00

yeah heard from the boys tt they're not sure if there're any plans for gaiban events... maybe wait n see if warner got any news bah...

and also they're not sure if got any events soon... cept for SHA. yuppps~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:01

Honestly, though I wish to see MLB in action as much as possible. I do not wish to stress weiqi. He is not coping well. just let them work on the 2nd album would be enuf. afterall schoolwork and defence work should come first. i can always just wait for the gigs after their new release. Ganbatte


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:03

err...but may i know where did annonymous get the info? haha. Cos didn't see any news in Hey gorgeous website, neither did I received any email from the school haha.

haha never mind ba, waiting for the guys to update. Then I'll see if I can.....*secret cannot tell*

=D hehe thanks anyway


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:06

sweet dreams everybody! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:09

from the host of the show. when they came to my school, sigh, it wasn't MLB. Good luck! catch them if you can. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:12

but maybe only Sam can be there. Unless Nic takes leave and Weiqi has no lessons, then all can be present. Then u prob can do an interview for your school mag


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:20

2nd album?
Um..that's pretty fast but it is good if MLB were to release another album..hehe..

Sorry MLB,I couldn't be there today.Seems like you guys totally rock the stage hor..

Goodnight to MLB and MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:27

whoa. anonymous know what I was going to do wor~~ haha. I wonder if I guessed correctly who anonymous is. haha. thanks anyway.

if only sam can come, think can still do ba. haha. but got to ask my adviser liao. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:40

oh ya i overlooked pandaeye's tag. haha yes it's really funny. haha. not your fault la. maybe not his fault too. I think the correct usage should be 推 and not 撞 la. hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:48

about the hey gorgeous filming... its up in dasmond's blog too. according to him its 'milubing', so the 3 will be there? hmm..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 23:58

alamak. 1 more minute to vote for them for the SHA thingy


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 00:00

alamak. my comp load damn slow. internet lag la. the moment it load finish the 1 minute is up. haha. never mind la. thanks to all who voted. Let's keep our fingers crossed ba.

haha thanks meikian. never mind la, wait for the trios to update lor. hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 00:31

enjoyed sooo much ytd [12+am now] :D pandaeye, the bangbang accident super funny, hahas :D

hope dat u wun sad abt dat ting le & nice chatting with u. hahas :D glad u recieved the letter which i passed to Sam :D & pardon my ugly handwriting xD also, at 1st we [4 of us] dunno wher u all walking to then u ask us. hahas, then u say 'to toilet' soo cute lahs, hahas.

hahas. the tm thingy soo long liao & u still remember who me & how many ppl with me. hahas, great memory, lols. & pardon my ugly handwriting xD

enjoyed the performance today, hahas. saw Sam passing u my letter, hahas. & pardon my ugly handwriting xD must have lots of rest wor :D


Blogger Strat | 24 September, 2007 00:43

But even if he say “你要我推你吗?” sounds funny too ...haha... super funny la ...he sld say " pls don block, or I will push u ..."
haha... he sld be more polite ma ... but think not his fault too... And we shouldn't laught bout him la ... veri bad lei ...
add me ?? so cam send u tat clip ... with my 坏掉 voice ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 00:49

wooh~~ ya we followed them to toilet eh. haha. that is like, really stalking liao hor? haha.

haha publicity blog updated. As usual, those who don't mind sharing your nice pictures, feel free to send to lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com or to my own msn if you have. hehe. thanks.

oh ya. Weiqi mentioned recently you help Sin Huey designed her album cover right? is it the recent compilation for the theme songs she did for the dramas? LOL! I guess it is. saw before le. no wonder it's so nice. hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 01:00

today's performance was AWESOME AND SUPER HIGH! :D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 September, 2007 01:08

The performance juz now was really really really GREAT ~
真的很棒 !!! We're all juz getting 'TOO HIGH' Over There Liaoz .. OoPsz~

Thankz NIC SAM WEIQI For The Photos Taking Too...!

& Yup, WEIQI! Did u all becum 'pancakes' after getting down the car?!? HAHAx LoLx ~

Alright, Take Care Lots & Hope To Cya Guyz Again SOON ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 01:09

AND.. did i miss out something after the gig?? i think i missed something! ARGH! after the gig donno where all the mlbians fly to already.. and i was kinda alone and my friends waiting for me at the back! AHH! seems like i missed out the fun :x


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 01:16

whey, we went to their mini bus to wait for them. Then after bidding goodbye to them, some followed them back to Mediacorp lor. haha.

aiyo. seriously my dad will kill me if I do that. anyway he came to fetch me lor. haha.

eiyer. my dad and i stopped at Yishun first mahz, cos he da bao-ing food for my mother. Then while waiting for him, I saw this black cat jumping up a lorry. eiyer. don't know what is the cat going to do there. If i'm the driver, I don't know how am I going to react when I saw a black cat on my lorry. Probably fainted. o_____o!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 01:31

oh ya, crap so much just now. Forget to say this - Milubing really rock our socks and AMK Hub socks just now. But hor, many of us were wearing slippers just now la. Ok your toes are laughing now =x...



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 01:32

dont like cats.. gd nite


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 01:50

haha.. really?? then i was too blur.. when everyone was dismissed i was like looking around.. donno for wad.. den i realised everyone was gone! -.-"" lol! blur enough right? haha.. my toes are laughing too.. lol.. you guys are really funny.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 02:08

haha. yeah. haha. hai hao la. cos too many people le mahz. haha.

ok la. shall turn in after doing some packing. school again later. jia you.

nitey MLBians. nitey MLB. you guys xin ku le. have a good rest ba =)...

~.~ don't tell me one of the trios are going to tag right after I log off...haha. I can't be so zhun all the time. hehe. nitey =D!

*cough cough*


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 02:25

haha.. okay.. going to sleep soon :)

MLB, you all did a GREAT performance today :D jia you and rest well for tonight! :D

take care all :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 08:34

meowie~~~morning! I'm in class.

~.~ it was raining just now~~

take care =)....jia you all.


Blogger Pek Choo | 24 September, 2007 10:17

Last Night performance 真的很棒!!
We were so HIGH when you guys were performing..


Take Care

Hope to cya guys again...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 12:23

ytd's performance was great great great! =D
thanks to MLB! i enjoyed ytd a lot. =)
yupp. and we're patiently waiting for the second milo album! haha.
and i'm looking forward to see the them in hey gorgeous.. cos i often see the funny side of the hosts and guests. hee.
btw, sam, you got ear hole also arh? hahh.. i didnt noe that until i look at the pics i've taken ytd.

and! BIG thanks to min. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 12:41

sorry arh, the more i look at the cats' picture, the more I think it's eye's is frightening. haha. but i still despise people who abuses animals. haha.

what's the next topic? cockroaches? eeeeee~~~ haha. don't mind me.

ear hole arh? haha. didn't notice Sam's ears. they say you won't feel pain when your ear lobes get pierced. It's the healing process that is painful right? hehe. fyi, I don't have pierced ear lobes.

get back to work lo~~ jia you =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 13:28

hmm.. i'm not sure leh quizzy jie. cos my ears are pierced when i was small.
haha but i think that is the case bah.
today's monday again le.. jia you everyone!
oh ya, uncle phil, hope u're recovering well. same goes to ur mum. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 13:59

i got 3 on my left and 4 on my right ears and my nose pierced! Not painful - you only suffer if you have sensitive skin or allergy to non-gold accessories etc.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 14:26

yo mlb thanks for eyyur autograph and ur message u write on the cd for me! haha tytyty! wo hui jy de and support ni men all the way!


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 September, 2007 14:49

Hahas. I think so too. Lets stop then =P.

Uncle Phil:
How do u find out about the number of points allocated? I wanna noe. (:

Okays, I shall try then. (:


Oopsy. Paiseh.
Mostly of ppl i noe dun lyk cats.

I can't manage to find the 3 MVs of MLB on Youtube lehs :(
Can someone upload, please?

And oso, guess wad?

Countdown to EXAMS:


Blogger PeiShan | 24 September, 2007 14:59

yesterday's performance was dame high sia .. haha .. scream until my voice was abit hoarse today .. haha .. but still can talk la .. tt daniel ong so bad sia .. say we siao .. haha ..

uncle phil:
u ok le ma .. din noe u sick .. no wonder din c u at amk hub yesterday .. take care ar, drinks lots of water .. n send my regards to ur mum too ..

u shuang la .. mlb going rp again .. haha ..
eh, u din pierce earhole meh .. i din realise sia .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 15:04

Jodie ~ LOL, yeah, let's stop. Anyway, i don't think anyone is ripping / uploading it simply because they support them. Well, i guess that's what real fans are.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 15:19

wah, not much of cat lover here... but i am. my sis has a nice fat cat & i'm alws stroking my neighbour's cat at d void deck... haa...

ytd was fun! had njoyed myself too!

syl, i saw sam's earring too.. think a black one. sam, lucky u din wear a diamond one... too common liao.. haa...

i'm hving mon blues... argh~ (-_-!)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 15:47

but hope i would really managed to see them lor. haha. can't be stalking all the time. need to do work also. unless i pon school that day or second meeting (10.30am to 11.30am).

haha cannot pon la. only beginning of semester, cannot leave bad record...

uncle feeling better now? how about your mum? =) take care yor~~~

I forsee blue-er mondays to come. mm jie told me Immunology is a killer subject. now second lesson le, I think it's quite true. haha. my bestie is sian with DNA. sigh....


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:08

super tired... bleahx. aiya, qianhui u so late then come online! haha... =P nvm, send me the pic when u see me online kay? thanks! =DD

imagine one day u gg to drive ur car, then when u get to your car, u see a cat on the roof of it? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:12

oh ya, those who r sick.. take care! take more vitamin c to build ur ur immune system?

me now eating sweet to kill my sleepy worm & sianness... haa....


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:21

yup yup capri jie.. think is black.
haha. some more hours to end of day at work le bah? jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:27

hi syl, juz a/r hr to knock off! but will b leaving oni at 6 coz meeting fren 4 dinner...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:33

to the 3 boys...

你们辛苦了! 要坚持下去~ hope things be abit better for ya guys soon... dont tire yourselves out... try to take out at least a small bit of time for rest, its essential. 加油!



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:37

meikian, I think I would not drive my car. Take the bus instead. hahaha.

jia you ba capri jie. Actually what i learnt is sweet will make u more tired. sudden boost in energy = sudden fluctuate in energy too. because of the blood sugar level. think fruits work better. haha.

that is what i learn in class la...

my class also ended le. I think I can say bye bye to my A grade le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:43

haha... then dun buy car? lols...

jus watched weilian's performance on taiwan super sunday... superb singing...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:43

capri jie: i see.. =D
quizzy jie: haha! we muz have the never say die spirit lah! dun say bye to A. welcome A enthusiastically!!
hah. i think i study until mad liao. haiz. sianns.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 16:43

ya lor. nic sam and weiqi must jia you.

Is there any other way can we help u guys add oil? cooking oil de hua, maybe we can all fork out a bit then buy all the cooking oil in NTUC. butter and margarine also can. goes well with "JAM" mahz. duno can afford petrol kerosene and diesel ma? heard that now oil prices rising hor? haha. i think help milubing add cooking oil and butter and margarine enough le ba (got jia dao you le arh)?

ok all our toes are laughing now. I go makan liao. wee~~~

*running out of classroom*


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 17:02

back. haha. well have fun ba syL. don't go too insane.
meikian, actually I don't intend to learn driving yet. hehe.

all may ignore my craps at the above tag. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2007 18:12

quizzy_me, eat sweets will hv tat effect? ah~ nxt x i shall blog to b my booster. lol...

x to go back! yeah!