
milubing | 18 September, 2007 20:25

(tried to zoom, pictures become less clear in result.. DON'T MIND ah)

Feeling good today. Why? Well.. cos i've gone biking! Heh heh. Found some free time in the day as work starts late, so i dragged one young fellow to join me under the sun. Didn't think of a destination initially, so we headed to Ya Kun for coffee, toast and eggs 1st. YUM YUM..... With no specific place in mind, decided to 'ride by vision'. In the end, we conquered Mt Faber! Wow! Wish i could share this shiok feeling of the pampering strong winds, warm sunlight, nice views, floating fast on 2 wheels. A sense of contentment. Not that this is a great deal, but enough to make me happy. =)

Tired? Yea, but its OK! Back to work now!


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:11

sam! :D
a new entry again.
glad that you had a great day. (:
take care oh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:17

Have fun~~

take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:19

Harlo Sam!!!
new beautiful pic again
so nice wor,
had nice food and fav sport
your that pic look so relaxing >.<
hope u can always have a nice day like today~
take care yea...
so much homework =.=


Blogger Strat | 18 September, 2007 21:21

so gd ... got time to do things tat u like to do is a veri 幸福thing ... keep on enjoying ur life ya ... jia you ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:21

Sam Ah~
Yeah new entry from you again..
Nice pics uploaded..
Hope you have enjoyed yourself there..
Take care & see you guys this coming Sunday..
I got to go and study for my exam..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:24

wow sam... fm tpy to mt faber? long way huh........ woo..........

i can oni ride fm 1 end of east coast park to d other... haa....

anyway, nice weather tdy... gd tat u njoyed... ^^


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 September, 2007 21:24

Halo Sam,
Glad to hear that you have a great day enjoying the feeling of the pampering strong winds, warm sunlight, nice views, floating fast on 2 wheels today.
Wow, what work are you refering to?

Haiz, I am super busy & tired since Monday. Cos I have to cover my ex-superior's duties and involved in meetings.

Hope all MLB Family have a great week ahead, very soon we shall be meeting again (Sunday at AMK Hub) for MLB's event.
For all those who are sick, please drink more water & have plenty of rest. Consult doctor if necessary. Take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:27

yoz....just go back home from doing OT....
i'm so tired....
Glade to c Sam's new entry.....
Sorrie that i'm unable to turn up this coming Sunday.....
But i will support u at home la


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 21:52

Hey Sam!
A sporty day for you today..
I love the last picture of you..
Thanks for sharing!

Goodnight to MLB and MLBians!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 September, 2007 22:06

When I enlarged the last pic, I saw something on Sam's right upper arm. Is it due to dirty or Sam has a tattoo? Haha...


Blogger qing qing | 18 September, 2007 22:27

sam like v shuang lei.. heez..

uncle phil! i saw tat too!! at first i c, i tot i c wrongly.. den u oso c tat, shld b i didnt c wrong la.. keke.. dirt ar?! hmmm.. sam likes being clean lei.. cannot b ba? HUH!! den tattoo?!! arghhh!!! pain pain.. =X


Blogger qing qing | 18 September, 2007 22:34

den sam wearing sunglass(huh! i dunno how to spell! correct ma?) or specs huh? or both oso didnt wear huh? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 23:00

haha his back is facing us, can't see. but i guess he did put on his sunglass? hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 23:35

today is a long day, u too sam?!

could u tell us how do u cycle all the way from tpy [if let say from ur house] to habourfront?! tts really amazing mann! jz blindly?! den u must be very good in directory den. haha!

take care all! Good Nitez! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 23:50

cable cars huh, looks familiar... long time nv take liao..

next time we shd look out for you on the roads... or maybe find one day to cycle w you. then can share tt shiok feeling...

yawns~ duno what im talking about. just woke up from a short nap, going to eat n continue sleeping.. been a tired day running around town trying to get stuff i need.

and you're tempting me with ya kun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 00:57

Yoz Ah Sam ~
Feeling Good Today ? GREAT!
Must Stay HAPPY Always Yea... WoO HoO~

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger euniice =) | 19 September, 2007 01:00

GREAT that u enjoyed ur sports activity!! hahahs. XD

tats BRAVO to like cycle so far la! ur butt not pain ah? whahahs. LOLs. =X


Blogger qIaNhUi | 19 September, 2007 01:13

Hmmm Mayb HE used to it le la...
Lame lek u, my dear ~ =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 01:48

wow.. uncle phil, u got good vision eh? lol.. actually u rea;ised the 'thing' on sam's hand.. issit really a tatoo? or the camera lens dirty..? lol..

hmm.. sam seems to be enjoying life yepps! :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 02:01

glad tt u've enjoyed ur day. :DD
events this wk, meaning can c u all jam! xP
heh heh.
take care yea?
having my last prelim paper tml.
good night and swt dreams! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 05:12

Yes yes, worn sunglasses. On my arm was.. A butterfly? Maybe it was attracted to the fresh scent of perspiration on me? =) Hmm.. I just love to ride around Singapore, its not only bout the distance, but also the process. No no no, not showing off. But i've covered most areas in this country on my bike. I usually will have in mind which route to take, plus detailed road signs everywhere, aids me in finding the way around. Yes, i make time to enjoy life. Work hard, play hard ma. You can do it too. Goodnite / Morning.
Time to Zzzz.. Another long night tomorrow, i think.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 06:16

tts amazing man.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 07:21

sam~ zao an!

huh... butterfly..? -_-"....

yeahhs sometimes its fun to travel around bah... some of my friends like to take mrt 'for fun' sometimes. haha.

so you must be very familiar with singapore liao hor? next time need instant directory can find you liao =P and ya good thing about singapore is got many road signs, easy to find places...

n i thot u say u nv enjoy life? haha... jk! true, work hard play hard.. time for me to reward myself after friday too. badminton-ing n the gig! =)

and what's with tagging at this insane timing? =.= jus finished work...?! ahh wells. sleep more thens~ long night then shd get more rest in the day... jiayou ah~ [i hope ur bros din also sleep at tis timing las nite? =.=]

live the dream ep today!jiayouu ahhh~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 08:22

Sam,Oh my gosh..you are like tagging at 5am in the morning?You never sleep meh?

Wah..covered most area in Singapore on your bike..that's awesome..

Thot you said got a long night tonight..then,shouldn't you be sleeping than tagging??LOL!

But it is nice to see you tag here.

Well,I am off to work now..

Good day ahead to MLB and all MLBIans.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 08:28

class today at another new class ~.~...

aha! so sam don't need map liao lor? hehe. ya lor, work hard, play hard. jia you!

I remembered I did post this question - for today's episode of "Live The Dream", will milubing will be performing during the performance round or results show?

Haha no answer de hua then I'll just tune in to both ba. The performance show will be at 8pm and results show at 10pm =)...

Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 09:55


quizzy.. i think is during the show.. always result show very rush.. so i dun think can squeeze time for MLB's performance.. so should be the one at 8pm yup! must remember to tune in :D will MLB sing chinese or english song, since its an english programme? :x haha..

and.. how did a butterfly got onto sam's hand? :x hahaha~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 10:10



Thanks Peg for informing.

The ad that shifu, sam, nic (not sure about weiqi cos she didn't stand in front of it) took for Yellow Ribbon Project can be seen on train. It's under this heading "ex-drug user now high on inspiring youth"...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 10:45

thanks quizzy_me.
but its an old news. Already up in train for very long already.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 10:57

LOL is it? haha. I didn't notice haha paiseh. She smsed me this morning then i know de. hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 14:26

knock, knock, knock.. howdy everybody..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 14:36

Good Afternoon all!

5 am in the morning, still working?! haiz. actually once ppl at work, time passes oso wouldnt realise laa, can understand. haha! and how ii wish ii could be like u, enjoying life all the time! =/

didnt catch the ad on train before too! and wad's with the heading?! its not related to them anw. seems like, they are the 'ex-drug users' =X lolxx.

Jiayou for tonite's performance! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 15:17

last prelim tomorrow for me! :D
looking forward t the end of prelims, but not t the start of the A'levels.

those studying, jiayou!
those working, knocking off time is approaching.
MLB, all the best for tonight. (:

back t mug.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 15:18

*last prelim paper


Blogger PeiShan | 19 September, 2007 15:36

glad tt u feel good yesterday .. muz b having lots of fun hur .. wahh, cycle fr tpy to mt faber, steady man ..
aiyo, 5am liao still come here tag .. rest well ar .. n jia you for e performance lata ..

ehh, i oso nv c e ad on e train b4 leh ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 16:17

so shiok lahh..
strong winds..
oh man, so tempting!
haha.. hmm, hope u slept well!

min! last paper liao?! so good!! haha. jia you and chiong for the lasp paper ya? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 16:28

Waa, enjoyed right?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 17:54

wee~~ going home lo~~ all have a nice day =P...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 19:20

Sam works until so late =X

the weather so hot today...

差点蒸发 >.<

and enough sleep yea...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 20:44

lorita, how come u r oso up at tat hr? did u slp?

wow... sam, r u awake by now? u slp so "early"!

hv been living here 4 so many yrs, but i've yet to explore d island... if based on d mrt stns, think i've covered less than 3/4 ba... some day shld find time to go ard....

now watching "live ur dreams"...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 21:27

so u guys will b performing oni at d results show...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 21:27

aww, MLB's performance is during the results show..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 21:32

30 mins more ~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 21:39

prepare to work lol
start work at 8am


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:12

Ah sam~
Tag again ah~
Hope you enjoyed yourself today!!
Take care
see you guys on this coming Sun..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:23




Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:25

aww~~ stomach was upset not long ago. now 'happy' le =D.

ok i know that's not funny.

Nic Sam and Weiqi look great today! I had fun watching. wee~~

aha! I saw SOMEONE at the audience. Still dare to say she low profile hahaha.

jia you! hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:32

Sam Nic n Weiqi sooooooo cool XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:35

wow....i'm very high watching you guys performance.....
although this sun unable to c u guys but i will support u guys at home

time to sleep already......

Nitez guys.....


Blogger qing qing | 19 September, 2007 22:40

nice performance! =)

quizzy, i saw SOMEONE oso!! heez.. =P

MEIKIAN!! i saw u!! keke.. =P wa, u really li hai sia.. got tix.. haha.. =D

sam, li hai lei.. can understand road signs.. haha.. eh, nxt time come pasir ris cycle better la.. keke.. =P oh ya, n hor, u so EARLY still haven slp ar.. tsk tsk tsk..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:47

the performance was AEWSOME :D

even at the ending part when everyone is singing birthday song for michelle MLB was there too! good to see them :D

MLB is just so COOOOOL :D and super cute of cos :)

*WHEEE* this short performance really make our day yea? :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 22:48

oops.. i mean *AWESOME.. lol.. too excited till my fingers type too fast! :x


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 23:12

MLB rocked the stage of 'Live the Dream' mann!! =]

and they lead the birthday song for michelle, so nice!

Good Nitez all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 23:18


sian . didnt get to catch mlb on tv. ):

nvm . cycling cycle . ride ride ride .

i wanna cycle also . (:


take care ppl .


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 23:29

Hello all!

I haven't seen MLB's performances yet but I could hear the boys yelling from where I am sitting..LOL!

But my sis recorded already so I will go and see it later..

Those who missed it,got repeat but not sure what day lor..

Anyways,I am sure that the boys did an awesome performances.

MLB,rest well okay..You all must be tired after the performance.And take care okay..don't sleep so late leh..

Good Night to MLB and MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2007 23:48

weiqi, so shiok ya no nid to check or tune ur equipment >.< ... Get Alive! rocks ... take care milubing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 00:40

喂喂, 重播!
大家睡好。 冷气不要开太强!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 00:53

tks xiu, nitey


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 00:54

wow.. the video for the life performance at Live the Dream is already updated.. xiu, u're really efficient :D thanks! it'll be good for those MLBians who didn't catch it just now :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 01:05

tired... headache from all the noise just now. thot i wld jus come up n leave a msg first..

u ahh... i shall go eat ya kun soon.... was shocked tt u rmbered! but uhhs, hope the flash din hurt ur eyes too much. haha.. sorry ah! and im fine, no problem. will takecare~ u too! & you looked good today! =)

hey hey, take good care n recover soon~ hope the flash din hurt ur eyes too.. n rmb to check the stuff soon... =)

u looked really tired. 回家早点休息~and what's with the sorry? =.= shd be us saying it... truly sorry about tt... go home n take a good rest!

rest early ppl...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 01:07

and today's performance was good.. studio... jus like sb times. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 02:05

HIGH-light of my week! tonite's performance opening was v good & tight but kinda slack off at the back? hope ah sam okie, tot u look abit huang shen in middle of perf. no wonder, cos zzzz so late last nite. WQ, u v happy hor, 1st time see you smiling like all thru perf. Nic, u flashed ure killer smile again. u guys rock! even better than any of the live the dream grp contestants! hee, the fans of them can go ahead & hamtum me for cheering for u guys.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 02:07

great performance today! :DD
enjoyed it veri much.
heh heh.
tired frm all the shouting. =x
off to slp!
schooling again tml. ):
good night! :DD


Blogger binz | 20 September, 2007 02:50

the peformance was great aye! din manage to catch mlb on tv and yet my stupid comp is ap-ing me by showing me only less than half of the video then hang~ arghh. feels kinda weird to hear a chinese song on an english channel.. haha. i realised weiqi when playin his keyboard like to stare into space then umchio then twist his head to the side. ahha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 06:38

WQ was very happy ytd hor..? haha. eh next time dun so tall la. lols.

dun feel like leaving house to go ya kun alr... haha... =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 08:26

In school now =). Good day to all =P!

Thanks xiu jiejie for uploading =).

Ya lor, nic sam and weiqi look great jiu dui le. Really an enjoyable performance. *winks* So fun~~~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 09:13

morning, I think differently. (I am very sorry to say this) I find MLB struggling somehow yesterday. If MLB is contestant, Ken Li will definitely be very unsatisfied and probably condemned the performance.

Maybe MLB is tired through work and schoolwork. Anyway 加油 ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 09:49

K, think I'm getting really lost now. I know there is performance last night at Live the Dream, but thought I missed it cos went home quite late. Didn't know that it will be at the result show which I can watch without difficulties... haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 09:53

to me all 3 look tired.. jiayou


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 10:25

hmm, those who din watch, can either catch it @ the video page or i think there's repeat at 5pm on sat...

thanks xiu!

cheerios~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 10:33

so..SAM, how late did you work last night? gg sporty today? =) ahh whatevers, rest early today bah. (and no, i din have enough rest lah, i woke up at 7am to listen to 933. haha..)

the other 2 also, sick horr... mus rest early ah! (ahh i know i damn naggy. sorry!~ =.=) drink more water~ get well soon!

the live the dream fans were so hiong lah, super loud! whoaa~ kinda different experience from sb cuz what we heard las time was mostly screaming from girls, but this time it was like shouting from guys. haha.. =P but yeah the bands were pretty okayyy =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 10:58

hellos all
long tym since i came here tag ehs? o.o

wah, travel soo far? o.o hahas. must take good care of yourself & have more rest~

Nic & Weiqi
same to the both of u :D have more rest if possible :D

ytd ur performance at the 'Live the dream' is superrr :D hahas.

take care all. dun fall sick lehs. cuz sun got the amk hub thingy, if fall sick then parents dun allow us go de hua bu jiu sad mahs? hahas. soo drink more water :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 12:30

happened to passby this website, it seems like singtel is holding a contest. vote for your favourite song. milubing's LEI is in too..



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 12:31

3 more days to the deadline of SHA voting...



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 13:37

hmm...wow...so freedom seh..haha..btw yst on de live the dream perfromer was realli nice..jiayou


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 15:19

heh!! what time will you guys be at AMK?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 16:30

HEllo all MLBians including the 3 guys!

Thanks for updating the blog again! Happy and glad to see that you are sporty once again. Wah, u mentioned that you have cycled almost every places in SG? Then you must "po" the ji lu, hahas..
Be the first person to cycle around the world! Ehh.. got question to ask the YOUNG boy Sam, how to cycle ar? hahas.. i tried to learn for many years.. since i'm Primary 3? Then now Sec 2 liao, still struggling with it. Feel very "left-out" when everybody knows. They say that must call a person to push you down a slope and you cycle cycle, jiu can le. Really? hahas

You look so .. how to say ar? looked very fan nao la. Got problems with your homework or Troubled? hahas.. take care.. and dont stress yourself out wor.

You become skinner.. that day at gathering.. you was already very slim, now even slimmer. NS exercise alot hoh? hahas.. Take Care Nic!

ytd's performance was GREAT rite? at first waited from 8pm to 9pm for MLB.. then change to channel 8. 10 pm continue waiting for MLB.. and Nic looks good in his purple jacket! The performance was great, and the judges must be pleased.

EERRR.. the time is not confirmed yet.. i thought?



Blogger PeiShan | 20 September, 2007 16:54

halo halo ..

yesterday's performance was great .. but u guys seems abit tired leh .. take care ar .. n rest more ..

err .. i thk if u ask someone to push u down e slope, you would not be cycling .. u will b rolling down instead .. keke ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 19:54

flo boasting...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 20:36

Yeah looking forward this coming Sunday you guys performance..
Jiayou!! Take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 21:47

Alan ke you lun can cycle down the stairs. Saw this scene in his new show. But heard that he was really injured after that.

haha just being random. My point is, if givon managed to cycle cycle after being push down the slope without getting hurt, then you heng la. but what if you suay suay get hurt leh? haha don't know leh cos I don't know how to cycle too. old boy, what's your take? hehe.

thanks annonymous for informing about the singtel thingy. actually that contest is to vote for your favorite song and stand a chance to win a pair tickets (worth $98) to SHA2007. I updated the details at publicity blog le. hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 21:49

wow.. seems like alot of us cannot wait for sunday already :D

any idea at what particular time MLB will be performing? hmmmm..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:06

blog seems quiet today.

some have been asking me about the timing for sunday... i honestly dont have any better idea than ya guys.since sam said its in the evening, i'll guess its probably about evening time, 5plus-6plus? jus an estimation... wait for the guys to update soon bah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:08

Hey hey, wanna thank those who came down yesterday.. :D
eh,why i smile arh? maybe cos i xiao already... do too much homework,feeling tired but not gettin enough support&understanding from my own friends. sigh. not their fault la, they don't understand what I'm going thru. When there's tragedy, one way to get thru it is,take it as comedy lor..so smile la.. haha.. take care... :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:11

hey hey wq...

hmm, u looked happy actually. haha. okay whatevers.. jiayou ah... sometimes its lidat lah, even for ourselves also? we take time to understand what other ppl going thru. or sometimes not understand at all cuz we dont put ourselves in their shoes. but anws... takecare ahh... SMILE! and you can get thru it. =DDDDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:16

btw,dont make urself so tired lah. n sorry about ytd ya, delayed ya guys in gg home. =(




Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:28

harlo weiqi...
don't be upset
aquarius very 坚强的~ ^^
although these few days i very down...
i will try to forget all those unhappy things...
hope u too...
but u seem like know how to make urself happy,


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:28

hi weiqi! :) yup, your friends might not understand what u're going through.. cos they have never experienced such things? maybe they need more time to "shi ying" to your "new" life style..

SMILE always and all the sadness will be gone :)


take care man! don't over stress yourself! *CHEERS!* we're always behind you! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:35

hey hey weiqi! u look happi den gd ma..y say urself siao.. =.= wanted to go down ytd de..but cldnt stay for result show ytd..boos~ but but, ytd's performance was great! enjoyed it alot alot.. =D eh dun make urself so stress n tired la! heard tt u were sick..take care k..1 more day to recess! haha! ok, i noe u probably wun get to rest but at least dun need to travel to sch? duno la..at least tts e case for me..lols! jiayou! n smilez! =DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 22:46

Wei Qi,
You are not siao ler..
Aww..I know how it is like to have friends that doesn't understand what you are going through..But don't feel so sad ler..Must Jiayou okay!

I am down with sore throat and my body somehow feel extra warm today although I got a fan beside me..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 23:59

yoyoyo weiqi =D~~

Shall quote "Mdm Tan" (Patricia mok) favourite quote in "My Sassy neighbour" - MUST BE POSITIVE~~

jia you jia you!

But ya, it's really upsetting when you couldn't get enough understanding or support from your own friends. haha. suan le la.

haha yuan lai u r keesiao-ing on stage arh? but u looked like u really having fun lor. haha.

take care yor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 00:32

Aiyo.. Poor WEIQI~
Do really take care k...

Shall Cya Guyz On Sun den ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 01:55

hello! came across your blog.

to tell the truth, i dont even noe of a band "milubing". no la. is cos i dun listen to chinese songs that often.
Let alone reading chinese words. LOL!

Alright but since i'm here, just say this:

All the best in whatever you do! Take good care!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 02:48

weiqi jiayou! :DD
dun giv urself too much stress!
rest well yea?
take lots of care! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 06:18

got to go to work


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 06:20



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 08:29

in school now...yawn.

TGIF, everyone jia you =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 10:47

good morning..

it's friday!

have a great day all! =DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 10:53

hey kaitlin, welcome to pop over..u and yr friends are welcome to join the Milubing family & Music...Chinese Music can b e fun too..

Gd day n gd luck all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 11:14

well, maybe they just reali nid tym to understand wad u r going throu bahs. & dun stress urself too much kays? rest more (:

2 more days to the AMK hub event thingy ler :D


Blogger binz | 21 September, 2007 11:39

weiqi, dun be discouraged! ur frens will understand eventually one day. people usually dun understand situations when they dun experience it themselves. dun so stressed up aye! 乌云总有一天会散,到时就会看得到光芒和彩虹……

i realised mlb like to add like those yea ye yea or huh huh yeoww when performing even if it's songs from their albums! it's cool and adds a new feel to the songs each time(: not many artise will do that. they usually jux sing identically to their album till it sounds so like 对嘴.. 迷路兵不亏是迷路兵!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 11:59

anyways, i took a look at diya's blog & her latest post is abt them representing in a new show or wadeva, i dun reali understand.
but seems lyk Sam's also in the new show as well? o.o cuz diya took some pics & i saw Sam in it. soo, might as well take a look & see if its true he appearing in the show or wadeva? o.o http://www.ainanda.blogspot.com/


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 12:01

to weiqi...

"Look for the rainbow in every storm,
Find out for certain, loves gonna be there for you,
You'll always be someones baby".

- fm someone

MLB - Power Lah! Cheers & Smile everybody!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 12:09

sam looks stylo in tt pic. haha.. but were all 3 there? think i see guitar on the floor. hmm, dun think its a new show, think its the tradeshow they had bah...?

S-Pop coming up soon~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 12:38

*trying to untangle myself from the strands of DNA*

helloooo~~ wow, was dozing off in class le. So had a cup of milopeng (really) with my bestie during morning break le. Wow - not sleepy anymore le. wee~~

-_- don't understand about the tradeshow thingy...

wooh~~ Sam seemed to go MIA again le. Have fun in whatever you're doing ba. jia you =D

long time no see Nic in blog. miss him~~ but never mind la =P, jia you wor nic...

weiqi yor weiqi~~ u also have fun working hard ba. After all, you are doing the things that you love to do right? hehe. jia you wor!

All MLBians, jia you and take care =D

Ok la I continue to 'strangle myself with strands of DNA' lo~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 12:41

hahas, yea. hmms, im not sure abt that. hopefully is the 3 of them there bahs. ohs, well, i not sure wor. cuz thats wad diya said, she say new show lehs. but dunno is it true or not ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 12:45

she did? what i understood from her post was tt they went for a tradeshow... S-Pop is a new competition coming up, like Superstar shows, just tt its for song composers. think they went there to represent tt show jus for the tradeshow...

uhh whatever la.. =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 12:46

wed's performance had a great impact on me.. cos the song keep appearing in my mind since then! haha.
weiqi! u have to be strong ya? it's really difficult to have true frens that truely understand you actually.. but fear not! mlbians are behind you! way to go~ take care!
yuppp.. the boys look smart and handsome on wed nite. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 13:02

hmms, yups, if i din read wrongly >.< ohs, isit? hahas, din know that xD ohs, if they went ther to represent that show, wonder will it b juz Sam alone or Nic & Weiqi going as well. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 13:15

yeah IT'S FRIDAY!!!


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 21 September, 2007 13:26

hellos sam!! So long nvr see milubing perform le.. Hehe.. Aniwaes.. U, nic and weiqi must jiayoux wors.. Now v busy prepring for exams and my song for the spop thingy.. Any age can join wan rite? Jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 13:55

Lonely gal. Why lonely?


Blogger Jx | 21 September, 2007 15:21

it's never easy doing so many things at one go. It's harder when you are studying full time and have to deal with tight schedules. It's hard to understand how people around you feel. And it's harder when you want to do something yet you have limited time to do it ending up feeling so stressed up yet can't do anything about it. You didn't go thru those trainee days for nothing =)
Studying part time and working full time is already tiring, sometimes i really wonder how you manage to study full time and working. What ever is it, jiayou cause your efforts are never gone to waste =)

Anyway, got ppl taking part in spop here ah? ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 16:45

hey sharing a link to the 23rd Sunday - AMK HUB BASH.. TIMING FOR MLB's prformance...



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 16:50

thanks cutie!

just to copy n paste the info over here...

Sunday, Sept 23

Venue: L1 Main Entrance (facing MRT Station)

Concert Extravaganza featuring
-Superband Champion Mi Lu Bing
-Project Superstar 2 Female Winner Tan Diya
-Campus Superstar 2 Runner-up Koh Cheng Ning
-Mediacorp Artiste Nat Ho

so yeah yeah... be there by about 7 shd be okayy =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 16:55

Thanks cutie. So we will be seeing MLB at around 7pm to 8pm ba. Of course it's subject to changes de ba. hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 16:58

wow. thx cutie :D hahas. finally got the timing le :D


Blogger Jodie [: | 21 September, 2007 17:19

LOLS! ((:
Hehes. Glad tat u are fine.
But you must take care, ahh? =P



I will hardly be on blog for these few days.
Cos exams are coming and I NEEDA MUG MUG MUG!
Did 1 test bout having stress recently.
And guess wad?


Anyway, shall stop here.

Countdown to exams:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 17:49

jodie, wrote something for u in friendster lo~~

finally weekend is approaching le =D....and i just checked my timetable for all my four understanding tests, one of the paper in 4th Understanding Test will be on my birthday. alamak, don't know whether i should be happy or sad. hahaha.

going home soon. ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 18:04

hmms, juz a random qns, for sunday, will anyone be meeting at pasir ris? o.o i mean, normal meet up before going amk hub.


Blogger givon | 21 September, 2007 20:02

i will be meeting berries they all!
so xing fen!

HAHAS.. that's what i was thinking too! i want learn cycling!!! later i will appear in the headlines of the newspaper!

see everyone this sunday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 20:37

hahas. yea :D
LOLS! not sooooo serious bahs? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 21:27

Quote to share: -

“The beginning of all things are small. Be BRAVE enough to take the first step and you will make it big!”


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 22:28

Sam,, you are indeed a good photographer.. every photo you take really good..
oh ya,, dun always so late then slp kays?? if not wont have the mood to work.. so slp early.. and take care of urself kays?? Nic and weiqi too.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 22:56

Lorita ~ That's Wu Zhun's quote to share right?

Goodnight to MLB & MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2007 23:25

weiqi: dun sad dun sad.. sometimes frens whom u noe v long may oso not noe u well.. dunno y oso.. haha.. but jiu shi zhe yang de.. it's quite sad really.. no matter wat happen, we'll always b here supporting u de! =) JIAYOU!!! drink more water n take care! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 01:24

cos when we don't understand someone plight, we have the tendency (usually subconsciously ba) to perceive others with our own perspective.

suan le la, as long as this friendship isn't affected, then don't worry ba. smilez. but choi choi choi, if there's no way the friendship can be salvaged, then maybe it's time to move on too.

just my opinion la...hehe

Nic Sam and Weiqi jia you...MLBians jia you too...take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 01:38

oh ya, forgot dat Ken Lim was present when MLB performed on wed. dont always agree w him but it wld really be interesting to hear wat he has to say abt MLB's performance.mayb can ask Michelle to help ask him privately the next time? dont need to tell us wat he said la, though i wld like to know :p (ok, i know curiosity killed the cat but i am a mouse ma)just for your own improvement only. wonder if MLB ever thought of having an English name for the band? very gao wei as in *cringe* to hear the English hosts pronounce the word milu bing in their angmoh accent everytime they introduce the band. WQ, so u were relieving ure stress during the perf, hope u can relieve more stress on sun's upcoming perf. A fren told me today dat the most enjoyable part of playing an instrument is to jam with other musicians. So hope u guys dun ever lose the joy in jamming. enjoy ure perf on sun as a fun jamming session w fans cheering u guys on :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 06:03

sometimes its hard to understand even ourselves, not to mention others. confused phase in life... perhaps, give them some time and they'll understand eventually.

have a great weekend yeah? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 06:49

hi ! yah...i wan to share with you guys too...i think everytime to blog he will leave Quote to support his fans so i use his quote to encourage all of u lol

okay..i got to go to preapre for work.....c u guys back in blog in afternoon


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 06:50

u also Chun's fans????
me too le....he is my favourite in Flh


Blogger Pek Choo | 22 September, 2007 11:53

See you guys tml evening at
AMK Hub...
Take care & Jiayou!!
sMiLe :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2007 15:13

Lorita ~ LOL. I used to be his fan.