
Sports Day?
milubing | 24 August, 2007 15:42

Yes, 我偷笑. Thanks ah. =)
The sports i like - Cycling definitely, badminton, table-tennis (3 of us used to play together), soccer during my school days, bowling recently, somebody said pool? Ok ba. Not an expert in these areas, but if ya wanna challenge.. I'm READY! So are my bros!
Hmm.. Not so much of enjoying life, but always finding time to relax. It's necessary.
So we'll see many nice people in white tomorrow? Nice day!

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Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 16:06

hmmm, healthy lifestyle, good..


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 August, 2007 16:08

Sam, can nxt time post 1 pic got ur self playing bowling one can?



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 16:13

soccer? ON ARH! I used to be goal-keeper when I took part in a competition for TAF club members, then my team will lose more drastically. When I'm the goal keeper, the other school will score 3 goals. When my friends are the goal keeper, the other school will score 1 goal only. wahahahahahaha =D


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 August, 2007 16:14

Annother thing.
Needa apologise.

1) SORRY. Cannot go for the Street Rock Concert. :(

2) SORRY. Cannot listen to the "I'm also DJ" thing cos tonite school bringing us to Esplanade! WHEE! SORRY AGAIN!

Can u all upload the DJ thing, please? I REALLY WANNA HEAR! XD.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 16:27

hello! :)
ya put e pic you doin the sports wanna c... but where to get white tee?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 16:56

wah, sam you quite free hor?
can go relax yourself, still can go bowling.
not like us, got to mug for upcoming exams. ):
shall challenge you one day! xD

anyway, take care. (:
hope to see you tmr and not being covered by tall people. heh heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:06

seems like safra bowling centre to me..or maybe the one at eastcoast? '.'


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:12

sam, lorita jie say she's ready to challenge u. hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:19

i like playing bowl bt not so gd at it.Anyway,mi lu bing,Way to go!!!Always here to support the 3 of u!!!so happy to be able to be the first 8 ppl to write a comment for u all.haha...JIA YOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:25

on wor Sam? hahas.

yea, tml u will see lots of MLBians in white tees :D


Blogger qing qing | 24 August, 2007 17:31

heh heh..

waseh, sam really like v shuang lei.. ok la, sam we challenge la.. but mus let mi win! haha.. =P
soccer quite nice la.. i play e my gor n cousins.. but always v suay de, get hit by e ball.. basketball, netball n captain's ball all like tat de.. always get hit by those big big balls! >.<

-rip-berries: yeah yeah!! pasir ris gang!! wahaha.. but like our pasir ris gang members all dunno how to go tpy garden.. wahaha.. =D for mi, got map n no map no diff la.. heez.. i dunno how to read map =X
u wanna take bus or train? i think take bus faster is it huh? nv take train to typ b4.. =X

lorita: u wanna go w us ma?

shan n quizzy: hao ar hao ar!! we meet? den go there tog?

shihui: yoz! aiyo!! i wun 4get u de la.. xiang ni dou lai bu ji liao.. heh heh.. =P

quizzy: thanks for informing mi jus now! =P heez.. acty say nxt wed den visit blog, but too tired to study liao.. den no mood oso.. =(

but i dunno wat will b my mother's reaction if i tell her i gg for e gathering lei.. is like i xian zhan hou zhou.. pay 1st, den tell her i gg.. =X


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 August, 2007 17:35

I suddenly remembered another thing.
Did anyone listen 933 yesterday at around 9.45pm?
There was a nameless letter being read out.
And the DJ oso said tat the person wants to dian gei MLBians, rite?
Did u all hear?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:37

lols. me got mp no map also same gong gong dunno how go de. hahas. oh ya, uncle phil said wan take bus88 to ther then when e bus reachin sengkang we tell uncle phil e bus plate num & he board e same bus as us? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:38

lols. so e person was u wor? hahas. i was tuning in to 933 ytd nite. lols.


Blogger qing qing | 24 August, 2007 17:42

jodie: wahaha..i suspect(spell correct?) it was u!! heez.. =P
thanks ya! =)

-rip-berries: hao ar hao ar! we can take bus 88 den take same bus w uncle phil! heez.. =P i scared scarlie last min i tell my mother hor, she dun let mi go! >.< den like last time e auto session like tat.. =(
OMG!! e gathering is at 12 rite? haiz.. gotta wake up super early liao.. nvm! for e sake of MLB, i can de!! heez.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 17:47

lols. har, ur mum will last min dun allow de ar? hope not lyk dat tym auo sesion ): yups, at 12. lols. oh ya, u tml nt goin for the bao chang hui ar? o.o


Blogger qing qing | 24 August, 2007 17:59

-rip-berries: wahaha.. cos if i ask her now hor, she sure wun allow de.. sure tell mi after my exams den tok.. so i thinking of telling her on tues.. heh heh.. after my paper.. heez..
oh ya, last time BPP de auto u got go ma huh? NO!! not gg tml! so sad so sad!! =( =( =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 18:10

lols. icic. erm nope. BP de i nv go ): har, tml u not goin wor? reali is so sad so sad! hais ):


Blogger qing qing | 24 August, 2007 18:24

-rip-berries: ya lor ya lor!! SO SAD SO SAD!! =(
heh heh.. this place become chatting place for us agn liao.. wahaha.. =X so paiseh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 18:41

lols. ehs, yea hor? juz realised >.< soo sori~
btw, for the gathering, u wan wad tym mit & at wher wor? o.o hmms, muz also discuss with lorita as well :D

to all MLBians,
btw...dun nid call me -rip-berries yea? cor me berries will do ba? or my name, zhanying kays? hahas.


Blogger qing qing | 24 August, 2007 18:52

berries: heez.. sound nice n cute.. =P
hmmm.. think we meet earlier better.. heez.. cos i'm a late queen!! wahaha.. shan, quizzy n yuanping will noe.. haha.. meet 1015? where got 88 huh? interchange is it? oh ya, u or lorita got uncle phil's no.? heez.. cos i dun hav.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 18:59

qing qing
lols. hui nice wor? hahas.
hahas, hao de :D hmms, 1015, i ok ar. ws interchange.. ehs, me dun hav uncle phil's num >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 19:12

so u goin wor
den r u meetin qiuzzy mi?(mui ling)?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 19:13

o.o goin wher wor? o.o u mean the bao chang hui or the 4th gathering? o.o


Blogger qing qing | 24 August, 2007 19:15

berries: haha.. ya! nice! =) hmmm.. mayb ask uncle phil wat his no... heh heh.. oh ya, u got change no. ma? still e one u gave mi initially?

uncle phil n lorita: hmmm.. can i hav ur no.? can send to my email: yeoqq@yahoo.com/yeo_qq@hotmail.com/yqq1989@gmail.com


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 19:26

qing qing
lols. ehs nope. my num still the same but i carn use my didi de fon sms u le cuz his fon LOST ):
then my fon de SIM card got prob carn sms some ppl.

uncle phil
hmms, can i hav ur num too? o.o send to my email, zhanyinqq-berries@hotmail.com thx lots :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 19:39

the bao chang hui. r u gg?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:05

yups :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:06

yoz....okay le
lets meet on 2nd sept in pasir ris intercharge ma....


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:08

hahas. yups. 1015 meet


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:34

lorita n berries: u all noe how each other look like ma huh? haha.. i think i shld b able to recognise berries.. i scared cant recognise lorita =X heh heh.. we haven say meet at which part hor.. wahaha.. anw, i gg off liao la.. haha.. after exams den c how.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:37

lols. i dunno how lorita looks lyk yet >.< hahas. ya hor.. meet at wich part ar? o.o lols. how bout at the bus88 ther? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:39

how come u all always blog when im off doing smth else? hahas.

ya know u all used to play table tennis tgt. and electronic games right? haha. anyways. ON AH! next time we'll plan for MLB Sports Day when u guys got the time. i book myself for badminton first... only sport i can play. haha =P

anyways. i went down to look at the concert venue already. jus to inform u all so tt tml easier to find, it's the area outside millenia walk infront of conrad. the place is kind of super narrow, but long. stage's super high. ya smth lidat. hahaas...

to those going for tml's event...
rmb to bring umbrella, and mat to sit on [just in case, CHOY... rain tonight/tml morning or what, tml the floor wet cannot sit. so can bring the mat jus in case lah]. hope it wont rain...

jus listened to wo ye shi dj. on my hi fi speaker loud loud, super shiok. haha... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:41

berries: ok!! meet at e 88 there.. =)

meikian: i wan badminton oso! wahaha.. i like badminton!! but lazy to run.. heh heh...

floorball oso nice lei.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:43

thx for the info on the stage :D hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:43

hahas. hao de :D then i inform lorita? o.o hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:47

btw, just a reminder.

tomorrow will be the first meeting for registration and payment for next sun's gathering. see ya guys there! =)

and ya sam, you'll see many nice people in white tomorrow. even if too dark cannot see, sure can hear us scream ok? hahas. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 20:59



it is exam periods.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 21:46

haiz.. promos coming!

i cant go.. sianx



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 21:54

yes sam, it's necessary to find some time to relax. if not, one will go mad de. haha!

yeah! i've decided to go for the gathering le. despite the coming prelims. hahhhs.

hope everyone will enjoy tml! cos i cant go.. :(

hey nimiz, promos? u jc one?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 22:01

glad dat ur able to go to the gathering :D hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 22:04

those who're registering tml, we'll be placing mlb's album... somewhere. hopefully somewhere obvious so tt u guys can spot us ya? look out for us, we'll be in mlb tee, and the album placed somewhere.

wonder who'll be singing this year's SHA theme song? las year was sung by kelly, jy, chongqing n maia. hmmm...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 22:23

haha yeah, berries. cya there! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 22:47

oh ya capri jie asked in the previous post whether anyone seen Eric Ng (Huang yun ren) before right? I did! haha. Him and xiao han came to our school to conduct a talk on music industry before. I attended. He's cool. haha.

err to those that exams clashes with gathering de, maybe u all can take 2 hours off to go there and relax? well, just a suggestion. No offence. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 22:51

go listen to 933 now ya? the call in shd be coming up soon. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:07

mlb's talk soo fast end ):
but the way they are oh sooo cute :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 August, 2007 23:08

Yeah, MLB will be doing the opening for tml event.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:09

summary of the call in,

-they'll be the 开场 performer
-performing 3 songs
-服装-黑白系 [i think we aga know which set lah horr?]


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:09

yup i calculated. 2 mins 23 secs. how do i know? cos i got record mahz. haha.

wooh they singing the starting wor~~

haha we will enjoy de, don't worry. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:13

hahas. yea :D
wif them perform the starting, we will vry fast get high de. lols~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 August, 2007 23:14

I shall be meeting berries outside city hall mrt station at 2.45-3pm. We will be taking the free shuttle bus to Millenia Walk.
Anyone wanna meet us too?
I will be wearing the MLB tee tml.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:20

yea yea. anyone wanna mit? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:26

reminder all mlbians, please be in mlb tee/white top tomorrow! thanks! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 23:28

hi, I am new here , Can I meet u all ?? going alone !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 00:14

i wanna meet too..

uncle phil, at control station or the escalator go up towards the shopping centre ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 00:31

Sam,you like soccer right?Let's have a match lor..haha..Actually,I used to play soccer and rubgy during my primary school..haha..
But I think my skills are all gone already..haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 August, 2007 00:41

MLBians that wanna meet us tml, pls be there between 2.45-3pm.
After tapping your esylink card, turn left n follow the path until u hit the escalator, go up and that will be the place for boarding the free shuttle bus. Come and say hi/hello to me. I will be wearing the MLB tee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 00:52

the pic looks like the bowling centre at east coast to mi.
heh heh.
miting up wif my frens tml aft the bao chang hui for bowling too.
hahas. xD

jiayou for tml's event!
see ya! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 00:54


Gonna Go Slp Soon Le... Tml Had To Wake Up Very Early ... LoLx...
Plus My Gastric's KILLIN Me The Whole Day Liaoz~ Sobs ~

NiTez PPL ...
MLB JIA YO For Tml ... =)
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 02:29

"hi peeps,jus wanna say that i've finished the 1st surprise! Uploaded it in the gallery le, now jus gotta wait for it to show up in the blog. Hope u all can download it soon! It's handwritten by the 3 of us and took me quite some time to do cos of myschedule. The second pressie is coming very very very very soon! hint* Night peeps, and take care! see ya tmr!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 02:32

wow, thanks weiqi. xin ku ni lo. good night to you and sam and nic. jia you for tomorrow. qing qing want me to say jia you for the gig too and drink lots of water. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 02:41

i feel pekcek to see you so tired out leh~ go sleep lah~ thanks for the surprise ya? jiayou for tomorrow kayys? =) we'll be there to scream for you guys!


Blogger binz | 25 August, 2007 03:18

weiqi: oh man the thingy is cool. mux have spent alot of time on editing bah! thanks loads man. 你们三个摆pose是越来越有style了and very personalised. see liao first reaction will simply be ahh so nic, ahh so sam, ahh so weiqi.. jiayous for tmr's bao chang hui~!


Blogger binz | 25 August, 2007 03:23

oh jux in case anyone cannot find the link. jux click HERE~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 04:00

thanks binz... thot it wasnt up yet cuz weiqi say waiting for it to show. lagged~

nice one weiqi! i like yours! the OS damn cute lah. hahahas. n the pics are super cool. chao got style~ =P really got to say u're damn creative manns~

we'll be rocking w ya guys at the concert tml! jiayous~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 04:01

oh and in case anyone's wondering how come got 2 of the same pic in the album, the dimensions are different... one's 800 by 600, the oter one is 1280 by 1024. [because initially i also blur blur thot how come got 2 same pics... haha]



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 04:06

eh actually it doesnt make much of a diff after you save it la... so ya. =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 08:31

already pulled it out in the right column for easier download as well as on the pic blog ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 08:46

thankyou Weiqi for the superise gift!

C u later!I have superise for u
this time


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 08:48

i'm at my office now writing tag for u guys....

wow,mlb is the first to performance todae...jia you lol

P.S(I'll be at VIP area)haha..i'm so lucky i won the tixs....


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 11:24

Today Straits Time Life has a half page article of MLB today. Its about their performance tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:09

"table-tennis (3 of us used to play together)" . O.o LOLs.

2 VS 1 isit? who is the one that becomes the solo? haha!!

u are so sporty leh!! not like ME. haha. (: i always slack at home. lalalalala~

the 2dae event@Millenia Walk,i cant attend ya! SORRY!! >.< my exams are coming and i gt to MUG MUG POOR me. BOO.

i detest EXAM!! haha.

have fun 2dae ya u! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:10

a big thanks to the 3 milos...Qi, nic & sam for the three cute , nice & funny wallpaper...
specially TQ Qi for editing...
already used it as my wallpaper, shall change it every week...so i get to see diff. Milo guys each week..whenever i switch on my com... =)

xie xie ni men yO!
jiayous for the street rock concert...heh heh i'll be there toos... =P
lastly, takecare nahs...weiqi, nic, sam and oso all MLBians
byebye... smiles ( n_n )


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:11

the above tag is by me....sry =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:15

woo hoo~ so tat's d surprise 4 us! haa... so cute....

yeah, we certainly look forward to a sports carnival wif u guys!

jia you 4 tonite's event! heard u guys will b doing d opening... will b there! c ya~


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:18

hahas. soo, dats the surprise :D hahas. its oh soo cute :D lols.

& yea, we will be goin to the bao chang hui tonite :D jiayou ohs :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:35

eh eh .. tell u not to 偷笑 le, u still 偷笑 .. haha .. u really v sporty sia, like so many sports .. hmm, i can teach u pool wor .. haha .. =P

thx thx for e surprise .. xin ku ni men le .. rest well n jia you for e bao chang hui ..

qing, berries, lorita:
wahh .. u guys going to take bus 88 fr pasir ris to tpy ar .. one end to e other end wor .. lata sit until buttocks pain .. heez ..


Blogger Yuan zhuang | 25 August, 2007 12:44

so sad today i cant go.. got to chong my studies..Next whole week is my common test hainx..i am so sad


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 13:14

hello all! have been "lost" recently.. haha.. i miss everyone..

rather busy recently cos of exams :( busy mugging.. and thursday will be the last paper :/ sadly i cannot attend any of the events! SO SAD~ aiyo.. hope there'll be other time ba..

my busy schedule.. *TSK!*



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 16:31


I can't play soccer. I'm afraid of the ball due to past experiences. LOL.

Thanks for the wallpapers, Mi Lu Bing! It was so cute! Especially Weiqi, thank you for taking your time to do it despite your schedule.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 17:21

hello MLBians, hows everyone? (:

theres MLB in today's Straits Times Life Section. so go grab your copy[exclamation mark]

theres sth wrong with my keyboard so for the time being i cant exclaim. tsk. anyways, today's saturday..[HINTS] so anything on tonight? (:

and who's going for the fourth gathering? maybe u guys can tell mi via msn. just interested to know. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 19:56


MLB RU WEI BEN DI ZHUI JIA ZHOU CI for LEI(i think)!! wahaha.. thanks quizzy for telling! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 21:37

haha yeah thanks qing qing. think they haven't reach home yet. i finish my dinner le then do recap. haha.

yes 恭喜迷路兵凭“泪”入围新加坡金曲奖“最佳本地作词”奖! 

not sure about other awards yet...hmm... haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 21:58

lols. i suppose buttock gonna b damn pain >.< hahas.

& today bao chang hui is GREAT :D thou it rained, but MLB's performance is totally GREAT :D

heheh, i got kip my word ba? hahas. i got go the bao chang hui oh. hahas. dat day at tm told u i would b goin, & yes, i did go :D



Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 August, 2007 22:10

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks for the surprise, they are really cute & special. 真是辛苦你们了。

Wow, just came back from the Yes933金曲奖街头爆唱会。
Haiz, the programme just start and the rain kept pouring. Until when MLB sang 泪 halfway thru, the sound system got cut-off. Then MLB proceeds to sing 适应 & Get Alive.
All MLBians 都被淋到像落汤鸡一样。Haha...
Luckily there is a very good news for MLB & MLBians:
MLB was nominated: one of the Top 5 最佳本地作词奖 for 泪。Yeah...Congrats & Well Done MLB. Hopefully MLB will be nominated for 最佳新人奖 & 最佳团体/组合奖.

MLBians, prepare to spend some money to purchase the 金曲奖 ticket. Only if MLB will to attend the Award Presentation.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 22:23

we didn't stay on to hear them announcing the 最佳本地歌手 leh. Duno milubing got nominated ma....


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 August, 2007 22:23

Halo to All MLBians that were at the Yes933金曲奖街头爆唱会 just now.
I just wanna tell you guys/gals, 你们真棒。人少少,声音大大。也不怕被雨淋,精神特别的好。


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 22:26

well, fyi, the other nominees is 小寒,小寒,小寒 (yes yes yes she herself got 3 songs nominated) and i think 陈佳明.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 22:28

just come back from Yes933金曲奖街头爆唱会。
although the programme just start and the rain kept pouring.Me & Pek Choo are enjoying ourselves...but in between the performance ,there are some Tech problem but everything gone well.
COngrats for nominated: one of the Top 5 最佳本地作词奖 for 泪....
hope u guys will attend 金曲奖
I might be going coz i think have JJ Lin


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 22:31

WOOT. I didn't make it to the event today. It was raining over here so i'm quite sure it rain over there as well.

Anyone catch the Mi Lu Bing boys on TV just now? They looked so cute!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 22:37

wahaha.. those wallpapers v cute n funny!! i like weiqi's e most!! funny!! wahaha.. thanks weiqi!! sam n nic oso! =)

quizzy: heez.. u're v welcome! =)

shan: HUH!! really v long ar? nvm, wei le MLB, zhi de!! wahaha.. =P


Blogger Strat | 25 August, 2007 22:42

I am happy tat I attended today's event !!! haha!!! MLB's performance is gd !!! although it is raining but I enjoyed myself in the rain !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:03

pengz~ 今天的天气真的是超jia lat~
so pekcek, today sat there n 晒太阳 for the whole day, then started raining at night. arghhhs...
不过我们还是拼了~从starting淋雨到ending... [of mlb's performance] actually it was quite shuang, but sian thing was tt my belongings got wet. most impt of all was the gathering namelist ah~ but heng nothing smudged. phews~

and YES 恭喜恭喜! great achievement... only less than 2 mths after release of album and already nominated for an award. 迷路兵真的是POWER LAH! SAM, gong hei sai~ hahas. =) more awards to come!

today's sound system was... haiiis. kinda 可惜. feel like long time nv hear lei le... sighhs. hope there're more gigs coming up? really hope to hear lei again soon~ but hope ya guys werent too affected by the system lah? and today's get alive was cool! =D chao high de~ even in the rain... hahas.

tired~ abit 语无伦次. hahas. =P SAM! waiting for ya to blog laa. haha... =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 August, 2007 23:04

Hi Ni,
Ya, all mlbians enjoyed themselves under the rain when MLB performing.
Hope you can join us more often for MLB's events.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:06

those nominated categories for milubing - is this the one weiqi mentioned 'second pressie is coming very very very very soon! hint*'? ;p congrats!


Blogger Strat | 25 August, 2007 23:10

uncle phill,
I also hope tat I can join u guys more often for MLB's events !!! if nv crush with my work and sch !!! I comfirm will go de !!! nice to know u today !!! hehe...


Blogger Strat | 25 August, 2007 23:13

rip berries,
nice to know u today ... maybe we nv talk much ... but atleast we sms alot ya !!! so funny ... nothing to do !!! then keep on smsing each other when u are jus beside me !!! funny ar ... haha !!! nice to meet u !!! my first MLB fren !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:16

haha updated the publicity blog with the recap le. I do hope if milubing got time to visit there they can pay attention at the last paragraph of the recap. hahaha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:18

oh so the girl beside rip berries who was very paiseh when u got change is ni? hahaha. how do you do, I'm quizzy_me, we've met ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:21

i find tt today's "Get Alive" is faster(5 beats)than during the authorgraph session maybe till to rain ma.....me & pek choo was like so fast....haha.....

And i'm so fan....coz i go sistic.com to check which artist are coming to Spore Hits Award????guess who is coming????all my favourite is coming.....


Blogger Strat | 25 August, 2007 23:29

hehe!! ya ... I'm the one who wear white top and bottom!!hehe!! veri happy today !!! enjoyed veri much !!! yes maybe we've met , but I don know who are u ... too many ppl le !! sorry !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:30

hahas. yea. nice knowing u :D hahas. indeed it was funny when u are juz sitting beside me & we still use sms to chat with each other >.< hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:38

i heard u like Manchester United too.....
there are game tmr @ Starhub Chn 22 & Football chn


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:39

the news uploaded...;)
go sleep le... long day tmr :( 晚安


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:40

here's a bit of news. OMG! yayys! haha =D


迷路兵表示,“超级开心,因为作词,我们一向都不认为我们的词是很好的。当时我们SuperBand Finals 的时候,我们得了冠军,也是这种表情,不知道怎么表达。”


Blogger Strat | 25 August, 2007 23:40

rip berries,
tink scared to talk to each other at first ba !! rite ?
but in the end , we talk liao ma !! so ok la !!! rite ??
so u going the 933 award presentation ma ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:41

thanks xiu jiejie =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:51

ahah, so funny the pics ... now den can see them ... shld b fun to hv 5-member MLB if have triplet Nic ... one can play bass, one play rhythm/a. guit? ... wait for ur second pressie ya ...

1st time watch gig in the rain ... n I had to forget my umbrella :( haiz ... thank goodness for flora!

hope everything was ok wif u guyz ya ... rest well!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 23:54


yays! :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:00

omg,i hope really hope mlb will turn up on Spore hits award.....
i'm confirm going to c overseas artist like SHE ,TAnk .....& my fave artist like JJ & Fahrenheit

P.S( C u there.....)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:01

gd nitez to All Mibians
rest wel,k ????drink more water if ur thoart still feel pain

i'm happy for u guys......Gambette !!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:11

EXCITED!! super high now!! they nominated for 2 awards!! it's so unbelievable!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:11

hahas. yea.
erms, i dunno lehs. my parents is allow... but they say the money for the tix to go the award, i must ownself save. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:17

was super tired jus now, going to fall asleep liao. then saw the news, become super high. haha.. i actually said out loud 'OH MY GOD' when my whole house all quiet~ hahas =P

GONG HEI SAI! yeah! 果然是迷路兵,POWER LAH! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:20

yo! mlb~`` nic r u sick? yr voice don sound rite... need drink more water...


no we r nt hard... as long as u guys ejoy yrself!

wei qi
so quite... y? shy ar?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:23

迷路兵! 一点也不迷路,一路走到第13届金曲奖2007,今年入围了,得不得奖并不重要,因为入围就是本地音乐界对你们的肯定。 加油吧!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:27

For MLB:Saw you guys on the Channel 8 news..Too bad I couldn't be there..And congrats too!

Nic,somehow,it seems to me you looked a bit different from the last time I saw you leh..

Sam,your hair looked awesome..stay that way lah..haha..Even if you want to change the colour,don't use weird colours okay..

Wei Qi,thanks for the suprise gift!
I can't wait to see what's the second one!But make sure you don't forget your studies hor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:32

yep jia you. Can be on par with 小寒(she OMG li hai lor) and 陈佳明,guess you guys must be very honourable right? haha. to me it also mean milo music is already mean recognized le.

in any case, jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:33




Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:33

*being recognized


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:42







Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:49



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 00:52

wooh~~ thanks meikian for sharing that. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:25

Hey there MLBians! A big THANK YOU to those who turned up tonight, and really sorry that it rained and made all of u so wet... :( and cold? sigh... felt quite sad inside cos of that, but we cldn't openly show that cos gotta face interviews.. but we really hope that u all are celebrating with us in your hearts that we're given 2 nominations!!!We're so surprised at the news and we're already super happy... btw, i really didn't know bout this until tonight, so it's NOT the 2nd pressie.. that one is coming veryveryvery soon! hint* Hope u all like the wall paper that we made together...Take care and hope no one falls sick cos of tonight's rain. :)
p.s. thank you all for supporting us, your support has given us a lot of strength to strive from one stage to another. Love the MLB family. Goodnite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:27

恭喜迷路兵入围了新加坡金曲奖2007 《最佳本地作词》《最佳本地歌手》奖!!!





But the entire programme was still worth us waiting and drenched under the rain!! Haha!
You guys were so powerful, although there is a little faulty in between the show, BUT we were still so HIGH singing along with u all, hope u boys heard, cos we were shouting instead of singing, almost no voice liao. Haha! bo pian, we were standing on the railing at the back so tt our view wont block by the umbrellas. Lolxx. actually we stood very high liao, bt still, haha!!
Anw, enjoyed still, al the best to u all, and cya all next sun! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:27

Aiyo, rain at the wrong time...why don't they rain earlier or later??? Think none of the video I took just now can be used...haiz...

haha sofui, think my tini mini brolly no use leh, actually we got wet because of the water flowing down from the other brollies!!!

Think not many ppl go support the event just now, thought got Stephanie sure got many ppl, but...hm...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:29

aha weiqi, thanks for reminding me. my father asked me to take flu medicine first and i totally forgotten. haha lucky he didn't ask. thats why i forget. haha.

yes i lov that pressie. haha thanks wor ;D

actually....quite shuan high-ing under the rain...*children dun learn*

good night to you? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:31

Yoz WQ, congrates on the 2 nominations!! Becos of you guys, i may go to watch this yr jin qu jiang, hmm... the last time I went is the 1st Jin Qu Jiang!!! that was so long time ago. Hahaha...

Your art designing skill getting better and better liao loh. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:33

i chao high de lahh... hahaas~ =D it's ok, we enjoyed the rain. wahahas... nahh dont feel sad lahh. its ok,ʲô������û���һ����OK lah! =)

yes, we're super happy tt u guys were nominated lah! i was kind of shocked initially. but i believe you guys can do it, win the award, NO PROBLEM! yeah yeahs! jiayou kayys!

and yes, we liked the wallpaper. thanks for taking so much time n effort WEIQI! =D you guys really rock lah~ hahas...

we love MLB too! =) take your time for the pressie hor. no hurry. rest more mrchan! dont fall sick ehh...

and rmb to read my letter if you havent already.. hope it dint get wet in the rain. and hope you passed nic his ah~ hahas. thanks WQ!

takecare LOADS kay!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:33

~.~ 27 October is very near my project submission date 1 Nov...haha hack care. I've decided to go....provided my parents approve. haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:34

eh, some problem w the chinese characters eh? suan le. hahas... lazy to type again~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:43

Congrats! to the 3 Soldiers..March on! n gd luck!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:44

dun feel sad. we enjoy being in the rain, cuz for MLB's performance, its worth standing in the rain & watching it, getting high :D hahas. & grats :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 01:49

btw WQ,
dont be sorry tt it rained~ weather cannot control one. haha... =P

jus being siao lah, not enough sleep. off to sleep!



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 02:10

Wei Qi,wah..still haven't sleep?I hope youtrio didn't get caught in the rain or anything..Take care of yourself okay..Will try to make it to next event..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 02:20

to the boyz,
sleep early yea, ii guess todae must be a hectic day for u all. sleep with sweet smile on ya face k?! haha!

Good Nitez! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 02:23

haha nitey. I go work on the articles for my school magazine now. haha

*haaaaaaaaaaaaa chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu~~*



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 02:24

oh ya long hu bang later. good luck ya? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 03:37

Sweet Dreams!!
finally off to lalaland.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 07:26

I'm super super happy for you guys
i will vote for 最佳本地歌手奖的歌手"迷路兵"then Hope to c u guys on 27 OCt

P.S(c u on next sun,have u receive the sweet already from Ah Sam )

get back to sleep!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 09:14

Morning Guyzs,
We have enjoyed last night performance although it was raining very heavy~

See you Guyz next coming Sat 4th gathering!!

Waiting for Ah Sam to tag....
MiLuBing Jiayou & Power Lah!!
Take Care Guyzs


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 09:45

pek choo: which means u will be attending fourth gathering? (: yay hope to meet many MLBians from the blog there.

i realised next sunday gathering timeing is during the LONG HU BANG. maybe we have have a mass radio listening session! HAHA. then we can cheer together as a MLB family (:

oh yah. that reminds mi, rmb to tune in later at 12noon! got a feeling it will be in TOP3 today. JIAYOU! :D


Blogger Pek Choo | 26 August, 2007 09:52


yeah I will definately be going for the 4th gathering.. And we will have to mass chat and listen to long hu bang at the same time..
Later I will be listening long hu bang..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 10:15

pekchoo: mass chat? haha sounds so msn.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 10:26


hahax~ do you have msn?
add me at: pekchoo87@hotmail.com

lots of thanks..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 11:00

darilng girl. i think u already have my msn. LOL.

nonetheless for new MLBians who want to add another MLBian to their contacts, here's mine: miko1710@hotmail.com

aiyo. sounds like advertising for myself. =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 11:47


okie.. I very easy forget lol.. hahax~ Another 14mins, 933 Long Hu Bang liao..
Must listen, really hope that MLB LEI will can top 3 this week!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:10

OMG!!! SHI YING on the chart!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:12

Selamat Tahniah!!!

lets chiong shi ying up next week too!!

super HIGH and EXCITED!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:12

Woo~ Shi Ying top 20... Omg!!
Let's wait for Mlb Lei to get Top3!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:18

OMG so happy!! Thanxs for the fans voting MLB - Shi Ying on the chart top 20!!
Super high and Shocked!!

Mlb will be happy when they heard this songs on the chart!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:34

WOW! shi ying on top 20! very very good results! waiting for lei to be on top 3! :DD



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:38

thanks shihui for bombarding me with calls~ n thanks uncle phil for his call n sms also. haha... so tired forget to set alarm wake up listen longhubang... =.=

yeah congrats! shuang xi lin men! or maybe got more... later we see lei....

i bet those 3 must be smiling away lah! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:40

Yeah~ Let wait for MLB LEIto get top 3!!

Let's continue voting more for next week!!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 12:50

=P haha! pple excited mahz! wanna share good news wit u, when ii call first time and u didnt pick-up, ii noe u sure still on bed, so bombared ur phone for "morning call!" haha! hope ii didnt get u annoyed. =P

Happy Happy Happy!!!

ii want to noe, how they announce they best local artiste ytd? cos the DJs were saying tt, stephanie sun announced back-out only after they release the list of best nominated local artiste. anyone noes, who took stephanie sun's placement??


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:02

oh myy..
great news.
we are so proud of u guys! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:04

thanks ah =.=

rest of the nominations will be announced on 3rd sept... duno if got anymore for us? hahas.

HIGH! but very tired. =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:08

HEYS all the fellow MLBians and the 3 cute MILO guys

1) MLB 入围 local singer
2) MLB 入围 local song writer
3) shi ying was rank 20th in long hu bang

so many suprises coming up!!!
i cant breathe OMG
cos these really suprise me
i was too happy to accept it!
hope MLB can jiayou

oh yar..
and hope to see many MLBians this sunday!
who will be going alone..?
cos maybe i will be going alone.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:19

~.~ yes uncle phil gave me morning call and sms too. haha thanks ya?

yes yes gong xi gong xi. haha. Yes chiong shi ying to top 3 too...but hor, at the same time cannot stop voting for "lei" too ba? I mean, each person vote for "lei" and "shi ying" at the same time. haha. Duno leh, u all decide the strategy ba.

Yesterday shihui or pinky got quite a number of coupons left right? some of it can be use to vote for shi ying liao lor? haha. duno leh, as i say, u all decide the strategy ba. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:21

aww, lei is on 8th!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:24

number8 this week. =(

let's work harder next week kay?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:24

oh man!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:24

Oh gosh~ Lei no. 8

Must vote more next week


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:24

maybe we shud vote lei first?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:24



anw! MiLuBing, Power Lah!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:27

5 ppl tagged at 13:24! lolxx.

ii sang Lei with tears!!

lets vote harder bahz!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:29

guess we should get lei on the top 3 list first then shi ying.. should be better.. secure the 3rd and above positions first! heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:29

so qiao rite?
u sang lei with lei


power larh


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:29

yeah we will vote more next week!!
And the 4th gathering we will know the chart!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:43

i think it will be so cool when all gather together to listen to the radio! lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:45

no, vote for lei and shi ying at the same time. u want to accumulate more points u have to get both songs to hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh position. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:48

yup! thx everyone!! =]

ii want good results during our gathering, so tt we can celebrate with purpose at the same time. make sure Lei and Shi Ying go up instead of dropping [touch wood*] nx sun.

actually no one voted for shiying as wad ii noe, cos no one mentioned in the blog tt they voted shiying instead of lei. bt ii still suspecting tt our votes being split for both songs. oso dunno wad happen sia?! haiz.

hope for the best!! =]
*way to go~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 13:51

the songs above them too power le la...but MLB oso power lah! haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 14:15

weiqi, so the nominations are not the ones.... hmmmmm wallpapers, i wish we have one thats all 3 of u; your next one hmmm... wallpaper shld follow by screensaver :D haha

take your time. we can wait de.


Blogger Jodie [: | 26 August, 2007 14:21

BERRIES AND QING QING: YEAP! IT WAS ME! HAHAS! Qing qing-jie smart hor? Kekes. XD. Submitted another letter liao but forgotten to include u all. I AM SO SORRY! NEXT LETTER PROMISE WILL RITE U ALL KAYS?

MLB: WAHH! CONGRATS MAN! I ONLY HEARD BOUT THE NEWS TODAY LOR! Cos i nvr go yesterday. Played tennis for like 3 hours. Got tanner too! WHEE! Hahas. It was damn fun cos i played with my 2 tennis frens. Hehes! Anyway, JIAYOU! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 14:27

i was also shock when i heard shi ying
or maybe warner voted it bah
cos we cant expect to wait for lei to go up to top 3 then vote for shiying ma
maybe mlb can gain more points with two songs
dun worry
we are the POWER ONES
i am very sure that next wk lei will be up on the top 3s
including shiying

SMILEZ (((((((((((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 14:39

let's gather all resources and push lei up to the top third again next week! :)
then we can all shout "MLB Power Lah" during the 4th gathering next sunday. haha. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 14:40

*top three


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 14:50

sorry hor, from what i know, same person cannot vote for both songs. so if you all can, get different ppl to vote for lei and shi ying alright? =( paiseh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 15:00

forgotten to thx weiqi for the wallpaper,

Thank you!! Love u laa. haha! so creative!! u shld make one tt makes 3 of u in the pic, so tt we can see 3 of u everyday once we on our comp. lolxx. not just one lor. lolxx. 伟奇真棒!! =]


total accumulated points as below:

17 - 4
9 - 12
8 - 13
6 - 15
5 - 16
8 - 13
total: 73 points

20 - 1
total: 1 point

subtotal: 74 points!!!

*way to go~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 15:18

oh ya hor. shd have 3 of u in one pic mahz. then everyday when i go to class on my lappy, the first grp of ppl i see is not my classmates or facilitator but mlb le hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 15:21

we have already gotten the news tt, MLB nominated for 新加坡金曲奖2007, ii guess some of you wanna attend the award ceremony on 27th Oct at Singapore indoor stadium despite MLB is attending or not?! But surely, as MLB's supporter, we shall seat together and cheer for them.

and ii have come out wit an idea tt, shall we go purchase the tixs as a group?? [so tt we can seat tgt] discussed with my fellow frenz, we have decided to meet up tmr at novena square to purchase the tixs.

we do it tmr is becos, we are afraid tt, good seats might being taken by others.

lets meet up!
27th aug, monday
11.45am - 12.00pm
@ Novena Square Level 2 Sistic Counter.


some details for reference:
Through SISTIC Authorised Agents
10% Discount for Student
[Applicable to price cat 2 & 3 only]
[Present student pass to enjoy discount]

10% Discount for MediaCorp Employee Pass(min 2 tickets)
[Applicable to price cat 2 & 3 only]
[Present MediaCorp Employee pass to enjoy discount]

10% Discount for Nokia Handphones (min 2 tickets)
[Applicable to price cat 2 & 3 only]
Present Nokia Handphones to enjoy discount]

10% Discount for Courts Easy access (min 2 tickets)
[Applicable to price cat 2 & 3 only]
Present Courts Easy access card to enjoy discount]

10% Discount for Courts Guest Card (min 2 tickets)
[Applicable to price cat 2 & 3 only]
Present Courts Guest Card to enjoy discount]

10% Discount for Singtel Customers
[Applicable to price cat 2 & 3 only]
[Present any Singtel bill to enjoy discount]

*only applies thru SISTIC Authorised Agents, meaning 25 authorised Sistic counter located island wide where you may visit at most of the shopping malls etc.
*all privilege promotions only applies to cat 2 & 3, meaning tix price for $58 & $38


we decided to purchase the $58 tix as fast as possible, so tt we can take good seats. and oso wit above reference, we can enjoy a 10% discount. =]
dis meet-up session is not compulsory, only for those interested. as ii said, we can seat tgt as a group. make ur decision now!!
*$98 de wont get any privilege.

any comments, feel free to share.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 15:27

please browse the website for more information!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 16:13

thanks shihui for accumulating the points! :D

yah i seriously think we shld all vote for lei first. as in, lei is the priority. cos lets say IF shi ying isnt up this week, but lei got to top 3, the accumulated points will be more than both songs on the chart with their respective positions now. so yah. da jia pls vote for lei more! can vote for shiying also but lei is priority! im sure we all want a mass MLB cheer next sunday yah? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 16:23

u are welcum, miko!

ii came out with a strategy, those who has coupons, please more than half vote for lei, and the left over for shi ying. eg. if u hav 7 coupons, 4 for lei and 3 for shi ying. if u doesnt want to use up all, keep 1 or 2 for the according weeks. cos u can still collect them when u buy i-weekly and take from frenz as time goes by.

as mentioned, SMS took 30% of the results, so ii suggest tt, SMS for lei and call 1900 912 0933 (20%) for shi ying.

songs in positions of 20-11 will be much more easier to vote, bt songs in positions of 10-1, its a tough fight. agree??


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 16:25

shihui u r back arh. haha. ya lor agree. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 16:32

yah...i agree wif shihui
very tough to fight to top 3


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 16:36

cos got A-mei and JJ. haha. nvm, we jia you ba.

I suspect I'm mentally unstable. hahaha. fancy laughing to myself while reading this thing that mk typed last night, especially for the latter...




get back to my work lo~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 16:40

haha! BACK!!

really hope my strategy works!!
*cross finger and praying very hard!!

Reminder: one song per vote, meaning one person only can vote for one song, either u use 2 of the 3 methods [coupons, sms, call-in] for one song, den another method for another song.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 17:06

2 of 3 methods meh? o.o!

1 song=1 couponx1 smsx 1call can ma? Then get another person to do the same for another song. paiseh arh, that was what i told qing qing le...=|


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 17:11

can oso, up to you! as long as we vote, and we have done our job.

p/s, ii have a few more coupons on hand, ii need ya ppl to fill up for me, can someone collect them from me, mayb tmr?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 17:18

sorry for the confusion, let me explain again more clearer.

Reminder: one song per vote, meaning one person only can vote for one song, either u use 2 of the 3 methods [coupons, sms, call-in] for one song, den another method for another song. OR, u and ur fren, each person vote for diff song, eg. u vote for lei and ur fren vote for shi ying using all 3 methods. this can be done too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 17:31

haha yup. got it. thanks.

wooh~ was thinking, don't think we'll pia until like that in our school work hor? haha. ppl who don't understand will say me sicko again. BUT WHO CARES? i happy jiu hao. hahaha. But ya la, cannot neglect the other aspects of our life too. jia you arh =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 17:47

haha! yup, for the sake of supporting our love, our favourite band, who cares?! lolxx.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 18:10

if I cant make it tml meet how??
Than I still thinking whether want to go for the Jin Qu Jiang on the 27th Oct!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 18:26

yup. it's nearing the crucial time for those O'Levelers and A'Levelers and poly students too i guess. those studying must JIAYOU! those working also work hard! then can enjoy year end bonus. :D cheers MLBians. we'll have a happy sunday.

and uncle phil, if i see u i will say hi to u. (: i guess i will see u with ik? haha. alrights! looking forward (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 18:32

Hi all,
we're thinking of making a banner of the boys, like what other fanclubs have. However, the cost will be quite expensive, therefore will like to ask if you guys are agreeable for the idea to make a banner, and maybe help us in paying for it. not much, perhaps about 5 bucks per person.

let us know of your views on the gathering day, if you guys are agreeable, we'll be collecting the $$ on tt day so tt we can make the banner soon. [and also in time for SHA 07]



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 18:37

haha can arh meikian. if cannot print then handmade (draw and color) ba. Do we have any mlbian-artists here? haha just a suggestion.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 18:37

how abt light board????????

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