
Sports Day?
milubing | 24 August, 2007 15:42

Yes, 我偷笑. Thanks ah. =)
The sports i like - Cycling definitely, badminton, table-tennis (3 of us used to play together), soccer during my school days, bowling recently, somebody said pool? Ok ba. Not an expert in these areas, but if ya wanna challenge.. I'm READY! So are my bros!
Hmm.. Not so much of enjoying life, but always finding time to relax. It's necessary.
So we'll see many nice people in white tomorrow? Nice day!

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Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 18:39

we thought of making light board,but asked for the price and it's actually quite expensive. unless we can self diy it. is there anyone who knows how to do it? [as in, provided with the board and bulbs,and know how to attach the wires n all]

handmade? maybe... we discuss on sunday then.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 19:04

by the way.

those coming for the gathering!

forgot to remind you all ytd. pls RMB to bring your coupon on the gathering day for verification and lucky draw k? and pls keep to the registration time we told ya, so tt everything can run smoothly. thanks!



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 19:05

yup. just need a cloth, paint/water colors i think. haha.

*status changed to be right back*


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 19:33

faster come online!! wanna ask u sumthing!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 20:42

hmms. wanna ask, anyone goin to the golden hit awards, purchasing $98 de tix? o.o

& if got, when will u all be buying? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 20:47

rip berries
i'm going wif my frend Pek Choo
at $58 bucks

u coming wif us?????


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 20:53

ohs. hmms, i see 1st ba. hahas. see got anybody purchasing $98 de.

btw, when will u all be buying? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 20:58

this coming sun after 4 th gathering .......can u come online
i'm thinking to do board formy fav.
u will knoe who la


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 21:06

oh ic. oki, hahas. yea, i know who :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 21:51

sorry arh shihui, i watching 清宫风云la. haha. if u need to look for me and i not online, sms me ba. Meikian and pinky got my number. haha.

rip berries, we buying $58 de. Cos can get discount. Tomorrow we meeting at Novena square at 12pm to buy together. haha.

o___________________________o i wish to buy $98 one too but i got limited budget la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 21:55

me too....can c the artist so close loh.....
i confirm this yr spore hit award
i'm will be crazy(different Lorita tt MLB & mibians use to know)haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 22:36

wooh~~ currently i'm "mentally unstable too". o.o!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 August, 2007 22:51

Hi to All MLB Family,
Very sorry, I was away to JB late morning today to get some gifts for the 3 milo bois. But was very pek-cek & sianz lor, I got caught in the jammed for nearly 2hrs. Then more pek-cek when I heard Lei dropped from #5 to #8 today. Although there was a small surprise (Shi Ying on the chart at #20).

Think Quizzy & ShiHui both have the wrong announance, let me say it again:
1 person can vote 1x with coupon, 1x SMS & 1x calling for a same song. And the same person can vote another 1x with coupon, 1x SMS & 1x Calling for another song. To submarise: 1 person can vote for many songs, but each song only can vote with 1x coupon, 1x SMS & 1x Calling.
Hope with the above explanations, everyone has a clearer picture!

Then the points that ShiHui accumulated also not so right, cos the 1st 2 weeks when Lei was on the chart belong to this year qualifying period (that's why MLB can be nominated for this year award, which DJ Jia Hui initially also told me that MLB has to wait till next year. She even asked us to vote harder for MLB's songs up the chart.)
From 3rd week onwards, all points will be under next years' qualifying period.
Therefore to date, MLB has accumulated:
13pts for 3rd week with Lei
15pts for 4th week with Lei
16pts for 5th week with Lei
13pts for 6th week with Lei
Meaning, Lei has total accumulated 57pts as of today.

1pt for 1st week with Shi Ying.

My suggestion to all MLBians is:
Use coupon, SMS & calling to votes for Lei (hopefully we are able to push Lei to Top 3 next week).
Since Shi Ying already on the chart, we also doesn't want to see it drop out from the chart.
So, SMS & call in to votes for Shi Ying as well.
With my suggestion: Each person will spend 76cents for Lei & 50cents for Shi Ying, total to $1.26 per week (not inclusive of 7% GST for SMS & call made).


Blogger Strat | 26 August, 2007 22:56

btw, I don know how to call ?? can anyone teach me ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 23:06

the voting methods hor, i blur too liao. The pts right, both shihui and uncle is right. the one uncle counted is for qualification for next yr jing qu jiang. The one shihui counted is for the year de (end of the yr they will calculate which singer got highest votes for the year mahz). haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 23:10

heyy all,something to make your day. =D




Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 23:16

ehh NIC,
really very shocked huh? see u like huang shen lidat, both on the stage n during the interview.

congrats yeah! =D


Blogger binz | 27 August, 2007 00:03

congrats congrats mlb for getting nominated for the 2 awards. not easy aye, album come out not long only then can get nominated for 2 awards le!

im short of lhb coupons but am not goin for gathering so wondering how i can get from anyone here who has extra..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 00:19

whoa gd gd. shihui got extra. i ask her tml haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 00:48

Yoz Guyz... I'm Here ~

Really CONGRATS For The 2 金曲奖 Nominations ! SoOoOo PROUD, SoOoOo PROUD Of MLB ! ! !

Continue To JIA YO k ~
P.S >>> Thankz WEIQI For Ur Efforts In The Wallpapers ... They're SoOo CUTE La.. Appreciate Them Lots ~

TAKE CARE GUYZ.. Cya Den On Sun.!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 01:00

congrats milubing for being nominated 最佳本地作词奖 n 最佳本地歌手奖! chao li hai de..real happi for u guys..even if dun win oso shiok liao rite..haha..ytd's weather was real bad..scorching hot in e aftn plus 太阳雨 den it started pouring in e evening..e weather was still alright when we had games n stuff..rained jus like tt when mlb performed..suay~ den power trip during lei..zhen shi de..tsk tsk..but ar, it was qt shuang singing n cheering in e rain la..haha..

weiqi, thx for preparing e surprise..chao cool de..love it! :D hees..take ur time for e second one ba..ur studies n rest more impt..i tink tis surprise can keep us happi for qt some time..haha..

abit disappointed tt lei dropped to no 8 tis wk..i guess it's probably due to e votes being separated ba..tho i duno who voted for shi ying, still thx for voting! :D hopefully we can hv both songs on e chart for as long as possible..w regards to e voting thingy, i'm not v sure shihui n quizzy or uncle phil is correct..but i've always tot tt one person can onli vote for one song per method..we'll try to clarify tis..meanwhile, cont voting k..lei is still our priority.. :)

quizzy, i've counted e coupons i hv on hand liao..not 80..it's 110! haha..din noe i kept so mani liao..tink can use more than half for voting..whee~

i'm supposed to go to sch tml but i cant seem to fall aslp..super wide awake now..oopsy~ hehe..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 01:18

haha yeah. so binz, i think shihui got extra but as u have see, pinky jie got more hahaha. ~.~ ask u how many u need over msn but u didn't reply me yes sobs sobs. haha. if can i dun mind go look for u and pass to u lor haha. hope can make it on time for coming sunday de result. *praying *


Blogger hardworking slacker | 27 August, 2007 01:23

hi, i am new here.... just wanna congrats MLB for being nominated 最佳本地作词奖 and 最佳本地歌手奖!!!!! congrats congrats!!!! went high when i heard it on 933 today. i wasnt able to go due to exams, but i hope that there will be future gatherings where by i am able to attend. once again, cheers to MLBfor the nominations.^^



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 01:38

there's currently a poll at xin.sg tt says 今年的最佳本地歌手奖项会鹿死谁手?

the options are JJ, MLB, Sun Ho and YiDa. current standing, JJ 67.5%, MLB 18.7%, YiDa 8.1%,Sun Ho 5.6%.

not important lah, but vote if you guys want to... hahas. show ppl tt MLB got supporters mah. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 01:40

btw,the poll doesnt affect the results ya? jus a poll by xin.sg to know what fans think.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 01:43

those wu liao de poll asking us to predict results right? haha noted. thanks.

ya take note it's wu liao de poll only. vote for fun only haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 03:20

whoa~~ new week le, and end of the month. I think it's last week of the school term for some people too. jia you yor~!

nitey lo, though will be sleeping later since i'm not sleepy anyway. haha. take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 03:31

Have a good rest, people of the blog..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 04:23

old boy is...? haha u have a good rest too. I want to sleep le but dun feel like sleeping. mind a little tense up. frustrated? haha. *breath in~ breath out~* o_________________________o!

haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 04:25

btw, could old boy be........? hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 08:32

i think old boy is ah boy
tt mean Sam lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 08:33

TO MLB & Mibians

how ar u guys today?
have a pleasent day!
i'm in office having breakfast while tagging....

C u guys on Sun!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 09:43

sam is on 933 air.. any1 listening?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 09:48

Aiyo, I only managed to catch "thanks you Sam, hope you have a great time playing badminton later!"

What did sam said just now??


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 10:22

brief-interview with sam this morning @ 就是万人迷 upsized! uploaded. :)

btw Today paper (270807) has a write-up on the concert, with MLB pic. Only just a short paragraph on their performance abt the power trip.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 10:42

hey xiu! tat's fast! din expect u to record tat! u knew tat he'll b on air huh?

i wanted to record but d reception was bad. so cld oni listen to d web 933.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 11:17

pengz~ las thur n fri i was listening to jiu shi wan ren mi leh~ then today call in. arhh~ thanks xiu anws. =)

cant listen now, in school. shall listen to it later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 13:05

capri, no lah... i also don't know...
anyway... 迷路兵@ 爆唱会but don't know why there is no part 2.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 13:48

back fm lunch!

xiu, so u r oso listening to 933... i can oni listen to d web one coz reception was really bad.

shall go listen to ur recording when back hme! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 15:09

LOL thanks xiu jiejie. at the time capri jie tag, i suppose the interview is at abt 9.40am? Faints la, I woke up at 10am today. FYI i leave my radio on (to Yes933) while sleeping de. sob sob.

And for Today, the uncle at Woodlands MRT was distributing but i hack care, cos dun like to read that. IF I know i will collect le. so sad~~ =(!

Angry la. It's like when I'm frustrated le then will become forgetful then the forgetfulness add on to the frustrations. arrrrrrrgh~~

Well, still thanks xiu jiejie and capri jie for informing. I'll go update publicity blog ba ;).

and lorita jie, i think old boy is him too hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 15:46

hi quizzy_me,

no worry, xiu will sure upload d article here.

mayb u can look out 4 o/r papers abt d event. cheer up! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 16:28

haha thanks capri jie, i download from TODAY online le. haha. thanks :D

and forgetfulness acted up again. Just updated everything in publicity blog le then log out le then remember i forget to update about the interview in the morning. grrrrrrrrrrr~~


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