
Back Again!
milubing | 15 August, 2007 12:33

A Retreat.

Floating on the huge waves, moving miles under the dark clouds, withstanding the stormy weather, i've arrived at the tall gates - into Forbidden City. This was my 1st ever trip there, and i was so honoured to meet this man of the century, respected by many. Throughout the past week, my mind was at peace, hair colour fading quickly like i'm growing many years older in a period of 7 days. =)

Now, i'm UN-MIA, back for more action.

Everyone - Go Go Go!


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Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 13:19

sam: WA!! who r they huh? =X
yeah!! u finally back le! =P


Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 13:21

sam: u went forbidden city!!! fun ma? like v nice lei.. =)
u dye hair agn ar? =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 13:26

finally u r back .. wahh, go forbidden city ar .. fun ma?? ehh, ur expression v funny when shaking hands leh .. so serious .. haha .. =P


Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 13:26

oops! shld b who is he.. =X

shihui: forget ans ur que.. haha.. YES!! he's shuai! cute oso! haha.. but shan n i were 2 pan tu there.. haha.. go watch his concert, den keep toking bout MLB!! heh heh.. =P


Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 13:27

shan!! y u tag same time as mi!! >.<
btw hor, wat's forbidden city huh? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 13:38

SAm?! You went forbidden city? Thats in Beijing leh... but yet it doesn't look like Beijing... More like HK to me... cos that Bush looks like something from Madame Tussauds. hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 13:41

K, it really looks like HK to me, esp the first pic...looks like the journey from airport to HK city in their MTR system.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 13:54

whoa, so where exactly that place is? Really not in Singapore wor~? haha.

Still, please take good care of your hair or it will spoil soon if you keep having it dyed. Whatever it is, think you haven't try red color before? haha. Can try wor. Now mine is red (highlighted de so still predominantly black). Seriously, you will looked like the ah hua ah lian performing at ge tai during the 7th month, if you have pink hair. wahahaha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 14:02

i'm busy now
in office now
how ar u ???


Blogger PeiShan | 15 August, 2007 14:09

eh eh .. is u tag same time as mi la .. haha ..

haha .. "ah hua ah lian performing at ge tai during the 7th month, if you have pink hair" kui ni xiang de chu lai .. tis reminds mi of e show 881 sia .. haha ..

u ar, always dye ur hair .. not gd for ur hair leh .. dun lata like my bro like tt, last time keep dying his hair, then it bcome so dry, look like 'dead grass' like tt .. lol .. anyway, take care ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 14:52

Sam's hair already look very dry to me le. yep


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 14:53

oh ya si min if u r reading this, I already added u in msn and friendster le. Yuan lai u know my classmate wor. haha. Tell u more when we chat in msn or friendster. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 16:26

u go for retreat....


Blogger Icysnowqueen aka Teddy | 15 August, 2007 17:40

Forbidden City... I am in my own forbidden city... Trespassers will be persecuted. Hehehe! I have been very busy and stressed... Forgive my lame comment... :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 18:13

Hi Quizzy. Thanks for adding me in msn. If u have friendster, u can add me at the same email. Hmm, may I know ur full name? How long have u been supporting MLB? Is it from last year de superband competition until now? Hmm, if there is any new events about MLB, let me know you know worx! Take care and have fun worx!

Qing: Am I disturbing u just now? Sorry worx! No school today suppose to be resting de then I go and disturb u siaz... Hope that u are not angry with me. Hahax... Thanks worx! Jia you in ur school work, everyone! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 18:26

well, guess u shud know le ba, since we chatted le. Sorry I dun wanna reveal my full name here. For me is I'm more comfortable ppl calling my nick name here but other places I'm more comfortable with ppl calling by my real name. haha.

U wanna know more events about milubing de hua, either stay tune to here or log on to http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com, I'll be updating there. haha.

MM jie just sent me a small little article in 8 days. That article says "Milubing got the most underaged fan". haha. I posted in publicity blog le.

Xiu jiejie or if anyone can help, can upload the small little article in U-weekly? Or if ma fan u de hua I try using the scanner in my school library. haha. Thanks =D

logging off lo~


Blogger binz | 15 August, 2007 19:38

ohh no wonder sam MIA for so long.. yuan lai shi go touring le.. eh forbbiden city should be in china bah? but how come the pics look abit different to the forbidden city i went b4? hmph. haiyo sam ah dye his hair again. then bleach till so light. it seems to so harmful to the hair!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 20:20


wahh,真的是几好命一下~ hahas. finally got to go on the tour u've been wanting to since june/july huh? good for ya. mus be feeling refreshed right now~

dun jus post up pics leh, share ur experiences also lah. hahas. then maybe next time we can go there also. hahas...

n dun do so much harm to your hair leh! keep dying do alot of harm to your hair derrs. if u wan next time i bring the temp pink dye spray for you. then can get ur pink hair le. haha! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 20:38

hahah.. cool lehh.. anyway i love BUSH! hahaha JIAYOUS!(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 20:41

Hi Sam!!I was wondering where you have been..so,you went to Forbidden City ar?Must be fun hor..
Welcome back by the way!
Don't dye your hair too much leh..

Now that you are back..take a good rest hor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 20:55

Hey travelling is cool! I just got back from 2 weeks in Vietnam. Sam, great that u have chance to travel.



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 20:56

SAM! never thought that you were in the states promoting milubing. President bush looks like he is about to kiss your hands and ask for a dance.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 20:58

Sam, since u like to take picture so much.....u wanna take part in the photo contest?

I just send in my entries.



Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 21:01

haha.. evreyone seems to b telling sam not to dye his hair.. =) wat's e diff btw bleach, highlight n dye?

i heard MLB's songs twice today on 933.. heard shi ying n get alive! they was playing shi ying n ask ppl to sms in to win e tix by answering wat's e song they were playing.. so easy!!!
wanted to sms in de, but i 4get e format!! >.<

si min: sorry, was slping jus now when u sms mi..

shan: we tagged tog cos we xin you ling xin ma.. wahaha.. *blush*
btw, is xin you ling xin or xin you ling xi?

mm jie: thanks for e article! =) haha.. since quizzy older than mi call u jie le, den i shld call u jie oso.. wahaha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 21:10

Sam, did u really go Beijing or HK? Hmmm....was thinking if the forbidden city is a miniature....



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 21:27

Qing Qing ~ Bleach is when you use the bleach thingy to lighten the colour of your hair..

Highlights is when you only dye/colour some parts of your hair..

And dye,of course when you colour your whole hair..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 21:43

ooh? so sam went on a holiday!
hope it was a fun and enjoyable week there. (:
glad that you're back in action again.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 21:46

hows ur trip????


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 21:56

i received tip off that I love Sunday 's repeat telecast would be on Wednesday 1am. Today's episode COULD BE showing milubing's episode. So u can watch if u want to. But if other 10 minutes u didn't see them then please accept my apologies and have a good night sleep ba =P.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 21:59

*if after 10 minutes


Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 22:03

aizutto: oh.. thanks thanks.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 22:19

wa! Sam, you can ride on a container vessel huh? This is not a passenger liner and ppl on it need to have a travel document by shipping co... Anyway, as long as you enjoy yourself. I am not a fan of Bush! I will be happier if you shake the hands LKY.

Have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 22:22

Hello..MLB/ MLBians..

Aiyo Sam, don't look like Forbidden City. Look more like Taiwan to me. Never saw Forbidden City like tat. The Garden looks funni too.

MLBians..how is the MLB on the 933 chart?


Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 22:28

k.p.o: LEI is no. 6 this wk! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 22:39

No problem qing qing..Glad that the short info helped ya.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 22:48


aiyo, wad tall gates and forbidden city sia?! described until like u were been there. oOopz! =X okie laa, shall be glad tt u hav time for travelling/holiday rite, no matter wic part of the world u go, once u carry ur passport and cross the sea = travelling or holiday! like ME! go "holiday" everyday laa. haha!! really cant tell wic country u visited from the pics u post. sad case. anw, have fun in action! do update more bout u all since u are bac in town. cheerz! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 22:50

Sam, you look cute in the blur look! Anyway, didn't know that you've gone aboard.
So, how is it?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 00:02

haha. whatever it is, it's so cool to be able to travel around the world. If I got money I would hope to do so.

Why the random comment? I'm watching 世界那么大 on Channel U now. hahaha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 00:13

the blog ate my tag!
blog haven taken dinne yet? >.<"
nvm, i type everything again. :DD

so u've been to Forbidden City?
no wonder MIA so long.
welcome back to Singapore! (:
btw, did u get milu there?
heh heh.
bet tt u hav a great time there uh? xD
unlike us, studying. ):

the last pic is funny.
wad's wif the serious and blur look? xP
anyway, rest more while u can!
jiayou in wadeva u're doing!~

better get to bed nw.
i look like a panda nowadays. T_T
good night and take care! x]


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 00:26

if nic haven't been to belgium, shud bring him there one day. Cos he love chocolates mahz. Looks like that we can find a lot of great chocolates there.

Don't know leh, I saw on TV de. haha.

Well, sam is too 'shocked' to see i-forget-is-that-President-Bush le. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 00:46

ERM HI! how is everybody? fine? hope so...

sam : Ya... don't keep dyeing your hair... not good... Over there fun? how come got the Bush there? Where is the place really located?? BUT remember to ENJOY yourself!!

Anyone living around the west?? can u informed my by my contact? Because i DO NO know how to go there...:(


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 00:59

WOW SAM! Where exactly did u went to ?!?
Nv even tell us b4 u go, tot how cum u suddenly disappear siax ~

Anyway the last pic was cute , i was smiling to myself when i see this pic .. FUNNY LA AH SAM ~

Welcome back yea, must share with us some story of ur trip worz..

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 01:06

Last Pic's Named ---> 'My Honour' Somemore .. CUTE Lek U SAM ~
YOU Making me smilez again... LoLx ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 01:16

mlb on i love sunday repeat telecast now.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 01:25

haha. ya, my darling anonymous informed me le. but guess many are sleeping now? haha.

gd night lo~~ school again tomorrow. =.=" but next friday holiday lo~~

*run away*


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 08:15

zao an ni hao =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 09:06

gd morning~

sam, so u went 4 a retreat... no wonder mia... retreat still get to meet a big shot huh... lol~ hope u've truely relax & njoy urself...

go 4 hair treatment if ur hair is getting too dry... it helps a little ba.. hv a gd day ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 09:36

sam, you got to see many celebrities @ Madame Tassauds hor? hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 09:54

Sam Ah...

Wow finally see you blogging..
Have you enjoy yourself trip there?
Take care and JIAYOU!!

See you guyz next Sat.
Go back to help my parents working liao.. hee..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 10:00

erm..hie u might nt noe mi..but i noe u lolx...MILUBING my greatest idol of all time..i took up guitar a few weeks ago..cause i wan to be the second MILUBING..hopefully i will find great members and become MILUBING no.2..lols aniway can u send mi "shi ying" music sheet..i wanna play tat song but cant find the chords :(

if can pls send to ah_boi22@hotmail.com

thanks ur greatest fan


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 10:02

wah. what a chimo message!! :D
the way you described the journey, it seems that the journey was a difficult path for you to reach Forbidden City!! haha. (:

well, I have never been to there before and I dont know where is it located. OoPs~!! =P 沒办法,我很少出国旅游的勒~

dye again if your hair colour is fading quickly. =) LALALALA~

PS: pekchoo MISSES you!! haha. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 11:34

Sam, not bad huh, go for vacation. honestly cant tell where u went, but best bet shld be HK. ure forbidden city bo lang one. how can? usually hard to get a clean shot w/o tourists teeming all over in power population like china. so u back in action. Singing or composing or just show ure face here? :P sorry la, just like to disturb u.
Qing, no prob. Seems like nobody here is 8days reader so i represent lor. call me mm can oredi, can drop jie. haha i m in serious denial!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 11:42

SAM, u make me feel like going for holiday. haha. so wrong can, im supposed to be focusing on my prelims. =.=

ohh n qing,
read ur tag at the prev post. i din get back my results larhs. took my olvl chinese las year, got back my results in feb. this year taking hcl... hahas. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 11:47

*frozen in class* =E


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 11:48

wooh~ mk taking higher chinese? haha i'm not suprise. jia you arh ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 11:50

i thk is xing you ling xi ba .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 11:59

wahh .. mk took higher chinese ar .. steady e pompipi .. no wonder chinese so gd .. i took tt in sec 1 n 2, but aft tt drop it liao .. too chim le, cant tahan .. haha .. always get c only .. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:17



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:18

Ok, smart people. =)
I went to Hong Kong, was a pleasant trip except for the rain almost everyday. Fortunately or unfortunately, i experienced no.8 tycoon '8 hao feng qiu', which meant that everyone are to stay indoors to avoid the big winds and rain. Last one that hit Hong Kong was bout 3 years ago, so its actually quite rare. AND IT COST ME MY SHOPPING!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:34

i oso wanna go hong kong !! hehe .. aiyo, u so unlucky kana 8 hao feng qiu .. but rare experience la, coz s'pore dun haf .. how long does tis 8 hao feng qiu last ?? hmm, thk u had a great fun eating n shopping at hk ba ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:35

wha,,hongkong seh...gdgd


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:42

u go to my home-town
i also experience no.8 typchoon
so scary rite


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 14:37

oh, my online friend from hk did mention no.8 typhoon (is it 'typhoon or 'tycoon' or?) but i didn't know the seriousness of it. LOL! It's cost you your shopping but didn't cost your life, so still ok. LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 15:28

Hello everyone..

Sam went HK..looks like you have enjoyed. A little excitement is always good.



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 15:31

so got promote your album there ? hehe. hope your album can go taiwan and china onwards


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 16:53

WOW!! hong kong? thats fun! i went there before.. with family and w/o the tourist. we took train to travel around. but i'm not as lucky as you.. cos dont get to go to the forbidden city..

the photo makes me think of beijing, where the top got the president's photo.. hahas

oh yar.. you can go next time! and you must be really angry >.< i will! cos hao bu rong yi go there and the tycoon cost ur shopping trip.. hahas.. things there were cheap!! WASTED!!

anyw.. i prefer ur black hair! but liddat look more mature.. both looks great on you. hahs

hope you did take care for these few days.. to all the fellow mlbians and the 3 mlb! these few days had been raining rite? i guess.. rmb to take care and dont catch a cold

SMILEZ ((((((((((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 17:25

sam, wat an encounter... met d most honourable man & met d no. typhoon... lol~


Blogger qing qing | 16 August, 2007 17:39

oh.. so sam didnt went forbidden city ar?

ttww ahyi: helloooooo!! so happy to c u here.. =)

shihui: WA!! u v clever lei!! haha.. at first i still gong gong tot it's real, until u tell mi.. =(

sam: WA!! u lucky lei.. haha.. can experience tat.. =P but glad tat u're fine! =)
HK got tat guy meh? who is he huh? =X

meikian: WA!! haha.. u took higher chinese sia.. so li hai.. heehee..

shan: i oso think is xin you ling xi.. haha.. we say xin you ling xin for dunno how many times liao.. haha.. no wonder u've to drop ur hcl!! haha.. jkjk =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 17:51



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 18:42

hahas... hcl damn sian one lahs. lols! bu yi ding take higher chinese jiu better in chinese lerhs~ i think it's almost the same... duno why got hcl n cl also. hahas.

ehh, u damn suay lah hor? hahas. so when u went n when u came back huh? jus asking larhs~ hahas. but i thot u like rain? everytime got event keep saying will rain one. then rain liao u all inside shelter we stand outside n lin yu~ dots... u also go shopping one ah? hahas... aiyaa, next time choose a better time to go lohs~ =P

i also wan to go hk lehs~ =D

jus now 933 was giving away the priority passes again... question was the song tt they were playing. [Shi Ying] sms in but din manage to win also~ sighs~


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 20:36

boy, got catch any concert thr or not?...but it's like there isn't any big one at the moment, as far as I know. It wld be great to get wild in the red in-door stadium.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 21:25

so u went to HK & experienced the 8 hao feng qiu..my friend oso went to HK & she want to go to disneyland but due to the typhoon, she cannot go..

U didn't drop by disneyland meh?
Aiyoh..u should go there next time..hehe..maybe when there's no typhoon lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 21:49

omg......how i'm in disneyland on 8 aug....
can c Farenheit =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 21:58

last time we say xin you ling xin meh ?? i forget liao .. haha .. eh eh, wat "no wonder u've to drop ur hcl" ?!?! at least i took b4 k .. tt's y tt time e letter tt i wrote so you mo shui ma .. haha ..

dun jia jia la .. take higher chinese still chinese not gd .. u dun paiseh la, haha .. higher chinese n chinese where got same .. u dun bluff mi k, i took it b4 .. although i drop it half way =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:08

haha. i dont see difference lehhs. lols! but hcl got alot of xtra work to do. my tchr everytime give those xtra ke wen n stuff.. then i always lose them cuz all one piece one piece de. hahaa... ok lorh. then i admit my chinese is good. HAHA. joking larhs~ =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:19

u dun c any difference coz ur chinese gd lor .. keke .. aiyo, u lose those ke wen then nvm de ar .. staple them or put them in a file lor, den wun lose them liao .. unless u lost e whole file =X cant b ba .. keke ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:21

aiyo.. i'll paiseh one. haha! =P i dun like cuz she always give piece by piece... then everytime take le jus chuck into my bag, in the end do filing cant find le. hahas...


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:28

haha, dun paiseh la .. hmm, ur bag hungry isit ?? eat up ur worksheets .. keke .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:43

shan: ya la ya la!! v you mo shui la.. you dao i almost get drown by ur INK!! haha.. =P

meikian: ya la.. dun geh geh lei.. where got same de.. haha..
u same as mi!! i always lost my ws n notes de.. =.= copy down notes oso no pt de.. only waste paper..

shan n meikian: u two cheng wo bu zai zai zhe li da qing ma qiao ar!! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:47

sam, u v suay lei..go hk yu dao 8 hao feng qiu..haha..n ya, u go shopping one meh? haha..

oh i can zheng shi meikian de chinese shi pro de lor..haha..even tho i took hcl before my chi still cmi la..her chi shi pro de.. :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 22:51

wahh... yuan wang ah~ hahas. my chinese ok larhs. ok only. hahaha...

i dun like when ppl give me 1 piece of paper notes... everytime take liao then chuck here chuck there n forget about it liao. in the end cant find, photocopy again. then lose again. and the cycle goes on. haha! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 23:00

WA!! so many so li hai!! took hcl b4!! i oso got take!! only mine is without e h.. heh heh.. i not so pro la.. only take NORMAL chinese b4.. haha.. *blush*

ya.. acty i oso agree tat meikian chinese is gd! can c from her posts!! =P most of e things she post in chinese de hor, all i nv tot of de..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 23:51

Aiyo sam boy, u really suay. Nan de go HK yet can't do much shopping... must be cause u din bring me along, I'm sunny goddess u know.:p
Went tw and HK so many times but never meet any typhoon, earthquake at all! No chance to experience even once...hmm...


Blogger PeiShan | 17 August, 2007 00:18

whahaha .. drown by my 'ink' ar .. haha .. wat to do, i v you mo shui ma .. haha .. too bad la, i cant save u coz i dunno how to swim .. keke .. eh eh, i da qing ma qiao wif meikian cannot ar .. u jealous isit .. haha =P

c .. even yuanping oso say ur chi is gd .. keke .. hmm, u dun wan ppl to gif u 1 piece of paper, then u tell e teacher dun gif u la, wait until few mths liao then yi ci guo gif u one whole stack of worksheets .. haha =P

k, gotta slp liao .. nitez everyone n sweet dreams too .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 00:53

how sad to experience a typhoon and miss the chance to shop! XD

but in a way help to prevent u frm burnin a BIG BIG hole in ur pocket mahs!! hahahas.

so envy u can enjoy now.
i have to MUG MUG MUG for my exams. RAHH! )):


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 01:00

WOW SAM... So U Really Went To HK Eh ~
Tt time rmb u saying feel like going there, & u really went ... Hahax!

Too Bad Suay Suay U met the no.8 typhoon lo... BUT, Like wat quizzy had said also.. Cost U Ur Shopping Nvm, At least Never Cost U Ur Life Can Liaoz.. LoLx~ *GOD BLESS* =P

TaKe CaRe ALL ...
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 01:36

sam, u v heng!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 01:40

haha. good night =D. Now it's Weiqi and Nic's turn to MIA? haha. Understandable. No matter where you guys (MLB and MLBians) are, what you are doing, please take good care of yourself, be careful on the road and, jia you =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 02:06

NiTex NiTex Too PPL ...

zZz zZz zZz . . .
S m i L e z ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 07:48

Cool...cool....HK is cool. Nov I'm going....and we're staying in Disneyland hotel.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 08:23

boy, did u try the smelly toufu? got go party at lan qui fang??
Y u nvm tell me b4 u go HK...so I can lombang u to buy canto CDs for me, those I can't find in SG! Sob lah!!!... =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 08:44

wooh~~ rainy day~~ zao an ni hao =D~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 08:54

gd morning all~

wat a weather... i wanna go back to bed... (-c-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 09:47

nice weather for bed but nice weather for lesson too. Cold but not to the extent of frozen. cool! haha =D

zao an ni hao, capri jie =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 12:27

hello peepz ..

ya lor .. such a nice weather to slp .. but im in sch now .. argh !!!


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 14:02

morning!! yeah! nice weather to slp.. tat's y i jus woke up!! =P
but something not nice happen.. =( shan will noe ba.. =D

weiqi: i tried milo ice.. really shiok!! haha..

shan: HUH!! u still needa go sch today ar? aiyo, den i better dun disturb u liao.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 15:38

=D 3 more lessons before holiday wor~~ hahahaha.

yes i'm suanning qing qing and shan =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 16:34

Sam ah...

Wow went to HK!! hahax... Really enjoy life there...

Take Care..

Cya guyzs next SAT!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 16:58

ya ya .. i noe wat happen .. hehe .. aiya, i go back sch awhile only, is to find teacher regarding my major proj .. juz now u msg mi i alr on e way back home liao .. haha ..

shuang la, holz soon .. actually u no nid to suan mi la .. coz basically im not having any lesson now .. whahaha .. tis sem e subj finished long ago liao .. so im actually having my holz now .. our major proj suppose to start next sem, but for my grp we start earlier .. keke ..


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 18:04

shan: heh heh.. so early go sch wor.. haha.. haiyo!! i realise everytime got tat prob, i come find u de.. heh heh..
YES!! it's gd to start ur proj early! dun b like our grp.. last min do all e projs.. den all like shit.. pull down all our grades by alot!!

quizzy: humpf!! i v gd girl de ok! i'll study hard hard de.. cos proj got D!!!! den acty my target for all modules is to get C+.. haiz.. gone case liao la.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 18:43

yup .. mit teacher at ard 12 ma .. aft tt went out wif mum ..keke .. ya la, everytime u haf tt prob then cum find mi, haha .. my grp's major proj is collaborate wif hpb de, if they start early, we oso haf to start early .. but some other grps will start lata coz all diff de ma .. major proj 8cu lor .. muz do well ..


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 18:46

shan: heehee.. no choice la.. u my darling ma.. haha..
waseh! so gd sia.. go out.. oh.. ya lor!! 8cu alot lei!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 18:57

whee~ saw Sam at tm.
he went 77th street.
& he's sooooo cute.
he said hi to me & my frens.
after he buy his tings,
took foto with him :D
sooo happy :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 19:01

Hi everyone here in this bloggy! How have u guys been? Long time never tag at here le. Hmm, quizzy jie, sry arhz... Everytime sms u while u are having lessons. I'm so sorry. )= Btw, how have u been le? It's great to have a jie like u. Hahax... Hmm, are u really very busy? Hehex...

Qing qing: Hi... Qing Qing. How are u? Hope that u are fine too. Hmm, I hope that u are still ok. Haix... My ITE life is becoming worse le. I think I have fallen in love le. What am I goiing to do? Haix... Can some one help me? If not, I feel like dying lehz... Cannot concentrate on studies de... Sob sob... Hope to hear from u soon. =)

Mei Kian: Hello, never chat with u before de. U add me in msn and then never chat with me de. Haiz... So sad... Are u busy arhz? HAix... Feeling very sad now lehz... Anyone can cheer me up? Sob... Sob... Haix... Remember to chat with me in msn when u have the time, ok? Hope to hear from u soon too! =)

Everyone: Hmm, does anyone here support Lucify from superband too? How do u all describe them? Cool? Handsome? Hahax... Btw, what is their full name arhz? I get myself confused liaoz... Hehex... Thanks a lot worx! Hope to hear from everyone soon. =)

Si Min.


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 19:47

-rip-berries: WASEH!! u so lucky! haha.. i went tm n tm de 77th street dunno how many thousand times liao.. but nv c sam there b4! haha.. most of e times went there after sch, but nv c him b4!! =(

si min: hi.. erm... m still ok..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 19:55

wahh, saw sam ah. mus be go hk cant shop then come back to sg n shop. hahahas. contribute to singapore economy... LOLS! =P paiseh, feeling very geog-ish today. =D

Si Min,
Hi, sorry that i'm always unavailable to chat... Usually i come online to jus check here for awhile, check my mail n so on, seldom use msn... but cuz my msn auto sign in, so normally i dont sign out also. yupp. cheer up bahs~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 20:04

hmm, looks like podcast.sg wont be uploading MLB's shuang da xing? cuz i jus checked n JJ's shuang da xing is up already, no sign of MLB. sighs~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 21:16

since when u change ur nick to QQ huh?! not use to it lehz, betta dun use tt nx time. lolxx. tot who say me clever sia. haha! eh, 别灰心 yea, u can do betta nx time for ya proj. u hav our support. =]

tot the media blog has mlb's shuang da xing liao, why still bother from podcast.sg?? heez.

wahseh!! met sam sia! of cos he is friendly, if not he's not him liao. heez.

why TM alwaes full of celebrities de? alwaes can hear from ppl say tt, met who who who at TM. haha! think nx time can go there ton. lolxx.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 21:21

today's a suay day for me. haha... las day before 933 changes shift next week. was listening to yi zhou hao xiao yao, wanted to record the cute jingles of chongqing n jiahui. then in the end i fell asleep. pengz~ anyone knows if chongqing played all the jingles? hahas...


weekend! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 21:47

si min, don't be sad. And hor, not that I don't want to chat with you. As much as I'd (and probably anyone else) love to chat with you, I cannot keep doing that non-stop, not that I'm really busy, but I need to move on with my life too. A short while is alright, but not non-stop. Please understand.

Well, regarding ur question about lucify, one of them is my school mate so I can tell you more about him personally in msn (of cos only those I can tell de). As for the 'details', their fans will know better so you should ask them instead. haha.

And hor, if you are sad just say sad, don't let your the word 'die' come out from your mouth so easily. It's very scary, I cannot tahan.

Meikian, u can change the msn settings to 'not to let it auto start up' mahz. haha.

qing qing and shan, =D! qing arh, jia you ba ;D


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 22:09

si min: erm.. dun sad ba.. studies more impt for u now.. =)

shihui: heh heh.. yeah, thank u!! i will work harder for my other projs! =) muacks!

quizzy: yeah! i'll jiayou!! thank u! muacks! after exams, we can go gai gai tog le!! yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 22:16

hahas. but dun sign in like v gao weh,like v out of contact w the world lidat. lols.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 22:38

im ur darling ar .. *blush* haha .. ehh, u din manage to c sam at tm coz no fate la .. haha .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 22:48

but qing qing 'kissed' me in my blog lor. eiyer qing qing, how many darlings do u want? hahaha.

meikian, -_- u win. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 22:57

dun sad laa, come in to the blog here mus happy happy de. =]

haha! heard ur sms dedication to chong qing and jia hui. and he promised for the jingles, ii tot u recorded!! haiyo. bt he did keep playing the jingle part by part, as for the whole set de not sure liao. haha. and YESH! if one day dun sign in msn like 全身不爽!!! haha!

qing qing,
u are most welcome. and ii saw ya msn msg, tot u were away so ii went offline. too tired to wait for ya reply. =p al the best. muackzZ.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 23:00

ii realise uncle phil gone MIA. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 23:03

qing 'kissed' u on ur blog .. wahh .. qing dunno yi jiao ta how many chuan sia .. haha .. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 23:29

go gai gai mus invite me hor. lolxx.

nitez ppl!


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 23:33

HAHA! shan, quizzy n shihui making mi shy liao la.. wahaha.. *blush*

shan n quizzy: haha.. acty.. i still got darlings in e forum! wahaha.. tat's how marssh became my darling too.. heehee..
u all hor, my darlings, mus xiang qing xiang ai oso orh.. haha.. =D

shan: eh eh! u dun geh geh hor.. u got c sam b4 at tm meh? dun hav lor.. u oso no fate w himm =P

shihui: keke.. thanks for w kiss wor.. *blush*

meikian: yeah! i support u!! haha.. i dun sign in, i'll v gao wei de.. haha.. =X

yeah, uncle phil hav not been tagging for few days le..


Blogger qing qing | 17 August, 2007 23:34

shihui: i'll de!! heh heh.. den we all go gai gai tog!! yeah yeah.. =P
nite nite.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 August, 2007 23:39

wah damn pekcek lah! i wan to record the '如果我有一把刀,我会先刺死她,然后刺死自己' jingle! but when play at about 6 plus i was doing smth so i din manage to record. then after tt i fell asleep. wahhh... gek ah~ v dui bu qi chongqing, ask him play then i din record. =.= still got the sembawang park one. hahahas... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:05

wahh .. so many darlings .. i sheng qi liao .. haha .. kidding .. ehh, e thing is i seldom go tm, of coz din c him la .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:11

anyone know how to get mlb fc tee?
can help mi?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:16

gotta slp le .. nitez ppl .. sweet dreams ..


Blogger qing qing | 18 August, 2007 00:18

shan: wahaha.. dun say till i ps lei.. haha.. u all decide who wanna b e BIG de ba.. wahaha.. or all ping qi ping zhuo? lol.. =P
CHEY!! den no fate oso ma!! =P eiyer!! today i didnt go sch lor.. haiz.. den sam went tm..

huii: ermmm.. acty i dunno oso lei.. mayb wait for e leaders to come n c if they can help u? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:25

"hey hey,sorry peeps,been busy with my skool work,drawing and drawing,can smell lead everyday..also clicking and clicking,index finger and eyes pain.2D and 3D animation mixed with 2 history subjects = killer punch. I'm dead beat..beaten up, but still moving la, that's why can tag abit.Meeting the other 2 milos tmr to work on MLB projects,got 2 at hand to rehearse and try out.Take care MLBians,and thanks for the continuous support with the mails and smses to 933..see u all at the bao chang hui! bye!!!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:27

hellos weiqi (: hahas.

to meikian, qingqing & shihui,
hahas.yea, superrr lucky to saw Sam.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:29

wei qi: work is work no need stress so much la... need rest more!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:31

真的很对不起... but really hope u guys dun tire urselves out. esp you! please take good care! jiayouuu...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:33

-rip-berries: ya lor.. u super lucky man.. haha..

SHAN: humpf!! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:36

u seems to b really bz tis sem .. dun tired urself k .. eyes pain le then rest .. if not lata spoil ur eyes .. take care .. n ask ur 2 milo bros to take care too .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:37

whahaha .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:39

shan: eh eh!! i tot u gg slp liao huh!! still tagged! >.<

weiqi: yeah, take care orh.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 00:52

hahas. at 1st i din noe he walk past me... untill i turn back to c. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 01:54

WEIQI.. Dun Tire Urself too much k.. REMEMBER TO REST WORZ ~

TaKe CaRe GuYz ...
Cya Guyz at the bao chang hui!
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Jodie [: | 18 August, 2007 08:17

HAHAS! Been busy with projects.
Almost everyday stay back.
Only can reach home bout 7pm.
Sian lor.

Hello Sam!
Forbidden City? Cool.
I scroll down then saw the pic.
Anyway, finally u are in 1 pic.
Hehes. Anyway, take care XD.

Hello Weiqi!
WAHH! U like damn busy hor?
Anyway, i shall say like the others.
Dun tire yourself too much, kays?
Must rest well and slp well.
Hahas! Take care XD.


Blogger binz | 18 August, 2007 12:00

wahh weiqi seems to be goin mad about his work in school.. then still have to balance btw studies and mlb stuffs, zhen shi xin ku le! mux hang in there and jiayous(:

mannn prelims is like nearing and teachers are bombarding us with all those papers and papers.. never seem to be ending and able to finish.. haiyo i always like to think why people have to study soo much.. ehh uncle phil like also MIA some time le hor. isit work too stress also go travelling like sam le?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 August, 2007 12:15

Halo gd morning MLB Family.

shihui & qing,
Nope, uncle phil is not MIA. Just that I am quite busy past few days.
Uncle phil is still a very strong supporter of MLB.

Glad to hear that you finally have fulfill your wish and travelled to HK, although you have met the no.8 tycoon '8 hao feng qiu', but your trip was still a pleasant one rite? Anyway, you have been there 3 years ago. And believe you can travel to HK again for your shopping (which you have LOST in this trip). Uncle phil wanna wish you all the Best in watever you do. Jia-you jia-you... Yeah...

Thanks for updating us, eventhough you are super busy with your school work. Likes all mlbians; please do not stress out yourself. Must find times to rest & relax well. We are very sure that you can handle & cope all things you are doing. Jia-you jia-you... Cheers...

With NDP over liao, believe your routines will be back to normal & more relax now (hopefully I am right). But still wanna ask you to take care & spend times with love ones. Jia-you jia-you...

To all mlbians,
Have a beautiful & wonderful weekend. We shall be meeting again next Sat for another performance by MLB. Yeah.....


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 August, 2007 12:23

Hi binz,
As mentioned in my previous tag, I am still around and will not be MIA.
You are partly correct, my work are starting to be more stressful liao. Cos, my immediate supperior already tendered his resignation. So my new GM is working more closely with me and I have to take care of more things than the past. Therefore my responsibility suddenly likes shoot up to the sky., haiz. And it is still early for me to say whether it is a good or bad thing for me! Only that I will have to Jia-you too.
Thank you very much to all of you for showing concern on me. I really appreciate it very much.
I love MLB Family. Cheers... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 12:39

hi ! Uncle phil....
how ar u ?????
C u in MSN @ 11pm

TO MLB & MIbians
Have a pleasent day todae!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 13:14

IT's WEEKEND!!! =]

我也觉得很抱歉! haiz. u guys so busy le, still..... okie nvm. jz felt helpless, things crop-up and stuff. nvm, still, continue to jiayou yea, take great care, 不要累坏了! same goes to Nic & Sam. =]

uncle phil,
we noe u are a super hard-core fans of mlb laa, dun worry, jz curious y u didnt tag for quite a long time mahz. haha! al the best in ur work yea. =]

Have great weekend ahead, ppl!
one more week to mlb's gig!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 August, 2007 13:14

Hi Lorita,
Is there a mass comms tonight?
Are you going for next Sat event?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 August, 2007 13:23

Thanks for your understanding and really appreciate your kind wishes.
I also wish you all the Best in your new job. Hope you have settle down by now. :-)
Yah, one more week to MLB's gig. Starting to get excited again, and not forgetting about tml Yes933 Long Hu Bang's ranking for Lei. Let's keep our fingers crossed once again and hope that Lei will be in the Top 3 tml. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 13:47

weiqi, pls take gd care of urself..we noe u are v busy w sch work la..it's ok not tagging de.. :) hope we din trouble u guys too much..jiayou!

huii, we hv taken note tt u are interested in purchasing e mlb tee..we are in e midst of checking e prices n stuff for printing of e tee..n ya, we hope to hv more orders for e tee so tt u guys can get it at a cheaper price..we'll inform u guys once we hv finalise everything k.. :)

i feel so so screwed..rah..jus recovered from stomach flu..den got so mani things to settle..my timetable is turned into a 5day wk (i noe someone's gonna laugh at me..bleahz..) n i'm gg to sch on mon for 1 hr lesson! my travelling time is much longer can..grr..n boon lay is scary..e wind super strong one.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:23

good aftn everyone~

jus woke up, dead tired ah~ past few days everyday sleeping at 3 4am, trying to cramp as much knowledge as possible into my brain. =.=

please rmb tt you're still human,have to rest... dun be so pia la, relax... takecare!

i nevr laugh. i really nv laugh. =P abit cham eh, one hour lesson. diaooos. aiya only u care about the wind lah. cuz only u light enough for the wind to blow away. haha...



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:39

wasn't in a good mood last night, then my poor bestie became a victim of my temperamental treatment. Lucky he didn't hold it against me.

another thing, wanted to go jogging this morning but it was raining. so sad~

aiya forget it la.

binz, enjoy doing those worksheets while you still can. Don't do it just for the sake of preparing exams. Must have fun. Cos me as well as those in Poly will guarantee u that u will miss secondary school when u graduate.

This applies to all other MLBians taking O level soon. Jia you~!

I should be able to go for next Saturday de event. Yesterday went for another job interview. This is a little different from others la, cos it's an agency helping u to find the right jobs base on your ability (i think). So after understanding me better, she put me in this tele-survey job in Suntec city, working hours is normal office hours la. In a few days time I will be confirmed whether I am selected. If I'm selected and have to work on 25th too, then i heng la. Suntec city is next next to Millenia walk mahz hahahaha.

Pinky jie, take care yor~~

everyone, have a nice day ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:41

hellos all MLBians & MLB.
is ther gonna b a mass conv tonite? o.o

& are u all meeting each other before goin to millenia walk for the bao chang hui?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:43

oh ya, I got tip-off that september issue of Teens got featured Milubing. The cover is Nicholas Teo (zhang dong liang). yup. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:45

nah, I should be meeting hui at Woodlands Interchange then we take 960 there. Cos don't know how to walk from City hall to millenia walk haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:49

oh and mass conversation huh? can arh. But then i may not be able to talk much tonight. haha cos later de guessx3 got featured (my) ke you lun, so will be paying more attention to that. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 14:56

Tonight going to have mass conv... Argh I will try my best to online bah... Chat with you guyz...

Quizzy: what time you going down on next Sat..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 15:02


pls take care of yourself!!
Cya guyz next Sat Bao Chang Hui!!

Jiayou orh!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 15:24

if i can go early, i shud be there by, roughly, 3.30pm? haha will confirm again next week.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 15:28

u oso dun tire urself up okie. study is one thing, bt health is more important, try to sleep early if u can, turn ur time back to the nomal routine. al the best.

haha! get to noe from ur blog tt u goin to the bao chang hui, u dunno how to walk there? are u goin with ya frenz? any enquiry, jz approach me on msn yea.
and, can u describe sam's hair when u saw him ytd. haha! ii dun want to say, giv the chance to u. lolxx. cya nx sat!

thx for informing! think if every magazine featured mlb a little bit here and there, our pocket will turn into a big hole soon. lolxx.


Blogger binz | 18 August, 2007 15:59

uncle phil: jiayous then! it should be a good thing lah. more responsibilities cuz they noe u can make it mah. and perhpas a step closer to promotion? (:

meikian: haiyo u ask weiqi dun pia so hard need to rest then u also need to rest too huh! 3-4am then slp sure is unhealthy.. wun be able to concentrate in class leh. u also take sufficient rest(:

quizzy_me: yea im enjoying the papers for those subjs i like but still in the mist of tryin to like those subjs that i hate. ahha. yea go to poly jiu dun have such things as worksheets right? everything is like own self come out with and hafta be independent learner?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 16:14

haha binz, for RP it is. Still got worksheets la, but haiz...

shihui, i roughly calculated le. we probably spent more than $10 on magazines/newspapers that featured milubing le. See arh,

1) I weekly = $2
2) U weekly = $2
3) Teenage = $3
4) Teens = $3

Like this is $10 liao lor. haha. Plus those newspapers too...though i didn't buy all hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 16:16

SAM, i found out from our friend that your hair is black color again hur? hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 16:55

hello everyone .. was online for quite long, now then come here tag .. hehe .. was bz doing major proj ..

ohh, sam had his hair black again liao ar .. haha .. heed our advice hur .. haha .. sam, i tot u wanted to dye pink .. haha =P

im going to marina bay to watch e fireworks lata .. anyone going ?? heez ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 16:58

YESH! our Sam's hair is bac to black again, mayb he took our advise wic we tell him on the blog. lolxx. ii bet, he will dye his hair bac to another colour for the preparation for next event. cos this is oso a 瞒盛大的 event rite?! must look more 帅气点 mahz! hahaha!! mayb pink! oOopz~

yesh! hav to spent tt much if we gotta buy all magazines where featuring mlb. haiz. bo pian! must ask ourself why we love them so much. haha! and u forgotten 8 days!! lolxx.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 17:09

but our advice is "don't keep dying hair" mahz? haha. anyway, take care yor sam~

yes I forgotten 8 days, cos i didn't buy hahaha.


Blogger binz | 18 August, 2007 17:10

aiyo sam ah dye hair again.. not healthy to ur hair sia..

shan: goin to watch fireworks ah? i went yday. wah piang super loads of people. need to get there early to chop good place.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 17:17

SAM ah y u dye ur hair again
not healthy to ur hair
ur hair look very dry like mine....
coz i do dye my hair black(i do have alot of white hair)& i make my hair curly in Canada....look super dye now....plus tmr going to reborn my hair..ooopss more dye

C u on 25 aug!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 17:44

shihui n binz,
haha, thanks for the concern. im used to sleeping late liaos... hahas. still hanging on, not so jia lat as weiqi. =P thanks!

BLACK HAIR is nice! hahas. original is always the best. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 17:49

kaypoh is back! so the latest news is dat sam dye his hair again. realli pity his hair. why his stylist cant make up his/her mind how he shld look like? but hey anything shld be better than dat bleached look. oops! :P oh no (or shld be oh yes!) another mag feature MLB. Q_me, true, i didnt realise oredi spent quite a lot on mag this mth. now must add another one to the list...woohoo!
WQ, wat MLB project? new songs for us? when the rit time comes, news must leak out from here ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 17:55

lols. his hair dyed black again. hahas. maybe for the bao chang hui he will reali dye it to another colour. lols.

the bao chang hui im not goin with my frens wor. they no tym de lo. sians. hahas. so maybe im goin alone ): from pasir ris... oh my! is it far ehs?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 18:02

rip berries, millenia walk is at Raffles Boulevard. Simply put, next next to Suntec City. EVEN SIMPLER, just have to alight at City hall or walk there. If duno how to walk, can take direct bus there too. easier. I'll go lie down on my bed first, after which i shall come out with "95% complete guide on how to go to Millenia walk" ba ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 19:04

lols. ok. thx lots quizzy (: hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 19:18

have a sneak peek on the Teens mag


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 19:21

thanks anonymous.

weiqi=serious & solemn + lame at times?

hahas. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 23:08

oh man!
sam went to enjoy!
ahhhhs. envious. hahahs. no lah. kidding. hope u had great fun worr..
ya lor, it looks like HK to me too. haha
black? black is nice.. looks more guai lor. haah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 August, 2007 15:45

does any1 have chords to milubing's shiying. maybe the acoustic one? cuz i have a music group and we wanna use the song to present it. thanks man. =D send me via email or something.