
pattern duo guo ???
milubing | 26 July, 2007 13:14

Sam n I jus had a good game of badminton! I'm @ his house now. Gonna meet the 'hip hop n u dun stop' dancer nic nic bo bic,banana fena fo fick, fi fa mo mick.. nicky nouse..ooooooHHHH YEAH! Jamming tonight! pls bring your knife and bread and butter and nutella and milk! Got milk? :)

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Blogger PeiShan | 26 July, 2007 13:20

chan weiqi !!! v cold leh !!
jamming tonite hur .. muz eat bao bao hor .. haha ..


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 13:24

weiqi!!!!!!!! lol!! i dunno wat u toking sia.. haha.. i only understand "Jamming tonight! pls bring your knife and bread and butter and nutella and milk! Got milk? :)" lol.. e rest i all oso dun understand sia.. haha.. MILK!!! yeah.. milk is nice!! i love to drink milk.. *yummy*


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 13:37

i love milk sia!! i jus drink daisy choco milk jus now!! keke.. i everyday needa drink milk de.. if not i feel v gao wei.. haha..
BADMINTON!!!!!! i like to play.. but i lazy run here n there.. haha.. but i still love badminton kk!! wahaha!! hmmm... this morning i jus eat bread w nutella!! haha.. nutella is nice, but bread not nice.. keke.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 13:39

nutella is NICE! Once I ate a nutella ham sandwich....it's alternative...haha!


Blogger PeiShan | 26 July, 2007 13:42

yeah .. i luv milk too .. haha ..
i gtg le .. buai peepz ..

to weiqi n sam:
cont to warm the server ba .. =P n happy jamming tonite .. buai ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 14:02

so nice....can play badminton in the middle of the week...*sigh*

Miss school dayz...Now trap in office until 6 everyday


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 14:02

can only jam with frenz on Sats...


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 14:03

pattern duo guo BADMINTON!! haha.. long time no hear this liao.. haha.. I WAN MILK!!!!!!!!

WEIQI!!!! my house hav milk!!!!! haha.. i mus drink milk in e morning de!!.. haha..
wat brand of milk u all drink huh? lol.. =D

shan!!! u drink wat brand de milk? i like choco milk!! keke.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 14:13

CHAN WEI QI... U so lame! Mus b v high arh! Wat lang is tt..cannot understand a word..army lang huh!

Commenting on tis makes me sound like a 'nut' to.o.o.o

Wat to do, me follow NUTS and become nutty...or nutella! Female?

Have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 14:16

hahaha, milk? Thought u guys should have milo bing??!! Peanut butter or Kaya jam not bad too. Yummy!

Hee hee, so this hip hop dance is the kalafair role nic going to perform at NDP? Oh... gotta stick to the screen on NDP then.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 14:48

I only got 'tea'. why? because "Tea, a drink with jam and bread~ let me bring us back to doh~oh~oh~oh..."

who is lamer today? haha i'm literally freezing in class...

only managed to come here now cos sch internet was down...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 15:03

yoz weiqi & sam
how ar u ?????
Going to jam tonite leh
wat song u guys will be singing this coming sat?????

take care lol.....c u guys soon


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 15:08

*brr* *shivers*

mr chan, v cold lei.. *sneezes* eh u missed out milo la..but dun need ice cos super cold liao.. :P haha..okok..happi jamming tonite! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 15:25

haha, wq toking Greek? or is it baby lang?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 16:16

u all jammin tonite oh?
muz jiayou lehs. hahas.
u wan milk, i got at home. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 16:34

i realized i remember the wrong words. wait first arh i type everything again...

I was saying, weiqi wants milk? paiseh arh I only got tea - green tea, peach tea, lemon tea, chrysanthemum tea...though my favorite is oolong tea...

why 'tea'? Cos "*sings*TEA, A DRINK WITH JAM AND BREAaaaD~~~ that will bring us back to doh~oh~oh~oh~"



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 16:41

加油 on 28th! hmmm.. i cant go for the last autograph session as im going to church that day BUT perform like nobody's business ya?! lol.. because 迷路兵+ music = our 百万宝!!! (((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 16:42

*bbbrrrr....the weather very cold!

Shld drink milo sio

*Achoo! =D


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 16:42

hmmmmm... i copy all MLB songs into my com, den it's in e wma format, anyone noe how to change it to mp3 format?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 16:58

qing qing,
u got the fon converter tingy? its lyk...a software lidat.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 17:09

qingqing, i'm sure you are using windows media player. Just change your rip settings to mp3, no need a converter


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 17:10

wow. hahas.
shud hav said so earlier. lols.
thx for tellin an easier way.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 17:44

hi ! qing qing & rip-berries
how ar u ????


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 17:49

thanks -rip-berries, anonymous n yuanpng! =)
but mine dun hav e converter thing.. =(

lorita, hihi!! heehee.. hai hao hai hao.. haha.. u?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 18:02

halo~~ going to milubing auto tis sat~~ haha :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 18:36

I love the Meiji milk panda flavour...but think they dun sell it here anymore...:(



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 18:48

I love this website!! Looks like the superband official website. Reminds me of the old days....



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 19:49

Wat is >>> the 'hip hop n u dun stop' dancer nic nic bo bic,banana fena fo fick, fi fa mo mick.. nicky nouse.. Wat language is this siax ~?!?

CHAN WEIQI..! U seems very high hor ~
& YOU Lame Again ... I very cold now liaoz lek..

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 19:57

weiqi! u funny sia!
badmintion?! heh. my class's new trend is badminton recently.. lols. every break go play badminton.
happy jamming! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:15

please lah, weather cold enough, dun add cold liao leh. and ya lorh, 'hip hop n u dun stop' dancer nic nic bo bic,banana fena fo fick, fi fa mo mick.. nicky nouse..' what's this sia? alien language. =.=

i'll be waiting for ya to come online... haha! :P

im looking forward to saturday... :)

i felt like a zombie today, so tired. hahas...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:19

Ya lo meikian..
'the hip hop n u dun stop' dancer nic nic bo bic,banana fena fo fick, fi fa mo mick.. nicky nouse..
Dunno wat language lo.. next time ask MR CHAN to pronounce for us all this 'alien' words ba ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:21

nutella!! YUMMY YUMMY!!

btw, wanna ask if the any MLBian going to Bukit Panjang AutoSession?
What time yall be going?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:32

ya! haha... saturday we get him to read it to us on stage. lols! :P i also very cold. today whole day wearing jacket. now wan to sleep cannot sleep, having meeting. hahas...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:44

hellos. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:52

Hahax.. i also very cold.. today weather cold like hell siax..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 20:59

by the way, i dont think the server will ever heat up and crash. i think it'll just freeze and spoil.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:01

quizzy, how abt "Tea, I drink with jam and bread ... that will bring us back to dough~oh~oh~oh..."? hee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:04

Meikian Eh ... =___=

Hahax.. Ok la Anyway gonna knock off work lo .. Come here again Tmr yea ~

TaKe Care All ...
HaHax ...
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:06

really wad! hahas... i still rmb that day the hua sheng... i from sunday laugh until today. hahaha... :P

now then knock off ahs~ go home and sleep lohx~ hahas... i also go rest lerrs. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:09

U ah.. The Hua Sheng Again ~
It's either the word hua sheng or weiqi will make u laugh like crazy~
Hahax Lolx Ok La u go rest la i go liaoz BYE!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:16

-_-! sofui jie, thanks for correcting me. haha. Yup but that is what i mean la. haha.

qing qing, no need to convert, just change the settings in windows media player then rip again. shud have de. check again. Go to 'tools'. then 'options', then 'rip music'. Then change the 'rip settings' to mp3. haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:16

there is a big poster of mlb at cck mrt station !


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:16

mlb stage for sat at bt panjang plaza is ready !


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:32

so will MLBians get priority to stand infront?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:44

having stepped out of the train onto the platform ... trooped down the escalator, eyes downcast ... tired ... the day’s weary bearing on the shoulders ... stepping off the escalator and looking up ... gasp! ... heart skipped a beat ... blinked ... recognising the trio who stood just straight ahead -- one on guit, one on drums and one on keyboard -- a smile spread across the face ... couldn’t stopped smiling ... what a crazy fella, passers-by thought ... but ha ha ha ... waves to N. S. WQ! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:49

lol...weiqi damn shiok sia...haha..
y so hapi ??? got any good things wanna share..?? hehe.. =)
take care
jia you for 2nite lo..


Blogger yammy | 26 July, 2007 21:50

weiqi: that pattern 多过 badminton so familiar hor lols. MILK makes u DRUNK! i like tuna spread. =x haha.

meikian: wa u still laughing at the hua sheng ah? haha. i pity him sia. hahaha :p i still remember you sing the "cha cham bo" song. lols. XD

qianhui: 你的com几时ok? i miss chatting with you leh. aiyo. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 21:53

quizzy no lah, u r not wrong ... i just tot changing "doh" (which is correct!) to "dough" wld b fun lor ... den can make bread wich goes wif tea, jam n bread n nutella and of course milk!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 22:20

-_-! sofui jie, u win~~ haha.

anyway, just let my mother listen to MLB's album le and ask for her opinions la. maybe she need to listen to it a few more times ba - when asked her how she think of it, she was smiling away answering "can can can, but yong qi is still the jing dian (classic) la~".

LOL! And other than that her favorite would be lei...maybe its because she listen to it on yes933 a lot of times le ba? haha.

~.~ she don't allow me to buy another album on Saturday - not even when i use the excuse that "her supervisor loves milubing too so can give him as a present"... sigh...shall be a good girl then~ haha


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 22:25

got MLB... someone posted it in e publicity blog.. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 22:25

eh, anonymous tag this in the publicity blog - another MLB's interview with mypaper. This time is about IT gadgets. haha.


with videos included too. But i'll watch later or maybe tomorrow in school. Now fixing my comp...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 22:29

if not because my comp is lagging I would have post earlier than qing qing le...tsk tsk tsk...haha, thats shows we're fated - qing qing, u can't escape from my clutches now =P


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 22:37

quizzy, i scared scared sia.. SHAN!! come save mi!! lol.. i watch finish e videos liao.. GREAT n NICE!! =D

sam: u v li hai lei.. can dream of ur BRICK GAME!! lol.. =D yes, cantonese songs r nice.. haha.. but i dun understand.. lol..

weiqi: heehee.. so responsible lei.. haha.. hor hor!! u say out nic got pink shoes.. lol.. =D

nic: heehee.. pink is nice!! yes, it's striking, but tat's wat make it nice.. =) my shoes oso pink de.. =D hot pink!! YEAH!! but nice ma. rite? haha.. =P
but my fav colour is YELLOW!!! yeah..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 22:44

ok lorh, i change my mind liao....

SAM should endorse MP3.

NIC should endorse PSP.

WEIQI should endorse... laptop?

haha... 拜托,SAM和NIC,你们真的很像售货员can!i shall remember to approach your xuan chuans on sat and ask them to help u guys look for endorsement. =.=

伟奇,for once, you didnt crap! so 正经all of a sudden, not used to it leh. haha.... :P

and NIC, i know your pink shoes! haha... las time when i saw the pink shoes i kept saying it doesnt blend with you. LOLS. but really, rocker just doesnt tie in with pink wad. haha...ok, so from now on we'll flood u with pink stuff yah? :)

SAM, canto songs super nice! hahas... twins also not bad leh. lols....


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 22:56

Hahaha...Weiqi, you sound like you very high today huh? (^_~) guess you must be in a very good mood today, some more today go jamming right... d^_^b

hmm...seemed like no one knew what you are talking about ah...?? it's actually from a song called "The name game" so it's not alien, greek or any funny language that Weiqi is making up wor...hehe :Þ


Blogger PeiShan | 26 July, 2007 23:01

to qing:
u calling for mi ar .. haha .. aiyo, u shld b calling for *ahem* ma .. haha ..

to sam:
eh, i thk u 走火入魔 le lor .. dream of e brick game .. summore e bricks r falling onto u .. scary sia .. but when u said it, u like laughing leh .. i oso like to play brick game .. but mine spoil liao .. =(

to meikian:
ya lor ya lor .. they can go endorse e IT gadgets liao .. 说得头头是道 .. i thk better then those salesman lor .. haha ..


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 23:08

shan: lol! i dun wan call for *ahem* !! if i call, later all kick mi n box mi sia.. lol =D
yes!! they sure better than those salesperson de la.. haha..
yeah! hi-five!! i like e BRICK GAME oso! it's so nice lor.. haha.. i used to play using my cousin de.. hee.. cos i dun hav ma.. wahaha.. =D
*ahem* we like alot of things in common hor!! bad sia!! lol.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 23:13

thx for e link to e article, qing n quizzy n anonymous.. :)

sam, i tink u play brick game until zou huo ru mo liao lor..still can dream tt u are in e game..i cant stop laughing when i imagined u in e game den e bricks came falling down..haha..sorry eh! :P

nic, pink is nice! :P guys in pink is a statement.. :) now still got ppl laugh at guys w pink stuff meh..tsk tsk..not every guy can carry e colour pink well de lor..hee..i encourage guys to use pink! :D n hor, y u like trying to promote psp ar..so cute la u..haha..

weiqi, u so serious when toking abt ur gadgets sia..hehe..no lame jokes ar..heh heh..but it's so xing wei to noe tt u guys are putting in so much into ur music.. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 July, 2007 23:15

qing & quizzy,
thanks for the MyPaper article on MLB.

Oh, I love cantonese songs too. My favourite Hongkong singers are Andy Lau, Leslie Chueng, Jacky Chueng, Anita Mui & etc.

Ya, agree with meikian that its time for the management to look for endorsements for MLB. 1st choice should be Milo, then adidas, then ......

Talking about Pink, dun forget that 5th Aug 2006, all MLBians were wearing Pink lor. Actually Pink is a very nice colour, it brighten your days. And I think many guys are wearing Pink nowsaday, dun see there's anything wrong with guy in Pink.
Fyi, I have 3 Pink tees & a hot Pink long sleeve shirt.


Blogger PeiShan | 26 July, 2007 23:19

to qing:
haha .. ya .. if u call for *ahem*, i thk i 1st one box u lor .. haha .. kidding .. aiyo .. ya lor, we like a lot of things in common leh .. eh eh, a lot of things in common wif mi y bad hur .. u shld feel rong xin ok .. haha ..

gotta slp le .. nitez ppl .. sweet dreams .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 23:19

OH! nic like pink!! tts strange, tts really strange!!!

if we flood him with pink stuff, ii think he will get phobia with PINK! hahaha~!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 July, 2007 23:20

Oh, forget to thanks Anonymous for tagging the article in e publicity blog.


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 23:26

heehee.. uncle phil n yunaping, welcome! =)

shan: lol.. of cos bad la!! later u everything oso wanna fight w mi sia.. haha.. eh, pls lor.. it's ur rong xin, my bu xing!! haha..

haha.. i always tell my bro to buy pink clothes! lol.. i think guys look nice in pink lei.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 26 July, 2007 23:32

yuanping* sorry, spell ur name wrongly.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 23:36

hee Uncle Phil, they have already endorse Addidas. dun have milo thou.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 23:46

hei, i oso had a game of badminton juz now! sweat it out!

nic - din noe u like pink stuff... so nxt x tink pple noes wat colour to get 4 u liao...

hi hi all~ (^^)/


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 July, 2007 23:53

ha then nic will get a lot of pink, and sam may get bricks. :-P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 00:03

Oh izzit? MLB already endorsed Addidas? But never see any advertisment before leh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 00:10

sam - leo ku is 1 of my fav singer too... wonder if there's a day tat he'll b in sin 4 a concert...

nite all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 00:58

Uncle Phil, din you notice that what they are wearing are all Addidas? Endorsement no necessarily need to shoot any ad.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 01:12


good night lo~~ TGIF!!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 01:49

Hi Initial D,
Of course I did notice that they are wearing Addidas outfits & shoes, but thought endorsement will have advertisment.
Fyi, sometimes it can only be sponsored & not necessary to have endorsement. I remember Soul also worn many Addidas outfits during the Superband season. And the Warner Music website (http://milubing.warnermusic.com.sg/default.html - then select Accolades under Artiste Profile) also never mention that they have endorsement with addidas except only Super Coffee Mix.
Maybe MLB can enlighten us on this?


Blogger binz | 27 July, 2007 01:58

thanks for the wobao link. their interviews quite nice. not those cliche type(: weiqi seemed especially serious and zhen4 jing3 in the video. so not like him so cold here leh! oh no weiqi has got split character? lolx jk.

haix i wan the poster but really cannot get down to bkpj auto session. hahax perhaps any friendly mlbian stayin at east side who is goin can help me get the album+poster?(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 02:02

hmm i think the adidas clothes are sponsored bahhx... dun think it's endorsement, not very sure.

so was nic the one who suggested that the grandfinals colour was pink? haha... i remember the colour used to be green or smth initially, then changed to pink.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 08:22

haha...cos nic don't seem to like green is it?

anyway, peg informed me that particular interview is featured in today's mypaper too. As in, really ARTICLE la~

hehe good morning! Tomorrow is the day~! Jia you~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 08:27

eh, cannot find leh, not sure if she'd make a mistake hur... -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 08:29

yao si, online de E-paper hasn't been put up yet. It's still Thursday de - no wonder I cannot find. LOL!


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 08:51


binz: i'm staying in e east!! yeah! lol.. if i gg, mayb i can help u?

quizzy: wat time u gg? noe wat bout marssh ma?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 09:14

nicky nouse. lo. new addition to the DISNEY family? :p

anyway MLBians, i suddenly thought of it. since 淚 is already on the chart, we can vote by calls & smses. why not we save the coupons for a new song on the chart? how about 適應? cos for new songs to be up, can only vote via coupons, then need alot of coupons. so how's that? using coupons to put 適應 up and continue to keep 淚 up there by calls and smses? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 09:28

Good Morning,guys & mibians

i decide to vote y i still love u ???
the song is so touching.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:10

binz, which part of e east are u staying at? i mite be able to help u..mail me? yuanping87@hotmail.com :)

erm for e yes 933 long hu bang voting rite..pls do not vote other songs up yet..u are onli wasting ur vote cos it wun be enuf to get onto e chart..when we hv accumulated enuf pts for lei den we start voting other songs..voting 2 songs at e same time will onli disrupt our votes n we dun hv tt mani coupons on hand oso..yup..i will keep arnd 20 coupns to vote for shi ying when we feel we hv accumulated enuf pts for lei k.. :)

let me jus post e voting methods again:

1) voting coupons obtained from i- weekly (40%)
cost: 26 cents

2) sms voting (30%)
sms POTP933 LEI to 72346
cost:30 cents

3) hotline voting (20%)
call 19009120933, key in ur phone no followed by #, den press 1 followed by 17# (for lei)
cost: 20 cents

4) visual radio (10%)


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 11:20

i wan help binz!!!! lol.. =X

yes, yuanping jie jie.. wahaha!!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:22

Good Morning MLB... MLBains
Howdy frm Maldives!

Wah! Weiqi..badminton..it reminds me of your superband days...Judges said "MLB..pattern 多过 badminton!!
So the more you play badminton means we all will see more patterns..hurray!!!

So many activities huh..I really want to say a BIG thank you to all those that took the trouble to post news on MLB, interviews, videos..it at least help me to keep connected. MLB CD is with me in Maldives and I am playing it everyday!

Posters at MRT Stations..that is good advertisement..if I saw one..I will stand there and stare at the 3 bois.. so HAPPY for them and the fans.You guyz keep up the good work and swarm around MLB..!!!

K.. so much frm me.. I am gg to swim with the fishes and kiss the sharks..they are as long as me..n dun bite!



Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 11:42

ttww ah yi: HI!!!! aiyo, y swim w fish, nv swim w mi.. haha.. =D i dun even noe how to swim.. wahaha.. =D

lorita: hi!! u gg at 1 on sat is it?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:45

qing qing

TTWW ayi
how are u ????
miss you and take care lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:46

countdown for MLB last authorgraph session!!!!!

so sad.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:46

countdown for MLB last authorgraph session!!!!!

so sad.....


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 11:52

lorita: yeah!! can i go w u? lol.. i dunno how to go.. haha.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:58

one more day ler :D

but prob is, i still carn figure out how to go ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 11:59

qing qing
i might be going by mrt...is faster


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 12:02

how do i go frm mrt if i stay at pasir ris oh? can teach me?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 12:05

haha...i also stay in pasir ris
but i'm going to go gym in bugis

okay,take mrt to jurong east then charge the middle train to CCK then take LRT to BP

haha.....hope i can help u


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 12:07

oh. hahas. ok (: i try to figure out how go on dat day. lols. thx lots lots :D


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 12:10

LOL!! i oso staying in pasir ris!! wahaha..

lorita, den can i meet u at bugis?


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 12:11

-rip-berries, u gg w ur frens is it?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 12:12

qing qing
u have msn then we chat in msn ma
my msn is love_moi26@hotmail.com


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 12:14

lorita, i add u le.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 12:15

qing qing,
i not sure. hahas. cuz i asked some of my frens they say they not free ): then those free de are only guy de frens ):


Blogger PeiShan | 27 July, 2007 12:23

to qing:
i where got everything oso fight wif u .. no lor.. it's ur rong xin, my bu xing la .. haha ..

i read today's my paper liao .. it's e IT gadgets interview de .. e one tt is alr online .. so sorry .. e scanner not connected to my comp, i cant scan to upload ..


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 12:31

shan: eh.. pls lor.. it's my bu xing zhong de bu xing!! lol.. dun tell mi u like yellow oso? lol.. dun copy mi kkkkkk!! lol..

rip-berries: oh.. u got msn? mine is yeo_qq@hotmail.com, add mi?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 12:38

I STRONGLY AGREE with what yuanping has said.
We should concentrate on "Lei" first. Its not even hit the Top 10 yet. We may only consider voting for "Shi Ying" when "Lei" hit the Top or at least Top 3.

Do not WASTE your coupons by voting other songs, we may end up not even 1 song on the chart due to insufficient votes. We need to be UNITED and cast votes for the same song.

And as far as I know; after "Lei" (di yi zhu da ge), shall be "Shi Ying" (di er zhu da ge) & follow by "Get Alive" (de san zhu da ge).

Lets cooperate and cast our votes for "Lei" as of now.
Thank you very much to all MLBians for putting so much efforts to push "Lei" to the TOP of the Chart.
MLB Family Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 12:43

**Wave** to ttww,
Wow, glad to see you tagging here. Have you settle down at Maldives? Hope that everything goes smoothly in whatever you do over there.
Most important is to take great care of yourself & drop by here to tag whenever you are free.
Have a nice day & great weekend. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 13:01

vote for lei......

wave to uncle phil


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 13:06

qing qing,
oki. mine is zhanyinqq-berries@hotmail.com
will add u now (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 13:10

wee~~ it's Friday~~ no mood to do work~~ haha at weekend mood le.

Nvm if u can't scan, shan. Maybe xiu jiejie will do that or I ripped from the E-paper online ba ;).

Yes when we vote for multiple songs, there is a tendency that, say, lei, will not get good results? Choi choi choi la, but if we feel that 'lei' seemed to be (as in, the trend shows...) disappearing from POTP soon, then we can start voting other songs? haha.

so yeah, tomorrow I should be taking 960 or 963 from Woodlands Interchange and try to be there by 1.30pm. Cos will be gymming in school first or jogging at Stadium...

I prefer to jog at stadium leh - provided the weather isn't sucky... O.o!


Blogger PeiShan | 27 July, 2007 13:29

to qing:
aiyo .. wateva la .. qi si wo .. u dun worry la, yellow is not my fav color .. haha ..

to quizzy:
okok .. =)


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 13:33

shan: haha.. at lest got one thing we not e same liao.. wahaha.. den wat colour u like?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 13:48

hi quizzy_me, the scan copy already uploaded since this am. ;p


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 13:55

thanks xiu! =)


Blogger PeiShan | 27 July, 2007 14:03

to qing:
dun tell u .. =P aiyo .. my blog got write rite .. u nv c ar ..

to xiu:
thx thx ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:27

Hey Mlbians, can catch us on 933 tonight ya? jus a reminder. Btw, the MLB big bro/sis thingy submission has closed le, now it's up to the company :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:40

Weiqi said
the MLB big bro/sis thingy submission has closed le, now it's up to the company :)

27 July, 2007 14:27

huh...weiqi...i dun understand wat u toking about le wat submission has closed?????
i really blur la


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:48

haha... 1st time i see weiqi here reminding us to tune in. U going to teach us how to pronouce whatever u posted on air isit?... ltr i will try to put in the direct streaming to the blog so that u can also hear it while commenting (refresh on comments page only to enjoy continuous streaming)... will try to do a recording.;P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:51

thanks the info...xiu


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 15:46

Hi weiqi,
Thought the MLB big bro/sis thingy submission was already closed since last Friday 12noon?
Anyway, lets wait for the company to decides what they looking for? Hopefully the one that got picked are capable of doing a great job for the FC. Cheers...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 15:48

Oh ya, thanks weiqi for the reminder to tune in yes933 tonight at 11pm. Btw, I already set reminder in my hp.
Think there will be more reminders here this evening. Hahaha...


Blogger PeiShan | 27 July, 2007 16:45

to weiqi:
thx for reminding us .. =) rmb to chill e yes 933 station hor .. haha ..
eh .. ya lor, i tot e submission thingy closed long ago liao ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 17:59

thanks xiu jiejie!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 18:02

Nic's complexion seems to have improved recently??That's good news!!

Sam has lost some weight....

I like Weiqi's current hairstyle. Makes him look like a celebrity.

I love MLB!!



Blogger marssh | 27 July, 2007 19:09

yeah i see 3 familiar faces at many of e mrt stations worz....big big poster wif background playing their new album songs lalallla so so happy....tmlo tmlo tmlo!!!

weiqi really really vry vry lame.....atmosphere soooo cold like e weather...=.=


Blogger Jodie [: | 27 July, 2007 19:29

hehes. XD.

Anyway, 11pm?
Hope i can bahs.
I really hope to hear it LIVE!
But i next day have to reach school by 6am, even though is a Saturday!
I really hope to hear it.


Blogger Jodie [: | 27 July, 2007 19:31

To marssh: I SAW THE BIG POSTER AT TAMPINES MRT STATION! Also heard the song too. And my friend and me went crazy. hahas. XD.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 14:38

wei qi . u very handsome hahas. jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:34

Clementi also gotta the poster!
weiqi more and more handsome le. haha. wad u eat huh!? =x


Blogger ♥missjae | 23 August, 2007 16:33


I'm from ADM TOO! haha. cya ard campus ground! (:

ADMers unite! XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 01:19

halo testing


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 01:34

Hi dear hippos/cuties & friends,

No idea what happened to the previous AK. It seems the jungle has overgrown. Never mind le~ is a a signal to move over to tis fresh pasture. Bye to previous AK.



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 01:38

~~~ WELCOME TO AK6 ~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 08:14

whee~~ am i one of the first to find it??? yeah!!! haha
later got gp paper.. sian...:P


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 09:41

I'm here!

Wave to birdie, wave to eeyore, and wave to the rest who find his/her way here~~~~

btw, i think this is AK7 liao rite? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 11:42

hi duckling u are rite! SORI i lost touch THIS SHD BE AK7...tks duckling..

by the way welcome both - curious, how did u both manage to find yr way here thru de jungle, when i din leave any clue.. so clever? pat both yr heads~

Awaiting other cuties to AK7


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 13:25

flamingo reporting!

tis time 1st try & managed to find this land... ;p

oic.. i tot it's my problem tat i cant c d recent posts...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2008 01:55

Yoz yoz AK7!!! 7 is my lucky number. good :D

hmm... ah... I'm one of the last to reach here ah.

Nevertheless, let make some noise here!!! I know its already way past midnight... can I blast my radio??


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2008 11:28

we are now at location:- 26/07/07 AK7- eh! sounds like James Bond 007 - lucky 7, so gd luck to every1 who touch tis soil..

something interesting:-

In Life, what you see is what you get.

Try this,

- Loveisnowhere

What do you see?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2008 11:21

love is now here~ :)
whoo~ self declared full day today! common test over!! slacking away~
hahas anyw let me ask u all.. wads the most lasting memory from your childhood? eg fav toy/ cartoon/ events etc.. cos doing on this theme about lost childhood for coursework...:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2008 13:39

hi bird...jus got back... swim here..too big so a bit slow!

hurray to AK7.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2008 00:30

hi wave eeyore, NPwruss n all cuties..

my 1st glance was -" Love is no where" & 2nd glance was "Love is now here"..

hmmm, childhood lasting memories..
got many..i used to stay around the Farrer Park MRT area.. something like ChinaTown type.. a big house with many rooms inside n diff kinds of tenants.. all sharing one toilet, one bathroom, one sink n one tap..
but my place was more kampong type, i remembered there was a big cockerel n a big goose.. both no idea, hated or loved me.. frequently got painful pecks on my legs.. so got to looked left n right to mke sure the 2 rascals were not around b4 i dared to walk to the backyard..then quickly ran back to the hse, to siam them if they appeared.. life, then was nvr boring... every day was interesting!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 00:50

Pulau Ubin - went there many years ago, n went there agn last Sunday.. so much had changed..some development done already..

since when i sat in a bum-boat..

yrs ago, i had tis feeling that Time stood still there, but tis time no such feelings..however, the place is still rustic n laidback kampong ambience..with its rubber n coconut trees , minus the poultry.. @ Chek Jawa - still can c plenty of vegetations, mangrove trees, napah palm, which is rare in Spore Island.. n my fav Attap Chee, came from the fruits..
it was a pleasure n v relaxing to c seagulls flying above the sea n also spoted a hornbill high above the tree.. Nature! is beautiful!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2008 21:49

hey all, just discovered that I didn't show up for almost one week. Haha...almost lost my way since it is new. :P
Life is still as busy. everyday open my eyes, I start to stare at the computer, till I close my eye before sleep.
Nong nong time ago, when computer didn't exist in my life at all, i didn't even know what is it... at a small kampong in Serangoon, near Hougang. Life was simple and happy. No toys no video or computer game, just simple hide and seek, catching and zero point. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2008 00:16

hee hee, dolphins are so clever, human like.. read on..

Amazing News from Wellington -( AFP - Wednesday, March 12)


"At a New Zealand beach, a two-metre bottlenose dolphin, named Moko by locals, guided two stranded whales to safety after human attempts failed, after apparently communicating with them."

"The whales made contact with the dolphin and she basically escorted them about 200 metres parallel with the beach to the edge of the sandbar."

"Then she did a right-angle turn through quite a narrow channel and escorted them out to sea and we haven't seen those whales since."

read full txt :-



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 23:48

wow~ hahaah dolphin must be so proud of her own species! lol.
ahhhh xiao jing teng is coming singapore!!!!! hahahah he's this cute shy guy from the taiwan singing competition. he sings really well!! whoo~ excited!!! haahahahahah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2008 23:52

oh ya. thanks for the contributions for the childhood thingy! haha i didnt realise that children dont have toys at all back then.. anyw its jus about this thing about us neglecting the childhood innocence and simple happiness due to our current busy lifestyle. hope u guys had a nice time recalling the happy simple times during your childhood and keep that innocence in your hearts!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 00:31

Yah, I'm very proud of my relatives. :D we are a bunch of clever mammal. Haha...

You r welcome eeyore, we really dun have much toy in our era... soumd like we are very old. Haha... Well, we do have toys, but with all the big compound to run and explore, we can just throw our barbie dolls or transformer aside and play hide and seek instead. its more fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 00:57

hey! hey! years ago, toys were limited, the roads were not so congested.. plenty of compound, plenty of bushes/trees.. so girls usually play hide n seek, police & thief, five stones, skipping, whereas, boys like to fly self made kites of various designs, marbles & spiders..

the next few days will be gg up north to hv some fun with one-arm bandits.. c u all when i'm bck..

enjoy yrself in dreamland all..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 01:05

a little joke b4 i retire to dreamland..

There are three major races in Malaysia - Malay, Chinese and
Indian .

The Malays have the political power and so they set up
the party UMNO, which Literally means 'U Must Not Object'.

The Chinese, on the other hand, controls most of the economy
and they called their party MCA which means 'Money Conquers All'.

Then there are the Indians who have no say in politics or
economics. They set up their party called MIC. Hence, every
parliamentary meeting the Indians would ask: 'Must I Come?'

just a joke told to me... hope it doesnt offend anyone here!

gd nite!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 16:08

yo everybody!

wah birdie... din know tat u've become a nite owl... haa...

eeyore, tis wk's i-weekly got a pg abt d snacks in d 80s... kaka, bee bee, doraemon choco, etc... really bring back some memories...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 13:44

Happy Easter!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 21:23

Happy Easter day... finally a break, even though it's just a day only cos have full day class on Sat and Sun, it's still a nice break from the hectic schedule.

Read in CS that samco went Tioman for diving... arh... I wanna go too. Last time i went there to dive, on the way back to the mainland, I met one of my relatives too. what a nice surprise then. Hope i can meet them again soon. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2008 13:25

yoz, i bck... eh, if u feeling tired n tense, read below to relax..

Animals are getting cleverer. Some of them hv evolved the same abilities as humans.

Previously heard alot abt 'Ah Meng'. Recently came across news of dolphins' human like ability n how they love to help the helpless, regardless of whether they are humans or fm the sea-world - reminds me of 'Robin Hood'.

Then follow by news of ducklings ..

Interesting links below... relax!

Dolphins communicate like humans by calling each other by "name", scientists in Fife have found
The mammals are able to recognise themselves and other members of the same species as individuals with separate identities, using whistles.

source:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4034383.stm

Dolphins Saved NZ swimmers fm shark attacks..

Some Lifeguards were training at a beach near Whangarei, North Island when they were menaced by a 3-metre gt shark. Abt half a dozen dolphins raced in to help. They surrounded the swimmers n swam in tight circles to create a defensive barrier for 40 minutes, trying to deter the shark & help the swimmers safely back to the beach.

source:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/4750471.stm

Good Friday, Mar. 21 Interesting - Quacking Fashions - Australia's most famous annual Easter Events
Ducks dressed in fashionable native clothings by the owners & do catwalk fashion parade.

source:- http://www.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=78638&videoChannel=4

Adventurous spirit wanted?
Man sells life + personal package on eBay.

source:- http://www.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=78561&videoChannel=4


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2008 13:32

hi flamingo.. i hv always been a nite owl.. prefer to do some personal wk n thinking in the nite.. quiet n peaceful.. can think better...

hope u, hippos & all the cuties had a happy easter!

happy sunday all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2008 13:32

A cute Chihuahua dog, called Conan, learnt to pray for treats @ a Japanese temple after learning to imitate the worshippers around him.

"Conan started to pose in prayer like us whenever he wanted treats," said Joei Yoshikuni, a priest at Jigenin temple on the southern island of Okinawa.

When the priest starts chanting and raises his clasped hands, Conan also raises his paws,...and looks right up at the statue of a Buddhist deity.
see the cute picture -


waves cuties~ .. happy wking/studying! i kn every1 is bzy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:27

Happy April Fool's Day! Hope ppl enjoy being fooled just for 2day~ ha~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 02:14

'Like any other kind of love, friendship can be lost within our lives due to neglect or anger or, sometimes, simply circumstances..'

hi cuties/peeps,

weekend is here, if u need entertainments.. free viewings fm various ountries..including 'Death Note'..


or maybe simply listening to

黄金路 - 路



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 22:55

Hi all, how ya doing? Long time never tag here... still in bz period, and it will go on for quite for time. Now life is only @ 3 places, home, office and school. Project going live soon, exam around the corner. Guess I really need to have more than 1 life to survive this period. Some time really wanna tell my boss that I wanna quit because it really not worth for me to hang on like this. Haiz...

Anyway, I'll be in deep ocean for this period, but I might pop up for a breather once in a while. Take care while I'm not around! And thanks for birdie for keeping this place warm. We need it really! Keep the AK spirit alive!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 April, 2008 13:37

"True Friends are very rare, they are like jewels, indeed.
They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.
They lend an ear.
They share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us.
Show yr friends how much you care.
Share a little bit of yr precious time.
Cos time is running short.
Yeterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery"..

hi cuties, happy lunch time nw.. so hv u all eaten?..

dolphin, tks for yr encouragement & for sharing yr precious time here, inspite of yr bzy schedule.. it makes me want to keep AK alive as long as possible..
Cheers AK~

u are as bzy as goldfish..
Good Luck & JIAYOU! both n eeyore too, for exams and studies~

here is a little joke, just for fun..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 April, 2008 13:43

Mr.Delegate went for the recent United Nations' Meeting.
He represented the Malaysian Prime Minister.

All nations were discussing about space exploration by the year 2003.

Here are some of the

China Delegate : 'By 2003, China will start their moon exploration project.'

Russian Delegate : 'We too, we are going to explore the moon. This time we will see to it that our cosmonauts will step on the moon.'

George Bush : 'We the United States will also explore the moon for the second time.'

Malaysian Delegate: 'By 2003, Malaysia will explore the sun.'

There was a long silence.

Bush stood up and asked the Malaysian Delegate: 'Isn't it too hot to explore the sun?'

Mr Delegate:- (after a long silence): 'We will do it in the evening'.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 April, 2008 01:13

Hi folks, havent visited for a while. Back here for some relaxation. I did my duty for chingming back on good Friday, which got me thinking. Is chingming a chinese tradition or a religious one? I always tot it was a tradition to do with being chinese but wn I checked the online dictionary for the english translation, the answer was contrary to wat I tot. hmm…all of a sudden, it just struck me that sometimes, it seems we do things out of obligation w/o tinking of it’s implication (if there is any) or if & how it affects our own beliefs in any way. If we dun pay respects to the people who hv gone away in the manner which they understand or believe, will they ever get our well wishes? Do u all know that the taiwanese call this the tomb sweeping day in English? I had a good laugh when I heard it cos I tot that they would hv come up with a more creative name for this day instead of a direct translation. And it’s even a public hol for them!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 April, 2008 01:28

u all must be thinking such a morbid topic for relaxation! well, reflection can be a source of relaxation or agony. To me, unloading my tots is a form of relaxation. so i m more relaxed now. Thanks for the therapy session! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 April, 2008 02:17

hi garfield, welcome home.

I did my duty for chingming too on Sat.

i choose to believe is a Chinese traditional festival to honor the dead, ppl we love & lost.. a day to remember our love ones n to clean their graves..to offer them food/floowers..

to the farmers it is also a festival to celebrate the coming of Spring, where everything is suppose to be green, fresh and clean..

i believe, most asian countries do set aside a day to remember the dead.. n to honor them for all the goodies that they had laid out for us..

maybe, somewhere down the lines, some ppl might add some religious prayers n rites according to their religions, in the hope that is might help the dead..

well, so long as whatever, they do can help to ease n comfort the living..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:36

Hey hey, I'm back for relaxation too...a little update of me, just had a one week MC last week. I kena Shingles, on my forehead. Originally, I thought I was bitten by some bug, but when my doctor saw it, she immediately referred me to Mt E specialist... then i realise it can be very serious. Lucky my shingles not so bad, it just a small patch, didn't expand its area. So i'm back to work, and continue to work like a slave.

FYI... Shingles grows with the line of nerves and caused by low immunity system and stress.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 April, 2008 00:59

thanks birdie, dat's another way to look at it.
Arghhhh....back to rant! frustrating days at work these days. clearing up people's mess. sigh i know it is part of my job but when i wade thru the murky muddy waters, i wonder why is it me? times like these, i wish i call the shots, then can "delegate" the blxxdy mess to someone else to clean up. so tired now, the only good thing is dat i m so tired dat i get to sleep like a baby at nite. so nitey, gotta get rest for another day at the muddy waters. PCK, lend me ure yellow boots pleaaaasssseee!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 April, 2008 17:25

oh no... dolphin.. u must be too stressed... get well soon k~ tho i still dun quite get what is shingles..:P hahahah..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 April, 2008 01:39

Shingles(Chinese called Snake) is caused by the same virus that causes chicken-pox. The chickenpox virus remains in a dormant state in certain nerve cells of the body for many months to many years, and then reactivates, causing shingles. This can only happen to ppl who had chicken-pox b4 & when the body resistant temporary became low & stressed.

Some years bck, Shingles almost complete the circle around my waist. B4 the rashes appear, the area around my waist became v sensitive, when the clothing touches the flesh. I thot there are thorns inside my flesh. Then the blisters appeared thick, red n hot. Caused alot of discomfort. I was on MCs for 28days + 2days AL. It took a long time to heal.

dolphin - u are able to wk in such a short period? better take care of yr health.. take a breather, when u feel stressed.

Shingles on the forehead can be serious, if it spread to the eyes area. The eyes can be affected.

happy Sunday~ rest well all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 April, 2008 10:14

oh my... so serious.... i think my mum mentioned something about the snake before.. its something like the rashes form a snake shape one right??
dolphin, take care ok~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 April, 2008 15:52

halo everybadee......

woo, dolphin... how did tat get onto ur head? those tat i heard usually is on d body de...

it's no mom wk for me coz she went holi... gotta eat out, wash clothes, clean hse... haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2008 01:13


Fm an unmarried lady, tired of her relatives' pokings..

"Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals."


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2008 18:39



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 April, 2008 01:10

One Billionaire was at the beach one day. He owns many ships. He saw a fisherman, relaxing letting time passed. He felt that the fisherman was wasting his time and did not have plan to own a ship and develop a career so that he can be rich and retire like him, to relax at the beach & enjoy life.

The Fisherman said, 'that's what I am doing now. I don't have to be rich to enjoy life'.

Waves~ no need to be rich to enjoy yr Sunday~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 April, 2008 02:05

myself seldom watch channel 8 dramas, but for those who love to watch - link below, all the past years too..


enyoy yrself!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 April, 2008 22:39

my ahma once said that if the snake goes one round over your body, sure will go somewhere exotic to report. so birdie you hv just proven it's an old wive's tale in a way. but if the disease progresses to that stage, it must be pretty advanced and harder to treat. Actually shingles is easily treated with medication if it is detected early so i guess that's why dolphin recovered so much faster than you.
Another related viral strain causes cold sores. never share food with anyone with the sores as the virus is active at that time. once you get cold sores, you hv to live with it as it never goes away and re-surfaces whenever you are stressed or hv low immunity too. so many transmissible diseases nowadays, i dun like to share food or at least use serving spoons pls. some girls have such petite appetites, they like to share food for fear of putting on weight. i am usually the odd one out who will eat the entire portion. yummy what, live to eat, not eat to live. the worse is they ask if you wanna try out an exotic drink in a social function, and all 4 persons have oredi tried it before me, from the same cup! i hope they dun see my eyes grow from -_- to O_O erm thanks, but i will give this new beverage a miss or i'll order my own :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2008 01:22

hi how's every1.. miss all the cuties..

enjoy yr holiday - Happy Labour Day!

hi garfield - our ahmas cld be rite.. cos the snake did not mke a full circle.. still got abt 2 inches space, i thot i was really gg to that exotic resort to report.. but the angels say, i hv to be scrubbed plenty more b4 i can go to there..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2008 01:32

sori errors above...the angels said, i hv to be scrubbed plenty more b4 i can go there.. so hv to bear with all the scrubbings if i wish to fly to that pure land...

a friend emailed me tis story.. v touching..

The Special Occasion


"A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package."

"This," he said, "Isn't any ordinary package."
He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.
"She got this the first time we went to New York, 8 or 9 years ago.
She never put it on; was saving it for a special occasion.
Well, I guess this is it.

" He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house. His wife had just died. He turned to me and said,

"Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion.

" Those words changed my life. Now I read more and clean less. I sit without worrying about anything. I spend more time with my family, and less at work. I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through. I no longer keep anything. I use crystal glasses every day, I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket if I feel like it. If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now." unquote..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 May, 2008 08:16

Hi! i'm back for another visit.
Came across this song by Lee Ann Womack while listening to the radio on the road. nice lyrics, i copy n paste them here.

I Hope You Dance

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed,
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin',
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.)

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

Dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance..
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 21:24

hi folks!

saw tis on ytd's my paper which i find it quite farnie. it's abt ugly passengers... ;p



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2008 02:47

Hi all, happy weekend & happy mothers day to all the cuties mums, treasure yr mums..

i miss my mum.

I Hope You Dance - ya, i like the lyrics, meaningful..

The ugly Singaporeans - plenty around..i was in Bkk once & the Thai guide did mentioned some of the ugly actions, of our country ppl.. so embarrassing..

c link .. u will feel sick..


Myanmar -

'The situation in Myanmar is one of horror almost beyond imagining -- with starving survivors picking for food in waterways littered with the bodies of the dead -- and aid groups agree time is running out, yet the govt is placing so many unacceptable" restrictions.
Refused to allow foreign relief workers to help desperate cyclone survivors. Many of the survivors are injured. The situation is chaotic & v sad, is like living in hell.'

The flooding is so magnitube that even can be Seen From Space.

This week is also Friendship week.. let us pray for all the ppl who are suffering in one way or another..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 May, 2008 12:02

Fury of Mother Nature - can be so scary! lucky for the ppl of Spore, being flat can be a blessing..no need to fear de tsunami, typhoons or earthquakes..

anyway, will be spreading my wings for a few days.. bck next wk..

Cheers AK! take care cuties!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 May, 2008 13:02

hello, sorry for mia-ing, seldom have the time to pop over here once in a while.School's been great, and i am doing my year two now. This whole year i learnt numerous things, and it was a total new experience for me. yea, it had been a fruitful year.

Ak stays the same after so long. hahaha, misses please. will try to drop back often okay. meanwhile, everyone please take care.

i still can be reachable by msn/email.
moved my blog to livejournal.:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 May, 2008 20:25



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 May, 2008 13:50

wow parrot drop back for a visit.*wave* too.
i hate Q-jumpers. nearly got into a fight with a Q-jumper recently, got me so riled up. i still feel upset over the incident.
nowadays i keep seeing lefties playing guit on tv. 1st was joanna wang, then came david cook from AI(he rocks!), then i saw the guitarist fr air supply also a lefty on guit. v weird to see them holding the guit the "wrong" way & yet so comfortable with it. hee....totally random, jump fr one topic to another....my train of thought is jumbled up...yawn...so sleepy now, go nap nap.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 May, 2008 10:56

three cheers to lefties!! lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 May, 2008 12:33

happy vesak day!

i'm enjoying d long wkend... laa laa laa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 23:09

hi waves~ welcome home, parrot.

I am bck fm Cambodia, glad to hv visited de magnificient Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, one of the famous wonders of the world.

The buildings are all so magnificient..including the
Angkor Thom - the magnificent inner royal city built by the end of the 12th century and is renowned for its temple grounds and towering southern gate. The Royal Palace is also so hugh.

But sad to see the ppl here are v poor , mostly living in atap huts with muddy grounds, no proper sanitations, electricity or clean water.. the rivers are so muddy.. ppl & animals are so lean.. difficult to find a fat person or a fat cow.. Ppl here eat all kinds of 4-legged animals - rats/cats/ dogs & creepy things like snakes/spiders, yuk! Along the mekong river, the ppl live in the river boats, bathe, & cook in the same water. Ppl in dirty clothings n naked little youngsters.. young children wandering abt, selling souvenirs or beggings.. they shd be in school?.. so many beggers around, many minus limbs injured by the land mines

Visiting the tortured chambers, of Pol Pot, the khmer Rouge Regime, with its many displays of torturing instruments n pictures of harmless, stripped naked farmers/children/babies, b4 being tortured to death is horific, v sad indeed. The skulls of the tortured dead being displayed & the mass graves created an eerie feelings in me.We were told these places used to hv restless souls crying in the night. Monks n nuns n religious ppl were called to chant prayers for the lost souls. RIP..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 May, 2008 11:22

woo birdie, u went to cambodia! any pics to share?

is tortured chambers w/i angkor wat?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2008 15:28

hi flamingo,

Angkor Wat is a magnificent temple located in Northern Cambodia in the province of Siem Reap, and slightly North of the town of the same name.

http://downtheroad.org/Asia/Photo/2Cambodia_Pictures/2Pictures_Angkor_Wat.htm pics of Angkor Wat

The tortured chambers is is Phnom Penh - now know as the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, converted from a former high school.

pics fm the links are exactly what i c. sori my phots not ready n no gd at IT..

will be away tis weekends - gg up north tis evening..

take care cuties! miss every1 here..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 00:14

hey all! I'm back....yo yo yo..
Had a very hard time this yr in exam, think I will fail another paper or 2... die until nothing left. Found that I can't really concentrate at all, too many things to worry and ponder. Anyway, hope it will change for the better and next yr will be my last yr of exam.

Exam over and now back into the ocean with sharks. oh well...

Angkok wat is nice, hope i can have a palace of that size. hee...

I want go HOLIDAY!!! argh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 02:20

Ho ho, dolphin is back! So quiet w/o u. Your Exams sounds v tough. Now if you ask me to take exams, i will cry. Lucky for you, 1 more yr left only. back to swimming with the sharks sounds even tougher. Next time bring some shark fins soup along n try to scare them by waving it at them! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 10:22

haa.... dolphin, at last ur exams r over...

missed so many events bcoz of ur exams...

hi birdie, sori hvnt been here for long... i went to angkor wat b4... but nt to d tortured chambers in phnom penh...

how many days did u tour angkor wat? i oni did a day's tour which is nt enuf to c all...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 June, 2008 22:29

haha MM, I don't eat shark fin... too bad... Some new changes in work recently, many surprises and shock. a shark swims away, another came along. oh well....

Yah, missed so many events because of the exam. I don't really fare good for exam this year, might have to stretch my study for another yr... haiz... and in another 4 weeks time, will be starting new semester, part time not much of holiday. And an even worst bad new, will have sat classes for the new 1 yr!! Just pray events starts in the late afternoon now. :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 08:15

Yoz...howz everyone?

dolphin, i'll be joining you in 3 wks time...same ground, different destination...hope can keep running for 2 years....

i saw a penguin in the Caribbean Sea...is she our penguin whom we miss? did she lost her way??


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 22:38

oh, so dolphin doesnt eat shark fins. after all that debate on shark fins, dare i say i eat it? maybe dat's why no sharks ard me, but i am sending a sotong on its way. its black ink is driving me nuts. tot i'd better get away before i lose sight of the exit. hope i made a scramble in the right direction.
duckling, good for you, can run along while dolphin swims. Sometimes, maybe you two can get to swim together too.
Also sighted the penguin in CS, not sure since it has lost its colour.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 04:40

okay... i am seriously surprised about the coincidence... Erm, am I the penguin you guys are talking about?

PS. The penguin in CS isn't me. I wouldn't report to CS first...Haha~


I guess uni sorta of take much of a toll on you then you would think. uni has been so hectic that there has been times where I just isolated myself from the world... but luckily, I always have the strength to pick myself up and plunge back in.

And I am back. I am going to take some time to read through to catch up...

Wow... Its already AK 7...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 14:51

Hello! wave~ what a surprise to c pp after such a long time. Welcome home!.. so nice to c parrot & pp around agn.

Ya, i saw a pengiun @ CS. Initially, i was also wondering - 'is she our pp that we miss?' but as garfield said the color was missing - the geniune pp will not forgot AK..

JIAYOU! hippos/cuties, in whatever u are doing! Life can be tough!

The jungle had been v quiet.
Hope more missings can find their way bck, pop in occasionally to share, so life in tis jungle can be more interesting.

Hee flamingo, i spent 2-1/2 days in Siem Reap & 2-1/2 days in Pnomh Penh. We had plenty of time to look around.
Even visited the Royal Palace & went for massages, cruise down the Mekong River, went shopping & even took a walk around the red-light district.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 01:47




Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 00:42

hi birdie... so it's abt 5 days in cambodia... seems like u've had a gd sightseeing w/i d 5 days...

wer's ur nxt destination?

any1 been to russia?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 14:11

flamingo, u been there, Cambodia got no scenery to boast off, food is lousy, not much things to shop, lots of beggers, but the ppl are friendly & i do enjoy viewing the majestic ancient places i went to, maybe bcos we got a gd young/handsome guide. haha!

Came across tis article in AsiaOne ..

"WOMEN are happier than men in Singapore.

Guys, you know what this means? You can go out and buy that boat or racehorse and she'll laugh her head off (rather than hit you on the head with the oar).

Market research has the figures to show that Singapore girls are optimistic. Little things make them cheerful, while the boys are more focused.

According to a survey of 750people, women had a 'happiness index' of 6.8 while men scored only 6.6.." cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2008 17:33

So pp solved the penguin mystery for us w her appearance.
Haven’t been to Russia before. Haha, birdie, it’s good to know dat the fairer sex is more optimistic than the unfairer ones in S’pore but.... 0.2 is not a big difference. guess i m one of the outlier pessimistic ones ard.
talking abt russia, had such a frustrating nite, last nite. it was a PAIN to watch the orange flavour tic tacs struggle to find a goal agst the vanilla ice cream. So disappointing. the orange tic tacs raised my hopes up when i saw their lethal n swift counterattack in one of their earlier matches. i tot this yr, they hv a chance finally. then....this happened. they were beaten by vanilla flavoured fledglings who looked like they were fresh out of school:( Took a look at their coach, den u start to say....no wonder. if i m not wrong, their coach is the wonderful one who turned the Koreans into a super force to be reckoned with. and this upset came aft the 1st one where another of my fave team is kicked out. the guys in maroon. supported them all along but they always disappoint in the critical matches. dunno wat happens, they give stirling perf, then the critical match they jus falter. Argh!!! even when given a precious free kick, cristiano hits wide open! every time this happens to the maroon guys, i tink kelong. wondering y m i still supporting dem, aft all my hero Figo has oredi retired. Den the whole match, camera keep showing the supermodel coach lounging at the bar. i tot this supermodel coach mus be damn bochap, haha den i later read dat he was kicked out of stands by referee fr an earlier match (i missed dat match cos i set my alarm for dat match but jus cldn't wake up!). all the drama i missed. now i dunno who to support, the next one on my list is the team w the supermodel coach. Wat happened to all the traditional super powers in the game? i tink like those in the political game, there is no such thing as super power anymore....its power to the underdogs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 21:43

Ha ha MM, you watching Euro cup? I can't watch, too late for me to stay up and watch. The once in 4 yrs world cup is good enough for me. :P

Russia!! Wanna go, but not by flight, by train. From Beijin to Russia, by train. It is listed one of the trip must take before we die. Maybe not now, but its in my plan.

duckling, I'll be taking mon, wed & sat class from Jul to Sept. Meet up for dinner if you/I can. Hope I can leave work on time for this last yr.

Anyone watch the new superband? What do you think? Saw some ex-superband faces in the new superband.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2008 14:11

wow.. havent been here for quite long..my mid years paper jus ended!! yeah!! hahah
i watched the new superband.. so far didnt see one that i really like jus yet. i think the tu zi quite likable (personality wise la).. but its like most of them not that good or leave a deep impression lor.. maybe cos its still kinda beginning stage of the competition so...hmmm dunno la.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2008 15:18

been hearing on 933 abt d matches... some supposed to b gd team de r out rt? left germany & spain(?).

birdie, haa... so u had a handsome guide. our guide to angkor wat was oso a young chap... nt too handsome but quite fun to b wif. we still went for drinks together.

dolphin, u wan tour china den shun bian go to russia or purposely go fm china? nt too cheap a place, so i hv to save to go.. hope can go in d recent yrs lor.

wanna go india too.. hmm... shall c wer to go 1st.

i've oso watched d sb2... quite like san yue, but tat 1st day's performance i dun like. den eeeee... yi shi jie gd meh? dunno wat d singer singing sia... spoilt jay's song oni... =p

i like tu zi's drumer... she play wif style... v confident.

tat nite's match, tat grp out is quite expected... really cannt make it far wif their style of singing lor.

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