
pattern duo guo ???
milubing | 26 July, 2007 13:14

Sam n I jus had a good game of badminton! I'm @ his house now. Gonna meet the 'hip hop n u dun stop' dancer nic nic bo bic,banana fena fo fick, fi fa mo mick.. nicky nouse..ooooooHHHH YEAH! Jamming tonight! pls bring your knife and bread and butter and nutella and milk! Got milk? :)

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Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 04:43

ah.....SPAIN won! cant sleep oredi...:(


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 05:06

me too, every 4 yrs i m a soccer fan but since the last world cup was so damn uninteresting, i watch euro this yr. some more got spurred by the sg world cup qualifer so hv interest, watch for some excitemt.
this yr's sb std v blah...didnt really watch the last sb fr beginning but didnt tink the std was so bad the last time. this time, not much impression of the bands, gotta work on their identity to stand out. some more their perf not v polished, they seem v nervous, maybe cos it is live and the bands are younger this time round. there's one band where the guit went out of tune during a perf (!), 1st time i ever hear such ting. the older ones play more confidently. hopefully as time goes by, we can see the improvement. now i wonder if the post production, made the last season bands sound better or were they really better? :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 09:42

hahah i guess the first season sb is really better lor.. got mlb, amber..those are quite pro.. then this year that yi shi jie tho its going the same style as lucify but lucify is so much better lor.. yes.. yi shi jie totally spoil jay chou's song.. listen alr so bu shuang..then i jus tuned them out and continue do my work..hahah


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 21:32

Watched tonight SB, only think good of Wu Ge Ren. Although the lead singer is so so only, but the violinist is good. Can go far. The 3 ladies and Yi Shi Li... CMI.

Flamingo, I have plans to go China - Russia route, but not in the near future. It is tough to decide which one to go first, too many places, too many plan, not enough leave and $$. So its in my list of "100 places to go before I die." But if you are interested, we can plan. :D

Europe train trip. Anyone?? Hope to do Europe after I grad, in June or July next yr.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 July, 2008 00:14

ya, some of the bands really butcher the song. quite traumatic to listen n watch. if i m the judge, i will walk out on some of the perf. seems like some of the contestants dun put any heart in their perf at all. i oso like 5 persons. violinist & drummer are good, shld chg the singer though :p the 3 girls quite likeable. scream oso not bad, at least sound good and hv a distinct image. the female drummer like the best out of all the female drummers but her body piercing makes me super nervous. haha...dunno why but i feel super uncomfortable lookin at peep w body piercing.
dolphin, seems like u really like to travel in trains. i rarely use that mode of transport in my travels so far. no moolah...no plans for travel but i hope to go egypt one of these days & re-visit hawaii!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 08:09

ya!! wu ge ren! haha. they are cute. lol.. i dun like the e zuo ju..i think they kinda crappy..or maybe they jus happened to choose the wrong song...can jus imagine next week FIR come then they see the groups they'll be like -_____-


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 11:09

garfield, its not that I like to travel by train. I love any transport that can present me with beautiful scenary. Be it with train, boat/ferry, bus and plane. Egypt is nice, its a must go too. To touch the more than 10000 yrs thing is not something you can do everyday. I put a my Egypt pic on my company messenger, and whenever a stranger colleague who pinged me see the pic, they will ask if it is real. A good ice breaking mechanism :D

Starting my new semester next mon, gotta miss the SB2. Need to get someone to record down for me.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 12:05

I'll miss SB2 from next wk onwards too...maybe will catch the encore telecast on Sunday. Do you know tt the results shows are pre-recorded? :-/

dolphin, i wanna go Europe too. it'll be great if i can join you, but i cant :(.

I dun mind travelling in a train, but must have stops along the way lah...d 24-hr train ride in Tibet was a little boring :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2008 01:38

oh no, den hope fir come after all the perf. results show is pre-recorded? eh... how they do that if the results only known aft sms voting ends?
yep, wanna visit dat wonder of the world. dat sounds like a great icebreaker. hee i wanna take a boat down the river nile n imagine dat i m the queen of the nile :D my frens went there long time ago n they had diarrhoea while on the boat. something they were both lookin forward to. den end up both of the them hv to fight for only 1 toilet in their cabin. quite funny turn of events...aft all the anticipation.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 16:34

woo... our land hit d 200 posts liao so it has d newer>> newest again.

birdie, need to move to new land?

dolphin, i wanna go europe but dun tink i can make it nxt yr coz dun tink i can save enuf to go lor.. even if can go, come back becomes dry well... will need to eat grass liao... =p

hvnt really try to travel by train except in jpn.

duckling, agree wif u tat d 24hr train to tibet was kind of boring... lucky our grp got pple bring card game, i joined them to past time.

tonite's sb2 i wonder who'll b out...

last wk tat c-star so lucky to get thru. wat's d name of d grp tat is out huh? they were quite gd when dey performance at imm. but tat nite...

ya, agree tat d yi shi jie spoilt jay's song... dun understand y d judges still say dey r gd. hope dey dun sing any more of his songs. yucks!

btw, any1 watch d taiwan 金曲奖?(er.. name correct nt?) so happy jay won so many awards... but too bad he din make it for d event.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2008 13:55

hi cuties,

Sori, will be away for a short period. To those who treasure AK pls come in just to say hello! if u can, to keep it warm.

c u all agn soon.. take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2008 14:01

birdie, werever u r gg, hv a gd trip!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 July, 2008 09:32

Yeah, glad that Jay won so many awards this time. Hope one day he can get the best producer award that he always want to.

Europe Europe... gotta save up for 1 yr to go. Think duckling, by the time u come out, we can go. Don't worry, 2 yrs only, shorter than mine. Flamingo, we can wait for you too. :D

Nile river is not as clean as you think so garfield. But the trip is nice. We took the boat (can't remember the name) with sail for a short trip on the river, it is fun!! Made me think of the famous chinese comic, 尼罗河女儿。

樱 is out. must be a great blow to that guy. Its his second time. Didn't watch this wk SB too, gotta catch Sunday repeat now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 July, 2008 11:36

dolphin, hope i still got vitamin M by then, after burning a big hole in my pocket. my friend said I "pay to suffer". hahah....

garfield, d result show was recorded ard 10+ aft the votes are counted.

flamingo, tt gp is 翼旋风. (The lead singer's brother designed d gp's logo.) According to Paul Chan (BaGua TV blog), "YXF lead singer was already singing off-pitch and off-tune since audition day 1 (except he wasn't that bad then)". Then why let him in??

dun understand why so many gps chose to sing Jay's songs...hopefully no more of that, unless they can really do it very well...dun spoil Jay's songs lah...

Not surprise tt INK is out, since the judges dun like them. C!Star was v luckily. They should be next :x


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 July, 2008 14:32

dolphin, hope i'm able to save enuf! really hope to make a trip there.

樱 - dun really like tis grp... they oni hv 3 members, so all shld play an instrument rather than oni 2 on guitar + a laptop.

翼旋风 - woo... if like tat can get into d top 16, tat means those grps tat cant make it really bad lah? ;p

hope nxt wk c-star will b out... dun like their dance...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 July, 2008 00:13

oic duckling, i tink it's a good move dat result show pre-rcded or else the poor peep hv to hang ard till late jus for the results.
hee, river doesnt smell good. daydreams r alwys so much nicer than reality. so sometimes i prefer to live in my head than live in life. such an escapist! :P
as for sb, i m pretty wicked. i m watching it to see my "pet" bands be kicked out. heh heh....1 down, more to go.
flamingo, the 3 girls quite cute wat, at least easy on the eyes, hv some redeeming factor. mus leave some eye candy for the boys or else nothin to keep dem watching :p
i watched the golden awards, so surprised jay won so many awards for dat china wind song alone. my impression was dat usually judges dun really like him...and i finally get to see his famous lyricist fren fang at last. someone told me he is not a looker (oops!) ok la, got his own style. i m v happy tanya won the best producer, can see she put much effort in her album, well thought out. jay's album abit schizo this time rd (sorry girls!). but i tot the best female singer shld be either amei or fish. den after all the brauhaha, the 4 beautiful hosts aint dat happening. most of the time, they didnt even appear onstage!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2008 01:24

Agree that 樱 lack of something. Looks maybe...haha. At least they are not as "good" looking as 异世界. Er... my good looking doesn't mean Wu Zhun that good looking hor, i simply mean their looks got more things for us to see. Ha. But they really look like Lucify. Why all of them following Jap style huh?
I don't find any pet band yet... maybe one fine day, one band may suddenly strike me like lighting. Just like 2 yrs ago, a certain band singing Sheng Bian... haiz...

I never watch 金曲奖 le, not in SG. Got repeat not huh??

Off track a bit, actually I just came back from a clinic. My skin is in horrible condition now, i have no choice but to go to a clinic my friend strongly recommend. But she warned me that i have to queue. It opens at 7pm, so I rushed down after work, reached before 6pm because my workplace quite near there. Guess what, there is more than 20 ppl infront of me!! Ppl starts queuing since 5pm. After I got my num (29) at 7+, the recep told me to go back 2 hrs later. End of the day, I see doc at 1045pm and left 11pm. Really crazy... worst than gov hospital A&E. Next time maybe I need to be there at 6am to queue for the 8am slot. :(
Hope it really worth the wait!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2008 01:13

erm...tink wat they lack is musical talent (hope i dun get bad karma for being truthful!) plus onscreen chemistry w audience...if u watch the sun repeat, act some of the bands hv improved. tink they hv some guidance fr the pros/>rehearsals. hee...maybe really someday, one of them will switch fr "pet" to pet band.
not sure if the awards show hv repeat or not. dun tink u missed much unless u wanna see jolin being pounced on n kissed by dat Daniel Powter. even a star is not spared fr sexual harassment...n it happened in public in full view of audience. tsk tsk...y didnt he learn abt hving respect for other's people's culture n rights fr richard gere's incident?
i go off track w u....my skin is oso in bad condition now, gonna try chinese sinseh soon. if it works, den can recmd. dunno if i dare to try acupuncture or not....hmmm...not scared of injections but dat's 1 needle. now it will be lots of needles. no choice, jus hv to see how desperate i m to get well. in the meantime, hope ure ultra popular dr. work wonders for u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2008 23:28

ok, I didn't get to watch the repeat on today too...being cheated by someone who dragged me to Kota Tingi and Desaru for a road day trip. Told me will get back by 530pm... in the end, we got home at 10pm! Due to traffic jam at causeway... and we took the suppose not jam Tuas causeway!!! wanna complain to the Immigration Department. Waste our tax payer $$ to build some many counter there but why they only open half of them? The jam was bad... first time jammed from the middle of the bridge. Seem that expensive toll fee also won't scare ppl off from using the 2nd link.

Garfield, acupuncture is not very painful if the sinseh is good. I tried them a lot of time. They cured my back a couple of time. I injured my back when swimming and had to get poked by needle for a couple of months for it. I tried it for my acne outbreak too... they poked my face on it. Sound scary but its really not that bad... just that it didn't really work, so I gave up. Maybe I should try my colleague's tip too, a big bottle of chinese green tea every day. Maybe it will work.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 July, 2008 09:01

acupuncture on the face? Eeee...sounds scary.... I had acupuncture on my back too..with "electricity" somemore..but once I get used to it, it's okay..unfortunately, it didn't help.

I heard both causeways have traffic jams during the last few weekends. R ppl still gg jb to pump petrol? i wonder.....

C!Star is really lucky...there's always some other grp(s) tt are not doing well, n they get to maintain their space in the competition. Really lucky.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 July, 2008 11:58

sb2 - ya, c!star really v heng... wld prefer 二作剧 than them... they nt v pretty (=p *smacks mouth*) den their dance seems to b d same.

dolphin - u study too much so comes d outbreak huh? wat "神医" is tat? so popular? my mom recently went to a v popular doc too to c her knee... oso gotta go v v early to get q #.

金曲奖 - my fren said hvnt repeat yet, so can look out. haha... jolin was quite taken back by tat "attack".

time for lunch! ciaos!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 July, 2008 08:53

haix c star really cmi...hope they'll be out the next round..

anyw i like the last group who sang the lemon tree song! its damn cool the way they did it..think they really injected new life into that song:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 July, 2008 23:53

omg, needle on face! they can stick a needle anywhere but dere. scary! if i ever do it n live to tell the tale, will post a 100word essay here on my experience :p
i used the 2nd link some weeks ago but cant comment if jam cos once i got up the bus, i jus zz.zzz.. away. lucky me :D
ok, i concede defeat, the 3 girls gotta go soon if they dun buck up. haiz, can someone tell dem dey r supposed to perfect their singing 1st, not the dance? but meantime i gotta shout woohoo! another strike! yep, the lemon tree was supercooool interpretation :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2008 01:12

Ha ha garfield, I live, so I'm here to tell the tale. Its not very painful actually, its felt numb instead. Think thats how those 点穴 comes along.
By the way, I watched Red Cliff already! First row somemore, cos me and my friends couldn't find a better day to gather and watch. Can't believe that the theatre will be full on a Thursday night, at Causeway Point! Anyway, other than my poor neck, the show is quite good. Maybe too many ppl told me its not that good, so I went without much expectation, except Takashi. Well, he is very handsome alright, but guess what, it is Tony (yes the going to be groom) stolen the show. Throughout the show, I couldn't help but stare at him. He is so attractive in it. 非常有魅力! Maybe I should kidnap him from Bhutan.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2008 13:40

red cliff is quite gd ah... din hear anyone say nt nice.

tat day when i watched dunno y so many pple take toilet breaks. so irritating.. keep blocking my view.

saw in tdy's pic tony's wedding pic.. he look quite gd in d pic. except tat he looks a little small size than his bride. haa...

v sian at work.. system dwn so dunno wat to do... haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2008 21:18

lol..the dian3 xue4 reminds me of the kung fu shows that immobilise u..hahah. anyw i think takeshi still looks better than modern styles. hahah his centre parting makes him look kinda weird. lol

whoo~~ i think the rabbits rock today!! somehow half way i saw some traces of mlb during the superband period <3

but wth is with synpathy?! hahaha at first tot they started off not bad. the female lead came in then i was -______- okaeeee laaa. then the guy started singing, i was appalled and mortified. jus kept thinking "oh no........." but after a while my horror changed to amusement. LOL! seriously...wads with them sia......hahahah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2008 14:36

haa... agree tat takeshi looks better in modern look.

finally synpathy is out... d lead cant sing at all.. machiam like gg karaoke kill chicken.

ytd rabbit's performance d best. though dey dun sing v well but overall their music alws create some surprise. & their dressing alws hv tat identity. like tat time mlb, dey like to wear bermudas. hope dey cn go far & win ultimately.

some of d o/r grps seems too pro, so lack of d newbie feel... like tat 大风吹. though got 名师 but personally i dun really like them.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2008 21:24

anyone heard derrick ho's 无法归类? quite catchy song...

cruz's blog got a video on his ablum intro. check it out if u r interested.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2008 23:30

ya..rabbit reminds me of mlb too. Just like what one of the judges (was it Xiao Song?) said...they are so cute that you wanna protect them ;)

i like derrick ho!! Like his version of "很想你", anyone has the mp3?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2008 02:47

点穴...oo...dat shld be interesting to experience. finally saw kungfu panda(ok, know i super backdated), the acupuncture scene was damn funny, haha now scared later my face end up like po in dat scene :D
yaya, i so super happy my pet "pet" band is FINALLY out! whew! but not too bad, at least they exit on their best perf so far. hee though i burst out laughing wn the bassist sang, i tot his singing was quite alternative leh, brave guy. act visually they look good on a poster s a band, such a pity zero chemistry s a band. if only they can act wk together s a band...got some hope.
yep rabbit's the best dat nite. dey r so cute but all along failed by their vocals. finally they sing in tune, so happy man, at least worth supporting if they continue to shine.
next week's guest is lucify, hope the hippos get invited to perf soon! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2008 16:31

hey garfield, u r d oni 1 so far who shared d same view as me tat d acupuncture scene in kungfu panda was farnie. my frens prefer o/r scenes.

duckling, tink it's jiu jian who said wanna protect rabbits. lol...

dun hv d mp3 of d 很想你... but i juz saw again d performance on youtube on mon. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2008 00:50

OMG, i LOVE Eason! Ahaaahaa, shook his hands n wished him happy bd...still can't believe it, dunid to sleep oredi.
hee flamingo, mayb we hv weird sense of humour. durin some parts of the whole movie, onli me n another lady behind laughin loudly when others not laughing at all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2008 20:38

OMG~~~ buay tahan c-star!

tdy dey sing so out of tune & seems breathless!

hope dey can get out tis time man... no eye to c...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2008 20:43

garfield, d concert v gd? i oni watched his concert once in shanghai...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2008 02:59


我回来了!! haha..i mus be e most lag person on earth la..my eyes failed to notice e link for e 'newer' thing.. -.-

wa i tink my tuzi fren will be v happy to hear tt u all like them so much..lol..

anyway, duckling ar, i hv e 很想你 tt weijian sang in pss..u wan? email me k.. :)

take care ppl..i'm hitting e sacks..zzz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2008 12:25

by the time i reached home, I can only catch the results show...YES! they are OUT! c!star really see stars this time...Let's guess who's next... hee hee...

flamingo, yap yap, it was jiu jian..saw the encore on Sunday. But still missed milk's dance routine...haiz....

pink piggie, welcome home! Hee..tuzi are your friends arh? so qiao :)

lunch time! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2008 16:16

yeah finally c-star! is out! hip hip hooray! =p

haa.. ya, let's guess who's nxt... so far dun really like any except rabbit liao...

ever said san yue quite gd when i saw d intro ad... but when d competition starts, dey hv been a disappointment...

finally u r back pink piggie... tell ur frens to jia you! hope dey can emerge as d winner!

duckling, i oso din c tat milk part leh... nxt wk's guest performer is d trio... J3.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 July, 2008 11:22

Few weeks didn't watch CB2 already... lost track, only watch the result show. Haiz... so far I only know I like the violinist of Wu Ge Ren...

But get to see Lucify performed on monday result show. Haha... surprise that the supposed "disband" team is back! All cut their hair... Misaki still as skinny. Kuek... see him almost everyday, so no diff. Haha!!

Friend got free tix to go see Eason, too bad I'm not free to go.. free tix *sobs*. Long time no go concert... very sianz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 July, 2008 12:42

aiyo this week's sb is really terrible, the best perf was by the guest band! wished the TW judge cld hv seen Lucify perf, den at least not hv such a bad impression of band std in SG. all of dem look so diff, cldnt recog anyone except for the drummer who looks the same. funny, like wat the judge say, all the vocals for this yr's band is bad bad bad. i tot easiest to find gd vocalist than the other band members, but it seems like the other way rd here. 4 me the vocals part, i tot the san yue lead has the best potential but dunno why she has been underperforming constantly. maybe she's got to find the rit song? hee, tink those on my "pet" list are mostly out oredi, the rest will dpd on how they perf on dat day but can tell judge dun like chapalang's perf so far. quite dangerous 4 dem if dey dun please the judges soon.
flamingo, wow u saw his concert in shanghai! shld be great atmosphere dere cos SG audience is pretty apathetic. personally i prefer his previous concert here, more acoustic n he sang more of my fave songs:P some > had the orchestra :O this time rd, he had more visual effects, but wn he sang the slow songs, esp last 2 slow songs, wow! hit u rit in ure heart man. den wn he chg his mood for encore, his energy is abs infectious, auto, u become high too! *wave* enthusiastically back to eason....siao :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2008 10:30

lucify look quite diff w/o their makeup & loud hair...

五个人 - tis grp can b gd, but i tink d lead singer bring dwn his grp's std. he dun sing well & seems to b lack of confidence.

chapalang - few of them do hv gd voice.. but their performance is really boring lor. as d judges alws says.. their tai feng is alws d same. so audience can get bored.

san yue - d singer has an unique voice. but tink dey keep choosing d wrong song so bring out her flaws instead of projecting her voice.

garfield, it wasnt v nice to watch eason's concert in shanghai. d sound sys nt v gd. den d chinese infront of us keep talking so quite disturbing. & during d concert, there r pple walking ard to sell snacks/ drinks & light sticks. (-_-!)

his concert here, did he sing more mandarin or canto songs?

dolphin, wasted leh... got free tkts but cant go...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 August, 2008 22:08

was a lil disappointed to see dem w/o their signature makeup n loud hair.
五个人-agreed, really wonder wat songs can he sing cos his singing sounds pretty monotone to me each time. maybe his prob is the language, hmm....perhaps he can sing more decently in English?
oh no, really sounds like not a good concert experience in Shanghai. er...let me tink,he sang >chinese songs b4 encore, for encore, it was mostly canto songs.so overall tink shld be slightly > chinese songs.
hee dolphin, next time hv free tics, lelong here. good things mus share, bad things can also throw here, but not guaranteed if anyone will "hoope" it! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 August, 2008 11:07

五个人 - ya, i tink he's a potato, so shld mayb english singing competition suits him better...

i wld perfer to listen to canto songs for hk singers... but lot of times dey arrange more chinese songs instead.

haha... agree... if anyone has lobang for free tkts & cant make it, lelong here... tink some will b glad to hoope!

oh ya, jay will hv hving a concert in shenzhen on 9 jan... if any1 is interested, can go check it out. me no lobang though.. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 August, 2008 00:04

after watching tonite's result show... woo-hoo! ;-D

garfield, is tat 1 of ur pet?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 August, 2008 08:17

very surpised abt the result...they ARE professional leh....may be too tan jia (hokkien) for a competition like this... :p

mdc is smart to put san yue w Dreamfactory as the last 2 on stage...created some excitement hee hee...



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 August, 2008 13:44

duckling, dream factory pro meh? i tot oni music lovers.

san yue still as disappointing tis time huh... dunno when dey can choose d rt song for d singer.

garfield, eason coming to spore... 23 aug, 4pm at hmv.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 August, 2008 22:59

I also want to go if got free tix. My friend called me when i'm in class. When i return call, no more free tix liao. :(

Shengzheng for Jay? if I go there for holiday or business then maybe... but not now.

I don't really like dreamfactory or san yue actually. They sound too pro, more like gei tai groups to me. there is no surprise at all. And the dressing hor, which what i told Bambi, one cloth do all. Do they have dress sense? where is the fashion police?? So far kinda disappointed with SB2. I wish to see more refreshing groups.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 August, 2008 13:53

haha flamingo, bingo! their perf this week is realli like getai perf, esp w dat song. sanyue vocals fail again. her voice sounds like hvnt open up like dat, no warm up? she gives me the impression dat she arrives on the dot 4 the show n comes on stage expectg to sing beautifully w/o any prepn. she jus doesnt connect at all w the song chosen.
ya duckling, w all my complaints, i was quite nervous for sanyue at dat time cos dun tink it's time for dem to exit yet :P
Finally!!! hv chance for sb1 finalists to perf in front of judges. Hmmm... but the judges dun seem impressed by j3. if i hv to perf in front of dat TW judge, i oso nervous. aft a shaky start, luckily, they mged to end off better than wn they started off. whew! Drop cold sweat 4 dem.
hee, dolphin, i was dumbfounded wn sanyue vocalist wore a white jacket last week n the judge (faint...this judge even wears nail art..ok, ok, art is an expression of self so i'd better shut up) says looks good! tot she looked pretty wrong in dat outfit, like an OL singing rock, shld hv jus lost the jacket.
Hee, every week mud slinging session for sb2. dun mind....at least i still watch it! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 August, 2008 15:54

hahaha... getai... juz d mth to sing... =p

but indeed dreamfactory's outfit was terrible... use one cloth save more $ mah... but at least get a better designer...

j3 dun really perform well tat nite... even though nt in competition, but like std drop. mayb too long din perform liao.

haa... fm black nails to wif nail arts... eeeeeeeeeeee........

looking fwd to nxt wk's sb... hope rabbit can still shine...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2008 08:56

hahaha...the horrendous looking curtain!!!

i can't stand it when my collegue has something dangling from her nails ...then i saw it on national tv...a guy *ahem*...aiyoh...

must catch the encore show on Sunday...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 12:41

Happy National Day!

Everyone, njoy d holi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 13:53

Happy national day!!! Anyone going to squeeze with everyone tonight? Think I will stay at home to watch ba. Haha... watch last night olympics open, wah... very fancinating!! think they really spent a bomb just on the opening. I really like the flying concept. Everyone flying in the sky...

Think this yr China might win USA on number of metals, 600+ contestants from china... but I spotted some cute guys in the other teams. hee hee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 15:18

Missed the opening coz was attending a class :(

Managed to catch the last part of the ceremony, but fell asleep very soon...i was simply too tired :(

another not so happy news - no encore telecast of sb2 tml... :( can't see j3... :(

BUT...I'm looking forward to the ndp fireworks tonight!! :) Oh, and the black knights! They performed new stunts last week for the preview. Hope there are more surprises today :D

(heard the thunder roaring...hope it wont rain....)



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 15:18

Missed the opening coz was attending a class :(

Managed to catch the last part of the ceremony, but fell asleep very soon...i was simply too tired :(

another not so happy news - no encore telecast of sb2 tml... :( can't see j3... :(

BUT...I'm looking forward to the ndp fireworks tonight!! :) Oh, and the black knights! They performed new stunts last week for the preview. Hope there are more surprises today :D

(heard the thunder roaring...hope it wont rain....)



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2008 09:32

weird, why is there a double posting???

caught j3 on youtube :) like their rendition of Cai Hong, but they cld hv performed better. Guess they too long hvn't performed on stage ba...

okay...must go study for test liao...

Have a wonderful week ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2008 00:37

Nope, didnt go down for NDP/firewks. Grow so big, still hvnt watch a NDP live before...realli fail as a citizen :P keep telling my teacher frens i wanna go, if i get to go rehearsal, oso happy but NOBODY ever remembers :( now it seems v strict, cant bring frens in for rehearsal anymore. but they say atmosphere for actual day is still the best! missed the tv telecast of parade + tdy's rerun. heard there is another repeat next wkend, hope i rem to catch it for the black knights!
watched some parts of the olympic opening. realli awed by the grand ceremony and the sheer numbers of the artists (not artistes ok, these are the real practioners of art) performing. their culture is so rich. luv the part where the dancers seem to draw random black arcs on the cloth with their seemingly bare hands n it turned out to be a beautiful san shui hua at the end of the dance. this zhang yimou, realli pulled off a BIG one this time! such a visual feast. tink he will be china's favourite son for a long time to come.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2008 22:33

After watch this Olympic opening, really made me feel like going to china, to Beijin for the Great Wall, and Xi An for the Bing Ma Yong. Tao Li got #5 for this morning match. Watched it live. Although she is an import, but would still feel great if she can win anything. Will Singapore pull off at least a bronze this yr? Let cross our fingers.

ANyone going for the Yellow ribbon concert? Need go AXS for the tic. Anyone know if the tic got seatings?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2008 23:14

hmm... my previous post tink is missing...

i've taken some video clips of d black knites in action. shall try to upload on facebook.

din get to c d swim live, but heard tao li din swim as well as during d hits.

yellow ribbon - wer is it held huh? i din go c d details yet.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2008 23:26

btw, on tonite's sb2... dun understand y d judges like 异世界's performance. all along i dun like d lead singer's performance. (><)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2008 23:59

again... 伍个人's lead singer has brought his team dwn... & eventually out.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 09:08

I thot 大风吹 will be out... :p

can't decide whether to go to the yellow ribbon concert not leh...got test the next week...The concert's webpage says, "free-seating". Dolphin, is there an axs machine in skool? can't see one...

Tao Li did very well given her age & size...but a very good experience for her. din know she's an import...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2008 13:34

i tink 大风吹 still will go further. nxt grp out prob is chapalang or scream...

tao li is fm china, but tink she came to spore long ago when she's juz a few yrs old.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 00:21

too bad wu ge ren is out... but anyway, there is revival. Our dear Superband was from revival too. Hee..

there is an AXS machine in sch duckling, next to the library. But bambi already got the tic, one name and ic can get 4 tic, so we have total of 8 tics now. let me know if you all want the tic. Think we have more thsn enough. the show is on 6th Sept, 730pm. Free seating, so mean go early then can get good seat.

Badminton no hope already. now only left with swimming, table tennis and maybe sailing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 10:12

tink i cant go 4 d yellow ribbon liao... my sis might b throwing d full mth celebration for my nephew tat wk. either sat or sun.

i doubt we will win any medal... d participants doesnt seems to perform well... esp d badminton. shall c d rest. gd luck to them!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 09:42

doplphin - Library? Saw (fm 3rd fl) a machine there, I thot It say SAM??.. :P Can I have a tic, pls? Thanks! :) But may need you reserve a seat for me...may not go early, depending on how I fare for the 1st test tml. Did I tell you I got test almost every week??

If need more tics, I can try to get too.

Flamingo, hope you can go to the concert...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 11:44

Hey duckling, the AXS is on the other side of the library, next to the photo booth. So jialek, test every week... but at least marks are taken into consideration. No like mine, test also no marks. Just for practice. K, reserve a tic for u.

Flamingo, you can't go? Really hope u can go. It seem quite a long time when we last meet.

Updates from Beijin... table tennis got into quarter finals. And the chances of getting into semi is high. let cross our fingers.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 17:06

hmm... i dunno leh... mayb reserve a tkt for me 1st... i go ask my sis on wkend. thks!

ya, heard abt d table tennis. hope dey can keep up d std & chiong all d way!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 23:55

so sad, five persons is out. if only they were scheduled in the 1st grp, they shld still be in the competition. but dat boy sing so badly, how to vote? i was hoping dat the wind blow will be out. too bad, the wind didnt blow hard enough, they're still in. anyone knows how they choose which bands appear each week? sometimes quite unfair if all the lousy bands appear together, den they get to escape the exit while the better ones get kicked out. sian.
dolphin, i've oredi visited mr.AXS too. handsome n efficient guy, but mr.SAM still the cutest :P dunno why i've got no olympic fever at all but did hear dat our only hope now is table tennis.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2008 16:37

tink dey go by drawing lots i guess.

li jia wei lost to korea in d singles but dey won d doubles! woo-hoo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2008 23:27

yeah.. team singapore scrapped thru!! lol if china wins their semis too, it'll be kinda amusing to see china ppl fighting against china ppl.. lol..

huh.. wu ge ren's out.. still cant believe the chapalang can still stay in.. so bu shuang...

anyw any phelps supporter here??? whoo~ phelps!! he's freaking imba!!!
hahah today in school they were playing the olympics on plasma screen in the canteen. the whole canteen was packed to watch phelps's match. and the whole canteen cheered for him!! so fun! such great atmoshpere! yea!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2008 00:28

ha Garfield, I'm very familiar with Mr AXS, visit him every mth. Yah, but Mr SAM is cuter lah.

At last a metal for Singapore, after 48 yrs. Hooray! Now only left with the finals... but China team so strong. Anyone know how to put a "gong tou" on the opp team so they slip and lose? Maybe can ask that African soccer team who kicked France out during the last world cup. Rumours that they plant some Goodoo dolls under the France team goal post...

Bambi's latest idol is Michael Phelps too. She keeps a very close watch on his matched, 6 goals and still counting...and broke all the world records. Not a cute guy but wow the world with the pair of flippers he got.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2008 16:34

lol... everyone can tell tat LJW is impatient liao... her weakness.

ytd watched d final. dunno if china is too strong or wat, but spore team seems quite weak. lots of missed hit/ missed table balls.

anyway, oredi quite gd tat dey made in into d finals lah... at least help to win a medal.

till ytd, tink phelps has won 8 gold liao rt? sportsman of d yr!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 August, 2008 17:03

anyone watched ytd's sb2? dunno wat time it show sia... i tot it's showing d ndp msg by pm lee, so i watched channel 5. den when tat ends, i switched over & it's d korean drama.

a pity tat soap is out. shall try to watch d repeat.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 08:13

lol..sb2 was at 7.. brought forward for the rally speech..felt they performed like ok only lor...the best thing that night was the performance by the guests ang mor pai. they are good~ much better than the groups in sb2 la. esp like the performing style of the lead singer :)

phelps with 8 golds!!!! whoo~~~~~ he's the best olympian in history so far~~~ gonna get his name right there in the records of history books~ yea!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 08:34

i put my VCR (yes, i'm still using VCR :p) to record sb2, but it recorded pm lee instead :-/ Surprised to (still) see the results show at 11.30pm.

flamingo, there's no encore telecast of sb2 during the olympics...i guess we din miss much except for the performance by ang mo pai...

i read an article on how the pool in WaterCube (it tt it's name?) was designed and built to help record breakings...interesting :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 14:21

7pm!!! kaoz... i was still outside lor... i tot it's 8pm, so i rushed & reached hme at 8. (-_-!)

wat song din ang mo pai sang? hundred million?

ya, it's water cube. i heard tat news too... dunno how true leh... can help to break record meh.. got such thing? fengshui?? lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 00:33

Ya, for the finals, our team was outclassed by china. jus wished they had a greater fighting spirit in the last 2 sets. sportsman spirit must fight n fight until the end mah. the watercube, tink it's supposed to do w physics (ee...hate dat subject!) heard fr news dat the pool is built in such a way dat less ripples created when the swimmers swim, so w less interference fr the ripples, the swimmers can swim faster n break records.
yep, such a pity soap is out. perf wise i tot they were quite good esp the kb in front was nice, but the judges said they played safe so they will lose pts on creativity part. to me, they sounded better than the wind blow, who perf sammi's duyiwuer, lagi minus pts wn i compare w hippo's solid version ;) always tot wind blow's perf is like a cut n paste affair, where all the diff parts dun gel together. yep, amp perf the 1 million song. they sound like a decent band but the song doesnt rock for me :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 00:45

Oh, it was at 7pm ah? No wonder Bambi missed it. She said how come got results without even compete? She still doesn't know it was at 7pm. Didn't catch the bands performance much now cos always miss. But I did see Screamm a lot leh. They are quite ok, since they are almost all gals band. Garrrr Power!

Anyone watch the yaya papaya Jamaica's Usain Bolt running the 100m and 200m race? He really yaya loh, he said he slowed down before reaching finishing line because he knows he is going to win and no one is seen beside him. Somemore said he can be even faster if he didn't slow down. I watched him run, really SLOW DOWN! wah lau. Cannot like this mah, what is sportmanship? Not to his best meh? So what if his legs is longer than others. So what if his one step is equal two step of others. Tsk Tsk tsk. Taboleh tanhan.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 14:34

woo... physics... too cheam... cant understand...

i quite like d 1 million song... hee...

our views alws diff fm d judges views... like tat 异世界. judges seems to like them much.

i wld perfer soap than to screamm... at least tat guy can sing better.

i did watched 1 of d race. v yaya indeed... hate tis kind of athlete


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 21:22

anyone gg to derrick hoh's autograph session? 30th aug @ bt panjang plaza, 6th sep @ bishan.

i wanted to wait for gai ban, so dunno if wan go nt.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 August, 2008 08:23

I also wanna hear the 1 million song :(

finally got the chance to walk into a CD shop to look for derrick's CD...but decided to wait for gai ban :p

flamingo, 6 sep is the same day as the yellow ribbon concert...how? can you go for the concert? I think i'm gg...just need to make sure that I'm prepared for my test :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 August, 2008 16:56

derrick hoh - haa.. ok, let's wait for d gai ban den!

yellow ribbon - shld b able to go. saw tat zhou hua jian is oso performing...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2008 17:37

didnt watch any of the athletics event but heard fr fren, bolt's fast! didnt know 100m was under 10sec ever since dat Lewis/johnson (cant rem which is the correct person) guy. <10sec for 100m, dat's superfast. huh why he slow down near finishing line...perhaps so he can break his own world record in the next olympics!:P
i oso like scream but tink they may not hv much audience support cos their image is not as adorable as rabbit.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2008 17:41

oops! wrong identity. terrible, my brain is deteriorating fast, i'd better do smthg to stimulate it soon :O


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2008 15:32

any1 went to eason's autograph session? heard on 933 it seems quite fun...

hohoho... finally JPL is out... their performance seems to b getting boring each time...

who shall b out nxt?

nxt wk is oredi d revival or contd d semi-final? forgot it's wait until d last final 3 liao den revival or wat.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2008 13:21

Me, i went! He wore slippers for auto cos he said it was raining! If i hv known dat, i wld hv worn slippers too. he was wearin a nice black tee with pink cartoon drawin on it like the same character on his album cover, den on the back of tee, his name is printed in hot pink too. he said it's a prototype for hk promo, hopefully they'll sell it here too :) He's a funny guy so it was quite entertaining wn he turned up but he was 1 hr late! waste my time only. later heard on radio, in the end not all autos were signed cos not enough time. lucky i didnt q, if i got turned away aft waiting so long, i will fan lian.
hehe yep, it's abt time they got kicked out. tink next week is revival oredi. so who do u wan or tink will be in the final 4? my list is scream, rabbit, march n hopefully soap is revived or else maybe see forest in final 4.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 August, 2008 16:53

so garfield, u went to watch oni... ya, i oso heard fm 933 tat dey hv to stop d auto. but it will b so disappointing to those who hv q but din get his auto huh...

tat day i did went to bugis for yoga's auto. as it was raining so i oni join d q for short while & left to go walk ard. tot can go back later after d rain stopped. when i saw d q was short, me & my fren quickly rush dwn. when there, d staff dun allow us to join in d q. said no more liao (d auto is still gg on). !@#%& so angry. still signing wat.. how come we cant join. it wasnt tat late too. juz 5+.

hmm... final 4... so far i oni like rabbit. d rest... err... mayb soap (if dey managed to come back), forest & march.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 August, 2008 01:36

wat, y like dat. i oso feel angry for u. sometimes so many unwritten rules durin auto signing, it's pretty idiotic.
hee, sounds like our list is pretty similar except for scream. well let's see if we strike gold :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2008 23:50

I heard abt the cut short queue of Eason's auto from radio too. Its always like this in the past. Once I went for F4/5566 (can't remember which one) event at Bishan. As usual, it was so long that it reaches ITE Bishan. And they actually cut the queue just when I joined in!! Means I'm the 101 in the queue.... so fed up. Anyway.... time past and I can't even remember who did I go for. Hahaha....

Totally lost SB2.. don't know who is in and who is out.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 10:22

all these autograph session sometimes will oso depends on d singer. like for show. no matter how late, he'll make sure tat he sign all.

but for most artist, if d co. calls a cut to d q, dey'll juz follow. to me i still tink dey shld make it a pt to sign all lor. coz pple really support them den buy d album mah.

dolphin, u too bz so no time to watch sb2 huh... nvm lah. final den watch ba.

tonite's d revival liao... so me & garfield hope soap to get back huh... let's see... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 23:49

hohohoho... soap din perform well so kanna kick out liao... shall see who gets thru... 2 grps wor...

weird, how come din c d grp tat was 1st kicked out??

yellow ribbon - dolphin, r we gg to sit wif d mlb family? hv to let yuanping know if we wan.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 23:50

woo... wugeren is in... who's nxt!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 23:58

the 1st grp tt was kicked out got no chance to be revived. that was the rule set for sb2...

aiyoh...dun tell me c!star will get thru'... they really tt good huh? din watch...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:01

have contacted yuanping... The organiser needs ALL of us to be there by 5.30pm, then he can arrange the seats for us... :-/

c!star & wugeren are in!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:08

ya, tdy can say it's their best performance lor... but... eee... i dun like... ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:09

btw, on d yellow ribbon, wat time does d event start? tot 7.30? den we hv to b seated by 5.30??


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:16

not sure wat time it starts...but guess the organiser wants us to settle down ASAP. Actually, since they know how many pax, just block the seats for us lor... let me chk w yp.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:18

thks! i dun wan to go there sit & wait for so many hrs sia...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:25

Haha, yah, abt Yellow ribbon ask duckling better. I'm kinda of lost too. And guess what, when I switch just before 12 to see who got in, I told bambi that 2 teams will be in and there will be 6 teams in the final this weekend. Then she gave me a blank look. Told me there will be 8 teams in the semi-final. So I asked, ain't sat is the final? Haha... I totally got the dates mixed up, Forgot this sat is the Yello Ribbon concert, keep thinking its SB Final. Hahaha...

think I'll going to be super bz this coming study yr. Results will be out very soon, many tmr. And actually i got some signs yesterday (from my student profile) that I failed 2 subjects. so means that, if i chong this last yr, which most probably I will, i'll be taking 7 subjects this yr. It is going to be super heavy on me. But i really don't want to drag for another yr. Haiz... maybe i should quit my job and go get a part-time one.

btw, why C-star is in??!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 00:32

haa... guess u gonna b bz thruout till u graduate huh... jia you!

ya, now oni fighting to get into semi final... though c-star managed to revive... hope dey can b out soon... shall c their performance nxt time!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 September, 2008 10:43

Aloh alamark! Dolphin is taking so long to graduate. C'mon don't be a graduate wannabe, so old le mah, keep coming to the blog and hao lian. Buzy buzy la!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 September, 2008 00:07

hey new visitor, play nice ok. i hv too many quarrels this week oredi, dun let me start another one here. this is a place for us to destress, not create more mayhem n headache for everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 September, 2008 00:34

....back to sb2. wow this revival epi is the most exciting so far. almost all bands came up w something new. even those in my "pet" list wowed me w their perf. it goes to show wn the bands shift their focus to music itself rather than all the other frills, they can put up a good perf! soap is out, 5 is in! sorry to soap but i m def happier 5 is in :P tot they had no chance oredi. hmmm... i tink if the vocalist hv lang prob, they shld pick songs with v little/simple lyrics, den he dun sound so wooden. ayue's song, the rhythm is strong n lyrics is simpler, easier to memorise. soap sing dat song, so many words stringing fr left side of the tv screen to the rit. i tink i oso cant memorise all of dem, much less sing it well! and yep the stars r in again. it wld b int to see wat they come up w next week cos i assume they had much time to think n prepare for revival n only 1 week to prepare for the next challenge. let's see wat these bands come up with next....
how come this yr's format abit diff, 2 bands in fr revival. so how many for final? Still 4?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 September, 2008 01:38

Hear no evil, see no evil, talk no evil.

WHo are the 8 into the semi?? Hope 5 will get into the final. I like that volin boy. Maybe they should change to a better vocal.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 September, 2008 21:22

Managed to catch the last few teams when I reached home tonight. 五个人really disappointing, haiz... like this how to get into final? 异世界 is quite good, think they are hot fav ah? Don't like the 大风吹's version of 听不到. I still don't like the Rabbit.:(
This season SB very hard to find one that I like.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 September, 2008 21:25

Calling a certain flying animal......
U are being missed!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 September, 2008 23:32

act dat violinist can sing but he oredi multi taskin like mad, how to make him sing some more. dunno how many grps will be eliminated tonite. let's c...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 September, 2008 23:54

alamak... ad time... hope c-star out lah.

wugeren really performed badly tonite... *cross fingers* if dey can get thru...

异世界 gd meh? i really dun like d singer lor... as cavin said, his pronounciation really bad.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 September, 2008 23:57



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2008 00:02

wuhaha 5 is IN! so heng for dem, better buck up boys! there is no more stars to dian di for dem :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2008 00:09

i oso tink yishijie not good tonite. i dun tink dey r hot fave leh, at least not mine :P march singer at last sing her lungs out this time but one judge still say dey lack the heart...hope dey find it soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2008 00:21

had a better look of d sanyue members... all looks ok except tat butter (?) hope i get his nick rt.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2008 00:46

Yah, C-Stars is out. Good thing the 5 boys hang on. Sure not? The volinist can sing? Hope can hear him sing one day leh. As for that lead singer, throw him a triangle and ask him to stand aside. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2008 15:14

so far d volinist oni 和音 din really sing much rt? din pay attn to his singing too... coz i tink d 和音 nt too gd leh.

shall c nxt wk... if dey dun buck up, dey might b d nxt to get out.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2008 17:41

correct, so far violinist only harmonise. he sounds ok to me, so i tot if he sings lead, shld be at least better than the current lead... but den i m biased oredi :P for march, i only like the singer.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2008 14:28

Its a Friday, and I'm bored. All my teammates are either working at home or somewhere else. Left me and the 3 little pigs. Good thing the big bad wolf is not in today. Ho ho ho.

No mood to work, so surf around. Accidentally clicked the past yrs entries. Oh... i missed those days where we really post a lot. Hmm.... we were all very active ah. Although many rubbish there, simply flood the blog. Haha.

Flamingo, saw ur mail, will go watch it tonight. Or see if I can download it. Hee hee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 September, 2008 15:57

haha my turn, it's a sun and i m bored. ya, really miss those days when everyone was v active, honestly luv reading those crap :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 00:47

Haha, yah, those are the crabby days.
Went for fishing at Singapore water on Saturday. Its a cloudy day, yet I got sun burn. Now cannot wear sleeveless out already, cos I wore a normal tee to fishing... so its like wearing 2pieces of clothings if I wear a sleeveless. Haiz... should put more sun block. Now becoming a dark dolphin. But the trip is fun, minus away the sun burn, the sea sick and the 0 score. Great scenary, never know that Singapore has so many kelongs, has such a busy airport and beautiful islands. It a good experience... hope can fish a real fish up next time.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 16:09

lol... dolphin, go seaside even though u tink it's cloudy, can still get tann de...

tat time i went sentosa oso like tat. weather nt too hot but i still get 2 colors back.

anyone watched mon's sb2? woo, din expect forest to b out 1st... nxt wk 2 grps will b out. dunno who will kanna.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 18:14

Yah, surprise that Forest is out. Thought they are quite good de? Next wk ah... predict San Yue and Screamm. Guess guess only. I 看面相的. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 18:16

by the way, SB Final not only the hippos and goldfish, have Beyond and MayDay too!! Yeah! Hope we can get good seatings. My "yellow" light stick can use liao. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 01:02

flamingo, i def will catch it. aiyo this week forest out. so surprised. now confirm yi has good following. the wind blow was worse, still can get thru :( i am getting more n more irritated by them, jus cant see/hear the beauty of their perf. dunno wat the judges see in them, they were in top 3 even though there were better perf by other bands (re. scream) oh no, hope dolphin's face-tellin is not accurate :P i realli like the music by scream n they hv attitude(!), jus dat the singer's lung capacity abit limited now and she tends to sing in v low key so her voice not bright enuf. haiya n dat tw judge cant seem to appreciate their music too. tough. then this week i tot the march singer was gonna collapse fr nervous breakdown wn singing. if this is wat happens if she puts so much heart in perf, i'd rather she hold back her emotions :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 01:14

beyond n mayday. hmm... not realli into their music but now gettin myself introduced to mayday. switch gear to english bands, heard a greenday song tdy which i like, wake me up wn sept ends. never knew greenday does such sweet songs :P later do some research on it :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 23:28

woo-hoo! beyond & may day!!! i wan go watch it live!

haa.. dolphin, shall c if ur prediction is accurate.

tat mon i watched d performance but totally forgot abt d results show. it's oni on mon when i heard d am show on 933 den heard abt forest kanna kicked out.

garfield, i agree wif u tat d screamm's singer doesnt hv enuf lung capacity & sometimes i feel tat she projected her voice too low. shall c if she can improve.

i tink 异世界 hv lots of supporters. seems like quite many pple like tis kind of 视觉系 look. (nt my cup of tea) but tat short short guy has a v pretty face... anyone notice? ;-)

"this week i tot the march singer was gonna collapse fr nervous breakdown wn singing" - lol... so 夸张 lor! when i saw, my jaws dropped... din expect d judges to like tat. (-_-!!!)

so, wat's d greenday song? share wif us!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 23:29

here's something for jay fans:

「稻 香」 詞:周杰倫 曲:周杰倫

為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的
追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了
為自己的人生鮮艷上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色
笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的紙飛機 現在終於飛回我手裡
所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆
哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

happy wkend! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2008 01:06

Wow Flamingo, where u get this?? Only lyric, no music ah? Haa... happy that Jay's song out soon. long wait for it.

I hope March will be out soon too... don't really like them. I kinda of like Screamm, but just don't think they can last long. I like gothic look, they are cool.

garfield into greendays now? Yah, that band is good. At least they are the few bands I know.

Anyone interested in watching dancing? Popping, Breaking or locking?? Hee... my fav locker is coming to singapore soon. I'm so excited now...woo hoo!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 September, 2008 23:29

escape here tonite... haha flamingo, dat oso not my cup of tea but gothic scream can be in my cup. ahem...u sure or not. its dat guy dat the judge keep sayin sing out one, rit?
i was v bad, got my conscience back... act it mus be stressful to be sick durin a competition. hope they all take good care of their throats n show their chops tmrw.
me not into green day, onli into random songs i like. watch dancing? never tried before. not bad still hv fav locker, u mus go & support.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 10:32

dolphin, i got d lyrics fm jay2u. juz heard d song... v nice! hope u'll b able to catch it tdy!

i wonder d presales for his album is gg to b on d same day as in taiwan not. they hv 2 diff gifts for preorder leh... order fm 7-11 get his table calendar. order fm cd shop get his magic cube. wonder if we can get it here nt. i wan both!

haa.. sb 2 tonite. let's see who's gg to b out. nt gg to make any guess now...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 11:59

I want that Magic Cube!! Don't know if SG have that. Must go ask music store if they can get that in.

Yah, my fav rocker (and Bambi's too) is coming here in Nov. I'm definetly going to see him. Its very rare for him to come to SG. hee, gotta know abt dancing because of him.

BTW, that panthers are coming back. They always come back when the hippos got some new activities. Hope they don't mess up here, else we need to move again.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 00:10

saw d results show? screamm & wu ge ren din make it...

getting more & more sian of march & da feng chui...

dolphin, if spore dun hv d magic cube? u hv any lobang to get ur taiwan frens to help buy? i pai sei to ask my colleague liao coz hv asked her to buy for me twice jay's stuff liao. =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 09:07

Hmm Garfield, my face-reading really accurate orh. Screamm is out. Although I prefer Screamm to Tuzhi (sorry to all the Tuzhi's fans here), but I don't think we need 2 similar bands in SB. Comparing Yi SHi Jie nd Screamm, Yi Shi Jie is stronger and with a bigger fan base too.

Magic cube, see if Singapore will import them in. Or else I'll ask my colleague who is going to TW in Dec to get for me.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 09:09

yah...dun understand why the judges like march & da feng chui so much...dun like both the lead singers...
wonder if the judges are trying to be nice since it's the last semi... ;p

I'm happy that tuzi is IN!!! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 13:15

d magic cibe will b available in spore! check out d stores tmr!

dun tink i can pre-order tmr. hope thu can go buy.

tuzi isnt gd but i like they humbleness... besides them, screamm & wu ge ren quite alright. nt so gek sey & HL...

if we really get tkts to watch d grand final, tink i'll njoy oni when mlb & d guest performed. as for d contestants... sian...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2008 13:25

WAIL.....my fave band Scream is out! wa my heart is in agony, mus go n tiap koyok on it. hey i tot the vocalist put in her best perf, showed good control though one hi note (dun hv enough power to detect other misses) cant hit n the judges still slam her. Fedup. mus bid my cute lil drummer girl adios. so sad. dat wind finally took the wierd out of their perf. otherwise i will be even more pissed they got in. Arrghh! still cant stand them.
haha dolphin, ure face reading v scary. i was ever ready to sacrifice the rabbits for another dose of scream. yi n scream are diff, one is overt, the other is more restrained (cant find the rit word to describe). send details of ure locker la, can consider.
flamingo, i oso dun wanna guess anymore. later more heart pain. if dat wind blow wins, i mus go n bang my head on the wall. oredi bang for soccer, lagi mus bang again for sb2 *shake head* hopefully tmrw's highly anticipated prez will cheer me up loads :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 September, 2008 00:48

My friends call me the high sixth sense not without a reason. Even though it never works for 4D or toto.. :(
Din't really see how good the band are. But I really hope Yi Shi jie will win, cos they are my 2nd fav.

Won't be going out tmr to get album, will stay at home the whole day, to work and research on some papers. And the shopping mall at my neighbourhood under renovation, no CD anymore. But has asked Bambi to scout at her work place.

Saw Jay's new MV just now... think his dress sense has dropped to the bottom. oh no!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 September, 2008 12:04

hi cuties,

sori MIA, due some personal upsets.. my sis went to the Astral world suddenly in July & last yr my late bro too.. 2 deaths within 2yrs.. n legal matters to handle..

glad tis place is kept warm.. cont to enjoy yrself here..

bye for nw


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 September, 2008 21:06

...birdie... dunno wad to say.. but must jia you jia you k.. cheer up!

heh.. i also mia for some time. exams spam..sigh. and now results out and i kana remedial -_______- and a levels coming in 1 month.. double sian..

anyw, i had been missing out so much!!! didnt even realise the boys' album's out alr. lol. shall go buy tml :) and pre-order jay's album!! whoo!! haha. aiyo 2 albums at one go..me poor student not so rich. lol.

argh...sreamm and 5 boys are out?! sad shit.. i tot 5 boys prob cant get thru but didnt expect screamm to be out too! ahh.. i like the lead's voice sia. very special and got character (tho its not technically perfect) haix.. so now final 4 is who? rabbits, yi shi jie, stupid wind blow and march is it?? acty i dun really like march that much lor.. yi shi jie now can accept after that jap song perf. it was really good. so freaking surprised by them. haha.

I WANNA GO FOR SB FINAL!!!! wanna watch mlb and mayday! not so into beyond (acty didnt hear their songs b4.lol)

p.s. who's foxy sia?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 00:35

garfield, ur koyok works nt? lol...

eeyore, yes, d 4 u mentioned r d 4 finalist.

hee... till now i still prefer rabbit lah... coz dun fancy d o/r 3. but whoever wins, tink i wont buy d album. ;p

btw, i've ordered jay's cd~ & got d rubik's cube... yippe! if u gg to get urs, check ur rubik's cube. some of d stickers (prob 1 side) din paste well so nt in position. if d shop allow u to chg, chg it. =p but of course, must open d box nicely. cannt damage d box else dey cant give it out again.

no gig on 1 oct, so let's hope we can go to watch d boys at sb2!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 00:38

forgot to comment... i quite like jay's new look leh... hee hee... farmer + modern + ?? + ?? look?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 00:56



tat's wer he got his clothes... haaa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 01:02

reading jay2u on jay's news... find tis v cute so share wif all of u here:


animal protector... ;-D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 01:08

Flamingo, you got the cube already? Cool, will try to get it tmr... if I go to work. Have been lying at home for 2 days liao, gastric strike again... sianz... Clothings from Thailand? Tsk tsk tsk... it doesn't match at all, cos he doesn't look like a Thai loh. hahaha

The autograph session timing and venue is out... not sure if I can make it. why this timing leh...??

Eeyore, jiayou. You can make it de!

Ms birdie, jiayou too. We are always here.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 01:09

Animal protector yah? Haha... but can be sue by human rights orh. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 08:01

haha i think maybe ask the buffaloes to do the work also quite hard to control them.. lol..

yeah...like his new song :) hahaha tho i tot the first verse of the lyrics a bit too... like direct i guess.. but the rest is really nice :) oh yeah~~ excited!! hahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 17:54

dolphin, din take regular meals ah? hope u r better liao...

autograph session: i tink i can oni make it to d one on sat. fri is at bpp.. out of way.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 13:11

whooo~~~~~~ i got the cube!!! PLUS mlb's new cd!!!!! hahahahahahahah. oh yeah~~ so far i like cheng shou and han the best <3 hahah


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 02:53

flamingo n eeyore, dun remind me of my heartache. my poor scream... but birdie even worse, i throw my koyok in ure nest as standby emergency kit.
haha when i read dat in the papers, i oso tot he completely forgot abt human rits.
was looking forward to children's day, den....sb finals tink quite tough. ya, agree yi suddenly found their keys. was good for the jap number n fast number.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 22:48

Helo!! Just finished watching the F1, wow, it was more exciting that i thought. So many crashes and dramas. I like kimi, the iceman, too bad he crashed, with just a few laps to go. Poor thing. went to the secret location of Bambi (& Garfield's too, haha). too bad, they fenced up the area. can only catched a glimpse of the top and color of the cars... But the atmosphere is there, defintely. Next yr, think i might try to get a tic for it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 09:41

lol..think f1 is too freaking noisy and scary hahaha

anyw right... realise that nic has pretty eyes leh.lol esp with the coloured contacts


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 13:06

wer's d secret place?? i went to watch at marina can see d cars leh.

fri went to watch at cityhall can oso see but but on sat dey covered up d view liao.

nic wore colored contact lends?? wat color? waiting for 1 oct to go get d album...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 October, 2008 02:46

haha, it was a really good place to view the race for free. was in the area and tot might as well see if can catch the practice runs. even tried to record the sound of the wonderful revs but sound quality v bad. alamak why they board up the place, means next yr cant go there n peek for free again :P hope they at least let us view the practice runs.(hope it's not FAT hope :D) So dolphin, did u mge to get a close-up look at kimi? Dat's a killer bend to negotiate, all the cars slow down there in the practice runs and there were 3 crazy angmohs who cheered everytime a ferrari whizzed past. tink was massa.
i like lewis, gosh he's so cute plus his british accent...can faint :D
flamingo, So the view from marina was better than cityhall?
i cant determine the color of nico's lenses. jus know it's colored.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2008 13:44

it was a great race on sun huh... weather was oso nice... but poor ferrari team, disappoint so many fans.

yeah, view fm marina was gd... can stand juz behind d 2 fence. no far barriers. but d cars were speeding so fast, so cant see d cars clearly lah. but can walk to d o/r side to see them again turning d corner to suntec.

i bought d album liao, saw nic's lenses... looks like hazel nut color. lucky nt d orbit colors. ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2008 22:39

No, I did not manage to see Kimi. All the cars passed so fast n with the fence, I can only guess what team the car from. Yes, I heard abt Crazy Ang Mo Ferrari fans, bambi told me. When I went back to office, seem many of my colleagues went too. Think the tic of grandstand not so good, they all have to stand up and watch, else can't see the car at all. And somemore, it is not free seating orh. My colleague like Lewis too, say he is cute.

I listened to the album a few times already. It sound a bit of old school, a bit of jazz, and more like Wu Bai. Some surprises, some disappointment. It definitely not a love at first heard, but will like it better when u listen a few more times.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2008 14:56

i left my feedback abt d album but mlb din comment anything. nt sure if dey read wat i wrote.

d songs r alright, quite like chen shu, triangle, lu, she bu de... d rest, hv to listen more times mayb will b nicer.

din realised oni 9 songs in d album until i'm home. seems like warner still din put in much effort for tis 2nd album. find dey focus more on derrick's album. nt sure if it's oso mlb's constraints... wq still schooling & nic serving ns.

hope d nxt album, dey can hv put in more effort & hv more publicity for d boys.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2008 16:48

Lewis is getting cuter every time I see him...photo lah.. of course... hee hee.... ;-)

agree w flamingo...the album is too simple....Guess Warner spent all the budget on D. Now sending him to Taiwan! I'm surprise to see that D has 11 songs in his album while the bois only got 7 new songs. And total play time is only 35 min?!?! Haiz... BUT glad tt at least both the boi's 主打歌 are not covered songs (disappointed to know that D's unclassified is a covered song)

I'm not music expert, but I find a couple of songs sound a lil familiar (not lu nor she bu de). There's no hmmm... milo taste. I suppose, one needs to listen to the album a few more times to like it. Nvm, tt's what happened to Jay's last album too :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2008 16:06

i like the way the hippos' blend their voices in a song. still give me the goosebumps everytime i hear the chorus for hei. nice vocal 'choreography' there.
the song which i tot had abs no milo flavour was triangle. it's a good jazzy song...jus...so not milo. hm...maybe the hippos hv grown up, cant stop them. hee... but hope they will still spin out angsty rock numbers.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 13:11

dolphin, thks for d lift out last nite!

reached home at 12.30 coz waited a while for d bus.

lucky we din wait at radio gate coz d driver din stop to let wq chat wif mlbians... =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:14

after listening to wanrenmi, den i get to know tat winning sb2, gets $50K! WAH~ i tot it's 5K... a missing zero makes a great diff.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 20:37

$50K??? Woo~

Thanks dolphin for the lift! :D
Was so worried that flamingo will miss her bus....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 23:38

yah, 50K! when i heard, i sms cruz to clarify & he said yes, 50K. tat's y he keep wah-ing... haaa...

tink i saw fm website d last bus was 11.30. but saw at d bus stop info board was 11.45.

there's quite a few buses to d west. so even if missed it, i can take one to d nearest den chg to cab. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:33

Wah, $50K quite a lot. but without a contract, will we see them again? like some of the project superstars, never even see them again even if they did sing very well. I should say, our boys are very lucky indeed. And comparing to last year final, last yr was more exciting. Even thou without big stars like mayday and beyong, it was still a very shiok final. Will there be a SB3?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 21:06

tmr tv will repeat sb2 at 2pm... those interested, rmb to watch.

i'll b watching coz tat day cant really hear well fm wer we stand.

hope after nic ord & wq graduate, d boys can go further out of spore.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 October, 2008 01:05

autograph session pics to share:



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 October, 2008 02:05

the 1st gf was def more exciting. this 2nd one was quite fun considering all the entertainmt fr behind the scenes. really mus kowtow to all the bands, wonder how they hear fr where they are standing. luv the unplugged perf by march n yi, too bad they didnt get thru. the most hi perf was by qinobe, lucify n the hippos but on tv screen, hippos needa wk on their stage presence.
thks for sharing the pics, visit link another day. needa sleep...hope it'll come...had zero sleep nite ytd...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 October, 2008 14:33

autograph session pics & video to share:


i noticed tat nic's jacket seems to b d same as wat sam wore last wk... wat do u think?


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 October, 2008 09:32

Thanks for the photos & videos!!!
Looks like you all had lotz of fun :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 01:26

Hey hey, long time no "see". My last tag here was 8th Oct. Has been super bz these 2 weeks, and now it is finally over (hope so). Not sure if I can tanhan this kind of life for long not, will try to, else gotta find a new rice bowl liao.

Missed last fri session. Heard it was quite happening ah? Not time to watch the vid yet, maybe weekend can watch some.

Anyone catch an old AK member on TV just now? I totally forgotten abt it! Lucky I reached home slightly earlier today. Was preparing to bath when Bambi shouted out asking me if I'm watching not. Bad memory... I sure visit the chinese restaurant with my family if he is going to open one! My family prefer chinese food lah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 11:20

finally u r back...

ya, i watched tat... d claypot rice looks gd! d o/r dish too fatty liao...

btw, need some IT asst fm u... do u know abt pointsec protector prog? i accidentally set pw to my thumbdrive & mp3, do u know how can i remove tat? now i cant access d songs in my mp3... (TT)

anyone, can help?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 01:32

mp3 - managed to get my bro-in-law to fix d problem liao... phew...

anyone went to causeway pt for d SHA thingy?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 08:44

hey Flamingo, sorry now then see ur msg. Din't come here for quite a few days. Good thing that you have fixed the pw thingy.
Bambi and I went for the WL SHA event. I accompany her to see if got free tic not even though I confirm not going to SHA. No, there is no free tic. The event was kinda boring too. I didn't finish watching, left around 8pm cos have a meeting @ 9pm. Missed half of Liu Li Yang and totally missed Yoga.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 00:21

causeway pt thingy no attractn for me to go. looks like dolphin divin in deep seas again w goldfish. keep at it, soon u both can come out of it with a big splash n get all of us wet too!? heard a song on radio tdy by paramore which caught my attn, tink it's called dat's wat u get. heard dey're a ridiculously young band, even younger den the hippos! :O


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 13:48

anyone gg to d event at vivo tmr?

i hv co. event so cant go.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 15:02

haiz..din do well in my paper juz now .... :( 2 hrs for a written paper is really not enuf!! Will there be a miracle?? *pray very hard*

can't go for the event at vivo...need to study for my last paper. And I hope this time, i'll do well.

flamingo, enjoy yourself tonight! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:16

Hey Duckling, jiayou jiayou. You can make it de!
Last sat event, a lot of actions... but I din't get into the atmosphere too much. Bad mood on sat... Gastric + handphone spoilt + over night working weekend. So sianz.... video and pic all taken by Bambi. I'm too sian even to stand up to shot any pic!

My old HP IPAQ... I dropped my whole bag onto the floor. Suah that my HP screen was kena broken by the zip infront of it. So I got a new artistic wallpaper. Cannot tap anything on it.. e only thing I can do is to answer calls. And its my month end support week. Office phone is routed to my phone and I have to standby 24/7. Hope I didn't miss any imprt call. When got home, I borrow Bambi's old Nokia phone to use.... but my HP don't keep any contacts in e SIM card! I thought die liao, all contacts gone. Lucky that my IPAQ still can sync with PC. I got all the contacts transferred out into an Excel file. But 300+ contacts, I need to key them in manually into the replacement phone. Haiz....Think I really need a big break just to sleep and lax.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2008 00:48

Ohhhh noooo…another one hving exams. Poor animals, hope u all get past this stage soon and all the rainbows appear. Nowadays realize how impt sleep is. Always take it for granted as I hv always been a dead piggy, can zzz anywhere one. Once deprived of it, u can be the moodiest person on earth n no one can save u so realli, realli i jus wish everyone can get enuff zzz n snooze ezy. Sweet dreams all!
So dolphin, wat phone u got in the end? Another HP?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2008 21:56

woo... all animals deprive of sleep... me oso lacking... but it's 自找 coz i alws sleep late. ;p

dolphin! manually input 300+ contacts?? xiong leh... hope u've gotten ur new hp.

anyone gg to d gig on 7 dec? d yr end count dwn is at my place here but i'll b away. :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 00:17

Din't get any HP yet. Can't find one that I like and cheap enough to afford de. Currently using Bambi's old HP, a Nokia. Used to use Nokia too, but after 2 yrs of touch pad... I do not know how to use. Got a tendency to touch the screen. Haha. And gotta learn how to use the keypad to type msg too. I did not know how to type the signs such as full stop, comma, question mark etc, asked my colleague to teach me. Ready embarrass. Now I slowly key in the contact numbers loh. Spilt them into priorities. Currently only high priorities are in, such as family, friends and colleagues. Next will be those long time no contact friends and ex-colleagues. Lastly will be those ex-customers and shops I used to visit ba... time to clean up the list too.

Hmm... We are coming closed to the 3rd page, abt time to scout for new place and move liao.

Hey Birdie, if you happen to peek in, just wanna say... "We are moving soon. Help find us a new cosy place yah."


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 00:19

Oh btw Flamingo, if nothing crop up, I will be going for the event on Dec 7th. The countdown too, auto Boonlay bit too far for me. Hee hee. For you, it is so near yet so far.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 13:31

hi cuties, happy weekend to all..
hee dolphin, while waiting for the man to send the bed wh i bought for my nephew, thot i just pop in''.

k we all ck together 4 a nice pasture/home.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 13:59

Hi birdie, long time no see! How hv you been? *wave*

thanks for the jiayous! :) Have been very busy at work after the exam...YES! exam is finally over! Even thou it's (only) three papers, it seems to take forever....now waiting anxiously for d results, which will be out early next month. Meawhile, let me enjoy myself first :)

dolphin, can get used to non-pda phone mah? So many features missing...poor mammal, needs to key in your contact manually...d nokia ph or SIM card can't sync to your PC arh? sorry arh, i not so IT savvy, but i thot there's such feature...

you tend to get gastric pretty often. must take care leh...

I shd be able to go for the gig on 7th too :) But not for the countdown....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 15:11

hi duckling, wave to u too.. u can do it de.. me trying my best to get on with life.

dolphin, not sure abt nokia, but errisson phones hv copy features to xfer the nos to another errission phone.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 14:55

welcome back birdie!

oh no~!!! i juz went to cfm a majong session on d 7th! (forgot abt d gig) but hv to see if a/r fren can make it nt. =p wat time is d event huh? tink it's afternoon one rt?

haa... i oso not willing to pay much for hp, so usu will get those cheap or even free one tat comes wif plan. dolphin, look out for any promo nxt mth & see if can get a new cheap pda ba. after so long it's really difficult to go back to a normal phone.

congrats duckling... finally tuo li ku hai... it's a torture during d exam period huh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2008 01:27

after so long den it struck me that there are oredi 2 julys on the sidebar, was wondering which one to enter :P tink someone kindly posted timing of 7dec event in cs.
sometimes, it pays to wait for a good hp deal, esp with the festive period coming up. no point getting smthg u dun fancy but within ure budget now, to find out later dat u r stuck with a totally unfriendly daily companion...can be hell.
woo! one out of exam fever, more on their way to recovery. panadol anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 01:00

Hi all! How ya today.. err yesterday.

Yah, I'm waiting for festive season to come, and heard another IT on it's way too. So will wait till then I'll buy a new phone. Maybe Sony E ba, the K series, I would like one with better camera feature.

Duckling, its is my broken HP IPAQ can sync to PC and download the contacts into excel. The temp Nokia I'm using now cannot be uploaded with the excel file, so I have to manually key them all in. When you start class again? See if got chance to have dinner with you not.

Garfield, I'm not recovering yet. Still late nights and classes with not fulfilled assignments and project. Think I need more than panadol.

Birdie, can buy a bed for me to put in office? So maybe I'll start to stay there... hahaha

Flamingo, got space for me in your luggage not? I missed home...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 16:52

Dolphin, your projects still not over arh??

I'll be hving classes on Mon to Thrus from 5 to 22 Jan. After that will be every Mon, Tues & Thurs. No Sat classes. Heng ah~ But will hv an individual assignment this sem.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 01:56

hmm...dolphin ures dun sound like fever. assignments n projects... sounds like a v long process so need long term nourishment for endurance. u're rit, u need more than panadol, try herbal soups n vit b complex instd. :P the only one i take is the herbal chicken soup. dunno wat it's for but it's delish, warms the soul on cold rainy days. duckling's schedule next yr sounds gruelling as well but at least for now, can take a breather n enjoy the hols. woo!

Come to tink of it, when everyday is a stroll in the park with no ups n downs, it can get boring. but when you're on a rollercoaster ride every other day, you get so exhausted you just wan time out from the ride. So shld we seek out a rollercoaster ride then or continue our peacefull stroll in the park? Which will you choose?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 02:02

I would take a roller coaster life ba. Even with all the complains, I'll still won't exchange it with a stroll at the park. For me, life is still young and alive. From born, I know that what I want is just a normal life. I want more than that. Stroll at a park, maybe I'll opt for that in 30 years later. But now, I still want to enjoy the peaks and lows, the speed and excitment.

the weekend has just passed. its being a long time I go crazy. Its a great feeling to be at somewhere I really enjoying myself, the cheer, and screaming and the energy.


The gals who won the hip hop category is really cool. Cheered ready hard for them. Heh heh, will go again next year, Floor the Love 2009. Cool yeh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 01:52

either or is a struggle for me to choose. wn i am strolling for too long, i wanna go on a roller coaster but am afraid of the things i will lose fr my pocket wn it makes the upside down turn. den wn i am on the umpteen time on the ride continuously, i get so sick i jus wanna get out n recup....can only conclude i am conflicted, the grass is always greener on the other side :P
hey dat's a great way to let off steam. as long as you hv an outlet, it helps to keep u re-energised for the next climb up. at least can screaaaaaammm your heart out if n when it drops before going up again. Enjoy ure ride!:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 09:38

*headache* i need sleep...

dolphin, sure, i can spare out my luggage space to get u in. cant wait to go... I NEED A BREAK~

garfield, i like wat u wrote. true enuf, many may b feeling d same way as u. for me, i'm nt so adventurous & ambitious, so cant take on a roller coaster ride. i wld prefer a smoother journey.

anyone gg to d gig on 7th? it's fm 9am to 1pm, at tampines, but must buy tkt.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2008 10:51

I'm going!! Has asked around where the CC is, think its near the interchange. Think gotta look it up in a map. Tampines near my working place, I can go buy after work. i can buy tics for all? Application open now!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 November, 2008 00:00

dolphin, u need to work on tat day???

let me check wif my fren if d majong session is still on. if on, prob i can arrange at a later time.

i'll post/ msg u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 09:47

Hi there, long time to "see"...How is everyone??? *wave*

I have been busy with work after the exams...

I'm also not ambitious, but like a 'lil adventure :) So, I'll like to ride the roller coaster once a while, and also enjoy my walks in the park to smell the flowers :)

I wanna go to the gig on 7th. Need tickets arh? Dolphin, is the application for tickes still open, or you can't make it liao?

Flamingo, you got majong session on 7th? go after the gig lah...

ps congrats to goldfish! You survived !!! (you're being missed here)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 11:55

hi hi all...

wah duckling... after exams bz wif work. took too many days off liao so needs to clear d backlog?

my mj on sun is cancelled so i can make it! dolphin, u able to go? if u r, can help to get d tkts? duckling, it's $3 for d tkt (nt sure y need tkts though)

i tink goldfish lost in d ocean & cant tis kingdom liao... lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 09:08

Hi flamingo, no lah. I didn't take too many days off for this round of exam. But was busy with budgeting.

Glad that you can make it on Sun. But a pity that your mj session is cancelled.

Dolphin, how's your work schedule like on sun??


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 14:01

hi, shld be going on sun but will get my own tics. Thanks! 9am...hope i can wake up in time :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 15:44

hee.. my mj pp to d wk after, so it's still on!

juz checked d details. hv to get d tkts fm d cc wor... but i tink we can dun buy if we dun wan d door gift, lucky draw & stuff. shld b able to juz go see see... wat do u tink?

9am is oso early for me... nt sure wat time will d boys perform. if nt so early, den we can go later.

oh btw, garfield, dun forget our date on sat. meet u direct at d stadium?

dolphin, will u b gg early to see d praying again?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 November, 2008 00:41

I roughly know where is the CC already. Will pop by one of the weekdays after work to check out the tics. So total 4 tics now, including Bambi. will let you all know when I got the tics. I don't think the boys perform at 9am ba?? too early lah.

Can't go very early for this sat gig, have class till 5.30pm. I think can only reach there abt 6.30pm loh. See if can catch the praying not. if not we can go dinner first.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 November, 2008 13:01

thks dolphin...

oic... will see if bambi & garfield wants to go early. i can meet them. tink we can meet ard 5, coz usu d praying is after 5.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 02:09

flamingo, i didnt forget. my memory v good for superfluous stuff. Was wondering if u rem ure offer instd :P Sure, can meet direct at stadium. Dun wanna go so early, maybe join u all for dinner.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 11:50

ok garfield, den see u there. pls come by 6.30pm as we might need some time to find seats.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 10:13

heys~ lol i know i've been mia for a long time. hahaa the a levels over! (finally) and after like many many days of playing and slacking and going out a lot, i decided that its time to get a job. hahaha need to earn some cash to finance my playing. lol. ;P

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