
milubing | 05 July, 2007 16:56

Dear Mlbians, pls take note. I have just found out that the album will be released only on Monday, 9th of July. Some delays. Also, the more or less finalized dates for Autograph sessions is:

Date:15 July 07 (Sun), Time: 4pm,Venue: Jurong Entertainment Centre
Date: 22nd July 07 [Sun], Time: 3pm, Venue: Bishan Open Plaza
Date: 28 July 07 (Sat), Time: 3pm, Venue: Bukit Panjang Plaza
Seems like IMM one is cancelled...
Also, there'll be no restrictions: as long as u bring along the album, u can get thru.

Jus as I've always said, once i get any updates like the above, I'll try to update u all ASAP. We'll be taking a wan bao interview tmr. Will fill u in on the details tmr ba :)
P.S. Tonight's the Music in the Air episode!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:15

haha noted. Already update in publicity blog le. Later shall post in YG. haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 July, 2007 17:17

Haiz, again delay till Monday! But its ok, we know its not your fault. We can wait for another 3days, afterall we already waited for so long.
WeiQi, thank you very much on updating us. So sorry to let you spend so much times updating us instead of studying.
MLB Jia-You...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:20

haha..it's really ok. I'm not studying yet ma, august then start school. Take care!


Blogger Jx | 05 July, 2007 17:22

wa piang i was so excited that friday is coming. =(

but then good stuffs are worth waiting for. haha.

eh? do does that means the imm one cancled? no longer having one there?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 July, 2007 17:24

Hi weiqi,
Did you manage to find out anything with regards to any restrictions for the autograph signing sessions?
So, the one you mentioned earlier on 22nd July 5.30pm at IMM is cancelled already?

Another few more hours, we can catch MLB performing & playing games in Music In The Air.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:25

ya lor, haha. But if Monday de hua I really got no time to visit CD rama or Music Junction...so I guess on my part I have to wait for slightly longer le. haha.

Also, 9 July is the start of my 3rd understanding test le...*faints*, will end on 13 July on Friday. Then 15 July can go support u guys le wor~ haha.

Weiqi, august start sch huh? 2nd year liao? Jia you wor~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:38

although there's been a delay, but still looking forward to the album.
and thanks weiqi, for the update. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:39

Ok, I've updated the post le, hope this helps! Yup, 2nd year student..mmm btw, dunno if i mentioned here b4, I not taking visual com(designing) le, going into animation as my major. Gonna be tough, but will do my best. Right now, my mind's off school. Jus wanna concentrate on the Album promos.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:45

haha thanks for updating. Haven't ask you how's you day wor~? haha.

haha me duno anything about design but u jia you! haha.

haha mind's off school...yes yes concentrate ba.

I'm yearning for my holiday la. Still got to wait until 24 August~ sian~~~~~~~~=(


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 17:59

haha me going home le. Come back again tonight. bye and take care!


Blogger qing qing | 05 July, 2007 18:32

it's ok.. nvm, can wait till mon de.. haha..

weiqi: u can tag here liao ar? haha

quizzy: r u e one who normally help weiqi tag here de if he cant huh? LOL!! i so super paiseh lor.. tag till so luan qi ba zao.. =(


Blogger qing qing | 05 July, 2007 18:37

meikian: r u e one who sms to 933 last nite de huh? haha..


Blogger MINHUI | 05 July, 2007 19:18

omg. still have to bear with the excitement thats boiling in me till monday. haha! nevermind. (x for you guys, its worth it! haha!

thanks for the update, weiqi. (:

to qingqing: haha! yeap! its her. (:


Blogger MINHUI | 05 July, 2007 19:27

meikian's message:

Today's wanbao features a small article on Milubing, the content is more or less similar to the last saturday's wo bao. However, there's a bigger photo. grab it if you want to. (information given on the article is still 6th july though).



Blogger qing qing | 05 July, 2007 20:16

minhui: ohh.. ok.. thanks.. haha

so funny lor, e music in a air.. haha.. sam cute lor.. haha.. weiqi hair really v nice.. nic v fuuny lor.. haha.. say he's w jacky now.. haha.. nice nice!! heehee..

yuanping n quizzy: i saw u two!! haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 20:47

haha. As I'm doing other things now, I will only watch the repeat at 12am (which I normally do). haha.

qing qing, yes but sometimes it isn't me. Must be other 'anonymous' ba? haha.

never mind la. But ur way of tagging that message gives a 'nervous' feeling. haha. Relac!

He probably was using other ppl's computer ba? haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 20:48

*I can only watch the repeat


Blogger qing qing | 05 July, 2007 21:08

quizzy: ohh.. yeah!! i'll watch e repeat w u oso.. haha.. though i watch juz now de le, but i still wanna watch agn.. heehee.. =D
haha.. nervous ma.. cos 1st time ma.. haha.. but 1st time v shi bai.. =(

haha.. so funny!!! e music in e air is so nice!! haha.. MLB v kind lor.. put e flour so little only.. haha..

oh ya, btw is e xi huan ni a different version from e one which MLB sang during superband de huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 21:31

haha thanks yor~

Not much difference ba? haha. Can't remember...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 22:01

Haha i watched Music in the Air. You guys were quite funny but there are some 冷场s though. Haha but its good to see the 'superband' kind of fun on tv again :]

And cant wait for the new album!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 23:12

hi weiqi..thx for e updates..well, gd things are worth waiting for..so yup, jus an additional 3 more days(ya i'm psychoing myself tt 9 jul will come v soon)..will be thr for all e auto sessions..c u guys den! :)

qing qing ar, u made me so paiseh can..tell everybody here u saw me..haha..but..i realli din c myself lor..lols.. :P


Blogger PeiShan | 05 July, 2007 23:13

hello peepz ..

enjoyed e music in e air juz now ..
to sam: u dame 搞笑 la .. my sis says u becoming more n more playful liao .. we kept laughing ..

to nic: so long nv c u .. so glad to c u again .. n u r oso another 搞笑 one .. haha ..

to weiqi: u v quiet leh .. tok more leh .. u so active in tis blog (i mean tag quite often) but on tv so quiet .. lata i forget how ur voice sound like liao .. haha .. kidding .. =P

to qing: eh, u really tag e weiqi's msg until v luan leh .. no wonder weiqi posted one himself, i thk he c le oso v luan .. haha .. but it's ok la coz it' ur 1st time rite ..
ohh .. so u coming wif mi to e autograph session ar .. okok .. =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 July, 2007 23:41

Wow, the Music In The Air show was very interesting. Seem likes you guys oso have lots of fun. Fyi, you guys look great in yellow outfits too.
Oh, I spotted Biru, JiaHui & meikian seated in the front row. Also quizzy & yuanping seated in the 3rd row. If I never see wrongly, some of you were holding 林宇中 banners? I never see any MLB's banner at all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2007 23:42

are they THAT good? considering the songs that they composed are not as original as it seems. and.. they broke up with their girlfriends because of a little fame? yucks.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 July, 2007 23:48

Hahaha, luckily my boss reject my half day leave application for tomorrow. If not, will feel so "sianz" & unlucky, cos MLB's debut album releasing date has postponed to Monday. But, I usually won't apply leave on Monday. Cos after 2 off days, I will be very busy as I need to compile weekly report on Monday. So, I will have to wait till finished work then go and buy the album.


Blogger PeiShan | 06 July, 2007 00:01

to uncle phil: yar they were holding 林宇中 banners .. but when e hosts mention e word "迷路兵" or anything got to do with mlb .. e scream was dame loud .. haha ..

gotta slp liao .. nitez peepz .. sweet dreams n take care ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 00:33

Thanks Shan for the confirmation. You sleeping already ha, not watching the repeat telecast? Ya, I agree that the screamz were damn loud whenever the host mentioned MLB. :-)

Was watching the repeat telecast, and found some MLBians went missing during the 1st segment of the game. Then saw them again when J3, MLB & LinYuZhong were singing. Wondering the recording/shooting & telecasting are not in the same order? Cos, I remember seeing some MLBians posted that they left before the show ended (recording ended after MN).


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 00:37

yo! haha. My mum and I were laughing like siao when J3 help you all answer la. haha. So funny la~ haha.

I really got no time to visit CD rama on Monday lor. I'm thinking of asking my mum to help me buy; but I think the sense of satisfaction will be greater if I buy myself, right? haha.

I wonder if nic sam and weiqi is watching this at home...haha.

Meanwhile... O_______________O


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 00:40

oh yes Uncle phil, this is actual sequence on that day...if i'm not wrong la..

1) Lin yu zhong performance
2) Milubing singing xi huan ni
3) J3 singing ka fei
4) Opening?
5) Interview with J3
6) J3 and Milubing collaboration
7) Games (which starts at 11.30pm lor)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 00:56

Hi quizzy,
Thanks for the details of actual sequences on that day's recording.
No wonder during the games segments, many of the MLBians missing (already left).
Btw, did your mum spotted you on TV?
The funniest part of the show was: Sam said something like: 我们一样穿黄色,你要跟我们讲。Hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 00:58

haha. my mother didn't say anything. we were only laughing like siao. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:09

watched the music in e air..haha,super funny la.live one was funny,watch on tv still v funny..lolx! the performances were gd. :D poor nic and weiqi,kana the flour..haha..

weiqi, thx 4 e updates!look 4ward to monday..u guys take care,jiayou kays.hope the album w sell reali well.w b at the auto sessions to support u guys!

sam,nic and weiqi, duno if u guys saw minhui's tag at the prev post,bt do tune in to yes 933 tml nite(12am to 1am shift) if u're free ya... :D

qingqing,bei ni fa xian le..haha,i thot only minhui heard the dedication.lolx... :P

tgif! its fri again.wish all hav a gr8 wkend ahead. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:12

glad u all enjoyed the show.I myself found it funny and i was really happy that nite being able to perform with J3 and talk to them backstage like old times.Alrite, guess i better zao,thanks to my sis,let me use her laptop heh heh.Take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:13

uncle phil,the recording went in the quizzy mentioned...the audience scenes during the games were cut frm the beginning b4 many of e fans left..and ya,i was holding lin yuzhong banner cuz my ticket was frm my fren who was a yuzhong fan.was hlping her to hold the banner n tryin to cover my face.. =.= pekchoo and jiahui/biru were holding mlb boards i thnk, cant reali rmb..yupp..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:17

jus finish watching mita repeat..haha..watch so mani times still find it funni..keke..e performance was great..n yes, i rmb we screamed real loud whenever e hosts metioned mlb..haha..so high..poor nic n weiqi kena e flour..esp nic..it's realli alot lei..tsk tsk..n i still din spot myself in e show..which is gd, den i can cont to b in self denial..lols!

uncle phil, u saw me too?? ah! *paiseh* i tot onli qing spotted..haha..nvm it's over.. :P

nitey weiqi! nitey all! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:18

btw, it seems like our blog is under attack again! haha.. lots of ppl like to spread fire ya?tsk tsk.We have been having quite some amt of peace for the past half year.Now that the album is coming out,it seems that the blog is under attack again! just like SB days! haha.. Well,Mlbians,let's ignore them, for rumours are rumours. Happy blogging peeps, and i hope u all can continue to be happy no matter wat troubles may come! JIAYO! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:21

yep..we r gd at feigning ignorance..hehe..dun be bothered by those comments k guys! :)

ps: weiqi, do tune in to yes 933 tml nite(12am to 1am shift) if u guys r free k? ;)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 01:23

Thanks meikian.
Sorry, I dun noe who is pekchoo? Only noe her in this blog, but never see her b4. Biru did not hold any banner, JiaHui holding LinYuZhong's album.
Ok lah, everyone has a fun time watching the show.
Shall see you gals at the autograph sessions.
Ya, its Friday again. Have awonderful Friday & great weekend ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:31

Weiqi, don't worry, we are good at feigning ignorance. But really, I almost 'exploded' just now. Lucky I control. haha.

Friday huh...how i wish i can pon school but I know I can't. sad~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:34

hahaha, just discovered that one of the MLB looks like Lin Yu Zhong at some angle... very easy to guess who is the one.

Attack? Ignore ignore ignore as usual... see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil...go sleep, nite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:39

i'm here again, uploaded 3 parts of the show le, final part still uploading... tmr then will have, bcos i'm going to leave it on overnight. Enjoy the show & laugh more... i go sleep & nitz every1

btw, this blog has an invisible stat - and it does trace IP addresses - fyi only


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:40

lets just take it as .. SEE NO EVIL. i thought i saw wrongly till i took the third glance. goodness. okay. drop the topic.

haha! yea! the music in the air was really hilarious!

yay! 2 days 22 hours and 19 mins &counting to album release! so exciting! yay!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:40

weiqi,jus curious..have u guys had ur fa pian ji zhe hui(press conference) yet?hehs...hope to c the news of ur fa pian ji zhe hui.. :D

uncle phil,pekchoo was the one sitting beside biru. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:41

Thanks xiu jiejie. Maybe I should install one in publicity blog too. haha.

But trace le IP address we still don't know who ba? haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 01:45

weiqi, you are such a nice guy.
You are very concern about your fans. We are very please to be in the MLB family, we are already bonded together as a big family. Most important is: We love MLB & their music.
Please be sure that we are not so easy to be attacked and of course will ignored them. We also know that those ppl out there are very jealous of MLB!
Please have the assurance from me that we will still support MLB regardless of what happen, no one can stop us. Yeah... MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 01:52

oh, so pekchoo was sitting on the right of biru (cos jiahui was on her left). Thanks meikian.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 01:56

haha gd night lo~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 02:00

wah nearly 2am liao!
Going to bed soon.
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians, sleep well. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 07:50

yoz.....MLB & Mibians
Sam & Nic Kor very blur lol in Music in the Air then Weiqi too quiet la....

anyway,i'm still deciding which date i'm going to attend the authorgraph session......


Blogger Jx | 06 July, 2007 08:03

again like SB days, some ppl just hide behind the montior and find means and ways to bring MLB down. Dare to say, then leave a name. That's how it should be done. Hiding under a anonymous person and throwing rumors and words to attack the 3 boys, will not bring them down but make yourself look like an idiot, an anonymous idiot. =)

Have fun guys. TGIF!.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 08:19

haha heck care them ba.

Zao an ni hao! Yes TGIF le. haha. jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 08:20

quizzy_me meimei, depending on how much detective work u wanna go - whether static or dynamic - it can be done. i would say if its suspicious then a block will do. however, this is not what we wish to do here ba.

anyway Music in the Air Encore all ready! Enjoy it all over again! ;P

i'll come back on sunday. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 09:38

Hi.. I saw MLB on TV last night and J3 too...

Ha.a.a.a Sam really BLUR!..You sang out of tune iszit... ha.a.a.

Nic looks more shuai now when he is darker. He looks more healthy and macho instead of the fair sissy look. I missed Nic's voice BIG TIME! Really... beautiful voice.

Good to see J3 too...long time and after watching this show... I realized what is the different between Singers and Band. They are apple and orange...



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 09:43

Uncle Phil,

Hello I am back from my holidays..
Yeah I watched the show last night.. Quite funny lah.. Most of the part shown us.. haha~


Looking forward to hear all the music in the album..

Take care


Blogger qing qing | 06 July, 2007 09:58

morning!! yoyo!! heehee

shan: eh eh.. first time ma.. haha.. ya la, i think weiqi oso think v luan, tat's y he post one himself.. haha.. so ps.. =X
kk.. we go tog.. haiz.. i thinking wanna go e JEC de not lei.. =X cant decide.. =(

yuanping: haha.. u still didnt c urself ar? LOL!!!
xiu: wat's IP addresses? =X

meikian: heehee... was bout to slp, den i heard it.. heehee..
btw, i saw u too!! haha..

was watching e repeat last nite, den when they interviewing lin yu zhong tat time, i think, slp awhile, later then wake up.. cos too tired liao ma. in e end, i wake up, den e show end liao.. =(

yes, nvm.. dun bother bout wat ppl say.. we support MLB can liao.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 10:08

Qing qing, u asked what's IP address huh? I helped u wikipedia-ed it le. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address

Pek Choo, thats because u gals are sitting at the front row. Pinky jie and I sitting at the back so not much of us are captured. In fact I sitting at the extreme corner of the highest level of platform. Which means 'my life was at stake' while watching the show lor. haha!

Haha xiu jiejie; I agree with u. But detective work is a bit too chim for me liao. haha. Xiu jiejie knows how? Haha teach me next time.

Ask you guys a question - 1) Interesting topic taught by a boring teacher or for my case facilitator... 2)Boring topic taught by an interesting facilitator. Which is worse? haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 10:11

*boring or difficult topic taught by interesting facilitator/teacher


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 10:48

haha, i was like so obvious... =.= jus behind nic nia when they pai-ed him. regret not bringing board to cover my face on tt day. hahax...

ip add? haha... can trace the person till u get all their details-address, phone no. etc. minhui got experience... haha! :P

see no evil, hear no evil, do no evil... despise people who like to hide behind a computer screen and anyhow shoot people. have the guts to shoot, dont have the guts to reveal identity... but yaa, we mlb fans are good at feigning ignorance lahh. hahas...

speaking of the sb days. i really really miss those days! wahhs... it seemed like sooo long ago. hearing j3 sing again is shiok... relaxing and soothing. hehhs... :D

monday will come soon. :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 10:58

Weiqi Thankz for e updates... Will wait patiently till e album release day de... Hahax~ meanwhile take good care.. Smilez...


Blogger qing qing | 06 July, 2007 11:27

quizzy: kk.. thanks.. i go read.. =D

meikian: haha.. ya lor.. think pai dao u alot of times.. haha.. lucky u didnt bring board to cover ur face, if not we cant c u liao.. haha


Blogger qing qing | 06 July, 2007 11:32

can c my previous tag ma huh?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 11:43

Hi meikian,
Why you wanna cover your face with a board? If you covered it, then how you gonna see MLB perform or play games? Might as well watch it at home! Don't have to feel pai-seh supporting MLB, be proud of yourself to be in the MLB Family.
So, I am requesting all MLBians going for the autograph sessions, please put on the MLB's Tee. Thanks.
Yeah, its Friday. Weekend approaching & Monday MLB's album releasing.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 11:49

Talking about the MLB's Tee, please bear in mind that weiqi has put in so much effort to design that T-shirt. To show our appreciation, it will be good that we wear it to MLB's events, gigs, shows & etc (if you have one). Its just my suggestion, anyway the choice is still yours to decide. Cheers... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 12:38

haha, some of them bu she de to wear it. It's too bao gui to them le. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 06 July, 2007 12:56

quizzy: YES!! it's v bao gui to mi.. everytime i wear go out or go sch, i feel v xin tong.. =X
haha.. shld hav bought 2 tat time.. haiz.. 1 for keeping, den e other one for wearing.. haha..

uncle phil: i'll b wearing!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 13:10

haha! yea! like me! too bao gui to wear so put at home bai mei. =(

to meikian: haha! i see my name! someone other than milubing got spammed eh?

some people are just to free. nothing better to do. roar~ to such people!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 13:18

to xiu: haha! i saw the stat counter! (x

to flora: hmmm... i think i'm thinking what you were thinking. haha! you mean weiqi is it? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 13:24

Weiqi's eyes bears resemblance to Lin Yu zhong's one? I think so. haha =D


Blogger PeiShan | 06 July, 2007 13:26

hello peepz ..

aiya .. juz dun care those ppl can liao lor ..

to qing: haha .. huh, still thking ar .. haha ..

to minhui: yup, i oso thk flora is saying tt weiqi look abit like lin yu zhong ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 13:43

yup yup, it weiqi I'm talking about. Just one is darker than another... hahaha.

Agree with Meikian that really miss the superband days... Although lots of attacks around that time, but the blog was super hot, hitting more than 1000 entries per day! It was fun.

TGIF, not many things to do today. yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 13:46

I really love the music/video blog. Everything is so cool there! and over here too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 14:29

uncle phil,
wells, guess i was paiseh lohhs... cuz everytime i get shown on tv i get alot of smses telling me they saw me on tv. and its not good if my teachers see me on tv, cuz my results arent really up to standard... yeahhs, thats why i always try to not show myself on tv...

yes, i'll wear the mlb shirt to events... hope more people will wear, cuz weiqi took lots of time to design it after all... :)

haha. hmm? what u mean? hahax... still remember las time when u kana spammed? lolx...

superband is one thing i'll never forget manns. did chase campus superstar last year as well, but superband really is the most 印象深刻of all. and also becos of superband tt i got to know so many friends...

i missed the times we screamed like siao for the bands! haha... esp during the finals, the sea of pink and the standing throughout the 3 to 4 hours. wow, thinking of all these... really miss those times. feel like watchig the finals again liaoo. hahas...

have called up warner. they told me that the release will be on monday... [actually she said 'should be monday', then i asked if its confirmed and she said ya...] but there isnt anything else [vcd etc] coming with the album though. so maybe have to wait until gaiban [if there's one] to see the mvs or what bahhx...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 14:31

btw, read ytd's wanbao... mentioned that the guys had to film the mv under hot sun, then after that the bus aircon broke down so they had to like bear with the heat sumore on the way back.

ehh, kinda suay? hahaa... but u guys xi sheng so much, i bet the mv's real good. hehhs. looking forward to seeing it! :DDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 14:47

to meikian: haha! yea. thats a super uber long time ago leh! hmmm.. dont remember and dont want to remember. hahaha!
SB days were so fun and thrilling! though i wasnt at the mosh pit, i was screaming like hell at the vvips. haha! madness yet memorable. LOVE IT.wooh!*

also, thanks for confirming with warner once again! (x we're all so updated cos of your calls! haha!

omg. i so hope that there's mvs! gai ban gai ban! hurry come out! haha!


Blogger qing qing | 06 July, 2007 16:05

meikian: YES!! i saw tat article too.. MLB so poor thing lor.. *sobs*
btw, thanks for telling got MLB in e wan bao! =)
oh ya, thanks for calling up warner n updating us oso.. =D


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 July, 2007 16:30

hahas. Punished not to play com these few days. *sighs*

WAHH WAHH WAHH! I nvr come for only 2 days and yet soo many updates!! DID I MISS ANYTHING? HAHAS. Anyway, a lot of updates until i blur like sotong liaos. hehes. (:

WEIQI: HI HI HI!! LOLS! I VERY HIGH TODAY! Anyway, i saw th episode of Music In The Air yesterday. Was funney, especially Sam. Soo cute. hahas. XD Ur hair was nice man! XD. And yahs. I feel sorry for u, always updating the blog bout latest updates. U should be busy bahs. (:

EVERYONE: Go my blog and see my latest post please! I have thank everyone of u on my blog. It was my heartiest thanks to all of u! XD

GUESS WAD? TODAY MY WHOLE SCHOOL DER STUDENTS WORE GREEN IN ORDER TO CELEBRATE "EARTH DAY"! hahas. The whole school wear green until my frens say they see until like wanna vomit and..


Is getting hotter these few days. MLBIAS AND MILUBING, DRINK MORE WATER HORS?! hehes. XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 17:12

I happened to wear green today but I swear I totally forgotten about Earth day. haha. School management didn't tell us to wear green also. haha.

Don't worry Jodie, this (nearly slept in class) happened to me all the time. haha.

Yes it's getting hotter but I'm eating M&M now...haha =x


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 July, 2007 17:39

Hi meikian,
Now then I know why you wanna use a board to cover your face, after all your explanation. But as I said previously, then you might not have the full view of the show/performance. Perhaps you should not sit at the front row (just like quizzy & yuanping, seated at the back. Not easily seen).
Ya, thanks for sharing the same view as me for the MLB's Tee thingy and also the update from warner music too. So there's isn't any MV attached to the album ha? Have to wait till gaiban huh... (If this is the case, how many pieces should I buy leh?)

As for the wearing of thick clothings & playing instruments under the hot sun to shoot MV. Infact I did posted about it at one of the previous tag.
Ya lor, so pity this 3 brothers. They worked so hard for all ou us here. My salute to the 3 milo bois. Cheers...

If everyone wear green today, then it will be likes lots of trees & plants moving around (so scary man). Or if you are working very hard, then it will be likes work until "face-green-green" lol... so lame rite?

Wow, about to call it a day/week of work soon. Yeah... Weekend is just around the corner.
Hopefully this Sunday Yes933 pop chart will has MLB's "lei" on the chart. And never forget that Monday shall be the date of release for MLB debut album. Woohoo...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 17:57

Uncle phil, our sitting arrangement is arranged by the management de. haha. We lined up in a few straight lines and was led into the studio by them; then pinky jie and i heng heng entered earlier than the other girls. So we managed to sit at the back lor. haha.

haha i going home le. Talk 2 ya again tonight. bye bye!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 18:17

oh yea.. good stuff are worth waiting for!! 3 more days!!! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 18:44

Hey peeps, our fa pian ji zhe hui(press conference) is either on tues or wed next week. An regarding "1) Interesting topic taught by a boring teacher or for my case facilitator... 2)Boring topic taught by an interesting facilitator. Which is worse? " The worst one is boring topic taught by boring facilitator, to boring class with boring students in boring classroom during the boring hours of a boring weekday(like Monday boring blues)...well,so pls be cheerful,to prevent this scenario ya? heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 18:53

izit possible to get the songs cong qian de qing ren hao ma, sukiyaki & xi huan ni from music in the air downloaded? with purpose to listen the songs in mp3, hp & etc.


Blogger PeiShan | 06 July, 2007 19:06

to weiqi: haha .. u r so funny .. when i read ur tag .. all i heard fr myself was e word "boring" .. haha .. hope u din encounter tt ba .. where will e press conference held at ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 19:30


haha~ funny tag when I read it..
Where is your press conference going to be held..
Looking forward to this coming Monday..
Woo~ EP Releasing..

MiLuBing Jiayou!!!


Blogger qing qing | 06 July, 2007 20:03

shan: haha.. ya lor!! i oso.. all i c n hear myself saying is only boring.. haha..

weiqi: haha.. u funny lor.. haha.. but it's true lor.. it's v jia lat when boring teacher teach a boring sub.. it happens to mi this sem.. somemore it's lec n on MON!! =( so i'll juz b toking to my fren.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 20:38

this is weird.
why e BB say he managed to get e album.haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 21:46

haha thanks Weiqi. for me is alright la, my class quite on de. haha. My class love Microbiology - our module on Thursday. But recently we got a new facilitator and from then on the lesson is no longer lively like what it used to be. Biochemistry is very boring for me but I got the nicest facilitator la - always encouraging us...

Aha! Monday (blue) is Chemistry - boring module to the class (not me) and boring facilitator teaching us. The absenteeism rate on Monday is usually high. haha.

Please be cheerful to avoid that scenario that you mentioned too =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 21:50

anonymous, I find it weird too. haha. Maybe he/she, who works in the media, managed to got their album from the company first but he/she wanna lied to the kids saying he/she bought it? haha, don't know leh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 23:16

hi anonymous (wish i can address u by a name), if u do not mind my music in the air mix(the one u can hear on in the musicblog), u can download it here.

cheers ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 23:38

hi xiu!

u've been so efficient in uploading all d progs huh! will go watch d music in d air again as i wanna know who threw d pig head so high... lol... ^^

hi yuanping,
did u write in to 933? i'm tuning in now 4 ur dedications to d boys.. ;-)

hi flora,
if u din mention, din realise tat weiqi & lin yu zhong really look alike.. haa...

everyone, hv a great wkend & look 4ward to d album on mon!



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 23:47

We watched you guys on the tv too! Jia You!

BB from Campus Superstar tabloid site blog abt the boys!


MiloBeng with Campus SuperStar!
06 July, 2007 17:54

Milo-beng or Milubing is really my favorite SuperBand and a good role model for all our Campus SuperStar. They don’t just sing, they know how to play excellent instruments and they compose super nice songs and very very nice chaps in real life.

If any of the Campus SuperStar is thinking that the whole competition process is very tiring and draining your life force, you don’t deserve to win. Unlike solo singing, you have to do so much more like coordinating your time and work as a team and invent new musical arrangement to the choice of your song week after week (plus they are not as lucky as Campus SuperStar, they have to reserach and pay for their own clothes). The pressure was alot tougher in SuperBand but Milubing never gave up their passion.

Nic, the lead singer and guitarist is not only the most handsome but super talented. You are very wrong if you think Nic is some kind of a rebellious fellow… He is very sensitive and romantic. He started playing the guitar and singing Spanish song ‘El Condor Pasa’ at the age of 5! The super nice hit song ‘TEARS’ is written by Nic. Nic graduated from Jurong Secondary School & School of Audio Engineering. He is now serving his NS and looking even more shuai with his NS hair-cut. Have you seen Nic singing and playing the electric guitar? Cool man!

Drummer Sam is another cutie. This is one of the most polite gentlemen I have ever come across (the other one is Nathaniel Tan of Project SuperStar 2). Like Nic, Sam also composes and sings. Sam is more of a ‘sentimental song’ person whereas Nic can do rock (yah, Zijie, if you are reading this, you are hopelessly lost in rock). He picked up drum during his secondary school days. He can play the piano and guitar too. Sam is also a good chef…sweet isn’t it? He graduated from St Andrews junior and secondary schools and he just finished NS and now concentrating on music.

Weiqi – Leader, Keyboradist & Vocal, the ultra artistic guy who is also a ‘beat-box’ expert started playing the piano at age 3! He is also very good with the Chinese flute. Weiqi graduated from Cedar Primary School, Chung Cheng High (Main) and Temasek JC. His artistic portfolio earned him a place now at NTU’s School of Art, Design and Media.

I am so very happy that their 1st album is out today and managed to buy one this afternoon. The CD is very nice with most of the songs written by the boys about friendship, love, hope and courage. This a must-buy album and easily at the top of my favorite CD of all time. I do hope if you all can go and check it out. Good music should be shared and promoted.

By the way, you can bring along your Milubing’s debut album and get them to sign on it at Jurong Entertainment Centre (15/7), Bishan Junction 8(22/7)and Bukit Panjang Plaza(28/7). Milubing will also be performing on Ch 8’s SPD Charity Show next Sunday at 7pm together with Campus SuperStar Top 8!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 23:55

huh? so d album is out tdy or mon? shall go check out at d stores tmr...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2007 23:58

capri, i am not sure too. I will try the musix stores 2molo 2. =p

But i tot bb is really sweet! =) He likes the boys a lot hor!


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 00:04

heehee.. i oso think BB likes MLB alot.. haha..
btw, who's BB huh? as in how he looks like de huh? =X

yeah, will go check out tml too!! =)

xiu: THANKS alot!! i download e songs le.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:05

yeah bel... so nice of him to support them.. :) will u b gg to all d 3 autograph sessions?

re: music in d air - can some1 tell me who threw d pig head so high? watched few x but cant c...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:18

ah~ i heard a dedication to mlb & mlbians on 933...


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 00:20

minhui: keke.. u sms to 933? haha.. i heard ur sms being read out.. haha..
thanks huh!! haha.. cos u dian for MLB n MLBians ma.. haha.. so for mi oso? haha.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:22

HI! no time to watch MLB's epi of MITA yet, but caught a glimpse of lin yu chong & i tot was WQ too!!! was tinking why he sing solo, den i realised it was lin! sounds like it was v funny, must watch it one of these days. yay! i can watch as many times as i like.
oh WQ, u gonna major in animation, maybe next time we'll get to see your masterpiece on the big screens. so far i hv not caught any of the local animation films yet cos the characters dont appeal to me.
Q_me, me me i wanna give my vote too, i tink nothing can beat a boring facilitator cos no matter how interesting the subject is, the boring facilitator will manage to make it BORING de! n boring subject, with an interesting facilitator, u will grow to luv the subject. hee hopefully dat's the case for u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:22

HUH! how come the BB person can buy the album tday when weiqi said its out on monday?! i went to a cd store to check it out (hoping weiqi's info is wrong - for once) and I COULDNT FIND. ):

nevermind shall check it out again.

just to add on. whatever things non-MLBians say is just their own opinion. it wont affect us as we all love MLB - and we know it. JIAYOU BOYS! we'll be behind you guys. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:25

capri, i din write in to 933..but we'll be smsing in to jiayou for e guys! :D do join us if u can! ;) n i tink nic was e one who threw e pig head v v high..someone pls correct me if i'm wrong k.. :D

minhui, u so fast! heard ur dedication le.. :) i'm still typing frantically.. :(

haha..mlbians do sms in if u wan.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:26

capri... will try too. Tik will go to J8 one.

Bringing char char to q is a problem! =p Must get the t-shirt fm pinky 1st. kekeke...

qing qing - bb is a blogger from Campus Superstar site. Dun know how he looks like. =p


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:29

to qingqing: haha! yeap! its to everyone! (x

to yuan ping: haha! i finished typing when they were still at xian ge ji yi. haha! then save at drafts. LOL!

lets all dedicate in again! YAY!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:31

eh mrchan, u funny ah..thou i agree w u la haha...i thnk its sian as long as thrs 1 boring aspect~

thx 4 answering my qn abt e fa pian ji zhe hui..bt how come its aft the release worhx?shdnt it b b4/on the release day...?jus being kpo haha.bt all e best 4 it,look 4ward to seeing news of it.

n how was the wanbao interview today?w go buy/tk all sorts of npp ths few days in case gt u guys.haha..oh n speaking of the wanbao article,its jus so typical nic to cui mian himself.hahax :P

yay,its the wkend! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:31

ha ha ha ... its either sam or nic cos weiqi's pig head was really a low projectile ... but i tink higher chance is nic ... cos his hand was raised really high ... he so nice to alex ya ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:33

minhui, my msg is interchanging btw eng n chi..gg to faint liao..rah~ haha!

bel n capri, i'm gg for all 3 auto sessions! we'll try to meet up yea? hee..

n yes, bel, ur t-shirt is still w me..when r we meeting dear? :)


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:36

haha! mine was all in han yu pin yin! LOL! thats why i was hoping they read them correctly. LUCKILY THEY KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE MILUBING. haha! or else i think we all will call in and scream. x:



Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:37

hahaha! lets all hope all of our dedications get read out yea? (x


i'm feeling so high now. -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:38

Opps ~ Pinky dear! =p

Thanks ~ Minhui! =)


Blogger binz | 07 July, 2007 00:38

whoo it's getting so lively here! soo many tagss..

anw i also think that a boring subject taught by an interesting facilitator is better(: i had this experience: a boring teacher made me dislike the subj which i liked. then a interesting teacher made me like a subj which i disliked for years!

i think that 2nd photo in the blog by bb shld be mlb's album de backcover? aww that 2 photos are really shuai dai le!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:39

but they cannot play milubing song now.. :( nvm we'll invade 933 w our smses! hehe..


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 00:41

haha.. who call in to 933 juz now huh?
LOL!! e DJs jus dun wanna bo MLB's songs lor!! =( they say cos juz now bo thier LEI liao.. ARGHH!!

bel: oic.. thanks! =)


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:41

to bel: haha! np (x

to binz: haha! yeap! its getting livelier! which is a good thing! ^^

to yuanping: yea. they shouldnt have played it so early at 11 loh. tsk! roar at them. btw, sms cannot dedicate songs right? if can we can all dian milubing sing before de songs! haha!


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:45

mk! i heard yours too! LOL! yea!
good music is worth the wait! yay!


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 00:46

LOL!! i heard many many many ppl dian ge MLB lor!! haha.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 00:47

heehee.. is it all yue hao hao tonite sms to 933 n dian ge MLB huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:48

qingqing, u r welcome...
capri for your sake, i played the original on my dvd, then play it superslow... the answer to your question... weiqi, sam then nic (lowest to highest). nic & weiqi threw abt the same time & sam was last to release. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:49

yuanping, thks 4 answering my qn! i shld b gg to all 3 sessions too! c ya then! ^^

bel, shall c u at j8 too!

mlbians, dun sms so many in 1 nite.. shld take turns to sms in every nite so tat we can hear mlb's song. they wont b able to play their songs twice during d prog.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:50

Halo People!
Was just listening to 933, heard the dedications. =) Thank u for being so encouraging, hope that u all will enjoy the songs in our album. Have a great weekend, goodnite!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:51

seems like 933 is invaded w smses liao cos mali like pleaded w the guy dj to stop calling for more smses:P dunno they can read all finish or not b4 getting off work, hope so!


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:52

hello sam! (:

yupp, we definitely will enjoy the songs in the album we've all been waiting for! (x

have a great weekend and good night! (x


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:53

LOL xiu... nice of u to do tat! as i cant rewind d video clip, so can oni keep replaying d beginning.. but still unable to tell who threw tat...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:53

good nitez sam!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:54

sam, did you heard the last call, there was a girl who managed to call in?
it was my cousin.but she was too tensed, hence ended up saying her name wronly.
she's called 芮湘. but sounded like your name. haha. x)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:54

bel, :D!

minhui, sms cannot dian ge.. :( who ask them to play so early sia..rah~ nvm we keep smsing them..hee..

mk, i heard urs! n it's twice rite? wa! yes gd music is worth waiting for..we'll wait for 3 more days for e album.. :)


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 00:55

mk! haha! 2nd one! lol! lets hope everyone's sms gets read out!

*prays hard*


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:56

hi hi sam! (^^)/


Blogger binz | 07 July, 2007 00:57

woah the 933 sms dedication is bombarded by mlbians! haha cool(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:58

hi sam..i believe we will enjoy all e songs in e album.. :D nitey!

i feel high..haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 00:59

oh ya..qing, did u recv my sms? i told u we'll b smsing to 933 rite? hee.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:00

nite nite ah sam! oh dear i sms earlier than yp leh, but not read out, must go check the 933 phone no. i hv liao. mayb my no. wrong! haha show over, can go sleep liao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:01

heh heh.
heard so many smses read out. :DD
yeah, mlb JIAYOU!
cant wait to get the album. xP


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 01:02

sam: m sure i'll like all the songs de.. =) my fren says LEI is v nice.. =D

yuanping: i sent my hp for repair.. WTH lor.. only used it for 4mths only =(
so i didnt manage to receive ur sms.. =(


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 01:03

oh. qingqing, doesnt matter alright?

we'll all have a date on air like that again on another day, yea? (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:08

mm, i onli sent in at 1245am..haha! so i'm lucky eh..hehe..

qing, no worries..i tink we'll do it again another day..cos it's fun! keke..whee~


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 01:09

minhui: kk.. =) heehee... mayb i can write in to xian ge ji yi n dian ge for MLB n MLbians! yeah! will do so de.. keke.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 01:10

yuanping: YES!! it's really seems fun lor.. hearing so smses for MLB!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:13

hey,congrats to the mlbian who managed to call in just now.haha,so heng. :D but so sian,they dun wan to play mlb songs cuz they alr played lei at 1109pm.haha.but its okay,we dedicate again another day.irritate the 933 djs.haha. :P

hello sam,gr8 that u heard the dedicatns.yes,we yue hao to bombard 933 w msgs today.haha.we had been planning tis since wed nite.lolx.thou nt alot of ppl msg in,bt every word was of sincerity...reali wish ya guys all the best 4 the album ya?jiayou! nites all!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 July, 2007 01:17

Thank-you very much to minhui, yuanping & mk for smses to yes933 to dedicate songs for MLB & MLBians. Wow, you gals have really invaded the radio station. Hahaha... But feeling very high & shiok hearing MLB repeatedly.
Ha Sam, you response was fast too. Of course we will love the songs in MLB's album. Thats what we have been waiting for? Its gonna be one of our treasure, but will definitely need you 3 brothers' signatures on it.

Haha, this blog is so happening since last night. Seen likes all MLBians were very high and very eager to own MLB;s debut album. Oh, 2 more days before we can grab this long waited album. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:22

MM jie, regarding ur tag on 'boring or not boring' part, this is exactly what's happening to me now. haha.

I seriously cannot call in la. Hotline too hot. Of cos cannot sms too as I using prepaid. Maybe shud write in to xian ge ji yi next time. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:23

WOw! looks like u all had fun bombarding 933!thanks for the support ya? btw,i forgot to tell u all bout today's interview.. Early morning, nic got fever, so bo bian, cldn't meet us at tampines mall for the interview about the Hokkaido fair(a jap food fair) for wan bao. So, sam and I basically talked with the reporter and ate some ramen and stuff. Feel quite silly tat we forgot to 1)ask when the article will come out, 2)take some photos and upload. Btw, there are some new photos in the MLB photo link! i jus saw! Thank u Xiu for helping with this blog!That's all for now!so far,from wat i know the album is still due on monday.Pls pray for Nic,he's under lots of stress from MDC and preparing for album promo.On anti-biotics man..tsk tsk. Take care all! night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:26

Gd night weiqi. Pls send our regards to nic. haha. Thanks for updating.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 July, 2007 01:27

Wow, with all these smses. I am quite sure & confident that �� will be on ��� anytime from now.
MLB & MLBians Jia-you...
Have a wonderful Saturday & beautiful Sunday. Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:30

thanks to those who responded to today's plan.haha,thx to those who spent their 30cents!

-minhui,shuhui(correct mah?the second sms tt was read),yuanping and me smsed in.and of cuz thx rui xiang 4 her call n effort to dedicate lei.heh.hope i didnt miss out anyone.

to those whose sms din gt read out,sorry to make u guys waste 30c,bt i guess there were too many smses today...

we'll hv another sms on air date soon okay?keep ya guys updated.haha..die,i also feel v high now lorhx.haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 July, 2007 01:33

Thanks weiqi for the updates again.
Oops... Nic's having fever ha? How is he now? Hope he'll recover soon. Please drink more water, as the weather is very hot lately. And you guys have so many programs on hand. Do rest & relax well too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:35

hi weiqi..yes we had fun! :D argh i almost went tm today..tsk tsk..huh nic got fever ar..hmm..poor nic..pls send him our regards k..tell him to take care n drink more water.. :) thankies! u n sam almost mus take care n drink more water hor..dun fall sick during tis period..(aiyo i sound like a naggy auntie) nitey!


Blogger binz | 07 July, 2007 01:35

aww hope nic will recover fast and be healthy and energetic!

anw the weather recently is not very good and the haze is coming again. so everyone take care alrights! alot of ppl falling sick these days, including me! so dun take too much heaty food (e.g. durian since it's the season again) and drink LOADS of waaater(:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 July, 2007 01:39

hey, why the chinese characters became small squares? btw, my previous post was:
Wow, with all these smses. I am quite sure & confident that Lei will be on Yes933 LongHuBang anytime from now.
MLB & MLBians Jia-you...
Have a wonderful Saturday & beautiful Sunday. Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. :-)


Blogger MINHUI | 07 July, 2007 01:42

haha! i strongly agree with uncle phil! this blog has been hot since last night! (x cheers to all!

lets all write to xian ge! bombard them once again. then i think they'll be like "0.0 today's letters ALOT eh?" haha!

thank you weiqi, for updating us about the stuff you guys have been doing ^^

you guys must take care too yea? drink more water. the weather is so humid lar! hot until milo with ice also will melt loh! partially cos MLB IS HOT(literally) haha

8 glasses of water a day! yay!

good night & and have wonderful weekend ahead to all! (x


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 01:50

awws,nic havin fever?ohmans.everytime c him he seems reali tired.mr soonlee,please take loads of care,drink mre water!ur fans w b xin tong to c u sick...we reali miss ya guys so pls b in the pink of health when we meet next sunday ya?take care!! and rest more while u can,dun stress urself out...

and thx weiqi 4 the updates,yes we had fun bombarding 933. :D rest early and take care!cant afford to fall sick nw ya,ask nic to tk care too!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 July, 2007 02:01

Oh, its 777 now. Wish everyone here: A very lucky day. Fyi, u won't get to see the next 777. Unless u stay healthy for another 100 years!


Blogger binz | 07 July, 2007 02:11

uncle phil: it would be more cool when 07.07.07 07:07:07am(7th hr 7th min 7th sec) arrives(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 02:23

Oh Gosh .. NIC's Sick !?!?!
Aiyo ... GUYZ , Plsz Do Take Good Care Of Urself k ... Had Enough Of Rest & Drink Lotsss Of Water Alright ~

Relax & Dun Be Soo Stress Ok ...
HaHax ... =)
Very Looking Forward To 'MONDAY' ... & ALL The Upcoming Events ... CYA GUYZ ~


S m i L e z . . .
LoVeSsss . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 10:27

Yoz....Nic Kor

Drink more water.....
take care of yourself!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 10:40

What a 'nice' morning. *aaaaaaaaaaaaaa chiu~~~~~~~*. No one forgot to put on the blanket like what happened to me last night, do you? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 10:47


Rest well and take care..

Drink more water...

Looking forward MONDAY & Upcoming events..



Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 July, 2007 10:52

Good morning MLB & MLBians.
Hi quizzy, I never forget to use a blanket last night. But I don't have the habit of using blanket, unless I am sick. Hahaha...
Feel likes going to Johor foa haircut, shopping & massage (Thai traditional massage~so cheap in Johor only RM37), but the weather outside really make me lazy to go out, haiz...


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 11:01


nic is sick.. =( nic take care yeah! MLB n MLbians oso..

ahyo!! yesterday shld hav went tm la.. so near my sch lor.. =( den when i gg home, e bus passed by tm lor.. =(

quizzy: haha.. lucky i rmb to put on e blanket last nite.. if not i'll b shivering liao.. haha. cos i on both e fan n aircon.. haha.. somemore on e fan till max lor.. haha.. =D

all drink more water k!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 12:30

Hope everybody will have a great day ahead! Stay Happy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 13:09

Hope weiqi have a great day too.

I've been vry forgetful la. Last night forget to put on blanket, not long ago I realized I forgot to have breakfast before coming to gym. I only realized after I finished jogging. haha.

Sometimes at night, when I'm way too tired, I will even forget to off my computer (cos was doing virus scan) then go to bed le. haha.

Uncle phil, go out and enjoy the breeze ba. haha


Blogger PeiShan | 07 July, 2007 13:48

hello peepz .. hello weiqi ..

to weiqi: hope u haf a great day ahead too .. tell nic to take care ya .. u n sam too ..

to quizzy: aiyo, din put on blanket last nite ar .. then got catch any cold not .. ??


Blogger Jodie [: | 07 July, 2007 15:10

SAM: hahas. Yeap. I oso heard a lot of the dedications. I was like, OMGG! 30 cents. hahas. My mother wun allow me ders. hehes. I was bout to slp tat time. Then i hear a lot of those dedications.

WEIQI: COOL! HOKKAIDO FAIR! hahas. Anyway, aiyo! Nic sick ahhs? help me pass the message to him tat hope he gets well soon XD. THANKS(: .

QUIZZY_ME: hahas. My school pricipal say whole school must wear wad. So just wear lors. hehes.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 16:17


shan, I'm ok la, just sneezed a few times nia. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 18:56

will there be any autographs sessions in e east?
anw, i'm so looking forward 2 迷路兵's album!!! 迷路兵, 加油!加油!加油!