
short one
milubing | 29 May, 2007 02:08

I've got a new laptop finally.
I'm feeling so tired now.
Gonna take a rest..
Wish all a good day ahead.


Heh heh, sorry i interrupt Sam's post :p

Jus wanted to say THANKS so much for making down to the scorching hot changi naval base that day k? we didn't know that the situation would be so bad -> long queues, poor transport, heat wave etc. And we really appreciate u all for taking the effort. We really feel sad for those who were still in the queue at hall one in expo when we were singing. It was a pity that we had to rush off that day despite the 'encore' requests, cos the bus had already been booked, and the sound delays made it even worse, so we had to run off.
Btw, we wanted it to be an anniversary event by singing 'xi huan ni' cos we haven't sung since i dunno when! And we wore the MLB tees together. Wish things cld have gone better,but life's not straight.
This weeks gonna be super tough for us,cos we've got our MV shoot! So exciting!we're also most likely gonna appear on music in the air!SO can catch us on tv soon ba... Hope i've given u all enough info for the time being :)
btw,sheng shiong event..most likely i will not appear on that show cos i'm kinda busy,gotta deal with my personal workload at hand. so i think only sam and nic will appear ba.
Take care all! paiseh hor Sam..'chup' your post heh heh...


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 02:30

Hahax Tired den faster go rest le ba ~

Take Care ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 06:59

Good morning Sam...nic and weiqi and MLBians too...

whoa~ sam got a new laptop wor. Care to share what brand de ma? haha if don't want never mind.

Wish you and your two bros have a good day too. Of course I will have a good day - cos now having rashes. So I thought i better don't go to school le. Even if I go, I think 90% of the time I will be scratching instead of doing work. Might as well take this chance to clear leave, though that will mean I have to work extra hard in this particular module that I'm supposed to have today le.

Why did I tagged so early? Now 超级无敌的itchy lor (my father no time to buy ointment last night -_-); so woke up to wrote an email to inform my facilitator about my absence today. Then dropped by here to tag. haha.

Going back to bed soon. Toodles!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 07:28

wow,Sam brought a new laptop....
which brand you buy,sam????
I heard last sun gig everything want good.....but the weather is too hot......

Hope to c u guys soon !

To:Nic Kor
Hey,how are you recently?
Super like your short hair now


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 07:29

TO MLB & Mibians

Good Morning!!!!
Have a pleasent day todae


Blogger PeiShan | 29 May, 2007 09:14

morning peepz ..

woo .. sam haf new laptop wor .. wat brand ??
i oso wan sia .. my comp sometimes abit siao siao wan .. feel like buying laptop, but noone sponsor leh .. hehe ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 May, 2007 09:29

Good morning MLB & MLBians. Have a great day to everyone here.
Thursday shall be Vesak Day, I will like to take this opportunity wish MLB, MLBians & their family A VERY HAPPY VESAK DAY. Amitabha...

Hi Sam,
Wow, have a new laptop. Hopefully can see you here more often & give us the latest update!

Hi quizzy,
It is very difficult to tolerate itch, better consult a doctor. You should apply some cooling effect types of powder, that will definitely helps.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 09:55

Gd morninng MLB/ MLBians

Uncle Phil.. I am so sorry tt our appt did not take place. I was called away on last Wednesday for Corporate meetings at BKK and Phuket and took the first flight out. No time even to tag or sms. Din hv time to inform my siblings too. Hope you forgive me.

Missed MLB gig tis time lor. I was looking fwd to it. Hope you all enjoyed.

Sorry to u kwn who..Sorry I arrived late last night n therefore no time to reply to u. Only saw yr sms tis morning.

This mornning..is sorry, sorry, sorry.

Gd to knw Sam got a new laptop n mean we will hear more from u.



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 10:30


Ni hao..

Finally you bought a new lap top le... Which brand you are using..

And you can come to blog often le..

Jiayou!! Takecare


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 May, 2007 11:13

Hi ttww,
Thought I already replied you with sms to said it is ok, no problem. I am pretty alright. But, fyi I did not manage to see the gig too. As for the reason why? You may refer to the previous tag if you are interested.
So, are you back in Singapore? When are we going to Chef 18 restaurant for some makan & take a look at WeiQi's painting on the wall?
Understand that there won't be any more gig/event till the EP is release!
Hope you have a nice day & a happy Vesak Day as well. Amitabha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 12:01

take care.. =)
rest well. =)
see ya soon.. =)

okays. i admit im bored. hahas.. gotta rush off aft this tag.

have a nice day everyone~~


Blogger PeiShan | 29 May, 2007 12:16

hello peg ..

hmm .. 15 more min to my lunch .. yeah .. dame happy, coz going to sgh for lunch .. haf shuai ge to c .. haha .. opps, qing, dun angry k, hehe ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 12:39

hope to see ya posting more after having a new laptop.. (:

take care and sleep early..

hope to see ya soon. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 13:24

Haha just wake up.

Thanks uncle phil - I got apply other kind of ointment called 青草油. Now a lot of places not feeling itchy le but my mum still asked me to consult a doctor too. haha. At the same time consult him about my cough problem.

Hello hello to all!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 May, 2007 15:52

Ok, quizzy. At least glad to hear that you are feeling better (less itchy le), please take care. Anyway, your holiday oso coming liao! So lucky to be a student. I oso wanna have holiday! I only applied 1 day leave after Vesak Day, so in total I will have 4 days off (so little rite?).


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 15:59

btw sam, can we actually request for 3 weeks of sam, 3 weeks of nic, 3 weeks of weiqi and the last episode Milubing as judges for Finals for the sheng shiong show? not that we don't want to c u on tv but cannot neglect (not bias as neglect doesn't equates to bias) the other two mah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 17:00

heyy all...

im now at internet cafe at bras basah. phewws, passed by jus now and discovered this place so now i can get a comp liao :D

but cant post up the pics and stuff yet... cuz i havent been able to load them into my thumbdrive. w try to post up soon.

good thing u got a new laptop, sam. im still waiting for my cousin to come fix my comp...sighhs.

went to shifu's shop jus now, stayed there for super long to chui air con... hahas.

tomorrow havin english mock exam... hope all who had their chinese exam on monday did well! :D

takecare all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 17:31

aiyo why so many of u having laptop problem; even sam has a new one. looking forward to vesak day & sunday again!

have a great day ahead every1


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 May, 2007 17:39

Hi meikian,
You only went to Shifu's restaurant just to "chui" the air-con, never order any food or drink? Is it officially opened?
Btw, what kind of foods are Shifu serving? How is the enviroment and of course WeiQi's painting?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 17:54

hi uncle phil,
haha, got lahh... if not wait they will chase me out ahh. lols. ordered food and ate... then after that we sat inside and slacked around lorhs.

hmm, its kinda open already. yupp, the public can go liaos. but he say the system still trying out... food there ahhs. pasta, baked rice etc lohhs. environment... aircon is cold? hahas. ambience not bad... weiqi's painting is very big, very obvious... and of course very nice... :D

i duno how to describe one lahh. :P

anw, next time if you see us, can call out to us lohhs. if not can contact us via phone or smth, its okayy derrs. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 17:55

sam, good to hear tt u got urself a new laptop..hope to hear more updates from u..take care.. :)

haha meikian, u reach thr liao ar..so did u get e mail tt u are waiting for? ;) we sit in shifu's restaurant for 2 hrs plus but it seemed super long la..haha..n y do i feel as if i ate alot jus now? lol! hmm, weiqi's mural is cute.. :D


Blogger PeiShan | 29 May, 2007 17:56

to meikian: ya lor ya lor .. shifu's restaurant open le ar .. ? wat kind of food they sell ?? mayb can bring my mum go there c c .. hehe ..


Blogger PeiShan | 29 May, 2007 18:03

oppsy .. dunno meikian tag liao .. haha ..

anyway, i xia ban le .. cya peepz .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 18:10

i've been here since like 5pm. here the aircon also cold one lorh. hahas. the mail havent come! 6 plus liaoo lehhs. haiyos... yeahh it felt like super long. every single thing in his shop i also see finish liao lorh. haha... and yah lah! i damn full now. rahhs.

ok lah, quite cute. i like the pic of the cheese and the fish! hees.

hahas, got time go there eat and see lohhs. the place not badd. :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 18:53

meikian, haiyo..den how? later u go den they not thr..ya e aircon in shifu's restuarant super cold! brr~ haha..u like e cheese n fish onli meh? i tot ur fav is tt red button? lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 21:12

hello! haha.

Whoa so many 'nice food' here. Saliva drooling le. haha.

haha uncle phil, I just consulted the doctor this afternoon. He said it's probably allergy. haha. Got medication le. haha.

So good to be a student? ok ba. haha. U got 4 days leave wor? haha better than nothing. Enjoy your leave ba =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 21:48

haha congrats sam for getting a new laptop worr.. means you can tag/blog more often ya? hehh..
hmmm. k lor. u rest well and take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 May, 2007 23:40

booo. everyone is tired. jiayoou k?
tagging MLB's blog always helps me re-charge :]


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 00:01

slp early and take care!
drink plenty of water. :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 May, 2007 00:31

Hi meikian,
Thanks for all the descriptions for the Shifu's restaurant. Huh, how to contact you without your contact no? So, you have a great times in the restaurant! Does Shifu gives you gals any discount? Maybe this coming Oct, we should celebrate Nic & Sam's birthdays at this restaurant (oops, my birthday too)? hahaha.....

Hi quizzy,
Glad that you have consulted the doctor. Hope you will recover soon. As for my holiday, I will be pretty busy on Vesak Day (need to go temples for praying), so predicted that I will be very tired after all the celebrations then I applied 1 day leave lor! ok lah, 4 days off, satisfied already liao.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 May, 2007 01:14

Time to zzzzz,
Good night MLB & MLBians.

Tml will be last day of work for me in this week. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 05:58

woohoo, shoot mv this week ah... but hot leh weather; anyway be careful and bring water and tissues ah. maybe can disclose location then we can make our own mv too? haha kidding lah.

which music in the air episode? next week? i thot can rest le until ep out ;P nvm lah. but try your best to be the last one standing; 3 of u, 75% chances that 1 of u will win that $500! ;D

take care and cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 08:50

haha, waz wondering where the 'post a comment' went ... yuan lai weiqi 'hijack' le sam de post ya ...

making mv now ya ... can we go 探班? hee ... its super hot nowadays ... take care wn shooting outdoors ... plenty of fluid ...


Blogger PeiShan | 30 May, 2007 08:52

TO MLB: oo .. 拍 mv liao ar .. rmb to drink lots of water wor .. any other ppl in e mv? or only e 3 of u ??

TO UNCLE PHIL: i win u leh .. today i took half day off time, will leave at 2 .. and i took full day off time on fri and mon oso .. haf 5 and half day of leave .. hehe .. ^_^
but sat haf to go back to sch for test .. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 09:02

short one became a loooonnnnng one haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 May, 2007 09:49

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks once again for updating us. Ya, think most MLBians were quite shock, how come your tag came in-between Sam's tag? Anyway, its ok lah.
Talking about MV, it is not necessarily to be outdoor rite? It can be jamming in a studio or thing likes that rite?
Hope you 3 bros will have a great enjoyable times shooting MV. :-)
Btw, how many MV will MLB be shooting?

Hi Shan,
Wow, 5 & the half days off ha? But not continious leh, so how can you said you win me? Sat still got test some more, must study hard during your off day from today 2pm, ok?

Wow, finally the last day of this week for me. Hahahaha...


Blogger PeiShan | 30 May, 2007 10:07

TO UNCIE PHIL: it is continuous ar .. today (half day), tml, fri, sat, sun and mon .. juz tt sat muz go back to sch for test .. yup, i will study hard, but it's open book la, gotta bring our own notes .. but dunno e notes tt we bring are e correct ones not .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 10:25

morning! :D
thx weiqi for the updates.
still decide to go for remedials though i'm sick. xP
i'm so guai. =X
currently in sch doing some assignments.

take care & hav a great day ahead. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 12:48

Oh! WQ you chopped Sam's post.
Wa..so much info.

I din get to see you guyz last Sunday. Heat wave..humm...I will sure faint de if I am there. Blessing in disguised.

Please come up with your MV and EP soon b4 I leave and I can travel the world with MLB in my laptop. I am thinking how to copy all the Video tape into a CD. Must get professional to do it.

I got some chocolate bullets from PXH for Nic..will hand to Benny.

MLB jiayou!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 13:56

-_-! Can like this chup de wor? haha. No need to sorry la, we will meet again de, although not so soon? This week shoot MV? JIA YOU!


Blogger PeiShan | 30 May, 2007 14:08

hello peepz ..

im back fr lunch .. but im going off soon .. coz took time off .. can leave at 2 le .. hehe ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 14:51

haha enjoy your day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 15:48

yo mr chan!
music in the air? recording over le mah? if not maybe i try go kope tics liao hahas...
tt day ahhs... really rush like siao,run like siao. heng got cab wan to take us, if not we sure cannot make it on time...
its okayy! the song was okay. but somehow what i recorded... guitar was kinda loud,cldnt really hear the vocals. yupps...
will wear the mlb tee during ep auto... hope u guys can wear too? but i guess got xuan chuan fu bah? hahas... oh yeah, u guys pai ur xuan chuan zhao le mah? nic with long hair or short? curious. haha :D
jiayou for mv manns. still remember las time the pics u post of u guys at superband trailer shoots, super funny. bet u guys this time will gao guai again lah! will look forward to the mu hou hua xu. hahas...

hi uncle phil,
no problem :D hmm, next time we can exchange contact yah? hahas. no lah, he never give us discount. he say wan to charge us more. HAHA jus jokin... yeahh maybe can celebrate everyone's bdae there, then shifu w have alot of business. :P

whoaas! im at the net cafe like again hahas. was supposed to meet someone jus now but i got pangseh-ed so now im here to use comp. gonna be really busy for the next few days cuz w be chasin idol... F.I.R's guitarist ahqin here to promote his solo album. the 3 guys, got time go down and support leh! haha...

takecare all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 18:19

i jus won the B queen title - B for blur ;) cos it took mi a while to realise y weiqi painted wat he did lor ... hahaha ... u were able to kinda 'include' the surrounding in which is great ... look forward to the mv ... m sure it wil b in milubing signature ... take care!


Blogger Pek Choo | 30 May, 2007 18:58

thanxs weiqi for telling us the info again.. keep us more update in the recording for music in the air..

Take care and Jiayou all he way!!

Hope to cya guys again..


Blogger Jodie [: | 30 May, 2007 20:36


LOLS. Anyway, how's everyone been doing? AHHS. Missed tagging here.

To weiqi: REALI? OMGG! MUST WATCH LERS! hahas. And i saw the walls u painted. hahas. My fren and i say paint nice nice. kekes. I didn't go in lars. hahas.

Dunno why not much to say today. Shall end here today then.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 20:43

weiqi, u very bad lehs. cut ppl's post. hahas.. and u arh. duno wad to say abt u le la. hahas. o.O

anyway, when's the recording for music in the air?? hees. =X dun tink u knw yet though. enjoy the shooting of MVs wors.. =)) and what you all gg to do in music in the air arh?? smash by the flour?? hees. or just for a short interview? tink u wun know yet bahs. but it's alright. im sure u will keep us updated de right? hees..

hao la, u take care. life's tedious but enjoyable. have fun~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2007 22:54



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 00:18

Hey there! Our Music in the air is gonna be recorded on next thursday. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 31 May, 2007 00:26

Hello MLB & MLBians,
Happy Vesak Day, May God Bless All Of You & Family.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 31 May, 2007 00:30

Hi WeiQi,
Thank you very much for the update. Btw, is music in the air a live programme?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 01:01

weiqi, then the recording is what time?
there's 2 shift right? one in the afternoon, and another at night right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 01:29

no no no, music in the air is recorded de. That means will be telecasting few weeks later. Next Thursday? Can I go? haha; but hope it's not at night. haha.

Anyway, happy vesak day to you too, uncle phil. Hoho I starting work tomorrow wor - as a tutor to teach this K2 child English phonics. haha hope everything will turn out well since its my first time teaching tuition.

Whee~ wish Milubing and MLBians have a happy day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 02:31

WOW ... Thankz WEIQI for ur long updates ... Hahax ~
AhHhHh i wanna go 4 the music in the air recording lek! But dun tink i can make it lo haiz ~

You GUYZ Enjoy Urself There Ba ~
* Have Fun Shooting The MVs Too ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 04:00

yo! why did i post so 'early'? LOL! Was mugging for Friday's test (not non-stop though). Actually I think its more shiok to study in afternoon (at around 2pm-6pm) or midnight (after 2.30am). But right now, I starting to feel sleepy le. haha. Will be going to bed VERY soon...

Take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 06:22

u chopped Sam's post?oh nvm.....
so much info but i cant attend too bad


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 11:20

Hey Weiqi,

thanxs again for telling us the recording will be on next Thursday..

Jiayou.. Hope to cya guys again..

And hope to see you guys joining this JiAZU - http://tw.club.yahoo.com/clubs/ONLY_MILUBING/

Thanxs you..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 12:22

spam. HELLO =D!


Blogger Jodie [: | 31 May, 2007 12:38

To weiqi: Reali? 3 of u? Tat is soo cool lars. LOLS. And thanks for telling.


Blogger PeiShan | 31 May, 2007 13:05

hello quizzy_me .. hello jodie .. nv go out ar .. ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 13:35

whoa, not really. morning got meet Peg to pass her some stuff. Woodlands Checkpoint got traffic jam wor. haha. Bus service was diverted. Means if bus service diverted it probably won't pass by my home means i probably can't get a bus le. But ok la, not too serious.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 13:42

got sound delay ah, but fr audience it sounds realli good leh. mus be the other bands v good lor :P i guess it is diff wn u r on the stage and wn u r in the audience. heh if i hv the chance to experience both den i can confirm this.
wow dat's realli a lot of news to digest... so is the mv the one u came up with? hope so, den can hv some mai dian wn it comes out. music on air, yeah! finally another epi featuring sb.MLB must sing ok? otherwise no fun la. btw the games quite hard leh, u realli need to be a chinese song gao shou to win but give u some tips to win for 1 segment: u can sabo the other team if u dunno the ans, jus go burst their balloon. but den u better hope dey oso dunno the ans!!! for u this sotong, i tink u better watch today's epi b4 u go for recording next week! :p
and...i saw ure mural le. nice concept, ting ke ai de & the colour is v refreshing, brightens the whole place up and it's realli BIG!


Blogger Jodie [: | 31 May, 2007 13:53

To shan: Today public holss most likely shops close thats why nvr go out lors, very sians. I WANT CAMP!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 16:20

Have a GREAT Day Every1 ~

& MLB JIA YOU !!! \/(=^o'=)
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger PeiShan | 31 May, 2007 16:59

to jodie & quizzy_me: icic ..

to jodie: u addicted to camp liao ar .. haha ..


Blogger qing qing | 31 May, 2007 19:01

yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo!!! heehee.. =)
i know tat i say i wont tag till 8 or 9 june, but hor, now cant study.. so angry!! dunno having wat performance at my house downstairs.. so super duper de NOISY!!! i listen to songs in my com, muz on loud loud!! AHYOYO!!!

weiqi: heehee.. v cute lei, cut sam's post.. haha.. acty hor, i didnt know can cut de lei.. i tot mus always post new de.. =X heehee.. it's kinda xin xian to mi.. haha.. cos i v stupid ma..

shan: heehee.. go sgh, got c shuai ge ma?? haha.. =D

quizzy_me: how r u le? ok le ma?

jodie: haha.. u like camp so much ar? nxt time if i got camp, u go for mi la.. heehee.. i dun really like camp.. dun like to stay overnite at other places other than my HOUSE!! heehee.. =)

yeah yeah!! milubing will b appearing on music in e air.. WOOHOO~ ahltough i having test on nxt fri, but will still watch de.. heehee.. =D

YEAH!! shifu's restaurant is opened!! will go w my frens nxt fri, if they free.. haha.. go there celebrate.. heehee.. cos term test ends on fri ma.. haha.. =)

*ahem* normally during lunch, i'll go to e drink stall, n tell e uncle/aunty tat i wan ice milo small de, but on tues, i decided to try something new.. haha.. i go to e stall, tell e uncle, milubing xiao de, OMG!! e uncle acty knows wat it means.. haha.. den, yesterday, i went to try agn.. costhis time, diff uncle.. haha.. this uncle knows oso lor.. wa lao, tot they wont know.. den my fren, dun wan stand near mi lor, she say if e uncle dunno wat's milubing, v paiseh.. =( haha..

oh ya, i realised tat i know quite a few ppl when i tag here.. eg:shan n quizzy_me.. didnt know them at all initially, but b'cos of milopeng, i tag here, den know them.. though still not v shou yet, but at least, i make new frens here.. =) so happy..

is my post v long? =X


Blogger qing qing | 31 May, 2007 19:17

ahyoyo!! m getting old.. 4get to say something agn.. =X

sam: waseh!! so gd, got new laptop.. tat time my com spoil, ask my mummy buy laptop for mi, she dun wan, bought a new com for mi instead.. =X new com, not not gd la, but laptop is more Convenient ma.. =) haiz..


Blogger PeiShan | 31 May, 2007 19:31

to qing: yoz .. got term test still cum here wor .. btw, im going back to tp tis sat leh coz i haf test .. =( wahh, so steady ar, e drink stall uncle knows wat's milubing .. haha .. anyway, jia you and good luck for ur tests ..



Blogger qing qing | 31 May, 2007 20:07

shan: yo!! heehee.. cos v noisy ma, my house downsstairs.. =( disturb mi, cant study.. is got performance.. haiz!! if is milubing, den is diff.. haha.. it wont b noisy.. heehee.. it wld b pleasing to e ears.. haha.. =D
thank you!! i'll jia you de.. =)
u jia you oso wor.. gd luck too!! =)


Blogger qing qing | 31 May, 2007 21:06

hav milubing pai music in e air le ma huh? or they haven pai yet? hmmm... cos juz now got music in e air de guang gao for nxt wk de, den saw someone like weiqi..

oh ya, btw, milubing's ep got mv wor.. haha.. gd gd!!


Blogger qing qing | 31 May, 2007 21:18

OMG!!! i totally 4get bout my accounting test tml!!! jia lat!! my fren msg mi den i rmb.. WTH!!! =(

nite nite everyone!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 22:09

Whoa u guys having a great time here hur? haha. U can congratulate me for being unemployed again. I never told the agency I'm an experienced 24 years old phonics teacher from Ngee Ann Poly Diploma of Early Childhood, I don't know where the held did she get this info. haha. But I still try to teach at the best of my knowledge la. But after 1/2 hour she asked me to go home because everything I teach is wrong.

So it's like, yes maybe I really teach wrongly. But I felt so cheated la. So I smsed my agent and told her everything le. I told her I won't be able to continue when things turn out this way. Don't have to bother about the pay too.

But never mind, I still can find other jobs hur? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 22:11

I oso got test tomorrow. Cos it's after school de mahz, so after that we will be FREE~. haha, everybody jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 May, 2007 23:44

Haha i think i logging off soon. My bro want to use internet. Gd night.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 01:15

Yes I'm back. haha. Qing qing, not sure leh, I only saw J3. Weiqi said they will be recording next week, so i assume they record next week and we will be seeing it on TV in a few weeks time.

Whatever it is, finally got another episode for Superband again. I thought they forget Superband le arh? haha.

Good night lo =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 03:16

hi all...

whoas. super tired now! now tonning at my friend's house. was at ahqin's autograph session earlier,then went out and stuff... really tired.

but anywayyyys. ahqin's autograph session was great :D feels really good hearing him sing live. and he seems to be really happy today. hmmms. went to airport today... managed to meet some other stars other than ahqin... like mayday, who's here for their concert... quite a fruitful trip today. lols

will be out tml... slept only 3 hours last night... turning into zombie liao.hahas.

weiqi,sam,nic, jiayou for the recording on thurs ahhs... will u guys be performing, or playin? will look forward to seein you guys on tv. :)

nites all...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 08:08



Blogger Jodie [: | 01 June, 2007 08:35

To shan: hahs. U can say tat but there are more good things about camp than bad. Examples of bad things are the YUCKY FOOD and the "COMFORTABLE" BED aka. sleeping bed. hahas.

To qing qing: hahas. I'm afraid to say tat i cannot go camp for u cos ahhs.. If i go camp for u, later they shout ur name then i raise my hand, i kena siahs. hahas.


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 08:39

morning everyone!!! =D

wa biang!! i slp at 3+ last nite all thanks to e ACCOUNT TEST!!!! =( den, today wake up at 0630.. only slp for 3 precious hrs.. now, eyes wanna close liao..

quizzy: haha.. i think is J3.. LOL!! cos i tot only mlb will b recording ma.. haha.. X
gd luck for ur test!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 June, 2007 09:15

Ha, finally I am back. Was busy & very tiring yesterday, due to Vesak Days' celebration. Luckily today applied leave and now resting at home.

Good morning MLB & MLBians, hope you guys/gals have a wonderful Vesak Day yesterday. Its Friday, weekend is near and many students are still having school holiday. Believe many will be travelling for holidays, so do take care of yourselves while enjoying.

Hi meikian,
Saw you on yesterday's Music In The Air holding a banner with Tank's picture. Wow, you are really idol's chaser (MLB, Tank, Mayday, AhQin etc...), does you really have so much times chasing idols? Anyway, its alright to chase idols provided they never affect your studies!
Btw, does you know how to get tix for the show? Wanna go and watch Live during MLB's episode.

To those MLBians having tests/exams, pls jia-you and wish you getting good results. Yeah... :-)

MLB, Jia-you for your MV shooting and we shall be buying your EP real soon. Hopefully there will be autograph signing sessions after the released!


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 09:26

meikian: OHH!!! so u were e one in white on music in air is it? i saw u too!! haha.. was thinking tat person look like u.. LOL!!! =P


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 11:18

haiz!!!! having test at 1200.. so jing zhang.. =X

hmmmm.... y no one here de??!!! =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 11:48

was busy mahz. haha. u jia you? haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 12:47

whee~ so sian now so come spam lo. haha. I wonder what's nic sam and weiqi doing at this moment? No matter what you guys are doing, please take good care of yourselves and jia you jia you hao ma? haha.

To all MLBians, those studying de study hard. Those having tests de (like mine is after school at 4.15pm) best of luck. Those working de work hard. Those having holidays de slack hard. I'll be 'joining' you guys soon. haha.

Hopefully I can go to watch the Milubing's episode of Music in the air next Thursday. Maybe can make up the loss of not seeing the guys during Navy Open house? haha. If we can go, we go together ok? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 13:34

Take care everyone~~


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 13:59


haiz, was caught in e rain juz now.. =(

heehee.. but, m happy.. haha.. m home!! WOOHOO~

quizzy:i jia you juz now le, but in e end, still dunno how to do.. =(


Blogger PeiShan | 01 June, 2007 15:25

hello peepz ..

so shiok 2day, took time off, no nid go work .. hehe =)

ooo, meikian went for e music in e air ar .. aiya, din realise leh .. uncle phil's & qing's eyes so sharp sia .. hehe ..

anyway, im sick le .. so peepz, muz take care k ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 15:48

lol. Anyway, class has ended. But have to prepare for test later at 4.15pm. Haiya so sian now. Feel like going to doze off liao. But after the paper then will be HOLIDAY LE~! haha.

those sick de, take care too. Many ppl ahem ahem-ing le.


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 16:27

shan: haha.. i dunno i got c e correct person not la.. haha.. cos she sitting quite in front de.. =D


Blogger PeiShan | 01 June, 2007 16:38

to qing: icic .. but at least u saw someone tt look like meikian .. i din even c any, thk i too tou lu in tank's singing liao .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 16:48



Blogger PeiShan | 01 June, 2007 17:11

congrats quizzy_me !!! hahaha ..


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 18:50

shan: haha.. tank's singing nice lor.. but milubing is better.. haha.. his zhuan shu tian shi, OMG!! so nice..


Blogger Pek Choo | 01 June, 2007 19:31

Anyone know the recording on next thursday will be held at what time?

Because I have the tixs for music in the air at 7pm on thursday night..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 21:19

haha thanks shan. Soon it will be your turn? haha.

Pekchoo, thanks but we've got no idea wor. still in the midst of finding out.

Hello to all again. ming ming it's friday but i didn't get the TGIF feeling leh. Maybe is because I slacked too much during the past 3 days le - Tuesday MC, Wednesday off day and Thursday public holiday. So now a bit sian sian one. haha.

Just read one of the article in today's TODAY - it said the flu thingy will last till July wor. So everyone must take care wor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 21:24

quizzy, okie thanxs anyway.. once know le let me know thru hear bah.. are you going on thur for the music in the air recording.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 21:32

MLB and MLBIANs hope today everyone enjoy themselves..

Stay happy and Take care...




Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 June, 2007 22:11

Hi pekchoo,
If I am not wrong, music in the air is not a Live show.
MLB is doing their recording this Thurs, so I am quite sure that the tixs you have for this Thurs will not have MLB in the show. Someone pls correct me if I am wrong.

Hi shan,
Fallen sick already ha? Must take care hor.

Hi quizzy,
Finally you have your holidays oso. Enjoy yourself & take care too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 22:20

uncle phil,

icic.. but I have the tixs is the recording for MLB for this coming thur.. for the music in the air.. Just only have one recording on that day.. SO i think will be the correct de bah..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 June, 2007 22:38

Since the tixs did mentioned it is recording and the timing is 7pm, then you should be on the right track. Cos the show start at 8pm on channel-U.
So good hor, got tixs. How you get it ha?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 22:48

if im not wrong, there's 2 recording on thursday. one is in the afternoon which is at 2. another one would be in the night. which is at 7. and the special guest for the night time is lin yu zhong. so i think MLB would be in the afternoon shift.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 June, 2007 22:59

Oops... 2 recordings on the same day? Wow, if MLB is having their recording in the afternoon. Then Nic will need to seek approval rite? But why pekchoo said her tixs are the recording for MLB for this coming Thur, and she mentioned just only have one recording on that day?
I am confuse now! Anyway, I dun have tix so why am I confuse? Hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 23:15

haha, don't need to confuse further le. Hope our whoever darling here will be able to find out more info about their recording time ba. Cos we need confirmation from the guys.

*winks non-stop at Weiqi*

If I can get a tic I will go de. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 23:33

haha.. ya ya, quizzy.. i kinda confused oso.. LOL.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 June, 2007 23:38

heh heh.
i'm sure tt the boys would update us once they've gt the info? xP
so lets wait patiently ba. (:

hav a great day!
take care. xD


Blogger qing qing | 01 June, 2007 23:55

nite nite everyone!! =)

sure till 8 or 9 june den come back.. haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 June, 2007 23:59

Hi meiyi,
U recover liao ha? Need to take extra care ok?
Alright, shall wait for the 3 bros to update us. Anyway, oso no tix to watch Live!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 00:23

quite le.
left wif a lil flu & cough. xD
thx for the concern!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 June, 2007 01:00

I wanna go 睡觉了。
MLB & MLBians,


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 02:15

haha no need to confuse. We shall e-pester Weiqi here. haha. Just kidding.

Gd night =D!


Blogger awhitestraw | 02 June, 2007 02:51

i am in again.
haha, i just bought a new laptop, high 5 , sam!
haha, hope everyone is doing fine over here!=DD
all those orange words are like blinding me.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 10:21

uncle phil,

morning.. Eerm I ask my auntie there to help me get the tixs de.. Than I have 6 tixs mah.. hee~


how you know MLB will be recording at 2pm.. than how to get the tixs for that..


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 02 June, 2007 10:31

to those who went for MLB's Home Team Academy on 2nd Sept 2006 and had taken a few pictures of the guys as a whole, please send it to lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com

Thanks~~ Hope to receive the pictures soon. =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 11:17

MLB Nic, Sam & Weiqi,

Can I know what time you guys reporting on next coming thur for the show music in the air?

Get back to us asap. thanxs

Take Care



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 12:26

hello =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 22:30

*Wave to Sam,Nic Kor & Weiqi*
How are you guys recently?
Busy with your Recording & stuff
Anyway,Must take care of yourself
See you guys real soon !!!!!!!

Countdown for 28 days!!!!!!
I'll be back to Singapore


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2007 23:18

hello ello! haha.

Why must time pass so fast? haha.

take care all!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 June, 2007 23:25

Wow, didn't login today as I was out since morning. But seem likes this blog is very quiet for the whole day! Where have all MLBians gone?

Hi pekchoo,
U so lucky hor, got auntie help you get tixs. So all your 6 tixs already reserved already ha?

Many MLBians are still waiting for an answer from any one of you; as to what time will you guys be recording for Music In The Air on coming Thursday?

Hi to All,
Hope everyone here have a wonderful Saturday follow by a beautiful Sunday tomolo.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 00:08


Sorry yah.. my tixs all I given out le.. Anyway if MLB at 2pm.. I will also go down and try whether can go in support them..

Take care MLB & MLBIANS..



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 00:11

Maybe they still not sure yet or no time to log on ba? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 02:39

to all,
have a wonderful Sunday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 02:55

feel like screaming now...u noe when u are at a beautiful beach (or horizon or whatsoever...u get what i mean eh?), u'll feel very shiok after screaming. haha. you know this very shi tou de all-girl rock band called 樱桃帮? haha, me listening to their songs - very high now. haha.

Gd night =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 08:39

Just a quick update regarding the recording.

was told that there are indeed 2 recordings on this coming thurs - 2pm and 7pm but not sure of who's the guest for each recording.

and if we were to go there during the recording time to loiter around, they might let us in if there's not enough ppl inside. *hahahs* but of course, this depends on luck too. hahas. yep~

and im afraid that all of us gotta support the guys on tv instead of live. cux we can't get any tickets. the guys got no extra tickets le.

yep~~ but it's still the same isn't it. as long as we're still supporting MLB, who cares if it's live or on tv. =))



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 11:14


what time will you be going on this Thur recording.. I need to pass you the 2 tixs.. And I will be going noon time..

update me asap


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 June, 2007 12:08

Hi good afternoon MLB & MLBians. Hope everyone not only has a beautiful Sunday but also a wonderful Sunday!

Ya, I agree that supporting MLB Live or staying at home watching them is still support. But Live show will definitely has a better atmosphere and the feeling of getting closer to the guys.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 12:50

this week has been Crazy CRAZY for us 3!!! hope u all understand why this reply comes so late. Our recording is in the nite. :) Sorry for any inconvenience caused...Jus wanna say tat, nxt week will also be crazy having to do so many things at the same time. Personally, I'm kinda in a fix,cos i signed up for final theory test but didn't manage to study, and suddenly i look @ my schedule and it's jus in 3 weeks!Now u know why i never go be judge on sundays heh heh...tonite will be Sam again. cheers


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 14:34

whoa. thanks weiqi for updating. thanks peg too. Weiqi jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 15:16

hihi! know that u guys have been really busy but dun forget to be happily busy!



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 15:36


thanks for updating..

Jiayou in ur studies..

Cya guys next Thursday recording..

Take Care


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 16:40

Thankz For Ur Updates, WEIQI ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 17:02

everybody here, please takecare!
manymany loves. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 20:18

aww~ lol...haha =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 June, 2007 22:28

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks for the updates.
Wow, recording in the night, 真是辛苦你们了。 Wondering how Nic is going to cope? Recording in the night, then next day still have training in the camp. Hopefully you guys have enough rest and enjoy yourselves doing the recording!

Another week gone, tomorrow is Monday again. Haiz, no more public holiday in June & July to look for. The next one shall be on 9th Aug (National Day), wow so far away!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 June, 2007 22:43

whoa. Uncle phil no off day de meh? lol. Why is ur company so bian tai? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2007 01:08

lol good night la :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 June, 2007 01:52

Hi quizzy,
I am talking about public holidays.
I am working 5 days per week, so Sat & Sun shall be my off days. Other than that, I will have to apply my annual leave (like I was on leave last Friday 1/6/07) in order to have off day.

Wow, its so late liao! Time to zzzzz, wishing MLB & MLBians good night. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2007 01:57

haha. alright. jia you!

Good night!


Blogger PeiShan | 04 June, 2007 11:51

hello peepz ..

to uncle phil: thx for ur concern .. but im still sick, having cough .. =(

to weiqi: thx for e updated despite ur bz schedule .. u guys muz take care wor .. dun 累坏身子 .. ^_^


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 June, 2007 13:22

To weiqi: Thanks for telling us despite ur bizy schedule. Anyway, jiayou for ur theory test thingy. hahas.



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2007 13:44

yo! now me in sch attending workshop. But it's breaktime le la so i can come here. haha.

Jodie, did u install the anti-virus i recommend to u via msn yesterday? haha.

shan, take care wor :D

iMac is real fun...haha

talk 2 ya again later...


Blogger PeiShan | 04 June, 2007 17:29

to quizzy_me: thx thx .. ^_^ u too ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2007 19:17

hey ppl on the blog, how everyone? Can see quizzy still warming the blog here.

Finally exam is over and my long vocation is over too. Had a great time travelling, shiok!

MV? Hey weiqi, who is your lead actress? Think someone is gotta heart broken cos u bois din choose her leh. But I think she dun mind a kalafair role too. Oops, not me hor. :-p


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2007 19:48



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2007 21:28

anyway, today i wore a white t-shirt to school. Then i accidentally spilt a bit of tea onto my t-shirt. now it can't be washed away le la. aiyoyo. LOL.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 June, 2007 00:18

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks for updating & tagging even though your schedule are so... tight.
Hope you will do well in your theory test. All the Best.

Hi shan,
Once again the only word I can say is to take care.

Hi quizzy,
Oops... tea split on your white tee? Luckily it is not the white MLB's tee!
I do not know whether lemon / lime will help?

Hi Flora,
You are finally back, welcome onboard again. Hopefully you will not MIA again. Hehehee..
Wow, have a wonderful times travelling for your long vocation ha? Where have you been to?

Hi Sam,
Bought your new laptop but never use it to tag in this blog ha! Or maybe / perhaps you are very busy with the recording of MV? Anyway, you & your 2 bros must take great care hor. Recording in the night is very tiring, do not over stress yourselves. Enjoy during your recording... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 00:30

hoho. lemon/lime? haha. sounds interesting. i see what to do ba. thanks and gd night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 00:32

and ya, it's not MLB tee. haha. don't worry.

Milubing jia you! MLBians jia you too! haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 June, 2007 00:35

Good night MLB & MLBians,
Sleep tight & sweet drems...


Blogger PeiShan | 05 June, 2007 09:14

morning peepz ..

im back to work again .. now in office ..

to uncle phil: haha .. we like keep saying take care to each other .. i will la .. u too muz take care ..

to quizzy_me: wah .. tea spill .. i tot only chilli then difficult to wash, tea oso ar .. hmm, like wat uncle phil says, try lemon/lime coz they are acidic, thk can wash it away ..

haf a great day ahead .. peepz ..


Blogger Jodie [: | 05 June, 2007 09:44

To quizzy_me: While i was installing the file u send to me, my com hang too. And then my com cannot on again until today. *sighs* Maybe leae with this Norton thingy lars and many thanks:).


Blogger qing qing | 05 June, 2007 10:41

morning everyone!!

i'm feeling so nervous... today, first day of my term test.. =X nervous nervous NERVOUS!!!

weiqi: heehee.. thanks for e updates! =)
gd luck for ur theory test..

milubing jia you for e music in e air n ur EP!! =)

holidays faster come!!! term test SHOO SHOO~ =(

wiah all happy.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 10:59

uncle phil, qingqing,
aiyo, now the whole world know who i am liao! haha... nahh, i dont really chase mayday, but i really admire them for their music. was at the concert, the performance really was superb! :D hmm i only chase fir and mlb actually. haha... for tank, was there with my friends...

did anyone else go for mayday's concert? the atmostphere was really great. look forward to mayday's every single concert cuz they always manage to bring in the 'highness' and really make you forget all ur troubles. that's how powerful they are. and everyone were standing throughout the entire concert. usually, those who buy the cheapest tickets would probably be sitting down, but i was really surprised to see even the utmost behind audience were standing up and doing the L-O-V-E actions together with mayday as a whole. that's how united their music make their fans! awesome experience... will look forward to the day mlb will be on that stage... :D

think i'll be there for the recording... but now abit confused cuz i got 2 tickets that state different time. hmm. maybe call up mediacorp later to ask... jiayou guys for the recording!

takecare all yeahhs... i gotta live past this week... then i'll be free. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 13:12

O_O! haha =D alright...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 13:13

mk, weiqi said their recording at night wor.


Blogger qing qing | 05 June, 2007 13:43

meikian: haha.. u're popular liao.. haha.. mi too!! live past this wk, den IM FREE!!!! haha.. acty is past fri, den i'm free le.. haha.. happy lei.. =D

hmmmm... gtg to sch for my test le.. =(


Blogger PeiShan | 05 June, 2007 14:26

meikian bcum da ming xing le .. hahaha .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 14:43

ya lor, mk very busy hur?! hahaha.

anyway, i don't know how i sleep last night - having muscle cramps on my legs liao...-_-! would it rain later? we shall see. haha =D

jia you jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 14:49

some mlbians are so insecure,get jealous and angry so easily, why mke life miserable for others, take things easy can???


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 16:30

o_O what happen? must be misunderstandings again ba? haha

anyway, byebye for now. I'm on my way to meet some people at Tanjong pagar. talk 2 ya again at night? haha.

Relac relac...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 17:44

eg. down here said its ok. but elsewhere, complained and sucked abt it.

but is it really misunderstanding? i dono either


Blogger qing qing | 05 June, 2007 18:02

m back from sch.. haiz... irritating teacher!!! tell us test is from chap 1-4.. bloody sh*t man!! the setter is my teacher, n he only teach till chap 4.. in e end, he set que from chap 5 oso!!! kong his head sia!! 10marks lor, e que.. =(

everyone, happy hor.. =)


Blogger PeiShan | 05 June, 2007 18:06

wo xia ban le .. cya ppl ..

peace ok .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 20:29

just extended milubing.com domain for another year and therefore adding redirect.

you can access this blog at http://blog.milubing.com

Have a nice day everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 20:38

http://music.milubing.com or http://video.milubing.com will bring you to http://mlbpowerlah.blogspot.com/

and http://pictures.milubing.com will bring you to http://mlbalbum.blogspot.com/

Just adding all this to let you guy access those site more easily. since paid for it why not use it right =X The content are still under original owners. haha. =) Have fun.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 21:54

weiqi, thx for e update.. :) gd luck for ur theory test..jiayou! :)

welcome back flora! :D

meikian, i told u become famous liao la! haha..mayday's music is gd.. :)

hmm everyone peace ok? ;) smile smile smile.. :)

thx anonymous n nobody for e links.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 22:46

whoa thanks for the new links. a bit chim though. haha.

"???", well, forget it le ba. Don't let this affect you? haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 June, 2007 23:01

Hey, what sort of unhappiness are happening here? Thought all MLBians should stay UNITED AS ONE BIG FAMILY! Please do not get angry easily, try to cool down ok? PEACE & NOT WAR should be in this blog.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 15:28

aiya, stop makin me famous manns. hahas.

hmm, im quite busy yes. LOLS. 2 more days and im FREE! :D damn happy hahahas...

hmmm the tics are okay liaos. turns out was a mistake, both tics are of the same time. yuppps. :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 16:09

but misunderstandings do happen de ba, even when u r with ur best friends. but yeah, there shouldn't "overnight grudges" too. :D

meikian, -_-! haha