
HO H0 Ho..
milubing | 24 April, 2007 16:28

Few days ago..
At about 1am, I walked down the quiet neighbourhood, went towards my motor-bike at the carpark and started the engine. "WROOM. WROOM.. WROOOOOOOMMM!" Just wanted to warm the engine as I didn't ride out that two days. After a while, a QX came by, stopped, and 2 Ah-Sirs walked towards me. "Can I take a look at your IC?" I smiled and explained that i didn't bring it out cos i live just HERE. They then asked for my full particulars with IC and address so that they could call back to HQ and confirm that i ain't a thief or stray kid. So i waited awhile before they said, "You may go home now" and i left.. Such experience is not my 1st one, but through this, i learnt that we live in a safe neighbourhood. '_'
Have a great day!


Post a Comment ::

Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 17:04

heehee.. m e first to post again!! =)

sam: haha.. but u dun look like stray kid ma.. u look quite guai =D
how can they mistaken u as thief!!


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 17:06

sam: hmmm.. so late still go ride bike.. tsk tsk tsk..
wat is QX huh? =X


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 17:17

haha.. m free so tag talk?? to myself.. heehee..

sam: this happen to u alot of times liao ar??? ahyo!! y the polices like tat de... =X


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 April, 2007 17:21

To Sam: Aiyo! U dun look lyk stray kid de mahs.. haiz.. They took u as theif? hmms.. How dare ythey! noolars.. hahas.. This happen to u not first time? Aiyo!

To qing qing: reali vry free hor?


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 17:29

jodie: heehee.. waiting for lecture mah.. starts at 1800.. wait v long liao.. waited since 1400+ =(
sch ends liao ar?


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 17:50

heehee.. bye bye to all!! gotta go for lec.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 17:54

Ah boy, you know the lesson of this accident? Never vroom your bike in the middle of the night! my friend told me he will call the police whenever someone makes noise downstairs after 12am.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 April, 2007 17:58

Hi Sam,
You are lucky that the QX just let you go after some verifications. Fyi, an adult without IC with him can be held up by QX for 24hrs if they are nasty. So, better play safe to have your IC with you especially in the middle of the night. Take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 19:58

Harlo boy! u so funny, y warm up ure motobike engine in the middle of the nite? r u scared all the aunties n mei meis living nearby hound u in the day time ah. i hope the other day u met up w ure bros to makan n practise for Fri's performance. make sure u 3 put up a good show for us hor. hope everything is well w u. for the charity rehearsal if not possible to fit everyone's schedule then those who are present must try to cover for those who cant make it for most sessions lor. hope u make the best of it, since it is for charity. jiayou ok? :)
n i guess one of the song on fri is the 1st song u guys played for the last gig...hope i'm rit!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 20:52

the ah sir just want to tell his friend. I asked superband's ah sam for his IC ley. =P


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 21:00


so tiredddddd!! reach home at 2000.. waited for e bus for bout 25mins.. so long!! =(

yeah, tml i get to go home at 1300!! haha.. happy happy!! =D

sam, weiqi n nic, jia you for the gig on fri n sam, jia you for the charity show oso!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 21:21

why you always encounter this kind of experience? haha. or you don't look like a 21 years old guy? ah boy. =)hence the 2 police thought you were a stray kid or a theif!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 21:26

That uncle is really 敬业 huh? LOL! But Sam, must be careful the next time. Don't let those uncles and korkors or jiejies mistaken u as ahem ahem ba =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 22:57

Thr is a police quarter near my vicnity, always see police uncles come here to da bao kopi. Tat time my fren sent me home, saw so mani police men, thought something happened here..worried like mad...then later I told him...police mean tea break time =P...hahaha


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 April, 2007 22:59

To qing qing: hahas.. School ends at 2.15pm for Tuesday and the other day at 1.45pm but if those days i got stay back, will always reach home around 7+.. hahas..

To uncle phil: Can help me and qing qing explain wad is QX and yahs.. Agree not suppose to vroom vroom in the middle of the nite.. hahas..

To Sam: Ohh yahs.. U in the middle of the nite go vroom vroom for wad ahhs?


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 23:18

jodie: heehee.. u v kind lei, ask uncle phil explain to mi oso.. =D
heehee.. THANKS!! =)
wow, sch ends so early.. *AHEM* think except for tues, i end earlier than u.. oops!


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 23:25

good nite everyone!! =D


Blogger qing qing | 24 April, 2007 23:26

haha.. juz realise tat almost half of e comments r i tagged de.. heehee.. so paiseh =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 April, 2007 23:49

that's so CUTE!
police mistaken u as a thief. =X
nxt time dun vroom ur bike so late. xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 00:07

haha, sam, yr area security gd le.. gd nite all


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 April, 2007 00:41

Hi Jodie & QingQing,
QX is actually the car plate for all Police Cars. So in Sam's msg; he meant policemen came to him & asked for his IC just to verify with the HQ to make sure that he does not have any bad records.
Maybe in this case, the Policemen just want to chit-chat with Sam. Perhaps they knew that Sam is from MLB and is Superband Champion. Hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 00:48

SoOo Funny La YOU Sam ...

Hahax this teaches u NOT to do such thing in the late nitez again ~ The 'WROOM' sound will scared ppl up too Hahax ! Learn ur lesson k ... =X

Take Care ... S m i L e z . . .
& MLB JIA YOU ! ! !


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 02:20

have a nice day =). here comes my mini break...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 04:56

Ah Boy....
wat ar u doing so late at nitez?????
Remember to bring IC when u go out late at nitez


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 10:27

hi MLB & family, gd day to all


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 11:27

Hey mlbians, jus a quick update on my side since i'm at the com lab. Been busy studying for my last paper and packing my hostel room cos gotta move out liao and being even more busy registering for my new subject modules for next sem. It will all be over tmr!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! 3 months holiday comin my way.. heh heh.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 11:32

weiqi, jiayou for the last pr!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 11:34

Eh? You have to move out of the hostel? Y? Cos you din't join any activity to secure your place there? Hmm... thought I heard that NTU changes some of its hostel rules, if you stay far away, you will still got a place there? Or are you moving to err... your bro's house since weekdays he is not around? Hahaha...

Jia you on your exam! So good, 3 mths holiday...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 11:48

weiqi, jiayou!


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 12:02

weiqi: heehee.. last paper so gd... =)
AHYO!! y need move out? u didnt pay $$$ ar?? haha.. jk..

heehee.. me too at com lab.. waiting for teacher to come.. hope he dun come so early.. =X


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 April, 2007 12:13

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks for updating you routine. Jia-you for your last paper, very sure you will do well.
Wow, 3 months holiday. So Shiok ha? Any plan for your 3 months? Oh, perhaps you'll be helping Nic to design his modify guitar izzit?
Anyway, take these times to relax & enjoy yourself.
As for me, nothing much to do at work this moment. While waiting for lunch break, just eating "some snake" to tag again!
Hope everyone here have a very nice day today. Its mid-week liao! Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 12:57

aiyo, not that i gena chased out, but rather, i'm not going to stay in hostel for 3 months during my holidays..so move out lor.Next Sem will apply for hostel again :) hope i get it again. Holidays will be full of projects I have set my heart at, gotta do lotsa self-improvement in various aspects of my life, and reflection on the 1st half of the year. Think i can do a much better job for the next half :p try my best la.Also, i wanna get involved with the MTV of our band if there is any.So i'm gonna be doing storyboards and stuff and work with Warner side regarding such matters. Hope that's enough info for u all! Guess i'll be around the com lab for about 45 more minutes.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 13:03

oh ya.. and yes i will jia yo! thanks for the jia yo(s)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 13:28

Bravo, weiqi, finally see u comment here. Felt neglected by u, and wonder if this is still what nic said the official blog. Anyway, all the best in your exams, the gig & the move too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 13:29

Haha, thought you kena chased out by your hostel....

Storyboard? Need any author or story writer or not, here quite a lot of ppl have good imagination. Need any female leads for the MTV? Or Kalafair? Hahaha...

K, good luck on your last paper. I go study liao. Chao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 13:37

to mlbian: eh? feel neglected?how come u sound so sad..well i feel cheated by my laptop, made it such tat i can't come here and post or comment,muz use other ppl's com then can.Hope u dun feel too down ya?we'll try and make more updates k?I wanna upload more photos in time to come :) and thanks for your best wishes!

to flora: kalafair..? tsk tsk (speechless)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 13:51

Flora...??!! Haha...u wanna b the lead or not? =P

Weiqi...the MTV better not be too mushy hor...??!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 14:03

mlbian...sometimes I oso go elsewhere to tok, even I can't find any souls thr..I oso tok to myself =P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 April, 2007 14:07

Hi to All,
Hope everyone has their lunch by now.

Wow, MTV for MLB's album? Am I right? Its worth waiting for the EP. MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 14:09

hi all mlbians cheers!if no one around, then just tok 2 yrself, mlbians usually at sch or wk..can come in only when they r free ya.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 14:18

hi to those who love baking n is in love with Amos Cookies - can Try tis - genuine receipe - someone bought it for MR250/- n is sharing with ppl..

Recipe may be halved):
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal (measure oatmeal and blend in blender to a fine powder)
24 oz. chocolate chips
1 tsp. salt
18oz.Cadbury bar (grated)
4 eggs
2tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla

Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; mix together with flour,
oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips, Hershey bar and nuts.
Roll into balls and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet..Bake for 10 minutes at
375 degrees. Makes 112 cookies.

Have Fun baking n eating!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 14:21

Notti Sam! No wonder, i heard 'wroom. wroom..' so late!! Ppl need to Zzz ler!!! =p


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 14:38

hello everyone!!
wa, so shiok!! reach home le.. gotta take a nap again.. yeah yeah!! =D

weiqi: hostel not always available de ar? will full de ar?
so gd, 3 mths holidays!! i oso wan.. =X
hor hor!! u tag during lesson ar? hmmm.. but u having examz leh, cant b having lessons.. ahya, dunno la.. =P
anyway, last paper liao, so muz add alot of oil!! =)

cutie: WA!! thanks thanks!! i love Amos Cookies.. =)

heehee.. everyone, wish u all happy! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 14:51

correction - the cost of de above receipe was Rm285/-


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 14:54

forget to say thank you to uncle phil for explaining wat is QX.. THANKS!! =)

=( seems to b having probs lately trying to tag.. in sch like tat, at home oso.. =(


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 April, 2007 14:54

I came to the blog and I was lyk.. WAHHS! Why so many comments made? hahas..

To qing qing: hahas.. Tomorrow gonna be tough day for my frens, mostly of tem cos they failed Maths Test and then only 9/36 of us pass, including me! hahas.. I'm one of the 9 and somemore, i wasn't concentrating while doing the test cos there was noisy atmosphere and get back paper.. I end got 18/28.. I was lyk OMGG! And my this marks kena highest in class even though i tink is not even high.. hahas..

To weiqi: hey hey.. I was reading through all ur tags and i oso tot u kena kicked out.. OOPS! And i have been always wanted to ask this question..


hahas.. Try to answer me, can? I wanna noe REALI! kekes.. And ur last paper must JIA YOU orhs while for me i oso must jia you cos my exams starting on 30th April, wich is lyk 5 MORE DAYS! And why am i still doing here huhs?

Guess needa burn midnite oil lers..

To cutie: I love Amos' cookies and thanks for putting it here but why suddenly soo random put the recipe here.. hahas..


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 April, 2007 14:55

Ohh yahs..

To uncle phil: No wander QX sound soo familiar.. haiz and anyway, tyty.. kekes..


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 14:59

jodie: haha.. QX sounds familiar to mi oso.. but juz didnt think of it.. heehee.. =P
GOOD!! at least u passed.. jia you oso orh!! =)
n hor, u having exmas in 5 days time, y still come tag??!!! tsk tsk tsk...
but hor, i worse la.. b4 examz, i go com lab tag cos i was early for my paper den quickly rushed to com lab to tagged, den go for examz.. during examz time, cant tagged at home cos mother will nag.. so, i go sch tag lor, tag le den go take examz.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 15:19

whoa here so re nao wor? haha. hello weiqi and everyone. I still remembered when weiqi first started uni u were like, so stress out. Now finally can have break liao. haha. If you moved out of hostel during holidays means you will be moving back to your home right? haha great then. You miss your home ba? haha. Why do i sound like you're a foreigner coming to singapore then now finally can go home like that? hahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 15:25

hi jodie/qing qing.. glad both of u love the receipe..actually, i shared with other mlbians somewhere else n i thot it over b4 posting here... cos i know alot of ppl love the cookies.. oh! nic love chocolate so may be u can bake n offer it to him haha! hv fun!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 April, 2007 15:54

Hi Jodie,
Congrats for being 1 of the 9 students that passed, but knowing its not a very good result & you weren't concentrating while doing your test. You ought to study harder, in order to get better result so as not to disappoint your parents, MLB & MLBians. You should know that MLB will only be happy if MLBians get good results.
So, all MLBians must Jia-You in whatever you are doing. Cheers...


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 16:10

helloooo!! m back.. heehee..

quizzy_me: ya ya!! here v re nao, come join us.. haha..
ya hor, today u no sch.. so sch!! me kena cheated by my tutor.. went for class at 0900 den didnt know tat they cancelled e first tutorial lesson.. waited for half an hour, den e whole clas left.. during lec, den e tutor says no tutorial for e wk.. wa biang!! we wasted 2 hrs in sch.. if not can slp 2 more hrs.. =( somemore hor, e tutor didnt even knows he has a class on tues mornin.. sickening tutor!! =(

uncle phil: ya, mlb will b happy if mlbians get gd results.. heehee, den next time i better dun go tag mins b4 my examz.. =X

cutie: heehee.. bake le, go army find nic.. think will get chased out by his officers.. =(
heehee.. think i'll b trying out!! oops! is trying out baking not going find nic.. =X heehee..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 16:36

LOL... :D


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 16:42

helloooo quizzy_me.. heehee.. tok to mi lei, if not i v boring.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 16:51

haha, i thot santa came early. hoho ho! is the santa sam vrooming in the middle of the night. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 17:07

haha I'm sorry but i have to go. Back to mugging again. Talk 2 u another time? haha.

Take care all!


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 17:11

quizzy_me: heehee.. it's ok la.. i tok to myself.. =X happy mugging!! =)


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 17:42

helloo!!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 20:00

updates of Sam's participation in charity show along with 5 other SB members.

it is confirmed that the 6 of them are participating in this charity show. =)

6th May 2007, Saturday
Channel U at 7pm


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 20:09

heehee.. i'm so happy now!! juz wake up n eat dinner liao.. =)

juz now, saw e guang gao for e charity.. saw SAM!!!!!!!!!! HAHA!! so happy... =D but hor, why sam de drum so big?? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 20:39

25 Apr 07, 18:07
weiqi: To cutie: thanks for sharing the receipe! :p
25 Apr 07, 18:07
weiqi: To quizzy_me: yep, miss home. but going home soon!
25 Apr 07, 18:06
weiqi: To Jodie: Jiayo for your exams! try not to burn the midnight oil if not necessary..also try to get better results to do the mlbians proud k?jus do your best can le,that's the way not to 'dui bu qi zhi ji'. So far we have not acted yet. If we are appearing in any programme we'll definitely inform u all on this blog!
25 Apr 07, 18:05
weiqi: To qing qing: Hostel is not always available, every sem they will re shuffle, and do balloting. Yes, sometimes they can be maxed out too. And i was in the com lab to study, not having lessons.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 21:08

Other drummers include Jade, Lucify (yeah!!), Jingbao yuetuan, and the long-forgotten Rusty nails - together with sam on the only charity show coming on tv soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 21:19

*ahem* mantou leh... i think u left yuda out..still got him.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 21:25

haha. if thats the case i have 1 more reason to look forward to the show le. hahaha

Anyway, my mum took leave on that day to support sam at home liao. haha.

thanks for updating...

smilez =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 21:45

hmmm, at mediacorptv press conference, they have a very big poster stating that the show is on sunday 6 may, 7pm tv8 leh.. now which one is right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 21:48

hello peepz ..

aiyoyo .. poor sam .. kana mistaken as stray kid/thief .. next time dun 'wroom' ur bike in e middle of e nite la ..

to weiqi: muz jia you for exam wor .. wahh .. 3 mths holz .. so gd ..

to qing: yoz, got miss mi not .. i din tag for abt 2 days leh .. haha .. =P btw, i haf to go back to sch after my attachment, which is july .. they bluf us la, tot no nid to go back sch as e suj is e-learning .. but after looking at my timetable, there's tut, lab and lec .. qi pian us sia ..

to jodie: u ask mi y i nv tell u all abt my bday in the previous post .. u mean i nv tell u all how i celebrated it izzit .. ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 21:48

the tv one can't be wrong..cos aired to nation wide leh..


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 April, 2007 22:06

To uncle phil: hahas.. Thanks and after reading ur tag.. I feel SCARED.. Sound soo serious bout it ahhs.. Anyway, will get good results der but no confident in HISTORY! ahahas..

To shan: haiyahs.. cos u my jie-jie mahs.. Must guan xin all the MLBian jie jie or kor kor mahs.. hahas..

To fyi: Thanks for updates.. hahas.. Seems lyk quizzy_me guess mostly correct bah.. kekes..

To weiqi: Replied u in the publicity blog.. =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:11

Ah Qi, free kalafair, why not?! you know how much a kalafiar cost or not? I heard is $10/hr wor.

Lead actress? Cream, I'm not so "bu yao lian"... I'm very camera-shy one you know. :p

Actually not many drummers in the Superband, can count those few lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:15

quite sad though..that amber's shaun is not in the group. most likely he's too busy. Cos he's one hell of a drummer.. Kalafair $10/hr... u know C++ programming? teach at poly rate = $70/hr with lecture notes provided leh... tsk tsk..better deal rite? heard from ppl there. Btw, i'm back at the com lab after dinner, it's 24hr open and the air con will switch off at 12midnite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:19

wei qi, study hard for your last paper and take care of yourself. =)when will the MLB album be out?looking forward to the album


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:22

$70++ per hr? My sch giving the lecturer $150/hr! But the stuff he taught I already know, wondering if I can get $150/hr or not too?
I know C++, Java n Visual Basic, so can i go teach or not?
Btw, now still got ppl use C++ meh?


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 22:22

shan: HAHA!! u're back!! xiang si ni loh!!! so many days didnt tag, den i keep talking to myself.. haha.. =)
den july, mayb we can meet up in sch!! haha..
ahya, my class oso kena qi pian by our CP.. he says we wont b split into diff classes if we pass our sub, but hor, in e end, we're split into 3 diff classes =(
qi pian us oso!! go COMPLAIN!! haha..

quizzy_me: wow!! ur mother so on de ar.. haha.. ur mother like milubing oso ar?
haha.. my mother hor, oso like lor.. haha.. last time i happened to c milubing, den i go tell my mother, den my mother was liked, "where where, dun hav lei", she oso v exicted..haha.. den i tell her, walked away liao la.. buti was nervous when i saw them.. plus EXCITED!! haha.. =D of cos, didnt jiao them la.. too nervous liao.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:24

huh..ask me this quesetion arh... when will the album come out? well, this question is under the schedules and admin area which warner is in charge of so I'll leave it to them to announce ba. As for the band, we have been recording(vocals almost done) and are giving our best whenever we are given the opportunity to work. Things are moving along more smoothly so I'm glad about that. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:28

weiqi, tmr last pr liao...all the way, all the best!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:30

glad to hear that from you. =) you seems so slacking today.. haha.. means you are less stress over your things. it's a great sign.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:35

to qing: u really miss mi ar .. aiyo .. im shy .. haha, u oso kana qi pian ar ..

to weiqi: tell ur company to release ni men de album faster ok, coz i got $10 popular/cd-rama voucher .. waiting to buy ni men de album .. haha .. =P juz joking, as u said, it's under ur company's control .. anyway, jia you for ur exam .. ^_^


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 22:38

shan: really miss u!! haha.. dun shy la.. give u hug hug n kiss kiss.. HAHA!!
ya la, tp teachers so bad!! =(

weiqi: so late still go com lab study ar? u alone ar? hmmm... not scared tat kind of thing ar(touchwood!)?


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 April, 2007 22:43

To qing qing and shan: U two vry mushy siahs.. hahas.. No offence!

To weiqi: Thanks for encourages in the publicity blog and hmms.. I heard tat amber's shuan is dunno wad happened until channel u once said tat amber may have no more drummer.. sigh sigh.. kekes..

To flora: Kalafair? hahas.. Good idea though?!

Needa slp liaos.. Tomorrow got school.. Wan An.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:47

to qing: haha .. ^_^ tp teacher some gd some bad la .. not all are bad .. aiyo .. u thk too much le la .. 'tt kind of thing' .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:47

sam, y u go vroom vroom in the middle of d nite? if u did dat in my neighbor hood hor, u sure kena @dxig?!is9*&$ ;) but seems lyk onli u got such tings 2 share wif us. lucky QX is nice but dey v jing4 ye4 la. lyk u say, we sure feel safe wif such dedicated ppl ard. saw d advert le. sam, wat BIG drum u hv!! izit v heavy? wats it called? so u play 'bass' izit? sorry got so many Qs.

weiqi, 3 mth hols coming. so shiok!!! but u so buzy, it wil b gone in d twinkling of an eye. hehx2, lyk some1 say, mlbians r a v creative bunch. so i dun tink u wil b short of inspiration anitym ya. n kalafair oso! ha ha, if wanna appear s leading old lady, any takers?

nic, how r u? buzy? hope 2 'hear' fr him leh.


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 22:47

jodie: *AHEM* it's ok la.. haha.. u wan b my darling oso ma?? HAHA!! =X
good nite! dun dream of mi orh!! heehee.. =D

wat is kalafair? seems like i alot of things oso dunno =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:49

aiyo..i'm studying..then stress so come here tag ma..i not alone la, got other ppl here too. The night life in SADM is kinda happening.Especiall next sem when i do animation, wa dun need to slp le..camp in skool!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:51

to pipi: Nic's fine leh..busy practicing his parts for coming gig..and stripping the paint off his guitar..that stripper.. HAHAHa..


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 22:52

weiqi: haha.. camp in sch??! COOL!! i tot of camping in sch, but scared la.. =X
wat is SADM?

shan: ya ya, some r v gd..
heehee.. cos tat time my frens n o stayed back in com lab, den going home tat time, walked along e corridor, so scary!! dark dark de.. den hor, like no one in sch like tat.. SCARY!! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:53

Just wondering what kind of software you use for animation? Director? Flash? Btw, you already camp in sch now, no different right? heh heh. Good luck!

Qing qing, kalafair is e extra in the movie or drame, like passerby A, B, C.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:54

to jodie: u jealous ar .. haha .. come come .. i oso gif u hugs and kisses .. haha .. =P

hmm .. i oso going to slp liao .. gd nitez jodie, qing, weiqi (jia you 4 exam), sam (dun 'wroom wroom' in e middle of e nite anymore =P), nic (take care in army) and all mlbians .. sweet dreams and cya .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:56

typical weiqi.. always stress then come here relieve stress.. last paper already.. stress for one more night! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:57

weiqi...so nic enjoys "stripping" d guit ma?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:58

to qing qing: SADM is my school = School of arts design and media.

to flora: i haven major yet leh.. so i wldnt know exactly. but i'm sure one of them is maya


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 22:59

weiqi, thanx 4 answering on nic's b-half ya. u darn funny la, call ur bro stripper. y need 2 strip his guit? wat color is nic gonna paint den? last paper tmr rit? chionh al e way den can relax le. btw, u oso doing vocals 4 EP? anything else dat can b shared here ma? ;) thanx!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 April, 2007 23:08

Hi WeiQi,
We can wait for Warner to announce the release of MLB's EP. After all, we got confident that MLB will gives us the BEST. :-) Just hope that it will be a 2-in-1 Album (meaning 1 soundtracks CD & 1 DVD MVs). Cos all MLBians can sing MLB's songs in KTV if there is DVD MVs.
Once again, Jia-you for your last paper. And have a wonderful 3 months holiday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 23:10

YESH... nic enjoys stripping his guit. Most likely i'll paint for him. yup last paper tmr, that's why after this tag i gonna stop taggin le. vocals for ep... yes or else its MLB minus one rite? let me think.. all the other songs we sang in other albums so far all got my vocals leh..

Good nite all (though i'm not sleepin yet) and take care...see ya this fri if u can make it. we're singing 2 new songs outta 3. 2 chi, 1 eng.


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 23:14

wa lao! e blog ate up my comment!! is it having my comment for supper??!! haha.. nvm, type again.. =D

weiqi: thanks!! haha.. =)
add oil hor for tml paper!! =D

shan: CANNOT!!! cannot give jodie hugs n kisses.. i jealous!!! haha.. only i can give.. jkjk.. haha.. nite nite!!

flora: oops! thanks! =)
i oso wan b.. haha.. free de oso nvm.. can c milubing can liao.. haha.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 April, 2007 23:14

so it wil b a du yi wu er designer guit. so nice! Gd9!


Blogger qing qing | 25 April, 2007 23:20

*YAWNZ* think i shld go slp liao oso.. nite nite weiqi, sam, nic, uncle phil, pippi n all!! =)

tml den continue tagging!! =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 April, 2007 23:29

Ya, good night QingQing. Have a very good sleep. zzzzz


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 April, 2007 00:21

Time to ZZZZZ,
Good night MLB & fellow MLBians.


Blogger awhitestraw | 26 April, 2007 00:43

oh congrats, weiqi. HAHA, you took animation! HAHA, do a 2 minute animation , dont know how to draw how many art pieces, hah! shouldnt be laughin at you, school starting. gotta buck up, pick up the pencil , crack my brain and DRAW! hAHAHAH! design rocks la!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 02:09

Wa, so happening..
Thank u for answering those questions for me!

Next chapter..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 08:27

ya lor - so happening. lololol. see ya on friday.

Flora jie, i think some schools use C++ programming for Robotics. I used to be in Robotics club but I'm an idiot in programming lor. MY teacher let my juniors learnt C++ programming before but i didn't. haha.

qing qing, yes she likes milubing too. Then Vics is my friend so she said must support too. But the most important person in her mind is "Grasshopper". haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 11:19

sam, i think u were being too loud in the middle of the night izit? haha. i get very very irritated with motorists who VROOM past my house every night. MIDNIGHT. gosh, the noise can go up to 3am la. night time happen to be my time for relaxation... play comp, watch tv etc. and it being middle of the night, i cant on the vol loud either. then when the cars/motors ZOOM past, i cant catch a thing from the speakers, then i get real irritated liaoos. hahaa... maybe nxt time try to be earlier in warming the engine? hehhs. :D

hey there weiqi... today las paper liao huh? hahas... duno if your paper over liaoo...? anywayys all e best yeah! :D yuppp good tt u're havin a 3th holiday. can rest well liaoos. and help nic design his guit... hehs. and good to hear that u will be working with warner in the mvs and stuff! good to know that u guys can have ur thinking in it. jiayou kaes! we look forward to seeing the result!

tomorrow's friday already! looking forward yeahhs :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 11:22

ehh, typo...

*yuppp good tt u're havin a 3 mth holiday

hahaas... by the wayy... just to ask... if weiqi/sam will happen to see this. ur item for the concert tml w be around the front or the back of the concert? i'm gonna try my best to grab a cab from my sch and reach there in 1/2 hour. =.= hope ya guys can update if you know? kinda afraid i cant make it on time. hehs. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 13:33

wa, yest so happening sia.. :D

aiyo sam, next time dun vroom vroom ur bike so late in e nite k.. :P

weiqi, today last paper..shld be over liao rite..so envious sia..ur 3 months break start liao..most of my frens oso having their last paper today..but i still hv one more paper tml..nvm, i shall ren..cya guys tml! :)

meikian, gd luck to u! hope u get to leave early for sports day tml.. :)

quizzy_me, till now i still dun realli noe how to go ur sch lei..tml cfm milu de..haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 13:50

never mind de la pinky jie. There will be shuttle buses at Woodlands MRT station from 6.30pm onwards. Or u can take 169 from Woodlands Interchange, alight at the second bus stop. Hope that helps :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 15:53

haha, thank you yuanping~

managed to get permission liao~ all geared up for tml's gig! looking forward to an evening of music. :)

see you guys tml!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 April, 2007 21:13

wahh. wasnt online for days and so many tags and entries came up.
SAM arh! u're very funny man! lol.
and weiqi, i think u have already finish ur exam by now rite.. haah. have fun during ur break!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 April, 2007 00:21

Hey WQ, how come suddenly so bao liao. (dunno how to spell so betta not write in Chinese characters :p)
so stressed on the nite b4 ur last exam? now we know when to squeeze out info fr u ;) good la, can relac liao but seems like ure hols is filled w projects. esp like the one on the mv, give u lots lots of support there. if u need any wacky inspiration (as if), jus peek in here for it!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 April, 2007 03:00

heh meikian, welcome! gd for u..cya tml den.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 May, 2007 14:25

Hey guys,
Saw u guys at downtown east last saturday and ur performance was reali very de wonderful! So happy to c u guys in person. Hope to get more chances to c u guys performing in future events!I must say that I enjoy the 2 EL songs that u guys had performed! GUYS,JIA YOU LOR!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 01:15



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