
milubing | 21 March, 2007 16:18



Last weekend's performance was not spectacular, but simple yet heart-warming? We had a good time working together with the others who are more experienced yet easy-going and fun. Thank u for supporting us and charity!

Let me share a story..

..I saw a small white piece of paper on my nice, small, cool, black in colour, fast and furious motor-bike. '_' I walked close and picked it up, it was a FINE! I actually forgot to get season parking for this month, and i realised only now. Not a heavy fine, but i'll hit myself for being careless as i'm usually not (i think). I neglected it..

So what's the moral of this story?


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Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 17:06

umm... never park your vehicle in the season parking lot???
:p have fun, sam


Blogger awhitestraw | 21 March, 2007 17:17

am i suppose to give a guess for this?

always rmb tha you have a bike to take care of?

you need to rmb to buy season parking ticket?

heh, i give up. oh well, rmb to pay your fine hor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 17:24

the moral of the story is never remove your season parking ticket until you replace with a new one.

My bro also forget to buy his don't-know-is-it-season-parking-coupon-too for his car. So he was still using January one. Until one day he saw the car parking beside him got fine as that owner doesn't have the parking coupon but he escaped from the fine. So...you know la =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 18:52

aiyo, wat a forgetful sam .. next time rmb 2 buy wor if not kana again .. i guess it's bcoz u r too busy e last few weeks tt's y forget ba .. one more thing, when u r out in ur bike rmb 2 slot in ur cashcard too,k .. dun like my bro like tt, 4get 2 slot in den kana fine when he went pass e erp .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 19:17

oh dear, its been ages ever since i last stepped into this blog!

and sam got a fine... hahaha. dont know what will the moral of the story be... but, REALLY. remember to get the season parking ticket. a fine is kind of unfair to your nice, small, cool, black in colour, fast and furious motor-bike. hahaha. worse of all, the cause of it is your carelessness...

take care everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 19:18

blur king~ xD

take care of yourself and dun be forgetful next time round.
hahas. ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 19:23

If you have poor memory in paying bills, use GIRO. The season parking ticket will be mailed to you and you get a small rebate using GIRO.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 19:24

moral of the story. Bicycle free parking. Motor cycle no free parking. so, buy a bicycle. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 19:30

But then you still have to have the memory replace the season ticket. Solution: buy a 3 months parking ticket. If you find that changing the parking disc is a chore.


Blogger Pek Choo | 21 March, 2007 19:41

Hello Sam,

I've been long time nv come here tag, anyway nice performance last Sun Charity Performance.. Jiayou orh!

And the moral of the story, is next time not to remove your season parking tixs ya..



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 21:35



Blogger Jodie [: | 21 March, 2007 21:51

AHEM! What's going and Sam, wad u mean by season parking.. hahas.. I DUNNO.. kekes..

Anyway, YAYS! My school won PLMGS by the score of 3-2 overall but for my match, I LOST! WAHHS.. My leg still pain lahs.. And Sam ahhs, did u enjoy urself on tat day of the RenCi Show? kekes..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 21:52

Hmmm...moral of the story is...U had been very busy lately for renci and recording..hence, neglected to take care of daily affair stuff...so now do rest well..and catch up what u've been missed out...Bing??!!


Blogger Jodie [: | 21 March, 2007 22:03



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 22:54

blur sam.
hahas. =X
busy till u forgot bout ur bike.
dun be so forgetful nxt time!
take care! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2007 23:36

U forgot to get season parking for this month?? Is it your calendar has no March?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 00:12

the moral of the story is ... get an assistant to do it 4 u lor ;p
so 'tan ah teck' n very humorous ah u ... hee.

hello sam, nic n weiqi! how hv u guyz bn? sam n weiqi, renci show finally over ... muz hv bn really tired ya but 4 charity, its worth the effort ... nic finally POP le ... ha ha ha, wat a choice of word ... btw, i dun tink u guyz had the chance 2 catch any of the mosaic events? ... i tot how nice if milubing cld perform in future mosaic fest, @least a good 30-45 mins interaction wif the audience ... shiok! n i rmb a keyboardist who danced almost thruout e gig ... wat a treat! ;o ... n not forgetting e guitarist s well ... only the drummer got to sit kinda stil thruout the gig thou ...

take care! ciao ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 00:47

Actually i don't have an answer, just wanna hear all of your views. Maybe its cos my calender has no March- that's really cute. =) And yes, bicycles don't have to pay for parking- i've got 2 at home.

( Season parking refers to paying to park your vehicle for a certain period of time e.g. a month, at a certain area )

Goodnite all !
Sleep well..


Blogger awhitestraw | 22 March, 2007 02:31

how do you cycle two bicycles at one time? okay, this is lame.

haha, sam wong, you dont have an answer for this? heh. chey..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 08:44


"hey peeps, i was wondering if u all cld help me pass the msg around. I can't seem to click on the publish icon anymore, it says sumthin like javascript void error..so i can't blog n neither can i comment. Really wanna update u all on wat's going on and wanna answer the questions bout Ntu-Adm but comp got error and my hmwk has been crazy. I didn't slp @ ALL last nite, feel like a zombie, ANyways, Thanks to all who supported by calling that nite, its for a good cause. And jus update u all, we'll most probably have a gig next month!So see u all soon. Meanwhile, I gotta go hospital for checkup this Friday cos it seems like my elbow hasn't healed n my doc said that it's most likely a hairline fracture. Yup, no time to see him until recently la haha. So well, guess i shld learn to slow down a little, cos too busy with all my work and album stuff. Btw i've got photos i wanna upload to show u all too, but guess gotta wait for a time when my roomie's not using his com, then i borrow ba. Meanwhile, everyone pls take care k? Btw, nic's posting is not out yet, but will update u all asap! Cheers!"...weiqi, 21Mar07, 01:40

Today, "Hey hey.. i made a mistake... i need to go to an imaging and diagnostic place...some consultant radiologist thingy for an xray of my elbow at Txxx rd area... not yet refered to hospital..."...weiqi, 22Mar07, 01:42


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 10:22

moral of the story..
get a white seat for your bike instead so that you wouldn't see the white piece of paper which is actually a fine? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 10:25

Harlo Sam...'fine' i got tt too. Moral of the story : Nothing is FREE! Singapore is 'fine', 'fine' and more 'fine'. Talking abt discipline!

I rushed off to a nearby washroom bcos a friend is not well. When we came back.. Cannot even explain bcos the attendant is gone..so..'guai guai' pay up lah!

So I told myself next time die oso mus put parking cupon first.. i rather give the 'fine' to charity.

AND oso dun any old how park your bike bcos it may end up in the police station. You either get a season parking or push the bike into yr house.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 10:28

he.e.e.e..finally u contributed to URA. Moral: give up bike n get daddy to pick u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 11:20

moral is - don't neglect yr personal life n personal property!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 11:23

saw you & shifu yesterday at tpy hawker centre


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 11:37

wahh, tio fine? aiyos...

andds... seriously... i cant catch up on what's happening. haha ting bu dong larrs. =.=

nevermind... nxt time dun be so careless lorh! n ya remember to pay ur fine if u havent. :P

hmm. ehh sam, tell u smth ahhs... we were kinda suay on sunday. haha... dun think u get what i mean. next time then tell you bahhs.

ohh yeah, about the renci show...the performance was good! heard tt only 36 hours of training? wells anw, good job yeah? u guys look super cool larrs. and weiqi din disappoint us... got real shuai image. lols.

and to weiqi... takecare ahs! hope ur elbow's alright.

wells, takecare all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 13:12

hi MLB, tks for updatings... care & concern is a 2-way traffic..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 14:17

Singapore is a 'fine' country...my sch is a 'fine' school too...keke ^o^!

*eating nasi lemak*


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 14:24

chey .. tot u haf e ans ..
anyway, hope tt u wun 4get to change ur season parking coupon in e future .. dun b so forgetful le .. =P


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 March, 2007 14:52

To Sam: Okays.. thanks for info.. kekes.. U HAVE 2 BICYCLES? OH MY GOSH! U are reali a good bike=rider.. kekes.. Why not try roller-blading? kekes.. Or TENNIS? Okays.. i am being sarcastic.. And you were very cute on RenCi but just ur standing.. NO OFFENCE! it just made me laugh.. And if u mind, SORRY!

To weiqi: OMGG! U reali okays? And yupp.. U look shuai on der day of Renci lors.. and how's life for u? very hectic huhs.. My one very hectic.. but may not be as hectic as urs cos I MISSED A LOT OF LESSONS COS OF MY TENNIS TOURNAMENT!! kkekes..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 16:31

Have not bn here since my lasting posting. I saw MLB in the Renci act too. Good to see Sam so often here. Wei Qi, hope you take care of yourself.

Another Chinese peom to share with some who care to read. I still prefers the older poets :-



I think those who read 'shi' will always remember '几度夕阳红'...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 17:19

Saw me at having lunch?
Why didn't say HI?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 17:22

hello sam!

ohyeah, speaking of fine huh... i've been fined at least 3 times this year lorhs. becos of not bowing during assembly,becos of playing comp during cca etc etc.

remember last term i willingly paid 2 bucks fine jus to play comp during cca. hahaa...

hmms. takecare ya!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 17:31

before anyone misunderstands... haha... its not tt my sch's unreasonable or what lars. about the fined for not bowing part... all came from my class lohhs. with a rule of bowing 90degrees everytime. lols.

kinda random. :P


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 March, 2007 17:31

Sam ahhs Sam..

Nobody say saw u having lunch.. Is at RENCI lars or maybe HERE, THE BLOGG.. AIYOYO! And long time nvr hear u say wads for lunch?! kekes..

Anyway, my side here raining cats and dogs.. hmms..

Yays! i managed to play bits of the pieces Milubing played for Renci.. hahas.. I beginner only ders. How i wish i can play ALL.. IMPOSSIBLE!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 18:46

Jodie read carefully;

"tpy said...

saw you & shifu yesterday at tpy hawker centre

22 March, 2007 11:23 "



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2007 21:21


haha am still wondering how's the album coming along?
is it gna be out soon? :D



Blogger Jodie [: | 22 March, 2007 21:59

To quizzy_me: OOHHS.. I FORGOTTEN BOUT TAT.. I was think tat he reply to latest post derz.. zzz..

To Sam: Sorry for misunderstanding you!! =(


Blogger binz | 23 March, 2007 03:06

haiyo sam how can be so careles.. as wad ex biker mentioned, i also think paying by giro is a good way out.. the cost of the season parking tix is fixed mah and ur bike is definitely need to park at the carpark de.. so paying through giro is more convenient than paying manually bah? and i think if is pay by giro then suay forget change season tix then kana fine, then maybe can request for waiver of fine cuz u already paid for the season mah..only forgot to change..perhaps only..

weiqi ah.. mux learn to take care of urself hur.. need see doc then go see.. and do slp or else it is super harmful to the body..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 15:01

hi MLB/everybody.. have a fun weekend ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 17:22

what shd i hv for dinner?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 18:02

yoz !! da jia hao !! wkend's cuming, it's party time .. =P
hmm .. im drinking milo now .. haha ..
Anonymous, u got sam's "disease" liao .. asking wat shld u haf for lunch/dinner .. heez ..


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 March, 2007 19:34

WOOHOO! IT'S POURING AT THE EAST SIDE!! It's so cooling.. hmms.. My toe hurts now and i had another competition 2day and we LOST to STC to overall score 5-1! OMGG! for my match, it was 9-3(DOWN, WICH MEANS I LOST!!) kekes.. While back to school, I SAW NTU AND NIC'S SEC SCHOOL!! hahas.. Feel lyk going there ONE DAY.. kekes..

To Sam: hmms.. Never ask wads for lunch or dinner lers.. kekes.. How's life for u?

To weiqi: Are u sure u are okay? Okays.. Speaking about asking tat question.. My senior, jessilyn today kena use the tennis ball and the ball kena hit a girl from STC and she was lyk.. "ARE YU SURE U ARE OKAYS?" Then she kept apologising..

To anonymous: hahas.. U reali kena got Sam's sort if disease as wad shan said.. kekes..

Ouch! I've got stitches..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 21:26

sam ah! u very funny lah..
hmm.. get someone to remind you lor.. maybe ur mama? cos a mother tend to rmb their children's stuff, and would persistently remind/nag them... then u'll nv forget. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 22:04

weiqi seems to be overworking himself sometimes...

weiqi, despite ur heavy workload, mus rest ahhs! its bad to sleep so late every night. for me, if cannot finish work by 3 or 4am then i forget it liaos. better than next day look like zombie... bad for health too. yuppps!

sam, be more careful about ur season parking coupons nxt time!

nic, long time no see liaoo! havent left a msg for you for super long. how are you? hmm... update us soon yeahs? everyone missing ya lots! :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 22:04

LAWL Sam...
How forgetful... Must rmb next time ok? Or else kana summon again then no good hor...
Jia you sam! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 22:06

Miss Nic loads man...
Havent seen him for such a long time liao lah. Haiz. Think everyone misses him and weiqi lots.
Well, i'm one of them. Lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 22:16

Aiyo dont be so forgetful next time lah !

and ride carefully hor !


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 23:06

hello weiqi!
about the NTU-Adm thing not in a hurry to know.. to take ur time ya? no worries! take care of ur elbow first! and u look very shuai with that lovely piano on renci. (:

and sam!
the morale of the story is: take public transport!
anyways, i loved the renci performance. see u play piano, abit bu xi guan. the image of ur face and ur drumset is already tattooed on my brain. haha :D

and.. i miss nic! (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 23:29

any1 miss the Superband Days? i do


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 23:38

:P u asking the obvious...lololol

hello by the way :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2007 23:41

okie la found my conscience at last, will sit by the tv this sun to watch the encore to 重温 the perf. got a preview frm the vids oredi, rated it a LOL but prefer to watch big screen. betcha wn u saw the white pc of paper, u tot it was a luv note fr one of ure crazy fans rit? haha too bad its a fine! the good news is dat this goes to show u r only human, the bad news is this may happen > often as u grow older :p
And dat sotong, dun worry, tink ure 1st msg was quite clear diagnosis is not out yet.
*blink blink* so tired today, betta sleep early liao, nitey everyone


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 March, 2007 23:57

WOOHOO! LATEST TIME I HAVE EVER COME HERE(is it?).. Anyway, tmr yi da qing zao i got tuition.. GOODNITE!

To syl: hihis.. LOLS.. Ask Sam's mum to remember for him.. WAHHS..

To siow liow: Me too but i am oredi starting to miss RENCI!! Milubing wearing tat black and white costume SOO NICE!!

To Sam: Ya.. Must remeber nxt time kays?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2007 00:10

argh I'm in terrible mood! want to cry liao la. my keyboard have been screwed up! like i type b it gave me b5\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. i type n it gave me n6\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. so i have to keep backspacing. the inverted slash key itself can't work. Anyone know what could be the problem ? If duno nvm; xie xie for letting me vent my frustration...


Blogger awhitestraw | 24 March, 2007 01:03

yes, i do miss the superband days too:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2007 17:40

ah sam , now no more roti prata and change to tpy hawker centre meh . saw you and shifu again this morning . he like your father hor , hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2007 18:02

hee hee, shifu is sam's godpa la.. so is like papa lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2007 20:59

which hawker huh? so i can get to do some stars grazing too...


Blogger marssh | 24 March, 2007 21:34

hihis to all....back to tag le...hmmm of coz i miss superband's days....its beens quite sume time alr n all e vids reminds mi od how much i miss mlb's performance n nic's singing...hahahas

woah sam kena fined....nvm its common in spore anyways...moral of e story is at least u conrtibuted ur $$ to e society LOL

weiqiq still haven recover from his injury??so kelian....hmmm dun ovrwork urself too much worx...try to take cares of urself more eh....u seem to have slim down quite alot worz...

n nic gotten his posting alr??hmmm my frens gotten theirs today alr...hmmm gd luck to him worz hope he wun kena too fierce e unit...=p

oopss seems to have typed too much....hmmm its been quite sum time since i came here missed mlb blog n forum so much sia.....=xx


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 March, 2007 21:57


To Sam: No more roti prata? Leading a healthy lifestyle? kekes.. A lot of my frens say tat ur brown hair suits u more than black.. kekes..

To weiqi: GET WELL SOON, KEYBOARDIST =p! And yahs.. U needa cut ur hair too.. kekes.. No offence if u dun want to..

Tomorrow got encore telecast for RenCi show.. hahas.. Actually cannot watch ders but now, CAN! hahas.. And i am simply "DARK CHOCOLATE" now.. My frens and my seniors say tat to me too..

AHEM! This blog seems cold liaoz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2007 22:17



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 00:32

Halo old and new kids on the blog! Today was a great day for me, how bout yours? And thank u for the compliments.
TPY, why don't u come and say hi?
We were having breakfast.


Blogger MINHUI | 25 March, 2007 00:49

hello everyone! havent been to the blog for like 3 days and like there's a post! LOL!

anyway, the moral of the story.. never drive. so troublesome! raise your hand, and a cabby will stop for you. LOL! (:

weiqi, dont overwork yea? (: have fun too! haha! jiayou! as for you elbow, i've got something to tell it. tell it , "dont torture weiqi hor!" hahaha! i'm just being lame. (:

take care, all!


Blogger MINHUI | 25 March, 2007 00:50

hello sam! (:

so i guess, your next question will be, what am i gonna have for breakfast? LOL! :X


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 01:09

hello Sam! glad u r having fun. I'm still having problems with my laptop de keyboard. will be sending it to for fixing soon. lols.

what fun did u had? ;D


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 March, 2007 09:16

hmms.. I just said the blog was cold and then 1 comment later, Sam tagged.. kekes..

Actually, wanted to tagged around midnite ders.. but didn't seem to refresh the page tats why..

heyy drummer.. wads up? U said u had fun? Well, what sort of fun.. Not only me wanna noe.. Was boring for me yesterday.. *yawns*.. Today another boring day.. *yawns again*.. Tomorrow me got TENNIS MATCH.. =p..


Blogger Spacegirl | 25 March, 2007 15:09

Hi.. waiting for ur album. do a good job k.. saw u and weiqi on tv and i think to myself, thats so long time no see. not like those times where we can see you guys like weekly or something. its repeat of renci on tv now. and i saw u guys again. abit skinnier though. k.. take care . all the best. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 15:39

hi hi everybody...

repeat of d ren-ci on tv now..

sam/weiqi - liked ur performance v much. but seems like kim & bryan had snatch most of d show.. d camera man focus more of them than d rest. nevertheless, it was a gd show.. :-)

sam - is tat ur 1st fine so far? nxt x gotta b careful ya..

weiqi - after d charity show, must b bz wif ur school work again huh..

a lazy sunday 4 me.. too tired to go out. need to re-charge after a hectic work wk.. *yawn*

every1, njoy tis sunny sunday~! (^^)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 15:50

yoz .. !! hello eveyone ..
juz watch e repeat telecast of renci ..
hmm, sam, u huan kou wei le ar .. always go tpy hawker eat (where is typ?? toa payoh??), nv go eat ur prata .. hehe .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 15:54

btw, today's weather dame hot .. mlb and all mlbians rmb to drink lots and lots of water wor .. dun kana dehydration .. =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 March, 2007 16:39

Hi Shan, you are right. The weather today is damn hot, its like burning... Just came back from the new Giant Hypermarket at Tampines, the place was so crowded that you need at least about an hour to pay your goods! Because of these, I missed MLB's performance in the encore Ren Ci Charity Show.
Agree that all of us must drink more water especially when you are outdoor.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

Hi Sam,
Are you referring to me as old kids in the blog? Hahaha..... I am indeed old, but I am young at heart. Btw, when is MLB's EP releasing, any update?


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 March, 2007 17:21

Yo ppl! Back to spam!

The Renci Show encore telecast has FINISHED! Really was unforgettable.. kekes..

Hope i am not considered old, Sam.. cos i came to spam ur blog just on 6th August 2006... ahahas.. I still remember der day tat i was new.. kekes..

Yes, shan jie-jie.. It has reali been hot this few days and somemore yesterday got funny weather.. Daytime sooo hot and nite time.. RAINING! The weather really has been going BONKERS! kekes..


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 March, 2007 17:21

Oops.. I didn't mean UR blog.. I meant MLB'S BLOG.. kekes..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 18:24

halo jodie! hahas. lucks for ur match! ooh. i think i started tagging since QF7.. haha.

hmm.. managed to catch today's episode of renci.. aiyahh. show so little of sam and weiqi.. haha but it's okay lah. better than none. =)

hey sam, glad to noe that u're living great everyday.. so envious of you.. so free! haha and i'm here,racing with time to get more of it. anyway, hope u enjoyed this weekend, which gonna end soon. =/

weiqi, hope ur arm's better.. yeah, u look nice on tv juz now. =P

mlbians, enjoy the last few hours of the weekend! woos~


Blogger marssh | 25 March, 2007 19:15

hmmm ovrslpt today missed e repeat of renci...=(


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 19:45

i also overslept; when i on the TV just happen MLB de performance is over le. lols. my mum even more funny - went out to buy stuff then came back late then miss MLB performance too. lols.


Blogger marssh | 25 March, 2007 19:48

woahs den wasn ur mum sad coz she missed e performance twice....


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 20:02

lols. she say never mind. lols.


Blogger marssh | 25 March, 2007 20:15

hahahas nvm u let her watch e mlb from her lorz....=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 20:35



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 21:13

hey boys n gals, ladies n gentlemen, hows everyone doing? Since quite a long time I last made along tag here. Was super bz for the past couple of months and i came n peek, sometime left a short tag n gone again. Hmm...i missed mlb, really. Didn't get to see them at the last bball gig, so when was e last time I see them? hmm...since 3rd gathering. haiz... Was very happy to see them on renci last week thou I missed the front part and missed them again on e repeat. hope to see them all 3 on stage soon again.

Btw, wondering what's e good stuff to eat at TPY that made 2 boys to go there n eat so often?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 22:32

Hi Flora.. =)
Hmm..what's so nice about food in TPY??!! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2007 23:15

hmmm, tpy got plenty of hawker ctrs le n plenty of gd cheap food..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 March, 2007 23:26

Hi Flora,
Ya, you have been MIA for quite sometimes liao! Welcome back to the blog.
Hope you'll take great care of yourself with all your busy workloads. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 00:03

yoz angie n tpy, i know typ got lots of good food, i used to frequent there too althought till now I know only where is lor 1 n 2. :p
I used to work in an office there, din go to e big hawkers, I went to e small coffee shops where they had good fish head noodle, sheng mee, duck rice etc... not sure if they still around now. Oh yah, n e forever seem to be closed chi cha who has e one of the best clam in singapore. yummy...

Uncle phil, long time no see. how ya doing? st James power house news is e talk of e town at e moment. my colleagues are talking abt going there for a drink... just wondering if that someone is still there not? hee hee... if he is still there, then maybe I'll go with my colleagues. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 03:18

woohoo! wan an! TPY HDB hub de bread is super nice. Whenever i go there i must buy their read de. lol! then somewhere near there go sell buns too. i forget the stall name but i love de fish otah bun lor.

most of my frens are not online in msn le, so think they shud be in bed le ba. looks like i got to sleep soon. have been sleeping late, so must adjust body clock back liao, cos sch reopening in a few weeks time. haha.

wan an! MLB jia you! every1 jia you =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 11:23

yoz !! good morning .. eh, but going to afternoon liao .. heez ..
yeah, TPY alot of nice food, coz i stay there too .. but i not so lucky, din met sam .. haha ..
quizzy_me, u said e fish otah bun, r u refering to e shop "man bao" e one along e shops of S&K, watson, etc .. ?? tt wan no more liao leh ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 14:07

think i'm refering to that ba, cos havent been there for quite some time. LOL! no more liao arh? awww....haha nvm. =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 17:46



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 18:45

We were at that TPY hawker centre for the noodles.

For ya infomation:
WeiQi is currently real busy preparing for his exams.
Nic just booked in to his new camp, posted to be a signaller.

Hmm.. What's for dinner today?


Blogger Jodie [: | 26 March, 2007 18:57


Why suddenly all tok bout food? kekes..

Ahh mans.. We lost.. kekes... 3-2 down and anyway syl jie-jie, thanks for comfort but i kena meet up the best player for the whole team and PS. We played against Cedar Girls'..

To quizzy_me: U very bored ahhs? kekes.. No offence..



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 18:57

signaller! same as my bro. and he claims that it's a rather slack unit..

sam! thx for that little info. aiyo, why food again.. haha. hmm. wad abt omelette pizza? hee. enjoy your dinner! =D


Blogger Jodie [: | 26 March, 2007 18:59

hey drummer!

I just posted a comment and then i saw urs.. hahas..


U back to ur pattern, asking wads for dinner?!.. hmms.. Eat something healthy if u wanna or else, back to ur prata life.. kekes..

Nic just booked in? Weiqi preparing his exams..

Help me wish both of them.. GOOD LUCK! hahas.. =)..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 19:03

Jodie, not really la. will be going to apply for a job on wed. hopefully if time permits i can work and study at the same time. =D!

Hello Sam! how bout fish porridge?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 19:09

oh ya Sam or whoever can help, if u r reading this, our friend posted this tag in our publicity blog (http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/);

"xiujing: hello.eh is there ways to contact nic?his former school,xingnan pri is having a charity event.and they wanted to invite nic to perform.can anyone help?"



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 21:45

yo yo =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 22:03

MLB is still in contract with warner n mediacorp. i doubt nic can agree to do performances w/o the nods from both parties.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 22:22

oh...yuan lai ru ci...xie xie arh =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 March, 2007 22:55

Hi Sam,
Thanks for updating WeiQi & Nic's informations. Hopefully WeiQi will do well again in his exams, while Nic will get used to his new unit. But most important is, all 3 of you must stay healthy & happy. Jia-you in whatever you guys are doing.

Hi Flora,
I am quite confused, which someone are you refering to? Are you trying to ask about Sly?
Yup, he is still performing there as a special guest artiste. He will be singing every Monday, Wednesday & Friday nights.
In fact, Dragonfly is a nice place for fun with friends. But, the staffs there are not very friendly & they take very long times to serve you! Cos the place are always so crowded. Enjoy yourself when you are there, cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2007 22:57

oh ya, what does 'signaller' do huh? lols.


Blogger marssh | 26 March, 2007 23:26

hihihis evrybody....hmmm taggs...

weiqi having exam le arhs so fast sia....gd lucks to him worz...hope he take cares of his hand too...

nic in signaller??hmmm yah lorz waty they do arhs??anyways hope he take cares too n dun fall sick so often worz...wahs got ppl wan him perform sia....but it wudn b e same if only nic were to perform alone eh...oops

hmmm sam seems to b vry free sia....den wat u doing nowadays??now tat both ur bros r bz how r u planning ur days??=xx

ooohh saw e ad for e new variety show sam took part in...hahahas but they didn show sam kekeke....


Blogger awhitestraw | 26 March, 2007 23:30

signallers signals? haha, as the name suggests. okay , that's crap. haha.

how's everybody over here? hope you guys were fine[:

wq is forever having exams. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 00:06

Yeh Uncle Phil, I was referring to sly. Acty i went to St James this afternoon for some work there. Kinda of quiet in e afternoon but know that it will be super ren nao in e night. Still thinking should I go crashing with all those ppl or just stay home enjoying my aircon n novel. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 00:20

msg from weiqi in our publicity blog;

hey hey,help me relay this msg: My xray results were out today,no sign of fracture,doc said most likely is build up of sumthin around the wound that causes restriction to movement.Thank GOD!!! :p Anyways, like Sam said, i'm super tied up with studies,recorded some vocals yesterday nite(sun) though.Btw,i joined a comp held by skool recently,called 'graffire'.wanted to upload the pics of the graffitti competition and a pic from ren ci,guess i gotta do it some how soon.As for SADM,i'm majoring in animation next sem heh heh..take care everyone!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 March, 2007 00:45

Wow Flora, you went to St James in the afternoon? Of course very quiet lah, all the ppl still sleeping at home man!
Do you used to support Sly during the S'pore Idol season? If you are his supporter too, perhaps I may have something for you.
Fyi, I am indeed a great fan of his. I love the songs that were written & sang by him. Till now, I am still listening to his album.


Blogger marssh | 27 March, 2007 00:49

woahs thanx quizzy_me =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 March, 2007 00:51

Wow Quizzy, you are helping WeiQi to tag. Thought your laptop are having problem?
Anyway, thank you very much. Enjoy your holidays & hope you get the job you want. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 02:54

xie xie uncle phil. mine is just keyoard havin prolem. some keys r not workig. so some words have to use on screen keyboard de lor. that 1 is copy-pasted de. haha. but yeah, will be sending it for servicing soon.

nitey :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 03:16

weiqi, exams ah ... tink u shld do jus fine ... gt 2 hear dat dere is no fracture! hope u regain dat 'freedom' to ur arm sn ... wunder wat graffitti u had drawn ya ... sth abstract? hee ... but take ur tym lah 2 load, we can wait wan ... waz dat wan of ur lecturer working in geylang? ... er, i mean, working on portraits of ppl in dat area wif a fellow painter ... or mayb she hasn't lectured u yet for the module ... seems lyk dere wil b an exhibition of the portraits dey had done.

sam, u luv noodles ah ... wat did u hv for dinner den? ... food is glorious indeed but dun overindulge in food ya ... cos gotta watch ur health ... me so lor sor rit? hee.

nic, signaller? hm, if got exercise, den mus take care ya ... heh heh, i hrd if u noe how to tweak the freq, can 'eavedrop' on other peeps conversation wan ... i hrd only lah ... last tym, tel get cross line, den u heard wat u not supposed to hear ;) er, i mean other peeps conversation lah.

k, take care guyz!!!


Blogger Jodie [: | 27 March, 2007 10:27


What does a signaller do huhs? Explain someone to me and quizzy_me=)..


You are soo lucky:)! hahas.. GOOD LUCKK FOR UR EXAMS HORS=)! Dun stress urself too hors.. CHEERS:)..

*yawns*.. Now having Art again... My this art teacher soo BORINGG! *yawns*.. But enjoying air-con. hahas.. And today, 11 of my friends' hp got confiscated siahs.. It was confiscated by my STUPID art teacher.. She very SENIOR horrs and yet called "MS CHIA".. OMGG!!

Argh! She's nagging!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 11:04

Uncle Phil, yup I am a fan of him. Not a big one like you, but bought his album and listen to them on my mp3. :) Think he is talented, and hope more ppl can appreciate local talents more.

Weiqi good to know that your elbow is ok. Be careful next time k? Does your sch display e graffitti you guys created? See if we can go spot e one you drew.

Sam, maybe you should consider to write a book on food already. :)

Signal... can Nic use the signal sound to make music too? like di di di di...lame...


Blogger awhitestraw | 27 March, 2007 12:01

haha, so how's the result of the competition? haha, oh my! you are majoring in animation.*faints*


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 13:55

hello everyone ..
uncle phil, im a fan of sly too hehe .. bought his album too & i v long nv c him liao ..
nic posted 2 signaller .. same as my cousin .. dunno same camp not, haha ..
sam luv 2 eat noodle ar, same as mi .. haha ..
weiqi, muz jia you for exam wor ..
anyway, i went sentosa wif my frens yesterday to catch e last glimpse of e musical fountain .. although it's still e same show as b4, but dunno y feel tt yesterday show v nice .. haha .. oh, and we watch 2 times sia, both e 7:40 and 8:40 shows .. haha .. coz next time watch muz pay money liao ..


Blogger marssh | 27 March, 2007 15:09

hihihi evrybody *yawn* so sians....

whas musical fountain nxt time muz pay $$ alr arhs....haiez how come nowadays evryting in spore talks abt $$ le....jialat...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 15:29

ya .. fr 2day onwards, going to e new musical fountain (called 'songs of e sea') muz pay $6 liao .. haiz, bcoz of e IR thing la, den e old wan muz demolish .. so no more free liao ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 15:50

signaler ah - an army officer who signals lor...

bascially he deals with radio communication something like communicating w each other using walkie talkies...radio signal equipment can be small (walkies) or big (entire lorry)...
signaler is dealing with electronics radio signal lah...if the NS man is a field-signaler, then can be quite siong lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 15:57



Blogger marssh | 27 March, 2007 16:30

oohhs icic....thanx signaler worz....hahas

wahs IR thingy has made spore bcum a more expensive ctry hahahas heard tat marina bay those steambost places will b closed down too izit??also coz of e IR e...=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 17:43

Came in to say 'hi' to MLB and all. Bn busi lately but hope to drop my name here so that it shows I am still supporting MLB. Saw some report abt MLB on some magazines. Reporting abt 3 minus 1 etc..nothihg much actually. We all hv bn waiting for MLB to take off.

Most of the Band in Asia are growing old. So MLB.....waiting for you to FLY....


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 17:45

Uncle Phil... one more Sly fan here. Has always been.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 19:13

Hey halo!
I played badminton and soaked myself in the pool today, feels so good. I'm not a good badminton player, i'm not a good swimmer, but i enjoy doing sports! Wanted to blade tonight, but weather's turning bad.
So what did all of you do today?


Blogger qing qing | 27 March, 2007 19:44

yo yo!! long long time no come talk nonsense liao... com finally ok le... so happy...

wow!!! sam, u so healthy ar?? played badminton last weekend w my frens oso den hand pain cos too long didnt exercise... but was fun...
weiqi: happy studying... my fren oso in ntu n busy preparing for her exams too...
nic: take care in army...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 19:45

hello sam! wahaha i love badminton too lor, but not very well too.

What did we do today huh? For me nothing much la, did some reading then was looking for my secondary school de whatever certs. Cos will be attending an interview tomorrow with friends (hopefully can study & work at the same time).

Then went out to zap it, plus laminate some stuff. Remember you guys gave us a photo of 3 of u during gathering? I laminate that too lor. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 19:59

oohh. weiqi. u're lucky. haha. but still, take care! and jia you for ur comp and exams!

halo sam! u're here everyday huhh. lols. but that's good. swimming.. everyone ard me is toking abt swimming.. maybe cos s'pore too hot liao. haha.

wad i did today? i went to SGH to visit a fren who has been admitted for more than a week. haiz.. poor thing. he slimmed down a lot. so, everybody, take good care of ur health okay.. dun play play. =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 20:36

WQ 你好可爱, here can't tag, then u go n tag somewhere else to pass msg.but den buildup of some other stuff on the wound also not v good leh. anyway just hope u regain full mobility of ure elbow soon. nite recordin so it means we can hear ure singin voice on the ep la. oh, was wondering wat photos u were going to upload. tot u were going to sabo ure bro & post his photo in his army uniform. guess he shld look good rit?
went pass a swimming pool the other day n was jus wondering wn sam will go for a dip n today u went! so shiok huh u enjoyin life. so r u learning to cook any good stuff fr ure shifu? always tell myself i mus learn how to cook a bowl of dat nice silky smooth steamed egg dat i luv to eat from the 饭菜 store. asked a few people who cook how to make it so silky smooth n all claim v easy to prepare. hmm...let's c how i fare IF & WHEN i get down to doing it one of these days. dun hv much confidence in this aspect cos i cant even cook a decent bowl of maggi mee! either end up noodle too soggy or soup tasteless,realli hopeless in the kitchen:D


Blogger Jodie [: | 27 March, 2007 22:32


SAMUEL WONG RUI XIANG! Badminton and swimming siahs.. trying to keep up a healthy lifestyle ahhs?! hahas.. Why dun u try TENNIS? AHAHAS.. Everyday play different sports.. kekes.. Lyk tat u will very tired =p.. kekes.. I LOVE SPORTS TOO! hahas.. Evryone in my skool, including miee seniors say i very tanned and i yesterday kena sunburn.. WOOHS! First time lehs.. kekes..

hmms.. Wad did i do today? Nothing actually but tmr I GOT TENNIS MATCH AGAINST SCGS! hahas..

11 of my frens' hp kena confiscated.. OOHS.. I said it again lehs!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 22:50

I had a very trying and challenging day. Ya, I was a "signaller" communicating with 5 people in 5 locations, near and far, wanting to get my things to deliver to a place where we were having an event. Cldn't believe I spent the whole day "signalling". Nothing fruitful in the end. Hope that "someone" learns something from this experience, be flexible and manage time...Haiz...tomorrow will be a good day...cos I'll be slacking at home =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 23:57

Samuel Wong... so good... also feel like soaking in the pool with this kind of hot weather. But remb to put sun block, else you become a charcoal man again... or charcoal boy.

Many many yeats ago, a multi-purpose court was built right opp our flat where we can play bball, street soccer, net ball n badminton if there is not much of wind. So me, toki n my bro we went to buy a basketball n bidminton so we can go down n play. But till now, we never play in that court before n the ball is still staying inflated in our storeroom. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2007 23:58

Wanting to put on my gears again...on the track field on weekends..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 00:02

Hi Flora...how was ur dae? =)
Badminton is a fun game..table-tennis is fun too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 00:36

i did nothing but look at the sky. No Stars for company tonight. I look at the clouds that are floating by and eventually, they never say goodbye. =)

Goodnight boy boy girl girl aunties and uncles. Treasure Everyone and Everything around you. Never take things for granted, for you'll never know when they'll just suddenly choose to disappear from your life, forever. =) Nights.


Blogger qing qing | 28 March, 2007 00:40

yo yo!!!
juat now my lao ma hurying me to hav dinner so post a bit only... since long time no post le, think it's going to b v long one...
sam: ur fine, u pay urself de ar? fine how much?
weiqi: u looks nice w/o cap n nice oso when u style ur hair...take care of ur hand...
weiqi n sam: u two look like real bro, as in qin sheng xiong di when u two play the piano.. the part whereby u two play a piano tog... v nice... the outfit is oso v nice... smartly dressed.. th eperformance was nice... =)
nic: enjoy urself in army =x
shan: wat course r u in? i oso in tp... gotten results too n horrible... heard from my course coordinator that need at least GPA 3.5 den mayb got chance got uni... wa biang!!! my GPA nowhere near there...
peg: thanks for the info on the restaurant thing... will try to go someday... =)
uncle phil: i too went to the new giant at tamp on sun... but i went after the ren ci replay, after sam n weiqi perform finish den i go... extremely hot!!!
oso agree tat y sam like eat prata everyday but still so thin... =P
to those schooling: happy studying n jia you... =)
to those working: happy working n earning $$$... =)
to those rotting, slacking n enjoying: continue rotting n enjoy!! =)
nitez to all... working tml... haiz... sianz...=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 03:48

hi sam, wow, so shiok, played badminton n swam ... hopeless wif tings round ... eg basketball ... but slightly better wif tings not round, lyk badminton ... do u hv any fav players? ... hm ... waz put thru swim lessons in sch but somehow nvr got d hang of it ... hee ... the morn'g dip was really brrrrr ... d only nice ting is u get to bathe b4 u go 4 class so we dun smell lyk peeps who had to do jogging n cldnt bathe ;) its good to do sports ... keep it up sam!

had a tiring day ... worked real hard den had nice dinner by a place near a 'water-hole' while watching sunset ... bcos ate too much, went 4 a jalan-jalan among the greens wif frens ... but den we were too late s the sun had set so gotta turn back ... we r afterall, 5 gals n 1 guy only ... but tink we @least burned off the calories for dessert? ;) ... weather's great jus a lil chilly ... hope tmr wil b a sunny day! stay cheery peeps! wish al a nice day tmr. ciao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 08:32

"thanks for the wishes regarding my exams.The lady working in Geylang with a co painter, that's my foundation drawing teacher.The newspaper kinda twisted her words.Anyways,she's a really nice person. The graffire boards are still at my skool's Basement level,but no point la, think i'll try to upload somehow soon.and yesh i'll take care of ma hand!takecare everyone!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 08:51

Ah qi, you still can't post here ah? Poor thing...long time never go to your sch for lunch liao, after next week will be hard to go liao. Dun be surprise to see me having lunch in the next few days hor. :p

Angie, I used to be in the table tennis club during my sec sch days, but till now, still only know how to play baby ping pong. Joined the club just for the seek of fulfiling e ECA rule. Got a big fat E8 in that. :P
Talking abt sport, which sport u did best? Hmm...mine would be bowling. Picked it up few yrs ago, manage to remain e standard even though I seldom play these days. Used to frequent textile center n kallang bowl. I'm e No 1 female bowler in my company. hahaha...lets go bowling sometimes...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 10:12

Hi flo..and all, Good morning and a good day ahead.

Hmm...I'm not good at bowling leh...my elbow will hv no strength after a few round of games. I like evening run cos I enjoy the cool breeze. But, we can do sports anytime next week liao...ya next week I wanna learn to fly.

To "nobody"...smile =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 11:18

angie, maybe we can go blading. but not next week. I'm graduating end of next wk, so only free e wk after next.


Blogger marssh | 28 March, 2007 13:07

hihi evrybody...=DD

wahs didn knoe sam so into sports eh....hmmm healthy boi arhs carry on staying fit bahz...u made mi feel so guilty sia i forgotten when was e last time i touched my badminton rackets alr worz...

weiqi's com still got prob arhs??den will it affect him much not....uni seems to have alot of projects needa do eh...0_0

yeah i finally found a job so will b working alr...=))


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 14:20

wahh .. sam so enjoy his life sia .. =P
to qing qing : hey, u oso in tp ar .. haha, so qiao .. i in applied science sch, studying food science & nutrition .. u leh? mayb next time we can mit up sia .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2007 22:06

just to say HELLO! n power-lah everybody


Blogger Jodie [: | 28 March, 2007 22:17



Weiqi: U still cannot blogged or comment here.. OHH NOO! NVM..

Shan: yahs.. Agree he very free.. kekes.. Dunno wads he up to lors..

Oops.. Sam, NO OFFENCE!

hmms.. Today, my skool's tennis match against SCGS is 5-1! WAHHS.. Lose again.. NVM.. And yahs.. Today cos my senior, Vivian cos her forst time play doubles and tot she lost tats why at first very sad then suddenly umpire say "SAC WINS THE GAME OF 9-8", she was lyk "YESH!" *jumps vigourously*.. SOO FUNNY.. Funniest match i ever see..

AHEM! Wonder wad sport Sam played today?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 00:30

Yoz ...
It's been a long time since i came online to tag here le ...
Haiz & Really Long Time Never See MLB U Guyz Le Lek ... So Miss The Past La ... AIYO!
Looking very very very forward to cya guyz soon k ... \/(=^o'=)

Weiqi take good care of ur arm ... Hope it's getting better now ...

Sam ... Enjoy urself out there yea ... & careful dun get another 'fine' le hor ... =P

---> MLB JIA YOU !!!

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger qing qing | 29 March, 2007 00:41

yo yo!!! hmmmm... forget to say alot of things yesterday... although i'm v slow but still must say... =x
agree tat sam looks the most approachable(dunno how to spell)... remember got 1 time i saw milubing, sam looks the most not fierce n not scary de... hmmm... weiqi looks fierce n scary... =X(sorry)... nic, on the phone so he looks quite serious... =X.. so, when went for the pre-gathering, wan ask for weiqi's signature, den was quite scared... =X.. but after asking, find tat he's v polite... =)
shan: i'm in business process n system engineering... so, in engineering sch lor... lan rite?.. haiz.. u wat year ar? 1, 2 or 3? yeah, mayb can meet up... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 09:47

Good morning MiLuBing....

Hi to Sam and WeiQi.

Please say ' hi ' to Nic when u see him. Tell him TTWW misses him and ask him to take care. POWER LAH!


Blogger awhitestraw | 29 March, 2007 11:47

weiqi-fierce lookng but has a lame heart.



Blogger marssh | 29 March, 2007 14:17

weiqi look fierce arhs??hmmm he gives mi e feeling he's e vry 'quiet' type eh....but mayb i'm wrong hahahas...yah i agree weiqi is lame eh keke...


Blogger Jodie [: | 29 March, 2007 14:37

Seriously.. I tink tat Weiqi look quite fierce lehs.. (Oopsy.. Sorry Weiqi!) He oso have tat kind of quiet kind of boy lyk wad marssh said and is sort of "guai kiat".. HAHAS.. He must smile more to make ppl tink tat he is not fierce but i noe tat he is trying his best lerz.. On Renci, his smile was nice mahz! =p..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 14:47

tsk tsk tsk
Told u weiqi, must practise your smiling skill. ppl scared by your serious face lah.


Blogger marssh | 29 March, 2007 15:04

hahahas dun scare him mahz...think he's too shy le lorz....keke nvm nvm we knoe can approach him can alr....later stress him out sia....


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 16:13

yoz !! da jia hao ..
hmm, weiqi look fierce meh .. ok la .. smile more can liao lor ..=)
to qing qing: engineering where got lan .. as long as u do well can liao .. when sch reopen i year 3 liao le .. going for attachment in 2 more wks .. u leh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 17:25

zao an ni hao! wo bu hao! laptop de keyboard (especially the 'del' button) is spoil liao, so cannot even log on to my windows so cannot use comp liao. now i'm in woodlands library. Just now went to sim lim square and the guy said have to change the whole keyboard lor. my mum will be getting her pay next week so can only let him fix next week. lols. so unless i go other places to use comp, i may not be able to com here for a week liao. SAD~

but anyway, hello to MLB and MLBians. jia you jia you =D


Blogger qing qing | 29 March, 2007 19:29

yo yo!! having dinner now..

hmmmmm... agree tat weiqi is trying his best to smile le... ya lor, as long as we know tat we can approach weiqi can le... =) hmmmm... ya, dun stress him...

shan: me sch reopen will b yr 2 le... think me still no attachment yet... u got any attachment b4?

wish all happy =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 23:09

hi everybody jiayou


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2007 23:14

twisted words i hear? hm, y does it sound so familiar? ha ha, heard of horror stories of twisted words from frens b4 s well ... wonder y ya ... so, the 'moral of the story' (sic) is: wyw (watch your words) lor ;)

your foundation teacher does 'feel' lyk a nice person ... call it a woman's gut feeling, which i judge from the photo of her ... i mus say she is gutsy s well! ... i tink she imparts not only just knowledge on the arts but surely she cld hv oso inspired her students in other ways :) @least dats wat i tink a teacher does - inspire n bring out the best in deir students ... i oso believe dat this is a two-way tingy ya ... students can oso inspire teacher ... i m sure dere r peeps who hv changed our lives one way or another ... lyk mlb ;) hv fun in ur animation module ya.

weiqi, to me, u look lyk d shy,wen jing type of guy n wn u dun smile, u do kinda look fierce lor ... hope dis is not huo shang jia you (sic) ... hee ... i tink u take tym 2 warm up 2 peeps ... once u do, u r really chatty lor ... i believe al ur 3- or 4-leettr wrod will b liberally used ... ha ha ha ... pl dun k me 4 dis! say sorry 1st ...

k, teased u enuf liao ... hv a gt day milubing n everyone!


Blogger awhitestraw | 30 March, 2007 12:16

heh, do i get anything for saying i saw sam at my workplace ytd? HAHAHA.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2007 13:46

hellos all!

havin free period now while the rest of the class is havin test. haha.

how's everyone? :)

i think weiqi is kinda shy to people he duno well? but when he knows u well then its a different story liaos. sometimes can be very leng/random lorh! lols... always makes us feel -_-" with his random statements. lols.

hmm wells. how's the guitarist been? still waiting for his update ahhs.

sam, continue enjoying ur life bahhs! enjoy ur life to the fullest while u can. :)

takecare all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2007 15:07

yup, agree tt weiqi is juz shy to ppl whom he dunno well .. =)

to qing qing: u will only get attachment in year 3 .. previously i din get any either .. =)

wkend's cuming, hope everyone has a great day ahead .. ;P


Blogger marssh | 30 March, 2007 16:37

hihi evry1....juz dropping by to say hi to all mlbians...have a gd day evry1....


Blogger Jodie [: | 30 March, 2007 16:45

I ON COM FOR SOO LONG LERS NOW THEN SPAM.. hahas.. Just came to say hi cos MLB nvr taggy mahs.. Nothing to tok bout too.. Anyway, AHHS.. MY EXAMS COMING LERS.. *tsk tsk*.. I dunn wanna do Maths exam lahs.. Maths SUCKS.. Vulgarity.. Sorry.. I put it in caps tat means i am focusing on tat word.. hahahs..


Blogger qing qing | 30 March, 2007 17:24

yo yo!!

shan: OIC... dun really like attachment lei... although haven get any b4...

jodie: maths is fun!!! i love maths... u now sec wat?

haha... i at first tot tat sam is the shy shy type... den after going for the gathering, AHEM... find tat it's not true.. haha... my fren oso ask me, sam v shy ar? den i tell them, shy?!! no lor... haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2007 17:38

hello !!

to qing qing: dun like oso muz go for attachment .. nvm la, there's pay ma .. haha .. =P

to jodie: u dun like maths ar .. heez, i quite like maths but now i dun take maths liao ..


Blogger qing qing | 30 March, 2007 19:27

yo yo!!!
shan: hah... got $$$ den shou ku a bit think still ok ba.. haha.. *hi five* i like math too =)hmmm... i think not taking math in yr 2 n 3 le... but i took in yr 1... was fun n most is A math which we learn in sec 3 n 4.. haha


Blogger Jodie [: | 30 March, 2007 21:15

To qing qing: I tis year sec. 1.. kekes.. I dun lyk Maths since P3 liaoz.. kekes..

To shan: Yahs.. I dun lyk maths ALOT! I am stressing on it.. hahas.. Sam oso sort of guai kiat to me.. hahas..

heys.. I saw the Music in the Air advert just now.. They show sam singing.. kekes..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2007 11:35

hi happy weekends everybody.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2007 13:19



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2007 13:44

Jodie, i saw the advt at channel u too..

searching.. searching...
hi where r all the regular mlbians gone to? old n new?


Blogger marssh | 31 March, 2007 14:32

a mlbian, here's 1....hmmm m i considered old or new now??hmmm.....

hiihihi to all....jodie arhs i luv maths too coz all e maths tcher i met r really vry nice ppl...but arhs i alwaz fail maths....=x


Blogger Jodie [: | 31 March, 2007 15:51

To a mlbian: The regular ones are all busy bahz.. hahas.. But i just realised there is a new MLBian calles abigail.. hahas.. Yahs.. But they show him very little.. Can't wait for the show lars..

To marssh: hmms.. I HATE MY MATHS TEACHER LORS.. VERRYYY BORINGG! SHE TEACH US HORS.. ALMOST WHOLE CLASS CAN SLEEP DERZ.. hahas.. Anyway, u considered new bahz.. I oso considered new lors..


Blogger qing qing | 31 March, 2007 17:00

yo yo!!!

hmmm.... i think i consider new here ba?? hmmm... how come i didnt c the advt??!! =(
it's really getting cold here...
y i so suay?? i post den didnt c sam post le... =(
was watching superband just now... oh man!!! so nice... milubing's guo huo, yong qi, hei se mao yi n chen mao gao yang(dunno sad song not n but...) makes me cry...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2007 18:13

hiie mlbian n sam...i m getting busy nowadayz...got lots of tests n need to memorise 6 story for chinese test...sianz rite?hmm...not like sam can ride his motor bike everydae...hahax... envy!!!alrights sam jus remmeber to buy ur season parking...take carez ppl=)



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2007 22:04

Guess who's back, back again~ wahahahaha I'M BACK! laptop is ok liao, but must take good care of him from now on. lol!

hello mlb and mlbians, jia you!


Blogger Jodie [: | 31 March, 2007 23:54

Hi quizzy_me jiejie! Do u realised tis blog very cold liao ler mah? ppl have been hardly commenting and the comments are geting lesser per day and Sam doesn't seem to be commenting.. hmms.. Wonder wad he up to.. This blog reali very cold lehs.. i want to reply comments leh but seems lyk nothing to reply.. AHHS!

hey peeps.. guess wad.. MY MID-YEAR EXAMS ARE COMIN LERS! ARGHS!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 00:41

Hey all!It's the weekends,and i get to use my sis's laptop!so can comment le!wa,why the sudden discussion of me lookin fierce..i know la,lotsa ppl say i look fierce.Too bad la,my dad looks very stern,so he passed it down to me.Furthermore,i'm super tired these days,serious lack of slp,so makes me look even worse.Sorry to all who tot i 'diao' them when i was jus lookin. :( Anyways,jus to answer some previous questions bout my skool,there are a few differences btwn it and NAFA n Lasselle.There's sumthin bout the degree being based on 'studio' work which makes it different,also,the duration of course is longer,and supposedly making it more recognised internationally.Stuff like that.Best to call up the skool or email if u wanna know more.I'm trying to clear the doubts according to wat i know k,so pls forgive me if i got anything wrong!Always check with the skools ya?Here's my own personal feeling: i think the animation and product design are the really strong cornerstones of my school.But then again,do your research before making a decision.I went to NAFA recently to see the displkay of student works who jus graduated,some are REALLY good,do check it out too,keep your mind open ya?Any other questions regarding ADM, jus post, I'll do my best to answer ya? An update on nic, he's doing fine in his signaller camp..nothin much to update bout him leh..Sam's been busy just recently with some errands and logistics he's covering for MLB regarding the up and coming gig in april..(2chinese songs,1english song and no hints la). Take care all! btw,my elbow's healing le! soon will be able to blade again!!! yay!!! :P nite!


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 April, 2007 01:02

WEIQI! WAHH.. LONG ONE FOR SURE! Finally can enter here ler hors?! hahas..

U talk sooo many topics at one time.. I dun even understand almost all except for some.. hahas.. Anyway, good tat ur elbow is healing.. hahas.. Ohh yahs.. We've been tokin bout u.. hahas.. But i tink u sort of tat kind of shy kind of ppl hors? And you lack of sleep ahhs? kks.. Dun stress urself too much and u see.. My exams coming.. I may lack of slp too.. kekes.. And for upcoming gig, SAM SINGING ALONE?! COOL!

I needa sleep now.. Late for me lerz.. This is the latest time i ever commented.. hahas.. Nites!


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 April, 2007 01:03

Ohh yahs..

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS' DAY EVERYONE! hahas.. It's oredi past midnight..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 01:32

wahaha hello weiqi.

Jodie, then just spam ba. lololol. jia you for your studies.

nitey every1!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 01:42

weiqi do u wear specs for fun?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 03:12

happy april's fool!

sam, can we hv a game of badminton some day? haa..

weiqi, do nt know wat happend exactly, but noe tat u've hurt ur hand.. take care.. wish u a speedy recovery..

nic, hope tat u r getting on well in army!

mlbians, hv a great sunday! (^^)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 04:39

yoz guys....
lets me tell u abt my latest updates!!!!Currently,i'm busy wif my schoolwork.....So Didn't come to this blog....

Hey,u ar so careless.....todae is 1st of april...remember to pay for season parking lot.....

Hi ! How are you recently????
Hows everything going????
I'm coming real soon.....hope MLB album will relase after i come back......



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 04:57

oh no....i almost forget Nic Kor
Sam or Weiqi....if u read my tagged pls tell Nic Kor that Lorita(Canadian) say Hi & take care of himself!!!!Thanks guys


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 April, 2007 09:18

To quizzy_me: haha.. Thanks for encouragement and will nnu li ders and i just said tat blog cold hors then weiqi came in to SPAM.. kekes.. Coincedience[got spelling wrong lerz! wats the exact?]

To capri: Long time no see bahz.. How's life for u? hmms.. u wanna play badminton with Sam.. I WANT TOO but TOO BAD CANNOT cos i play tennis then if i play badminton, i will get mixed up with the techniques between both sports... kekes..

To lorita: Long time no see you too.. hahas.. Busy with school work but dun be too busy hors..

To nic: How's life being a signaller? hmms.. *cracks brain*..


Blogger qing qing | 01 April, 2007 10:16

yo yo!! morning to all!! hmmmm....

weiqi: wat's ADM? study how many yrs den graduate?
hmm.. so sorry, i was e one who say u fierce de =X

jodie: i agree w u!!! weiqi write until i blur... haha... mayb bcos of my bad eng ba... =X

capri: haha... i oso wan play badminton w sam n i think alot of ppl oso wan.. haha =D

Happy April's fool!!!

yeah yeah!! san c milubing again le in april!!! WOW!!! fast...

this is the earliest i post at home... oso dunno y wake up so early... yawnz!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 10:47

Happy April Fool everyone..haha..
SAM u're so kawaii..
season parking such thang...for me i sure kena saman oftenly de..cz i'm a forgetful person..

u keep on asking ppl where to go to hv ur meals avday..so cute...haha...
but it's a good idea la...cz avday hving breakfast, lunch, & sometimes dinner outside reali brain-cracked....haha..
avday the same thing oni around..eat dao xian..lol...

anyway, WeiQi jz jia you for ur exam...finish oredi ????
SAM jia you oso...
NIC jia you jia you...
all jia you doing ur own thang....

i miss NIC anyway....wuahahhaa....


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 April, 2007 11:28

hahas.. qing qing.. U asked me i Sec. wad hors? I am Sec. 1 and I HATE MATHS.. =X.. And yahs.. Weiqi tok soo many topics at 1 comment and i see until feel very giddy so i went to the publicity blog to read.. hahas.. And his comment hors both in between mine.. kekes.. I realise tat i have commented too much yesterday.. hahas.. And now i commenting again.. I feel its just soo fun to SPAM here.. hahas..



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 14:13

keep hesistating whether to go for an event in Suntec City; already tell my parents i may want to go le but now decided not to go but couldn't contact them yet as they are working. lol! hope i've make the right choice cos guess it would be very crowded? & i lazy to go out too.

April fool day... o_o!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 18:49

hello everyone ..
^5 qing qing .. haha ..
jodie .. i saw e ad too .. and i saw sam too ..
wahh .. weiqi finally can tag le .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 21:29

yoz yoz, hey everybody. had a nice weekend and april fool day? Din get fooled by anyone I hope. Haha...


Blogger qing qing | 01 April, 2007 22:46

yo yo!!! hello everyone!!!

so sian.. nothing to do so come here look look got ppl not... shun bian talk nonsense.. haha..

think all r busy ba?.. anyway, enjoy urselves...


Blogger qing qing | 01 April, 2007 23:19

nitez all!! although the nite is still young(got such thing not huh?? dunno la) but my mother nagging le... =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2007 23:53

My com's internet is OUT!! Tagging from outside now.
Had dinner with the 2 milos just now. We're trying to make full use of the little time we have to prepare ourselves for the upcoming gig end of this month. I think this one will be different from our usual..
Heh '_'


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2007 00:00



Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 April, 2007 00:31

Hi Sam,
Read Nic's tag and thought where were you? Oh, you 3 brothers actually have dinner together in April's Fool day!

Which gig are you talking about at end of this month? Does we need tickets for the show?

Saw your face on the tv ads regarding that games show you participated. Are you singing with that red jacket?

Well, really glad to hear that you guys have more times doing your recording, as Nic temporary only need to report camp from 8-5 and free at after that.

MLB Jia-You in whatever you guys are doing. MLBians will be supporting you guys. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2007 00:53

jodie, yeah, seldom blog nowadays.. too tired after work..

so u play tennis.. i ever learned during poly & did play a few times wif my frens. seldom get to play, so v jia lat.. spend most x picking balls instead of hiting.. haha...

sam, mayb some day we can organise a game of badminton huh.. seems like mani interested to play wif u! qing qing, will count u in! ^^

woo... mlb got new gigs at end of mth... wq, any hint hint fm u??

do rmb to watch channel u on thu @ 8pm.. wonder if there will b a repeat at later hr.. else it will crash wif my badminton.. usu play on thu.. :(


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 April, 2007 01:50

Time to ZZZZZ,
Goodnight to everyone here.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2007 09:04

capri, dunno if you will see this...

Music in the Air will be shown on Thursday, 8pm and 12mn on Channel U.



Blogger Jodie [: | 02 April, 2007 14:32

Oh Sam!

Now is ur com tat is lagging.. kekes.. At first was Nic's, then Weiqi's then now is YOURS! WAHH.. Who will be nxt? Nic again?! OOHS..

Dinner huhs? Luckily nvr ask us cos ur 2 bros go out with u to eat.. kekes.. U all eat where? Clarke Quay.. ehhs.. I 'm just guessing cos Clarke Quay got lots of nice restaurants.. hahas..

I AM TOKIN BOUT FOOD AGAIN! And yahs, Sam.. Must tell us the info of the gig hors if not we wun moe.. hahas..

To capri: hohos.. Many MLBians used to play tennis too but just tat quit lahs cos upgrade to a higher standard then got lesser time.. hahas.. COUNT ME IN TOO FOR BADMINTON GAME! I WANNA! BUT MUM WILL DEFINITELY KILL ME! *sobbs*..

To uncle phil: Yesh.. Sam was the one wearing the red jacket.. kekes..


Blogger marssh | 02 April, 2007 16:36

hmmm will miss tat variety show broadcasting on thurs sia so sad....=C i'm hoping will b able to make it to their gig....arrgghhss


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2007 20:18

weiqi. glad that ur hand is healing.. oh, u gotta exams coming up rite? jia you hor.. and jia you for the gig too.
sam arh! hahas. wah, internet down? that's very jia lat. hahas. and i bet u guys enjoy a lot during the dinner rite.. heh. all the best for the gig! anyway, when's and where's the gig arhh? i hope i have time to go.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2007 21:44

oh now then saw sam de tag. paiseh paiseh. hello sam!

I've updated the details of the gig at nic's entry, as well as publicity blog & YG liao. take a look ba.

^^! looking forward to see MLB & MLBians in our school again...

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