
Good day!
milubing | 06 March, 2007 13:44

About the coming Ren Ci Show,
I believe most of you roughly know what we are gonna do.
Yes, its not very difficult as supportive roles.
But it takes lots of effort to put all our sounds together for a good piece of music.
This is for a good cause, Charity!
So we are very glad to be a part of it.

What should i have for lunch?


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Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 14:02



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 14:20

We are glad MLB r part of renci charity. Ya, do more charities, gd for MLB n happy for fans.. wanton mee.


Blogger kaysee | 06 March, 2007 14:31

umm, lunch again. oh, it is afternoon already. HAHA, just woke up. umm, mayb you should go for some pratas with kopi, if you want something light. HHAHA, and then go for some swimming after that? umm, i think you should go.


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 March, 2007 15:17

To Sam: heys.. I may be supporting u 2 "LIVE" at the show as my fren gonna buy tixs if is selling lars.. I am glad tat u all accepted to take up the challenge! JIA YOU!! Will be supporting MLB all the way!! =D.. hmms.. For ur lunch huhs.. Why not have prata again? But not a plain one lars.. At least add eggs or wad so=))..

To kaysee jie-jie: Yupp.. Agree.. Sam should go swimming.. hahas..


Blogger kaysee | 06 March, 2007 15:29

JAE is out, all those who are concerned, please check the moe website(:


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 March, 2007 15:30

To kaysee: What is JAE?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 16:45

why everytime you post is before your lunch time.
jia you for the performance!
believe tt you all can do well! ((:


Blogger Pek Choo | 06 March, 2007 20:17

Happy to see you performing and participate at renci ChARITY SHOW.. MLB JIayou orh~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 20:19

nice to c u here...
how r u recently ???
sounds vry You1 Xian2..rite??
or u Mang Li Tou Xian ??
anyway, enjoy ur life b4 MLB debut album's out ba..
if not, 'll be lots of Xuan1 Chuan2 & events den le..hehe..

stay hapi o..MLB...
jia you for Ren Ci's charity show oso...=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 20:52

haha sam, jia you hor!! same to weiqi..
yeah, it's not easy to bring everything together.. that's why an orchestra would have a conductor.. and i believe u guyz would do as great! =)
hahas. why everyone suggesting prata? prata with cheese? prata with sausage? hohohoho. i also find it frustrating to choose wad to eat every break time. =/


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 20:56


Coincidently, i really feel like eating prata now.
With ice coffee..




Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 21:36

Hey there,sorry,wanted to blog long ago but com got problem..this is wat i wanted to post a few days ago :
Hey there!I didn't do the VT with Sam for renci cos i skooling that day..and my elbows almost healed le...on the way ya? and yesh, can still play piano, no prob. But cannot carry my piano le..myabe next week can le. I'll try to be more careful!Take care everyone!
btw-last nite i was in yishun area to attend a wake,and some girls were taking a picture of my reflection from the bus window..i wanted to talk to them but paiseh.jus wanna re-affirm tat we are down to earth people, so jus approach us like u would to a friend ok?I dunno if those girls tot i was pissed(cos my face always looks black) but i wasn't jus felt 'gan ga'.Smile peeps!I need to smile more too sigh..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 March, 2007 21:45

Hi Sam,
Are you sure? From 1344hrs you asking what to eat for your lunch? But until 2056hrs then you decided to have prata with ice coffee? Please have your meal on time, and do take care.

Hi WeiQi,
Glad to hear that your elbows is recovering. As you know, please do not carry heavy stuffs this few days & take great care of yourself too.

Hi Nic,
So long never hear from you, hope you are doing fine in your camp. very soon you will be posted to a unit. Hope you are able to get into the Music & Drama Company (MDC)for the rest of your army life before you ORD.

Hi MLBians,
Hope everyone here have a nice day & do take care of yourselves too.


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 March, 2007 22:04

To Sam: Didn't u eat prata during lunch time huhs? If u wanna eat ahhs, u can come down all the way to Simei and eat prata as there is a food court 24 hours de.. The prata store oso open 24 hours de.. LOLS! I noe u stay all the way in the West(correct or not?) but u come feel free to come down all the way to Simei and enjoy ur prata as I stay in Simei.. hahas!!

To weiqi: heyys, keyboardist.. Glad to hear tat ur elbow is better and GET WELL SOON YAHS! And WHAT.. PPL TAKE PICS OF U WHEN U AT WAKE? NO RESPECT SIAHS! U should go up to them and scold them but if it was me, i oso feel paiseh too.. ahahahs=)).. And yupp, U MUST SMILE MORE.. =)))


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 22:36

sam: prata wif ice-coffee for dinner?
weird. >.<

weiqi: glad to noe tt ur elbow is healing. xD
be careful nxt time!
so clumsy.
hahas. =X

i wan to laugh!
gt gers tou pai u?
bt kind of =.=" sia.
if they wan to take pic should ask ma.
hw come u sound so sad?
smile more la! xD
if nt ppl tot u black face.


Blogger marssh | 06 March, 2007 23:27

hmmm weiqi seeems to b 'gan ga' alwaz lorz yah muz SMILE more often...or is it coz u alwaz dun eat bfore gigs den no mood to show ur teeth...=p gd to hear tat ur elbow's heeling...take more cares arhs...

sam drinking coffee in e nite??no wonder alwaz slping so late in e 'nite'...eh eh coffee makes 1 fat(tats wat i heard lahz) so btr dun drink too much...

hihihi uncle phil no time no see...hope u had a nice day too...hihis to all mlbians n hope e renci show wud b a success esp since its e 1st time mlb doing their part for charity...=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 23:45

hi uncle sam, pl b careful not to hurt ureself during the ren ci show ya ... even vincent gets hurt ... prata? my fav but i prefer to eat it wif warm soya milk ;) yummy!!!

hi uncle weiqi, glad 2 hear dat ur elbow is healing but do avoid stressing it by carrying weights (not even a feather la) ... blading ah, haiz, so envious but i scared of falling leh ... hehehe ... we wil say hi 2 u if we meet u ... juz dun give us the blank look lor.

hi uncle nic, how r u doing?

anw, take care guyz!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 23:48

sam, u got "cravings" too?! hahas...

weiqi, yeah down-to-earth...simple and uncomplicated.

Wish life can be so simple too...hahas...

Hi all, wishing all happy *smile*..cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 00:38

Really Long Time Never See U Guyz Le Worz ...

JIA YOU AH MLB . . . ! ! !
Cya Guyz ...

S m i L e z LoTsSs LoTsSs LoTsSs . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 00:48

Prata goes best with teh terek...

Sam bois, wondering what kind of game you took part in. Any cash price?

Weiqi, so... will you go blading again after the fall? New learner or amature? hahaha....
It's been almost one yr since I last blade... dun know still can remember to blade or not. Aiyo, ppl shy so took your pic from the reflection of the window. You also loh, shy n paiseh to approach them. Must let them know you guys really down to earth.
Learn to smile - first thing in the morning, remember 10 things that make you happy and practice your smile by looking at the washroom mirror. But the best smile is smile from your heart. :)

Jodie, read carefully, the gals didn't take weiqi's pic at the wake. They took the reflection from the bus window.


Blogger binz | 07 March, 2007 00:52

wah weiqi so observant ah.. know that 2 girls were tryin to take photo of ur reflection.. ahha.. i think the 2 of them also paiseh like u to approach larh.. it feels so weird to like walk to u and say hihi weiqi im ur fan.. lolx
glad that ur elbow is recovering hur.. hands to a musician is like so so so important..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 10:45

Sam & Weiqi

So both of you are into blading now? It's fun, isn't it? I picked up blading not too long ago...after we learned how to stand up with the blades on, we learned how to fall! That's right. There is a proper way to fall when blading. So you can break your fall, land properly and not hurt yourself. Of course, the most important thing is to wear all the protective gears, knee guard, elbow guard, hand guard and the helmet. Hope both of you have all the necessary protective gears.

Whatever you do, please BE SAFE!

Look forward to seeing you guys on Ren Ci Charity Show.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 11:20

talk about prata again! now im hungry. =.=

weiqi takecare! ur hands/arms damn important ahhs... mus play good music for us derrs. hahas...

hmm, take photo of u from the bus window? abit... weirddd. if is me i'll like jump off the bus and take in person. haha :D jk! nah, i'll probably jus STARE and continue staring. lols. wells, everyone... now we know, next time when we see weiqi we gotta be friendly! [maybe not the YO,BRO! type lah haha...] but weiqi, make sure u dun freak out first ah. =.=

but yes, u always got that gan ga look on your face. smile more okays? looks more friendly. :) :)

hungry liaoos, off to eat. TAKECARE all!


Blogger kaysee | 07 March, 2007 13:53

oh well, that's something funny! haha, mayb next time i shold take your reflection, and try to piss you off! HAHAHAHAHAHHA! tsk tsk. aiyo, your face not that black la, just very fierce-looking, opps. haha, smile more!

umm, prata and ice-coffee! cannot drink coffee at night la, later cannot sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 18:04


It good to hear that you all will be joining this charity show.. i'll be watching your performance~~ KeepIt Up ah!! and i will also support my another fav band!! MAYDAY!! Oh gosh~~ MAYDAY is coming to SINGAPORE..love them so much.. Did u guys love MAYDAY too?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 18:33

Today, i had prata and nescafe-iced for branch.

Just in case anyone misunderstood..
I'm not doing any stunts for Ren Ci Show,
but i'm ready to accept if requested to.

Bout the game show, it's related to music.
No, i didn't win.
Perhaps i was really nervous.

Gonna makan soon!
Eh.. What should i eat?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 20:06

tagging again before eating.
weird leh you. xD

today arhs.. how abt carrot cake with kopi.
hahas. xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 21:16

wooh~ finally can come here, or i duno why my comp would hang while coming here. lol! anyway, prata is fattening la. lol! what did u eat in the end then?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 21:20

Hmmm...already had prata...
Not a bad idea to go for beef noodle and may be tang yuan as dessert lo..Must eat lots of green hor..???


Blogger marssh | 07 March, 2007 21:49

woah....alwaz eating pratas eh...so unhealthy sia....i found out my house here also have a 24hrs prata house sia hahas....so wat did u eat in e end?not prata again bahz...=0

ooo when will e game show b aired anyways... confirmed had a great time playing bahz...

hope evrybody had a great day today...=))


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 21:54

hahaha sam always wondering wad to eat eh? lolx. love prata ;) banana prata is nice tho is sounds kinda funny..anyone went simpang bedok for prata b4?? prata there is yummy yummy yummy!!! there's like one whole stretch of prata shops there lah...

eh that time i learn blading as part of some school activity. then all the blading gears stink lor. its like really STINKO.cos they put all the gears in a van that they nv vantilate and got the kind of long term accumulated sweat smell.eww. haha


Blogger Jodie [: | 07 March, 2007 22:01

To flora: Okays.. fine.. i am wrong..

To Sam: Prata, prata and more prata.. Wahh.. Very free hors? I not tat free siahs.. So sian being Secondary Student.. haiz.. Not used to staying back on so many days yet.. Anyway, the game show bout Music? Cool.. Anyway, other than u, who else participated huhs? And alamak.. Why feel so stress? If u had won, wei MLB zheng guang mahs.. But nvr win oso zheng guang lerz.. LOLS!! JIA YOU FOR THE SHOW YAHS!!

To garl: Ya hors.. I oso realised tat everytime b4 Sam eat, he will come here to SPAM one.. Anyway, make tat a habit, Sam.. Do tat everyday.. AHAHAHS.. LOLS!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 22:10

jia you worhs!ii'll be watching the show and supporting ur @ home!remeber to JIA YOU and do ur best can lerhs..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2007 23:53

follow the current trend...so

sam, what shall we eat for supper???


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 00:09

tag before eating again?
weird weird! >.<

jiayou for the renci show!
btw, is there any ticket for the show? ><


Blogger marssh | 08 March, 2007 01:00

hmmm i heard tat e tics r selling at 80 bucks eh...though i'm not sure whether its true or not....=x


Blogger MINHUI | 08 March, 2007 01:59

hahahahaha! i'm so glad the milos are back in action! i thought mi lu liao!!!! =X hahahahhaha!

sam: hahas! doing charity is good. but dont hurt yourself while doing it yea? =) jiayou!

weiqi: yea yea! SMILE MORE! smiling is contagious!! hahaha! (: takecare and eat more cirus fruits. they're rich in vitamin C. it'll help you heal your elbow faster. hahaha! TAKE CARE!

nic: nic arh.. hope you're doing well in NS. haha! if you get into MDC must tell us hor!!!! hahahaha! take care and all the best!



** i'm a happy person. are you?


Blogger MINHUI | 08 March, 2007 02:01

weiqi: sorry. i mean, citrus*.


* lets hope all of us are HAPPY people!


Blogger Jx | 08 March, 2007 08:19

wa ah sam, everyday so free one ah. can think of what to eat so xian mu. haha. maybe you should come find me for lunch at ubi to save me from eating alone. anyway, also dunno what to say, so many ppl posted what I wanted to say. hmm..

For Charity, Milubing Power la! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 09:20

Wa, nainai so long din come in. CNY ma, so old ppl got lots to do. Now it is over liao and I nearly broke my back tis yr due to overwhelming respond to my kueh-kueh!

Hello MLB, sori I late in wishing u all 'kuai guo zhang da', 'shi shi shun xin', 'nain nain handsome', 'fancee zheng jia', 'ep must mai de mang dang hung'..breathless..old ler!

MLBians, ni men hen guai! Continue to support the MLB boibois but cannot negelect studies huh!

Oh! to minhui, we all peranakan. When we say 'happy people', we mean 'gay'...of course nainai cannot be bcos I got sons & duaghters and now my little grandson is gg to give me a little 'zhen' shun! (Nainai mean no harm huh...)

I hate reading but I watch news. So Sam is gg to b in RenCi charity Show. Nainai jiayou for you, you good boi. Ppl tt got gd heart sure got gd 'pao' de. Naiani nvr hear u play piano b4, so u really musician. Keep tt up K!

Ah qi, yr elbow is better now? Aiya bois! Mus fall here and fall there and break a bone somehow along the way. It is ok. Old folk said young ppl must fall den know how to pick up and go. So now u speed all the way to get yr DEGREE! Take care.

Nic Sia..u lv ppl like Nainai stranded. Everytime come here and 'lau nua' hoping to see U. So Nainai know u in army n occassionally drop a oneliner here, I am sure MLBians + this old woman will lap it up with JOY de!

OK..yi kuo qi.. said all I want cos so long din come in. Nainai gg to China for hols. I see u all when I come back. Those tt got a little bit pocket money, pls donate to charity ya!

hum.m.m.m.m....beautiful morning!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 11:05

i think the tics for the show are given to those who donate... so yeah, think of it as a donation instead of 'buying' e tics lohhs.

ahh okayys. i realise tt the sch library is damn quiet with only 2 levels in sch today. =.= normally gotta fight for comp, today all the terminals are empty. weirdds.

got back term one results ytd, didnt do well but improved as compared to las year. hope to get better results nxt term! jiayou all...


Blogger kaysee | 08 March, 2007 14:20

mayb i should do this..

you sounded so you kong heh? umm, mayb you should have egg noodles with extra luncheon meat for lunch/dinner today? haha, we can help to plan your daily meals if you come here everyday and ask what you should eat. HAHAHAHAH!

have you guys been rehearsing lately? how's the whole rehearsal coming along? psst, update us a little bit la..HAHAHA!


Blogger kaysee | 08 March, 2007 16:06

latest update.

do grab your copy of NEWPAPER. the title says,"HOT BANDS COLD REALITY". featuring the top four bands of SB, which means is MLB, soul, lucify and J3. A big article but not much of the three milos


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 17:23

hi sam!
i will be helping out for the renci charity show too!
i'm helping out for the human formation.
doubt that you still remember me!
but then,hope to see you either on next fri,sat or sun!
anyway,it feels good to be able to help out for renci!


Blogger marssh | 08 March, 2007 17:29

orh...thanx kaysee...=DD hmmm finally they've realise tat e superbands r being neglected alr...though it seems mlb have attended certain gigs but e rest of e superband seems to have been lost too....=xx

more focus seems to have been placeed on pss+ spore idol eh...now evn css have 2nd series alr but not superband yet...=C izit coz its more diff to manage a band compared to a single artiste?? 0_0??


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 19:17

ya lor. i seldom get to hear news abt superband, not to say, abt mlb.. feel like they're quite bias like that.. project superstars and singapore idols got to hold concerts. but why not superband?

haah. sam ahh. i ate prata today in sch! was rather yummy. =) aiyoo. u keep asking for food one eh? let me see.. can try nasi lemak? ba chor mee? honeydew milkshake, starfruit juice! hahas. oooh. i noe. XXL chicken.

hey weiqi!
okayy.. i shall go up to u and say hi and maybe take a pic with u next time if i see u.. haha. dun angry lah k.. they shy bah.
hahahhah.. i was thinking which uni to go leh.. then i tot of NTU.. oh man. that would be cool to be in the same sch as u wor. haha.

dear nic.. haven hear from u for ages. hahas. how's life? hope u're doing great! power power k? =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 21:00

wooh~ thanks kaysee for reminding, i just got my copy too but haven't read until that page, haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 21:15

wooh~ saw the article liao. Hmm all I can say is I'm quite satisfied with their marketing director Mr James KAng de answer la. LOL! Anyway, Sam and weiqi (or even nic?) if you are reading this, I wanna say you guys must jia you jia you and we will always be here cheering for you guys de =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 21:21

heyhey Jiayou for the show! saw on the tv advertisment for the show. WAH ur hair is like kim mo[golden hair]!! pretty nice. i bet nic is so super envious. he doesnt have much hair to do all the colouration. boo.
where's weiqi n nic? so MIA in this blog. boo. miss them. BOO.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 21:25


You mesmorised
with your sweet tender
so innocent smile
Yes I remember
Your eyes stole my heart

You make me wanna fall in love...

clouds cover my sky
try hard not to cry
holdin' back the sad sad tears
that rain from my eyes

Coz` I miss you much...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 21:36

hi weiqi:)
er.. wan to ask u ah..wad will be the degree that u get after graduating from ntu sadm ah?? and how can it apply to like some future job? wads the diff in studying in ntu sadm as compared to other art school, like nafa or laselle?? ;P


Blogger Jodie [: | 08 March, 2007 22:06

To marssh: WAD? DID I SEE WRONG;Y? $80 for just 1 dumb ticket? OMG! Mediacorp lyk tat reali zhuan da qiian lers..

To weiqi: heyys.. Wanna ask u something ahhs..

1. Which subject u stidying at NTU? Humanties, business or what ahhs?
2. Ur school got open hse on 10th March rite? Ehhs.. My this age ahhs.. Only 13 can go and look look see see hors? Anyway, if I can go hors, hope can see u there=)..

To kaysee: NewPaper got bout SB TOP 4? I WANNA SEE.. but too late lars.. And yah lors.. Mediacorp pao qi ler Superband and bother bout dunno wadeva Superstar.. All those kinda single ppl one.. ARGHS!

To Sam: You dun eat too much prata hors.. Later ahhs.. Sore throat.. *touchwood lars, Sam*.. I can tell u not tat easy fall sick ders.. hahas.. Once again. I say..


To syl: hmms.. hope Mediacorp does something bout this lars.. Letting down all those SB fans, including US!

To everyone: MY FREN GET TO GO NTU FOR THEIR CCA! SOO GOOD!! I WANNA GO LEHS.. Then since they going to NTU rite, I told my fren.. "Ehhs.. when u see weiqi hors, MUST TELL ME HORS.. And hors.. TAKE PICTURE OF HIM, okays?" My fren was lyk "WTH!" Oops.. Vulgarity.. paiseh ahhs..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2007 22:17

Jodie arh, u r really cute la. LOL! tomorrow the news would be published online le, stay tune!


Blogger marssh | 08 March, 2007 22:52

jodie arhs i not vry sure abt it eh....i heard from others also e...e 80bucks dun go into their pocket it's part of donation to renci e...hahahas...

i'm going to ntu too for e open house....hope i'll b able to get help there hahas...hope ntu will accept mi sia if not i'll b future-less alr...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 00:10

hi hi


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 00:16

huh, NTU open hse also on sat ah? wahhh. nus also.. haiz. have to travel diff ways.. lols


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 00:16

"_" many Hi's!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 00:25



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 01:15

sam, ure mummy doesnt cook dinner 4 u? so the topic of the week is prata. There are quite a lot of good prata shops in the north, maybe u can try a diff one everyday n tell us which one is the best. thomson area has quite a few good prata shops & one in lower pierce (or is it upper pierce?). dunno of any in toa payoh leh. also tried a good one in marsiling coffee shop too. not sure if u like salty stuff, how abt trying 咸鱼炒饭 instead? yummy!
WQ, sometimes fans jus like to look fr afar cos dunno wat to say to u. n u realli dun look v approachable. Sam boi looks the most approachable.
And nic where r u? It's been soooo long, we r waiting 4 u to blog!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 12:16

Wow thank u for the comliment.

-Prata places-

~ Prata House at Thomson Rd
~ Upper Peirce 'Casurina'
~ Jalan Kaya
(1st shop of the whole row)

These are the places i go frequently for prata, gorengs and papadum. Hmm..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 12:17


Plus ice nescafe..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 12:34

Sam, what's for lunch now?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 13:23

Casurina is where I often go too (but never see sam there) although Jalan Kayu is nearer to my place. But Casurina standard seem to drop after it upgraded to a aircon place. I still prefer the old store.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 14:56

Sam哥,dun tell me u eat prata everyday? o.O!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 16:19

hahahah. prata boy! =P
wahh. the above mentioned places are like so far from my house. haha.
sam dun eat muturbak one? sorrie. dunno the spelling..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 17:44

murtabak is shiok, but too big for one person..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 18:21


that is d secret of staying young?

live honestly, eat s l o w l y, but haha lie abt yr age...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 18:42

haha yeah, eat until very full de. lols
hmm. staying young is to be happie and cheerful! hohohoh. =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 09 March, 2007 21:28

To Sam: Alamak! Prata again ahhs.. haizz.. Dunno wad to say to u liaos.. I see ur tag ahhs.. Always about prata then lyk tat, I will endd up always saying the same thing lehs.. haiz.. haiz.. Really nothing to SAYY!!

To quizzy_me: hahas.. I AM NOT CUTE LORS.. LOLS! And i will see the article after SPAMMING here if i can find it.. =))..

To mighty mouse: Yupps.. Agree with u too yahhs.. Wonder does he eat home-cook food or not or keep eating prata prata and MORE PRATA.. Ohh yahs.. I ate prata today yeahs! =))..

To syl: Ohh man.. Can't go to the open house lers.. =((.. Cos i got something on lars.. I REALLY WANNA GO LARS!! Okays.. Since lyk tat, really have to depend on my fren to take photo of Weiqi as I said in my last update lerss..

To marssh: I oso dunno about it lars.. Not blaming u not getting enough info lahs.. =)).. hahas.. But too badd.. I SOO CAN'T GO LORS..

To weiqi: *knock knock*, are u there>? LOLS!!

To anybody who wanna read this: hmms.. Wonder how NTU look like? And ohh yahhs.. I just heard from my tennis senior tat we may go Taiwan, Hong Kong or Thailand for competition this year!! YAYS, HOLIDAYYS!! I noe it doesn't concerns all of u but just wanna share lars=)).. LOLS!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 23:31

U r most welcome! it's the truth, u r the 1st one I talk to fr ure band :) i onli know how to eat, never took note of the shop names. next time i go, will try to rem to take note n c if we go 4 the same shop.hope u n the other 2 bois njoy ure precious time 2gether as a band this wkend!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 00:04


Greetings! Came in to read the blog to update myself. Too late to ask abt Wqi..but still want to say take care.

Sam.. you very de 'xin fu'.. thinking abt wat to eat.. prata.. nice.. taken w condense milk.. that is hw the Thais eat them.

Ya, Nic..we all miss you. Hope u are well in the army. Take care.

Since I am here, hello to Uncle Phil, Quizzy.. all old friends.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 00:27

hello ttww jie and mighty mouse jie. lols.

haiya, duno why me suddenly so sian :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 00:28

oh ya, Jodie, check out the publicity blog for the link ba. ;)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 March, 2007 01:41

Glad to see you here again. Wave *-*
Its Saturday once again. Hope everyone here will have a great weekend ahead.

Jia you for the Ren Ci show, we will support you guys by calling the hotline while watching MLB performs. But please take great care of yourselves, don't injure yourselves & hope that MLB's EP shall be released soon!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 March, 2007 02:25

Time to zzzzz,
Good night MLB & fellow MLBians.
Sleep well and have an enjoyable weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 12:17

hi hi


Blogger kaysee | 10 March, 2007 13:46

to milu and needs some advice please,

about the university thingy right, i think i will suggest if you check out the website of NTU and the other arts schools, it will help. if i am not wrong, you will only get a diploma in nafa or laselle, but you will get a degree in NTU, not very sure. sorry, cannot really help.

oh, pratas, oh yeah, jalan kayu, i like the pratas there. will ask my father to stop to buy pratas when we are going to my ah gong's place, but i think i wont be going there often.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 19:07

Hey weiqi and sam. was surprised to see u guys today. =)

to weiqi.. we think you look really good in that shirt and without cap. hehs. looks kinda different, but yes, we like that image. =) hope to see a reali cool image on the performance day!

to sam.. hmmm, u seem to have grown thinner since we last saw you.. been exercising lots lately ya?? gd to keep fit but be healthy too! n thanks for updating us abt nic! =)

lastly, do take care inspite of the intensive practices for renci. dun tire yourselves out yeah?

anyway, just to clarify, what happened today was concidential la, hope u guys dun get the wrong idea.. we were just there to chill out and chat. haha. yupp, take care all!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 20:14

Jiayou jiayou jiayou !! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 21:38


u taking ADM at ntu right.. what are the things u majoring in? anw, i missed the openhouse tday. rahhh. /=

oh yah. i sent a letter to 93.3fm to be read on 14march, dedicating a song to you guys! but not sure whether will be read or not. so here i am praying. haha. pls listen if u guys are free :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2007 21:39

by the way, its 9pm to 11pm de time. haha.


Blogger Jodie [: | 10 March, 2007 23:27

To kaysee: heyys... I missed the open house too.. =((.. Anyway, I oso SORT OF TOO YOUNG TO GO LORS.. Anyway, while I was on the way home taking MRT hors, I saw my cousin and guess wad.. HE WENT TO THE NTU OPEN HOUSE!! AIYAHSS.. Soo good.. He went with his friends lars.. Cos i saw them carrying a red colour NTU carrire bag.. hehehs..

To meikian: WHERE DID U SEE THEM? AT THE OPEN HOUSE FOR NTU? If yes, thats' soo cool.. hahas..

To weiqi: Aiyahs.. No need to answer both of my questions lers.. OUTDATED LIAOS.. Anyway, cos i noe u are studying dunno wad wad art thingy ahhs.. Got info from NewPaper.. WAHAHAS.. And yahs.. Long time no see u without cap since ehhs.. when? Ohhs.. QF10?! Wahhs.. I still remember.. hahahahs.. LOLS!

To Sam: Prata boy.. Why not next time open a prata shop of ur own since u SOOO FOND OF PRATA?! I noe i maybe ridiculous but i may be ehhs.. 20% serious bout this.. U open own shop.. Can be boss lehs and somemore hors.. Get LOADS OF MONEY! LOLS! And yahs.. FINALLY TOKIN TO U ABOUT SOMETHING DIFFERENT!! yays!!


Blogger marssh | 11 March, 2007 00:21

went to e ntu open house today....hmmm sad sia got a bad bad feeling....intakes all vry small eh den it seems i stand a vry vry small chane of getting in....=x didn manage to see weiqi though hahas disappointed sia....kekeke...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 00:41

sam and his prata again.
bt i love prata too!
take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 03:09

actually hor, its never too early or too late to start anything ba. Therefore, it's good to start thinking where you want to be in the future, Jodie.

But never mind la, there's always next time, haha.

I'm consoling myself too...heh heh.

If I'm gonna continue/stuck with Biomedical Sciences for the rest of my life, I think I'll probably be aiming for NUS ba...don't know leh...though I'm interested in NTU too...

But heard that if poly students gonna enter Uni, results must be very good de - don't know can make it or not...

SMU de open house is next week wor...o.O! Don't know whether to go or not to go...

Anyway, nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 15:38

ding dong where's everybody?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 16:12

anonymous haiz, i'm ding dong, why u woke me up fm my dreams? i also donoe where's every1 .. but so much ice here.. haha.. let's rollerblade lalala.. joking hor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 16:47

DJ Rui ming is playing MLB's yong qi now


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 16:50

ding dong, heard u're calling for me. what's up? *wink* Rollerblade arh? Where? ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 16:54

=.=" I'm not ice arh, I'm made of water. You don't know ma, 女人都是水做的。


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 16:58

Anyway, I don't know why did I cry while listening to yong qi just now...bleah...don't mean anything though...lols.

Milubing jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 17:58

anyway (again), since no one's around i shall continue to spam ba;

ask u one question huh - compare wasting money and wasting time - which do you think is worse?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 18:15

yawn! haiz, waste time ok lah! relax what..sleeping is also wasting time.. but we need to rest ya.. otherwise can die liow.. waste money.. aiyo.. cannot like that ..can b come bankrupt..

every1 better run .. tis pls is flooded by quizzy_me..better don't get drown oi.. hre cannot rollerblade nw? maybe go tp gdn? or go kayu for prata.. or go kopitiam for kopi-o .. if u lucky can meet Sam boi.. if more lucky can meet all the lao uncles..haha sri ah spamming..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 18:50

LOL! Yup i'm water, so cannot rollerblade. But if I freeze myself you can do ice-skating le arh. wahaha, but xie xie for your answer =).

If u r a gal u would probably be water too...heh heh =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 19:21

yong qi bring back our memory..
miss the old days ..
miss superband ..
miss milubing ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 19:29

wooh~ yeah, it has been a year...o.o


Blogger Jodie [: | 11 March, 2007 21:04

To quizzy_me: U cry goes to show tat u are really concern of Milubing lors.. hahas.. Me too... I once recorded Yong Qi into my HP and i listen soo many times rite until I cried lors.. Embarassing lors.. And yupps.. When i look back at the video tat Milubing was ousted(QF10), I cried too.. LOLS! And thanks for ur concern.. Hope i grow up fasterr!!

To ding dong: Who are u ahhs? Never "see" u b4..

To marssh: I knew u would go to the NTU Open House.. How was it? Nice? The school's atmosphere.. I really wanna noe lars.. LOLS!


Blogger marssh | 11 March, 2007 21:37

went nus today...comparing e 2 schs i wud feel tat ntu ppl r more frendly...i nearly fell aslp while listening to e talks in nus....only e nursing talk interest mi but they only accepting 50 students!!!i'm dead....

woahs...i'm wet from all e flooding here sia...=p yah qong qi is a real wonderful song...i like mlb's version...mlb's 'u make mi wanna fall in luv' also felt btr den FIR's...mayb i'm used to hearing mlb sang instead...

quizzy_me dun give up arhs...poly now is top 15 or top 5% able to get into uni??


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 21:45



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 21:47

wooh hello MINHUI.

marssh, i duno too...

and xie xie jodie...


Blogger marssh | 11 March, 2007 22:01

hihihis minhui....=D

hmmm icic....tot they had changed e statistics n allowed more poly students into uni alr...hahahas =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 22:36

I know arh; we were told that if we gonna enter Singapore's Uni, GPA must be very high but fees would be about $15k per year. If we were to enter overseas uni, we can get in as long as our GPA is over 3.0 but fees is $50k...if I'm not wrong lor. haha.

Anyway, will try my best de. xie xie ni =)


Blogger marssh | 11 March, 2007 23:24

hahahas no lahz i didn do anything for u....but e fees shuld b considered fair le bahz....hahahs gd luck to u!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2007 23:50



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 00:13

haha quizzy jie jia you!! =P
oohh. i went to both ntu and nus ytd.. ntu seems to be more lively lehh.. hahahs
hmm. i think the intake is smaller becos it's the dragon year bah. marssh, all the best to you k, to get into the course u want. =)
and to weiqi and ah sam. JIA YOU for the renci thingy! and to nic, take care and jia you too!
and to all students, enjoy the holidays~~!
to the working adults.. happie working~ blow away the monday blues. =P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 March, 2007 00:42

Hi marssh,
Agree with syL, hope u can enrol what you wish to. Good luck to you.

Hi syL,
Please teach me how to blow away the Monday Blues?


Blogger marssh | 12 March, 2007 01:17

hahas thanx uncle phil n syl...=D yep ntu more lively....n e place seems more fun!hahahas....but e courses intake really too small juz hope evrybody goes to nus den i'll have my chance...heh heh heh...=p

ooohh sch holidays r back!forgotten abt tat alr worz....all students enjoy!=) but too bad its not for those working....=x hope it'll b a fine day in e morn for all...=pp


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 March, 2007 01:23

Time to zzzzz,
Good night MLB & fellow MLBians.
Those on school holidays enjoy yourselves.
Those working, have a nice day though its Monday.

Btw, anyone here intend to go for Campus Superstars Audition this Friday (for bois) & Saturday (for gals)? Good luck to those going for the audition.

Everybody have to Jia-you in whatever you do, ok?


Blogger awhitestraw | 12 March, 2007 02:25

just wondering, am i a student? am i a working adult? umm, oh well, just stuck in between, since sch would not be starting that soon. HAHA!so do i need to learn how to blow the monday blues away?

oh well, i am going to the audition, WITH A FRIEND! HAHAH!


Blogger marssh | 12 March, 2007 03:09

woahs...u really going for e audition???wahs den jiayous worx...all e best to u!=DD


Blogger kaysee | 12 March, 2007 04:25

eh blah , i left out a VERY VERY IMPORTANT WORD! HAHA

correct my sentence huh.

"i will be ACCOMPANYING my friend to the audition!"

HAHAHA! dont get the wrong meaning! HAHAHA! tsk tsk. HAHA!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 10:33

Good Morning
ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,
children of all ages!

The sun has been out to burn last few days. So shiok!

Nic's gonna POP liao. Yea!
(Passing Out Parade)

Have a great day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 11:55

Hi Sam

What's for lunch?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 12:01

Sun is out there screaming for the past few days, making me wanna scream too.

Sam, u are early today.

What for lunch?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 12:02

sam boi, did you get sunburn again? :p

ah nic, u're gonna POP?? hahaha...come here to say Hi to us soon, k?

mr chan, buried in the jungle of homework? remember to take a break, ya?

take care, all of you...

oh ya, sam boi & mr chan, all the best for your performance for Ren Ci!


Blogger marssh | 12 March, 2007 15:54

nic POP is tmlo rite??yeah....finally...hope to see him tag more after tat....=DD

gd day to u sam!work hard for ur renci show...

to all hellos evrybody gd afternoon...here to tell u all this wk iweekly+uweekly have news of weiqi+sam....=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 18:41

The variety show that sam went for..


but it wrote weiqi from milubing instead.


Blogger marssh | 12 March, 2007 19:16

hmmm thanx annonymous....was sam wearing e mlb tees inside his jacket??


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 20:11

真是的,now finally can connect to internet. LOL!

Whoa nic will be POP-ing soon hor? LOL! xie xie for updating.

Hello everybody by the way.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 20:25

haha uncle phil.. juz open ur mouth and blow lor~ -.-'' lols.
kaysee! i going with fren too! hahahahah.
hello to ah sam! yah, the sun's so scorching hot. so.. drink more water ya? =)
ohh. nic pop tml? quite fast lehhh. nic nic, hope u'll tag soon. =P


Blogger Jodie [: | 12 March, 2007 21:50

To Sam: WWHHOO.. Passing out parade? What does it means huhs? I very dumb one.. Anyway, I tot of the wrong thing.. I tot "WHAT? POP? HE IS POPPING?" Ohh my goshh.. What's wrong with me lors.. I tell u hors.. If u didn't put what does it means hor... I will think it THAT WAY.. Yepp.. THAT WAYY!! LOLS! And nice wayy of calling us Ladies and Gentlemen.. Sounds weird as I am only 12, gonna be 13.. *tsk tsk*

To anonymous: thanks for telling.. I always wanted to noe bout this show and yahs.. U said they put Weiqi instead of Sam rite.. I saw it.. Soooo bigg mistake lors.. Wanna complain menzz...

To quizzy_me: I oso got problem connecting to Internet lors.. Dumbo.. I tot was my com tat was slow.. SO i keep hitting it until it nearly went siao.. LOLS!

To kaysee: U going audition ahhs? Cool... My fren's sister oso going and good luck to uu.. =))

To marssh: Is it this week got new issue ler ahhs? I dun wanna miss the fun=))..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 22:06

Jodie, Kaysee is accompanying her friend, not herself taking part. Cos she will be a poly student this april so she can't take part. LOL!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 March, 2007 22:55

Hi syL,
You are so...lame :-). Before you can blow away the Monday Blues with your mouth, think you are already lying flat on the ground!

Hi Sam,
Thanks for updating about Nic's POP. Does he know; where he will be posted?
As you know that the sun is burning these few days, please try to drink more water (not kopi), especially when you are outdoor. Don't get yourself burn again, take care.
You & WeiQi Jia-You for the Ren-Ci Show. We shall be supporting you guys. Hopefully, Nic is able to join you guys for the next charity shows.

Wondering when MLB's EP gonna be released? We are prepared to "Chiong" with all the promotion & autograph signing sessions.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2007 23:30

lol! haiz by right everyday is getting boring with nothing to do. But I managed to catch up with a few good friends (ex-RP classmate or secondary school friends) respectively - went out with one of them and chatted with the rest either over the phone or MSN. So no longer feel boring liao. LOL!

wan an ni men hao by the way =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 00:17


so all mlbians/friends/families.. remember to visit his eatery..in the east next mth... c u all there..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 00:39

oh hello Ly jie. Just found out from Samuela and meiyi's blog that 12 March is uncle fatboy de birthday. Uncle - zhu ni sheng ri kuai le!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 02:59

lols. felt like spamming again...

Milubing jia you....
Milubing jia you....
Milubing jia you....
Milubing jia you....
Milubing jia you....
Milubing jia you....
Milubing jia you....

And of course...

MLBians jia you....
MLBians jia you....
MLBians jia you....
MLBians jia you....
MLBians jia you....
MLBians jia you....

pls don't mind huh...:D

nitey - though me won't be sleeping yet...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 13:28

LOVE! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 15:27

knock knock!


Blogger binz | 13 March, 2007 18:23

hey peeps do take note of chnl 8 6.30pm news.. cuz have a report on the renci charity show rehearsal.. then maybe will show weiqi and sam? dunno.. maybe only..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 18:37

ooohh. btw, where's uncle benny's shop arh?
haha uncle phil, u also very pei he mahh. lols. yeah, have yet to queue up so long juz for the boys' signature. haha. shall look forward to it! =)
knock knock back to anonymous, hello! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 18:49

ahhah. got got got.
got sam and weiqi. =)
thx binz!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 18:53

hi syl.. let me promote for sifu.. is at Eastpoint #01-36, tentatively mid-April..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 19:47

hello ly jie..
oohh. icic. okie. thx lots! hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 20:22



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 21:12

hey.. anyone there?.. hee
wan to ask if it is true that nic
is going to POP?..


Blogger Jodie [: | 13 March, 2007 21:45

To quizzy_me: Okays.. I noe tat and anyway, u veryy funny lehs.. Spam soo many times.. LOLS!

To ly: oohhhh.... oohhhh.. I STAY QUITE NEAR EASTPOINT LEHS.. hahahs.. But anyway, wad is the name of the restaurant? I wanna noe.. =))


To binz: Is it u see advert tat came here to tell us ahhs?

To Sam and weiqi: How's rehersal? Going well? Anyway.. Let me COUNTDOWN.. 5 MORE DAYS, bois! WOOOHOOOO! LOLS!


Blogger marssh | 13 March, 2007 22:13

hmmmm 11pm news will also report abt e renci show rite??hope so...

jodie yep this wk iweekly n uweekly have reports of e renci e rehearsals den got pics of weiqi n sam too...

oohh restaurant opening in mid april arhs....den we nxt time can go 'visit' his shop alr kekeke...


Blogger binz | 13 March, 2007 22:20

jodie: yea i saw the advrt b4 the news then came to inform.. the news appeared on chnl8 6.30 & 10 pm news and chnl u 9pm news.. i THINK(not sure) the news will still appear on channel u 11pm news.. hope those who din catch will catch it..

oh yay uncle benny shop will be in the east.. used to always see mlbians talk abt the toast and food on the older blog then so tempted wanna go down and eat also but it is so far.. now that his shop will open in eastpoint.. i will make sure i do go down man..


Blogger binz | 13 March, 2007 22:25

it is on chnl 8 news NOW!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 22:42

so qiao, managed to catch the evening news on channel u today n saw both WQ n sam @rehearsal. WQ was interviewed but cant rem wat he said :p btw forgot 2 tag dat 8days (last wk & this wk) hv writeup n pic on the rehearsal as well but i guess shld be the similar type of write-up in all the 3 mags 4 the event. buy 1 enough liao.
POP! wn i saw the word i tot he gave birth?!? haha...siao liao...surrounded by too many pregnant women nowadays..."pop" to me means baby pop out!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 23:01


headline for today..

there will be a new restaurant opening in mid-april. Not only is the food there super nice, it has a nice atmosphere as well. and i can guarantee you that it is worth it to patronize..

restaurant name: EIGHTEEN CHEFS

location: EASTPOINT #01-36 (alight at Simei station)

wad you can found there: mainly cheesebake rice, pasta, fish&chips, italian fastfood, ice cream and coffee.

targetting at: upper secondary and tertiary students. (and of cux we welcome ppl of other ages to visit as long as u love good food)

Cost: affordable and there's also a special price for students.

the chef is a well-known character who has produce 3 talented musicians who has made a name out for themselves in the Superband competition.

so be sure to patrolise when it's open. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 23:04

sorry, there's a typo in the above tag..


headline for today..

there will be a new restaurant opening in mid-april. Not only is the food there super nice, it has a nice atmosphere as well. and i can guarantee you that it is worth it to patronize..

restaurant name: EIGHTEEN CHEFS

location: EASTPOINT #01-36 (alight at Simei station)

wad you can found there: mainly cheesebake rice, pasta, fish&chips, italian fastfood, ice cream and coffee etc.

targetting at: upper secondary and tertiary students. (and of cux we welcome ppl of other ages to visit as long as u love good food)

Cost: affordable and there's also a special price for students.

the chef is a well-known character who has produce 3 talented musicians who has made a name out for themselves in the Superband competition.

so be sure to patronize when it's open. =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 March, 2007 23:22

Hi Peg,
thanks for the detailed informations regarding the new restaurant (EIGHTEEN CHEFS). Are you one of the co-owner? Cos, you mentioned "we" welcome ppl of other ages to visit as long as u love good food.

Besides students having discount, will MLBians have any discount? Especially those who wear a MLB's tee there? Hehehe....


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 23:35

wooh~ lol! nic POP le ba...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2007 23:39

hahas.. uncle phil, nahs. i dun have a share in that restaurant. it's weird to put "and of cux welcome ppl of other ages" so i placed "we" infront. haahs. =P

well, regarding the discount thingy. im in no position to make any decision. hahas. u gotta ask the owner of EIGHTEEN CHEFS. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:01

quizzy. yeah. nic POP le.. =DD hope to hear from him soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:03

nic ah.. wh day will u pop out of the bottle?


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:10

yep hope to see him tag soon....missing nic sia...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:12

marssh, maybe he'l pop out suddenly. hees.. =P im sure he know he's being missed by all of us.


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:18

kekeke pop out sud n i think e whole tagboard will b flooded again...i need a lifevest alr i dunno how to swim eh....=p

yahs hope he knoes tat hahahas....


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:21

hahas.. i dun think it'l be that flooded bah.. hahas.. =P dun worry, we will sink together then. i duno how to swim as well. hahas..
quizzy_me. where r u?? LOL..
somehow i feel that me and quizzy_me taking turns to spam here.. hahas.. today is quizzy_me's rest day, and im reliefing her.. hahs. =X no la. just joking.. im mad..


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:25

nvm i pei u 2....i'm bored too....no no no i dun wanna drown....still waiting for mlb ep to cum out eh....wahhahass...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:27

u wana drown, i oso dun wana pei u drown lo.. hahas.. =X

yep..hopefully we'l get to see their EP end of april. =DD

and marssh, i got say i wan u pei mehs?? hahas.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:34

i'm watching 我和僵尸有个约会3 and eating mango pudding...


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:35

eeekk so bad sia....hahahas...yah hope they'll have more time now nic has POPedd....keke hmmm jiayous MLB.....renci show no tics....=_=


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:38

quizzy, oh. that show.. quite old le right?? now still got repeat arh? or u watching vcd?? =DD

marssh, hahas.. renci no tics then just watch them at home lo.. wahahas..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:40

mango pudding. that's nice.. i only had coffee with biscuit for dinner.. hahas.


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:42

now got repeat i saw e show juz now....arrrgghhss mango pudding...i'm hungry....wan sum pratas??kekeke ahem canot b like sam sia...i wan chocs...

hmmm yah lorz watch at hm...who's gonna record e show??


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:45

oh.. okay. hahas.. that's good. but repeat at this time is =.="

hahas.. sam eating prata almost everyday but how come he looks thinner arh?? weird.


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:47

he rides bike mahz....evryday practise piano dunno will feel stress nnot horz.....

think channel 8 o show to play alr so have to repeat their shows....


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:50

hahas.. no show to play?? okay..

he look quite relaxed lehs. haahs.. =P well, gotta ask him if he's stress not bahs.


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:53

hahahas u go ask lorz....i'm bored...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 March, 2007 00:56

Ah... Very tired lor! Time to zzzzz
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & fellow MLBians.
Have a great day ahead, remember to SMILE... & Jia-You in whatever you are doing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:57

hahas.. i forgot to ask him the other time. but he doesnt seems stressed. maybe he hide his stress side bahs. hahas.

aiyo. ure forever bored de lo.. hahas.. oh ya, still jobless arh? tink im gg to get myself an agency liao. i cant stay jobless anymore la.. dots.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 00:59

nights uncle phil. u take care too =D


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 00:59

hahahs tmlo den look for job bahz....i'm in an eating mood now...

gd nites uncle phil...sweet dreams to u....


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 01:00

hahas.. go and eat lo.. tink i'l cook myself some noodles ltr bahs. dun tink i'l be able to slp so early. LOL.


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 01:04

no noodles for mi....will bcum fat....wahahahasss hmmm y r we chatting here eh??so weirds...kekkeke


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 01:05

lol.. cux i cant get into msn lo.. and i dun wan u to spam my tagboard.. LOL

and anyway, we can "promote" the tags here as well..

hahas.. im talking rubbish.. brb, gg to watch yu le =DD


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 01:17

=_=.........byebye....kekeke i'm going to disrub ur blog...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 01:28

hahas.. u arh.. disturbing my tagboard again.. hahas.. bleahs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 01:59

anyway. marssh, im gg off le. hahas. gg to watch some videos.. =DD u slp early too..


Blogger marssh | 14 March, 2007 02:00

kekeke i going slp too....tired from e sweat+rain today....nites...dun stay up too late....kekeke


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 02:05

lol...y sam everyday oso ice coffee nia ??? haha..

& weiqi damn funi sia..
don wori..i tin u smile in ur heart...jz din show nia..rite ?

k..take care guyzz...miss nic..haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 02:10

o.o! wooh~ =D nitey


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 03:19

LOL, sam can eat prata everyday and yet become thinner! haha...

sam, what nice food does mediacorp canteen have? haha... as far as i remember... the last time i went in there, the best food there was pineapple fried rice. [and yeah, that was like 8 years ago. =.=]

hmmms. looking forward to the opening of shifu's restaurant! hehhs. =DDD

its holiday week but my week is totally booked. sighhs! every single day got something on. sianns. how's everyone?

nites all, takecare!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 06:29

woots.. shd i say good morning?? but well, by right many people shd have just woken up isnt it?? but, im gg bed le.. hahas..

yep.. so good night to all. =D but at the same time, have a nice morning.. hees.. =P


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 March, 2007 08:11


To marssh: Cover page "Stephanie Sun" if i not mistaken..

To pegg: heyys.. U're backk.. Long time no "see" hors.. Anyway, wad are u up to huhs?

To everyone: 4 MORE DAYS TO RENCI!! YAYS! And yahs.. Now in my school uniform tagging this blog cos I NEEDA GO BACK TO SCHOOL FOR TENNIS!! AHHS.. HOLIDAYS OSO NEED TO GO BACK SCHOOL.. DARNS! But is for our own good mahs cos we all tat time January got camp lors so have to replace the 2 days in the March holidays..

To ly: YAYS! WILL GO THERE AND EAT ONCE IS OPEN COS I STAY JUST ABOUT 500M AWAY FROM EASTPOINT MALL.. hahas.. But 1st day confirm crowded ders and I LOVE TO EAT IF U ALL DIDN'T NOE TAHT! hahahs.. Me very pig pig ones..

-Phrase learned from "Hana Kimi"
Being said by Jin XiuYi(Wang Dong Cheng)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 09:57

peg, next time i must win you. hahaha. i slept at like 5am larrs. was surprised i didnt fall asleep during lesson just now. lols...

morning all! =DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 10:09







Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 12:03

Tks peg.. for sharing the details of the restaurant..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 12:04

Hi jodie =DD i've been enjoying my life.. hahas..

meikian, u dun lame la.. i almost cant crawl out of bed just now la..

???, sorry.. i wun do that anymore.. hahas. and please get tis clear. DUN PULL THE RESTAURANT IN. it has nth to do with the restaurant.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 12:07

don't worry peg.. we mlbians know u did it for the sake of the mlbians who asked.. u can't plse everbody.. but u mke some happy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 12:14

to interested mlbians, thanks.. u take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 12:18



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 13:08

hahaha yupp yuppp, i cldnt get outta bed tis morning! then even take cab also late for class. lols.

uhh wells... peace here yeahhs? peg jus meant well to introduce shifu's restaurant to mlbians here... and this info is of course for those who're interested... as for those who're not... i dun think it matters much yeah? n the chatting on this blog, that's what makes us unique, all are friends and are like a big family.

peace! have a good day all.


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 March, 2007 13:11

TODAY "Zao An Ni Hao" oso got show Sam and Weiqi rehearsing.. YAYS! I FINALLY GET TO SEE IT but, IT WAS VERY SHORT! ARGHS! Anyway, i just came back from my Tennis training.. WAHHS.. SIAN LORS.. SOO TIRED.. We told our Tennis Coach tat he come from IMH(Institution of Mental Health).. hahas..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 15:07

biang arh, he/she already say she will scroll through le then why kick a big fuss? Scold for fun de ma? or probably bored to death like us...wahahahaha.

hello to all by the way!

like what i told Jodie over MSN the other day; whenever we're left with nothing to do right, the best is to watch Channel NewsAsia, and I'm watching now =D

You know something? My mum is swearing and cursing, cos the Ren Ci Charity performance is on 18th right? Her off day is on 17th - so cannot watch Milubing liao. LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 15:09

hello all .. aiyo, i v long nv come in le .. busy for e past few wks (projs + exams), now finally haf 1 mth hols le .. yeah ..
oh, i managed to catch weiqi & sam at yesterday ch 8 news, but din hear wat weiqi was toking coz too engross in looking at both of them .. haha .. only heard weiqi say "si ge ren dan qing hen ji" .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 15:40

Haiz...i missed last nite's news on chU, ch8 and this morning's Zao An Ni Hao...managed to catch the 1pm news on ch8, but dun have entertainment news i.e. no Ren ci/MLB :(

if there's anyone who has recorded it, can u share with us pleaseeeee? then those who missed can watch it... thank you very much...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 19:09

Hihi, in case u've missed them, videos uploaded including the press conf (edited version) on the MLB videoweb.

bye2 & take care, cheers & peace!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 March, 2007 21:42

hello xiu jiejie. thanks for uploading =)!


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 March, 2007 22:12

Yoyo.. Since lyk Sam or Weiqi has been hardly blogging nor tagging cos i noe they are busy rehearsing for upcoming event and IT IS JUST 4 MORE DAYYS! They have to take this opportunity to give their best performance if not, make themselves lose face and i saw the new lers.. Weiqi said tat 4 ppl stand 2gether very squeezy.. Will kena bump into ppl and then hors.. I oso realised tat at the last part, Weiqi lyk sort of at loss of words cos chinese mahs.. Hardly spoken language until Sim Yunying have to teach him.. hahas.. And tat part when the news interviewed Bryan WOng and Kym Ng, I kept laughing lors.. Both of them joker lars..



Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 March, 2007 22:43

Hi Jodie Xiao Mei Mei,
I think there's nothing such as lose face, so long an artiste has treid their BEST. Remember last year's Ren Ci, Chen Li Ping fell just 2 steps before she reach her ending platform. Many people still gave her the fullest support. After all these artistes also spent lots of their own times practising & rehearsaling. so, lets give them our fullest support instead of passing negative remarks.
Please dun feel offended.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2007 00:40

just here to drop a note.. (even though im not welcomed by some but whatever)

was just thinking maybe mlbians can prepare to gather yes 93.3FM radio coupons at this moment of time. cux MLB's EP would be out pretty soon. and by that time, of cux we would nd alot of coupons to help "maintain" their songs in their song chart. =D

just a suggestion though. u can ignore it if u tink there's no nd for this. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 March, 2007 00:55

Today was another long day, why?
I also don't know, just feels long.
I had a bit of time to stroll by Singapore river though.
UNDER THE SUN. Good feeling.

We've got some final rehearsals this week, hoping to put up a short and simple yet good show for all, for charity.



Blogger marssh | 15 March, 2007 00:57

hmmmm yah theres nth to feel 'dui lian' abt bahz....i'm vry vry sure weiqi n sam will do their vry best....evn if they made error it'll b forgiven e....charity show mahz we shuld feel proud tat they're involved alr....=DD

heys peg e coupons is get from where e??iweekly mahz?


Blogger marssh | 15 March, 2007 00:59

yep nites to u sam!take gd cares...=DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 15 March, 2007 01:05

Time to go to bed now!
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & fellow MLBians.
Weekend is coming... Have a nice days...
Stronlgy agree with Peg that is time to collect as many coupons as possible for nominating MLB's song up the 933 weekly song chart. Jia-you, Jia-you...

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