
milubing | 13 February, 2007 22:15

Breathe in...breathe out...

Taking a break from my studies now so i decided to drop a post...
1stly, thanks for all the best wishes ya?

mmm, looks like i gotta explain this to u all. Someone was saying that my keyboard(inside the case) looked really heavy, so i said there's a 'shi ti' inside, and was refering to Nic inside k? sorry la, was being lame.
Then many are asking bout my keyboard..well i have so many keyboards in my life like logitech one..microsoft one...mmm laptop inside also got one... heh heh..
but ya la..that 'yamaha MO8' one is mine..had to perform quite a few times b4 i cld afford it!And if ur wondering why weiqi so dumb..buy such a long and big and bulky and heavy one..well then..cos MLB got no bassist, so i need the range of keys ma..
Musician muz 'ren' the hard life of carrying ur instrument ma..
Mmm...wat else..eh..Nic is tanner then me liao hahha...even Sam haha cos he gena sunburn!!! heh heh..Sam dun kill me after u see this :p

The following days and months are gonna be VERY tough for us...cos gotta work hard for some stuff coming up. Will update u peeps as and when k?thanks once again for the love u all showed us on the last gig..

I've been so busy recently that i haven't got much lame stuff to post :(
sorry ya, but i'll keep a lookout for lame stuff to tell u all. Meanwhile, here's a SUPER recent(in fact a few hours ago) drawing that i drew with charcoal..and i'm glad that my classmates told me that i have improved after 1 semester of drawing, and having no formal training b4 i entered uni. They said i 'Bankai' today(dun think i have ever bankai-ed since last sem till now). So tot i shared this image with u. Everyone, rmbr to study hard and smart...and those working, work hard and smart... u CAN do it!

*bankai is not a vulgarity..it is some term used in the anime 'bleach'*

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Blogger marssh | 13 February, 2007 23:05

hihihis weiqi....u study hard too...=)) yah nvm we knoe u're lame can alr....dun needa post if u're bz we vry understanding e...whahahass

u talented lars drawings all vry nice ehs....cont to improve summore...jiayous...

now ppl canot say u look like malay le lorz evn e other 2 milos also darker den u le....kekeke nvm lahz u 3 look more like milo now mahz....=pp


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2007 23:06

u 3 Lost soldiers - jiayou !


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 February, 2007 23:23

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks for updating & sharing with all MLBians what you are doing.
Please go ahead and busy with your schoolwork, dun really have to crack your head to post lame stuff. Many of us know that you are lame.
Please take great care of yourself & enjoy your schooling life. Smiles more often & do take times out to relax yourself. OK?
Have a nice days...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 February, 2007 23:25

Suddenly realised that WeiQi was posting at a right timing (hopefully no more early morning tagging). Healthy living, bravo.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2007 23:27

and those like us having school holidays now shall slack hard too...heh heh no la. hello weiqi! that was nice. haha =). jia you jia you.

oh ya, share with u guys a gossip. someone wrote in to U weekly to complain wor! Complain about whoever keep delaying MLB's EP. LOL!


Blogger kaysee | 14 February, 2007 00:13

please say that i am slow, only saw the post only till now! blah blah blah!

weiqi's latest hobby-
thinking he is dragging nic in his keyboard case when it is not..how can nic be squeezed in there? HEH HEH? HAHAHAHA!

dont work too hard, till you forgot about your health , can? HAHA! later it will be nic dragging you..blah blah, i didnt say anything ! CHOY AH!

dont need to force yourself to put up lame stuffs.wow! that is a good drawing, at least from what i see from here! CHARCOAL! well, poly is starting quite soon, i think it is time to brush up my own drawing skills..blah blah blah.

you do take care, dont ever mi lu in the jungle of hmk! *winks*


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 06:26

happy V day! lol


Blogger qing qing | 14 February, 2007 08:31

morning to all!! happy valentine's day n friendship day to all...
WQ drawing v nice hor... didnt know that can use charcoal to draw oso... =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 08:31




Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 09:48

Happy Valentine to the 3 MLB....
Roses for those whom you care, n
wishes did not stop or start only during Valentine...



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 10:07

Very nice profile done!
From the sketch could tell well balance of strength used.
Mmmm...my humble opinion, it would give a more "live" feel there would be more contrast drawn on the face, esp the eyes. That would bring out the "live" in the model.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 10:34

Valentine...a western romeo and a cassanova, found his way to eastern ways..n we r all celebrating 'LOVE'... in a big way.

Is there a LOVE without attachment.. without liking someone and not liking someone. Can we celebrate Valentine with Universal Love....

Today...lets send LOVE to those we know, and to those we dun, to those who needs it, to those who hv plenty of it, may we love those we can see, and those we can't see, Love those whom actions and speech at this point of time we cannot understand, and those we think are friends. Love to those up in heaven and those down at hell..to those suffering in great pain..May this LOVE covers and embrace the whole universe!

I am sending out this 'pink, pink hearts to each and everyone of you' These hearts will touch you softly and remind you that 'you are loved'...

Happy Valentine too, to MLB who is the source of our connections..may MLB always am LOVED!

HAPPY VALENTINE TO ALL...thanks for friendship!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 11:50

Hi MLB/Sanyi/ttww/Bonnie n all mlbians/passerbys..

" Today is a very special day, it's not a day for Lovers, its a day for

share a little love to everyone,

a sweet of smile,

a dab of hello,

a sparkling wink,

a chuckling laugh.

But most of all, a good hug or a pat on the back wouldn't hurt... =)"

Have a great day!!!

" It's Valentine's Day! Show your love's ones you care...""

also 'A v HAPPY/PEACEFUL YEAR OF THE PIG/2007.. Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 11:58

hi xiu,

Specially wishing u -'Hv a Great Valentine Day' n a 'Gt CNY - May Every Wishes come yr way.'


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 12:09

hey hey! wish milubing & MLBians would have happy valentines day; especially to those that are already attached - wish u have a happy day with ur love one. Even if u r not attached, celebrate with ur friends ba.

I wanted to celebrate with my brothers but they pang seh me...-.-
fine shall go back to sch to do stuff later, haha


Blogger qing qing | 14 February, 2007 12:38

afternoon to all!!! thanks tatouwawa jiejie/meimei (dunno u older or yopunger than me =x) for the pink pink hearts... =)haz...
wish all happy n enjoy this Valentine n friendship day... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 13:18

Happy Valentine. here a rose for all!



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 14:25

heh heh. recently there's a lot of "D"s hor? haha. anyway, afternoon to all again. Just send my lappy for reformtatting. Nothing wrong with it but just wanna the kind souls in our school to help me spring clean my lappy only. haha. now I'm using the public comp. heh heh.

have a nice day! =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 February, 2007 14:29

To weiqi: heys.. FINALLY, EXPLANATION.. WAS BEING LAME!! hahas.. LOLS!! And ya, blogged at the perfect time and leading a healthy lifestyle huhs.. hahas.. And u 3 are now officially THE CHOCOLATE BOIS.. hahahas.. ME LAMER LARS.. JIA YOU IN UR STUDIES TOO YEAHS..=))..

To everyone: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY YAHS!! hahas.. I noe i little to young to say tat lars but everyone in SACSS(My school) are going a round to give Valentines present hahas.. And today is oso my fren's birthdae and she oso like MLB yahs..


Blogger qing qing | 14 February, 2007 14:37

yo yo!! wat's all the 'D' bout??? =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 16:20

gees. nice drawing. =)
happy valentines day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 16:44

lol!!! happy valentine's, ppl!

hahah i think the face part very nice leh....but the body part a bit weird la. hahaha;)


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 February, 2007 22:14

Hihhs.. back again.. LOLS! Anyway, find the pic nice lars, weiqi.. Ur efforts nort wasted.. IMPROVING HORS..=))..


Blogger Jie Si | 14 February, 2007 22:23

heyhey da jia!!

haphaphappy valentine's day!!

cny's coming huh.
though mlb family cant have tuan yuan fan tgt,
we'll always be tuan yuan'ed, right?

hahaha everybody stay happy, take care and have fun!! :D


Blogger marssh | 14 February, 2007 22:25

yep happy vday to all....juz another day wif an excuse to receive presents....hope e 2 milos enjoyed their dates....nic in camp believe cant spend vday wif gf but all e best to them too....=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2007 22:29


That's a nice charcoal drawing!
I've tried before, but obviously I've made a mess out of it.
Keep up the good work & jiayou for your studies! (:

Hope the milos are having a great time with their loved ones.
MLBians too! ^^
Take care all!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 15 February, 2007 00:25

Ooops... I missed sending my Valentine's wishes to MLB & fellow MLBians. Anyway, its better late than never, HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY to everyone here. You don't have to be attached to celebrate Valentine's day. In fact Valentine's day is a day where all LOVES are spread around (as mentioned by TTWW).
TTWW, thanks again for sending me the valentine's msg. Hope you have a great day.


Blogger kaysee | 15 February, 2007 03:20

opps, was late for valentine wishing..umm, 3 hours late..slow heh

well, today is 15th feb, i wish all mlbians,a "happy total defence day!" HAHA!

i got weird sense of humor.blah.


Blogger qing qing | 15 February, 2007 09:15

morning to all!!! wish all early happy chinese new year... last day of sch le but having exams next fri... =( y i so suay???!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 10:44

Hope everyone have a sweet valentine day.

Qing Qing, you are so well-mannered. tatouwawa is not jiejie or meimei, she is Ayi. smilezzzz :)


Blogger qing qing | 15 February, 2007 10:53

haha, ore a u jiejie/meimei?? bu hao yi si i dunno... no no, u guo jiang le la... =)
at least now i know tatouwawa is ayi... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 11:01

lol. i using my school comp again. hahha

yea. after submitting the jae i feel so much more relaxed now liao lor...

to dear auntie kc, that total defence thing is supposed to be humorous?! dun find it funny at all lor. -__________-"
hahahahha jk jk


Blogger qing qing | 15 February, 2007 13:07

afternoon to all!! anybody choose TP??? haz... just asking only...
wish all happy n have a great day!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 14:02

oh ya, today is total defence day. I missed the "yi orh yi orh" as I just woke up. LOL! Was maintaining my comp till 5am in the morning (I started late la). LOL!

Qing qing dun worry, I think there's another MLBian ruru (has been a long time since she tag) choose TP too. think so la. Kaysee too ba? haha =)


Blogger kaysee | 15 February, 2007 15:01

to my beloved cousin, jieying, you good lor, i settle this with you next time. blah blah blah.

qing qing, kaysee here chose tp as her first choice cause she is lazy to travel and doubt she can get up that early for class. HAHAHAHAH! first choice is interactive media design from tp.:) second choice is digital media from sp.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 15:25

Kaysee, not bad for u leh. Just read yesterday newspaper, now singapore workforce is lack of computer graphic designer. Hmm... maybe I can consider to jump course too. :p

Today is total defense day huh, no wonder I keep hearing some weird announcements from the primary school and the Kinetic company opp my office.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 15:29

Have a great day everyone!
Looks like today's a wet one.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 15:32

U2, Sam, have a beautiful day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 15:32

Sam boy, u din go la kopi today ah?
How is your sun burnt skin?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 15:37

Yes, i'm going out now for coffee. Seriously.
Maybe prata too.
All take care!


Blogger kaysee | 15 February, 2007 15:43

sam wong,
aiyo, kopi again? umm, and prata! you can be kopi boy liao! can ask you to be the dai yen ren for some coffee or smth. ooh, sun burn?

flora,jump to my course huh! HAHA YES YES! jump ah! i didnt know this course got much prospects as compared to some biz course.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 15:45

haha, ok, but for your info, Prata goes best with Teh Terek, not ice milo and kopi hor. hee hee...have a good nice tea break!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 16:02

Harlo everyone...

Very 'chuan' want to come here.

So KC is going to TP. Next time U see me, call me @_@korkor. I am sure you will enjoy TP..

Happy Pig Pig Year 2007!

oh! my nainai and mami make delicious, super 'shiok' tarts..!


Blogger kaysee | 15 February, 2007 16:05

haha, i hope i get in tp. tp's design sch is very happenning. Hope i would be enrolled into that course, that course only take in 50 students this year.

@_@, what course are you in?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 17:01

what the hell. i felt like scolding all the @#$%^& now. firstly, whenever i visit the Macs near my home it will rain. secondly, didn't know that wireless at Macs got new logging in system and i had a hard time signing in earlier. bleahX! but now manage to log in le la, haha =)

anyway, hello everyone! and hello sam!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 20:43

Prata and kopi for tea time? *envy* Today I had plain water, and only water for my day in the office. Sianz! CNY faster come leh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 21:22

still can la ur kopi.
so gd! *envy*
i wan have a break too!
had 4 test in a row today.
super stressing. =.=

those who's enjoying their hols,
enjoy while u can!
take care everyone! xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 21:48

yeah!! prata!!! *with indian accent* lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 22:25

haha. MLB is forever inspiring to us the mlb-ians!!

thx for ur encouragement weiqi! so sweet :]

u jia you too!


Blogger Jodie [: | 15 February, 2007 22:27

To sam: Heys, Mr. Wong.. Sound awkward.. hahas.. LOLS!! Anyway, hope u dun mind me calling u tat and of course, KOPI AND PRATA.. REALLY NOE HOW TO ENJOY HORS.. Yahs..

To initial d: I oso agree tat prata goes the best with teh tarik hahas..

Okays.. Back to U , Sam!! hahas..

Since so relax, and u say u do b4 sales.. Must as well go do publicity of something lyk errs.. ABALONE.. hahahas.. I AM EXTREMELY CRAZY LORSS.. And please lars.. I JOKING ONLY DE HORSS...

To everyone: Sorry ahhs.. I CHANGED MY BLOG'S URL.. Sorry to give all of u trouble.. Anyway.. Please relink me @ www.dreams-are-totally-realistic.blogspot.com Thanks, peeps.. And of course.. take care<-- TO MR SAM.. DUN EAT TOO MUCH HEATY STUFFS HORSSS...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2007 23:59

hehe coming to spam again. 2 more minutes to friday. lol! TGIF! wish MLB and MLBians happy. tml i'll be going back to my secondary sch with my friends to bai nian. hehe =)


Blogger marssh | 16 February, 2007 01:06

to quizzy_me:wahsss sooo gd remember take more more ang baos worz...

wooo didn knoe it was total defence day yest...tmlo CNY le soooo not excited abt it...

anyways evrybody take cares n mlb jiayous too...missing nic+weiqi+sam!!n also missing their performances alr...=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 01:22

oh, i like this piece much better than the other 2. dun need to find lame stuff to post, jus share watever comes to mind is gd enough. sam, u make me wanna go out for a tan le. always cooped up in the office, must go out n enjoy the sun one of these days!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 04:21

wahh, sam must be enjoying life. prata and coffee sumore... i was starving for half of today lah. cuz sch had food rationing day today, then like no food in sch... only had a pathetic 2 packets of biscuits =.=

anywayys. gonna be cny lerrs! so fast siaa... nic booking out on sat horrs? wonder he gets to stay outside till when? [cny period] hmms. hope he isnt too tired to celebrate ahhs. hahas...

then to weiqi... the shi ti thing v lame siaa. tt day u call us say bye to "nic" i still blur blur go say... after tt then i realise what u meant. diaoos... n i still dun get it lah, why you shi mei shi mus che dao nic shen shang? i think we got dai gou. HAHA :P

sighhs, my comp damn dead lahhs.

happy belated v'day yeah! to the milos, i forgot to pass u guys chocs! diaoos. i brought like a whole big packet of chocs tt day for everyone. then i kinda forgot. and it melted. so i threw it away. sighhs. =.=

hmm rights. i think im crazy. haha its almost 430am and im still up doing homework. cant believe im spending like 2 to 3 hours doing ONE piece of homework. rahhs. [okayy, actually im not concentrating. haha]

listening to carrie [pss2]'s rendition of chu mo. NICE. :) was listening to the audio from the gig on sat... kinda noisy lah, but i cant help laughing when i hear sam saying "bai wan bao, 3 ge" hahaha... sounds damn funny lah. LOLS

hmm okayys, takecare all. happy new year in advance! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 13:56

I am on half day off and take this opportunity to come into the blog

MLB, Piggy Year, Piggy Luck, Piggy best wishes. All the best for a good Piggy sell on the EP. May you all top the chart.

Piggy wishes from piggy me to all MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 13:59

happy advance piggy new yr to mlb n all mlbian . =p =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 16 February, 2007 16:06

Yoz, ppl!! New Year countdown tmr.. How i wish Milubing can go lors.. Sad.. Anyway..

To weiqi: Hope u will have an enjoyable Chinese New Year with ur family=))..

To nic: Hope u can have the time to celebrate yahs.. Take care=))..

To sam: Come to U ahh.. No need to say lers.. DEFINITELY CAN CELEBRATE DER.. NO OFFENCE HOR, SAM!! Anyway, Have a happy Chinese New Year but just please lah.. DUN EAT TOO MUCH HEATY STUFFS LYK PRATA HORS.. hahas =P..

To everyone: Wishing all of u a very HAPPY PIGGY YEAR but dun eat too much intil become pig hors.. LOLS!! I AM REFERRING TO MYSELF LORS..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 16:10

hey hey! coming to spam again. lol! wish milubing and mlbians happy happy. lol!


Blogger gRaCe | 16 February, 2007 16:45

didnt manage to go to your last gig coz got smth on...=(
but anyway, continue to jiayou!!!
finally manage to learn how to bankai eh... hahaha
i love bleach too!!!! <3


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 16:49


It is Lunar New Year. Before we send the Dog and welcome the Pig, I have to come here to pay my repsect to MLB.

Nic Kor, hope you are doing fine in army. You are always my best and favourite MLB. Cheers!

Sam Kor, all the best to you too and Weiqi Kor too, all the best to your studies.

Never knew that home is still the best. It did not occurred to me but now I know.

MLBians...hug this Piggy and make sure she gives you all fats(success) in what you do.

Gong Xi Fatt Cai!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 17:33

Nic, Sam, Weiqi.. gong xi gong xi in the yr of the fat piggy.. hope yr EP can be released soon n may the sale be a success...


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 17:58

So long Milo boys!
I'm back alive and kicking again! ;)
Seems that you all are busy with your music. Waiting to buy your first album. Guess it's going to be explosive!

Hi to Chiobu and Lao babe! (Waving vigourously) and to other ppl whom we chatted in previous blog.



Blogger MINHUI | 16 February, 2007 20:23

oh well.
i havent been here for quite some time. hahas!
hope everyone's doing fine yea? =D

really missed seeing the guys ever since the 3rd gathering. sigh.
had something on the last event so couldnt go. =(

anw, hope there'll be more gigs yea? hahas! =D

take care all!



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 21:36

oh man. i finally have the time to tag now. was seriously busy last few weeks. hah. miss u guys!
wow! weiqi, that drawing is so cool! hmm..sch very busy? take care ya!
haahs. sam.. drink kopi again? how abt changing to hot tea or milo? huan yi xia kou wei mahh. hahahs.
hahas. nic tanner arh? haven get to see him though.. look forward to next gig.
to all mlbians.. hmm. a late wishing. sorry abt that. haha. happie belated v-day! heees. hope u guys feel the love in the air. not only that day but, everyday! jia you!!! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 23:17

haha hello pen xiao hai didi! hope u r getting on well over there. and hihi to oyster jiejie! *muacks*
hello syL too! and hello everyone!

i supposed milubing doesn't have any CNY performances rightt? so i wish u guys (esp nic?) would have a great time with ur family & love one. i wish u and ur family happy and healthy! lol!

eh, aren't we funny? today is only the eve of the eve and we're like having e-bai nian here already. lololol!


Blogger kaysee | 16 February, 2007 23:20

oh cool to see oyster and pxh KOR KOR( you happy not?) HAHHAHA! have a nice day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2007 23:23

Hi Quizzy.. hi kaysee..! ;D

kinda bored here.. hmmm.. maybe I haven open my shell for months already.


Blogger awhitestraw | 16 February, 2007 23:53

hi oyster,

i think it had been long since we chatted thru their blog. I missed the time when we could just chat freely in that superband blog! hahah, how have you been? i just got my results though


Blogger qing qing | 17 February, 2007 00:23

happy chinese new year eve to mlb n mlbians... haha.. hope everyone will enjoy their chinese new year eve n cny... =)
kaysee, come tp must come find me hor.. =x..
ya lor, @_@, wat course u in huh??
sam, dun eat too much heaty de hor...


Blogger marssh | 17 February, 2007 01:51

hmmm nic shuld b outta camp now le bahz.....hope he gets a gd rest aftre e tiring field camp....=))

weiqi+sam also rest more worz.....weiqi dun ovrwork urself...=DD

all peeps take cares its new yr eve alr....dun fall sick during e new yr period due to too much bak gua+sweety&heaty stuffs....=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 02:31

life is never fair

sighhs! i think majority of the schs in sg had half day off today? but my sch abit... sianns. was messaging my fren at 1pm, and she told me she was at airport for lunch. was like, arghhs. had lessons till 330pm... =.=

ahh wells. to our 3 soldiers, takecare over the holiday period okay?

weiqi, take the time to rest well... so that after that can chong ci and chiong for ur studies again. :)

sam, hmm. i think i got nothing much to say... hahas. jus takecare yeahhs? hope u have a fun time bai nian-ing. hahas

NIC, i feel so naggy!!! arghhs. takecare, make good use of the time to spend time with ur family. i think u're still sick right? so take the time to bring urself back to good health. takecare while in camp, dun get sick so easily lahhs.

yuppx. wondering if u guys are doing any ep work the nxt few days? if yes, dun tire urselves out yahs. if no, make good use of the time to rest and play! :D

happy chinese new year in advance to all! tomorrow is chu xi, hope everyone have a nice reunion dinner with their family.

will be in msia over the nxt few days so wont be able to check for updates... takecare all, and smile!

oh, to the soldiers. coming to think of it, i think the idea of US giving YOU angpaos seems quite wrong. =.=

xin nian kuai le!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 February, 2007 08:30

Hi MLB & MLBians,

Happy advance Lunar New Year to all. May the year of the PIG brings everyone Happiness, Joy, Love, Peace, Health & Wealth.
While enjoying your holidays, do take great care of yourselves. Do not eat too much heaty food & if you drink; do try to control yourselves.
Hope everyone here have a great re-union dinner with your family tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 10:51


yup.. very long time since the drama queens peep in. we are kinda busy with work. I hardly get any sleep the past few mths. got your results?
O levels? :) What you planning to do next? I guess this is a big turning point in your life. Hmmm.. must make wise and accurate decision wor.. What you choose is what you get for maybe your future career.. :)


Blogger marssh | 17 February, 2007 16:23

uncle phil enjoy too....=))
juz now watching e CNY show den S.H.E came out to sang 'bu xiang zhang da'+ cyndi wong came out to sing 'woosa'!!OMGGossh....reminds mi of e QFs....reminds mi i'm missing MLB's performances.....=xx


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 18:02

tsk tsk! my parents have been working overtime for the past few days. today they r working half day only so now they r chilling out at chinatown. my bro and i didn't join in cos we don't want to be 'flatten' at the end of the day. lol!

wish uncle phil have a hapy day with ur family too, although to be exact my happy hour starts tomorrow. lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 18:38

Hi MLB and Mlbians,

Happy Lunar New Year :)

marssh: is that so ? intresting..

i also miss mlb..wonder will they pop out in tonight countdown show ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 19:43

art is love (: its been a long time since i sat down to do a proper drawing/painting. weiqi! ur life revolves ard art & music. that's so nice (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 20:00

hey hey. they won't be appearing ba, cos if yes we would have heard about it by now. the guest performers for today's countdown show is a-do and lin yu zhong.

happy new year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 23:26

o finally finished the cleaning!
aft a nice hot bath, dere’s nothing lyk a cool beer ya :)

its gonna b the year of the oink-oink soon, so to nic, sam, weiqi, fb & family & peeps:


o, I lyk charcoal drawing. alwaz marvel @peeps who can do figure drawing – its sth I cant do. I do better with still life :) but its bn a long tym since those drawing days. the same goes for portraiture but i guess practice makes perfect ya ;)

o, n happy belated V day to all oso!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2007 23:52

wishing mi lu bing and fellow mi lu bians a great chinese new yr!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 00:07




Blogger marssh | 18 February, 2007 01:13

yeah its chinese new yr alr.....have a wonderful moment today alls....=))have a nice day collecting ang baos kekeke...

to ik:yep e show was funny+entertaining hahahs....mlb shuld b bz +wun have time for e countdown performance bahz...=DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 February, 2007 01:26

Hi MLB & fellow MLBians,

Let's welcome the Piggy year.
May everyone here have a much better year as compare to the year of the Dog. Gong Xi Fa Cai...

There's an article in the latest U-magazine that mentioned that many contestants who survive from the revival have very good results in almost all talent contest, they are:
1) Sly Sim from 1st season S'pore Idol who later emerged 2nd.
2) Kelly from 1st season Superstar who later emerged champion in the girl group.
3) Daren from this season Superstar who later emerged as overall chapiom.
4) Bryan from Star idol who later emerged as champion.
5) MiLuBing from Superband who later emerged as Champion.
6) Lucify from Superband who later emerged 3rd.
7) Geradine from Campus Superstar who later emerged 2nd in the girl group.
The article also mentioned that MiLuBing is young & energetic, and was chosen by the public. But don't know why they are like the "lost sheep"? From gaining the Superband title till now, still cannot see them have much prospect. Already more than half a year, but still does not have any news of their album? (These are my translation, someone correct me if I am wrong)

Anyway, we MLBians are very sure that MLB will do well in the music industry. MLB Jia-you, MLB Power-Lah... Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 02:26






Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 03:21

hmm, uncle phil. we will stand by milubing de, right? cos we believe in them. but this is the problem with the company le ba. well, nvm.

anyway, during last week's issue, someone by the name of da bing already wrote in to complain, hope their company would do something. if not, shall we protest directly to their company? lololol.

but whatever the case, i still wanna wish milubing & mlbians happy and healthy. not only this year but forever...

i wanna 'shou sui' but my parents already chased me to bed, saying that we will set off to 'bai nian' quite early. BUT I DUN CARE! I wanna watch tv, at the same time 'shou sui'. hahahahaha. they're asleep anyway. lol!

nitey =)!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 February, 2007 09:38

Hi Quizzy,
Of course we will support MLB all the way. We don't have to complain, we have patience and we believe that MLB will gives us their BEST MUSIC. As I ever mentioned in one of the tag; Good stuffs are alway worth waiting. So let's continue to wait patiently.
MLB Jia-you, MLB Power-Lah...

Once again, GONG XI FA CAI to MLB & fellow MLBians (especially TTWW, SyL, Quizzy, Flora, Peg, marssh, BiRu, Kaysee, qing qing, PXH etc.)
Zhu Nian Xing Hao Yun, Fa Da Cai.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 10:12

my dad's nagging me to leave house liaoos.. haha but im here to leave a las msg before gg off!

hmm, hope all had a good reunion dinner last night. met up with my cousins and i realised i hadnt seen them for SO long.

wells, everyone takecare over these few days yeah? dun eat too much, play and enjoy! :) most importantly is to SMILE. [hahaa copy nic liaoos. LOL]

yuppp, happy chinese new year to all! xin nian kuai le! :D have a fun time bai nian-ing and collecting angpaos!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 12:06

Hi all, hereby wishing everyone a happy chinese new year.. =D have fun..

well, i read abt that article in U-weekly as well.. I believe that MLB's EP is worth the wait. However, they really gotta jiayou. gonna be real frank here cux i hope it's of some help to them.

Firstly, they will really need to work hard on their professionalism. Singing the wrong lyrics during performance can be avoided.

Secondly, to have a deep impression on the public, they must have a striking image. (though this is not up to them to decide).

Thirdly, their stage presence. They gotta really work on it no matter if they like it anot. cux for those who doesn't know the guys, they will expect alot from them.

and Lastly, their attitudes towards their supporters.

hahas.. yep.. well, not sure if it'l be of an help not. but i really feel that they still lack the professionalism. yep. but no matter wad, i believe we, MLBians will support MLB till the end.

=D smilez..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 19:25

zhu ni men zhu nian xing da yun!
xin xiang shi cheng!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 22:03

haha. ya uncle phil is right. in fact just now i chatted with my cousins about this problem. although they r not 'mlbians'm they told me "it's ok de la, they are still young, so be patient.." lol!

anyway, thanks uncle phil!

wish all of ya happy new year!


Blogger MINHUI | 18 February, 2007 22:27



may all of your dreams come true and may all students get a result of their wish. hahas! also, may all working peeps get ALOT OF BONUS this year! WAHAHAHS!

ok. before i get mad,



Blogger Jodie [: | 18 February, 2007 22:52

Heyos, ppl.. hmm.. Wonder if Milubing had a wonderful renuion dinner wif family lehs and ohh yahs.. forgotten to tell you.. MY EX-CLASSMATE KNOWS SAM LEHS!! AHHS.... I AM JEALOUS.. LOLS!! Anyway, i am here rite now wishing to..

MLBians: Have a wonderful pig pig year=))!!

MLB de Sam: Hope u enjoying ur relaxation time but please lah.. Dun rest until become pig hor.. NO OFFENCE AHHS!! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

MLB de Nic: Hope u are nort tat busy and gort time to spend wif family hors.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

MLB de Weiqi: Dun over-study hor.. Spend time wif ur family and take care of urself too.. Dun fall sick hors.. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 February, 2007 23:22

Thanks for agreeing with me, Quizzy.
Think MLB is still not that popular as compare to other contests Champion or winners. because eversince MLB emerged as Superband, their pictures have never been appeared on any magazine's cover?
Agree with what Peg has said, I personally also have the followings in mind:
Why must they always do stuffs themselves, when they attend gigs & events (eg: WeiQi has to carry his own keyboard), why Warner never gets someone to carry for them. And also the campany never arrange any vehicle to come and pick them up (or rather, why must they walked so far to place their stuffs)? Believe MLB must be too soft hearted that the company take advantage of them!

MLB don't look professional enough! Their dressings are always too simple (eversince after the contest; their best dressings are during the Grand Final). They also don't put on any make-up when performing on stage, that's too simple liao (believe they don't like it, but as an artiste; looks & presentations are equally important beside giving only good music), so MLB must try to change and accept these.
MLB, please don't have any harsh feeling. And MLBians, please don't counter attack me. These are just my opinion only.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2007 23:33

Uncle phil, i agree with wad you've said. i even have the idea that the guys might not wish to carry on in this music industry. somehow feel that they prefer to have more privacy rather than fame.

and mediacorp is really neglecting our Superband Champion, MiLuBing. they have never appear in any cover page before, not even after they won superband. all they got was a small article that reported they won, that's all.. though there are still interviews of them but wad is the real reason that they can't be featured on the cover page??

well, no matter wad. let's hope for the better. MLB, when u have to stand firm, you gotta do it. this applies to everything. if u dun like it, you gotta voice it out. if not, u will be taken advantage of.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 00:12

whoa...enlightening seh...suddenly feel very paiseh, cos i dun think i will think very deep like uncle phil and peg. lololol.

the only thing in my mind is - hope warner music would give us an explanation. we don't mind the long wait actually. but i agree with what our two other friends *winks* mentioned before - why isn't warner music focusing on them leh?

lololol, serious stuff on the first day of new year...eh...hmm...haha =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 00:30

just to add on; what i'm trying to say is hope that warner music is not trying to ch**t our feeliings. sorry i dun wanna say the word out.

but i wanna let MLB know something; no matter what happen, (the most important thing is) we wanna you guys to be happy. So yup...haha =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 00:47

hahahs.. quizzy, we tinking very deep mehs?? hees.. well, but ya. abit too serious on cny hor?? whahas.. but well, wad said is said, cant take back lehs.. =P hahas..

and yeah, as long as the guys are happy, we will be happy for them as well.. =DD smilez..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 12:54



Blogger Uncle Phil | 19 February, 2007 13:23

Hi Quizzy,
I dun think we are thinking very deep. Perhaps its just our observations only.
Strongly agree with you that so long MLB are Happy with what they are doing than we as MLBians also feel Happy as well.

In fact, I pointed out all those comments are just in case MLB themselves did not realise at all. After all we as MLBians also want to see our idol getting more & more popular rite? And as an artiste they have to seriously stay focus on all these issues. Its not easy to be an artiste, and to gain fame, they definitely have to sacrifice their privacy. They are lots of things that they simply can't just do it like what normal people are doing, cos they automatically become role model for especially the youngsters "so-called Fans".
Although these are serious matter, but it is important matter.
But nonetheless, we as MLBians will support MLB all the way. Cheers... MLB & MLBians Power-Lah...


Blogger Unknown | 19 February, 2007 13:37

uncle phil, peg and quizzie; woah what a serious topic.

i think we need to realise that milubing are after all new in the industry. usually the new kids have to suffer the most. that explains them carrying their instrument. and to a musician, i believe, their instrument should be the most important to them. i dont think they would want others to handle such an important thing. and as weiqi have said, he had to perform a few times before he could afford it. if it were me, i think even if people offered to carry it for me i would decline.

and as we all know, nic is a perfectionist. so we dont have to worry about professionalism. (: for their image, i just hope they will stay true to themselves. to me i think its better if we get to see them as they are. at least they look approachable. not like some other stars which look like they think they are some big shot. thank God MLB dont see themselves as stars

and as for their attitude towards supporters, they are very warm towards us. too warm until i think they need to hold back sometimes. woops, dont stone me!

yes, milubing still has a lot of areas that they can grow in. but we also need to consider the time they have to grow. one studying, one schooling, no wonder you may think they dont wish to carry on. but we all know the trio are very serious in making good music for people who appreciate them (eg. US!) maybe after the album, we'll see more of milubing on magazines and stuffs.

as what uncle phil has said: good things are worth waiting. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 16:20

hmms. yea i guess to a musician, his instrument is a vital part of his life.. doubt he'd let other ppl carry it so easily even if it means he gotta do more work himself. i guess all they really want is to jam tgth with their gd frens and produce gd music for mlb-ians. at leaat they havent been carried away by fame and have been true to themselves. as for their album.. well, delays are inevitable, esp with nic in army and all. lets jus wait patiently cos we noe the 3 of them wun disappoint~! =))


MLB - take this chance to rest well. will be looking forward to ur debut album ^.^


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 16:54

Guess i gotta say something in response to this discussion. Well, we understand the issues involved, but in a way, we are powerless in making any substantial change as yet.. this is partly due to us being very new, thus we have less say in the way things have to be done. Rest assured that we are doing all we can on our part to get things moving, and it is mainly due to restrictions that are beyond our control that hinders our EP and public appearances. But we are still doing wat we can. For eg, Sam n I have accepted the fact that we gotta still appear on programmes and public shows even if Nic can't be with us.This is for the sake of the band.The thing that all MLBians must rmbr, is that we cld never think of giving up, so much love and support from of u have been helping us along our way in this journey so how cld we think of that?Besides not letting MLBians down, we 3 also are not gonna let ourselves down either, so much effort and emotional baggage has been put into the forming of MLB and the MLB family. To me, this is just the beginning. I don't know what's in store for us, but wat i know, is that we're not going down without a fight.


Blogger kaysee | 19 February, 2007 17:14


whatever it is , we will still be behind you guys! JIAYOU and get ready for the journey ahead, this is only the start, the beginning.

dont worry.*winks*


Blogger Unknown | 19 February, 2007 17:25

thats the response i expected.
thats the MLB we all know.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 17:51

hi MLB,

i will support u all the way.. jiayou! jiayou! jiayouuuuuuuuuuu!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 18:16

yay =))

mlb, con't to jiayou~! gd things are worth the wait. im sure all our patience will pay off =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 18:25

*looking at the comments*


^.^ heh heh! jia you jia you! Samuela, u spell my nick wrongly la =(, lololol ;).

Yup well said weiqi. So no matter what happens, jia you jia you wor.

Honestly speaking, for some other reason I'm feeling quite sad today. But after seeing the heartwarming comments from weiqi and you guys, I'm not that upset liao. xie xie ni men =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 20:31

Hope everyone had a great reunion dinner and ang bao collections!kinda weird leh, now me n my cousins like all grown up..and the dinners are getting shorter..last time used to play games and run around and stuff..now all like more sober le..but still humourous la.Hope everyone's having fun during the holidays!


Blogger kaysee | 19 February, 2007 20:46


seriously , i cant imagine you running around. oh well, hope you enjoy your new year, take it as a break from your jungle of homeworks. chinese new year seems to be losing its meaning to me.

dont run around? umm, mayb you can play ps2 games or smth? like halo2? umm, HEH?

*please dont eat up my comment, blog!*


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2007 21:14

for me, as long as i get to see my family (relatives) again i'm already happy. lololol. dinner isn't really grand, but we get to watch TV together. oh my goodness i love this feeling lor.

heard that Taiwan got 9 days off for CNY while we got up to 3 days off hor? bleahx =x


Blogger Uncle Phil | 19 February, 2007 22:19

Hi WeiQi,
Thanks for your reply and assurance.
So long there's MLB, the MLBians will always be around to support. We will also not give-up easily.
Hope you have a great re-union too, although the time spent was shorten. That's part of a growing stage too, believe you should have heard alot of adults always say: "New year is nothing special, just to spend more money. If got money, everyday also can be new year. CNY is just for the kids, cos they can get ang pow."
Please take this period to have enough rest before your return to your hostel. Most important is to spend those precious times with your love ones.

Last but not least, please don't have any negative feelings about our opinions.

MLB Jia-you, MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger Jodie [: | 19 February, 2007 22:59

To weiqi: Heys.. Very well-said lehs=)).. No matter wat, I WILL STILL SUPPORT MILUBING!! wakkaka*.. Any yupp, IT IS STILL THE BEGINNING!! Hope u enjoyed ur reunion dinner hors and oh yah.. SAW URS AND SAM'S T-SHIRT AT ADDIDAS TODAY!! hahas.. The one both of u wore at Ngee Ann City.. Yupp.. And somemore, both of ur t-shirts are recommended lors.. LOLS!! But most importantly, MILUBING MUST NORT BE MI LU, ookays?

To peg and uncle phil: Very serious topic lehs and i realised it too.. MILUBING HAVE NEVER EVER APPEARED ON A COVER PAGE BEFORE! ARGHS.. F***.. Sorry 4 vulgarity=((.. Too angry lars..


Blogger Unknown | 20 February, 2007 00:43

woops. sorry quizzy. this time correct liao! (: heh my dinner not grand too, but its nice and warm. love cny for this reason!

weiqi, my family was talking about this ever since cny eve. all old liao. ): and someone told me something about you when you were younger. HOHOHO. woops.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 01:01

relax.. MLB's first album is going to rock teh whole of Singapore. Good music worth the wait. It doesn't matter if there's a slight mistake such as singing the wrong lyrics. Even the 4 Heavenly kings of singer Leon Lai sings wrongly all the time. maybe even Jay Chou make that mistake and just that all the mistakes are covered by his murmurings..

The longer tea is brewed, more fragrant it will be.. A sudden explosion all over the magazine may not mean a good thing. Look at superstar kelvin, he's was all over cover page and got his album in a short time. But ain't he getting the cold shoulder now?

So.. give the boys some time, more experience that is gained can help to produce good music.. recordings are not as easy.. They are as tedious as drama editing. The longer it takes, more inspirations will come.. Professional musicians are at work.. Fans.. pls be patient. Look beyond the flood. Milo tornado is coming ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 01:20


I remember that there's a basketball star who has his ball with him everytime even if he is filming on someday.. That's his passion, his love.

Same goes to a musician - his instrument, a photographer - his camera, an artist - his painting tools, an accountant - his calculator.

The thing you like most, you will not want to leave it to somebody else. Holding it in your own hands is a respect to it as a partner.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 01:44

haha Samuela, =P

hello oyster jiejie. hapy new year to you.

nitey =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 01:45

haha Samuela, =P

hello oyster jiejie. hapy new year to you.

nitey =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 01:54

Hi MLB, so things r gonna be tough the next few months? for more gigs or finalisation of the EP or planning the EP promos? watever it is, i hope u guys hv a busy year ahead...entertaining ure fans cos we LUV ure music!

Take this opp of CNY to 祝你们...
The passionate musician: wish ure passion for music grow, develop n live on forever even though now u r not in touch w it everyday as u wld luv to.
The multi-talented musician: wish u all the time u need 2 focus on ure many interests n juggling studies with music
The playful musician: wish u bravely let the natural performer in u take over for every performance u do.

went to the music stores recently n saw MLB's 勇气 in another CD compilation by warner. the one currently advertising on tv called #1 hits in 2007 or somethin like dat. hope that will soothe some feathers here. Any new fans here who hvn't got the superband cd, can consider to get this CD instead, quite a few nice songs in it. Everyone take care and 新年快了!eh, the passionate musician ard or not? can drop some words for us if u on CNY break? miss ure emotional tags.


Blogger awhitestraw | 20 February, 2007 02:59

to the three passionate musicians, slautes:)!

know what you want in your life, and just do it!

quoted this frm oyster-
"the thing you like most, you will not wan to leave it to somebody else. holding it in your hands is a respect to it as a partner"--YEAH! i agree to this!!*WINKS*

i do believe many fans will volunteer to drag his keyboard case for him:p OPPS~

i believe i have funny cousins:)
i got cute relatives tt keep asking me in cantonese or hokkien every year if i am in secondary one, and i will proudly reply tt i just took my results in chinese..boo~ why am i always in sec one every year?

good things are worth waiting for. You three dont worry okay!:) JUst do your best in everything you do!:)

gotcha! smile!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 09:23


hahaha. i know i am one of your "funny cousins", leong kaysee! haha as in the humorous funny not the weird funny. lol

hmmm... majong is a great cny activity. kudos to majong!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 11:08

Not a bad idea that we show our love and affirmation a step deeper for our MLB; let's build our faith in them stronger as well.

Faith goes beyond reasons; not against reasons.

True (good) music is worth a little wait for it's packaged with heartfelt thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

MLB Jiayou! =P


Blogger marssh | 20 February, 2007 16:10

woah seems to have missed out alot of discussins worz.....hmmm yep i agree mlb have been sort of 'neglected' lorz.....sooo bad...=@

anyways yep we knoe mlb cant ctrl this kinda situation lorz but we'll still supprty u guys all e way....we believe in MLB e!!tats y we're all still here.....

oopps CNY is nt a gd day....siansss wif all e visitings....cant evn cum here to say hellos to evrybody...thought it seems kinda late but i still wanna wish all MLBians n to e 3 milos a properous happy new yr....hope evryting will go on more smoothly for u guys out there....=DD


Blogger Jodie [: | 20 February, 2007 16:39

To marssh: *waves*.. Long time no see.. LOLS!! And yupp ,loads of discussions bout Milubing being lyk sort of.. PAO QI LORS!! NO OFFENCE, PPLS!! hahas.. And actually, ya noe, I was looking 4ward 4 Milubing attending the CNY countdown but ended up nvr.. wakkaka*.. That show was lousy at tat time and if Milubing attended hor.. The event will be absolutely nice lors.. LOLS!!

*wakkaka is my language.. means WA LAO.. Just didn't want to be so vulgar lars..

To quizzy_me: Heys.. U noe Mediacorp went to ur school to pai MV for CNY album rite? Did u see them? hahas.. LOLS!! And do u noe a girl called Si Ying? LOLS!!

To everyone: Hope all of u enjoyed ur new year, especially Nic?? Ahahahs..


Blogger qing qing | 20 February, 2007 17:41

=(... i posted on 18 feb at bout 12+ am but didnt c my tag here...=(
haiz... nvm lor, post agian...
wish sam n family, nic n family, weiqi n family n all mlbinas n family happy chinese new year... remember to drink more water n dun eat too much heaty stuffs... sam, remember to b more careful if u ride ur motor-bike...
wa!!! few days didnt post but to mi it seems long long long... miss out lots of things too... will definitely wait patiently for their ep de... =)
haha... thanks uncle phil for the new year greetings... haha...
kaysee, u n jieying really relatives ar??
uncle phil, been thinking v long le, did u go for the event that sat at ngee ann?? cos i say i saw u but dunno u got go or not den just wanna confirm whether i got c wrong person or not lor...


Blogger qing qing | 20 February, 2007 17:49

hmmm... forget to say evening to alll.. haz... so fast evening le... just wake up bout 3 hours plus ago only den now evening liao... haiz.... so fast...
kaysee, u same as me lei, choose tp cos scared late for sch.. i choose oso bcos thats the poly nearest to my house... haz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 18:41

hmm, i'll have to say i agree with peg about the professionalism part... rmb tt day at ngee ann city for the bball gig, we heard sam singing some wrong lyrics for bai wan bao... not "shooting" sam, but hope tt u guys w be more jing ye? what sam said to us after that made me feel quite... o.O ... since u guys have so few gigs now... i think its more than professionalism to sing well. its kinda... bringing out e best in urself? wells, i duno how to say it. but yeahhs, hoping this will not happen in future performances... no offence meant, sam!

hmm well, i too am quite bewildered why mlb has not appeared on any magazine covers before. not to even talk about after winning superband, even before... i really wonder why the magazines have not featured any superband on the covers before. as we can see, the stars from SI to PSS to CSS etc, get featured at least ONCE during their competition period. no idea why superband hasnt been featured before... and the reports about them are really few. hoping tt in e future [after ep release], mlb will be placed in a higher position? yupps...

and thenns. regarding what uncle phil said, i guess yupp, they would want to carry their own instruments bahhs. and they're not under warner for their gigs for now i think. i did ask warner before, they said that mlb's events/schedule would only be under them after the release of the ep. so i think its quite understandable that there's no one to help them... cuz i think mdc can only spare one person to takecare of their schedules and such? for one i know that their bao mu is in charge of quite alot of artistes from mdc i think. eg css etc... so yeahhs... wendy, xin ku le! :)

about dressing... i think the guys are always wearing their adidas sponsored stuff rights? haha. i know that day nic was being kinda paiseh cuz the sponsor for the event was converse. lols. but anws, i wont expect anything too glam even after the release of ep... if too glam, then not the mlb we know liaoos. gotta be ping yi jin ren! :D

for now... i wont say warner isnt focusing on them... but if im not wrong, pss 2 winner is also being signed on by warner. so if more focus is placed on him, then i'll really complain. but for now... i guess we'll jus wait and see bahhs. hope that during the promo period for the album, mlb will get good care from warner...

i think nic wont be reading this... but i hope you remember what i told you like ages ages ages ago in the letters. if you still keep them, go read thru again! haha. those are suggestions etc from me yeahhs... so... hope to see good improvement ya!

rights... noticed this ages ago... doesnt happen now, but jus reminding the guys in case it happens again. i noticed tt while sam was holding the mic answering the hosts' questions, nic and sometimes weiqi tend to have a habit of looking at the floor... duno why lahs. but jus to advise u guys, dun keep looking down ya! try to look around at the audience, smile, or look at whoever is asking/answering questions. looking down gives people a feeling that you're not interested in the questions or that you're bored. i know this doesnt happen now lerrs, but jus to remind u guys yah... yuppx.

also, i agree with samuela... i think u guys are sometimes too friendly, that sometimes it causes some problems... of cuz, we're all fine with it lahhs. but it causes problems sometimes... [not gonna mention, but perhaps u guys will get the hint? haha] so yupp, carry on being the nice guys u are! but still focus on what you're doing yeah...

now in response to weiqi's tag... yupp, the fact that you and sam will have to attend stuff w/o nic will be one tt u guys gotta overcome i think. dont think it'll be a big problem, but i guess it'll feel weird to have only 2 milos instead of 3. however, as u said, its for the sake of the band... many other bands are doing the same too... [eg 5566...] its something u guys gotta overcome, but i'm sure u guys will do fine. :)

to quizzy, i think malaysia got like 2 weeks of holidays or something. hahaa... sighhs, i think my sch's super kiasu! i had a full day of school last friday while majority of schs had half day off. ahh nevermind, shall be contented with our 2 day holiday bahhs. lols...

anyway, i jus returned from malaysia today afternoon. kinda tired now but wanted to come up to look at the tags before resting... hope all had a good new year! sch reopens tml... jiayou to all schooling! and those working! hehhs... :DD all the best for the new year yah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 18:46

Yoz...everyone. Happy New Year.
Saw the above discussions and some of the comments. I have fate in MLB. I also understand their restrictions. Media reports can say anything. MLB dun give up. Even if you are left with one fan. You have come a long way, all the effort you have put in. To win the title also must have some affinity, therefore I like weiqi's spirit. MLBians, dun be affected by wat media report. Wait, have confident and we will see. Even public appearance is left with Sam n Weiqi or just Sam or weiqi, MLBians will be with U de. Nic can fang xin to serve the country, it is a man's duty.

MLB jiayou! I will stand behind you all de.

Xin Nian Xin Kai Shi.. Wan Shi Ru Yi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 19:31

-_-||| Jodie arh, my answer to both questions is no. I mean, I know they went to our school to shoot MV but I didn't saw them.

Oh ya, there's 5000 over students at RP...-_-

Meikian you are wrong, on last friday, I think many schools or at least my former secondary school operates for whole day, that means until 12.30pm which is standard for friday. Cos it's the eve of the eve so school hours as per normal. LOL!

hello to everyone by the way! yeah tomorrow's I'll be going to my facilitator's house to bai nian. yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 22:11

happy chinese new year everyone! xD
hope all have enjoyed their reunion dinner. =)

read the comments above le.
whatever's the case,
mlbians would alweis be behind MLB!
JIAYOU wors! :D

and yea,
good things are always worth waiting for. (:
so yea,
MLB, JIAYOU for the debut album!
take care la. =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 February, 2007 22:28

Hi Qing Qing,
Don't think you saw a wrong person. I was at the gig at Ngee Ann City, was standing nearer to WeiQi's side.

Hi meikian,
Thanks for the explanation regarding warner music.

So "sian" long hoildays also can to an end for many, cos tomorrow many will have to return to school & work. Its like CNY has ended, although it is suppose to be 15days. I'll have another day for resting since I am on leave.

As for MLB's EP, we shall wait patiently for it to be released and then "Chiong" for all promotions & autograph signing events. Hopefully can see more MLBians wearing MLB's Tee for the events by then (not like the Ngee Ann City's gig, where only a handful were wearing, though many of them there has ordered the tee).

Everyone here, let's jia-you in whatever you are doing. Life is back to normal after CNY.


Blogger qing qing | 20 February, 2007 22:50

yo yo!!! after reading the comments, oso wanna give some opinions... agree tat "the thing you like most, you will not wan to leave it to somebody else. holding it in your hands is a respect to it as a partner"... even my jacket n notebook(which i always carry it w me), i will always carry them myself n wont let my frens touch them... they are my bao bei, so whenever my frens touch them i will make noise... i think mlb really like music lots ba cos they dun seem to mind carrying the instruments themselves... i use to hate carrying guzheng(my cca) whenever i had competitions or performances cos i really dun like guzheng, thus i mind alot carrying it myself..
agree that it seems superband de bands seem to b neglected, not only milubing but oso other bands... if nobody reallys bother bout superband, den y hav superband competition??.. hope that mlb will not b neglected after the release of their ep...jia you MLB... will support u all for as long as i can... =)


Blogger qing qing | 20 February, 2007 23:00

think getting old liao... most of the time i post comment, will hav to post twice or more cos keep forgetting wat i wanna post den hav to post again..
uncle phil, me too was standing nearer to weiqi side... yup, holidays ending soon le... haiz... so sad.. didnt really enjoy this new year... think due to too few relatives went bai nian-ing tog n bcos of my exams this fri... =( haiz haiz haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 23:16

Yo Y0 YO!
At this red season,
i wish everyone good health!
I've always felt that we have alot of stuff to improve on,
and we'll do it.
Thank u for the support!
Rest well all..


Blogger binz | 20 February, 2007 23:45

wah so many ppl tagged during cny hur..
yep i also believe that the long wait for mlb's ep will be a worthwhile wait for good music(:
so to mlb jiayous in the recording and to mlbians, jiayou to waiting(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 23:47

Hi Sam,
Happy Blessed New Year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2007 23:53

wa~ sam, suddenly take over nic's place.. online at such time..
hahas. xD"

i believe you all will do your best!
and i believe you all will not let mlbians down! ((:
we will always support MLB!


Blogger marssh | 20 February, 2007 23:54

heys all....back from bai nian-ing alr.....to all those going back to sch/work tmlo rest well tnites+take cares lots lots....

forgot to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to uncle phil....paiseh arhs juz now abit rush kekeke thanx for ur greetings...=D

agree wif meikian abt e mag covers....it seems superband(not only MLB) hasn been on any covers bfore rite.....how come pss n spore idol seems to b getting all e attentions instead arhs??all e talented bands in spore seems to have been neglected instead ehs....is it bcoz its harder to manage a band tats y all attention seems to b given to those singers who stand alone?it seems a little unfair if tats e case ehs....LOL

yeah mlb sure will have stuffs to improve on mahz nobody's perfect rite but i believe in u guys jiayou jiayou jiayous!!!sam arhs u needn thank us for our support e u guys deserve it!!keke =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 00:06

*saw sam's tag* o.o! hello sam!

hello to all too. -_-||| i ate a lot of rubbish...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 00:15

to quizzy...

haha, my school operates later than usual on friday lohhs. my full day is equivalent to 725am to 230pm. and extra lessons till 330pm. kinda sian larhhs. hahas... normally [mon to thur] sch ends at 215... ends later than usual on friday cuz there's a longer recess. ahh wells... resigned to my fate. lols

takecare all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 00:34

hi mlbians gd to give constructive comments.. i agreed too.. Superband as a whole had not been receiving strong publicity n support.. fm magazines, newpapers, mediacorp n warner.. but luckily, MLB still has strong fan support.. so MLB jiayou!!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 February, 2007 00:35

Hi Sam,
I agree with marssh that you don't need to thanks us for our support, that's what you guys deserve by giving us very good & great music. If not, we won't be here anymore.
We will be more please, if you can update us about your EP recording, coming gigs / events, what you guys have been doing lately etc.
Hope you have a great CNY with your family & love ones too. Most important, must take good care of your health by not over eating those heaty foods.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 00:46

Feel so sad today... troubled by all these ppl... delaying forever... now suddenly got dead line then panic, wanna cramp everything rite.. see la.. all their fault. And everyone thinks it's my fault. Anyway..this world is unfair. it was never fair in the 1st place. Hope and pray for the better. [blablabla]


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 02:31

well, cheer up anonymous. jia you =).

meikian, whoa ur sch don't give face de hor? lol!

nitey =)!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 February, 2007 02:38

Time to zzzzz,
Its time for me to go to bed now.
Gudnite MLB & fellow MLBians. Hope you guys/gals have a great day ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 10:19

MLB - 新的一年, 万事如意.

I am still around to support you guyz.

Hello to all my old friends here..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 10:44


My wishes to you all:-

有有志者事竟成 !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 11:26

well, well.. so much for this dicussion..

can someone define "wad is good music??"

singing the wrong lyrics is one thing, but anyhow sing is another thing. if u wish to produce good music, dun u tink u shd put in effort to rmb the lyrics and not anyhow sing the songs?? *well, no offence meant, k?*


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 12:51

e whole discussion ting is ovr. mlb alr promised 2 wrk hard on deir part. stop shooting dem abt e lyrics. dun u tink dey r alr doing deir part? peg, sry but i tink ur tag ish a little offensive.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 13:26

to err is human.. MLB is still raw.. not yet professional.. but they will learn eventually.. one step at a time.. must learn to crawl 1st, then learn to walk properly b4 they can run..they hv not earn $$ yet.. how to dress up professionally 4 ea gig.. their pocket, i believe is not filled with $$$ yet..bsides they r sponsoring for Adidas.. pls la hv some thots for them..i believe.. they worked hard for all their gigs..n not 'anyhow sing'..they sing with pride.. even professional singers sometimes forget a lyric or 2 ..

To MLB... i kn u 3 soldiers sing with pride n hd worked hard for all yr gigs.. but sometimes the technical things mke things go haywire n difficult for u..

many mlbians support u all the way..pls dont feel discourage.. Jiayou! n Cheers!..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 13:49

Hi peg,

if there's a white paper with a black spot in the middle, will you look at the black spot or the area of white around the black spot?

Or will you look at a cup half empty or half filled?

It's wrong to expect of people because we should appreciate whatever one possesses. Everyone has learning processes too.

I cocked up my job many many times. But if not for the patience of my colleagues who help and pick up all the pieces I left here and there and also cover up my flaws, I don't think I have enough courage to face my own faults and carry on moving. Sometimes I selfblame myself till the extent that I feel that I feel inferior. But they gave me chances and taught me the right ways of doing things. And I thought I'm doomed for sure but they reassured that I'm alright, just a little inexperienced and they will pull me in for future productions.

Likewise, the boys did not learn to fly just in one day. Practices make perfect not practice makes perfect. In Chinese: Bing Dong San Chi Fei Yi Ri Zhi Han

If someone fall will you pick him up and encourage him/her to try again or will you question why he he fall?

The boys are human like us too. They have aspirations like many others. We must learn to accept others' strength and flaws.

Have you ever thought that a singer no matter how experienced can feel nervous on stage too? Have you consider that the boys may feel that too? Humans err.. but we must learn to have a generous heart to accept and to forget.
Because encouragements and discouragements that come out from the same mouth can either build up a person or destroy a person. How can then a river flow two types of water? Then, choose to build up a person. ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 14:03

well, since u tink im shooting them, then be it. i've nth much to say.

what u dunno doesnt mean it dun happen, and what others say, it's not without any cause.

he was the one who say he luan chang the songs. so why am i in the fault?? i just wish to let him know that he should put in more effort in remembering the lyrics.

anyway. forget it.. im out of here.


Blogger Unknown | 21 February, 2007 14:08

okay. each one has their own side to the story. since weiqi and sam have given us their word to improve, shall we just end the discussion here? we know they wont disappoint us. (:


Blogger Jodie [: | 21 February, 2007 14:42

To Sam: Heyos.. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR TO U TOO!! Hope u had enjoyed ur renuion* dinner with family hors..

*- did i spell the word correctly?

To garl: Heys.. Yupp.. He took over nic's place but not as late lars cos he is TOO RELAXED..

Ehh sam.. So relax.. Go do business lors.. hahas..

To quizzy_me: Ohh.. okays.. I tot u would noe as Si Ying is my cousin.. hahas..

To samuela: Yupp.. Agree wif u lahs..=))..

To peg: Calm down, okays?

To oyster: No need to say until so serious lars.. I oso spotted the mistake and nvm mahs.. Sam and Weiqi oso knew bout it themselves lers and they oso say tat they will improve too as it is oredi quite a long time since they sang this song lehs.. So, it's nobody's fault, okays? Fair enough?



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 17:41

sorry but can i say something too? actually there's no right or wrong answer to this la. It all boils down to how you perceive this matter. Like what Samuela said - Each has their own side of story. lol!

Just take things easy ba. Peg also mean well arh. lol!

Jodie, it's R-E-U-N-I-O-N. heh heh. correct ba?

hello by the way. hehe just came back from my facilitator's house for bai nian, :D

But i got diarrhea this morning...now still not feeling good...=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 18:58

okayys... regarding this whole thing...

i have to say im on peg's side... i think all these are due to some stuff that happened tt most do not know. like peg said, what others dont know does not mean it did not happen. there's definitely a reason why we mention about the lyrics being sang wrongly. i wont mention the matter thou... to prevent further misunderstanding...

to me, i think its more like a self expectation to do well instead of doing well only because ppl expect you to do so. i dont think its a thing about forgive and forgetting small mistakes. i think its more like a thing of, you know you CAN do it, yet you dont make the effort to do it. im not saying this applies to mlb, but perhaps to other matters in life.

ahh wells. i duno how to explain. duno what im talking about... neverminds... forget about the whole thing lahs.

i do believe mlb has the ability to do well, to wow all with their superb music. i've always believed in mlb, and i dont think i'll be disappointed. so, all the best guys!

wells. takecare all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 19:38

wanted to post another comment jus now but my comp went haywire...

anywayys. i think the topic's closed. hope to see consistent hard work in the future! jiayous...

all e best to everyone!


Blogger marssh | 21 February, 2007 20:18

woahs....seems a little uptight in here eh......evrybody has their own views bahz dunn look too much into each comments wors...yep i believe evrybody juz meant well for mlb's future rite juz tat each person has diff ways of expressing oneself bahz....

yeah MLB JIAYOUS we're behind u all e ways....!!=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 20:24

heh heh. nice exchange of views huh?! LOL!

Never mind la. Yup agree with Marssh, each of us got different opinions/suggestions, it's up to MLB to decide how should they improve ba? Well, I duno. lol!

It's all misunderstandings la. Probably there are things that we don't know but peg and meikian know but it's not convenient for them to talk about it here? I believe meikian and peg didn't forget that we don't have any bad intentions too ba? LOL!

Haha, relac relac.

But please remember that not everyone thinks as the same way as u and i...I'm trying to remember too. LOL! So it's ok if u don't agree with whatever i written above.

Whatever the case, all of us loves MLB arh. So we wants the best out of them right? LOL!

Once again, you don't have to agree with me. Cos I thought, since we are 'friends' here, we should be frank to each other ba?

I seriously don't know what I'm talking about...heh heh =D!

Milubing jia you jia you!

btw, any idea has nic booked out then booked in again? I mean, booked out for CNY holiday then booked in again.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 21:03

Hey everyone, jus came back from lecture...tired. I shall not comment regarding the above topic, but i muz say that i didn't perform well during Baiwanbao cos 1st time or so singing jus with a mic and no instrument, felt weird ya?haha but i'm gettin used to it, muz get more competent and I'm gonna do better next time.Sorry bros,and sorry mlbians,will improve nxt time.Nic booked out during CNY hols, booked in yesterday, but confined this weekend for some situational test.I would very much like to tell u all EVERYTHING about our recording,but it's confidential as u can expect..so it's difficult for us to try and share our problems with u all, regarding the EP.All i can say is that we are doing our best.Take care everyone, & thank you so much to all who still have faith in us,and those with high expectations of us spurring us on to newer heights.now i gotta deal with the reality of being a student.


Blogger marssh | 21 February, 2007 21:05

quizzy_me i think nic has alr book in yest le bahz....coz my army e frens all came out on fri or sat nite den went back yest le....oh yah 1 of my fren is in e same company as nic butt they dunno each other....so sads...hahass


Blogger marssh | 21 February, 2007 21:24

weiqi rest well....dun wanna see any of u guys tired out sia....yep focus on ur studies bahz we understand e....=)) jiayous jiayous dun ovrwork urself bahz....


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 21:34

oh ok thanks marssh. And thanks weiqi.

But hor, *looking at my clock* weiqi de lecture ended at 9pm? heh? whoa ur sch bian tai de hor? lol! u have a good rest ba, so can continute to chiong. jia you!

... ...


Blogger marssh | 21 February, 2007 21:40

yep no prob...=p


Blogger kaysee | 21 February, 2007 21:55

i think both sides are correct in a certain extent. yes, the three do have alot of things to work on, we just need to give them time. But also, i think everyone here can sees that they are putting pride and efforts into all their performances.

Like us, they are humans too, they are not any superman. Just a word, dont compare them to some other bands, but foucus more on their good points rather than their weak points. give them time to work on those weaknesses k?:)

alright, discussion on this topic ends here. peace alright? yeah.

oooh, weiqi, we would like to hear everything about your recordings:) i know everyone wants, but not now right?


Blogger Jodie [: | 21 February, 2007 22:19

To weiqi: Ehhs.. what is lecture>? I VERY BIMBO ONE!! hahas.. And dun study too hard hors.. Later fall sick.. *take back my words*.. TOUCHWOOD!! Okays.. Continue to strive hard and reach ur goal.. LOLS!! This is a phrase i gort from my postcard.. AHHAHAHA.. LOLS!! Nic booked in yesterday huhs.. Okays.. Hope he had a good reunion* dinner hors..

*- quizzy_me: Spell correctly ler mahs?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 22:41

yes Jodie, it's correct this time. Lecture means lesson in a poly or university term. heh heh.

I wonder does the guys do their recording together or separately. i mean singig part separately with the guitar/drums/keyboard part or everything together? heh heh. interesting ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 22:42

my lecture ended 7.30pm tonite, by the time i ate my dinner and bathed it was 9 le.Yup, I'm workin hard on my hmwk now, so no worries ya?Last thing i wanna worry about now is if there are ppl quarreling here k?It's perfectly fine to air ur views here, jus rmbr eveyone be open to discussion k? but no hard feelings. let's be objective, and see things from different perspectives, and thus learn.So far everything's still cool, so that's great!eh..Jodie ah..lecture's are lessons which are usually one way - Teacher tok..u listen,and it's a super big class. It's different from tutorials, which is ur usual classroom environment,can interact with teacher and less people. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 22:49

u have a great heart! huge too! Jiayou! =)


Blogger kaysee | 21 February, 2007 22:50


hope you are alright:)
dont worry.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 22:52

sleep tight, rest well, and sweet dreams tonight, no worries =)


Blogger marssh | 21 February, 2007 22:53

weiqis no worries no quarrels....mug hard yah but not too hard till u have to visit e doc ehs...=))


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:01

Mmm... decided to share a joke with u all... 'The Neurotic builds castles in the air...the Psychotic lives in these castles. The Psychiatrist collects the rent.' And hey,i still got lotsa hmwk..so not so sweet ba my dream? HAHAHA..not gonna slp yet. but, good nite to u angie!and i'm fine Kaysee..although i've not recovered from the food poisoning u gave me via the keyboard cookies thingy... *cough*


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:03

glad to hear tt frm weiqi. :D
turn in early too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:04

add some sugar *wink* if u love sleeping with the ants *double wink* nite..I really need to slp le..


Blogger kaysee | 21 February, 2007 23:07

oi, you lame ah! =.=" what joke is tt sia?

hey! you dont anyhow say sia! later your fans thought i really posion you, come and revenge for you or smth! booo~

hope you are alright mentally, not physically hor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:18

7.30pm is still very bian tai...lol! But i guess thats because i haven't been thru ur stage so i dun understand how uni works. lol! But my dream is to enter uni! heh heh! but hor...-o-!

and i dun understand ur joke -_-! lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:18

wat? u poisoned me? oh no.. everyone! see.. Kaysee has admitted.. tsk tsk.. daring ar u.. eh...i dun wanna slp with ants leh *ke ke*


Blogger kaysee | 21 February, 2007 23:24

OH NO! i didnt! I DIDNT! at least you didnt get admitted into the hospital right..woots! tsk tsk. i never thought of posioning you! I AM VERY GOOD TO MLB ONE LOR!!

* i didnt make tt keyboard cookie..tsk tsk*

sleep with ants, to have sweet dreams..good method to try.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:39

aido WQ wat kind of joke is that. haha! hope u dun turn psychotic on us now. take care of ureself mentally hor. talk abt poisoning, contemplated to bring some precious pineapple tarts made by my mum for u guys but the 1st batch she made, not up to her usual standard leh (pastry was tasteless), so didnt mge to "poison" u guys. mayb next time...or rather next yr if hv chance cos no more oredi, all eaten up by the gluttons @home!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:49

hehe.. xzellyn made the keyboard rite?hope i got her name rite ;p
U made the rest isit? still gena poisoned by u la... haha.. aiyo, how bout this 'joke' mmm.. which street in s'pore is most notorious for gang fights? hehe..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:51

its' ok mighty mouse..since ur family all mighty, and all mice! haha mus have eaten em all up rite? heh heh.. jokin only ya? :p


Blogger Unknown | 21 February, 2007 23:54

it contains a lot of poison. you didnt see how much extra ingredients they added in. kaysee very evil.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:54

jokin onli? okie la can take it. come to tink of it, it may be true! ;) but i dunno the ans to ure joke. too late at nite oredi, brain not wking. ay...act it has not been wking the whole day oredi! :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2007 23:59

*blur blur*


Blogger kaysee | 21 February, 2007 23:59

CHAN WEIQI, you are lame OKAY! are you very stressed? homework load is too much for you to bear , is it? i didnt posion you, and i am not evil. you got her name right:)

i want to solve tt lame joke. is it serangoon street or smth? oh well, just guessing


Blogger Unknown | 22 February, 2007 00:05

must be something lame la. i guess punggol. no reason, just anyhow guess


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:10

haha...all guess wrongly.. mm,any more guesses? giveup?
p.s. yes kaysee,hmwk too much for me to bear k.. :( see la, even ur good friend samuela has to tell the truth..mighty mouse, careful hor,dun eat kaysee food products..yeesh! this reminds me! that day i heard on the news, some kid in s'pore ate some brand of cornflakes, then gena paralyzed!Anyone knows wat brand isit?i didn;t hear clearly.


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 00:15

got any hints not? since you like to play the "hint-ing" game that much? umm, samuela, you win liao lor, betrey me!GRRRRRR! might mouse, dont believe weiqi! i am a good person!

cornflakes? umm, heh? but you are not a kid anymore. why you sounded so shocked? HAHA! will check out for you.


Blogger Unknown | 22 February, 2007 00:19

the extra ingredient is choc chips la! she so evil, kope so much choc chips. i got say anything meh?

so hard to guess. i give up. i ask you back some super lame ones. just invented by kaysee.

1. which street can you find the most prawns?
2. what do punggol people like to do?

super lame.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:22

Q_me why u blur?
WQ not guessing le, realli clueless leh. super bad at such stuff. dun know KC so well, dun tink i'll ever get to eat KC fd pdts so dun need to worry on dat count! dunno abt the cornflakes incident, sorry cant help u dere. so r u gonna reveal ans soon so u can go concentrate on ure hmwk?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:28

1. which street can you find the most prawns?
mmm must be xia sumthin street..
2. what do punggol people like to do?
mmm catch prawns? heh

Ans: Hougang..


Blogger Unknown | 22 February, 2007 00:31

HUH WHY HOUGANG?! explain!

1. seah street.
2. continue guessing. not prawns la!


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 00:33

are you very hungry at this time? everything also prawns.

why hougang? HOUGANG?
boo~ i heard b4 this joke sia, just that i dont rmb the answer..!BOO! why everytime like tt!

because it is houGANG?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:35

huh? i oso dun get it leh... mean i stayed up late for this lame ans?! tsk tsk.... this mouse wanna go back to my hole oredi to zzz. u kids dun stay up too late to play okie? esp dat big kid!


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 00:39

alright another one, i shall take up the huge responsibility to prove that i am lame..

oh well, here goes..
Once a upon a time, there is this man that sells "wang-qing-shui"(forget-your-love-portion). What is that man's name?

(oh well, this is an old joke, i believe some of you know about this.BOO!)

oh by the way, the food that got that small boy paralysed is not CORNFLAKES, it is baby's food. If i am not wrong the brand should be(or whatever) "earth's best organics". aiyah, but i doubt you eat baby food also, though it is for baby that is 18mths and above.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:39

Hougang... u must pronounce it with an Ang moh qiang...

Hou as in 'ho' and gang.. as in gang fight.. :)

when i 1st heard this joke i almost died..

Punggol..i still dunno leh...xtreme water sports? :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:41

Ahh Ahhh... that's the man's name...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:42

punggol - they like to 绑鹅

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