
milubing | 13 February, 2007 22:15

Breathe in...breathe out...

Taking a break from my studies now so i decided to drop a post...
1stly, thanks for all the best wishes ya?

mmm, looks like i gotta explain this to u all. Someone was saying that my keyboard(inside the case) looked really heavy, so i said there's a 'shi ti' inside, and was refering to Nic inside k? sorry la, was being lame.
Then many are asking bout my keyboard..well i have so many keyboards in my life like logitech one..microsoft one...mmm laptop inside also got one... heh heh..
but ya la..that 'yamaha MO8' one is mine..had to perform quite a few times b4 i cld afford it!And if ur wondering why weiqi so dumb..buy such a long and big and bulky and heavy one..well then..cos MLB got no bassist, so i need the range of keys ma..
Musician muz 'ren' the hard life of carrying ur instrument ma..
Mmm...wat else..eh..Nic is tanner then me liao hahha...even Sam haha cos he gena sunburn!!! heh heh..Sam dun kill me after u see this :p

The following days and months are gonna be VERY tough for us...cos gotta work hard for some stuff coming up. Will update u peeps as and when k?thanks once again for the love u all showed us on the last gig..

I've been so busy recently that i haven't got much lame stuff to post :(
sorry ya, but i'll keep a lookout for lame stuff to tell u all. Meanwhile, here's a SUPER recent(in fact a few hours ago) drawing that i drew with charcoal..and i'm glad that my classmates told me that i have improved after 1 semester of drawing, and having no formal training b4 i entered uni. They said i 'Bankai' today(dun think i have ever bankai-ed since last sem till now). So tot i shared this image with u. Everyone, rmbr to study hard and smart...and those working, work hard and smart... u CAN do it!

*bankai is not a vulgarity..it is some term used in the anime 'bleach'*

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Blogger Unknown | 22 February, 2007 00:42

punggol people like to play mahjong. cos they will go "PONGG-O!"

its freezing cold. thank kaysee. i know the wang qing shui answer!

eh i dont understand still. must go increase aircon temp.


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 00:47

okay, i hereby proclaim that mr chan weiqi is a very lame person.(produce certificate, shake hands).

BOO! the answer is "AHH AHH!" and for the punggol qns, samuela disclosed the answer already! YES, at least no one managed to guess the correct answer! HEE HEE! YES YES!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:47

mighty mouse jie, cos i'm sux at guessing. heh heh.

u all have fun, i go watch tv.


but weiqi, dun forget to do ur homework. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 00:51

yeee... who wanna shake ur hand leh... tsk tsk.. k la i go do my hmwk le... everyone take care and i hope u enjoy the cool atmosphere that we've all created together..now can feel the free air con ya? heh heh..it's freezin..


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 01:01

wah, then i take back the certificate.chey! YES, go back to your-world-of-homework!:) free aircon.haha! good one.

sleep early though, if you want sweet dreams, you can sleep with ants.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 01:13

Goodnite samuela,mighty mouse,quizzy_me, and..eh.. wat's ur name again... oh ya.. KC. Kentucky Chicken that's not fried = KC heh heh.. sweet dreams to all! Hope they ain't fried and oily..mmm dunno wat i'm saying le..
take care


Blogger binz | 22 February, 2007 01:20

omg u 5 ppl are so cold and lame.. im totally freezing away while reading..
must be all sleepwalkin then come tag at the blog..


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 01:28

oh you good lor, what is your name again huh? ohh uncle chan huh? oooh! okay okay, i will rmb that.

stop thinking about food..

woo, i think this place is frozen up, ideal place for ice-skating!


Blogger qing qing | 22 February, 2007 01:41

ermmmm... wat is "Psychotic" n "Psychiatrist"? wa seh.... so late so many ppl still haven slp...
slp early to those hven slp yet... =) nitez everyone... same as wq need go do hw... =(


Blogger kaysee | 22 February, 2007 03:06

happy homework-ing! *WINKS*



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 08:22

Good morning all!
Glad I retired early last night, else I'd be freezed to death by the 5 lame ones here. Hahas!
Thanks for the air-con, which brand is this huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 10:36

mr chan, ur brand of aircon damn cold larhhs.

anyways, dun have to say sorry about the performance... understand the fact tt its only ur fst time performing w/o instrument n stuff. quite weird too. believe tt u guys w improve! guess im jus disturbed by something someone told me... ahh neverminds. sorry to make this whole thing blow up... what we meant at first was jus a suggestion larhs. so yeahhs, we understand everyone meant well. no hard feelings!

making an effort to maintain peace among all mlbians... takecare!



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 11:33

haha morning! decided to drop a tag before going 'gai gai'. haha.

I think my 'blur blur' (as mentionned in my earlier tag) could be a result of the 'free aircon' here too. lol!

weiqi, hope u managed to finish ur homework on time. lol!

have a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 14:28

hi MLB/mlbians,

i thot i flew over a war zone.. so much shooting n bombings lst nite ..haha! or is someone on location shooting - a drama for MDC CHANNEL 5 OR 8 OR 9 ?

anyway, enjoy de special aircon here created by Mr Chan ba!


Blogger awhitestraw | 22 February, 2007 16:25

good day, everyone!


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 February, 2007 19:46

To weiqi: Thanks for explanation and ah hems.. U since to be tagging a lot hors.. Lyk sort of CHI BAO MEI SHI ZUO de thing thing.. hahas.. And u are lame too... Wad HouGANG and wad punggol prawns and anyway, the street name is it LIAN XIA STREET? If yes.. MY MOTHER WORKS NEAR THERE.. AHAHAHAHS.. LOLS!! Okays.. *counts the number of tags made on 21st February*... Oois.. Mr. Chan ahhs.. AWKWARD SIAH.. Anyway, 11 TAGSS LEHS~!! REALLY CHI BAO MEI SHI ZUO LEHS.. I tot u got tons of hw de mahs... Okays.. Take cares hors.. And please.. UR TAGGS ALL SO SCARY.. BREAK RECORD SIAH.. LOLS!!


To everyone: ENJOY UR PIG PIG YEAR=))!!


Blogger syl | 22 February, 2007 19:58

i seem to have missed out a lot of fun leh... hahahs
take care everyone! and enjoy the new yr season!~


Blogger qing qing | 22 February, 2007 20:34

yo yo everyone!!!
weiqi, wanna ask u lots of Qs... first, how does a hostel look like? second, how many ppl share one room? third, guys n females separate de ar? fourth, got any rules like wat time the hostel door will b locked? sorry for asking so many Qs n being a "mountain tortoise"... ask cos might not hav chance to go uni so c does hostel looks like...... panick (dunno how to spell) liao... tml having exams den haven finish studying... =(
realise tat a lot ppl here v you mo shui n language v good... =P
wish everyone happy =)


Blogger marssh | 22 February, 2007 20:47

-_-""' omgossh...didn realise weiqi got lame until this extent sia.....hahas kaow ehs....=p
hihihis evrybody today is a HAPPY day!!!=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 21:33

my legs are aching after gai gai-ing at Vivo city...=( cos have been walking round and round...heh heh

Qing qing jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 21:38

and yup, MLB and MLBians jia you. *tired* heard that for hostels in NTU or any other boarding schoools, two people of the same sex share one room right? Cos RP de is like this. LOL!


Blogger marssh | 22 February, 2007 21:51

arrhhsss alvls result cuming out alr....predicted to b on e 2nd of march....

heys quizzy_me was it fun shopping at vivo?i've nvr gone there except to see mlb at e countdown...=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 21:55

The place is darn, darn, darn big so there are a lot of places for you to shop – but be careful not to get lost. LOL!


Blogger marssh | 22 February, 2007 21:57

hahas i remember i got lost e 1st time i went there alr....e stuffs there vry ex anot arhs....=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 22:01

For me is quite expensice lor. But hey, there's a shop at Basement 2 called "candy empire" that sells lots of candies and chocolates and MARSHMALLOWS lor (duno got chocolate marshmallows or not). Oops hope nic won't get to read this if not he might be tempted to buy all the chocolates at that shop le ba. HAHAHAHAHA =D.

There's quite a few ice cream shops/stalls but I only tried one of them at basement 2 too (i forget the stall name). Though it says 94% fat free but it's still tasty. LOL!


Blogger marssh | 22 February, 2007 22:05

yeah i'll go there agains...i luv candy empire e chocs....yum yums...tempt him sumore quick quick wahahahsss...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 22:30

Happy New Yr!
Just remember I seem to forget to wish everyone happy new yr. :P
How's everyone enjoying their holiday? Can see Mr Chan is practicing his lame jokes again. Haha... although I dun really understand some of them. really made ppl cold leh. Haha....

Going back to work tmr, finally... I dun miss work, just sad that the holiday so fast gone liao. Nevermind, I got another long holiday coming soon. hee hee...

After so many days of committing a sin, gluttoning, I will go punish myself for the next few wks by er... hopefully, excerising. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 22:53

Flo, I'm already atoning for my sins for being too glutton; I am having sore throat + mouth ulcer, and bloated stomach. Help! someone please redeem me!


Blogger marssh | 22 February, 2007 22:57

hihhis to flora happy new yr to u too...=DD wahs dun need punish urself bahz....=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:13

*ahem* A hostel is just a room,4 walls 1 ceiling tiled floor, with tables, cabinets, beds (batteries not included). HOw many ppl share? depends on your age..nar..kiddin la. The truth is - there are diff types, single/double = diff $$$
Only same gender allowed to room together,for eg, 1st storey guys,2nd gals,3rd guys and so on. Restrictions..dun have, but muz 'zi dong'. like some people always smoke outside my room, and i also become a smoker(2nd hand). then i'll go outside and take slipper throw. *ahem* Got ppl spit in water cooler too, damn disgusting. But that's jus my hall ba. Got meow meow,cat,so cute rite?wrong... shit outside my room,*stinks* and give me morning call..xian. Wish i knew cat language..i'd give that meow a meow of a lecture...*cough* back to the topic... u can leave ur door unlocked/locked up to u, but my hall recently got lotsa magical happenings...ppl go toilet for less than 5 mins, come back to their room n realised that their laptops also went toilet but never came back...so always lock..and u dun wan meow meow to mistake ur room for toilet either..so rmbr everyone...safety first. This is weiqi, speaking on Hostel Common Sense. Tune in next week where I'll probe into the issue of canteen food - to eat, or not to eat? or no choice, have to eat...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:15

btw.. meow meow is a term only used by Samuels... it refers to the common cat eg. HDB void deck cat, kopitiam cat. They come in all colours but basically do the same thing. Meow n meow... k la...sorry all cat lovers. I only shooting the stray silly ones k? :p
KIDDIN hor....peace out y'all


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:17

I will die if I have to live with that meowy fellow!

Very sweet dreams folks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:19

I think I can speak for Samuela, she will rather die too than to live with meow meow.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:19

marssh, i dun wanna tempt nic la. later the other hai him sick again. heh heh.

hello weiqi! thanks for sharing! haha. NTU de hall so 'lan' de huh? meow meow. ur things nv kena stolen before ba? meow! shall we go & teach that cat a lesson? meow meow meow. just kidding. meow meow.



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:22

typo! I mean, I don't wanna hai him sick again. heh heh.

meow! LOL!


Blogger marssh | 22 February, 2007 23:38

hahahas yah horz....nvm nvm chocs we keep for ouselves wahahhss...yeahs...

wahs stray cats!!small kittens r cute but grown up cats r scary!!esp black cats...=_=

liketat gd for u wat weiqi dun need b scared cant wake up sia got free morn call+dun need waste $$$ buy alarm clocks wahahhasss.....yah i knoe not funny...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:41

meow =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2007 23:55

haha, u really making me laugh MR Chan. Can see u really improving your lameness here. Maybe u should paste a no smoking sign outside your room + a offender fine $500. Cats really meow meow right? Else how should they sound? Demo leh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 00:02

plus a 'no meowing' sign too! but get a cat which is bilingual (cat and human language) or a friend who knows cat language to help you translate ba, since u duno cat language. meow! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 00:13

omg. so many qian bian wen da ti. Happy new year everyone. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 01:05

huh, weiqi... i only got a few symbols to show you lah. : -_-" !!! really is yi leng hai you yi leng leng lorh. haha...

n regarding the meow meow. is it because of tt sam managed to learn to imitate a meow meow? haha... then can give u morning call during weekend mah. LOL. anywayys. sam knows cat language wad, get him to negotiate with the cats at ur hostel lorhs. haha, tt time at mdc sam was trying to imitate cat to scare us... then while we got a shock, nic was giving a very bored face and saying "sam lahh..." ahh whateverrs.

btw, speaking of food... is it true tt ur jc got really good food? hahas... heard from some of my frenx...

duno if im making sense... super tired now. rest early everyone! weiqi, hope u dun get awaken by the cats tml. :D

oh ya, doing abit of advertising here. everyone remember F.I.R? :) their guitarist REAL [Ah Qin] will be releasing his own album in march... yupps, so those who like F.I.R, hope u guys will support! :DD

nites all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 01:36

HUH! Ah Qin going solo ah... hope they still remain as a band.. i like FIR's music. eh.. NTU hall so 'lan'? no la...only my block ba..happen to be only..the heater not workin also..heh...the meow meow give me morning call..but it's too early in the morning though...i go brush teeth come back then my alarm clock ring leh... 1st one to reach class today thanks to MR meow. Anyways, my JC got good food??? u sure or not MK..maybe now better? i dunno. during my time(sigh..sound so old) they were building a subway in the library..shld be open now..but the canteen.. eh..it's jus like all canteens. After a few weeks, ur tastebuds xian le..we humans are jus evil rite..tsk tsk..but i rmbr my JC days, always go outta skool to eat.Hawker center opposite skool, or walk to long johns..or go tampines mall for anything there..jus not the canteen.Maybe it's a phase.Like how some peeps mus eat expensive..well,i feel that we shld all learn to appreciate food ba..and there's alot of TASTY and affordable food out there. Jus need to find them, and once u do,places like 'cafe cartellll' will slowly be removed from ur vocab. better spell wrongly, later gena sued heh heh..
Wa..Jodie say i nothing better to do then come here..tsk tsk.. tot i tok to the mlbians for a while ma.. sobs.. (jus kiddin u jodie) Good nite peeps! tmr's gonna ba a GREAT day! :) p.s. dunno why but i'm super singlish today...lah


Blogger marssh | 23 February, 2007 01:47

sporeans have to learn how to use our own lang MAHZ....LOL woah how come ur sch allows u all outta sch to go eat at hawker centres e...so gd LAHZ my jc dun evn allow us to go out of sch evn more a meal LORZ evrybody had to squeeze into tat small canteen tgt....kekkeke u rest well too weiqi =DD

appreciate u taking ur time to come here to tok to us worz...=))


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 02:42

yes appreciate u taking out time to talk 2 us. xie xie weiqi *bow 90 dgrees* lol!

it's so humid tonight - i kept seeing mosquito in my room. meow!



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 09:31

MEAOW.W.W..W..weiqi. Where did u learn to speak litat huh! Sound like me or it has bn you all the time?

Anyway, enjoyed yr lame..until cannot lame jokes. I believe all the fans got lots of 'cream' frm the 'cream of the crop'...

Dun b too harsh on the meow meow...it is beta dan a wow wow which someone gal kept one flr abv me. TT por thingy probably cried the whole nite - no sleep for me n roomie!

MLBians.... hv fun w wq. I am sure he makes your CNY cheeriee.e.e

MLB..faster put oil!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 11:38

Talking abt food... I missed my days at poly where my faculty canteen really patetic, there's only 4 stores and we were far away from the other canteens, so most of the time we went to Bukit Timah Beauty World for hawker food. If u tell the store owner you from NP, they would give discount, dun noe now this still works not.

Now now at my work place, I seldom take lunch cos there is no canteen near us, e nearest abt 20 mins away, so we will ta bao... but the food is so bad that I stopped eating it since my 2nd wk of work! I rather go without lunch than wasting the packet of food. But I take heavy breakfast to last me for the whole day.

Yup, last time use to be Nic who entertained us in the middle of the night, now weiqi taken over his place. Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 12:27

meow meow meow...I haven't wish all of you a happy new year...still not too late...

Here wishing all, a very prosperous golden oink oink year!

weiqi, u r super duper lame de lo...and your free air-con is super duper power de lor :) So many tags from u in one day. U must be very stressed tt's why need to come here to de-stress. thz a good plc to de-stress, rite? :) erm...thanks for all the lame jokes ;p

i oso realised some MLBians are oso lame de lo...kudos to all! oN

flo, i remember i like d chicken rice from one of d stalls...it's 齿颊流香 de lo...can't remember which block liao...

the bois take turn to watch the blog at night...first was nic, then sam, and now, weiqi...Mr chan arh...dun stay up too late to study lah...else you'll become goldfish again...oops!

Tmr is 正月初七, 人日 (everybody's birthday). So here's wishing all MLBians & MLB a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have fun lao-ing yu shen!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 14:59

MLB, how have you guyz been keeping. Came in to wish you all a fruitful 2007.

Jiayou, jiayou, jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 19:16

hello! =D

i miss my primary school canteen de food - simple yet delicious. heh heh.


Blogger qing qing | 23 February, 2007 20:06

yo yo!!
thanks weiqi for explaining till so detailed... can roughly picture how it looks like... =) but the part u say how many ppl share depends on the age, i still stupid stupid belief... =(
nic like choco ar??
wish all happy.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 23 February, 2007 20:09

=( forget to say something again...
weiqi, although some v lame but had a good time laughing ... haha.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 20:40

heh heh. yup nic loves chocolates. He had a hard time resisting temptations during the competition period. lol! if i'm not wrong.


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 February, 2007 21:16

To weiqi: AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAS.. LOLS!! CAN'T CONTROL MY LAUGHTER SIAHS.. WAHAHAHHAHS.. OKAYS.. I WILL STOPP.. And yahs.. Very true.. FEI CHANG SINGLISH.. hahas.. Ehhs.. The Lian Sia thingy i correct but spellong wrong hors and I FIND U HOR VERY DAM FUNNY LEHS..=)).. HAHAHS..

To quizzy_me: Nic loves chocolates.. Lyk me..

Wad bout u, keyboardist huhs? Lyk chocolates? =))..




Blogger Jodie [: | 23 February, 2007 21:16

PAISEH.. IS spelling!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 21:50

heh heh...=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 21:52

hahahaha weiqi!! u are freaking funny and entertaining. showing your true self?like lame heart.lolx. i see i see.


Blogger qing qing | 23 February, 2007 22:50

yo yo!!
sorry wanna ask again, jieying n kaysee really relatives ar??
jodie, i love choco too... but cant eat too much cos will put on lots of weight.. =(
quizzy_me, ur sch facilitator does it mean teacher??


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 23:07

Size opportunity to come in and cheer MLB!

Jiayou... and Happy Birthday MLB (aft tonite den can sai but I want to say it now cos I may not b around at midnight.)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 23:10

qing qing, yes to both of ya questions.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2007 23:38

HAHA. now im confused. so the morning call MR meow is a REAL CAT? or is it SAM? hahahahaaa..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 February, 2007 00:01

Hi MLB & fellow MLBians,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE here as now is "Ren-Ri".
Have a great weekend ahead too.


Blogger marssh | 24 February, 2007 00:14

hmmmm wats ren ri all abt??still dun really understand it.....

to flora:heys skipping lunch not vry gd for health worz....careful not to get gastric from it ehs....=DD

take cares all!!=DD


Blogger qing qing | 24 February, 2007 00:21

yo yo!! anybody here?? =p
weiqi, so u dun like meow meow ar?? i dun like.. last time got meow meow come into my house n went inside my cupboard which was open n i didnt realise that... when i wanted to take something, den i saw it but still dunno it was a real cat cos it was v fury n looks like a soft toy.. then it suddenly jump out n scare me... those meow meow along my corridor de v clever de lor, can jump in through my window although my windows got window grills... tsk tsk tsk...
wa, then v gd mah, both cousins support mlb..
happy birthdae to mlb n mlbains although i dunno today ren ri... only know after reading the comments... =)
quizzy_me, ur sch facilitator means teacher but in my sch, it means student mentor but is a v high rank de... =)
nitez everyone although not sleeping yet... haiz... need do revision le... =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 00:39

hey UNCLE CHAN! i thought you said you want to be a good student that does homework? dun need entertain us la, if you are busy. haha. if you came here for a breather that is good, but must rmb to go back to your homework! :)


Blogger marssh | 24 February, 2007 00:49

wahs kaysee ur name vry long ehs...kekeke gd day to u!!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 01:29

marssh, heard that (from last monday's 温故知新年 on Channel U)god-knows-how-many-years ago, 女娲 created human on the 7th day of the lunar month, so from then on 7th day of first month on the lunar calendar is human beings' birthday. if i'm not wrong. heh heh.

qing qing, yes it means teacher but not exactly teacher la. haha.

uncle phil, wish u happy too.



Blogger marssh | 24 February, 2007 01:53

ohhss icicic....yeah
HAPPY BDAY to evry1 den...=)) enjoy ur bday...keke


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 February, 2007 02:01

Time to ZZZZZ,
Hi MLB & fellow MLBians, good night & sweet dreams (make sure no meow meow around ~ unless u need morning call)
Its weekend liao, still CNY. Can continue to house visit & get more ang-pows.


Blogger marssh | 24 February, 2007 04:04

hmmm i think e superband blog has officially close down alr....anyways nites to all...=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 12:36

hello everybody!

MLB/mlbians 'Happy Birthday' & Have a great weekend..

May the 3lost soldiers find the way to the 'Hall of Fame'..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 12:55

o looks lyk dere had bn a hive of discussion here ya … kinda overdue now but may I add my tots? With bands, u get to interact – during the gig n aft the gig. It wont b fun wo it lah. U need a nice venue (pref outdoor), good sound system, tuned equipment, working vocals, good chemistry among members and good music (lyrics, arrangement watever) to get ur fans’ feet tapping and hands clapping/waving, and singing and swaying along with you (and of course good support crew). Nvm if u forget some lyrics here n dere or if u happen to hit the wrong key for the song and sang off-key throughout – well, it has happened (I referring to some other band ya) but wat I wanna say is, it’s the whole experience dat counts lah – one or two glitches here n dere is unavoidable – we all hv our off-days rit. I mean, look@ those concerts in the west, so relaxed, no fancy stuff, just sit/stand ard in the large open area wif a cool beer, cool gentle breeze blowing, tees n jeans (incl band) n everyone’s jus out dere to hv a good tym wif everyone isn’t it. Locally, I hv seen peeps dancing n grooving in their own world during gigs – so shiok. To me, dats wat music is abt - ENJOYMENT. Wif the lvl of technology nowadays, u dun even need to cut a cd first to share ur music. Peeps wil share good music wan, thru watever means.

And I am sure the band appreciates the support shown by fans wn dey show up. And saying hi to familiar faces, answering deir Q, making new frens, etc. It’s the whole interactive process lor.

I m sure the guyz hv prep themselves well b4 each gig n wld wanna do deir best but if it happens, it happens – I believe dey will make sure it gets better wif each gig ya. Do take comments in ur stride and dun lose slp over dem k? U can only improve from dere.

It’s not easy to survive professionally s a band. But if u r able to make good music, cut albums dat sell n get by, I say good for you. You need to persevere if u believe in urself n juz b yourself k? Along the way, s u grow (musically), u wil lose some fans but wil oso gain new fans. If you really lyk a band, support dem by buying deir cd n share wif frens – who noes u might find lyk-minded peeps n so the supporters juz grow in numbers.



Blogger Jodie [: | 24 February, 2007 16:07

To weiqi: heys.. share the fun with me.. What meow meow? A CAT? And please.. U really dam funny lehs.. Tagg so much on one day and then the next day lehs.. ppl wan u to tag u never... haiz.. FUNNY GUY LAH U, MR. CHAN WEIQI!!

To qing qing: U love chocolates too? GIMME 5 .. And wad meow moew huhs..

To marssh: Ren-ri is the day when it is everyone's birthday.. Sory of ahhs.. Not tat sure oso..

To uncle phil: WAD IS REN-RI? HAHAHAS..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 16:33

Hey everyone, here's a lil update.. Sam n I will be appearing on the Ren Ci charity show. Won't be ur usual MLB performance..infact much less of a performance from us as a band..cos Nic will be in camp..but i'm sure it'll be worth it. We'll be playing a more supportive role this time round :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 16:43

weiqi, thanks for the update. Looking forward for it. It sure be something worth the efforts for a good cause.

Happy Everyone Birthday! Off to steamboat liao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 18:21

thanks weiqi for the update. ((:
so wad will you two be performing?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 18:28

Jodie, refer to my tag above above about ren-ri.

weiqi, u r indirectly 'hinting hinting' again huh? lol! more supportive role? cheerleading? heh heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 20:08

anyway, hello everbody. Wish ya have a happy Saturday evening.

Guess you all are watching Chingay now? heh heh. I think there was a couple holding their wedding at Chingay parade right? argh so romantic...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2007 20:56

haha mlb as cheerleaders?! LOL. *imagines them with pompoms*

anyways, great to see u guys back on national tv again! :D

its been so long already. yup. and i miss ur faces! and voices! (er.. except weiqi's cause his is heard here SO FREQUENTLY. lol. just kidding.) :p


Blogger qing qing | 24 February, 2007 22:47

yo yo!!!
jodie, meow meow is cat... haz, learn from weiqi de...
wa seh, can c MLB on tv again... =)my bro was asking me whether MLB would b performing on ren ci, haha... now can yes le... thanks weiqi for the update too... wat u n sam will b doing ar? dangerous one ar? hope not ba...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 February, 2007 00:22

Ya, I agree with Qing Qing too. Hopefully WeiQi & Sam won't have to do those dangerous stunt! Still prefer you guys to play great music & sing good songs for us.
But I got a feeling that you guys may have to do it, especially WeiQi mentioned "infact much less of a performance from them as a band...cos Nic will be in camp." If that is really the case, please be extra careful during practices & during the Live show. Even though you guys are not performing as a band, but under the name of MLB; all MLBians will be there to give the fullest supports.
MLB Jia-You... MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 00:44

dangerous stunts? O.O! NOooooooooo!


Blogger marssh | 25 February, 2007 00:55

woahs mlb performances again yeahs....hmmm doing ur part for charity worz *salutes* hmmm so can we go down support MLBminus 1?ooo yahs will u guys really b doing dangerous stuffs?hope not worz...=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 00:56

Don't worry, from what I know, there is no dangerous stunt from the boys.


Blogger marssh | 25 February, 2007 01:01

*phew* really....wat's mlb doing for e performances?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 February, 2007 01:04

Someone, why are you so sure or firm that MLB -1 won't be doing any dangerous stunt? Believe all MLBians will be happy to hear this.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.


Blogger qing qing | 25 February, 2007 01:09

yo yo!!
haha... agree w uncle phil that all mlbians will b glad to hear that MLB will not b doing any dangerous stunts... ya lor, if really got, sam n weiqi must really b careful...


Blogger qing qing | 25 February, 2007 01:12

forget to say something again =(
ermmm... how to type chinese character here?


Blogger marssh | 25 February, 2007 01:22

to qing qing:heees peg taught mi a few days ago think have to change ur com setting e bahz...hmmm i think is go ctrl panel den go regional n lang settings den change to chi lorz....i think only arhs...but dunno whether it works ffor all coms anot ehs....


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 01:28

no no no no no!

qing qing, ur question is very difficult to answer la. If u know how to change the language settings or whatever sh*t on to chinese, u just got to input the han yu pin yin and play around with it. if not u better get someone closer to u to show u cos like this is easier to understand. paiseh arh.

haha now me not in a very good mood but still can smile though. tonight is so beautiful and now no onee is disturbing me. yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 01:45

since u r so nice to give us a lecture on Hostel Common Sense, let me return in kind n give u a free lesson on Cat Psychology 101.
Ur block is visited by a lot of cats? My guess is there must be at least 1 cat lover in ure hostel. most likely u can find the culprit in the even floors of ur hostel cos fr my observation, dat gender of ure species has a HUGE capacity of love esp for strays :p once u find the cat lover, send in ure sob letters of ure misery 10x a day, m sure she will bring her cat lovin somewhere else.
Too bad, cant teach u catspeak over the net. There are quite a few diff types of meows. early in the morning meows r most likely a "i-want-food" meow, so as long as u find the cat lover feeding these cats, ure early morning calls can be stopped?
in the meantime since u hv to live w these cats, treat them better can? instd of shooing them away, can show them some luv? pat pat them a bit n they will bring their poo to someone else's door!
den hor if all else fails, find another cat-free hostel to live in.
heh quite a load of crap here. pardon me but u started it 1st :p


Blogger marssh | 25 February, 2007 01:51

quizzy_me nobodys disturbing u bahz den let mi b e 1 to do so bahz.....whahahahss...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 01:53

mighty mouse jie knows 'cat language'? hahahaha take care, mighty mouse jie.



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 01:53

*ignores marssh* =p


Blogger marssh | 25 February, 2007 01:58

oie oies....hmmpf!kekekess


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 February, 2007 02:19

Time to zzzzz,
Hi MLB & MLBians, time for me to retire for the night.
Good night & Sweet Dreams. Have a beautiful Sunday everyone here. Hope everyone has a great birthday celebration with love ones.
I have mine with my family members at my 2nd sister house & also together with the lion dance from Xiang Long Wu Shi Tuan.


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 February, 2007 09:05

To weiqi: Erm.. I guess u all do music bah.. If u all do tat kind of dangerous things hor.. I WILL BE SHOCKED HORS.. And are u all gonna do breakdancing? Ahahahas.. Tot remembered u all did breakdancing at the IMM b4 the Grand Finals.. Yupp.. Hope can see u all breakdance.. LOLS!!

To qing qing: Ahahahas.. Meow meow is kitty huhs.. Weiqi darn funny one lehs.. Joker sehs..

To everyone: If u all got friendster, can add me>? Just type "Jodie:)", kays? TYTY..


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 February, 2007 09:09

Okays.. Cannot update wif the smiley so just type "Jodie", kays?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 09:38

recently very busy wif my sch project
gtg now...get back to my sch project

Jia you !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 10:27

good morning everyone... to a beautiful sunday~!

went thru all d abv tags... had a gd x reading all d super lame jokes... u pple r really getting lamer... but... i like it!

wq, thks 4 d update abt d ren ci gig! usu i'll watch tis charity show. at least tis dun use prizes to "encourage" pple to donate.

but 1 tink i dun like abt charity shows is tat some of d performance r too mai ming liao... shldnt hv perform those dangerous/ gao nan do acts. do we really wan to c those performance den will donate? is there such a nid ("?)

btw, when is tat event huh? somex in mar rt? shall await & c wat wq & sam hv 4 us! wq, tis x no *hint* hint*?? lol...

njoy d sunday all..... (^^)/


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 10:30

oh ya... ytd was ren ri... hapi belated b'day to all... a/r yr older...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 13:29

Mighty Mouse: from what I understand, once a meow meow poo poo to someone else's floor, she will get familiar with the place that she will habitually poo poo on that particular spot again.

So, not a bad idea that wq do keep a doggy.=P Oops, am I asking for more craps??!!

Stunts!? No lah, I guess they will be doing something meaningful instead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 13:34

Good afternoon to all :)

For your info, Ren Ci Charity Show 2007 will be shown "LIVE" on Channel U on 18 Mar, 7.30pm.

Have a beautiful Sunday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 13:37

Wah! "anyone" info very up to date nia!!! :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 13:47


just go to www.renci.org.sg and u'll find the info liao :)

You have a good week ahead, ya? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 14:18

i'm here to spam again! lol! i'm still 'placing my bet' on cheerleading. hahahahahaha. Of cos not THAT SORT of cheerleading la, probably is just jia you-ing for, say, 明义法师 who will be doing those OMG-stunts?Or jia you-ing for other artistes doing stunts lor. haha have a nice day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 18:59

hopefully weiqi & sam will be performing sth meaningful like what angie said.

and i sure hope that the info from 'someone' is true that they wont be doing anything dangerous!

i believe this experience would be a memorable one for the guys, regardless of what they're performing. so yup. lets just look forward to it ba! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 19:10

Hahaha..quizzy meimei...I'm game to battle ur bet leh. Maybe they will draw? hmmm..not a bad idea to do a cha cha too...Or will it be A Cappella? Well, do a dish or bake a cake..that is meaningful too...hahaha this guessing game is fun!

Have a fun evening!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 19:11

haiyooo. i think i missed a lot of chats again. haha. haven chat with weiqi too!
hmm. hope u guyz will do smth associated with music bah. haahs. more like mlb. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 19:36

haha angie jiejie. Cos weiqi love to hint hint mahz. haha. =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 February, 2007 20:00

To quizzy_me: Yupp.. VERY TRUE.. He lyks to dunno wad *tsk tsk* or *hint hint* wateva stuffs lar

To anyone: The info not tat clear lehs..

To syl: Long time no see, jie-jie=))!!


Blogger marssh | 25 February, 2007 21:04

hihihis to all...=)) today is a vry wet day....hmmm will we b able to go down n support weiqi+sam at their performance this time rd?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2007 23:16

hello..hope everyone had a great new year so far..was busy rushing my assignment the last few days so i went mia..here's wishing mlb and all mlbians a very happy new year! get more ang pows! hees..cny not over yet rite? still got 7 more days..haha..i tink i went to sch for 2 days only during this whole cny lor..tml's recess wk oredi..haha..realli a super long holiday..

anyway, weiqi i read your lame jokes lor..it's super -_-" diaos..haha..getting lamer liao wor..but it's effective la..atmosphere is alot better.. :) hope u guys are not doing some dangerous stunts during the ren ci charity show..we would still hope mlb minus 1 can sing la..but we dun mind u guys doing other stuff, as long as it's not dangerous.. :) jiayou for your studies! even though recess wk is here, i know adm students are still super busy..so jiayou!!

sam n nic, jiayou with what u guys are doing k..we are still waiting patiently for the ep! :)

take care everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 00:58

weiqi... oops, i jus realised that you replied me. hahaa... anywayys...

choy choy, FIR is still a band okayys! its a chance for qin to show his own talent lohhs. he gets to compose and sing his own stuff mahhs. hes expressing his own thoughts and stuff instead of havin to accomodate the entire band in his compositions? smth lidat larhs? i duno how to explain larrhs, u guys can go look at his album website! got some clips there to listen to also... his new songs. love his new songs, esp sheng tang zhi men. :) yupps!


some stuff i got from the web... not sure if it can be read here, or if u guys know traditional chinese. but anw, jus posting it here lah...i'll try to do some translation when im free. =.=

不是單飛 而是獨立


阿沁Real 個人創作專輯 梵谷的左耳 2007/3 即將發行

*梵谷 = van gogh

got alot of stuff on the web, u guys can read it urselves... i think its quite... enriching? hahas. yuppps! PLEASE SUPPORT! :) :) :)

hahahas. same goes for my sch wadds. got food in canteen dun wan eat, everyone rather walk 5 min out to eat macs or instant noodles at 7-11. duno why, students tend to like outside food more rights. and sumore is more expensive outside food. i realise tt comparing our sch canteen to macs, to 7-11, to hawker centre, people tend to go macs more thou its more x... aiya, duno what i talking about. anyway, how am i supposed to know if its true! if im sure then i dunid to ask you liao rights! haha... cuz tt day i was chatting with my friends, then my friends were going, eh u know, TJC got really nice food lorh! then thot of asking u lorhs. haha... got chance u go back and try larhhs. then can tell us. :D and erm yeah, dun have to make urself sound so old. haha...

the charity show... tt day i was still wondering if you guys wld be going... turns out i was right. hahas. hmm, somehow i got a feeling of what u guys will be doing already. so yuppps. hahaas. lookin forward to it! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 10:46

jodie, there's not much details available as of now. Guess we have to wait for the Media Release/Conference :)

MLB & MLBians, have a wonderful week ahead! :) Cheers!~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 15:22

wooh~ hello! just like Mayday's 阿信also went solo for a while earlier, but then now they're back together like that la. haha.

hello by the way =)


Blogger awhitestraw | 26 February, 2007 15:49

seems like there is many lame discussion happening around when i am not around heh? weiqi strikes again! boo

glad to hear tt they will be performing in renci:) hope they are not performing any dangerous act, mayb they can make music using wine glasses, that is a bit out of fashion though.haha

qing qing, oh yeah she is my cousin.


Blogger awhitestraw | 26 February, 2007 15:50

oooh , i like mayday sia. did he went solo? i thought only for that lip balm advertisment?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 16:50

yup, he release a book with a single "Happy birthday" earlier. Then he also wrote and sang the theme song for the movie 盛夏光年 which was nominated for 金马奖's “最佳原创主题曲”award. LOL!

Anyway, was watching guang liang's MV 童话 over youtube earlier. OMG, seldom cry until like that while watching MV. =x.

share with u the link here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkOL2FSxBXM

heh heh


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 21:35

Quizzy: ^5 guang liang is superb!


Blogger marssh | 26 February, 2007 21:50

yeah mayday is great...i luv their composition....
guang liang's voice is vry soothing his tat song 'tonghua' is vry touching....F.I.R rocks too....all of tem r juz talented....


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 22:26

哈哈。Guang liang de MV is always drama de lor. Just watched "yue ding", though a bit confuse but it's nice too lor. heh heh.


Blogger marssh | 26 February, 2007 22:30

nice wat...at least e mv suits e song....for sum songs rite e mv n songs lyrics dun seems to b of any links eh....make mi have wrong ideas....


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 22:49

yes yes. It reminds me of his the other song, di yi ci. also very drama. But yup, like what u say MV suits the song. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 22:50

oh ya, must watch SHE de 'wo ai ni'!


Blogger qing qing | 26 February, 2007 22:51

yo yo!! long time no come talk nonsense liao.. =X
internet v lac today =(
thanks marssh n quizzy_me, but i think i better guai guai use han yu pin yin ba, if not got prob i die liao lor...
quizzy_me: ya, i agree, everytime i watch tong hua mv, everyime will cry.. =x listen the the song only will oso cry..
jodie: ya lor, weiqi v funny..
ermmm... how to listen to the music under "powerlah music n video"?.. i click it, den got to the web, den i click the song i wan but it jump to another song... it keep luan luan tiao lai tiao qu..
haiz... will b back on wed nite ba... gotcha keep my books n notes company le lor... =(


Blogger marssh | 26 February, 2007 22:54

tat time i try e music also like tat...also dunno y...sumtimes can use but other times canot...hahahs i dunno tat song ehs quizzy_me kekeke


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2007 23:12

marssh u mean SHE's "wo ai ni"? LOL! The story in the MV also very touching de lor. This guy and gal from Shanghai were in love, but were force to separated - this gal have to migrate to Taiwan. But this guy said he would wait for her to come back.

40 years le, this gal is already a grandmother le. But somehow she managed to contact this guy who she was in love with 40 years ago. So she went back to Shanghai to look for him. And yup, she was suprised that he haven't forgotten her and weren't married yet. And bla bla bla...

She then return to her home in Taiwan, hesitating, then decides - she want to stay by his side. Her now husband respects her decision and even gave them a house as a gift.

something like that la. haha =)hope that is clear enough.


Blogger marssh | 26 February, 2007 23:26

wah kaow ehs...where got nan ren so da fang 1....still give a house sia....so unreal...hahahas yahs vry vry vry clear arhs...kekeke


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 02:17

ahhhh... angie, u called my bluff! haha ya me not a cat expert, jus me going gila n trying to pull someone's leg. talked to a friend today n she told me dat a stray kept pooing in her mum's flowerpot, no choice she had to throw the pot away. then was tinking how to repave the corridor for hostel?! mayb easier to change rm loh to an unmarked territory.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 02:17

but i think this is a true story. think so la. cos i watch the full version de MV - where SHE was narrating the story de. there - this is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk4_7dDDGPk



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 18:04

O.o? Hello =)! Here to spam again. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 19:05

haha hi jodie! how's sch? enjoy ma? lol. hope u did.

anyway, came here right away after seeing Sam on tv news(channel u) juz now. it was regarding the renci charity. hehehhh. samsam.. long time no see u liao.. hmm, only u attend the event? cos i dint get to see the other two. haha. well.. will look forward to that show!

hmm.. did anyone mention mayday? oh man. i think they're really talented!(like the milos. haha) love their music, esp ah xin's compose.. wonder wad they eat huhh.. so talented one. haha!

haha quizzy jie. spam bah. if not, it'll be rather cold here. =x

oh yes, good luck to all 2006 A level candidates(hmm.. include marssh hor?)! getting results soon liao.. all the best!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 21:07

haha syL, u jia you.

btw, i guess inspirations love to go to him ba, and he knows how to make the best out of it. heh heh.

everybody jia you. =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 27 February, 2007 22:25

To syl jie-jie: SAM WAS TOKING BOUT THE RENCI THINGY? AHH SHUTS MAN!! I on the TV alomost the whole day(Channel U) but just couldn't see MLB so cos i got tuition, I HAVE TO OOF MAHS.. Then now u say tat they showed him bout the Renci thingy.. I WAS HAVING TUITION!! ARGHS.. Anyway.. Yupp.. Enjoying myself @ SACSS and I LYK MY CCA SENIORS!! YEAH!! MLBIANS AND MILUBING ROCKS TOO!! Anyway, my CCA is TENNIS!! AHAHAHS=)).. Wow.. That's quite long!

To qing qing: hahas.. 100% agree siahs..

And anyway, syl jie-jie.. Weiqi said tat he and Sam is going for the show but not Nic.. *sobbs* and I think he was the one xuan chuan-ing cos HIS CHINESE GOOD MAHS!! AHHHAHAS.. NOT SAYING WEIQI'S ONE IS LAO YA!!



Blogger marssh | 27 February, 2007 23:01

hahas yep fri getting result i'm doomed kekeke thanx syl...=D

hahahs yep mayday is gd!ur composition is great....went kbox juz now sang their songs sooo high lahz hahahas....

thanx quizzy_me will go watch it later on...hahahass i think i knoe wat tat song is alr =p

oooh didn get to watch e news worz was out juz now....=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 23:14

^.^! Kbox!


Blogger marssh | 27 February, 2007 23:23

=DD so high+fun


Blogger marssh | 27 February, 2007 23:28

oooh saw sam on e ren ci tingy alr!yah he's really alone worz....hmmm did he feel lonely representing mlb alone hars....alwaz is e 3 of them attend all these events tgt e rites...=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2007 23:43

but bo pian ba? perhaps just happens that weiqi is not available at the time of recording too? =D!


Blogger marssh | 27 February, 2007 23:54

hahahs yah lorz mayb...soo kelian sia hope he's doing fine coping wif all e hwk n stuffs....haven heard from nic for a long time alr....hows he doing too?


Blogger binz | 27 February, 2007 23:58

i tyco on the tv and tyco switched to chnl u and i also saw sam in that news.. haha thinking of it, found that i really jux happened to see it..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 00:49

heh heh just saw the newspaper report on Shin Min daily news;

表演者: 王录江, 钟琴, 沈昀颖, 鹤天赐, 迷路兵

艺人将用手脚塘古典歌曲, 双手弹迷你钢琴, 双脚弹普通钢琴。"

So we don't have to worry ya? LOL! Sam and weiqi jia you!


Blogger marssh | 28 February, 2007 02:04

wah kaows....looks vry complicated sia....seems quite tough ehs...but at least they r not doing anything dangerous so yep we dun have to worry...thanx arhs =DD do ur best for charity!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 02:17

yup we dun have to worry too much lor. in fact i think this might even bring their skills in playing piano to a higher level - ya more skilful, i believe.

jia you jia you jia you!

nitey =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 11:09

the ji zhe hui for renci was held ytd morning, so i guess weiqi was in sch, thus cldnt attend?

anywayys. ytd's wanbao got news of the charity show too. good to know they're not doin anything dangerous. challenging though! jiayous!

hmm, weiqi will be attending the show rights? cuz ytd's wanbao mentioned only sam...

have a good day all!


Blogger Jodie [: | 28 February, 2007 14:18


To meikian jie-jie: Sam and Weiqi is going.. If not, the article won't type Milubing but instead may type Sam's chinese name=)).. hehes.. I LYK SAM'S CHINESE NAME=))!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 15:12

first time i hear
superband has a meowmeow fan!!!
ha ha
if you dun want the pussy cat
to stink yr shoes and hang aroud
your door
--take a mozzie spray and
spray lightly around the area.
it will keep the mozzies
and the meow meow away.

keep healthy
stay happy
and be insanely in luv with JC!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 15:33

yes only Sam and weiqi would be there. yesterday only mention sam cos his the only one attended the press conference ba?

Jodie, if it's not true i won't post this liao, haha.


Blogger qing qing | 28 February, 2007 17:04

yo yo!!! HAHAHAHA!!! finish exams liao... finally... v qi dai to c sam n weiqi performing... =)
i miss the xuan chuan-ing on tv for the renci oso... heard it from the kitchen den quickly rush out to c got MLB not den it finish liao =(
wish all happy, weiqi n sam jia you oso =)


Blogger marssh | 28 February, 2007 20:12

kekeke yeah yeahs....today is a vry wet day had such a great time slping...hmmm wats sam's chi name eh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 20:18

sam's chinese name is rui xiang..

jodie: haha. nvm lah, can catch them on tv next time de.. wah, u're from tennis? cool man. my brother wanted to play but no court and racket. hahas. jia you in ur studies wor.

anyway, today's straits times's LIFE section gotta a pic of the artistes who attended the ren ci conference. got sam inside, so.. hehheh.. look out for him lor. haha


Blogger marssh | 28 February, 2007 20:22

wahs...i dun buy newspapers+mags...thanx syl...=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 20:28

heh heh. zaobao also have.


Blogger marssh | 28 February, 2007 20:38

ooo really...den wan bao have not?keke


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 20:57

yes Marssh, but it's yesterday de. haha.


Blogger marssh | 28 February, 2007 21:01

=_=""" no wonder hahahas...didn see it in today's wan bao...today is soo sians....


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 21:14

heh heh =D


Blogger qing qing | 28 February, 2007 21:38

yo yo!!!
yesterday wan bao got sam is it? is he standing at the side de? saw someone that looks like him but dunno is him not =x


Blogger Jodie [: | 28 February, 2007 21:51

To quizzy_me jiejie: hahas.. Was too shocked lars.. I REALLY CANNOT BELIEVE LARS!!

To syl jiejie: I will study hard de and i oso saw the article lers.. I flipped the paper and found the article and went lyk "CHEH!! ONLY TOKING BOUT MING YI FA SHI, NOT TOKING BOUT MILUBING!!" But is better than nothing.. hahahs.. I wonder why Sam ahhs.. Never stand with the another champion, Daren Tan from PSS2.. hmms.. Wonder why.. They stand 2gether.. Man pei de mahs.. And yupp.. Me from tennis.. I tann until lyk choco liaos.. Can see 2 diff. colours lers.. But i lyk it! hahas.. Want some tennis lessons? LOLS!!

To marssh: Yupp.. quizzy_me jie jie correct lers.. I LYK HIS NAME LORS!! SO KOOL!! STYLO MILO!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 22:14

haah, me too old to be so active liao lahh. lols.
ya lor.. why didnt they stand together.. my two favourites! haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 22:18

qing qing arh, yes thats him.

Jodie arh! How am i supposed to make u believe huh? aiyo. hahahahhaha

U gals r really funny...=D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 February, 2007 23:15

Hi Quizzy,
Thanks for the update, really very glad & please to hear them performing something that is related to music rather than dangerous stunts.

Hi marssh,
Good luck to you in your "A"-Level result on Friday. Its time to think & consider what you going to study next.

Hi syL,
So long never see u online & tag, then suddenly so many tags from you. Must be quite relax now? Izzit exams are over?

MIA are TTWW, Peg & Flora. Hope you gals are doing well.

Wondering whether we are able to get any ticket for the Ren Ci Charity Show 2007? Anyone has any idea?

MLB(-1) jia-you for the show. have confident that you guys can make it (although its only 2 milo bois).

Btw, does anyone know the recording of MLB's 1st EP already completed? Will there be any English songs in the EP? So, its been delayed again, cos tomorrow is 1st Mar already! Have to continue & wait patiently...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 23:22

Uncle phil, weiqi said middle of march wor...lol!

anyway, =D!


Blogger marssh | 28 February, 2007 23:24

hihihis uncle phil...hmmm i'm also curious abt how to get e tics eh....kekeke tot abt it alr i might b retaking my exams again this yr bahz i got a feeling i'll do real bad coz i knoe i didn put in efforts...=D thanx anyway....

to jodia:hahas nic's chi name more cute ehs...=p

how come syl saying urself old??aiyha nobody's too old to do anythign e...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 February, 2007 23:25

(add on) ya he tagged in the publicity blog the other day. I think so.

ya hor tml 1 mar liao huh? aiyo. 1st quarter of 2007 has passed a lot liao ...=x


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 March, 2007 00:32

Quizzy, 1st quarter of 2007 still has 1 complete month. Bur true that time flies really fast, another 4days CNY will comes to an end.
Oh, when did weiqi said middle of March? Anyway, its not too far from now. So, let's continue to wait. Thanks.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 March, 2007 00:34

Time to zzzzz,
Hi MLB & fellow MLBians, its time to go to bed.
Gudnite & sweet dreams, have a great day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 00:37

ha nitey Uncle phil; he tagged in the publicity blog (http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/) after i posted the 19 Feb entry. LOL!

But i guess it isn't confirm ba? Duno leh. But yup, =D!

Milubing jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 06:38

hmm, the wanbao article mentioned only sam... what was stated there was MLB-Wang Rui Xiang. aiya, whateverrs.

yes qing qing, sam's the one on the extreme right...

zaobao seems to have separated sam from mlb. haha. cuz what they stated on the article was wang rui xiang, blah blah blah, then milubing chen weiqi. hahas. [blah blah blah= other artistes]

jus being random. ahh wells. got 2 tests today! gotta jiayous...

takecare all!


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 March, 2007 13:11

To syl jie-jie: hahas.. u are not old lars.. U are my MLB jie-jie.. How can be old lars.. Dun say tat lahs..

To meikian jie-jie: I think while typing out this article rite.. They suddenly then remember about Weiqi i think but tats so badd lars.. Should put both of them together, hors?..

To quizzy_me: Is not i mean i dun believe.. Is i really too happy for them doing such a performance but hope they can cope lars..

To marssh: Aiyah.. ALL THEIR CHINESE NAMES ROCKS LARS.. hahahs=)).. But i still prefer Sam's one.. Nic's one.. hahas.. "All the way" lars.. Weiqi lehs.. Is just Weiqi.. hahas..

To weiqi: Hope u will have the time to do ur homework as well as rehearse for the Renci performance.. Plan ur time well hors..

To Sam: The officially relaxing guy.. haiz.. Hope u are ENJOYING UR LIFE and practise hard for the performance, okays? JIA YOU!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 15:59

well, the problem of being journalists is die-die must get our facts right - if not will lead to confusion between the readers...hmm...heh heh. thats very random!

haha. 'morning' by the way!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 16:03

hmm, read from straits times that electrico will be havin a last performance in sg tml before gg for their america tour nxt mth. anyone gg? hehhs.

anotehr 17 days to the renci charity show! am looking forward to seeing mayday's performance... and of cuz our local band MLB larhs. :) wells, weiqi and sam, hope u guys are havin a successful time w the rehearsals. all e best! but take good care too.

see you guys on the 18th!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 18:40

LOL! me no. heh heh.

anyway just too add on to my prev tag - dun assume everything u read is correct, cos journalists are humans and they made mistakes too. No hard feelings la, haha =).

Anyway just got my semester 2 results - 4 Bs and 1 C+. So my GPA for yr 1 is 3.05...



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 20:05

uncle phil: haha. no lah.. i still very busy with tests these few weeks. but i mug until very sian so come online listen music+ study+ tag lor.. lols. very multi-tasking hor.

jodie: haah..kk. i'm young.forever 18. lols. =P

quizzy jie, ur results seem not bad to me.. hah. continue to jia you!

and jia you to weiqi too. not forgetting sam and nic. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 21:32

Weiqi n Sam: Jiayou for the renci performance!

Nic: Jiayou in camp!

It's been cold and wet, rmbr to cover blanket when go to bed!

Hey all, Jiayou for all ur undertakings! Luv all~!!!


Blogger marssh | 01 March, 2007 21:36

hmmm seems like evrybody doing well in their studies eh....so gd sia....hahas anyways gd luck to mlb!jiayous...too bad nic cant attend tgt lorz....but nvm mlb muz do ur best arhs....milos 万岁!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 22:01

xie xie syL; and marssh, u will also do well de. Usually I'll guess correct de lor. believe it or not, last year I told my friend he would be our school's O level top student, then he doesn't believe. But in the end is true lor - cos i believe in him mahz. Same thing here, although i duno how u usually fare in school, i think u will do well. ;)

For my case, if not for the moderation it would have been worst de...but heck care le la, since it's over anyway. lololol!


Blogger marssh | 01 March, 2007 22:41

hahas thanx anyways....hmmm u taking wat course in rp arhs??heard tat ur sch vry relac e...hahahass


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 March, 2007 22:46

Hi syL,
you are indeed a very multi-tasking gal. Hope you'll do well in all your tests & exams.

Hi Quizzy,
Congrats for getting good results for your semester 2. So, you are advancing to 2nd year?

Hi marssh,
Good luck & Best wishes to you for your "A"-Level result tomorrow. Don't think & worry too much. Just plan what you need to do next after getting your result.

Hi WeiQi & Sam,
Hope you guys will enjoy yourselves during the practises & rehersal. We (MLBians), always have faith & confident that you guys will do your Best in whatever performance MLB takes part in.
MLB Jia-you & MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger marssh | 01 March, 2007 22:53

hahas thanx uncle phil...hope there will b tics to e renci show....den not only can we support e 2 milos live can also meet up wif mlbians....=DD missing e fun screaming n all since e gig at ngee ann...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 22:56

哈哈, marssh, me taking biomedical sciences. relac? it depends on each individual lor.

xie xie Uncle phil, yes i'm advancing to yr 2. haha. but my GPA of 3.05 is consider as sucks as compared to others liao lor. Those always pon sch de still got better than mine. But i know la, cannot compare. But still don't feel good...but yeah, it's a fact that I didn't do my best too. hohoho.

just saw our Sam and Kym Ng on the Ren ci charity show de trailer doing the shoutout wor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 23:01

wat schs were nic, sam n wq frm? jus wondering..


Blogger marssh | 01 March, 2007 23:07

i only knoe nic from sp rite?correct mi if i'm wrong...hahas hmmm quizzy_me u same age as mi mahz?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 23:13

i hv no idea haha.. onli noe weiqi was frm a jc now in ntu..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 23:13

hello anonymous!

Sam was from Saint Andrews Primary school, Saint Andrews Secondary school.

Weiqi was from Cedar Primary school, Chung Cheng Main, Temasek Jc and now, NTU.

Nic was from 醒南小学(I duno it's English name), Jurong Sec, and I forgot the name of that private school he attended where he graduated with a diploma in audio engineering.

Hope that helps ;)!

And hope I didn't make a mistake...=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 23:14

yes marssh, 17 Jan 1988 de.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 March, 2007 23:19

btw, that was from a Zaobao article long ago de...right after they crowned the superband title de arh. lol!


Blogger marssh | 02 March, 2007 01:08

wahs u older den mi!!hahahas oooops nic not from sp?hahahas psps....kekeke thanz for e info too quizzy_me =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 01:23

hihi everyone..erm, good luck n all the best to all those collecting their a level results tml..marssh n pink penguin, good luck! sorry, i onli noe tis 2 ppl are collecting their results tml..if i miss out anyone, my apologies yea.. :)

quizzy_me, wow! u noe alot abt the milos hor..haha..anyway, i tink nic graduated from sae(school of audio engineering)..tink so..hee..n i saw the ren ci trailer with sam in it de..like finally lor..haha..

weiqi n sam, jiayou for the renci rehearsal! nic, jiayou for ur ns yea..

take care all! :)


Blogger marssh | 02 March, 2007 01:28

oh yah horz....its sae not sp....hahahas thanx yuanping...=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 01:33

haha..welcome! all the best for tml wor..dun worry too much..cheerios! :)


Blogger awhitestraw | 02 March, 2007 01:43

getting sian here? haha, i got a leng xiao hua for you guys.!(:

Q: What do you call fifty penguins in the Arctic?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 01:56

kaysee, i'm sucks in guessing la...haha


Blogger marssh | 02 March, 2007 02:41

50 penguins lorz....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 02:43

My guess: 50 tuxedo sams?
hey jus visited the publicity blog, tink peg n Q_me did a good job documenting MLB's journey. give ureselves a pat on ure back!
hope to catch the trailer of sam w the energizer bunnie Kym soon! luv dat oldie ebony n ivory,oooo can't wait 2 see the perf.


Blogger marssh | 02 March, 2007 02:47

hahas i also have 1 lame jk...which ovrseas artises canot b seen here in spore?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 02:59

aft crackin my head for a whole of 5 min, this is the only ans i can come up with:none, cos we can all see dem on tv/internet?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 03:04

OR overseas artists who hv crossed over to the other side?? i.e. gone to heaven


Blogger marssh | 02 March, 2007 03:06

hahas theres 1 particular person who cant step in here....coz of spore's law...hmmm dun bash mi up if u know e ans....kekeke =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 03:09

WHO? how come i still dunno ans wn ure clue sounds so obvious:(

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