
milubing | 13 February, 2007 22:15

Breathe in...breathe out...

Taking a break from my studies now so i decided to drop a post...
1stly, thanks for all the best wishes ya?

mmm, looks like i gotta explain this to u all. Someone was saying that my keyboard(inside the case) looked really heavy, so i said there's a 'shi ti' inside, and was refering to Nic inside k? sorry la, was being lame.
Then many are asking bout my keyboard..well i have so many keyboards in my life like logitech one..microsoft one...mmm laptop inside also got one... heh heh..
but ya la..that 'yamaha MO8' one is mine..had to perform quite a few times b4 i cld afford it!And if ur wondering why weiqi so dumb..buy such a long and big and bulky and heavy one..well then..cos MLB got no bassist, so i need the range of keys ma..
Musician muz 'ren' the hard life of carrying ur instrument ma..
Mmm...wat else..eh..Nic is tanner then me liao hahha...even Sam haha cos he gena sunburn!!! heh heh..Sam dun kill me after u see this :p

The following days and months are gonna be VERY tough for us...cos gotta work hard for some stuff coming up. Will update u peeps as and when k?thanks once again for the love u all showed us on the last gig..

I've been so busy recently that i haven't got much lame stuff to post :(
sorry ya, but i'll keep a lookout for lame stuff to tell u all. Meanwhile, here's a SUPER recent(in fact a few hours ago) drawing that i drew with charcoal..and i'm glad that my classmates told me that i have improved after 1 semester of drawing, and having no formal training b4 i entered uni. They said i 'Bankai' today(dun think i have ever bankai-ed since last sem till now). So tot i shared this image with u. Everyone, rmbr to study hard and smart...and those working, work hard and smart... u CAN do it!

*bankai is not a vulgarity..it is some term used in the anime 'bleach'*

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Blogger marssh | 02 March, 2007 03:10

hahas nxt time den tell u bahz....i going slp le nites to all....taking results tmlo i'm doomed!=p take cares....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 03:13

eeeeeee....u naughty girl (i guess)!! anyway wish u all the best 4 tmrw. nitey!


Blogger kaysee | 02 March, 2007 03:25

oh the answer to the penguin answer is, "LOST, REALLY LOST!", oh well, cause penguines live in antartica.

i dont wish to answer to marssh's joke. HAHAHA! bleah*


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 03:43

heh heh mighty mouse jie xie xie ni.

Marssh I say u will do well de.

Kaysee, thats lame. hahahahahaha.

what a beautiful night - all the songs playing on Yes933 are so nice (-_- no MLB songs though). I think it's a waste if I spend the time on sleeping instead. So besides enjoying the beautiful music, I also spend some time reflecting on myself.

And I come up with a conclusion - smilez =D. I thought, just be happy and don't think so much ba. Life will not be so difficult as it seemed to be. Yup I think so.

But the problem is will I be able to achieve this? Eh, I don't know leh. Wish me good luck ba. hahahaha.


Blogger kaysee | 02 March, 2007 03:54

oh yes 933, haha, i love the songs there[:. was listening to faye wong's "mei cuo" just now. beautiful song. spent quite a while to understand the lyrics fully though. i like the way lin xi writes his songs, nice, beautiful.

haha, actually, i dont really have the habit in listening yes 933 at night, well i almost scared my wits off when zhou chong qing started to talk about some spooky ghost stories.

muiling, dont need to worry, always look at the bright side of life.

all those taking a level results, hope that you will do well[: whatever it is, rm b to smile:) and be glad of it. all the best.

jae is out on 6th.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 04:07

-_- my name is quizzy_me here la...hahaha.

anyway, thanks kaysee for reminding me, but u have to remind urself too wor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 14:12

sam/weiqi.. jiayou for yr renci..

nic - how is yr camp life?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 20:08

hello! here to spam again!


Blogger Jodie [: | 02 March, 2007 20:26

To quizzy_me jie-jie: I AM LYK SO SLOW LORS.. I LYK ONLY TODAY THEN JUST SAW THE ADVERT BOUT SAM WITH KYM NG LORS.. WTH.. But is there an advert tat shows only Sam huhs??

To marssh: How's ur results? Good?

To weiqi and Sam: Both of you, MUST JIAYOU FOR PERFORMANCE ORHS.. Will be supporting at home but not LIVE.. SOO BADD.. I really very excited bout the performance lehs.. OMG!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 21:01

nope. probably didn't record. why?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2007 22:57

to all the mlbians who got gd results for A lvl congratulations! & to those who did not get yr wishes.. dont be sad, tried agn..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 00:33

Yes everyone,
we'll practise hard for the Charity Show.
Xie Xie Support!
Few days of rain..
Be careful, don't catch a cold.


Blogger BIRU K. | 03 March, 2007 00:38

hi SAm!! how's ya? fine?? u too take care! good nights!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 01:39

jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 01:46

Yes i'm fine.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 02:04

Hey everyone, sorry for not tagging recently, jus wanna say that all of u are very zhun..talk bout injury..i sprained my left elbow on monday! haha but it's not cos of renci la.. we're not doing dangerous stuff for that show. Maybe next time, Sam volunteered anyway. hahaha.. anyways, was trying to keep fit, and rollerbladed,then 'crack' fell down in a weird position and my elbow gave way. We're very busy these days!MLB is gonna be workin extra hard for the days to come! ok, i'll stop crapping now,everyone take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 02:06

Wow, just abt to go to sleep after working on my project, and sam is here?? Aiyo, sam, almost 2 already orh... you just came back from rehersal? jia you on the performance, and remember to watch your feet before performing. hehee...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 02:11

Aiyo, weiqi, be more careful leh. So you will be using your feet instead of finger? cos since you sprained your elbow...:p

hmm... 2 winners for the 10m toto... wow... each can get 5.5m leh... but me no suck luck leh.


Blogger BIRU K. | 03 March, 2007 03:01

u all r using ur toes isnt it?? lOls. weiqi u take care arhx. lucky u din hurt ya fingers. lOls. muz jiayooo eh? rest early. my eyes' swollen. T.T dots.

milubing! POWER la! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 11:02

wa biang, at the time sam and weiqi tagged i just logged off lor. hahaha. anyway. weiqi be careful wor. heh heh.

morning to all by the way!


Blogger awhitestraw | 03 March, 2007 11:41

HAHAA! first reaction, sorry.

umm, sam, you gonna take care too, it have been raining for quite some days. alright , why am i using your words back on you. haha

umm, weiqi, i dont meant to laugh but well, you take care too, dont crack somewhere else or sprained any joints.

seems like you guys will be busy practicing for the show. hope there is tickets for us thought.

good day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 14:37

hi MLB/Mlbians - happy wkend... take care all..


Blogger marssh | 03 March, 2007 14:53

hihis to all....
to jodie:results wasn tat gd but expected alr so no choice...now have to decide whether going uni or going retake?

oooh weiqi got injured worz take cares arhs muz allow ur elbow to recover otherwise nxt time vry easily will sprain it again ehs...

yah u 2 jiayous for e renci show yeah hope there'll b tics...i'm prepared to go down alr...


Blogger Jodie [: | 03 March, 2007 15:31

To Sam: Long time no "see" hors, relac guy? Anyway, u are trying to take over now liaos le hor and nvr say hhi to ur "bro" tat just tagg after u lors.. LOLS!! Anyway, hope u didn't have any injury and huh? U volunteered to do dangerous stunts next year? ahahahas.. LOLS!!

To weiqi: Alamak! Want to stay healthy, end up spraining ur elbow.. Okays or nort, u? Hope u recover soon , okays? Take good care of urself and i oso sprained my ankle on Monday too but now okays lers.. I sprained ners cos i played too much of tennis lers.. hahas.. Get well soon, weiqi=)!


Blogger qing qing | 03 March, 2007 16:26

yo yo!! long time no come talk nonsense liao... busy working... =(
weiqi: b v careful k?! hope u're fine now...
sam: haha, raining days, u ride bike need careful oso...
quizzy_me: ur b'dae 1 day later than my bro.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 17:40

hi MLB must be careful esp yr hands and voice..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 19:37

hihi to sam and weiqi!
aiyoo..weiqi arhh. why so careless.. take care eh?
sam! hahaas. yeah, jia you k? u take care too! dun ride too many bikes nowadays lah. rainy season again. haiz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 20:21

aiyo, weiqi, be more careful ya? take care!

sam, ya jiayou for the rehearsal k..weiqi too.. :)

nic, all the best for your training! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 March, 2007 22:22


really really have to take care of ur elbow ahs. be more careful!

and u said SAM volunteered to do dangerous stuff? qing ai de sam, i know u are yong gan & want to do a part for charity but then.. do take care if u ever get involved ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2007 00:37

Huh?! weiqi injured your elbow har?! Be more careful leh, most importantly must take enuff rest and sleep well, a tired body will be accident prone.

Sam, yeah, it's been wet wet days, do take care yeah, and what have you volunteer to do for charity leh? U oso rest well and take enuff sleep har?

Nic har, do take care in camp yeah!?

Aiya, all pple here please take good care har!?


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2007 12:41

omg..euux injured ur self ar?be more careful nxt time k?take care!


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 March, 2007 12:47

This blog seems to be quite cold hors? Ah hem..

To Sam: Blog about ur rehearsal, can? I or maybe WE wanna noe cos u are, popular! LOLS! Still have 2 more weeks to the actual performance huhs.. JIA YOU!! Since u noe is the rainy season lers, dun ride too much, kays?

To weiqi: How's ur elbow ahhs? Okays ler mahs? Can play keyboard ler mahs? Anyway, ZHU NI ZAO RI KANG FU OHHS!! JIA YOU!! Ohh yahs.. Something to share.. Many of my classmates think u are a Malay as I stick a pic of da 3 of u on my table.. hahas=))..

To all MLBians: Today last day of CHINANG NEW YEAR!! HAHAS.. Hope u all will be able to eat tang yuan ohhs.. It's a tradition and i tell u, MY NEW YEAR THIS YEAR SUCKS!! OOPS.. VULGARITY.. PAISEH!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2007 13:19

hahahahahaha. spam. HELLO =D!


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 March, 2007 13:38

To quizzy_me: LOLS!! Nothing to say ahhs.. HAHAS..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2007 18:48

bored.. :( can anyone please compose blog some Chinese poems or compose some Chinese songs?


Blogger awhitestraw | 04 March, 2007 20:21


i think i saw sam AGAIN with kym ng on tv.


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 March, 2007 20:44

To kaysee: *waves* Long time no "see", jie-jie.. And u saw the advert again? COOL.. And do u find it too short? I find it VERY SHORT!! IT'S TOO SHORT!! Why so little de? Anyway, i only saw the advert twice.. hahas=))..

To oyster: Go my blog! =).. I oso very bored!!


Blogger awhitestraw | 04 March, 2007 21:12

HAHAH! long time no see meh? alright, okay LA, aiyo. oh well, hello jodie mei mei. haha, short? umm, okay la. i think i keep seeing it la.


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 March, 2007 21:15

To kaysee: I feel so awkward being called a mei mei.. hahas..=)).. Does anyone uploaded the advert on Sam with Kym Ng huhs? I wanna see as many times as I want.. hahas=))..


Blogger marssh | 04 March, 2007 21:47

hmmm how come e comment thingy bcum so weird alr arhs....erm or izit my com prob....0_0 today's sooo sians....evrybody take cares i've caught e bug alr!yeah....


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2007 22:02

sam: take care too! hahaha.

weiqi: aiyo. y so careless. be careful ar! get well soon. (:

MLB, JIAYOU for the ren ci charity show! :D take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 01:07

hey everyone, ive been trying to blog for real long le..but my com always won't move after i click on publish... :( xian... now i'm using my roomie's laptop.


Blogger marssh | 05 March, 2007 01:11

hihihs weiqi how's ur hand alr...btr not?=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 02:51

wooh hello weiqi. Perhaps it's taking longer time to load? LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 08:27

weiqi, how's ur elbow now? Can type or not? hahas..take care n thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 10:08

hi weiqi:)
er.. wan to ask u ah..wad will be the degree that u get after graduating from ntu sadm ah?? and how can it apply to like some future job? wads the diff in studying in ntu sadm as compared to other art school, like nafa or laselle?? ;P


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 13:25

Hello MLB

How are you guyz. WeiQi,the elbow must be taken good care off or else when it is going to rain or weather turned bad, your elbow will feel the ache.

Long time din see Nic ler, sort of miss his tags. Hope Nic is fine the the army. How time flies, in no time you will be out.

Hi Sam...good to know you are active with RenCi Charity Show. Have always supported RenCi n Ven MingYi. Not easy to maintain a hospital. Time is even harder aft the NKF saga.



Blogger kaysee | 05 March, 2007 13:53

how's your elbow?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 17:20

Someone asked for a Chinese peom. Here it is ...




Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 18:39

Hi Weiqi
Heard that you have injured your elbow...
How are you now?
Do take care!

To the Milubing, Nic:
Take care too!

Sam: take care and enjoy this time of rest and freedom :)

God bless!


Blogger marssh | 05 March, 2007 19:21

hmmm this week e iweekly covered a report on e renci thingy n sam's in e pics....but uweekly dun have any of it....

n n n arhs they only put weiqi+sam e pic cutting away nic e face ehs coz nic didn take part in e renci show...=X


Blogger Jodie [: | 05 March, 2007 20:39

To marssh: ehhs.. Is the cover of the iweekly the pic of ella and wu zun ahhs? I wanna noe and wanna see too!!

To weiqi: Yoz.. Dun say i LO SUO hors.. How's ur elbow and ohh mans.. Just sprained my ankle today AGAIN!! DARNN.. Ohh yhas.. Always wanted to ask u this question huhs.. What u study in NTU huhs? Humanities? Science? I dunno..

To anyone: THERE'S A NEW MLBIAN... Got realise? The name is "meii xuann" Hmms.. *in the midst if thinking* I saw the advert again.. =D..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 21:02

wu zun and ella de is last week de. This week one with rain on the cover is out liao -_-


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 21:11

haha weiqi..
then did u save the entry anot? if not, i think u'll be very gek when u typed a long long entry but everything didnt publish out..
aiyoo.. i haven seen the adv featuring samsam and kym lehh.. didnt watch tv these few weeks liao. haha. issit more on channel u?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 21:19

hello syL! For me I don't really watch Channel 8 so I only saw on Channel U. Just that it wasnt broadcasted too frequently though.


Blogger marssh | 05 March, 2007 21:20

e ad i think i saw on channel u e....hmmm juz now got show 1 or 2 times...

anybody watched channel 8 e 9pm e show??hahas i was watching den i saw chen liping wearing e converse jacket nic was wearing during e revivals rd...kekeke

jodie yah i think quizzy_me ans ur qn le...=)) got 2 pics of sam...den last pg is e pics of all e artistes attending e renci show...(tats e 1 missing nic)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 23:01

Happy Belated Chinese New Year!

I'm still outdoor-ing at the moment.
Riding.. Cycling.. Biking.. Just started blading.. Falling? '_'
Of course, working on our EP at the same time..
Soon, soon, though i can't confirm a date.
Really wanna say thank you again for being patient and
supportive to us all these while.

About the coming Ren Ci Show, i believe most of you
roughly know what we are up to.
Yes, its not very difficult as supportive roles.
But it takes lots of effort to put all our sounds together
for a good piece of music.
This is for a good cause, Charity!
So we are very glad to be a part of it.

I was just invited to a variety game show on Channel U.
Didn't do very well, but it was a good and fun experience.
All was quite last minute, that's why i'm only sharing now.
This show is pre-recorded, will probably be aired few months later.

Btw, WeiQi's com is currently a little crazy so he can't blog..
May it recover soon..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 23:06


Will be seeing MLB in a different light on the Charity show, guess it'll be refreshing. Let it be rewarding too, in both spirit and in experience.

Btw...hmmm...just wondering...what's ur opinion of a surprise? What do u think it'll be a pleasant surprise har?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 23:09

wooh~ hello sam! whoa so envious of you - still can enjoying life. I'm rotting...-o-! haha. jia you jia you!


Blogger marssh | 05 March, 2007 23:13

yah u guys take cares...its alrite we understand u guys bz schedule mahz...

riding still can tag??u bring com all ard e arhs....=p anyways take cares n dun bcum e nxt 1 injured...=DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 23:49

breathe in.. breathe out.. hold yr breath.. gd to be active.. but take care esp blading.. sam n weiqi..

nic? how's the gg.. we hv not forgotten u..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2007 23:54

hi sammie boi (change ur name 4 u again) finally see u here. starting to blade? everytime i c people blade, so envious, wish i cld do it as well. since u r so good on 2 wheels, sure u'll stop fallin in no time.
nowadays raining, wondering does it mean u will leave ure bike @ home n take public transport? such an wu liao qn...dont ans oso okie, jus ask 4 fun onli.
WQ, mus learn how to fall the rit way wn blading, den wont hurt ureself. Take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 00:08

KC, such a lame but good ans! i oso heard dat faye's song. the dj so cute, he say he search hi n low in his rm b4 he found the cd. its a v nice song,next time mus dian chang in kbox. sat nite 933 w jieqi always hv fab music. if@home mus tune in.
marshhie.... u still owe me the qian bian ans. this brain not lame enough!
Q_me, me oso trying not to tink too much. well we hv our good days n bad days, jus hv to take it as it comes.
sigh... saw the ad onli one MISERABLE time so far, both of dem so serious in the ad leh. seems like i mus watch more of channel u at ard 8pm to catch the ad.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 00:15



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 00:18

NO! I didn't ride and tag.
At home..

Pleasant surprise
= Happy shock ?

I just simplified the words..


Blogger binz | 06 March, 2007 00:21

juz a lame joke to share.. maybe u guys have heard it b4..
erm who cheated beehoon of her feelings?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 00:51


anyway sam, long time no 'see' huh...lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 01:01

Sam, happy...not shock! A pleasant surprise?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 01:04

Hmmm...how to put it leh? something u wld like to do, say make a fren happy?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 13:39

In Japan..At a VIP party, guests paying $3,500 will get to mingle with Michael Jackson and spend 30 seconds to one minute each of exclusive face time with the Gloved One, according to organizers. It was unclear whether the star will perform any songs..

$3,500 just to look at yr star - any1? siow liow..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 13:57

What can u do to make a fren happy?

Give him lots of CASH..


Blogger kaysee | 06 March, 2007 14:42

sam was here huh? haha. alright

binz, i think i know the answer. yu(fish). because yu bian mi fen! HAHAHA! that's a good one!

umm, just sort of disagree with what '_' said, whi ch i assumed it is sam wong. i think there is many things in this world that you cant buy with cash, like friendship, etc. so what if you have money yet your friends left you? what you said may be true to a certain extent, you might be able to satisfy him with cash so he can spend it on stuffs he needs like food, etc. but i think the best thing you can give to a fren is your concern and love.:)

just my opinion, no offence


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 15:03

hey did u guys feel the tremors from sumatra this morning huh? heard that many parts of s'pore got feel the tremors but my side dun have wor. o.o!


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 March, 2007 15:29

To Sam: Game show? Bike-riding? COOL STUFFS, GUY!! *wonder wad kinda game show* Is it lyk sort of about Maths one? hmms.. *thinks* Do u noe the title of the show ahhs? Tell us soon=)!

To quizzy_me: I didn't feel anything but actually I should feel it as my mum's office place, which is Bugis, got feel tremour and in fact, my school in Bedok couldn't feel anything and at that point of time, i was having Home Economics.. hahas.. Maybe too happy until dunno wth is going on lors.. hahas=))..

Hope to see a different Milubing during/AT the show.. I put "at" in caps cos I maybe going to see the show with 2 of my frens if she can get tixs lors=))..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 20:21

He's joking about the cash answer.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 21:50

(*_*)/ | 05 March, 2007 17:20

Someone asked for a Chinese peom. Here it is ...




if you ever heard of the Everlasting Regret written by (if not wrong) Bai Ju yi.. The way he described the King's sorrows over Concubine Yang can allow one to visualise and feel.. it's beyond description actually.. to think he can write such..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 21:52

May I know if this poem is self-composed or of any chinese poets? It's nice..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 March, 2007 21:58

i have one too.. a more mordern one that doesn't rhymes.. I don't know where I chuck those that rhyme liao..














Blogger marssh | 06 March, 2007 23:15

mm:ooops forgot abt e ans....ans is jay chou coz....no jay walking in spore...ha ha ha not funny i knoe....=P


Blogger binz | 07 March, 2007 00:48

haha kaysee u sure is one of the lamer one to guess the answer correctly(:
eh jux feeling random.. give him lots of CASH=care and show hospitality ? lolx


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2007 01:24

marsshie, now can officially declare my IQ is 0!:p knew ure clue was damn obvious but den jus cldnt get the ans!!!
binz, like dat oso can. 佩服你!


Blogger marssh | 11 March, 2007 21:29

to mm:hahhaas not ur IQ 0 lahz..mayb i juz too =_=""" wahahahsss....

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