
milubing | 22 May, 2007 02:32

Halo dear people!
3 of us are together now, had a short jamming session earlier. Now we're relaxing and gaming. Sounds good yea? We'll have dark darker darkest eye circles tomorrow. Last Saturday was a fun one, we all were winners. Wroom Wrooooom!
This Sunday, we'll be sharing a few songs at Changi Naval Base. The actual time should be at late afternoon, will confirm it when we're sure.
Thank u Xiu for always being so efficent, and thanks to the publicity blog gang for being so updated!


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 03:55

another event to come.
wahahas. but changi seems so far frm mii lorr.


euniice =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 03:56

Wow... So late still dun slp ah .. Hahax faster go rest ba guyz ~

Anyway ... Another event this coming weekend ah ... YEAH ...!!!
SoOoOoOo HAPPY To Hear That . . . =P

Update us the venue & time asap ba ... THANKZ GUYZ ~ Cya . . .

* Do Take Care Yea ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 07:39

迷路兵, You're most welcome!

Quick check while having my breakfast and ready to go out for the rest of the day, ... you are referring to :

Event : Navy Open House
Date: 26 to 27 May 07
Time: 9:00am to 7:00pm
Venue: Changi Naval Base
Admission is FREE but is strictly via Navy shuttle bus from the Singapore Expo Hall 1.

Details here

The stage events start as early as 9am. Details also in the web.

Take a look at the Event Highlights too. Great! Will go for these events! See ya there... enjoy yourself. ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 08:15

whoa~ let me guess who's the one that typed this entry. Weiqi? Haha, whoever you are, you are most welcome!

So yuan lai the gig will be on this sunday. Err, actually I already yue my bros to the food fair at Expo. Just that time is not confirm yet due to conflicting schedules.
But since the gig is on this Sunday, I think I may want to go for this le la. There's always next time for me and my bros to hang out hor? haha. Or unless I bring them to the open house too? See first ba. haha.

Meanwhile, you guys jia you wor =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 08:59

Gd Morning MLB...MLBians... I missed the wroom wroooooom and nw another gig huh. Good, pls give us details and I may see u this Sunday. Clapping my hands...shall go screa.a.a.am for MLB?

Keep it up guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 09:08

huh...i'm so jealous le
so many event???tt i cant go :-(
but nvm la...c u guys soon


Blogger PeiShan | 22 May, 2007 09:45

morning peepz ..

whao~ another gig .. hmm .. changi abit far for mi leh .. =(

to qing(ans fr previous post): yar .. quite like kids la .. i alr haf 2 nieces and 1 nephew liao .. toking to them always make mi laugh .. their 'child tok' dame funny .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 10:08

hi guys/people,
never catch up with u guys for quite sometimes le. sorry! =[
and there is another gig cuming!! whee~
hope to see u people soon!
take great care all!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 10:15

oh ya uncle phil if u r reading this, this is the gig we were hinting earlier. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 May, 2007 10:55

Hi Good Morning MLB & MLBians.
Thanks MLB for updating us of coming event. Wow, you guys so late still never sleep ha? Nic don't need to report back to camp meh? Must be very happy that the 3 brothers can stick together for fun.

Hi Quizzy,
Ok, read and understand liao. Thanks. Next time don't give *hints*, very difficult for an old man like me to think so hard. Hahaha...

Luckily the gig is on Sunday, cos Saturday I might be going to Johor.
Shall see you guys on Sunday then, meanwhile will have to wait for the confirmation of time from you guys. Thank-you very much...
MLB jia-you for the coming event, as mentioned many times; we have faith & confident that MLB will always give us their VERY BEST. We are so proud to be in the MLB Family. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 12:20

Hello 迷路兵,

Wah can see you guys again..

Jiayou orh!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 13:12

haha uncle phil, if not won't be fun le. haha...oops =x.

me also won't be free on saturday too. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 May, 2007 14:21

wah quizzy, you make fun of me ha? Ok lah, you happy I no problem. hehehe.....
You very good hor, holiday coming soon. Can relax & enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 14:50

=D! mine is two weeks only. haha. cannot enjoy, cos still need to study for test. 2nd understanding test coming. 1st paper starts next fri which is the last day of sch la; then when sch reopen on 18 Jun then continue again. LOL!

Will be going for job interview next wed. If time and location permits, hopefully can get that job. haha.


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 May, 2007 15:54

WOOH! Changi veli der near for me bt i tink cannot go lars.. Sorry, Milubing and it's good thing tat u all had fun last Satuday.. hahas..

Shall repeat my joke..

What do u call a grp of Indians, wearing black and standing against a white background?

Happy guessing:)..

I went to see see der shop today.. I saw some flowers in der shop oredi so me and my fren say tat once it is opened, go there makan one day! hahas.. :).. But hope not too expensive der food..


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 16:07

wa, so late le, milubing still tog.. hmmm.. shld say early ba.. haha..
last nite i cant get to slp, den got this feeling one of them will tag, wa, really!

y i so suay... so many gigs in may, i cant go this sun le.. HAIZ!!!! sad sad sad.. =(

quizzy_me: how come u know b4 mlb posted, got gig? n y i always so slow.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 17:03

sigh. that's why I always feel neglected by mlb. can't go bcos of other commitment. All the best for the performance again!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 May, 2007 17:15

Ya, I think it is BEST if anyone know MLB got any gig/event, please post it earlier so that many MLBians can pre-arrange their programme rather than hearing things like how come never inform early, already have appointments with so & so... etc.
So, in order to have more supporters & fans at gigs/events. I hope earlier notice can be posted.
I strongly believe an artiste will wish to see more supporters & fans rather than just the usual few. Correct me if I am wrong.


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 17:25


today, is a sucky day again.. dunno how to describe.. sad, angry?? i oso dunno.. =(
sort of quarrelled w my frens.. haiz... y like tat? i'm oso kinda confused y things become like tat.. =( dunno is it my faults not.. HAIZ!!! in sch now, feeling confused, dunno wat to do.. =(


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 May, 2007 17:34

qingqing, please take it easy. Think of what actually happened, if you really are at faults. Then have the courage to admit & say sorry to your fren. Don't make yourself feel so sad & angry, ok? Take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 18:26

Thanks to a kind someone who helped to take care of my huge Toy R Us stuff while I could peacefully watched the guys vroom vrooommmm....THANKS!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 18:52

i only heard that got gig coming up but i don't know when too. That is all i know lor. paiseh arh.

qing qing, be happy? don't dwell on the not happy stuff le ba? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 18:54

jodie, my final ans is piano. haha.


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 May, 2007 20:26

To quizzy_me: In the previous post, i said u're very close der answer and it can be accepted but will reveal der answer until more ppl answer it bahz.. hahas.. But will tell u first on MSN.. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 May, 2007 20:41

can it be zebra/zebra crossing? or can it be a gate/cage?


Blogger anoymous | 22 May, 2007 20:45

wow.. i am still waiting for the EP !


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 May, 2007 21:20

Hi ziai,
Not only you are waiting for the EP, all MLBians are waiting for it too. But don't give the bois too much pressure, they are already spending lots of time & putting very hard effort to this EP. We must have confident with what MLB is doing, they will sure to give us an EP worth waiting for. Let's be patience and continue to wait, ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 21:23



Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 22:07

haiz... finish my dinner bout 30mins ago.. m real tired.. =(

uncle phil: hmmm.. thanks, haiz.. a bit settled le, but still having somr prob.. kinda jia lat.. =(
i oso dunno who's wrong.. oso dunno if anyone is wrong or not.. =(

quizzy_me: heehee.. thanks too, will try to b happy.. =)
heehee.. dun need paiseh la, cos even if u say earlier got gig, i oso cant make it cos having term test.. =(

haiz.. zuo ren nan, nan zuo ren, ren nan zuo.. =( HAIZ!! anyway, gotta do my assigment now, tml needa hand in.. tml still got presentation oso.. ARGHHH!!!!

btw, thanks for uploading e motorcross news n sheng siong show.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 22:20

haha.. saw e uploaded video.. sam on the sheng siong show, OMG!!! he v shuai lei.. heehee.. btw, he like got alot of jackets.. is it huh? haha.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 23:06

Such a coincidence that ppl around me have been having problems. My best buddy and my god-didi both having problems with their girlfriend.

Maybe I don't understand their plight la; but it appeared to me that both girls are not serious about them de. My best buddy de girlfriend always show attitude to him, and yet claim that she loved him. Now they r on the verge of breaking up le.

My god-didi right, i really want to bian him. It's obvious that the girl rejected him le, and yet he is still dwelling on it. I told him don't be sad but he choose to be sad. I told him there are people out there still care for him but he only want her to care. Whoa, i nearly want to threw my bottle at my screen when he said this in msn. I don't mean anything la, just that i xin teng him lor. haha.

Guess my other buddy is right ba - BGR are so troublesome...but no offence to those already attached yeah? LOL!


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 23:18

YES!! quizzy_me, i agree tat BGR r so troublesome.. haha.. =X


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 23:24

heehee. milubing jia you, though i know u all r already adding oil.. heehee..
mlbians oso jia you!! we add oil tog.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 23:33

LOL! all of us jia you. I'm suffering from mental block now. Don't know what to write for Reflection Journal. But the submission time is next morning so still can take my time to think. haha.

although my best friends are all guys, we never have problems like this de lor, even though I don't totally click with them (they are boys and I'm a girl after all. get what i mean?). So friends are better? haha. I don't know. Never experience BGR before.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 23:35

wooo~~ mlb+mayday. its such an exciting combination!


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 23:44

haha.. mi too!! having mental block!! OMG!! i still gotta do my hw.. tml need hand in.. driving mi crazy.. OMG!!!!


Blogger qing qing | 22 May, 2007 23:48

heehee.. mi too, never experience BGR b4.. heehee.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2007 23:57

LOL. jia you ba...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 00:26

shall cya guys this coming sunday then. =))

well, sometimes, it's not we don't wish to release. sorry~~~ cux we weren't confirm if this event is open to public thus to avoid disappointment, we wanted to wait for the guys to announce instead. sorry~~ and of cux we do not wish to let ppl accuse the guys of being biased.

anyway, take care all. and hopefully the guys are able to post up the time soon. =)


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 00:26

nite nite quizzy_me n everyone!!
OMG!! m super tired le.. *yawnz*


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 00:28

i guess it was sam who type the entry?
heh heh.
bt it doesn't matter who type it.
cos the 3 of u blogged tgt. xP
&& thx for the update! :D

it's been a great mth.
alot of gigs coming up. x]
bt rmb to hav sufficient rest too!

good night and swt dreams. :D


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 00:29

peg: hmmm.. icic.. heehee.. cos i tot y i always so slow de.. heehee.. anyway, no offence orh, jus wondering y i slow only.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 00:35

Nah no worries peg.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 00:37

won't offend, just don't wish for misunderstandings nia. haha. u better go to bed ba. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 00:40

no worries. im not offended.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 00:43


Take Care ~ Nitey ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 01:28

anyway, just for info.

we checked with warners and they say MLB EP most probably will be released in July. regarding whether there'll be any autograph session planned, they will decide again.

hopefully this time there won't be anymore delays. and to those who can make it for the Changi gig tis sunday, do try to attend. I believe it'll be a memorable and unforgettable gig.

take care all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 01:40


崇庆受伤了, 有没有去探望他, 他那么疼你们!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 May, 2007 01:55

Hi Peg,
Thanks for the info regarding the release of the EP.

Time to zzzzz,
Goodnight MLB & MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 02:04

uncle phil, ure most welcome. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 02:32

hoho. good night la. though tml no school but have to work on a proposal le. This is a project that all RP 2nd yr students have to do. LOL.

Milubing and MLBians jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 02:33

ya hor, chong qing was injured...heard quite serious wor...=O


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 03:15

the ans to jodie's question should be OREO!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 09:32

Hi folks..gd morning huh!

Quizzy mei, u getting v violent leh! Why all the swearing words n again want to bian people.

Affair of the Hearts only the tang shi ren knw the pain. 3rd party only lend the shoulder n the ears and a sympathy heart can liao. The pain of such helps one to grow up..n yr god-didi n buddy all learning. Actually it is all abt yi ge yuan da, yi ge yuan ai! Sometime we all knw tt the person is no good, not good enuf for us but we still stick with them - den we get hurt and bleeding all over BUT still dun want to let go! So Quizzy mei..watch when your turn come hor.

K...so much crap in the morning. Uncle Phil..see you tis Sunday. Will sms you.

QingQing san, o gankideska?

(^-^)/ttww waving to MLB and all!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 May, 2007 09:46

Hi Good Morning MLB & MLBians

Ok ttww, shall wait for your msg. Ya, see you on Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 11:34

today then got chance come online...been sick for the past few days, sighhs...

hello nic! did you read the letter and post-it i passed to you? i hope you remember that the post-it was from me, cuz i dont remember if i wrote my name on it. =.= i got bad memory lahh. haha. good to know you enjoyed the motorcross challenge! but really, relax la brother! u gave us all a scare manns. dun have to scare the audience lidat mahhs. hahas... hope ur leg's alright liaoos. and you really become damn fit lah! still say never exercise... anyways.... jus wanna say sorry for [the thing i wrote on the post-it] yahh. yepps...

you ahhs... next time dun talk to you liao lahs, everytime so fu yan me one! bully me leh u...haha... u dun have to be low profile lahhh, its SO obvious you're chan weiqi. :P did you guys put on make up huh? lame leh u, if the mascara will smudge then nobody will put make up lerr. duhh. and horr, i regret liao lorhs, tt day shudnt have worn uniform lah, then u wont recognise me. rahhs. you gave me such a big scare, then i got so traumatised after that. HAHA. :D

hello sam! :) believe me, u guys were shuai lahs! haha. i got so not trustworthy not? weiqi also always dun believe me one lorhhs. =.= anywayyyys. professional lahh u! still act until so qian xu lidat. hahas. steady ahhs. but good job yahs! congrats on winning... hahas. ohh and hope you didnt lose my letter... =.=

nic and sam,
you all so bad, abandon weiqi on the way back! hahaas.... then weiqi like so kelian lidat. LOLS. :P

good job guys! though it was kinda scary, but good to know you guys had fun there. hahas. :DD

sam's jacket shud be all sponsored adidas de bahs? haha i not sure also. havent watch the new one yet... hees. u noe who i am le mah? i was standing infront of you at motorcross. but din say hi to you cuz i wasnt in a v good mood tt day. hees. paiseh!

about the release of ep... yes, i've called up warner to enquire, and the answer they've given me is "about july". they'll plan for the autograph session after the ep is released. so if you guys hope to have more chances to see mlb, buy and support the album! im sure if the sales is good, warner will plan for more events for us to see mlb in action. yupps.

yes jus to add on to jess's msg... chongqing's now in hospital due to a fall in pulau ubin. let's all wish our lovable superband judge a speedy recovery yeah? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 11:40

Yes, we definitely hope to see all of you at our gigs. Even those who can't make it, we're already glad to have your support.(like Lorita who's overseas and other of you who are busy, jia you ah)
Chong Qing was injured, but thankfully its not very serious and he's feeling fine.
Sheng Shiong Show, the nice jackets doesn't belong to me. I like them too.. '_'
Have a nice day!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 May, 2007 12:13

Hi Sam,
Thanks for all the answers.
Lunch time coming, what you eating today? Prata with coffee again?
Do you know when your shifu's restaurant opening?
See you on Sunday, but still don't know what time is your show? Pls update us. Have a nice day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 12:17


cya this coming Sun... I'll be going with Qianhui to support you guys..

Jiayou orh!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 12:40

hoho. yuan lai ru ci. Thanks sam for updating, thanks ttww jie for the advise too. Ya I'm actually very violent de. In the past I really got into fights before. But thats during a competition when the other school play cheat la. In school when the boys bully me I will also beat them de. Not really that serious la, just hit them with books nia. Now I can control my temper better le, though still learning. I said I wanna bian people, but didn't do arh. Cos I know the consequences. haha. But

Good day to everyone =D~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 12:56


i missed d vroom vroom gig... & gonna missed tis sun's gig too... din noe sam was on d sheng song prog too? was it last sun's?

shall go watched d videos being uploaded here..


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 13:02

hmmm... i cant go la, this sun.. TERM TEST SHOO SHOO!!! =(

ttww ahyi: heehee.. wat is o gankideska? is it ok? haha.. i cant rmb.. =X

meikian: haha.. yeah!! i know who u r le.. u standing in front of mi, i wanna tok to u, but scared call e wrong person.. heehee.. nxt time we tok tok k?

sam: heehee.. ya, nice jacket!!! u like, i oso like ur jacket.. heehee... =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 May, 2007 14:03

Hi Sam,
Will you be the judge for the children singing contest throughout this whole season?
How is your feeling being a judge? Can share with us?


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 May, 2007 15:04

To Sam: Thanks for answering all der questions we have been asking throughout.. :).. The jacket dun belong to u huhs.. Icics..

So sorry cannot go to the Changi Naval Base gig cos erm.. Got other things on mahz and then next week my sports camp liaos.. Must get prepared.. hahas.. Anyway, i oso heard about der Changi Naval Base gig.. Is Open House ahhs? And i heard it on 93.3FM..

Talking bout 93.3, Chong Qing okays ahhs? U all visited him?

To those who guessed my jokes: U all very der smart lehs.. Got all der close answers but not der actual answer yet.. hahas..


Blogger PeiShan | 23 May, 2007 16:12

hello peepz ..

omg .. i thk i din cum in here quite sometimes liao .. been busy wif my implementation .. haiz ..

hope chong qing will get well soon .. saw a pic of him in today's 'My paper', like v serious like tt .. but since sam said tt he's feeling fine, i thk he shld b better le ba ..

to jodie: erm .. i dunno e ans to ur jokes .. shall wait for ur ans den .. hehe .. =P

to mlb: i dun thk im going for e sun gig .. =( so u guys muz jia you wor .. jing shen shang zhi chi ni men .. ^_^


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 16:18

shan: ahyo! u cant go again ar?

jodie: keyboard? haha, u say quizzy de ans qutie close, so i guess keyboard lor.. heehee..

heehee... m happy!! already tell my mother bout this sun de gig, think i shld b can go.. she didnt say can or cannot, so i take it as can ba.. haha.. =X


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 16:20

shan: ya lor ya lor, chong qing like v serious lei.. i saw on the xin ming few days ago, i think la.. heehee.. cant rmb oso.. he seems quite jia lat hor.. 4 teeth dunno wat happen, den e hand oso jia lat.. OMG!!


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 May, 2007 16:38

To shan: hahas.. Okays..

To qing qing: Keyboard can be accepted but is not actual answer.. hahas..

To everyone who guessed my joke: I will reveal answer at around 6.30pm.. OMGG! This joke's answer lyk sound very der serious siahs.. hahas..


Blogger PeiShan | 23 May, 2007 16:40

to qing: ya .. dun thk im going tis sun lor .. but if there's mlb ep autograph session, i confirm going .. hehe .. ^_^ yup yup .. chong qing's injury seems serious .. my bro told mi yesterday, i tot he joking sia ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 17:37

haha. highly likely i shud be there this sunday. haha


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 17:45

haiz haiz haiz.. in a dilemma(correct ma?).. duuno wan go on sun not lei.. having test on mon, den term test on 5th june.. haiz.. jia lat jia lat!! it's terrible, i only rmb my mon test jus now.. sh*t sh*t sh*t!!


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 17:48

shan: mon hor, i listen to 933, den hear e DJ say chong qing in hospital, ding zhi yong, dunno wat happen(4get liao), ma li sick, den they like only hav 7 permanent DJ, i think, den left only 4..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 17:52

Cruz (zhi yong) broke his bones? o.o!


Blogger PeiShan | 23 May, 2007 17:53

to qing: ya .. my bro said tt too .. ding zhi yong is sick i thk .. den 933 dunno left hu only .. so poor thing sia ..

hmm .. gotta xia ban le .. cya ppl ..



Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 18:01

think 933 only left pei fen, jia hui, li yi, wei bin.. heehee.. think so, not sure oso.. =X
cant rmb wat happen to zhi yong, but think he hospitalised, but dunno discharged le ma..


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 May, 2007 19:37

To qing qing: U got listen 93.3 one ahhs? Me too.. Anyway, Ma Li came back oredi.. She said tat she's okay.. Just tat because der weather, tats why sick one.. kekes..

To everyone who answered my joke: The answer is.... BARCODE WAHAHAHAHS!!


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 20:05

yo yo!!

jodie: icic.. heehee..
heehee.. ya, i got listen de.. now seldom liao, cos watch tv ma.. haha.. but think soon, i'll b back to listening to 933 liao, cos no tv for mi le.. =(


Blogger Jodie [: | 23 May, 2007 20:31

To qing qing: Icics. Ohh yahs. Tomorrow ataroud 9pm mst listen 93.3 hors. Cos i sent letter there and want to dian ge and dunno whether will get chou zhong or not so hope for der best lors. But didn't dian to u all. I feel so sorry. But i'm now currently lyk sort drafting my second letter i wanna post so may want to dian gei u all MLBians and Milubing lars. hehes. Must on radio tmr hors. hehes.


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 20:35

heehee.. it's ok la.. =)
kk.. will on the radio tml.. =)
wat song u dian huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 21:40

大家晚上好!又来讲废话了。。。哦你们会有黑眼圈啊, 应该是顺利的眼圈最黑因为他明天还要作工嘛。 那黑跟中黑的应该就是瑞祥和伟琦吧。不用这么拼命啦,你们的歌迷已了解你们对音乐的热诚与执着。那你们礼拜天是不是再度呈献周董的歌呢?无任如何,希望你们会享受那天的演出。


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2007 22:59

Cruz not sick, think he broke his bones, it's reported in the newspaper & i-weekly le.


Blogger qing qing | 23 May, 2007 23:20

yeah yeah!! it's slping time.. nite nite everyone.. =D


Blogger PeiShan | 23 May, 2007 23:21

hi peepz ..

to quizzy_me: hoho .. ya, ding zhi yong broke his bones, not sick .. paiseh, rmb wrongly .. hehe ..


Blogger PeiShan | 24 May, 2007 00:01

gonna slp le ..
nitez mlb and mlbians .. sweet dreams ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 May, 2007 00:40

If I am not wrong Ding Zhi Yong fell into a drain and broke his bone. Think he already discharged
As for Chong Qing, he fell from the bike in Pulau Ubin while going down a slope. He broke 4/5 teeth & also his hand (already operated). Still in hospital now.
This morning "Wan Ren Mi" only left with Li Yi, cos Wei Bing also on sick leave (since yesterday). Ma Li was on sick leave yesterday, she's back today if I never remember wrongly.

Many people fall sick this 1~2 weeks, must be becos of the bad weather. So, MLB & MLBians must take great care of your own health.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 00:46

mi tink is sam who tag ... anw, good dat u guyz r safe n sound after the motorcross event ...

wow, lyk 非常鼠-perband nick's ... sooooo uniquie!!! really missed dat 口号 leh ... ha ha , 伟奇 became 伟琦 ... pls dun mind my teasing hor ... but den 琦 means exceptional other den beauty so is stil a good wan ya ...

ep release in jul ah ... hope dat wil be kinda final le ba ... kip fingers crossed!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 00:49

ya lor, Uncle phil take care too. my cough coming back again. Throat not sore though. Dry cough? Don't know leh, haha.

Nitey to Milubing and MLBians...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 May, 2007 01:51

Time to zzzzz,
Good night MLB & MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 01:58

Hee hee.... Just wanna sing....

I'm leaving on the jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 04:12

u still remember me :-)???haha
how are you recently????
I will be back soon (next month 30th)hope to c u guys in person!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 08:12

zao an ni hao =D


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 08:40

morning quizzy_me n everyone!! =)

haiz.. i feel like sleeping.. jia lat.. having lessons now.. but my eyes wan close liao.. =(


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 09:27

WOOHOOO~!! papaya lesson ending soon.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 09:36

me too me too. my eyes was closing during lesson earlier; but now having break I'm awake again. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 09:40

haiz.. the papaya is starting to be ya ya again.. irritating sia!!! =(

heehee.. so gd, i oso wan break, but dun hav lei.. break at 1300. =( cos lesson end at 1300.. haiz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 10:19

qing qing,
sure... you talk to me lorhs. hahas... will talk to ya if got the chance :D

seems like everytime i got prelim/mock exam mlb will have event... like last year president's star charity, next day was my chinese prelim... and suay suay i sprained my ankle on tt day. nxt mon's my hcl mock exam...hope this year nothing happen ahh... [choy choy] hahas...

got back result slip today, managed to pass my overall for this term. phewws.

see ya guys on sunday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 10:27

lol. qing qing and mk jia you. Lesson starting liao, my eyelids are falling again...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 13:32

haha, just came back from lunch. lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 14:47

halo dear people (ahah, copycat)

i'm going this sat, visit the ships, and the little ones will have some fun as well. if u are going this sat or sun, pls put spf on your face ah if the sun is good, or bring umbrella in case got rain. the whole event is by the sea of cos all, outdoor (naval base map). So its good to protect yourself while having some fun. k, cya there, enjoy! so i hope mlb have a good another one again and pray hard the weather is good and lots of sea breeze ya ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 15:24

haha thanks xiu jiejie


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 May, 2007 15:48

Ya, thanks Xiu.
You are always that efficient.


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 16:06

yo yo!! happy, cos i'm home now.. =D

quizzy_me: u're sick again?

xiu: heehee.. thank u thank u.. =)

shan: now i know y u quite like kids.. haha.. today on my way back, i saw these 2 children, only k1 or k2.. these little girl was crying, den her fren, so cute lor, comforting her.. haha.. cos they're like so young, den e fren still know how to comfort her.. haha.. she sayang her fren lor.. CUTE!!!

hmmm.. shld i go this sun, i oso dunno lei.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 16:23

qing qing, choi choi choi! i'm not sick. Just that cough didn't recovered nia. haha. u aren't studying for 24 hours right? come out for a while should be fine ba? relax for a while. Maybe u target to finish revising a certain amount of chapters on friday and saturday ba. and attending the gig on sunday will be the reward to your hardwork. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 16:33

quizzy_me: haha.. paiseh paiseh!! =X
touchwood touchwood!! haha..
hmmm.. i thinking of studying on fri n sat, den mayb sun can go.. heehee.. cos mon i only go sch take test den can go home liao.. =D
but, it's a sh*t sub.. i dun understand wat the hell e lecturer is toking!! haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 16:49



Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 17:02

heehee.. i wan oso!!! holidays, please come, i miss ya.. =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 May, 2007 17:54

I oso want holiday, but my holiday only 1 day (next Thurs ~ Vesak Day) then I applied 1 day leave which mean I will rest for 4 days. But will be very busy on Vesak Day. Gotto go temple & pray. Wish everyone here Good Health & Good Luck.
I am going to Hougang Stadium for the Light Festival (where all Buddhist devotees will transfer the light from their lotus candle to the guy next to him, then walk round the stadium), it is a segment of Vesak Day's celebration. Everyone in this world will need light to guide them and let them walk on their path.
Shall tag again today... Bye...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 18:09


Few more days can cya guys..

Looking forward to cya guys performing..

Jiayou!! Takecare


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 19:01

WOOHOO~!! juz finish copying notes for my fren.. she was absent today, i miss her.. =(

uncle phil: OMG!! i didnt know tat vesak day got this kind of thing at hougang stadium.. =( think i didnt celebrate(sounds weird huh?) vesak day b4.. cant rmb oso.. =(


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 May, 2007 19:11

To qing qing: Erm. I dian feilunhai's wo you wo de young. hahas. I LOVE tat song mahz so dia lors. hahas.

To meikian: U today get back results? Mine is tmr. hahas. But parents have to come collect it with der student and i lyk have to meet teacher at 8.10pm. OMGG! I WILL BE WEARING A SCHOOL UNIFORM AT NITE!! hahas.

To Milubing: Jiayou for this upcomin Saturday! :) Hope to hear from u all more gigs soon. :p


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 20:13

jodie: ahyo!! i think the gig is on sun, not sat.. =D
ohhh.. can c u like tat song.. haha. =)

meikian: heehee.. u tok to mi la, i paiseh lei.. *shy* heehee..
haha.. u same as mi ar? suay suay they got gig, i got upcoming term test on 5th june n test on mon =( y like tat?! *sob* *sob*.. =(
congrats for passing =)
heehee.. u pass math??!! congrats!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 21:28

take care milu bing!


Blogger PeiShan | 24 May, 2007 21:44

hello peepz ..

to qing: haha .. really ar .. ?? so young know how to sayang liao .. so cute ..


Blogger qing qing | 24 May, 2007 22:02

haha.. ya lor.. they're cute!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 22:10

miss ya guys.
jiayou for the gig on sun.
and it's thurs le wors.
do update us soon~~ =))
take care~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 May, 2007 23:02

Just came back from Hougang Stadium not long ago. Wow, this year got more devotees than last year. Mrs Goh Chok Tong was the VIP invited to start off the event.
After she pressed the remote control, there are 8 kites with colourful lights flying out from the back of the stage, and they continue to fly for about 10mins before the 2nd round of bigger kites also with colourful lights flying high up in the sky, but this round only got 5 kites for another 10mins.
Immediately after that, we lit up all the lotus candles and walked round the stadium and sang the 佛歌 which was played out loud from the speakers.
Hi qingqing, hope you have a clearer picture now! Btw, have you heard of 3 steps 1 bow procession? It is every 3 steps you walked, you have knee down and make a bow. And it continues until the complete journey.
So for the long explanations, especially to the non-buddhist.
Anyway, tml is Friday. Weekend is coming soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2007 23:40

whoa, can die while anticipating for weekend la. haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 24 May, 2007 23:56

gonna slp le .. nitez mlb and mlbians .. ^_^


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 May, 2007 00:51



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 00:58

nitey :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 08:15

o.0! zao an ni hao =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 May, 2007 09:52

Hi, good morning MLB & MLBians.
Its Friday, 2 more days and we shall be seeing MLB performing again. But until now still do not know what time they will be performing?
Very difficult to make any arrangement, my fren wanna meet me but I told him I can't cos I already confirm must go for this gig. So, really do not know what time I have to be at the Naval Base?
Hope to receive an answer ASAP!
Wish everyone here will have a great day, smile...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 May, 2007 12:07

Wow, why this place so quiet today? Where has all the MLBians gone to?
Does anyone know when uncle Benny's restaurant opening?
Lunch time coming, going to Billy Bombers for lunch later.
Have a great meal, everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 12:21

hi! here's wishing every1 a happy weekend, esp Sunday. Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 13:10

haha I'm here. Opening next week is it? haha duno leh.

I getting jia lat now - when my facilitator is talking, my eyes are closing le. But when he finished talking then i automatically awake again. Haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 25 May, 2007 13:21

hello peepz ..

to uncle phil: wahh .. Billy Bombers .. so gd .. i had to ta bao to office leh .. coz gotta finish some work ..

to quizzy_me: haha .. u dame funny .. he finished talking den u wake up .. haha .. u slping, he din scold meh .. ?


Blogger qing qing | 25 May, 2007 13:59

hellooOO!!! i'm here too!!

quizzy_me: yeah yeah!! high-five!! we got the same prob.. haha.. the lecturer/tutor dun talk, at least i still wont wan fall aslp, he talk, i wanna slp liao.. =(
somemore hor, i dunno lei, eng sch teachers seems to hav this trend, likt to tok to themselves.. haha.. they toking, we dunno wat they toking, they ask que, they ans themselves.. =D haha

uncle phil: waseh!! billy bombers!! i oso wan eat.. =D
i da bao food home to eat.. =(

shan: heehee.. so ke lian ar, gotta rush work, didnt go c police ar? haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 14:25

haha shan; i didn't sleep, just very very sleepy nia. haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 25 May, 2007 14:50

to qing: ya lor .. so ke lian rite .. =( haha .. aiya, police not handsome wan .. i wanna go sgh c e doc .. they more handsome .. haha .. =P

to quizzy_me: ohh .. icic .. hehe ..


Blogger qing qing | 25 May, 2007 15:08

haha.. HPB no handsome de ar? haha.. dun c police n doc, c milubing better, more handsome.. haha.. =D


Blogger PeiShan | 25 May, 2007 15:21

to qing: ya, hpb no handsome wan .. so sad rite.. haha .. okok, c milubing ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 15:23

The gig on Sunday will be at 5pm...Cya there :D


Blogger qing qing | 25 May, 2007 15:24

shan: haha.. really ar??! OMG! it's quite big rite, how come no handsome.. haha.. =D

Anonymous: thanks!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 May, 2007 15:34

Thanks Anonymous, finally we know what time is the gig.
Ok, shall be there before 5pm. Maybe go to Expo for the food fair first, then take free shuttle bus from there.
Yeah... 2molo is Saturday liao. Still got about 2 hours for I call it a day for this week. So..... Shiok. :-) Cheers...


Blogger PeiShan | 25 May, 2007 15:38

to qing: yar .. it's big, but dunno y dun haf, so sad .. ohya, den yesterday there's fire drill, but we were not in it coz we alr went to e pri sch liao .. my e other fren hu is still in hpb was in it, and she said tt e fire drill invlove hpb, sgh and hsa !! argh, din get to c e handsome guys .. =( and she said tt e fireman was quite cute .. argh, din get to c, so sad .. =( hehe ..

to anonymous: thx for e info .. haiz, but dun thk im going .. mlb, jia you wor ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 15:56

weiqi 25 May 2007 15:31

Hey Mlbians, I dunno if the event starts at 5 or not, just know that we will be on the road at 4pm, travelling to Changi from City Hall. Pls help me post ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 15:56

No problem ;).


Message from Weiqi @ 15.31...

Hey Mlbians, i dunno if the event starts at 5 or not, just know that we will be on the road at 4pm, travelling to Changi from City Hall.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 15:57

oops! =P


Blogger qing qing | 25 May, 2007 16:24

heehee.. =)

shan: ahyo!! ur fren happy ma? haha.. =D
dun sad la, cant c handsome, c me la, i HANDSOME oso.. OOPS!!haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 16:30


anyway, class has ended. For the primary/secondary/JC students, today should be the last day of school right? haha. enjoy!

=( i still have to endure for one more week...-_-!


Blogger PeiShan | 25 May, 2007 16:53

to qing: c u ar ..?? err .. erm .. can dun wan not .. hahaha .. kidding ..

to quizzy_me: so gd .. haf holz .. i still nid to work .. =( but i haf time off next week .. yeah .. =)

ok .. i gotta xia ban le .. cya peepz .. ^_^


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 May, 2007 16:54

To quizzy_me: Yeap.. But during June hols, i still needa go back to skool for training and sports camp.

To qing qing: Did u hear my name at around 9.30pm on yes. 933 YESTERDAY? hahas. My letter was being read at around 9.30pm. WOOHOOS! FEEL SO HAPPY!! :p


Blogger qing qing | 25 May, 2007 16:56

jodie: very sorry.. i 4get!!
9pm, i was watching tv, n i 4get bout it.. den when e show finish, den i rmb!! i quickly go on radio, but didnt hear liao, cos i on at 2200.. =(

shan: dun like tat!!! haha.. =)
so gd ar, so fast xia ban le.. tot u 1800 den xia ban de?


Blogger PeiShan | 25 May, 2007 17:01

to jodie: hey hey .. i oso 4get sia .. aiya .. paiseh ..

to qing: every fri i end work at 530 .. but our supervisor says 2day can end work at 5 .. yeah .. ^_^


Blogger qing qing | 25 May, 2007 20:09

yoyo!! =D

shan: heehee.. so gd ar, got 2 days can 1700 xia ban.. waseh!!

so angry man!! juz now slping, den dunno which idiot making so much noise, wake mi up.. think is my neighbour living above driliing things.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2007 20:15

sam. if u manage to see this tag.
just a query. are you the permanent judge for sheng siong variety show that's live on every sunday at 9pm?


Blogger Jodie [: | 25 May, 2007 22:38

To shan and qing qing: Nvm nvm der lars. I will sned in another letter soon. hahas. I chi bao hen kong sian mahz. kekes.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 May, 2007 23:26

Wow, having a very bad headache now. Need to go to bed early tonight, hopefully will be better tml morning.
Goodnight & sweet dream to MLB & MLBians.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead, and those having school holidays, enjoy yourselves...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 00:04

ya lor, it has been a tiring day. but weather so hot now. lol. gd night =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 May, 2007 09:13

Hi Good Morning MLB & MLBians,
Luckily I wake up early today, early bird catches the worm (早起的鸟儿,有虫吃). There was a trailer showing the motocross challenge in Channel-U. And almost all the shots were shown, even Sam's interview plus getting his medal. Hopefully Channel-U will telecast this motocross challenge on TV!
Shall be going to Johor later, see you guys/gals tml at Naval base for MLB's performance.
Have a great weekend, enjoy......


Blogger qing qing | 26 May, 2007 14:24

OMG!!! i shld hav wake up early like uncle phil.. =(
i woke up at 1+.. =(

btw, last nite 933, li teng said bout e motocross last sat, n he said tat he fell n liu xue.. den another DJ, think is ma li, ask, his grp lost in e end is it? heehee.. den li teng say they won, cos all his grp members r v gd.. haha.. den he said, sam was a v gd rider.. n hor, he rid v fast oso.. heehee.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 15:31

谢谢hsb, 我也很喜欢这个名,只希望没有得罪什么人。我尽然拼错名啊,我在写的时侯还在想是不是奇怪的奇,果然是!这才真奇怪了!嗨!我实在 真该死, 还算什么歌迷吗。。。好我现在 就去反省反省一下。有空再回来。在走之前希望迷路兵明天演出愉快!


Blogger qing qing | 26 May, 2007 17:05

yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo!! heehee.. i saw the motorcross thing oso.. WOOHOO~~ =D
saw it at bout 1500.. =)

fei chang su-peband: heeheee.. it's ok, m not offended.. =D ahya, nvm de la, think no one will blame u for the wrong "qi" .. =)


Blogger qing qing | 26 May, 2007 19:01

yeah yeah!! i saw the motorcross thing again.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 19:27


Those who going, be early.. may have long long Q at Singapore Expo for shuttle bus..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 19:31

hey everyone.
sam will be attending tml's Sheng Siong Variety Show again as judge at 9pm.
we have 13 tickets available to distribute to the MLBians.

those who are interested in going to the show, please email us at lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com with your name, contact number and how many tickets you wish to have.

this is base on first come first serve basis. all mails should be send before 12pm tml. those who got the tickets, we will contact you latest by 2pm tml. thanks for your cooperation. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 19:39

to add on, we will update once the tickets are fully taken. =)


Blogger qing qing | 26 May, 2007 19:48

i wan go c oso lei, but cannot go la.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 23:13

Halo people, finally home from the naval base. Weather was hot but turned cool by 4pm. Stage is in the mid of the whole event; shuttle bus ride is abt 10-15mins ride, then u walk 8-10mins to the event, and another 10-12mins to reach the stage; so if u do not wan to miss anything, be early. Go early to play the water sports - it was fun though wet. I got myself burnt abit lah.

At the same time, I saw some1 with cool specs, wearing sleeveless navy tee, clad in jeans. He has muscles now and in better shape then before and not really very dark compared to those navy boys. He was standing on the right front of the stage, prob checking out the stage and most imptly the sounds for tmr. I'm sure he is very satified. Or agree with me that the sound is SUPERB. I could hear the singing, and I could hear the band playing. Right, nic? Glad to see 1/3 of mlb, though the other 2 were not there. the kids are too engrossed in the games; and the adults (n myself), all too shy to come forward. But you are very serious so we decided not to disturb you. All the best for tmr!

So if u wanna video or record the sound, i'm sure it will turn out good. Don't think you have to worry that u need to 'choop' places in front, it was rather empty when the stars were there.

Have fun all!

Will try to upload the motorcross video mentioned above if i ever got a chance to watch it on tv haha. I go sleep le. Nitety


Blogger qing qing | 26 May, 2007 23:33

xiu: haha.. u went today oso ar? heehee.. thanks for all e info n e time needed to travel there.. =)
really thanks alot!! =D nite nite..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2007 23:59

hoho finally can come online le. Today i very suay - vomitting and diarrhea haunted me...was having fever and headache too. I napped at 6 plus and only woke up at about 1/2 hour ago.

Basically everything I drank is vomited out so nothing goes into my stomach lor. Haven't eaten anything for the whole day. Now eating fish porridge. But I have a feeling it's "going to come out of my stomach" again.

My dad said if tomorrow still not feeling well then don't go to Navy open house le ba. Want to support Milubing at gig de hua there's always next time mahz. That is what he said. -----__________-------!

But good news is just found a job as a tutor - to teach this K2 child phonics. Suppose to start work tomorrow morning but the tutee mother got something on. So will be starting work on Thursday instead (I working every Thursday night and Saturday morning). haha.

Milubing jia you!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 May, 2007 00:07

Hello, I just came back Suntec City (Fountian Of Wealth) for a Vesak Day celebration. Again there is candle light procession, so I joined in for the prayer. I rush dwon to this event after coming back from Johor at about 7.30pm.

Can anyone confirm that MLB's gig tml is 5pm? Normally will be delayed rite, so dun really know what time it will finished. If going to watch Sam at the Sheng Siong Show, dun think can get home for shower before going to the studio? Must be very rush! Don't think I can make it. Shall support Sam from home watching that programme.
If next week still got tixs, I might wish to request 2tixs.
Anyway, thanks Peg.


Blogger qing qing | 27 May, 2007 00:10

quizzy_me: ahyoyo!! u're sick!! OMG!! take care orh.. think alot of ppl sick these few days.. my frens oso.. haiz.. ya lor, tml if cant make it, better dun go, health is impt.. =D
get well soon!! =)
WOW!! u're gg to b a tutor.. haha.. i last time got think of being a math tutor, cos my other sub, like sh*t.. =( but think i'm not fit to b a tutor.. i dun hav e patience.. n mayb, i teach tat person, results lagi worse.. haha.. =X


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 May, 2007 00:13

Hi quizzy,
You seems to be very weak, everytimes heard you not feeling well? Must really take care of your health, ok?
Ya, I oso agree with what your dad said. So, please rest well at home if you are still not well by 2molo!
Did you take any medicine? Try to sleep early tonight, should be able to sleep well after taking medicine (if you have taken).


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 May, 2007 00:26

haha. qing qing, I also don't know if i can make it or not. Anyway my agency gave me 1 month time to decide. After which I cannot quit le. haha.

Ya uncle phil, my mum medicine so i took le. haha.

thanks =)...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 May, 2007 01:42

Time to zzzzz,
Good night MLB & MLBians.