
East side...
milubing | 09 May, 2007 01:20

Calling all MLBians!!! There's a MLB gig this SAT!!!

(due to some technical error on this post, pls post your comments, if any, at the previous entry by Sam 'Its over'. Sorry for the inconvenience, thanks)

Official Advert:
"Head down to the giant playground at Downtown East to sample its rich offerings of entertainment and variety show as well as to find out what the labour movement has done through its 12 social enterprises - NTUC cooperatives and related organisations - to improve the lives of our workers and their families. The carnival is a potent combination that promises serious wholesome fun for the entire family."

Date: Saturday, 12 May 2007
Time: 9am to 8pm
Venue: Downtown East
GOH: Mr Lim Boon Heng, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office

Our show's details: 1.30pm NTUC Mayday Concert Downtown East - D'Marquee
We have been practicing EVERY nite for this gig heh heh... cos 3..YES 3 NEW SONGS!
2 Chinese songs
and 1 English song
Any hints? mmm...let's just say the english song sung by a female singer originally, and the 2 chinese songs are sung by the same guy,and we have ever done his song once during SB days heh heh..
Regarding tickets, i not sure if u need tics to get in to watch.I'll do a check with our manager and get back to u all k?cos i tot it was open to public ma... :(

Take care!

P.S. this photo summarises how tired we have become after all tat jamming...and midnight charge from cab fares...

Nic's new friend..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 01:44

took a break from the never ending reading and thinking.... ah! Nic botak! hahaha... can't believe he allow u to take that pic.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 08:11

morning! i think the event is only for union & their family members. the whole downtown east is closed to public. so likely must have tickets and somemore no more tixs le. :(

nvm maybe i go hang around there n can still catch u 3 going into the theme park. Then see if can pretend pretend then 混进去. :D

anyway, all the best! new songs - i wanna hear !!! :(

ok, gotta go for class. Tata


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 08:15

weiqi, so u managed to post it up. =)) jiayou for this gig.. just as wad mlbian said. might be gg down to hang ard and see if i can see u guys.. take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 09:12

morning peepz .. ^_^

yeah .. i guess correctly .. is e mayday concert at downtown east .. oh man .. if really muz haf tix, i muz go ask my sis for it liao .. dunno she haf anot .. hmm ..

to weiqi: [from previous post] ahh .. u so busy liao still go learn driving .. auto/manual ? haiz, i v long ago say i want to learn liao but still haven go learn ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 May, 2007 09:47

Hi WeiQi,
You finally can post liao! Thanks for the update, but most important is whether we need tickets to get in? Please find out for us ASAP, if can get in I will definitely be there to support MLB.
MLB Jia-you, we know that you guys always practise very hard for every events & gigs. That's the reason why MLB's performances improve from one show after another. MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 10:12

Thks Wq.

Nic...love you... whether you long hair or botak. Looks neat and clean.

Sleeping in the arm of Uncle MacDonald. Lucky guy, Uncle Mac.

All the best to MLB at the gig. I will check too as I am a NTUC member. Take this opportunity to show them what you have got. Give us something fun and lively, catchy so that all can sing and sway along.



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 10:12


Finally you're back! Thanxs for the update..Have to check out whether need tixs to get in.. Let us know Asap... thanxs again..



Blogger Jodie [: | 09 May, 2007 10:37

hi keyboardist:).. kekes.. Finally a gig at the East Side.. WOOHOO!! JUST 2 STATIONS AWAY FROM WHERE I LIVE YEAHS! -_-".. Dun overwork ur body lars.. Until midnite.. Aiyo! Anyway, jiayou jiayou orhs! The tixs sold out ahhs.. *sighs*.. If i have known earlier bout it jiu hao ler.. hahas... New songs? OHH YEAHS! Okays.. I'm lyk acting lame these few days lers.. hahas..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 11:27


did nic suggest that photo? or did you weiqi? hahaha. equally lame der leh u all. lols!

hmm... maybe there'll be some kind soul gong zuo ren yuan that'll bring us in? haha.cuz based on experience... there're some events where there will be nice souls who will volunteer to help bring us fans in. depends bahhs...

uhh wells. im lazy to go guess the songs lerrs. will know if we get to hear it on sat larrs. haha.

talk about midnight charge jiu sian. cabbed home from swissotel at 1am on monday and the cab fare was more than 20 bucks. savings all gone liaoos... =.=

jus being random. okayys, thanks for helping us to check! hope to cya guys on sat. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 11:56

have a wonderful and successful performance an enjoy ya selves =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 12:39

jia you =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 14:22

HI MLB..grabbing some time to come in here and taking my break for lunch. Today just eat lor mai kai and 2 siew mai for lunch. No prata 'cos lazy to walk out n too much work.

Finally got to see Nic in short hair. COOL...

Alamak, another gig & NTUC this time? Die lah this time..dunoe anyone and not a union member. Got lots of artists or not? But I only want to see MLB's performance.

Whether I can make it there or not..you guys enjoy, have fun and sing your lungs out for the crowd. These are working people. They do need some break and entertainment.

We were talking at other posting that there is this sweet girl who work so hard until she got heart attack and died. Mind you, she is a young girl..not old woman. So have to learn to relax. (I shld be telling myself). Anyway to us pay, position, recoginitions, peer pressure and peer's competition are very very REAL. In my younger days I am also like that.. work, work, work and stopped dead on the track when a very close colleague died last year at 35. So an advise to all working people, take care of yourself.

MLB... please take care of yourself.

Have a wonderful week.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 14:37

hello peepz ..

omg .. after reading wat tatouwawa's tag, i muz really dun work too hard sia .. btw, went police cantonment for lunch juz now, go in v ma fan .. muz gif i/c .. somemore din get to meet any handsome police .. haha .. =P

to qing, kaysee & tp mlbians: my fren's church is having a netball competition .. haf to form a grp of 6 frm e same school .. wondering if u all interested not, can join mi and my fren .. it's on 26 may (11-5pm) at fairfield sec sch ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 15:32

^O^ haha...
the cute photo of nic
thanks for posting up neh!


Blogger qing qing | 09 May, 2007 16:23


shan: heeheee.. i i i... dunno how to play netball.. i v scared of balls de.. =X everytime sure get hit de.. =(
wa, y go police cantonment for lunch need chack ic de?
u dui de qi wo ma? go there wan c handsome policeman.. wat bout mi??!! =(
know wat??!! today e cloud call mi to say it'll rain today, it really did!! haha.. i know it's lame.. =D

weiqi: WOW!! learning driving??!! i oso wan... but gotta wait for 6 more mths.. =( not 18 yet.. haiz...
btw, thanks for e details of e gig.. =)

tatouwawa: haha.. lucky i'm not those hardworking de.. haha.. always slack at work de.. =X

quizzy_me: u still not ok ar? i ok liao, except blocked nose.. cos i sun, already having sore throat liao, den few days liao, so it's time for mi to recover.. haha.. no sense lei.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 16:45

qing qing, I'm not ok but feeling better le, especially after taking medicine. haha.

Just visit the doctor and he asked me not to go to school tomorrow. Damn - tomorrow got Chemistry test. LOL! suan le ba...haha.

ttww jie, u r right, guess we have to balance everything ba. Don't take it too hard on ourselves. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 09 May, 2007 16:54

quizzy_me: ohhh... at aleast getting better, tat's a gd thing.. =D
hmmm.. den u gg sch tml ar? rest la..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 17:31

Hey MLBIANS! I've checked with my manager she said that the gig's open to the public, dont need tics to watch!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 17:54

Really? But when I checked with NTUC, they say it's for union members only leh *confused*


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 18:17

someone in twilight zone.. still look gd le!


Blogger qing qing | 09 May, 2007 18:31

really dun need tix??!! gd gd.. think will go watch.. =D
thanks weiqi =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 20:15

to enlighten every1, Downtown East is an open public place. Only the theme parks will be closed to union & family members on the 12th. MLB's gig is at the D'Marquee (that white 'tent' u see when u enter) where we have sometimes, cartoon characters will stage performers during school hols. Not inside the escape theme park or wild wild wet.

So at the D'Marquee it will be FREE to every1. So GO if you are free. Indoor somemore, lagi better.

this clears every1's doubts?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 May, 2007 20:43

Thanks WeiQi for checking with your manager and also Xiu for the explanation.
I will be there to support MLB. Hopefully those MLBians that are going & own the MLB's tee, please wear it to this gig too.
MLB 加油.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 22:36

wow .. it's free .. hmm ..

to qing: haha .. e ball dun like u .. haha .. kidding =P .. yar, go police cantonment eat muz gif them ur i/c to exchange for e visitor pass .. i nv tui bu qi u lor .. haha .. there no handsome policeman lor .. sgh got a lot .. haha .. real dame suai de .. doctor somemore .. mayb tml going .. haha ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:07

ahhhh.. really hope that i can come...most prob got cca on that day...nan de it's on the east side...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:08

Thanks weiqi for sharing.

Qing qing, even if i want, the doctor also advised me not to go le. haha. I supposed to have test tomorrow leh. but bo pian have to miss it le. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:13

oh ya, may i know which part of Downtown East is D'marquee located at (near to which place)? So I won't get lost. haha.

Weiqi, what time exactly will u guys be performing?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:23

to quizzy_me: u know the giodiano shop ?? it's somewhere opposite there .. u will c a white tent like wat xiu said .. it's quite big, v obvious ..

to weiqi: hu else is performing bside u all mlb .. ?? u said e show is at 130pm .. is 130pm u all perform or 130pm e concert start ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:26

haha ok, thanks shan


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:30

thx weiqi for the gig info as i was rather confused by the previous entry. haha.
MLB, jia you for the gig ya? and i dunno if i can go anot.. cos i'm kinda behind my studies due to the nearing syf which is tml! hahas. wah seh. stressed.

and to NIC.
oh man! u look so different! haha!

nites nites to mlb and all mlbians.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:34

nitez ppl .. gonna slp liao ..
hope tml is a better day for mi (coz today is such a shity day for mi .. haiz .. ) as well as for u all mlbians and mlb .. sweet dreams ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:35

ohh .. u r welcome quizzy_me .. hope u understand wat im saying and dun lost ur way tt day ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2007 23:48

haha ok. nitey shan.

syL jia you.


Blogger binz | 10 May, 2007 01:02

oh yay the concert is foc and open to public! i wanna go! take it as an excuse to break free frm my Mid year exams =x

oh syL is frm jc co having syf tdy? jiayous(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 08:02

"to clear some doubts: we will b on stage by 1.30pm this sat. :) no tics required."


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 08:12

http://www.downtowneast.com.sg/index/mapinfo2.aspx - here's the way to downtowneast
D'Marquee is next to wet wet wild, just in front of the resort reservation offices, food courts, emicakes (still there?) etc


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 09:27

morning peepz ..

to weiqi: thx for answering my question .. =) but i dun thk im going le .. coz haf proj to rush .. =( shall c 1st ..

to qing: hope u can c tis tag asap .. coz i nid u to help mi find out sth .. yesterday i saw our tp mail, saying there's a charity concert (for straits times sch pocket money) on 1 jun and tt tix is on sale today outside library .. can u help mi go check wat's e price, time and hu r e artists tt r performing .. get back to mi by msging mi .. i send my hp no to ur yahoo mail le .. thx thx ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 10:38

whoaas. thanks weiqi! :DD

will be there. at the risk of getting murdered by my friend. haha...

jiayou guys, cya on sat okays!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 11:33

hi ppl, the SUN is out.. i was at a small makan cafe having mee siam for lunch.. then a young man odered - milo peng.. the waiter shouted 'milubing'..then i smile to myself..

hv plesant day every1..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 May, 2007 12:20

Hi cutie,
Serious ha, the waiter shouted milubing? Maybe he's also a fan of MLB? Hahaha.....

Lunch time coming, don't know what to eat???

Ya, the bright hot sun is out again. So MLB & MLBians remember to drink more water, ok? And hope everyone have a nice day. For those having tests or exams; may you get good results. For all working adults; enjoy your work & don't give too much stress to yourself.

MLB; jia-you for Sat's gig, its another 2 more days only. We have confident that you guys will put up a very good show for all the people there. MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 13:39

sobs lor Uncle phil; although thanks for wishing us (I'm one of those having tests) get good results, I'm on MC today so have to miss today's paper le. lol.

Milubing jia you!

My brunch would be meat porridge prepared by my mum. Will be taking medicine after eating then go back to bed again. haha. of course I didn't forget that i have to study for tomorrow's paper lor. haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 May, 2007 14:01

Hi Quizzy,
Rest well and you will recover very soon. Don't give yourself too much pressure in preparing for your tomorrow test. All the BEST to you. Take care ok.


Blogger qing qing | 10 May, 2007 14:10

shan: hmmm.. ok!! no prob.. ask at the counter is it? =D

quizzy_me: u still not ok ar? ahyoyo..

haha.. tat day i oso heard e drink stall de aunty shouting "milubing da de!" haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 14:42

haha. thanks uncle phil.

qing qing, me still not 100% ok but getting better le. haha thanks anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 16:02

tks weiqi n all 4 d updates.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 17:51

hello peepz ..

to qing: omg .. y dun haf .. e sch bluff us sia .. say today will sell e tix den dun haf .. haiz ..

to quizzy_me: muz take care wor .. get well soon .. =)

im so happy 2day .. coz we kana moved to another office .. and there's noone inside except us .. can party inside man .. haha .. hmm .. 10 more min to off work .. yeah ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 19:41

haha thanks shan, u take care too.

I just saw the ad on channel U - milubing will be taking part in the channel U motorcross challenge on next Saturday, 7pm. Err, the venue is at @scape right? once we find out more we'll post in publicity blog de.

Motorcross challenge - guess sam will love it to bits...haha


Blogger marssh | 10 May, 2007 19:43

hmmm is mlb really attending e motorcross challenge nxt sat??i saw e advertisement on tv juz now n they mention tat mlb will b there too...=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 19:48

yes yes. the ad says so then should be yes? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 20:30

we'll confirm the motorcross challenge event asap. =)) i missed the ad cux just reached home. LOL.
take care everyone. seems like there're some mlbians having problems tagging here. but try again bahs. i believe you can tag de. =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 21:03

Our most wanted pic is out! haha i oso dun believe dat nic allow u to post THIS pic here! not too bad la, look like an 18-yr old army BOY BOY with this haircut.
so fast another gig. D'marquee is quite a nice place to perform. enclosed space + aircon!!! is the chinese singer nic's tao ji ji? english singer bu zhi dao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 21:16

i check out the website le - it's at @scape which is the open field next to Orchard cineleisure? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 22:18

hehh.. thank you quizzy jie and binz. yup, it was jc co syf..
so scary lah! hahas. i was like, almost trembling.. have to keep telling myself to calm down. lols.

uh oh. quizzy jie sick? nowadays like so many ppl sick arh? i'm going to be sick soon too i think. a bit sore throat le. take care everyone! drink more water..

to the boys: take care also ah. and jia you for the gig!


Blogger qing qing | 10 May, 2007 22:19


yeah yeah! i'm gg on sat.. =D
oh man!! got aircon, so gd!! =P

hmmm... how come i didnt c e advt??! =(
finally mlb is attending the motorcross challenge.. =) waited so long for them to attend.. but, dun think can go.. dunno how to ask my mother.. =(

shan: ya lor.. not 1st time we get cheated liao.. =D haha..

nitez everyone.. =) WOOOOO!! tml is fri.. gd gd.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 22:24

finally! was wondering why our dear sam was not invited to the motorcross challenge event...dun they know our ah boy likes to go VROOM VROOM? :)

Hmmm...most prob will drop by since i should around that area next sat ;p

MLB & MLBians, the weather is really warm these days. please drink lotz of water and try to stay indoor...luckily this sat's gig is indoor...got air-con somemore... Y(^_^)Y


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 22:51

hm, y dat 'dark guy' catching 40 winkz look so familiar leh? izit v shiok lying in uncle ronald's arm? hee hee. wunder wats in ur biG bag ya.

d marquee is nice place to perf i tink. @least shelterd n got cool breeze blowing ;)but wif milubing on stage, mlbians can only feel the heat ;) hv FUN! hv fun performing!

i darn hopeless @hinting game, so ...

take care n ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2007 23:45

hello peepz ..

to quizzy_me: yup, i will take care too .. arhh, e motorcross challenge haf mlb ar .. i only manage to catch e part where they say haf daren they all coz i walk away to e kitchen .. aiyo, my sis so bad, nv tell mi .. is next sat 19 may ar ..

to qing: yar .. true, not 1st time kana cheated le .. haha .. anyways, thx again for helping mi to check .. =)

gotta slp le .. nitez mlbians and mlb .. sweet dreams, take care and cya ..



Blogger binz | 10 May, 2007 23:45

syL: hah the feeling on stage during syf definitely is OMG. haha i had the sec co syf some time ago too.. stage fright is so scary, my legs shivered and trembled so badly though it was already the 2nd i went for syf. wow i wonder how the boys manage to overcome their stage fright at the beginning?

haiya i think i cannot attend gig liao.. mye haven finish then mum won't let de :( shall wait for video or recording upload then(: jiayous mlb for the gig(:


Blogger qing qing | 11 May, 2007 08:17

morning everyone.. =D

hmmm... i tot the motorcross challenge is this sat.. =X hmmmm... old liao la, cant rmb.. rmb wrongly.. =(
dun think can go next sat.. =(

shan: haha.. ya, muz get used to it.. haha.. =D
ohh... u're welcome.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 08:22

hello! yeah I'm back in school again.


Blogger qing qing | 11 May, 2007 11:10

quizzy_me: u ok liao ar?

i'm hungry n tired!!! =(

mlb, jia you for tml gig.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 11:39

don't worry, i'm fine now. just that still feeling unwell at the throat. thanks for your concern.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 12:44

Hello everyone. Hv bn missing n down with flu n school.

Downtown East tomorrow at 1.30pm..wa lao cannot make it leh. Hv to go back to school.

Have fun..have fun...have fun..MLB


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 15:27



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 16:05

MLB, all the best for the gig tomorrow! Be careful...dun burnt the marquee down hor...hee hee...

MLBians who are going, have a great time!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 16:18

hello peepz ..

juz came back to office ..

to qing: haiz, u noe wat .. i cant go to mlb's gig tml le .. coz nid to celebrate mother's day and rush proj too .. hmm, mayb next sat's motorcross challenge im going to c leh .. but u said u cant go rite .. aiyo, we not fated to c each other sia .. haha ..

to mlb: jia you for tml's gig ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 16:42

Hi MLbians, WeiQi is right, no need tixs. If you want to join the carnival you need a tix.

MLB..see U.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 17:16

hi MLB/mlbians enjoy yrself 2morrow, happy weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 17:17

Hey cya guys tml...

Takecare & Jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 17:24

hey peepz ..

im going to xia ban le ..
cya .. and enjoy ur wkends .. time to party .. haha ..



Blogger marssh | 11 May, 2007 18:06

hmmmm yeah finally can see mlb again again agains....but scare scare sia later got alot of ppl SQUEEZE den jialat alr le....will bcum hamburger sia.....=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 May, 2007 22:02

won't de la...