
Been A While..
milubing | 05 June, 2007 20:38

Have been busy lately, less time to ride and relax.. I'm happy though, at least i'm not slacking so much. Time passes and does not return.. Anyhow, i still got burnt under the sun in the past few days.
I'm listening to some ballads now, beautiful voices of some great singers.. THIS IS LIFE! Will be perfect with a cup of coffee.
Wish all the busy people around will take some time to relax too..
Goodnite beautiful people.



Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 21:19

hi sam, gd to hear tt u are taking time to relax despite e busy schedule..wad will u guys be doing for music in e air? jiayou for e show n hv fun! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 22:37

haha. good music with nice cup of coffee (though I don't drink coffee) is like living in paradise. SHIOK lor~! haha. take care =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 June, 2007 22:48

Hi Sam,
Great to know that you are not slacking and taking times to relax, even though you are very busy lately.
Wow, got burnt under the sun ha, must apply aloe vera gel to cool down the burnt area ok?
Btw, have you guys finish recording your MV? Jia-you in whatever you do...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 23:30

jia you on what you are performing this thurs.. (: take care..and glad to know that you are enjoying life.. hahas..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 June, 2007 23:52

hello, how come so funny no tics for fans for the recording leh? i oso hate it wn there is nothing much to do at work. the brain becomes idle then...u know la nothing happens, jus time ticking away so slowly till knockoff time. but den if bz then everything comes at one time. hmph! good to hv a balanced life. i found the lil' chick quite entertaining on sun, but still scratching my head why the off-key dancing baby got thru instd of the korean doll...keep ure spirits up, hope mine will be too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 00:29

heh heh.
jiayou in wadeva u're busy wif or enjoying! :D
sunburnt again?
u mus hav become more darker liao. xP
take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 00:33

Yeah ... Must Relax ~ LoLx!
Take Care GUYZ ...!!!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 01:49



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 01:53

jiayou MLB


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 02:27

Yoz Ah Boy, you used to slack a lot meh? Hahaha... Yah true, slack too much not good, time flies very easily and it's gone forever. I slacked for a while already and now trying to get back into action. Hope I'm still strong enough. :-P

Uncle Phil, answering to your question in the previous post. I was having exam till mid last month then straight after it, I toured western china for nearly 2 weeks. Shiok, beautiful scenery, bright sun, cooling weather. To them, now is the peak period of Spring. Not like s'pore now, hot like sauna everyday.


Blogger awhitestraw | 06 June, 2007 02:49

well, i am also slacking. school's out, and i believe i wil get fatter by the end of the month. mayb i should stop procastinating. mayb i should get on my feets, and start doing something beneficial.

to the beach ,mayb.
to the library.
to school
yes, mayb.

i miss school


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 03:43

good night =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 04:39

*Wave to Sam (Ah Boy)*
How are you recently?
Glade to hear from u that u're busy!I'll be busy coming week coz my parents,Sister,Aunite & Cousin are coming to Canada.....
And i 'llbe visiting Montreal,Ottawa & Thousand Island with my sister.....

Countdown for 26 days !!!!!

See you guys soon ! Please have MLB EP authorgraph after i come back,Thankyou very much....coz i want to attend


Blogger qing qing | 06 June, 2007 09:04

morning everyone!!!

sam: hope u're enjoying urself.. =)
ahyo!! sunburnt again ar??!!

AHYOYO!!! how suay can i b??!!! yesterday my first day of term test, i got running nose in e morning, during test, keep sneezing.. already kinda jia lat.. den this morning i wake up, realised tat i got RASHES!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!! y like tat sia??!!! i got test in e afternoon lor.. OMG!!! think i'll b scratching myself while doing e test.. =(

smile hor everyone!!! =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 June, 2007 09:14


Glad to hear tat uare not stress up but my mother ask why u dun find a job? Not me not me ahhs. Is my mum. hahas. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 09:16

mm, no tics for fans cux the guys din wana bother the AP. yep. so let's stay at home and watch the tv when it's being aired. =))


Blogger PeiShan | 06 June, 2007 09:28

morning peepz ..

hmm .. sam finally post liao .. r u using ur new laptop to post ?? hehe .. aiyo, u got sunburnt again ar? muz b even darker now ..

to qing: jia you for ur test lata .. and muz take care wor .. how come haf rashes, u allergy to sth izzit ..

to jodie: sam alr haf a job le ma, which is being an artist .. hehe ..


Blogger qing qing | 06 June, 2007 09:35

shan: heehee.. thanks thanks.. =)
i dunno lei.. this's my 2nd time having rashes only lei.. dunno wat happen oso.. =(

jodie: haha.. acty hor, last time i oso same thinking as ur mum, y dun sam get a job, but den realise he already got a job, which is being an yi ren, like wat shan said.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 10:12

*****Wave to Sam********
How are you????
just decide to c this blog
i'm so bored at home...i have just study finish...Wish me all the best for my final exam on fri,K???



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 12:30

hI sAM,


cya tomorrow recording..

take care

going for class le..



Blogger PeiShan | 06 June, 2007 13:42

back fr lunch ..

to qing: oic .. r u allergy to any food anot .. better c doctor ar ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 13:57

qing qing, better c doctor. he/she will give u a cream and the medicine to stop the itchiness.


Blogger binz | 06 June, 2007 14:22

yea even though cannot catch live recording but can catch broadcast thru the tv good enough le(: sometimes the camera can zoom in more than what we can see at the live place. haha so always think of the brighter side of life(:
sam better go apply the stuffs to heal ur sunburnt skin aye? sunburnt can be so painful=x


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 15:24

its really good to devote all ur time to doing smth u like isnt it? :) i'll love to, but still got to study leh. haha...

jiayou for tomorrow. see ya guys soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 15:32

and yes sam, i agree that's life. hahas... listening to rock also v cool sometimes. me been listening to mayday's dialect songs these few days, everyday speaker on loud loud. shiok! hahas...



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 15:39


tomorrow are you going for the recording with Peg... I'll be giving both of u tixs tomorrow..

cya tml..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 16:13

so sian now. such a hot and humid afternoon. want to study but no mood to study. but yet don't know what to do too. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 16:33

i think not that the guys didn't want to bother the AP.. it's just that they also didn't have a choice, due to the tickets are priority given to the school that's going that day.. think the guys are pretty upset that their fans can't go to..

look at things from a brighter side.. =) i believe the guys wouldn't forget their dearest MLBians.. so let's just support them at home.. it'll still be as great!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 17:29

yep, i totally agree. I'm sure they would love to see more of their fans rather if not they wouldn't have bother to update us. Don't make things too difficult for them.. no tix don't complain, don't get angry over such small matter. So petty then don't be a fan ba!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 18:22

hey sam!
yeah, good to hear u can relax and enjoy despite the busy schedule.. take care alright? haha. and i'm rather bu hao yi si that i keep missing the sheng shiong show. haiz. i keep forgetting got this show on sun lor. haha. old le..
oh so sam has been listening to ballads? icic.. i've been listening to canto songs. hahas.

haiz. holidays.. are mugging days man! sianzZzzzz. lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 19:16

VPeaceV VPeaceV
Let's all not presume anything. No one deserves any attacks here. Let's respect each other's rights and not do any personal attacks here.
VPeaceV VPeaceV


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 June, 2007 19:37


Those ppl here: If u all watch CSS2, please support Teri from miee school, kays? No need call oso can. But just hope u all can enjoy her singing even though she is not a chinese-speaking person, just like the same situation to Juz-B :D. Her appearance will be next Monday, 11th June and she is F3(:. Remember to watch out for her on TV.


Blogger qing qing | 06 June, 2007 20:27


shan: i dunno oso lei.. juz suddenly got de.. =( doing test half-way, keep scratching.. haha.. itchy ma.. =(

quizzy_ me: heehee.. in e end, i still didnt c doc.. haha.. apply some you.. think it's better le.. =D
wat do u apply huh? tat time when u got rash..

jodie: haha.. kk.. will watch de.. =)

yeah!! peace peace.. we're all mlbians.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 21:48

i applied the cream given by my doctor lor. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 23:08

anyway, i feeling so shuan now. i'm yearning to eat KFC but don't dare to do so cos recently i just successfully reduced 3.5kg. But my dad really bought KFC back le. haha.of cos must control la. haha.

oh ya i got a question to ask, but if u duno then never mind la. haha. any idea what is the device i can use to record TV programs then upload to, say, youtube? haha. thanks


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 23:10

after the rain you can see a clear sky, cool fresh air


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 23:21

haha. ya lor.

not trying to prove anything la, but chill! haha.

Fast food can made me feel sian too~-_-! don't know why...

aiya fruit juice is the best la! very refreshing and shuan but yet won't feel sian. cos no carboh ba? HAHAHAHAHA =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 23:22

oh forget to say - milo peng too ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 23:27

hehe. alright. can too. or if xiu jiejie is reading this she can answer my question too? haha. thanks anyway =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 June, 2007 23:52

ah boy, do try to avoid getting sunburnt la. not gd 4 skin. wil age fast-fast wan! u become a snake these few daes le ba ;p itchy or not. apply soothing cream lor

yeah, finally aft sam appeared in 1st epi of music in the air, can get to c another band from SB dae tmr – J3. dunno if will sing jazz version of xiao wei ya. was kinda disappointed wn none appeared aft dat leh. so now, can look forward to milubing’s segment next wk? hee. shall enjoy it @home. yup yup, if camera zoom in den can c clearer ya ;p beats being dere

read abt this elderly rockers who made it to the top 40 chart. den a hazy-fuzzy image of nic the elderly rocker float into my head. kkkk >.< nic-nic, hope u doing fine ya

buzy s a bee de weiqi, watch out for panda eyes ya ;)

hv a fantastic tym tmr during recording. enjoy urself! for sure ah boy will lor


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 00:07

haha bye bye for now. my kor want to use internet le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 01:16

tsk,tsk...cant believe i nearly started a cat fight here :P hang loose everyone, will kuai kuai de stay at home to watch prog when it's aired. at least got some fans in the audience, so enjoy ure recording!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 03:15

Hey peg, regarding the tix, we really didn't wanna bother the AP with the circumstances(that u dunno), and it's very hard to say EVERYthing cos sometimes it might seem like we're bad mouthing ppl.So we really need everyone to have faith in us,that we're doing wat we can within our means.We are really stressed up during this period, so a brawl on this blog would be the last thing we'd wanna see here.Peace out y'all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 03:57

haha I'm back. Got hooked on this VCD I'm watching. Actually I still left one more topic to study for the Chemistry test that I will be sitting on the first day of school. But i got hooked on to VCD liao leh. oops! Wanted to continue to watch but it's late le. LOL!

weiqi大哥, why didn't u turn in yet? haha. jia you ok?

Maybe I don't understand exactly what happen, but I think you all misunderstand each other le la. 讲清楚,就没事了, alright? Next time got any misunderstanding, talk nice la, hao ma? hehe =D

Peg, smile ba =)?

mm jie, my 'darling' got ticket but she's not going le, so she asked me to go. lol.

Good night =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 04:03

oh ya, weiqi nic and sam, when u guys r free, dropped by and tagged at the publicity blog hao ma? haha. http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com, weiqi probably knows best. But thats if u r free la. if u guys r not free then never mind. haha.

Of course all others are welcome too. haha paiseh arh, feeling a bit wu liao...=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 11:17

jiayou jiayou jiayou tonight MLB i always trust u all, cos i kn u love yr fans too.. so mlbians be v tactful with the way u tag yr news.. smilez


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 12:08

Aiya, everybody got the whole picture wrong le lah, all misunderstandings...si liao lah... Pls dun be harsh to Peg ok? *Big Smilez*

Weiqi, relax...I'll try to fill u in with more explanations.

And all here, peace ya..and I beg u not to shoot me ok. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 13:15



Blogger qing qing | 07 June, 2007 14:05

angie: haha.. i surely wont shoot u de.. =D
yes, i'll b gd gd to peg oso.. haha.. =D

weiqi: yes yes!! i have faith in u all!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 June, 2007 14:51

Ya, I also feel that there are lots of misunderstandings here. Strongly agree with angie that we shall not be too harsh to each others. Remember that We Are One Big Family.
Actually all these happened becos all MLBians love MLB very..... much, so whenever they are not given a chance to get close to the 3 milo bois, they will be very sad & disappointed. Then at times they might say / write somethings that may sound unpleasant to certain MLBians. So, all MLBians including MLB must learn to accept each others and do not take comments too seriously. After all everyone here has the same motive, which is to support MLB and love their music. Let's cheer up man... :-)
MLB & MLBians Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 14:55

cheers :D


Blogger qing qing | 07 June, 2007 14:55

uncle phil: yes!! i agree w u oso.. everyone has e same motive here, tat is to support mlb.. n we're always one family!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 19:34

don't quarrel can. misunderstandings should not be dealt with like that. Throwing words at each other won't solve the problem. Everyone have their own thinkings, their own assumptions which lead to misunderstandings. When a group of people are together, there will sure be misunderstandings growing out of it. Part of Parcel of life as the route of life will never be smooth.

I believe the guys have their own reasons doing certain stuffs. Everyone have different expectations and when the expectation can't be met, people will feel unhappy.

There is no right or wrong party here. Perhaps stopping the throwing of harsh comments on this blog would be the first step to do. Take a break. chill it, then talk. If not things will only turn out worse. Trust me.

Then again, we should bring out what we are unhappy about instead of keeping stuffs inside. It'll only lead to a snowball effect which nothing can be saved after the whole bubble burst. But of course in the correct way of a good talk and understand the whole situation instead of starting to point fingers at each other which won't solve the problem but make it worse.

Althought I seldom commment here but I do read comments here. We started off as strangers, then friends then people started chatting here every now and then. If a little misunderstanding can ruin what is being build up over the whole period of time. I think it's really a pity.

Smile Guys. We are suppose to be, one big mlb family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 22:23

The whole thing started with unclear communication, it shld be cleared up instantly. But I guess we tend to avoid the hassles of clarifying the msg we got due to many reasons, such as busyness, paiseh, shyness etc. Hence, that gave an opportunity for such misunderstanding to arise...and worst, it became a snowball effect when pple dunoe the whole situation gave comments on this.

Well, acty weiqi dun nd to put tat tag down by addressing to Peg. Peg was being mistaken in this matter as far as I know. She wasn't “not happy” that “the guys dun wanna bother the AP” to get extra tics or neither she sulked becos “she cldn’t go for the recording”. All these were presumed by some pple who tagged on this blog with “unknown” or “unfamiliar” nicks. And this had created a situation as though Peg was jealous about the tics thingy. Peg was unhappy about sumthin else which she has had the rights to feel what she felt. Well, we r humans, we do have our ups and downs; our feelings oso. But, was she graceful enuff not to rant it here?

I believe the guys were oso being put in difficult spots in many situations which they cldn’t share ALL here too. I understand the stress, crazy schedules and difficulties that hv been challenging the guys up to their necks. I oso dun expect them to read the whole blog to understand the situation better too. This was really a very unnecessary misunderstanding that hurt all parties here.

I hope this clear the air. Can I beseech to all pple taggin here to discern the comments here with the thought of love for one another, so as to minimize misunderstandings? Sorry, if this has been intense. Since Peg confided to me about this thingy right from the start, I guess I wld nd to take a risk to give a clear pic of what I knew. Peace ya?

Let’s all not be affected by this, but take this as a lesson and open up to accept one another; and oso to kn one another better. Hey mlbians, show your strength to turn this into blessing leh… Peace hor?! Please don’t shoot me. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2007 22:57

伟奇低声下气。。。无名无姓,却是心知肚明。别人说说,她为他们解围。 我为他们说话,我却变成过分包容。 看样子,似乎我毫无发言的权力。 罢了!再不留言了!


Blogger Jx | 07 June, 2007 23:24






一段留言, 没音调,没表情,没音量。我觉得留言里所表达的情绪,很有可能不是他人索要表达的.






Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2007 23:25

oh no. ppl be nice please?

Yeah good to see sam being happily busy. not many ppl can find joy in being busy.

im motivated by sam's optimism!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2007 23:45

Thank u Felicia, that's encouraging. Cheer up everyone!


Blogger qing qing | 11 June, 2007 13:13

yeah!! indeed not many ppl can find joy in being busy.. i'm one of them.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 June, 2007 14:21

if you are doing the things you like then you can find joy de...to a certain extent I'm doubting my love for Science le...but yet I think I love Science too...sometimes I can find joy, sometimes not...lol!


Blogger qing qing | 11 June, 2007 22:19

heehee.. think i same as u ba.. haha.. i sometimes fun joy in doing math, but sometimes not.. haha.. but i like to think n think till i know how to solve e prob, if not i'll feel gao wei n frustrated.. tat's y i always ended up spending alot of time doing math.. but I LIKE IT!!!=D