
milubing | 20 June, 2007 23:17

Hey there Mlbians, jus some updates on our activities and myself. Actually all I know is that we've been told to leave our july days free, but details are not out yet. So as u can guess, there'll be autograph sessions and such throughout July weekends. I've been busy learning driving, been doing fine so far, can't imagine I'm on the road sometimes.. but well, I've flown a plane b4 heh heh..guess many peeps didn't know that I was from the air force too, but failed the pilot training and went back to navy. The summary of that training phase = i can take off, but can't land (-_-!!!) take care u all!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2007 23:50

hey hey. Yup, heard that you tried e airforce before... How does it feel to drive e plane? Must be very different from a car.

July weekends? Hmm... hope I'm free to attend all...missed few of your previous gigs, hope won't miss anything in jul. So any news on the EP? Confirm july?


Blogger qing qing | 20 June, 2007 23:59

weiqi: LOL!! cute sia.. haha.. can take off but cant land.. haha.. u didnt wear spec de ar?
u take care oso!! =)

yeah yeah!! hope got autograph session.. woohoo~ but hope not near my exams agn!!!! dunno y, everytime v suay de lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 00:05

haha. hello weiqi.


Blogger qing qing | 21 June, 2007 00:15

weiqi: drive muz b careful hor.. dun go knock down ppl hor.. haha.. CHOY CHOY!!! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 00:36

haha. nitey =D


Blogger binz | 21 June, 2007 00:36

aww july.. it's nearing prelims.. man hafta pray hard to get out by then.

oh man it sounds scary to be able to take off but not land. then forever stay in the air =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 00:41

weiqi, wow! u flew a plane before..tt's so cool! get to enjoy scenery from a diff altitude eh.. :) so ep's most pob out in jul eh..haha..jul..my last mth of hols..i guess time realli flies..yea fly until i become older too..haha..take care u guys! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 00:48

can take off but cant land ah ... tsk tsk tsk, dangerous man (literally) ...

jul will be great! ... hope i nt 2 buzy ... ;)

hi yuanping, enjoy ur hols ya ...



Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 June, 2007 01:12

Hello weiqi,
Thanks for the info & updates.
Finally the long waited thing is coming to an end, meaning MLB's EP releasing very soon. Haha, very shiok, July will have many opportunities to meet up with you guys.
Are you enjoying your driving? Hopefully you are able to park the vehicle! Don't like can take off & fly a plane but can't land. Hehehe... sorry for been lame! Anyway, good luck & best wishes to you for your coming driving test.

Ya, went to Eighteen Chefs just now. Wow, your painting was superb, it looks like painted by professional. Your shifu still remember me, he is a very good host. He did talked to me for a while after I finished my meal.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 01:22

hello sofui! ya i'm enjoying every moment of my hols.. :P u take care ya..cya soon..nitey~ :)


Blogger qing qing | 21 June, 2007 01:30

shan: steady la, muz go shifu's there to eat liao la.. haha.. uncle phil says weiqi's painting v nice.. muz go c c liao la.. haha.. set la huh!! haha.. find 1 day, we got tog.. heehee.. but think needa wait till nxt holiday liao la.. =(
oh ya!! nvm, we can meet up after sch, den go there lunch tog.. heehee.. set huh!! =P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 June, 2007 01:58

Wow nearly 2am liao, better sleep now!
Goodnight MLB & MLBians


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 02:16

tt's cool.
it mus be difficult to be a pilot?
mus know everything.
heh heh.

looking forward for the EP.
of course the mtv too.

rmb to drive safely! :DD
jiayou! (:


Blogger qing qing | 21 June, 2007 03:25

didnt realise tat it's 3+ liao.. haz.. nite everyone! =)
but i still not sleepy lei.. =X haiz.. muz b e report la.. used up alot of my brain juice, den not sleepy liao.. haha.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 21 June, 2007 03:43

heehee.. now, m tired liao.. haha..

juz now, doing my report, den heard WROOM WROOMMMMMM... feel like throwing rotten eggs lor.. disturbing my tots.. haha.. =X

ahya, shldnt hav say nite.. morning everyone!! haha..

so fast, it's thurs le.. haiz..

weiqi: b careful when u drive k..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 08:17

hello =D


Blogger PeiShan | 21 June, 2007 09:11

morning peepz ..

to weiqi: thx for e updates .. u r so funnny, can take off cannot land .. haha .. then how u stop e plane tt time ?? hmm, better learn ur driving properly, if not lata can drive cannot park .. haha .. kidding =P u take care too ..

to qing: u v gian go shifu's restaurant eat ar .. i dunno im going back to sch not leh, coz e subj suppose to be PBL but dunno y there's timetable for us .. will confirm wif u again .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 09:46

Helo.o.o, here is a new comer but not a new fan.

..u flew a plane..my brother a fighter pilot. Eday go to work wearing a sunglass n COOL..COOL...de! Got plenty of girls running after him. We also listened to his story of how his friend's cockpit cannot open,how the wheel cannot drop when want to land and plenty of happenings durind their trainings both here and overseas..makes me also want to join AIRFORCE! Me..being the most beautiful sassy girl pilot...Dream.z.z.z.z. K. comeback to earth - I must do good in school first.

Driving, ha! I will learn once I am of age. I want to earn my first car and that is a Mazda Hardtop Convertible...sporty car's my type. Ye! once you pass n get a car, paint MLB all over it so when you zip past.. we go 'WOW' MLB!

So there are more activities in July. Autograph session(s)? Do you know I see you closed up a few times? I mean around town and my frenz think why I go gaga over MLB.

U will see more of me here.


Blogger qing qing | 21 June, 2007 12:29

morning everyone!! =)

shan: heehee.. others mlbians say till like v nice lei.. haha.. tat's y feel like gg there.. haha..
kk.. can..

sassy girl: haha.. ya hor, when weiqi pass le n get a car, ask him paint MLB all over.. haha.. think will b v nice.. heehee.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 14:13

haha i've watched this jap drama called good luck before. and i heard that the most ifficult part of flying is the landing part.

it's ok u cant fly a plane :] thats because u are meant for better things. Like making music :]

Jiayou~~~ ;]


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 17:16

yo! agree with our friend above. haha. anyway, good to learn a lot of things since young ba? haha.

Today is Thursday! wooho~ tomorrow it TGIF again. But tomorrow is my nightmare module leh, why am I so enthu? haha, don't know leh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 21:38

wanna tell everyone that i'll drive safely!Next mon's my Adv Theory. Test le. Time to do some multi-tasking,again.I'll be silkscreening some tees of my own for the 1st time soon!Yay! btw,how did i land(plane) eventually?instructor land lor,got 2 set of controls la.. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2007 21:50


haha =D


Blogger PeiShan | 21 June, 2007 22:32

hello peepz ..

to weiqi: thx for e updates .. muz jia you for ur adv theory test next mon .. ^_^
and thx for answering my qn regarding ur landing thingy, hehe .. i thk e instructor muz b glad tt e person who design e plane make 2 sets of controls .. if not u all cant land le .. hehe .. kidding .. =P

tml is fri le .. wkends's coming .. yeah .. ^_^


Blogger qing qing | 21 June, 2007 22:35

shan: eh eh!! wkends coming le, not gd ok.. haha.. tat means sch starting le.. =( so fast.. 2 wks holidays r not enough!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 00:07

haha! weiqi, can take off but cant land -> thats what parachutes are for :x

anyway, all the best to the poly peeps who're having exams next week
and to the students who're starting school soon, ALL THE BEST! :D

sigh* i'll still have to wait for 1 month more before my school reopens. :( i miss school!

gahhh~ i miss all too!


Blogger PeiShan | 22 June, 2007 00:07

to qing: oh .. ya hor, sch starting soon .. hehe .. btw, i heard tt i nid to go back to sch only for e mth of july .. so, after tt i will haf no sch le .. until next semester starts .. yeah!! hehe .. but will b still working at hpb la, coz e prog will end only ard sep .. =)

i nid to go slp liao .. nites ppl, sweet dreams .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 01:16



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 08:18

zao an ni hao =D


Blogger PeiShan | 22 June, 2007 09:55

morning peepz ..

today's fri le .. yeah .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 10:10

Yes its Friday. I juz opened my letterbox to receive a fine from NEA for contributing to pollution. =(
Haha. its alright.
Work hard on this last weekday of the week!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 10:18

yes sam, I'll work hard, for the sake of the 'work hard on this last weekday of the week' you mentioned. haha.

Huh? Didn't know contributing to pollution will kena fine too leh. LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 10:22

hey ah sam, heard tt its still nt confirmed who will be judging sheng shiong tis week? keep us updated yeah? :) take care loads!


Blogger PeiShan | 22 June, 2007 10:40

yoz sam .. huh!?! contribute to pollution will kana fine wan meh ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 11:11

Oh Sam got fine..ha.a.a.like yr spirit.


Blogger qing qing | 22 June, 2007 12:05

hey yoyo!!

sam: LOL!!! wat u do to contribute to e pollution? haha.. u seems to b always getting fine.. heehee.. =X
yeah yeah, same as quizzy, i'll work hard for this last weekday of e wk for e sake of "Work hard on this last weekday of the week!" heehee.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 12:18

hahaha sam, your "lover" smokes a lot is it thats why you ganna fine. Better send her to see a doctor yah.

my last day of holiday... haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 12:38

Good morning to MLB. How have you all been keeping. Hope that all are within your expectations.

Big hello to NIC kor..how is army life? Hope you are keeping well.

Writing from a far off place and in an internet cafe at airport. Just thoughts of some old friends here and missed them.

Hello to Sanyi, Ly ayi, Quizzy and so many new names.

Until then...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 June, 2007 12:52

Hi WeiQi,
Good luck & jia-you for your coming advance theory test. Hope to see your design here (post some pics of your silkscreen print).

Hi Sam,
Please don't waste too much money in all this fine things, keep them for you holiday. Don't you think its better, right?

Hi PenXiaoHai,
How are you getting on at a far off place from here? Hope you are doing fine & well! Many ppl here misses you very much.

To all MLBians returning back to school in 2days time, hope you have completed all your projects & homework. Ready for a new school term, study hard in order to get good results. All The Best...

Its Friday, another weekend is approaching soon. Enjoy your weekend to the fullest. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 16:27

haha. hello pxh didi. hello uncle phil. hello Milubing and MLBians.=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 18:16

haha. why you always kana fine?
take care! (:


Blogger qing qing | 22 June, 2007 22:48

heehee.. today, e blog seems quiet.. hmmm.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2007 23:10


i was the one who met u on the bus the other day. hehs. sorry i think i shocked u abit. cos i was just as shocked myself! haha. take cares alright.

and i hope SAM did pass u guys the stuff i passed to him during the recording for Music In The Air. have you, SAM? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 00:01

haha. today u tagged at publicity blog more than here yor~ haha.

sam and nic~ you all know this place http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com ma? haha, do dropped by if you can yor~


Blogger qing qing | 23 June, 2007 00:04

haha.. quizzy, u saying mi huh? haha.. there easier to tag ma.. haha.. juz type my name can liao.. heehee.. here still need password ma.. haha.. i noe i'm lazy.. heehee.. =X
btw hor, how come i cant download MLB's songs from e yahoo grp? thanks! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 00:05

yeppie! long long wait~ finally we hear something abt d ep! will keep a look out for more news! weiqi, any hint hint on d # of songs in d ep?? ;-)

sam, lol... tat's d 2nd fine u've got... dun b so generous to keep contributing to d govt leh...

flora - end of holi? starting ur new job soon? congrats & all d best!

it's sat! hooray! now no nid work on sat... haa... (^^)v

nite pple...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 00:13

qing, don't u know u can just type ur name under 'other'? LOL. Can't download mp3 at YG? U can't download there, u can only access the link to the mp3 blog that cheryl created ages ago. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 00:14

oh yes, nitey capri jie =D


Blogger qing qing | 23 June, 2007 00:21

LOL!! really ar??!! wa biang!! i like so stupid lor.. didnt know.. haha.. wat's e link huh? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 00:34

if not why ur name is blue and mine is black? haha. No need stupid - this one can explore urself de.

here's the link - http://mlb-mp3.blogspot.com/


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 00:35

since u already got a blogger account then create a blog ba. no need to be very fanciful. As long as we can go create flood then can le. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 02:32

ok ba, good night =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 02:35

contributing to pollution oso will kena fine? 0.0
veri suay eh.
take care!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 June, 2007 09:52

Good morning MLB & MLBians,
Its Saturday, the sun is shinning brightly outside. So everyone must drink more water, its very hot out there.
Have a great enjoyable weekend. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 11:47

morning weveryone!! =)

heehee.. no wonder la..
haha.. dun wan la.. lazy to blog lei.. haha.. i prefer to flood at ppl's tagboard lei.. heehee.. dun wan let u all flood mine.. haha.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 23 June, 2007 11:49

LOL!! y like tat de??!! haha.. i try agn.. =X
cannot lei.. i type qing qing, den nothing lei..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 13:22


hello everyone!


Blogger qing qing | 23 June, 2007 20:35

yoyo!! wa, today no one blog tag oso.. except quizzy n mi.. hmmmm..
heehee.. had a wonderful dinner today.. haha.. YUMMY!!! =P


Blogger qing qing | 23 June, 2007 21:52

quizzy, i still cant download lei.. it say connection w server cannot b wat la.. haha.. cant rmb.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2007 22:58


Then i duno le...


Blogger qing qing | 23 June, 2007 23:03

haha.. thanks le!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 June, 2007 01:56

This blog is really very silent for the while of Saturday, why has all the MLBians gone to? Must be enjoying their weekend outsides, especially those students who will return back to school on Monday.
Times really fly, its Sunday again. Hope everyone here will have a beautiful Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 02:42

haha, uncle phil you just came only too arh. haha. I just finished watching my ou xiang's videos on youtube. 林俊杰&柯有纶on周日八点党《案发现场躲猫猫》。haha.

Good night Milubing and MLBians. To the MLBians from Primary schools, secondary schools, JCs, SP and TP (duno about NP and NYP) who will be starting school on the coming Monday, jia you yor~.

I managed to survive through the first week of school ba. Second round of understanding tests just over too. Third round starting on 9 July. LOL!

Nic, jia you in your work. Hope you will have fun, especially when your good friend J3's Jacky is ORD-ing soon then don't know who else will be pei-ing you liao...

Weiqi, jia you in learning driving. Be careful when you're on the road. Not trying to scare you la; but my father, who is a taxi driver, said everyday he will see traffic accident de - both major and minor de la.

Sam, you also be careful when you're on the road. PLUS - be careful not to kena fine again.

MILUBING~ best wishes in your coming EP~ jia you jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 02:45

alamak, just realised i missed WQ's blog the other day. so blurrr de...wow u flew a plane before, then driving the car shld be chicken feet??? its all abt coordination. hope u r learning to drive the manual. it's more fun & challenging. if u r learning the auto one, then dat's not driving le, it's just stepping on the gas n knowing when to brake! hees, just my own opinion but... it's really a breeze to drive auto, esp in a traffic jam. hope when u drive, u r concentrating, dun daydream ok...and thanks for the updates! nitey nite.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 June, 2007 03:52

Really dun noe should I say good night or good morning! Anyway, I am retiring to bed now. Shall come back after I wake up or most probably in the night.
Take care & have a nice day... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 04:11

sch reopening tml.
so everyone jiayou! :DD
the 3 milos oso jiayou in wadvea they're doing too. x]
rmb to take care at the same time.
good night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 04:16

gd night, though i not sleepy yet. Starting to feel sleepy le la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 05:45

hi! MLB & Mibians
wow,i'm coming back this coming Sat
hope to c u soon,guys!

Glade to knoe the EP is coming out...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 June, 2007 10:25

Good morning MLB & MLBians,
Wow, today is another "HOT" day. Remember to drink more water, those having activities outdoor, must use sun-block to prevent burn.
Last day for all students, enjoy yourselves today. Have a beautiful & wonderful Sunday. :-)
Jia-you in whatever you are doing, May God Bless U.


Blogger Jodie [: | 24 June, 2007 12:00

WEIQI: HELLO HELLO HELLO! July ahhs. I duno about tat. LOLS! Anyway, do drive safely. LOLS! I sound like my mother. Repeats wateva ppl said before. Oopsy!

SAM: HELLO HELLO TO YOU TOO! Contributing for pollution? Tat means as in wad? Dun realii get it lars. LOLS!

BINZ: Ur prelims coming? My end-of-year is coming. In October. LOLS! Long way i noe but feeling very stressed up cos my mum wants me to get into Express. As u all noe, i'm in Normal stream. My mum always says tat "Must get into Express" these 4 words everyday. *sigh* Must reali jiayou lers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 13:20

Jodie, then you really have to work very very hard le. jia you =). It can be done. Really.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 14:22


Take care and Jiayou!!

Cya upcoming events...


Blogger qing qing | 24 June, 2007 18:08

hey yoyo!! m here.. heehee.. =)

haiz.. tml sch reopen le wor.. so sian.. =( heehee.. anw, all jia you k!!
MLB jia you oso kk!!

weiqi: jia you for e test!! =)

sam: haha.. dun contribute to e pollution le la.. haha.. enjoy urself yeah! =)

nic: hope u're fine in army!!

take care all!! =)


Blogger qing qing | 24 June, 2007 18:18

oh ya!! today is nic hor for e sheng siong show!! haha.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 24 June, 2007 21:04

LOL!!! so ps, today still sam.. =X

sam: cute sia when u smile!! haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 22:37

hello =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 23:34


hey just now see you at the seng siong show at home,you quite blur leh.. But still good looking...
Anyway Jiayou orh..
Looking forward for upcoming events..

Take care
Cya soon..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2007 23:38

sam, SMILE!
haha..! that scene was funny. xD"
anyway, take care and dont worry lar, still okay to take supper! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 00:37

gd night lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 00:40

Good nite to MLB and MLBIANS..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 00:46

sam, rmb eat ur dinner/supper.
wont get big belly de. :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 01:09

HELLO AH SAM . . . \/(=^o'=)
LoLx ~ HAPPY Today Ah ? GOOD !

WaHaHax ... YEAH ! Looking Forward To JULY ...
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 09:31



Blogger PeiShan | 25 June, 2007 15:32

hello peepz ..

hmm .. e blog seems so quiet today ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 15:45

now I'm here le arh. haha.

milubing jia you. MLBians jia you. everyone jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 17:15

yo I'm here again. Just downloaded new anti-spyware program to try out. Aiyoyo, my comp keep hanging so i already on and off it for quite sometime le. haha. Cos anti-spyware program will lag your comp, not to mention I downloaded 2. Hope my comp won't crash. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 17:59

going home lo. byebye =)!


Blogger qing qing | 25 June, 2007 18:44

hey yoyo!! m here oso.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 21:16

uncle phil.. u seems to b a nite owl too huh... better slp earlier...

quizzy_me.. u too.. slp earlier...

me too, gotta learn to slp ealier!

everyone, slp earlier! LOL...


Blogger qing qing | 25 June, 2007 21:48

capri: LOL!! ya lor, think everyone needa slp early.. haha.. think alot of mlbians slp v late de.. if not den is early in e morning.. haha..
u slp early too!! gd for health.. =)


Blogger Jean | 25 June, 2007 22:40

was at mdc just now..and on my way home..i pass by radio gate and i saw MLB walking down the road at around 9pm plus!=D..hehex..was still wondering if it was them not..cause it was too surprise!hahas=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 23:07

i wish to sleep earlier too but if i want to spend quality time with myself then it can only be at midnight lor. At midnight smiling to the radio that is playing nice songs...haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2007 23:12

wa shiok man~ it's raining now~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 25 June, 2007 23:38

Does anyone know whether MLB's EP gonna release this week (end of June) or next week (early July)?
Hopefully MLB's autograph signing session do not fall on the same day where I need to celebrate my mother's birthday. I pray hard and hope its not!
Very eager & exciting for the EP's release date. More eager to watch the MVs! MLB Jia-You...


Blogger binz | 25 June, 2007 23:52

jodie: oh then u mux jiayous jiayous to get into express and dun gu1fu4 ur mum and urself(: hah ya actually my prelims is in erm sept bah. ya time is flyin like nobody's business now.lol.

hope the ep will be out really soon. then can listen continuously and repeatedly while muggin for exams. as the days go nearer to my prelims, the lower the chances i can go for the autograph session. sadd.. but i'll hope for the better cuz it's gonna be mlb.. hahaha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 June, 2007 00:11

Hi capri,
Thanks for your concern. In fact I also wish I could sleep early, but when night comes, I just can't get to sleep. I also don't know why like this? Perhaps old ppl sleep late & short! Hahaha...
capri, you too & all MLBians try to sleep early. Its good for Health. Oh, that goes for MLB too. Hehehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 00:30

(hey my tag disappear, nevermind...i tag again)
ay, was looking forward to see mr specky on sun but den saw a mr contact lens biker instead. why? i tot mr specky is scheduled to be on le rit? if u guys gonna perform, must let us know before beforehand ok? :) haha was super happy dat the lil chick got thru' again! yippee!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 June, 2007 00:51

Hi mighty mouse,
I also feel that 5yo lil chick is very talented. In fact I personally feel that she was the best on that Sunday.
As for mr specky or mr contact lens, I am pretty alright. Maybe mr specky cannot book out from camp? Anyway, so long got either one of the 3 milo boi. I am satisfied liao!

Where are all the regulars (quizzy, qingqing, shan etc)? Have they taken capri advice and gone to bed early?
If that's the case, I am going to bed soon! Goodnight & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 00:52

shall see if we can contact whoever-it-may-concern to query.

meanwhile, do keep your July as free as possible - not to the extent of not doing anything la. U get what i mean eh? haha

ya hor its already the end of month. Didn't realized. O___O!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 00:53

I'm here.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 01:53

good night lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 02:59

yoz....i'm coming back tis week sat
i'm so excited & happy

C u guys soon !


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 08:28

hello! what a cool morning... haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 26 June, 2007 09:05

gd morning peepz ..

to uncle phil: hey hey .. im here .. ^_^ yesterday tired ma, so went bed abit earlier ..

woo .. finally mlb's ep going to b out soon .. i can finally use my cd rama voucher to purchase tt .. hehe .. hope i can go to e autograhp session if there is .. dun suay suay i got sth on, choy choy ..

anyway, haf a great day ahead, peepz ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 10:02

=.= I'm frozen at my classrooom~ it's has been a while since I got frozen. haha


Blogger Pek Choo | 26 June, 2007 10:05

Gd morning MLB and MLBIANS..

Today is a good day!!

Take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 10:25

Good Morning MLB & Mibians......


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 10:38


few more days you are coming back liao..
miss you..
Once I'm back from my holidays than meet you out..
TAke care


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 14:24

yoyo!! =)

uncle phil: m here m here.. =) heehee..
last nite n past few days was doing my report, so didnt tag much.. haha.. =D

it's tues agn!! =(

SMILE everyone!! =P


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 14:25

oh ya ya, sam got short-sightedness de ar? tot he got perfect eyesight.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 15:41

Hello...float in the say hi to MLB n the rest. cannot wait for EP man.

How come now got Mr specky, Mr Biker.... and....? Blur???



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 16:40

=D mm jie means mr specky is nic...mr biker is sam...weiqi is...???


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 17:36

hey yoyo!!

haha.. sounds happy n energetic hor..haha.. but no lor, i wanna orh roh liao lor.. =(

heehee.. m gg for lec soon.. *yawnz*
tonite can dun orh orh liao.. mus rush e report, hand in tml.. =.=

heehee.. everyone b happy!! =)


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 17:38

haiyoyo!! y i keep 4getting wat i wanna say.. =(

ya ya, it's end of june le!! woohoo~ july is coming!! tat means can c MLB soon le.. haha.. something worth waiting for!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 17:52

i very tired leh. haha.

going home lo~ byebye =D