
OOOOOOO ... yawns
milubing | 26 June, 2007 18:07

Good Evening.

I'm just home from East Coast Park, feels good..

In the last week, i went to .................. Some pictures i took to show you all.

For what? Just for show.

Where is that? Obvious isn't it?


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 18:48

malaysia? wa piang. look so ulu. haha =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 18:55

really seems ulu there..
had fun?
so free, can go holidaying.
*envious* (:

take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 18:56

is it penang? -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 19:06

Not holiday! Was just there with a friend to collect something. Off to dinner now, I WANT GOOD FOOD!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 19:18

thought you went holidaying.
so, did you went down there for dinner?

have dinner regularly lar! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 20:12

Hahaha, yah, its super obvious where is it loh...so near...does that consider a holiday?

Off to dinner too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 21:14

aiyo, tag halfway, den kapun ... page cant be displayed ... now mus b quick-quick b4 it ...

ah ... east coast park ah ... on a weekday is very shiok ya ... very lil traffic (human and otherwise) ... gd for biking ... shuang3! ... did u go vroom vroom? ... hee ...

hope u had GOOD FOOD le? ... i had my makan le ... wat is good food to u leh?

btw, ep will be out by early aug ya? ;p


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 21:20

sam: hmmm.. acty hor, i really dunno where is tat place lei.. =X
where is it huh? fun ma?
eat gd food liao? haha.. i eat liao lei.. heehee..
so shuang! can go east coast park!! i oso wan go!! =D haha.. long time no go..
e last time i went was for MLB gathering! haha =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 21:34

ming ming is JB ba? haha. thanks sam for remembering us no matter where u go...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:01

oh ya sofui jie; are you telling us 'it will be out by early aug' or u asking them? haha sorry i blur...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:37

seems like many didn't hear our zhu da song on 933 today! haha, i managed to catch it this afternoon! was shocked myself. Chong qing said that our album will be out on the 6th of July. yup,album hor, not Ep heh heh... *hint hint* take care peeps! and yesh, someone saw us at mdc one of the nites rite?it was us 3,after recording some stuff at 933...take care. btw,i passed my adv theory!yay!


Blogger PeiShan | 26 June, 2007 22:42

to sam: wahh .. enjoying urself hur .. eh, where is tt place ar? i noe it's malaysia but dunno which part of malaysia leh .. aiya, treat it as holz lor .. hehe .. haiz, u ar .. everytime want gd food .. so what's ur gd food tis time ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:43


weiqi, wo ai ni~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:46

really 6 July ma? haha. 070707 is ruru and TSG's birthday. guess this will be the best birthday present they will get. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:49

told ruru le. she's jumping for joy now...hehe =D


Blogger PeiShan | 26 June, 2007 22:51

to weiqi: alamak .. 933 played it ar .. miss it .. =( album will b release on 6 jul?? YEAH !!! eh .. it's album ar .. hmm .. *thking*
anyway, congrats on ur pass for advance theory .. 没白费 my 加油 for u .. haha .. kidding .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:53

the song is called 泪 right?
i thought i heard wrongly.
heh heh..

congrats, weiqi!
passed your adv theory! (:


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 22:54

hmmm.. july is coming.. needa save $$$ liao.. den will have enough $$$ to buy EP.. yeah yeah!! haha.. tat means i gotta eat less in sch!! =( haiz.. nvm, can oso jian fei.. heehee.. =P

sam: *ahem* wan tell u something lei.. i only tell shan b4.. haha.. u mus hav xin li zun bei n dun xia dao ok? my fren hor, a guy la, says u're.. sexy!! haha.. i oso dunno y he say tat la.. haha.. =D how u feel huh? haha.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:58

qing, don't u get it? it's ALBUM~ album different from EP~ hehe :D


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 22:58

AHHHHHH!! didnt c weiqi tag..

OMG!! i miss it oso la.. =( haiz..
WA WA!! album!! heehee.. yeah!! 06 july is coming soon!! WOOHOO~
heehee.. i go on my radio now, c got luck to hear it agn not.. haha =D

weiqi: gong xi gong xi!! haha.. den now can drive liao ar?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 22:59

quizzy_me, the Q is i ask sam de ... cos he said ep out in aug maz but weiqi said to kip jul free ... but now weiqi confirm is 6 jul!!! and is not ep but album!!! ... triple ye ...

weiqi, missed the zhu da song on 933 le ... haiz ... u oso shocked ah ... so funny ... ur own zhu da ge leh ;p congrats on passing ur adv theory ya.


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 22:59

quizzy, ahya, cos i long time open this pg liao, but didnt tag ma.. haha.. so miss weiqi de tag!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:01

oh ya, let me know when milubing's episode of PUB show is airing on Channel 8 hao ma? Sorry arh, i don't really pay attention to Channel8 shows so was afraid to miss it...


Blogger PeiShan | 26 June, 2007 23:02

to qing: omg .. u tell sam abt tt .. bet he will say 'huh' n then laugh when he saw tt ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:04

oops sorry qing qing...

haha xie xie sofui jie.

i think today this place is going to be flooded le~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:06

u r welcome, quizzy ... yup yup, tink will be flooded here but peeps wont mind the flood ya ... ;)


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 23:09

quizzy, haha.. it's ok!! no need sorry! =) we're mlbians, so we're 1 big family!! =)

woohoo~ past few days, it's cold, but now it's haha.. yeah yeah, think gg to b flooded liao lor.. haha

shan: haha.. curious to noe wat's sam reaction ma.. haha.. hao shi, mus tell him.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:11

sam, tt's jb rite? hehe..n so, wad is gd food to u ar? :D

weiqi, congrats on passing ur adv theory test! :D argh! e zhu da ge aired today? gosh..was out e whole day..jus reached home onli sia..missed it.. :( nvm, i'll buy e album..it's album yea? not ep..yay! yay! yay! ^_^


Blogger PeiShan | 26 June, 2007 23:16

to quizzy: haha .. as wat u said tt time .. when any of e 3 milos tag .. tis place will b flooded ..

to qing: hao shi ?!? ok then .. yar, i oso wanna noe wat's sam reaction .. hehe ..


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 23:19

shan: haha.. ya, hao shi!! haha.. but i say here hor, i quite ps oso lor.. haha.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:21

hm, weiqi, is 6 jul confirmed? ... cos i suddenly rmb the SB album tingy ... oso got dj say out by certain certan date ... but we waited lyk another wk?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:22

woah! heard the BIG BIG news so had to log on. REALLY 6 jul!!! YIPPEE!!! WQ so funnie, u guys really 后知后觉. okie, will stick my ear next to the radio from now on ;) omg, some more is ALBUM, not EP. Even more happy liao...& congrats for passing ure advanced theory, sure know no prob for u.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:25

Wah, good news leh, finally! Haha, so the long wait is an album in the end ah... wah wah wah. hee hee...

Congrates! On new album and passing of your final theory test!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:28

sam, ure pics kena overshadowed liao:p why u take all the ulu ulu places in jb? next time, take ure own face too & show us:)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 June, 2007 23:29

Oh yeah, I am the next MLbian flooding this place. Hahaha...
For those that does not know which place are those pictures taken by Sam, its actually in Johor and the last pic already told you the place (Plaza Pelangi), not far from the causeway. The 1st few pictures were a little further (if not wrong its at Seni). Did you guys/gals observe? Sam never miss the Milo, the 1st picture also have milo ad. Hehehe.....

Hi WeiQi,
Congrats for passing your advance theory test, you have the final important test (your driving test), good luck to you. Jia-you...Jia-you...
Thanks for providing us a confirmed date for the release of MLB's 1st Album. Yeah... 3 cheers...

Haiz, I am starting to worry liao. Cos my mum's birthday is in mid July, so I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope that the autograph signing session will not be on the same day where I have to celebrate my mum's birthday. I wanna be involved in the program.


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 23:35

yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo!! now is happy n high de.. haha..

uncle phil: LOL!! i didnt c e milo intially lor.. haha.. u v sharp lei.. heehee..
hmmm.. hope u can attend.. haha.. pray for u.. =)
i oso scared sia.. i having exams in aug, hope dun suay suay autograph session is end of july.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:41

sofui, tink usually when they announce release on a certain date, it will not be in the stores dat very day. have to wait a few days for delivery. if it's a fri, then maybe have to wait over the weekend for delivery on the monday after.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 June, 2007 23:42

Hi qingqing,
Thanks for praying for me. Perhaps we shall pray for all MLBians who wish to attend the autograph signing sessions can join in without any problem!
Oh ya, qingqing: u bretter dun be too high until u forget that u have to complete your project by tonight. Jia-you...Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 June, 2007 23:45

heh heh.
bt oso can consider a short holiday ma.
indeed a ulu place. 0.0

good food?
we tot u went THERE for dinner. =x

congratz weiqi for passing ur adv theory.
jiayou! :DD
i was listening to 93.3 tis afternoon eh.
bt nv heard the song. T_T


Blogger qing qing | 26 June, 2007 23:48

uncle phil: ya ya!! we pray hard hard tat all mlbians can attend! yeah! =) if all mlbians can attend, den v gd sia.. all e family members r there for e autograph session.. haha =p
haha.. i'm now trying to zhen zuo dian le.. haha..
thanks! i'll jia you de.. =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 26 June, 2007 23:48

Oh mm, hopefully you are not right. We don't want to wait any longer, must release on 6th July ok? Hahaha...

Haiz, too bad did not hear MLB's zhu da ge! In fact I did listen to Chong Qing segment, but was after 6pm (when I knocked off from work). Perhaps it was played earlier while I was still working!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:06

thankq mm ... i tink dat was wat happened to the SB album the last tym ya ... but i alwz tink dat if dey say will be released on fri den shld hit the stores on dat day mah ... fen3 si1 al very anxious ;)cant wait to lay deir hands on the album.

can i ask ano Q? ps ya ... isit CD only? cos weiqi say got mv ya ... is really flooding le ... hee


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 00:12

Hi sofui,
I think should be 1xCD for all the songs & attached with a DVD featuring the MVs. Hopefully I am right. Hehehe...
It will be perfect, if it comes with a poster! Hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:16

WHAT ... THE 'ZHU DA' SONG IS PLAYED AT 933 TODAY LE ?!? Omg Din Noe Lek ~ =___=

Anyway, Thankz WEIQI For Telling Us This SUPER GOOD News ... *ALBUM somemore lek, still hint hint*

Been VERY Looking Forward To This DAY!

MLB JIA YOU x 100 ~!!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:18

Listen to 933 now! its on now1


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:18

yup yup ... hope is CD cum DVD ya ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:21

ma li just played their song on the air.. did you all managed to catch?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:23

the song nt bad eh. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:24

argh..i onli managed to catch e ending by e time i turned on e radio..my hi-fi not set at 933 n i duno how to adjust! -_-" argh!

but still, thx qingqing for e sms.. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:24

wow, thanks to flora for the tag ... managed to catch the zhu da ge!!! ye ye ye ... but dunno the song title ... nvr, will get chance de ... tink tonite alot of peeps will really 闭上眼睛不能睡 ya ... ha ha ha ... nic nic, u happy or not? ur voice very sha ya but nice lah ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:25

ARGHHHHHHHH I Missed It ... *sobs*


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 00:26

i heard e LEI juz now.. haha.. nice sia.. so super nice!!

lucky sia, muz thanks my internet connection liao la.. haha.. my internet connection was having some probs, den i was v angry ma, den suddenly heard ma li say tat she'll bo LEI!! haha.. i tot i hear wrongly lor.. haha.. =) happy happy happy!!
oops!! sorry, did everyone manage to hear it?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:27

I din ... *sobs*


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:27

yuan ping, y ur radio not tuned to 933? ... go set it soon cos in the days to come, will sure hear more of mlb de zhu da ge de ... u dun wan to wait til jul rit? ;p

is a nice song ... tink will grow on mi ... lyk it!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 00:27

Calling All MLBians,
Since MLB de zhu da song already played on air, it means that we can start voting the song up the 933 chart~龙虎榜 (cos JJ's album also not yet release, but his song already on the chart).
Its time for us to show our love for MLB once again. Jia-you...

Hi Flora,
Thanks for alerting us, I only managed to hear half of the song.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:28

the title is called "泪". :D


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 00:28

yuanping, haha.. welcome! =)
muz fen xiang.. haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:28

The name of the song is 泪 (tears). A very MLB song, not bad but think the mixing can be better... anyway, try to keep tune to 933, think they will play frequently now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:30

YEAH . . . \/(=^o'=)
Must Stay Tune To 933 !


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:31

sofui, cos my bro got itchy fingers.. T.T he always listen to 987 den i listen to 933..but since i got 'better' phone so i din fite w him lor..haha..now i tune it liao..took me some time to yan jiu tt hi-fi set sia..haha..i hope they air it another time..for slowcoaches like me.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:32

thankq meiyi and flora ... 泪 ya ...


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 00:35

yes!! i better charge my hp everyday.. haha.. dun listen to ipod liao.. listen to my hp de radio better.. haha.. but ipod de songs oso MLB sing de lei.. haha.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:36

yuan ping, hope u catch it another tym ... i only heard half the song ... tot i missed it le ... cos wasnt sure if dat voice is nic lor ... den quickly decided dat IT IS NIC's voice! ... hee


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 00:38

Lets get out all the 龙虎榜 voting coupons and start voting for 泪, ok? Hopefully, by the release date & autograph signing sessions, 泪 is already on the chart. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:39

qing qing, :D

sofui, i onli heard e last sentence lor..haha..nvm..i tune my hi-fi n hp all to 933 liao..hiak hiak.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:43

uncle phil, i'm afraid mm jie may be right. That day i want to go snatch ke you lun album on 1 June hor, but haven't deliever to Causeway point. I only got it on the 5th june. That time Superband compilation oso have same problem ba.

thanks qing for sms-ing me. I only catch a little. Very mlb~ haha jia you :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:43

yuan ping, if on 933 24/7, surely will catch it at least once ya ... but mus make sure got 'mlb power' lor ... ;p lame ya


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 00:52

Why no one agree with me for voting 泪 up the 933 龙虎榜?
Ain't we going to show our support & love for MLB once again?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 00:57

the starting part of the song is sang by nic or sam?
its sam right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:01

err yes yes yes agree agree. haha. don't worry, uncle phil.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 01:05

Hi quizzy,
Thank you very much, you are the only one that agree with me so far.

Oh, as for the PUB program. I remember Sam ever mentioned 5th July episode right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:10

regarding e voting wise, i'm not v sure..but i do hv at least 30 coupons waiting to be sent! :D oh n uncle phil, e variety show tt is airing on 5 jul is music in e air not e pub one ya.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:21

YUP Correct ...
5th July Is 'Music In The Air' At Channel U ~

Hahax =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:37

heh heh.
nw i very "lei" (tired) liao.
good night & swt dreams everyone! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:40

i damn terrible, 口是心非,just tagged dat i will glue my ear to radio & i went & on the telly instd :p so....i missed the song!!! ahhhhhh, nevermind sure hv chance to catch it. tmrw perhaps? nitey everyone!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 01:41

Oh ya, my mistake. I am confused liao, thanks yuanping & qIaNhUi for the clarifications. So, the PUB program still not sure when it shall be aired?
I also not very sure how many coupons does I have? Cos I have yet to cut them out from the i-weekly magazines. But I think should have around 20 ba!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:42

its like my first week of July got a lot of events. Now i can't even rmb which is which le.

oh ya, my friend just told me she got performance on 5July too. No wonder all of sudden i find 5July very familiar. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:43

i have 10 plus...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 01:44

Wow, coming to 2am liao!
Better get to bed & sleep.
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Stay tune to FM933 for MLB's zhu da ge tml. Have a great day... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 01:59

Hey Mlbians, glad that some of u got to hear the song.Regarding the 6th of july release date, I heard that on the radio.So hopefully it's accurate!I'll update this blog once i've been given the green light for autograph sessions etc. So no worries ya? :) Gdnite!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 02:04

nitey weiqi.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 02:22

last tag before i 'leave'. Ya hor since weiqi heard on radio so may not 100% guarantee plus chop. Hope it's accurate ba, so those MLBians who will be celebrating their birthday on 070707 will received their best present from Milubing le.

Whoa can celebrate birthday with the bestest news on Earth. Envious~~~ haha.

good night =D


Blogger PeiShan | 27 June, 2007 09:09

morning peepz .. ^_^

i din get to hear e song yesterday nite .. =( coz was bz playing comp games when qing msg mi .. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 09:32

Sam went to Pelangi? Haha.. Next time come to find me.. I show u around ...
I'm miss the song...-.-"


Blogger PeiShan | 27 June, 2007 09:44

ppl !!! 933 now playing mlb's song 泪 !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 09:52

Sam you went to malaysia last week.. Anyway hope that you have a great day today!!

Woo~ Few more days going for holidays liao..
Take care
Happy EP releasing on the 6th July..


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 10:24

morning everyone!!

haha.. i noe tat 933 will b playing lei, but didnt manage to hear la.. =( having lesson.. haiz.. =( sad man..
hmmm.. lei rite, weiqi n sam got sing ma huh? i only heard nic lei.. =X

uncle phil: ya ya!! i agree oso.. haha.. =D

yuanping: manage to hear this morning? i dunno wanna sms u not this morning, but still msg u.. haha.. scared u still slping.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 11:40

yo.yoy.yo! I heard MLB on radio. Surprise catch of the day man! When I heard it..I said wa! Nice leh..so all new songs, iszit? Cannot wait...

Sam.. that is JB..so close one. Go further lah!

He.e.e. logon to 933 man n you will catch MLB! sure sure wan de!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 11:56

hello, me just woke up. Doing my module selection.

If really missed the du jia shou bo then nvm ba; when u buy the album u still can hear 24/7 le. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 13:01


haiz.. juz get back my results!! like shit sia.. got 68.75/100, 72/100 n 80/100

will b listening to 933 later.. heehee.. c can hear lei not.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 13:08

qing qing: must study harder sia? 要对得起父母,也要对得起自己喔 :p

933 played LEI liao. If you wanna catch the song again, tune in again from 2pm to 5pm ba.

good day to all!


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 13:18

anonymous, thanks! =)
i'll work hard hard de.. my results getting worse n worse each sem lor.. haiz.. =(
heehee.. kk.. thanks.. i later den listen.. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 13:40

The guys have not yet been to PUB show, so just look forward to 5th July for Music In the Air!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 14:00

qing, u saw my results too in my blog right? haha. We all jia you ba.

Yes just now I heard MLB's lei du jia shou bo again. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 14:31

whoaas... havent heard the song yet! so sian. hahas... jus got to know this morning whn i viewed the blog in my phone. cldnt come online for the past few days...

regarding when the album will hit the stores... i think have to depend on warner and on the delivery bahs. cuz sometimes music company not zhun one also... and i think there isnt any delivery on weekends. [or maybe jus sunday, cant rmb] yeahhs... hope it'll be out on time!

is that your first zhu da? hahas... somehow im still ok, not so looking forward. cuz i know if i listen to it on radio im bound to repeat and repeat and repeat. then when the album comes out i get sian of that song. haha... i rather keep everything fresh for the album. :P

ehhs, if got performance mus update us ahs. then i'll chiong lerrs. hahaha... hope to hear u guys sing new songs at performance though. hehhs.

so its an album and not an ep liao worhs? u guys really like to surprise us huhs. album=normal cd price? hahas... but anws planning to buy at least 3 copies hurrs. will drag ppl go buy and support....

school jus dismiss, going home liaoos. go tune in to 933 lerrs... hope today got play the song again! lols...


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 14:31

quizzy, ya.. i saw it.. YES!! we jia you tog.. sure can do better de.. ;)

haiyo!! i didnt hear tat.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 15:35

okay, don't fret. missed the 独家首播, nvm. i've recorded the streaming and uploaded for limited period only :D; its not the best quality as it is a bit 'husky', u might even hear a bit of distortion - but please DON'T ask me for the file. 1stly, its not the best quality; 2ndly, its illegal ;p and finally, if you love them, hit the store ok? buy the whole album!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 17:21

Hi Xiu,
You are right, go to the store and purchase original album. Do not copy or download!
Show your support & love to MLB, buy the original album. MLBians don't do anything that is illegal!


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 19:02

xiu, thanks!! yeah! sure will buy e album de.. =)


Blogger Jean | 27 June, 2007 20:09

weiqi:yeah!i saw u guys on mon night!=D..hehex..so happy to see ya guys tat night..but the cab drive passes u guys..=(..hahahs!take care=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 20:12

Hi Xiu,

Thanks! thanks!!


Blogger qing qing | 27 June, 2007 21:34


hmmmm.. does anyone noe is shifu's place open on fri? if yes, till wat time huh? wat time is e last order huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 21:49

shifu's shop is open daily. from 12pm to 10.45 pm. last orders are around 10.15pm..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 22:45

haha. Oh ya did uncle phil mentioned about posters in one of your tag yesterday? From my experiences in attending autograph sessions, if you purchase that album at the place right before the autograph session starts, usually you're entitled to one poster of that artiste. I'm not sure if it will be the same for Milubing's case. haha.

Thanks xiu jiejie =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 22:52

Yeah Happy that today hear the song from Yes 933FM... Nice song!!

Looking forward to listen to MLB Album..


Smile and TAKE CARE


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 June, 2007 22:54

Oh yes, I want MLB poster. I hope I can attend the autograph signing session.

Btw, back to the 933龙虎榜. Are we going to vote 泪 up the chart for next week result? If yes, then we have to post out all voting coupons by latest Thursday. We also can vote by SMSing, each SMS costs 30cents. Call in voting only for songs that are already on the chart, and each call costs 20cents.
Any MLBian agree with the voting?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 23:12

hee ... finally caught 泪 @5 to 7! ... only heard nic solo ... didnt hear sam solo ... ;)


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 27 June, 2007 23:14

Voting options...
1) Coupons can be found on the 'radio section' of I-weekly. Cut out the coupon, fill in the song title "泪" and the artiste's name "迷路兵", and then fill in your particulars then mailed it to

Yes933 《醉心龙虎榜》负责人收
Farrer Road PO Box 933
Singapore 912899

2) Key in POTP933[space]lei (song title can be keyed in using hanyu pinyin or chinese) then send to 72346. Each sms costs 30 cents. Those from overseas or using prepaid mobile will not be able to take part.

3) This option is only applicable when their song is already on top 20...
Call 1900 912 0933
Each call costs 20 cents

4) VISUAL RADIO - I don't know what that is... O_____O

Source: http://www.yes933.sg/longhubang.htm


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 23:37

haha just post something at MilubingYG. Whoa I think that place needs 'spring cleaning' wor~ haha

Time flies~ Thursday is coming again...haha jia you =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2007 23:58


Just hear the new song Lei from Yes 933FM today at around evening time.. Nice song leh..
But never hear your voice leh..

Yeah, MLB Album next week releasing.. Looking forward to hear all the songs..



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:11

Today finally manage to hear the new song at 933 , somemore i heard it twice today ~
It's Really Nice Got the 'shu qing' & 'rock' feel .. Very Nice la ~
looking forward to the day of the album release ~
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger PeiShan | 28 June, 2007 00:17

hello peepz ..

to quizzy: aft reading ur tag abt e poster thingy, im now in a dilemma liao la .. want e poster but po bu ji dai wanna buy e album oso ..

to qianhui: i wanna ask tis long ago but kept forgetting .. r u e qianhui tt i noe fr cchb ??

*yawn* gotta slp liao .. gd nitez peepz .. sweet dreams n tc ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:24

to shan... u r?
what your full name~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:32

qing qing, i din manage to hear e song in e morning..i was still sleeping like a log..tsk tsk..n i'm suay ok..i switch on e hi-fi e moment i reached home n off it at arnd 655pm cos wanna watch tv liao..but i heard tt lei was aired arnd tt time.. -_-" anyway, thx xiu for uploading e song! i'm a happi gal now.. :)

ps: so r we voting e song up e charts? i will need arnd 30 names to fill up wor.. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 00:32

Hi Sam,
Did you went to Malaysia with any MediaCorp artiste?

Hi lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com,
Thanks for all the clear informations regarding the voting. But if I'm not wrong, seem like Malaysia mobile line can sms to yes933 already!

Anyway, I shall be sending a few coupons before next Thursday for next Sunday's result (8th July 2007). Hopefully more MLBians will join me, so that my vote will not be wasted due to insufficient vote!

MLBians, its time we show our UNITY. Also our love & support for S'pore 1st Ever Superband; MiLuBing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:36

haha. up 2 u ba shan. haha.

Hello qian hui, pek choo and all MLBians reading this~

Hello Nic sam and weiqi! Take care wor~ jia you!

Gd night lo~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 00:39

Hi yuanping,
Thought the coupons voting cannot be of same hand-writing, even though the names are different?
Please confirm & make sure, do not waste the coupons. We still need these coupons for following weeks, all these voting coupons are precious.
Of course if the song already on the chart, we can have an additional method of voting (that's by calling in).


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:40

hoho. helo pinky jie and uncle phil.

Uncle phil, bu ke qi. Just realized i forget to change my name on that tag. Oops =x. Duno about Malaysia de wor. That one i copy from Yes933 website de. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:43

good nitEz quizzy_me!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:44

erm uncle phil, ya cannot be of e same handwriting..but i hv like 10 ppl at home so can ask them to help me write lor..hehe..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 00:45

I mean, duno if votes from Malaysia will be accepted. Those Malaysian MLBians might want to try sending to 33337 using the same format? Duno leh...

haha gd night lo~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 00:52

Hi quizzy,
You are most welcome.
Oops, that Malaysia question was actually for Sam to answer. Cos I saw a similar picture in one of a MediaCorp artiste's blog! That artiste also mentioned that he was there to collect something (same as Sam), and also said he drove there.
Anyway, that's not so important lah.
To me, the most important thing now to do is to vote hard for 泪 to go up the chart. Therefore, I need lots of supporters sharing the same view as me. I am very 心急 & 警张. Hahaha...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 00:54

Ok, good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 01:20

NiTez ~


Blogger Jodie [: | 29 June, 2007 16:14

WEIQI: AIYAH! DIDN'T HEAR IT MAN! WAS HAVING TENNIS! WAHH! Anyway, congrats for passing yur theory thingy! hahas.


Sooryy foorrr the extra extra flodding with loads of exclamation marks! Paiseh!


Blogger layyen | 02 July, 2007 10:35

hey..sam,i noe tat place..hehe.my hometown..kakaka..not ulu la:)hehe...