
Thoughts to Share
milubing | 28 June, 2007 00:35

The above picture was taken sometime ago when i went out cycling. "A BEAUTIFUL DAY"

This afternoon, i went back to the same place for a walk. Here's a picture i took. "CLOUDS"

I sat down on some rocks with a chilled drink. As i set aside all work-related stuff from my mind and started to relax, i saw that many others are still out at work. Above is another picture i took today. "HARDWORKING WORKERS A-FLOAT"
I wish that all of you who are working and studying hard will stay a-float and not feel seasick.

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Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 01:17

WOW So Many Clouds Photos ~
Hahax ...

Mlb New Song Really Very Nice Worz ~ Hee ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 01:23

Wow so late still haven slp ah..
hahax... Anyway have a great day ahead k ~

Take Care ~
Nite !


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 01:25

Nitez Nitez Nitez ! ! !
Hahax . . .


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 01:33

haha..i'm slow..onli c ur post now..heh..y so mani clouds? haha..take care k..looking forward to e release of e album.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 01:40

nice pics.
i love to look at clouds too.
i did tt every morning when i went to sch. xP

anyway, rest early yea? :DD
u jiayou in wadeva u're doing too!
good night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 02:36

That reminds me of sch days. I used to pontan sch to relax at East Coast Park. Now with plently of things on mind and with a restless soul, it's really hard to be able to sit down at one corner to dump all thoughts.

But the feeling to relax like that is real great! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 08:27

aiyo, i just logged off when sam blogged this. haha.

Yes we worked hard together. Jia you~


Blogger PeiShan | 28 June, 2007 09:07

morning peepz ..

to sam: wah, so many clouds .. haha .. gd tt u did relax urself la .. u too, muz work hard .. tc ..

to qianhui: im peishan .. r u fr cchb ?? military band ??

to quizzy: huh .. v hard to decide leh .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 09:26

Hi Sam.. Hello to the other TWO too. Have been reading but not posted lately.

Sam, it is good that you know how to lay back and relax. Recharging is vital.

I posted today bcos I too take pictures of the environment. Amid the serenity of the pictures, it gives a kind of mood too. It also reflects the taker. Take care.

There are many avenues for you.. singer, songwriter n maybe a professional photographer.

Those who dare to dream...get what they want!


Blogger qing qing | 28 June, 2007 09:33

yoyo! morning everyone!! m tired.. =(

Anonymous: thanks!

yuanping: LOL!! u manage to hear liao rite? haha.. i didnt manage to catch it last evening! =(

sam: wa!! really enjoying life hor.. haha.. the pics r nice! =)


Blogger qing qing | 28 June, 2007 09:46

sorry! double post.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 10:07

haha. must know when is the right time to pia and when to rest. haha. Sam - ai si ni le~

Hello all! haha.

A question: 2 of my hao xiong di-s will be celebrating their birthday in end July. I will be treating them birthday cake. Any idea where can i get the cheapest yet yummiest cake? haha. If duno never mind. Thanks =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 11:34

i think 933 is going to play LEI soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 11:35

nice photos of clouds... i love pictures of nature and scenery, feels very relaxing looking at them.

u know sometimes mediacorp outside got nice clouds also? hahaa... i remember i used to take pics of stuff outside mdc reception cuz always got nth to do. LOLs!

have heard the new song, recorded and listened to it alot of times already. not bad...

have called up warner to enquire, so far have not gotten any confirmed info from them... jus tt yahh they confirmed tt its an album , not an ep. [which is kinda redundant info] but the 'freebie'-wise and the release date have not been confirmed yet. will call back probably early next week... hope u guys got info by then...

now then i realise, how hectic sec four life actually is. never cared much in term one and two,suddenly all the tests gushing down in term 3. whoaas. need time to adapt bahhs... hmms, got e geo test later... off to study.

have a good day all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 11:49

quizzy_me, u can try roomfordessert. website xx.com.sg. Great carrot cake


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 12:01

meikian, thanks for checking with warner :)

i've also recorded the song last evening. Suddenly remember my mp3 player has the capability to record radio. LOL

But will still try to listen to yes933 for any updates on the album :)

ps the mixing can really be done better :-/


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 12:04

haha. thanks annonymous.

I think I got no time for lunch le arh~ pia-ing ppt now. jia you!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 12:46

Hi Sam,
Nice pictures, what camera you used?
Wow, you are really enjoying your life to the fullest. Thats a very good sign.
Did you saw my post at your previous tag? My question was: did you went to Malaysia with any MediaCorp Artiste? You went there by what kind of transport?

Ya, the new song is very nice. But I don't hear weiqi & you voices in that song.
Anyway, I shall be posting my Yes933 Top Of The Chart voting coupons for "Lei" sang by MLB before next Thursday. Of course not forgetting to SMS for this song too. I want this song to be up the chart. Yeah...

Oh, lunchtime now. Going for my lunch break now. Hope everyone here will have a good lunch & a nice day ahead. All of us must Jia-you in what we are doing ok?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 12:49

Oh ya, just for info:
"Lei" was aired from Yes933 for 47 times liao. I got these info from the online Yes933 radio.
MLB Jia-You...Jia-You...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 12:56

hello uncle phil.

Hope u enjoy ur lunch. I'm going to munch on banana cake (cheapskate one) first while jia you-ing here. Maybe will drink milo peng too (my energy source too? hahahaha). After school then eat something good~ hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:38

Good Noon.
I usually move around and take pictures on my handphone which is why they are not very clear.
Not that i'm really free now, but i'll make some time to eat wind!
Yes Uncle Phil, i went to JB with him last week.
3 of us will be on Sheng Shiong this Sunday, kinda late now, hope to see ya all there..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:41

hey sam... r the 3 of u going to sing as well???

uncle phil, its not 47x its prob just some other data like maybe this is the 47th shou bo for 933 etc.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:41

sam, must take time off to relax too (:
dont stress yourself, or you will become uncle sam. haha~ xD"

and very artistic pics of yours.
heh heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:46



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:47

hi sam..3 of u will be on sheng shiong tis sun ar..so who will be e judge lei? all 3 ar..well well, hope we can go down n support u guys yea..jiayou! :)


Blogger PeiShan | 28 June, 2007 15:52

hi sam .. 3 of u will b e guest or e judge ?? where got not clear .. e picz (clouds) tt u took r quite clear ar ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:57

eh wait a second. You hope to see us there, but we got no tics la? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 15:59

oh ya..
you 3 each take one of the judges seat or only you still being the judge while the other 2 only perform?
heh heh.. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 16:07

maybe this is how it works; sam finish with the judging le then 3 of them perform? cos usually performance is at the end of the show ba. haha. I guess only.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 16:16

sam, jus nw still thnking if it w be tis wk..heng u inform early..w u guys be getting tics too? w go try luck to get..thx 4 informing anws! btw, singing old songs mah? hope to hear new songs bt its ok, as long as u guys do a gd job. jiayou kay! :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 June, 2007 17:02

Hi Sam,
Thanks for the info. Wow your hp can takes so nice pics.
We also wish to be there to support MLB, but the problem is; we do not have any tix? If you managed to get any tixs, then reserve or pass to us lor!

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for the clarification. Perhaps I am wrong, sorry huh... hehehe


Blogger Jean | 28 June, 2007 17:54

nice pictures!=D


Blogger MINHUI | 28 June, 2007 17:56

AH! i'm really slow!

its until now that i realise that MLB'S ALBUM IS RELEASING!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:04

3 of us will be performing a new song ba, should be only one of us judging. As for tickets, we're not given any at moment, but i THINK you can try to ask from the reception.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:19


next week 3 of you guys are performing..
Jiayou orh!!
Update us once you get the tixs..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:27


this coming Sheng siong event the special guest will be 3 of you arh..
OMG... I can't make it, and I can't watch.. I am leaving on this coming Saturday and will be back on next Thursday.. The most I have to try to record the show..

MLB Jiayou!!
Take care
Looking forward to hear all your new album songs..



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:34

This sunday u all 3 going ah ?!?
Wow That's Fast ~
Hahax Yeah... CYA GUYZ !!!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:41

To shan..
Ahhhh u're peishan o..
Hahax surprised siax ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:42

sam, u THINK ah? hahaha. :P ok, i went down to mdc jus nw, but the tics are nt available yet. will b gg again tml, w try to kope as many as possible for mlb fans. keep u guys updated again yah? hope there'll b tics tml..and yay, new song? i'll b looking forward to it. jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 18:50

I want tics! Hahax ~


Cya Guyz On Sunday ~
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Pek Choo | 28 June, 2007 18:55


Don't forget to help me this coming Sunday.. I can't make it!!
Super thanks alots..


Blogger Jx | 28 June, 2007 19:24


eh? what is the 2 words there ah. i can't figure out the words for e lyrics


Blogger Jx | 28 June, 2007 19:25

opps. 1 word not 2 words


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 21:04

LOL! I won't be going on Sunday le. Can only support at home liao. Paiseh arh Sam~ hope we will get to meet again real soon? haha.


Blogger qing qing | 28 June, 2007 21:05


vinceable: eh eh, wat's e song huh? haha.. how come u got pic de? i oso wan put!! haha.. =X

haha.. saw e advt for music in the air.. heehee.. singing xi huan ni lei.. haha.. i like tat song v much!! haha.. =D oh ya, MLB is yellow de hor, i like yellow lei! my fav color! haha.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 28 June, 2007 21:06

sam: e pics v clear lei.. ur hp v gd sia!! haha.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 21:19

nice clouds sam... do share wif us more beautiful pics... ^^

i heard d 泪 on 933 too... at 1st tot is sang by huang yida... a little sounds like his voice... now waiting 4 d 2nd song to b aired... heard tat they gonna b airing it soon...

mlb, congrats & jia you! at last ur bb is out!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 21:22

深夜里 无法习惯没有你
这距离 重得我不能呼吸

多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能睡
这些眼泪 我无所谓
我会有想起 爱情的甜美

重温过去 我们俩多么相依偎

viNcEable, that's what i can make up from. wonder ?% correct keke:p also wonder who compose the song & music? MLB?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 22:01

anonymous, DJ jiahui did mentioned that song is composed by themselves.

I go watch TV la~ talk 2 ya again later...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 22:24

heh heh.
i went to mdc jus nw too.
doze off in the bus.
luckily nv miss the stop,
if nt i mi lu liao. =S

mk, the recept told u the tix nt available yet?
mine diff story eh.
the receptionist told mi no more tix liao. =.="
bt cant be so fast no tix le ma.
weird. 0.0


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 22:26

i heard the song on 93.3 today.
jiahui did mention the song was composed by themselves. :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 22:30

... a sm part of e melody - was it verse or chorus? - is reverberating in my head now ... and so is another song ... ha ha ha ... so far, no wan guessed dat e vocalist is a guy lor ... unique voice he possess ...

... kip2 d rule of thirds but rules r meant to be bent ... hope to c more pics fr u ya ...

... i suppose (almost) al the tracks were composed and arranged by milubing ... ;)


Blogger qing qing | 28 June, 2007 22:32

hey yo!!

ahya, i didnt hear LEI today.. =(

anw, nite everyone!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 22:52

Nic here..

the lyrics for lei..yep..

深夜里, 无法习惯没有你;
这距离, 痛得我不能呼吸;



虽是梦幻, 愿沉醉

just got back..so worn out these days..my camp shows...preparing for our upcoming shows...events etc..man..crazy sleeping hrs...this sat n sun burn coz of NDP rehersals somemore...then sun nite rush for the show at mdc...man...crazy crazy...

anyways..hope ya guys are doing fine..i'm still hanging..the band's still kickin'...we're coming straight at ya soon..*winkz*..

this song actually has a deeper meaning...失去 in the lyrics wasn't initially written this way..was actually 死去...so can piece up the story i guess?? if not..no worries..there will be write ups on it..smilez...

n this song is our own compo yea..an MLB original..

take care...study hard!! gotta catch slp..tml gota wake up earli..sianz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 22:59

Yeah! nic

own composition!!! not too bad for a start... keep it up!


Blogger qing qing | 28 June, 2007 23:06

heehee.. lucky!! haven offline yet.. was at e forum.. haha..

nic: muz b v tired ba? take care hor.. drink more water oso kk..
heehee.. acty, i dunno e story lei.. nvm, will read e write ups! smile!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:14

Nic, NDP? Mean we get to see you on TV on NDP day? If that e case then i'll stick to the TV to watch e parade then. see if I can catch u on TV. It will be be parade or the party after the parade?

Yup, the song really MLB. Wondering who wrote the lyrics... guess its Sam...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:15

... nic, u really cant tahan wn peeps try to decipher the lyrics ... thanks ya ... curious to noe whose story belongs to dis song ... acty, m asking Q to myself la ...

...NS men alwz kena arrowed for NDP ... hard work but hope it will nevertheless be part of ur beautiful memories!! ... do take care ya ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:20

... o, btw, may i add that 失去 is better than 死去 ... the meaning is dere but much more 委婉 ... better feel to it ... jus my 2 cents tots ya ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:33

hoho. Thanks nic for sharing. Good night.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:35

nic here..

smilez..if not lata all xin xin ku ku try to get but cant get..keke..

the music led us to the story - the lyrics.

We began with a world (the music)...words just explain what the world is like in lyrical form...

and the story..link these words up abit plus reading the lyrics...using a teenie weenie bit of imagination..and lotsa emotions..should be able to feel the grieve of the song ba..let your emo take you to the place we were once (when we wrote the song) then you'll feel it once you see it..

死去 (no coming back unlike 失去)-

这距离(oh man..that's far away..6 feet under)

只希望你给我一些安慰 (impossible)

牵领我进入睡梦追随 (the girl's spirit led him into lala land)

我们俩梦中相依偎 (scary, but if itz ur loved one...many 泪's
of bitter joy)

虽是梦幻, 愿沉醉(haiyo..tao bi xian shi)

maybe i'm just emo...that's why i felt transformaers was a lil too shallow..super bad story line with amazing graphics..what the "hello"?? megatron just die like that without proper build up?i loved the toys...made up much of my childhood..expected much from the movie..i couldn't "feel" the characters...the didn't move me emotionally..but that's besides the point..haha..nvm..itz a must watch...childhood thing...dun watch will regret..though watching is a bit of a chore...keke...maybe just expectations too high..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:40

nice clouds, nice lyrics. was wondering wat the others meant by the song v MLB. now i understd why. the song has the MLB signature w v MLB vocals! good effort, luv ur voice nic! hope to own the album SOooON!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:45

oh man, see u explaining the lyrics. realli v the emotional. now v got the hua mian in the head the next time i hear the song.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:47

... nic, u very 体贴 ur 歌迷 ya ... wn it comes to sharing abt ur passion, ur floodgate is kinda jus open lyk dat n den unstoppable ... missed it ... its not mayb u r jus emo ... u R a emo person ... but tough on u lor ... hope u dun go into the ruts sometimes ya ...

... u gotta chiong many places dis weekend ya ... do slp early ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:50


a bit chim...=(...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:50

... ha ha ha, transformers ya ... i prefer to leave my memories dere n den ... u watch movies but is not a couch potato ... ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:52

Hahahaha.... laugh until nearly fall off from my bed. Wah nic, you make the whole thing sound like a ghost story..."the girl's spirit led him into lala land"... just can't help it but really funny. Sorry...

Transformer on cinema already meh? Thought gotta wait for another couple of weeks. Not nice ah.... hmm...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:54

oh forget to say, now i know why i feel this way - can feel a lot of emotions coming out from nic's singing... =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:55

... so i gather fr ur explanation dat is 先曲后词 ... wich is easier for u leh? ... sorry, my tots comes in bits n pieces ... now seems lyk its only mi flooding dis black hole ... haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2007 23:59

haha flora, i like his 2nd & last comment on the impossible & tao bi sian shi. and i too tink it's realli great of him to share his xin de on the song w us here.
eeee... i dun like transformers, i prefer masters of the universe leh.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 June, 2007 00:01

Hi Nic,
You are finally here, wow very busy schedule indeed. Must find time to relax & rest too. Ya, drink more water oso.
NDP practises & rehearsal are always very "sianz", but on the actual day itself, its very fun.
I was involved in NDP 1986, that was the 1st time NDP held in the evening with many touchlights.
All MLBians are getting very high & excited now:
1) This Sunday, MLB performing at Sheng Siong Show
2) Next Thursday, MLB performing in Music In The Air Show
3) Next Friday, MLB 1st debut album releasing.
4) Autograph Signing Sessions etc to promote the album.
迷路兵,加油... 迷路兵,POWER-LAH...

Hi meikian,
Wondering whether you can spare me tix if you have any extra? Thanks in advance. :-)

All MLBians,
Please cast your vote by SMS & send in your Yes933 voting coupons for 泪 before next Thursday. Thank you very much...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:07

not al good songs make it to the pop chart. if dey do, consider it a bonus--we await wif abated breath


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:09

sorry, can update us what recording you 3 did with 933 this time? any of these below?



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:12

... good nite milo nic ... not sure u gone to slp early le ma ...cos u said 'tml gota wake up earli..sianz..' ... ha ha ha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 June, 2007 00:17

Hi pippi,
I also know that not all good song make it to the pop chart.
But I have confident that with All MLBians UNITY & Effort, MLB's songs will definitely be up the chart. Don't forget, how we voted for MLB during the Superband season. That's how MLB became Singapore 1st Ever Superband.
Anyway, we must try hard. Cos this month got JJ's new songs & Jay's new songs, their album were released this week. Infact, JJ's 主打歌 already on the chart. MLBians must really vote hard, ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:19

ah..nic! finalli..u appeared.. :) thx for sharing w us wad e lyrics meant..realli got hua mian now..n u make me emo now..hahas..but tt's beside e pt..hmm..looks like a busy wk for u yea? drink more water n take loads of care! jiayou!! :)

ps: i love tis mlb original, lei.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:19

veri chim.
i abit mi lu liao. =X
nic, rest early!
jiayou. :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:19

mm, the way nic explained it really sound like a ghost story. The 1st sentence "6 feet down under" err... is like e gal is being buried 6 feet down under. 2nd sentence... of course its impossible for her to console him now...and the 3rd line remind me of �菗�H��...

Ke I better go sleep liao else I'll be rattering more rubbish...e result of sleeping less than 4 hrs for the past few days. nite


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:25

hmm...wat pippi says makes good sense. no harm voting for those realli v on ones too. to each his own i guess. nic go bed oredi ah. i oso log off den. nite nite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:26

frankly speaking, it has been 'nong nong' time since the blog is so re nao le...re nao as in so many ppl tagging...a bit bu xi guan...haha.

haha I understand nic's explanation liao. the part where we interpret it from ‘死去’ perspective. haha. funny la~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 00:29

hee, flora, dun understd ure 3rd line, next time den explain to me;)


Blogger BIRU K. | 29 June, 2007 00:35

take care!
hang on~
you can do it!

我的心也暖了 x)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 01:07

it's getting more confusing~

or is it becos I don't understand 'emo language'? aiyo, if yes then I must be heartless le. Sad~

haha =D!

1.07am on my laptop now. TGIF! Gd night =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 01:15

it's friday again. xD
time for bed.
good night! :DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 June, 2007 01:33

Time to zzzzz,
Good night & Sweet Dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Its Friday, weekend approaching.
Have a nice day follow by wonderful weekend.


Blogger binz | 29 June, 2007 02:23

whoolala next wk will be so filled with mlb.. album and shows! gonna be a happy week to all yea?

泪is nice nice and agrees that the song is jux so mlb, very their style. vocally, never really get to hear sam and weiqi hor. hope can hear in other songs in the album bah(:

somehow i feel that like all singers sound quite different at like shows/compeition from their album. anyone noes why?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 06:21

weiqi: "Hey hey,someone help me post ya? we recorded 933双打星 and wo ye shi DJ. Take care!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 06:27

Thanx, weiqi. yeah! can hear your 3 voices longlong on radio finally! will 'listen out' for them. u take care too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 08:21

hello =D


Blogger PeiShan | 29 June, 2007 09:17

morning peepz ..

wahh, i din come online yesterday then nic tag so much .. hmm .. now i can ahga figure out e story of e song liao .. but nic describe until like tt, like ghost story leh .. hehe ..

to qianhui: so u r e qianhui tt i noe la .. haha .. e world is so small .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 09:32

hey, is milubing album gonna out on 1st july???!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 09:56

Hi MLB... Hi Nic
I missed all the actions as I do not tag often. I heard the song and now the lyrics from you. The 'lost' feeling in the song surely tugged at heart string. The lost of someone is "pain" and "pain" can only be felt by one person or persons of similar experience or else it is superficial. My fav band is Shin Yue Tuan..I look fwd to seeing such standard from MLB. Songs can only touch when true feelings flow... I look fwd to more...



Blogger qing qing | 29 June, 2007 10:34


haiyo! i oso lost liao la.. haha.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 12:10

no nimiz, not on 1st july but 6th according to chongqing. we are reminded everyday by the countdown here keke

我也是DJ is on every Fri 8pm. Will wait patiently in july hopefully for the broadcast :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 13:03

hopefully Yes933 will upload milubingis "I also DJ" podcast on www.podcast.com.sg... Usually those podcast uploaded is unedited de. Means we can even hear their NG liao wor~ kekekekekeke =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 13:13

saw e advt for nxt week music in the air.. saw the dark dark nic.. hey, they are so cute.. and look so nice in yellow..

i lost liao...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 15:46


Wah... Thanks for updating the lyris.. I really like this song..
Looking forward to hear your music..

Take care


Blogger Jodie [: | 29 June, 2007 16:26

Anyway, honestly, too many updates until i very der blur now!! OMGG!
hahas. XD
Slowly shall reply.

SAM: YAY! NICE NICE PICTURES! HAHAHAS. Anyway, sheng siong sho performing ahhs? OKAY, WILL WATCH

NIC: LONG TIME NEVER "SEE" YOO LERS! Anyway, U PERFORMING FOR NDP? SURE SURE SURE! I WILL FIND U SLOWLY SLOWLY! hahas. Anyway, some of my school der girl guides oso performing at NDP! hehes. JIAYOU XD.




Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 17:39

Sad news that Superband soul Ishi just left us... We hope that he can rest with peace forever...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 June, 2007 17:45

Hi pekchoo,
What happen to Ishi? How you get to know about this bad news?
Ya, if this is the case, lets pray that he will rest with peace in God's arm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 18:12

uncle phil,

Today my friend sms to me.. Than I heard that he passed away, that time I really don't believe.. But I buy newspaper, than I know what happen? He comit sucide and vomit yesterday happen? It was scary lah.. When I heard this news, just hope's everyone wsh him rest in peace..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 19:24

Haiz... was shocked when I heard the news abt Ishi just now... not going to type e details here. Anyone who wanna know more can go read the newspaper...sad...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 19:26

Yes I heard it from a friend too. Don't know why though...hmm...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 19:31


yeah go grab xin ming or wan bao the big article on the first page..
go take a look..What I know is commit sucide..
Really sad when hear this news today when my friend sms me.. Just wishes him rest in peace forever..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 20:07

OMG LO . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 20:31

hey all, sorry abt tis..made another trip to mdc jus now but e receptionist said tt all e tics were taken ytd. (duno y also, cuz me and meiyi went to mdc at diff times ytd bt no tics) will try and c if there're alternative ways to gt tics. if anyone has tics, hopefully can update us? thx loads..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 21:01

Looking Forward To This SUNDAY ~
Yea ...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 21:49

Yes thanks meikian. xin ku ni le.

Yup pek choo, saw the article le. Not confirm whether it's really sucide ba? From what i understand, it was reported he was only suspected comitting sucide because of relationship problems. The cause of his death could be due to Carbon Monoxide poisoning. His body was cremated today...


10PM news will be reporting too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 21:57

YES! This Sunday, MLB performing at Sheng Siong Show +
YES! Next Thursday, MLB performing in Music In The Air Show +
YES! Next Friday, MLB 1st debut album releasing. +
YES coming! Autograph Signing Sessions etc to promote the album.

= seeing MLB + seeing MLB + seeing MLB and many many chances to see MLB! (: (:

copied the info frm uncle phil's post above, haha. lets send MLB's 泪 up the chart of YES 93.3fm! the song rocks! cried when first heard it, really very nice. MLB JIAYOU!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 22:01

haha. Yes Milubing jia you! Don't stop pia-ing! haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 June, 2007 22:29

Oh ya,
Its really a waste if Ishi really committed sucide?
Beside mentioning his body been cremated this evening, the news also mentioned that Soul has infact splitted early this year.
Understand that Lucify also splitted last year not long after the competition.
Look likes MLB is the only band that is still growing strongly. MLB Jia-You, MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 22:50

re: ishi - me oso heard & saw d news... rather shocking... so fast d wan bao report on it? no habit of buying wan bao, so din get to read on d article. wat a pity tat he departed at tis young age...

may he r.i.p...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 22:58

LOL, maybe he really xiang bu kai ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2007 23:26

yes, ishi's sudden death is another shocking news.... this year has not been a great year, for many around me and even for me myself.

even so... half the year has passed. unhappiness will pass, whether we choose to face it with a smile or a frown. all out there, take great care. hang on there, u'll get thru!

im still in a state of sadness and shock over the news, i believe many are. will like to encourage all soul and ishi fans, hang on there, jiayou! and also condolences to the family members...

wells. everyone please take great care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 00:08

i tot my eyes played a trick on me when i saw e news..haiz..tis is so so sad..may ishi rest in peace..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 00:46

mei kian, xin ku ni le!! cant thank u enuf for ur tireless effort ... do take care

saw d advert for mlb's epi of music in the air ... sam, u very dao dan ya ...

take care peeps ... do savour every moment ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 00:48

Milubing must have know this le ba? U all ok ma? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 00:55

yep, MLB knew abt this piece of sad news...you can read the rest over here


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 02:22

haha ok. Thanks anonymous. Well, wish him happy in another world ba.

Good night lo~ don't be too upset le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 02:31

Forget to say, nic sam and Weiqi smilez~ we love you =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 02:38

Hahax quizzy_me u ah . . .

Hahax ~

TaKe CaRe ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 02:59

i've heard the news on radio tis afternoon too.
veri shocking and dishearting news.
may ishi rest in peace.

hope the boys are ok.
take great care yea?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 03:06

*error* disheartening

i love the boys too.
worried bout them. =S
take care eh.
good night!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 June, 2007 09:15

Hello, good morning MLB & MLBians.
Lets forget all the unhappiness & just look forward to all the happy events coming soon (MLB performing in Sheng Siong Show, MLB performing in Music In The Air, MLB's debut album releasing, autograph signing sessions & lots of promotion for the album etc.).
Hope everyone here will have a great weekend!
For those gonna beat the GST deadline, today is your last day of shopping with 5% GST. So, go and grap what is needed! lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 12:22

Hey Guys, the autograph sessions are out. This is actually published in today's My Paper... Remember to block your dates!!!

15.07.07 @ Jurong Entertainment Centre
22.07.07 @ Bishan Junction 8
28.07.07 @ Bukit Panjang Plaza

Timings are not mentioned...
Look fwd yah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 13:08

*comments for previous blog entry*
those places really look SO FAMILIAR. lolxx. places where ii alwaes drove around. places where is so near to my house. *1st pic - a building nx to city square *2nd, 3rd and 4th pics - its all connected area

sam post it its bcos he wants to tell his fans tt, tts the nearest country where he can only travel. haha. ii am a little boliao.

anw, glad to hear mlb's new song 泪 on YES 93.3 on wed morning. ii tot tt morning was the first play of tt song. zhi yong says: "听说,他们拍摄这支MV时,困难匆匆。" den the later part ii missed out.

can mlb tell us more about the shooting of the MV?
goin thru weiqi's tag, ii am wondering, why artistes himself oso dunno the date of release of the album?
the dates for the events are up?! TTS FAST!! ii will make sure ii will be there!! =]

last comments for the song [泪], its super duper nice. can feel the efforts you guys put in. I believe tt song needs lots of hardwork to produce it and make it touched. NICE SONG. 期待-ing other songs too. keep it up guys!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 14:09

When things don’t go smoothly, if we will only look up at the sky, our troubles are nothing (9.3). It’s a beautiful day – may it be so everyday for everyone. sMilz


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 15:59

Yes933 playing Milubing's song now.

DJ Junli said this song got the potential to be at the top of the chart...heh heh


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 16:10

Hello everyone by the way. Wooh~ so tired now. Later going to nap nap. haha.

Yes everywhere seemed to be crowded. I made my VCD purchase using nets and halfway through the transaction their system hang for a few minutes. Does that mean there were too many purchases for the nets company to handle? hahaha.

Frankly speaking, for some people, it's more difficult for them to have a positive outlook ba? It's not that they don't know or don't want but it's just difficult. So I guess these people really need our love and care?

haha don't know leh, a friend whom just recovered from depression not long ago shared with me this lor. haha.


Blogger Jodie [: | 30 June, 2007 18:00

Yahs. I heard the news too.
I kept saying OMGG and i oso tot tat my eyes were playing tricks.
Anyway, Milubing, u all should noe about it ler bahz?!

I HEARD 泪 yesterday night. WHEE! NICE NICE SONG!


QUIZZY_ME: REALI? COOL COOL COOL! But didn't hear it lehs!

WHEE! Dunno why i keep saying this today!
Dun get my mood wrong, ppl!
I'm sad for Ishi, kays?
I oso think he 想不开 bahz.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 18:22

Here's the little report on the forthcoming release (officially its coming Friday!). Also 期待ing the 2nd single "适应"

Download MyPaper


Blogger qing qing | 30 June, 2007 20:21

m here!!

was shocked to noe bout ishi too.. was waiting for fang da tong concert to begin, den my fren sms mi to tell mi.. tot she's joking.. but she says she wanna cry, den i noe it's real.. cant imagine it acty... still so young..

mlbian: THANKS!!

mindee: THANKS!!

MLB: dun b too sad kk.. =)

so qi dai-ing to nxt wk.. thurs got music in e air, fri MLB's album!! haha.. happy sia..

all e autograph places so far from my house.. haha.. i only noe how to go junction 8 lor, among all e 3 places.. =X
album can pre-order ma huh? haha.. think i asking a v wu liao que ba..

hope all SOUL's fans wun b too sad oso ba.. =)

stay happy everyone!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 June, 2007 23:03

Wow, I also saw the article in today's 我报. With the schedules for the upcoming albums' promotions, we can be very sure that MLB debut album will be released on next Friday. Yeah...
But I am afraid I might not be able to attend the 1st event, due to that day might be celebrating my mums' birthday. Hopefully, will be able to pick another date for her celebration (well have to depend on all my siblings)!
Ah-ha, Jun-Li also feels that 泪 has the potential to be at the Top of the chart. Then we must try our Best to do so, jia-you...jia-you...
The report on 我报 mentioned that MLB has to wear thick clothings under the sun to shoot 泪 de MV. 真是辛苦了迷路兵,谢谢迷路兵。Although MLB has to wear those thick clothings, but I will say: 迷路兵,你们真帅。Hopefully, the album will comes with a poster!


Blogger qing qing | 30 June, 2007 23:21

uncle phil: thanks for sharing!
ahyo, MLB so poor thing, needa wear thick thick clothings..
yeah! hope it comes w poster!! haha..
ahya, think i attending e 2nd de.. tat's e only place i know how to go among e 3.. haha.. but i prefer to go e 1st de lei, cos i having examz in aug ma.. sad =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2007 23:55

aww~ I think I should be able to go for all. How about u guys? haha just curious to know who will I be seeing on that day. haha.

qing qing, JEC shouldn't be a problem for u ba? When u take MRT from ur place, take the one that goes "towards Boon Lay" then go ALL THE WAY to Jurong East. When u alight, look around and u shud be able to see Jurong Entertainment Centre across u. Just got to cross the traffic light and u r there! haha. Hope it helps.

So in simpler words, JEC is just next to Jurong East MRT station. =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 00:00

Hi qingqing,
you are most welcome.
to be frank, I also not very sure about the 1st venue (dunno izzit at Jurong East?), 2nd venue of course no problem (should be top of the 8) and 3rd venue I totally dun noe where the hell is this place? So, I am like you. We are on the same boat. lol
Hopefully, any MLBian who noe where are these venues will share with us; as to how we can get there? thanks in advance.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 00:11

Hi quizzy,
From your description, seem like I am right for the 1st venue.
How about the 3rd venue? Never heard & been to this place, totally no idea where it is located?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 00:12

you may wish to visit http://www.capitalandretail.com/singapore.htm for more info on the locations


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 00:18

Later I find out le I tell u k? haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 00:24

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for the info with regard to the venues.
Aiyah, why the management never choose central locations like Plaza Singapura or Bugis Junction? Or perhaps they should choose Tampines Mall (Eastern side of S'pore), instead of 2 venues in the Western side of S'pore.
Haiz, never think of fans that are staying in the East!
Anyway, if possible; I will wish to go all the 3 venues. yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 00:31

My hao xiong di provided a very convenient explanation - those staying at East can take 190 or 960 at Bugis or Orchard area. 190 and 960 will stop outside BPP. Get it? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 00:33

should choose venues all over singapore...haha easier for all...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 00:37

Hi Quizzy,
Thanks for taking the trouble to find out from your hao xiong di. �����


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 00:41

eh cannot leh. 190 stop at Phoneix LRT station then still got to walk. Better take 960 from Bugis ba. Will stop outside Bukit Panjang Plaza lor. haha.

so altogether - 963,960,187,177,176,190,180 are the buses that will go to Bukit Panjang.

My friend even joked that those coming from Changi better take taxi...-_-!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 00:45

no problem uncle phil. I cannot read the things u typed after the word hao xiong di la. haha.

from what I found out, only 963 and 960 will stop directly outside BPP. The rest will stop at one of the LRT station but u still gotta walk there lor.

haha. I can take 178 from my home, dropped down at Ten Mile Junction then walk there. haha. Or if I lazy to walk I can take 960 from Woodlands Interchange lor. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 01:01

hahaha... quizzy,
I really dun mind if they choose all shopping plaza or mall under capitland retail in Singapore. Then we will have more chances of meeting MiLuBing; Singapore 1st Ever Superband. lol
Maybe they might do it, if the sales of the album is excellent! Then there will be 改版+ 庆功宴 (我已经想到很远了,也许是在做白日梦)。


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 01:12

Oops, the chinese wordings that were missing are: 你真的很棒。


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 01:49

haha. thanks for ur compliment. it's ok la. haha. My hao xiong di is staying in Bukit Panjang mahz, so ask him lor. haha.

And thanks mlbian for sharing that article because i dun have one for myself. I just uploaded that in my own server then upload to the publicity blog le. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 02:03

Yeah ...
Wow Sooo Many Autograph Sessions Eh ...

Though The 2 locations really very far lek for me ... Hahax but YOU shld noe de la ...
NVM ! I'll still go no matter wat ~ =)

Album Releasing Le ... With Soo Many upcoming events, Surely Will Very Xin Ku de ...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 02:17

Don't worry, I just wrote a "99% complete guide on how to go to Bukit Panjang Plaza" on the publicity blog. I'll copy-paste here...

there are quite a few buses that goes to Bukit Panjang but only 171, 920, 960 and 963 will stop directly outside BPP.

1)Coming from East - take 960 from Bugis.
2)coming from North, - take 960 from Woodlands or 171 at Yishun.
3)920 is within the Bukit Panjang area only...
4)not sure about 963...
5) Another alternative is to take LRT to Bukit Panjang...

Other bus services include 187,177,176,190,180, 178, 170 and I don't know what else...

If you are taking
1) 178 or 170 - alight at Ten Mile Junction
2) 180, 190, 176, 177, 187 - alight at Bukit Panjang Road Blk 184

Yup thats all =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 02:19

so you all decide for yourself which route is more convenient for u ba =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 02:24

err...and correct me if i'm wrong...haha :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 02:34

Thanks quizzy, for taking the effort to inform us of the bus routes that will bring us to BPP. My salute to you. :-)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 03:02

Wow 3am liao, better go to bed now.
Good night & sweet dreams MLB & MLBians.
Have a beautiful Sunday. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 03:19

haha gd night. I watching ke you lun videos on youtube now. haha.

Nic Sam and Weiqi! How's your day? haha. jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 12:51

haha sam,
u're so thoughtful! =)
yeah, i hope i can stay a float in my studies and not be flooded by the waters..
haiz. cos my results are so terrible leh. haiz. will work harder and try my best de.
jia you everyone!!! =D


Blogger PeiShan | 01 July, 2007 13:11

hello peepz ..

to qing: hey hey .. i shld b going to junction 8 for e autograph session coz it's nearer to my house .. e other 2 places v far n i dunno where it is .. if u going e J8 de, tell mi k ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 13:57

shan, Jurong Entertainment Centre is next to Jurong East MRT station. Bukit Panjang plaza de hua...my 'guide' above don't help arh? O__O


Blogger PeiShan | 01 July, 2007 14:03

to quizzy: it helps la .. but a bit far for mi .. so J8 better .. hehe ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 14:06

haha. okay...=D


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 16:28

hey yoz!! m here =)

quizzy: haha.. oic.. JEC is nxt to jurong east mrt.. hmmm.. thanks!!
haha... acty, other than imm hor, i nv been to other parts of jurong b4 lor.. haha..

uncle phil: ya lor, they shld hav places in e east de ma.. haiz.. TM is gd!! haha.. cos near my house ma.. haha.. whitesand even better.. haha..
yeah, hi-five!! we r in e same boat.. haha.. but quizzy explain le, think JEC shld b ok ba.. haha.. dunno lei, quite far lei.. haha..

shan: haha.. u wanna go w mi ar? haha.. hmmm.. acty i was thinking of J8 oso, cos tat's e only place i noe how to go initally ma.. haha.. heehee.. j8, i take 53, will reach interchange ma.. haha.. but i thinking of JEC oso, cos nv go there walk walk b4 ma.. haha.. hmmm.. so u confirm gg to j8 de ar?

MLB looks v nice in e my paper!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 17:23

Actually there's nothing much to shop in JEC la...for me I think the is-it-shophouses (that string of shops under the flats) next to JEC is slightly better...there's a shop call 'Ca$h converter' where ppl can buy and sell 2nd hand stuff there...haha I love to patrolnize there but not buying or selling anything. haha. U decide ba =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 17:27

Personally, North south east or west is alright as long as the venue isn't at a weird weird place (as in difficult to get there) like Changi Naval Base or Downtown East can le...haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 17:30

aha! just to add on to the previous previous tag. When u finished walking through that string of shops next to JEC, walk straight a little more and u might find yourself ended up in Singapore Science Centre, if I'm not wrong. haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 17:52

ahh!! so long never visit milubing's blog le!! it's still so happening!! haha..

i'm so looking forward to 6th july!! omg. i can't believe i gonna buy mlb's album like real soon!! hahaha.. so excited!

milubing jiayou jiayou jiayou!!! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 18:43

haha..i'm gg to all 3 venues.. :D

thx quizzy for e instructions on how to go bpp.. :)

qing, i tot i told u jec is at jurong east last nite..haha..still blur ar? hee..

rmb to catch e 3 milo guys on sheng shiong show later k.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 18:51

no problem. haha.

I can't believe tomorrow is Monday again... ~.~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 20:04

haha quizzy_me is like a walking travel guide. lol. thanks for the info. counting down: 5days to album release! (:


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 20:13

quizzy: HUH!! really nothing to shop de ar? =(

yuanping: haha.. ya lor, cos dunno how to go jurong east.. haha.. train will reach rite? haiyo!! die liao la.. i'm really blur liao la.. =( haha..


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 July, 2007 20:41

QUIZZY_ME: I tot JEC is quite a distance away for Jurong East MRT station? I went there b4. It was bout 5 mins walk lehs.

Sadly i all cannot go cos i am not allowed to and my parents scared lars and all on sunday and sunday i have things on and another thing, ALL IN THE OTHER SIDE OF SINGAPORE OF WHERE I AM STAYING! AHHS!

UNCLE PHIL: Yahs. Agree. Should at least have 1 session @ TM, like tat me and my frens can go lers. hahas.

Today i walked passed milubing's shifu der restaurant and THERE WAS QUITE A CROWD! hehes. Business is booming siahs!

Tmr Youth Day. I wish those youths, including me, HAPPY YOUTH DAY! LOLS XD!


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 21:39

hmmm.. for e sheng siong show, is the guy in red jacket wearing the same jacket as e one sam wear when in music in e air?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 21:47

Jodie, oh yes, u r right. Not exactly next. haha. Cos the traffic light quite long. haha. Thanks for reminding me. haha.

qing qing, not NOTHING to shop, is NOTHING MUCH to shop...haha.

Youth day not big deal for us, cos we don't have holiday. Sian. But i still wish u happy youth day. haha =D


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 21:49

quizzy: ohh.. haiz.. ya lor, y youth day we no holiday de huh!! =(

sry, corrected version of my previous tag.. "sam wear for music in e air?"

haha.. my eng really jia lat.. haha..


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 21:59

OMG! it's so nice!! haha.. hmmm.. sam didnt sing huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:01


the point is, i duno which 'the guy in red' u r referring to. haha.

Forget to ask xiu jiejie...err...eh...haha, u recorded Milubing's performance on Sheng Shiong show le ba? Cos at MilubingYG a girl requested for their performance to be recorded. haha. Now then I remember. xie xie and xin ku ni la.

Nic Sam and weiqi~ xin ku ni men la~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:02

qing, sam didn't sing. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 22:13

quizzy: haha.. e one cai bao xiang de.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:15

the performance on sheng siong show was GREAT!!
POWERful sia!!
Lovez nic's stunt.
cant wait to get their's album on hand!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:38

WOOTS! the performance just now was superb!! sad that i'm not at the venue! if not, can watch them live!!

泪... it's really a nice song! love it!! (^_^)


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 22:39

thanks for uploading e video.. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:49

nice to see all three as judges ya. and oso the performance of 泪 was great. do take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:53

haha qing qing, I didn't notice. haha.

Milubing performance arh...how should i put it...err...feel very different from previous ones. Haha, guess it's because all the while they have been performing cover versions; then now they got their own song le, of course different la. haha.

I think besides the sound from their own instruments, I also heard sound coming from the background music right? Means they also play from the CD at the same time. Guess it works better this way? Bcos they don't have to worry too much about the sound? haha.

Jia you~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 22:54

*don't have to worry too much about the sound system


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:00

qing, haha..so now u noe how to go jec oredi? hehe..but realli nth much to shop de la..keke..

milubing was great jus now! i absolutely love nic's singing! :D cant wait to get my hands on e album le..whee~ milubing jiayou jiayou! :)

ps: i oso dun hv youth day hol..but it doesnt matter..cos i'm still having hols..haha! :P


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 23:08

yuanping: haha.. hmmmm.. i think i'll b lost ba if i go alone.. haha.. die liao la, i think i worse than u lor.. i more lu chi than u lor.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:15

99.5% complete guide on how to go to JEC

1) Get out of the train when u reach Jurong East MRT station
2) Tap your EZ-link at the gate
3) Travel the escalator...
4) Walked straight a little
5) Turn left
6) See the long pathway that leads you to the traffic light
7) Cross the traffic light
8) If you see NTUC and Cheers and bla bla, look at your left, JEC is there!

Does this help? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:15

haha..i noe how to go jec cos i go before..so, u are not any more lu chi than me..i cfm win one in terms of direction-less..haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:24

aiya, pinky jie and qing qing, why not I bring u all there? We can meet at Jurong East MRT station then go there together? haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 July, 2007 23:27

Yeah good news, I am able to attend all the 3 sessions. If that is the case, I must buy at least 3pcs of MLB debut album, in order to get close to them at 3 different venues.

Wow, MLB's performance just now was superb. All the 3 brothers 越来越有明星的风范,星味越来越浓。
Sam did not sing, becos there isn't any mic at his position! Correct me if I am wrong.

After listening to such a nice superb song, I am very eager to hear MLB's 第二主打歌~适应。Then even more eager to own MLB's debut album on Friday & quickly can watch these 2 MVs. Hahaha...



Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 23:34

quizzy: haha.. acty hor, i still cant figure out lei.. haha.. cos i only go imm once n is by car.. haha.. n ya, 1 time when my fren n i jus take e train to jurong east, cos our legs too sour.. so we decided to juz sit in e train.. haha.. hmmm.. but i dunno i gg on which day de lei.. haha..
haiz.. i think if i go JEC de hor, i can sit in e train till my pi gu lan diao lor.. haha.. =P
if i gg JEC de, den we go tog!! heehee..

yuanping: haha.. den if nxt time got any event, we both dunno how to go de, we better dun meet.. haha.. if not we'll b e lost soldiers - 1.. haha.. but we're e girl girl version de.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:34

~.~ my parents would kill me if i say i want to buy 3...haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:36

pi gu won't lan diao la~ just fall asleep nia. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 23:37

haha.. mine oso!! haha.. they'll say alot of $$$ ar.. haha.. n i think my bro will most probably say i siao.. haha..

anw, nite nite!! m gg to orh orh liao.. haha.. =D

oh ya, wondering, did MLB went for supper.. haha..


Blogger qing qing | 01 July, 2007 23:38

haha.. think i wun dare to slp.. haha.. in case i miss e station n dunno where it goes liao.. haha.. den i'll b stuck in e mrt station!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:39

想不想再看迷路兵精彩的演唱“泪”? 哈哈, uploaded le... enjoy!

ps, file size is bigger than the judges clip, so pls be a little bit patient. ;P

ok go sleep le... nitey


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:42

Xiu jiejie, I love you~ =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:46

quizzy, thank you for the details! very efficient ya ... n xiu too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2007 23:54

quizzy, i noe how to go jec la..u bring qing thr la..hee..y not u bring me to bpp? :D tt one i not v sure..haha..

qing, i oso always get chauffeured by car..so i dun bother to recognise places..haha..but i'm better liao lor..hehe..next time if we duno how to go a certain place, we bring quizzy along.. :P haha..so i take train to boon lay when i go to sch, my butt will rot further la..lol!

uncle phil, sam did not sing..nic was singing n weiqi was harmonising.. :) perfect! :D

thx xiu for being ever so efficient! i recorded but i hv no idea how to upload..jus for my viewing pleasure.. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 July, 2007 00:02

Hi qingqing,
The red adidas jacket worn by that boy (contestant for the 开保箱), was indeed the same one where Sam worn it for music in the air. Wa, you very observant hs!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2007 00:03

Sofui jie, no problem =D...

haha, Pinky jie, I happened to know how to go to BPP and JEC mahz. haha. All those details u see above, I checked from the directory de. haha.

BPP? U want u can take duno-is-it-161 from your place which is Hougang to Woodlands then changed to 960. but it's going to take more than 1 hour~

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