
Thoughts to Share
milubing | 28 June, 2007 00:35

The above picture was taken sometime ago when i went out cycling. "A BEAUTIFUL DAY"

This afternoon, i went back to the same place for a walk. Here's a picture i took. "CLOUDS"

I sat down on some rocks with a chilled drink. As i set aside all work-related stuff from my mind and started to relax, i saw that many others are still out at work. Above is another picture i took today. "HARDWORKING WORKERS A-FLOAT"
I wish that all of you who are working and studying hard will stay a-float and not feel seasick.

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Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2007 00:13

quizzy, i tink e bus ride will kill me lor..so long! i rather take train..i tink we'll discuss tis when e date gets nearer ba..i tink of e super long bus journey i wan to pengz liao..haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 July, 2007 00:18

Hi yuanping,
I noe, Sam did not sing at all. Cos I dun see any mic near him.

I also have to figure out how am gonna travel to BPP. But should not be a big problem.

As for purchasing how many pieces of MLB's debut album, shall decide later. Meantime, gonna prepare the Yes933 voting coupons, fill up & send by Wed. the latest. Hopefully, can hear 泪 on Yes933龙虎榜 next Sunday! "chiong...ah"


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2007 00:20

Support local talent... MLB roCkXs..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2007 00:24

Pinky jie, I think train ride is gonna be super long for u too? haha. I think I will take 960 from Woodlands ba. Or if I wanna save $ I'll just take 178 or 170 from my home then alight at Ten Mile Junction then walk there. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2007 00:29

haha..either way it's far..yea..but i tink travelling to woodlands wld not be as long as travelling to boon lay ba..haha..i'm used to travelling by train..n i hv tis weird tinking tt trains are always faster.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2007 00:35

Train is faster but bus is cheaper...i think so. haha. up 2 u ba =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 July, 2007 00:44

Aiyah, very tired liao.
Gonna sleep soon, tml is Monday again. Haiz, very "sianz" tml, cos has to attend operation meeting to stand-in for my boss. I just hate all these stupid, time wasting meeting!
Luckily got 2 important things to look forward; firstly MLB shall be performing in Music In The Air on Thurs & follow by MLB's debut album releasing on Fri. Yeah... Cheers...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 July, 2007 00:50

Oops, forget to say Good night & Sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Everyone must Jia-you in whatever you are doing.
Oh, Happy Youth Day to All Primary & Secondary Students. I cannot remember having Youth Days' holiday during my schooling times (school as normal during Youth Day)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 July, 2007 13:28

sad. ishi(soul) cannot see all this thing by then.


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