
Attention! Look' 4 MLBian's big bro/sis!
milubing | 12 July, 2007 14:19

Hi there MLBians! Our record company is now seeking for a leader to lead the fan club and be the main point of contact. Anyone interested to take up this role, please email your contact number to milubing@gmail.com and our colleagues @ our record company would contact you there after. Thank you!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 14:36

Wa... come in and saw this..probably the first one to post.

MLB... I love to do so but my job takes me travelling and I have to give this a miss.

So happy for you guys...finally a Fan Club!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 15:18

what kind of qualities must the leader have?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 15:51

Let me guess; the management would want the leader to update the other MLBians for any updates of the guys' activities....and I don't know the rest...

I can assure you it isn't an easy job lor, so think carefully...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 15:52

Actually these jobs huh, can i say some of us do before le? Just that we're going 'official' now. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 16:29

its jus like i guessed... now warner's trying to start fcs for all the artistes they have i think.

fc... sounds very commercialized. but wells, maybe its essential for all artistes lah.

basically, i guess fc is to gather all fans who like mlb. main ze ren to update all fans about what's up with mlb, their events and so on.
probably the fanclub will get privileges/benefits to some stuff and so on? smth lidat bahhx. yupps~~~


Blogger qing qing | 12 July, 2007 16:41


wa!!!!!!!! leader ar!! haha.. they looking for big bro n sis lei, but i not e biggest de lei.. keke.. anw, i agree tat it's not easy to b one! =)

i still dunno wat's e diff btw acoustic ban n e normal de.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 16:54

wah~ that gd!! leader~ going to set up a official fc to gather fans together..



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 16:58

Hyey MLBians, dun feel afraid or shy to try with warner ya? I think they need someone who can help distribute stuff like tics, and to update the MLBians of any news...something like that. So, they might get a few of u to help, not jus one. Anyways, now i understand Meikian's question le, regarding fan mail. If u didn't know, Warner jus moved their office recently, which probably explains! :)
Stay happy peeps!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 17:02

heyy there weiqi,
they moved? i didnt know. hahas. my fren jus went there about end of may, thot it was still at the same place... but anws, not important lah. hahas~

weiqi, is that email being checked by you or warner? got some stuff to ask ya...but kinda confidential now so... if u're the one checkin, maybe i can send my email over?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 17:12

ehhs, its okayy if you bu fang bian hui da lahhs. i'll pass you letter on sunday about it lohhs~



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 17:58

hmm..a big bro/sis yea? hees..i agree tt it's not an easy task..but we do hv mlbians who are capable of taking up tis role.. *winks*


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 18:02

Ok ba, I'm on for that! But it's not going to be like simple like "updating the publicity blog" anymore, so hope more people can pei me.

later then send my details over. Going home lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 18:16

thought of sending my details over too, bt den ii am only contactable thru either my e-mail or msia hp number.
haha, nvm, giv the chance to others.


Blogger PeiShan | 12 July, 2007 18:26

go quizzy .. i support u .. u can do it .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 18:39

qing qing,
acoustic 版 its actually the song produced without any electrical equipment, only acoustic guitar.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 19:15

Big bro and sis hor..I presume BIG means got leadership quality ba! Someone that got EQ, not afraid of hardwork. Must 100% for MLB and MLBians. Someone everyone like ba. Someone not schooling or working ba..and must got money too - cos need to run around and do many things right?

I believe a BOY/YOUNG MAN/ GENTLEMAN is a better choice. Fan Club lots of girsl.. girls and girls lots of conflicts de...But when they are dealing with a guy they are more 'sweet'. It is easier too to be in touch with MLB by chance need be?

Wo.OOO! got power de!

Sori..my mind went haywired! Hope you all find a nice person or the person who respond is a nice person.

No an easy job. Do good no one say 'thank you', do something people dun agree dan got 'shit' on. Zhu pa jie zao jing zhi, li wai bu shi ren!

I hv joined other fan clubs and they got so many problems.

I hope MLB de Fan Club is 'He Qi' de!

Let me be the DEVIL ADVOCATE...xian xiao ren huo jun zi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 21:12

actually actually actually, from what i gathered from Weiqi's message above, I guess (and hope) things is and/or will be pretty much the same like the past. For instance, those organizers for the third family reunion - they have been doing the i-don't-know-what as well as collecting money for the tee and stuff...or during superband period Nic's sister have been distributing the tickets for those who want to watch the recording....Weiqi have been doing the job of "updating us if there's any upcoming events" but now someone else have to do it ba. While I have been the 'messenger'. hehe =D!

Would it still be the same if we go 'official'? I hope it is lor. Cos to me everyone is equal la. Just like what the guys mention during interview - even though Weiqi is the band leader, everyone is equal and they will make decisions together...



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 21:30

milubing having fan club liao. too bad still schooling lah... saturday finally can buy album le!! last sat i thought can buy cos they said the release date is confirmed on the 6 july... in the end dun have. Woohoo(:
jia you jia you milubing! will be behind your fan club forever!<333


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 22:09

yeah, qing qing and quizzy_me should go ! they are the best around. (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2007 22:26

Actually I don't mind submitting my name , but I really don't know what kind of quality they are looking at? And also am I too old to be Big Brother? In fact ttww should be a good choice, but then as what she mentioned; she is always travelling due to work commitment.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2007 22:43

From previous tag,
Today my life not 轻松 at all, cos my laptop & modem giving me problem. And I have to apply urgent leave to go and get my modem changed. After bringing the new modem home, my laptop is giving me headache, cannot logon to the wireless network. Tomorrow have to apply time off to leave my office early to get it done. 非常不辛运的一天。


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 22:44

err, how come you all sound like we are going to do election? haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2007 22:47

election? lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 22:51

quizzy, u are so funni can..election..haha..well, mayb it shows tt those who are interested are v sincere? :) but i wonder wad if thr is an overwhelming response for e leader role..hmm..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 22:52

oh ya..uncle phil, i believe thr is no age limitation for tis leader role? as long as u are a true blue mlbian, i believe u will be v much welcomed.. :)


Blogger qing qing | 12 July, 2007 22:56


m thinking wat if we all submit our names huh? haha..

shihui: wat's acoustic guitar huh? sorry.. =X

chelsea: LOL!! i'll ps de lei.. haha.. btw, i staying at pasir ris, is it v far from ur place? anw, i gg w shan, someone i noe from this blog de!! =D

uncle phil: hmmm. ya lor, we dunno wat kind of quality they're looking at lei.. =(

quizzy: yeah!! go go!! i support u oso!! LOL!! =P

btw, who joining huh? other than quizzy?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 22:57

wow. just dropping by to say!

your first album was great! already looking forward to the next one!

erm. milubing fansclub leader?
i guess many will want to take up the role.


take care guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:02

oh wow!! a fc!! i'm sure amongst the mlbians, many are up to it for the role.. otherwise, those gatherings would never have materialised.. they might be the official ones picked, but i believe everyone in the mlb family will certainly lend their helping hands!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:04

there're a few different types of guitar: acoustic, classical, electric etc.

maybe you can do some research or wait for the others to answer you about how the guitars differ... cuz i also not very sure how to explain. hahas..



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:04

whoever he or she is, has to be some1 very responsible and willing to spend time organising the fanclub. If he or she takes up the role just for getting close to MLB, then i rather have no fanclub


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:12

this discussion is really sounding like we are doing election~ haha.

Anyway, i sent le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:15

i guess the leader should be someone we're all familiar with, not jus anyone who suddenly pop out and sign up. and of cos, dont hope to see 'international fans' as well...

all the best to all who signed up.



Blogger qing qing | 12 July, 2007 23:20

meikian: thanks thanks!! haha.. i scared later i ask till ppl wanna box mi.. haha..


Blogger PeiShan | 12 July, 2007 23:28

to muiling: haha .. election .. yar lor, seems abit like election .. u submitted le ar .. all e best to u wor .. muz tell mi u got 'elected' or not leh .. hehe ..

to uncle phil: dun care old or wat la .. can take e responsibility can liao .. go try la ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:32

hi janelle! so long nv c u le.. :)

haha..it is realli getting more n more like an election..but i totally agree w meikian..we need someone familiar to everyone here..n of cos, true blue mlbians.. :)

oh yes..all e best to those who signed up! (i shldnt say may e best man win rite? cos it's not a competition..gd luck perhaps? :D) jiayou jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:33

-_-! cos they have been talking about 'what qualities should this leader have' (right?), then I got the feeling of doing election lor, when he merely asked those who are interested to send them email. haha. no offence!

Wow i feel so productive now - doing virus scan for lappy, tagging here, watching 台湾脚逛大陆and studying for last paper tomorrow - all at the same time. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:36

i will vote for someone who is cool, responsible n mature in thinking n fair to all fans type .. not the self-centred or sensitive type

Male or Female, gd luck!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:37

lols! quizzy, jiayou for ur last paper tml! ni ke yi de! :D ganbatte~ :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:40

quizzy-me, u hv been doing a gt job , gd luck to u, jiayou!


Blogger qing qing | 12 July, 2007 23:41

quizzy: oh, test tml wor.. gd luck kk.. =D

anw, i went to mlb shifu there today, super xia suay man!! my frens n i were like laughing till super loud lor.. haha.. den e place was like kinda quiet, den our voice like super loud lor.. keke.. so ps man.. anw, e food nice man!! e drawings oso nice! i took a pic n video it oso!! =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2007 23:41

Wow, the more I read the more I feel that I should not submit my name. Cos I don't really know many MLBians, although I can be quite sure that I am a true blue MLBian or die hard fan of MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:43

thanks. but the whole conversation is getting scary~~ oh~~~~~~~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2007 23:45

Oh quizzy, still got a last paper tml ha? Jia-you... Jia-you...
But I was wondering how you van do 3 things at the same time? You must be a very smart gal lor. Anyway, all the BEST to you & good luck for the fc thingy.


Blogger PeiShan | 12 July, 2007 23:49

to quizzy: haha .. u steady e pompipi .. do so many things at a time .. summore tml haf paper .. gd luck to u for ur paper tml ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:50


scanning virus for lappy - can just let it run which is what i always do.
tagging here - not every second tagging mahz. haha.
watch TV and study - i can read my notes during commercial.

actually my eyes did not glued to the TV all the time de la. haha. learnt this from my mother de. So can say we don't watch TV but rather 'listen' to TV. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2007 23:53

listen to tv? Hahaha.....
then watch radio! hehehe...


Blogger qing qing | 12 July, 2007 23:53

quizzy: wa!! u really steady lor.. i cannot de.. i'll keep watching n dun study de lor.. even commercial oso watch de.. haha.. cant concentrate lei.. keke.. but i can listen to radio n watch tv at e same time lor.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 July, 2007 23:57

lol! i oso cannot concentrate. but have to learn. jia you~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 00:06

quizzy ! all the best for your last paper (:

uncle phil.. im sure age's not a matter, anyone here can tell that you sure are a die hard fan, so dun worry !


Blogger PeiShan | 13 July, 2007 00:09

to qing: watch tv n listen radio at e same time ?? then wat u c is diff fr wat u hear leh .. hmm ..

to quizzy: ur mum oso multi task ar .. so steady ..

hmm .. gotta slp liao .. nitez mlbians .. sweet dreams ..
dun stay up too late wor .. bad for health .. hehe ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 00:21

Hi chelsea,
Thought you are quite new here, or maybe just peep but never tag along. :-)

Hi shan,
are you trying to said that both items switched (watching the tv with radio sound & lstening the radio with tv sound), very funny leh. lol

Watching music in the air now (remember last week was watching MLB & J3). Still feel that last week's M.I.T.A. was so much better than this week (more fun due to the artistes more funny lor).

Don't underdstand why Darren's fingers have to keep moving up & down (likes playing trumpet) whenever he holds the mic to sing?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 00:35

haha. thanks. uncle phil, that's his habit ba? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 00:35

laughs. im always reading the blog and comments, but never tag. but i thought u guys are really nice, so decided to try.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 00:40

Welcome to the MLB Family.
Hope to see you more often, be it tagging here or attending MLB's events/gigs.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 00:43

Calling All MLBians,
Please try to cast your vote for 泪 by sms to yes933, so that it can go up the yes933龙虎榜 this coming Sunday.
Thank you very much for those that have already sms or post your voting coupons. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 00:53

oh chelsea, so u hv been 'peeking' eh? :D hees..dun worry.. we are all nice ppl.. u are welcome to join us.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 00:59

logging off lo~ good night~ TGIF!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 01:00

erm uncle phil, coupons mus send out by thu rite? (which is yest..) i sent 10+ out alr..i hope e rest r doing e same ya..otherwise, lei wun be able to deng shang long hu bang wor..gg to ask my frens for more coupons..i dun hv anymore! heh heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 01:02

its friday the 13th! haha...

so tired~ all..sleep early if you can, dont be like me, want to sleep cannot sleep. hahas...



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 01:02

nitey quizzy! all e best for ur last paper! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 01:05

aiyo meikian ar, it's gonna finish soon..it will be worth it..i hope..jiayou! ;D oh i din realise it's black fri until u mention it..haha..but it doesnt matter..jus do ur best.. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 01:27

Hi yuanping,
Thanks for sending out the voting coupons. Ya, I also hope that the rest are doing likeswise. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Oh, I also asking for coupons from my colleagues.
Besides sending coupons, please be informed that we can also sms to cast our votes too.
To sms, Key:
POTP933(space)lei or 泪 to 72346
Bear in mind that 30c shall be charged to your hp bill (pre-paid card cannot sms).

Once again, I'll like to thanks those MLBians that have voted.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 01:28

Time to go to bed now,
good night MLB & MLBians.


Blogger meikian | 13 July, 2007 03:46

woohoo~ finally finished what i was supposed to do. hahas.

friday! weekend coming... auto session coming... YAY :)

cya guys on sunday!


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 08:23

hey yoz!! morning!!

shan: haha.. i read e subtitle ma.. haha.. =D

chelsea: yeah!! ppl here r nice!=) come join us to tag.. welcome welcome.. =)

oh ya!! i was listening to both ban of shi ying this morning when having breackfast, den den den!! i hear e difference liao!! woohoo~ haha.. i think someone tell mi b4 e acoustic ban is more shu qing is it huh? haha.. i cannot rmb liao la.. haha.. anw, thanks alot! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 08:25

Friday the 13th? Black Friday! er...haha!

Good morning!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 09:16

Whe.e.e.e.w.w.w Fan Club! Humm.m.m I do not think it is election wor..it is like stating the quality of e candidate wor..
I agree w someone wor..that e person must b gd w all fan type wor.. a stand alone person wor..so no clique wor..

MLB is shaking head wor..Warner probably reading tis wor..Ha.a.a. MLB's fan...very outspoken wor..n said what they want wor...I am sure u find someone wor..

Lets put it tis way wor..no try..no die..so whoever is picked wor..SUPPORT and SEE and MAKE IT WORK wor...

How abt XIU? Tis person seems to do lots for MLB..can consider wor!

Me n my 2 cents election wor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 09:44


Me not qualify to do anything - my life is projects aft projects now.

What I am gg to say here is irrelevant to the above lah! I just wan to say.. I hope I can one day hear NIC sing 'WIND OF CHANGE' by the Scorpion. I stumbled on tis song lah..and cao super duper nice de! I tot of NIC's unquie voice and the way he plays e guitar..Please, please..one day K?

TGIF folks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 11:35

O.O! haha.

anyway, enjoy your day! My faci just said my classmate just kena chicken pox so she want us to monitor ourselves for the next week - if got fever don't go to school. But she don't want to tell us who lor. haha. I never kena chicken pox before...~.~...

Nic sam and Weiqi jia you! MLBians jia you too! TGIF!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 12:05

laughs. i was thinking i can meet you guys straight at j8 instead? i stay pretty near there.. BUT.. i dont even know how you guys look like. haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 12:27

Hello, good afternoon MLB & MLBians.
Well, its Friday and many ppl out there think its Black Friday. But for me, I don't believe it at all. To me so long your mood is good or right, who cares it's black Friday or what colourful Friday?
Anyway, just 2 more days and the important event shall happen (MLB debut album's autograph signing session). MLB & MLBians must be very excited. Yeah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 12:40

Back to the topic of selecting a leader for MLB FC:
why they need a big Bro / sis to be a leader? Is that the only quality they are looking for? Does it has anything that concern to Money?
In fact, an official FC needs a committee to get things done. Same as any other organisations; there will be President, V-President, Treasurer, V-Treasurer, IT personnel & etc.
I understand that an official FC will need to register & a fee has to be paid. Then the management company for the Artiste has to approve.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 13:52

I think have to ma fan our ke lian de weiqi to clarify things with us le ba. LOL! Or else this discussion is going out of hand le~

I understand official FC needs a committee like what uncle phil mentioned la; but there's a very high chance that things won't go right la. Eventually it will turn out to be "supporting Milubing is a complicated task". Like this I would rather we continue to be "MLB family" in this way - I love you, you love me, we are like a family~

Don't know leh; cos we are not sure of details yet so better don't assumed anything first ba =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 13:57

err...going out of hand as in we seemed to have too many doubts about this matter le...hoho.

Nic sam and Weiqi, and all MLBians, enjoy your day =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 14:07

haha mlbians just go for the interviews, then let warner explain the details, if u r selected, n find it suitable then go for it, if not suitable then reject lor.. i am sure warner r experienced ppl, discusssions is ok , infact is healthy..grap tis chance, share yr knowledge with the interviewers lah, my 2cts worth.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 14:14

hi mlbians, just go for the interviews, let warner handles the rest, they r v experienced ppl, if selected n u found it sutitable then accept, if not then reject. tae tis chance, share yr knowledge with the interviewers.. my 2cts worth.. discussions in a healthy way is gd..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 14:16

haha agree with mlbian!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 14:19

whatever it is, just try and see ba. You never know whether you can really do it until you try, so just try ba?

Who knows, maybe you might fit those descriptions for "qualities of a leader" ne? haha.


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 14:57

LOL!!! really alot of discussion bout e "election" hor.. haha..
anw, i agree w quizzy, i rather we continue to be MLB family.. =P


Blogger PeiShan | 13 July, 2007 15:20

hello peepz ..

to uncle phil: yup .. sth like tt la ..

to qing: ok lor .. u win lor .. see subtitle .. haha ..

to chelsea: hello .. welcome to e MLB family .. u wanna mit hu at J8 ?? btw, qing, quizzy n mi r going to e J8 de .. others im not sure .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 15:32

hmm...actually shan, chelsea's area (macritchie) is near your area(TPY?) ba? haha.

Shall we go there earlier then can meet up for lunch first before proceeding to Top of the 8? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 15:34

I thought I wanna suggest both of u to meet up but i forgot chelsea request to just meet there. haha. paiseh.

meet up for lunch or just simply lar milo-peng? on? haha


Blogger PeiShan | 13 July, 2007 16:13

to quizzy: hmm .. yar .. macritchie quite near my house .. hehe .. mit for lunch ar .. hmm .. i thk i will haf my lunch at home 1st la .. but if u all wanna mit for lunch then u all mit lor .. i will mit u all lata ..


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 16:27

OMG!! suddenly all e words become v big!! LOL!!

shan n quizzy: eh eh!! u all 4get mi ar.. haha.. lar milo peng nv ask mi go oso.. haha..

shan: hmmm.. mayb we c if chelsea wanna meet w us not lor.. haha.. but true la, she dunno how we look like, we dunno how she look like oso lor.. haha.. but i think it's ok la, cos i'll b wearing MLBians t!! keke..


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 16:32

quizzy: steady la, we go lar milo peng tog 1st? den meet w shan? cos i having lunch at home oso.. haha.. but can go lar milo peng tog.. keke.. milo peng, sure i on!! haha.. =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 16:38

I am still waiting for someone who know how's the line-up of performance for this Sunday charity show. Cos, I am wondering whether got enough time to reach home and catch MLB's performance after the autograph signing session at JEC.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 16:48

Uncle phil, apparently no one knows yet. lol.

MY test is over. Screwed la~


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 16:50

uncle phil: haha.. i oso dunnno lei.. keke.. i decided not to go this sun cos i scared cant reach home on time to watch e charity show lor.. haiz.. cos i think will hav delay de lor, for e auto session, den Q for MLB to sign, den scared cant make it on time, as i need bout 1hr plus to reach home =.=


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 16:55

Oh, just find out from this website and hope that it is in the correct sequence during the Live show.



Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 16:57

Hi qingqing,
I also need more than an hour to reach home. But I am more interested to go and support MLB at JEC for the autograph session.


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 17:03

uncle phil: ya lor, acty i oso more interested in supporting MLB at jec for e auto session but hor, e replay oso cant c lor.. =( will b gg to e auto session!! YEAH!! haha.. but i think sure someone will upload de.. keke.. =D


Blogger Icysnowqueen aka Teddy | 13 July, 2007 17:08

Any sales report on MLB's album so far? Hope it is selling well. I did my part. :P


Blogger Jodie [: | 13 July, 2007 17:19

WEIQI: hohos. I too young to be one. So i cannot lors. hahas. Will feel weird one. Zzz.. XD. Ur previous thing about bread and butter is very COLD! hahas.

YAY! I maybe going MDC to watch Campus Superstar with my frens. XD. hahas. Needa support my schoolmate for revival round lehs. hehes. :).

Anyway, i shall tell u all a joke and hope u all can guess it! Here it goes..



Blogger PeiShan | 13 July, 2007 17:32

to uncle phil: thx for e info .. but i dun thk it is tt sequence leh .. coz they wrote tis at e top "Performance Items: (not in this order)" .. but mlb's performance shld be in e middle or behind ba .. coz they shld noe tt mlb haf autograph session b4 tt and they nid time to rush back mdc ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 17:37

hey ! shan, you stay at toa payoh? wow, thats great. we can go together ! laughs. at least i can get to know you guys. (:


Blogger PeiShan | 13 July, 2007 17:41

to chelsea: yup .. haha .. yar, we shall all mit at J8 n go together .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 18:00

how do i contact you?..


Blogger marssh | 13 July, 2007 18:49

mlb on channel u news!!!=)


Blogger marssh | 13 July, 2007 18:54

arrgghhss sorrys uncle phil....i'll try to send u ya pic by this wkend okok...so sorry....cna send mi ur email add again mahz??

woahs....fan club leader...looking through i guess i also cant make it bahz.....i also dunno much ppl here hahahas yeah quizzy jiayous jiayous i also will support u MUACKS =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 19:49

HII. It's been like 9973223752 years since i tagged. :X
Have been MIA for these years. haha
Just bought MLB's album :D gonna listen to it and im going for this sunday's autograph session. hm. anyone here going and interested to meet up? :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 20:29

to jodie ,

is the answer dashing ?




Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:12

hello all,

super tired now so i duno if im going to make sense... hahas...


1)will like to appeal to all to not send songs of mlb's album to your friends/others... we all know that the boys have sacrificed their time and made much effort over half a year, juggling the album with studies, camp and whatsoever jus to produce good music for us. if many people are obtaining the songs in the album via the internet/sending from friends,there'll be low sales for the album, which means the boys will not receive the recognition[awards etc] they deserve and so on. and there'll not be gaiban,events and stuff due to low sales. its jus like pirated cds, u buy the pirated cd, u're getting the songs but the artiste does not benefit from the money you spend. it's ok if your friends hear perhaps one of their songs, and then goes to buy the album. but jus hope that there'll not be pirated music out there for mlb... you guys know how few local artistes there are now, and we being singaporeans should definitely do our part to support our local artistes and their album. therefore, if you love MLB, please encourage your friends to BUY the album ya!yupps :)

2)For Sunday's autograph session, Warner will probably be providing boards for fans to hold. However, if you're free, maybe can try to make your own boards... so that when the overall photos are taken, the crowd dont look so plain with only the boards provided from warner. be creative! :) but of cos, hope that the boards made will not be too big lah, if not will block people behind mah. :P i'll suggest a maximum size of about A4 bahhx. jus some suggestions~ :)

3)MLB TEE! please try to wear your mlb tee on sunday if you have. :D

pretty much what i want to say. will be back tonight~



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:15

some add on to my prev tag.

and of cuz, you guys have seen the passion and effort mlb has for music. so shouldnt we do more to support and protect their music? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:36

dis sentence very offensive - "and of cos, dont hope to see 'international fans' as well..."
what if an international who stays in spore and very supportive towards them, he/she also have the rights to be the leader.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:43

the meaning of 'international fans'= all sorts of superstar [PSS,CSS,Superband,Superhost,Singapore Idol] also chase, no fixed supporting towards any of them.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:44

no offence meant, but that was what i meant by 'international fans'. sorry if there was any misunderstanding.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:46

mlb_fans: huh i thought meikian meant 'international fans' as people who are fans of almost every idol? then like not a super diehard fan to MLB like that..

have been encouraging friends to buy MLB album! very happy cos they heard my dedication of 泪 on 933 and found it nice! (: im glad tt qing qing heard my letter on 933. hehs. (: hopefully they will go buy. MLB is still new in the market and needs lots of support, and their album sales is very important. yea so i agree tt shld encourage ppl to buy and not d/l!

anw, hopefully warner's able to get a nice & responsible leader soon. then the FC can be set up soon! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:55

sorry for misunderstanding and sorry for too aggressive. now I know the meanings of "international fans" already. hahaha!

anw, all the best to milubing.
see you guys on sunday!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:55

erm..jus to clarify some doubts..mlb_fans, by international fans, we are referring to ppl who support any artiste..we hv no prejudice against race or nationality ok..jus a misunderstanding.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:56

sorry, misunderstanding!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:57

its okayy. no problem. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 21:59

cant wait for sunday to arrive!!
mlb's first auto session!!! everyone MUST go support arh!!! =]

mlb_fans: dun worry, no one will blame u. u understand can le. heez.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:02

mlb_fans, glad u understand.. :) cya at tis sun event k..smilez..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:02

mk: long time no see huh, finally can see you on sunday liao. msn u ytd oso din reply, very busy huh?! haha. anw, did u send in ur contact?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:03

hope to see you all too.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 22:34

wow, what you guys/gals were discussing did happen to me. My 3 Inspectors love 泪 so much, they asked me to send this song to their hp. But I told them; very sorry, I can't do that. Then asked them to go and buy the album, cos the rest of the songs are very nice too.
At last, I promised to buy MLB album for 1 of them in exchange for yess933 龙虎榜 voting coupons. Then the other one said, don't want me to buy and give her, cos she knew I got not much money (so understanding).


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 22:44

so far, how many MLBians (besides quizzy) have already submitted their names for the FC thingy?
Is there any closing date? still considering whether I should submit mine?
meikian, yuanping, biru & those 3rd family reunion committees; have you gals submit your names?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:48

wa. why my comment not published? tsk. must be my com's problem. aye.

so i was saying. rmb to rush home on sunday aft autograph session for the SPD charity show cos the boys will be performing! (: and i saw them on TV during 6pm news. too sudden so didnt record anything. aye.

uncle phil. same thing happened to me also. they like the song 泪 very much but never hear the other songs. i ask them to buy but as students we dont have much $$. so i bring the disc to sch to intro them the songs! and say it's very nice! hopefully they can go and buy.

just for info: cd rama at TPY hub has 10% discount for all warner cds. so MLB's album is for sale @ $17.05(after discount) that's the lowest price i've caught. so anyone who not very rich but still love MLB and want to buy, go there! (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 22:49

To all MLBians,
Please sms to cast your vote for 泪 to be on yes933龙虎榜, if you can spare 30cents.
Please key:
POTP933(space)泪/lei to 72346
Thank-you very much, I love you guys & gals. I love MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:51

uncle phil.. u sending ur name? anw, i sent the coupon for YES933 chart already. lets vote for MLB! (: and rmb to tune in on sunday at 12pm to hear the results. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:55

Uncle phil and those who are still wondering whether to send or not, send ba~ send ba~ don't procrastinate le~ haha~

hello pinkie~

*stomach upset*


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 22:59

oh ya! My kor likes Milubing's lei too!

28th de autograph session at BPP mahz, i hope I can jio my hao xiong di there since he's staying opposite BPP mahz. Maybe he will be impressed by the guys after that? haha. Cos my buddies never understand why I support Milubing lor. haha. Shall try to jio him...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 23:11

Woo~ Excited left another 2 more days can see MLB performance at the 1st Autosession at Jurong Entertainment..
MiLubing Jiayou!!
Cya guys on this coming Sunday~



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 23:24

haha..go ahead n sign up for e leader role if u are keen ba..show ur love for e guys! :) not sure if thr's any deadline to submit but i wld say asap.. =))


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 23:30

hi quizzy,
what particulars should we submit to milubing@gmail.com?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 23:32

"Anyone interested to take up this role, please email your contact number to milubing@gmail.com"

I included email address too...of cos don't forget name la~ haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 July, 2007 23:43

thanks quizzy,
I shall be submitting my name, after seeing yuanping writen: go ahead n sign up for e leader role if u are keen ba.. then most important she wrote: show ur love for e guys!
hope yuanping also will submit her name! yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 23:49

yay glad to see ppl on this blog submitting their names (: hopefully the ones picked will be those from this blog! at least more familiar. although i dont think anyone knows mi =x


Blogger qing qing | 13 July, 2007 23:51

hey yoz!! alot of discussions huh!! haha..
aiya! didnt manage to catch news.. =( was slping like pig lor.. =X

quizzy: hi-five!! my frens oso dunno y i so crazy bout MLB!! haha.. they'll b asking, y u support them so much huh? haha..

miko: keke.. was listening to 933 tat day, den was bout to listen to MLB album, den heard e DJ say u drew guitar n some instruments ma, den i was thinking mayb wanna dian MLB's song.. haha.. den i continue listening lor.. keke.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2007 23:53

qing qing: yes yes! almost gave up hope cause it was near 11pm and there was still no sign of my letter. but i was so glad it was read out (: haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 00:17

yeah, I have finally submitted my name to milubing@gmail.com
hopefully more MLBians will submit their names too!


Blogger qing qing | 14 July, 2007 00:17

hey!! my fren juz told mi this website got something bout MLB news on cumin charity show.. www.xin.sg


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:18

Hi MLBians,

Today's LIAN HE WAN BAO got mlb,wei qi and sam. no nic. :(


Blogger qing qing | 14 July, 2007 00:22

thanks ik! =)

anw, nitez all!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 00:26

Aiyah, was thinking wanna buy wan bao just now, but I am already carrying heavy load so never buy.

thanks. Btw, what was the news? please could you kindly share with us?

thanks too, shall check it up later.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:30

it's the article weiqi and sam did las week when nic was sick, the hokkaido fair at tampines mall. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:35

lei is very nice :) and my all time fav yong qi is very nice too. the 2nd song also not bad.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:37

To uncle phil

The japanese foodfair(Hokkaido) wei qi mentioned before.

They are so cute..they kept mentioned abt nic.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:38

oh thanks ik for reminding. Bought wan bao le but till now haven't read. LOL.

Can those who have the article, who have scanner, scan it, send it to lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com so that I can share it with the rest? If not, I type out ba =)...

thanks qing for reminding too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:41

*share it with the rest at publicity blog


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 00:42

wah, very tired & sleepy now.
time to zzzzz,
gd nite MLB & MLBians.
have a great weekend...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:43

My favorite songs in this album...

1. Lei & Get alive
2. so sad
3. wo wei se me ai shang ni

Bai Wan Bao and yong qi are also my favorite..actually i luv all the songs lah..hahas


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 00:45

abit big to scan, maybe i try later. im typing it out now. u wan to wait for me?hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:00

huh? will it be too much? nvm ba~ aiyo. LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:03

OH I KNOW! some newstands will still be selling the wan bao (and shin min) next morning! Morning hor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:05

hahas, im typing it out now... but its in trad chi, not sure if can post here lehs... i experiment on this post? hahas, cuz tt day i tried posting an article in trad chi and it didnt work. hmm..

will be typing it out in simplified chinese later on.hahas... probably another 15 to 20 min can get it done. :)




Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:06

it works today. hmm. haha~ yes, some newstands and ulu plcs sell the prev day newspapers in the morning. but probably until about 8am 9am only? haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:06

Sooooooooooooooooooo Looking Forward To MLB's First Album's Autograph Session ~

How Many SOngs Will U Guyz Perform For US ??? Hahax ~

Cya Cya Cya ~ ~ ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:14

ma fan ni lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:45

i hope this does work.

文:康秀金 图:饶进礼


"迷路兵"可真有口福,6日上午11时,伟奇和阿Sam抢先在淡滨尼广场(Tampines Mall)的北海道尝鲜。可惜,Nic发高烧,无法同行,2人吃到一样好料就挂着兄弟说:“Nic在就好了,太好吃了。”

其他另Sam这个芝士迷直赞“好到吮手指”的是:“cheese cake,太好吃了。”





上周五在淡滨尼广场(Tampines Mall)的北海道展上,见识了伟奇的“慢食”速度。



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:50

aww~~ I love you meikian...haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:51

haha... finally typed finish! whoaas. hahas... the food pics look super nice eh! i hungry liao. =.=

weiqi like abit kelian ah? hahas... its ok eating slow lah, digestion better... hahas. but dont skip ur mails while 赶场-ing lehs~ not good for your health. no wonder that time gathering u got gastric. aiyo.

sam and nic, wahhs! so got yi qi... can really see u guys de gan qing ya? hahas... if is me i complain le. lols! normally when my frenx eat super slow i'll start nagging liaos. hahas... :P but can really see tt u guys are brothers thru and thru! pei fu... :)

and the 爱吃蚝煎,却不吃蚝... sam, prawn noodles without prawn? hahas... :D

go try scan the article now.. tired... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:51

no problem! hahas... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 01:52

typo in my comment....

*meals not mails. hahas...~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 02:03

~.~ u shud have tried scanning before typing. If can u dun have to type one by one le. haha. I can just direct them to publicity blog mahz. haha.

I also eat very slow! There's was once when my whole class (yr1 sem2) went to lunch together, then the whole class finish eating le and I'm still half-way through my cabonara. So all of them waited for me patiently by watching me eating lor. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 02:22

u make me hungry le. hahas! i want to eat salmon. =.=

the newspaper very big leh. hahas... i only scanned up the photos. cuz the text part plus the photos too big liao, my scanner not big enough. haha...

the photos in the article:

anyway, someone mentioned today's 630pm news got mlb right?... its about the charity show on sunday. they'll be singing Get Alive for the show.

sam says that they feel touched upon seeing the people of spd as they're very optimistic though they may be handicapped.

weiqi says that this song is to encourage the people of spd to not give up, and to have hope in life.

nic says that they'll put their best effort into the performance, hope that all will feel their sincerity and support 真情无障爱。

sorry about my weird translation.. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 02:32

~.~ okay... haha. thanks =)...

good night lo~

Saturday again. Ya Kun time again. I'm addicted to it le. At least I have something to look forward to every Saturday. haha =D

Enjoy your day, take care~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 02:42

erm wells. actually what i translated on top is available on the xin.sg website/the publicity blog. yupps :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 02:47

Hey Mlbians, just to clear some doubts here. Regarding the topic of this post, i dunno wat's the criteria that warner will set. All we do is forward your emails to them and they will call u. I just submitted the 1st batch today. As for deadline, warner did not mention. But of course the earlier the better ba. Hope this helps, and thanks MK for typing that whole chunk here for everyone, m sure they appreciate it. Today was a SUPER DUPER hectic day, no time to breathe... Summary: "Lei" Anyways,we will continue to jiayo no matter wat..especially with such support from our home here! :)
Take care peeps!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 03:03

hello there mrchan! hao jiu bu jian. haha...

hmm wells. quite curious to know how they'll choose oso. hehh. but its ok, u go do whatever u have to do lah, we know u busy... dont have to keep helpin us settle tis kinda stuff, im sure warner will call and inform when they're ready.

no problem about the article, im free anyways! haha. :)

what were u guys doin today eh? rest well yahhs... dont lei huai le...

u 3 takecare also. u all takecare more impt! dont fall sick at such an impt time. jiayou! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 03:05

by the way, are you guys performing for all the 3 autograph sessions? or will it be jus plainly autograph?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 03:07

weiqi, thx for clearing our doubts..read e article tt meikian typed(thx!)..u so poor thing sia..it's ok to eat slow..but dun skip ur meals hor..bad for health lei..take care! :) oh n jiayou for e charity show guys! looking forward.. :) cya guys on sun.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 03:54

Jam a lot today ma? Haha, guess u guys must have used up a lot of bread and butter, perhaps plus blueberry jam, strawberry jam, kaya jam (from Ya kun!) too... xin ku ni men lo~

Meanwhile, tune in to Yes933 xian ge ji yi on 5 August if you can - hopefully my suprise will be delivered =)...


Blogger binz | 14 July, 2007 08:59

xiu: thanks for uploading the 933 interview for download(:

meikian: thanks for typing that whole article. man so many chinese characters to type sure was crazy.

went to tm and was standing really near the hokkaido fair but i din go in in the end.lolx. i smells kinda weird when stay in tm for too long. too many kinds of food smell and airconditioned make it trap really all kinds of smell.

good luck to those who submitted and wan to be the fc leader(:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 10:21

Hi gd morning,
Its Saturday, and tml shall be the autograph session & SPD charity show. Yeah... can see MLB once again.

Thanks weiqi for the explanation & submitting the names to warner. Must find times to relax & rest, then not to skip meals. If you have to rush most of the times, maybe you should buy breads/buns/cakes or whatever that you can eat while on the move. Take care, ok? Ya, remember to drink more water. Pass this msg to your 2 bros too.

Thanks meikian, for taking the trouble to keyed such a long message fron the lianhe wanbao. ������.

Can anyone advice me; when I click post a comment, the blogger page for posting is not showing me English or Chinese but a language that I can't even read. I can post here, becos I remember the steps liao. Is there any setting problem? But the main page of blogger is ok leh (its in English).


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 10:26

sorry, the setting is alright liao, siao lei. never do anything then suddenly ok liao.

then the chinese characters that's turned to squares are actually ������.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 10:30

really very siao... when I typed the message in chinese, it shows ok but when posted; it becomes squares. the chinese characters I typed were: xin ku ni le.


Blogger Pek Choo | 14 July, 2007 10:42





明天, 你們會表演几首新歌啊!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 13:21

to mibians
if u dun have any MLB tee-shirt
wear something white tmr

see you then !


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 July, 2007 13:44

Thanks meikian jie for sharing the article. hahas.

Thanks Weiqi for updating us and did u all jam today? And sorry. I can't go a single autograph event! REALLY REALLY SORRY! But will support u all at home during the SPD Charity Show. XD.

Thanks sirong for answering my question but the answer is sad to say, wrong! hahas. Shall wait a few days more. XD. I want to collect more answers. (: Hope u can wait!

Here it is AGAIN!


Here are my Top 3 favourite songs XD.

1. Lei
2. Get Alive
3. Wo Wei Shen Me Hai Ai Ni



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 14:01

there's a new intro clip on the main page eh? or am i lagged? hahas... but anywayys its nice! :) very shuang to hear the bg music. hahas...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 14:02

hi hi all~

tmr's d day! hope to c all of ya at jec!

d songs in d album r great! mlb jia you!


Blogger Unknown | 14 July, 2007 14:03

i believe everyone who has been with MLB since the superband times would have noticed that many have tried to lead in many events. not that there aren't good leaders but i think we would all admit that we have seen quite a few conflicts due to biasness and stuffs. so i just hope the leader appointed to run the FC would be someone impartial and can keep friendships and FC matters separate. ultimately we're still supporting MLB and we don't need competition amongst ourselves right?

well, good luck to all potential candidates who have sent in their contacts. have fun serving the MLB family! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 14:03

xiu, really thks 4 recording d 933 interview & upload 4 our download.. me saving d file now. lol~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 14:17

wells, perhaps the impartialness of the leader is important. but i think more than that, is what people think of it.

having been here since the superband times, i've witnessed much 'shooting' here... and gradually realised, no matter who's chosen to organise something or whatever, there'll definitely be people who dont like that particular person. then in the end, the poor organiser gets 'shoot'. it's not that they're not doing a good job, its jus due to the fact that everyone has people that they dont like due to some reasons.

so... hope that after the leader is chosen, everyone can accept it as it is and not create further shooting bahhs...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2007 15:36

I only have one word for all MLBians:



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 July, 2007 16:51

Be understanding to each other...don't look at me, I have to remind myself too...

Jodie, sorry huh I'm sucks at guessing riddles...


Blogger Unknown | 14 July, 2007 23:38

yea i agree with meikian. just hope the new leader will be impartial and everyone will not be biased against him/her. we must always remember we're family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 July, 2007 20:08

so has the leader been found?
yeah. hope he/she can do a great help to all. jia you!