
milubing | 07 July, 2007 12:07

"Day to Night" Are you getting bored of my pictures yet?

今天的天气比起昨天凉多了,你们感觉到了吗? 我虽然睡得少,但心情好,整个人好像很轻的样子。可能因为是星期六吧,或者是因为昨晚的闲歌记忆! 愿大家都会和我一样,开开心心的。。
Where are these pictures taken?



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Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 13:15

haha sam, me not bored la. It seemed like the 1st pic was taken in the MRT on the way to Yio Chu Kang? not sure about the 2nd and 3rd one. haha.

I would strongly encourage you to bring a notepad and pen/pencil with you while you go "you shan wan shui", so that you can pen down any inspirations and it may even developed into a song that we may hear in mlb's next album or other people's album. haha just a suggestion...

wish you happy too!

What's for lunch? I'm going "Yakun"~ byebye!


Blogger Jx | 07 July, 2007 14:10

upper seletar for pic 1 and 2, changi for the 3rd one. lol. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 14:27

agreed with q-me all 3soldiers shd carry note-bks/pen to note down any inspiration for future compositons.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 15:10

Look like seletar for pic 1 & 2 to me, can't see clearly for pic 3. For pic 1, that part on the left is drain right? Not road? Cos at first I thought its a road but I can't remember of any rd like that this singapore... It looks like seletar but since I kinda of quite familiar there, therefore I have second thought until i expand it and look closer... it looks more like a drain to me now.

Actually the best view from Seletar reservior is deep inside, at the pumping station which is no accessible to the public. Been there for a couple of months due to work. Another best view is from the night Safari. Go there during evening time, stand at the reservior side looking over to the giraffa sie, you will get a pictorial view of water + giraffa + sunside. :D

Missed the action last night... hahaha... next time got something like this must inform earlier leh.


Blogger Jodie [: | 07 July, 2007 15:12

Anyway, i not tat sure bahz.
But i tink my answer same as vinceable. hahas.
I quite lousy in nature. Description of pictures. hehes. XD
Anyway, u stay happy always, kays? XD.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 15:16

ke. I think I know where is pic 3 already. It should either be at changi or east coast where lights from kelongs can be seen from shore.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 16:12


Sam, don't keep us in suspense leh, haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 16:16

Aha I caught u, Sam. First two at seletar, last one at Changi. How do I know? Save the pict and I know the answer. hahaha


Blogger Jx | 07 July, 2007 16:16

i tell you all the answer liao ley. why no one believe me. lol. if I correct each one treat me one mac ice-cream 50 cents cone k. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 16:56

vinceable, Sam shud be the one treating u ba? hahaha. Like what i say, save the pict and you will know the answer...so u must be right. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 17:24

haha, i dunno where are the pics taken but the most impt thing is that they are all very nice! (:

sam, did you go to tampines mall ystd with weiqi?? ^ ^


Blogger PeiShan | 07 July, 2007 17:41

to sam: hello .. go 'you shan wan shui' again ar ?? hehe .. i dunno where e pics r taken leh ..

to quizzy: [from previous post] next time rmb to cover urself wif blanket wor ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 17:45

hahaha. save the pics and u'll know the answers.. lols! why i never thought of it!!

haha.. anyway, nice photos! i like the second one! feel very tranquil..

2 more days!! (^_^)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 18:30


can u take some of your pic :)
u ar so cute ma...haha

so how's going????

C u soon la....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 20:20

of course we are not sick of the photos you post. haha. we wont be sick of it ever. LOL.

another reason being..
you take nice photos! can be part-time photographer liao. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 22:08


sam: of cos not sick of e photos u post la.. ahyoyo! keke.. e photos seem v clear lei..

vinceable: waseh!! v smart sia.. haha.. =D

how u all noe where those places r de? how come i kan bu chu lai.. =(
mus save den noe.. =(

hmmmm.. btw, e superband grand final was on 05/08/06 or 07/08/06 huh?


Blogger marssh | 07 July, 2007 22:35

hmmm e pics r nice....i esp like e 2nd n 2rd pics....able to get ur mind away from this high-rise city....

hmmmm long time no see mlb alr....been missing u guys e gigs n shows =.= but i m still supporting u all yahs....heees awaiting ur album to b released!!e long wait is simply worth it yahs....from ep change to album =DD yeah!!

i m missing nic!n mlb!n mlbians here....=XX cant go for e auto session on e 15th sia have to work =(( heng e e 2nd session not on e 21st sia otherwise have to miss it again coz will be going for ntu orientation camp!=p


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 22:40

marssh: yoz!! haha.. long time no c u here man!! haha.. dun miss mi too much.. if not i'll shy de.. haha.. hmmm.. if u cant go, i help u c MLB for u.. haha.. eh, den u gg which one de? =D


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 22:45

oh ya, i 4get to say which pics i like.. i like e 1st, it looks v fresh to mi! like only in books den will b able to kan dao wan.. haha.. e 2nd de, oso nice lei.. i like e sunset.. 3rd de oso lor.. i like 3rd e colour!! haha.. it's v nice! =) to mi, all e pics like quite meng hua.. haha..


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 22:47

hmmm.. is it meng hua or meng huan huh? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 23:01

qing, its 050806. haha.

Cos sam probably save those pics under the road names so...hahaha =P.

Sam, paiseh arh =P.

Shan, currently I'm *sniffing sniffing* liao wor~ haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 23:02

-_- meng huan...


Blogger qing qing | 07 July, 2007 23:14

quizzy: keke.. oh.. heehee.. thanks!! =)
ahyo!! got eat medicine ma?


Blogger marssh | 07 July, 2007 23:24

hahahhas dun worries wun be missing u so much lahz i scare iss e oppostie sia ooops heh heh.....

hmmm e other auto sessions??hahahas tryiing to make myself available for all others lorz...hees =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 23:57

taken panadol le. thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2007 23:59

hey! mk was on air and she dedicated for all! (x


Blogger qing qing | 08 July, 2007 00:06

quizzy: keke.. muz drink more water kk.. =)

marssh: eh eh.. u dun worry lor.. i wun miss u de.. =D

minhui: REALLY!! OMG!! i juz close e window lor.. haiz..

meikian: haha.. THANKS!! =)


Blogger MINHUI | 08 July, 2007 00:30

Meikian's message:

hey all.

Yes i managed to call in to dedicate 'lei' just now.

so paiseh. haha! seems like not many heard it though.

i was trembling when the call got through.. then when jieqi was looking through the list for 'lei', i was desperately trying to scribble down the stuff i wanted to say.
didnt prepare because i didnt expect the call to get through. haha!

but anyways, dedicated lei to the boys and some of ya on the blog.

Sorry if i missed out anyone, cos too last minute le..

will dedicate to all when i write in to xian ge ji yi ya. :D

yes, hope all have a great weekend hoh. :P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 00:39

Hi Sam,
Thanks for posting all these nic pics. Hope to see more, maybe some night scenary pics.

Hi marssh,
wow, you really MIA for so...long hor? Where is my pic with MLB? Already gave you my email add so long ago, but till now still never receive it?

Hi quizzy,
Ya, I did went to Johor in yesterday afternoon. But was so fed-up, got caught in the jam at 2 traffic lights junctions before reaching Woodlands Custom for nearly an hour. Reached City Square about 5.30pm.
Only managed to buy a shirt for my fren's birthday, then went for a haircut. Reached home around 11pm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 00:41

Wow ...
Hahax SAM Ah ... Pics Time Again ~ Can Show Some That Got Ur 'Face' In It De Ma ?!? LoLx ~

It's Good To Be 开心 ~
Must Everyday 开心 Worz . . .

S m i L e z . . .
CYA ~ ! ! !


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 00:42

Hi meikian,
Wondering whether you got mentioned me or not? hahaha...
Anyway, thanks for the dedication. Believe you must be very happy, when the line was ringing.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 00:49

Wow, for once; I am seeing both milo bois posting in the afternoon. Look likes they are leading a more healthy lifestyle. Sounds great... no wonder Sam is 开心,心情好。 :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 01:07



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 01:25

haha.. i too like to take sceneries shot. I crossed the bridge to Malaysia custom last 2 weeks.. and the sunset was awesome, the rays that sparkle on the supposedly muddy water. Everything was so beautiful. I told a video on the crossing too.. gorgeous.. my fren complained the 10 mins walk became a 30 mins one.. ha.. too bad this site can't upload pics.. :)

Photo taking is a precious jewel and skill for inspirations. ;D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 02:23

anyone watching Live Earth? Quite a numbers of nice songs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 03:01

LOL, me only watched the Shanghai part. Anyway it's telecasting until 7pm tonight mahz. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 04:19

heh heh.
i agree tt the weather is cooler today. (:

so shuang.
seems like u're veri relaxed nowadays.
hw i wish i can too.
nvm, aft my 'O' lvl, can enjoy. :D
take care yea!
enjoy relaxing. xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 10:17


Woo~ thanks for updating those pics.. Next time must upload some of your pics too..

Looking forward tomorrow MLB EP releasing and upcoming events..

Take Care


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 11:01

haha.. photo guessing game?

quizzy_me, clever of u to save d pics to get d ans.. lol...

viNcEable, heard tat mac's ice cream no more 50 cents liao.. wif d increase in gst, price is up by 10 cents.. so now is 60 cents! ;-)

everyone, hv a great sunday!

look forward to d release of mlb's tmr!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 11:31

Hello good morning,
wow, todays' weather is hot again. Remember to drink more water.
Wondering whether Sam will be the judge tonight again?
Ya, getting more excited, cos the long waited MLB's debut album shall finally release tomorrow. Very eager to grab it ASAP. Oh, of course not forgetting all the promotion events.
I am also very eager to know whether 泪 will be up Yes933龙虎榜 in half an hour time. Lets keep my fingers crossed. If accidentally it is not up the chart yet, then we'll have to work even harder to push it up the chart by next Sunday. MLBians lets cooperate and vote hard for 泪.
Thanks & have a beautiful Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 12:43

Capri jie, thats because I need to update the publicity blog. haha.

Hello everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 13:05

Ah chey, it's not in top 20 yet, but in 'hotstuff'. Means DJ Liyi and Cruz was recommending it. They say it's base on Weiqi's...story? Hmm...

Never mind, since it's on 'hotstuff' today, hope more people will like it and will vote with us ba. Usually those songs that were recommended by the DJs in hotstuff, got a higher chance of making into top20 the next week? We shall see =D...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 17:21

Hmm...my father, who is a taxi driver said, today's business outside very 'on' - looked like the whole world is gai gai-ing in shopping centres now. haha. If u were gai gai-ing outside too, enjoy your day ba. I'm mugging for tomorrow's test. sian.

But be happy ba! MLBians stay happy! Nic sam and Weiqi, stay happy too. Jia you~


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 18:09

The photos pwn sia. How do you gt sick of something that pwns? I take this kind of pics myself too. Anw, continuing rawking!


Blogger binz | 08 July, 2007 18:30

hah sam is cutely blur hur. saved the pics de name under the places and forgot then ask us to guess.

whee the album will be out tmr! carn wait man. anw anyone noes if by ripping the album will it do harm or spoil it in anyway? cuz i wan to rip it then put the songs in my hp to listen. easier than carryin a cd player.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 18:48

probably some scratches to the CD only ba.

anyway, I need all your help! Cos I just changed the layout of the http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com. Please go there and comment on it hao ma? I'll change it accordingly.

Thanks a million times a million....


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 19:20

hey binz, nothing will spoil unless its not original :D.

Just remb whatever you read, scratches will appear - its a norm.

ah nic, 你康复了吗?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 20:41


hey i changed the second time le. Helped me to comment, paiseh to ma fan u guys...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 21:03

Sam look cool in Sheng Shiong Show today wor~ keke~


Blogger binz | 08 July, 2007 21:04

quizzy_me & mlbian: oh kk thanks(: hmph then i think i rip it once will be better than keep playin the cd lor? one scratch better than many scratches.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 21:24

to uncle phil: yupp. mk did mention your name. (x


Blogger qing qing | 08 July, 2007 22:08


heehee.. 1st post of e day.. haha..

yeah! sam looks gd in e sheng siong show!! =)

sam: u dyed ur hair agn? =)
anw, v shuai!! haha.. =D

oh man, tml is mon! hope tml no BLUES!! yeah.. =P
ming tian hi gen hao!!

MLB n MLBians, drink more water n dun eat too much heaty stuffs kk.. take care all!! =)


Blogger qing qing | 08 July, 2007 22:12

*ming tian hui gen hao!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 22:16

hello ppl! uncle phil,yupp,dedicated the song to u..and also some on the blog eg quizzy yuanping shan qingqing etc. (i jus said whatever i cld rmb at the moment) yup sorry to the peeps i missed out heh.

sam,thx 4 coming out just now! :D can update us abt the ji zhe hui if u wan o,we dun mind.haha.n u ah,so bad larhx.bully me!curious tts y i ask mah... >.<
and jus interested hoh,how come u carrying so many things jus nw huh?look like wan to go fishing.haha...(ok,joking!dont kill me. =.=)

weiqi,we thot we saw u jus nw,bt sam say u nv go..hahax.today's jiahui(r.i.gang)'s birthday! she wants to hear u say happy birthday lehx.mayb can tag n wish her if u c tis?hee.thx! :D

nic, asked sam abt u n he said u're good.hope you're well le..

album tml! gongxi gongxi! w grab a copy str aft sch tml. :D

take care all.rmb to support the album! ;)


Blogger Jx | 08 July, 2007 22:28

capri >> is it?! wa piang I just saw the "auntie selling tissue" advert of mac lor. They say they never raise price for those mac chicken lor. They wanna raise for the ice cream ah. sad case ley.

Haha. Tomorrow will be the day! can't wait man! finally!!! excited ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 22:29

meikian, thanks. Did u used ur hp to tag in a WIFI zone? haha.

Sam, if ur answer is yes to qing qing's question (on whether u dyed ur hair agin), I should say u better take care of your hair. =D!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 22:47

Thanks for telling me.

Hi meikian,
Thank-you very much for the dedication. I am damn happy to hear it from MINHUI.

Haiz, 泪is not on the Yes933龙虎榜 today. Must vote harder this coming week, get my coupons ready (pasted on the envelopes with stamps) then ask my colleagues to fill up tml and send. May borrow their hp and sms for the voting too (will pay them 30c, but they surely don't take lor ~ so pai-seh)

Wow, you gals/guys were definitely got your album b4 me, cos I'll have to wait till finished work at 6pm then can go and buy (no longer call grab). Hahaha
Most likely will buy 2 or 3 tml, if got 改版 then buy another 2. Cos, I want the 2 MVs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 22:50

quizzy, i'm e one who tagged for meikian..haha..cannot use phone to tag on e blog lor..phone will hang..haha..me n mk got experience.. :P

yay! tml! tml! haha..gg to ge tmy hands on mlb's album man..whee~ haha..i'm high again.. :D


Blogger binz | 08 July, 2007 23:05

uncle phil: dun worry u wun buy the album later than me! cuz i only go home frm sch like ard 6 plus. so will maybe get my hands on the album ard 7. hahx..

oh man everyone! it is only a few more hours till the album is gonna be released!


Blogger qing qing | 08 July, 2007 23:13

meikian: AHHH!! thanks!! =) keke..

haha.. seems like all of us r excited bout e album tml!! yeah!! of cos excited ma.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 23:19

oh okay.

Anyway, I shall tahan until the autograph session at JEC then buy. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 23:20

Does anyone how much the album will costs? Which CD store buy better ha? Any idea whether it comes with poster, since it does not come with the MVs? Sorry for asking so many questions, cos the time is drawing closer/nearer, so a little high likes yuanping. lol
Very funny hor, an uncle like me can be so high likes a little girl. Super paiseh... 我脸都红了。 But to be frank, although I am old (have to admit)but I am young at heart (更加 have to admit). So Lame rite?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 23:26

Oh ya, quizzy I agree with you. Better study hard & get good result. Later then you purchase the album to 奖赏自己。
Wish you all the BEST in getting better result this semester. Jia-you... ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2007 23:30

Thanks uncle phil; but thats because i dun have time to go. haha. then dun want to ma fan my mother to help me buy too. haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 July, 2007 23:47

B4 I go to bed, lets pray that everyone shall stay healthy always. Hope Nic has a speedy recovery. Those having exams/tests, will do well in all subjects. And those working, will enjoy your work & everythings goes smoothly. Yeah... :-)

Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. Sleep tight & remember to cover blanket if you need to (cos, I don't use blanket normally).
Tml is an exciting day for all MLBians (MLB's album released) hooray...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 July, 2007 02:24

oh, like the 2nd pic, nice n calm.
finally caught the MITA epi with u guys. sam, u r v funny in the entire epi, can imagine u in class and asking the teacher innocently, can u tell me wat ure qn is? faint...never pay attention in class hor :P WQ, u look great in ure white outfit, nice!...nic, y u throw pillow so high high, it's not short put, u know... & my sis says u look good in ure tan & short hair. dat's abt it for today, hv a wonderful day ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 July, 2007 20:26

vinceable, lol.. i like tat advertisement... v creative... a/r is d street performer... he oso asked 4 more $ when d person donate. said gst increase...

as 4 d ice-cream thingy, hvnt go to mac recently, so i shall go check if d price really remains.. haa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 July, 2007 09:21

Why did i saved the pictures with location names?! Smart people. I believed Vince didn't peep, SMART! Observant! Thank u for complimenting the pics, i'll be less blur the next time..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 July, 2007 09:58

hahaha sam, U r really blur by saving the pic with their location names. But I din peep, guess them... but vince did help by giving the hints. :p

Next time give us some pics which really difficult to guess...

Since quite a number of us like to take scenic pic, like oyster and me... maybe can open an area for mlbians to post their pic here.

BTW, i really like Shi Ying. Jiayou...


Blogger marssh | 13 July, 2007 18:37

omg sorrys uncle phil....=(( i'll send it to u by this wkend okok....really sorrys abt it...