
"不知不觉已过了一年.." from a Supporter's
milubing | 27 July, 2007 13:25

I was reading thru my mails from all of you in the past year. =) Even though its re-reading, i'll still be able to either learn something i don't know or forgot bout this writer, or maybe find out something bout myself from an onlooker's point of view. Most of the lot are very generous encouragements, some are personal stories to share, a little bit of positive nagging. Whatever the case, thank u for these letters and cards. They are a great form of 'JIA YOU' to us and i enjoy reading them although there are no replies..

No, i'm not feeling EMO. Just felt really thankful and blessed.

- Sam Wong

Statment of the day : Be positive!


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Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:23

I'm the 1st.
Been eating alot of heaty but tasty stuff, gotta excerise more and drink lots of water. Pls do so too! Live healthy '_'


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:37

hey sam
dun copy someone else le....haha(juz kidding)
i have hear it from aother idol
b4 but i'm so happy tt u care for us la

c u tmr lol


Blogger Z A | 27 July, 2007 14:38

any surprise for us 2ml??


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:39

haha..sam, u v gao guai lei..still go n tag ur own post..weather so cold how to exercise sia..well, take care yea? last auto session tml..jiayou! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:39

Hey Mlbians, can catch us on 933 tonight ya? jus a reminder. Btw, the MLB big bro/sis thingy submission has closed le, now it's up to the company :)


Blogger Z A | 27 July, 2007 14:41

so weiqi, what time tonight?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:42

oh okay....if i remember la
how ar u ????
take care of yourself
c u tmr lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:45

Sam, hahaha... u very cute leh, went to snatch the 1st comment place yourself. Hmm... yes, its alreay 1 yr, time flies... I missed a lot of things, esp the period of superband. N I missed the nonsense we used to tag on blog, making the whole blog "crash" with more than 1000 comments. Although weather very cooling, but dun eat to much heaty food to keep warm ah. :D

Wondering tonight 933 open their web cam not? Weiqi, can drag the time of interview a bit not? Hee hee... can only reach home slightly after 11 leh, got class tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:47

hmmmmmmmm.....u eat more fruits lol

i'm listening yes933 got MLB....


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:47

song la......only song
like MLB


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:48

song la......only song
like MLB

27 July, 2007 14:47

song la......only song
not MLB


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 14:58

sam ur cutee. hahas. tagging on post.
& yea, weiqi.
will tune in to 933 tonite de (:

tml last auto session le. jy oh (:
& take care MLB & MLBians. cuz weather is indeed vry cold >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:04


27th July. 1 year has past. lots of stuffs happen. still life goes on.

it's good to read stuffs recorded in this one whole year, be it letters or blog entries.

sometimes, it does make a difference =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:08

对啊,不知不觉已经过了一年。说长不长,说短不短。[eh SAM,干嘛抢我的台词~哈哈。。。]





Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:18


please check your email ASAP if you're still online... [milubing@gmail.com] got important stuff to tell ya!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:21

不知不觉已经过了一年。说长不长,说短不短 and i'm back from Canada
过去的一年,过得很开心 and knowing u guys is my happiness thing in my life......haha.....anyway, c u tmr


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:22

this email is belong to the 3 guys


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:28


Dear all MLBians,

If you remember, Wei Qi posted a message up on the blog some time ago, to appeal to fans to sign up to lead the MLB fan club, and be the main point of contact. I'm sure many of us here have sent in their proposals to Warner Music, and we strongly believe that every single MLBian is capable of holding this post.

After reading thru the proposals, Warner has selected a few of us to come together to manage the FC as a team. These people are namely Yuan Ping, Mei Kian, BiRu and Rosel. We'll be managing the fc together as a team, no hierarchy on who is more superior to the others. However, Yuan Ping will be the main point of contact for Warner Music, for Warner Music to contact regarding matters of the fan club.

Ok, i guess the top 2 paragraphs aren't the main point. There's a piece of news that Warner Music will like us to inform all MLBians, so here it is.


This coming Saturday (28 July 2007) is Mi Lu Bing's autograph session at Bukit Panjang Plaza.

We wish to gather all fans in the MLBian family, and encourage all to wear your MLB t-shirts on Saturday.

There will be a short group photo-taking session after the autograph session on Sat.

Only fans with the MLB tee will be able to join in the group photo-taking session.

*MLB tee- the white tee designed by Wei Qi, pre-ordered in mid Dec 06, collected at the 3rd gathering.

We're really really sorry about this short notice, but we sincerely hope that all fans will be able to make their way down to Bukit Panjang Plaza to support MLB this Saturday, as well as show our unity by wearing the MLB tee.

Thank You for your attention. :)

Fan Club In Charge,
Yuan Ping, Mei Kian, BiRu, Rosel


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:44

Dear all,

To better inform all MLBians, we've set up an email for the fan club. We hope that all MLBians will send us their contacts, so that we can inform all of you of information via email/sms the moment we get it.

Also, we're aware that not all MLBians check this blog frequently. Therefore, we feel that this will be a better system rather than just posting it on the blog. [We'll still post it on the blog though.]

So,we hope that MLBians can send your contacts to us so that you can be better updated about news of MLB.

Please send your

Contact No.: [HP] [Home]

to milubing.fc@gmail.com

We've also decided that there will NOT be an official fan club. Anyone who is a fan of MLB is welcome to join us. Therefore, no fee and such will be enforced.

We look forward to seeing your emails, and you're welcome to provide suggestions and feedback for us to further improve the fan club. Just email us at that same email yah? :)

We hope that with the cooperation of all MLBians, we can make this fan club a successful one.


Fan Club In Charge,
Yuan Ping, Mei Kian, BiRu, Rosel


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 15:55

sad la.. i no t-shirt oh? hahas.
but can i still join?? hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:00

you're welcome to email us, we'll keep u updated of future news. however, you'll not be able to join in for the phototaking session tomorrow.



Blogger BIRU K. | 27 July, 2007 16:01

Hi -rip-berries!
you can join us for the auto session but not the photograph session i guess.

Only fans with the MLB tee will be able to join in the group photo-taking session.
yupps (:
cheer up!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:04

hey tonight wat time ar, the 933 one.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:05

the 933 interview is at 11pm. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:08

congrates to Meikian ,Biru ,Yuan ping & rosel

jia you lol......

c u tmr


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:19

think this week's Friday Weekly has MLB... buy if ya want to bah, im still not sure of the content thou, havent buy. yupp yupp :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:26

aww ):
nvm, hahas. thx meikian & biru (:
hahas. thx for telling me :D hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:30

Regarding the MLB tee, we're aware that many of you do not have the t-shirt. Therefore, perhaps you may want to indicate in your email that you're interested to purchase the t-shirt. If there is a big number of MLBians who wants the t-shirt, we'll look into it and update you guys again.



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:32

argh! thanks sam and weiqi...thanks fan club in charge...

thanks sam for saying "be positive". But sorry to say I'm upset again. For some reasons - damn sad. But also understand that some things are beyond my control. Thats why I'm darn sad. And the temperature in the classroom now is aggravating it.

Why am I sad? felt like my bestie doesn't understand how i feel, and yet don't know to explain to him. No we ain't quarreling, just some disagreement. I think the more I explain the more heat up the discussion will be, so I bo pian give in lor...but...=((((

sad la~~

anyway, we're bless to be with Milubing too. I did mention in the previous tags that I did feel much better after listening to "Get alive" right? I think I should listen to it again..."Get alive" can cure depression la~~

feeling a little better after typing out...=)


Blogger Doraemon, 小叮当 | 27 July, 2007 16:43

Congrats to Yuan Ping, Mei Kian, BiRu, Rosel. So sad tat i been busy all along never been to any of the MLB auto session (I really wish to go. ~_~
tonight & sunday cannot hear & see MLB show. busy busy busy..... sad sad sad sad sad.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 16:44

hello -rip-berries!

to reiterate meikian n biru's pt, u can send ur details to milubing.fc@gmail.com so tt we can keep u updated of any new info yea? :) unfortunately, warner personnel mentioned tt only fans with e mlb tee can join in e grp photo taking session..dun be too disappointed yea..hopefully thr's a next time..try to be thr tml k.. :)


Blogger Doraemon, 小叮当 | 27 July, 2007 16:48

Hi Sam

to live Healthy, dun eat too much heaty food although is tasty. Please do take care of yourself.

Hee... you all may not know me, but i always in the blog to see the msg but seldom leave the msg.


Blogger BIRU K. | 27 July, 2007 16:56

perhaps you can look thgs at a diff perspective?
as wad sam said
take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 17:10

lol. thanks biru. anyway, I guess I was just upset with this fact - things are beyond my control. Anyway, guess if my fears come true, just have to accept as it is lor.

duno la...sigh...*breath in~ breath out~*



Blogger BIRU K. | 27 July, 2007 17:15

yupp quizzy~
things doesnt goes the way we want it. so wad to do?
accept it as what it is ba?(:
start your day with a smile or a frown?
it's your choice!
how wonderful it is to start and end ya day with a great smile yea?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 17:16

hahas. ok (: thx. i will send my details ltr on. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 17:29

details sent le. & yea, tml i'll be going (:

& cheer up too


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 17:50

yeah, I've straighten out my thoughts le. Cannot 'balance' everything then have to keep the compromization to the minimal. And how to keep it to minimal I've decided le. haha =D!

Compromise as in compromise myself la...haha.

those contact details, I send again later ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 17:53

compromization to the minimal...doesn't sound right hor? eh duno leh...=|! aiyoyo...

can we "encore~! encore~!" tomorrow? Cos duno when will we be seeing Milubing performing again la. See as in face-to-face la.



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 18:01

"Regarding the MLB tee, we're aware that many of you do not have the t-shirt. Therefore, perhaps you may want to indicate in your email that you're interested to purchase the t-shirt. If there is a big number of MLBians who wants the t-shirt, we'll look into it and update you guys again."

oh my. i din saw dis oni after i sent the details ): how? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 18:05

send again? haha.

Going home lo~~ bye bye! thanks biru for the consolation! wee~~ thanks pinky jie too~~

everyone jia you~~!


Blogger PeiShan | 27 July, 2007 18:07

congrats to yuanping, meikian, biru n rosel .. *cheers*

to sam:
-_-" yes u r e 1st .. v happy hur ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 18:10

BIG BIG hello to MLBians! :D

first time tagging here yup. i've been browsing this blog since the starting of this year yep. just want to make friends with the fellow MLBians (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 18:14

hahas. ok. re-send ler.

hellos :D


Blogger qing qing | 27 July, 2007 18:18


sam: lol!! u post, den u first to tag.. haha.. =D dun need exercise liao la.. u thin enough liao.. haha.. =D

yuanping, meikian, biru n rosel: CONGRATS!! =) heehee.. i send mine liao. haha..

quizzy: smilez!! =P

-whey: hihi!! welcome welcome.. =)

die la!! my MLB t, dunno dry liao not.. jia lat.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 18:30


its good to be here :D by the way, i've been to the autograph session last week.. it was superb :D and definately SUPER HIGH~ i'll be going tomorrow again :)


Blogger PeiShan | 27 July, 2007 18:46

to -whey:
hello ^_^

to qing:
hey, i tot u went back to tp for ur usher thingy .. end liao ar ??

to mlb fc-in-charge:
i oso sent my details le .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 19:05

WoW! all my favourite xiao meimeis are incharge of Fan Club now.. Cheers to Pinky, Biru, Meikian and Rosel...Jiayou!

Although I am far far away, don't forget me huh!

MLB.... JIAYOU!!!!!


Blogger Jodie [: | 27 July, 2007 19:16

I dun think u emo lars.
hahas. But i quite EMO today in school.
Was quaralling with a friend which i noe here since P1.
hehes. But i made her pissed off lors.

Anyway, u JIAYOU kays? XD.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 19:29


woah . fc leaders out le wor !

congrats to the four of them .

and MLB , JIAYOU ! i want GAIBAN !!! hehhe . (:

i want to see the MV. i WANT ! hehe .


take care.

sirong. ^..^


Blogger BIRU K. | 27 July, 2007 19:32

lOVES (:


Blogger BIRU K. | 27 July, 2007 19:52


With regards to the earlier tag about the group photo-taking with MLB at tmr auto session.
We have discussed with Warner and have come to a decision.

We are trying to involve all fans of MLB in this so as not to cause any unhappiness. Therefore, other then those who wear MLB tee tomorrow, those who wear white tops will also be able to join in the photo-taking as well.

However, we need ya cooperation to gather yourselves ASAP after the auto session so as to prevent any delays.

So, kindly come and look for us after you have gotten ya autograph at the back of the open plaza. (at the open space at the back of the queue)

If you are uncertain of the exact place of where we gather, look out for a group of pple in white MLB tee. We'll be there.

Any queries, kindly email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com

We hope to seek cooperation from all MLBians to make this a successful one.

Thanks Alot!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 20:09


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 20:20

thx biru for announcing dat. hahas.
definitely will wear white top x) lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 20:21

& also.
pls remember to tune in to YES 933 ohs. hahas.
at 11pm :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 20:29

Yup.. Every1..
Please remember to tune in 933 later worz ... I gonna go lo ~ BYE!

CYA TMR ~!!!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 20:31

Hi... I have been trying to send my particulars but it can't send. I really want to be part of mlb family. I miss them so much!!! Do contact me if any0ne has their latest update!!! Thanks!!! This is my email add. Charolette16@hotmail.com

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 20:54

yo! send lo~~ haha.

Si min, try sending again? Maybe your connection got problem? ;D...


laptop fixing time again~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 21:01

泪 on air now!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 21:51

to si min...


try again?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:00

1 more hour to MLB 933 interview :D
muz tune in ohh :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:06

this is the article of them in this week's friday weekly. no scanner thus cant scan the article. so while waiting for the picture of the article. here's the wordings for the article.

“迷路兵” 团名成迟到借口




谈到团名的由来,Nic表示,“迷路兵”是三人在比赛试镜的钱一晚一起喝饮料“美禄冰”(Ice Milo)时,无意取得。“两轮的试镜过后,有人问我们要不要换团名,因为听起来怪怪的。但我们觉得这名字好玩,所以就一直用到现在。”


迷路兵的新专辑收录了他们创作的三首歌曲,包括:《泪》、《适应》和 “Get Alive”。 Sam说:“比赛结束后,我们虽然各忙各的,但都抽空写歌和筹备专辑。很幸运的,我们的三首创作都被公司用来做主打。”


迷路兵的“土兵头”标志出自富有设计天分的伟奇之手,他说,灵感来自模版涂鸦艺术(stencil art),“只要在塑料板上剪出图样,再用漆喷在图样剪下后空出来的地方,就可以一直复制。”




Nic说:“我比较感情用事,所以可能会为爱牺牲。但讲得容易,做得难。” Nic表示,自己曾经心血来潮,花了一晚为女友拼凑500块的透明拼图。



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:13

thx anonymous for the article (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:13

wuahahhaa...SAM is the 1st..
ya..i can feel ur sincerity..

jia you ya..mi lu bing...

u guyz are our source of energy...

take care...

your regards,


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:42

thx for the time ya. :D
around 20mins more.. !!
weeee ~

hope u ppl have fun tmr.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:44

HELLO peeps,

MLB on 933 at 11pm! remember to listen ya?

i remind le hor... haha...

remember to wear ur mlb tees/white tops tml! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:46

我又来探访了。希望大家还好吧。我好像错过了好多有趣的报道, 会依依把它们读完然后大笑一番。 听说有一个很好笑的录影,等一下 让我去找找看。最近我也没时间运动,希望下个星期能再度开始。加油!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:54

Where does the queue start from for 2ml? The auto-session place or other place?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 22:56

last reminder wor..mlb on yes 933 at 11pm.. :) go turn on ur radio if u havent.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:03

11.02 liao leh... quickquick!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:05

finally heard their voice!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:07

haha i m listening le. just heard dj says nic has tian ren de yan jing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:09

sam arhh.
take care yahh.
we're always here for ya. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:13

s**t, i'm listening but didn't pay attention la. Was fixing my comp...haha. qing qing asked me to help record as she's outside but I didn't have time to go to my mp3. anyone got record ma? paiseh arh.

can sms to ask question wor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:14

hey dj log onto blog or not? ask sam if shiying is his story leh. how come so young got so much love experience liao :P ha i damn ba gua. aiyo just heard must sms qn in. dun wan la.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:20

how to ask question?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:24

u ask me, i dunno leh. mus sms to 933.
q_me, me not recording.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:32

i helped u ask le but duno correct anot lol.
i nv hear wrong bah i think. =\

send to 72346.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:34

haha thanks mm jie.

i forget the format~~UNCLE PHIiiiiiiiiL~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:37


night your name qn

and send to 72346


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:40

thks a million huiiz!! heard his ans liao. but i tink it is such a bs ans! next time give him some time to tink of a better answer or better still get one of his bro to squeal on him ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:40

mm, u really very 八卦 hor.

abt e ideal girl friend qn, we asked before, during gathering 2. hahaha... can remb sam's ans very clearly... ask her to sit, sit. Ask her to stand, stand... hahaha and nic's opposite attract not true theory.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:40

eh i nv follow format lol.
i just type qn and name haha.

wa sam dun hit ur head too much.
ltr alot baluku :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:44

erms may i know the mlb family is like how one ? do wat ar ?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 July, 2007 23:44

Night space then your msg & name to 72346
30cents per msg


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:45

heh heh flora u back home oredi. i v shou lian le, only sometimes can't resist den will ask the qn i hv been dying to ask:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:46

Just support mlb, u r already a mlbian, a part of mlb family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:47

how much is the MLB F.C fee ar?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:50

yup, rush back but today bus very hard to catch. :( and my HP reception really quite bad. Missed some part...how come 933 never switch on webcam leh...

Hahaha... sam really like Jay chou hor...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:52

v man yi!!! only complaint is too short leh.
haha got meh? both hv their own style.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:56

aiyo i read ur comment wrongly, u mean to say he likes jay...seems like it...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:58

anonymous, the gals decided to make it not official. So u dun have to pay anything or stuff. All u have to do is to join us in supporting milubing only. haha.

SO EVERYTHING IS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME...right? haha. Just that now we got a few beautiful ladies as our 'big sis' le. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2007 23:59


In order to keep this as alike a Family as possible we've decided to do away with membership fees that FCs usually impose. (: So membership is free.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:00

LOLs, ohh I see. Thanks ya!! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:00

haha whoops. sorry i didnt see your comment earlier, quizzy_me! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:04

yes yes, no official fc. just join us in supporting MLB together! :) send your particulars to us at milubing.fc@gmail.com so that we can inform u of updates in the future. :)

finished listening to the interview... today not so gao xiao, heng. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:05

yahh! if u never say i also dun remember le. hahas... nic was like saying something about the frequencies and some what chim stuff... which even weiqi and sam also 'tia boh'... hahas :P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 00:11

Why isn't the FC Official? Is it because not membership fee mean no official?
If not official, is it still call a FC or just a MLB Family? Which is back to the past, and then anyone can organise gatherings likes before? A little confusing!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 00:15

Hope to see more male MLBians joining the MLB Family.
Please submit your pariculars to the in-charges. Thanks :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:17


haha... 1st to post at ur own post... cute siah... u r alws full of funni ideas...

wah, tmr sing 4 songs huh! wonder wat's d o/r song besides 泪,适应 & get alive.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:23

i guess its like official, but not so in the sense we wont have an official fund whatsoever? things will be pretty down-to-earth and not so authoratative?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:33

haha agree with rosel.

anyway, hao xiang never see rosel before huh? haha. or see before but I duno who? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:34

The FC isn't official as we dont want to be tied down by the phrase 'Official Fan Club'. We want the supporters of MLB to remain close as a MLB family, not so commercialized like a fanclub.

Gatherings-wise, probably will have to discuss with Warner and the boys before making any decision.

There's no fee imposed, but we'll definitely try to include all fans if there're any activities and so on. So basically all who're fans of MLB are welcome to participate.

yupps. something like that. :)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 00:36

really confused liao! at first said unofficial then now become official.
to be frank, never see or hear a FC function such manner?
anyway, so long Warner Music & MLB happy with this arrangement. we shall let it be. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:41

quizzy_me: ya somewhat. haven't been very active i guess. =P and then you wonder why im one of the 4 right? haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 00:41

Oh ya, nearly forgotten,
congrats yuanping, meikian, biru & rosel for been selected to represent MLBians. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 00:51

hopefully this new system works well (: cheers MLBing-ians!

and rmb to vote for 泪! and tune in on sunday! hopefully can chiong all the way up (:


Blogger yammy | 28 July, 2007 00:59

congrats wor! fc leaders. hehe.

i think i've probably send the email tomorrow. awwww.. msn's got problems. super pek chek.

BiRu: hello biru, i'm yammy (qianhui's friend) the one who dunno wat is 蘑菇一下 lols. tml i going! qianhui meeting you ah?

quizzy: don't worry. i recorded liao and posting the recording now. haha. efficient right? LOLS.

In case some of the MLBians missed the yes 933 thingy, here's it!



Blogger yammy | 28 July, 2007 01:02

forget to say something, i've cut away those yes933 stuffs and the songs in the middle so only about 36 min. (: thanks


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 01:05

who is Rose? nvr seen her around b4.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 01:14

thanks yamroll. sth new to add into my hp's MLB playlist. whoo! (:

milubing jiayou for the auto session later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 01:40

haha thanks yamroll


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 01:53

Hello uncle phil,

i'm the guy alone wearing mlb tee.

ever 'yue ni' but u was saying u wait for someone to confirm.. so nvm...

I saw u too..with meikian n flora rite ?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 02:16

Oh ik, since you know me, why didn't you call me and ta;k to me?
Btw, will you be attending this afternoon autograph session at BPP?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 02:39

hmm..no lah shy to apporach you then got so many girls there too

ya..tml ll be gg. but dunno hw to go yet?

last wk autograph copy kept by mum liao.. so die die must go take another auto and i wanna the poster too..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 02:55

ik, u dun know how to go? where u staying? you wanna go with me?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 03:03

you may add me in msn: forevermlbian@hotmail.com


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 03:06

gooto zzzzz liao.
good nitez MLB Family, cya later.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 03:08

I stay in Tampines.. you forget liao.. nvm...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 05:31

hey all, just a reminder

the fans who wish to join in the group photo-taking with MLB after the autograph session, please come in your MLB Tee/White top. And please gather with us ASAP after getting your signatures so as to prevent any delays.

any queries and such, you guys can email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com or look for us at the autograph session.

Hope to see more fans today! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 05:50

ohyes, before i forget...

i'll be bringing the 迷路兵POWER之旅 well wishes book with me tomorrow, anyone interested to view it, do approach me.

:) cya guys later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 08:07

hi there~ its me again :)

may i know approximately what time u all will be there? :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 09:09

good mornijg MLB Family, its Saturday, its MLB last autograph session as of now. Hope there will be more to come.

hi ik, sorry got poor memory and met a few MLBians here last week, so got mixed up.
so, you know your way there later?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 09:21

Ha ha ik, think you got the wrong person again. I was not with Uncle Phil that day...but I remb how u look liked, saw you last wk.

heh heh, see u guys later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 09:38

flora jie , u are Not the one with uncle P meh.. tsk tsk .anyway who is rose ? never hear b4 leh .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 09:48

ya, flora was not with me at last Sunday autograph session.

sorry lalalala, I also don't know who rosel is? never hear it b4 too.

My journey later will be:
take a train to Little India then cross to the opposite side (Bukit Timah Rd) and transfer to tibs 960 and go straight to Jelebu Rd (opp BBP).


Blogger Yuan zhuang | 28 July, 2007 10:29

hi!!This my fist tym writing comment.I am so sad todae i gt to go work so cant go for e autograph..How i wish to see Milubing again and take pic wif them...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 10:38

today i carn go...
mum dun allow ):
she say too far lo..
how can lidat? last wk say allow.
now say dun allow.zzz.


Blogger Doraemon, 小叮当 | 28 July, 2007 10:39

Hi Yamroll

I can't download leh why huh???? Can anybody help me, i have miss MLB 11pm show, i want to hear it badly


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 10:48

ahh i was so tired that i went flat when i reached home yday. ahh missed the interview but nvm cuz yamroll uploaded it! thanks(:

oh man i'm be too late to tell qq or yuanping to help me buy the album with the poster le. i dunno if i shld go the auto. cuz mum dun allow but she's not at home! ahh..


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 10:59


-rip-berries: we're on e same boat!! i cant go too!! =(
my mother oso say far lor, den say last wk i go liao, den this wk dun go agn!! >.<
but i wanna c MLB perform live ma!!!! =(

yamroll: thanks! *muacks* =D


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 11:01

binz, lol!! i oso thinking of gg lor!! cos my mother not at home oso!! but i dunno wat time she caome back man! =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 11:03

Good morning MLBians..

Uncle phil, by your way, 960 take how long to reach and can see BPP at left or right side ?

Sori flora..


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 11:12

ahh qingqing we are in the same boat! cuz bkpj seriously too far from here. then last wk alrdy got go. mannn i feel like sneaking out!


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 11:15

binz, yes!! we're on e same boat! ARGHHHH!!! i wan go!! where u stay? i oso feel like sneaking out lor.. but i scared my parents return home liao, den i still not home lor.. =( today MLB singing 4 songs somemore.. not e same as last wk de lor!! I WAN GOOOOOO!!! *sobs*


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 11:19

qq, oh no really same same same! scared reach home too late or else i alrdy on my way there! i stay in bedok res


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 11:23

binz, i worse than u.. i stay at pasir ris!! lol.. ya lor.. cos my mother went out at bout 10+ ma.. den i dunno wat time she'll reach home lor.. think i'll b later than her lor.. unless she goes to my grandmother's house after tat.. but i wan goooooooo!!! ARGHHHH!!


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 11:28

aiya pasir ris abt same as bedok lah! but ahh my mum also went out at 10+.. then seems like she's gonna go out long. but arghh cannot predict correctly! maannnn i wan to gooo.. it's like there is poster! there is different songs! and got photo taking!


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 11:33

ya lor.. cant predict wat time she come back.. arghhhhhh!!! ya la, got photo-taking, den got poster oso!! ARGHHH!! i wan take photo n wan poster oso!! =(


Blogger Jx | 28 July, 2007 11:36

dear boy boy and girl girl, don't go when your mummy don't let you go wor. cannot like that wor. Later mummy find out very angry next time no more milubing for you all le.


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 11:37

lol ppl come back frm auto then come the blog will think the 2 of us siao liao. ah seriously maybe we shld go? but if caught will be jialat liao.


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 11:38

vinceable, haha yea lor i also considering if get caught liao then worse.. totally no more mlb for me!


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 11:42

ya lor, i think ppl will say we siao lor.. haha.. but cos we support MLB ma.. wahaha.. ya ya.. think if get caught, NO MORE MLB le.. =( den i think i'll cry like siao lor.. *sobs*
ya lor, i thinking of sneaking!! arghhh!! but get caught, die liao.. =(


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 11:52

haix for the sake of the future we shall be guai and stay at home then! wait for videos bah.. eh but i still hoping someone can help me buy the album if there is still posters!


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 11:56

ya lor.. haiz.. we better b guai guai n dun anyhow run out.. but i still feel like gg lei.. =(
erm, u noe any MLBian ma?


Blogger binz | 28 July, 2007 12:00

yea take it as it is goin to rain then ah dun wan us to go out. console ourselves.. haha.. i haven gotten to noe any yet leh.


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 12:05

haha.. ya lor.. an wei ourselves.. but but but... i still feel like gg out!! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 16:41

hello guyz! hope everyone will enjoy mlb event today, although i cant go due to some reason, i will be somewhere supporting mlb de..
ytd nite mlb was on 933, they are such a funny guyz, like them singing xing qing too..


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 17:52

yoyo!! anyone back liao? how was it? grrrrrr.. cant go.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 18:27

qing qing,

I am back from the event...
The performance today was so nice!
They perform 4 songs...


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 18:38

pekchoo, wat songs did they sing? how was e photo taking? den posters lei?


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 18:38

did u went for e j8 de? if yes, is it e same?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 18:46


J8 event I never attend I was away holidays..
Today performance they perform Lei, ShiYing, Get Alive & So Sad..
For the poster is only the top 50 fans to go up than can get the poster.. The poster is the cover of the MLB album..


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 18:47

oh.. thanks thanks.. =D den e photo taking thing how huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 18:48


The photo taking only who wears MLB tee and white shirt can get to take pics with them on the satge after the auto session..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 18:49

I think they will post up all send us by email the grp pics..
Why u cant come today..


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 18:49

oic.. thanks thanks.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 18:52

oh, u mean send all involve in the photo taking ar?
my mother lor.. dun let mi go!! =( say v far n i go last wk liao.. den this wk dun go.. =(
but i really wanna go ma.. last one liao, she oso dun let mi go. *sobs* binz n i acty thinking of sneaking out since both our mothers r not at home. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 18:56

qing qing,

oic.. hai~ anyway I think some fans will upload the video at MLB blog bah.. So you can take a look at the performance..
lets wait patiently for their next album release!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 19:21

pek choo
how ar u ????
i enjoy very much todae in todae's authorgraph

next time we can chat using cantonese lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 19:25


I really enjoy myself when they perform 4 songs at BP open Plaza..
Make me so HIGH!! Hahax~
I don't know how to speak Cantonese.. HAI~ Teach me another day yah.. thanks..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 19:28

no problem


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 19:30


lots of thanks..
take care yah..
Let's wait for their new album to release with their MV...

got to get back to do my school work liao.. chat with you again..


Blogger yammy | 28 July, 2007 19:36

qing qing, it's almost the same but today somehow we abit she bu de la.. cos today last auto session ma. but today got give free posters for album purchase. that's the diff. OYA. today they wear different from last 2 weeks. lols.


Blogger Z A | 28 July, 2007 19:40

Aww, today was great!!
Sam asked me & my friend if it was our 1st time there coz he didn't see us b4. So Sweet!~



Blogger yammy | 28 July, 2007 19:46

to miko, quizzy, binz: you're welcome (:

to qingqing: thanks for the KISS hahahaha

to doraemon: sorry for the late reply! ermm is it? ok why not u add me in msn? then i send you directly. addy: yanrong63@hotmail.com

to yuanping: thanks for the mlb tee yea. loveesss


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 19:48

whoa~~ hahahaha. Passed by CD rama after dinner at Causeway Point. sian - milubing de album is number 8.

8 = propsper? hahahahahahaha :P

Shihui if u r reading this, I help u post those stuff le. haha.

Recaps in a while - at http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com ... will be posting another MLB album review from today's mypaper too. WAIT FOR ME WOR~~

wee~ =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 19:54









Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 20:05

yammy: wahaha.. welcome.. keke.. wat did they wear today? lol..

pekchoo: haiz.. yes yes!! i'll wait patiently de.. keke.. =D

quizzy: thanks thanks.. i wait for u.. =P

ZA: AHHHH!! so gd... sam tok to u!! ask u if it was ur 1st time.. ahhhh!! y he nv ask mi!! lol.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:08

捨不得你們..but waiting for other event ahead.....


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 20:12

yes yes lorita!! i oso waiting for more n more events!! wahaha.. but hope MLB wun b too tired.. keke.. dun care ar, nxt time i wan go liao!! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:18

qing qing
i scared i cant go already
i'm starting work on 1 aug
office hours and i might work on sat or sun

so sad??????tt y i say 捨不得MLB lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:23

Hi gurls and guys out there!

Although todae's the last promo event, bt its great to see the spirit comes so lively during BPP's event!

3 cheerz for ourself~!
3 cheerz for the boyz too~!

wanna thankz many people,

thankz NIC, SAM, WEIQI for being so kind to all ur fanz out there. we are glad to regard u boyz as our idol!!! 我们付出的心血真的没有白费!we felt really thankful! a BIG THANK YOU!!! MuackzZ~!

thankz mlbianz for being so participative throughout the 3 events and helping out with the YES 933 voting, special thankz to jiahui, biru, kangqi, shiwei, singyin, uncle phil, quizzy, yuanping [helped me todae with the voting thingy] for contribute so much. a BIG THANK YOU!!! MuackzZ~!

thankz to those I-dont-know-who for helping us filling up the 'tons' of coupons, really appreciate ur effort. ha.

真得很希望'泪'能挤进YES 93.3龙虎榜十大!!!

cheerzZ~! =]

*so when can we see MLB again?! =[


Blogger redSINderella | 28 July, 2007 20:30



Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 20:30

Wow, just came back from BPP about an hour ago. I personally dun like the place, found it in a very ulu place. Took me nearly 2hrs to reached there this morning.
Luckily today's MLB performance was superb:
Firstly, they sang 4 songs plus a small part of encore before the whole event ended.
Secondly, MLB worn another set of clothings (the one in the media interview).
Thirdly, the photo taking session of MLB Family.
Fourthly, we filled up so many Yes933 voting coupons today. Thanks to shihui, quizzy, biru & all MLBians who has helped in the filling up of the coupons.

Hi ik,
Nice meeting you in person today. Hope will see you more often at future MLB's events.

Hope you guys have an enjoyable & unforgettable day. After all these hard works, do spend more times with all your love ones & rest whenever you guys have the time. MLBians will not stop here but shall continue to support MLB.
MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger givon | 28 July, 2007 20:33


time really passes in a twinkling of an eye

really fast..
and it seems like the superband gf happens just a few days before.
and everybody has also grown older..

it's really happy to see the 3 MLB to release their album, which has a really good selling result!

although it's the last promo event, we will still think of MLB everytime!!


so let's await for MLB's second album?
i'm too despo!

you are always the POWER mlb in our heart!

and also, 3 cheers for MLBians
for voting mlb's lei up on yes 933's chart!
and also supporting them



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:35


will miss thm.. I want more events..


Blogger givon | 28 July, 2007 20:37



" + "

always look at the brighter side of our life. happy de guo mei yi tian. and we will see how beutiful life is!




Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:37

yah....so sad.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:39

Sam,Weiqi & Nic KOr

THankyou for taking your precious time to read my letter!
hope to c u guys real soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:44

hi lorita :p

qing: i didnt manage to catch u at the j8 event leh. maybe next time bah.

uncle phil: i saw u today again. haha at the van area. but too rushed to say hi cos when i reached, the MILOboys were just making their way out of the lift! heng i chiong there in time (:

MLB: hello! although i missed everything during the autograph session today, i believe you guys have done a great job yah. what a pity i missed all those stuff but yea at least i got to see you all before you all left. (: (sam got see mi i think? haha) i ran across the interchange lah! even the guard look at mi with some weird yan shen. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:47

oh yah yamroll: what software u use to convert the recording to mp3 file ahs? the 933 interview last night was recording using hp izzit.. then it will be in amr format, then i duno how to convert to mp3 leh.. pls help? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:49

hi miko
u ar??????


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 20:50

oh... so fast start work liao ar.. haiz.. hope MLB events wun b in end of aug!! cos i having exams.. keke.. scared scared.. =.=

miko: aiyo!! i didnt c u oso lei, cos i dunno how u look like.. =X keke.. u went j8 de oso ar? u went w who?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:50

Lorita cheer up man!!

Just wait and see when will them going to have events..
I wish I can go for all their events..
Miss them...



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:54

qing qing
yah...i'm working soon
i have sun,mon & tues to relax like Sam....

pek choo
i will cheer up lol....
waiting for JJ to come Spore
(another talent spore artist)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:54

lorita: haha secret. no lah. i took lrt with u just now on the way back. but different mrt. u know le hor? (:

qing: yah i went.. with min. u know who? haha


Blogger Z A | 28 July, 2007 20:55

qingqing: maybe because I was sitting at the 1st row so he must be surprise to see us(anonymous) in the front row.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:58


OK.. Let's wait for MLB new album to Release!!

Going to figure out my school work, damp difficult lol.. hai~
NOw having dinner...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 20:59



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:02



Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:02

ZA: oh.. haha.. acty i dun go for all events la.. haha.. hope to b able to noe u.. n more mlbians! yeah.. =D

lorita: wa!! wat u work as huh? so gd, like so many days to relax.. haha..

miko: aiyo, i dunno who's min lei.. =X u noe how i look like ma?
at j8, u standing which row?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 21:03

Why is everybody so sad? Come on, we will meet up with MLB again for sure, but dun know when (as of now).
Meantimes, everythings gonna be back to normal routine (meaning: students back to schools & working adults back to work), but as what Sam mentioned: Please Be Positive.
I believe there will be a 改版 very soon. Then more promos will be lined up.
Can anyone confirm MLB will be on tv tml night for the new variety show Beautiful Sunday?

Why you never call me after the bois left? Wow, you really love MLB very much lah. Knowing you will not be able to catch their performance, you still "chiong" all the way to BPP. I salute you.

Hi FC in-charges,
Have you receive my particulars? Please remember to info me of anything involving MLB. Thanks in advance. You gals were a little to shy to inform fellow MLBians about the photo taking thingy. But believe you gals will be able to handle better as times goes on. Don't worry, I will try my very Best to support you gals (provided you gals dun find me as busybody). Anyway, today was a good start. Jia-you...Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:04

qing: i forgot which row liao.. i thot the queue keep moving de? =x but i was one of the last few to get my albunm signed.(: i duno how u look like ahs. lol.


Blogger Z A | 28 July, 2007 21:06

qing qing: Nice to meet you too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:08

tentatively today should be the last event. Sam said other events are still on the pending status so he can't reveal much as yet...


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:09

miko: lol..i oso dunno how u look like.. haha.. u noe how quizzy, shan n marssh look like? i was w them.. =D

uncle phil: erm.. i oso dunno if MLB will b on e show not lei.. =X sorry..
yes!! we'll b able to c MLB agn de.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:09

uncle phil: hmm.. MLB is like.. part of my life liao ma..(: u say until like that i so pai sei! haha.. cos i was.. er. apparently in a "I SAW THEM!!!" kinda mood. so didnt really notice the ppl around mi after they left. haha pai sei..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:09

qing qing
i'm working as cusomer service Exercutive


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:10

haha.. nice to meet u too.. =P
add mi in msn? i wanna noe more ppl, aiya, not ppl, is MLBians liao.. haha =)

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