
"不知不觉已过了一年.." from a Supporter's
milubing | 27 July, 2007 13:25

I was reading thru my mails from all of you in the past year. =) Even though its re-reading, i'll still be able to either learn something i don't know or forgot bout this writer, or maybe find out something bout myself from an onlooker's point of view. Most of the lot are very generous encouragements, some are personal stories to share, a little bit of positive nagging. Whatever the case, thank u for these letters and cards. They are a great form of 'JIA YOU' to us and i enjoy reading them although there are no replies..

No, i'm not feeling EMO. Just felt really thankful and blessed.

- Sam Wong

Statment of the day : Be positive!


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Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:11

WA!! so gd ar.. =)

YES!! MLB is part of my life oso man.. haha.. no MLB = part of mi gone!! heehee.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:12

qing: haha.. actually i dont know all of you =x only know you all exist on this blog. haha (:


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:14

lol!! wat's ur msn? haha.. i keep asking ppl for their msn.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:18

qing qing

i think all mibians also think tt MLB is part of their life...

do u knoe one of a male artist in Hk is Khalil Fong( he is another talent artist in hk ) who sing this song "Love Love Love" u muz hear the cantonese verison damn nice


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:19

can i have ur msn address too?????


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:21

haha.. ya ya.. i oso think so.. keke.. btw, i noe who is khalil fong!! haha.. my fren crazy over him.. haha.. he came to TP b4!! haha.. but only perform bout 30mins or less lor.. haiz.. think e time we wait for him to reach TP is longer than e time he perform.. haha... =D

uncle phil: can i add u in msn oso? i wan noe more MLBians!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 21:22

Ya MIKO, not only you. In fact I oso know many MLBians thru this blog only, but never see them in-person. Then hor, seem likes many MLBians know me, so paiseh (perhaps I am too easy to recognise). That's why I always say: please come to me and introduce yourself (likes many MLBians did). I will be most glad to know as many MLBians as possible (especially Male MLBians).

Ya, agree that MLB is already part & partial of our life. That's why we are called MLB Family. Yeah... MLB Family Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 21:26

Hi qing, of course you may.
my msn is : forevermlbian@hotmail.com
All MLBians are welcome to add me, thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:27

yah....i also knoe many mibians from this blog...and i remember i go up to Uncle Phil and introduce myself to him....he is very nice lol

qing qing
u muz listening to the cantonese verison of Love Love Love


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:29

haha alrights. if anyone add me, pls tell mi who are you. thanks!(:



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:29

qingqing, what ur msn??

I wanna add u now??


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:31

lol.. i dun understand canto.. haha.. but canto heng hao ting.. haha.. though i dun understand la.. haha..

i add u.. mine is yeo_qq@hotmail.com


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 21:31

kk.. mine is yeo_qq@hotmail.com


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:35

eh, uncle phil, Marssh say thank you. I'll pass that to her as soon as I meet her =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:35

hi uncle phil

nice to meet you too..

glad that you are there today..otherwise i dare not attend the group photo taking..heehee

btw, ya workplace at which part of tampines ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:36

oh nvm.....
anyway,i'm born in HK and i'm half shanghariese & cantonese....haha,superise right???

I have add u miko


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:36

qing: kay.. i accept liao. u should be able to see mi online.. lol. same here, cant really uds canto but canto very nice to hear. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 21:47

diao~ I don't wanna leave my msn here wor. Paiseh huh, if u want mine, ask from those who have arh? lol


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 21:54

ya lor Lorita,
You came to me and introduced yourself. That's how I get to know you.
But I very paiseh when you said I very nice lor. Anyway, thanks. i am very glad to know you.
Hope you will enjoy your work at your new workplace. And everythings work well as your plan. Jia-you...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 21:57

My workplace is near Safra Tampines. Its at Tampines St 92.
How abt u? Where u studying?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 22:03

thankyou uncle phil
for the encouragement lol

i will jia you la


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 22:06

uncle phil
wa!! u working at safra tamp, near TP!! haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 22:07

Ya, I oso love cantonese songs.
My favourite HK artistes are: Andy Lau, Leslie Chueng, Anita Mui & etc.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 July, 2007 22:12

qing, I m not working at Safra Tampines. My workplace is near Safra Tampines, its in Tampines St 92.
I m working in a factory as Quality Supervisor.


Blogger yammy | 28 July, 2007 22:12

to qingqing: i dunno how to explain leh. but i know nic and weiqi de jacket same design diff colour. haha.

to miko: haha i din record in hp. i record in com one. so it's raw format is wav. yea (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 22:15

how to record in comp? teach me~~


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 22:15

yammy: haha.. thanks thanks.. keke..

uncle phil: oic.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 22:16

ya ya.. teah mi oso!! lol.. =D i wanna learn oso.. yammy *wink* haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 22:17

hello! remember me ma
i like weiqi's jacket colour

i super love cantonese songs & drama series.....


Blogger givon | 28 July, 2007 22:21


hahas. i'm back to the blog again.

just now went to look through MLB
s interviews video. they really look good during their interview, which i'm really glad about it!

and again, MLB emphasise on BE POSITIVE! hahas.

was really glad when weiqi and sam said that we guys (MLBians) are really thoughtful, no matter what. like going to his sch to give him support, definitely not pestering.

anyw.. i'm really glad to know MLB!
and i'm sure that i will never regret knowing them and of cos, supporting them!

i'm sure, even after 10 years, MLB will always stay in myy heart, of cos, including MLBians.

knowwing you guys is really a great thing in my life!

these came from the bottom of my harrt! i hope MLB will continue to jiayou, i'm sure you guys wont let us down!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 22:25

to uncle phil:

i now in NS..

just got enlisted this year..


Blogger qing qing | 28 July, 2007 22:54

wahaha.. it's so fun toking to alot of ppl in msn! lol.. tok till all mi lu lia.. haha. but v fun.. haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 22:59



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:01

wow. wad a wonderful afternoon! heh. thanx lots to MLB!! (and of cos, the mlbians!)
we shall look forward to the next event.. that is, if i could go lah.. hurrr.
lorita! i noe canto too.. u can speak to me too! hahahahs. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:07

i duno canto. sad~


Blogger givon | 28 July, 2007 23:12

to quizzy me

hahas. dunno canto can also listen to canto songs marh. i like twins canto songs (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:12

okay syl
i gtg now
sleepy lol
tmr going to church


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:19

WOW! the performance was very very good today.. *SMILES* guess every one was super happy with the wonderful performace yup!

was happy to see MLB again though.. their never-failing SMILES just enlighten us~



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:20

haha. quizzy jie.
nvm one lahh.
can master english and chinese already quite good liao.
nites lorita~
kk, i go mug again le. today nv study dao! =x
but.. it's so sian! :(


Blogger yammy | 28 July, 2007 23:28

haha i use a program call PolderBits to record sounds, but can use SOund Recorder provided by Windows also. but it's wav form. then u can convert it to other formats using some converters. hehs. (:

to lorita: haha oh cos i remember you la hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:36

haha...thanks yam...

jia you syL, i never study too =x...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2007 23:58

hi uncle phil,quizzy_me,yamroll and those who i've chat w/ on msn juz now..

so sry to keep leaving the conversation..cos' dunno y my msn keep hanging..yup.

very sorry guys..


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 00:00

it's ok.. =)

heehee... today i oso didnt study n do hw.. haha... busy chatting in msn.. haha.. too sad liao la, cant go to the auto session.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 00:06

haha, its okay ik..

qing qing, conversion ended already eh.. so can go start studying.. i guess oso too tired to study le bah! or maybe shall focus tml.. haha..



Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 00:08

haha.. ya lor.. too tired n high liao la.. haha.. tok till i mi lu n blur lor.. lol..

yeah tml den study.. haha.. nitez!! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 00:08

Wow, this is my 1st time having 9 MLBians chatting at one time.
Its indeed very fun and we got mi lu several times when more MLBians were added. Until we have to use different colours to represent ourselves, so cute hor.

ik, its ok. We never blame you, we knew you wanted to chat with us too. Nvm, we may continue tonight again.
Btw, which unit are you in and what is your vocation?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 00:11

Oh, then we shall not chat tonight. All students, please study & do you homework today ok?
Not forgetting afternoon still wanna hear yes933 long hu bang.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 00:21

haha.. its good to talk to so many people at the same time despite getting mi lu several times.. haha..

uncle phil really like our daddy.. care so much for everyone.. haha.. "please study & do you homework today ok?" - sounds like a caring papa talking to daughter/son.. heeheex..

hopes to hear LEI in the top 10 list! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 00:25

Hey MLB ... U Guyz Really Super POWER Today...

Hahax .. AND eh Oi.. SAM Wong ~
U Really Scared Me Today By That Sudden Action.. LoLx ~

Take Care ALL ..
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 00:34

hi whey,
so paiseh, suddenly become daddy/papa. But will be fortunate to have so many daughters & sons. hehehe...
No lah, not only me want MLBians to get good results, in fact MLB also always emphasize about it.

You guys already stop chatting completely? Nice chatting with you, but to be frank I still dun know who you are? very sorry. Did you went up to the stage for the MLB Family photo?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 00:38


Hello guitarist! i hope you saw the stars i made... took me a whole night last night... hope ya like it! :) and please thank your dad n uncle for the photo album eh, really super nice...n u damn funny eh, suddenly start laughing halfway thru the song. lols! i still blur blur duno wad happen...

hmm. thou tomorrow off day, please ah, dont anyhow eat leh~ if not anything happen not our fault liao huh. haha...

and 你跳舞真的是帅的lorh! think u really got the groove, tt kind of thing. haha... dun give me tt kind of expression can. everytime see u moving along to the music, can see your 舞蹈细胞 there liao. haha... next album can dance more for us! :D


谢谢你提到那份礼物~ i was kind of xia dao when you said 'book'. and then ya somehow i got sabo-ed by the rest beside me. =.= but thanks for remembering n mentioning it! :)


hey, you're back to normal again! haha... today become the quiet quiet weiqi again, aiya, not used to it larh. haha...
anws, how come today never eat much? no time? next time maybe can get xuanchuan to help ya guys da bao bread or smth, can eat while on the go. dun starve urself eh....
and don't be sad eh! i duno why but u jus looked very sad to me today. bleahs. we'll miss ya guys too! :) SMILE more weiqi. :D


hey guys, hope ya guys ate the stuff we gave ya... and hope nothing happened after u guys ate it... haha! food was by BiRu, kangqi and shihui, the drinks were by me and jiahui. the drinks are supposed to be lemon barley...hope ya guys didnt think it was spoilt due to the sourness? haha... it's homecooked one hor! i cook liao also never get to drink much... lols...

and here's special instructions from all of us, please DON'T throw the tupperware away hor! the tupperware damn x ah....

and THANK YOU for the ENCORE SONG! didnt really expect ya guys to sing, but jus shout shuang one... haha... XIE XIE! :DDD

yupp hope ya guys liked the card i prepared too. took me quite alot of time cutting the layer thingy on the front page eh~ but it's again words from the fans... 希望你们喜欢!:)


and NIC, the straw very hard to use huh? abit hor, actually u can jus open the cover and drink from there. haha... but really la, abit what u expect me to do sia? try it before giving you? =.= haha...
and you sick again eh~ sick still drink the lemon barley! take good care of yourself ah~~~


虽然离开时不免有些失落感。。。不过don't be sad, cuz it's not the end! 相信很快又会再见面了吧。。。:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 00:41


伟奇,要开学了,要照顾好身体唷~每天熬夜对身体不好呢~anyway,play and enjoy more while u can... about one week to sch reopen right? hehs. jiayou jiayou! 一起加油吧。

and still wanna apologise for the stuff i wrote in the letter. cuz really didnt know that we were not supposed to... there's another thing that i did but wasnt supposed to. ahh~ tell ya next time bahx. really 对不起 if we've caused any inconvenience!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 00:41

Hi qianhui,
You look good in MLB's tee yesterday, cos never see you wearing it to the first 2 autograph sessions.

Very nice to see so many MLBians wearing the MLB tees yesterday. Think the 3 milo bois also feel good, especially weiqi (cos designed by him).
Hope to see more MLBians wearing it to future MLB's events.

MLB & MLBians were very power thru-out all the 3 autograph sessions.
3 cheers to ourselves, hip hip hurray... hip hip hurray... hip hip hurray.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:02

uncle phil, i didnt go up for group photo taking.. cos i was kinda alone.. cos my friend left earlier.. so.. i abit paiseh.. but i stayed there till mlb left.. i was in white today too.. with some pinky designs.. donno u remember not..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:03

next time don't shy okay.
hope to be able to see you dance again. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:05


haha =P!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:09

yesterday marked the final session of the series of autograph sessions. and it was a great ending. so good to be able to hear So Sad live.
hope there would be more events coming up, like recordings and so on.
but still, MLB must take care wor! stay healthy oh. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:12

Am recording oday event into comp, at the same time, "listen" to the event again...

Sam, 你完蛋了, pink color, ON lah!

Long time never hear Weiqi beatboxing already, still as powerful as usual. Today can hear you sing very clearly. Maybe can hear you solo in the next album?

Ah Nic, are you sick today? 今天有點小凸槌哦...better take good care of your health, promotion should be over soon and NDP will come and gone in no time.堅持下去!

Last autograph session...so sad...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:19

what is 小凸槌 huh ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:20

do you think you can send me the things that you've recorded during tday's event please? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:24

小凸槌 means make mistakes? yup - sia suay himself? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:31

nic seems a little unwell today i guess.. saw him coughing when i was on the stage getting my album signed.. infact he coughed a few times when mlb was being interviewed..

take loads of care MLB and all MLBians.. :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 01:38

Yes, indeed all MLBians are sad that yesterday autograph session has ended. But we are very sure that once the 改版 is out, we shall be seeing MLB again. We got confident that meeting up with MLB shall take place in no time.
Past 3 weekends have been most wonderful for July 2007. MLB has becomes part & partial of our life, we treasure the times we spent together with MLB. 我们是跟迷路兵一起成长的。
Your thank-you speeches on air or stage have always touched us. Hearing them can caused our eyes to 流出泪珠 at times.
We dare to say that we have never supported the wrong band (our idols), and it shall always be. We love MLB & their professional music.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 01:46

no, 小凸槌 is accidently made some mistake, not sia suay himself.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 02:14

gonna zzzzz liao.
good night & sweet dreams MLB Family.

Remember to tune in to yes933 to hear the ranking for lei from 12noon onwards.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 02:35

oh...haha thanks for correcting me =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 02:40

btw,JiaHui mentioned that this week's Yes 933 CD Rack will be featuring MLB's album.

CD rack's on 933 every friday, 7.30pm. not very sure what time's the repeat on sat... maybe those who know can update us?



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 02:56

mk, 9.20pm or 9.30pm?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 03:12

9.20pm. check out 933 web le...

so the first broadcast will be on Friday, 730pm. the repeat will be on Saturday, 920pm. yupp :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 03:29

wee~ =D


Blogger nicholas | 29 July, 2007 09:24

hi,my name is nicholas and i am mlb the fan and sam"can u give me ur e-mail??"sam u can give me ur e-mail or u e-mail to me my is nicholaschew96@yahoo.com.sg wish u can see this comment and wish u can e-mail me....thx!!!!!!


Blogger binz | 29 July, 2007 09:38

awww yday auto session seemed to have been a soooo fun one and so action packed! ahhh shld have gone to yday one instead of j8 de since i only can go for one!!

wow cool man mlbians having mass conv. eh add me into it when there is another next time(: here's my email: binli_ng@hotmail.com


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 10:06


Yeah I will prefer the last auto session.. Nice performance by thm..
Last night, we had mlbians mass conv chat at MSN.. I will add you if still have next conv..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 10:38

morning,guys & mibians


Blogger binz | 29 July, 2007 11:08

pekchoo, too bad i missed it. hafta wait for mlbians to upload videos on youtube bah(: but live is always sooooo much better than recordings.. nvm hope for gai ban then will have promo again! anddd hope it will be at east side if there are gonna be((: haha the conv gonna be crazy i think!

lorita, morning!

ahh why is it raining again? seems like a fixed routine these few days. and it's freezing coldd..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 11:12

good morning to MLB Family.
remember to tune in to yes933 at 12noon to listen long hu bang, hopefully lei will be in the Top 10 today (lets keep our fingers crossed). Yeah...
Ah, not forgetting to watch I love Sunday tonight at 9pm Ch 8.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 11:18

btw, what's yes933 cd rack? What programme is that?
Thought MLB will be involved in 我也是DJ? Can anyone confirm? Thanks.


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 11:29

UnclePhil: the cd rack is it the intro MLB album one? cos i heard jia hui talking about it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:34


last night mass conv chat till what time arh...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 11:34

Hi fellow MLBians,
Does anyone has extra Sam de little sign board (issued out by Warner at autograph sessions), can give it to me. Cos I shortage of that, only got weiqi & Nic little sign board.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:35


I think mlbians will upload at youtube.. so you can see the recording performance yah..
chat with you online bah..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:38

Yes933 CD rack is a programme by JiaHui and JunLi that introduces new albums.

yes, they've recorded 我也是DJ, but it wont be broadcasting anytime soon, cuz according to the 933 schedule, they're not up yet. the schedule they have so far is until about mid aug, and mlb isnt up yet.


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 11:42

pekchoo: ermm i think around 12 plus. cos some needa go eat and do stuffs. haha.

meikian: thanks for informing us. 非常感谢!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:42

btw, was at the auto session ytd, and i realised tt there were quite alot of new fans ya? many were asking us if there was a mlb fc, and so on. and there were some who didnt know that mlb had a blog, etc.

good to know there're many new fans supporting mlb! :D


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 11:45

yea lor. that's a good sign yea! :p


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 11:45

thanks yamroll & meikian for the clarifications.

Oh, they've recorded 我也是DJ. Ok, shall wait for yes933 to air it.


Blogger binz | 29 July, 2007 11:47

pekchoo: haha yea hope that will get to see loads of different version of vidoes on youtube! lol i sound greedy..

hope lei can fight it's way up long hu bang! 12 is coming soon(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:47


okie chat with you later than..

Mekian: thanks for the inf too..
yeah yesterday many new mlb fans..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:49

今天off day?生病多休息ah~takecare! :)

no problem :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 11:50


yeah.. 933 Long Hu Bang left another 10 more mins..Hope that Lei position top 10..


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 11:50

recently i've been seeing alot of china websites having MLB songs download. the cd cover is obviously Singapore version one, very similar lor. zzz.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 11:53

Actually if they got buy MLB album, they should be able to know about this blog. Cos it was printed behind the front cover sheet, once you open the box and take out the lyrics booklet can see it at the right top corner.

Maybe, the FC in-charges should go round asking for their names & contacts. (That's was what we did last time for Sylvester's FC.) And it works, just a suggestion only.


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 11:54

pekchoo: oh yes, i hope lei will be in top 10 too so efforts are not wasted esp those who vote alot yea?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:09


YAH.. Now I am listening the Long Hu Bang.. They are having live at IMM...
I hope Lei will get top 10..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:14

I was thinking...cos u know I-weekly got this section where they will introduces celebrities' blogs mahz. I wonder how would they introduce milubing de blog if they have to. haha.

think there's nothing we can do with the more 'technical' stuffs (i.e. their songs are available to download from China websites) except for ignore le ba. Those who understand, will definitely support original de. Those who won't understand, there's nothing we can do to stop them too. If can, recording companies won't be having a headache now.

So, it's 'high-techlongy' de fault? haha don't know leh. Enjoy your day ;), I lunching with my bestie in macs later...


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 12:20

quizzy: yea i guess there's nothing we can do except to encourage our friends to support by buying original cds. Support local singers! (:

pekchoo: yea i'm listening now also. so nervous sia. alamak.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:26


Same I am listening also nervous..
Hope their song will get top 10...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 12:38

Talking about supporting local talent, yesterday I heard one uncle told his friend that: "Hey, local band leh, must support lah" after he got his album autographed by MLB.
If more ppl think / feel likes that uncle, then we dun have to worry about what website from China has free download for MLB's songs.
Most important, we must encourage our frens, colleagues, relatives to support local talent by buying the original album.
Yes, we can do it. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:46

uncle phil, yup.. we should support local talent.. especially if they are really talented :) MLB is a group of young, talented and passionate group of youngsters!

*CHEERS~* :)

LEI will be top 10 :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:52

Yeah MLB lei will be top 10...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:54

OMG, 泪is No.9 this wk!! They are surely going up fast the chart! All mlbians are really putting all their best efforts to vote for them. b(^_^)d


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 12:55

YEAH... 泪 has advanced to #9 in today's Yes933龙虎榜. Its a 8 steps jumped. Wow, VERY GOOD result leh.
Thanks you very much to all MLBians who has helped in all these voting thingy. Once again, it shows that MLBians are UNITED and we can push 泪 to the TOP in no time. Let's continue to vote harder for coming weeks and months, still got 适应 & Get Alive (shall discuss & make known to all as to when to vote for this 2songs at a later stage).
MLBians, 你们真棒。MLB Family POWER-LAH...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:55


NUMBER 9 this week! :DD


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 12:56

pekchoo: going top 10 le! ahhhhhhhhh

UnclePhil: yes i totally agrees with you. I've persuaded many of friends who like their songs to buy their album. It's really worth the money la! If we don't support our own bands/singers, who's gonna support them? We are very proud of them! and I'm sure MLB will go far. next time maybe even pakistan people know MLB. lalala~ i think i'm quite "off" today. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:57

yeah... MLB LEI TOP 9...

Must thanks to Mlbians who votes..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 12:57

Wow, I am SUPER HAPPY. Lei is at #9 in today's Yes933 Long Hu Bang.
Wondering whether the 3 milo bois are hearing it now?
Xie Xie all MLBians efforts. Hurray...


Blogger binz | 29 July, 2007 12:58

whooo it's 9!

ahh i dunno if my vote was counted for this wk or next.. sent on tues but after 5..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 12:58


fast jump! i bet the guys must be smiling now if they're listening to 933... MLBians rock! let's all jiayou jiayou, push it up to top 3 next week! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:02

yes, LEI is on the 9th position.. bet the 3 of them will be super pleased.. :) they've 'jumped' 8 positions..

support singapore's first band - MLB! :D


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 13:03

meikian: YESYES! top 3! gogogo! your efforts are not wasted! WEE~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:03

YEAH SO HAPPY xia.. I think MLB will be listening..
Their songs Lei top 10..
Must keep on voting.. Next week hope that it can be top 3..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 13:03

yamroll, fyi my Bangladeshi Brother knows who MLB are? I brought him to the New Year Countdown at Vivo City on 31st Dec 2006. He also said that the 3 milo bois are very talented. Too bad, he already went back to Bangladesh. If not he should be able to share my Joy.
So, it is not surprise that any Nationality will get to know them. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:05


Click this. another interview of MLB. (:


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 13:06

UnclePhil: yea. i mean i wish everyone knows MLB. i got a european friend also like MLB. hehs. (: good music can still be appreciated even though they dunno the language.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:07

waseh !

top ten already.

rock on MLBians !!

yeah . happy . [:

jia you MLBians and MLB !!

must try to get the song to top 3 and then THE CHAMPION !

jia you ! ^..^


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:12





Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:13

Another 8 steps wl b on top..

jia you jia you! make it next wk!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 13:14

binz, your vote was not counted for this week. Cos your vote reached Yes933 after the cut-off timing. So you dun send out coupon this week unless you send after Thursday.

Let me repeat again:
Send out all voting coupons by Tuesday, cos the cut-off timing is Thursday 12noon. So, if you sent out on Wednesday it will reach Yes933 after Thursday 12noon (most probably by Thursday 5pm then reached Yes933).

Yesterday I confirmed with JiaHui and she mentioned:

1) One person can only vote 1 song 1 time per method. So you can vote Lei by sending 1x coupon, 1x SMSing & 1x Calling.

2) Cannot use same hand writing to cast vote by coupons even they are of different names.

3) Cannot use same telephone or handphone to call in and vote (meaning: 1 phone number only allow 1 vote).

Hopefully all MLBians have a clearer picture now.
Let's jia-you and vote harder for Lei to reach the TOP. Yes, WE CAN MAKE IT.


Blogger yammy | 29 July, 2007 13:16

haha meikian that's what i thinking. but i dunno how to phrase. haha you language POWER LAH. haha

thanks Joanna, but i think someone mention about it already (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:18

haha... i remember there was an album las time with the name 音乐无国界 or something.

but yeah! music meets no boundaries. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:19

Yeah.. Lei was already No 9 in the 933 Long Hu Bang today! Omg.. Soo proud of MLB la.. WaHahax.. MLBians rox~ Hee..SmiLez..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:21

MLB rocks! so does all MLBians! Let's push Lei up to 1st place, then maybe can start voting for Shi Ying and push it up to top 10 too. will be fabulous if both songs are on the charts at the same time. :)



Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 13:26

Fyi, MLB already accumulated 16pts as of now. Understand from JiaHui yesterday that MLB will have to wait for next year de 金曲奖。
So sad, but nvm with everyone's effort MLB surely can make it and get an award next year. MLBians continue to Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:28

MLB POWER LAH~ I am going to search for all my 933 I weekly coupons and vote for their song LEI to get top 1st..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 13:36

Me too, have to go around and ask my frens & colleagues for voting coupons. Even if they ask me for MLB album as an exchange (likes one of my inspector). I dun mind exchanging with them, to me it is 一剑双雕 (more ppl listening to MLB's songs & I got more voting coupons).


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 13:39

wow. 9th?
last week was 17th right?
jumped 8 spots? :O
jyjy mlb-ians :D


Blogger binz | 29 July, 2007 13:54

uncle phil thanks for clarifyin. i was still hoping maybe if it was possible if they had collected the mail on wed and then b4 12pm on thurs 933 may receive it. haha. have to wait till next next week then.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 13:57

binz, you still can cast your votes by calling & smsing.

Oh, very good mood now. Going out soon, shall be back to tag tonight.

Have a nice day.... MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 14:53

you guys rock on!!!(:
nic, eat more please!!!!!!hahas. i didn't have the chance to shake your hand):
sam, you were so cute ytd!!!!so hyper. your hand so warm!!
wei qi, your palm so big!!!!hahas


Blogger PeiShan | 29 July, 2007 15:59

aiyo .. seems like yesterday autograph v happening wor .. qi si wo, i din go ..

to uncle phil:
i added u in msn ^_^

to mlb:
congrats tt "lei" was at no 9 for e long hu bang .. YEAH !! (qing msg mi n wan mi to congrats u all too !!)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 16:55

it was such a great jump.
so 淚 would probably be first next week?
since it would be another eight positions up. (:

MLB and MLBians power lah!

Lorita says congrats to MLB too! :D


Blogger givon | 29 July, 2007 17:35



you've cliched the 9th position in yes933 long hu bang.

3cheers and 3 cheers and 3cheers for MLB AND MLBians







grats to every MLB supporter!
thanks for everybody's help
hope everyone will continue voting for them
let them jump and jump to the 1ST POSTIION!!!!!!!!!!!

let's add oil tgt

add MILO TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 19:00

whoo! MLB 9th place! okay i know im abit lag. cos dad was listening to some other radio station in the car during the long hu bang time. then i dont want to snatch with him. but still YAY :D

ve been accumulating voting coupons! asking friends to fill up. definitely going to chiong 泪 up to top3! top i hope!

but do rmb to leave some coupons to vote 适应 up next! pls say here when are we all going to start voting for 适应 okay. MLBians shall do it together! (:

MLB powerlah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 19:03

WOW!!! ii was totally SHOCKED, SURPRISED, UNEXPECTED tt LEI's ranking would climb so HIGH!!! no.9!!! WOW!!!

when YES 933 chart announcing song ranking no.11, ii was sms-ing meikian and told her "ii have a feeling, Lei drop out from the chart le" was jue wang from continue listening to the rankings, BUT SURPRISINGLY, LEI ranking on position no.9!!!

WOOHOO~!!! how we wish we can share this good news with MLB face to face!!! bt too bad, no event held todae.

during ytd's event, the host jiahui was asking us, wic position we want LEI to be, den all of us answered her no.10, bt ii was thinking in my heart, "bu ke neng sheng dao shi ming yi nei de laa" haha! seriously and unexpectedly, LEI out of our expectation, it got no.9!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to all who helped voted for the song!!! it didn't wasted our effort!

LETS make LEI rise to ranking no.3 for next week's result den no.1!!! hao mahz?! da jia yi qi jia you!!!

Lovez. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 19:46

Uncle phil,
may ii noe how jiahui mentioned tt milubing will have to wait for next year de 金曲奖? they have no chance to go for dis year's?? tot their song managed to enter long hu bang during the 有效期??


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:04

i asked qing qing to help me post this cos i wasn't online but she say she isn't home at that time so she asked shan and looked like shan isn't free to post this? haha never mind, since I'm here I'll say ba.

I was saying, shihui u r our hero man~ cos u were going around asking ppl to fill in their particulars mahz. haha. Salute you~ And of cos salute those who vote. Salute myself too. Cos I vote too! haha *bu yao lian*

But s**t, even if we got enough coupons, we won't be meeting again so how do get other MLBians to fill in their particulars? oh my tian~

Really hope every one (not only those who frequent this place) will continue to vote spontaneously la~ haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:08

hey quizzy, u can collect the coupons and ask ur friends to help u fill up? thats what i do. cause i dont really meet mlbians frequently too.

shihui: yes they are still in the you xiao qi cos the you xiao qi is until today's results. but cos they're only up for 2 weeks and it's only 17th and 9th so quite hard to get into jin qu jiang this year. still need to fight with those up the chart since long long ago mah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:12

btw yamroll: how to use the sound recorder from windows? i cant even locate it on my com. lol. i think i abit com idiot.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:28

haha. Okay...but now have to look for I-weekly coupons first. Mine all given to shihui le. haha.

Maybe they can't fight for the "most popular" awards but fight for "best" awards? haha. Like that award that Sly got two years ago in Singapore Hits Awards. I think that award is to recognise the efforts of the best local newbie, wishing them to shine regionally? yup that is the one. I can't type chinese now as I just reformatted my comp. LOL!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 20:46

shan, no problem adding me. You missed the fun we have last night.

shihui, what miko explained are the reasons why MLB has to wait till next year. As I mentioned in my previous: MLB has accumulated 16pts as of today, and Jin Qu Jiang closing date is today. So it is very unlikely that MLB will be nominated for any award with 16pts. Likes what miko said: other artistes have already accumulated many pts since 12mths ago till today. Hope you have a clearer picture now.

In order for MLB to be nominated for next year's Jin Qu Jiang, MLBians will have to vote harder for Lei as of now and then Shi Ying & Get Alive at a later stage.
Don't worry, if MLBians continue to stay United and votes. MLB will not only be nominated but rather win an award at next years' Jin Qu Jiang. MLBians Jia-you... Yeah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:47

Well, tune in to Channel 8 at 9pm to catch "I love Sunday" ba. Although don't know whether this episode features milubing, I think it's an interesting show so watch ba ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:49

wee~~ =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:51

im back~ frm S.H.E's event.



Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 20:51


m back.. haha..

haha.. i outside when u sms mi ma.. keke.. den i gang gang hao jus tell shan to help mi post.. heehee..

thanks!! =D

heehee.. ya ya, one of them went to eat while online till halfway.. wahaha.. cos it's mi!! =D but i only eat 1 piece of bread w peanut butter.. haiz.. but but, i drink a cup of MILK!! haha.. tat's my dinner man.. so jia lat.. =X

yeah man!! happy.. LEI is no. 9!! WOOHOO~ i was extremely kan cheong when i didnt hear LEI from 11 to 20 lor.. tot so fast drop out liao.. but choy choy!!! no no!! it's no. 9!! haha.. super happy.. heehee..
i tell my fren bring all her i-weekly on tues(tml no sch! YEAH! =D).. haha.. i wan all those 933 long hu bang coupons!! wahaha.. will ask my classmates help mi fill in!! =D
but tat means i wun b able to vote for nxt wk de.. =(

ya ya, btw, how many coupons shld i leave for other songs?

m waiting for gai ban!! wahaha.. =P

m waiting to chat w many many MLBians online too!! keke.. v fun!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:54

qing qing so excited oh?


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 20:58

wahaha.. ya ya!! m high man.. keke.. when i heard LEI is no. 9, i keep singing to my bro lor! haha.. cos was outside ma.. wahaha.. he say i siao man.. haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 20:58

haha! SALUTE YOU too!! THANKZ for your limited coupons. haha! the small amount can accumulate to a bigger amount. lets send in more votes! btw, u sent in those ii passed it to you ytd liao rite? once again, thankz quizzy! =]

MIKO & Uncle Phil,
Thankz for the explanation, mayb my expectation is higher den the reality does. it's really impossible for them involving with dis year's jin qu jiang with only 16points. haha! bt will the 16points continue to accumulate till next year or they start to calculate all over again when the time comes?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:01

u went to S.H.E's event? did u got their auto?! ii went, bt the queue are too long, so in the end, the crew told me "the queue stopped!" ii was like, URGH~!!! sianz~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:03


I think it's start all over again. Cos 16pts is consider as 2007 de. Next yr de effective period starts next week ba? LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:07

qing qing
lols. im damm highnow! after knowing LEI no.9! hoho.

yea. yups (: huh? wth? queue stop? u wad tym reach?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:07

qing qing
lols. im damm highnow! after knowing LEI no.9! hoho.

yea. yups (: huh? wth? queue stop? u wad tym reach?


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 21:23

wahaha.. i oso lor!! keke.. waseh! u went to SHE de ar.. my bro acty wan go de, but he lazy.. =.= say too far liao.. lol..

watching i love sunday now.. no MLB lei.. =(

oh ya ya, thanks to whoever for e coupon!! =) haha.. cos yuanping pass it to mi n ask mi to fill in.. heehee.. =P

jus c MLB album de advt! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:24

i'm so high now....
i also think lei will get either 16 to 10 but i dun believe is no.9 TOP 10 man.....wow,vote LEI lol


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 21:34

Huh... MLB is not on tv for tonights' episode ha?
Haiz, thought the publicity blog mentioned it was tonight?
I some more dare to confirm with a MLBian that it is tonights' show. In fact I also forget who I informed. Very sorry, please accept my apologies.


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 21:38

haha.. now still dun hav MLB.. later dunno will hav not lei.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:38

qing qing
lols. ur bro shud go lor. its damm fun!

yea lor. sad no MLB for tis episode ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:39

hope ltr hav.hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:42

ii went at..... dun get shocked, 4.30pm!! haha, and dis explains why ii didnt get to join in the queue. lolxx. cos ii tot if ii go at a later time, mayb ii wont have to queue for so long mahz, this teach me a lesson tt, when there is an overseas artiste come for auto session, ii gotta go queue overnight. haha!

how ii wish ii can get to see such a situation during MLB's event! woots~! jue dui you ke neng de!! rite rite?! haha!

ii think MLB will appear during todae's i luv sunday show, cos gt a small part of adver of them. mayb at the end of the show?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:45

LOL?! sooo late?! lols. the queue is long till the 5th flr frm wad chong qing said. hahas. so even if u queue, tink muz wait even longer.

yea, looong looong queue of MB fans at their event :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:47


mistake, sry~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:47

ii was like approach the crew at level 4, nvm laa, ii LOVE MLB more!!! hahahahahah~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:48

i love sunday is so nonsense.
watching it for the sake of mlb.
but think gona get scam..
9.50 liaoz @.@


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 21:49

u stand near ma? v infront ma? haha.. think my fren stay overnight lor.. lol.. after gg to e concert yesterday, she went straight there to Q lor.. think so la.. haha.. cos she tell mi her frens ask her tag along.. haha.. u got take pics ma?

yes! m sure MLB will oso hav fans staying overnight waiting for them when hav auto session agn!! =)

ya lor, hope later hav MLB!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:50

sorry uncle phil, I'm not sure for myself too. So I put a question mark there. *bow 90 degrees* sorry...


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 21:52

ya lor.. not nice de, e i love sunday.. >.< same lor, watch for e sake of MLB only.. haha.. if dun hav MLB, i'll b watching channel u liao lor.. haha.. but but.. i hav do my hw yet!! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:54

Staying overnight? siao arh. Later make their parents worry or even make the trios worry leh.

Sorry huh, I find 'queuing overnight' very irrational. Queue before dawn still mian qiang can accept.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:55

hahas. ya. yea, love MLB mooorrreee than others. lols.

qing qing
not reali. sad. hahas. quite behind. but sign the lyric start liao i got take quite alot. concert de oso got. go my blog see pics mayb tml? today lazy upload x)

yea, hahas. & i wish my mum would allow me queue overnite for mlb event if haf.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 21:59

lol stupid show.
wana copy the taiwan's version.
the punishment all so crap.
jus because the cooking thing get lesser marks then gort such punishment.

sg cant produce funny variety shows one.

blahh. no mlb. ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:01


Well, I've learnt my lesson. Next time if the date of anything-related-to-them is not confirm, I shouldn't just put question mark. Should put 'pending confirmation' too. sorry~~ my fault~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:01

wah, lucky me no spend tym watch. no mlb. when got MLB? ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:02

the i love sunday show was kind of boring leh. hahas. dun understand their purpose of asking so many superstars there. some like geraldine were just sitting there for the whole show doing nothing. thot the show was supposed to revolve around superstars, then in the end they asked kym and michelle to go and cook? hmm weird.

wonder what the boys will do on the show...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:04

promote their album songs! hahas.


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 22:07

haha.. my fren's parents noe if she staying overnite.. =D she got inform them de.. if i ask my mother, think i'll si de hen nan kai.. haha.. =D

kk.. =D tml i go ur blog c c.. =P

grrrr... no MLB!! >.<


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 22:09

i love sunday, boring show!! >.< haha.. not nice de lor..
ya lor.. dunno y ask so many superstars there, in e end, they're not e zhu jiao lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:23

haha! fully agree, s'pore cant produce nice variety shows! SERIOUSLY, since the first variety show features superstars - SuperFunkies till todae's i luv sunday, non of them are interesting. bt ii like abit of music in the air. haha!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 22:26

they are just there to be the judges for the cooking thingy. So boring.
Ya, I oso feel that mediacorp always dun have their own ideas to come up with new variety shows, only know how to copy-cat from either Hongkong, Taiwan or Japan. Haiz, 实在失败!没有新鲜感。


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:28

music in the air was good, at least the stars were there for a purpose and everyone got to participate. and they dont revolve entirely around superstars either, got overseas artistes also...

i love sunday is really =.= lorhx...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:33

ssssssssssssh. haha. duno leh. don't dare to try new things ba? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:40

i think the show is more copied from Taiwan


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 22:46

Dare not try new things then how to improve? Mediacorp should has the spirit that MLB has, always willing to try new stuffs if chances are there. That's why MLB Power-Lah...
Mediacorp can never be Power without MLB's type of spirits, haiz! :-(


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:48

qing qing
hahas. hao de. but mayb ard late afternoon or evening then i post. cuz after sch i mite b hanging out with frens.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:50

uncle phil
yea, agree with u (: hahas. they should hav the spirit of MLB! try new tings when given the chance to do so.

& btw, hellos uncle phil


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:51

haha, taiwan's variety show still my first choice.

ii realised ii tok alot on the blog todae! haha. mayb cos ii 失声 [lost my voice] todae bahz! haha. seriously lor, never had this experience before, when ii tok, totally no voice!!! ii hope my voice come back to me tmr! cos ii gt interview session tmr. haha.

anyone here same as me, lost their voice due to the shouting session during MLB's event on sat?? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:53

lols. me is lyk no voice lidat at s.h.e de.

btw, good luck for ur interview tml & take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 22:56

-.-! suan le ba...don't watch again le ba. haha. Of cos except for the episode that has milubing - which is highly likely not next week...haha.


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 23:00

haha.. mi is last sun go, den shout shout, mon got abit sore throat.. haha.. dunno is it due to shouting for MLB or "fighting" w shan.. haha.. =D
ya ya, good luck.. add milo kk.. =P

ya la, s'pore variety show most of e time copy other countries de lor! =.=
think those variety shows getting more n more jia lat.. =x


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 23:02

quizzy, I never blame you, dun mistaken ok? You are doing your part out of goodwill, we should appreciate, after all this was just small matter. Cheer-up ok? :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:04

haha, thx! if u did shout and scream on both sat and todae for mlb and S.H.E, ii SALUTE u mann. haha. u take good care of ur voice too. nice chatting with u todae. =]

qing qing,
haha, thx! ii will hav a cup of milo before ii go for my interview. =p no choice if ii still having sore throat, cos I LUV MILO!!! haha, u take care too.

got to go to bed, nice chatting here with ya guys, have a good day tmr!!!

Lovez. =]


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 23:10

haha.. mus take care too kk.. drink more water.. haha.. dun drink too much milo.. keke.. u drink plain water.. milo, i help u drink.. wahaha.. kk.. go slp ba.. nite nite.. =D

yes yes, it's ok.. nvm.. not ur fault.. =) no sorry no sorry.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 29 July, 2007 23:13

quizzy n shan
rmb this coming sun kk.. =D
050807.. wahaha.. hope our letters get read out.. =D
now i rmb, but dunno on tat day will rmb not lei.. =X

aiyo, i v bored n sian lei.. =D tired, but dun feel like slping.. haiz.. *yawnz*


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:17

lols. y salute meifi screaming for both MLB & s.h.e oh? hahas.
its nice chatting with u too (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:24

haha. no worries...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:26

jiayou for ur interview tmr


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 July, 2007 23:33

shihui, good luck to you in your interview tml. Jia-you


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:36

hi uncle phil
how ar u ?????


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:47

just finish eating my supper
going to sleep soon
gd nitez to Sam,weiqi & nic kor
and Mibians

sweet dreams !!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:54

qingqing: wa u eat so less only? hen ke lian leh. alamak!lost ur voice still eat peanut butter oh. so heaty! hehs. good night eh?

shihui: hope you still remember me. haha. good luck for your interview tml!

I din lost my voice but it's abit sa-sa de. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2007 23:59

MLBians, tomorrow will be monday again.. school and work resumes.. HAIYO~ boring~ :( when will be the next MLB event..

and for i love sunday programme, i dun think they will be appearing next week bah.. they didnt show them on the yu gao.. hope will be very soon.. we're all missing them already.. aren't we? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:07

whey: ya lor. missing them loads. sigh. i wan events events! dun really like the i love sunday. after the show i'm still having MONDAY BLUE~~

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