
"不知不觉已过了一年.." from a Supporter's
milubing | 27 July, 2007 13:25

I was reading thru my mails from all of you in the past year. =) Even though its re-reading, i'll still be able to either learn something i don't know or forgot bout this writer, or maybe find out something bout myself from an onlooker's point of view. Most of the lot are very generous encouragements, some are personal stories to share, a little bit of positive nagging. Whatever the case, thank u for these letters and cards. They are a great form of 'JIA YOU' to us and i enjoy reading them although there are no replies..

No, i'm not feeling EMO. Just felt really thankful and blessed.

- Sam Wong

Statment of the day : Be positive!


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Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:08

hello mlbians..was wondering if anyone will be interested in a mlbian gathering if there's one on 5 aug 2007? it will be a gathering for the fans to get to noe each other better and to celebrate the one year anniversary of milubing being crowned the champion of superband.. ^_^ also, to help us fill up the yes933 voting coupons if possible.. :)

let's say if this is too short of a notice and you cant make it, will u turn up if there are such mlbian gatherings in future? let me reiterate that the gathering is only for the mlbians and milubing will not turn up yea.. :)

yup..so do tag and let us know what's your view on this k..thank you! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:11

gd luck wor~~

I ate macs with my bestie le and my dad brought again. diao. so i ate fries 2 times le. lol! better than my bestie - ate double cheese 2 times. haha.

yes yes we're missing them already. even that little taggy board at http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com miss them too. Especially weiqi - didn't tag there for some time le wor~ haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:12

yuanping, K BOX? haha. 5 Aug - duno yet leh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:19

5 aug i also not sure eh. but probably cannot cos my project dueing. i got 5 projects T.T but if i can make it i sure will go one. (:

quizzy: wa quizzy. kbox seh. mlbians got how many ppl you know? HAHAH.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 00:20

yuanping, I will attend if there's one (even w/o MLB), but will be better if MLB is there.
btw, did you gals receive my particulars? Are there many MLBians ordering the MLB tee?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:21

yammy : haha.. the episode with MLB will definately kill monday blue eh..

MLB shall be our encouragement! =x heehee :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:24

yuanping: ya. if don't have MLB i also will go. haha.

whey: YEAH. absolutely! MLB是我们的推动力!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:26

haha..quizzy, we were tinking of kbox too! but later cfm nobody sing de..cos all paiseh..heh heh.. :P

uncle phil, yup we recv ur mail alr.. :) n thr are not mani orders for e mlb tee yet..i wld say less than 10? yup..thx for ya support! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:27

yammy, thx for ya support too! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:28

if nobody sing, yuanping sing larhx. . hahaha... [i know she's going to kill me after seeing this. lols!]i miss the kbox klunch leh.haha...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 00:30

In fact 5th Aug is a very important date for the MLB Family. But to be frank, an important date likes this is meaningless celebrating without MLB.
Other dates for MLBians to gather & know each others or discuss matters regarding MLB (eg. making banner / signboards) should be good.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:33

yuanping: that day some of us (9 MLBians) mass msn conferencing ma then we say wan go kbox then actuallu wanted to ask u all in-charges de. then you say yall thinking of kbox too. so coincidence la! 心有灵犀! aiyo. alamak no need paiseh de ma. i love to sing very much@ hahaha

meikian: alamak meikian you also must sing de. heard you sang a few times, it was nice (: seriously.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:34

if we can, definitely we'll get MLB to be involved in this as well. However, it's kind of a short notice, and if we were to organise a gathering with MLB in just one week, it's kind of hard ya? and also need permission from Warner, MLB themselves, that kind of thing. so its abit mafan lohs. yupps...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:34

yam, i hai hao. haha.

Yeah I guess I shud be able to go~

tai hao le~ my friend got a lot long hu bang coupons to spare. wee~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:36

haha... i suggested kbox too.but duno leh, wait everyone dun wan to sing how? haha...
aiyo, dun lidat leh. i'll paiseh de. hahaha...

btw,we're not suggesting this as the 'in-charges' or whatever. jus hope to have some mlbian gathering or smth to bond our family. :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 00:37

I love to go kbox too. no need to sing solo mah, can sing as a whole group mah. It will be better when MLB's MVs are out.
Anyway, as I said I will attend all events/gatherings with MLB Family (Unless last minute got important or urgent things cope up).


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:41

meikian! u gd! but sorry lor..i cannot sing..i noe meikian can sing..so we will get her to entertain us k.. :D

uncle phil, of cos we wld love to hv mlb w us..but e thing is e gathering is too short notice le..n yes we hv to go thru warner for any engagement, which mite take some time..n time is abit short on our side..anyway, we are organising tis to bond e family..not bcos we are e in charge yea.. :)

yammy, is it..haha..xing you ling xi wor..u can sing w meikian if e gathering materialises.. :) hehe..

quizzy, great! thx fr asking for e coupons wor.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:43

u also good lorh. =.= everyone sing together lah! we da he chang... sing their competition songs... haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:43

meikian: yea bonding! haha. okok don't make you paiseh liao haha

UNclePhil: yeap. right now the mvs are not out yet (in kbox).


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 00:45

ya meikian, I oso know that it is not easy to get MLB involve (especially they have contract with Warner), but I felt that this date is really super important for MLB Family. In fact Warner should plans somethings for the 3 milo bois.
Anyway, you gals decide and once it is confirm, please let me know. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:51

meikian, duno who ask me to sing jus now lor.. >.< lalalala..ok lor..u sing, i sing.. :P hahaha.. k la i go do my stuff liao..bleahz..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 00:53

meikian & yuanping, dun worry we are not pushing everythings to you gals (in-charges). Fyi, I am one of the committee for a FC before. So you can rest assure that I know about all this procedures. In fact I did mentioned in my previous tag that, I shall try my best to help you gals out provided you all dun feel that I am a busybody (cos I am not an in-charge).
Sorry if I have said anything not pleasant to hear. Thanks for this gathering thingy to bond the family. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 00:55

uncle phil,
no problem :) thanks for ur suggestions too! it's a great help really. at least we know that there're mlbians who're willing to participate if there're such gatherings. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 01:01

u sing, i sing...and ended up we listen to mlb sing? weeeeeeeeee~ haha :P

joking joking :P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 01:08

Its Monday, and its Monday Blues again. No more MLB events to look forwards. Haiz... but life still got to move on.
good nitez MLB Family, have a great week ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 01:26

this week will be 'enjoyable' indeed cos test starting on Thursday. haha. Next week will be really enjoyable yeah~ u have enjoy your week too.

Milubing and MLBians - enjoy ur week too~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 08:40

wee~~ zao an ni hao. Peg and meikian smsed me in the morning, informing that the latest issue of I-weekly which launches today has 3 pages of Milubing's article wor~ haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 09:47

wooh~ I'm still early ba, and everyone is either busy at work or haven't wake up? haha jia you~

I also a bit sian leh. But still feeling happy wor. wee~~ haha. I miss nic sam and weiqi already la~ But now listening to Milubing's songs while researching. So shuan~ wee~~ =P!

Nic sam and Weiqi could be busying with other commitments now? I don't know, but wherever you are, whatever you are doing, jia you yor~~ =D!


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 10:29

to qing:
plz lor .. i where got fight wif u .. is u fight wif mi lor .. summore e J8 autograph tt day i sick leh, u still bully mi ..

to yuanping:
yeah !! gathering !! aiyo, 5th aug ar .. next day i haf test leh ..

to quizzy:
ok, i try my best to rmb to remind u to listen to 933 on 5th aug .. btw, it's wat time ar ?? haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 10:32

~.~ on Sunday I think is duno-8pm-or-8.30pm to 10pm...


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 10:41

to quizzy:
ooo .. okok ..


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 10:44


haha.. today v v gd mood.. haha.. NO SCH!! lol..

YES YES!! i wan!! haha.. no MLB i oso wan.. haha.. i everything oso wan.. =D but if it's on 5 aug, dunno can or not lei.. rushing projs den still hav presentations.. =(

i so gd to u, where got bully u lor.. u sure it's mi meh.. haha..

HUH!! so early ar.. i tot everyday de start at 2100 lor.. haha..

ya lor.. i v ke lian de.. wahaha.. u didnt buy food for mi.. haha..
think MLBians think alike is it huh? lol.. all thinking of gg kbox.. haha..

if go kbox, i dun think i'll sing lor.. i v paiseh de.. *blush* haha.. shan can sing la!! haha.. yuanping oso can.. haha.. heard u 2 sing at e j8 de.. keke..


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 10:52

to qing:
u gd to mi ?!? as if .. haha .. eh eh, dun sabo mi ok .. i shy de .. haha .. lata i sia suay myself, i dun wan ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 10:54


qing: i treat you eat yamrolls. LOLS. kbox fun ma! but now still dun have MLB MVs. many ppl like paiseh hor. lols. eh you good la. no school. my lessons so late. ROARS.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 10:55

shan: i wan hear you sing! and yuanping also. won't sia suay la. alamak.


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 11:02

shan: of cos i gd to u!! haha.. tat day u already sing i think so sad to mi lor.. haha.. n many many songs lor.. wahaha.. wun sia suay de la.. if sia suay, atmost i laugh at u only ma.. wahaha.. no no.. i not so bad.. keke..

yammy: haha.. kk.. later u send to mi.. i open my mail box c hav or not.. wahaha.. =D
YES man! no sch today.. haha.. ya lor, ur lesson start v late.. lol..


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 11:09

to yammy:
bu yao la .. i shy .. haha .. eh eh, treat qing yamroll nv treat mi .. i angry liao .. haha .. but i wan yampaste (or ni) instead .. haha ..

to qing:
u gd to mi ?! *vomit* .. haha .. wah lao, laugh at mi .. u gd lor .. eh eh , y no sch today .. lata im going back to tp leh .. im going back n u haf no sch, dun wan to c mi isit ..


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 11:15

or ni nice man.. YEEE!! lol.. wa lao, u wan c mi is it? lol.. wan c mi say ma.. if wan, i send u my pic la.. wahaha.. den u dun needa miss mi everyday!! haha..
today all lectures only ma.. den all teach finish liao.. haha.. si shuang!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 11:23

those who wish to be updated of future mlb news n events, do keep your emails coming in @ milubing.fc@gmail.com yah? and also those who want the tshirts, keep the emails coming in! we'll only order the tees if there're more people who want it... now there're only about less than 10? yupps! :D


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 11:27

to qing:
or ni of coz nice la .. oh plz, no .. i dun wan ur pic .. lata i haf nightmare .. haha .. kidding .. shuang la, today no sch .. lata i haf to go back sch for debrief of e subj n e major proj thingy ..

to meikian:
did u recieved my mail??


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 11:33

to shan: YEAP. i totally love or nee. it's damn nice la aiyoo.. now i hungry le. i treat qing cos she that time whole day nv eat wor. haha okok i treat both of u hahaha.

to qing: you also like yam paste wor? hehe but this one difficult to make wor. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 11:41

shan: eh eh.. i so gd giv u my pic u dun wan.. wahaha.. u dun regret kk.. later keep thinking of mi.. haha.. aiyo, proj agn! lol.. waseh.. major proj sia.. haha.. u last yr liao rite. haiz.. i yr 2 only, e no. of projs n reports, can die man.. lol
eh, yammy treat mi cos i v gd to her ma.. wahaha.. =D

yammy: wahaha.. i dun like or nee!! lol.. but yam ice-cream quite nice.. haha.. =)


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 11:51

to yammy:
YEAH !! or nee is nice .. my mum can cook nice or nee .. yum yum .. hehe ..

to qing:
dun worry .. i wun regret de .. haha .. ya, major proj .. i last yr liao ma .. aiyo, u sure u gd to yammy ma .. *thking*


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 11:55

to shan: too bad qing doesn't like yam paste eh? haha. i can cook or nee! haha

to qing: both of you very nice to me la haha. yam ice cream is purple one right? or nee and yam ice cream almost same ma, one cold one hot? lalala~!


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 12:02

to yammy:
yar .. nvm la .. we shall eat e or nee together n leave qing alone .. whahaha ..


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 12:09

shan: yammy oso say liao, i gd to her.. wahaha.. but u gd to her meh? lol..

yammy: wahaha.. if shan not gd to u, nvm de, can say de.. wahaha.. ya ya, yam ice-cream is e purple de.. haha.. last time i eat swensen de, YUMMY!! haha.. v nice ma.. wahaha..
dun wan tok bout food liao.. haha.. i v hungry!! =(
wahaha.. i haven even brush my teeth.. keke..


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 12:12

to qing:
of coz im gd to yammy la .. dun u try to tiao bo li jian ok .. aiyo, u haven brush ur teeth ar .. no wonder there's one funny smell here .. haha ..


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 12:16

shan: wahaha.. toking of tiao bo li jian rite, remind mi of NIC!! haha.. think i abit influence by him liao lor.. haha.. i keep thinking is gao bo li jian.. lol.. eh eh, wat funny smell huh!!! >.< v nice de kk.. haha.. last nite i got brush my teeth de kk.. haha
U!!! wanna leave mi out!! >.< i box u ar!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 12:20


hey now I in sch.. hahax..
I have some I weekly coupons..
Later tonight mass conv again...


Blogger PeiShan | 30 July, 2007 12:39

to qing:
haha .. gao bo li qian .. told my sis abt it n she laugh lor .. (oppsy, sorry nic .. hee) really haf one funny smell ma .. u dun stink tis place leh .. haha .. kidding .. i gtg le la .. gotta haf my lunch then go back tp liao .. buai .. dun miss mi ok .. hahaha .. =P


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 13:11

shan: wahaha.. ya lor.. v funny man.. haha.. sorry ar nic.. =D
eh, now dun hav liao rite? haha.. i brush my teeth liao kk!! wahaha.. i oso gotta go down buy breakfast liao.. haha.. bye bye.. wun miss u de.. dun worry!! wan miss oso miss MLB!! haha.. but i really missing them lei.. lol.. BYE!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 13:18

to shan: psps jus now do project forget refresh page. haha. yyaya we eat tgt let her see us eat LOLS. we very mean. haha we will miss you de. haha. don't shy. haha.

to qing: omg qing qing u still havent brush teeth? hahaah. *flies flying.. * jkk la. haha. yaya the gao bo li jian. so lol la. alamak. he say so loud somemore. haha.

to pekchoo: i;m going to school now. haha. i also getting the coupons from my friends. hehs. yea sure (: what time eh? I try to make it yea.

hope everyone enjoyed their lunch! i'm off to school. (: take care everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 13:18

qing qing,
haha, my voice still haven recover yet. too heaty liao. haha! really cannot drink too much milo. lolxx. and sunday's xuan ge ji yi starting at 8pm. u all dedicated song for mlb?! den we must listen den. heez. btw, we met each other before?!

ii salute u cos u can scream and shout for both continuous day. haha! both are my idols mahz. =]

lorita, uncle phil,
thx for ur encouragement, take care! =]

thx for ur encouragement but sorry gurl, ii cant recall who u are, are u qianhui's fren who asked my name on BPP's event?

yuanping, meikian,
hey gurls, tt will be great if everyone agrees to attend the mlbians gathering. its really a good bonding session for all of us here. oso wish to see many of u who chatted with me yet ii dont recognise. yup. and oso the most important thing, I-WEEKLY COUPONS!! we really need help from all the mlbians. pleas keep us updated! =]

okie, gurls, ii love to go k-box too, and one thing ii want to share, the last time ii went k-box was 30th july 2006, one year ago from todae. still remember this date?! it was our 1st MLB Family Gathering day at toa payoh! haha! and tt day was my first time met MLB in person! how time flies~~
if no one sing, ii shall volunteer myself, bt please make sure my voice recover by then. haha!

btw, if anyone of u read MLB's article on the latest i-weekly, u mus hav read bout weiqi dun go KTV yea?! haha! so no point we jio him liao. lolxx. nic and sam enough. kekeke...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 13:26

qing qing,
huh?! breakfast?? wad time liao?! hahah!


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 13:34

shihui: wahaha.. i read e article liao!! lol.. they 3 v v thin man!! lol..
heehee.. cos haven eat anything yet ma.. den 1st meal of e day, so breakfast lor.. haha..
YES!! we dian ge for MLB n MLBians!! haha.. mus listen!! keke.. but dunno will get read out not lei.. =(
erm.. think we nv meet b4 ba?

yammy: wahaha.. last nite i got brush teeth de kk!! lol.. ya lor, e gao bo li jian.. wahaha!! =D

sam, weiqi n nic: eh!! can eat more not huh!! lol.. later bei feng blow away! lol..

sam: waseh!! u really steady man!! lol.. ppl got into ur room u oso noe!! lol.. i oso dun like ppl sit on my bed!! >.< later dirty my bed!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 13:53

qing qing,
YUP! they are super skinny, their weight lighter den me sia! WAHSEH! sad laa, gotta go on diet liao laa, so fat now. hahaha~!!! u shld say u goin to eat brunch, meaning of breakfast + lunch. haha! hmm, sure will read out de laa, we will listen de, thx! we nv see each other before arh, nvm ii shall see you soon. haha! go enjoy ur BRUNCH. =]


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 13:55

shihui: mus drink more PLAIN water kk.. haha..

weiqi: lol.. u ok ma? lol.. dun tok to urself kk.. wahaha..

nic: u oso steady man!! lol.. late le still ask weiqi n sam buy things for u.. haha..

sam: haha.. u like zhu ba jie a lot ar?! lol..


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 13:57

shihui: haha.. ya ya.. eating my brunch now!! wahaha.. =D i dunno i heavier than them not lei.. lol.. dun dare to weigh!! lol.. yes yes!! we'll meet soon de.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 14:06



Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 30 July, 2007 14:11

mlb's album back to number 1 again on Sembawang music centre chart this week...

Source: http://www.sembawangmusic.com/

*threw champagne in the air*


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 14:15

MLB *Stands at attention and SALUTES* all Mlbians who made it possible for Lei to hit no.9 Amazing team work from the warm and cosy MLB family! Sometimes u guys/gals dunno how much it means to us when we receive such news. Our facial expressions always - LOST. Lost for words. But super thankful to our homies here at the blog, and to those who peep here and silently support too! It's a great encouragement to us. Dunno if anyone noticed tat my facial expression was a bit awkward during last sat..gotta confess tat i'm upset that it's the last auto-session, so it affected me. But yesterday the 3 of us met up in the afternoon to just CHILL..needed some stress relief! Dun want to always meet up to work, need to spend time to play too! Same goes to u all,mus remember to unwind! I think there's a miscom bout the i love sunday cos of my tag,i also tot it's yest's episode,but am wrong haha. Paiseh ya? will update u all again. heh heh,I'm gonna buy I weekly now,thx to Peg for informing! So now that auto sessions are over, wat's nxt??? Hmmm...guess that's the question on everyone's mind. So hope this piece of info helps: There'll be another outdoor event nxt month! *hint hint* (why WQ always hint but dun specify?) cos not all the dates and events on our schedules are confirmed and are usually TBC. So i dun wanna give wrong info :( Ok,take care peeps! I'll continue working on my secret project(s) for MLBians.. may today be full of smiles! Love this family!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 14:20

Talking about i-weekly really make me fed-up? How come they can have a 3pages interview with MLB but they cannot place MLB's Pic as front cover?
I remember someone ever mentioned that they worry the magazines don't sell well if they feature artistes that are not very famous. But I don't believe it cannot sell well. If Campus Superstars (1st season), Project Superstars (1st & 2nd seasons) they also dare to do it, then why not for Superband?
Have been waiting patiently and hoping that they will feature MLB,m once their album are released, but till now already 3 weeks still cannot see MLB appear in the magazine's front page!
Wondering any MLBian agree with me that we should write in to i-weekly, U-weekly, Lime, Teens & Teenage to complain? If agree, maybe we can get all MLBians attending the gathering to sign.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 14:31

can arh uncle phil; but relac la - u sound rather angry. Chill chill~ haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 14:36

oh ya weiqi, don't worry today is full of smiles. haha. Next month wor~~ cos many MLBians who r in poly will be having exams wor. My last paper on next Tuesday. haha. we love milubing too~~

Milubing de album jump from number 2 back to number 1 again on Sembawang music centre leh~~ happy ma? haha. *threw champagne or milo peng in the air*


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 14:37

Hi weiqi, thanks for sharing with us youror rather MLB's feelings. I am always touch by your comments, I also don't know why? But am very sure that I / we have never support a wrong band.
Ya, agree with you that everyone of us are waiting for the next event. Ok, you let us know once the date & time for events are confirmed. As of now, at least we know that we shall be meeting / seeing MLB Live again. Yeah...
MLB, so glad that you 3 bros meet up just for fun and not work for once. Do enjoy yourselves & not forgetting to spend times with family & love ones. Also must drink lots of water & have ample rest. MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 14:37

WEIQI!! wahaha.. u're here!! lol.. it's ok la.. yeah!! peg sms mi oso.. wahaha.. but i still slping.. keke.. relax!! tat's gd!! yeah, cannot always work, mus relax ma.. =D yeah, nxt mth still can c MLB agn? wahaha.. hope i can go.. =D

uncle phil: YES!! i oso agree.. qi si ren lor!! y no MLB as cover!! >.<


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 14:42

Hi quizzy, thanks for sharing the good news. Very Happy that MLB album shoot back to TOP at Sembawang Music Best Seller Chart.
3 cheers to MLB,
3 cheers to MLBians,
Hip Hip Hurray, Hip Hip Hurray, Hip Hip Hurray.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 14:58

Considering their shi xiong Ocean ou de yang - used to be best selling singer - is only number 3 this week (yes he's back with his new album too), Milubing can be back to number 1 de hua is consider as very good le leh~~

But cannot slack...if got enough $...jia you wor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 15:02

^.^ looks like Play Music (the company under warner...so to be exact milubing shud be under Play music but we know both companies merge le mahz) can produces a lot of best selling singers huh. Cool cool! SUPPORT LOCAL TALENT~~ SUPPORT MILUBING~~ weeeeeeeeeeeee~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 15:09

Ya, if got enough $ can jia-you and buy more.
But to be frank, this is the 1st times I bought so many copies of albums from a same released. All albums already given out to my frens & colleagues except I keep 2 copies for myself.
In fact, already quite broke liao, then still thinking that when gai ban is out will have to start buying again. I will definitely buy more if I have extra money. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 15:31

the latest news of Iweekly(pg14)
that MLB will attend the yes933 award stree rock concert with sun yanyi....thats all i know la....

thanks for ur tag....i'm so shocked tt lei is no.9
i think lei will get 16 to 10 but is like 9 lol


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 15:32

Hi Fellow MLBians,
its a new week, and its to vote for Lei again:

1) Send out all your voting coupons by tml (Tuesday)

2) SMS to 72346: POTP933(space)Lei

3) Call 1900 912 0933 then key your phone number then select 1 and follow by 9#

Lets stay UNITED once again and "Chiong" ba. Have confident that with the efforts of all MLBians, Lei shall be at TOP SPOT in no time. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 15:39

为"金曲奖造势",933特地在8月25日星期六7时于Milennium Walk举行"街头爆唱会", 表演艺人有小天后孙燕姿,迷路兵绝对"superstar2"的陈世维和陈迪雅。

- this is prob what weiqi is hinting, right hor? ;p


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 15:50

waseh!! u all so li hai man.. haha.. i only read those pages on MLB nia.. haha.. e rest i dun read de.. keke.. anw, i read liao.. haha.. it's on 250807!! >.< confirm guarantee + chopped cannot go de lor.. i having exams!! ARGHHH!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 15:56

mr chan, yes we realise u look sad on sat..we are sad too..no more auto sessions to look forward to..but thr's 25 aug(u are hinting abt tis rite? :P) to look forward to..tho it's like a mth away..bleahz..

ooh n mlbians rock! thank u everyone who helped us fill up e coupons n those who send in e coupons..everyone made tis possible.. :) but we still got a long way to go..no 1 tis wk k..hehe..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 16:00

Lei is on Yes933 now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:05

hi yuanping
how ar u ????


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:30

Hi MLB and MLBians..looks like more n more people came home ya!. Some of the names were off so long - i.e Pinkie, Jodie, Min..and so on. Like old days...

However I find myself further and further away as I feel v diconnected now. Missed all the activities. Not able to play a part and stand w you guyz in all the things u do for MLB.

K... I shall stand aside and cheers!

#9 place is very heart warming. I am sure it can go and hope to see MLB in 1st place in 933.3 long hu bang.

No.. I cannot connect to radio here. I tried online but was bad. I can only listen to the CD, my source for relaxing. Imagine listening MLB and looking out at the blue, blue sea...nothing in view but some islands very far away. Warm wind blowing, water rippled, coconut trees rustling in the breeze, fishes swimming, so hot with the sun..stayed in shade and dare not go out in the sun n swim..with a COOL COOL coconut, sunglass and laze around..head nodding to MLB's music... yes! TT was wat I did ytd.

Imagine I cannot play a part in putting MLB on the chart, nor shout for them at the show or shake their hands at autograph sessions..and make MLB remembers there is a ttww...I am fading into the background!

Sigh!.....so happy to see all the postings...is there a chance to see 2000 postings again?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:36

hi ttww ayi
how ar u????


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:36

haha, all focused only on MLB's article bt not the small article on pg.14. haha! YEAH!! event event coming!! =]

yup, agree with uncle phil. seriously they should feature MLB on cover page lor, will be damn shuai de! den will attract more attention to the public, can oso 提高他们的知名度!haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:40

weiqi says he love this family, ii oso want to shout, although ii dun hav voice to shout -<<

Love Weiqi!
Love Nic!
Love Sam!



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:45

how's ur interview ????
i'm starting work soon
hope everything go well

jia you ! i support u man


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:45

Hi Lorita..thank you for saying 'hi'. I am fine.. just a bit disconnected at the moment. You all stay SUPER TOP FORM...in supporting MLB..

Uncle Phil
lk (mango?)

wa..miss u guyz!

I got to go!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 16:50

see u ttww ayi....
miss u too!!!!!


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 16:54

shihui: ya ya, how's e interview? ok?
haha.. ya lor.. i only focus on e pages w MLB!! wahaha.. hav time den read e other news.. wahaha...

ttww ahyi: AHHHH!!! u're here! long time no c u here liao.. nvm, our heart w MLB can liao.. =)
i miss u too! although i only c u once.. mus take care kk!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:01

lorita, qing qing,
thx for ur concern, ii will be start working soon as and when ii got my working permit. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:03


thanks for informing ;)


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 17:03

shihui: haha.. wat work permit huh? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:04

u work in hotel or ??????


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:06

and hello ttww jie - take care yor~

shihui arh, jia you in ur work arh. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:11

hi quizzy_me
how ar u ????


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:20

qing qing,
ii am a malaysian laa, so gotta apply for working permit to work in s'pore u see. haha.

nope, not hotel. is a montessori kindergarten. as an admin staff. ii am so excited, cos ii can see kids everyday, ii love kids. haha!

thx, and jiayou on ur studies too!! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:21

haha hihi lorita jie. How am I? cool - but very tired ~.~ ...



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:22


WE MISSED YOUU! and of course SAM and NIC! hahas... :D

wahh, ur tag really damn long lorh. pro... hahas.

anywayys, we were quite o.O upon hearing the results too! super ganchiong, hear until no.11 still dun have... then me and shihui still saying tt drop out of the charts. then in the end it went NUMBER 9, then the starting of LEI. wow! really happy for ya guys too... :D we'll work hard to push it up the charts!

and saturday... most people should have realised bah? that's why i told you not to be sad when i went up for my first round... haha. can see u were quite sad lehx... and ur actions when u guys were going to play So Sad. awws. dont be sad lah! it's not the end. we'll see each other again soon! :)

good tt u guys meet up to play too. hehs. must be fun yah? :) enjoy urselves while u can!

the event... 25 august... pengz~ my prelims start on the week aft tt. but definitely i'll be there. dun care le. hahas... [actually it's language papers so dont have to study... haha] yeah! i'm looking forward to that day already... :D

LEI SHALL HIT TOP FIVE THIS WEEK! let's all vote vote vote ok? send out ur coupons by tomorrow! and call! and sms!



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:23

shihui, currently are you staying in Singapore or u r staying in malaysia but u travel to and fro malaysia as and when u need?

if u r staying in malaysia, means whenever milubing got event u will purpose travel to Singapore? OvO!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:27

wow,shihui sound great....

i will send out the coupon tmr

VOTE"Lei" ma


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:33

regarding the MLBians gathering, hope to hear more suggestions and comments from you guys ya? lidat then it'll be able to take place...

also, the new MLBians, and those who duno any of us in person, you're welcome to join us too! it's a great chance for you guys to know more MLBians, then we can perhaps be more united at events etc next time...

do give us ur views on the gathering! :)

and shan, yes we received ur particulars already. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:33

hey people, listening to YES 93.3??
jz now jia hui and cong qing was recalling the long hu bang result, jia hui was saying when she knew the result, they sms-ed them and their reply was "oh! really?! thx for informing!" haha, yuan lai shi jia hui informed them de. haha, den she was mentioning we - mlbianz very hard-core! all 3 events oso attend! whee~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:40

can i join the gathering/event? wanna noe more mlbian


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:43

sure! of course you can join us. all fans of MLB are welcome to join us, to know more MLBians etc thru the gatherings. :)


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 17:44

wahaha.. m i e 500th? haha..

shihui: aiya!! didnt hear 933 jus now.. was listening to MLB songs! =D
oic.. YEEEE!! kids!! I DUN LIKE!!! >.< haha.. to mi la, kids = devils!! wahaha..

-rip-berries: yoyo!! wahaha.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:44

nope i didn't listen. haha.

Yeah like lorita jie I will also be posting the coupons when i come to school tml. HOPE I WON'T FORGET TO PUT STAMP AGAIN (then have to go 7-11 to buy :P)...


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 17:44

meikian!!! i wanna b e 500th!! >.< u faster than mi! GRRR!! haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:46

YUP! ii am currently staying in m'sia and ii travel to and fro as and when ii need. ii used to do tt when ii was studyin in s'pore for 3 years, my house very near to woodlands checkpoint, so ii dun face and problem. =] even for MLB's event!! ii LOVE to do that! haha! ii think ii am the only JB-rian who do tt just to chase idol! lolxx. =p

jiayou on ur work! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:46

AIYA! u never inform me earlier! hahaha... :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:47



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:55

shihui - li hai~ haha xin ku ni lo. My house very near woodlands Checkpoint also - But I'm staying in Marsiling la. In front of Woodlands Secondary school.

Peg said today de U weekly got review on Milubing de album too. haha. *gan jiong*

s**t la - fed up with the intermittent network here. So shall go home after finishing my quiz. bye bye lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 17:56

thx thx :D

qing qing
yo! hahas


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 18:00

meikian: wahaha!! =P

shihui: WASEH!! u v li hai wor.. lol..

think long long time no c more than 500 posts liao ba? haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 18:13

quizzy, qing,

u sent out those coupons ii hand over to you last sat liao mahz?! and REMEMBER to paste stamps on those 4 envelops, and others u have on hand!! REMEMBER!!! and u dun tell me u once forgotten to paste stamps before u throw all the coupons into the letter box?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 18:22

haha, really very long didnt see over 500 posts liao. ii think its bcos all the mlbianz here still very high over everything bahz?! and oso miss them after attending their last auto session.



Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 18:32

shihui: wahaha.. u really steady!! haha.. den everytime u come to s'pore, u needa passed e checkpt ar?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 18:46

wad a good question to ask. wad do u think?! u travel to other country, need to pass the checkpoint?? lolxx.


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 18:52

shihui: LOL!! YES! haha.. not ma fan ar? wa, den e ppl there can recognise u liao wor.. haha.. =P
wun take up alot of time ar?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 19:02

hai hao laa, abit ma fan lor, gotta use passport. the ppl there wont recognise me laa, ii recognise them jiu you. lolxx. if ii travel to east side will take me more time, so it's okie if ii travel to west. central oso very far. ha.


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 19:12

shihui: haha.. den last time when u go sch, wat time u wake up? v early ba? lol.. ya lor!! if u come to east, v v long!! =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 19:24

ii need one hour to travel to my sch, so depends on wad time my class starts! haha! after 2 years of studies, my one year attachment is even worse, at sentosa! ii woke up at 6am everyday. lolxx. tired dao siao, everyday reach home almost 9pm!!


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 19:38

shihui: waseh!! where u study? u really steady man.. haha.. i salute u oso.. haha.. we make this post 600 kk?? haha.. i go hav dinner 1st, tok to u later.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 20:04

WAHSEH! we chat and make the posts reach 600 abit wrong lehz, haha! private conversation. oOopz~ ii am from SHATEC, took diploma in tourism management. heez. watching css now. woots!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 20:15

zijie & shawn is cutee
saw zijie at S.H.E concert. lols.
took pic with him as well (:
also diya too ^^


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 20:28

shihui: haha.. ya lor ya lor.. keke.. oh.. fun ma huh?

-rip-berries: my bro saw diya too!! haha.. his frens took pics w her.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 20:48

qing qing
hahas. diya & zijie both vry frenly :D ur bro no took pic with diya? o.o rare opportunity lehs. hahas


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 20:50

-rip-berries: haha.. no no.. he dun really like her.. as in dun like n dun dun like.. haha.. he only everything SHE.. haha... den his sister, everything MLB!! haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 21:02

qing qing
LOLS! understand understand. hahas. ur bro crazy bout S.H.E & u, as his sis crazy bout MLB! hahas.

me is crazy for both! lols. both reali good lo. hahas.


Blogger qing qing | 30 July, 2007 21:05

-rip-berries: haha.. YES!! acty i quite SHE oso!! haha.. but i like MLB more!!
wahaha.. =P
u christian ar? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 21:13

hey,i'm waiting for JJ to come in Spore.....


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 July, 2007 22:31

Hi ttww, I am very happy to see you tagging. Please be sure that you are not left out. Its only that you are far away from us.
But I am very sure that MLB know that you are with them eventough you are unable to attend their events.
Hope to see you tag more whenever you are free. Most important must take great care of yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2007 23:18

gd nitez guys
sweet dreams


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 July, 2007 00:18

qing qing
hahas. yea, i also LOVE MLB MOOOREEE~ hahas.
nopes, me buddhist.


Blogger qing qing | 01 August, 2007 14:38

aiyo, yesterday didnt tag here.. haha.. yeah yeah, MLB better!! haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 15:28

lols. MLB is the best of the best. hahas.


Blogger qing qing | 01 August, 2007 15:36

YES YES!! MLB is e best of e best!! YEAH!! MLB MLB MLB!!! wahaha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 19:05

LOLS! yea. hahas. MLB forever the best of the best de. hoho.

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