
Nic is tired..
milubing | 30 August, 2007 01:06

i said wrongly...itz not a holiday for me yet...(change topic first).
well...on stage we give all we can give...and when we saw that you guyz stayed though it rained...it was realli touching...looking tru the vids..i realised tat i was more "giving" in the performance that day...guess that was my way of saying "i feel bad that you guyz are under the rain"...this week's gonna be tough...camp shows everyday from thurs onwards including sat n sun..coming hme at 11pm (or later) till nxt monday or tues...oh well..just gota last tru the final last part of the post NDP events n stuffs then it be easier...just hang in there nic...it'll soon be easier to breath.
for now...i'm a machine that has no time for servicing (rest).
Thanks for making our performance worthwhile...by listening to the band...listening to us..tats all that matters rite now...the rain didnt drown the screams.


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Blogger Strat | 30 August, 2007 01:16

Hi nic ,
so poor thing ... gonna jia you ... hang on there ... will see rainbow after the rain ya !! raining on my side too !! I am studing now !!! sad ... tired too !!
jia lots of you !!!! nic ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 01:32

hey nic, nw is August, the yr coming to an end...ya, hang on thre.. v soon u can c the sunshine.. jiayou everyone n smile.. gd nite, sweet dreams


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 August, 2007 01:37

Hi Nic,
Thanks for tagging and updating us of your busy camp schedules.
But you should have use this time to rest instead of posting (though many mlbians will be super happy to see taggibg), just my personal opinion.
Well, please do not feel bad that we were under the rain watching MLB performed during last Saturday Yes933 Street Rock concert.
I can feel that you guys were feeling so bad seeing all of us so wet. I really appreciate your feelings, thanks guys.
Anyway, we shall be meeting very soon for our 4th re-union gathering this coming Sunday/
Fyi, MLB has been highly accepted by the media for producing superb music. Congrats for been nominated with 2 awards for this year SHA. We have bought our tixs already, hopefully MLB will attend the awards presentation and finally win the awards.
I strongly believe MLB will has another 2 nominations (Best New Comer & Best Band/Group), which shall be announced on 3rd Sep.
MLB Jia-You....Jia-you....
We, MLBians are so proud of you guys. We have never supported the wrong band eversince there is MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 01:50

haha nic, long time no 'see'. more 'giving' means? haha paiseh, don't understand.

well, jia you ba! hang in there, don't give up, you can do it! haha.

But what matters most is you take good care alright? huii said you sounded like you are sick the other day. lol! whatever it is, take care! =D

and ya, it's quite fun singing under the rain. hahaha. *not suitable for children*


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 01:50


that's the first thing i wanna say... somehow, i really feel sad that you guys are so stressed with all the performances n stuff. worried for ya guys too, like what i keep telling WQ. please take good care okay?

it's ok that we were under the rain, we enjoyed it! it's shuang to be listening to ya guys, jumping along to the music, while getting wet in the rain. please dont feel bad ya? more of i felt sad about the sound system... but it's ok cuz the other 2 songs were good isnt it? =)

so i was wrong about what i said in the letter huh? looks like u're working as much as WQ... working hard... im trying to work hard too. so yeahhs... perfectionist! JIAYOU OKAY! hang in there, you can make it! GO GO GO! we're all here if you want to rant. hehs. =P


we loved the performance, really.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 01:51

i think nic meant more effort put in bahhs...



Blogger marssh | 30 August, 2007 01:52

though i cudn make it for e performance that nite hope mlb knoes tat all of us will be here to support u guys throughout....be it physically or mentally bahz....yep yep hang in ther....ur efforts have all been worthwhile for we're starting to see results le bahz....=)

jiayous mlb regardless of wat u guys are doing give it ur best n have no regrets bahz....=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 02:31


us jumping and singing along in the rain that day... our way of saying 'we appreciate the effort you guys put in on stage'...

because we knew you guys gave ur best on stage, is the reason why we stayed thru despite the rain getting heavier by the minute. u guys put in so much effort, spent so much time n such. the least we could do was to stay thru, listen and enjoy the music, the very best effort u guys put in.

so... yeahs. really dont feel bad lah kay? tt was really the least we cld do... small as compared to what you guys have put in...

JIAYOU for what's coming up in the week... i'll be jiayou-ing too, my prelim papers begin tomorrow. i wont let you down, i hope... rest when u've got the time to. like what ur bro always say, relax is always necessary.

dont tire urself out, really. being unable to cope w stuff w be one bad thing, but it'll be another bad thing if you fall sick. take great care!

and SMILE despite all these... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 03:41

shi ying on Yes933...just now~~=D

so yeah, all don't worry too much ba. have fun busy-ing~~ LOL, I think I sounded sarcastic, but really, hope you guys enjoy yourself, then you won't be too overwhelmed by the stresses =)...o_o although I'm still learning...keke =D. Hope no one will be like me, fallen into depression mode a few times during the school term...thats why I say I'm learning...haha


and I guess all of us would hope nic sam and weiqi would have fun performing on stage too. 你快乐所以我快乐,get it? haha. as for the stupid sound system...hmm...don't worry so much ba, thats all I can think of. haha =x...

have a good rest ba =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 08:34

Nic Kor
How ar u ????
i knoe how u feel now....
pls take care of urself!& c u on sun....


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 08:39

Morning to MLB & Mibians
how ar u guys????
i'm having breakfast in the office
and tagging too.....

FOR Most of Mibians are having O & A lvl prelims....All the best!!!!Support u guys man....dun stress yourselves,k?if stress listen to our dear MLB songs(tt help alot)

have a pleasent day!
Tmr is FRIDAY(wow,tts mean my off day is nearer to c MLB but i still need to work on sat as half day)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 08:59

yes Lorita....tmr is Friday!! Nowadays, I live for the weekends, where I can go for my pop piano lessons. =)

How do the other mlbians spend the weekends, besides events with mlb???



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 09:01

gd morning~

nic, jia you! despite of d bz schedule, do take rest whenever u can! take care~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 11:20

hello peepz ..

aiyo, u really v bz hur .. jia you k .. juz rmb, no matter wat, we will always b there for u guys .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 12:00


jiayou! abit tough when it comes to balancing NS, family, friends, work, etc.. BUT, i know u can do it! *cheers* =D

When i saw u guys on stage that sat, the rain was almost invisible lah. Haha.. jiayou brothers.. u guys make our day! =D



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 13:06

Hi MLB...

Greetings from the Land of Coco Demeur. It has bn a while since I last showed up here. I am so glad to learn that MLB have bn nominated for awards - wish you all the best.

Not able to tag as much as I like as the connection here is very 'snail' pace. However I am with you guys.

NIC... take care of your voice. WQ n SAM... take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 13:16

diao, it was raining heavily with thunderstorms *boooooooooooooooooooooooooooomb* just now. 害我cannot sleep. haha.

how do we usually spend our weekends? saturday go jogging, sunday slack. haha.

nic sam and weiqi jia you jia you! MLBians jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 13:32

rest more & rest well kays? o.o we MLBians will 心痛 if u fall sick due to too much works to do ): muz take care of ur own body (: & singing, watching ur performance on stage while its raining is all worth it de :D hahas, dun nid to feel sad at all :D infact, we enjoyed it alot :D

yea yea! got thunder then i was doin my work then it kaboom i shock dao lo. then i go throw my pen >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 14:14

hi pf
normally,i spent weekends wif my family at night.....for sat,go out wif frends lol....
next week sun going to JJ party2


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 14:37

haha =D.

just added a primary+secondary school friend, whom I've not seen for some time, in friendster. Then her first testimonial for me is "I LOVE MILUBING ALSO". haha. cool. cos frankly speaking, among my school friends hor, very hard to find people with the same 'interest' as me - MILUBING! hehe =D. Don't know about the 'taste' of my secondary school friends now la, but most of my RP friends are either "ang mo pai" or more for J-pop or K-pop de. haha. maybe got hard-core MLBian too la, just that i duno. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 14:59

oh ya, just saw the army open house ad, so was wondering if nic is busying with that as well? haha in any case, jia you ya? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 15:39


It seemed that you're really tired. I can't make you feel better or anything but i can give you strength with some encouragements. LOL.

Hold on for a bit longer, ya? Before you know it, everything will be alright soon.

Jiayou! Jiayou! Jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 15:44

Nic,it's ok that we are under the rain...........because e 3 of u r our superband!!!Mi Lu Bing!!!!Do take good care of yrself Nic!!!!Must find time to rest too!!!Jia you!!!!u can do it de!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 16:55

ehh, for the first time ever, i forgot to nag you for still being up at such a late hour! haha... =P

had my first 2 papers today. didnt go well as i expected... but wont give up becos of that...

JIAYOU nic! takecare! dont make us worry for ya guys ah~ if not... 我真的会打你... hahas. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 20:07

jiayou for ur papers yea? good luck :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 20:42

jia you for ur prelims


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 20:44

迷路兵, 加油! 加油! 加油! :DD
take care! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 20:52

we will alwaes be there for ya!
you can make it mann!!
=] jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 21:34

NIC KOr,加油! 加油! 加油!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 22:12

yes nic, hang in there!!
juz like how u did during the superband journey..
jia you!!! =D


Blogger Pek Choo | 30 August, 2007 22:12


Finally you are here... Last week performance although it was raining heavy, we were still enjoying you guyz performing the show..
Jiayou orh~
See you guyz on this coming Sun..
Take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 22:42

helloo =)

few days didnt tag, feel abit weird tagging.. kinda uncomfortable.. =X

anw, nic, pls take gd care ok.. we will b here supporting u, giving u li liang.. rest more when u hav time.. this sun gathering, hope to c a nic full of energy.. =) drink more water oso.. ao guo e post NDP events jiu can le.. YES, NIC JIAYOU!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 22:47

*cough cough* don't fall sick~~~! Take care =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 30 August, 2007 23:21

Hi Quizzy,
Are you ok? Or are you sick?
Please take care, gathering is ver near le.

To All MLBians who are sitting for your exams. All the Best to you and Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 23:41

thanks uncle phil, my nose running marathon and i coughing le. but not too serious yet haha.

ya understand that many of ya having prelims le. jia you wor~~! hehe =D

*sniff sniff*


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 23:44

quizzy: take care orh.. if not i'll xin tong de.. =/

yeah, all having prelims n exams, jiayou!! dun slp too late.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 00:03

Nic,still no holiday for u?
Never mind lor..must be strong okay!Jiayou hor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 00:10

加油!加油!加油!你行的!Pslam 23:4 (((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 00:38

NIC.. Finally seeing u blog le ..
Hope u dun be soo stress up alright~

U guyz no need to feel bad abt us being in the rain la, it's juz our way of showing u guyz we really appreciate the musics, enjoying & LOVEs the performance .. Cos we noe u guyz put in 100% effort on it yea~

YEAH NIC, hang in there & dun worry so much le k... U Sure Can Do It De ~

迷路兵 加油 x 100 ~!!!
MuAcKs . . .

TaKe CaRe & Cya GuYz ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 00:39

thanks for the jiayous hehs =) qing, paiseh was away so i jus saw ur msg... thanks!

anywayys. no paper for me tml... sch got this massive power failure so we got no sch tomorrow. hahas... =P

takecare all!


Blogger binz | 31 August, 2007 01:18

haiyo nic ah 当兵very辛苦hor then mux rest whenever possible!

ahh thanks to those who jiayou-ed for those having prelims and exams(: ahh i still carn believe prelims are nearing so quickly =X

meikian: ah serious ur sch got massive power failure ah? i tht i hear over the radio someone sent a sms abt massive power failure so no school then i tht was a prank or joke leh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 01:30

ya lohs, power failure... luckily my fren called me n woke me up, if not i tml blur blur go sch liaos. lols. initially i also shock dio, but after tt my fren told me tt they confirmed w the tchrs le... radio got worhs, i din listen... later whole singapore know my sch power failure. =.= haha...


Blogger binz | 31 August, 2007 01:36

meikian: yea heard it on 98.7fm.. wah then u all shuang dao. one day earlier school holiday start. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 01:41

Attn to MLB FC!

Can check why we are not buying the 933 award tickets in bulk? Then, we can sit 2gather & be more power mah! Or is there any plan on the way?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 01:56

haha... now jus hope they wont suddenly ask us go back n do the paper, i'll faint lorh. =P

somewhere in the prev post we've called for the ppl who want to buy the tics to meet up on monday [the one tt jus passed] to buy the tics tgt. however, think no one responded, so actually a few of us already bought our tickets together for the ceremony. reason why we bought first was due to the fact that MLB's attendance isnt confirmed for the awards, therefore many unable to make decision yet, and we were afraid the front seats wld be taken if we bought late.

just to let ya guys know, the few of us who've bought, we've bought the $58 tics, seated at A34. so if u guys wanna join us, maybe can purchase the tickets around that same area.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 02:24

Nic, go listen to Get Alive! to revive yourself and remember to breathe! otherwise u'll get blue in the face. always enjoy MLB's live performance. Sleep tight, hope i will too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 02:29

haha ya hor, mighty mouse jie is mighty indeed. Me totally forgotten another remedy - GET ALIVE!!! wee~~

uncle phil asked me to sleep earlier but seriously, can't sleep in this state. *gasping for air* haha but will sleep soon. Nic sam and weiqi and MLBians have a good rest ba =D...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 03:17

i am so tired, gd nite, sweet dreams MLB/mlbians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 06:48




Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 08:32

Hi Nic Kor....
how ar u ???
muz take care of yourself.....
c u on Sun....


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 08:52

woohoo~ it's friday!

have a great day all~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 09:19

looking at las week's longhubang ranking, realised tt there're quite a number of singers with more than one song on the charts.

张惠妹- 如果你也听说,你是爱我的
王力宏- 改变自己,落叶归根
五月天- 私奔到月球,离开地球表面
S.H.E.- 说你爱我,听袁惟仁弹吉他

and of course MLB with 泪 and 适应...

quite a tough fight recently... will expect fahrenheit's song to rise further up, and also jolin to hit the charts w her new album.

so hor... conclusion is... we must vote more lorh. =) 5 singers w 2 songs on the chart, alr take up half the chart liaos... =.=

yupp yupp... =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 14:02

these few dayz quite quiet in here hor....not many ppl tagging.

Glad that its friday! Happy weekend!



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 14:04

Good day!
It's sunny now, hope that it stays this way. Smile to the weather, have a nice day and JIA YOU!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 14:06

hi sam
how ar u ?????
c u on sun....


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 14:08

u also jia you!!!!
i better get back to work liao
c ua


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 14:09

I'm doing fine.
See ya Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 14:17

sound great....
busy now
tok to u on sun lol(have some stupid question to ask u )


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 15:15

heyo sam~

yes, the weather's good today. the weather better be good on sunday... everyone, pray for good weather on sun okay? =)

just woke up from nap~ registration meeting later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 16:08


Yeah, the weather's good today. I hope it'll be like this on Sunday as well.

You take care and have a good day!


Blogger Pek Choo | 31 August, 2007 16:23


Wah~ see you this coming Sunday..
The weather today is very hot!!
Drink more water and take care..
waiting for my Mac delivery..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:13

hello sam! haha glad you are fine. Me went out with friends just now. haha. Secondary school friends. haha. cya on Sunday. *cough! cough!*


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:15

Get Alive on Yes933 now~~

but my radio's faulty =( ~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:26


hello everyone.. long time no see. hahas. is everyone fine? here to wish everyone a HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!

LOL i am lame =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:30

every1, njoy d evening ahead & d wkend!

c those who r gg on sun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:33

Hi Nic, glad to see you here. Feel really sad that you can't have any holidays. Anyway, i hope you can take good care of your health despite your busy schedule. Drink more water and rest well. I wish you all the best. Don't feel bad about us under the rain. We think it's worth it. I agree! The rain didn't drown the screams. We too, do not regret supporting you guys. Add milo.. time will fly past.. Hang on! Just smile and Let it go!

Hello Sam. Glad to see you here too. I love sunny day ttoo, but it depends. Sometimes rainy day is good too. Haha. How are you? Take good care of your health too. Hope to see a smiley Sam on this coming Sunday!


Everyone who is chiong-ing for exams, homework.. Hope you all will have a good time.. and Jia Milo!!

Today is a super good day for me, i manage to achieve 7 As and 1 B ! Hahas. hope everyone has a good day too. See everyone on Sunday.

SMILEZZZZZ ((((((((((((((((((((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:39

haha congrats yor givon...

since the weather is soooooooo nice now, i wonder could Sam be enjoying himself outside now. Outside, say, East Coast Park? haha. Have a nice day. I go nap nap =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 17:56

hello peepz ..

congrats ..

cya on sun ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 18:01

hahas. happy napping, quizzy_me! thanks (:

shan: thanks(: cya on sunday too!

oh yar, to confirm about the voting for long hu bang

one person can only vote for ONE song ONCE. which means if we vote shiying, we cant vote lei. saw that on yes933.sg hope lei can get into top 3! JIAYOU


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 19:44

sunday is nearing :D hahas.

to all mlbians,
jiayou wor :D for wadeva u all do. hahas. & sunday is nearing :D

take care all :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 21:26


haha. but the sentence after that says 'can only vote for the same song once', but nothing about whether we can vote for multiple songs are mentioned. haha. aiyo, think we play safe first ba. haha don't know leh. Coupons+sms for lei and phone call for shi ying? haha.

But maybe we can try out first la, if choi choi choi la, "lei" ranking cannot increase say, after 2 weeks, shall we change our priority to shi ying instead? Then no need to waste coupons. Haha. Just my suggestion, no offence. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 21:37

i think lei will rise this week (:
so will shi ying (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 21:53

TO MLB & MIbians
How are you recently??
I'm so super happy.....i have just heard from my auntie tt my cousin's wife is pregent and his sister(my cousin)also having baby but 2 of them...omg,i'm so happy....they are arriving this yr OCTOBER...
I'm going to be Auntie Lorita!!!!

dun call me Auntie Lorita tis Sun


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 22:03

you yourself call yourself auntie lorita le mahz hahaha.

ya lor miko, will rise de. hehe.

the suggestion i raise just now is contingency plan only la. touch a wood beside you now. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 22:05

i'm super happy now
not 1 but 3 lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 22:31

I'm going to sleep soon
tmr need to work
c u guys on sun


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 22:57

milubing! congrats!!!

continue to jiayou kae!

dun get so stressed up with all the busy work..enjoy the process is the most impt. jiayou!

take care and dun fall sick worz


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 23:31

今天很悲, 所以听 "泪".

这首歌在我耳边 marathon 了很久,但怎么都听不腻.谢谢迷路兵写了着么好听的一首歌.



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 23:40

haha. talking about "lei", just now while meeting up with my secondary school friends, I let them fill in the coupons also. haha. Then my god-didi say “迷路兵的泪huh?在广告听过,i like the chorus, haha."



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 23:42

so yeah, actually feedback i got is they really like milubing's lei. But don't know how many will support original. =(

haha never mind, we'll always stand by milubing de! hehe =D!

and miko, smilez =)?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 23:50

Don't be sad.
Retire now and look forward to a better day tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 00:07

谢谢 quizzy & Anonymous 的关心. im fine. my name always comes with a (: so yeah, eventually i will be okay. cheers & see u guys on sunday. quizzy going hor? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 00:31

Sam,I didn't even realised that you tagged till now..*shakes head*

I hope it doesn't rain on Sunday.
Going to sleep now..hehe..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 00:49

haha. yes miko, I'll be there. Maybe I should think of how do let you all identify me on that day. During the first gathering, I mention I will wear a green watch, i can be identified easily wor~~ hehe.

don't need to worry about rain, because we should be under shelter. Unless they planned for activities that is outside of shleter-ed area la. Don't know leh. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 01:05

MLB - Cya Guyz This Sun.!
Yea It's Already Sat. Lo ~

Take Care ALL ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 01:05

I'm tired too....


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 04:42

have to worry about rain on sunday cuz u guys may not be able to get to the shelter if it rains... we dun have enough ppl to go there n 'save' everyone also... =.=

so, pray for good weather hor. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 09:35

Morning MLB & Mibians
how are u guys???The weather outside is so good
i'm in the office now...hope to c u guys tmr


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 11:27

hellos all :D
hoho. 1 more day then sunday le :D hahas.

we mit at wad tym ar? o.o i forgot le >.< is it at 1015? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 11:46

its been awhile since i tagged :}
thx to sylvia jie for helping me register for th gathering tmr!
haha, hopefully i can go lah.
i scared my dad nag me again.
hohoho! tmr is sunday! :}

rights. tk care mlb and mlb-ians.
seeyou guys ard soon :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 12:50

heyy..morning ...jus be patient abt it larrx...veri fast over de...hahas..takekare le..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 12:54

berries & qing qing
We meet wat time????
i forget


Blogger qing qing | 01 September, 2007 13:32


lorita n berries: wahaha.. i oso 4get wat time we meeting.. =X last nite i was asking lortia wat time i meeting berries.. haha.. hmmm.. seems like we all 4get liao hor.. haha.. =P ok ba, berries, we meet 1015? berries, i sms u, u can c my msg ma?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 13:34


that day hor, i use my other SIM card to sms to LiYi's program to ask her whether we can vote for multiple songs on long hu bang (since there were some confusions earlier), then didn't realize she already replied me until I want to use that SIM card to cast voting for long hu bang hahaha.

So this is what she reply, "You can vote for multiple songs, but only one vote from one phone". =.= then use coupons can vote for multiple songs? is that what she mean? I don't know. LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 13:52

ok.then we mit 1015 ba. heh? i carn c ur msg lehs o.o

anyway, anybody juz now listeing to 933? hahas. juz now i sms in & surprisingly my sms got read out x)


Blogger qing qing | 01 September, 2007 14:06

berries: ok! we meet 1015.. heez.. aiyo, den jialat liao.. i cant contact u... =( u hav my no. rite?
haiz.. wasnt listening to 933 jus now.. =(
btw, call mi qing can liao la.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:07

hahas. oki (: hmms, yups, i have ur num. then if i reach liao i cor u lo? o.o hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:15

Take care eVeryone!
Go GO Go!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:20

u take care too :D hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:33

u stick to this webpage for 24 hrs de arhs? keep seeing ur comment. hahas.
anyway. hope to see ya tmr :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:45

hahas. considered ba? o.o hahas. cuz i lazy close this window mahs. so leave it on lo. then when i nth to do i will refresh, see got tags or not. hahas.

yeps, hope to c u tml too :D
take care also :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:49

Hello everyone here! You all counting down to sunday? so good! everyone goiing for the gathering! I can't make it and I can't see MLB in person le! So sad! what am I goiing to do? Can s0meone help me? *cry Cry* I miss MLB! Quizzy jie, help me send my regards to Nic kor, saying that Si Min will always support u all the way! Hope that u will help me pass my regards! Have fun on Sunday bahz!

Si Min a.k.a MLBians


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 17:51

si min
o.o u not going? ): preparing for exams ar? or ur parents dun allow? o.o hais.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 18:06

hmmm.. needa wear mlb t tml ma huh?

berries: ok! call mi when u reach.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 18:12

hahas. oki :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 18:27

haha.. sam.. your badminton pattern not so good yesterday is it? kena thrashed by dasmond ... wahaha ... buckup ! and thrash him next time


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 18:36

ATTENTION all going for the gathering tomorrow!

Everyone, please be in WHITE top tml.

Here'a a reminder to bring your coupons tomorrow for verification and lucky draw.

Registration/verification time is from 1145am to 1220pm, try to reach as early as possible so that we can settle all admin stuff asap, and brief u guys.

On the spot registration will be from 1145am to 1210pm, after which registration will be closed. Please reach as early as possible so tt we can settle all registrations asap.

Help to pass the msg on to the others, esp those who're going to register tml, and also those who dont visit the blog.

Any queries, email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com.



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 19:21

meikian: hmmm.. white top ar.. den if hav mlb t, needa wear ma? lol.. i think i asking stupid que.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 19:47

Yeah~ Super excited!!
See you guyz tml..
Take care


Blogger Jodie [: | 01 September, 2007 19:50


It will be from 1st Oct-11 Oct!

Let's forget bout this!


No choice lar. Exams coming.
Must k-shu lar!
You take care, kays?



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 20:22

any white top will be fine.

BTW, please note tt food will not be provided at the gathering, only drinks. So please eat before coming. [yes, that includes you, WQ. =P]

see ya guys tml!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 20:48

~.~ I post in Yahoo group le then u say...never mind, i'll add on hahaha =D.

meikian, those who suay suay dun have white tee de, can wear other colors la hor?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 20:57

why restrict the colour of our clothes? its just a gathering. let us wear whatever we are comfortable in ba


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 21:02

not really, it's for easier identification. Then we can see easily "oh it's our people".

wa biang, now at my house downstairs got this "Marsiling Zone 1 RC residents nite" then got performance and stuff. So loud. Cannot watch TV peacefully liao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 21:08

tml's de day!! wooo!
haha. actually i dun have many variety of white tees too. hahh. seldom wear white. yup. everyone wear white then take gathering photo also nicer mahh.

jodie xiao mei mei!
dun so stress lah. cos. i also very stress! haha. juz dun think so much abt it and do ur best, that'll do bah. jin li er wei yeah?

hahh. to the milo boys and all other mlbians.. cya tml!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 21:12

meikian: ok! thanks..

syl: haha.. same same.. i oso not much white tops.. =( haiz.. think wear MLB t liao ba..

jodie: add oil!!! take care oso orh.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 21:16

hope all can try their best to wear white, if not, something close to white.

yes, mainly for easier identification and also for the group photo.


Blogger binz | 01 September, 2007 21:22

everyone seems really geared up to go for gathering tmr. haix sad i cannot go for it. nvm, there will always be chance for next time hor?

berries: hey thanks loads for the coupons and sorry for making ya wait.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 22:10

haha sam!
next time muz win dasmond! =P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 September, 2007 22:22

Hi Quizzy,
Thanks for getting a confirmation from LiYi with regards to Yes933 LongHuBang voting to clear our doubt.
You mentioned LiYi said: "You can vote for multiple songs, but only one vote from one phone".

With this statement from her, it proved that what I have mentioned previously was correct:
1 person can vote for more than 1 song in the same week, meaning:
I can vote for Lei with 1x coupon, 1x SMS & 1x Calling, then I can also vote for ShiYing with 1x coupon, 1x SMS & 1x Calling in the same week.
LiYi mentioned: "1 vote from 1 phone", so in fact if you have more than 1 phone, you can vote for the same song by SMS & Calling with your 2nd phone too. Most important is: the same phone number only can vote for a same song 1x SMS & 1x Calling.
Fyi, every week I votes with 1x coupon, 3x SMS & 4x Calling for
Lei. Because I have 3 SIM-Cards (which means 3 different phone numbers), so I can SMS 3x + using these 3 different phone numbers to Call in to vote, then the last call from my residential line (total 3x SMS & 4x Calling).
Hope everyone has a clearer picture now. Sorry for the long explanations.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 22:30

Don't vote for shi ying and lei using the same phone for the same week, be it by sms or calling. I think thats what she mean ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 22:33

haha duno leh. confuse again =x. Need me to ask her again ma?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 22:37

LOL. everyone is in the LHB confusion state. haha. IMO, i think we can vote for different songs using the same phone number (since the votes for different songs are calculated separately). just that each line can vote once for one song (meaning no 2 votes with the same number for 1 song) makes sense? haha. hope im not adding to the confusion. =x

uncle phil gg tml?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 22:41

haha. thanks miko. thanks uncle oso. guess so ba. alright. hehe =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 23:01

haha quizzy, so have u thought of how we can identify u? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 23:15

err...duno leh. i will be wearing mlb tee with grey long pants. Duno how to explain to u. those 'yoyoyo!' kind of long pants. my hair is black and dark red. my shoes is black with pink laces...O.o!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 23:16

maybe i should paint my nails black but i lazy to paint...hmm...haha


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 September, 2007 23:22

Hi Miko,
Yup, I am going tml. How abt u?

Hi Quizzy,
Why are you confused again?
You mentioned that LiYi said: "You can vote for MULTIPLE SONGS, but only one vote from one phone"
Think the 1st part is very clear cut, now come to the 2nd part; only one vote from one phone ~ meaning same phone number only can vote once for the same song.
Haiz, if still confused, I also don't want to explain further. You guys/gals vote what you think is correct. I do not want to hear from anyone later that I am wasting the votes or put MLB's songs at risk!
Anyway, be HAPPY...tml shall be the 4th Family Re-union Gathering. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 23:37

uncle phil haha yes im going (:

quizzy u say until very hao xiao leh. "yoyoyo" kind of pants?! haha. anyways im having black nails now. just painted today. lol. so qiao hor?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 23:42

~.~ uncle, cos i thought the 'one vote' is very vague. haha. Never mind, I understand le. haha. thanks.

no la, won't la, you mean well also mahz. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2007 23:55

haha miko. qiao ba. haha.

those having my hp number, dun sms me first. Prepaid credit run out liao. Sorry about that.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 00:00

YAY. counting down. it's twelve hours to seeing u guys tml! MLBians&MILUBING :D superly excited, hopefully tml will be a great day yah. this gathering is a beeeeg gift to mi in advance. somehow, i feel blessed. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 00:56

haha. i oso excited arh. haha.

my friends from other diplomas got their 1st semester overall results le. Ours haven't yet. But should be out very soon liao. Worry. aiyo. haha.

have a good rest ba =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 01:02

heez.. v exicted too! 11 more hrs!! haha.. but, gotta wake up early.. haiz.. hope can wake up on time..

quizzy: haha.. lucky u tok bout shoelaces!! i forget to change mine! bought le, den 4get change.. =(
still doing e, tat thing.. u noe.. wahaha..

miko: u gg rite? aiyo, i exicted to c u oso lei.. haha.. cos i dunno how u look like.. keke.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 02:22

happy gathering - sleep well..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 16:34

today's gathering is great :D hahas. enjoyed alot :D the milo boys are sooo cute! hahas.
& Nic, Sam, Weiqi
i forgot bring the present for u all ): in a rush to go out then forget bring. hais. dunno when still can meet u all lehs ):

anyway, take care all :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 16:56

yesyes! today's gathering was great.. cos very long nv see the boys le..
haha but sam seems more 'hot' than nic? kan ni yi zhi zai cha han..
yup. and sam, u surprised me with your qn. hahah. k lah. Smarty Sam! heh. =D thx for remembering me!
anyway, hope everyone enjoyed the gathering.. rmb vote for the songs! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 16:58

hahaha. Finally intro qing qing and marssh to weiqi le.

And hor, what a suay morning for me. I'm suppose to meet qing, uncle, rip berries, IK, shan and ni at 11.30am. But hor, I woke up at 10.50am. And you should know how long it takes for me to travel from Woodlands to Toa payoh lor. haha. So I only boarded the train at 11.30am. So sorry for making you all to wake for me.

Then hor, I owed Marssh something but forget to bring. so sad~~

I claimed 10 coupons from Uncle today mahz. Cos tomorrow meeting my besties (4 guys) so can let them write. Write a few more so can standby for subsequent weeks. But hor, I forget now we can vote for both songs, so I should have take double lor. Didn't think of that. *let out a long sigh........COUGH! COUGH!*

Other than that, nice to see nic sam weiqi and all MLBians wor. haha. Just now during Q&A, I forget to ask one more question la - when will we see Milubing coming to our schools to perform? haha.

So ya, now the 4th gathering is over, don't know when can we meet again. Please take good care of yourselves (*COUGH! COUGH!*) ya? hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:01

oh and yes, thanks to the gathering committee for the hard work ya? xin ku ni men le. *CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!*


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:04

Yeah Thanks to all the Committee in organising this ath Gathering..
Lot's of thanks!!!

Take care & Smile~
Just come back only...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:06

Typor error for the 1st tag...

Thanks for the committee in organising this MLB gathering..

Lots of thanks..
Take care


Blogger Strat | 02 September, 2007 17:10

today's gathering is great ... haha...berries.. I am sini here ... Thanks for accompany me wor !!! hehe !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:12

sylvia jiee!! haha.
yeah. sam. you shocked me with your qn too! haha. glad tht you actually knew who am i :DD
nice gathering today, though it was short. thks to th gathering comm. :}
hope to see ya guys soon . tkcare.! drinks loads of water @_@


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:16

dint manage to see you today!
btw, who were you with? :X oh, how old are you btw? :}


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:18

haha. My wish or rather our wish now, is to see Milubing coming to our schools to perform! wahahahaha.

Although Milubing already came to our school RP to perform two times le, but that is in conjunction to other events de. I'm looking forward to you guys having your own concert here. haha. Qing qing and shan also wish ba? Their school is TP. I know Yammy de is NYP. SyL's one is JJC right? haha. How about the rest? hehe =D.

Haha pardon me, I'm crazy~~ =D


Blogger Strat | 02 September, 2007 17:19

berries wanna go print poster ? then we can meet again liao ... hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:19

Saw pinkie too! Paiseh arh, prepaid no money le so didn't reply your sms. haha


Blogger Strat | 02 September, 2007 17:20

berries...BTW,I am si ni ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:21

no wonder larhs.
you walked past me at breadtalk just likethat! haha :DD
Ok. takecare. dont go too insane.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:24

hahah.. yaya. jjc..
but i'm graduatiing soon leh..
dun come to my sch next yr.. if not, i will be very gek. haha!

yahh.. forgot to thank the committee! xie xie ni men! you guys rock!

MLB shi tou!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 17:30

lols. im with si ni. hahas. anyway im turning 15 tis yr. hahas. hmms, i guess i saw u? o.o when they announced ur name, for dunno wad ting i forget liao >.<

lols. oki. o.o print wad poster? o.o MLB de ar? :D hahas.

to the commitee
lots of thanks for organising this gathering :D


Blogger Strat | 02 September, 2007 17:55

ofcause MLB de la ... got nice pic send me ... then I can design k...got any idea bout the poster ting ?
have fun today wor... so happy ... happy till forget about tml exam ar ... still not revising wor ... haha !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 18:06

chey, yuan lai pinkie's means at breadtalk huh? haha paiseh. that one i didn't see you liao. Cos was late le so very panic. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 18:28

lols. i created a sharing folder with u liaos. then all the pictures inside. hmms, no idea leh >.< hahas. is super happy :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 18:29

qing! i didnt know u got go leh! alamaks.

but i say hi to uncle phil liao! heh.

i think i saw quizzy(based on her description, haha) but keep forgetting to say HI. aye. dui bu qi~

and lastly i think i know who is peckchoo liao. and i tapped tt person on the shoulder but i think she never feel it. cos she was talking to lorita i think. short golden brown hair de. peckchoo is that u? haha.

anyways. thanks everyone, the committee the boys and MLBians. (and the one who brought the radio!) haha. a splendid birthday present. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 18:45

Last but not least.....
TO Committee who organising this MLB Gathering is a sucessful one.....

Hope u like the gifts tt i gave u juz now....glade to c u todae & asking u a stupid question


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 19:04



SHIYING got 14 this week !! whee !! (:

mlb, jia you !

O YA, tmr will be the start of the voting of the yes 933 thing. whee !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 19:08

talking about stupid question, forget to ask Weiqi a stupid question after introducing qing qing and marssh to him - does he know who I am? hahaha. Never mind.

Then syL, jia you for your A levels wor. Top notch universities will be waiting for you. haha.

Eiyer, just now listening to DJ JunLi reading the news, reporting there's one rider died in an accident while riding motorbike. Those who drive or ride on the road, please be careful yor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 19:33

haha thx thx quizzy jie.
u jia you too!
yup. everyone jia you!
i'm thinking of going ntu! hahahah!
hope can get in bah. =)

ooh. i also forgot to ask a qn.
wanted to ask nic why he wore a tiger tee for the album shot. haha! stupid qn. -.-''


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 19:46

haha thanks for syL's jia you. I also want to go Uni leh. Must see if I can graduate first ba hahaha.

If anyone of you would like to share the nice pictures you took, and would like me to share with everyone at http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com, feel free to send to lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com or to my own msn/email if you have. Thanks yor~~


Off to watch TV lo~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 19:48

I mean, the nice pictures you took just now la. haha.

Oh ya, should you have any feedback on today's gathering, feel free to email the girls at milubing.fc@gmail.com =)...

*status changed to watching TV*


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 20:02

tml i send u throu e-mail the pics if u not online msn. hahas.


Blogger Jodie [: | 02 September, 2007 20:02

Thanks ppl and i will jiayou der.
I always think tat the teachers are MONKEYS =P!

Anyway, how was the gathering?



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 20:29

u ar so young....i feel i'm old already....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 20:49

hi....may I know the position for shi ying and lei this week on long hu bang? Didn't get to hear the radio today...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 20:58

shi ying 14, lei 7


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 22:17

why the blog so quiet again? o.o hmms, i tot after gathering ppl shud hav lots of comments abt it? o.o why soo quiet de? o.o hahas.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 September, 2007 22:31

1st of all, I gonna thanks MLB for sparing some times to meet MLBians in this 4th Family reunion gathering eventhough they are super busy.
Next, I gonna thanks the organising committee for making this gathering a success. Although the time was so short for them to do much planning. You gals were great.
Last but not least, I gonna thanks All MLBians for attending this gathering to make it a success (especially those who are having exams).

Most Important I MUST Thanks All MLBians for voting very hard to push Lei from #8 to #7 & Shi Ying from #20 to #14 respectively.
As of today, Lei has accumulated 71pts & Shi Ying has accumulated 8pts.
Please continue to vote harder and push Lei & Shi Ying to better rankings next week. Thank you very much to fellow MLBians once again.
MLB & MLBians Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 22:42

What song for #6 & #8?
And what song for #13 & #15?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 September, 2007 22:47

Oh WeiQi, Nic & Sam.
Hope you guys will love the gift I specially went to JB to custom made, I have waited for more than half a day for the staff to complete, not including the 2hrs jammed at the custom last Sunday.
I believe this gifts are more special for you guys, as compare to the last gift I gave to you guys (cos those gifts can be easily bought by anyone in most shops). Therefore, I wish you guys will use it quite often. Thanks.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 September, 2007 22:55

Oh ya, MIKO.
Thanks for coming up to me and said Hi.
I am very sorry, I was quite busy & lost when you said Hi to me, therefore I don't really recall how you is your look? But maybe can recognise you if I see you again!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 September, 2007 23:13

Hi meikian,

Please be informed that there are others awards that based on Yes933 Long Hu Bang's results.
So, I think we should continue to vote for Lei and keep it on the chart for as long as possible.
You may want to refer to these awards (I copied from SHA website):



1) 933醉心龙虎榜 年度10大金曲
2) 933醉心龙虎榜 榜上风光奖
3) 933醉心龙虎榜 停榜最久单曲奖




1) 亚洲传媒大奖
2) 年度人气大奖
3) 年度全方位艺人奖
4) 年度舞台魅力奖


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 23:16

Hey MLBians,I had fun today!Hope to see you all soon!

Nic ~ Sorry hor to call out to you so loud before you leave..I thought you might not heard me.

Sam ~ You are such a joker lah..
Make us laugh so much..eh,if you cycle to the meeting area hor,also good mah..Grand Entrance leh!

Wei Qi ~ I forgot to ask you if the person return your hp back lah just now..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 23:49

thanks to the boys for taking time out for the gathering. (:
arigatou gozaimasu!
it served as a great motivation to get back to the books even though it's the holidays.
but then again, it's supposed to be known as a study break instead of a holiday for me. ):
and for those having prelims, JIAYOU! :D

sweet dreams everybody.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 23:50

Abt '933醉心龙虎榜 停榜最久单曲奖 ',
how abt we put 'lei' stay on 久久 to get this 奖 ? hahas...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2007 23:52

nic is tired.. ):
nic! must hang in there alrights. take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 00:08

谢谢 committee in organising this gathering..

going off le.. good nite to all...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 01:24

=.= internet tio cut...

Don't forget it's 3 sept now. Other nominations for SHA2007 will be announce today. I don't know what time will they be announcing. Don't know is it DJ Weibin and Chong qing's program at 5pm. If got good news, can sms me? Thanks in advance. I don't think I'll be at home at this time so I may not be listening. Maybe only la. haha. Here's wishing milubing good luck.

Oh ya hor, just now when we first heard "lei" is number 7, sam and weiqi seemed like 不好意思 but nic seemed like very excited hor? hahaha.

If my internet tio cut again, here's saying good night first. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 01:32

Hey Hey ~
Happy To Cya Guyz TODAY..
The Gathering Was Great , Though It's abit short la ~ & In between gt abit 冷场 too ... HaHax , OoSpz ~ =X

But overall, Really Thankz MLB u guyz for the time & effort to make Our MLB Family 4th Gathering Possible... WeEe ~

Thankz To The Committees Too~

Hope To Cya Guyz Again SOON ..
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 03:01

Eh i think hor, just now heard yes933 , when they mention 网上票选《最受欢迎团体》,I think I got heard Milubing's name wor. *screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam!*
The voting will start 3 sept. Online voting consist of 40% of the results. The rest are from long hu bang. o.o! Take note that the voting will end on 23 September.

Alamak, the other nominees are really omg popular lor. But our milubing also power lah! lets pia again ba. For more details, please log on to http://www.singaporehitawards.sg. I don't know what time they opening the poll. haha.

nitey. *frozen*


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 03:14


Nitey ALL ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 04:07

wads with the tiger tee questions and all..

haha..i shant comment on wad to vote..guess u guyz got ur own strategy? for mi i will just "sui yuen"!

thank you for all comin down...got heart! power la!!

thanks for the gifts and letters..read them during my holding time backstage..cd oso watch le..essence drink till left 2 bottles (oops) haha..milo stuff consumed except the beverages...chocs not yet though...cards necklace keychains were so nice..EVERYTHING was nice..sniff sniff...

btw got prob goin into admin so i tag here la..haha..net speed i tink

was doing some learning of lyrics for some upcoming stuff..now goin slp le..tml still got show haiz...one full week to go except tues which is filled with other work related stuff...basicly work work work for a week more..then hope it be all fine..n today saw some of u all at my show venue! nvr study run ard huh?...aiyoyo..haha..sori was busy running ard nvr get a chance say a proper hi...coz had to rush to the other side of the stage for the nxt item..

u guys take carie!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 04:19

nic? how about the mug? =(! haha.

hai hao I still around. Going sleep soon. Don't wanna wake up late for date later again.

~.~ all human beings have heart mahz, or else will be zombie le. Ok I'm lame =x...

sleep tight! jia you for your shows. hehe =D. Sam and Weiqi have fun in all you do too. hehe =D.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 04:20

one more, take care =D! *COUGH! COUGH!*


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:09

must take care of urself yea? muz jiayou in wadeva u do wor. MLBians will be ther for u de :D hahas.
the same goes to Sam & Weiqi :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:11

& oh ya.

a very very good morning to MLB & MLBians :D

ltr nid go sch for chem remedial, but will still tune in to 933 :D hahas. & thx uncle phil for sms-ing me, telling me that they gotten another award which is 'Best New Comer' award, if im not wrong? o.o


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:17

Hello Nic,wah..you tagging at 4am in the morning??Not sleeping meh?

Anyways,seems like a buzy week for you hor..no days off except for tues hor..

Um..me and my friend had some plans on what to get for you guys if we meet next time leh..so,must wait k..hehe..

Nic,Sam and Wei Qi ~ Good morning okay..Must jia you hor!!

Oops..forgot to say good morning to all MLBians.I am off to work now..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:20

bye~ happy working :D lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:21



dun lidat leh... sleep lah! yao si... so late still online. next time see u i sure nag u liao. haha...

only reached home at about 10 plus ytd... 累死了.... =.=

btw, i suggest u dun eat the chocs first ah. wait sick... n hor, the damn random biscuits n coffee powder inside the box, was becos i felt tt the box too empty... thn see stuff jiu throw inside loh. haha... =P



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:29

Thanks a lot berries..
See ya around!


Blogger Jodie [: | 03 September, 2007 08:37

Lorita da jie,
you not old lor.
I am like still too young.
Mostly all of u here have freedom except me.
Mostly all of u here went yesterday.
Except me, I DIDN'T COS I AM ONLY 12 GOING TO 13!

And now 4 hrs later, I AM AWAKE!
LOLS! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:49

Hi all,

Firstly, the comm will like to thank all for attending this 4th gathering, and also cooperating w us in many ways. Many thanks goes out to all of ya out there for making this successful!

However... There were some stuff which didn't go that well for the gathering... Stuff tt we didn't get to do, spent too much time on, almost forgot to do etc... Didn't go as well as i expected. And also the many 冷场 moments and delays we had due to miscommunications and all.

Had a serious time overrun yesterday, many things that we spent too much time on. There was supposed to be more time allocated for phototaking and all, but due to the overrun, we almost cldnt have it at all. Sam had to go for some recording thing, Weiqi to driving, Nic to camp. But thankfully Jasmin and MLB were understanding (Thanks!), and it was raining so they kinda cldnt leave.[i think?] So they cld still spare a little bit of time for phototaking with everyone individually.

Big sorry goes to SAM, sorry tt you were late for ur thing ya? Sorry if the ppl think u 耍大牌... =P and also Nic and Weiqi if u guys were late...

Many unforeseen circumstances, many problems cropped up... But thankfully we got thru this successfully. A big thank you to all of you!

Congratulations to those who've gotten the badges and fans from the guys! [didn't expect them to prepare so many, cuz actually we only requested them to prepare one]

And also hope you guys liked the bookmarks and stickers too. The bookmarks were designed, printed and paid for by the comm, a 小小心意 from us to thank you guys for coming to the gathering. The stickers were from MiLuPa, Nic's father. (Thanks!)

Lastly... Thank you to the milo boys for taking time out to attend this gathering despite your busy schedule. Though it was only an hour, we really appreciate it yah? Thanks lots! And we hope you guys liked the certs and trophy from us... =)

the gathering comm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:49

haiyo, mayb nxt yr ur mum will give u more freedom? & mayb nxt yr ther will b more MLB events? o.o hahas. think on the bright/positive side :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:53

Ahh, forgot to add on.

Any comments and suggestions, feel free to email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com!

Big thanks to the guys for helping us to gather everyone for a couple of times... And also WQ for helping to shout about the longhubang coupons. =)

Hope i never leave out anything else liao...

Btw, someone thanked me up there? I was the one who brought the radio. =P

Congrats to MLB for the nominations for SHA! Many awards nominated... 恭喜恭喜!

Probably a big chance they'll be attending then. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 08:57

die lah, i getting forgetful.

Thanks to those who helped to fill up the longhubang coupons. =)

Sorry that i didnt get to talk to many of you yesterday, was much occupied and distracted during the whole time, very blur... Know that some of you were trying to talk to me but i kept getting u all to wait. Then sometimes i forget after that. So sorry! Was very distracted... [the after effects of not sleeping the previous night =.=]

It's my/our first time doing this, so we're still new. Hope that with comments and suggestions from ya guys, we'll grow and do a better one next time.



Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 September, 2007 09:13

Good morning MLB Family,
Super good news, MLB got nominated for another 2 awards for S'pore Hit Award:
1) 最佳乐团奖
2) 最佳新人奖
That total up to 4 nominations includings:
3) 最佳本地歌手
4) 最佳本地作词


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 09:19

another one loh...




Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 09:30



omg... MLB, u 3 really POWER LAH.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 09:31

according to Cruz, MLB's the local singer with the most nominations.

Can open champagne n celebrate liaoo.... haha. Or maybe sparkling juice. =P


Blogger Jodie [: | 03 September, 2007 10:06


SOO COOL! Is it they tell finish liao ahhs?

rip-berries jie,
i dun think my parents will allow lor.
Cos i am still in lower sec. nxt year and somemore, unless i go with frens to these kinda things.
Anyway, thanks and u're rite.

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