
Candid Shot
milubing | 11 September, 2007 18:17

Look what i've found! This picture was taken years ago.. At Safra. I remember having a swim that day, followed by this game of pool. Heh heh, looks quite 厉害 ya? Must have won! =) Think i play better those days, as compared to now. 人老了..


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Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 18:36

not doing sports these few days? looks 'pro' in the shot. =) take care, and rest more..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 18:48

haha..old? still far from it la..anyway, practice makes perfect..so practise more n u will win win win! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 18:51

WoW sam!!!!!
looks so cool~~
have fun yea.....
l0lz,hope to have a chance to see u 踢球的picture >.<
sure shuai!!!

take care yea,
stay cool~~~


Blogger binz | 11 September, 2007 19:01

hahah sam still looks 一模一样 after years hur. hmph yea really got that sae and pro look. but why hor like the place u aiming like got no ball? lolx. now alrdy say you 老了 then another 10 yrs down the road how? ahha


Blogger PeiShan | 11 September, 2007 19:12

aiyo .. there's new post ar .. i still blur blur refreshing e previous post .. -_-"

look so li hai hur .. sure u won ma .. keke ..
aiyo, haven even 21 then say old liao .. eh, u e youngest amoung e 3 milos leh, still say u old .. then weiqi n nic how ?? =P
yar, practice makes perfect, practice more then will be better liao lor ..

u v observant leh .. yar hor, sam wasen aiming anything in e pic leh ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 19:17

He seems to be aiming carefully, perhaps the ball is not in the picture.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 19:22

wahs. ur dat pic looks quite cool ehs. hahas. aiyo, u wher got old lo? is...hmm...u too long no play, dats why! hahas. anyway, take care & dun fall sick :D
the same to all MLBians too :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 19:24

givon [previous tag]
hahas. yea. when teacher not noticing then i come here tag. hahas.

jodie [previous tag]
lols. haiyo, nvm one lahs. hmms, if u persuade ur mum then she still dun let u buy then i buy for u lo :D hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 19:26

hey hey..

yeah lohs, u look the same las time n now! haha..

was reading thru my blog archives a few days ago.. rmbed tt first time i met ya, u told me 'ur name very familiar leh'. then i was like, oh izit? then after awhile, u told another person the same thing. i was like =.=.... and your ans was 对不起,我老了.... haha =P

anww, u damn contradicting horr. prev post u say 姜是老的辣, then now u say u old liao, las time play better. hahaha...

whateverrs. tiredd!

btw, so what were u guys busy w for the past few days? seem tt u MIA ahh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 19:56

wah, 你说你老了, 那我也得承认我也老了!
haha! getting old and STM getting serious day by day. haiz. =]


Blogger binz | 11 September, 2007 20:25

shan: haha i dunno why when i look at photos or videos i always got the tendancy to look at the weirdest things. esp the non-重点s.. so i spotted the "missing" ball in the photo. was trying to "suan" sam also lah. but i think the ball 刚好kana cut away. ahha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 20:50

ytd when ii was watching Hey! Gorgeous! the 2 ppl tt came to my mind was u and qing. haha! TP rite?! ur sch damn nice lor, so greeny de, compared to NP, NYP & SP where ii went before. TP too far, nv get to visit before. haha! [tok about dis, the F1 gurl really dao mann, feel like slapping her face sia. oOoopz!! so violence. haha!] and regarding the 3rd MV, my bro said dis to me "you ren yao chu ming liao lor!" ii was like lolxx. so diu lian. haha! if really k-box hav dis MV, sure pengz on the floor. imagine how many k-box outlet island-wide?! haha!

wah! u very daring lor, 拱出那个 someone. lolxx. ii miss Aloha Loyang, ii remembered my first class chalet was held there too. =] u shld hav stay overnite, they hav roomsssss there mahz. haha! regarding the IP thingy hor, actually my connection distracted quite often laa, den it says "renew IP address" bt nv lor, its still the same, if not ii could vote more! bt if we hav diff IP address, can we use the same name and e-mail add to keep voting??

wah! brilliant idea! nv tot of GPRS! haiz, was trying to vote for them from diff comps, so far, managed to do tt on 3 comps nia. haiz.

agree tt the chatting part in between shi ying's MV doesnt blend with the story of the song. WEIRD!!!
by watching lei's MV, ii really feel HOT for them lor, the scene really looks SUN BURNING!!! faint~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 11 September, 2007 21:32

Wow, Sam ah Sam, if your age is considered old, then uncle here must sleep in the coffin liao! Although uncle is old but am young at heart, ok? Haha...

Ya hor, if all k-box & party world got MLB's MVs, especially the 3rd one; then we all jia-lat liao! Surely got recognised by our friends & relatives de lor! Wah, very pai-seh leh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 21:41

age that starts with a 2 means 老 huh? aiyo. Then I'm getting old too. haha. turning 20 in 4 months time. haha.

shihui, I'm not too sure. haha. My parents don't allow me to stay there haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 21:50

aha! I supposed this was taken before Sam enlisted in NS? hehe. look pro. haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 21:59

uncle phil,
bt its good tt we are being recognised becos of MLB, so tt ppl identified us as the HARD-CORE MLBianz. lolxx.

okie, nvm. and yup, once ur age reach 2, time really flies, haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 22:27

hi there, get to noe tt, u are oso a msian. so, wic part of msia are u from?? mayb nx time we can travel to spore tgt for mlb's event. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 22:29

okie ppl, very high todae, oso dunno over wad laa?! even though ii gotta wake up at 5am tmr morning! haha! gotta log off now, lollipop dreamz ppl! =]


Blogger PeiShan | 11 September, 2007 22:44

haha .. u so funny la .. yar, e ball shld be kana cut ba .. or e pic was taken after sam had hit e white ball, so din 拍到..

aww~ u actually tot of mi n qing when u saw e hey gorgeous at tp .. 感动 leh .. *sob sob* keke .. luckily when they filmed tis show i was away for attachment .. phew~ if not lata 拍到我, i shy de leh .. keke .. but i saw my fren though .. haha .. yar yar, e F1 ger was so hao lian lor .. she tot she is e prettiest of all .. *vomit* keke ..
aiya, dun pengz dun pengz .. at most when i go kbox wif my frens, i intro u to my frens nia ma .. keke .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 22:48

Helo shihui
from johor but not jb...here is the only part of msia tat able to receive singapore tv programme~~^^lolzzz know
superband then milubing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XD
u from johor too?
sob...i wanna go mlb's events, gathering...or whatever lar...!but seems like quite hard for me to go =( sad niaaaaa


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 00:32

yoz yoz... can't remember when is the last time I appeared here. Super busy now, new job, new boss, new semester...things are really crazy. hahaha mr Chan, we are in the same boat, candle burning at 2 ends.

Gai ban... din know about it until someone sms me...but no time to go and buy yet... shops are closed when I get out of the house, and closed before I reach home...heard most of us are in the MV? Sure or not??? Hope I dun see myself in there...super cam shy.

Talking about cam... own someone something...please bear with me, my computer is up and running (finally) but I need to find the installation CD for my cam.

Sam boy, you really into all kind of sport hor? Do u improve your bowling skill? Heard Desmond has a diving shop, ever wanna try diving? Long time never dive already, hope to find time to go again.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 01:06

ah boy, sure this pic is taken years ago or not? you look the same leh, 一点都没有长大到 :p
only played pool or is it snooker once. concluded it's not my kind of game.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 01:46

Sam,so you think you play better last time?Eh..how come?
You got ask Dasmond to play pool with you?Who knows maybe you will win this time?

Nic and Wei Qi,you guys must be busy lately hor..Must take care okay..

Suddenly,I miss the three of you leh..haha..

Anyways,good night to MLB and MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 02:16

sam 老了?haha.. don't say that lah! say this kind of things de should be those aunty.. usually they'll like "aiyoh! 脸上那么多皱纹, 老了啦!"

but still sam still looks like sam.. never change at all :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 02:26

just to add on - except for hair color? hehe =D.

Sidetrack a bit - maybe one day we can come out with a wu liao poll - which hair color suits Sam the best? haha =P.

But like i say, just being wu liao only =D...

nitey =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 03:09

haha.. cool idea! lol~ maybe can be a add on to this blog.. so will be more fun! :D

lol.. next colour for sam is?? PINK?! haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 06:41

Good morning!~

hmm, speaking of hair colour. i remember the time we sprayed our hair pink just for the grand finals. cool experience. haha =)

have a gr8 day all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 12:11


Wow, you looked so cool while concentrating on playing. Very focus. LOL.

Anyway, i think someone had asked before but i didn't catch any reply.

Mi Lu Bing, what's each one of your favourite colour? I may guess but not confirm can get it right. Hopefully one of you boys will answer me? Thanks in advance!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 12:41

after MIA-ing for so long, i finally got the time to come say hi to all! :D

OMG! meikian! you're uber early lar! x: i woke up 6 hours later. hahaha. anyway,

SAM! you're so not old can.. if you're old then...we're not young too already. hahaha. (x

but in any case, being happy is most important! :D

cheers and take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 12:41

haha yes sam..
u look pro in this pic.
continue to look cool and great yeah? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 12:47


hahaha.. so sad la tt day gathering u nv come! =( but anws.. early ahs? hmm... im proud of myself today.. managed to wake up at 430am to study for my chem paper haha. with the help of 2 cups of coffee =)

having lunch now, going to catch some sleep soon...zzzZzz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 13:58



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 14:11

hahaha. yea loh. ): kinda regretted after that. )x should have not do my work then go loh!! roar. haha.

goodness! thats madness lar! i only slept at that time loh -.-


Blogger qing qing | 12 September, 2007 14:19

eh sam, tat pic is taken few yrs ago or few days?! haha.. really no diff lor.. waseh!! xiao xiao nian ji jiu dyed hair liao ar.. but looks nice la.. keke.. =P u steady lei.. after swimming still you jing shen play pool.. haha.. eh, no lao la.. still young k!!

shihui n shan: ya!! tat F1, i c her hor, feel like boxing her la!! wa biang!! think she like so chao hao kan!! PUI!!! acty, she's my fren fren.. my fren say she sec3/4 tat time, look v gong de.. change alot.. but like eiyer!!! haha.. asked all my frens, all dun like her!! YEAH!! wahaha.. =P


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 12 September, 2007 15:49


well, warner updated the page le wor. Those who have yet to see how the gai ban cover looks like, can go to

hehe =D


Blogger Jodie [: | 12 September, 2007 16:04

Berries-jie. I saw the gaiban cover. Nice lor! But i shall wait until exam over then ask. Hehes=P.

Or u all can upload the 3 MV's on youtube or somewhere, can? (:

Sam. Years ago? Lying or not? Dun look like years ago leh. LOLS! Anyway, 你还不老啦! Dun say tat if not i will feel too young oso. HAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, u take care and find time to exercise orh. (:

Got thing to jiao dai.
Milubing appeared in 1 small corner of this week's i-weekly. (:
Is damn small and they oso appeared on the SHA page, yellow in colour. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 16:09

Jodie, must tell the page mahz. haha.

anyway, i found this page also. http://933charts.blogspot.com/

this guy will update the weekly results as well as the points accumulated.

So uncle phil, no need to count until so xin ku le. hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 16:14

sorry. the webmaster is a girl =x...

hello all! take care yor~~!

hello nic sam and weiqi! how's your day? hehe =D

jia you!


Blogger PeiShan | 12 September, 2007 16:33

huh .. tt ger is ur fren's fren ar .. aiyo .. my fren oso dun like her lor .. luckily she din win .. keke ..

went to c tt blog .. v detailed n updated lor .. kudos to e ger ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 17:01

wow shuai ge :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 17:30

ooooh..hahas..btw milubing gt kai pan album is it...the album gt mv worrx...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 17:32

hi any idea how many albums sold for the debut? tks in advance


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 17:35

The Straits Times said 6000 plus. I weekly said 5000 plus (金唱片销量). Well, around there ba. hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 17:40

hahas. oki. if after exam u ask le still cnt buy i buy for u as bdae pressie kays?

& hellos all :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 20:04

why the blog so quiet? hahas.. guess everybody is busy for exam bah..

Hello Sam. The picture was taken long ago? But it seems like the same as how u look now. There's no much difference leh. Maybe u are sensitive.. so u think u old le. Actually u just look more mature.. And the colour of your hair changes. And u look more shuai! I guess this is what u wanna us to say bah. Hahas.. Takkaire wor.. Remain sporty.. If not must take back the cert le. Hahas

I wonder how's Nic and Weiqi. Nic should be busy with his camp..and Weiqi should be busy with his piles of homework. Weiqi, ur tip for exam not bad luhhs. But it can only work on ppl who are positive like you! Hahas.. jiayou Nic and Weiqi..

so excited for the lhb this sunday. No matter what happens.. WE MUST NOT GIVE UP! mlbians jia milo!



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 20:32

Heyy all,

as u guys know, MLB is not in the leading position for the SHA voting awards YET. We've got another 11 days to vote.

Therefore, please try to vote as much as possible within this short period of 11 days... If possible, try to get to as many computers as you can to vote, and get your friends and family to help vote as well. Am sure everyone will like to see MLB win those 2 awards..

The next update of leading positions will be on the 20th Sept, 9.20am. With all the votes from all MLBians, believe tt we'll be able to achieve good results.

But do take note that only five votes are allowed for each IP address, anything more than that will be considered as one vote.

Please proceed to the following links to cast your vote for MLB.

Most Popular Newcomer (Listener’s Choice)

Most Popular Group (Listener’s Choice)

Voting ends on 23rd Sept 2007, 2359hrs.

Every vote matters! Do spread the message too...

Thank You!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 20:41


wa biang, me just withness a fire accident opposite our block an hour ago. A particular flat's kitchen was on fire. Then it spreaded a little bit to the flat above them. Wa biang, so scary seeing the fire burning and burning. Though not serious to the extent of burning the whole block la. But I think their whole flat gone case le. =(! so scary.

yes meikian. will spread the message de. hehe =D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 20:42

random tag.
this afternoon i was trying out my new CD player.. so the very first CD that i've played was MLB's album..
yup.. so i was lying there on my bed, listening to the album.. then suddenly, i felt a kind of 莫名的感动.. wahh. seldom do i have such kind of feelings listening to albums.. so wad i wanna say is, MLB is indeed terrific! it's a no wonder that you guys are nominated for SHA. jia you k? i'm waiting for the second album. =)

ooh. another thing. juz tried out mocha milo..
those 3 in 1 pack de..
haha. taste not bad!
can recommend to all.. hees.

anyway, toa payoh there can feel bits of indonesia's earthquake(as reported by news)..
sooooooo, did sam feel the vibration? haha okay, i'm off to mug le. JIA YOU everyone! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 20:50

mocha milo? -_-! haha since syL recommended de then shouldn't be too bad.

and syL isn't alone. I too will feel 感动. Esepcially listening to yong qi. reminds me of Superband grand finals...

again! I miss superband. haha.

huh? Toa payoh can feel vibration from indonesia's earthquake? *scary* =O!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 22:06

OMG... Sam, I also like playing pool.. hahax~ but must be after my exam next week..

Jiayou!! Waiting for more upcoming gigs..
Take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 22:24

aiyo, thx arh! betta not, ii dun want to be famous wor. keke.

shan & qing,
HI 5!! tt gurl is my sis fren's fren [gf?] too. haha! heng she didnt won for TP's Ms gorgeous, if not really 损坏你们学校的名誉. haha!

yup! ii am from JB. thx god tt we are johor-ian, if not we dun even get to noe who are MLB. haha!

HEY babe! miss ya!!! when will we be seeing u again huh?! haha!

its another day over, weekends coming! haha! nitez ppl! =] lollipop dreamz~


Blogger qing qing | 12 September, 2007 22:37

hmmm.. watched e MVs in e morning at 6+, watched e LEI mv, omg la!! it's like chao re la.. c le dou ti MLB gan dao re.. =(
but i like e 3rd de.. watched le v gan dong.. e auto yi jing guo qu le, left only all e happy memories..den e song + e pics, hen pei.. =) amw, all e MVs r nice!!

shan n shihui: ya!! lucky she didnt win la.. she's like chao wat la.. v qian bian man.. GRRR!!! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 September, 2007 23:17

these few days .. quite busy with school work.. no time come tag.. haha..

my exams are like.. 1and half weeks from now.. SIGHHH

im stressed ):
right. before i sleep. shall leave a tag. takecare mlb-ians and mlb! hoho :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 00:00

shihui: yup,im glad too XD lucky keke,btw how old r u?form?or study in uni ady ? >.<

yeah...tmr no school...finally can relax...
hope Sam,WeiQi,Nic can relax a bit too...esp weiqi,but nic is kinda hard to 偷懶...pity...
have a nice day to all...
n hope sam enjoys thurs with fun + sports + relax =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 00:00

Um..is it me or the blog doesn't seem to move much these days?

Anyways,I had a tiring day today and tmr still got work..haiz..

Just thot I would drop by to say 'Hi' and 'Goodnight' to MLB and MLBians..hehe..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 00:08

haha. last year at this period, the blog will be quiet too. haha. but if, say, old boy or weiqi or even nic suddenly appear de hua then maybe will be a little noisy? duno leh. haha.

those studying hard for exams de, jia you arh =D. those working de, also jia you =D. those sick de, get well soon! As for me, i shall grieve over the nearing-to-school-reopening? aiyo, smilez =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 00:22

was jus looking thru the gaiban pics... realised tt nic wore back his old specs for the photos in the gaiban. haha... random~

tml my las paper of the week.. yeah! =)


Blogger binz | 13 September, 2007 00:42

quizzy_me:haha later u shui bian shuo shuo then really old boy, weiqi or nic appear.

ahh still haven gotten my hands on the gai ban. shld i get it on fri or shld i wait for auto session? usually auto session then buy then album will come with something extra(like a poster!)..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 01:11

I'm here.
This picture is at least 3 years old, taken at Yishun Safra with a HP cam? Don't remember! But i recognised the red top and coloured hair.
And i meant to say that, was better in this game when i was younger. BUT, in the other case of bowling, it was the more experienced fellow who won.
Goodnight people, rest soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 01:17

yo old boy, so late still no sleep ah? haha...

yishun safra! been there once.. in my area.. but go there do nothing. haha.. maybe got time go back there play bowling. =)

hmm better las time cuz now long time no practice? play more sure will be good in it lah...haha.

goodnight old boy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 01:18

Nitey . .



Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 September, 2007 01:20

Hi Sam,
Please stop calling yourself "Old", you are making me feeling so much older lor! Haha...
Yup, I agree with most mlbians that your looks 3 years ago and now are still the same. Please maintain it.
Hope your bowling skill shall improve with more practise. We (MLBians) are very confident that you will sure to thrash that more experienced fellow one of these days. Jia-You...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 01:30

I think so...

Sam reali 沒改变到 XD

but i think,when his hair is black

in colour,looks like AH BOY...

17years old like dat...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 10:40

haha. sam the baby milo..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 22:11

Yoz.....Guys & mibians
busy with work so didnt tag for ages.....

ayio,Ah boy

I like the gai ban album nt bad looking but i havent buy yet