
milubing | 09 October, 2007 22:51

heya guyz...i know all my posts seem to be bout me being busy..well te truth is..i'm kinda having a hard time coping with everything..plus itz a low time emotionally for me. My birthday was indeed a memorable one..many sad instances yet many happy ones too..just like to thank all for the wonderful cards and gifts showered upon me...no thought is ever to small to be appreciated...all i gota do is to pick myself up..encouragements from all around is one thing..but doing it is another. Be strong..be true to ourselves...and we'll pull through anything and everything.

"Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end"

peace guyz..peace...

make music, love and not war.

gotta control my emotions and stop stirring shaitz man..haha..

take care..anything happens..just suck thumb and pray all be fine.


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Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 22:56

Hi Nic, glad that you are looking on the bright side. But nonetheless, turn to Him and pray and all will be fine. =D Take Care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:00

hey there...

please please stay happy!~ it makes us sad to see u sad lah... sighhs. i was reading thru the old posts last night and then i jus felt like crying. =.= okayy that was insane. but ahhs...

i understand what you're going thru, really! everytime look at you, u jus got the tired look.. but always try to do your best on stage, try to stay lively up there.. felt sad to see that...

stay happy mr smiley! CONTINUE SMILING PLEASE. =DDDDDD

we want to see you smile, not sad. okay? =)

see you REAL SOON!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:07

hey nic! stay happi yea..we wanna c u smile..take care n rest early mr smiley! cya soon! =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:08

btww,u nid to lidat not ah? =.= make me cry. ahhs~ i not hving easy time lately too. like the other day at rp, was in a real low mood for no reason.. [okay, not the zhong dian haha..]



n even thou that's what i say.. but be true to ur emotions man, dont smile if you cant. jus stay real, be the nic you are.

take great care...we understand what you're going thru, so really, no stress from us.. jus do whatever you can, even if it doesnt turn out well, u know you've done your best.

we'll always be here, you know that yeah? =)


Blogger Strat | 09 October, 2007 23:09

Hi nic ...
Stay happy is the must important thing ba !!! haha... U are rite ... enerything will turn out fine one day ... I agree ... jia you ... U will overcome everything u are facing now de ... jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:13

hey nic :D

always look on the bright side of life (:

whatever you do, always remember that we'll always be supporting you and your fellow brothers :D

like what you've said, "everything will turn out fine one day" - sunshine after the rain :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:20

ahh, sorry for the many posts haha.. too many things to say!!

please take a good rest when u've got the time, u urself know fully well who are concerned about you...

jus hang in there alright? as the saying goes hor,船到桥头自然直. even if things dont turn out right, its okay la! jus hang in there, u'll get thru it derrx. u can do it derr, we believe, u got to believe too!~ things will turn out fine in the end..

aiya, i very loso.. okayy. jus takecare.. we'll be praying for you too. 要加油...




Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:23

hey nicky, happy belated birthday. :)

Well... everyday is not sunny day, but there is always a tomorrow.

Read a phrase from somewhere which i really like: If not everyday is sunny, then learn to appreciate the beauty of rainy days.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:24

hihi nic. huh? what happen? haha never mind. Mdm Tan from "My Sassy Neighbour" always said - must be positive~~

But it's easier to said than done hor? ya lor. so darn freaking difficult. but it can be done. jia you!

if you feel like crying then cry hao ma? Don't hold back. That will be even more depressing.

when I'm sad I will listen to Get Alive. You should do that too. it really work. heh heh.

eye's feeling better now? haha.

glad you like our presents! haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 23:37

nic, jiayou k!
we will support u oways no matter wad~!


Blogger Jac | 10 October, 2007 00:09

Stay happy kk.

I tried eatting lots of sweet stuffs whenever I am sad and it works well for me as in I will feel happy bit by bit.

Stay optimistic as optimism is the faith tat leads to achievement, nothing can become without hope and confiednce.



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 00:16

I just want
找一个方向 找一种力量
展开了翅膀 将悲伤都释放

有一个方向 有一种力量




Get Alive

*-Get Alive


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 01:06

Ya it pretty much sucks when we are emotionally low. practically become a recluse to recover but sometimes it gets worse when there is no human contact. But what to do? Just in no mood to entertain anyone. Hey why am I commiserating with you when I am supposed to be encouraging you? Here goes nothing…..Always know that it is okay to ask for help when you need it, don’t struggle alone when you can’t cope. Key thing is we have to ask the right person for help! Though we fans are but a small part of your lives, hope that the little sweet gestures by all the fans here can help you pass this low period. All these things are so easy to say here but hard to do, so hope you’ll get through your own emotional barrier soon. Sometimes I feel we just need to meet an ultra positive person who can 点醒我们! When all else fails, remember there’s always CHOCOLATES! haha no la... i mean there's always that someone looking out for us, we just need to humbly ask for help :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 01:48

dun stress urself too much okie?
nt gd for health.

can try screaming out loud when u're low?
heh heh.
would feel much more better.

"When life gives you a hundred reason to cry, give yourself a thousand reason to smile."

tomorrow would be a better day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 02:46


U will see the Sunshine after the Rain..
Gd things will happen for u..
Take Care!
Spread yr Smile!
Gd nite & Sleep well..
"Tomorrow will be better.."


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 08:29

Nico, Happy Belated Birthday!

Life is interesting coz` it's filled with highs and lows. Just must sure you pick yourself up from the lows and you'll be alright. Take your time and dun give yourself too much pressure, ya? 加油!

Oh, hope you like the birthday pressie we gave. Keep smiling ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 08:54

jiayou Nic. =)

all things work for good. it will, for you. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 08:56

Hey Nic!It is nice to see you taking time off to write an entry.

I understand how it is like when we are feeling really down..

I am sure everyone had been through the same thing including myself..

But that is life,isn't it?It is always full of ups and downs.Just like a rollercoaster ride.But like what you mentioned,we have to be strong.And I am sure you will pull through it..

Just stay strong,alright Nic and it will be okay!Jiayou!

All the best and hopefully,I will be able to see you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 09:54

morning! how's ya day, nic? haha.

erm, my facilitator taught me this before - life is like jogging on the track, just jog at your most comfortable pace ba. When you're tired, slow down and walk walk first, then continue jogging again when u not so tired le.

Well, not sure whether it works for your case cos I don't know your time table at all. But well, regarding the part on "had a difficult time coping with everything", is it possible for you not to overload yourselves with too much work? Meaning, is it possible to say no to some of the tasks that may seemed...less important? Only accept the amount of tasks that you can handle jiu dui le.

But well, just sharing, not sure if this works for your case. Jia you arh! smilez =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 12:31

hi MLB/Mlbians .. sharing a poem for some motivation.. fm a source..

"How to Be Happy!"

"Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams;
they're a very essential part of you.

Do whatever you can to make them a
reality by the course you take,
the plans you make,
and all the things you do.

Don't dwell on past mistakes; leave
yesterday behind you --- along with any
of its problems, worries, and doubts.

Do realize you can't change the past,
but just ahead is the future --- and
you can do something about that.

Don't try to accomplish everything at
once; life can be difficult enough ---
without adding frustration to the list.

Do travel one step at a time, and reach
for one goal at a time. That's the way
to find out what real accomplishment is.

Don't be afraid to do the impossible,
even if others don't think you'll succeed.

Do remember that history is filled with
incredible accomplishments of those who
were foolish enough ..... to believe.

Don't forget that there are so many
things that are wonderful, rare,
and unique about you.

And do remember that if you can search
within and find a smile ..... that smile
will always be a reflection
of the way people feel ..... about YOU!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 12:40

haha thanks supporter. Very enlightening indeed. heh heh.

I got one excerpt to share too! But kinda long, read only when u r free ok? hehe.

Love Your True Self (Part 1)

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to practice self-love. Loving and respecting yourself more than anyone else is crucial because if you're not happy, successful, life-affirming and healthy, you're not much use to anyone.

Some people always put others before them, and to them this is a very natural thing; they're genuinely selfless and sympathetic. But in the meantime, they forget who they are and lose themselves in the process. They begin to get depressed, lose focus and ambition and wonder what happened to their life to make them get to this point. The answer is simple - they let their obligations and responsibilities get in the way of fulfilling their life's destiny and, in short, they lost themselves to others.

(fast forward...)

There are millions of people running around on autopilot - finding themselves consumed by everyday life and the expectations of others that they've forgotten to care about the most important person in their lives - themselves.

If we continue to neglect ourselves, what's going to happen (and that's already affecting thousands of elderly people today) is that we're going to eventually find ourselves in a place of sadness and loneliness. Because in all our running around and tending to everybody's wishes, we allowed our own problems and dissatisfactions to simmer and fester. How do we do everything for everybody and do for ourselves, too? We can't. We have to accept that. There will be times that you will not be there for someone because a part of you needs your love and time. And that's ok. You have to help yourself too, you know.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 12:51

Good Afternoon, all!

Mr Smiley,
hope you are carrying a smile after a "depression" night when letting off your emotional break down onto the blog. at least you are willing to share and not keeping it to urself where it's more miserable. yup, not to worry, let it go and everything turns out well. becos, god is alwaes there for you, helping you and lead ur way to a betta one. most importantly, carry a big smile, happy frame of mind and go on with ur life. ii believe, someday, somehow, luck is alwaes there for you.
all the best, Nic! you can make it! nothing is impossible for you rite?! you have been go through so much, so, we believe you can do it!!! Jiayou!!! Lead a BIG SMILE! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:13

HALO nicky nic nic a.k.a mr SMILE (:

happy to see u updating the blog! yeah, i agree strongly that "Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end". Everything will turn out well! Laughter is the world! Just smile and let everything go. I hope u did take good care of urself these few days? Hotty Week yeah? So drink more water! Like what Mr sporty always say, Be positive. Sad 的时候, 就唱适应.. 很SAD很SAD的时候,要开心, 就唱GET ALIVE.. 很开心很开心, 要更伤心(=.=)就唱泪! Thats MLB album 的力量!! Got a variety of songs for us to listen! so when u guys are sad or happy, listen to MLB SONGS and just let it go!




Blogger Jodie [: | 10 October, 2007 13:16

Glad u had a nice burfdae.
HAHA! Anyway, you must take care, kays?
Smile always (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:17

i think so.. i'm not so sure.. u try to look up for more info at xin.sg? or spop webbie?


why never update blog? haha.. sporty dao ni wang ji da jia le huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:18

halo jodie!
my exam just end today also! hahas.. grats(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:24

hey nic,

jia you! tok to some1 if there's a need...

all of us here will b glad to lend u our ears...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:30

wa biang. all purposely gek me is it? MY paper starts tomorrow. aiyoyo. let me recall - I having test on the 11th, 12th, 15th, 18th and 19th. -_-!

wahaha congrats anyway.

nic must jia you jia you zai jia you yor~~ of course not forgetting weiqi, who should be exams currently or soon or over liao? Like i always say, wish you score straight Ace in class. Of course not forgetting your TP too. Be careful on the road!

Old boy too! You also learning driving right? Jia you! Be careful on the road too.

I wanted to have milopeng just now but I seriously can't bring myself to do so - air con in class is WAY TOO COLD le. *frozen* so I bought milo-sio lor.

fyi, we cannot adjust the air-con - it's centralized de.

back to work! MLB and MLBians take care!

*trying to defrost myself*


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:41

hahaha! quizzy_me, funny u.. trying to defrost yrself by thinking of drinking milopeng?...shd'nt it be


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:44

be strong .. jia you .. we will always b there for u ..

wahh .. u haf so many papers coming ar .. jia you k ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:46

no la. that was during the morning break. hahaha. now i defrosting myself just by walking around lor.

cos RP is a COOL school mahz. hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:51

hi Nic,

when u feeling low..

take a break ..
drink milopeng ..
listening to yr fav music..
eat yr fav chocolates things..
hid yr identity, then go for a walk by the river..
look at the shinning stars n sexy moon..or
go to Mt Faber, watch the beautiful sunset..

It works for me..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 13:58

wooh thanks shan.

aha remembered something liao. Nic, we're running this track with you and sam and weiqi too. That is what MLB family suppose to be mahz. Since we're one "family", of course we'll be there cheering for you de. jia you jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 15:15

Hi Nic
October is a month
when many feel blue
-sudden rain
-burning heat
-year's coming to an end
and nothg much has been done
so we sing the blues...

it's a journey
we go through
and when we finally know
what we got to do
we gather our strength and press on!

hi NIc
happy belated biRthdaY!
ya, like many of the mlbies
have been very busy
and i got forgetful!
may this year be full of beautiful happenings
filled with friends and love.
and as you climb higher
may you see further
clear skies and blue clouds
smiling upon you!

God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 15:36


Aww, i guess you're not feeling all that good?

I'm going through a rough path myself but i believed if we hold on just a little bit more and fight through it, we'll make it.

Like always, i can only give words of encouragement.

Jiayou! Jiayou! Jiayou!


Blogger Pek Choo | 10 October, 2007 18:44

Hello Nic,

Jiayou and Stay Happy!!
Take Care too~
Don't be too stress, take a rest!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 19:48

hey the one with the smile.
you muz be strong okay?
dun think too much.
juz do your best, and dun let yourself down.. i think that is the best thing you can do.
sometimes, maybe.. if u see things at a different point of view, the big problems would become small issues.. it's juz the way how we perceive things.
yup. always rmb, we're here to support you! JIA YOU! live your fullest yeah? =D take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 21:19

Learn more about the latest HD products and services at the HD5 Lift Off held on 13 and 14 Oct at the Suntec Convention Centre!

What's more, you get to rub shoulders with your fave celebrities like Michelle Chong, Gurmit Singh, Jade Seah, Patricia Mok, Singapore Idols Taufik Batisah, Olinda Cho, Jonathan Leong; Live The Dream finalists; Project SuperStars Darren Tan, Tan Diya; Mi Lu Bing, Camous SuperStars as well as The Dance Floor's Vas & Pris!

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What: HD5 Lift Off
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Log on to HD5 Lift Off for more informations. =D


Blogger qing qing | 10 October, 2007 22:07

ya, b strong! we'll always b here for u de.. SMILEZ! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 22:54

jiayo! Just remember, when you're fearful, He's always faithful!(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 23:09

Life is like music, it has high notes and low notes..

just believe in yourself... and the fact that you're never alone.

cheers!~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 23:36

hey nic, no one expects you to be a superhuman. maybe somewhere along the road, you fell, but its okay. you can pick yourself up again. there's not a need for you to put on a facade because im v sure that everyone supports you for who you are; failures and emo-ness included. cheers !


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2007 23:37

hmm. i guessed it's all about thinking ba. Others may encourage you a lot, but it won't help if you aren't able to help yourself? Don't know leh. haha. So ya, it's your choice whether you want to think positively or negatively le. Erm, no hard feelings ya? haha.

anyway, those who want to know more about YES!933 醉心龙虎榜 2007年第3季季选成绩, Vanessa updated the results le. Go to http://933charts.blogspot.com/2007/10/2007-3.html ba. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 11 October, 2007 00:47

Hey Nic,
Please stay positive and hang on.
As what you've mentioned: "Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end". I shall continue by saying: "Pick up from where you've fall, and learn from the mistakes you've made". 天无绝人之路。I still can recall one of my secondary school chinese teacher ever told us: "不怕慢,只怕站".
Fyi, you are not facing your problem alone. Although we does not know exactly what problems you are facing, but rest assured that we will always be supporting you & your 2 bros. Please stay calm but continue to Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 01:26

"Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but
win out in the end because they’ve stayed true to their
ideals and beliefs and commitments."


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 01:34

Must Stay Happy & Positive k...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 01:43

MLB jiayou! nitz n sweet dreams..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 02:12

this is just pretty much all we can do.. encouragements n all. the rest will hv to depend on you yourself...


rmb the song u once posted? Superman.. well, rmb tt nobody's perfect. hv lower expectations of urself sometimes.. cuz u make me feel that u're racing against time to get things done..

life's not simple, will never be. jus keep a positive outlook in life.. 快乐要由自己争取.we cant help much, cuz we're not you. its only u urself tt can help.. its not a good feeling, but jus try to stay happy, hang in there...

and rmb, u're never alone. =) smilez...



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 08:22

HD5 Lift Off
Suntec City Convention Centre
Hall 401, Level 4
13 & 14 Oct, 11am - 8pm

Performances by MiLuBing:
Sat 1.45pm
Sun 5.45pm

Have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 10:04

Hi Nic

So you r really true to yourself and very frank with us to. Now you are not alone and you are never alone.

There are people who love you - and you may not love them; there are people you love - but you have lost them; now there are fans who care and love you - u shld know tt the day you decided to step into SB, you shld expect the whole lots of us behind your back. YOU ARE NOT ALONE...

You may know us, some maybe and mostly by names but we all want you to know... all sadness learn from it, all happiness embrace and feel blessed. All path walked be it happy and sad, no regrets - it is part of growing up, growing wiser. I believe you are very 'artist' - but take time to feel the trees, touch the flowers, the soil beneath your feet, the wind on your face and the sky above you - YOU ARE ALIVE!

Take time man! The roads is never the same. If everything is so smooth, life will be a dead boring. Take time alone..but do not go into dead ends - do not indulge in self pity - in all sadness, there is a lesson to be learnt. The name is 'LET GO'.

MEMORIES are made of these.. isn't it? Stumbled..get up..pat your backside..and say..'Hey Nic..when it gets tough.. the tough gets going."

Many a time, we really cannot express what is deep inside us. Hoping that others understand is 'hopeless' bcos the needle is poking you and not them...All the good thing said and encouragement given are like 'blowing in the wind' - does it means anything? Just like this lot of 'dung' I am writing... do you understand? I am going around the 'bush' to give you encouragement..and hope this 'bush' is not 'on fire'.

Cheers buddy! We are man and a man stands tall - bcos we hv the country, the family, our love ones and now a 'fan' club behind you.

Emo or no Emo is like a knife with both side sharp - cut the right thing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 10:15

morning =)! *defrosted by milo-shio*

aha. Thanks "news flash" for informing. Saturday and Sunday...siao arh! will 忙死 our guys de leh! LOL! But well, jia you milubing. smilez =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 10:23

Good Morning, all!

wah! they are being scheduled for 2 daes?!! wont they be very tired?! =/ haiz. anw, all of will still be there for MLB!! =]
*thx 'news flash', ur post is rather more effective den mine. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 10:29

hi, gd morning & a happy day to nic, sam, weiqi, & all mlbians..

Saw Weilian on TW program, being interviewed, singing n playing his guitar.. i admired his guts..he is blind but is travelling & promotiing his passion.. same as MLB, he learnt his guitar fm friends' guidiance .. but being blind is even tougher..

so we, sighted ppl.. got something to learnt fm him.. Cheers! n Smile!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 11:12

jus wanna say, dont overstress yourself.. not good for health definitely... when u're down, maybe try to find someone trustworthy... tell them ur troubles. sometimes pouring it out may be a lil more comfortable.

thanks for the bit of info... thou im pretty much praying it be wrong... [which i doubt it is la]its taxing for them to be performing so many times in that few days. sat, sun and tues...

u guys really got to jiayou and takecare okay? like i said, u guys know full well who're the people concerned about you... so dont make them worry... im sure u guys know what im saying yeah? ni zhi dao de~!

its a brand new day... thou im not in the best of moods today.. still, all hv a great day yeah? whatever comes ur way, jus try to face it w a smile... and continue walking...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 11:49

haha don't accept more than what you can handle jiu dui le. Must learn to say no at times. Don't have to feel bad - I'm sure the relevant people will understand de. If they don't understand, the whole MLB family shall go on hunger strike together as a form of protest! wahahahaha.

just kidding. Don't mind me. haha. A little headache now. Kena frozen again. Today's lesson not too difficult, but now "mi lu" le. hmmm....


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 11:56

seeing wad you written..seen tat u kinda sad over sumting...bt hang in there...support you olwae de worx...


Blogger Jodie [: | 11 October, 2007 12:40



The HD5 event is free admission is it? Hmms. But this sat and sun not free lar. Paiseh. Going Escape with frens XD!

HAHAHA! Must take this time to play hard =P! Before get back results.

But i most worry bout history cos MOST QUESTIONS I DUNNO HOW TO DO! AHHHH! HELP! HOW? :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 14:05

jodie, you purposely gek me is it? wahahaha. My paper starts this afternoon la. haha.
since the paper is already over, there's nothing much you can do liao. So no point lamenting over it. You can't be asking your teacher to give you back the paper to let you change answer or whatsoever arh. haha.

I'm feeling great now. Managed to find the "direction" to today's problem. But don't know correct ma. Bo pian, just try lor. haha.

can someone update me whether weiqi's exam is still ongoing or over liao? aiyoyo. Mr Chan, hope your exam won't be affected by these performances...

even Sam went MIA liao...so I supposed the guys are having a tough time now...=( aiyoyo.

to all my dear friends who will be going on Saturday and Sunday, let's give our most-est loudest cheers to the guys hao ma? They really hao xin ku.

I can't confirm with you my attendance on Sunday yet as I've mentioned earlier, I got a paper on Monday. But 为了他们,I shall 拼了 (not saying I can go there without studying for test la).

all jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 14:14

Sam, Nic, Weiqi.. jiayou! .. walk up one step at a time.. the Sun is still shinning..


Blogger christinncameron | 11 October, 2007 16:02

I feel very depress these days too..really feel like crying and dieing...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 16:55

hey tinntinn,
dying doesnt solve problems..
so.. dun die! muz treasure life k?

and hope our dearest nic's feeling fine today! smiLe~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 17:02

tinntinn, don't die leh! you will feel much better after crying and confiding to someone de. Just like me, last semester I went through a depressing period too. but never thought of dying though. anyway, you have to be strong for the sake of people who care for you. MLB family are one of those!

When you're feeling bad today, try helping people around you who need help. Even if it's the smallest favor such as helping someone to pick up his stuff that he dropped on the floor...will also make someone's day and make you smile too. Try it. you will feel better de. jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2007 00:28

whatever it is, please try t stay strong alrights. you're very much loved by all of us so i'm sure none of us want t see you sad.

did you ever let go, did you ever not know.
i'm not gonna stop, that's who i am.
i'll give it all i got, that is my plan.
will i find what i lost, you know you can.
i wanna make it right, that is the way.
to turn my life around, today is the day.
the answers are all inside of me, all i gotta do is believe.

CHEER UP ALRIGHTS! hope that you'l be smiling again real soon. manymany Loves.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 October, 2007 13:25

Take gd care of yrself nic.......Do drink lots of water:) jia you!!!:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2007 23:12


Happy belated bdae! =D

Jiayou wor...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 October, 2007 17:41

hey nic.you hav great fans around u.u can jus let it all out if u tink its too much for u,and rmb to pick urself up after tat.and yups!keep on smiling,even if it is not for urself,smile for them.(: lalala~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2007 15:59

HmMm...although i do not noe tat whether U will see my cOmment for euu but all i wanNa sae iis JiaYou and never qive up ...cos hard time will alwae get over through and Rainbow will cum out afta Rain worx..sOOo Jia You le..Yeah...HmMm..if you see my cOmment can U write comment on my blog mah?sO I nOE tat you have read It...My bLog iis WWW.TANSIYUN.BLOGSPOT.COM...






Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2008 09:44

kor .....

contact me !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2008 14:18


This is your new home..and I hope you all like it here. October onwards are raining months and we have plenty of water to grow.

Thank you all for being supportive and keeping Garden so warm.

Thanks to MLB for letting us grow here. It is because of MLB that we get to gather here and become cyberfriends...we have grown from Garden to Garden.

WELCOME... and keep this place GREEN.

Warmest regards
7th March 2008


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2008 14:52

hi waving to Sunflower n all the naturians who will be coming..

haha! i rode on a golden eagle.. so v fast reach le~

happy weekend all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2008 22:27

Wow, such a lovely new garden for all of us.
Wave** to Sunflower & coconut tree. Let's wait for the rest of the beautiful plants to report home.
I love October, not because of more rains, but because ........ hehe.
Have a great weekend & enjoy...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 March, 2008 01:07

rosemary has de-rooted fm d old garden & made my way to d new home!



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2008 16:15

Hi... I am here! Lalang reporting..Yeh! this is a much better place. We are too far down.

Thanks Sunflower. So you heard my call... :) Hello Coconut, BOP and Rosemary. Sorry I made so much noise in the recent month bcos I cannot see anything frm old Garden.

How is life to all of you? Skool is like crazy. Just have to bear one more year...

Look forward to see the fully family here - Mango, Mango Tree, Willow and Cedar, Pink Rose.. come home quick!

Think tomorrow got to go back to skool......???


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 March, 2008 23:08

Hi lalang, welcome back to our new garden. Wave**
Ya, still waiting for the rest of the plants to come back. I am sure they will be back soon, and we shall re-unite once again. hahaha
Weekend is finishing & a new week just to begins. Hope that everyone will have a better week ahead. Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2008 13:33

lost my way juz now... went back to old garden to search d link...

lalang, np... glad tat u post at cs... haa... like 寻人启事... ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 01:02

'The Boy and the Apple Tree '
Original Author Unknown

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to play around it everyday. He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, and took a nap in the shade. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.

Time went by, the little boy grew up and no longer played around the tree every day.

One day, the boy came back to the tree, looking sad.

"Come and play with me", the tree said.

"I am no longer a kid,” remarked the boy tersely. “I do not play around trees any more. I want toys. I need money to buy them.”

The tree said, "Well, I do not have money, but you can pick my apples and sell them.”

The boy picked the tree clean of apples and left gleefully. He didn’t come back.

After many years, when the boy had grown into a man, he returned to the tree.

"Come and play with me,” the tree said excitedly.

"I do not have time to play,” said the man. “I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?"

To which the tree replied, "Sorry, but I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.”

This the man did and left. The tree was again lonely and sad.

One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted.

"Come and play with me!" the tree said.

"I am getting old,” said the man. “I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?"

"Use my trunk to build your boat,” said the tree. “You can sail far away and be happy."

So the man cut down the tree and made a boat. He went sailing and didn’t show up for a great number of years.

Finally, the man returned.

The tree, having been reduced to merely its roots, said, "Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you anymore. No more apples…”

"It’s ok, I do not have any teeth to bite them with," the man interrupted.

"No more branches or trunk for building houses and boats…”

"I am too old for all that now," the man said. “I just need a place to rest. I am so tired…”

The man sat down and nestled into the tree’s comfortably old roots.

The tree wept tears of joy.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 16:18

Good afternoon Plants. Taking a breather before I go into next meeting. Came to check how the new home is doing. Looks like there are still some people not home yet. I hope to see mango - mum and boi, Pink Rose, Cedar & Willow here.

Need to go now and before I do, I attached a link here for all of you. You must really check it out because it is amazing....

< http://www.youmaker.com/video/sv?id=62f43fbc7f3c4c1c88d22b60a1df2282001&f=fs>



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2008 16:36

it's freezing!

it's been raining lately... take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 March, 2008 12:01

YAWN.N.N.N.N.N.n.n.n! OMG, everytime I am xian in class I come here to peep. How come so less ppl here leh? So mani missing plants.

SUNFLOWER, wow! the crocman is really impressive.. Lacoste reali put money into advert. Really cool and can 'wow' all the girls.

Went to the main page. Felt very disconnected as reali dunoe wat's gg on. Looks like wei qi only reply to selected ppl n they r all charbo.s! Any of them there...are plants here?

Superband is coming and looking fwd to it. Who will be it this time around. Will we still see some cool n sleek dance moves from NuNai?

K. back to books! sigh...h.h.h.h


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 March, 2008 01:12

hello wave to naturians, including the missing ones..

pretty quiet here, mking some noise here .. a little joke..

Girls are like phones.
They like to be held and talked too, but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected.

So, boys,handle yr girls with care!

gd nite!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 10:45

Came in to thank Sunflower for the gift and presence at our dinner. I read all the well wishes from Plants here.

Have been busy with work in China and with the wedding etc. it was hetic and madness. Have to hold dinner at three places. Singapore, Kuching and China. Willow's family is in Kuching. We went to HarErBin for honeymoon and went to look at 'bing tiao'.

Hi Coconut and if I still remember correctly, you are also Birdie right? Sunflower mentioned that she is seeing you all lesser now and what a pity. The next Superband II is coming soon and we will not be in Singapore to support.

Been back for a week now and will be leaving tomorrow. Going to shop for some necessities for Willow. See you all again.

Thanks Sunflower for pointing me to this address.

Take good care everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 14:24

hi all!

lalang, sometimes i oso feel lost there... oni went in to read occassionally & selectively...

new SB... now they hv different catergory... how to select d ultimate winner?

bon voyage again to cedar & willow... alws 来匆匆,去匆匆... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 14:25

btw, if anyone if u in facebk, can add me: lchino17@yahoo.com


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 11:26

Happy Easter to all!

Woo-hoo~ long wkend! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2008 23:07

Wow, this new garden is indeed more quiet. Plus the weather lately, this garden is very cold with all the missing plants.
Many plants have yet to come home, either they are lost or still having fun elsewhere?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2008 14:29

hello Cedar.. ya, i am also birdie.. is a pleasure to know that u remember...

kuching must be an interesting country.. ah, if i remember correctly, kuching is also Sunflower's country of birth..

yrs ago, a late colleague, loved to visit ulu places.. kuching was one of his favourite.. told us, life there is more relaxing..
old men(headhunters) in the remote villages still display trophy human skulls in the long houses.. heard ppl there love noodles.. recently see some kuching konglo mee spruting up.. any1 tried? is it nice?..

Life here is v hectic.. is wk n wk.. i do come in as often as i can...but haha! more often than Sunflower herself..

Cedar/Willow - Wish ur pte gdn happiness & prosperous with plenty of pantlets & sweet fruits in the in the future..

one interesting article:-

Plants have human qualities.
They can talk to each other and even call in reinforcements when the going gets tough.
Can communicate with each other by
sending chemicals in an effort to repel the enemies..


waving to all naturins & mango tree/mango, missing ones... hope to c all soon...

happy sunday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2008 12:26

Hi Plants, Gd Afternoon. Managed to squeeze some time to come here today.

Cedar and Willow, you are always welcome back here.Missed Cedar again. I really miss the days when we all tagped and talk to ea other. Now, we leave mssg n wait so many days to come back n read the next one.

Mango, mango where art thou? Please come home. BOP, can you point mango back home please.

Coconut, No. I am not from Kuching. I am from Brunei. Kuching is a very quiet town. Went there for some soucing trips and changing flight when I visited my brothers in Miri.

Sorry to all the plants here, Sunflower is coming here lesser due to work and travelling. I will be gone again next month. Hope to take some nice pictures for you guys.

Stay happy and stay committed to MLB. Looks like MLB is now very familiar with all the regulars in the current date. We are the hidden recluse.

Last Friday I managed to go to the beach and swim with my siblings. It was so wonderful. The morning part weather was very good and it started raining in the afternoon. I wanted to see Ama Keng again and all the memory of Chua Chu Kang/ Lim Chu Kang so I drove all the way there. Used to camp at the end of CCK/LCK with friends overnight on a fishing pond. Ama Keng is the place we went for food. Now the landscape changed so much. I love this part of Lim Chu Kang too. It is very ulu and still unspoilt. So if you ask me what I do if I hv time, I will drive around Singapore and avoid all the city areas. Next time I shall bring my camera and take pictures. I found a Fire Fly Farm in CCK, so interesting.

OK, that's all for now. Cheng Ming is around the corner and we expect more rainfall. It is the time we remember our ancestors. Don't go out too late in the night as you will run into 'good brothers'.

Cheers and have a great week ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2008 22:53

Hi Sunflower!

woo... travelling again... tis time to which land?

my fren used to stay at LCK... u know d small neighbour? went her hse once... we cycle to d farms nearby... was rater a quiet place, but we had a fun time cycling ard...

shall wait 4 ur nice pics! u alws take interesting pics... =)

yeah, chingming juz ard d corner... gg to 扫墓 nxt wkend. hope weather will b gd!

coconut, do u alws go search & read up on interesting articles? u alws hv lots of things to share...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2008 01:13

Hi Sunflower,
Will try my very best to search for mango & guide him home.
Wow, you are leaving again. Think you take flight likes we taking buses & trains?
Happy travelling & All the Best to U.

rosemary & coconut,
Will you all be attending POTP Anniversary Celebrations on 31st Mar. 2008 to support MLB? Haven't seen you gals at MLB's events for so.....loooooong!
I have applied leave on that day just to attend the event. Hope to see you gals. :)

To All beautiful plants in this garden,
Take care & have a nice day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2008 19:17

Hello Sunflower and all plants,

i'm late!

lovely place.. nic's plantation!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2008 20:06

Hello Sunflower Ayi & Coconut Ayi. I came back to serve the army and it is really tiring and tough. I Know how it is like for Nic Kor. He probably got more activities than us.

I have forgotten most of the people here in their actual names I know them. I have also lost touch with the Blog and MLB's activities. There are still the faithful here as for me I think I have out grown from the devotion to Nic Kor. We grow up and it is too tacky for guyz to take part in all these blogging.

I am sure Sunflower Ayi must hv mentioned that Dad retired. It is abt time too. Apple got married, me in army so the family is like less noisy. Abt time Mum retire too and both of them can travel. Aft army I will go back to uni in UK.

Looks like Sunflower Ayi is less active now. After her promotion she is travelling even more.I cannot find her to have dinner with her because she either work late, rush reports, travel, meetings etc. Please bear with her.

Coconut Ayi is as usual. You are the pillar here. I am sorry I cannot find the other home. Cueless! Your story is still as interesting and I believe you read alot.

Congratulation to Cedar and Willow. I know Cedar, he is Blue Surgeon right? Good to know he came back here once a while.

Wave to BOP, rosemary, mango tree, lalang and..........sorry


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2008 23:08

Cocoa already in army ? pulau tekong?

BOP, mango also applied leave on 31st but dont know whether approved?
he sms me this evening.. he saw nic in camp.

went back old house to check anything left over...

coconut, really forget what to tell you, maybe abt China?

rosemary, 寻人启事! very good describe!

last week take bus no.72 pass by Tampines old road, that section of road, no change.. increase my sad feeling.. i like to recall, but always feel sad..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2008 23:41

Hi Cocoa,
Its good that you are serving the NS. Not to worry too much, you will get used to it soon. Jia-you...
Think I have to disagree with you that: it is too tacky for guyz to take part in blogging. Just blog whenever you are free & if you have something to share.

Hi mango tree,
Welcome back to our new garden, you have finally found us.
Oh, I just contacted mango minutes ago and get to know that his leave already approved. We will meet on that day.
Please take it easy & don't feel sad, whatever past already passed. Life still got to move on, lets be Happy :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2008 12:08

Hi Plants, good morning and 10 min. b4 noon. I came here bcos I got an sms from Cocoa tat he came in to tag. He probably scared of me being so lor soh. Ha.a.a.a.a

Mango Tree Mum, welcome home.Mango still in camp. I forgot he is also in the army. Cocoa is in P. Tekong - is everybody there? Spare me bcos I really lost touch where are the camps now. He mentioned he saw Nic too but Nic do not know who is he.

Mango Tree, I lived in Tampines too. Old Tampines Road is a long and quiet road. I love this road but a bit scary at night and yet I drive into it instead of taking TPE. There are so many temples towards to end leading to Giant, Ikea and Courts. Sorry I think I shld not asked but may I say something? In Life, we travel the road, sometime it is smooth, sometime it is rough, sometime we stumbled and falls. The landscape sometime is beautiful, sometime it is sad - we experience Life and no matter how heartbroken we are, Life goes on and the sun will shine again tomorrow. The Good and The Bad make our time on earth worthwhile.

Every time I come across something that hurts, it is like taking an exam - you either pass, fail or breakeven. Open your heart and set yourself free...Love yourself and be kind to yourself. I am not going to tell you it doesn't matter because you know the pain because the needle pricked you. Look at the pain and you will see it slowly subsides - how soon? Up to you.

I think I am a girl without any 'tau hua yuen'. The funny thing that all the plants I bought with flowers, after a while only left green leaves.

BOP, I suppose 'ang moh boi' like Cocoa is a bit different. To have him stay with us on MLB Blog for so long is amazing. Given his family background, his education, the type of friends - I am suprised that he even bother to tag here but again that was timing.

OK, got to run. Keep this place warm and caring. Mango Tree, although we have not met but Sunflower is always here for you and all plants.



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2008 22:45

Oh Sunflower,
You are still in Singapore? Spend times with all your love ones before you leave again. :)
Believe most army bois will get to see Nic, at least till before he ORD. Cos Nic is in the MDC (Music & Drama Company), so they will go to all camps to perform for the newly enlisted guys or whenever a camp have big celebration likes aniversary dinner.
Oic, didn't know that "ang moh boi" are diffrent. Well, as what I said: blog whenever you are free, or got something to share.

Weekend is coming soon, jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2008 23:57

Hi hi ... not sure if any plants still remember me & my small bb? But still want to send our greeting to all flowers & plants in the secret garden! ^_^

small bb is in P3 now. Doing fine & love to play computer games. Not sure if you can view it but this is my angle:


Me ... now live my life around her & work. Sometimes, I feel tt i got no life. So i always try to steal some times with my friends. =p

Hopefully, we can meet soon. Especially in May coz it is Sunflower & my birth month. =)

Lastly, I want to share this with you.


Take good care ~ my dear friends!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 22:58

Dear friends...

Lets count our blessing!


God bless the baby!



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 13:49

bz bz.. so juz a quick tag.

BOP, yes i'll b gg later... hope it wont b too crowded!

come back again when i'm free...

hv a gd wk everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:54

Happy April Fool's Day every1.. enjoy being fooled just for 2day..

hi BOP sori late reply.. was v bzy with personal things, no time to go.. u must hd enjoy yrself v much..

hi to all naturians! gd nite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:57

hello Cocoa, nice to c u around, next time if u do c nic say hello to him n maybe let him kn who u are..

BOP is rite.. whether male of female .. is alrite to hv online friends, just tag when u can..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:58

sori wrong nite, i blur liow, better go kun..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 14:16

haha.. coconut... past bed time so u r blur liao...

happy april's fool day to all~ hope none kanna tricked? ;p

bop, din c u ytd... u stand in rt in front of stage? i oni saw mango standing alone behind d crowd.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 16:42

here r some nice stories posted by mary bukoh (933). if u did tune in to her prog, shld hv heard too.




Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 16:51

here's d o/r one:
















Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 01:09

Hi Plants, April Fool day, 1st April... 5 years ago today..Leslie died. I cried 5 years ago, 5 years later I still cry today. Never love any artist so much as I love Leslie. Although very busy preparing for my trip but I cannot stop listening to his songs.

Attached a link to a very nice song written for GorGor and like to share it with you all - to remember a true performer. Someone no other can replace - whether he acts or sings, on and off stage - he is so charismatic. Enjoy this song..



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 13:12

oh sunflower, u oso like him. my fren was a big fan... i juz got to know tat every yr she'll fly to hk to attn d memorial event. she shld still b there now...

his fans r really loyal & missed him much despite he has left for 5 yrs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 03:05

hi rosemary,
Sorry for the late reply. I was infront but at the left side of the stage, which was nearer to the stage for the yes933 POTP 25yrs aniversaries celebration.
Wow, thanks for sharing the 2 nice & touching stories.

hi coconut,
didn't know that you are so busy. Hope you are not too stressful.

hi sunflower,
again we have another same artiste as our idol. ya, I also cannot believe what happened to Leslie 5yrs ago and I cried too.
So far we have 3 artistes that we loved are the same, namely: Leslie, Sly & MiLuBing. Wondering there is anymore popping up? hehe.....
fyi, my others old timer idols are: 刘文正,江玲,沈雁,许冠杰,梅艳芳,王杰。

Wishing all the beautiful plants in this garden, a happy & great weekend. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 April, 2008 12:28

BOP, i was oso standing on d left side of d stage. near to d logo. was standing behind some pax.

u like 许冠杰, so did u went for his concert?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 April, 2008 19:40

Hello all...writing to you in a middle of meeting in Phuket. I am missing more and more anf felt very sorry.

Yes, BOP,the younger generation is Lu Ku.

Take care folks.



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 April, 2008 13:56

"Dream about what please you,
Go where you want to go,
Be who you want to be,
You only have one Life,
To do what makes you happy".

Waves~ naturians! happy workings or studies..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 April, 2008 02:24

hi naturians,

how's every1?
chingming festival is here.. all the years, we will do our duty on a Sunday, my goodness, is always so jammed.. cannot tahan the crowd.. so tis year we choose a Sat, and glad that we did.. no crowd.. maybe the peak period is over.. no idea..

gd nite all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 12:33

Yoz Plants. Lalang in the house. Wa, here very cold de wo. How come r? So mani missing ppl leh.
Went to peep at the main.. really don't know wat they talking abt - like some 'kao shou guo cao' ppl like me see stars.
Hellow Sunflower, Coconut, BOP, Rosemary, Mango Tree long time no tag here. Everyday think want to come but 'think' only and nvr come. Mind a bit loose and confused w too mani projects. Hope u guys are happy with works. Hungry n am gg to feed myself. ciao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 13:27

popping by...

so lalang, hv u had ur fill? i juz had mine... enjoying a cup of soya bean drink now... ;-)

sunflower, u still in phuket? take care & hv fun there despite ur bz work.

coconut, chingming starts d wk b4 rt? last wkend i pass-by d bishan temple... lots of pple gg there i tink, so there was a long q of cars. den at d junction, 2 drivers were hving heated arguements. there was already a long q, yet they can stop at d turning junction to quarrel. slowing dwn d traffic flow. since all r gg for d same purpose, so shld b more patience & b considerate. i guess 1 of d driver might hv d o/r's cut-q.

counting dwn to wkend! yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 April, 2008 19:31

Good evening Plants. I got back from Phuket last friday and was very sick. So many ppl attending meetings for 1 week non stop and many coughing and running fever so I follow the 'trend'. My fever went up to 40 deg and drop to 39 deg and go up again. I thought I die liao! Actually suppose to fly back Saturday but cannot take it anymore so die die get a seat n fly back lor. Doc is afraid i got the worst of the flu bugs. Heavy antibotic and medcines and my mouth blisters.
Good to see lalang here, always so cheery with his posting.
Hi Rosemary, gd to see you here too. Just went to drop a note at the main and once in a lifetime I get to be the first one to post.
Hi Coconut and all the nature citizens. Take care and drinks lots of water... looks like the 'bugs' is around.
Yes, ChingMing started. It reminds me of Mum and all my love ones who have left me. I never forget Cindy too....rain and more rain makes the day very grey.
Sometime I wonder whether I need to work so hard. I have passed the mark I set for myself a long way already. If I don't work, what do I want to do with myself leh?
OK, guys I need to drive myself home and will come by when I am free.
Oh! have anyone of you when to the 'flywheel'? Nothing exciting really. For the experience but really nothing much.



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 April, 2008 14:58

sunflower, u ok now not?? work hard but dun over work... 出门在外alws hv to take xtra care nt to fall sick. take some health supplements/ nourishments... take a break if u need.

pls take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 April, 2008 10:29

hi waves naturians,

Sunflower try to take 5 in betw yr bzy schedules.. too much stress is bad for our body..

i had been to Phuket some yrs bck..b4 the tsunami..
but after the tsunami, with so many ppl dead, i hv got tis phobia of gg there n eating their seafood..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 April, 2008 12:52

Take Care ~ Sunflower & all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 April, 2008 04:41

小病是福..take a chance to rest!

I abt six years didn't see doctor le, my colleague warn me: u better go check-up once a year.. people who never sick will died easily..

Sunflower, hope u ok by now, take care..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 April, 2008 09:42

Hi folks, came in a bit early today before it gets too busy. Will be leaving for Miri this weekend and for the long break in May. You all may want to wish me Happy Birthday as it falls on 1st May. Everyone celebrates and no one can forget, ha.a.a.a.a.a.!

Ya Mango, I think we woman must check yearly. The basic checks but it is actually meaningless bcos I have friends who checked but not detected anything until too late. I think the best way is to keep yourself healthy, eat moderate, be Happy, yes, Happy as life is short. People who are not easily sick will get really sick when they do... not died la! So easy meh? YOur body need to detox.

As for me, I am also the not easy sick type and this time when I am down, I am really flat. Recovering but not totally recovered. I will take care de. Thanks to all plants for concern.

Long time din see MLB ler, came into the blog also read in a hurry. Recently long postings from Nicplant but I hv no time to digest everything. Qiplants poor thing, so school projects and exams dominated his time mostly. How come Samplant missing, hope he is well.

I missed you guys, BB, Coconut, BOP, Rosemary, Rose, Mango (mother and son). I met Cocoa rcently and together with his GF we went to the Flywheel. Nothing exciting - 2 rounds and pay S$200 and only finger food - jia buai pa de. After that very hungry so end up in Taiwan Poridge in Oasis. Oh! you guys note that this place is close down, don't go ya! They move to Tao Payoh and the day I went was the last day of business at Oasis.

The Mat Selamat case is making S'pore shy. I watch Channel News Asia daily and until we catch him, this topic will nvr end. Althouhg ppl said he is still in Singapore, my gut feel said that he has escaped to Indonesia. I really cannot understand such terrorist concept - do GOD really encourage such killing for the sake of GOD's business? Do ppl really think they can convert the whole world into Muslim or the unconvert deserve to die? What went wrong and where went wrong to human being? Animal kills for food, we kill for some reason we think GOD wanted - if there is a GOD to the good muslim, can he please tell them that ppl lives belongs to themselves and not that anyone can take life for his/her own reason. I do not like to see innocent die nor do I want to see Mat Selamat die - so looks like in history of the Bible - both cities need to be burnt to ashes for their immorality.

Recently I use to ponder what is right and what is wrong - is there a benchmark?

Looking at SBII with the winning money, really feel unjust to MLB. The amount of exposure given to them is also not great.

Recommend you all a singer I like -Leo Ku or Ku G Ji.. he has such deep eyes and a good voice. He is a good actor too.

So much for this monring. Have a good week ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 April, 2008 16:20

Sobz.z.z Sunflower misses everyone but ME.e.e.e.e.. Me...Lalang.

Nothing much to say. 拉郎到这一游! Saw JJ on screen. Fighting nice 高手过招man..story a bit stupid. Since wen angmoh play a part in 西遊记!

MLB got no more CD? New songs?

ciao liao..go sleep a while n den play football.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 April, 2008 01:52

Life is like a graph, sometimes up & sometimes down.

An ex-colleague marrried with a child, had annual check-up, the result always gd. One wk after a recent check-up, while bathing, she detected a small lump at the breast area. She panicked, n sad to say was cmfd beast cancer. She went for breast surgery, then chemo. Poor lady, she recd an extra blow - her husband left her for another woman.

This is an individual's life journey - fate?

I agreed, MDA was v unfair to the participants of SB1. No reward, no cert, nothing - infact it applies to all those starsearch talents as well. How many of them really had been looked after by MDA?.

'Romance in the Rain' - enjoyed this drama v much - by Leo Ku & Vicky Zhao Wei.

enjoy yr Sunday~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 April, 2008 10:59

tired... watched a great concert on sat...

mango tree, tat's power! stay healthy!

sunflower, tink many pple oso tink tat mas selamat has escaped... if he's still in sg, shld hv caught him by now.

wow, travel again huh... hope u can hv a gd rest during ur holi...

lalang, dun worry, sunflower wont forget u...

coconut, agree... y SB1 dun hv any cash prize. tis SB2 it's $20K for d winning grp rt? wat a difference...

anyway, hope d boys will make it to taiwan... dey hv d abilities to go far... but must c if MDC gives them d support nt. look fwd to their new album! (lalang, according to d boys, their 2nd album will b out sometime in jun/ jul)

hv a great wk every1!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2008 00:53

hi Sunflower, 'HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY'. .

Happy Labour Day! naturians..

Rosemary.. think the grand price for the SB2 is $50K.. c link



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2008 19:46

Happy Birthday, Sunflower!
Wish u have a sweet, wonderful and memorable day.. all the best!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2008 22:59

Happy Birthday ~ May aka Sunflower! =)

May health & happiness be with you always!

Lots of love from Bel & Char Char


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 May, 2008 10:50

coconut... wow... so much!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 May, 2008 21:26

hi garden, share tis farnie article which i saw tis on ytd's my paper:



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 May, 2008 11:46

Hi Plants, Wonderful people - so nice to come in a see you all here. Now a bit free so come in a show my face. I also want to share a story. Aiya! I cried when I read it and my staff were thinking what upset me, did they??? ha.a.a.a.a. My friend's daughter got into Superband2 so looks like I got to dig pocket again but gladly so. So here is the story...

I was walking around in a Target store, when I saw a Cashier hand this little boy some money back. The boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old. The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.' Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him: ''Granny, are you sure I don't have enough money?'' The old lady replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.'' Then she asked him to stay there for just 5 minutes while she went to look a round. She left quickly.

The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand. Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. 'It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas. She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her.' I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus would bring it to her after all, and not to worry. But he replied to me sadly. 'No, Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.'

His eyes were so sad while saying this. 'My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.'' My heart nearly stopped. The little boy looked up at me and said: 'I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall.'

Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me 'I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me.' 'I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister.' Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly. I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. 'Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll?'' 'OK' he said, 'I hope I do have enough.' I added some of my money to his with out him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.

The little boy said: 'Thank you God for giving me enough money!' Then he looked at me and added, 'I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give It to my sister. He heard me! I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. My mommy loves white roses.”

A few minutes later, the old lady returned and I left with my basket. I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started. I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl. The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma. Was this the family of the little boy?

Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away. I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before her burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest. I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever.. The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.

Moral of the story….

The value of a man or woman resides in what he or she gives, not in what they are capable of receiving...hope the story touches your heart.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 May, 2008 13:02

oh... wat a boy...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 May, 2008 03:09

hi, wkend is here & happy mothers' day to bel and mango tree & also to all de naturians' mums..

tis week is friendship week.. let us all pray for ppl who are suffering in one way or another, especially the ppl of Mynamar, who are really suffering.. is v sad.

wave~ to BOP, u MIA..

abt these ugly sickenging Sporean.. c link..


gd nite! yawn!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 May, 2008 09:43

Ha.a.a.a.a long time missing. Lalang the early bird. Come as and when I remember n in the middle of 'study'. How is everybodies? Agree with coconut with both hands up - do pray and support the Myanmar people now. One thingy, it is not easy to support them, their government is restricting support from outside. How?
YTD got dinner with Mother and whole family. I am wondering can we think of something more interesting - every time is eat and eat - easy way out. To show our appreciation or appreciate our stomach??

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers here. For curiosity, how many Mothers here ar?



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 May, 2008 13:34

woo.. coconut, wat u r doing in d wee hrs? better slp earlier...

heard d news abt d food/ aids given by o/r ctries r nt being given to d pple as d govt officers wanna claim d cr by claiming d donations to b fm them. at times like tis, shldnt it b more impt to save d lives of their pple?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 May, 2008 01:31

mother nature is really angry! 1st Myanmar, now Sichuan.. hey Cedar & Willow, both of u are in China, no idea which part.. hope is not affected by the quake.. take care!

tks rosemary, will try..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 May, 2008 12:01

happy vesak day!

natural disasters keep happening... hope more lives can b save fm d china quake...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 May, 2008 12:47

Hi Hi..howdy! Now a day I am abscent-minded. Forget to come here so often. SB2 coming n this time like all got 'liao' wan hor. Hope we pick the winner again tis time round.
Wave...gg for lunch.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 10:20

Hi Plants. Sorry I MIA. Have been busy with work and also down with this terrible cough until my internal organs turn upside down de. It will not subside until I am gasping for breath. Doctor said my last flu wasn't totally cure. Now I have to suffer. I went to Chinese singseh and he said if I don't I will become asmathic. How are? Die ler. Please to see the activities of MLB. Wave to everyone here. Ciao! Weekend ler go n support MLB OK?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 21:15



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2008 23:16

"Love cures people, both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."

Hope both the ppl of Myanmar & ppl of SiChuan can feel the love of Sporean n others..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 May, 2008 23:22

Sickness can creep up to ppl when u least expect it, esp when one is stressed.. Polution fm Indonesia in on the way here agn.. so Sunflower & naturians.. beware! drink plenty of water/liangteh n take 5 when stresssed..

Sunflower, i think rest can help u..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 May, 2008 11:34

sunflower, hope u r feeling better now... ya, tink u need plenty of rest in order to recover. too bz schedules liao...

did any1 went to civic plaza on sat? i cldnt make it tat nite.. heard d boys performed well & sang a new song. shall go catch d video clips on youtube.

lalang, d new sb2, which grp do u like?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 June, 2008 14:32

Hi Plants thanks for the concern. I am much better aft seeing Singseh. Mango Tree, well said. Most Singaporean are actually quiet generous and Kind. In so many haps, from tsunami to earthquake, we have bn giving and giving...the govt. too. Miss u guyz but so busi until no time. Anyone wtill partronized Rihno's cafe? Hvn't bn there since months ago. I lost touch w MLB too. Stay well! Hi lalang, where are you?
Oh! for info, I got an e-mail frm Cedar & Willow. They were in Xian when the 'shaking' happened. Minor damages in Xian and they are OK. Willow went to help in the support center so they both doing meaningful things.
Tat's all for now. Stay well!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 09:57

morning garden...

been pretty quiet lately... guess all's been bz...

sunflower, u've really been so bz... din get a chance to meet up wif u yet... when u r less bz, hope we can meet 4 a meal together wif d rest of d planty.

mlb will soon release their new album. hope u'll b free to support them den.

take care pple...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 15:03

Wave~ how's every1?
V quiet here. All de plants must be v bzy, but do remember to pop in occasionally to relax & share.

Glad to know both Cedar & Willow are fine.

Just something to share..

'One Billionaire was at the beach one day. He owns many ships. He saw a fisherman, relaxing letting time passed. He felt that the fisherman was wasting his time and did not have plan to own a ship and develop a career so that he can be rich and retire like him, to relax at the beach & enjoy life.

The Fisherman said, 'that's what I am doing now. I don't have to be rich to enjoy life'.

Happy weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 June, 2008 18:17

Hi Plants, it has bn sometime that I am here. Sorry hv been travelling and workloads are getting heavier. Looks like this place is very cold...warmed by Coconut and Rosemary...The new SB2 is starting and a new group is emerging. My friend daughter is in the group Tu Zi....so support them if you can.....



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 00:38

Sorry, have been MIA for quite some times liao! But, I am at the main blog almost nightly.
Haiz...I am gonna be jobless from 18th July onwards. The company I currently working in, is going to close down. :(
It is tough for me to find a good job, because majority company rejected interviewees that are above 35yo. :(
Oh... MLB album gonna release in July, wondering I still have times to turn up all promos?
Hopefully, God will lead me on. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 01:05

halo BOP, wat happened to ur co.? y suddenly closed dwn? u slogged so hard 4 them yet ends up winding up d biz...

dun b dishearted... juz go to those job search channels & sure there'll b jobs available.

d co tat my bro-in-law's worked oso closed dwn recently & he din get paid for 2 mths. lucky he managed to get a new job now. else it'll b a little tough on my sis to support d fam.

sunflower, tu zi's grp i like their style of music but d singing nt strong enuf. went to watch at imm tat day, cant really hear wat d singer is singing. but their image is cute... looking fwd to d 1st sb2 competition nxt mon.

hv a gd wkend all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 11:05

Hi rosemary,
Thanks for your concerns. Think there are many ppl likes me whose companies have closed down. Perhaps, manufacturing lines in Singapore gonna die off soon!
The company I currently working in also never gives us good compensation, our 1mth notice not paid to us & yet we have to serve the company. The retrenchment package was pretty bad too; every 1yr of service only entitled for 8days payment. Imagine I worked 8yrs, instead of gaining 8mths payment, I am getting only 64days (slightly more than 2mths) payments. Haiz...

Wondering anyone here can give me some advice?
Actually, I am thinking of signing up a diploma course in tourism & hospitality management (either in Temasek or Nangyang Polytechnics). Then, someone who is in this trade advised me not to switch job(from manufacturing to service) due to my age & starting salary. Therefore, I am stucked now!
Should I sign up for the course?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 13:55

hi BOP, is gd to hear fm u.. naturians miss u, thot u had misrouted..

sori to hear of yr co's closure & u being short-changed, hope u can get another job soon.. lots of ppl are taking up hospitality courses..
it shd be gd.. but better to go thru the course subjects to know whether yr interest is there..

a friend's middle-age husband was wkg as a Manager in a big firm, the boss sold his co. to someone else.. the new boss retrenched all exising employees, same thing, they were paid only 2mths salaries .. he is nw wkg as a taxi-driver..

Life can be v tough!

BOP gd luck to u!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2008 00:07

Thanks for your well wishes & concerns too. :)
Ya, agree that life is tough. Especially when all prices are shooting high up!

Oh, that fren's hubby of yours was only paid 2mths because he is a management staff. In fact, he should be considered lucky, cos usually management level only got 1mth compensation.

Well, not to worry too much. 天无绝人之路。Strongly believe that God will help & lead me. :)
Feel so blessed in this beautiful garden, thanks to all naturians. 谢谢大家。


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2008 00:09

Take Care ~ Everybody!

Good luck on finding a new job ~ BOP!

Ta Ta


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 June, 2008 14:50

halo all...

bop, if u wanna a chg of job, most likely u may nt b able to draw wat u r drawing now. nt too sure if it's a gd choice though to chg or shld u actually stick to ur current scope.

if u tink u r able to take d pay cut & to start low again, den mayb u can go for it.

as coconut (birdie - haa... u forgot u r in garden) said, u shld go research on d course & c if u really like. it might b a burden to take on a course now esp u r gg to b out of job soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 00:41

Wow, this garden seems very cold lately? Why isn't the beautiful plants tagging? Perhaps, everyone are very busy!
Yeah, tml going for my 2nd interview. If everythings are alright, I will not be jobless. Hehe... Believe it should be fine & no problem. Jia-you...
Take care & have a great week ahead. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 00:51

Oh ya, thanks bb, rosemary, coconut tree & all beautiful plants for the well wishes & jia-you.

A little sidetrack, I personally do not think that this new season of Superbands are better than season 1. Overall, MLB is still the BEST. :)
All Season 1 (S'pore Idol, Superband, Project Superstar & Campus Superstar) singing competitions' winners & finalists are always better than Season 2.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 20:21

Yup bop... I tik so too. But I like TuZi & ZaBaLang. Hope they will improve! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2008 22:46

Hi guys, so sorry long time I did not show my face. To see all of you here is a joy.
BOP, don't be disheartened. One door close another will open. Life is full of challenges. Jiayou! I pray for you successful interview.
Rosemary, BB and Birdie - thank you for tagging here.
Mango, hello and hope all is well with you and Mango boi.
Lalang seems to be missing. Willow and Cedar too.
Thanks for support TuZi. I told them that they need to buck up on their singing and song selections too...but songs are given by the judges. Due to my travelling, I din even see the first competition. I think a Band name is also important..if they want to go universal..why all Singaporean name...de!
OK, got to run to main blog and show my face.
Cheers and keep well.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 14:10

hi hi...

bop, how's ur interview?

nxt wk any1 gg to d 933 街头爆唱会?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2008 13:59

hi naturians,

Sori will be away for a short period, to those who treasre gdn, do come in often..

c u all agn soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 July, 2008 01:01

Thank you very much for all the well wishes & prayers from all the beautiful plants here. I really appreciate & feel very touched. :)
My interview for Sales Coodinator was sucessful, shall start work on 1st Aug at Loyang Industrial. But sad that there is a pay cut as compare to my present job. And their expectations from me are quite high, cos this is an executive post. I was interviewed by the HR Executive, Sales Manager & General Manager before been offered this position.
My six sense also keep telling me that this company might not be a very good one. But I just take up the job 1st, because my new boss allow me to apply nearly 2 weeks of unpaid leaves in Oct. I need to go Taiwan for my buddhist study. If the job is suitable I will definitely continue, if not I will look out for another job after my Taiwan trip.
Anyway, I will Jia-you. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 July, 2008 09:16

BOP, congrats!

yeah, juz take up d job 1st.. if no gd, den search again.

counting dwn to wkend... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2008 23:26

Wow, why is this beautiful garden so cold? Where have all the beautiful plants been to?

Just to update a little about myself; tml shall be my last day of work at my existing company (after 8 years of hard works) hehe... its Happie de lor.

I shall be going for a short break at Bali from 22-29 July, then rest for 2 days before I start working at a new company (mentioned in my previous mail) on 1st Aug. Will continue to work hard & jia-you de. Thanks God for Blessing me Forever. 阿弥陀佛

All th Best to the beautiful plants here. Take care & stay Healthy 4ever. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2008 15:23

BOP, hv a gd holi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2008 07:43

Good morning garden..

Sori for MIA..

Sunflower, Tu Zi not bad.. get good commend fm the judges..the other grp 伍个人 also cute.

BOP, got job better then dun hv loh..at least you can 安心去旅行! enjoy yr holiday, come back and 分享 your travel at Bali? haven't been there..

take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2008 16:35

add on to mango's comment, yeah, rabbit's performance tis wk was great. to me, d best among all.

hope dey can go far! but sori to say, nt gg to participate in any voting... haa...

counting to wkend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2008 00:26

Hi Plants...sorry I MIA too. BOP good to know you landed a job. Try. Pay may not be good now but if u prove to be gd I am sure they will know what to do.

Thank you all for being so supportive here. Coconut is not well so she will MIA for a while. Lets pray for her.

To Rosemary and mango...good to see u supporing here.

Tuzi is a colleague's daughter. I think this time they did well... thanks for the support....

cheers...MIA but heart with you all...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2008 20:52

oh! wat happen to coconut??

after watching tdy's sb... really v jia lat... not a single grp is gd.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 July, 2008 23:42

agreed.. none of the lead singer is good, especially 肥皂, make me bad mood!

like BOP said.. all Season 1 are better than Season 2.. MLB is the best!

ya.. what happen to coconut?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2008 02:36

hello planties!

wa mountain tortoise ar me..i jus realise thr is tis 'newer' thing at e old garden..no wonder i cldnt c e latest tags..zzz..missed out on alot i guess, will take my time to read..sch's starting next wk! argh..sianz.. -.-

oh! one of e tuzi is my fren! e world is small eh..lol..hope all is well w all e planties ya.. :)

ps: sunflower, ur mlb's 1st album is still w me! let me know when u wanna get it ya..same number same email.. :) duno if u are in sg..u seem to be busy travelling..

ok i'm off to bed! take care planties! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 July, 2008 01:39

Oh, I am back from Bali about an hour ago.
Actually, there is nothing much to tell about Bali. It is a beach resort with beautiful sand, sea & waves. Very good for those who love to surf, suntan & relaxation. Things are not cheap over there, most of the shops are selling almost the same items. Due to lazy in bargaining, I bought most of the things from bigger departmental stores (likes Matahari & Carefour). I did not go to Sogo too, I spent most of my times at the beach but different locations (cos the beach stretches from Kuta to Legian & then Seminyak). So, I stayed in 3 hotels at these 3 locations during my trip. Dunno what else to say le?

Hope every plants here have a great week ahead. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 July, 2008 10:08

gd morning~

pink rose, glad to c u back here again...

sunflower, i oso hv d 1st album...

welcome back BOP... hope u r feeling fresh & recharged!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 August, 2008 11:09

coconut, if u do peep, hope u r feeling better now... take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 12:40

Happy National Day!

Hi hi garden... hope everyone will hv a great holi! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 20:13


This is my favourite National Day songs among all..

One people, one nation, one Singapore

We've built a nation with our hands
The toil of people from a dozen lands
Strangers when we first began, now we're Singaporean
Let's reach out for Singapore, join our hands forevermore

One people, one nation, one Singapore
That's the way that we will be forevermore
Every creed and every race, has its role and has its place
One people, one nation, one Singapore

And when the time comes for the test
Our vigilance will never rest
We'll be united, hand in hand
We'll show the world just where we stand
And reach out for Singapore, join our hands forevermore


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2008 20:39

Thanks for yur description abt Bali.. short and clear.
hope you get used to yr new environment..

how r u ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2008 23:54

mango tree, i like count on me spore! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 07:48

Hi Plants
Sori hv bn missing. Coconut will tell u all herself wen she is ready. Pray for her peace of mind.
Actually nothing much to say to u all. Looks like many r missing here too. I hope they find their way home.
Tuzi..one of the specky is my colleagues daughter. A bit weak but willing to try. They r the top 8 now. Pls support them.
Wanted to post a link here to some of my pictures but so tied down with the younger generations. Growing up is so complicating...how come I nvr hv such problem? Probably I am more simple minded.
Thanks for warming the garden. I hv lost touch with MLB too BUT my support for them continue.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2008 20:40

hello sunflower! welcome back! :) u seem reali busy..take care k.. :)

coconut n rest of e planties, take care too..am v busy since sch started, probably wun be here much..sch's crazy! will try to peep whenever i can.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2008 00:50

Hi mango tree,
Ya, I am still trying very hard to get used to the environment at my new workplace. The most major problem I am facing now is not so much about the work, but it is the lighting in my office. I just don't like the warm light, it not only makes me feel sleepy. I feel very uncomfortable especially in the afternoon. Anyway, thanks for your concern.

Wow, you are finally back in this beautiful garden. Ya, it has been quite quiet lately! Of course we know you are still a great supporter for MLB (just that you are tied up with your job & other commitments)
Btw, what happen to coconut? Anyway, lets pray for everyone in the MLB family. May God Bless All of Us :)

Pink Rose,
Ya, agree with you that schools are crazy nowsaday. Well, you just have to jia-you & do your best.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 14:38

sunflower, share ur pics in facebook lah... ;-)

pink rose, jia you for ur school!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 23:26

Wow... its so cold here, look at all the wild grasses glowing everywhere? What happen to this warm beautiful garden?
Where are all the plants? So sad to drop by and see this!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 23:35

hi hi BOP...

it must hv been winter, tat's y it's so cold here... lol...

i do drop by juz din warm d place... ;p

looking fwd to see mlb again? so happy their 2nd album gg to b out soon and follow by d up-coming events! glad to c them again.

juz now watched d video clip taken by derrick, so cute... did u watch tat?

do cont'd to visit d garden ya!

happy wkend! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 September, 2008 00:52

Hi rosemary,
Even it is winter, we still have to be here to give warmth to this beautiful garden. hehe...
Oh yes, I watched that video clip liao. Derrick so cute lor, wanna be the 4th members of MLB. Anyway, his songs also quite nice. Will try to buy his gai-ban album soon.
Ya, hopefully the rest of the beautiful plants will return soon.
Initially, I thought the garden has shifted again! Hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 September, 2008 11:59

hi naturians,

sori MIA, due some personal upsets.. my sis went to the Astral world suddenly in July & last yr my late bro too.. 2 deaths within 2yrs.. n legal matters to handle..

bye for nw..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 September, 2008 00:17

hi cocount, hope u r feeling better now. our 3 planty has made it till now & has released their 2nd child. do cont'd to give them ur support ya!

calling coconut, pls do support d boys too! u still v bz & superwoman (flying) ard? take care too!

hi bop, haa... no worries. no plans of shifting garden yet.

so fast u've oredi gotten a copy of d album huh. listened to all d songs oredi? i saw it at cd rama but intend to buy nxt wed coz i heard can win double cd $. ;p

i'll oso b getting derrick's gai ban. quite like d songs too. purposely wait for gai ban de. haa...

how's ur new job btw? settle well? hope it'll b a gd co & u'll hv gd prospects there!

at last it's fri! so look fwd to d wkend...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 13:43

rosemary, no worry, will definitely support them, infact i bought 8pcs of their Albums as gift for friends n family members..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 13:18

wow cocount, v gd of u to buy so many albums!

correction to my previous post:
calling **sunflower**, pls do support d boys too! u still v bz & superwoman (flying) ard? take care too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2008 13:14

still so quiet?

watched sb2 last nite?

sunflower, rabbit won leh... i was quite pleased wif d results. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 October, 2008 01:03

autograph session pics to share:



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 October, 2008 19:53

sad to hear that.. but fate, we really can't change it.. hope the most painful time has been over!
i always got wordless to console people..

heard you quit your job ? whatever lah, follow your heart.. 开心就好!

For the new album, i love the most: breathe!
i dun like '三角行'.. really, i dun like the lyric.. its should write about friendship instead of triangle love story.
am i weird?

i watched sb2 final just coz our milubing.. not really care about the result since '伍个人' out..
some times go youtube watch their '心中的日月', i think this is their best performance..

and.. thanks for the photo to share.. oh, nic and sam share the same jacket?

mango said: mama, your garden friend talk to me. i ask who? he said dare not ask.. was that you?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 October, 2008 23:42

mango tree, glad to see u here! garden has been so quiet lately...

haa... ya, tat day at bpp, when turing in to d plaza, saw u & ik. den at d venue oni saw ik so i ask abt u. ;-) din expect he know who am i!

tink BOP has started a new job... he's now in taiwan on a buddhist study.

abt d album, i share diff views. i quite like 三角行... though d lyrics is abt triangle love, but quite like d way sam sings... got feel... haa...

jacket - i tink it's d same leh... u take a look again.

counting dwn to long wkend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 01:15

Wow, its been a more than a month since I last visited this garden.
Ya, why is it still so cold & quiet here?

mango tree was right, I have quitted my last job since 7th Oct. Because of the environment & was quite unhappy working there during that 2mths.
And you are right, I was away to Taiwan for a Buddhist Studies Trip. Therefore, I am unable to search for a new job. Fyi, I just returned last Friday.
I am searching for a new job now. hehe... wish me good luck.
Quite sad that I was unable to attend any of the autograph session, my albums still do not have MLB's signature. Hopefully, there is gai-ban and another autograph session.
Alrite, BOP needs to get back to bed le. Good night & sweet dreams to all the beautiful plants in this garden.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 11:49

hi BOP, gd luck in ur job search! i tot u had found a new one... haa...

look out for updates from mlb if there's any gai ban. hope there will b ba. if dun hv, at any of d events, tink u can get them to sign for u.

it's friday again! hv a great wkend all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 00:17

hi Sunflower n naturians, how's every1, happy weekend.

tks mango tree, for yr consolation, life hv to go on.. just hv to wk hard on it.

BOP, gd luck to u, with yr experience, shd hv no problem getting another job that u like.

I hv a spare album 'Triangle' signed by the 3. If is ok with u, send me yr addr via my e-mail, will post to u - caringeagle@hotmail.com.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 00:21

you r back, hope u getting better now.

i was there till they finish the 3 songs then i went popular buy something.
Actually i also dun know u but i more familiar with those girls as they always in milubians photos
did you ever appear in any of the mlb gathering photo?
mango said he always see u but dun know ur name.

BOP, good luck fr ur interview fr job.. have faith..

where is sunflower ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 16:26

hi mango tree, haa... i oso dunno u as we've nt met. tat day at bpp, i saw u wif mango but as fm afar, so din really get a gd look. if ask me again, i cant rmb liao.

i'm alws in low profile. d 1st & 3rd gatherings i did take pics. u see if able to ask mango to spot me. ;-)

i tink sunflower still bz wif work. she mia for v long oredi.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 09:42

gd morning...

woo... garden is so quiet still...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 November, 2008 22:13

Yo... why is this garden suddenly becoming so cold & quiet? Where has all the plants gone to?


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 17:49

hi all, giving the plants some water n sunshine..

hope my friends here are fine le..

those MIA.. esp sunflower, hope u hv not given up yr friends here..

Lalang, where are U? given up already? or in NS?

try 2 give tis plc some sunshine, whenever can lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 23:28

Hi coconut tree,

Huh... finally I am seeing a beautiful plant here. Ya, shall give this place some warmth!
Hopefully all the other plants shall be back soon!
Festive seasons are near, wish everyone have a great year. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 05:00

Hi plants,
Enjoy ur long week end..

ya.. mango spotted u in both photos but seems like different look leh..

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