
milubing | 02 October, 2007 04:32

Good morning.

Why am i not asleep? Oh.. I donno lei.. Was lying on my bed moments ago, lazy and sleepy, eyes heavy. Suddenly, the blog came to mind. Next, i stood up and switched on my com. So WEIRD, cos i didn't even think of anything to say. Ok, i'll just spill out whatever comes..

On the Sunday just over, i went up to JB with my siblings.. A short get-away from work life, makan and window shopping was refreshing. Only part i didn't enjoy was the slow-like-tortoise traffic to and fro, on the cross-way. Over there, met a few friendly people who asked if i was Ah Sam, and of cos they received a positive reply and a bright smile (i hoped it was) from me! =)

Today, or rather yesterday, i feel fat and not-so-healthy. Cos i had lots of food and soft drinks. Eeeeeeeeee. Instant noodles, fried rice, deep fried chick with potatos, fried this, fried that. Last meal was at R.K house, just one double egg prata which i actually had no intention to eat, but it was delicious! Aiyo.

Haha, now i seriously need some sleep before i get up soon for the new day.


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Blogger Jean | 02 October, 2007 06:25

such a early post=DD
"neng chi shi fu"..long long eat one time never mind de!=DDtake care and smile always:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 08:14

Hahaha ah Sam, you are getting random...like someone else. :p
Maybe u getting excited to be 21 soon? So can't get asleep?

JB, was there over the weekend too, to attend a wedding, reached home super late. Not becos of the traffic but because of the banquet! It finished at 1130 and I managed to get home by 1230. Jam? Yes, way long... but we chartered a bus in and causeway got bus lane u know?

Heh, dun you know u are famous oversea too? Some even said Batam...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 08:24

3 is my lucky number! :)

Why post at such WEIRD hour? Miss your fan-ci? hee hee...

Hope everything is fine for all the 3 Milo Bois...

Take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 08:38

yo Sam~~~is there something bothering u, that u can't get to sleep? haha

ya, traffic at Causeway for the past weekend is congested. haha.

dun feel healthy huh? bo pian lor, exercise lor. hehe.

lesson starting le~~~ cya this Friday ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 09:17

hellos Sam
hahas. dun feel healthy can lyk wad quizzy said, exercise. hahas. suppose thats the oni way to stay healthy bahs? o.o

& goodday to all. din go sch cuz of the stupid sore throat which gets worse to fever =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 10:00

5am and you still haven't sleep?Maybe because you eat too much oily food?LOL!Double egg prata..oh gosh..wake up early only see you posted about the food you eat!Make me hungry*rubs stomach*

Oh my..my sore throat worsen to the tongue pain which made me can't even eat last week..now,the pain is gone but I got cough and it seems to worsen..Take care alright.

All the best in whatever you guys are up to today and jiayou hor..
Take care and don't get sick,ok?

To MLBians,
You guys also must take care..Don't fall sick..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 10:12

wahs. soo 惨 ar ur sore throat? o.o oh my. u take lots & lots of care wor (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 10:28


WOOT. It's so early when you post an entry. Can't get to sleep? At least get more rest, yeah?

A lot of us are sick, including myself. Take good care, everyone. *sigh*

Have a great day ahead, MLB & MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 10:34

hellos (: get well soon wor :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 11:00

ohh..haha..BTW HW CUM SO LATE NV SLP WORX..HAHA..BTW MUS LISTEN TO 933 ON UR birthdae & nic de worx...takekare le...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 11:06

mrWONG, u really is the very early hor? haha... duno why lately feeling very singlish...

blog jus came to mind as u were about to fall asleep? maybe u were missing all of us subconciously... tts why the blog came to mind! haha... =D

hmm, its okay to hv unhealthy food once in a while... BUT. dont eat too much fried food, heaty n bad for health. and hurts the vocals!

ahhhhs~ rest well ahSAM!!~

btw, so was being recognised by people a happy thing for you? hehhs =D

happy today... ending lesson at 1230... can go home and sleep! hahas. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 11:09

btw, ur tone in this post sounds like someone... i cant recall who~ dasmond?? ahh, cant recall. =.=

hv a great day!


Blogger qing qing | 02 October, 2007 11:27

SAM!! early hor.. chao early.. heez.. SOFT DRINKS!! dun drink too much.. alot of sugar de.. =X i like fried food!!! YUMMY! =D

WA!! so many sick!
berries, aizutto n Anonymous mus take care orh... drink more water.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 11:36

sam, still in ur dreamland? time to wake up~ sun is shinning... else u'll gonna hv a sleepless nite again tonite...

duckling, hahaha... "miss ur fan-ci"... like tis... ;-D

hv a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 11:50

-rip-berries & qing qing ~ Thanks a lot!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 12:23

thankyou :D and and, did you have 'fun' touring my blog? hahas -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 12:27

all take care yor~~~ ^o^!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 12:54

All taking exams de, jia you ya? Weiqi's exams approaching soon right (cos marssh de exams coming too)? JIA YOU! aiya simply put, everyone jia you jiu dui le.

My cough is kinda under control le, with the help of pi pa gao and hacks (black color de). At least now not too bad.

Sam, usually when u have extra "fleshes" on your body then considered as fat ba? or overweight. haha. make sure u exercise to burn off the excess calories jiu dui le. have fun!

has been long since we hear from nic le hor? o.o! hehe. take care yor, nic =D

back to work now. jia you!


Blogger qing qing | 02 October, 2007 13:19

berries: haha.. hav!! i normally will hav fun touring others blog.. keke.. =P

quizzy: gd gd.. ur cough under control le.. mine getting out of control =( but gd thing is dun needa work! woohoo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 14:35

Lols. You can't sleep and me too. Was burning midnight oil(:


Blogger Strat | 02 October, 2007 14:57

haha...Sam... you can't slp.. I wake up at 4 ... WAs qionging my SCIENCE ... nitemare ... feel so gd tat I finish Sci paper le ...haha...
I also take pi pa gao but does not help much ... I took a jar ... I mixed the whole bottle with water and drink it at a shot ... No use wor ... tried lozenges still no use ... was coughing all the way through my paper today ... know anything tat is stroug enough to cure cough ma ??

must take care ... and get well soon ya ... so tat can go RP .... ok ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 15:15

pandaeye and to whoever it may concern, base on my experience, that will depend on the type of cough u r developing. could either be asmatic cough or 喉咙发炎 or whatsoever ba. What you can do is to abstain from fried food, spicy food. in severe cases, abstain from eating chicken and eggs. i duno why, my doctor told me when i was young.

otherwise, u should go visit your doctor and get antibiotics.

for my case, the cough syrup my doctor prescribe NEVER work. haha.

but best is still drink lots of water lor. preferably warm water. won't cure but will alleviate the situation...hehe wish all of ya speedy recovery =D


Blogger PeiShan | 02 October, 2007 15:18

ah sam ar .. 4 plus in e morning still haven slp .. thk i was slping like a pig at tt time lor .. keke .. u too stressed up isit, tt's y cant get to slp .. try to slp early k ..
hmm, suddenly e blog came to ur mind ar .. aiyo, muz b thking of us la .. lol .. kidding .. =P
feeling not-so-healthy ?? go for an exercise ba .. eating those not so healthy food once in a while is ok de la .. as long as u exercise .. ^_^

those who r sick, get well soon wor .. drink lots of water ..


Blogger Jodie [: | 02 October, 2007 15:32

LOLS! (:
Anyway, take care yah.
Have enough slp hor.


Have a great week, ppl. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 16:22


5 am =.= 40 mins more is the time for me to wake up...yawn...
hehe..u went to Msia wor,
hope i can meet u one day too leh!!
and i hope can take a picture with u,
bla bla bla think too much liao >.<

wow...u ate so much fried food...
really need to exercise...
keep ur healthy lifestyle!!
and...i heard ppl said,
when we grow up,cnt eat too much eggs wor...四天不能超过两粒~but i at least eat 1 everyday =X

Man U gonna VS AsRoma today?or rather tmr? 2.30am...
aw....hope is Man U win lah =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 16:43

wow, nic nw got beautiful muscles... weiqi & sam, don't get qiong mao eyes..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 17:05

haha sam!
u're so funny!
:) maybe cos u miss us.. heh.

but, still hope u had enough sleep.
and i'm sure u have ways to keep healthy after the non-healthy food.
rest well!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 17:40

WOOT. As for me, i've been drinking a cough medicine which also reduced the throat pain and i finished up like 5 tablets strepsils. Oh well. Maybe i just need lots of water and rest or something.

Get well soon, to those who are sick.

Hmm, i suddenly wonder what time did Sam woke up today? Since he slept in late..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 17:59

ya...maybe Sam missed us too much le. Same here. We miss sam...and nic and weiqi too.

ya, drinking lots of water do helps. wish u speedy recovery =)...

xiiaohong, thats because of the bad cholesterol in egg yolk. Bad cholesterol will be accumulated and clogged up your arteries and cause heart disease i think. Do eat more cereals or apples or duno-what-else ba. hehe.

phew. going home le. ciao!


Blogger PeiShan | 02 October, 2007 18:38

we shld not eat more than 4 eggs in a wk n not more than 1 egg in a day .. yup, there's bad cholesterol in e egg yolk (but i like to eat egg yolk =X) .. to get rid of these bad cholesterol in ur body .. eat more food tt contain fibre such as fruits n veg .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 18:44

Glad to see you updating the blog again!
Really "pei fu" you leh..
Can blog w/o thinking what to say
You think of the blog when u're falling asleep?
Mine is different,
I think of the blog when mugging for my history test tomorrow!
So, I came here and see if u got update lor.
Same here!
I 4am still haven sleep!
Cos i need to study and study!
Feel so sick and tired now!
30 hours w/o rest!
Sleep early wor!

Wah, ah sam red wor!
Even ppl in JB recognised u?
Take care, dont eat too much junk food luhhs
The way you describe the food you ate,
I was drooling while reading!
Drink lots of water!
See ya next this friday?



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 19:02

haha, thank you for having a tot of us [blog] in mind when u almost fall asleep, bt why are u not asleep when u claimed tt you are lazy and sleepy cum eyes heavy?? try to carry out a healthy lifestyle yea?! meaning, sleep when u are suppose to. lolxx. anw, still very thoughtful of u!! =D
aiyo, u came JB arh, why never tell me, so tt ii can bring u ard mahz. haha! jkjk. yup, heavy traffic the past few daes, bt todae is betta. =] and of cos, JB-rians are friendly. haha! anw, take care sam, do more exercise and drink more water since u ate so much of 'junk food' haha! cya soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 19:11

hahas. gdgd :D

sure will (: thanks, hahas :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 19:11

ahSAM ah... heard all the advice about the eggs? haha...

jus wake up, yawnns.

mr chan's exams starting on thurs? that's from what i rmb him telling me... hmmm. jiayouu anwws! andd good luck~ [thou luck doesnt really help much haha...]

was dreading sch over the weekend...but after returning to sch, thot was quite fun... =P having lessons w all/some others taking subject from the cohort. yeah fun but 22 days from Os! =.=

and goodluck, jiayouu to all havin exams now =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 20:26

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
smiles for MLB and MLBians.
stay happy everybody. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 21:21

JIA YOU FOR ALL MIBIANS to taking O lvl,N lvl & A lvl plus final exam too


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 21:26

Glade you tag man but damn early le.....please sleep early today,k???
finally can c u guys on SHA 2007...i'm sure mad tt day...

I'm not going to c u guys on Friday....Wish NIC KOR 'happy Early Birhtday'.....


Blogger Pek Choo | 02 October, 2007 21:53


OMG~ Early bird this morning... Have so many food huh...
hee~ Don't eat too much fried food, not good for you..

Take Care and You need more rest!!

See you guys soon..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 22:12

whoa.. sam is really posting an entry to early in the morning! haha.. probably too excited for your birthday? or issit excited for friday's event? :D

fried food is definately no good.. but a little is okay (i guess) and remember to drink more water! :D

woohoo.. friday is coming knocking on my door! YIPPEE* cannot wait!

*take care peeps!*

an apple a day keeps the doctor away :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 22:20

Thanks berries and qing qing..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 22:41

remember to vote for shiying..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 October, 2007 23:57

5am and still nt asleep yet?
nice of u to tink of blogging here at such an hour. :DD
heh heh.

seems tt u're quite busy nwadays?
glad tt u had ur break too.
i ate alot ytd too.
ahh, fatty!
felt rather full whole day long.
bt still continued to eat. =x
dun eat too much fried food.
later fall sick ar.
drink more water! (:

prelims had jus ended on sept 19.
&& nw mock exam frm 1 oct to 10 oct ending at 4pm to 5pm.
really killing my brain cells. =.="
night class frm 7 to 9pm.
seems crazy. >_<"
Os would be over soon and here comes my long break! :DD

the 3 of u take care yea?


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 00:08

weather is unbearably hot... or maybe its just me. anyone got the same sentiments?

so sam, still been working late nights? look forward to what's going to come from ya guys...

hot & stuffy.. off for aircon soon. takecare all! i feeling a lil sick too, sighhs~ those sick, get well soon..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 00:30

Its very humid here too.

oh yeah, finally school sent us email about Hey Gorgeous filming this Friday le. All it mention is, Catch the mediacorp team @ RP on Friday, 4pm at RP South Agora...-_-!

FYI, RP's South Agora is next to Cafe 155 only. When you enter RP main entrance, walk straight down - passed by One Stop Centre...then those row of shops...saw canteen liao right, South Agora is just next to Canteen lor. haha.

Have a good rest, everyone =). I mug for a while then watch yu le bai fen bai le then go to sleep lo~~~



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 00:42

hmm, why 4pm ah? isnt it supposed to end at 4pm?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 October, 2007 00:50

Haiz, have been Super busy after my superior left, feeling very stressful as ISO Audit will be on next Wed & Thurs.
Have been too stressful + bad weather which causes me to have running nose & sore-throat. Drank lots of water & tried mixing with ENO also never feel better!

Wow, 2 more work days then can see MLB on Friday again. Yeah...

Oh yah, I already sent out 10 voting coupons to votes for Shi Ying.
Hopefully all of you who still have voting coupons already sent too. Also not to forget voting by SMS & Call in. Thanks to all who have voted. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:06

emmm...cholesterol >.< no wonder Sam always exercise...

still need to study...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:20

probably 4pm is the judging round (I'm not too sure), and 4pm is the official dismissal time...though some classes might end earlier or later (mine confirm later de la!) depending on the facilitator...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:23

i mean, our classes de official dismissal time is 4pm...

uncle, relac~~~ take care arh =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:24

-_- forget about xiiaohong too...aiya, all have fun jiu dui le. nitey =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:29

hmm okayys. sounds like a real long day for them. but in the first place, i quite pei fu the hey gorgeous team and hosts... every single recording got to run around for the whole day. whoaas.

haha thanks for the info anwws~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:34

MK, small one not critical la, as long as you ace the BIG one can oredi ;) sorry, i asked a qn, den jus proceeded to log off, no patience to wait for ans. ya nowadays the weather so super hot & i tot it was jus me too!
ah sam, 你好可爱. i cant sleep den come here to hang, u r the opposite. oso tink not bad leh, nothing in mind to blog still can write so much. sometimes, i tink certain things act need v lil effort on our part, jus dat we need to get started on it. haiz, must keep pyscho-ing myself on dat!
u so skinny now, can afford to put on some weight. occasional bingeing is fine, i hate it when i hv no appetite, it seems to me as if人生没有了乐趣。
Yay! happy to hear dat MLB will be attending SHA, it'll be great if you guys get the opportunity to perform for the event :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 01:44

haha its okayy... yeah now chiong for Os lor.. 22 more days. haha.. weather is hot! and rather stuffy. fan right beside me still feeling hot~ gg off soon, go sleep n enjoy aircon... =)


Blogger binz | 03 October, 2007 01:57

wah sam so pro ah alrdy in lyin in bed lazy and sleepy with heavy eyes still can pull himself out of bed to come blog. if that was me i will jux slp like a pig within mins.

i also have been having loads of sinful food. but i keep deceiving myself that it's ok it's ok im tryin to destress.. ahha. gosh i needa exercise too.. having muscle aches here and there after only 1 game of badminton..

yeaa the weather has been super humid yet scorching.. many ppl here are sick aye.. please take care!

anw i was wondering.. wld you guys go up and say hi then request to take photo if u meet any of the 3milos? or will they mind?[looks like sam won't, what about the other 2?] cuz i noe some artises do not like to be recognised when they having their private time..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 02:32

okie, u mus chiong huh, dun slack since only left 22 days. binz, never met MLB on the street b4 so i dunno. if walk past, the most maybe jus say hi & bye. mus see weather, if they r in super friendly mood, then ask to take pic lor. haha. nitey, bedtime!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 02:54

de 3 milos.. incase u need something to destress..


This guy is SUPER GOOD. You have to watch this, to de end...

s> &f=fs


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 09:45



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 09:59

morning all mlbians... enjoy the magic trick ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 13:59

sch ends at 1 plus on fri.
cant go RP early then.
ehh.. can we wear sch's uniform and enter RP? hah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 14:02

**sch uniform

haha binz,
i would very like to go up and say hi and stuffs like this..
but i think i would be shy. =x
anyway, i've been longing to meet my idols on streets someday.. but the day hasnt come. hahah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 16:57

syL, can arh. haha.

saw the video that cutie share le. very amazing. haha.

so sad~~ my bestie misunderstood me~~but can't blame him la, maybe he really don't understand me ba? If that's what he sees in me, then let him be ba? sigh.

never mind, all jia you yor~~~

oh ya, overlooked binz question. I would say "hi, heh 去哪里啊?” or "eh 来走走啊?” if we happened to bump into each other. But that is if they are alone or just 3 of them ba. Take pictures huh...depends on the situation le... hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 19:00

dun feel sad quizzy~~
cheer up^^
forget those unhappy things

aiks...must jiayou liao...
study until crazy ady...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 19:26

ii HATE the weather!! =[
ii am one of the ill-ers too.
even ii drank so much water, no cure sia. haiz. terrible! *cough + sniff*
anw, to those who are sick, wish ya, GET WELL SOON!!! =D

not to worry, 3 of them are friendly! even when u met them with their frenz, u can also approach them with a 'Hello!' they will be pleased. =D

jz 顺其自然 bahz, human are always sensitive, they would understand their bestie someday, somehow. dun worry! SmiLe~

to those who are taking their exams, GOOD LUCK, ALL THE BEST + 加油!!! u hav mlbianz moral support!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 20:08

everyone seems to be falling ill~ sighhhs~ get well soon all!

hmm, if i do meet them outside... definitely will go up say hi... but photo probably not. cuz i guess it feels weird lah, not only w mlb but also w other artistes. imagine u're them and ppl start coming to u for photos on the streets, quite paiseh also. hahas. am quite sure the 3 guys dont mind tt much thou. haha. [or am i wrong? =.=]


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 20:24

here's something for the 3 boys [esp mrCHAN and mrLEE] and all those who dont have enough sleep...




Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 20:56

does MLB or MLBians know what time the boys will be leaving RP this friday? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 21:20

according to dasmond, the filming will be on till about 4pm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 21:52

STRESS LEH......wif work
i wan a rest..i cant breath already =(


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 October, 2007 21:59

Watched half of the Live the Dream just now, but was very fed up when one of the judge said the bands were very much better than Superband! This stupid idiot guy has already spoilt one of our local talented artiste who was previously managed by his company.
I don't think he knows how to appreciates good music. Don't understand why Mediacorp always invites him to be a judge? Only know how to pass negative remarks! Haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 22:03

thanks meikian! :)

uncle phil, relax relax.
everybody's entitled to their own views and opinions so i guess he is no exception. but to us, we all know that MLB is one of the best and we will always support them yah. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 22:09





duno why the date so weird... 16/10 is on a tuesday.

and here goes the site...


question and details are on the site!

and also, for the ppl who're interested to join S-POP, the deadline has been extended to 12October2007. gd luck!

Btw, not entirely sure what this whole thing is about, but since their name is listed there, they shd be attending? quite blur also...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 23:55

i realise on the blog there are only praises. MLB is not always performing, no doubt they gave their best all the time. There are better bands around, esp on vocals. Some of the contestants are really better than MLB, I feel too.

It is ok whenever you don't agree as no man is perfect.

I'm sure MLB is open to negative comments and also know they are not the best and there are always room for improvement, isn't it?

btw i think it is about time that weiqi do something about not being able to tag here. It's ridiculous if he can't tag in his/their own blog.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2007 23:59

hello peeps! :)

i came across this funny video just now.. wonder who was the one doing the "new verision" of LEI.. check this out on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vjT5ooQvPw

have a good laugh..

(lame stuff here)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 00:04

hi bibi, if u say that mlb is not always performing, maybe u're not updated to any of the events or gigs dats why u have to make such assumptions.. and also.. we're a group of people who appreciates music from mlb THEREFORE in OUR hearts they are the best.. but they might not be to you.. and everyone here tagging knows that weiqi is currently studying and does not have such time to come tag in the blog.. no one is blaming him and moreover mlb are not full time artistes.. they have their own lives too okay.. hope u do understand..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 00:58

relac relac. he mentioned before right, sometimes he couldn't use his own comp to tag here because of this java error? haha. Never mind la.

Don't expect everyone to think like us...

paiseh ya, I felt very strongly about the sentence I made above, cos this is why I'm upset with my bestie today...but well, it applies for this case I think...

Shihui and xiiaohong, thanks =).

Uncle, never mind la, we appreciate jiu hao =).

nitey =)

P.S.: no offence =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 01:03

not being able to tag/blog is a problem with wq's comp... cant expect him to go get a new laptop/comp jus so that he can tag, tt sounds more ridiculous...

ahh whatevers. wan an! weather is still very hot. =(


Blogger binz | 04 October, 2007 01:26

syL: yeaa i have the same thinking as u.. so wanna go up and say hi but then will be shy ehh.. haha yep i have yet to meet any of my idols on the streets yet though sg is alrdy so small~

quizzy_me: hmph sound like a v friendly greeting~ like frens like that! anw abt ur bestie, perhaps try to explain urself or get another bestie btw u 2 to explain bah~ sometimes it's jux misjudgement or misunderstanding.. cheers(:

shihui: haha i was jux being random to ask that qn.. i think i wun dare to approach if i really meet them. ahah.

meikian: yea i was thinking also kinda weird if u go out as a normal prsn then ppl come after u to take photo like kinda kana disturbed? but as fans sometimes will too high then neglect horr.. ahah..

Uncle Phil: ehh chill.. everyone has their own views.. so we jux hafta cheer when there are good comments and reflect when there are useful negative comments and skip by the others.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 01:31

eh, sorry if i sounded offensive.. i was just trying to express myself.. cos some how other ppl don't understand whats going on and just come and make some unnecessary comments..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 October, 2007 01:44

I understand that everyone has their own views, but does he has to repeat twice in a same show?
Fyi, he already condemned a very talented local ariste under his management. And that happen to be my 1st local idol. How can I accept his stupid comments once again? His company has yet to produce a very popular ariste! All the artistes under him have not much advancement & achievements.

I strongly agree with what you have said. Well done.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 01:48

uncle phil,
cool man.. relax.. ignore such comments can le ba.. we noe who is good and who is not.. we all know it.. chill.. what to do, he's selected as a judge.. maybe he appreciates english music more? RELAX!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 01:54

dont like him much too, sometimes feel that he jus likes to criticise for the sake of criticising. but anwws, tts his problem if he doesnt know how to appreciate la. chill~ =)

what does it matter if other people criticise? as long as we know the best effort has been put in... and no worries, think the boys are also open to criticisms, us too. after all, only thru all these do we improve isnt it?

yupp yupp. cheers! its a brand new day =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 October, 2007 01:55

As for artistes or idols meeting fans, and fans requested to take a photo. I personally don't think there is anything wrong.
Infact, as an artiste; he/she should feels proud that ppl on the street can recognised him/her. And he/she has to be prepared for all this very normal request. Not forgetting that an artiste definitely needs fans to support him/her. If he/she cannot accept a small request likes this, then ppl will/might think that he/she is too proud & unfriendly.
Just my personal opinion, do not feel offended.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 02:30

there r some judges who, in my opinion r not professionals..they like to criticize unneccessary.. one man's meat is another's poison..

there is no neccessity to put others down.. is uncalled for.. that's why i dont like to watch the show..

anyway, tis is not the 1st time..negative comments r thrown at MLB.. it happened during Superband's time too..but is still fact.. MLB is still the champion.. no one can change tis fact..

of cos, MLB must continue to strive to improve, must cont to improve in every way.. don't slack.. competition is v keen..
take negative comments to improve on yr weaknesses..

cheers every1.. n sweet dreams..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 02:37

the guitarist once said that he's open to negative comments and will work hard to improve thru them...

its actually good to have people giving negative comments once in a while, so that we'll be able to improve. for me, dont like it when people keep praising me, cuz i feel that i dont improve in that way.

wells. hope life's treating everyone well. off to sleep. goodnite!~


Blogger Strat | 04 October, 2007 04:46

haha... haiz... maybe tat judge jus wanna attract attention onli ba ... know tat fans will get angry still say so much ... wanna have 版面 ba ... I think ... personal view ... hehe ... it's like tat one ba ... it is also a way to make fans go see a show too ... when someone makes comment like tis fans would wanna find out if it is true so will go watch the show then .... more ppl notice him .... haha ....

ti me , negative comments is good ... it may not feel gd when u hear ppl say bad things but u and it is definetly sounds bad lah , but can learn from mistake and wat u r not gd in .... who is perfect when u r born ??? needs lots of time to get better ... MLB is a gd band ... they may not be the Best band now .... but they will if they work hard and learn ... one day they will be the best band ever ... 铁棒磨成针...did I pharse it correct ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 08:45

I say, that is the nature of the show ba. Want to blame de hua, blame the management lor. They wanted to spice up the show mahz. haha.
I see him as being too strict le.

I didn't watch yesterday's episode so I'm not sure la, but as long as he didn't use insulting words like "sucks" on milubing can le, right? hehe.

But ya, there's no need for comparison also (like who is better and who is not). They are different bands who took part in different competitions, attacking the different market...

Whatever it is, Milubing jia you. No matter what, we will always be with you guys de =).

morning by the way =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 09:57

zao an...

aiya, to me, he's asked to be the judge so that the view rates will be higher... after all the audience enjoy stuff like that bahs.

some time before the wan zi liang incident... thot it was quite unfair to the contestants, cuz all of a sudden attn was on the judge and not the contestants. felt tt it was a waste for the contestants to put in so much effort and not get recognized...

but whatever la, as long as we know, and we believe.

tada, case closed!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 10:19

alamak. meikian posted the 88th comment again. gong xi fa cai. haha.

oh ya, thanks binz ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 10:20

btw, those who intend to go to SHA'07 and have not bought your tickets, better act fast... from what i know, they're releasing the list of artistes coming these few days, so may be harder to get front seats after the namelist is released.

if you can, do purchase tics, go down and support MLB in person! =)

the confirmed artistes for now are MLB, Sinhuey, Weilian and Fang Da Tong =DDD

Ticketing details:

also, some of us hv bought tics alr, seated at A34 row 2 n 3. if you guys want to, can buy tics in the same area so we can cheer tgt ya? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 10:21

LOLS! im you yuan with this number la. hahas...

huat ah!

if i really huat then say la hor... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 10:23

and hor, in the prev comment i meant 'some time before, the wan zi liang incident'... hahas. sometimes punctuation mark makes big diff~ =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 11:28

Hello MLB..

I got MLB first release. Good for a first timer, could be better. I missed the voice and the noise of MLB and all the 'actions' of Nic. I suppose I like the 'visual' MLB on stage. I think I will not be able to see them like SB anymore. They are more serious now...sigh!

Although I am seldom here, my heart is here with you all. So many memories, happy ones, sad ones, all the 'panthers' and 'LauDigo' ones, friendship ones - boy! I thank MLB that I am 'young' at least once! Looking back, I wondered how I got into all these - must be the magic of MLB.

Cheers guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 11:38

haha. Nicholas Teo (張棟梁) will be coming too.

haha. don't make the punctuation mistake in O level hor. Grammar must double check. hehe.

the MLB family went through a lot of "wind and rain and thunderstorms" (literally translated from mandarin), in which we fostered strong bonds....wahaha.

oh yeah, tomorrow is the day. RP's turning crazy tomorrow~~~

but i guess i won't be able to do work in peace le. So hiiiiiiiiigh~~~ but aiyo cannot leh, cos last week de daily grade is C, cannot afford to slack...hmm o__________________o!


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 October, 2007 12:55

Just came back from exams again.
Had Science, Home Econs and D&T.
I think i will fail D&T cos i think i got mostly wrong.
Sigh sigh.
Anyway, tmr will be Literature(:

I can't to hear bout how many artises coming for SHA! =P
So far only 4 siah!
I wanna hear more! Hahas. (:

Take care, ppl! XD


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 04 October, 2007 13:18

Sam!! Jiayoux wor!! Super duper bz wif spop stuffs and exams.. Haiz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 13:46

Be Happy Everybody! We Jiayou Together! Unity is Strength..

Gd Luck! MLB.. Hope yr HARD WORK can yield gd fruits.. here n abroad.. Keep yr Heads High! & Remember to Smile always.. Smiles, Friendliness & Sincerity will attract.. Cheers!

Gd Luck to 'ShiYing! & other Nominations..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 15:49

Good day! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 15:54

the weather super duper hot...
juz back from school =.=
all of you MUST take care~~~
then tmr can meet MLB le!!
sigh...i cnt =(

btw........ >.<
Man U really win 1-0..keke
late information...
2 days over liao XD



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 16:43

but the aircon in my class is freezing-ly cold lor. Little did I know that the sun was so shining so bright when I was walking on our lawn area...

Anyway Jodie, suan le la, it's over anyway. haha.

So sam, is it confirmed whether the three of you will be coming to RP tomorrow or you only? haha, cos that day ask u in previous post le, but u say not finalized yet. hehe. never mind. You have fun. Take care yor~~~

Weiqi, jia you for your exams? haha. Wish you score straight Ace.

YOYOYOYO NIC! hehe. ni hao ma? haha.

alamak. 我真是上课一条虫,下课一条龙. Was still sleepy in class de, but now very energetic. cham liao la~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 18:11

superrr tired nowadays. stupid exams ): but of cuz, not as tired as mlb!

had physics,fail le ): tml maths paper2, fail for sure! hais D:

& tml is the day at RP le :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 18:28

tml's filming day le~
and it's a fri!
hope everyone can have a good rest in the weekend.
jia you to all having exams! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 18:59

yupyup. agree with syl. have a good good rest on weekend! dun stress urself out, ltr alot white hairs de >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 19:50

been falling sick on and off these few days... thanks to the weather! aiyo... very extreme temp change~ can be super hot outside and freezing cold inside. went shopping jus now and the shopping mall was so cold =.=

hmm yeah, any milo seeing this before daybreak, will all 3 of you be present? =)



Blogger Pek Choo | 04 October, 2007 21:07

Yeah tml fliming day!!
MiLuBing Jiayou!!


Ppl who taking O level Jiayou wor!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 21:51

CYA GUYZ ! ! !

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 October, 2007 21:55

Wondering how many of us will be going to RP tml? Btw, what time should we be there? Anyone meeting up somewhere b4 proceeding to RP?
Hopefully can get into the campus tml, if not I will be wasting my times & leave!
MLB Jia-you in the filming tml, see you guys tml.


Blogger Strat | 04 October, 2007 22:22

uncle phill,
I am alone wor ... wanna meet ? berries meeting me later at RP ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 23:51

if tmr have the chance,rmb to help me ask yea~~
thx thx thx =)

hope u guys hav funzzz tmr!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 00:01

oh yeah xiiaohong, I totally forgotten. haha. Thanks for reminding me. If I have the chance I'll help u ask de. hehe.

wa. very tired now but I still have things undone. May lady luck be with me tomorrow. haha.

TGIF lo~~~! May all have fun! smilez =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 00:14

(wat's with all the weird dreams?) Hello peeps..tmr xiao hua xiao cao..hey gorgeous..quite gao xiao cos i go half way then gotta rush down to skool for tutorial heheh..anyways,take care mlbians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 00:22

halo weiqi~~
u take care too!!
have a nice day tmr yea


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 00:24

weird dreams? dun understand XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 00:28

haha. xiiaohong, check http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com
hehe =D

whoa. weiqi take care too =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 00:29

weiqi referring to some dreams stuff quizzy n qing they all talking about on the publicity blog...


Blogger binz | 05 October, 2007 01:29

rip-berries talk abt being stress then got white hair then i think of myself.. i have got like 1/3 or 1/2 my head covered with white hair.. ppl like to say i think too much or too stress.. but i dun think so lehh.. mine's due to inherity i guess.. anyway anyone also having as much white hair as me? haha

haiyo weiqi will be so rushed.. lucky rp and ntu is not like at the 2 different ends of singapore..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 01:29

no wonder, wondering wat weird dreams WQ is referring to.
News report:
A mouse was injured n got its curiosity killed last nite by Mr Ken! (wuhaha...i can hear someone laughing at me le) cos he said the 1st band perf's better than superband. i can only assume he means u guys.dat one ok la, compare perf to perf, i can let go cos dat perf was really not bad. but the 2nd band, tink he said another band better than sb. OUCH! painful man when i heard dat cos dat band all along i dun tink is good leh. but he didnt qualify his statement leh....anyway still OUCH OUCH OUCH!
this will teach me not b too curious next time. if u guys need any treatment (which i dun tink u need la), i can recmd a good dr! hope u guys dun appear for tmrw's recording w any scars :P Have a great time searching for gorgeous girls tmrw, so good... can legitimately look at babes ;) wld highly recmd u guys to go w/o ure jackets cos the weather nowadays can get quite hot n some more w hot babes ard, m sure the temp will rise even higher! :p

P.S. praying hard NO hot babes in RP.haha. hey, i may be injured but still can laugh hor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 09:25

Hahaha...MM, you really make my morning feel great. really funny.

Hot babes? Hmm... not very sure about RP, but from my previous experiences on hey gorgeous... eh.. they are so so only leh... esp the guys. Surprise to see wq NOT on NTU's ep. he is quite handsome mah... although look like abit like ahmad sometimes. Handsome ahamd. :DDDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 09:38

haha. reach school just on time today (8.30am on the dot), so didn't have time to come here until now.

mm jie, I think my school de hai hao la. Got pretty ladies but not to the extent of "hot babes" ba. In my opinion la. haha.

and take care hor, don't go too insane with your "injuries" haha.

hello flora jie =D


Blogger Jodie [: | 05 October, 2007 10:33

Okays. Thanks, quizzy jie!
HAHAHAS! I asked other frens how many pages they use, they 2 and 3 only.
Hmms. I used 4 pages. I PRO HOR? HAHA! =P

Weiqi. Hey Gorgeous?! Hahas. Okay. =P You take care kays?

Next paper on the list: HISTORY!

Take careey ppl XD!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 11:10

haha jodie, the more u write, the more mistakes u make leh. Of course cannot write too short too. It's the quality that matters, not the quantity.

haha, you know something? WE SAW THEM LE. haha. Then we were like stalking la. Following them to Cafe Galilee. hehe.

The trios were very handsome today~~~

ok la, I better faster do my ppt, then can continue stalking later. eiyer, don't like DNA. MLB sounds better than DNA. really! haha.

I guess i'm one of the few that online at this time. haha.

all have a nice day =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 11:12

and hor, history is my "favorite" subject too. In fact i dun like humanities. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 13:26

wee~~ and I'm still alone here hahaha. actually ppt do finish le, need some reading up. But no mood to read up - want to see MLB first. haha. So thrilling la. haha. but now must come back le -.- ...

Nic sam and weiqi, thanks for your help today...you know la. haha. Especially sam...=)!

xiiaohong, help u ask le =D. hehe. I add u in msn, ok? hehe.

back to work. jia you =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 15:55

haha! mm, u liven up the blog..

happy filming MLB..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 18:28

Today the filming was very fun!!
We really enjoyed it very much, but we dont like the camera to shoot us.. haha~

MiLuBing ROCKS!!

Looking forward for more upcoming gigs...

Take Care

sMiLE :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 18:38

Hi Guyz!
Wow Today's filming was juz soooooo GREAT La!
Hahax... Tired ma u guyz?!? WE're Abit Lo.. Like playing hide & seek siax ~ =X
But we really had a fantastic day~ Seeing u guyz for like 7 hrs.. LoLx! =) =) =)

Hope to cya guyz again SOON!
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Baoyan | 05 October, 2007 18:45

glad that i manage to took pic wif sam and weiqi today..
but without nic sia..

SAM is so damn shuai la!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 18:59

We are now at RP using the computer to tag here... hahaha~

Today Nic really very shuai & cool, Sam also very shuai!!

MiLuBing Jiayou~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 19:05

hihi mlb u guys,really so happy to c u all today ya..u guys must really take gd care no matter wat yo..ooh ya,weiqi really thanx so much 4 taking a pic wif mi 2day as u're rushing 4 time..really thanx so much really so happy to see weiqi today,hope will get a chance to see u guys again soon..take gd care!!=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 19:31

wahaha. I'm at home le. haha. I think givon and berries and pandaeye follow them back to mediacorp le.

Sorry didn't get to say goodbye to some of you as my parents are waiting for me le...

Haha, the moment i get into my dad's car I told him, go chase after them ba! Then my dad said, siao arh, I no need to work huh? Then my mum said, just chase! haha.

so we did follow the mini bus for a while...

Hope Nic Sam and Weiqi and all MLBians have fun in RP today. haha.

=( you all managed to take pic with them, I didn't...haha never mind la.

thanks givon for being my photographer of the day. ma fan ni lo~~~send me the pics when u r ready ya? hehe. thanks.

Those who have pictures of the guys just now, send to me alright? I'll post on publicity blog. At the same time, I'll need high resolution pics of the trios plus the contestants. At least 2MB per pic ba. haha. You know la...heh heh =D
Then we'll select the nice ones to post...

And ya, thanks weiqi for telling the crew not to shoot us le. haha.

Once again, thanks milubing for fulfilling my small little wishes today. hehe. Seeing you guys in RP again and the interview. Though is not face to face de, but i still happy le. haha.

~.~ hai hao I didn't wait until the end of the day then do the interview. Cos Nic and sam were rushing mahz haha. I'm supposed to interview that hunk (i duno his name) and babe Tricia de, but they were rushing back le, so later i email them the questions lor

I saw a cat sleeping on the top of the is-it-shelter of the pathway while going home! so scary!

I swear I never wrote this long in my Reflection journal. wahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 20:38


run around whole day with you guys, was dead tired by the time the voting begun. so if anyone turned n looked at me during the voting time, i was probably standing there and stoning. lols.

but i real pei fu the team and the guys... still able to smile and joke at the end of the day! whoaas. xin ku le~ =)

today nv get to talk to you much larhx... hahas. but u finally called me by my name hor! LOLS. anwws, hope u were on time for tutorial... ya ya,takecare!~

yoz... so how, got cycle on water not? HAHA. =P eh ur leng xiao hua got funny dao! hahas... funny lorhx... why nv go up to share when ben, dasmond n fiona were talking about leng xiao hua on stage? =P and ehh, hope u liked the booklet i made, and all e other stuff in e box... =)

hey hey, paiseh about the shouting! omg la, i was so paiseh. hahas... cuz i was dead tired la, cldnt talk loud. then bo bian had to shout cuz u cldnt hear. =.= sorry!~
but anwws, rmb go listen the recording ahhhs~ =) and hope u like the stuff in the box... and the birthday song. =DDD HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY~!
& i like ur shirt n sunglasses larhhhhs. hmmm. PINK!~ nice one hahas... hv a blessed and enjoyable birthday!

had a hard time siam-ing everywhere today. =.= but... was fun! yeah yeah....

cya guys real soon yeah? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 20:47

btw,Nic ah...



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 21:24

it was real fun today!
fun exploring Republic Poly. this place is really huge, mystical and nice environment. envy RP students sia. haha!

yeap, we enjoy running around, thx quizzy for being our half-day tour guide, if not, we would be lost somewhere ii-dunno, haha!

MLB are great too, thankie!

all have a good rest and have a nice weekend ahead alrite?! cya guys soon!! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 21:33

haha. well, I didn't help much arh haha. sad that I couldn't join you all in the exploring all the time as I got class. But well, happy jiu hao. haha.

Weiqi, u didn't eat before you came is it? aiyo. haha.

oh ya mm jie, u recommend them not to wear jackets to the recording right? but haha, wq was in jacket and cap. So we were gossiping, don't he feel warm? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 21:50

After following the hosts & the 3 bois, then we knew that it was indeed pretty tired running around the whole campus. Although it is tiring, but we really enjoy ourselves very much.
I specially wanna thanks Sam & Nic for going to all different tables to chat with all MLBians during the lunch break. You guys are so sweet & considerates.
Ya, agree with Qian Hui that perhaps this is the 1st time we have such a long hours with MLB.

Oh, Republic Poly is really a nice place for study, the environment are very clean & cosy, the food are cheap & tasty. How I wish I could be a student there (fat hope~haha...)?

Ya, my choice of the hot babe & cool hunk were finally crowned Miss Republic Poly & Mr. Republic Poly.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 October, 2007 21:54

Sorry, accidentally keyed the enter button even without keying my name.

All the 3 milo bois are very handsome today. MLB Jia-you...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 October, 2007 21:59

Understand that MLB shall be performing for the HD-5 on next Saturday & Sunday at Suntec City. According to Sam, they will post in this blog once they have finalised.
Wow, if MLB will to perform next Saturday, I will be Super Happy because its a great present for me on my special day. Thanks MLB.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 October, 2007 22:10

Remember to stay tune to Yes933 this coming Sunday afternoon for Long Hu Bang, because the result of the 1st Quarter nominees shall be announned. Hopefully Lei will be one of the Top 10 song & I am very sure that MLB will be one of the Top 5 Best Group.
I also hope that Shi Ying can advance back to Top 3, or at least in the Top 5. Don't drop any further ("choy...choy...").

Oh, just wanna share with all mlbians. 2 days ago, while listening to Yes933, DJ WeiBing did mentioned that she likes MLB very much. Because MLB are very polite & talented. She said: it is very diificult to find so polite youngsters nowsaday. I truly agree to what she said. I am very happy to hear such good comments on MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 22:16

huh? Nic and sam went to all different tables to chat with all MLBians? SOBS SOBS!

Lorita jie and I "sobbing" to each other in msn le. sobsssssssssssss~~~

sigh. never mind. there's always next time? haha. smilez =)


Blogger Strat | 05 October, 2007 22:37

haha...uncle phill, so next saturday is ur birthday ?? like tat special wor ... haha ...

Nic,I hope u like the chocolates ya ... don know wat kind of chocolates u like so I bought a few ... hope u like it ...

Sam,Thanks ... telling me tat the place I went is the correct place ... I spent lots of time finding ... haha ... beautiful place indeed ... Thanks for the chat today ... happy .... hehe ...

Wei qi , u look pale today ... tired ? busy studying ... Jia you for ur coming exam ...

I enjoyed myself today ... 满足 满足满足 !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 22:43

yoz guys.....
wow,finally can c u guys next sat.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 23:05


spent e day trying to siam cameras, den in e end oso nv reali c them filming..rp ppl are cute! e gals were screaming 'hen shuai!' when they saw mlb..lols..

nic, u v accident prone lei..小心一点! aiyo u scared us when u fell flat on e grnd in e gym la..pls be more careful! 走路要看路 hor..i c u walk until almost 掉进水 i oso worry for u..got eye infection better go n rest early k.. :) n u look super shuai today! :D hope u like e recording from us.. =))

sam, u like to frighten ppl from e back hor..first time nv kena frighten by u but second time i jump when u say yo from behind.. =.= eh ur lame joke not bad lei..make us leng dao~ haha..n u gd lor, 瞪我 when i say e cycle on water thingy..lols..hope u had a gd laugh listening to our recording.. =))

weiqi, hope u were in time for ur tutorial today eh.. :) heard tt ur exam is in oct, has it started? hope u are doing well w ur driving lessons yea..jiayou n take care! =))

it has been a fun day, w lots of lame jokes..hahaha..altho we were siam-ing everywhr n almost knocked into e pillar(=.=), it was real fun..n now, 我脚酸(no, i did not step on lemon =PP)..lols..

take care milubing!
rest early!
till e next event! =DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 October, 2007 23:07

you are right.
A few things I gonna tell you:
1) Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you. Glad to hear that you have a great times yesterday.
2) Thanks for giving me the taxi lift this morning.
3) Have you gals manage to see the bois at Mediacorp?
4) Believe you have a super funtimes today, although you look tired at times.

Oops, forget to say that: wondering who will appear the most in the show when its shown on 29th Oct? It was pretty difficult for us to hide from the camera! lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 23:45

ah... you guys seem having fun today. too bad today got too many ppl on leave liao, so couldn't take off...:(

Sam & Nic. hope you like e pressie we gave. :)


Blogger Strat | 05 October, 2007 23:52

haha... Thank u ... I really enjoyed myself yesterday ... cause my birthday ma ... no matter wat also must enjoy de ... Happy is veri important de ...
we heading the same place so together lor ... I don loss anything giving u a ride ma ... haha...
ya ... manage to ... did not talk cause I know they are tired and so do I ... jus to see them onli ...
I had a great time today la ... but tired cause of yesterday la ... too high liao... battery not fully rechared today ...hehe... hope no one was on tv la ... cause we tried so hard to hide ... zhen rong still say can play CS in RP with us ... hope tat part not up la ... veri peiseh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 00:05

hey... any MLBians was there when this 2 girls sang with nic?

are they regular MLBians?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 00:28

i think the both of them will feel so paiseh if they see this. (:


Blogger Strat | 06 October, 2007 00:30

sang with nic ?? when ?? so good ...


Blogger Strat | 06 October, 2007 00:31

can I see ?? pls ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 01:05

uh-oh sam, my classmate (from last sem) said today your smile (to her) cause her to get electrocuted and now she 'fall in love' with you le. hor hor~~

haha. and u mentioned in ur post that u feel fat and unhealthy. i duno about 'unhealthy' part la, but u not fat mahz. aiyoyo. haha.

have a nice weekend! Weiqi, study hard. Nic, work hard. But play hard too. heh heh =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 01:22


they nv really sing with nic but be his background music..
cos got this girl bring MLB album give him sign.. then ben ask wanna hear live anot.. then he sing.. then the 2 girls behind singing then fiona drag them in to be his backgrd music also...


Blogger Strat | 06 October, 2007 01:29

haha... so fun ... gd lor ...I can imagine... u were at there ? did u enjoy urself today ???


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 01:40

haha... YUP!

they come my sch i must support..

Nic's very handsome!
but i missed out the part where u guys had lunch with them =(


Blogger Strat | 06 October, 2007 01:43

oh ... U go back for lesson liao ??
u can always go for their events and suppaort them de ... then u can chat with them liao...
haha ... ya ... Nic really veri handsome today ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 01:44

=( i also missed out the part when u guys have lunch with them...haha never mind la, already very happy to see milubing le.

erm, Dasmond blogged about today in his blog le. He posted a picture that him, Fiona, Ben took with milubing. But he got copyright la...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 01:47

eiyer, don't neglect weiqi also mahz. wahaha. ALL ARE SO SHUAI LA~~~ hehe =D

but ya hor, weiqi looked sian sian de. as in, tired. JIA YOU!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 October, 2007 01:47

Wow, Dasmond has posted some pics taken at RP yesterday in his blog liao.
Oh no...., some of us were in the pic.
Jia-lat liao, surely will have some shots when the show telecast on tv on 29th Oct 2007.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 01:50

haha i think so. more or less a little ba.

anyway, allow me to sidetrack a bit - did yes933 started playing milubing's 我为什么还爱你 as 4th hit? oh...that cool~~cos just heard on yes933. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 02:04

today (or rather yesterday)'s recording was fun.. watching the guys having fun too.. lols.. and we hated the camera man cos he keep disturbing us.. *RAH* lols.. and also nice to meet mlbians in person.. :D

quizzy missed the lunch part.. cos the canteen was rather empty.. :D so we kinda have the time to hang around? haha.. mlb so friendly :D and i heard many passing comments! haha.. "eh, dats the milopeng guys right? so cute~" "so handsome lah" - AYE, OF COS! :x

even though nic was wearing the shades the whole day, he still looked good.. cool.. :D but i thought the most pity thing that is weiqi had to leave earlier.. MLB 3 que 1.. wasted..

well.. today (or yesterday) was a fun filled day.. all of us (mlbians) and MLB should be TIRED! so, rest well and take care!



Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 October, 2007 02:10

Wow... that's coolz! 迷路兵同名专辑:第四主打歌~我为什么还爱你,already played by Yes933. Yeah...

Btw, does anyone know whether MLB's MVs already in any Karaoke pub?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 October, 2007 02:16

Hi Whey,
Didn't know that you are at RP too?
Should find some times to chat with you, but sorry to say that I do not know how you look likes.

Hi Givon,
Finally got chance to meet you in person and chatted with you at RP. Nice chatting with you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 02:18

haha whey, thats because we went back to class le.

uncle, I myself not too sure cos I seldom listen to Yes933 le. But my mother said she heard quite a number of times le. so ya, should be ba. haha. No I don't know whether MLB's MVs is playing in Kbox or wheresoever. Ask those who frequent KTVs ba haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 02:26

yupp.. RP break time all the same.. when its break time its so crowded and when its lesson time its so quiet everywhere.. lols..

uncle phil, i was the one with qing qing and shan when walking to the mrt station.. i tot u recognised me.. lol.. i said hi to you.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 02:32

it's been a tiring day.
sleep early everybody! :D
sweet dreams, goodnight.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 October, 2007 02:42

Ok, in that case I know who you are now. Sorry.
After you told me you were with qing n shan, now I remember you did say Hi to me at the canteen.
It is so easy for you all to recognise me, cos most of the times I am the only guy around. Haha...paiseh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 03:00

bt 1 word, FUN! (:

sam, gt swim there?
or maybe cycle on the water.
aft tt pic den i realised u showed a thumbs up sign on ur pants. >.<"
no wonder u said urs is the best.

yawns, going off to do some other stuffs.
gdood night! (:
take care.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 October, 2007 03:10

Ah.... so sleepy already.
Its 3.09am now!
Good night n sweet dreams to mlb family.
have a great weekend ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 03:51

Nicodemus ahh~

please takecare, go home and rest more... about your eye hor, if doesnt recover, go see doctor or wad bah. most imptly hv more rest bah.. blahh~ and u sure the gym one is effect ah? =.= not pain hor...? gave us a shock man, when we heard the sound from outside. [but nv see wad happen] bleahx...

and ahsam,
u scared me in the morning! thanks ah =.= hope u had a gd time w ur frenx... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 04:17

the boys mus hv been tired~ caught someone yawning a couple of times... lalala, rest more hor. =D

拥抱生命的呼吸 前进的氧气


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 10:48

argh! cannot sleep anymore. The drilling drilling sound downstairs is so noisy. I think I'll go jogging after this ba.

ahem! morning all! haha. weekend again, can sleep more. haha. But I still got things undone -_-...

Oh, so Nic's eyes ain't well huh? Wish you speedy recovery!
And can someone reiterate to me what happen in the gym? 我听/读到blur blur了. haha thanks.

But well, I remember hearing fellow school mates saying, Nic hao shuai~~, haha. So ya, Nic really look GORGEOUS in that outfit and shades.

aiyo, cannot pian xin. ALL THREE ARE GORGEOUS YESTERDAY =D



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 11:42

had fun ytd.
but was real tired.
worthwhile though.

haha yesyes, all three were gorgeous ytd.. luckily in time to catch weiqi b4 he left.

yup and i agree that ytd was quite a long 'gathering' with the boys. hahaha. fun fun! =)

and i think RP is so new and nice! seems a very peaceful place, esp the green patch of grass outside the canteen! ohhh. i love there! it'll be great if there are benches and table for students to study. haha. k,i'm outta point.

to conclude, thx MLB for the day! hope u guys did rest well after ytd's tiring filming~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 12:29

gym ah... duno how to say la. cuz got this thing is can pull de. then he pull le then fall onto the ground n gave us a shock lor. smth lidat. LOLS.

for the whole day i kept hearing girls go 'omg nic so shuai!!!' LOL. was @ nic's side so sam n wq's side i duno la. hahas.



Blogger PeiShan | 06 October, 2007 13:07

woo .. had a great day yesterday ..

hope u like e present we gave u .. n ur expression dame funny la, when i gave u e present n told u tt e card n e present r together de .. shi together de ma .. n hope u r not late for lesson ..

hope u like e present too .. n we r not bad lor, u r e one who said it de .. thx for writing in my bk even when u r v tired .. n how clever of u to flip to e 1st pg of my diary to look for my name hur ..

u another funny ones .. ask qing qing e present for who when she passed to u .. of coz for u de la .. ur bday present leh .. hope u like it .. haiz, din really get to tok to u .. wat to do .. u too handsome yesterday le la .. there's so many gers surrounding u .. lol .. hope ur eyes r getting better ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 14:28

oh! ii missed ytd's filming, running around, hiding around at RP.
nvm, ii think we will get to see them in not more than a week. did ii phrase it correctly?! haha!
the gym part, ii think all of u are able to catch it during MLB's episode of Hey! Gorgeous @ RP. Nic is really pro, no wonder he is so muscular. haha! was amazed when ii caught it on my own eyes. woohoo~

yup, 我为什么还爱你 is in the new song list of Yes 93.3 for the week. hooray! its already 3 months after the released of first debut album, Yes 93.3 还在继续打迷路兵的歌! not bad huh! 这样能提高他们的知名度! bt since ytd's RP's students 'reactions', ii believe they seems popularity in the society as well. ii even saw some holding their first debut album. feeling so proud of them, our 迷路兵! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 14:32

hmmm, pretty hot weather today, -_-|||

drink more water, ppl!
off to bake my cheese cake, ciao~


Blogger PeiShan | 06 October, 2007 14:43

gym part ?? wat gym part ?? aiyo, i missed tt ..
yar lor yar lor.. yesterday i keep hearing e RP's students saying "omg, they(MLB) v shuai" lol .. even e lecturer oso noe mlb n ask us wat's their name la .. lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 15:36

the gym part happens when fiona, ben and nic went hunting for hunks at the gym room. yup, can catch it on the tv yea, not to worry. u will be amazed! haha! nic 真的是帅呆了!!! =D same goes to sam and weiqi, =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 16:20

ahem! not "lecturer", supposed to call them "facilitator". heh heh =D.

wooh~ meikian, is it pull up? haha. Most of the guys i know will go there to do weight-lifting de. haha.

Shan reminded me of something - since I'm able to ask Sam something something at Cafe Galilee, I should have bring my notebook down during our first break. Then can let them sign le. haiz...how forgetful can i get...haha.

FYI, Sam and weiqi "nominated" their brother Nic as the "Mr Gorgeous" of Milubing =P...

oh ya, what did u guys ate at Cafe Galilee yesterday? Or rather, did u guys eat anything? haha. I saw nic and weiqi queuing up, what did u bought? Sam got eat ma? haha.

btw, I'm home. Traffic at Woodlands checkpoint quite congested again today. 还好bus service 903 didn't diverted, thus driver叔叔didn't赶我们下车. I forsee the situation to worsen later. Sam ain't going to JB again today, are you? haha.

all have fun ba!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 16:28

And ya, glad that all of ya enjoy yourself at RP yesterday. Actually, I myself love everything about RP - except for it's system - PBL! haiz. My school uses more of independent learning de. We're suppose to generate the solution ourselves then at the end of the day then facilitator will explain to us. Of course our facis won't leave us on our own la, if we got questions we can ask them, then some will explain, some bian tai de will "GUIDE" us by asking questions to make us think. tsk tsk tsk.

syL, actually there are benches all around the school. haha. Not the benches you normally see in your schools. I don't know how to explain to u jiu dui le. lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 16:47

oh i forgotten this; whey, actually yr 1 de break time is 1/2 hour later than seniors. They start school 1/2 hour later and break 1/2 hour later so their class will end 1/2 hour later too. The school implemented this to reduce the congestion in the morning and maybe the canteen ba. Cos the enrollment for this cohort of year 1s is 4000+++. MY batch and the senior batch is just 2000+++ respectively. Which means total enrollment in RP now is 7000+++. So imagine if the whole school came down to Agora yesterday plus outsiders...OMG!

and ya, nice meeting whey yesterday...and min too. haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 06 October, 2007 16:47

ohh .. icic .. nic muz b go do e weights thingy la .. keke .. i sure will b amazed ..

paiseh .. u call them facilitator de .. i 4got .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 18:00

oya! thx quizzy for tt something something! =] haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 19:22

hello mlbians. the weather is getting freakingly weird. do take care of urselfs and drink lots of water! same goes for the milos (:

anyway, does anyone have the group photo taken during 4th gathering can send mi pls? miko1710@hotmail.com. thanks a dozen loads.


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 October, 2007 19:29

-_-" LOLS!

Hmms. Tats wad i am scared of! I scared i make loads of mistakes and then fail:(

Have a great weekend, ppl. XD

P.S.: May i noe Dasmond Koh's blog URL? PLEASE. I REALLY WANNA SEE THE PICS and tell me either through here, MSN or my blog's tagboard. THANKS(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 20:03

jodie, it's www.dasmondkoh.com

haha quizzy jie, yup.. i saw some cute benches and tables. just that the place that i mentioned doesnt have. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 20:04


aiyo, why can't a SAC girl go to RP? haha

shihui, =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 20:06

haha syL, fyi, we use laptop for our studies de, so I guess thats the reason why they didn't put benches at the place u mention - no power socket? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 21:13

win spop openning concert :



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 23:30

Wah..so many days I haven't tagged..Sorry I couldn't be at RP guys..I was down with cough..Still not well after a week..I almost finish a whole bottle of Strepsil Cough Syrup liao..haha..

I can't wait to see Hey!Gorgeous on TV..

Oh yar,I finally saw that HDTV Event thing again after waiting for like so long..lol!And saw the guys on the list finally..Which day are you guys performing?
On the 13th or 14th..Hope I can go this time..

Missed seeing the guys!

Goodnight to MLB and MLBians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 23:39

ehh, i duno wads tt called. hahas. but anwws ya he pull then fall onto the ground loh... think tv will show yeah... and nic ate burger ytd~ hahas. quite cham la tis guy, by the time the burger was ready, they had to go for filming alr. so he was standing beside the stage n eating... and still eating when they were about to start running around for filming. aiyo.

4th gathering grp photo is up on publicity blog alr...may hv to look thru archives for it, but yupp quizzy posted it up alr.

tired ahh~

aiya, all three milos are our Mr Gorgeous! sure everyone agrees. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 October, 2007 23:57

oh...wish aizutto speedy recovery =)...

haha, hope my friends will understand better why i support milubing after yesterday...some of them seemed to have a good impression of the guys wor. haha. good good.
of course that includes that classmate whom i mention in the previous tag. she say after Dasmond's team found her friend, Sam looked at her and smile at her. At that moment she kena electrocuted liao. hor hor~~


oh ya, please stay tune to the publicity blog (http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com) on 8 October. got 特备. You know during festive holidays, Channel U or Channel 8 or Chanel 5 got those 特备 TV shows right? Our publicity blog have too. But mine is much more simpler la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 00:00

haha ok. thanks meikian.

so humid here...just now still raining de. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 01:35

wee~~ yes933 playing shi ying now~~~

haha. nitey all!

hope nic's eyes is feeling better now...

weiqi, study hard but play hard too...

Sam, =)!

All take care =D

*singing*爱开始了 该怎么 去喊停~~~



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 01:37

Thanks quizzy.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 02:19

wEeEeEe =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 October, 2007 02:23

Another 10 hrs or so, will be yes933 long hu bang again. Stay tune all of you, as I mentioned in my previous tag: this week long hu bang shall be announcing the Top 10 songs, Top 5 Males / Females & Groups Artistes for the 1st Quarter of 2008 SHA nominees.

Lets pray hard & keep our finger crossed that Lei will be one of the Top 10 songs & MLB nominated for Top 5 Groups. Yeah...

Hopefully Shi Ying will has a better result in today's yes933 long hu bang. Cheers...

Hopefully your eye are getting better & your army schedule no longer so tight! Remember to have more rest & drink more water.

Hopefully you are not late for your lesson after the filming at RP. Do not give yourself too much stress & pressure, just study hard & jia-you for your upcoming exams. Oh, wanna wishes you: All the Best in your driving test and Good Luck too.

Very glad to hear from you that: you have stopped riding. Think you must be taking lots of considerations for giving up (although not totally), cos this was one of your interest.
Hopefully you are still able to find times to relax. Continue to Jia-you in composing good music for all MLBians & the public.
Good Luck & All the Best for your driving too.

Hope to see MLB performing, especially next Saturday for HD-5 at Suntec City. I will be Super Happy to see MLB performing on that very special date.
Please update us on the timing, thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 02:33

haha no problem aizutto.

hello qianhui =D.

hello uncle. why still up at this hour? haha. well, are u sure they announcing the 1st quarter of 2008 SHA nominees? I thought they announcing the overall results for third quarter of 2007. Means the top 10 male and female singers, top 5 groups and top 10 songs which accumulated the most number of points in long hu bang in from maybe July to September? haha.

oh ya, i forget sam learning driving too. eiyer~~ how can i forget...

and i forget to wish weiqi good luck in his driving exams...of cos not forgetting sam...aiyo.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 02:35

erm of cos the long hu bang results will affect their fate with SHA 2008 la. ya...

so is it confirmed they will be performing on the 13th? if yes, heng arh. Cos initially our friend wanna jio some of us out on the 13th de, but changed to next next wk liao. phew!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 02:38

PINK!~ haha. now i also very into pink lor, duno why. =.= later someone will say me la~~~ bleahhs. wonder how u spending ur bdae..? in camp ahx? hahas. stay happy n smile =)

ahh ok i gg sleep liaooos. nites all~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 October, 2007 03:07

I think you are right (it should be 3rd Quarter of 2007), I have made a mistake. Cos, I was thinking that SHA 2007 already approaching and the nominees for SHA 2007 already out, so it must be for 1st quarter of SHA 2008 nominees.
Very sorry for giving the wrong information, thousand apologies. Paiseh... blushing! lol

Ok. sleeping very soon. Good night & sweet dreams to MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2007 09:03

早安你好!it's a lil early ... jus wanna wish the birthday boy - mr. nicodesmus: have a memorable and wonderful birthday!!! ... sounds familiar? ... i noe i noe, got suan that it's so cliche ... but stil, it's the sincerity that counts mah ... :)

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